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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  June 23, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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if you treat the flu in the same way as covid, then there is no effect, and in the opposite direction, despite the fact that the symptomatic treatment is the same everywhere, tea with raspberries, drink more and lie wrapped up, in general, both here and there, there were people who wanted to hack the system, let’s take drugs for both the flu and covid, and that means we’ll kill two birds with one stone, but this leads to...
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two stars, fathers and sons, look after the evening news, you’re good too, send her to the forest , he’s already gone crazy with his collective farm, and this is your bear, velczuv brought fashion, he not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your do... is confused with the bear, you’re fucking, we see for ourselves, you’ve gone crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazark, parka, stop, you’re disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else, mine’s back, stop it, you’re because of him already...
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"why is this, and why, here i have such and such a parameter highlighted in bold, here i have something written by an ultrasound specialist, not could you explain to me, and you do explain, you reduce the person’s level of anxiety, not only that, you explain in what time frame, what we need to achieve, how some symptoms will go away, or vice versa, we need to explain that first there will be a deterioration, so too happens, and then everything goes downhill, when a person has received these explanations, it’s clear to him, well , what a path it’s like.” the map has formed, he perceives this whole situation completely differently, in general he will calm down, this is already half the treatment, he will understand that it was handled by professionals, everything is in good hands, everything will be done, everything that is possible, just to make him feel better, but in fact there are a whole bunch of medical specializations that you can’t do without people, for example, nurses, this is important, care, of course , in many places, we have operating robots, but... the operator is
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still a person, while somehow it’s difficult to do without a person, it’s even difficult to imagine this situation for now, although in the future anything is possible, but for our ... doctors are still needed forever, yes, well, probably artificial intelligence is important where you need, relatively speaking, a sharp eye, when you need to look at pictures, well, some changes, i saw and i read a study where artificial intelligence surpassed diagnosticians, radiologists and made diagnoses more accurately , yes, but again . i wasn’t happy about this, apparently, well, what i mean is that let there be this duplicating function, yes, because a person is a person who may be tired, sick, he may have some kind of stressful situation, he is something... then maybe skip, absolutely, it’s
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stupid to even discuss any variations here, but if artificial intelligence will be an assistant, then why not, the only thing that’s a little scary in this situation is what’s with a calculator? when we didn’t have a calculator, we did everything perfectly well in our heads, when we got a calculator, this function is lost, the same thing, if artificial intelligence does everything for us, we will simply lose a lot of skills, then it will be difficult to gain them in my opinion somehow yes, well, there is such a dilemma, on the one hand, so i always imagine myself in the patient’s place, if i start treatment, i may have some kind of adverse reaction or... well, whatever, they didn’t sell me the medicine, they either gave me a replacement, and i don’t understand, that’s one thing and whether it’s the same or not, and you want to have access to the doctor in order to at least write briefly and get an answer, on the other hand, someone abuses this, and the doctor too
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, again, is a person who, when he comes home , should also forget about work , switch off to rest so that you can work fully tomorrow, that's why i... give my patients a phone number, but even so, sometimes, here is one of these situations that will probably remain in my head forever, and a wonderful patient, such a sincere lady, who was embarrassed to ask me, having a phone number, she i went to the internet, googled, searched, and on this very internet, in a search engine for information, and read that such and such side effects were most likely associated with such and such a medicine, she simply canceled it, but she there was complex therapy, in this complex it was impossible to take out some medications and leave others, then it was necessary to cancel everything, against the background of this resulting
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hormonal imbalance, we got an unpleasant side effect, the absence of a good result, and our youth got a bad result. but it really, really helps in our work, because we don’t use opportunities so cleverly, when i defended my doctorate, i have a very large list of references, one of my opponents asked, did you really read all these articles, well, even smiling, i said , yes, but some are only abstracts, says why? i say, they are paid, now there are a lot of paid articles, you don’t have enough finances to buy all these articles, they are not always even so affordable, so the guys help with the help of artificial intelligence, and create a drawing so that it
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reflects the essence, but i didn’t copy it, yes, i wouldn’t have been able to do this myself, or they find articles, well, in a slightly larger, let’s say, volume, when you can get more information and understand, because the abstract is sometimes not completely reflects the essence research or some very important details are hidden, so in terms of intellectual and professional development, artificial intelligence is an absolutely amazing thing, we have never had such a volume of knowledge as we have now, because we are constantly, constantly, constantly improving our this professional one...
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that this is a search for the average between the information that is put there, and who puts it there , and where the person takes it from from his experience, the experience of doctors is absolutely invaluable, why is it necessary to search for information on the internet, because when you come to see a doctor, you may not tell him something, well , simply because you forgot something important there or something like that when you start reading. something may be going on in your head, for example, it’s known that antidepressants
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cannot be taken with certain dietary supplements, yes, because they cause panic attacks and all sorts of severe symptoms, yes, yes, yes, but this is nowhere directly, so to speak, it’s not written, and in general bads are considered frivolous things, people generally take them like vitamins, which is completely unacceptable and wrong, just imagine a serious person. the doctor prescribed an antidepressant, and the person takes these vitamins, he begins to have the most terrible panic attacks, this means that the drug did not work well, no, it’s just the addition of this dietary supplement, that’s why there must be trust, and and and such as communication, i sometimes establish communication when the situation is somehow special, i literally communicate with a person either every day or... there once every a week, because i see that it can get out of control, it helps a lot, because
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a person, well, such a person is a rebus, and he will have manifestations that you do not expect, so you know for sure that something will happen, but you cannot predict what exactly, and timely correction solves such issues, but this is unlikely, because well , you are alone, and there are many patients, in this regard , it is good when there are students, they need to gain experience. that if a person takes statins, these are drugs to reduce cholesterol in
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blood and they are lifelong, as they say, they are, that is, these are drugs that in no case should be canceled, no amateur activity is allowed, if the doctor prescribed them, they must be taken, so in no case should they be taken next to grapefruit juice, it simply aggravates the side effects, although in my opinion there are not so many of them, but... nevertheless, why? well , yes, it’s better without it at all, because it scares a person, sometimes there are some manifestations of the medicine, there is a fairly effective remedy, so universal antioxidant, acid, that’s what it’s called, acid, well, there’s a certain theoctic acid, and if you drink it with less water, then it can, a large tablet is enough, if it gets somewhere in the esophagus, a terrible pain begins there with...
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that you check your blood pressure, pulse and so on, drink more water, while we were talking with zhenya it went away, but that’s how it happens, you don’t always, again, you don’t always get through to the doctor, the doctor works a lot, and it’s not clear what to write in the search engine, you write, there’s a tightness behind the sternum and a heart attack, but the will is already it’s time, and the fact that you just took a vitamin, yes, yes, yes, like a vitamin, that ’s why i agree. there are many, many different combinations that are incompatible, and it is impossible
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to predict, provide for, but when a person takes medicine, i always say, take it with water, there is a small list of medicines that it would be advisable to take with milk, for example, yes, but it’s right there, everyone who prescribes these medications is aware, they will say, but others, on the contrary, should never be washed down with milk, nuances, but if you take the medicine with water, how as a rule, nothing bad will happen, that's right, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, a little warmer behind the glass.
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who was forced to take thyroid hormones due to...
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to improve this and simplify the situation, someone else, adults take cardiological drugs, which they also need to take on a daily basis, they think that if they are combined, then everything will be fine, unfortunately not, so
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if the doctor said strictly, no if you don't combine it, then it's not even necessary. or sweetened with nothing, just water and everything will be great, again returning to the topic of our conversation today, this woman, well, would not have found the answer with any water with anything acidified anywhere in any search engine and she would never have asked this question correctly to artificial intelligence either, to get the right answer, what to ask, yes, in this situation, everything seems to be correct, except for the doctor who will get to the bottom of it, who will carry out the investigation. a question that will compare one and the other, maybe that, well, in general, as i understand it, doctors will be in safety, in such a life, for now you are safe, so when students say: yes, soon everything will be replaced by artificial intelligence, i say, enough for your life, you know, this is also, of course, such a small off-topic, they also say the same thing about journalists, nothing
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like that, a good journalist, a person who knows who to ask what question, who has information. who can package it all in such a way that it can be read, looked at, listened to, there with enthusiasm, he has never been anything artificial in his life intellect will not replace it, well, yes, there is no soul in this, but here yes, no, the point, the point is not in the soul, there are too many introductory elements that need to be compared, yes, i wanted to say, there is no soul, but there is intelligence, but it’s not in the soul, you know, that’s when digital photography came to ours... this didn’t happen and there i don’t know how many 10-15 years everyone just forgot, great, so it’s about the same thing, artificial intelligence , search engines and so on, these are excellent
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assistants for a good doctor who nevertheless knows how to work with a patient, how to help him, how to prescribe everything for him, and in the end write out a prescription, the machine will definitely not write out a prescription, it will write it out, it will still be clear, damn it, legible. well, here i think everything will be fine, with the addition of some things, but i think that for now a person, using artificial intelligence, will be needed, maybe in the future, but for now he will be needed. zukhra, do you actually use search engines yourself so that, of course, of course, well, it’s very difficult to do without it, because even the same medicine. has so many names that a patient comes, i ask him, what are you taking, he says this and that, i’m hearing some drugs for the first time, but i can’t ignore them, suddenly they are, well, as
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they say, not very compatible, i’m in the search engine i enter it, the directory opens, and i look at the current principle, then i understand everything, please, there are situations when a person comes with some kind of tricky disease. somehow or in general, i just, well, i don’t know , he has some other kind of illness , i’d like to say it’s not in my specialty, i need to understand what it is, i can be i’ve never encountered this, i don’t know , it’s some kind of syndrome, i’ll forget about it , i’ll read it, i’ll take a look, sometimes i prescribe something for myself on the weekends or in the evening i look through it, i have all sorts of interesting books and i sit.
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that’s why search engines help a lot without them , like without hands everywhere on the phone, and well , sometimes you find yourself somewhere in a place where you need to provide help, but this is the first time you ’ve encountered this, you need to understand how to help a person, that’s the same it happens, but in moscow, by the way, that’s what’s very cool, help is developed medical based on artificial intelligence and so on and so forth, because...
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i can’t figure out the symptoms, i’ll say: dear patient, i have questions, i can’t reliably say that this is something i can handle, or this is not at all according to my profile, and come on, what can i do here, i can send it to someone who does this, yes, i think this is professionally honest, i can ask my colleagues to help, there is a doctor. chats, i post information there without names, without any, and they can tell me, well, situations like this happen, certainly not every day, it’s just a very rare story, but
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it happens. well, this is probably the same story as with clinical recommendations, for every disease, clinical recommendations have practically been issued, in principle this is the same as denying them, saying that the doctor must remember by heart himself to know what how to treat, not nothing of the kind, you must definitely check, so that the person receives the most excellent help, when i interviewed elena zelikovna golukhova, she is the manager institute... bakuleva and a cardiologist, a famous cardiologist, academician, woman doctor, everything turned out well, so she talked about it, it was two or 3 years ago, she said that she had a huge dream so that all the stories diseases, so that all medical practices are all united into one database so that a person, a doctor, a beginner or
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not... can look into this database, compare something, already understand what to start from, in which direction to look, again in order to help as much as possible person, uh-huh, so that’s good, i join you, well, now you can actually almost say that it’s being implemented little by little, and the databases are being united, and that was a great point, olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova were with you.
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our warm greetings to all lovers of harmony, long live russian harmony, and long live oryol's suffering.
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and there’s also some fun to be had,
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take her back.
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this time we were very lucky, we ended up not just in the city of oryol, in a beautiful place called the village of vyatsky passat, this is the oryol district, i’m telling you correctly, and this
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this is specifically a spiritual orthodox center, also under the same name, byatsk posad, and here there is a festival, what’s the name, guess what the name of the festival is, what’s the name, it’s called play the accordion in vyadsky posad, everything came together here, now it would come together musically, here we have representatives of the oryol music college, anna yurusova and artyom nikulin, singing a song by evgeniy derbenko, about harmonicas, very suitable for our situation, applause! oh, the accordions of russia, they have something special, unprecedented strength, unknown power, not
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the mystery has been solved, the inescapable foundations, from the sounds of the spring and the open bellows, the mystery has not been solved. inescapable dreams, from spilling sounds to dug-up sounds, there is joy in it, good luck, changing sadness, my poor russia will cry under the accordion, these buttons will smell the polka dots with beauty, accordions fly over russia, birds fly in threes.
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three accordions are flying over russia, bravo!
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oh, my young little girl, oh, sheodka, my handywoman, i am a chuvel, my chuvel, a new chuvel, a miracle, the first miracle, a miracle, my homeland , you are a bush, a podrakita, and under bush chubil we chubel chubel new induced evening miracle first miracle miracle my homeland.
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how did they pass, two young guys, not rutovye, chuley, my chuley, a new chuley will bring, miracle, first, miracle, miracle, my different, they cut and under the bush, they cut and under the bush, chuley's brought, miracle- faith, miracle, miracle.
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you're a zakhar and i'm a zakhar, we're both zakhar,
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you'll play the harmonica, it's hot, we're composing sochi on the go, where are you, well, we welcome the guest, by the way, i came from the liper region, from the city of yelets, i’m right, and yeletskaya royal harmony is visiting the oryol residents, again it’s good that there will be a drink, why did you bring chistushki, well, we ask and you will sing, of course. yes, everyone here welcomes you well, come on, it’s ready, some with a boyan, some with a guitar, but i ’ll take the accordion, i’ll sing you the perky songs from the heart, you play the gelets harmonica with fingerpicking, surprise the whole of russia with your perky music, there’s bobby in the barleys. under its floods, i
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was walking along a brick bridge with an accordion, i met a very pretty girl there, lucky, lucky, i have two, two accordions it’s supposed that if i break one, there will still be left, if i break the hormone, but what can i do? i’ll go into the forest, i’ll take an ax and make it out of a birch, okay, i sang chants for you, the performance is over, and i... don’t expect applause, knowing myself that well done, well done, well done, the city, our people, you and i are on a wonderful place called vashchenskaya bay, the first
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rock before your eyes, to the rock, oops, but the magnet doesn’t fall, mysticism, it’s nothing more than an arched foot. huge volcano, let's fly, the emotions are simply incredible, we'll gain health, kamchatka is healthy, i ’ve visited a lot of countries, i’ve never seen potatoes like this, this is the only way i’ll cook now, i’ll throw the food into the soup, let’s go, i’ll cook fish in an unusual style, in an asian style, i’ll cook venison with... let's go! premiere. chefs on wheels. today is the first one. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. vodka. pechora, a product of stellar
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group. vodka. veta. product of stellar group. cognac old barrel. i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted for a long time, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, there will be no future that you so colorfully paint for us, i can
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tell our readers about our first time, the film by alexander baluev, the hotel, the premiere of the super camera. for me, this is a movie by a man who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out, on saturday at the first, here in general, but i’m a bitch. this means, as we understand, there is suffering in the oryol region, this is the most favorite tune, and there are two types of suffering: short and long. short means drawn-out, that is, two-line, here it doesn’t add up a little, as if short, not, on the contrary,
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long, yes, it means drawn-out, but two lines, and short means more often, but four, but four lines. so, first, come on, nikolai ivanovich, you know everything local here, that means the first long ones are coming out, show me a little, come on, we’ll try to meet the knife, and you begin, oh, cutie, the sun has set, and outside the village the accordion began to sing, oh- oh-oh, sobra, and we, and we, let’s not write it too, it’s long, that means, oh in rlovčina we've been there, oh we got here again, ah-yay-yay! oh, that's it, and now those short ones, usually four lines, you start again!


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