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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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on the air of the first channel, right now i ’m giving the floor to my colleagues from the program time will tell, hello, on the first channel the program time will tell, we continue our broadcast from the second day with: a far eastern, let ’s say, effect, if yesterday we started the program with in a word, today we have xinchao, by the way, we immediately need to make a reservation that since xinchao is hello in vietnamese, and i think that i just said, hello in vietnamese, but since there are seven tones, in each of these tones this word can mean the widest spectrum of everything, then especially for our vietnamese comrades, if they are watching, i meant that xintiao, which... i think
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it’s like hello, one of them definitely means, hello, well, it’s all as they say, the lyrics, but the pragmatics is that yesterday vladimir putin flew away from the korean people's democratic republic, where he was very warmly welcomed, and where he was also warmly seen off, and where, in the intervals between the warm meeting and the warm farewell, a huge number of important documents were signed, among which a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which, as we have already learned today, since the text was published, contains very important words about, so to speak, the prospects for our cooperation, if anything, or if anything happens, including all sorts of aggressions against the signatories of this treaty, you see, there are several articles there, and very, so to speak, important ones - in this sense, and indicative, yesterday... well, because in the east they generally
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know how to greet, there the ceremony plays a very big important role, everyone, so to speak , element of this ceremony, it is emphatically important, and it is greeted very warmly in vietnam, also because we are also connected with this country by historical long-standing ties and even in our lifetime... generations with you, most of us with you, in general well, vietnam is a country that, well, in our memory, was a country for which, well , our people fought, but if it’s the korean war, it’s only in the memory of the very older generation, where we also helped the northern koreans, then the vietnamese war against the united states of america, well, that’s it even i quite have it in my memory, here ’s the pre-school first year of school.
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that vladimir vladimirovich’s press approach has been delayed for almost 2 hours, but as soon as this press, which indicates that the scope of the program of these meetings and visits, because in general it is already tight, but in general there are a lot of important issues, accordingly, we are now waiting for vladimir putin’s press approach. we will show it to you as soon as it, so to speak, begins, and with all this, vietnam has very good parallel relations with the united states of america, where a year ago president of the united states biden was, and quite smooth despite all the complexity of recent relations with the people's republic of china, sidinping also visited there, that is, this is the story with vietnam.
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and this is that against the backdrop of vladimir putin’s visit there, the americans immediately became excited, and literally tomorrow the next, so to speak, travelers will fly there, the us assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs, krittenbring, will visit and meet with high-ranking officials to attention, confirm the strong commitment of the united states, the implementation of the american-vietnamese strategic partnership, work with...
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your introduction was very high-quality, and even i would continue it, yes, that north korea and vietnam have different political images, yes , because north korea is still a closed country, and it was closed, closed now not because you want to, but it was closed and locked, and vietnam today is a country that is a platform for a very large geopolitical game, and with various selfish interests, which you also listed. by the way, after biden’s visit at that time, sizinpin went on an unplanned trip 4 months later, in order, again, to sort of balance, that is , everyone is trying to level out each
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other’s progress, in the middle of vietnam, which, so to speak, is like all the flags visiting us, not even on two, but on three chairs they are quite successful. they sit, i must say, well, the fourth of their own, by the way, they also sit quite well for themselves, considering their development economics, they seem to be yes, they are pursuing a very balanced policy, but taking into account the ceremonial aspect, which you also seemed to pay attention to, of course putin’s meeting was demonstrative, these children with flags and so on, that is, demonstrative too , i would say yes, because you said that in the east? it means a meeting, but they can meet you there in such a way that they forget to give the gangway, yes, when they want, it’s just that this never happens by chance, here there was also a demonstration of a meeting of vladimir vladimirovich with graduates, as he says, of universities in our country, because there are both the soviet union and
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the russian federation, well , due to the fact of absence, neither chinese nor american leaders can afford this, she was of course wildly emotional, it was also very... well and as i understand it, some of the current leaders of vietnam studied in the soviet union, just leaders of the communist party, who actually initiated this visit, yes, he is also a graduate of a soviet university, so what’s here, yes, and at the same time in as a basis for reasoning, even american intelligence doesn’t know, but from 70 to 80% of vietnam’s weapons are ours, yeah, sort of... well, the fist of the armored forces is our t-90s, for example, and these are air defense systems, military ships, that is, from 70 to 80% according to american estimates, these are the armed forces of vietnam, this is ours, that is, this is the basis for
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relations, because these weapons require maintenance, modernization, etc., etc., it’s like you can’t get away from it, it is very difficult to replace it if such volumes are present, so... here, well, the logic is visible, but almost all the negotiations, which and all the documents that were published, are exclusively about the economy and the humanitarian sphere, in contrast to the documents signed in the democratic people's republic of korea, where there is obviously a greater emphasis on military-technical,
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even it’s indicative how the composition of the delegation has changed, for example, the minister of defense remained in primorye, today he inspected the 155th brigade’s ppd, that’s the leg. as far as i understand, the deputy minister of defense associated with weapons in light of what you said, he i went to vietnam, this is a very revealing story, even in these nuances, absolutely exactly, these are exactly the same ones. the necessary nuances, therefore, on the one hand, vladimir vladimirovich went to vietnam with confidence, on the other hand, unlike north korea, well, as if there was no such grand task, it’s clear why this visit took place, it’s even clear why the invitation was received, despite the fact that why did the united states put very strong pressure on vietnam so that they would not even issue this invitation, even they wrote that... we were so surprised that we generally advised that it wasn’t necessary, but they did, you see what
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the americans say, i don’t know, we have it , in my opinion, we can - i want this text to show how they do it all, our guys listened to us there, you tell it interestingly, you present it, but here’s what the vietnamese government website says that the visit of the russian president demonstrates that vietnam is actively implementing its foreign policy in the spirit of independence, self-sufficiency diversification. and multilateralism, while despite the fact that, that means, the americans, well , sort of tried, so, you see, time writes this, despite criticism from the united states, yes, well, well, that is, here, in summary, there are, as it were, grounds for this visit and the results, the first is military-technical cooperation, which cannot be canceled in any way, based on the percentages that i mentioned, the second is very important.
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it is important, by the way, that these visits were together, because it is clear how a trip to north
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korea is perceived in the west; north korea, naturally, is a symbol of authoritarianism, part of the axis of evil, well, here the picture is clear, but vietnam is a socialist republic, where the communist party rules and where the elections are very nominal, completely different, completely different, despite, wait, this is different, because it also cooperates with them in china, by the way. the communist party also controls this and i say that nowhere does the united states of america have 800 billion in turnover and is its largest trading partner, so north korea is an isolated country that is under un sanctions, by the way, vietnam is completely different, that is, in this regard, of course, the visit of the russian leader to vietnam, for russia this is another demonstration that we are not in isolation, in this regard, that is, that is one thing, there is a trip to korea, to say, well, korea understands everything.
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is restrained by sanctions, judging by putin’s statements, russia will do everything to ensure that un sanctions are ended, again, this will also be an interesting conflict, how the united states will react to this, but again i am sure that... that the topic will be raised about reforming the un and security council that russia is now lobbying for the interests
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of outright autocracies, according to the west, well , russia, let me emphasize once again, said that the sanctions are dubious and obviously we will try to lift these sanctions at the un level, and we ourselves cannot withdraw unilaterally, no, but here it is still fundamental that they be lifted , let us put ourselves before the security council, as i do, our principled position is that... logic, but i will emphasize once again that modern north korea is still capable of buying goods when sanctions are in place canceled, just many things, they will be legalized, but these are understandable deliveries of petroleum products, which are already being carried out, judging by the western press, we have been accused since last year of supplying oil to north korea, supplies of fertilizers, a number
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of other goods, so what are we we buy in north korea, i think there is no need to explain here. these are also important goods for us now, important goods for us now, which are actively used in the conflict zone, well, in vietnam it is also clear that the economy is simpler, by the way, deputy prime minister novak, you discussed the composition of the delegation, deputy prime minister novak, who is responsible for the economy, he was in north korea, so here we also draw attention to the fact that there were economic aspects, by the way, there was the head of the russian railways, he has changed a lot world, because i remember very well how they discussed the trans-korean railway through north korea, the trans-korean gas pipeline was discussed and it seemed like this was a real story, now all this seems like some pages from an ancient history textbook, but that means the world in the other direction can also to change quickly, this is just a philosophical -
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philosophical observation, as for vietnam - yes, of course, this is a country that pursues such a flexible policy, again, it’s also interesting, you said about the united states and vietnam, indeed the united states simply dumped a colossal amount there , yes, just a monstrous story with napalm, we can also say that we had a war with germany, but there is a very important point, after all, germany, the new leadership of germany denied what the previous leadership did, the united states, no responsibility for the war. vietnam did not accept itself, that is, none of the rulers said that we were wrong, sorry, the united states will no longer behave like this, and vietnam, nevertheless, is actually trading with the united states today, this is also a rather interesting point, it is clear that the united states really needs vietnam in this battle against china. the united states does not hide the fact that it is creating such
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an anti-chinese axis, this includes the philippines and vietnam, but vietnam is clear that it has complicated relations with china. in the context of territorial disputes and the south china sea, uh, at the same time , vietnam is also an interesting country that today adheres to the principles, as they say in vietnam, there are no four, that is, they do not create military bases on their territory, by the way, we left, you remember, at one time they refused, and now they simply officially declare that there will be no new military bases, they believe that there is no need to use force in world politics, they are not officially friends with countries if this friendship, as they believe, will be used against... others states, and accordingly, that is, they show a rather rare example of such relative multipolarity and peacefulness, who knows, maybe this is also an interesting case that other countries should pay attention to, yes maxim, well, already a lot
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it was said about the difference between these visits, but... north korea is, of course, well, it ’s kind of about the war, about the conflict, it is very important that the agreements signed with north korea in terms of continuing the conflict, it has already been said, yes, than this is important for russia, and vietnam is already a post-conflict future, a future peace conference, when necessary.
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an agreement on
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a strategic comprehensive partnership has been concluded between the russian federation and the dprk, it is heard, which also provides for cooperation in the military-technical sphere in the defense sphere, here is the last point in the defense sphere, it provides for mutual assistance of the states parties to this agreement, which means in the event of an attack by a third country. russia and the dprk are among, well, the only ones subject to so many sanctions superimposed. does moscow intend to abandon
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all restrictions, including those imposed through international sanctions, and develop cooperation with the dprk in the military-technical sphere, including in complete peace. so, well, you have a whole set of questions, so let’s do it in parts. the first is under what conditions those parts of the agreement regarding mutual assistance in the military sphere will be involved, yes, but the first thing i want to say, what i want to draw attention to, for some reason not analysts, well, maybe they did, i didn’t notice at all case, yes to be honest, i didn’t have time to look, but nevertheless i want to draw attention to this, because this agreement is not some kind of new thing, we concluded this agreement due to the fact that the old agreement... ceased to exist, in our former in the agreement, in my opinion, in 1962, or something, everything was the same there, there is no novelty here, uh, of course, in modern
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conditions it looks somehow especially acute, but nevertheless we have changed almost nothing, and the democratic people's republic of korea has similar treaties with others countries, first, further, and regarding the reasons for providing mutual military assistance, it is also written there: in the event of aggression, military aggression. now, as for ukraine, the ukrainian regime began aggression, but not against russia, it began aggression against the lugansk and donetsk people's republics that we recognized before they were part of the russian federation, now regarding the possibility of somehow using it.
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but what is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but
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introduce, say, restrictions related to labor migration, it looks somehow strange, because this leads to what, it leads to the fact that families, even if they are in a very difficult situation, financially, do not have the opportunity to earn money somewhere and feed their children, this does not resemble anything , and is this humane? therefore , the sanctions that are being introduced, and first of all, of course, in this case for political reasons, they still must correspond to the current level of human development, so i said, speaking, i said it sincerely, we need, of course, everything think together about how and what needs to be changed in this sanctions regime, and does it generally meet the requirements of today? yes please, please. good afternoon, tv channel zvezda kakoveshnikov konstantin, please tell me how you could comment on the reaction of western countries, or rather, in fact, the refusal of
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the conditions for a peaceful end that you proposed. in ukraine, after all , you could hardly help but expect such a reaction, and what really stood behind your decision to publicly name the conditions for a peaceful end to the conflict, which seemed to be the subject of behind-the-scenes negotiations, or, after all, hopes for them have now completely not been justified, well, you know, we introduced these behind-the-scenes negotiations, but hopes for this have really not yet come true, that...
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realistic, objective and corresponding, corresponding to the interests, interests of all contracting parties, all of europe, including if it really wants to end the conflict in europe, in the center of europe, well, we ’ll see about that, and i’m not sure what it is the attitude towards the proposals made will remain forever, even now...
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this means that the agreements reached in istanbul by the negotiating group on the ukrainian side were, in principle, acceptable to the ukrainian side, what happened on the ground, on the battlefield, what allows us to put forward some additional conditions that are in no way related to our agreements in istanbul; there are no such conditions, there is nothing similar that could somehow change the position. another negotiating country in this case ukraine, so i don’t think what is such nihilism in relation to our proposals will remain forever, surely something will change, including our conditions will change depending on the situation on earth. russia, that’s how long these conditions can continue to remain in force, at that very conference in switzerland,
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there... such numerous signals were heard stating that the next conference, if it takes place, russia should be present, it’s clear that there are a lot of nuances, but nevertheless here russia would have responded, yes, as i said, it was not we who refused negotiations, the ukrainian side forbade itself from negotiating, not us, we are for it and have never refused this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, but based on the agreements that i want again.
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i have a question about nuclear weapons: you recently said that you admitted the possibility of making changes to our nuclear doctrine, so i would like to understand under what circumstances this is possible, what conditions must exist for this to happen, and what changes in general, huh do you assume that among these changes there will appear in our nuclear doctrine a clause on the possibility of launching
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a preventive nuclear strike, well... you know, we, i think i said that we are now thinking about the topic of what and how in this nuclear doctrine in strategy could be changed, this is connected with this, this is connected with the fact that they appear...
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no, take the microphone, please, konstantin panyushkin, channel one, you just said that from dprk no, there is no request on your part either, yes soldier, but at the same time, if we understand correctly, article 4 of the treaty implies, well , in fact, collective defense, in the case of aggression, in the case of aggression, yes, in those conditions when against russia already, i have already answered this question, aggression was with on the part of the kiev regime in relation to the two unrecognized ones.
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some kind of intrusiveness, no, come on, let’s satisfy your curiosity, so what? the korean crisis is eternal, there is also the eternally receding korean crisis, which can also theoretically develop into full-scale hostilities, which in in this case, it was decisive for you when signing this agreement, as if taking into account these circumstances, well, i said it twice, i can repeat it a third time, we reproduced the agreement of 60 or the second year, which ended its existence. yes , of course, the korean crisis, it has such a smoldering character, but we proceed from this hope that our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic will be to a certain extent a deterrent so that this
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crisis does not develop into some kind of hot phase. newspaper kommersant andrei kolesnikov, and the use of western high-precision long-range weapons can be considered an act of aggression, shelling of belgorod and in general.
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urgent supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam, including lng, and what kind of projects these could be for novatek, are they just infrastructure projects or actually entering into production projects, here you are, ask michleson, he will tell us in more
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detail, there are different options here, you can and so, that is, here to take part in the construction of appropriate capacities for liquefaction, or you can supply us with our liquefied gas. territory of the russian federation , it is possible anyway, there are also prospects here, there are appropriate blocks on which it is possible to work and produce liquefied natural gas, that’s what concerns pressure. on the part of washington and other western countries, then yes, it has an effect on some, on others not so much, but in any case, i want to emphasize this, believe me, that this is how it really happens, the rudeness with which the american authorities are doing this, they far from always going to their benefit, in strategic terms only to their detriment, because no one likes this snabism, and no one is ever, even in the medium-term historical perspective, about...
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victor sinek, foreign ministry. vladimirovich, here is a ukrainian diplomat, koleba, recently gave an interview where, when asked why ukraine does nothing to get a legitimate leader, does not hold elections, does not follow the procedure, although it is obviously negative now, he answered in the spirit that let russia withdraw its troops, then we have everything will get better. how can you comment on such words? it turns out that we need their legitimacy, their leader, more than they do, if i may say so very quickly. especially
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second or third parties, but in this case i still can’t resist saying that if these negotiations are connected with the withdrawal of our troops, which the kiev regime dreams of, then, apparently, this will never happen, because that the kiev regime does not want to leave power and does not want to hold normal elections in accordance with the constitution of ukraine, that is, they will last forever delay the ceasefire, they are interested in our troops remaining in these territories, because they are not interested in holding elections. that's all. i wanted to ask you about what you heard. and about your trip to the dprk, you expected the reception to be so large-scale. at the airport, what kind of
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relationship do you have with the leader of the dprk and what do you think is it based on? i think yes, firstly, i did not expect this, i imagined, of course, approximately how it would be, there are certain protocol standards in democratic people's republic of korea, i know them, but what will it take on such a scale? of course, i didn’t expect it, and some things were completely, completely unexpected, this concerns, well, such a private program, but what unites us is issues related to interstate cooperation and the development interests of north korea and the russian federation, and in a variety of areas, in the field of security and economics. let's. hello, dmitry la, izvestia newspaper. south korea is already saying that
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the new agreement between russia and the dprk threatens their safety. information appears in the media that the c&u may reconsider the supply of lethal weapons to kiev. are there any plans, or is there even such an opportunity, to call the leadership of south korea in order to dot the i’s, and how, in general, moscow now sees things resolved. thank you, regarding the concerns of the republic of korea, judging by what you said, i will build on this, south korea, the republic of korea, there is nothing to worry about, because our assistance in the military sphere, in accordance with the agreement, which we signed arises only if in relation to one of the parties who signed this document. aggression will be carried out, as far as i know,
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the republic of korea is not planning aggression against the korean people's democratic republic, which means there is no need to be afraid of our cooperation in this area, as for the supply of lethal weapons to the combat zone in ukraine, this would be a very big mistake, i hope that this will not happen, if this happens, then we will we will also accept accordingly. nato is discussing right now the bringing of nuclear warheads into combat readiness right now , and how russia perceives this step and how it will affect global stability and security. the strategic nuclear forces of the russian federation are always in
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a state of full combat readiness, so what they are doing now in western countries does not bother us much, but we are of course closely watching this.
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well, you can take a look, it’s all written there that in the event of martial law - this means that these powers are transferred, including the powers of the supreme commander-in-chief, are transferred to the speaker of the rada, well, everything is written there in the law on martial law, it also says that presidential elections will not be held, but it does not say that his... powers are extended, which means that’s it, the train has left, well, finally, the decision of the constitutional court, well, listen, it ’s written in black and white, there is a decision of the constitutional court in 2015, where it is directly written: the term of office of the president is 5 years
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, that’s all, well, what are we talking about - then, it's simple - on in the west they don’t want to change it now, the time is not right, i already said, but this seems obvious to me to any person. this is obvious, which means that all unpopular decisions will be pinned on him, including lowering the conscription age, everything, and then they will change it, i think that this will happen somewhere in the first half of next year, let’s have a final question, let’s now, now, vladimir vladimirovich , hello, one way or another you were asked about this during the press conference, but the westerners are constantly raising the temperature, constantly escalating situation. step by step they are increasing the levels, from your point of view, what goal are they pursuing, what do they want to achieve, maybe this is some kind of provocation, are they provoking you to do something? well, uh, we really see it, we observe it, they are all the time, as you said, raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently counting on the fact
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that at some point we will get scared, but at the same time they are talking about that they want to achieve strategic defeat. russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia? for russia, this means ending its statehood, that’s what this means, this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn’t it better then to go to the end, this is elementary formal logic, a course that. .. not for long, there, in my opinion, formal logic was taught at the university for only six months, but i remember it well, and i even remember the teacher who taught this course there, so i think that those who think so, and therefore more says so, they are making another, big mistake,
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thank you, yes, now, well, let's have a couple more questions, please, thank you very much, vera 10 radio vesti fm, they are reporting from the north military district zone that a new counter is being prepared in the north military district. the europeans are pushing, pushing the ukrainians to ensure that at any cost, again, i want to emphasize this, at any
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cost, again at any cost, that means they push our unit onto the state border line. they plan to present this as a major, major success in 2024 in connection with pending. the nato summit, and then the us elections, well, let 's see what will actually happen, but this - this command at any cost, i assure you that it is so, i know what i ’m talking about, it - of course, if it is not based on reality, it will again cost the ukrainian, the ukrainian armed forces very dearly, well, we’ll see, in fact, what will happen, in any case, as we understand, and i said that we don’t have any goals there - to approach kharkov and so on, well, this is such
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- after all, it’s a tactical, tactical direction, but the enemy will try to present this as a strategic success if something will work out for him, well, let's see what he actually succeeds in, but it will be, it is already associated with big losses, i think that... most likely, the situation will develop in this way, give some forecasts it’s very difficult, because after all , these are military operations, this is a difficult situation, there are people walking under bullets, suffering losses, you know, so it’s difficult to say now, but my assessment is that the situation is something like this, yes, please, gleb ivanov, newspaper arguments and facts, you yesterday after negotiations with the north korean leader was told that he...
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raised sanctions, the security council, as a key un body, arose after the second world war based on its results, based on the results of the second world war, based on its results, and of course, the situation in the world is changing, this requires some kind of reform of this international institution, but here we need a stamp from our ministry of foreign affairs, this reform needs to be based on this... then this will not give anything good
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to the international community, because it will simply lose this instrument of settlement disputes, no matter how difficult it is, no matter what, no matter what the costs, but still, one way or another, the security council works, so we are for reform, but i only repeat on the basis of a broad consensus, and as for the revision of sanctions against...
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i think that they are well informed, one can hardly expect such a reaction, because we are openly talking about this, and here there is no need to engage in either electronic intelligence or intelligence in order to understand what is going on and where it is going. stage, we worked openly all these moments were discussed, yes, of course, we discussed individual articles behind closed doors, but in general it would probably be possible to look at our agreement from...
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especially in those areas that we consider important, including taking into account what is developing in asia , and we see what is happening in asia, however, the bloc system is being put together in asia, nato is already moving there as a permanent place of residence, and this, of course, creates threats for all countries in the region, including the russian federation, but we are obliged to respond to this and will do so, thank you very much thank you, all the best, goodbye. channel one, the program time will tell, we just watched and listened to the answers of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to a number of brilliant, without involving questions from my colleagues, which, many of which show that despite the fact that this is all happening in vietnam against the backdrop of a state visit to vietnam, after
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a visit to the democratic people's republic of korea, everyone... understands and judging by the questions, that there is a certain broader global context in which a very a strong visit to the korean people's democratic republic, and to vietnam, and that the whole chain of events that comes from both this and another visit is connected with current global events, this is very indicative, now we just need to somehow formulate these visits and this development, how it can influence this global agenda, this...
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there was one question, yes, the journalistic community is, is, as it were, in the context of the global military agenda, so basically all the questions were about north korea, in fairness, not only the journalistic community, in general the world, whatever one may say, is in many ways on such, well, if not a military, then in general such a confrontational agenda, as maxim rightly said, that well, as if vietnam is the day after tomorrow, but today of course, confrontation, i will not give an assessment in general, i will just note it, i will specifically emphasize it.
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is burning in ukraine, but the firewood is already being laid out all over the world, and if this conflict is not stopped, it really could become global in nature, this is no longer a figure of speech. actually, putin once again reminded, with the help of journalists, of the proposals that were made by the russian side; putin hopes
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that, despite the first reaction, the west will return to them. if this does not happen, then, unfortunately, escalation becomes the only possible option, we have no other choice, according to the president, how to also respond to... korea will not do this, but if they do this, it will be a very big mistake, and this is also like a conversation about the fact that the commander-in-chief, that the leadership of the republic
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that moment when you had this choice, and you made it wrong, in the development of what you said, it is very important that i hope, says the president and the supreme , it is still possible to generally stop and prevent a big fight, to which we are ready for, this has been said several times, this is the answer... that if we are threatened with strategic defeat, and this will mean the end of a thousand-year-old statehood, then, in fact, from the point of view of formal logic, well, actually, why should we even then to be afraid of that situation, this is generally, by the way, a very interesting point that journalists, well, of course, this is their job, the journalists asked questions more with the hope of slightly tougher bloodthirsty answers, and the president was emphatically restrained and polite in his answers. and did not forget to repeat about peacefulness and readiness to stop this context, although i was still watching when, well, what fell on the feeds, among the flow of news, about this conversation there was news about the fact that
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the fab 300 was used for the first time, used in a combat zone in that means, according to the troops of the ukrainian reich, then there is, of course, such a conversation is very peaceful, but it’s understandably peaceful, but very specific and on two principles.
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areas, in general, that these were still tactical combat operations, and here we go on the defensive for some time, maybe for a long time, in order to deplete the ukrainian forces as much as possible, while, well, obviously in other areas we will to use, but from the point of view of kiev, ours are ready for this, and the main task will be to squeeze us out of the borders, that is, just like that and well, that means obviously there will be build up some kind of defensive... structures like during the counter-offensive of the twenty-third, already, that is , you just need to perceive it this way, understanding this situation, yes, although i heard these words of the president differently, i didn’t hear them there , that we are going to go straight to
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defense there, because he linked this with the fact that we are building a sanitary zone, and because we warned that if they continue shelling, we will begin to create one, the shelling, he said, continued, so we are creating it, but as far as i understand. necessary holding, but, but, as far as i understand, today, the size and depth of this sanitary zone does not interfere, until they have been completely called a continuation, a continuation of the shelling, that is, i didn’t hear here that we are going to stop, because well it’s as if it’s obviously flying less from there, but nevertheless it’s flying, now let’s break into a short advertisement and continue further, don’t switch, freshly nato’s finland is shaken up over and over again by military scandals and pines for the generals. three new commanders at once finland. they are united by a very professional knowledge of the peculiarities of russia. at their core, these are the swedes, they came precisely
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for a military purpose. they will hate russia. the propaganda they spread is anti-russian. it is the finnish people, the finns, who are being held hostage. all the money goes to the defense industry to pump up the population with all this militaristic rhetoric. war is inevitable in 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. i came to talk to him about some kind of provocation, in order for some kind of belly incident to happen, we need to make sure that the public is buzzing inside finland. i am sincerely confident that there will be a movement among finns. for liberation from this occupation, why sweden and finland are joining at the same time, a plan for an active strike on russia, anaconda rings, three of loretz identical in appearance, they are unprincipled. finns, finns, loss of common sense. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. let's go, let's go, let's go! enemy equipment, enemy personnel, grenade launchers, and machine guns were destroyed. flag in the center
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of novomikhailovka, where we are, there is victory, when the command arrived, we passed through the former fence and reached the opornik, after which they began to actively throw grenades, the assault phase began, the task seemed crazy, but doable, a feeling of pride in the russian army, for our grandfathers, it’s a big victory that we took the ovdievka, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, with tanks you won’t completely destroy the enemy with artillery, but they are specifically attacking, it’s close combat, small arms grenade, coherence, the guys are excellent, everyone understands each other, everyone stands for each other, when i have all my loved ones and the father of two sons behind me how can i give up or not finish your job, go forward and move, air, to victory, special report, heroes, attack aircraft on june 22 at...
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the first in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend. anastasia zavoratnyuk, born in 1971, didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was just a nerve injury. they went to check and found it. you can almost say yes on your birthday. i noticed that she had a new, new pendant on her chest. rt, i turn around and say: she tells me: no one knows this, i say, but i already know, i need to buy a pronzha, here it is, if they transported it somewhere, took it somewhere, then it was all in a pronzha, thanks to the doctors, sisters, that nowhere and it didn’t pour out, i wanted to come up and say, this can’t be, get up, when in the morning terrible, monstrous, blatant publications appeared about how there was a lot of makeup, i wanted to be. that did not exist at all,
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7:36 pm
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will tell, we continue to work live, in the previous part of the program we - against the backdrop of a conversation about yesterday’s visit to north korea and today’s visit to vietnam by vladimir putin, said that of course these visits are certainly perceived by our opponents in the west as part of some big global game that today. defines the confrontation, before the advertisement i asked the question, what , by and large, is created at some point the feeling is already now with the participation of the countries of the far east. that in this conflict, the funnel that is now swirling here, one way or another , some other countries are slowly being drawn in, including the far eastern ones, so they asked vladimir putin this question about south korea, which today stated that in response to and therefore,
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how - it is written there, yes, that in general they do not know the details of the agreement on which... took place between russia and the dprk, but we analyzed and assessed what has become known today, including the text treaty on a comprehensive blah-blah and decided to announce that we plan to reconsider the issue of military support for ukraine, again about the formal logic, it would seem that if you are south korea, you learn about the treaty between russia and north korea, what would seem to have to do with this the question of supplying your weapons, your weapons to ukraine, if you previously refrained from doing so.
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they say: we are just reacting, that is, the koreans, what are they saying? they don’t say: we are ready for the americans there, they say: well, we looked here, the russians are the north koreans say something like this, but let’s just go there. putin has already said: if you do this, then we will also do something, and accordingly you will be very sorry, this is all little by little, like this spring is cocked, cocked, cocked, cocked, that is, we continue to move towards this, well, this just a funnel, that’s exactly what you said. she begins to drag out the question of who is spinning this funnel and what are the options for it, well, either suspend it, or spin it up, or should it spin until what, now no one is spinning it anymore, this funnel is now working, it is now working autonomously, yes, but i am an optimist in the sense that everyone who is on the border
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of the funnel has a chance to take a step back so as not to be sucked in, that is, to in your opinion, south korea does not yet believe that it is on the border of the crater and that the crater is here, and they are sort of there and like this... not about them yet, i don’t want to assume that there are short-sighted people in the leadership of south korea, so i rather assume , what is it they just took up , oh, they are just doing a direct an indication of exactly the country that pacific nato is trying to form there, they took it under the spotlight, because yes, they will be members of this organization, nato, they are japan, today there were few questions about japan, i’m surprised, because the japanese are the scariest of all . in my opinion, no one asked about japan at all, yes, the japanese are the worst in this sense, and that’s of course, well, in general, to be honest, i’m shocked by this statement, i admit, from the south koreans, well, you yourself just gave the answer, this is not a statement from south korea, this is a statement from a country that, but they
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they could have resisted somehow, or something, well , at least i’ll answer you for this for this for the south koreans, the fact that they haven’t done this until now, that was their resistance. how the germans started with helmets and these same medical ones, and came to the tanks now here , there is a possible escalation in this region, there is one strange aspect, by the way, note that dzinpin from the other side came as if to europe and met with the hungarians and the serbs, we arrived, as it were, in... in their region, we met with north koreans and vietnamese, too such a kind of mirroring, despite the fact that this was not one iota of anti-chinese, china was probably warned, because it was, as it were , pay attention, pay attention, purely geographically, visits to north korea, to china and
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to vietnam could have been, as they say , closed off logistically, but first there was a visit to china, and then i think that this planning was not at all accidental. conflict zones, and with any development of the conflict in europe in the middle east, everyone knows the following, it will be there, yeah, and this, that's how you and you say correctly, these countries, south korea's statement are being drawn into that conflict in someone else's, not their conflict, but in fact this will provoke a conflict here ahead of schedule. and a general conflict that is more or less acquiring an increasingly clear outline, because well, it’s clear that sidinpin
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is building some kind of his own in europe, we are building some kind of our own in asia, they, as we all said, are going to expand nato to the far east, and now here an interesting point arises, again to the question of whether as if everyone doesn’t seem to want war, or some want it, some don’t, and it would seem that all these alliances... on the one hand , are being built to show the enemy, well , look, maybe it’s not necessary, look, here if, well, like, if i were a south korean there or a japanese there, how would i look at the history with north korea, like, maybe you don’t need to get into where we have a conflict with the americans, because here you have here the north koreans are here with your density, well, something will definitely reach you and so on, but everyone creates obvious alliances or implicit, in order to, as it were, turn others away from thoughts of confrontation. and we all together, as a system, are approaching this oppression, it is becoming more and more visible, that is
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, south korea has already moved, you know, like in football in childhood, yes, when captains choose their teams, that is, south korea has already moved and the whole team went there and said, okay, since you’re there, that means we ’re here, that is, this kind of zukzwank in general turns out, well, you drew a rather popular concept of a new bipolarity, when there really will be formed two actually here is a very good example with football teams, when two captains recruit, in fact, with whom they will play, and where the captains often choose, not them, but they themselves, who is more interesting for them to see and refuse them it’s difficult, it’s clear who will be at the center of these potential two blocs, the united states and china, in this regard, in fact, we actually talked about this, you yourself remembered, but that ’s actually... maxim drew attention to putin’s speech, where did he talk about that north korea has with china,
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we have such an agreement between north korea and china, in fact, such a bloc is emerging, on the other side it arose a long time ago, in terms of south korea, it has long since joined the team, there is nothing here in general, in fact, after the korean war, i immediately ended up on that team, yes, that is, the well-known special relationship between south korea and the united states, this also applies to... japan, now in this regard , the united states in this region is treating other states, this is very visible brightly in the philippines, in vietnam, vietnam is resisting, and we also talked about this today, but it is absolutely obvious that they are trying to drag him into this team, until he is dragged in, but nevertheless, the united states itself really does not hide the fact that they are creating a military bloc in asia against china, again, the other day they published... such versions of foreign policy possible under trump, where he again openly says
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that china, well, actually, this is his well-known philosophy, it continues, that china is our enemy, we need all our attention turn exactly there, so yes, this concept is known, it is understandable, but the problem is also quite obvious, that if these two military blocs come together, then in general, as i remember a week ago, you are also so... figurative the plot was like - two walls are running towards each other, at some point they can no longer stop and this conflict is inevitable, because in the first version of bipolarity, it seems to me that we miraculously just bounced back from a global nuclear war, and this is just a huge luck of humanity that the first version is not finished, cf usa, of course, this is... how will this version end in a situation where, again , nuclear weapons and non-nuclear weapons are spreading,
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in fact, we also talked about this today, this is a huge, huge question, especially since, after all, if there is a main zone there has always been a conflict in europe, now we see how it is really spreading all over the world, it is no longer just some here and there, as before, we also know that there were actually well-known events in china during this period, that is, she too i wasn’t only in europe. really was global, but anyway, these were some kind of echoes, but now, in general, by the way, the center of this conflict may gradually physically move to asia, but this will not make it any less dramatic; in fact, many historians generally count down the second world war, not dated september 1 , 1939, from hitler’s attack on poland, and from japan’s attack on china, and by the way, konstantin vasilyevich said about this that this is an even more complex region in this sense. because both koreas have a very complicated attitude towards the japanese, whom they
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they will never forgive for everything that the chinese did there before the second world war. and well, that is, in principle , at the beginning of the 20th century in the japanese tradition, the koreans were somewhere, that is, after the people there were dogs, and then they were there as if they were koreans, and so on and so forth, that is, this the attitude was monstrous, it’s the same with the chinese, who have not forgiven and will not forgive, we just have such a eurocentric version of history, and therefore we know very little about what the kwantung japanese army did in territory of manjuri with the chinese, what losses there were and so on... usa, but we forget that after that, and this is already in my memory, in mine, i remember very well 79, when there was the vietnamese-chinese war, in which we were firmly on the side of vietnam, china lost, and china lost, and there was a story with
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kampuchea, cambodia, it was called then, in which the vietnamese, they also look at it like that, well , come on, what’s the journal, come on let's listen, american intelligence is amazed at the speed with which relations are strengthening russia with iran, north korea and china in the security sphere. moscow's military cooperation with tehran, pyongyang and beijing has become closer since february 2022 and expanded to the exchange of sensitive
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technologies that could threaten the us and its partners for a long time, even after the end of the conflict in ukraine. early opportunities for russia and its allies also improve agreements on joint production of weapons and technology transfer, that is , you see, they are already in the headlines, they are already writing that putin has restored his military car with the help of us opponents. another thing is that in this article they implicitly directly, blinken spoke about this yesterday, we discussed it, they are trying to present the matter in such a way that, well, it seems like putin is addressing mostly countries, and iran, well, really, separated by a comma, china, who has never been an outcast at all, and there, of course, out of this hypocritical habit of theirs , they weave in this authoritarianism, something that chinese authoritarianism does not prevent the united states from building, that is, here it is , separated by commas, authoritarian states like this
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like north korea, china and iran, wait a second, you don’t have the same cooperation with china, what about vietnam? this saved us from it, that when there are blocs, perhaps, perhaps, it is more terrible for the same americans to go to the bank somewhere, realizing that they are already definitely, well, sort of facing a big one, that is, then it saved us from nuclear wars, then there was a much more predictable situation, then it was possible, within
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the framework of mutually important dialogue, to resolve issues, both during the caribbean crisis and during. the same vietnam, the same india, in india, which the united states may end up on the american side, for us the most important partner, the most difficult relations with china, china, today’s news,
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china has offered to india to restore direct flights, can you imagine between these. therefore, we have not yet entered into this conflict in such a way that it is directly ours. we, we are forming up as part of some kind of group that is against, well, well, the south koreans understand everything, they said: and so, well, you started to sort of get organized here, we then sort of went there, but they are so far they said, artyom, this could be an element of the eastern turg, they they said that maybe we will do this, then there will be explanations from the russian side, they may be winning back.
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an inconclusive decision that our diplomacy will work, and we will be able to reassure them, because south korea, starting in 2014, behaved very carefully, did not even impose symbolic sanctions on us, japan then behaved symbolically, i understand that their automakers are from here to the last didn’t leave, so i think there is a war of nerves, these are statements in order to send us a little signal, or this is the signal to the americans. i think this is just such a nervous reaction to putin’s visit to pyongyang, i hope that they will calm down, because it will be a very, well
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, like a rash decision with perhaps, i understand correctly, you are saying that south korea simply could not silently accept such a visit there and such documents that they just had to say something so as not to remain silent, but this is such a figure, after all , now in power there is such a well... say, tough-minded government, after all, they could have been calmer in regards to the north can be conducted without these loudspeakers that broadcast propaganda to the other side, knowing how it infuriates kim and his entourage, but they go for provocations, but on the other hand, after all, the military intelligence services, this deep south korean state is more cautious, i i hope and count on this, well, in general, we can all hope and count on this, that this is of course... very complex combinatorics, but that today this global combinatorics still leads to stopping the enemy.


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