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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 18, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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approaches to this idea, if not this idea itself, will be discussed in one way or another at all upcoming meetings, there will be more of them than just the two visits we talked about at the beginning, the coming 3 weeks, exactly 3 weeks, that’s a little more, that this is a very serious period where there will be a lot of interesting things, in addition to visits to north korea, to korea. people's democratic republic and vietnam, let's remember that the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization will be held in tashkent in early july, where both vladimir vladimirovich putin, and chairman of the people's republic of china dzinping, and as always in such cases , their meeting will take place, and not at all of a protocol nature, our leaders always have something to talk about and the situation forces it, but that's not all, after the summit. there will be a visit to moscow
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by the head of the chinese parliament of the national people's congress , this is the third person in the hierarchy after the chairman of the people's republic of china, the prime minister of the state council, and the next one is the speaker of the parliament, he will arrive to participate in parliamentary summit brix summit, which will take place in st. petersburg on the 10th-11th, but will visit moscow before that.
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this is all we are talking about, everything that the united states does against china in relation to taiwan is pure provocation, this is a desire to force china to take some decisive steps, which could then be blamed on them to inflame the situation in in this region, this could lead to a direct military clash between china and the us, do you think the biden administration would like? specially create this kind conflict, well, they are running into it, they are walking along some very fine line, because you probably know this topic better than me, that the illusion of controlled chaos, a controlled crisis is one of the cornerstones of the american foreign policy concept , apparently they act this way here too, because there is no other way to explain it. here is a recent
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statement by the american admiral, the commander of the forces in this part of the pacific ocean, who said that we will rain some kind of drones on china there, well, well it’s even strange, well, how can a military man even make such statements, that is , the situation in this regard is unpleasant, but the chinese leadership has enough political courage and composure in order to...
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have the opportunity to present the russian position authoritatively and competently in the american media . nevertheless , our program is watched starting from the state department, where they study russian using it . i think that the secretary of state does not study the personal data, but looks in general. and i would like to ask you why with your point of view, the americans are wrong in counting on a strategic victory over russia. the americans will never achieve a strategic victory over russia, because their current strategy, a comprehensive strategy, i’m not talking about a military one, it is obviously losing, it is based only on taking into account their own interests, without a real assessment of the situation that has developed today in general on the planet . this time. why
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is the administration led by biden behaving this way, i have an assumption, you know, they understand that... neither vladimir vladimirovich putin and sitsimpin will not make rash decisions that will plunge the world into disaster, and this allows them to show off like this, you see, this is where the cynicism lies. and the third, last proposal that our president voiced and brought to them, they shout that this is an ultimatum. so, gentlemen, this is not an ultimatum, for now, this is a normal proposal for conversation, and i emphasize, this is not a subject for bargaining, as some analysts understand, none of these subjects is going to give anything up, these are our subjects,
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this is part of the russian federation, so we will take them anyway, no matter who does anything, here is our next proposal: they will be much tougher, but they cannot escape this either, because victory will still be ours. after the president spoke at the extended mido meeting, he met with a group of media representatives in the kremlin, and i was also able to be there. according to the rules provided by the organizers, i cannot share what exactly the president said, i i can share. not only deeply thought out, but also heartfelt, and that he perceived it as his moral duty, as you noted, general, because responsible leaders, they firstly, that his peace proposals were his
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until the last moment, to the last opportunity, think about what can be done to avoid a direct collision with another nuclear power, but i also... said that we are dangerously close to the point of no return, they have a choice, it was a big game, we will meet tomorrow on the air.
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in russia, because you need to learn traditions different cities, we are from the city of nizhnevartovs, our city is famous for oil, gas and good people, the famous place in voronezh is a kitten from lizyukov street, rostov the great is included in the golden ring of russia, this is the most beautiful ancient city in our country, in our republic passes the pole, the pole of heat is the hottest point of our country, in the shade it reaches... obnensk is the first science city of russia in our city and the first nuclear power plant is located, i convey greetings to everyone from the cultural capital of our vast country. i i love you, russia.
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this is a must-read podcast, i'm oglan batnikova. my guest today is dmitry danilov, writer, poet, playwright. hello hello. we are discussing daniil kharms, the founder of the absurd genre, an amazing author, this is a portrait of daniil kharms, painted by alisa ivanovna porette, with whom he was friends, it seems to me, very expressive. yes, dmitry, how did it happen that kharms worked at the table all his life , only his children’s poems were published, for the magazines chish and yosh, everything that is today for us, kharms is, this was written by him, well, one might say, on the table, i
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think that this is at the same time a property of kharms’s fate, such a fate, at the same time this property, in general, when the character became already ... a successful person in life, maybe he would have succeeded somehow, you think that he is unlucky, but it seems to me that the story of the rescue
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of his manuscript is absolutely fantastic, he is very lucky posthumously, in life, lucky posthumously, yes, during his life he had a very difficult fate, that’s why he initially, there was virtually no chance under the conditions of soviet censorship to publish your texts, so here the reasons are so obvious, there’s nothing here... besieged leningrad, how did this happen? a key role in their salvation was played by the philosopher yakov druskin, a friend of kharms, a person who
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was part of the circle of the aberiuts, the circle of constant interlocutors of kharms. now, to be honest, i don’t very accurately remember the role of kharms’ wife, then the widow of marina malevich, as far as i i remember she wrote that she and druskin came to the apartment kharms, and it was the blockade of leningrad and druskin. this exhaustion could barely walk, they were both, they were both starving, they could barely move, they came to kharms’s apartment, which was already a bombed apartment, by the way, it was open, yes, and there was a suitcase with these manuscripts, and how he - it miraculously survived, that is, they didn’t burn it in the heating stove there, yes, they took it to druskin’s house, and druskin kept this archive for many years, he, in general, he saved it, because marin was a boy. then she had a very difficult fate, it is besieged leningrad, the paintings themselves, in general,
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kharms’ legacy was preserved, well, almost by a miracle, but i had the feeling when i read kharms’s diaries that he himself was not very frustrated by this, that he was not published there, that is he had some terrible experiences about his poverty, his fall, in the material sense, but this poverty, the inability to get settled in life, yes, but at the same time, uh-huh. in some soviet almonk, here, but a bonfire in a magazine, a bonfire, a bonfire, yes, here, but
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kharms had at least a tiny, but extremely high-quality audience, he had a small circle of interlocutors, but these were interlocutors, there one such interlocutor was worth many thousands of ordinary readers, and these were the vedenskys or, yes, vidensky, lepavsky, olenikov, zabolotsky in what -that period.
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you know, as far as i remember, he said about stables and messes at another speech ; he had a speech at some institute or... technical school in some educational institution in front of students, and there some people from the audience began to tell him replicas give out, shout something, and he said that i don’t perform in the end and chaos, well , that is, he had performances, but somehow the publications didn’t work out at all, now it’s difficult to judge how much he
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really experienced his fact unpublishability, well, he probably thought about it, a person works every day, lives very hard, very poorly, and does not have, so to speak, such feedback, feedback from the general public and any kind of wide literary recognition, can you imagine it simply due to the artist's imagination, you know, to me you don’t need to imagine this, i was in this
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situation myself, i actually started writing, it’s very interesting. years ago i had, you know, two starts in literature, my first start was unsuccessful, i was 20 years old, it was the nineties, that is, you can also say that perestroika had not yet ended, so i started writing short prose, so i have no there was no response, i tried to submit these stories of mine to magazines, there was no, there was no reaction, so for several years now... i just wrote, well, really to the table and further circle of my few friends, it didn’t go away, but that’s in general, but this circle of friends supported me just like they supported, supported, and supported, and these were very understanding friends, so their assessment was important to me, but still this this is , by and large, pissing on the table, that’s why
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i know this situation, moreover, when i was already in this situation for several years in general ... i immediately had some publications, too, well, you know, i had to fight a little made a second attempt and was also far from successful this wall, well, the man from podolsk probably became the milestone after which this writer’s fate turned around , probably after all, it was the first milestone. the novel horizontal position, which was included in the short list of the big book award, that ’s when i got some kind of initial fame, well, the play the man from podolsk, my position has greatly improved, let’s say, that’s why i’m in the position of an author writing for the table, well i imagine, i just had, of course, i don’t want to compare myself with kharms,
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it’s somehow generally unethical and bad, so but i understand that this was enough for me. unpleasant experience, some kind of response is important, feedback is important and some kind of audience, audience, after all, for me it is, well, i fully admit that there are such giants of the spirit for whom this is not important, yes, it’s just important to work, there are probably such authors, yes, so i can say, i bow to such an attitude, but for me it was still important, what is the play about the man from podolsk? literary territory, so i accidentally saw a message in the news about some of some kind of variety, some new person was detained by the police in russia, and he was subjected to some strange
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interrogation by the police, he later told journalists that he was asked some completely wild questions, he still didn’t understand, what is this... i somehow immediately latched onto it, thought that this could be the plot of a play, it took me a very long time to come up with this play, just literally you know, about three years, it’s funny, it sounds funny, yes, no, well, not at all not funny, this is generally a serious work, first of all it’s a work i need to come up with it, only then write it down, well , yes, that’s how it gradually began to come up, i had the idea of ​​these police intellectuals, that is, i wanted to turn the usual image of a policeman upside down. who talk to the detained hero, not about some kind of crime, but about the world around him.
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he could so easily be a person from khimki, from krasnogorsk, from lyubertsy, well , a person from mytishchi is present there too, it doesn’t mean anything, that is , there is no symbolic meaning in this, i just know podolsk well enough, i there, well, near podolsk, i lived at one time and visited there often, that is, you yourself are a person from podolsk, well, i myself am from moscow, i was actually born and raised in the center of moscow, the garden ring, but i’ve been there for a while, in general , i’ve been to podolsk for a while i have a relationship. i know this city quite well, so it’s just natural, it’s important for writers to write about what he knows, of course, yes, yes, you can recognize this image of a policewoman, she’s very kind, she
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kindly addresses the hero, it seems to soften all conflicts, but at the same time, in my opinion she is the most terrible person in this play, and to be honest, these gentle words, that is, this image too, fill her with icy horror. somehow he came quickly , this paradox? you know, here i must say these words of gratitude to my good friend, director olga stolpovskaya, by the way, hello, yes, in fact, the very idea of ​​​​introducing a female character was suggested to me by her, i didn’t have her in my original plan, she’s just us we talked to her, i told her so well: about her plans there, she told me that there’s clearly a lack of a female character, i then came up with this female police officer, but i didn’t have any prototype, these are just
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chapters, but this is a huge success, well, i also like this image in the end, and you like the way it’s portrayed in the film adaptation ? i like it, of course, victoria isaakova played wonderfully, wonderfully, very much, she incredibly fits the type, it seems to me, yes, wonderful, yes, according to the type, just perfect. and she managed to convey this demonic quality , and at the same time this cat-like softness, specific, this is a wonderful role, i think it’s simple, they were like a friendly family, there’s no need to talk about it, yana, you don’t understand how dangerous it is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, taking hostages, i was watching tv there, yana shot, oleg, he’ll pull you out from there, the police are looking for the woman. no one is looking for a man and a girl, we look like circurods, honestly, for europe the best thing is when a father abandons his children, they call him the biological father, i didn’t abandon you, then
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why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left behind with dogs, they’ll be taken soon, colleague, we need to save him, he started this mess himself, let him go on his own, in my opinion, what’s the route taxi through, or something, we can’t go to our colleague, you know? "if we stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we give it to him, one chance for three, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter frosts, this gentle may project just..." blew people's minds. i know,
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i planted a tree, built a house, gave birth to a son, three commandments that every man needs to implement, i did it. in memory of yuri shatunov. on sunday on the first. you have such a wonderful son, so active on stage, you have love on stage too, this is the most important thing, to go out with your mother,
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to sing together like this, in general this is such a thing for... this podcast is a must read, i am glaina batnikova, today we are discussing daniil kharms and his creative heritage with dmitry danilov, writer, poet, playwright. dmitry, do you consider kharms your teacher? literary, maybe you inherit some of his literary tradition of this absurdity, yes, funny tragedy. khars is not so much a teacher for me as
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an inspirer, that’s it. he definitely served as an inspiration for me, i actually started, began to write, largely under the impression of his texts, so they inspired me to try something, the word teacher, it still probably implies some kind of communication in life, some kind of contact, well, somehow i can’t really imagine a teacher who passed away several decades before i was born, i probably wouldn’t call this a teacher, but an inspirer. that’s absolutely true, this is one of the few authors who inspired me to start writing, yes, well, i can’t say that i’m continuing him in some way tradition, i probably wouldn’t do it that way, but i find some kind of echo in the fact that in your play the man from podolsk is something tragic and terrible, but it seems funny, and kharms also surprisingly combines
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humor . at the same time a tragedy, in this sense he is completely unique and inimitable, that through his works we feel the tragedy of existence, and at the same time its funnyness, absurdity, yes, some kind of, i don’t know, paradoxicality, yes, indeed, kharms simultaneously possessed an amazing sense of the funny, somehow absolutely unique.
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they started from such, you know, the mainstream of futuristic futurism, zaumi, kharms and vedensky have quite a lot, here are their early texts, they are somewhere in the mainstream of zaumi, that is, this is a break in semantics, this is onomatopoeia, meaningless letter combinations, this is a heap of all this creates a kind of effect, very strange... strange, then they are already in their mature period, but i’m talking about kharms and vedensky, first of all, they were the main ones, the main ones, they are the main authors, but they were friends , comrades, a lot of fate walked side by side, yes, yes, yes, they were friends, yes, at the mature stage of his work, well, at least hams moved on to a more traditional word that doesn’t really
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suit him. well, after all, well, it’s understandable, yes, yes, yes, this is some kind of understandable, yes, that is, kharms is already at the pinnacle of his abstruseness creativity - this is the famous and greatest simple poem on... yes, but they were always far from ordinary realism, that is, they wrote texts that were very unusual for their time, and not only for their own, yes, it seems to me that now it also looks quite unusual , in fact, no matter how many times i reread kharms, although i’ve been reading him all
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my life, this is, in general, not such a large corpus of his prose works, but you can endlessly reread them and dive even into these short stories, just like in some kind of wow, this is completely otherworldly. that's what you say that yes, you can’t understand how it’s done, it seems to me that this is generally a property of any real art, a property of everything ingenious, everything ingenious, there must be some kind of miracle, something that you, you, you, you think you’re in a kind of stupor, it’s really harms, it’s wonderful, probably, for its own sake.
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yes, well, as a result, he remained in one of the first places in the history of literature, most of those who traveled to the factories along the canals, they are in oblivion, so it turned out, yes, well, kharms probably was confident that he was doing something significant, yes, since we are talking about the fact that he was not worried about the fact that there was no publication, well, of course, he was confident in his significance, i have no doubt about it... i can’t imagine kharms who doubts that he is a great writer and poet, i think that this question did not arise before him, but kharms’s poetry, these are his children’s poems with which he
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made a living in the magazine chish and yosh, these children's poems, we can call them passing or maybe written to earn money, or they have independent artistic value, in my opinion, and this is not only in my opinion, as far as i know, this is the general opinion of all people who deal with kharms, in no case can they be called passable, they say that vidensky considered his children's poetry as just income, as hackwork, and kharms wrote children's poems just like adults, among them there are real masterpieces, like a man came out of the house, this is a children's room, let's read, maybe it was a man who came out of the house, what... yes , i just don't i remember the last stanza, well, it starts like this, a man came out of the house with a club and a bag, set off on a long journey, set off on a long journey on foot, he kept walking straight forward, he kept walking straight forward, kept looking ahead,
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didn’t sleep, didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep, didn’t sleep, did n’t drink, didn’t eat, then one day at dawn he entered a dark forest, from that time, from that time, from that time he disappeared, disappeared, and if. if somehow you happen to meet him, then quickly, then quickly, quickly, tell us, but it’s scary, scary, yes, that’s what it’s all about a children's poem, and it is mystical, yes, it is mystical, and in some paradoxical way it reflects the spirit of the times, but it was written in those years when people disappeared somewhere, yes, it was published as a children's poem, but he generally children's stektoreniya is absolutely chilling , so he has stektoreniya. i don’t remember it by heart at all, it’s called about how my dad shot me a kharkov, that’s the name, the name itself is already intriguing, yes, it’s absolutely scary, it’s just that, as far as i understand, his children’s poems were
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in the general flow, and marshak already placed him in these magazines, drew attention to him precisely as a children's poet, thank him very much for being hard. adored, there is evidence, evidence of how kharms, he is famous as a children's poet, he periodically performed in front of children's audiences, went to pioneer camps to perform, also just to earn money, eyewitnesses tell how kharms performed somewhere near leningrad in some , well, like a children's camp, something, and there were children there, they just literally hung on it, they didn’t they wanted to let him go, maybe that’s why he didn’t like them, because they hung on him all the time? no, i think that it was more likely that they hung on him,
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because he, well, somehow had a specific connection with them in general, he had an absolutely bewitching effect on the children, he approached them, they approached them, they accompanied him to the station, they couldn’t part with him, but in general it seems to me, you know, i ’ll say something strange, maybe a thought, but to be a good children’s writer, you have to not love children, oh, seriously, why, it seems to me, yes, well, it seems to me, if this is the author really loves... children, but this will most likely lead to some kind of touching intonation, some kind of lisp, yes, but dislike for children allows her to somehow distance herself from them, write and speak with them as a matter of distance , talking to them, in principle, as with adults, it seems to me, this is the path to success in children's literature, and talking to them without some kind of tenderness such that oh kids, here you are without this , my friend. i’ll tell you a fairy tale, without this, well, kharms was child-free,
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in my opinion, he didn’t have children, he didn’t have children it was, and in my opinion he approached this issue so seriously, that is, in the diary there is a list of references, he has books there like the hygiene of a childless marriage and so on, but i didn’t know that, but in principle, in principle, that ’s how i am i didn’t specifically read about this, but it’s very , very impossible to imagine kharmsak with his image and lifestyle. as a father, why? i don’t know why, maybe because he himself was a child, it felt like, well, something in him, well , in any case, he had some very unusual view of the world, vulnerable, somehow, yes, not vulnerable, sensitive, but at the same time there is a lot of sadism in his works, someone is constantly killing someone, there is pakin and rakukin, there is makarov and peterson. kills kozlov, there, oh, we tore off your
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leg, there, well, brother, don’t be afraid, we ’ll remove you now, yes, he, this sadistic motive is very strong, but on the surface lies the fact that this, of course, a reaction to the cruelty of the world around us, this podcast is a must read, i am glaya nabatnikova, today we are discussing daniil kharms and his creative legacy with dmitry danilov, writer, poet:
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they teach us goodness, they teach us morality, he hated all this pathos associated with these great classics of ours, so he often and indeed in such a half-mocking manner, and moreover, he is a proshkin, who when he lived in the village a frog drank milk, but tell me, he describes how in such a mocking way pushkin’s day is also key, how he is mihai...
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twice married, well, i don’t know, no, it’s hard to say, i think that he actually has kharms with happiness was difficult, i don't think he in general, he could be happy in general, as a person, you think he is a tragic figure, yes, he is an absolutely tragic figure, to say that, let’s say, hams was happy in
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his marriage, it’s hard to even wrap his head around it, you understand, but well, but his wife , marina malich, she wrote a memoir:
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there was a desire to somehow help her son, to set him on the right path, because kharms’s father was very inclined to moralizing, to teaching norms, he wrote religious treatises, he really was a narodnaya volya member , and then already serving his sentence, he repented, a change of mind occurred in him, and he became an ultra-dox orthodox philosopher like that, and... he was just prone to instructing people, to such a thing that you have to live somehow, so they lived together with harins in a communal apartment, and therefore , of course, most likely his father ’s activities were alien to him, that he writes some strange texts that are incomprehensible, especially there is some kind of abstruseness there, but it doesn’t really work,
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no no received an education, by the way, he never graduated from a higher educational institution he graduated from a very good school. he knew german perfectly well, but he didn’t get any further, he studied at a technical school there and left for a while, from where he was expelled for lack of attendance, but in general, that is, in the eyes of his father, i think that even my father didn’t care so much his everyday disorder is unpleasant, how much he is incomprehensible and does not correspond to his such a stupid moral principle, like this, like this. therefore, these words of his, that as long as you are harms, you will be in need, these are rather, well, such naive attempts of his to guide your son on the path of truth so that he stops playing the fool. pmitry, what do you like most about kharms? i really love one of his poems, it’s called
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the constancy of fun and dirt, this is for me one of the most valuable poems in general in the whole world.


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