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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 24, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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more than 3,000 cars, 1,500 walkie-talkies and much more. another direction is the kuliben club. the popular front throughout russia is looking for craftsmen to promote their developments needed on the front line. for example, light maneuverable and highly passable bugs. the most active participants in the project were awarded memorable signs. everything for victory. dozens of people, inventors, engineers, teachers, doctors, journalists. first deputy of the presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko, read out the greeting from the head of state to the address. position, for your contribution to the fate of russia, i am sure that you will henceforth worthily i sincerely thank you for your patriotic fulfillment of your high mission, i wish you all the best success, president of russia, vladimir vladimirovich putin. one of the current tasks of the special operation is the formation of a sanitary zone in the kharkov direction. to
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ensure the safety of civilians in our border region, the president talks about who is pushing the ukrainian military to carry out senseless attacks, and about the price they will once again have to pay for this. yes, we know that primarily americans, europeans, they are pushing the ukrainians to squeeze out our unit at any cost, again, i want to emphasize this, at any cost, again at any cost. on the state border line plans to present this as a major success in 2024 in connection with the upcoming nato summit, and then the elections in the united states, well , let's see what will actually happen, but this team at any cost, i assure you that it is so , i know what i’m talking about, if it is not based on reality, it will again cost the ukrainians very dearly...
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however, zelensky, who is already more has been in power illegally for a month, he is not interested in the price, on the contrary, his main concern is to send as many citizens as possible into the trenches, because the western masters, as vladimir putin said, are not waiting, they are in a hurry, they demand victory, the ukrainian military commissars and police are working with triple zeal , they have succeeded so much in the hunt for the male population that the streets of large cities are empty, ivan kanavalov is monitoring the situation. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has a dilemma on how to build. strong defense in the kharkov
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or donetsk region, where russian troops they are systematically opening up the positions of the ukrainian army, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky , does not have enough forces, the alternative is meaty counterattacks with very limited support from armored vehicles, in order to somehow contain the russian steam roller, the losses are huge. let me remind you that a huge number of american politicians have always talked about one thing: we give you money, we impose sanctions against... russia, your task is to kill your population, today the regime of former president zelensky is quite clear with this task cope, they try to destroy the gene pool of their country by simply sending them on meat assaults. the ukrainian press is buzzing about the fact that the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine consider commander-in-chief syrsky to be an extremely weak strategist and thus justify the continuous failures at the front. however, the key factor in failures in ssu obviously remains personal.
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at the same time, ukrainian public pages are leaking insider information that syrsky promised zelensky a new counter-offensive at the end of august in order to try to achieve at least some result before the us elections, therefore, mobilization methods will be tightened, the mobilization age has already been lowered from 27.
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yes, we need to lower the age for participation in the defense of ukraine, for participation in hostilities, and the fact that the age has now been lowered from 27 to 25 years old, unfortunately, it is quite possible that in the current conditions this will not be the last reduction in the draft age for mobilization. some have already laid out an ideological basis for this matter, quite in the spirit of goebbels, dividing the ukrainian people into an elite and not caring about people. for example, the commander.
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according to unofficial data, from beatings, and the father was told that his son had a stroke, there are more and more people dying at the hands of military commissars, but no one has been punished for this yet, however, to calm public opinion , cases are sometimes opened, here is the son of vinnytsia trade center official valery kishchuk , for 20 thousand dollars he promised to draw up documents through his father to those liable for military service. to travel abroad, he now faces 8 years with confiscation of property, but it is unlikely that the wives and mothers of the mobilizers, enraged by the military commissar’s lawlessness, will be satisfied with such a petty sacrifice, but they themselves don’t want to go to war, well , since the age of 20 they’ve been wanting to make it a total
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shameless thing, so look, they’re eating, they’re catching what you’re catching, and they took the men who will boost the economy. retaliatory measures against military commissars have not yet been carried out with weapons in their hands, but the cars of tcc employees catch fire in the courtyards of ukrainian cities almost every day. tccs actually work like histapas, grabbing people on the street indiscriminately and sending even those with disabilities to the front. but the worst thing is that the bet is made mainly on older people, on older people, this is due to the fact.
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the openly anti-russian polish publication mysl polska notes that the ukrainian economy is on the verge of collapse. the country's economy is in a state of agony, which, forced to function in war mode, is clearly strained. ukraine's sharply declining population does not have the strength to carry the country's huge debt, already reaching $150 billion, or more than 100% of gdp. ukraine undoubtedly faces the threat of complete insolvency. and against this background, the verkhovna rada voted in the first vote for bill to create a military police. this structure will far exceed the powers of
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the current police and military registration and enlistment offices combined. she will have the right to collect and pay for denunciations of draft dodgers, and also to break into apartment buildings in search of deserters. all this is obviously the final stage of creating a total police state, which is so necessary for the usurper zelensky to retain power, since he has not been the legitimate president of ukraine for a month now. and even visibility. legitimacy evaporated after the failure the so-called peace summit in switzerland, an absolutely empty final communication that key players in the global south refused to sign. saudi arabia, india, brazil, south africa, they all refused to sign up to this. the saudis are saying that , essentially, if this war can be brought to an end, it will require a lot of difficult compromises on the part of ukraine, and some countries, iraq, jordan and rwanda, later their...
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i've been hearing for 20 years that if ukraine is accepted into nato, for russia this will become a real
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problem, i have heard this many times, i am convinced that this is the real reason for this military conflict. whether trump remains faithful to this position or not, after the elections, ukrainian draft dodgers don’t care, they are fleeing, it is obvious that with the adoption of new additions to the draconian law on mobilization, they will flee with a vengeance. ivankanavalov, channel one, according to our ministry of defense , 37 ukrainian soldiers surrendered in a week, this is what one of them says about the mood at the front, and in ukrainian society in general: there weren’t enough people, it seems to me that throughout ukraine there is a shortage in the armed forces, young people do not want to go, young people saw, heard on the news, and from friends, and as they say, word of mouth and radio are doing their job. that is, if someone comes on vacation, he will definitely tell you how and what is happening, why, why he does not want
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to return there, to positions or locations. the people are now very dissatisfied with the decisions that the government is making regarding both mobilization and demobilization. ukrainian commanders diligently intimidate their subordinates, in in particular, they recommend always having a cartridge and a grenade for yourself. the greater the surprise when instead of the promised kiev propaganda. at the chernobyl station and was captured on the very first day of the svo; i have not seen my little daughter since then. when i left, it was
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only 7 months, so i was just starting to walk, so i hope there’s already something chirping, already talking, well, waiting for a bullet, it’s lunch time, they don’t eat in the common dining room, in their cells, as you can see , today we have very tasty pea soup with meat, rice, the bread is always fresh, thanks to the cooks, thanks to the employees of the institution, that’s why they try for us. at the front, everyone, of course, eats differently, but those who sat for weeks and even months in dugouts and bunker basements say that sometimes they wanted the simplest things, for example, fresh bread, here they get it in abundance, like other food according to the approved menu, many admit that they even gained weight in captivity, i came here, i was 58 kg, now i’m 65, well, now
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judge for yourself how they feed us here, the attitude good, the food is excellent, i even gained weight, medical care is also available, if necessary they will change the dressing, measure the pressure, check the general condition. this is, of course, not a hospital, but there is everything necessary for primary medical care. reddish, perhaps from there a slight, slight malaise, anti-inflammatory powder. thanks a lot. prisoners cannot work, precisely because they are not convicted. regular walks are allowed. there are even exercise machines in the courtyards. available entertainment includes chess and checkers, radio and tv. a lot of they read, everything from religious literature to fiction is in great demand in libraries. having served his military service in the soviet army, which was heavily mobilized into the ukrainian armed forces in the 22nd, kiev engineer andrei naumenko prefers russian classics; when choosing a book, he begins to think about how it happened that his people were set against russia? my brother, the eldest , took me to work part-time, to earn money in russia,
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this is after school, now these are enemies, what kind of enemies? i was treated to such savory stuff there, but in general there you need the village of kletskaya, here they are enemies, why are they enemies? vladimir putin recently announced a figure: almost 6.5 ukrainian prisoners are being held in russia, the cells of correctional institutions are full of former fellow soldiers, and entire units are surrendering. at the beginning of last year, alexander vakhovsky was summoned to the administration of his native village, allegedly to clarify his passport details. data, a military commissar was waiting for him there with a summons. a month of training in germany, then to the front line. the lessons of american instructors did not help. for two weeks his motorized rifle company, consisting of the same unlucky mobilized, sat under fire in the village of novoselovsky, in the kupinsky direction, and then surrendered in full force. the company commander was not there. so, you never saw him and, accordingly, he
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was not captured along with you, no way. only privates and privates who were on the front line were hit. all the commands are very far in the rear and they don’t move up to the front, they threw us on the front, they forgot about us, they forgot, they haven’t remembered since, the days pass in painful ignorance, the prisoners are supported by prayers, i pray for my relatives loved ones, i pray that today all wars will stop on our land, my relatives in ukraine are waiting for me, at the moment -
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the score is already big, smart, she doesn’t forget you, don’t worry about it, she says: dad is my cat, i i love you very, very much, sailor alexander muzyka, from the thirty-sixth marine brigade that was defeated in mariupol , the same one that surrendered, remaining beheaded after the flight of brigade commander boronyuk, marine muzyka, who served kiev to the last, was abandoned twice, first by the commanders on the front line, and then yours country in captivity, i am here and they can’t...
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i watched her rushing around the car, she apparently smelled the smell, but couldn’t see her anymore, and it was very painful for me to part with her, and i
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understood that i was leaving her, but russian volunteers, who later collected abandoned animals on the territory of the plant, found the dog and were able to send it to dmitry’s parents in the kiev region through the red cross. recently, a prisoner received a letter with a photograph: here she is alpha, next to his loved ones, i did not expect to see her ever again and often. honestly i have to admit, i even dreamed about her, i dreamed about her more than once and my conscience tormented me, apparently, she has even whelped several times already, it turns out that the russians not only saved the enemy’s life, but even rescued his dog, their own, someone else’s, for selyutin everything turned upside down, you do you want to return to ukraine? no, why? probably because of what i had already experienced, because of how they treated us in mariupol. i’ve had enough of war, i’ve had enough of betrayal, i think that here in the russian federation, i will find my happiness, so to speak, and there are already many of them here,
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vitaly ryazantsev also connects his future with our country, because his hometown is now russia, he would like to return home to where his parents are, this is in mariupol, you understand that for this you will have to take russian citizenship, yes, i understand if there is ... opportunity, then you can take russian citizenship, but even those who hope to exchange days and nights, dreaming of meeting relatives, think with horror about the prospect of being on the front line again. once already thrown into a meat grinder by kiev, they miraculously escaped, but there may not be a second chance be. alexey kruchinin, dmitry popkov, ravil mengaleev and kirill danilov. first channel. russia will continue to develop the nuclear triad - this is a matter of strategic containment and balance of power in the world. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with. nuclear weapons and the possibility of their use were discussed at the press conference of the russian leader in vietnam. do you assume that among these
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changes it will appear that our nuclear doctrine will include a clause on the possibility of launching a preventive nuclear strike? you know, we, i think i said that we are now thinking about what and how in this nuclear doctrine and strategy could be changed. this is due to this, this is due to the fact that new, new, and in any case we know that the potential enemy is working on it, new elements associated with the reduction, with the reduction of the use of nuclear weapons, with the lowering of the threshold of use, in in particular , ultra-low-power explosive nuclear devices are being developed, and we know that in expert circles in the west there are rumors... that such weapons could be would apply, and there is nothing particularly terrible in this, it may not be terrible, but we are obliged to pay attention to this, and we
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are paying attention to this, and this is connected with my statement that we think about possible changes in our strategies, preemptive strike? a preventive strike, we don’t need it yet, because in response to a counter strike the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed about personnel changes in our military department. defense minister andrei belousov has four new deputies. according to the presidential decree. leonid became the first deputy gornin. he will oversee finances. gornin worked in the ministry of finance for more than 10 years, was involved in financing state defense orders and law enforcement agencies. anna tseveleva, who last year headed the defenders of the fatherland foundation, will be responsible for social issues. oleg sovelev, a former auditor of the accounts chamber, became the chief of staff of the head of the department. and another deputy minister of defense, pavel. previously the first deputy manager of the president's affairs, and before that the deputy head of the federal property management agency. ministry of defense , he will be in charge of managing property and construction. the minister himself
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visited primorye on thursday with a large-scale inspection focusing on the provision of housing for svo participants. andrei belausov inspected several construction sites, including the military camp of the 155th guards marine brigade. he took some objects under personal control and in an accessible language, explained to those in charge the importance of meeting deadlines. 300 people, you will report to me monthly the number of mechanisms and the number of people, just try, it’s not on time, just try, i understand, this will be your criminal liability, just in case, not social, give the widest publicity to the facts of the monstrous crimes of the kiev regime against children, the state duma and the federation council were called for this this week, the parliamentary commission spent a year collecting data from all possible sources, checking the information received in the end presented an impressive base of evidence of the guilt of ukrainian militants; since 1914 , they have killed about 300 children, thousands more were injured, and that’s not all. boiling,
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sale of minors abroad, the list is long. russia saves children and does everything to reunite families separated by hostilities . we have developed a safe, effective mechanism for the reunification of children with their families; since october 23 , the state of quatres has been actively participating in it. through various channels and through intermediaries, we have received and continue to receive lists of different origins, but their key problem is that the information in them has not been verified. often. it's just about families who, on their own , continue to believe that this is something that moved to russia, but the ukrainian side is illegal or the lists contain families who have been living in donbass for a long time, no one is looking for them, there is simply data about them in the registration systems ukraine. in total , at the moment we have managed to reunite nine children with five families in russia, as well as 70 children with 52 families in ukraine. the armed attack in makhachkala and derbent
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is criminal. collected all the latest information dmitry malyshev. in the footage taken by an eyewitness, three people in black clothes are clearly visible, one of them is shooting at a car of internal affairs officers passing at high speed. this is makhachkala, a group of militants attacked a traffic police post, the criminals are armed. they don’t hide their faces with machine guns, they shoot back, including with sniper weapons, and for some reason they search a police car. tonight in derbent and makhachkala, unknown persons attempted to destabilize the social situation; employees stood in their way dagestan police, an interception plan has been announced, an operational headquarters has been created, all necessary decisions will be made promptly in the interests of the safety of the residents of the republic. shootouts with the attackers at the traffic police post killed one policeman, six were wounded,
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in fact, they tied up the attackers in battle. within half an hour, the first reports of killed terrorists began to arrive. ten people killed two, here they are. they were the ones shooting from rifles with optical sights. investigators said some of the weapons were foreign- made. meanwhile, derbent was burning synagogue and orthodox church. according to local security forces, a priest, sixty-six-year-old father nikolai kotelnikov, was killed. there were also reports of a murdered guard of an orthodox church in makhachkala. all approaches to the cities were blocked, and the search began for the surviving terrorists. other activities and coordination of the activities of law enforcement forces are ensured by the operational headquarters in the republic of dagestan. two were detained almost immediately. the author of these shots
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claims that... the security forces did not leave the terrorists a chance to escape, like this, like this, work, brothers, the operation continues now, by this hour it is known that seven law enforcement officers have died, 25 people have been wounded, four terrorists have been eliminated. dmitry malyshev, fedor yurasov, channel one. they blew it up. let's return to vladimir putin's asian tour. russia and vietnam are strengthening their strategic partnership, and moscow and hanoi are ready to develop not only existing formats, but also create new ones. this has been said. there are many areas: from nuclear energy to tourism, cooperation between the two states has a rich story. many vietnamese studied in our country back in soviet times, since then they speak excellent russian, love and appreciate everything connected with russia. our correspondent, maryana yatskevich, was convinced of this. vladimir putin is greeted at
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hanoi international airport, the president of russia is greeted. deputy chairman of the government of vietnam, as well as the secretary of the central committee of the communist party, delegations from both sides and the reporting karau. already in the afternoon at the presidential palace, to the familiar melodies of soviet songs, forty-degree heat, guards, orchestras and journalists awaiting the arrival of vladimir putin. the vietnamese feel special cordiality and sympathy for the russian leader. always great, i love putin. the presidential aura enters the territory of the palace on the square; in front of the main entrance, vladimir putin and president talam shook hands and hugged each other. after the photographing ceremony, we decided to linger and talk for a long time about something; the protocol officer had to remind the interpreters of the need to keep their distance. talam and vladimir putin went for negotiations, at this time there is a rush on aurus, everyone wants to take a souvenir photo with the russian leader’s car, even
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the vietnamese police motorcyclists accompanying him. it was built by the french; once upon a time the governor-general of indo-china even sat here. the gates of the presidential palace are reminiscent of the past colonial heritage; where the coat of arms of the governor-general used to be, there is a gaping void and the flag of the com party can be seen. president allama now emphasizes that vietnam is pursuing an independent, independent, peaceful foreign policy, about this on negotiations and adds. at the same time, we attach great importance to the development of traditional friendship and strategic partnership with russia. we consider russia one of vietnam’s foreign policy priorities. in turn, russia is ready to strengthen its partnership with vietnam. strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam remains one of our priorities. last year , trade turnover grew by 8%.
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intergovernmental commissions on both sides are working closely on this. the growth of trade turnover certainly contributes and the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between euroaz and vietnam. we coordinate our, our actions and. on the international stage. further exchange of signed documents agreed on cooperation in many areas of education, science and technology. today we are signing an agreement with one of the large vietnamese funds on joint investments, to invest in vietnam, vietnamese companies have invested in russia. we also plan to invest in an industrial park between russia and vietnam, a technology park. vietnam interested in the supply of russian weapons. traditionally, we have also supplied combat aircraft here.
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meeting with the general secretary of the communist party phochochong and communication with the leadership of the russian-vietnamese friendship society, as well as with graduates of russian and soviet universities, of course we got an education there, we received this very knowledge, these
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are very dear scenes for us, you know, this is the culture, the customs of the russians, the slavic people, this is very good for us, the russian leader arrived at the theater together with the president of vietnam thalam on the introductory layer. vladimir putin noted that since the last meeting in 2001, he has the warmest and kindest memories. i am sincerely glad to meet with graduates of our country’s universities and to once again find myself in the circle of reliable friends of russia. he also emphasized that translators will be left without work today, there is simply no need for them, because everyone sitting in the hall has studied the russian language and the history of our country. he also noted that russia has always evoked sincere respect, courage, perseverance, and heroism of the vietnamese in the struggle. for your independence, as well as the hard work of the vietnamese people, who went through the most difficult trials with honor. the fight for one’s historical roots, for one’s traditional values, is extremely important for any state, for any country and for
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any people who want to preserve their identity as such. this brings the peoples of our two sides closer together. questions poured in from the audience. now there are a lot of vietnamese citizens. go blind from corneal disease, and i know that in russia there are very strong eye tissue bank centers for mdk eye microsurgery, and this has always been my dream, how to do this, to organize the same eye bank here, so that we can do corneal transplants in vietnam, you speak with practically no accent, well, anything with practically no accent, it’s great if you think that i am such an expert on all the issues that will be raised here, you are mistaken, but i will do everything to help you create the kind of bank you said about. following the state visit, a joint statement was adopted by the two russian countries. vietnam will assist the formation of a fair, sustainable multipolar world order based on the un charter. vladimir putin took part in
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the laying ceremony at the hashemina mausoleum. it was he who once managed to lay the foundation of fraternal friendship between our countries, which continues now, and the fact that the attitude of the vietnamese towards the russian president and towards all of russia is the warmest confirms both... the republic and vietnam, a very significant
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event, i would even said, not just significant, but potentially historical, potential and historical not only because as are korea, north korea and vietnam, important countries in an important region with which russia is interested in developing good and meaningful relations. including relations in terms of geopolitical cooperation, but the fact is that these are also two countries where in the past, during the cold war, the soviet union helped, respectively, north korea and then north vietnam to resist american aggression and in that other case achieve impressive. in the case of vietnam
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, complete victory over the united states. important and another thing, the important thing is that this is the first time since the end of the cold war, after the collapse of the warsaw pact organization, the first time that the new russia has signed such broad geopolitical agreements as the one that was signed.
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russian weapons, it was not even announced that there are specific plans for how such weapons will be supplied to north korea, but it is no secret that the democratic people's republic of korea is already supporting russia in the war taking place in ukraine. so why such extreme outrage? it turns out, as mr. miller and other american officials explained. they are not happy because any arms supplies
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to north korea would violate the relevant un security council resolution, but this is another example of american hypocrisy, because we see how in the case of israel, the united states very calmly ignores how israel has been ignoring for decades. resolution of the un security council regarding the creation of a palestinian state, and not only ignores this resolution, but continues to support israel massive economic and military assistance. in fact, the reason for american and more broadly nato indignation at president putin’s visit is completely different. this visit clearly fits in. in the context of the new russian
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policy, to provide tough resistance, to resist the unilateral escalation carried out in the west by the united states and its allies. russia has repeatedly warned the united states that it will supply ukraine with a huge amount of weapons, financing at the level of dozens. and hundreds of billions of dollars, providing intelligence information, now is a new moment, the supply of long-range precision missiles by the united states.
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russia has repeatedly warned that this kind of behavior will not... inevitably force russia to take serious retaliatory steps, all the warnings have been made, all possible calls have already taken place, but washington does not want to hear. however, this is such a characteristic feature of american diplomacy. in the fifties, president truman was repeatedly warned that if
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american troops were their south korean puppets, that if their... forces would move closer and closer to the chinese border, which will inevitably result in a military response. chinese response supported by the soviet union. this was completely ignored by president truman. chinese troops crossed the border, soviet pilots appeared in the skies of korea and the united states had to sign a truce, then an agreement that... that this truce would be indefinite, this state, if you like, of neither peace nor war, still exists in korea, now president putin is warning, president putin is warning the biden administration that if the current line on ukraine continues, then
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russia will take decisive action, as large-scale as ... far-reaching, this will, of course, depend on how the united states behaves. when the united states, many years ago, during the vietnam war, did not heed similar warnings and calls from the soviet union. it ended in a military disaster. the united states suffered a very serious defeat. and now in april, in april. seventy-five leonid ilyich brezhnev sent a telegram to the soviet ambassador in washington anatoly dobrynin, which stated: leonidolich brezhnev would like to draw the attention of the president, meaning president gerald ford, to the importance of the american
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country showing maximum restraint and composure in the current situation and not doing anything . states, but president ford, but his secretary of state henry kissincher, had enough common sense not to let the situation get out of control, let's see if there is enough the biden administration has common sense, and maybe this... the next president donald trump will have to show common sense. and one more thing about common sense: western media are trying to drive a wedge between moscow and beijing using the agreements reached in hinyang and hanoi, but firstly, china has repeatedly stated that it fully supports russia’s efforts to build
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a security system in the asian-tehoken region, and secondly, it would be nice for the west to finally get rid of colonial rhetoric. for example. stoltenberg, who, as is expected to resign from the post of nato secretary general in the fall, and threatened sanctions against china because of his position on ukraine. china is trying to support both russia's military efforts and relations with european countries, this will not work in the long term. what can nato members do about china's support for russia? we are discussing possible sanctions, china is sharing many technologies, such as microelectronics, that are key for russia in creating missile weapons. copes well, and secondly, beijing has repeatedly stated its position, extremely balanced and objective, recognized russia’s right to take steps dictated by
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security, it is nato that threatens russia, and not vice versa, and regarding the ukrainian crisis he even proposed his own peace plan, that’s what they answered stoltenberg from china this time. the north atlantic alliance has become a relic of the cold war that needs to rethink its own existence rather than criticize china's position. donald trump. the current and former presidents will go head to head next thursday. and if trump, persecuted prosecutors sparkle and burn with a verb, then
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the hovering biden causes great concern even among his own associates. mikhail okinchenko will tell you more. no matter how hard the secret service officers tried to cover up their boss’s weakness with their bodies, the camera still captured joe biden, who, approaching the car, raised one leg and froze. unable to lift the second one off the ground. the following published images were already taken at the airfield. the american president still managed to climb up the stairs to the plane without outside help and never even once tripped. this is likely the last appearance of the current owner of the white house before the televised debate scheduled for june 27. the remaining time, as stated in biden's press service, he will devote to preparing for this event. his main rival, meanwhile, on the contrary, does not hide from anyone and does not miss opportunities. slander him, they'll pump him up like that, they'll pump him up like that, you know, a few months ago something was left in the white house,
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who could it be, let's think about it, someone left a laptop in a workshop so that it could be repaired, and someone did not take it, cocaine hundreds of thousands of dollars, who could it be, hundreds of thousands of dollars, of course, an exaggeration, we are talking about bags of cocaine weighing 1 g, which were found last summer in one of the closed to outsiders premises of the white house. security ultimately failed to figure out who brought the drug, but this does not stop trump from hinting to the president’s son hunter about a possible interest in his father’s substances. the fact that the elder biden is no longer able to do without stimulants in washington is now spoken openly and not embarrassed. media mogul steve forbes is confident that without additional support, the current president simply has no chance. unlike other public appearances, the president will not be assisted by teleprompters. his spontaneous statements.
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let's not forget that president obama and president biden have a good relationship, they are friends, they are like family, that's what you saw, you saw president obama put his hand on president biden's back, the two of them walked off stage, that's what you saw . it didn’t turn out too convincing, especially on against the backdrop of a whole series of similar incidents. in recent days, the american liberal media are still taking the rap for biden’s strange behavior at the g7 summit, when he suddenly broke away from his colleagues and wandered off to
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the side; the prime minister of italy brought him back into line. it is these shots that are now taboo on us pro-democracy television channels; others were found there. here is a shot from a different angle, after the parachutists landed, president biden turned in their direction to tell them something to show his thumb before his hands touched upon by the prime minister of italy. the truth of this video is that joe biden is very kind, but the competitors, on the contrary, are, so to speak, the quintessence of evil, they do not disdain the dirtiest methods, the shots discrediting the president are entirely their doing, they assure the white house. these are cheap video fakes, just cheap video fakes, they were made for dishonest purposes. cheap video fakes. remember this expression if you dare to make an unintelligible noise.
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believe exclusively in official propaganda, according to polls, at least 75% of voters do not want to see biden as president, this does not mean at all that they are all for trump, they are simply not categorically satisfied with biden, and if white voters are mostly conservative in their party preferences, it does not matter if they are for democrats or for the republicans, the main battle was for the votes of latino and black voters. the traditionally democratic electorate is openly disappointed with the current president. look at the black voters under fifty guys, it's just crazy, 80% support in 2020, and now this figure has collapsed to 37%, more than doubled. i have never seen anything like this, i have no words. the fact that ultra-liberal cnn openly talks about biden’s election prospects in such a tone is remarkable in itself, but these are only faint echoes of much more
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serious underlying processes that are now taking place. in the depths of the democratic party, the daily mail unearthed. the leadership of the democratic party says that if events happen develop according to the worst-case scenario, then there are two options left: either joe biden and his family will make the right choice and step aside, or if they do not, nancy pilossi, barack obama, bill clinton, chuck schumer will together call on joe's family to leave . and even if biden demonstrates the wonders of oratory at the debate, there are no questions about his physicality.
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not so much a constructive conversation about the challenges facing the country, but rather an emotional squabble with a personal touch. while trump presses on weakness his opponent, biden's campaign released an advertising video in which he emphasized the criminal inclinations of the former president. it’s not for nothing that they were in such a hurry to reach a verdict in the case of payments for silence to porn actress stormy daniels. in the courtroom we saw trump for who he really is. he was found guilty of 34 criminal counts.
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which was recorded in four russian regions at once. more than 300 people turned to doctors for help in the capital, moscow and nizhny novgorod regions, as well as in tatarstan. all victims demanded and we tried a salad from a popular supplier of ready-made meals; as it turned out, they were produced in unsanitary conditions. investigators are now sorting out the details of the high-profile criminal case, well, our correspondent anna kurbatova talked to the victims and found out from experts whether there is any way to protect yourself? we bought lobio salad, bought salad, lobio. breathe. severe poisoning in four regions of russia at once. moscow, moscow region, nizhny novgorod region, tatarstan, only in... more than three hospitals hundreds of people, some are still in intensive care on artificial lung ventilation devices, they ate food delivered to them, all of them were diagnosed with batulism, double vision, and balance worsened,
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my consciousness began to cloud, i could no longer walk, move independently, in principle speech worsened every minute, medical workers worked very quickly and efficiently, the symptoms of botulism do not look like ordinary poisoning, speech test, thirty-third artillery brigade, that’s how you did it. alexandra khavronina from kazan to the hospital keeps a video diary, this is the course of the disease, day three, it is difficult to pronounce words and generally move, but now , thanks to the doctors, she can at least open her eyes. the helpers were like having a stroke, they brought us here with a convoy, and at that point it was already difficult for me. it was impossible to open my eyes at all, my eyelids were heavy, doctors say that recovery could take from a week or even up to six months. the stories of the victims begin
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as a carbon copy: they ordered a salad with nadoma beans, then it all started. elena elisheva from moscow just tried the appetizer. i i ordered this salad on june eleventh and wanted to try it for the first time. and now it’s been more than 10 days since she’s been here. 100% vision went into minus, during the interview, even our camera, standing just three steps from her, says, she sees something like this, my vision has dropped sharply, i can’t focus my eyes, i look at my feet when i walk, the ground is under me the legs float away. batulism is a deadly infectious disease that affects the nervous system and brain, it disrupts the transmission from nerve to muscle, which a person needs. breathe, batulism ultimately causes acute respiratory failure , death from respiratory arrest, a person can provide some kind of first aid to himself, no way, nothing, if he feels it, he
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successfully calls an ambulance, how can you protect yourself, but in general no way, the main source of this toxin, or something, is 60-70% of us - these are home-canned mushrooms, but if i tell you not to eat them, well, i’ll probably tell you, but there’s no point in it, you can boil these mushrooms. for example, the toxin will be destroyed, but show me a person who boils salted mushrooms before eating, the disease is serious, really insidious, as the word bean salad sounds, well, obviously, of course, our patients, it didn’t occur to them that they need to boil these beans, it didn’t occur because in in this case, the food does not change its usual taste or smell, it tasted like the same absolutely normal beans, we didn’t even understand that it was something of poor quality. so unnoticed, food can be contaminated by a bacterium called clastridium botulinum. she lives mainly in soil in itself is harmless, but as soon as oxygen is cut off, it begins to multiply and secrete poison, botulinum toxin,
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so most often poorly washed vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, rolled into a tin can or vacuum packed, turn into poison. the cause of mass poisoning this time, according to rospotrebnadzor, was beans from the supplier savon k.. all victims ordered ready-made food from a delivery service or bought it in supermarkets. lobio salad from local kitchen service. its second name is kitchen in the area. behind a sign that doesn't respond standards of the russian language, there were products that did not meet sanitary and epidemiological standards. moscow region, outskirts of balashikha. this is an industrial zone, there is a landfill very close by, but this is the same area, and behind this fence is the very kitchen where... the beans that caused mass poisoning were prepared, there is a huge number of dirty, discarded containers, in those cucumbers were fermenting in black bins, in twenty-degree heat, it stinks
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all over the area, we go around on the other side, here’s where the beans were made, here’s the side, muhammad works at a neighboring enterprise, he came from tajikistan, he calls it a hostel, in which he has been living for a month, the employees who... prepared the beans, he says, he saw, they also lived without leaving production right on the territory behind the fence, it is still drying here their blankets and sheets, you can see from here if you look closely at these dirty...
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packaging for the purpose of subsequent storage and transportation warehouse of the local kitchen company. all this was done with minimal costs and violations of safety requirements when organizing public catering. anything cooked with unclean hands was also stored at random. the company independently established the shelf life of the non-sterile product up to 2 months at temperatures from +2 to +25°. which ultimately led to the accumulation of a large amount. according to data from
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open sources, the company employs only seven people, but then the question is how a company with such a staff produced such volumes of food; according to rospotrebnadzor, almost 200 tons of products were withdrawn from circulation. after the introduction of a moratorium on inspections, almost every year the number of violations in the production and delivery of prepared food doubles; in 2023 , 80% of such violations were detected. more than in the twenty-second year, we are talking about, in fact, thousands of violations, the lion's share of violations, says the chairman of the public council under rospotrebnadzor, are accounted for by the so-called ghost restaurants, which even have their own term: dark kitchen, kitchen, which no one sees, and often does not even know where it is, so last year more than 70 people in rostov-on-don were hospitalized with salmanosis, food samples from the currently popular healthy nutrition kits. good
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food, as promised, with calories already calculated, led to bad, to put it mildly, consequences, and there, too, in many buildings there was no hot water, the staff worked without medical books, and the door from the toilet in one of the rooms led directly to the kitchen. according to our estimates, there are several dozen such companies. if we are talking about kitchens in the area, there have been no less than seven warnings over the past 2 years, all of them related to issues of quality and safety. the investigation of this case will be carried out by the main investigation department, but the activities of the companies are now suspended. anna kurbatova, natalya litovka, nikolay sesoev, veronica elvutchenko, vanika vishnyakova, channel one. rub 17,733 this will be the minimum subsistence level for russia as a whole next year. the government increased the figure on instructions from the president. for citizens this means many social benefits.
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whose income does not reach the regional subsistence level. providing social guarantees are our priority, and people must receive the state support they are entitled to. in a timely manner in full, this has passed, please control throughout the country. the weather continues to bring surprises, a powerful thunderstorm front in bashkiria, heavy rain hit ufa, plus strong gusts of wind, roads, courtyards and cafe parking lots were flooded. the cars were carried away by a stormy stream. water rushed into public transport. some areas at the airport were flooded, but now the air harbor is operating normally. here wonderful. the mega-rainstorm that hit
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the capital last thursday will be discussed for a long time; in the moscow region and the moscow region , tornadoes were recorded, a rare phenomenon for the middle zone. what are the causes of weather disasters and what to expect next from the heavenly office. maria saushkina talked to experts about this. in omsk. there are tornadoes all around near the house, there are tornadoes in pskov, and now everything will start flying everywhere, a ten-force storm in moscow.
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heavy rainfall in the north-east of moscow led to flooding like this, i’m now i’m walking along the sidewalk, literally up to my knees, and the weather is bad, we were warned in advance, but not everyone was able to protect themselves. on academician ilyushin street , a tree fell on a car, the ministry of emergency situations rescues a man from the car, he is urgently hospitalized. there was a pregnant woman in one of the cars; she was also given all the necessary assistance and taken to the hospital. during a hurricane, a tree.
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scientists emphasize that in the entire history of observations there have not been such rapid changes as now, but there is also good news, for example, the hydromedical center this time i was able to predict the appearance of a tornado, this is a difficult natural phenomenon to predict, this is generally such a unique case that within a day
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we predicted, well, we predict the weather well, one might say, showers, thunderstorms, increased squally winds, and tornadoes, in my memory, not once in a day didn't predict. these are the devices that allow us to obtain information about the distribution of air masses about other dangerous phenomena about the wind over the arctic region, no one in the world has such a system, we are all
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we know that there is such a stable expression that the arctic is the kitchen of the weather, today there are opportunities to correct the weather, with the help of aviation they are bombarding cumulus clouds. agents, however, from the point of view of food security, even heavy rainfall is always better than drought. in the central black earth regions, especially in the rostov region, there was a deficit of precipitation, here it was in april and may, and this caused a certain concern. frosts, by the way, do not affect the growing season of grain crops. there is such a concept productive moisture, generally speaking, is very small in the rostov region.
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during sowing, there was a slight drought, but then the weather made adjustments, there was light precipitation, we got smooth, friendly shoots, and we tried to preserve the harvest until now. harvesting of grain peas, winter barley and early ripening varieties of winter wheat is already underway. thanks to timely rains, farmers in the region expect to harvest this year. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one, in the studio yulia zemina and nikita pimenov, hello everyone, good morning, on the calendar june 24, monday, well, let's wake up, let's not waste time, we have a busy, interesting morning ahead of us. so, we will take a trip to chuvashia, they are celebrating republic day today, on which we congratulate everyone, we will remember how to check
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the meters, we will talk about which vegetables and fruits should be washed before eating, and we will also choose a reliable fan, we will begin to prepare for graduation in the evenings, it’s interesting, we’ll find out everything about applying to universities online, and this, of course, is not all that awaits you this morning, we’ll start right now traditions from an invigorating warm-up, uh-huh, so let's go, who's warming up what? good morning, in beach volleyball the power of an attacking blow depends not only on the hands, but also on the strength of the oblique abdominal muscles, i will show you how to strengthen them. join us, the exercise will be useful for everyone who wants to have a thin waist and a flat stomach. we lift our backs and spread our arms to the sides, bend our knees and tilt our legs to the right. then to the left. version
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for experienced athletes. we straighten our legs and continue to practice. this exercise will help strengthen your abs, especially your obliques and backs. include it in your daily workout to stay healthy and fit . june this year, to put it mildly, is varied, sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s raining, sometimes there are some thunderstorms just like that, uh, well, of course, we won’t grumble and be sad about this, because after the rain there is always a rainbow, and after thunderstorms breathe so well, i agree, in general the june rains are a real benefit, charged, dripped, poured, rain again, we count the benefits, the soil is moistened, the trees and grass grow more actively, the air is cleaner. cleanses from pollutants, perspiration, acidity, sulfur, from car exhausts,
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vehicles, also clears soot from dust, after rain it is easy to breathe, dust has settled, dirt has been washed away, pollen has settled, you can breathe deeply, people who have allergies, polynoses, sensitivity increased to various types of allergens, plant, flower, they always note this benefit in their well-being, they feel better and bodies of water, rain replenishes their reserves. when it rains, the water level in the rivers rises accordingly. if there is no rain for a long time, we have the water level in the reservoir will simply gradually drop. and this affects drinking water supplies. the volume of the reservoir is directly related to the amount of precipitation; rivers are also a source of hydropower. there are almost 200 power plants in russia, generating 18% of all electricity. if there is less water, production drops. but the most important thing is well-being. rain relaxes the nervous system and muscles, including the heart. the sound is soothing, and what a smell! by the way, after the rain it smells like petrichor, these are three
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aromas at once: ozone, essential oils of plants actinymice bacteria from soil. rain is also good for your hair and skin. in the warm, humid air , the pores open up, and suddenly there are more women with waves, curls, and curls. nature takes its toll in the rain, no matter how powerful the means used to straighten them out. and if the styling has already disappeared, especially if we don’t hide, we go for a walk, especially if it’s raining outside the city. there will be such a load. strengthen us, temper us, increase our resources, strengthen our body. and if the rain continues all day, it means the long-awaited time for a hobby has come, to take what has been put off for a long time, a book, knitting needles, paints, the main thing is to get distracted and enjoy the summer and rain. legia belyanskaya, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov and oleg soshin, channel one. june 24th on the calendar, monday, right now, right? by tradition, we find out what's new on the world wide web; our ruler of the internet, yegor uspensky, has
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a fresh selection ready, immediately a new hero of the world wide web, a cat named godzilla. he received such a name for his impressive size, it looks like you can also be called yulia akadila, like all cats, he likes to jump on her owner's back, the young lady says that she's already used to it, because the likes are pouring in like from a cornucopia, yeah, the hero of our next video is puppies zita and gita, it's their birthday, and it was a birthday, but on their birthday they got very long ears, so before eating the housewife ties them with an elastic band so that the pets don’t get dirty, almost 3 million. this moose calf lives in a canadian nature reserve in his free time, he loves to play with a ball, kick it with local boys, and show that he knows how to have fun everyone, without exception, benefits from the game, including losyunok and these two-legged teammates who
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don’t always hit the ball. so in conclusion , about one unusual achievement: a resident of idaho. in 3 minutes he inflated 28 balloons with his nose, this is a new world record, for which we congratulate david, to achieve such a result, he trained for more than a month, however, it seems to me that it is still not worth repeating this, yes, and the main thing is not clear why, yes, the main savior from the summer heat is, of course, an air conditioner, but a fan it also helps a lot, by the way, to do the installation, there are a lot of fans on sale, there are more powerful ones and weaker ones, but the price can differ several times. more powerful, weaker, yes, so we decided to ask ruslan yunyaev to figure it out. help, ruslan. there are fans for a couple of thousand rubles, six times more expensive. if i take the cheapest one, will the effect be worse? let's compare it in action using a device that records the speed of the air flow. let's start with a classic axial fan, power 55 w, average price 2,000. at a short
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distance from the fan, the air flow speed is shown by the device as 3 m/s. even at a distance of about a meter. the air flow speed is 2.5 m/s. at the same time , we are comfortable when the air flow is 1 m/second, that is, it is better to use this type of device at a distance of 3 m from ourselves, and a column fan, the power is lower, 35 w, the cost is about the same, 2,500. there is an impeller inside it, which creates a flow of air coming out of the elongated diffusers. at a short distance from fan, speed shows 3.6 m/s. at a distance of about a meter, the flow speed drops to only 2.7 m. there is not much difference, now it is bladeless, the power is 50 watts, but the price is much higher, on average 12,500. the blades are hidden inside the housing and they are a turbine, similar to
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an aircraft one, the turbine supplies air into the cavity of the ring, the flow speed is close to 3 s... and the rotor has a low power, like a column one, 36 w, the cost of the bladeless one is solid 11,500 rotary - this means there is an impeller inside, which rotates at the first speed, the flow near the fan is 2.5 m per second, when moving away from the fan the flow speed drops and reaches... zero, this is because here, unlike the others, there are not three speeds, but 12, the manufacturer simply smeared the power, so when others have the first speed, here the third or fourth, but essentially the effect is the same everywhere, and the price depends on additional functions, night control mode from a smartphone, but also on the design, so it doesn’t matter which fan, it matters which one you prefer i like it, but there are models with thinner streams, which, so to speak
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, rustle quietly, pleasantly, give off an unexpected sound, in contrast to this one, which is tah-tah-tah-tah-tah, and if you don’t want to think, experts advise... well, low-power saving on utilities. ruslan gunyaev, dmitry likhachev, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. for several years now in our country , you can apply for admission to a university online, it’s very convenient, and you can apply to several educational institutions at once, which is also very convenient, yes, now we’ll tell you more about this, and at the same time, we’ll find out how else the institute and... will consider it, but for this you don’t even need to go to the admissions committee, every applicant has the country’s universities at their fingertips, thanks to the national project digital economy , a super service
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for online university admissions has been running for government services for 4 years now , more than a thousand universities have already joined this project, that’s all... last year dmitry tumanov applied to universities in his hometown of innopolis and moscow without leaving home, and this is not the only plus. superservice has it the ability to track your rating in real time, what are your chances of getting in and also how many places are left in which direction. five educational institutions in each five directions, but you can leave the originals as offline in only one, although it’s easier to change priorities if you haven’t gotten the points for your dream university. i was very interested in anapolis university, and there i was even able to win a grant, but unfortunately i couldn’t get into the rankings based on points, but thanks to the super service... all changes are immediately reflected in the document acceptance system, the applicant’s application appears, we
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can go through it, go in and all his documents will be attached there, including identification documents and a certificate, individual achievements that he purchased or benefits. in the first hours of the admissions campaign, kant ikbfu received about 60 online applications. this year we plan to increase it to almost 100%. the first applicants were counted with the help of the siberian federal university, also a super service. this year, we were literally 2 hours away from the start of the reception company. 300 applications were submitted. we are already seeing those regions that have not previously submitted documents. for those who are worried about whether everything is in order with their documents, this year the developers of online university admissions have launched chats with the curators of the selected educational institution. at the moment of admission, the curator interacts with you, answers your questions, and then... if you are admitted, you will immediately find yourself chatting with your classmates. in addition, this year the super service has added the opportunity to apply for targeted training. at
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this means you won’t have to look for a future employer. here on the government services there is a list of those wishing to conclude an agreement. for me the best way to support. health fasting day once a week, for example, i don’t eat anything at all, i just drink water, and i recommend for beginners to reduce the portion as much as possible, although such an express diet is not suitable for expectant and nursing mothers, it is also contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and stomach . if you don’t have such problems, choose a date in advance and mark it on the calendar to tune in and prepare. best done. a fasting day on a day off, when there is no serious mental or physical stress. but the day before, i advise you to go for a run or strength training.
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intensive exercise will increase metabolism and cleanse the body will be more effective. dinner on the eve of the fasting day should be light; a salad of pureed beets, carrots and apples is suitable. seasoned with vegetable oil. the dish improves digestion. during the fasting day, we drink warm water. temperature is about 40°. we also brew herbal teas. you can eat it all day maximum 500 kilocalories. here is a sample menu. for breakfast, cottage cheese, you can add a spoonful of honey. on... buckwheat porridge, serve it with cucumbers, they are low-calorie and at the same time perfectly satiating. kefir for dinner.
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a simple exercise will help muffle the feeling of hunger: inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, while raising your arms up. as you exhale, lower and turn to the right, like this. we perform a movement in one direction or the other to consolidate the effect of the express diet, we exit it, that’s right, we start the next one a day with a vegetable salad, during the day you can eat porridge, and in the evening baked poultry or fish, spend fasting days regularly, you will not only improve your health, but gradually get rid of extra pounds. summer is the time when many people are traveling, on vacation, at their dachas, again, when, if not in the summer , go on some kind of trip, do all sorts of household chores, yes,
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you don’t want to do them, by the way, well, you have to, you have to, there are some things that should not be forgotten, i even know what, for example, here are the water meters, when and how they need to be checked, how to find out when it’s time to replace them, what will happen if you miss this deadline, there are a lot of questions, nadezhda pravdina found out the answers to all of them. olga shnedrova recently bought an apartment, the meters were already installed, she hasn’t changed them yet, but she doubts that suddenly the service life has ended, whether she can definitely use it. once its service life has expired, the device cannot be further repaired; it will be considered out of order, and accordingly its readings will not be accepted for calculations. term service in the meter’s passport, if the document has not been preserved, like olga’s, you can find out when to change it online. information on the serial number of the meter can be tracked on the vgisarshin website. this is the register of measuring instruments of rosstandart. yes, the owner is obliged to monitor the service life of the meter himself, on average
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it is 12 years. olga found information, it was installed in her apartment only 4 years ago, there is no need to change it, but it is necessary to regularly check the serviceability, the device can fail and work with a large error. i at the moment i see that your verification period is running out in june of 2024. it’s easy to find information when exactly it is necessary to carry out verification in the same arshin or payment systems, and then call an expert from a meteorological company, we also have to do this ourselves. and so as not to encounter a scammer. it would be advisable to check the company in advance on the website of the federal agency for accreditation, whether it has accreditation? an organization that a resident wants to enter into an agreement to provide verification services. at olga's all in order, the issue is closed. as a result of the check, we found that your meter does not have an error, so it can continue to be used. according to the law, you cannot miss the verification deadline, if you didn’t do it on time,
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you will have to pay for water several times. much more, if you missed verification, the last 3 months are taken from you, the average consumption is displayed and you are calculated, so the average consumption is 3 months, after 3 months they begin to calculate you according to the standard, for each registered person three times the standard is set, this is in in moscow, in other regions the increasing coefficient is lower, we remember that it is not enough to carry out verification, it is important to transmit the readings on time every month. nadezhda pravdina, alexander ivanovsky, channel one. here are the cherry tomatoes, we all know how small they are, they are sweet, you wash them before the morning, yes i wash everything, yes i do too, i don’t know what the question might be, no, in fact there is a question, what needs to be washed from vegetables and fruits, it’s one thing, there are tomatoes, cucumbers that we buy at the market, of course we wash them, for example bananas, i always wash them, but why, i i don’t wash them, because you clean them, well, i don’t know, i have this quirk, the tomatoes are in the package, yes, they seem to be already clean, i still wash everything, in general,
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it’s a mess. for clarification from the experts, and even had a little chat with them: to wash or not to wash? heat is ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, especially on the hands, so the risk of catching an intestinal infection in summer is high. e. coli lives in everyone, and simply spreads when immunity drops; a person who has stable immunity will not catch 80% at once. doctors' recommendation is simple: wash your hands often. at least 30 seconds, but this makes no sense if you eat dirty vegetables and fruits, this is the second reason for the increase in intestinal infections in the summer. agree, i really want to eat a couple of berries at once, their shelf life is only 2-3 days, so that they do not lose their taste and color on the road in the car, they can be treated with sulfur oxide. this substance does not allow the development of pathogenic microflora and putrefactive bacteria, it preserves the freshness of the product. at the plekhanov university they reassured us.
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sulfur is dangerous only in very large doses, there is not much of it in the berries; under a microscope , the plaque that could remain is not visible. analysis of the chemical composition will show even more accurately. we carry it out on dirty cherries, this is the red line on the washed ones, the blue one, almost the same. this cherry has not been subjected to any strong chemical processing, at least, so we can say that there is practically nothing on the surface. you should not be afraid of plaque on blueberries; for example, the berries produce it. themselves, it protects them from pests and pests, like wax on apples, initially it is also natural, but after after collecting them, they are washed, the wax is washed off, a new one is applied in production, and we will check it under a microscope. this is ordinary beeswax, this is cornob wax, this is an organic substance that can be eaten calmly, but someone may have an individual intolerance, who suffers from an allergy to honey, please, wax can cause this allergy, so it is better to wash the apples.
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do you need to wash bananas? many argue: they arrive green, after transportation they are stored in special warehouses, where the bananas undergo aeration for several days. v in a closed chamber without access to oxygen at a temperature of 13-15°, a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene is introduced to them and the ripening process begins. our chemical analysis did not detect any harmful substances. treatment with ethylene is minimal in such quantities and is harmless, but after... peeling bananas it is still recommended to wash your hands , pesticides were found in one of the batches from ecuador, the same cherry tomatoes in packages, for example, look as if they have already been washed, this is not the case in production do otherwise and...
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place of fragrant honey of aromatic hops 92% of all russian production here , the chuvash land is the nurse leader in growing potatoes, vegetables, and i believe that in terms of land development, we have practically no
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undeveloped lands, all lands are used for growing something, the chuvash people love to eat, they taught how to make dumplings with different fillings , although the locals call them boiled pies, huranku. take the hard cheese, chop the green onions, add butter, add eggs and the filling is ready, mold and cook, and how delicious it is, you take it, bite it, just like that, open it, put the butter in there, ghee or butter, like that, but what does chuvashaya sound like? made from a bubble or animal skin, the musician, by the way, is called a bubbler, but the most popular instrument at all times was the chuvash gusli. unlike the russian gusli, wing-shaped, they were of a different shape, helmet-shaped, shlim-shaped had
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more strings, up to thirty-two, which made it possible to play not just by rattling, but at the same time by plucking like on a harp, look how magical the sound is. skillful inventors - makrinsky railway the bridge, which is worth the roman vioduct of chuvash production, was one of the longest in europe 104 years ago, now trains no longer run across it, but the photographs turn out fantastic. but the main attraction of chuvash and the monument to the mother on the embankment of the cheboksary bay is ready to hug and shelter everyone, just like the hospitable hostess, the chuvash republic. sergey abramov sotnik, elena savina, channel one. good morning our wonderful tv viewers, thank you for celebrating the new day with channel one, with you yulia zemina and nikita pimina, good morning everyone, on the calendar june 24, an important historical date, on this day in 1945 in
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moscow the legendary victory parade was held on red square, the victory parade in moscow on june 24 , 1945. units of equipment, even a fountain was erected on frontal place. suvorov resident dmitry mikhailovich epefanov was able to look at him especially closely. in the square, we stood with our backs to st. basil's cathedral, standard bearers stood to our left,
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to the right the fountain was dripping with cold dew, and they remained silent. the ceremonial columns were lined up in the same order as the battle fronts on the map. first the karelian, bringing up the rear, the third ukrainian, then all the other troops. to mark the fronts, the big theater prepared banners, heavy ones, about 10 kilograms each. this is velvet, it’s not cheap like the germans, it’s expensive velvet, it’s sewn on, it’s all heavy, and it was simply impossible to carry it across red square in your arms. we made a sling like this with a glass, it turned out great. thousands of soldiers received new uniforms before the parade, the day before in march. regime , several factories in moscow and the moscow region worked, and for foot tankers were equipped with new technical equipment. they had shoulder straps sewn directly onto their overalls for the parade. you can see it in the footage. the totoviks march in an even ceremonial formation, but
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they had at most two or three weeks to prepare for the drill. those who were more experienced in this were assigned to them. according to the recollections of the parade participants , the front-line soldiers trained them as recruits. the suvorovites were second to last. equation to the right, the chest of the fourth person to properly support the shirt. and when the music died down, hitler’s banners flew to the ground to the beat of drums. perhaps the most impressive moment of the parade. the mood that day was not affected by either the rain or the fact that flights were canceled due to the weather. but it was possible to see the famous katyushas, ​​t-34s and heavy iz-2s. most likely, these were tanks that had been in battle, received quite heavy combat damage, and were sent to overhaul factories. the whole country waited 1418 days and nights for these minutes. triumph. natalya lenova, denis ponomarev, dmitry likhachev. first channel.
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a bad apartment, where troubles await you personally in your apartment in the living room, in a bath with a toilet, or maybe in the kitchen. let's look at this issue and many other, most important and important ones in the program to live healthy. today is the first one. are you so afraid, look, he, he’s probably 200, and if he’s a maniac, you like to watch people, it seems to me that they got rid of some kind of burden here, but i love him, and i don’t need anyone else , conqueror of women's hearts, without a single defeat. my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with my
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husband and his activities, there will be no future that you so colorfully paint for us, i can tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev, a hotel, a premiere, a super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises smoldering inside for years, a black shadow in the hidden... in the depths of the soul, for me this is a movie, a person who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out, on saturday at the first, hey, long time no see, the dragon missed you, how are you, take it away.
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god, what a man, i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, come on, all together, already us together, better in an amicable way, get into the same exercises, fantastic, from june 28 on fridays. on the first. i love baking cakes, both sweet and
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savory. i even decided to decorate the omelette for breakfast in the form of a cake. i need to separate the yolks from the whites. i’ll use a proven technique: i pinch the crumb of the bread. and now i carefully take the yolk, transfer it to... i separate the rest of the yolks in the same way, mix thoroughly, leave it aside for now, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, the omelette will turn out even tastier if you add the filling, i have diced ham, tomato, parsley, salt and pepper protein mixture. put it in a greased bowl, steam it
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for 20 minutes under a closed lid, when the whites have set, pour the yolks on top, cook until done, turn the omelette over onto a flat plate, cut it into pieces, serve, watch how the familiar dish sparkles with new colors, enjoy breakfast, you see, in the summer, in your free time, you don’t really want to sit at home, right? i want to walk, parks, squares, streets just beckon, of course, and they also entice the appetite, very simple for all lovers of delicious things, in the summer it’s just expanse , all sorts of sweet pastries are distributed and sold everywhere, they say poklova, churschela, corn, oh, i recently ran into this, somehow it’s not very pleasant, so
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choose for yourself, in the summer there is a queue in all the parks of moscow for sweet pastries, i bought a togdelnik, i really like them, donuts go out very quickly, most often i buy churos, because it is such a simple, but at the same time satisfying, delicious food, and donuts are generally with sugar, donuts, well... then yes, donuts are still the best popular, more than 2 thousand a day are sold only at one outlet at vdnkh, baked here according to the classic recipe, flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, a special machine is filled with hot oil and... it makes the rings itself, there is a special mold, when the pressure produces these round donuts. 5 minutes and ready, all that remains is to sprinkle with powdered sugar. i studied in leningrad and these donuts then cost 4 kopecks. and we ate them with pleasure. it reminds me of my childhood, yes, my grandmother baked donuts, she learned to sing
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donuts herself, and now i bake donuts for my grandchildren. a in order to create only pleasant memories from the ready-made street ones, be sure to evaluate how they look before purchasing. free point and those who work in it, it must be cleaned, the surrounding area must be clean, there must be no garbage, staff must work in clean sanitary clothing, use disposable gloves, the baked goods themselves are rosy with a pleasant smell, if with additives like terdelniks, they must be stored in the refrigerator. ktorodelnik is generally a czech national product, it is made from similar czech dough, this process of winding, we we take into account that we have a slight overlap, that we have a filling on each layer, and of course, it is better to take those products that float away in the heat, have been sitting for a little while and are no longer as tasty, we noticed, the sellers confirm this, they come out the fastest building churras, this is a spanish dessert, it is considered traditional, well , it is prepared from choux pastry, when it is fresh, it retains its consistency, that is, it is crispy like a weapon, inside the dough
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remains so tender, if the humidity is high outside or indoors, then it gets soaked and it becomes a different structure, and besides, they don’t add it to street sweet pastries. just right cold ice cream, warm churas sweet topping, strawberry very tasty. marina vakhrusheva konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, yulia bykova, channel one. so, let's move on, now about money, or more precisely about insurance, if anyone has not heard, there is such a thing: endowment life insurance. by the way, it’s quite a useful thing, it allows. insure yourself and save money, how it all works, let’s figure it out together right now. endowment life insurance policy, two in one: insurance plus a piggy bank. for example, in 10 years we want to accumulate a million, somewhere around 1000 per year, we will have to contribute so that this million is formed, that is, it is
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a little less than 9.00 per month, if we say, yes, monthly contributions, they can be monthly , quarterly, once every six months, once a year. payment schedule. the amounts are at your discretion, but are negotiated before concluding the contract, the minimum period is 5 years, and if i can’t pay after 2 years, i can take it back money, in this case, upon termination , the redemption amount is paid, in the first policy year this amount will be zero, from the second, part of the amount will be returned, but it is significantly less than what was paid, and this is a nuance. in what cases will the money be paid in full? the first one upon the occurrence of an insured event will be received by the heirs or the one specified in the contract, and the entire amount.
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therefore they write, yes, that it is not income, but not guaranteed, yes, yes, firstly, it is a fixed amount, it depends on market facts, and it is not guaranteed, yes, there may not be interest, but there is a possibility. apply for a social tax deduction, they will return 13% of payments for the year, but a maximum of 19,500 rubles. what will happen to this policy with this amount if the insurance company suddenly goes bankrupt. insurance companies are not included in this system, and deposit insurance, like banks, is absolutely a legalized mechanism by which the transfer occurs. in this case , the contract will be valid on the same terms; the insurer has no right to change it unilaterally. rita
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larkina, konstantin stryuchkov, evgeny smirnov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. it’s rare that a resident of an apartment building is not currently a member of the community chat. by the way, i'm not a member. and i'm not a member. here we are those rare residents, although in reality you need to know your neighbors by sight, communicate with them, solve problems together, help, but keep in mind, sometimes in these same chats. announcements on entrances are a thing of the past, they have almost been replaced by community chats, for example, we have a very active group in messenger, the management company publishes announcements here and communicate neighbors among themselves, but recently i started to come across leftist messages, here you go, i took a screenshot, someone is trying to collect money from my neighbors, a woman is talking about soul-stirring things. for food and a ticket to their hometown, this was written by scammers, they put pressure on
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the compassion of compassionate neighbors, they hope that in a chat where everyone is loyal to each other, they can get a good sum. how do scammers get into community chats, and i’ll tell you: let’s say a scammer added himself to a chat for animal lovers and called out and asked to send him links to closed groups to... spread information about helping animals, one of your neighbors did it. the second version: the account of a resident of your house was simply hacked and letters with requests are being sent on his behalf. if you see this message, don’t even think about donating money. and also, to prevent your number from being added to the criminal database of scammers, hide it in all instant messengers. to do this , go to settings, select privacy, click on the phone number. in the block who can see my number, put a mark: no one, now, even if the account
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if someone you know is hacked, your number will not be included in the criminal database. be careful. the brix games ended in kazan. the results of the competition in the report by channel one sports journalist maria bas. the exciting summer brix sports games in kazan have come to an end. all these days tatarstan surrounded the participants, journalists and guests with attention and care. in such a friendly atmosphere , it is doubly pleasant to watch the athletes compete, and even more so to watch the victories of the russians. no side wind, no waves do not prevent our athletes from becoming the best at any distance. russia is the leader, in the medal standings igor brix. and every victory of our athletes is truly golden. strong-willed victories in swimming and gymnastics. brilliant and smart at chess, truly emotional at fencing, heroic at badminton. on the final
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day of the competition, our magnificent gymnasts, the most graceful in the world, brought the country another gold medal. the games, brix, are like the olympic games for us. this is for our girls, juniors, adults, like a sip fresh air, where they could not only compete. support of the audience, not only residents, but also guests of the capital of tatarstan, here is a family from chelny embankments who came especially to see the performance of our brilliant gymnasts, especially for her they came to the rhythmic gymnastics finals to show, add motivation, they are sick, worried, watching, i would really like to take a photo with my attorneys, but we haven’t been able to do that yet. we couldn’t stay away, we took little rolina by the hand and
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led her straight to the backstage, to the sisters attorneys, dina and arina. titled athletes treated the baby with great attention and care. do you really enjoy going to every training session? yes, but who do you want to become? coach, trainer? well done, how a dream has come true, and we are sure that this meeting and photo as a souvenir will become a strong incentive. for a little gymnast, i don’t really want to say goodbye to the charming leopard brixik, but the mascot of these games will definitely remain in the memory of the fans, like all those unique emotions that
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last for a decade, get out of here, where is that to build a stew, oh, rotten you, put together, intolerance, hardened hearts, hatred not only for strangers, but for our own, however, i pointed a gun at my daughter, but well, it wasn’t loaded, it wasn’t loaded, well, it’s creepy, you know, with the ermakovs son of the groom, mikhail didn’t find a bride, he’d rather fall foolishly in love with varya skulchina, i don’t care where you go to... no need, the feelings are sincere and mutual, but the fathers of the two clans didn’t give a damn about it, the goat, i’ll bite you, your creature , the fields have dried up, the berries of the wolf, the lovers run away, plato is looking for the quivers daughter, in the boat with him nazar, varya should marry him, how many times have she said, i don’t agree that with your face,
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she fell on a stone, be careful, this story is a long, deep river, at the source there is a curse of the family, the ermakovs’ grandmother took in the decoration of the forest, impudently, this is a place of pagan rituals, paid with its life, and the whole family is now doomed. mikhail gives the decoration to his beloved varya. what a beauty, mish, fierce hatred, burning jealousy, resentment, well, enough, enough with the hype, the situation here is bad, everyone will say. fatal coincidence circumstances, the heroes would like to get out, but they are drowning, there is no escape from fate, grow old, you are a pale daughter, so she doesn’t eat anything, she will look, she will look at everything, nothing has been touched, don’t think about it, i don’t offend her, she will endure it, to fall in love, before our eyes the stories of families and the fate of the country, the time period, creative inspiration for the actors, we will see
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the children and grandchildren of the main characters, and glayalovskaya played. from 16 years old to 60. listen, mom, what is this performance for? but you still called me mom, the heroes will feast like stars, and how long will their feelings and love last? big premiere on channel one, the saga of two bereks. now jump. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. the 13th platonov arts festival is taking place in voronezh these days; it will last until june 30. our correspondent visited the festival. a month of a busy program, street theaters, exhibitions, book fairs, concerts, dance shows and theater performances, bright names and fresh works of world-famous groups. such applause greeted the show of the argentine choreographer hermann carnech, tanga after sunset. here music and movement speak more about love than
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words. this performance by otango is based on history, but in a modern interpretation, we use traditional movements and choreography in dance, but at the same time we chose music that combines different genres and styles. recognizable argentine melodies and atmospheric atmosphere were added by live vocals. they didn’t understand anything that they were singing, but they understood that it was very touching, and they just wanted it somehow. help, maybe take part in this, well done. the festival program includes artists from different countries, gut-perchy, flexibility smoothness of the line. the chinese dance theater showed its version of modern choreography. a production from the inside by choreographer sisin without a plot, on stage the feelings and emotions that the dancers are living here now. perhaps one
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of the most unusual concerts of the festival - a rich and theatrical program of the festival in the hall, not a single empty seat, the capital's pushkin theater presented zoykin's apartment, staged by evgeny bisarev.
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there are top performances at the festival, and there is a meeting with a troupe from st. petersburg ahead. the tavstan drama theater will show a mother’s heart, director andrey maguchiy. the final chord on june 29, in the open air among the chalk hills overlooking
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the mountains, they killed a priest of the orthodox church in makhachkala, employees of the ministry of internal affairs removed 19 parishioners from the temple who were hiding there from criminals. an interception plan is in effect in dagestan, a search is underway for accomplices of terrorists, as the tas agency reports, citing sources in law enforcement agencies, searches are being carried out at the head of serg of the kalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov, who was detained in connection with his participation in the terrorist attack sons. explosive technicians are working at crime scenes, and firearms have been seized. weapons and ammunition, the neighboring regions of stavropolia and kabardino-balkaria have introduced enhanced security measures. now a special operation, an entire branch of the armed forces of ukraine, which settled in
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a stronghold on the right bank of the dnieper, destroyed geocin tb, crews of these towed 152 mm caliber guns, also destroyed camouflaged enemy firing positions, an ammunition depot, all this in the kokhovsky direction, where the artillery of the dnieper group of troops work daily in conjunction with operators. drones that help conduct reconnaissance, adjust fire and record hits. and in the kharkov direction, another enemy stronghold was covered by a hurricane. the crew of the multiple fire rocket system of the 8th north group made a targeted strike with 220 mm caliber ammunition. and our tulip deprived the enemy of two more strong points, the crew of a self-propelled mortar of special power, and this is the only 240 mm caliber mortar in the world, of the guards combined arms army of the west group of forces, helped to advance. our attack aircraft deep into the militants' defense. at the moment we are working at a range of 14 km, because an active-reactive mine is used, we mainly hit targets at a distance of
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7-6 km. there are a lot of targets, we work in the daytime and at night, there are also targets, armored vehicles, we often work at uav control points that are located in buildings, in fortified areas, but the artillery is of course very strong. attacks on energodar pose a threat to nuclear security, said the head of magathe, rafael grossi, energodar is fired from drones. 19 june there was no light at all in the city of nuclear scientists; drones hit the only operating substation, raduga. magathe experts visited the site and were convinced that there was a failure in the supply of energy to the industrial zone next to the nuclear power plant to one of the station’s nodes. all the energy for cooling the idle reactors is supplied without interruption, but... in general, magatha stubbornly keeps silent about who exactly is hitting the station. whoever is behind this must stop. attacks using drones on nuclear power plants in its vicinity are increasing, this
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absolutely unacceptable disrupts the basic security provisions and specific principles approved unanimously. it is impossible not to notice that it is ukraine that regularly attacks europe’s largest nuclear power plant. zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located. on our territory, our specialists are working on it, our country is responsible for its security, the enemy is shooting at it, the same one that destroyed the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station. then the west tried to blame moscow for this crime, despite the obvious absurdity of such assumptions. our media stated that russia will do everything to deprive the kiev regime of the opportunity to shell the station. a combined team of specialists from the federal center for disaster medicine, doctors and psychologists, on behalf of the president. arrived in sevastopol. doctors will assess the condition of the victims of the rocket attack on the city that occurred the day before. according to the ministry of defense, the strike was carried out by five american-made missiles with a cluster warhead. four were intercepted, our air defense
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, the fifth detonated in the air. our military is clarifying flight missions for such missiles is being introduced by american specialists based on us satellite intelligence data, so both kiev and washington bear responsibility for the attack. according to the latest data, 151 people were injured of varying degrees of severity, 82 are now in hospitals, including 27 minors, six of them are in serious condition, of the four killed, two are children. by the way. sevastopol in the alexander garden in moscow, people bring flowers and light lamps at a spontaneous memorial in simphepol. today in sevastopol and the republic of crimea a day has been declared mourning now about the maneuvers of the ships of the pacific fleet, they conducted artillery firing at air and sea targets in the sea of ​​okhotsk and the sea of ​​japan, deck-based k-27 ps helicopters from the tactical group of the primorye fleet carried out reconnaissance in search of a mock enemy. at the same time, the sailors practiced the routine. house curtains were used to protect against
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unmanned boats and anti-aircraft missile systems were used to destroy enemy air attack weapons. in total , 40 ships, boats and vessels were involved in the exercises support, about 20 airplanes and helicopters of naval aviation, attracted units of the marine corps, crews of the coastal complexes bal and bastion. that's all for me, now i say good morning to my colleagues. good morning, our wonderful tv viewers, thank you for already joining us, with you live, yuliamina. nikita pimenov, good morning, for some, summer is a time of relaxation, for others , it’s good to earn extra money, but why not, if you can, for example, provide computer repair services, or plumbing, and of course, the easiest way to register is on the aggregator website, now they are called a platform, but they also have their own nuances, more about them. almost any adult can register, but getting a job on the platform, says founder konstantin fedorov, is impossible. the platform is not.
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the platform is the place where the master finds clients, that is, the deal is concluded between the master and the client directly, the platform only ensures their meeting. the simplest one resembles a notice board, photographs, description, cost, here you decide everything yourself. post it in your profile and wait for the client’s call. there is a platform where the client publishes a request, determines the scope of work and the price he is willing to pay. the specialist only responds to the order. spinukhov, a door installation master, is registered with this one, i put a balance there for each dotka, you pay money from them, well, it’s on a different platform, and that is, the response costs a certain amount there, but roughly 200-300 rubles, from that it turns out that you can leave 10 disconnects, that is, give 3,000 there, so at the exit there, if there is one maximum order, then it will come, god forbid, in a week, if you make four , five, this is all the maximum, there is a third version of the platform, it works as a taxi aggregator, a client. chooses a service, the system itself
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finds a specialist for it and sets a price, but any specialist cannot simply receive an order. it’s like you go through testing, you pass certification, only then after that you start working, they give , if i’m not mistaken, in my opinion, two or three orders, as if they were trial orders, to see, that is, whether the work was done well or not, the selection is serious, one out of ten passes, but... unlike the previous ones, on such platforms there are guarantees for both the performer and the client, if suddenly the master did the work incorrectly, the platform is at his own expense will redo everything, in the same way the platform takes care of its masters and gives the masters some protection from unscrupulous clients, if the client does not pay, the platform will pay for the client, for such care the master pays a percentage, it can reach up to 30 and the price for the client on such platforms is higher, but neither one... form does not track
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the employee’s work history, does not make pension contributions and does not control the payment of taxes. here is my headache in order to make a bright pension for myself, for this i have self-employment, that is, i pay taxes, that is, everything goes through the tax office, through the bank, that is, the bank sees everything, the tax authorities see everything sees. the three most popular areas on the platforms are unified state exam tutors, the beauty industry and installation repair technicians, plumbers, electricians, and furniture assemblers. for the last ones, by the way, are summer.
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the power of an attacking blow depends not only on the hands, but also on the strength of the oblique abdominal muscles, i will show you how to strengthen them. join us, the exercise will be useful for everyone who wants to have a thin waist and flat stomach. we lie down on our backs. and spread our arms to the sides, bend our knees and tilt our legs to the right and to the left. version for experienced athletes: straighten your legs and continue exercising. this exercise will help strengthen your abs, especially your obliques and back muscles. include it in your daily workout to keep you healthy and fit form. by the way, on this day, june 24 , our ancestors looked out the window in the morning to see if there was fog there? well, did you look out today? of course, it wasn’t, no, it wasn’t at all, it was a perfect morning, and if,
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by the way, there is fog, then there will be a lot of mushrooms, that’s also good, the fog is in favor, well, that’s what our astrologers think about today, we’ll find out right now from the horoscope . june is the turning point of the eighteenth and nineteenth lunar days, the seventh day of the sun, good-natured, cheerful, pleasant to talk to, energetic and active, when you can achieve a lot, if only you don’t grab onto everything at once and don’t get carried away by fantastic projects, otherwise the day is a little eccentric and at the same time he loves everything unusual and original, here he needs to be grounded a little, but he has a rich imagination, has artistic abilities, he is artistic , and if you need to fit into some team or an unfamiliar... company , he will help you, the other side of the same coin, he is not very picky about making acquaintances, on such days we are careless, sometimes too distrustful, however, today hardly someone will be able to deceive, unless they themselves want it, remember, as the poet said: i myself am happy to be deceived, but it’s a great day,
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though it won’t let you be lazy, there may be a lot of things to do, well, you can rest in the evening, taurus may there will be some kind of conflict of interest, most likely it will be something related to... you already control yourself , otherwise everything should turn out well, expect guests in the evening. it's a very busy day for the twins, although at first things may slow down a little, but by lunchtime everything will pick up, so in the end you'll stay happy, just don’t argue with your boss, especially if the boss is older than you. cancers will have a chance to solve some personal or everyday problem, as far as work is concerned, don’t hesitate to ask again, recalculate, clarify and double-check. and work very carefully. with documents, leos may decide that their life has somehow been going along the same lines for too long, they will want something new, unusual, the luminary understands you perfectly, but reminds you to be careful, and in general , is it time for you to go on vacation. the maidens were shining i strongly advise you to slow down a little
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at work and take care of your home and personal life. by the way, the day is very good for all sorts of household purchases and repairs, but it’s better not to borrow or lend. libra is in the mood for a romantic day. they have the same, even for those who are usually purely pragmatic, but things will also go well, especially if you add a little creativity to them. scorpios have a normal monday, negotiations and interviews will go well, including regarding employment, it will be possible to talk about something come to an agreement with your superiors, and some secret may also be revealed to you. for sagittarius, something can change their plans, and for some it will even throw them a little out of their usual rut. however, it will... entertain you for a while. in the evening, an argument or conversation in a raised voice is not excluded. let's calm down and don't get carried away with alcohol. capricorns have a great day for new beginnings, difficult tasks and generally anything that requires the strength of confidence. today you will have plenty of both. just don't try to solve everything alone
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dashingly, okay, and be extremely careful while driving, especially when overtaking. aquarius is also having a good day, however, there are a lot of emotions in it, and although for the most part they will be positive, do not take them out on others, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward situation and keep an eye on your wallet for electronic wallets - this also applies, it promises something romantic this day is for pisces, if this is a holiday romance, the stars are somehow not happy, but they can be wrong, for those who are at work, please do not forget about technology safety, good luck to you, here are cherry tomatoes, we all know they are so small , they are sweet, you wash them, and i generally wash everything. i also don’t know what the question might be here, no, in fact there is a question, what needs to be washed from vegetables and fruits, it’s one thing, there are tomatoes, cucumbers that we buy at the market, of course we wash them, for example bananas, i i always wash them, but why, i don’t wash them, because you clean them, i don’t know, i have this quirk, the tomatoes are in a package, yes,
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they seem to be already clean, of course, i wash everything anyway, in general, anastasia kremeshnaya turned to the experts for clarification and even fiddled with them a little, to wash or not to wash, the heat... ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, especially on the hands, so the risk of catching an intestinal infection in the summer is high. e. coli lives in everyone, and simply spreads when they fall. immunity, a person who has a stable immune system will not catch 80% in one go. the doctors' recommendation is simple: wash your hands often, for at least 30 seconds, but this makes no sense if eat dirty vegetables and fruits. this is the second reason for the increase in intestinal infections in the summer. agree, i really want to eat a couple of berries at once, their shelf life is only 2-3 days, so that they do not lose their taste and color on the road in the car, they can be treated with sulfur oxide. this substance does not allow the development of pathogenic microflora and putrefactive bacteria,
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it preserves the freshness of the product. at the plekhanov university they reassured us. gray oxide is only dangerous in very large doses. there is not much of it on the berries. under a microscope , plaque that could remain is not visible. analysis of the chemical composition will show even more accurately. we carry it out on dirty cherries. this is a red line, washed out, blue, almost identical. this cherry has not been subjected to any kind of damage. strong chemical treatment, at least, so we can say that there is practically nothing on the surface, there is no need to be afraid of plaque on blueberries, for example, the berries produce it themselves, it protects them from the moisture of pests, like wax on apples, initially it is also natural , but after collection they are washed, the wax is washed off, a new one is applied in production, we will check that too under a microscope, this is ordinary beeswax, this is cornob wax, this is an organic substance that can be eaten calmly, but... someone may have an individual intolerance, who suffers from an allergy to honey, please, wax can cause this
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allergy, so it’s better to wash apples, but whether bananas need to be washed, many argue, they arrive green, after transportation they are stored in special warehouses, where bananas undergo aeration for several days. in a closed chamber without access to oxygen at a temperature of 13-15°, the mixture is introduced to them nitrogen and ethylene and is just beginning... the ripening process, our chemical analysis did not find any harmful substances, treatment with ethylene is minimal, in such quantities it is harmless, but it is still recommended to wash your hands after peeling bananas, pesticides were found in one of the batches from ecuador, those cherries in packages, for example, look as if they have already been washed; they don’t do this in production, otherwise they would spoil the next day; if you look closely, you can even see dust. if you don’t wash the cherry, the intestines will come to the rescue. there is only one conclusion - wash all vegetables and fruits, recommendation doctors - soak them in a soda solution
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for 30 minutes. anastasia karemezhnaya, dmitry rashkov, channel one. the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and... fear and nuclear disasters. zelensky signed an agreement with him for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, instead of them ours, american ones. american scheme, corrupt, this is his mission, his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses, they were caught directly for corruption. there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for airlines, how to avoid getting caught by the defendants themselves or to save his wife, he was ready to do anything. sanchez meets soros. trump, by the way, showed him, this is where you belong , yes, that is, he didn’t. talk to him and trump knows that this is a person from the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro
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sanchez, rare pedro, tutti heir dolls, today on the first, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the steller group. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellar group. whiskey mancacher. product of steller group. look how sashka belikov looks at you. lucky. no, i knew that the girls were falling in stacks from me. so, why are you making noise, guys, sashka, he’s decided to get married, who is the bride,
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irinka, ermakova, you don’t love him, he’ll suffer, why did he get the idea that i don’t love him, because you’re mine, well, stay away from these skolchinnykh, they cause only troubles, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, i’m expecting a child, what other child, ours? yeah.
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at home there is calmness, peace, prosperity, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine, our next video is dedicated to the madness of the brave. blogger chris michael on swam underwater in front of his multi-million subscribers, with only a crocodile. yes, just think, it’s not enough that he even managed to pet the predator. effective, of course, but is it worth risking your life for just these likes, even if it’s a million? the main savior from the summer heat is , of course, air conditioning, but a fan is also
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a good help, by the way, for styling. there are a lot of fans on sale, there are more powerful ones and weaker ones. but the price may differ several times, also more powerful, weaker, yes, so we decided ask ruslan yunyaev to figure everything out, help, ruslan. there are fans for a couple of thousand rubles, six times more expensive, but if you take the cheapest one, will the effect be worse? let's compare it in action using a device that records the speed of the air flow. let's start with a classic axial fan, power 55 w, price on average 2,000. at a short distance from the fan, the air flow speed is shown by the device as 3 m/s. on distance. and even about a meter, the air flow speed is 2.5 m/s. at the same time , we are comfortable when the air flow is 1 m per second, that is, it is better to use this type of device at a distance of 3 m from you, and a column fan, the power is lower, 35 w, the cost is about the same, 2,500. there is an impeller inside it, which creates a flow of air coming out of
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the elongated diffusers. at a short distance from the fan, the speed shows three... at a distance of about a meter, the flow speed drops to only 2.7 m. there is not much difference, now it is bladeless, the power is 50 watts, but the price is much higher, on average 12,500. nonsense hidden inside the housing and they are a turbine, similar to an aircraft one. the turbine supplies air to the ring cavity. flow rate. close 3.5 m/s, at a distance of a meter 2.5 m/s. the indicators are again the same, but for the rotary, its power, like the column one , is low, 36 w, the cost, like the bladeless one, is a respectable 11,500. rotor - this means there is an impeller inside that rotates. at first speed, the flow near the fan is 2.5 m/s. as you move away
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from the fan, the flow rate drops. and reaches zero, this is because here , unlike the others, there are not three speeds, but 12, the manufacturer simply smeared the power, so when others have the first speed, here it is the third or fourth, but in essence the effect is the same everywhere, and the price depends on the extra functions, night control mode with a smartphone, but also on the design, so it doesn’t matter which fan, it matters which one you like best, but there are models with a thinner jet, which, so to speak, quietly, pleasantly rustle, create an unexpected sound, in contrast to this , which tah-tah-tah-tah-tah-tah a... if you don’t want to think, experts recommend the simplest column device, it’s quite cheap, makes little noise, you can’t put your fingers on it, it won’t fall, it won’t break, and it’s low-power, it saves on utilities, ruslan gunyaev, dmitry likhachev, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one, very soon, at the end of this week , graduation ceremonies will be held all over the country, ah, eleventh graders will say goodbye to school
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life, they will say goodbye very cheerfully, well, who knows, and in general, why do they have to say goodbye, someone? will say goodbye to school, and then will return to not already teachers, everywhere graduations are held differently, each region has its own special traditions, but of course, this is one and unique day, graduation on the river, the children from the school in the udmursky village of the state farm have no dresses, hairstyles and makeup, instead of a column a guitar, to the sounds of chopping wood, the girls and their class teacher are peeling potatoes and fishing for everyone, this year seven people are graduating, that’s all. from different neighboring villages, parents will join us in the evening, and our event will continue in the format parents, children, well, the children who graduated from college and went to technical school after de... class will join, the university is ahead, so it won’t be possible to meet again soon. arseny dreams of becoming a surgeon, but he already misses school. it’s very sad to be separated from school, i spent
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11 years of my life here, it turns out that’s more than half of it, i’ve lived for a long time. and in this school in the village of kosoy brod, sverdlovsk region, there is another tradition: graduates plant trees and make a wish, how could we do without this? well, there's no way that when you plant a tree it won't come true. wishes in this school already whole alleys of trees from graduates, after another wish at the school book, we put our palm on it, touch the history of the school , make wishes, i made wishes for you, after 10 years of meeting, we’ll see who has what came true, graduation in the fresh air can be different, in the village of blichepsinka, shikhabol district, after the presentation of certificates, take a bus to the mountain to the ancient one. spring, graduates must drink our water from the spring, this tradition was passed on to us from our ancestors, from
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grandparents, the aul was born here, therefore, it is here that graduates meet the dawn, given spring water to drink, adric pobychiy has this, with songs and dances in folk costumes, it’s not for nothing that vlicepsin is called a dancing village, they are escorted into adult life... by junior school students, this is also a tradition. liliya lobkova, marina sidorova, marina guseinova, pavel kula gymnaziermanov, channel one. for several years now in our country , you can apply for admission to a university online, it’s very convenient, and you can apply to several educational institutions at once, which is also very convenient, yes, now we’ll tell you more about this, and at the same time we’ll find out how other modern services help the institute and university? yes. and the application for admission to the university has been submitted. that's it, you submitted your application, we will consider it. but you don’t even need to go to the admissions office for this. every
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applicant has the country's universities at their fingertips. thanks to the national project digital economy , a super service for online university admissions has been operating on government services for 4 years. more than a thousand universities have already joined this project. these are all public universities and some private ones. kaliningrad resident dmitry tumanov last year. i applied to universities in my hometown of innopolis and moscow without leaving home, and this is not the only advantage. the super service allows you to track your rating in real time, what your chances of getting in are, and also how many places are left and in what direction. there are five educational institutions in each five directions, but you can leave the originals as offline in only one, however, it’s easier to change priorities if you didn’t get points at your dream university. i was very interested in the university of enapolis and... there i was i was even able to win a grant, but unfortunately, i couldn’t get into the ratings based on points, but thanks to the super service, in just a couple of clicks i was able to revoke the original and send it to
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the bfu, all changes are immediately reflected in the document acceptance system, we have an applicant’s application, we we can fall into it, go in and all his documents will be attached there, including identification documents and certificates, individual achievements that he has attached or benefits. during the first hours of the reception company at the ikbfu. about 60 people came online applications. this year we plan to increase almost 100% of applications so that they are submitted through the super service. the siberian federal university also counted the first applicants using a super service. this year, literally within 2 hours of the start of the admissions campaign, we received 300 applications. we are already seeing those regions that have not previously submitted documents. for those who are worried about whether everything is in order with their documents, this year the developers launched online university admissions. chats with curators of the selected educational institution. in at the moment of admission, the curator interacts with you, answers your questions, and once you are admitted, you immediately find yourself in a chat
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with your classmates. in addition, this year the super service has added the opportunity to apply for targeted training. at the same time, you won’t have to look for a future employer. here on the government services there is a list of those wishing to conclude an agreement. on monday, june 24 in crimea. sevastopol has been declared a day of mourning due to the tragedy as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in sevastopol. a word to our colleagues from the channel one information service. this news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva. hello. at the beginning of dagestan , the active phase of the operational activities of the counter-terrorism operation in makhachkala and derbent ended. the head announced this.
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the committee announced the liquidation of five militants. according to the ministry of internal affairs , 16 people were taken to the makhachkala hospital, 13 police officers were wounded , three civilians. the day before, bandits attacked a synagogue and a church in derbent, as well as a church and a traffic police post in makhachkala. in derbent , terrorists killed a priest of the orthodox church; in makhachkala, police officers took him out of there were 19 parishioners in the temple who were hiding there from criminals. an interception plan is in effect in dagestan, and the search for terrorist accomplices is underway, as reported. tas agencies, citing sources in law enforcement agencies , are conducting searches of the head of the serg kalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov, who was detained in connection with the participation of his sons in the terrorist attack. explosive technicians are working at the crime scenes and small arms and ammunition have been seized. the neighboring regions of stavropolia and kabardino-balkaria have introduced enhanced security measures. and now special operations are going on drum operators in the south-donetsk direction.
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it stood deep in tula, the range was about 18 km from me, it flew, that’s it, it hit, it flew under the tower, the tank caught fire. in the kharkov direction.
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more about the exploits of russian soldiers, corporal dmitry kuznetsov was responsible for uninterrupted communications on the front line, when a militant shell broke the cable. dmitry, risking his life under heavy enemy fire, managed to restore the line, transmitted the necessary data to headquarters, and helped repel the attack of the ukrainian armed forces. private yuri mikhalev. olafc admitted that the ruling coalition lost votes due to support for ukraine, the german chancellor answered questions from the ard tv channel. it was about the mood in the east of the country, about the fact that in some federal states scholz’s social democrats were overtaken by the right-wing party alternative for germany, this is the result of berlin’s policies
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, including anti-russian sanctions. which are destroying the german economy. it is true that there are many citizens who do not agree that we support ukraine, who also do not agree that we have imposed sanctions against russia. but in my opinion there is no alternative to not doing this. in fact, an alternative exists, and this has been repeatedly spoken about by the opposition, which just received support in the elections to the european parliament; it opposes the supply of weapons to kiev. for restoring relations with russia, there are also increasingly calls to reconsider the approach to refugees from ukraine; there are almost one and a half million in germany, only 185 are employed. the rest live on benefits, which they have the same as citizens of the country. the opposition believes that this unacceptable wastefulness and that visitors must either work equally with the germans or go back to ukraine. combined team of specialists from the federal center
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for disaster medicine. psychologists, on behalf of the president, arrived in sevastopol. doctors are assessing the condition of the victims of the rocket attack on the city that occurred the day before. according to the ministry of defense, the strike was carried out by five american-made attack missiles with a cluster warhead. four were intercepted by our air defense, the fifth detonated in the air. our military clarified: flight missions for such missiles are introduced by american specialists. based on us satellite intelligence data. therefore , both kiev and washington bear responsibility for the attack. according to the latest data, 151 people were injured of varying degrees of severity, 82 are now in hospitals, including 27 minors, six of them are in serious condition, of the four dead, two are children. by the time of sevastopol, in the alexander garden in moscow, people bring flowers and light lamps at a spontaneous memorial in simferopol. today at a day of mourning has been declared for sevastopol and the republic of crimea. and finally about the weather
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, a sharp cold awaits central russia. forecasters warn that on wednesday and thursday in the capital region, thermometers may drop to 16°, and this is during the day; this temperature at the end of june is below normal, however, the cooling will be short-lived. the weekend already promises thirty-degree heat. and that's all i have for now. today is june 24, the day of the chuvash republic, on which we congratulate all its inhabitants, and of course, all of us, we are going to chuvashia right now. let's let's listen to the chuvash harp and bagpipes from the arn , find out how the region lives, and taste khuran kukli. in general, it will be tasty and fun. expensive. a folk song and endless meadows, an image seen through the eyes of local residents, 1800 km of green spaces, and in the middle the beautiful volga. bird's flight is the highest point in
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chuvashia above the level of the volga. for some, these are just beautiful places, but for us, the chuvaz republic is our homeland. the place of fragrant honey and aromatic hops, 92% of all russian production is here. chuvash land. leader in growing potatoes, vegetables, and i believe that in terms of land development, we have practically no undeveloped land, all the land is used for growing something, the chuvash love to eat, they taught us how to make dumplings with different fillings, although the locals call them boiled pies , huran doll. take the hard curd, chop the green onions, add the butter, add the eggs and the filling is ready,
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there have always been chuvash harps. unlike the russian gusli, wing-shaped, they were of a different shape, helmet-shaped, helmet-shaped had more strings, up to thirty-two, which made it possible to play not just by rattling, but at the same time by plucking, like on a harp. look how magical it sounds. skillful inventors, the makrinsky railway bridge, what is the cost of a roman viaduct made in chuvashia 104 years ago. was one of the longest in europe, now trains no longer run on it, but the photographs turn out fantastic, but the main attraction of chuvash and the mother’s monument on the embankment of cheboksary bay is ready to hug and shelter everyone, just like
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hospitable hostess, chuvash republic. sergey abramov sotnik, elena savina, channel one. so, let's move on, now about money, or rather about insurance, if anyone hasn't heard, there is. such a thing: endowment life insurance. by the way, it’s quite a useful thing, it allows you to insure yourself and save money, how it all works, let’s figure it out together right now. an endowment life insurance policy is two in one: insurance plus a piggy bank. for example, in 10 years we want to save a million, about 100,000 a year, we need will contribute so that this million is formed, that is, it is a little less than 9.00 per month, if we say, yes, monthly contributions... they can be monthly, quarterly, once every six months, once a year. the payment schedule is at your discretion, but is discussed before concluding the contract. the minimum term is 5 years. and if i can’t pay in 2 years, can i withdraw the money? in this case, upon termination
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, the redemption amount is paid. in the first policy year this amount will be zero. from the second part of the amount will be returned, but it is much less introduced, and this is a nuance. in which cases will the money be paid in full, first upon the occurrence of an insured event?
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it may not be, but it is possible to apply for a social tax deduction; they will return 13% of payments for the year, but a maximum of 19,500 rubles. what will happen to this policy with this one? amounts, if the insurance company suddenly goes bankrupt, insurance companies are not included in this system, but there is absolutely deposit insurance like banks - in this case, the contract will be valid on the same terms , the insurer does not have to change it unilaterally rights. rita larkina, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smernov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. it’s a rare resident of an apartment building who is not currently in the community chat. by the way, i'm not a member. and i'm not a member. we are those rare residents, although in reality you need to know your neighbors. communicate with them, together, solve problems, help, but keep in mind,
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sometimes they, scammers, penetrate into these very chats. announcements on entrances are a thing of the past, they have almost been supplanted by community chats; for example, we have a very active group in messenger that publishes here advertisements, the management company and neighbors communicate with each other, but recently i started to come across fraudulent messages, here you go, i took a screenshot, then... she’s trying to collect money from my neighbors, a woman tells a heartbreaking story, allegedly all her savings were stolen, they ask to donate to food and a ticket to your hometown, this was written by scammers, they put pressure on the compassion of compassionate neighbors, they hope that in a chat where everyone is loyal to each other, they can get a good sum. how do scammers get into public chats, and i tell you i’ll tell you, let’s say a scammer has been added to the chat,
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phone and in the block, who can see my number, put a check mark, no one, now, select confidentiality, press the number , even if the account of someone you know is hacked, your number will be added to the database of criminals it won’t hit, be careful, summer is the time when many people are on the road, on vacation, at their dachas, again, when not in the summer to go on some kind of trip, do all sorts of household chores. affairs, yes, it’s worth forgetting, i even know which ones, for example,
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you will have to, there are some things that you don’t want to deal with, by the way, well, you have to, here are the water meters, when and how they need to be checked, how to find out when it’s time to replace them, what will happen if you miss this deadline , there are a lot of questions, nadezhda pravdina found out the answers to everything, olga shnedrova recently bought an apartment, the meters were already installed, she hasn’t changed them yet, but she doubts that suddenly the service life has ended, is it really possible to use it? once the service life has expired, the device is not subject to further inspection; it will be considered out of order, and accordingly its readings will not be accepted for calculations. the service life in the meter passport, if the document has not been preserved, like olga’s, you can find out when it needs to be changed online. information on the serial number of the meter can be tracked on the website. this is the register of measuring instruments of rosstandart. yes, the owner is obliged. monitor the service life of the meter, on average it is 12 years,
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olga found information, it was installed in her apartment only 4 years ago, there is no need to change it, so check the serviceability regularly of course, the device may fail and operate with a large error. i see at the moment that your verification period is running out in june of 2024. it’s easy to find information when exactly it is necessary to carry out verification in the same arshin or payment systems, and then call an expert from a meteorological company for that. should also be done on their own, and in order not to encounter scammers, it is advisable to check in advance whether the company has accreditation. it is possible on the website of rosaktatsiya according to inen, the organization that the resident wants to enter into agreement for the provision of verification services. olga is in complete order, the issue is closed. as a result of the verification, we found that your meter does not have an error, so it can continue to be used. according to the law, you cannot miss the verification deadline. did not spend on time, you will have to pay several times more for water, if you
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missed the verification, your last 3 months are taken, the average consumption is displayed and you are calculated according to this average consumption for 3 months, after 3 months you begin to be calculated according to the standard, for each a registered person is given a three-fold standard, this is in moscow, in other regions, the increasing coefficient is lower, remember, it is not enough to carry out verification, it is important to submit the readings on time every month. pravdina alexander ivanovsky, channel one. june 24 on the calendar, monday. right now, let's traditionally find out what's new on the world wide web. our internet lord egor. spensky already has a fresh selection ready, a new hero of the world wide web, a cat named godzilla, he received this name for his impressive sizes, it looks like you can also be called yulia aka godila, like all cats he loves to jump on his owner’s back, the young lady says that she’s already used to it, because the likes are pouring in like from
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a cornucopia, yeah, the hero of our next video is puppies zita and gita, it’s their birthday, it was their birthday, but they... which doesn’t always hit the sword, so in conclusion about one unusual achievement: a resident of idaho, david rush, inflated 28 balloons with his nose in 3 minutes, this is a new world record, with which we congratulate david to to achieve a similar result, he trained for more than a month, but it seems to me that it’s still not worth repeating this, but most importantly
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, it’s not clear why, yes. why are you so afraid, look, he’s probably 200, and if he’s a maniac, do you like to watch people? it seems to me that they got rid of some kind of burden here, i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with mine. will shrink his activities, there will be no future that you so colorfully you draw for us, i can tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev, a hotel, a premiere, a super-camera film about the understatement between people that arises and smolders inside
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for years, a black shadow in the hidden depths of the soul, for me this is the film of a person who needed to be spoken out. about people who want to speak out, on saturday on the first. good afternoon, my dear, beloved country, our big friendly family, family is where it looks in the same direction, when it supports, loves each other, always... we are happy about the success of each family member, being a dad is very good, raising children, helping them in everything, you dissolve in your child , you understand that this is a continuation of you, the main thing is together and most importantly together, with love, the cherished dream is probably for our country to prosper for my son to be happy, you need
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to dream, believe in your dreams, strive for your cherished goals, everything will definitely work out. for me, the best way to maintain health is a fasting day once a week, for example, i don’t eat anything at all, i just drink water, and i recommend for beginners to reduce the portion as much as possible, although such an express diet is not suitable for future and nursing mothers, it is also contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of bile disease. bladder, liver and stomach. if you don’t have such problems, choose a date in advance and mark it on the calendar to tune in and prepare. it is best to spend a fasting day on a day off, when there is no serious mental or physical stress. but the day before, i advise you to go for a run or
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strength training. intensive classes will enhance metabolism and cleanse the body . more effective, dinner on the eve of the fasting day should be light, a salad of grated beets, carrots and apples, seasoned with vegetable oil is suitable, the dish improves digestion, during the fasting day we drink warm water, the temperature is about 40°, and we also brew triple teas. you can eat a maximum of 500 kilocalories for the whole day. here is a sample menu. for breakfast - cottage cheese, you can add a spoonful of honey. for lunch! buckwheat porridge, served with cucumbers, they are low in calories and at the same time perfectly satiate. for dinner, kefir.
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a simple exercise will help muffle the feeling of hunger: inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, while raising your arms up. as you exhale , lower and turn to the right, like this. movement in one direction or the other, in order to consolidate the effect of the express diet, we leave it, that’s right, we start the next day with a vegetable salad, during the day you can eat porridge, and in the evening baked poultry or fish, spend fasting days regularly, you don’t just improve your health, but gradually get rid of extra pounds. look perfect to the tips of your nails, and you can do it, for us modern women, this is not just a figure of speech, but a figure, but mottos,
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this is a daily routine, an international instructor, i boasted, an international manicure instructor, tatyana kashleeva offers to do a manicure with a figurine of a butterfly, that’s how i like it, the simplest one, but now let’s have a butterfly, a hybrid of gel and acrylic powder, that is, acrygel, the product is usually used for building up and strengthening nails, and i’ll make a voluminous one out of the material a figurine that will decorate the manicure, i sculpt an elegant butterfly, i will work with a petal-shaped brush so that the bristles do not stick to the acrygel, i treat the bunch with an alcohol-containing product, i squeeze out a pea of ​​material onto the paper for stickers, it is slippery on one side and... strong elastic on the other , what is needed for work, although ordinary food foil will also work, i press the acrygel with a brush,
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form the part in the form of a butterfly wing, sculpt the rest of the wings and bodies in the same way, dry the elements, assemble them together, instead of glue i use acrygel to make it more convenient to work, i attach the butterfly to... i separate the villi from the toothbrush, glue them onto gel polish, these are antennae, i paint the wings with nail polish, you can choose the colors and pattern to your taste, i paint the veins on the wings with brown varnish, paint the body of the antennae black, and after drying i cover the butterfly. transparent top, ready, all that remains is to glue the decoration to the nail, and now we have
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an elegant summer design, an airy butterfly that is about to fly away. an exhibition opened in moscow, at vodnkh in pavilion number 49 the festival of my childhood smells like a blossoming apple tree, but i don’t remember it at all. moreover, the name is so long; our correspondent maryana has details. the forty-ninth pavilion of the dnh is like one big labyrinth, behind a white film of students’ work, a project school for teenagers, a cascade. for example, this is what they did in the city of dreams, there are live ants at work here, we have complete freedom. you can smell everything, listen to it, touch everything, you can’t eat katya stepanova’s mushrooms, they sing. there are headphones with which you can listen to the music that is being made as again. these are the mushrooms at the site, all school year the guys studied history, art, got acquainted with the concepts: performance, installation, painting, collage, sound or
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video art, when they chose the direction, they began to create themselves? ordinary teenagers, we are not a program for the talented or super-powered, we give this opportunity to everyone, the program is also free, there is a space in which it is legitimate for you to talk about what you are thinking about, what problems worry you, the most pressing topic of memory and memories , all... during the preparatory period , tutors, people with psychological or pedagogical education, worked with teenagers. he left me at the age of 3 and all he left was a digital archive. i scanned the head and printed it. it would seem like a printed phone number, and this is art. yes, if form fades into the background, loneliness comes first. it doesn't always happen that there is someone nearby. i liked the ad form. and this is a real number, you can call it, and you will hear an answering machine. which will contain my monologue. in it’s difficult to understand contemporary art without explanations; the curators of the exhibition were already doing this; by the way, they are also children. i
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come up with the main concept of the exhibition, the idea and communicate with the artists. and together we decide how to arrange their works, what material to use, and write explanatory texts for their works. exhibition-festival, my childhood smells of a blooming apple tree, but i don’t remember it at all, open until july 31. in edinha, forty-ninth pavilion. maryana zhukova, dmitry parfenov, channel one. how to earn several million views on online in just a couple of days. the owner of a dog named maymo knows the answer to this difficult question. he bought a lot at the store like this. either the sun or the rain or some thunderstorms just like that, well, of course we won’t grumble and june this year, to put it mildly, is a variety of sadness about this because after the rain there is always a rainbow and after a thunderstorm
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it’s so good to breathe, i agree in general with the june rains. charged it up, dripped it, watered it, it rained again, counting the positives, the soil is moistened, the trees and grass grow more actively, the air is cleaner, clears of pollutants, streams of sludge, sulfur, from the exhausts of cars, vehicles, also clears dust from soot, after rain it is easy to breathe, the dust has been nailed down, the dirt has been washed away, the pollen has settled, you can breathe. fully people who have allergies, polynoses, increased sensitivity to various types of allergens, plant, flower, they always note this benefit in their well-being. reservoirs are also feeling better; rain replenishes their reserves. when it rains, the water levels in the rivers rise accordingly. if there is no rain for a long time, we have the water level in the reservoir will simply gradually drop. and this affects drinking water supplies. the volume of the reservoir is directly related to
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the amount of precipitation. rivers are also a source of hydropower. there are almost 200 power plants in russia, generating 18% of all electricity; if there is less water, production falls. but the most important thing is well-being. rain relaxes the nervous system and muscles, including the heart. the sound is soothing. what's the smell? by the way, after the rain it smells like petrichor. these are three aromas at once: ozone, essential oils of plants actinamycete bacteria from soil. rain is also good for your hair and skin. in the warm, humid air, the pores open up, there are more women with waves, curls, envy... in the rain, nature takes its toll, no matter what powerful means they straighten them, and if the styling is already gone, let alone hide, go for a walk, especially if it rains outside the city, such a load will strengthen us, harden and increase our resources, strengthen our body, and if it rains all day, then it means the long-awaited time has come a hobby, pick up something you’ve been putting off for a long time,
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a book, knitting needles, paints, the main thing is to get distracted while doing something and enjoy the summer and the rains. monday june 24 in crimea and sevastopol has been declared a day of mourning due to the tragedy as a result of the attack of the ukrainian armed forces in sevastopol. a word to our colleagues from the channel one information service. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. three days of mourning have been declared in dagestan for the victims of the terrorist attack in makhachkala and derbent. according to the head of the region, sergei melikov, the active phase of operational the counter-terrorism operation has ended. according to the head of dagestan , 15 policemen were killed as a result of armed attacks, and there was a casualty among civilians. the national anti-terrorism committee announced the elimination of five militants.
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according to the ministry of internal affairs, they were taken to the makhachkala hospital. people, 13 wounded policemen, three civilians. the day before, bandits attacked a synagogue and a church in derbent, as well as a church at a traffic police post in makhachkala. in derbent , terrorists killed the priests of the orthodox church in makhachkala, the ministry of internal affairs took them out there were 19 parishioners in the temple who were hiding there from criminals. in dagestan, an interception plan is in effect, a search for terrorist accomplices is underway, as the tas agency reports, citing sources in law enforcement agencies , searches are underway at the head of serg kalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov. who was detained in connection with the participation of his sons in the terrorist attack. explosive technicians are working at crime scenes and small arms and ammunition have been seized. the neighboring regions of stavropolia and kabbardino-balkaria have introduced enhanced security measures. now it's a special operation, a whole the ukrainian armed forces department, which settled in a stronghold on the right bank of the dnieper, destroyed the geotsin tb, the crews of these towed
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152 mm caliber guns, and also destroyed the enemy’s camouflaged firing positions and a warehouse. in the kharkov direction, another enemy stronghold was covered by a hurricane. the crew of the northern group of troops' launch rocket system was targeted with 220 mm caliber ammunition. and our tulip, the crew of a self-propelled mortar of special power, deprived the enemy of two more strong points, and this is the only 240 mm caliber mortar in the world, the guards combined arms army of the west group of troops helped the attack aircraft advance deeper into the militants' defense. at the moment. we work at a range of 14 km, because an active-reactive mine is used, we mainly hit targets at a distance of seven to six km. there are a lot of targets, we work in the daytime and at night, there are also targets, armored vehicles,
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we often work at uav control points that are located in buildings, in fortified areas, but artillery is of course a very strong thing, powerful. energy dar attacks pose a threat was stated by the head of magathe, rafael grossi. energodar is being shelled from drones. on june 19 , there was no light at all in the city of nuclear scientists. drones hit the only operating raduga substation. magathe experts visited the site and were convinced that there was a failure in the supply of energy to the industrial zone next to the nuclear power plant to one of the station nodes. all the energy for cooling the idle reactors is supplied without interruption, but in the magath report they stubbornly keep silent about who exactly is hitting the station. whoever is behind this must stop drone attacks on nuclear power plants in the vicinity are increasing, this is an absolutely unacceptable violation of the basic security provisions and specific principles
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approved unanimously. it is impossible not to notice that it is ukraine that regularly attacks the largest nuclear power plant in europe. zaporozhye npp is located on our territory and our specialists work there. our country is responsible for its security. the enemy is on it, the same one that destroyed the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station. then the west is responsible for this crime tried to blame moscow, despite the obvious absurdity of such assumptions. our media stated that russia will do everything to deprive the kiev regime of the opportunity to fire at the station. a combined team of specialists from the federal center for disaster medicine, psychologists, on behalf of the president, arrived in sevastopol. doctors will assess the condition of the victims as a result of the rocket attack on the city that occurred. the day before, as stated by the ministry of defense, the strike was carried out by five american-made missiles with cluster weapons in part, four were intercepted by our air defense, the fifth detonated in the air. our military clarifies that flight missions for such missiles
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are assigned by american specialists based on us satellite reconnaissance data, so both kiev and washington bear responsibility for the attack. according to the latest data , 151 people received injuries of varying severity, including 82 who are now in hospital. 27 minors, six of them in serious condition, of the four dead, two were children. by the way of sevastopol in the alexander garden in in moscow, people bring flowers and light lamps at a spontaneous memorial in simferopol. today a day of mourning has been declared in sevastopol and the republic of crimea. now about the maneuvers of the ships of the pacific fleet, they conducted artillery firing at air and sea targets in the sea of ​​okhotsk and the sea of ​​japan, deck-based helicopters k-27 ps from
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the aircraft and naval aviation helicopters attracted marine units, crews of the coastal complexes ball and bastion . good morning, our wonderful tv viewers, thank you for celebrating the new day with channel one, yulia zemina and nikita pimina are with you, good morning to everyone on the calendar, june 24, an important historical date. on this day in 1945, the legendary victory parade took place on red square in moscow. the victory parade in moscow on june 24, 1945 is called. legendary and let the first parade be held on may 4 in berlin immediately after the capture of the reichstag, it will thunder throughout the whole world, and this one on the main square of the country will be remembered. on may 24, 1945
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, supreme commander stalin issued a directive on preparations for the victory parade and accordingly gave a month for preparation. for comparison, now they are preparing for the parade for four months with 40,000 participants. units of equipment, even a fountain was erected on the place of execution. suvorov resident dmitry mikhailovich epefanov was able to look at him especially closely. in the square, we stood with our backs to the temple. basil the blessed, to the left of us stood the standard bearers, to the right the fountain was dripping with cold dew, we were wet. the parade columns were lined up in the same order as the battle fronts on the map, karelian first, bringing up the rear, ukrainian third, then all the other troops. to indicate fronts in at the bolshoi theater they prepared banners, heavy, 10 kilograms each. this is velvet, it’s not like the germans are saving money. this is an expensive bar, the sewing on
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it, everything is heavy and it was simply impossible to carry it across red square on your hands, they made such a sling with a glass, it turned out great. thousands of soldiers received new uniforms before the parade; the day before , several factories in moscow and the moscow region were working in the oval mode, and new technical equipment was sewn for foot tankers; it was jumpsuits that were directly sewn on shoulder straps for the parade. the footage shows front-line soldiers walking. in even ceremonial formations, but they had at most two or three weeks to prepare the drill, those who were more experienced in this were assigned to them, according to the recollections of the participants in the parade of front-line soldiers, they drilled them as recruits, the suvorovites walked in front of the last, equation to the right, the chest of the fourth person, so that to maintain the rank correctly, when the music died down, hitler’s banners flew to the ground to the beat of drums, perhaps the most...
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impressive moment of the parade. the mood that day was not affected by either the rain or the fact that flights were canceled due to the weather. but it was possible consider the famous katyusha and t-34 and heavy and s2. most likely, these were tanks that had been in battle, received quite heavy combat damage, and were sent to overhaul factories. the whole country waited 1418 days and nights for these moments of triumph. natalya leonova, denis panomariov, dmitry likhachev, channel one. i love baking cakes, both sweet and savory. i even decided to decorate the omelette for breakfast in the form of a cake. i need to separate the yolks from the whites. i’ll use a proven technique: i pinch the crumb of the bread. and now i carefully take the yolk, i transfer it to a bowl and separate it in the same way.
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the rest of the yolks, mix thoroughly , leave aside for now, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, the omelette will turn out even tastier if you add the filling, i have diced ham, tomato, parsley, salt and pepper the protein mixture, spread it out. greased bowl, steam for 20 minutes under a closed lid, when the whites have set, pour the yolks on top, cook until done, turn the omelette over onto a flat plate, cut into pieces, serve, look how... but the dish sparkles with new colors,
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have a nice breakfast, you must admit, in the summer in your free time you don’t really want to sit at home, you really want to go for a walk, parks, squares, streets are just inviting, of course, and they also attract the appetite, it’s very simple for all lovers of tasty things, in the summer it’s just expanses are distributed everywhere and all sorts of sweet pastries are sold, they say, poklova, churchila, corn, i recently ran into it. somehow not very pleasant, so choose for yourself. in summer in all moscow parks. queue for sweet pastries. i bought takdelnik, i really like them, the tupons are very fast go away, most often i buy churos, because it is such a simple, but at the same time rich, tasty food. and donuts are generally with sugar, donuts, well, something like that. yes, donuts are still the most popular. more than 2.0 per day are sold in only one retail store.
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dnh. they bake here according to the classic recipe. flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt. a special apparatus is filled with hot oil and the apparatus makes the rings itself. there is a special shape, with pressure you get these round donuts. 5 minutes and ready. only sugar all that remains is to sprinkle the powder. i studied in leningrad and these donuts then cost four kopecks. and we ate them with pleasure. it reminds me of my childhood, yes, my grandmother baked donuts. i learned to sing donuts myself, and now i bake donuts for my grandchildren. and in order to have only pleasant memories from ready-made street items, before purchasing, be sure to evaluate what the retail outlet and those who work in it look like. it must be cleaned, the surrounding area must be clean, there must be no garbage, personnel must work in clean sanitary clothing, use disposable gloves, the pastries themselves are rosy with a pleasant smell, if with additives, like trdelniki, they should be stored in the refrigerator, tuesday is generally a czech national dish, it
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is made from a similar czech dough, this wrapping process, we take into account so that we have it’s a slight overlap that we had filling on every layer. of course, it’s better to take those products that have been in the heat for a little while and are no longer as tasty, have you noticed? sellers confirm this, it fails the fastest churos. this is a spanish dessert, considered traditional, well, it is prepared from choux pastry, when it is fresh, it retains its consistency, that is, it is crispy like a weapon, inside the dough remains so tender, if the humidity is high outside or indoors, then it is saturated and becomes narrower different structure. in addition, preservatives and margarine, which prolong the 40-year life, are not added to sweet street baked goods. there is no point, and they sort it out so well, the dough is very soft, so fresh, there is just the right amount of cold ice cream, warm sweet churos the strawberry topping is very tasty. marina vakharsheva, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, yulia bykova, channel one.
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the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy, and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of ukrainian. conflict, a humanitarian crisis, a worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him for 1.1 billion old tanks to ukraine, and our american ones will replace them. the american scheme, its corrupt mission, his wife is a direct negotiator; against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses , they were caught directly for corruption. there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for airlines, how to avoid being put on trial or to save his wife, he was ready to do anything. sanchez meets. trump, by the way, showed him, this is your place there, yes, that is , he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez, rare pedro, dolls of tutti's heir, today on the first. gin
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сnop, product of stellor group, cognac. monte shococa, a product of the stellor group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, vodka, pechora, a product of the stellar group, beauty, what a mish you are, it’s all the same, you’re beautiful, here you go, bear, don’t get used to it, i won’t be related to ermakov now, i understand , hands, don’t touch anyone, we’ll still get married, i won’t go after nazar, i want a bear. varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i ’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha,
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where, they didn’t find him varka, father said, you’re on crashed in the rapids, hold it, jump, i said, otherwise i’ll shoot, no need for a bag. who killed him? father! how did you end up on the shore? you found me. who is varya? my bride. for the happiness of the young! smile, i’m your husband now! ready to teach i can! i forgot to whip! two shores, premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time! you are crazy? don't touch it! i won't be with you! sleep, i wouldn’t live better at all, i’m probably happy
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when my children, my relatives are next to me, my parents should have good things education themselves, they must pass it on to their children, a father must educate his... being a mother is work, it is daily work, taking care of children, mom, dad, brothers and i, a great family, 3 years old already, and we are already now at this age we read books, happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment, spent together. everyone lived well with faith, hopefully everything will be fine. the brix games ended in kazan. the results of the competition in the report of a sports journalist from channel one. maria bas. the exciting summer brix sports games in
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kazan have come to an end. all these days, the capital of tatarstan surrounded the participants, journalists and guests with attention and care. in such a friendly atmosphere , it is doubly pleasant to watch athletes compete, and even more so to watch the victories of russians. neither side winds nor waves prevent our athletes from becoming the best at any distance. russia is the leader in medal standings igor. every victory of our athletes is truly a canopy of gold, strong-willed victories in swimming, artistic gymnastics, brilliant and smart in chess, truly emotional fencing, heroic in badminton. on the final day of the competition, our magnificent gymnasts, the most graceful in the world, brought the country another gold medal. the brix games are for us, like the olympic games are for our girls. senior adults, like a breath of fresh air, where they could compete
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not only with foreigners, that is, with themselves, with her friends, who are the strongest gymnasts, and of course, all these victories were decorated with the sincere support of the audience, not only residents, but also guests of the capital of tatarstan, so a family from chelny embankment came specially to see the performance of our brilliant gymnasts, especially for her. .. came to the rhythmic gymnastics finals to show, to add motivation, he is sick, worried, looking, really wants to take a photo with his sovereigns, but so far we have not succeeded. we couldn't stay away, we took your hand little role and led straight to the backstage, to the trusted sisters, dina and arina. titled athletes treated the baby with great attention and care. you really enjoy going to every training session. yes, but who do you want to become? coach. the dream has come true, and we are sure that this meeting and photo as a souvenir will become a strong incentive for
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the little gymnast. i don’t really want to say goodbye to the charming leopard brixik, but the mascot of these games will definitely remain in the memory of the fans, like all those unique emotions and impressions that he gave us a fantastic sports festival in kazan. there is a big premiere on channel one, a multi-part series. the story of two families, against the backdrop of the history of our country, from the thirties to perestroika, don’t miss the first episode today, how beautiful it is here, though there is a deceptive calm, rapids ahead, two families, two banks, the skolchin ermakovs, their enmity will stretch for decade, from here, why am i making slander, oh, you are rotten, knit together, intolerance, hardened hearts. only hatred towards strangers, but towards my own people, however, i pointed a gun at my daughter, yeah, but, but it didn’t
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it was charged, it wasn’t charged, well, it’s creepy, you know, the ermakovs’ son is a groom, mikhail, he couldn’t find a better bride, he fell madly in love with her, i don’t care where you go, go to hell, don’t go to hell, the feelings are sincere and mutual, but the fathers of the two clans wanted to spit on it, pooped, bitten,
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you’re a pale daughter, so she doesn’t eat anything, she’ll look, she’ll look at everything, nothing has been touched, don, don’t think about it, i don’t offend her, she’ll endure it, she’ll fall in love , before our eyes, the stories of families and the fate of the country, the time period, creative inspiration for the actors, we will see and children, grandchildren of the main characters, and glaya shillovskaya played irina ermakova from 16 years old to 60. listen, mom, what is this play for, and you still called me mom, the heroes will fade like stars, and how many will there be... after all, there will be feelings, love, big premiere on channel one, two shores saga, now
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jump, victoria valenskaya, channel one like that. let's move on, now about money, or more precisely about insurance, if anyone has not heard, there is such a thing: endowment life insurance. by the way, it’s quite a useful thing; it allows you to insure yourself and save money. how is it all works, let's figure it out together right now. endowment life insurance policy, two in one, insurance plus a piggy bank. for example, in 10 years we want to accumulate a million, somewhere around 100,000 a year, we will have to contribute so that this million is formed. that is, it's a little less. 9,000 per month, if we are talking about monthly payments, they can be monthly, quarterly, once every six months, once a year, the payment schedule of the amount is at your discretion, but are negotiated before concluding the contract, the minimum period is 5 years, and if i after 2 years i won’t be able to pay, i can withdraw the money, in this case, upon termination , the redemption amount is paid, in the first policy year this amount will be zero, from
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the second part of the amount will be returned, but it is significantly less than what was paid, and this is a nuance in which... in cases, the money will be paid in full first upon the occurrence of an insured event, the heirs or the one specified in the contract will receive the entire amount, regardless of the amount of savings, the second at the end of the policy period. the amount of payment is indicated in the contract and it is better to study it for its nuances many, for example, some promise interest. insurance companies invest these insurance reserves in very conservative instruments, bonds, federal bonds. a loan, as a rule, this is what they are, yes, so the income there can vary, well, i don’t know, up to 10% per year, you said it’s possible, that is, this is a possible income, but not guaranteed, yes, yes, that’s why they write, yes, that it is not, firstly, a fixed value, it depends on market facts, and it is not guaranteed, yes, there may not be interest, but it is possible to apply for a social
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tax deduction, return 13% of payments for the year, but a maximum of 19,500 rubles. what will happen to this policy with this amount if the insurance company suddenly goes bankrupt? insurance companies are not included in this system, and deposit insurance, like banks, is absolutely legalized mechanism by which the transfer of insurance portfolios occurs. in this case, the contract will be valid on the same terms; the insurer cannot change it unilaterally. "rita larkina, konstantin struchkov, evgeniy smirnov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. rarely, the apartment building's hardware is not currently part of the community chat. by the way, i am not a member, and i am not a member. here we are those rare residents, although in reality you need to know your neighbors by sight, communicate with them, solve problems together, help, but keep in mind, sometimes they, scammers, penetrate into these very chats.
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announcements at entrances are a thing of the past. they have almost been supplanted by community chats; for example, we have a very active group in messenger, they publish an ad here management company and neighbors communicate with each other, but recently i started to come across fraudulent messages, here you go, i took a screenshot, someone is trying to collect money from my neighbors, a woman tells a heartbreaking story, allegedly all her money was stolen from her, they are asking for donations for food and a ticket to their hometown, this was written by scammers, and not... puts pressure on the compassion of compassionate neighbors, they hope that in a chat where everyone is loyal to each other, they can get a good jackpot. how do swindlers end up in communal buildings? chats? and i’ll tell you: let’s say a scammer added himself to a chat of animal lovers , called out, and asked to send him links to closed groups in order to spread information about helping animals. and one of
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your neighbors did it. the second version is the account of a resident of your home. they just hacked him and are sending out letters with requests on his behalf. if you see this message, don’t even think about donating money. and also, to prevent your number from being added to the criminal database of scammers, hide it in all instant messengers. to do this , go to settings, select confidentiality, click on the phone number and in the block who can see my number, check the box: no one. now, even if the account is one of yours. your friends will be hacked, your number will not be included in the database of criminals, be careful, today is june 24, the day of the chuvash republic, on which we congratulate all its inhabitants, and of course all of us, right now we are going to chuvashia, let's listen to the chuvash harp and bagpipes with arna we will find out how the region lives, we will taste huran kukli, in general it will be tasty and fun, song and
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endless meadows, an image felt through the eyes of local residents. 18 km of green spaces, and in the middle is the beautiful volga. bird's flight is the highest point in chuvashia above the level. the place of fragrant honey, aromatic hops, 92% of all russian production here , the chuvash land is the nurse leader in growing potatoes, vegetables, and i believe that in terms of land development, we have practically no undeveloped lands, all lands are used for growing something, the chuvash people love to eat, this they taught us how to sculpt.
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chuvash. in the voice of the national bagpipe sarnai made from bladder or animal skin. the musician, by the way, is called a bubbler. but the most popular instrument at all times was the chuvash gusli. unlike the russian gusli, wing-shaped, they were of a different shape, helmet-shaped, helmet-shaped had more strings, up to 32, which made it possible to play not just by jingling, but at the same time by plucking, like on a harp. look here. how, what a magical sound, skillful inventors, the mokrinsky railway bridge, what is the roman viaduct of chuvash
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production worth, 104 years ago was one of the longest in europe, now trains no longer run along it, but the photographs turn out fantastic, but the main attraction of chuvash and the mother’s monument on the embankment of cheboksary bay is ready to hug and shelter everyone, as well as... maria vasilyeva, hello, three days of mourning have been declared in dagestan according to the head of the region, sergei melikov, the investigation into victims of terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent is active. the operational phase of the counter-terrorism operation has ended. according to the head of dagestan, as a result 15 police officers were killed in armed attacks, and there was a casualty among civilians.
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the national anti-terrorism committee announced the elimination of five militants. according to the ministry of internal affairs , 16 people were taken to the makhachkala hospital, 13 police officers were wounded , three civilians. the day before, bandits attacked a synagogue and a church in derbent, as well as a church at a traffic police post in makhachkala. terrorists killed a priest in derbent. tas , citing sources in law enforcement agencies, searches are taking place at the head of serg kalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov, who detained in connection with the participation of his sons in the terrorist attack. explosive technicians are working at crime scenes, small arms and ammunition have been seized from the neighboring regions of stavropolia and cardino. enhanced security measures have been introduced. now a special operation, an entire department of the ukrainian armed forces, which settled in a strong point on the right bank of the dnieper, destroyed geocin tb, the crews
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of these towed 152 mm caliber guns, and also destroyed camouflaged enemy firing positions and an ammunition depot. all this is in the kokhovsky direction, where the artillery of the dnepr group of troops works daily in in conjunction with drone operators who help conduct reconnaissance, adjust fire and record. and our tulip deprived the enemy of two more strongholds, the crew of a self-propelled mortar of special power, and this is the only 240 mm caliber mortar in the world, of the guards combined arms army of the west group of forces helped the attack aircraft advance deeper into the militants’ defense. at the moment we are working at a range of 14 km, because an active-reactive mine is used, we mainly hit targets at a distance of 7-6 km. there are a lot of goals, we work during the day and
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at night, there are also targets of armored vehicles, we often work at uav control points, which are located in buildings in fortified areas, but the artillery is of course very strong. the head of magathe, rafael grossi, declared a threat to nuclear safety. energodar is being shelled from drones. on june 19 , there was no light at all in the city of atomshchikov. drones hit the only operating substation, radu. magathe experts visited the site and were convinced that there was a failure in the supply of energy to the industrial zone next to the nuclear power plant to one of the station nodes. all energy for cooling idle reactors arrive without interruption, but magat’s report stubbornly keeps silent about who exactly is hitting the station. whoever is behind this must stop, drone attacks on nuclear power plants in its vicinity are increasing. this absolutely unacceptable violates the basic provisions in
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the field. it is impossible not to notice that it is ukraine that regularly attacks the largest nuclear power plant in europe. zaporozhye npp is located on our territory, our specialists work there. our country is responsible for its security. the enemy is shooting at her, the same one who destroyed kokhovskaya, ges. then the west tried to blame moscow for this crime, despite the obvious absurdity of such assumptions. our media stated that... they will do everything to deprive the kiev regime of the opportunity to fire at the station. a combined team of specialists from the federal center for disaster medicine, psychologists, on behalf of the president, arrived in sevastopol. doctors will assess the condition of the victims of the rocket attack on the city that occurred the day before. how the ministry of defense stated that the strike was carried out by five american-made missiles with a cluster warhead. four were intercepted by our air defense, the fifth detonated in
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the air. our military clarifies that flight missions for such missiles are assigned by american specialists based on us satellite reconnaissance data, so both kiev and washington bear responsibility for the attack. according to the latest data , 151 people received injuries of varying severity, 82 are now in hospital, including 27 minors, six of them in serious condition. condition, of the four dead, two were children. by the time of sevastopol, in the alexander garden in moscow, people bring flowers and light lamps near the elements. now about the maneuvers of the ships of the pacific fleet, they conducted artillery fire at air and sea targets in the sea of ​​okhotsk and the sea of ​​japan. k-27 ps helicopters from the tactical group of the coastal flotilla carried out reconnaissance and searched for a mock enemy. at the same time, the sailors practiced setting up smoke screens to protect against unmanned boats and to destroy weapons
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air attack. rest, someone doesn’t mind earning extra money, well , why not, if you can, for example, provide computer repair services, or plumbing, and of course, the easiest way is to register on the aggregator website, now they are called a platform, but also there are some nuances about them in more detail. almost any adult can register, but getting a job on the platform, says founder konstantin fedorov, is impossible. the platform is not an employer, the platform is a place where
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the master finds clients. that is, the transaction is concluded between the master and the client directly, the platform only ensures their meeting. the simplest one resembles a notice board, photos, description, cost. here you decide everything yourself. post it in your profile and wait for the client’s call. there is a platform where the client publishes a request, determines the scope of work and the price he is willing to pay. the specialist only responds to the order. ivan svenukhov, a door installation master, is registered for this. you put the balance there every response you pay money from them, but it’s on a different platform, and that is, the response costs a certain amount there, but it’s 200-300 rubles, from this it turns out that you can leave 10 calls, that is, give 3,000 there, that’s the output there with 1 maximum order, you will have to, god forbid, if you make four in a week, five, this is all the maximum, there is a third version of the platform, it works as a taxi aggregator, the client chooses a service, the system itself finds
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a specialist for it and is assigned. protection from unscrupulous clients, if the client does not pay, the platform will pay for client. for such care, the master pays a percentage, it can reach up to thirty, and the price for the client on such platforms is higher, but not a single platform keeps track of
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the employee’s work history, makes pension contributions or controls the payment of taxes. here is my headache in order to make a bright pension for myself, for this i have self-employment, that is, i pay taxes, that is, everything goes according to the tax authorities. according to the bank, that is, the bank sees everything, the tax office sees everything. the three most in-demand areas in platforms include unified state exam tutors, beauty industry and installation repair technicians, plumbers and electricians, furniture assemblers. for the latter, by the way, summer is considered the peak season; there are the most orders on any platform. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, alexander ignatov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. this is a hybrid of acrylic powder gel, that is, acrygel, the product is usually used to build up the strength of nails, and i will make a three-dimensional figure from the material
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that will decorate the manicure, i will make an elegant butterfly, i will work with a brush in the form petal, so that the pile does not stick like regel, i treat the bunch with an alcohol-containing product and squeeze it out. material on paper for stickers, it is slippery on one side and strong elastic on the other, what is needed for the job, although ordinary food foil will also work, i press the acrygel with a brush, form a part in the form of a butterfly wing, and sculpt the rest of the wings and torsos in the same way, i dry the elements, put them together, instead of glue... i use acrygel to make it easier to work, attach the butterfly to a toothpick, separate bristles from a toothbrush, i glue them onto gel polish, these are antennae, i paint the wings with
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nail polish, you can choose the colors and patterns to your taste, i paint the veins on the wings with brown varnish, i paint the body of the antennae black, after drying, i cover the butterfly with a transparent topcoat , ready, all that remains is to glue the decoration to the nail, and now we have an elegant summer design, an airy butterfly that is about to fly away. by the way, on this day, june 24, our ancestors looked out the window in the morning, no...
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to be attracted by fantastic projections, otherwise he is a little eccentric, and at the same time loves everything unusual and original, here he needs to be grounded a little, but he has a rich imagination, he has artistic abilities, he is artistic, and if you need to fit into some team or an unfamiliar company, he will help you , the other side of the same coin, he is not very picky about making acquaintances, on such days we are careless, sometimes overly trusting, however, today it is unlikely that anyone will be able to deceive aries, unless they themselves ... want to, remember, as i said poet: i i’m happy to be deceived, but it’s a great day, although it won’t let you be lazy, there may be a lot of things to do, well , you’ll rest in the evening, taurus may have some kind of conflict of interest, most likely it will be
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something related to work, you keep yourself in control, otherwise everything should turn out well, expect guests in the evening, it’s a very busy day for the twins, although at first things may slow down a little, but by lunchtime everything will pick up, so in the end it will stay the same. happy, just don’t argue with your boss, especially if the boss is older than you. cancers will have a chance to solve some personal or commercial problem. as for work, don’t be lazy to ask again, recalculate, clarify and double-check something. and work very carefully with the documents. leos may decide that their life has somehow been going on for too long, and they will want something new and unusual. the luminary understands you very well, but reminds you to be careful. isn't it time for you to go on vacation? the luminary strongly advises virgos to slow down a little at work and take care of home and personal life. by the way, the day is very not bad for all sorts of household purchases and repairs, but it’s better not to take out a loan and no. it's a romantic day for libras
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, and they are in the appropriate mood, even for those who are usually purely pragmatic, but things will also go well, especially if you add a little creativity to them. scorpios have a normal monday, negotiations and interviews will go well, including regarding employment, it will be possible to agree on something with the authorities, and some secret may also be revealed to you. something for sagittarius may change plans, and for some it’s even... a little thrown out of their usual rut, however, not for long, it will even entertain you. in the evening, an argument or conversation in a raised voice is not excluded. let's calm down and don't get carried away with alcohol. capricorns have a great day for new beginnings, difficult tasks and generally anything that requires the strength of confidence. today you will have plenty of both. just don’t try to solve everything in one dashing swoop, okay, and be extremely careful while driving, especially when overtaking. u aquarius is also a good day, really. there are a lot of emotions during the day, and although for the most part they
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will be positive, do not splash them out on others, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward situation and keep an eye on your wallet, this also applies to electronic wallets, this day promises something romantic for pisces, if it is a holiday romance, the stars are somehow not happy, but they can be wrong, for those who are at work, please do not forget about safety precautions, good luck to you, prime minister of spain,
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democratic party of the usa, absolutely and trump knows that this is the man aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. good afternoon, my dear, beloved country, our big friendly family, family is where they look in the same direction, when they support, love each other, and are always happy about the success of each family member. being a dad is very good, raising children, helping. you dissolve into everything in your child, you understand that this is
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a continuation of you, the main thing is together and most importantly together, with love, a cherished dream, probably for our country to prosper, for my son to be happy, you need to dream, believe in your dreams, strive for your cherished goals, everything will definitely work out. for me , the best way to maintain health is a fasting day once a week, for example, i don’t eat anything at all, i just drink water, and for beginners i recommend reducing the portion as much as possible, although such an express diet is not suitable for expectant and nursing mothers, it is also contraindicated in case of exacerbation of the disease gallbladder, liver and stomach. if you don’t have such problems, choose a date in advance and let's mark it on the calendar to tune in and prepare. it is best to spend
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a fasting day on a day off, when there is no serious mental or physical stress. but the day before, i advise you to go for a run or strength training. intensive exercise will increase metabolism and cleanse the body will be more effective. dinner the day before fasting. the day should be light, a salad of grated beets, carrots and apples, seasoned with vegetable oil is suitable, the dish improves digestion, during the fasting day we drink warm water, the temperature is about 40°. we also brew triple teas; you can eat a maximum of 500 kilocalories the whole day. here is a sample menu for breakfast. cottage cheese, you can add a spoonful of honey, for lunch - buckwheat
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porridge, serve it with cucumbers, they are low-calorie and at the same time perfectly satiating. for dinner, kefir, a simple exercise will help muffle the feeling of hunger: inhale slowly and deeply through the nose, at the same time raise your arms up, as you exhale, lower them and turn to the right, like this, perform the movement first to the bottom, then to the other side. to consolidate the effect of the express diet, let's get out of it, right. we start the next day with a vegetable salad. during the day you can eat porridge, and in the evening baked poultry or fish. spend fasting days regularly, you will not only improve your health, but gradually
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get rid of extra pounds. here are cherry tomatoes, we all know they are so small, sweet, you wash them before eating. i wash everything. too, i don’t know what the question might be here, no, in fact there is a question, what needs to be washed from vegetables and fruits, it’s one thing, there are tomatoes, cucumbers, which we buy at the market, we wash them, of course, for example, bananas, i always wash them, but why, i don’t wash them, because you peel them, well, i don’t know, i have this quirk, tomatoes in a package, yes , they seem to be already clean, i wash everything anyway, in general, anastasia kremeshnaya turned to an expert for clarification, and even tinkered with them a little, to wash or not to wash, heat... ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, especially on the hands , so the risk of catching an intestinal infection in the summer is high. everyone lives with e. coli, and it’s just it spreads when immunity drops; a person who has stable immunity will not catch 80% at once.
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the doctors' recommendation is simple: wash your hands often, for at least 30 seconds, but this makes no sense if you eat dirty vegetables and fruits. this is the second reason for intestinal growth. in the summer, you must admit, you really want to eat a couple of berries at once, their shelf life is only 2-3 days, so that they do not lose their taste and color on the road in the car, they can be treated with sulfur oxide. this substance does not allow the development of pathogenic microflora, putrefactive bacteria, it preserves the freshness of the product. at the plekhanov university they reassured us. sulfur oxide is only dangerous in very large doses. there is not much of it on the berries; under a microscope there is a coating that could remain. it’s not visible, an analysis of the chemical composition will show it even more accurately, we carry it out on dirty cherries, this is the red line on the washed ones, the blue one, almost the same. this cherry has not been subjected to any strong chemical processing, at least, so we can say that there is practically nothing on the surface. not you should be afraid of plaque on blueberries, for example,
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the berries produce it themselves, it protects them from the moisture of pests, like wax on apples, initially it is also natural, but... after harvesting they are washed, the wax is washed off, a new one is applied in production, we will check and it under a microscope. this is ordinary beeswax, this is cornob wax, this is an organic substance that can be eaten calmly, but someone may have an individual intolerance, who suffers from an allergy to honey, please, wax can cause this allergy, so it is better to wash the apples, here do bananas need to be washed, many argue, they arrive green, after transportation they are stored in special warehouses, where for several days the bananas undergo carbonation in a closed chamber without access to oxygen at a temperature of 13-15°, a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene is introduced to them and just begins ripening process. our chemical analysis did not find any harmful substances; minimal ethylene treatment in this amount is harmless, but
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it is still recommended to wash your hands after peeling bananas. pesticides were found in one of the shipments from ecuador. the same cherry in the package. for example, they look like they have already been washed, they don’t do this in production, otherwise they would be ruined the next day, if you look closely, you can even see dust, if you don’t wash the cherry, e. coli will come to the rescue, there is only one conclusion, wash all the vegetables and fruits, doctors' recommendation is to soak them in a soda solution for 30 minutes. anastasia karemezhnaya, dmitry roshkov, channel one. very soon, at the end of this week , graduation ceremonies will be held throughout the country. ah, eleventh graders will say goodbye to school life, they will say goodbye very cheerfully, well, who cares, well, in general, why do they have to say goodbye, someone will say goodbye to the school, and then return to the not-so-teachers, everywhere graduations are held differently, each region has its own traditions, special, but of course, this day is one and only, graduation on river,
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the children from the school in the udmursky village of the state farm have no dresses, hairstyles or makeup, instead of a speaker there is a guitar, to the sounds of chopping wood. the girls and their class teacher peel potatoes and catch fish for everyone. this year seven people are graduating, all from different neighboring villages. they will join us in the evening parents and... our event will continue in the format of parents and children, and children who graduated from college after the ninth grade will also join. the university is ahead, so it won’t be possible to meet again soon. arseny dreams of becoming a surgeon, but he already misses school. it’s very sad to be separated from school, i spent 11 years of my life here, it turns out that this is, well, more than half of the days i lived. and in this school in the village of kosoy brod, sverdlovsk region, there is a different tradition. graduates plant trees make a wish, what would happen without this? well it can't be that when you plant a tree, your
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wish does not come true. in this school there are already whole alleys of trees from graduates, after another wish at the school book, we put our palm on it, touch the history of the school, make wishes, i made a wish for you, after 10 years of meeting, we’ll see who has what came true. graduation in the fresh air can be different, in the blichepsinka village of the shahabl district after the presentation of certificates by bus to the mountain to the ancient spring. graduates must drink our spring water. this tradition was passed down to us from our ancestors, from grandparents. the village was born here, so this is where graduates meet the dawn. to drink spring water, near the water. it’s not for nothing that vlicepsin is called a dancing village, accompanied by songs and dances in folk costumes;
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elementary school students see off graduates into adulthood, this is also a tradition. liliya lobkova, marina sidorova, marina guseinova, pavel kulygin, nazir nagumanov, channel one. for several years now in our country , you can apply for admission to a university online, it’s very convenient, and you can submit your application immediately to several educational institutions, which is also very convenient now. we will tell you about this in more detail, and at the same time we will find out how other modern services help institutes and universities. yes. a couple of clicks later, your application for admission to the university is submitted. that's it, you submitted your application, we will consider it. but you don’t even need to go to the admissions office for this. every applicant has the country's universities at their fingertips. thanks to the national project digital economy , a super service for online university admissions has been running for government services for 4 years now. already. more than a thousand universities have joined this project, these are all state universities and some private ones.
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last year, a resident of kaliningrad, dmitry tumanov, applied to universities in his hometown of innopolis and moscow without leaving home, and this is not the only advantage. the super service allows you to track your rating in real time, what your chances of getting in are, and also how many places are left in what direction. there are five educational institutions in each five directions, but you can leave the originals, just like offline. only one thing, however, is to change priorities, if i didn’t get the points for the university of my dreams, it’s easier, i was very interested in alice university, and there i was even able to win a grant, but unfortunately, i couldn’t get through the rankings based on points, but thanks to the super service, just a couple of clicks, i was able to re-recall the original and send it bfu, all changes are immediately reflected in the document acceptance system, we have an applicant’s application, we can go through it, go in and all his... documents and identification documents, and a certificate, an individual achievement that he attached or benefits. in the first hours of the admissions campaign, kant ikbfu received
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about 60 online applications. this year we plan to increase almost 100% of applications so that they are submitted through the super service. the siberian federal university also counted the first applicants using a super service. this year, literally within 2 hours of the start of the admissions campaign, we received 300 applications, we can already see. those regions that have not previously submitted documents. for those who are worried about whether everything is in order with the documents, this year developers of online university admissions have launched chats with curators of the selected educational institution. at the moment of admission , the curator interacts with you, answers your questions, and once you are admitted, you immediately find yourself in a chat with your classmates. in addition, this year the super service has added the opportunity to apply for targeted training. at the same time , you won’t have to look for a future employer. here in government services. the list of those wishing to conclude an agreement, that’s all, this is where our
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program ends, but a new summer day it’s just beginning, we wish you that it will be just wonderful, yulia dimina and nikita piminov were with you, i wish you a great mood and an easy work day, see you, bye-bye, this is the news on the first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. assault and detention. and two more, here it is, like this, like this, work, counter-terrorism operation in dagestan, after an attack by militants,
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orthodox churches, a synagogue, a traffic police post, a search for accomplices is underway. all my birds were 100% on target. there was enough leopard hunting one drone. clear coordinated work and ingenuity to avoid becoming a target for enemy drones. everything to save the wounded in sevastopol, on the instructions of the president, the capital’s doctors arrived in the region on the day of mourning. i'm a naval officer, so... i can't hold back my tears, anyway. a monstrous crime, a beach filled with vacationers, ukrainian militants attacked with american missiles. trust is falling. german chancellor scholz actually admitted that the ruling...


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