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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 22, 2024 5:05am-6:01am MSK

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for example, how many routines are there, animation - this is generally the creation of videos - they generally make films there, how many, well, they can take years there, that is , now it can happen faster and faster, that is, since , well, the technology has not yet matured to the creation of full-fledged films, to be honest, but the progress is such that if you have been saying for 3 years that we have been working on neural networks for 3 years, yes, i mean creating a neural network that generates pictures from text, so if you look at how neural networks are the best neural network .
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because animation is a camera flying around a static object, or some kind of camera movement, and video is a full-fledged movement of everything, here it is still animation, because there is a first frame, and then we choose the camera movement, well then there is a monotonous camera movement, such as zoom in, and we select the first one, draw the first picture using the zoom in command, and we can, without creating a new model based only on models that generate an image from text, generate animations like this, let’s tell you where to look yes, there is. there is actually a telegram bot within which you can create animations like this, that is, anyone can do this, well, that is, it copes with complex tasks, well, that is, a telegram bot, that means, the current task was , in my opinion, very complex, i honestly don’t remember exactly what industrial processes were there, that is, you don’t need a lot of memory, it’s all created in the cloud, somewhere it’s all created on a supercomputer, oh, a supercomputer is an interesting topic, what about model training itself? and
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the application of the model, well, it’s called inference, this requires computing power, the model is huge after all, on an iphone it, roughly speaking, will not run on your smartphone, although progress is also being made so that it runs on a smartphone, but at the moment kandinsky is running on the supercomputer cristofare, this is our supercomputer on which we teach both language models and these generative ones, which turn text into pictures and videos, and that’s where they actually are. we change when you make a request, it flies to a supercomputer, it is processed there, it is there, as it were, kanzinsky lives, yeah, that’s where he makes a picture from the text, the picture is returned to you, where do you use a telegram bot or well, in the bot it’s a certain number of iterations, that is, i go into the bot, talk about what kind of picture i want to create, a picture comes, then the next stage, i say what i want to see for the movement, and it gives me an animation, i stand in line and wait.
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of course, but just how far you are ahead of your competitors, this is a competitive struggle, relatively speaking, you read the news in the morning there in the evening in any case, and you probably do too you’re noticing to yourself, but didn’t something happen that would affect who passed whom, at the turn, so to speak? so it is, of course, yes, like, say, the area of ​​​​creating large models, although it requires a huge number. computing resources, data and specialists who will actually train all this, but in principle, large biotechs, they certainly have such teams, they are developing these models, for example, yandex has a masterpiece and the guys are making a fairly similar technology, the only thing is they don't have video generation, but today we only watched animation, this is not a video, after all, a full-fledged video is the movement of everything, i have a question ... which concerns copyrights,
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intellectual property, it is clear that leo tolstoy, here is the novel, said at the beginning there leo tolstoy is all there, it’s as if he didn’t pass on the inheritance to anyone, he’s open history. because the model needs to be shown at the training stage, she really needs to be shown pictures, well, that is, it’s like teaching really educational material for a related question, this is this, this is 2800 the first picture is who is the author
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, artificial intelligence or the person who ultimately generated all this, oh, this is a very good question, who actually owns the copyright in... as if, including at the legislative level, this is all being developed and let’s just say, at some point this will probably be fixed, although this is a very difficult question, you know, as they used to say, i have an angel on my shoulder, an angel was sitting and he told me, that’s when the creators of someone have something... what is the difficulty here? in determining who the author is, there is data, of course, behind each photograph there is some kind of author who took this photograph, that is, there is an author of the photograph, it’s another matter when they are...
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this is a story such that if a person, most likely, if a person, well, logically, each company does it in its own way in the end, if a person pays, as it were, for using a neural network and receiving a picture, then he is still the author, that’s most likely the case, and
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if they guess motives based on motives, usually, if he creates something, it doesn’t matter a license is issued, i just want to say that such disputes arise only when the picture begins to bring a lot of money to the author. and then a large number of other people arise who claim authorship, but there is actually still a point that neroset itself can appear, as if companies, developers, and so on can claim its authorship, the model itself has a license, for example , kandinsky and this also depends on, that is, a masterpiece is a model that is not laid out and is not in the public domain, kandinsky is the opposite story, since ours is one of our first missions: i already talked about this, after all, to move the community as a whole and move science forward, then we put the model in the public domain, you can use the model, absolutely not without paying some company, and deploy it on your own, and why create such a model, which
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is not widely available, is for some limited circle of people to use it, well, to sell generation,
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imagine how a person creates a picture , any, any image, any painting, he has some kind of white canvas, well, not necessarily white, just white paper, some kind of empty, napkin, napkin, yes, there is a tablet screen, does he have some kind of idea? definitely, he starts sketching out some details, with a pen, a stylus, whatever, he adds details, maybe removes something, well, a person also has patterns in his head, that is, he remembers, he has something, here he has a pattern, this is after training, so step by step he simply creates a picture, how kandinsky creates a model, in principle , an analogy can be drawn, he begins to draw a picture with the so-called white noise. what it is? well, this is when there is no signal on the tv, there is such interference, just some kind
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of matrix, naturally, there is your request, this is the same idea, as if in a person it is expressed by these signals of neurons, in a neural network it is expressed simply by numbers, which are text , into which the text is encoded, and from this matrix, step by step in the process of removing noise in the right direction, a image, that is, the creation of an image from this white, this white noise, from this matrix. you can simply visualize, that is, there are 100 steps or a thousand steps, during which from any of this noise the final picture is created and visualized, so to speak, appears, so to speak, for example, you want to make a pug in space, yeah, you always have white noise at the beginning, and step by step you get a pug in space at the end of this process, if the noise is a little different, it is clear that the noise can be whatever you want, that is, change in some places there will be two pixels, there will be another, but also a mob... in space, this matrix, in a sense it is responsible for the model’s imagination, this can be visualized, but
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this process is called denoising or denoising , just so that it happens correctly, we need to show this to the neural network, one and a half billion picture-text pairs, that is, so that it learns to connect text and image, in principle , there is an analogy with a person in this sense, and you do all this every day, and we are all this, well he doesn’t do all this every day... a person will do without this intermediary, immediately generate his own images from his head, well, let’s say on some kind of canvas, i don’t know, well, in the digital sense, of course, in fact there are... research, i wouldn’t say that this is a super big practice there and that it is
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actively used there, but there are studies that make it possible to decode brain signals, that is, you know, they put an electrical signal reader in the head, and , for example, you can there so that without words you, roughly speaking, understand what you want, or you close your eyes, imagine it as something, i don’t know, for example, some kind of palm tree, and you can purely from brain signals at the moment that...
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it sounds like- then, but you don’t need to be afraid of this either, because in general this will be used by people who, for some reason, probably cannot write, and if you know how to write, then you will not attach electrodes to your head, you will, you it would be easier to write if there were moments when you understood that the neural network you created was doing something that you did not predict, secondly, is it necessary to think that, in order to limit it somehow, generally speaking, it has already begun, in fact... all the generative models that are being created so far, well and which will be created, they tend
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to hallucinate at some point, this is the official term, this means that if the neural network does not know something, and you still asked it to create it, it cannot create it. , let's put it this way, that is, it creates something, well, not what you want and something wrong, but creates anyway, and this is probably best seen with and can be traced , as it were, with language models, you know, when a person... was asked what is heavier, a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of lead, well, it’s clear that the neural network, it saw in the training data , as if the word fluff with the word light, she saw...
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then she started thinking, lena, what we could look like, we have just about this, oh, yoshkin, who is this eshkinkot, no, well, nothing, that’s what it is -oh, you know, how he sees us like this kondinsky, yeah, wow, wow, why did he make us look so young, you look, he gives compliments, but he hallucinates,
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and i, you see, in the form of prom in my head, you look exactly like that, then... and i ’ll actually tell you how photorealistic portraits are obtained, we have a team, which is engaged in detecting fakes, you know, now this is a particularly pressing problem, well, with the development of generative models, in general, you can make a bunch of fakes and post them on the internet, and this can bring huge losses to both companies and states, and all sorts of reputational costs, that is, it is necessary study to distinguish what is created by a neural network and what is not, so we actually, as part of detecting fakes, decided to make a model that... generates fakes, why? then, in order to complete the detection model on the dataset that generates the generative model for creating fakes, we, as if within the framework of this work on fake detection, made a model for generating fakes and applied it here, that is , how kandinsky creates your face as a model , first there is a model that describes you,
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then kandinsky creates your image, with like a tiger, for example, you can drive anything there on the sea, i don’t know in the winter on...
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but one, in the reflections, will look narrowly, the one who won’t stand above the eyelid, oh, yes, i’ll tell my friend about him, we him one, for now
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, young lady, tell the truth, tell the truth, all this night i’ve been waiting for miracles, oh yes, my friend will tell me about him, my one
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, tell the old world of peace, lying down that night and breaking up in the morning, oh yes. they will tell me about him, but only him. show me, bewitch me. nagada, young lady, pramdu, do, tell me, dear, beloved daddy.
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hello everyone, this is a podcast without a format, and as always, my permanent presenters are with me in the studio, this is karina cross, valya carnival, behind me. no longer a format, it opens up talents. today three musicians will come to visit us in our studio; they are beginners, one might say, from the people. and just yesterday they watched us on tv, and today they will present their extraordinary covers of the song of our guest today. and our guest is not an easy one, i’m sure everyone knows her songs.
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stealing until june 29, june 29 luzhniki, my show the dreams that we are preparing, we just don’t see the light of day in order to show our beloved viewers a real fairy tale, and that all this is possible in our beloved country, and the biyonce will have to move, wow, this is a loud statement, yes this is a loud statement, oh my god . my, lord, yes, and this show will not be about me, but about all the viewers, i know that you are opening new horizons for yourself, you have
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several acting jobs, despite the fact that the teachers at the acting university said that you took someone's place, i played yes in several films, now a six-part series will be released. a film novel where you don’t recognize me, i myself, i came for the voice acting, i say, god help me, how scary, okay, let’s get started, wait, who are you playing, who are you playing, is this makeup, classic makeup or what, no, why, they just washed off all the makeup from me, yes, a movie novel, red lines, i play a writer, in fact, the rule of our unusual non-format today, three amazing, aspiring musicians will come to us today, they are from the people and will sing your songs , that there will be covers performed. our task is to tell this cover, well, who will be in front of us to the person, this artist
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who will...
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the first participant marya with the cover of the song there is no more drama. marya bulygina is 18 years old, works as a street musician, is studying to become a producer, and has independently mastered playing several musical instruments and a glass. her performance on the voice show was liked by the audience, but did not prompt the mentors, among whom was polina gagarina, to turn around their chairs. today i decided to meet again star to finally get the cherished yes. i can’t warm myself up to the point where i’m so sick with my breath that i can’t warm myself up, and they’re dying on their own, the master, and something hurt right in the heart. our ships have gone beyond the horizon, i’ll raise a white flag over my head , just know that i’m not the enemy of drama
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, no more... no water, no more doesn't hurt, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't hurt anymore, we asked for a complete rework. don’t get attached to the melody, that’s how you feel? manya, well, first of all, it was really a cover, because i recognized my melody, it was remade into, let’s say, lounge rock, some kind of, yes, romantic rock, let’s call it romantic lounge rock, okay, i liked it , wonderful timbre, noir mood, in principle, this song.
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very suitable, let's see, when beckoning spoke, in your voice, you didn't turn around, i remember exactly, let's see how it was, what i was carrying, why didn't i turn around, because there was a very cool beginning, so convincing and my hand reached out to buttons, i’m already thinking that now the dynamics will start and i... i heard how the actual dramaturgy of the song is developing, there wasn’t enough hooliganism from you, although you have everything for this, but the girl said it very well; that ’s actually why i’m sitting there on business, i ’m just a little upset that they said that more could have been done precisely in terms of development, firstly, you shouldn’t be upset under any circumstances, because i’m
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explaining the same thing to my daughter now, that ...
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about everything, because by the way, i tell you i can say that this is an invaluable gift, the tops in each of their areas give you the most precious thing they have, they give their time, they give their advice, you are incredibly cool, really, bright, and you know what’s most surprising, you’re so shy, but when you sing, you are completely liberated, that's what's cool, you like to sing because your soul wants it, right? and you were able to touch my soul. polina gagarina, yes or no? yes. karina cross, yes or no? not because it’s bad, it was very cool, but you don’t need it at the moment, so no. valya kardoval. anton lavrentiev? no. and i
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'll explain why. yes, what are you even doing? wait, i, since you and i met at rehearsals, yes, i can tell you, i really like the way you sing, i really like it. thanks to your parents for instilling this in you, but you have to work, so i say no, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much, our next participant, soya with a cover of the song, disarmed, asiatsaygidova or whatever she calls herself, soya, 21 years old, despite being young age, has already managed to become a star in her native saratov and even in moscow, as well as collect. views on social networks, among her subscribers there are not only russian stars, but even hollywood artists, today she came not only to conquer the presenters with her talent, but to tell her why she is ashamed of polina gagarina, united in our
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orbits, others for us no more, you're so drawn to it like a magnet, no longer... hey, i 'm disarmed, because i really need you, i really need you, i need you, i need you, i'm disarmed, because i really need you, you i really need it, i need it, i need it,
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he even signed up for it, imagine after that the only question is why are you ashamed in front of polina gagarina, everyone immediately forgot, i’ve already calmed down, but i’ll have to tell you in general, i performed as your opening act. lord, i beg you, i can appreciate the vocal abilities, they are wonderful, it’s very beautiful, everything is musical, very harmonious, and if it were absolutely like this, if i just didn’t know these words, then it would be very cool a summer song with this hook here, that's not for you one moment confuses me, let’s say, well... again, i’m not the last resort, but i cried to this song, that is, right from me, this is the next thing i wanted to say, i just really like the way you performed it, you amazing voice, you are very talented, but it seems very strange to hear this song in
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the format, well, at least the feedback from this song when you are just and he is my favorite, that is, as a rule, it seems to me that this song, well, i don’t know, it was like that for you with this polino song, because for me it’s like and that’s why it was possible that such a dissonance was created because of this, not even because of the fact that no, it’s just that the words underneath have a deep meaning, a good meaning that she is the heroine of this song, she is absolutely disarmed, she only needs he, and it ’s just when it turns into such a toy, it seems to me that there should be words.
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it’s strange, but if we talk in general about the image that we just saw that there is talent, there is a gift, there is beauty, there is music, there are fresh ideas, cool, so, anton, you have an opinion about the opinion. i i didn’t initially consider this cover as a cover, that is, this is how a person would make a song, and sometimes it’s a new song, it sounds different. it’s not bad at all, it’s modern, it’s a cool voice, that is, if we consider it as a separate song, so in this regard, i’m very impressed with here we are, but there’s a moment here that this is my opinion, that is, for me it’s like that, val, and you, i really liked it, now, looking at how assiyad remade it, this is not a cover, she remade your song, you know straight away, this is also internal. that is, for us, for the beginners, so to speak, because we, well, you weren’t
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afraid to do it, you have a super cool timbre, you did it very nicely, the only thing, you know, what i would change about all this, you look like that just like a fatal girl like that, but i would put a marshmallow-colored dress on you so that the image would look super harmonious, i give you a giant heart, i really liked it, to be honest, and the song would start flying, what do you think, i think so. it's time for clear answers, yes or no, i'm now i’ll ask each of you, you just say yes or no, to what just happened here on this one, what happened here, what happened here, polina gagarina, yes or no, yes, karina cross, yes or no, yes, palya carnival, yes or no, yes, now as a person with bipolar, i will ask myself, anton lavrentiev, yes or no, no, i will answer why, because i would like it in space. there was more drama, like polina gagarina,
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you know, no offense, very cool production, everything was great, but i hear such songs every day a lot, but i wish i could stop, as a result of our voting , we have three yeses and one no, thank you very much, asiyat, please come in, thank you, so the third participant is a duet. lev and elizaveta grinkevich with a cover of the song, no. elizaveta and lev grinkevich are 32 and 36 years old, respectively. in addition to the love of music, lev elizaveta is united by a stamp in her passport and two children. at the age of 4, lisa sang for the first time in the yard in front of an audience of her mother’s friends; now the grinkevich group is organizing its solo concerts and writes original music. to be in music, in quotes, next to polina gagarina, is the dream of lisa and lev. i was surprised when i saw you at that
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end of the leg, i fell out of love with you, you are still the same , you are beautiful, i have changed, you have matured, become even sweeter, and my heart was beating, and my heart was beating, so did i, don’t believe me anymore. don’t believe me anymore, it can’t be more beautiful than it was, don’t believe me anymore, i’ll insert the envelope, forgive me for my answer, not yet, but guys, thank you very much, how did you meet together, how did you become together, a creative tandem, and a family tandem, tell us about you, please, we worked amazingly for a long time, we studied together, met at the institute... it turned out
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that we worked in different projects, in the urals, we flew from the urals and have been here for 2 years already, i liked the beginning very much, i myself like to recycle, let’s say, my old stuff, i like the verse, i generally like everything that concerns drum and base, whatever, i really love any bass parts.
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polina, however, i don’t know, this is some kind of fundamental song, and i join kara’s words that your songs indeed, besides you, it seems to me that no one will sing as it should be, but if we take into account the fact that we have such a kind of experiment going on in the studio, then, in my opinion, you coped
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with it, you brought a touch of yourself to polina’s song, but i would still choose the polit option, i would too, i will say, there is... one thing that i again cannot tell me, it’s just an opinion, yes, i can’t say that there is no song, also generally my favorite a song, for me it is, well, it is, it is a kind of piece of art, which for me is, as it were, a block, it is lumps, yes, but here there was a moment, you reworked it, you made a completely new one out of it, as it were, some kind of new creative opus. and i was interested in listening to him, what confused me was that for some reason you put a wall in this wall, you sang, you didn’t pour into the artist, weren’t you into the audience, you sang, there was a certain pressure and the energy wasn’t it was going on, and now it’s time for unpleasant questions, laconic answers, parina sergeevna, yes or no, i
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can’t, i can’t, yes, well, what are you doing, yes, polina gagarevna said yes, karina cross, i support polina, this is for her sing together. so i also say yes val, and i support polina and karina, so i also say yes, anton lavrentiv says yes, guys, we have four yes, i invite beautiful soya to our studio, please come in, dear, my friends, congratulations to you , you are in the finals, look, the rules are very simple, i have two songs, words that i will now give to you, since you guys got four votes out of four, it’s up to you to choose. “i’ll choose, come on, what kind of song, the performance is over, the performance is over, soy, you get the song that polina sergeevna really loves gagarin, which can be distorted in one direction or another, the song is a step, but since you actually took, or rather scored, four votes, you actually begin, but i must
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tell you that we have reworked this song as much as possible so that it does not look like a song . which you are used to hearing, you think that you are at a corporate party and they turned on a different soundtrack for you, and there is nowhere to retreat behind the children's move, so we wrote our novel about love, only a few words are missing, sit with me, talk to me, i i want to remember how it falls. the snow is falling slowly, unusually, like a naked soul wandering around the room, soon the echo of a new day will sound, starting it, without me, don’t wake me up,
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free me, the performance is over, all the light, and a much more precise world, stop, the performance is over, the performance. thank you, soya, you sing a song, walk, and if you're ready, we'll start, i'll hide my boogey
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lipstick and hide my eyes in dark glasses, i'll go where i don't need to, just not... the sun is on my hands, but it's easy for me, extraordinary, it is impossible to find words, i dance when i’m sad, look how i can dance, i’m on the edge, but you’re normal, and you can’t be on the edge with me, but it’s not easy, it’s extraordinary, it’s impossible to find words. this is my, my life principle, this is my, my signature style, don’t try to bring back the one you once had. you let go, walk, don’t burden, walk, walk, don’t burden,
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polina sergeevna, and now the floor is yours, tell me, well, with whom will you sing a duet, i’ll sing with soya, hurray, well, listen, i can do it here. polina gagarina, you gave us so many wonderful minutes, you gave us a huge thank you, it was super experience, and i’m very glad to meet you, thank you very much, we are just happy, this is a gift of fate, these are our best moments, i just want to say about the potichka, a bird sang to me and it’s a gift i will be very happy to see you all, absolutely everyone , and manechka is also at his show in archers, so
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i’m here on june 9th. soya, dear, you become the winner of our show podcast non-format 2024, now polina sergeevna will leave her autograph with this amazing marker, and i’m sure that after june 29 it will be worth billions, write yours in russian or in latin in russian. everyone held their breath, and i was the only one broadcasting on the night air of channel one, my friends, it was an exclusive release, wonderful, this has never happened, especially here in our cozy, wonderful place, we were happy to see all these wonderful people, what they are young, so kind, so talented, right now, while polina sergeevna is writing her autobiography on this convenient golden disk, i can tell you that the guys and i, my wonderful co-hosts, karina cross, vari carnival, we give up this stage to polina gagarina and the singer soya, they will sing a song in a duet, this song will be called the sun will rise, i
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will quietly kiss you by the fire, she will slowly blow out the candle. again the expectation will be full, ruby ​​after drop, i don’t want to tear off the leaves of the calendar, for midnight seconds the grief is so clear, happiness opens all the parts of me where i didn’t want wine, no matter what happens, no matter how it turns out, you and i are indivisible. soon our sun will rise, bright and bright above the clouds,
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starting a new flight, let's stand for love nayok, soon our sun will set, with a bright light above the clouds, we begin a new flight, we will become for our beloved. we are melting near the shore, our dreams, time blurs other people’s traces, all my words are endless. you were never otherwise, you can open my secret dreams, hold my hand from
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spring to spring, understand me beyond the height limit, it seems that this means no matter what happens, no matter how things turn out, but you and i are not divided, soon our the sun is shining, bright color on the koplagarni, starting a new flight, we will become for love, let's go, soon our sun will come down, bright light above the clouds, starting a new flight, we will rise for the beloved,
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remember that soon our sun will pass, soon it will pass in our sun, we must bless with bright light, we are starting a new flight, we will rise for the hand of the washats, soon your sun will go down, with a bright light above the clouds, starting a new flight, we praise. well, this is just fantastic, this is just fantastic, tell me what you feel, to be
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honest, i’m generally in some kind of shock and delight, as if you were on tour. we've already skated together, you know, it's that simple amazing field, thank you very much, my dears, it’s just that the launch of a rocket into space was a success, everything was a success, we put on an incredible, incredible show, thank you very much, thank you very much, my dear wonderful, talented girls, and we are giving up this stage now another new very interesting performer, despite the fact that they are young guys, their songs are gaining popularity.
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i hold my hand so tightly, coming out of the entrance, i press the hand in your place, light this song for me, there are girls outside the window, where are you missing, let's run away, i'll spend it on you, i'll love the sparks i can, i look into the eyes and once sparkles, there's a limit outside the window to pay, let's run away
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on me, you'll spend it on me, you'll be more confident, very sincere, you exist... hello, this is a podcast from the psyche and we we continue to search for formulas in the literal sense of happiness. in any case, today we will do this, i don’t know with what chance of success, but in any case we will try. today in the studio andrei shapenko, professor at the moscow skolkova school of management and elena guseva, family.


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