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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 23, 2024 2:50am-3:36am MSK

2:50 am
monday you will sit, you will still sit with me, you will sit, lord, the pigsty has become such a pigsty, no shame, viktor tikhanovich, wait, yes, masha, masha, excuse me, the sun has warmed up, i have... a feeling that our population the city has tripled, yes, statistics say that more than 6 million people live in st. petersburg, i personally saw as many as 18 today, so many people, the one who is needed is the only one, he got lost again, in a couple of minutes in our broadcast news with lera mukhina, the sponsor of this news release is the company funeral services are the way to yourself, a wonderful solution to your problems, but they dig deep, a wonderful slogan, we’ll meet in
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less than 15 days, it’s no longer possible, a fight with the building manager, what a fight there is, there are witnesses, i’m going abroad, yes, i’m an architect, here’s the contract, everything is written there, but according to the labor janitor, why are there two pipes, stolen, why are they stolen, this is mine, these are my girls, excuse me, so... hello,
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hello, maxim, police major gorobets is listening to you, and where is maxim? at police station number 8, petrograd district, and why? detained, please introduce yourself, masha emelyanova. you have known maxim zakharovich for a long time. but, he is my fiancé, and how did he end up with your mobile phone, i gave it to him myself, okay, let’s check, but please tell me, when you release him, the court will decide which court, wait, all the best, your voice is pleasant girls, where, where, where is this,
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the receiver bought a car, i really need your mashenka, of course, because of you i even got new help, you know, one young man got into trouble and oh, wait a second. hello, comrade general, good afternoon, major, in your department now. there is my
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relative, vasilyev maxim, that’s right, there ’s one, the boy misbehaved a little, but he realized everything, you know, that’s right, he’s been in the majors for a long time, for three years, comrade general, for a long time, chief, pods!
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dance, dance, dance of st. vitus, my life is broken, who am i now and where, i used to be in nervan, then i won’t be, now i’m playing solo, everyone is dancing! hello, thank god, hello, hello, sir, what happened there, i’ll tell you later, i don’t know what you told him, but they let me go, everything’s okay ok, thank you very much, thank you, nothing is wrong with you, nothing, listen,
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and i told the police that you are my fiancé, it’s nothing, it’s terrible, nice, yes, what are you doing now, i. .. i’m sitting at the house, looking, it’s beautiful, but no, it’s different, but you’ll show me later, when we meet, i’ll show you, but not today, i can’t do it today, my shitty friends will come, i’m leaving, yes, yes, of course, i can’t do it today either, i ’m working tonight, then we’ll call you, yes, yes, come on, i ’ll wait, bye, bye, again, thank you, don’t worry, it’s important to take yourself in now hands, just let go of the situation, you will succeed. thank you very much, mash, i remind you that we are currently broadcasting
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the big city program, you can call us to share your misfortune or joy. now we have the next call for deer. good evening, tell me, here’s how to tell, well... a man, that i don’t love him anymore, and are you sure about this? yes, well, that is, he is very good, kind, he loves me, we have been together for 2 years, i know that if i tell them, he will feel bad, but i don’t know, i can’t stand it anymore under such stress, it’s difficult, to me it seems that the most important thing is honesty. “if you kill me, i won’t be offended, let’s see, just a second, bone, it’s good that you’re here, hello, masha will be out now, listen, there’s something wrong with her today, i understand, we’ll sort it out,
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okay, bye, let’s, well, let's go, uh-huh, what do you want tit, kretcher azrora, how..." yes, we have changes in the rotation, you will give a song from this compact at the end of every hour, in the summary you will talk about the group, everything is written here. sorry, but i can't deliver.
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"here, this is for you, thank you, why? mash, i was i’m wrong, i’m sorry, yes, what are you, maybe we won’t quarrel anymore, come on, that’s it, my parents
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gave me a list, they ask us to approve the guests that we need, i want to talk to you..." i invite nikolaev to consult with angelov without fail the question of a wedding is not a wedding? well, what kind of jokes will there be a wedding, bye, bye, you heard the song today, but already come back, i didn’t understand what that means there won’t be a wedding, kostya, please understand me, kostenka,
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you’re very good. , kostya, you are the closest person i have, well, understand, please. kostya, this is not stupidity, forgive me, everything will be fine, everything will be fine with us, really, kostya, i can’t, forgive me, at least don’t be stupid, i don’t love you, please forgive me, kostin! kostya, forgive me, no need, everything is fine,
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everything is fine, kostya, wait, wait, kostya, wait, everything is fine, everything is fine.
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i generally love peter, i have a hard time believing in such patriotism, i don’t even understand what
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all this talk is about, it’s a twist, it’s all simple, don’t you understand, maybe it’s all because of marinka, oh well, i’m the same myself, remember with me jackdaw, she was such a bad guy, the architect needs a muse, well, how would an architect be without a muse, and you see, he’s just a guy, i love st. petersburg, i don’t want to go, but what don’t i want, marink, marink, i love, the architect needs music, what, well , it’s ready, we’re writing, hurry up, hurry up, fashion has started to go wild in the rondo store. sorry, please, can i do it again, yes, uh-huh, in the store ron, ron,
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it's great to eat for smoking. oh, thank you, man, but my wife won’t let me home. hold it, what are you doing,
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hold it! thanks bro, would you like a drink? no, that's right, all the evil comes from this vodka. understand, she sent me with a list to the store for groceries, but before the weekend, i bought a small fish for stash. well, wash down a bottle of beer, drank the fry, washed it down with beer, put the bottle down, put the bag down, but forgot to close it, forget to close it, spilled all the filthy food, came home, made a scandal, i went to add, but she wouldn’t
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let her home, you’re all a bitch. we need to kill her, uh, uh, guy, where are you going, and the jacket, the jacket. marina, take your hand, but this news will never end here, your stories will not be written, the strings are torn by cries, strange poems are created the day before, tsunami season. and
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this city will also remain mysteriously loved, such girls disappear in it, we have to stay, spend the night not alone, we peek in the gaps, wink, and through the sky hearts knock, no longer have directions, meanings, the names of the colors are not important, forever shrouded in fog, and this...
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the city will remain just as mysteriously loved, such girls disappear in it, we should stay, spend the night in it alone,
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hello, maxim, hello, mash, hello, sorry i'm late, no one called me, no, no one, obviously. what kind of sound is this? where are you? on i’m sitting on the bridge, romance, yeah, what else? what 's on the bridge? on the bridge, on the bridge it’s cold,
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scary, water is flowing, fog, a dog is running, shaggy hair, i also want to go to the bridge, i can take a seat, yes, i forgot, sorry, some guy called you this afternoon. kostya is probably your fiance, when is the wedding? hello, mash, are you crying or what? come on, i’m not sure, he’ll call, i’m sorry, but no, there’s just not going to be a wedding, we had a fight, you know, we’ve been together for a long time. since school, acoustics, he is very good, i myself don’t know how everything happened, i suddenly realized that
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that i can’t, but i told him today, i feel sorry for him, yeah, okay, don’t be sorry, my girlfriend left me too, it’s okay, i live somehow. it’s sad, but what can you do here, but life in general is an unpredictable thing, it’s only in the movies that everything is according to the script, but you promised to show me the house, i’ll show you, i have a special relationship with you, why, because i’m an architect, and what kind of are you in a relationship? what are you doing? how are you at home? well, how are people, well, family and friends, we can
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come to an agreement, sometimes they’ll tell you something like this, can you describe it there, are you writing? no, i'm lazy, well, in st. petersburg in general, you come across such specimens here, but you ’re getting ready to leave, are you going? until i give you the pipe, i won’t leave. then you 'll stay for a long time, you know, i haven't decided, well , it's probably better to leave, i threw a coin, and the fountain was out, well done, have you ever been caught in a siskin, not even once, and you, me too, we'll meet tomorrow, of course, strange, is your voice like that? well, as if i’ve heard it many times, maybe good night, maxim, good night,
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masha. signed a contract, are you happy with everything, no, look at paragraph 27, please, i’m not with this i can agree. i don’t understand, and you don’t understand what phos major is? no, i understand what it is, what is phos major? well
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, this is a tsunami, this is an earthquake, this is a revolution , this is a formality, well, like a formality, a tsunami, as you imagine it, you know that in the next 3 years a whole series of tsunamis and coupe with the world revolution, which nostradamus predicted, could happen under such conditions, i simply cannot agree to work, this, this is a standard clause of any contract, i ask you, i ask you, come in a day, tomorrow, maybe you’ll change your mind, no, i won’t change your mind, i won’t sign this contract, but i can recommend you one very good architect, fedor zemtsov, fedor zemtsov, i’ll write you his phone number, please call him, he’s very talented a young architect, and what is important is that he is not afraid of tsunamis, earthquakes, or revolutions. listen, the programmer himself called you, uh, at 6 in the morning, i bet he’s breathing unevenly towards you, uh. wait a second,
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i’ll tell you a secret, weather forecasters promise us rain today, but who believes now? weather forecasters, well, on the other hand, why is rain bad, maybe it’s even for the better, pull it up.
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yes, yes, hi, mash, hi, very glad to hear from you, yes, good. yes, i
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would also really like to meet, yes, come on today, listen, wait, let me write down some of your normal phone numbers, because i have now, hello, yes, because your battery is running low, i’m just afraid that yes, i 'll write it down now, yes, temporarily unavailable, call back later.
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peter fm, hello, hello, i would like to convey a message for the girl masha in red jacket who lost her mobile phone and, hello, maxim, is it you, is anyone calling me? if i knew what
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electricity was, i would take a step, go outside, go to the phone, direct.
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there are seven in the world, there are three in the world, there are people who have a captain inside, there are people who... who are converted, there are people who have blues between their legs, there are people who have peridot legs, there are people who 104 heads, there are mysterious girls with magnetic eyes, there are large tangerine grass passengers, there are people gnawing
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cobalt alloy, there are people who have dvortsy kurmyab, there are people like ship and people like komer, but there is no one who knows your number, like rostshi soon. 0b 2 12 85 0v 2 12 85 0g 2 12 85 0d 2 12 85 0e 2 12 85 0 e 2 12 8
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hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein and its leading film historians, natalya ryabshchikova and stanislav dedinsky, we are talking about that. how to watch soviet cinema now, famous, beloved, perhaps forgotten or completely unknown, we reveal the secrets of film archives and show what this cinema is like interesting and how to find new meanings in it,
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today we have a special topic, we will not talk about all soviet cinema, not about any specific film, we will talk about one of our favorite actresses, about one of our favorite actresses who. .. a mystery for us, we will try to solve this mystery, let's see how we do it, we will talk about tatyana samoilova, who has a double anniversary, 90 years since her birth and, unfortunately, 10 years since her death, she passed away exactly on her birthday, of course, she is known to us as the star of the film they are flying cranes, but what else happened in life, in the career in tatyana samoilova’s films, let’s try to talk about this, right? well, of course, when we talk about actors or actresses, and usually very often biographers delve into the details of their personal lives, because well, this is kind of the content that fills the biography of these people, but still from
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a professional point of view, we, as film historians, are interested in seeing who fills the roles that, in fact, are performed by these famous, beloved consequences by all actors, with content, and these the roles are filled by screenwriters. directors, in this case in the case of tatyana samoilova, in the case of the film by lite djurabli, of course, the cameraman. maybe we’ll tell you how the situation developed in soviet cinema before the release. talk, but i don’t want to, and don’t call
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me at all, please, veronica, who am i, that’s who i am, well, squirrel, who are you, listen, what will you give me tomorrow, a secret, if there’s something tasty, i’ll eat it soon i’ll forget right away, will you give me something as a lasting memory in my old age? how tatyana samoilova came to this role is
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her second film role, which made her truly world famous, how did that happen? firstly, she is still from a family of actors or an actor, her father was a famous actor even then, evgeniy samoilov, and her brother also became an actor, that is, there was a connection with art, there was a connection with cinema, in her youth she studied ballet, hence her plasticity, hence these even when... beloved by the union, this is nadezhda rumyantseva, she has
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such a fun role, she plays a young typist, actually tatyana samoilova, which plays a more serious role of such a mexican beauty, strict, i have a theory why this film was made, why it was made this way, why samoilov was needed, the film was made in the 5th year, was released at the beginning of fifty-six, in fifty-five the argentinean conquered everyone film "time to love" with lolita torres. songs from there, the very image of lolita tores, brunette, with such cheekbones, with raised eyebrows, singing, dancing, absolutely became literally the favorite actress of soviet viewers, yes, girls began to be called lolitas and so on, samoilova in this film is slightly modeled on the image of tores, she appears there first singing, though not funny songs, but such serious, lyrical mexican ones. as it were, then she dances, a folk mexican dance, that is, her
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plasticity, her musicality, they are very important there, after that mikhail kalatozov takes her to the flying cranes, and not right away, other actresses auditioned there, yes, she could do this couldn’t play the role at all, but nevertheless she played it and played it, as we saw, superbly, so that’s what helped her, like this happened, she was helped, of course, by the experience of the director, the experience of the cinematographer helped her. who is mikhail kolatozov? this is a man who, by the time the film the cranes are flying was filmed, already had enormous experience working in soviet and world cinema. 30 years. 30 years, yes, firstly, he had a smoldering business trip, well, let's just say, he had a break when he was not filming, but was doing administrative work, among other things, he was sent to hollywood to find out in general how it was in the forties the system works, big cinema. production and he returned from hollywood, made a detailed report that
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helped to partially change soviet cinema, although not all of kolotozov’s recommendations were used, before that in the thirties, this is a man who made, well, quite, let’s say, avant-garde films, the twenties, well , even more, of course, the nail in the boot, salt from the stink, and so on and so forth, yes, he actually started out as a cameraman himself, when already in the fifties he began working with cameraman sergei rusevsky, a much younger man, they somehow... agreed on this visual ground , yes, in fine art so, having taken, in general, quite not like a standard play, but having taken to filming quite...
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therefore, such a strange picture, the light is not quite clear, the light is not quite so flooding the faces, it is sharp, it is dramatic, and then it was innovative, it was a return just to this style
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of the twenties, on the one hand, absolutely realistic lighting decoration, on the other hand, the opportunity to show with light not only...
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but the hero on the screen, so it was not so easy to play this role, she was not unambiguous, it was very complex, it was intense, and of course, when the cranes fly gets into cannes in 1958, it was a sensation, it was a sensation from the point of view, again , of directing, from the point of view of
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cinematography, from the point of view of acting, but plus this is a film that you didn’t expect, no one knew that at that time in the fifties in soviet cinema with... the beginning of the thaw , an absolute revolution was brewing, that there, well, of course, everyone knew that more and more were being filmed there , since the era of little painting, the beginning of the fifties, the production of films in soviet cinema increases tenfold, this is a great discovery for european film festivals, which are beginning to discover soviet cinema anew, after everyone , of course, knew the films of the twenties, revolutionary, but they are also beginning to discover asian cinema of some kind krasava, which becomes limestone around the same years. in europe in a new light and soviet cinema, in general, responds to these trends, it responds to the demands of the time and opens up new names, yes, everyone is literally delighted with samoilova is being awarded, in addition to the palme d'or for the film, she is being awarded separately ...


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