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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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it seems to me that at the dna level, at the level, i don’t know, there should be a program built into every person who receives a salary from the public sector, he must remember who he came to serve. he came to serve people, it doesn’t matter whether he came to work as a teacher, a teacher, a doctor, whether he came to the guardianship authorities, to the court or somewhere else, our guardianship authority is either punitive or has closed its eyes like this, i see nothing, i hear nothing , but i want to say that we have a year of important work ahead, we will now be traveling to the regions much more more often than we did before. “i
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am now appealing to everyone, to all regions, to all social service agencies, guardianship authorities. my friends, let’s start cooperating, don’t close the doors, if you haven’t coped with something, this does not mean that your mistake cannot be corrected , failed due to various reasons, sometimes the monstrous reasons are your indifference, and sometimes simply because they didn’t know what needed to be done, so don’t close the door, if you didn’t know, let us tell you what..."
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with how did he end up being a dad if he has a mom? alive, she lived with another person, but why did you take him away now? because he has 250,000 elements for a long time, and he asks us to buy him a house to work for 4 million, his dream, he picked up the child by the diaper and threw the bed, he said he will sleep, and you lie next to him and don’t get up, that’s what a monster he is , i only talked to my mother when i went out, i called her on the phone, if you started talking about your mother, it would be simply a sin not to invite her to this studio. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today the meeting of the state duma of the russian federation began with congratulations, congratulating the anniversary. gennady andreevich zyuganov, who turned 80 today.
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should be grateful to him, and it is no coincidence that today the president of russia, vladimir putin , awarded gennady andreevich with the star of the hero of labor of the russian federation, so congratulations, gennady andreevich, once again on your anniversary, we wish you strength, health, well, success in your political battles , really. an important political figure for our country, largely symbolic, and well the communist party of the russian federation, factions in the state duma, are very actively involved in the adoption of legislation that helps us in solving the problems of a special military operation, and what happened important on the fronts in recent days, but first of all it must be said that liberated... more 90 of our prisoners, this is always
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a very important event, we congratulate them, their families on the return of our guys to their homeland, and a rather unusual and unexpected message today from the ministry of defense of the russian federation about how they, hit as many as three hymers launchers. let's listen. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces, and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed three launchers of haimer rocket systems made in the united states, as well as a foreign transport-loading vehicle.
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indeed, today three destruction installations were reported, it is important to note that due to aerial technical reconnaissance, our military is tracking in the depths of the territory enemy of the location of western air defense systems, western missile launchers, and from time to time we see these attacks, in addition to the haymarts, it can be noted that not long ago the german irist launcher was destroyed, we also periodically see attacks on sams systems, and well-known episodes with the destruction . that is, this work is being carried out, it is often not widely publicized, but as a rule, then we find out these results, which, of course, make us happy, but the enemy is not very happy, so as for the situation at the front, then again ours the troops retain the operational
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initiative everywhere; if you look along the front line, then in the zaporozhye direction our troops consolidated in new positions northeast of rabotin, on the vremevsky ledge our troops improved their positions between the harvest. in the sokol area, where our troops are already completing the clearing of the populated area, our troops have also expanded the zone of control in the novo aleksandrovka area, they are pressing on novoselka first from the direction of umansky, which means that in the northern new york area our troops continue to advance, there is progress here
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there are noises in the area, fighting has begun on the outskirts of zerzhinsk, the enemy is evacuating the population, successfully transferring reserves here, because they did not expect this crisis, which means that in the chasofyar direction our troops continue to lead in the western part of the kanal microdistrict beyond the village of kalinovka fierce fighting, on the northern ledge our troops are completing the clearing of the razdolovka and also continue the offensive in the direction of the excavation, here we have small advances today, in the krasnoliman direction without changes in swatovo kupyansk, our troops approached the northern outskirts from makhovka, there will be ukrainian battles, we also continue to put pressure in the area of ​​petropavlovka and ivanovka, and well, in the kharkov direction, our troops have completely stabilized the situation in the area of ​​​​leptsa and glubokoye, here the enemy, having suffered heavy losses, was forced to suspend their attacks; in volchansk itself, our troops
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continue to fight for the city center, relying on the aggregate plant. in general, the initiative is almost everywhere with us; the enemy is expecting further local attacks. crises on a number of sections of the front. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhents, for your accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the special military operation, as always. the main news for the world media today was the announcement of negotiations held by the united states secretary of defense, austin, with our minister of defense belausov. well, indeed, if we look at the newspaper headlines, then all this is really on the front pages. the heads of the us and russian defense departments held their first telephone conversation in 15 months, this is nhk analog, the main defense departments spoke with a russian colleague on the phone, the rector, the head of the defense departments of russia and the united states had a conversation amid growing tensions over the attacks on crimea and so on and
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so forth, indeed this made a big sensation in the world, because for 15 months the military ministries did not communicate with each other with a friend, well, what are the details, well, the first information. came from the united states of america, when it was evening there, and it was night here, patrick ryder, secretary of the us department of defense, all sorts of things.
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what happened, and we are here, by the way, discussed, this is a tragedy on the beach near sevastopol, this is really a tragedy that the pentagon could not brush aside, and you know, it was even surprising that they were always silent, how many such shellings had already happened, when children died, when civilians died, when foreign weapons were involved, not always american ones, the czechs, by the way, will have to answer for their...
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united states, the united states will have to answer for this. it is clear that they are fussing, this is quite obvious, but there is and others, a different situation: completely, in general, for the last month mr. tsirsky tried again to carry out a counter-offensive, not much was said about this, but it was obvious that they were trying to carry out a counter-offensive. a lot of different equipment was supplied. they caught up with cannon fodder again, everything failed, they understand that the situation is again, which means it’s not in their
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favor, well, what to do, you need to contact us, and one more thing, remember, when there was a conversation with sergei kuzhietovich 15 months ago , and austin, it means, was talking about including about the drone that was lost then on the american side, here again we have problems with unmanned aircraft from the united... well, let’s get started, i don’t think that this will somehow change our position in relation to at least these drones , and in general, unmanned and not only unmanned aircraft, which swarm, as if swarming around our borders, especially in the black sea region, are at great risk, that’s for sure, but...
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natural gas from overseas, in fact, forcing european business , transfer
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enterprises overseas in order to reduce costs, as is already happening on a fairly large scale. the west is not ready for mutually beneficial, equal cooperation, and its inability to negotiate is already, in my opinion, recognized by everyone; when it needs to do something on orders, in this particular case from washington, it goes... to break any agreements, to any violations of international law, we can also talk about this topic in a little more detail, so now, having seen how much for...
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what they are doing with this position in the west, they are either trying not to hear, or trying misrepresent, then they try to pretend that they did not know something, this, unfortunately, is a different question, but i completely agree with our ministers that, by and large, there is nothing to talk about with westerners, this is a waste of time, in the united
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states, villainous plans outweigh so far... someone there understands something, but there is absolute lack of will in europe, that’s how interesting, yesterday your session was held, you moderated the session on brix, there is something to talk about, there are disagreements, there is disputes, there are different positions, but they state their position, you can discuss something, it’s clear who wants what, you can
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find compromises, with the europeans, some are completely intoxicated with the united states, others like... scholz are mumbling something, either they will do it or not they won’t do it, it’s just very difficult to conduct a meaningful dialogue, but at the same time, our duty, including to humanity , is to convey our position to them and put them to the test, well, from my point of view, now this is the only possible diplomatic tactic - to put them in front of unpleasant facts. reveal their lies, hypocrisy, endless deception, and, accordingly, demonstrate this to the world majority, will they ever mature to a meaningful conversation? well, maybe it’s better if it takes quite a long time. i always believe, and i have repeatedly stated my position, that we have a unique historical chance to move to
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a position of sovereign development when we act. not so much against the west, against the west to the extent necessary so that, as the minister said, let them harm our security, but the main thing is to learn to solve our strategic development tasks without the west, on the contrary, with friendly countries. i believe that i support ivan selyevich’s opinion that it makes no sense to conduct a conversation with the united west now, since this is their vassal status. shows that this is useless, which is why macron’s statement that he would be ready to talk with our president putin, he looks, so to speak, so frivolous, so a lame duck who, while losing all sorts of points, is generally still trying to show that she is in the arena in the political arena, she is something, but i would like to return to
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the call of secretary of defense austin, in this call, what is clear, because he tried to show at the very beginning that... in terms of the prestige of the united states of america, this is where, especially when the statement from the ministry of defense that the ministry of defense will not answer without an answer, they called, very much. well calculated this is the fear of what it could happen? well, yes, they themselves are afraid of further escalation, because they don’t know the limits of this escalation, well, it’s good that they don’t know,
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in fact, escalation is underway, i think it will continue to go on, and it won’t seem like much to them after those war crimes which they did. well, lavrov made a number of important statements yesterday and today, too; yesterday he said that the expansion of brix will be achieved for now. on pause, that is, really, 10 new members in this format need to first work and then develop criteria expansion, and of course his very important statement about the fact that the estonianization of the european union has occurred. i think this will now also become a classic of the political lexicon, the historicization of the european union, after maya kallos, the leader of the european war party. became, well, i think, soon enough, after approval by the european parliament, the head of european foreign policy instead of borel, so borel
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goes to the garden, and may kaes goes to war, well, and in the meantime the european union is very i was very indignant that we took retaliatory measures against our media banned in europe, about this after the advertisement. the director of the us department of defense's office of military threat reduction, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. due to those pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career. is appearing more and more in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that only
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the slavs can be infected, so that they die, and no one else is affected. she is an expert on the cis, an expert on russia. she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what is a biological weapon in the american understanding and how can they use it against us? hersman, to be more precise, dolls tutti's heir, today on the first day, varka and nazar are going to have a child, she's heavy, the women were chatting just now, what are we going to do, wife, you're carrying around a little teddy bear, you can kill him, you can drive him away, who's there, boy, give me where you took him , your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy, take it to the house, two shores,
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the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, many years ago my son brought you a child, he is alive, in this year zhanna friski turned to be: she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step in general, i slept next to her, the way she perceived changes in appearance was very painful, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success for... it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, sales real estate, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna's father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this person, she
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might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive, life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it cannot be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him , father said, you’re on the rapids, you crashed,
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hold her! “jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, i don’t need it, my wife, that he’s his knocked it out, father, you somehow ended up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for happiness, young, smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, the premiere of the multi-episode movie, watch after the program time": you 're crazy, don't touch me, i won't sleep with you, i'd rather not live at all, director of the office for military threat reduction of the us department of defense, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by from chemical biological weapons, but in essence is developing it. the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic
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defense. due to those pathogens that can be obtained.
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a man who really gave the world a lot of classified information, including about the crimes of the american military, for which he was prosecuted in a rape case, of course, as is their custom, well, now a court deal has taken place in which he admitted pleaded guilty to disclosing information and in american court on... received the sentence that was credited to him, the sentence that he had already actually spent in prison was credited, the assistant was released to the applause of those gathered, and quickly boarded a private plane and went to australia, to his native australia, which had long been i haven’t seen it, but for the united states, of course,
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this is a serious reputational loss. well , in general, i think that this is a story that will continue and which has not yet been fully, actually analyzed, here is an interesting opinion sent by scott ritter, let's listen, julian sange, how the publisher did a better job than the editors and publishers of the streaming media, exposing the lies, the distortion of the truth on the part of the american authorities, that's why they acted this way, asange was rotting in prison, this is not a victory, that is, i am very happy for julian, i’m glad for his family, i’m glad that they will be reunited, but i repeat, i don’t agree with the opinion that there is no precedent here, there is definitely a precedent, in the usa they arrested the one who published information specifically for his activities, here in the usa people there is corresponding constitutional right, yet assange was sent to prison, rotted there, he was released only because he admitted guilt, this can happen to any american, that’s what we need to understand, although
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this is a victory for julian. the wikileaks story is confusing, and i agree with you, vyacheslav alekseevich, that this is probably not the end of the story, many things will become clearer, but what exactly happened around him?
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services are incompatible things, yes, because this was how it was or that was, so they muddied something in this story, muddied, muddied, nothing it didn't work out, apparently.
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true facts that no one dares to dispute, this is actually a crime against humanity, when civilians were killed in iraq and afghanistan, i would say that snowden revealed a global network, surveillance and so on, asanja and wikileaks had a lot of such more that is there any human information when the american military simply behaves like animals and kills? analysis and there were the most famous shots, when they shoot at people , laugh, yes, and then it turns out that all this in general it was, it was by mistake, it was all revealed, these facts will remain with us, we can’t ignore them, these are the terrible
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footage that wikileaks shows, but in fact the most monstrous thing is that when wikileaks first started publishing these the data was piecemeal, well, the western media took it, because... they discussed it, and then suddenly they dared to publish the documentary evidence, fields, yes, they imprisoned him for a sexual crime, then they singled out political crimes against him and completely stopped paying any attention to the content of the information that wikileaks gave, that is, it wasn’t really assange who was banned, they banned everything...
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the channel was already banned a long time ago, like all russian television, well, they’re watching, yes, who needs it, well, yesterday the foreign ministry released a list of the media, member countries of the european union,
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which were also banned by us, that is , ours would have finally introduced retaliatory measures, and what was the reaction of western politicians, well, let's listen to the still high representative european union foreign affairs policy. security of josep borel. the european union condemns the completely unfounded decision of the russian authorities to block european media broadcasts in russia. this decision further restricts access to free and independent information and expands russia's already strict media censorship. banned european media operate according to journalistic principles and standards. they provide factual information, including for russian audiences. on the contrary, russian means of disinformation.
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the truth about russia’s actions, both within the country, about the government’s actions to repress its own people, and about russia’s actions to invade and occupy its neighbor’s territory. we've been seeing them crack down on journalism for some time now. and unfortunately, this continues, well, that is , please don’t confuse us, when they ban our media, this is a fight against disinformation, when we introduce countermeasures - this is strict censorship and a fight against freedom of journalism, you can even see it in the face by his facial expressions, that he is a little ashamed to say this, he always lowers his eyes, absolutely without such a feeling of shame, they just have.
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disinformation and if we translate this into the field of europeans, then it is not clear who is lying more, so to speak, they or we, but also barel, when he talks about what our press, which is under the control of the russian government, is. you also feel that he is lying, and he understands that he is lying, but you can’t help but lie, because now lies, they prevail over the truth, falsehood triumphs over the truth, for now, and i look with pleasure at how inconvenient it is to say this to miller, because on the contrary, all the journalists who understand everything perfectly, barel’s listeners also understand everything perfectly, because what we see now shows europe is completely controlled by the united states. in america, the media is completely under the control of the state department; appointments
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to senior positions not only in the media, but to political positions, largely depend on the united states of america, as we are convinced of by the statements of such official representatives. well, in fact, well, we are always indignant that there are double standards, well, of course double, but the alternatives to their double standards are only triple. in any case, few people care about the opinion of the people, the elections to the european
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parliament took place, which just gave an advantage to those forces, in any case, they acted much earlier than before, better than before, who opposed the war in ukraine, providing assistance to the ukrainian regime for peaceful negotiations, they received additional votes, the war party lost, but at the same time the leadership of the european union is formed from the inveterate,
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so that we use all opportunities for peaceful development, which is not a capitulation of ukraine, and i continue to adhere to this opinion, and we saw that we can also achieve something, for example, with the help of a peace conference, what interesting things they have achieved, so far they are just supplying weapons, more than anyone else, and... all the talk is that he is somehow held back, hold me seven, yes, they
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are quite funny, well, really, he mentioned at the end the peace conference, which became, well, a joke, for zelensky it became serious, such a big nail in his coffin, of course, political, but for the whole of europe, this it was shameful, just now they mentioned miller, yes, who, like pinocchio, is ashamed of what he says, but, by the way, he looks like him, all these politicians who in... in this demonic thing called the peace conference, they too in the end they refused to make any comments, everyone very quickly crumpled everything up and forgot about it, so when scholz says that they did something, what did they do? scholz did only one thing, here he sits , they send him a paper from washington to do so much, so much and so much, he says with regret: i am free, and he does everything he does, yes, the second word is still life, of course, necessarily, so he should keep quiet, just of course, historicization
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is a good word, a good designation for european politics, because of course, two nazis at the head, so to speak, are already this... will happen, and this will happen, which means that the german soldiers will drive, god willing , with batons, and they will also start shooting at their own people, well, the people in western europe in the united states categorically condemn the policies of israel, yeah, and yet, the united states are western european politicians support israel in everything it does,
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and now an israeli military operation against lebanon is clearly planned in connection with the activities of hezbollah. in your opinion, how likely is it that this war could start? you know, it turns out that i don’t recognize that one israel, which i was familiar with, be mine, work at our embassy, ​​the nineties, why? because when israel was going to attack or carry out strikes in lebanon, in southern lebanon, it did not announce it, it struck without explaining anything to anyone. went in, reached beruta, came back, and what is happening now, i don’t recognize, this is not israel, because it is a little reminiscent, so to speak, of antonio going to rob a bank, telling everyone about it, at the same time scaring himself himself, because he receives information from the same hezbollah, which, through
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the americans were told, tell these israelis that in the event of an attack, we believe that it will be full, so to speak, full-scale. the war and the strikes will be different from the ones we are inflicting on northern israel, they also showed photographs from drones of sensitive objects throughout israel, they gave a hint that guys, now we will not hold back, as iran neatly did when it responded so softly, but making it clear that your sensitive objects, including dimona, are under our guns, israel now has another problem, they got hit. from the supreme court of israel, when the decision was made that religious jews, haredim, they will now be drafted into the army, which was not the case before, they would receive a very serious blow, now they will not get away with it, so now we will wait to see what happens in israel , so
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this is what dictates this - uncertainty, in general, the more israel talks about this, the less likely it is that they will do it. we will monitor this situation, of course, and of course, very interesting events are happening in africa, yesterday from kenya, there was a lot of footage of unrest, with the burning of parliament, in general africa is also becoming such an important geopolitical player in the big game, more on that after the advertisement. the director of the office of military threat reduction of the us department of defense, rebekah hersman, is only... on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. due to those pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career. its laboratories are appearing more and more
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in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that you can only infect. the slavs so that they would die and no one else would be affected, she is an expert on the cis, an expert on russia, she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what are biological weapons in the american understanding and how can they use them? use against us. rebecca hersman, more precisely, you can’t say. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: the disease, which turned out to be incurable, did not leave her a single step,
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in general, i slept next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it was hell, but after death this attack continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev. and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man, she might have been around for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive, life after zhanna’s life. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, beauty, what a beauty you are, mishka, it’s all the same, you’re more beautiful, here you go, mishka. if i don’t get used to it, i won’t get along with ermakov anymore, understand? hands, south, you are not touchable, what, we’ll still get married, i won’t follow nazar, i
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love bear, varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom, bear. they didn’t find him, father said, you crashed on the rapids, hold it, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, those need to know who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for the happiness of the newlyweds, smile, i am your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores at...
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the bottom: a disease that turned out to be incurable, i didn’t leave it a single step at all, i was sleeping next to her. how she perceived changes in appearance, very painfully, we covered mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped to fight, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats of sale real estate, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna's father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted... this man, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys , it will be that
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there will be, and this cannot be avoided, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, on saturday at the first, director of the office for military threat reduction of the us department of defense, rebekah hersman, only on paper is responsible for countering the threat posed by... biological weapons, but in her own is essentially developing it. the arctic has always been a truly important zone for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. due to the pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career, a laboratory appears increasingly in the space of the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that only the slavs can be infected, so that they die and no one else is affected. an expert on russia in the cis, she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what is a biological weapon in the american understanding
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and how can they use it against us? rebecca hersman, you couldn't be more precise. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. the big game is on the first, today russian president vladimir putin will have important international negotiations with the president of the republic of congo, sasenguesa, indeed he described a very historical figure, in any case, we remember him from soviet times, he was already the head of the marxist-lenist project. then he was overthrown, then he returned to power as a result of the civil war in which angola took part, that is, there really was a big story there, by the way,
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do not confuse the republic of the congo, this used to be called. this is what is at the center of the agenda of our relations with the republic of the congo, what will be discussed first during this official visit, as you can see, a very solemn meeting with a guard of honor, what is the agenda? well, let’s put it this way, i don’t work... in the state apparatus, but most likely these are issues of political and economic cooperation, hardly cultural, of course, that’s exactly what strengthening ties, because we are interested, well, generally interested in expanding russia in african continent of the russian presence, in strengthening the ties that already exist, congo, our, how to say, well, quite proven partner, our tasks include,
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first of all, how to say, you know, precisely... improve, as they used to say, even deepen relations, yeah, and congo, of course, is an important source of some mineral resources, our chinese partners are very active there, it is one of the largest cobalt producers, among other things, in the world, so it is also a serious, serious country, well, not to mention the fact that certainly the nature there is also magical, but there is the country of kenya, which has always been considered very rich, it would seem...
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difficult, since it is a multinational country, and even more so, it suffers, like most african countries, from clanism, yes, that is there are a lot of different clan interests, they periodically collide, well, the current family of president ruth, which is in power, basically jumped up and decided to introduce higher taxes, there are of course some wild taxes, there is 16% vat - that’s easy for. ..
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who has actively declared himself in recent days in connection with the swiss conference, he came to switzerland there, he spoke out in support of ukraine, he condemned the aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, it all happened just last week, yes, well, they have already noticed at the protests , russian flags somehow appeared, indeed, we see the russian flag on the streets, and what’s more, it’s already among the victims.
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the external debt is 80 million dollars, but is it 80 million or billion? everywhere they write millions, millions, on the one hand, but in economics. now the situation is such that they are having difficulty servicing the interest on the debt, in fact, the kenyan government had only two options: either put absolutely the entire social system under the knife, or raise taxes, well, here it is, as they say, both and why people i was indignant when you know, they are talking about the green agenda, taxes on green energy, not only that, but ivan correctly noted, vat is 16%, that’s what it was supposed to be. introduce taxes, in my opinion, and 16% vat on bread and 25 on butter, that is, on the most basic ones, that is, something that is already without it’s impossible, that’s a plus for cars there, for electronic transactions, because in the kenet
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it is very highly developed, and the government expected to get somewhere around 2, probably million, but they didn’t expect such a powerful explosion, because you know how the chain goes, as far as the political component is concerned, but russian flags, you know, as such a symbol of resistance to globalism, like this, because as you know, in the old days, the flag of the confederacy of the southern states was also perceived as such a symbol of resistance, now in the public consciousness, at least in africa, russia occupies a place, since russia seems to be successfully resisting the west, and here, as it were, there is such symbolism, and the fact that kenya is considered a pro-american country, well , yes, it has received a status, but firstly, such eighteen have status. countries, secondly, in principle, if you look into the details, it gives some preferences for military-technical cooperation, but only, that is, it does not, for example, give, this is the status of such an ally, to purchase the latest weapons and
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military technologies, and does not oblige both countries to act in defense of each other in the event of an attack, these are more rather beautiful words, well, words are words, but the fact that kenya, like many african countries, has become dependent. from the international monetary fund, from external loans, this is certainly true. uh, really, because the policy of the united states very often is to simply put people on a hook, put them on a hook , force countries to give up their resources for nothing, give up their lands, then pay, and then fulfill the conditions, because if you cannot service your debt, then please fulfill your political obligations. and i think that kenya, not out of a good life, was almost the only country on the african continent that suddenly began to condemn russian aggression in quotes in ukraine, this was naturally undertaken under very
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serious pressure from the united states, which is also now using kenyan peacekeeping contingents in order to suppress resistance there haiti, that is, there are very complex relationships there, therefore. indeed , it is not worth considering this in the context of the confrontation between russia and the united states, but in the context of the fact that the peoples of africa are declaring themselves, it is, but our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we hand over to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the state duma adopted the bill in the second and third readings.


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