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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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world, so that we distribute all our scientific developments everywhere, because we will have one global world, everyone will share with us, but look how the world is unfolding, in fact, what should we do? maria butina, the doll of tute's heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. worship the shrine. vladimir putin at the trinity of andrei rublev, the miraculous icon.
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emotions and historical facts in the report by anastasia kobozeva. thousands of believers come to venerate the trinity icon of andrei rublev daily. at the trinity cathedral, there is a long line, after more than 100 years, a masterpiece of ancient russian icon painting is again in the main temple of the lavra. the shrine has been returned home forever, say orthodox believers.
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everyone should have a home, every shrine should have its own home, where it should return, of course, we waited, waited, thank god that this happened, it returned back where it should have been, andrei rublev painted the icon for the trinity cathedral at the beginning of the 15th century, it was here for five centuries, now it is a relic once in its historical place, as they say in the monastery, the icon was placed in a special icon: the miraculous icon was delivered to the spiritual center of the country last saturday, in the church calendar there is now a new holiday, june 22, the day of the offering of the trinity by andrei rublev in trinity to the sergius lavra. the decision to return the miraculous icon to the russian orthodox church was made by vladimir putin last year. before this, the image was kept in the trityakov gallery. the shrine was transferred to the museum back in 1920. to
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the sound of bells vladimir putin appears on the territory of the monastery, the president is met by patriarch kirill. the last time vladimir putin was here was in 2014, when the president took part in the celebration of the seven hundredth anniversary of st. sergius of radonish. in the 14th century, he founded the trinity monastery of sergius, which was given honor by empress elizaveta petrovna in 1744.
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the famous sergei radonishsky went down in history as the collector of russian lands, he tried on warring princes, he owned the words “we will be saved by love and unity.” they didn't lose. relevance today. from troy cathedral, the president and patriarch go to the metropolitan's chambers. here putin was presented with a development plan for sergiev posad. today the city is a popular weekend destination. tourists do not stay here for long. there are plans to build. several cultural centers and museums to attract tourists and pilgrims. at the end of last year , we had 1,650,000 people pass through the lavra, and experts give us a potential of up to 5 million, if we have the appropriate conditions, the project is about creating such
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an attractive outer shell for the lavra, and essentially a pilgrimage tourist cluster based on such a center of ancient russian slavic culture. a start. for example, in sergiev posad , several squares and streets have already been put in order, members of the board of trustees and the governor of the moscow region told putin about what is necessary for the further implementation of a large-scale project, now it is necessary to finance, well, little by little, somewhere in terms of when , what and how much it costs, we have in each direction, his priesthood. another supervisory board, where there is something for everyone road map, the region will certainly take an active part in financing, but we will also participate in government programs, this includes the modernization of healthcare, because we need to remove old clinics and administrative publications, enter into
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each of the federal programs in parts, exactly when necessary to get into the next program, just come, that’s exactly what we’d like to talk about and we’ll talk about it. pilgrims, tourists and residents of the city were waiting for the cathedral all this time, vladimir putin came out to talk with them, birthday, it’s the young man’s birthday, come here, come here, it’s 10 years, what’s your name, can you, come here.
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where he served as rector and during the terrorist attack in which he died. for many townspeople this is a personal loss. even those who profess islam came to him for advice. father nikolai became the prototype of the figure symbolizing christianity in the derben monument to the friendship of religions. by decree, vladimir putin awarded the priest the order of courage, posthumously. patriarch kirill proposed to honor the deceased with high church award. i think everyone who found out about it was. amazed by the fact itself, as well as by the place where this crime took place, and by the very possibility of killing a clergyman, as they say, for nothing, for nothing, this testifies, of course, to the corresponding
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moral and spiritual decline, not only of those people among whom this killer was brought up, and in general, perhaps, in that part of society. which, unfortunately, does not provide adequate resistance to the emergence of such terrorist sentiments. i think it was necessary to award him the order of the holy blessed grand duke alexander nevsky, first degree, posthumously. and today , letters of gratitude and gifts were presented to two boys who carried water to law enforcement officers during the counter-terrorism operation in dagestan. the schoolchildren themselves are modest in their story. about how it all happened, i came up with the idea to buy water, my dad bought seven boxes of water for us, and they distributed one at the checkpoint, when we got to the church, we got there, without giving us, there they didn’t let us go further, because what's going on there already
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shooting, then we gave the last packages , we gave them, we told others to give them, now komi and chapy are not far from... from the city of inta, details have been coming in for the last hour: a passenger train derailed, at least 20 people were injured, other sources say about fifty , according to various estimates from three to ten. of them are in serious condition. nine carriages of a passenger train destined for varkuta novorossiysk disembarked at the into-ugolnye section in the republic of koma. it has been previously established that there were no fatalities. to promptly eliminate the consequences of a derailment passenger train in the republic of koma, a headquarters was created under the leadership of the general director of russian railways oleg belozerov. there were 232 passengers on the train. the preliminary cause of the incident was the undermining of the canvas as a result of heavy rainfall. two recovery trains were sent to the crash site. all medical teams from nt moved forward. temporary accommodation facilities are also ready there.
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people will have to be evacuated by rail around taiga and swamps. the ministry of emergency situations has strengthened its group of rescue psychologists. according to the varkutinskaya administration, there were no organized groups of children who could be sent on vacation on the train. five of the fourteen cars remained on the rails for passengers who decided to continue the trip, were transferred to another train and sent further south. now special operations in the ministry of defense have reported that three american hymers multiple launch rocket launchers, a transport-loading vehicle for them, as well as the foreign specialists who serviced them were destroyed at once. according to intelligence data, these are three dozen mercenaries from the united states. and also clarifying information, the targets were in the nikolaev region, if we take into account that these launchers can also be loaded with atakoms tactical missiles, then there is a possibility that they could launch strikes on the crimea, the distance is permissible. there is also information from intelligence: two ukrainian
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mik-29 fighters were shot down in northwestern donetsk, here is a video from the dpr from the same area, traces of a rocket and a vertically falling plane are visible in the sky. let me remind you that their flashes are being remade for western missiles and video destruction of the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. first, our drone operator went into her forehead attacked, a second attack in pursuit along the back and then control of the defeat. the car is immobilized and smoking. now about the combat capabilities of one of our most formidable galbits. dmitry tolmachev talked with the crew of the msta self-propelled gun. her projectiles are highly accurate, but it is important not to become a target yourself. where is the combat vehicle itself? if you don't see the car, it means it's very well camouflaged. this is of course a joke, but there is a part in it, though not a small one, i must say, the sao literally merges with the foliage. self-propelled installation msta. almost invisible, so wonderful she is disguised. caliber 152 mm, sighting
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range 20 km, thunderstorm both for mounting and equipment, including moving ones. now this combat machine will start working, we will have to retreat for a while. however, it didn’t work out, so i really had to leave. while we were hiding in the greenery, the drone detector was constantly beeping, they said an enemy wing-type bepola had been detected, circling right above us, and now there was shooting from everywhere. our. gunner let's go feeding shells with
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call sign 202 202 why because he's so tall has its advantages more convenient from the ground if anything quickly help load shells two shells fire gun shot in peaceful life send a mechanic at a locomotive depot and at the same time coach the school volleyball team in his hometown of the ural city of kachkanar. don't lose, do they somehow report their successes? yes, we are constantly in touch with them on vacation, i come and constantly conduct training, recently ours took all the first places, in this unit of the group of troops the center is almost all fellow countrymen, the crew is excellent, a well-coordinated team, no complaints, some problems we immediately decide on the shore, everything is fine, thank god, the call sign is a medic, because he has brilliant first aid skills, i try to make sure that the wounded person lives to...
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i, one might say, in one, in one apartment, one might say, on 4 hours we go to the house to wash there, collect ammunition, food, stay here for two days, driver karim is also from the urals, only this time... i say hello to all of orenburg, i say hello to my beloved mother, my beloved wife, my beloved daughter, by the way, greetings they ask me to give everything home. i say hello to my native kachkanar, mom, dad, relatives, all my friends and my beloved students, say hello to your family, loved ones, children, everyone who knows us, everyone who supports us, volunteers, not
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necessarily only from our city, while the work is finished, the car is camouflaged again, until the next one. kan weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. the parties also exchanged views on the situation around ukraine. let me add that this was the first conversation between the heads of the defense departments of russia and the united states after the appointment of andrei belousov to the post of minister. one person died, five were injured, two of which are children as a result of barbaric shelling by ukrainian militants of residential areas of donetsk and
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gorlovka. the shelling was carried out during the day from nato howitzers, local authorities said. and the night after. in the belgorod region today , two people were injured in a dronovsu attack on a hospital parking lot in grayvoron; the spouses had shrapnel wounds and are in the hospital. and let's return to the summary. one fact from it: atakoms, an unexploded ammunition from an american missile, was found in the sea near sevastopol. now they are examining the place meter by meter. where in sunday, vacationers were hit by a cluster warhead. in the report by vitaly katchenko, video demining and footage provided by eyewitnesses for the first time and only to us. this is a gray-yellow stripe in the sea - rescuers are examining the area of ​​inspection by divers, combing the bottom meter by meter, because the radius of damage from
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an exploding cluster shell is several hundred meters, both in the water area and directly on the beach, here. these cafes became the only protection for people who ran away from the beach in panic. at shallow depths just a few tens of meters from the coast , unexploded ammunition from an american atacoms missile was discovered. this is exactly what the cluster warhead was filled with. rescuers say it could detonate at any minute because it was in self-cocking mode. it was decided to neutralize the dangerous find on the spot. the beach is closed and cordoned off, 2 hectares have been examined, many fragments have been recovered. in the first seconds, a shrapnel wounded him in the leg. alexander was on the rescue tower, in a colleague. starting somewhere from our tower, here from the first tower, right at a distance of 50 m
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, somewhere exactly along the line, explosions came, i saw it all in my eyes, i was the only one who wounded sasha here on this tower. i ran when the explosions started, and i just sat down on the step, well , so that i could defend myself, like the moment of a criminal strike by the armed forces of ukraine on a vacationer on the beach in uchkuevka, people tried to run away in panic, stumbled, fell on the sand, covered the children with themselves, some couldn’t to find our people, i took a megaphone, they were looking for christina for 13 years, but she was found later, then the guys were screaming, everyone was running away, men, women, one of the men said, he said, guys, we have to take it out. explosions are heard, many run into the nearest cafe, hide under tables, sofas, simply lie down on the floor, this is the same cafe where people ran, but they realized that there was nowhere to hide, they then tried to hide, it turns out to you, partially, yes , absolutely true, and people were looking for a way out, it was difficult, well,
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the situation was very difficult, i would say, naturally they ran into our cafe. we have a building, so we provided shelter, the staff did a simply high-quality job, they gave the opportunity to everyone who, naturally, had blood loss, also wounds, bandaged them, gave water, tore off shirts, wrapped people up, saved them, here is a man with a serious wound in the stomach, the waiters are trying to stop the bleeding, the rescuer is carrying nine-year-old sofia in his arms, right on first aid is being given to her on the table in the gazebo, next to her mother, sofia is a small girl... when she was wounded in the chest, her mother carried her in her arms, laid her on the table, well, they waited a long time for an ambulance, pavel helped, took her to the hospital. pavel himself and his wife miraculously were not injured, the shell exploded a couple of meters away.
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asked that sonya not die, and we all have a hard time understanding this, well, despite everything, as if my eyes were open, my mother was talking to her, i brought the child and two others with a wound in 6 minutes, in 6 minutes, respectively from here, from here i arrived at the fourth city hospital in 6 minutes, that is, you were flying, i was driving along... from the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces, two adults were also killed, more than 150 people were injured, 47 patients, including 12 children, remain in sevastopol hospitals for treatment in moscow's leading medical institution with a special board for on behalf of the president, 10 adults and 12 children were delivered, two of them were in critical condition. and in serious condition , four were operated on in a russian children's clinical hospital; their condition no longer causes concern among doctors. on the first day, shortly after admission, we performed surgical
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intervention on the child’s arm cavity by comparing the liver, yesterday two more interventions, and today we performed the final operation on the fourth child. we were able to perform two thoracoscopic minimally invasive interventions, which will allow these patients should begin the recovery period earlier. a also , one microsurgical intervention on the nerves was performed, all children are in a stable condition, the use of cluster munitions against civilians is a war crime that cannot be justified in any way, and responsibility for this monstrous terrorist attack lies with both ukrainian militants and their american curators, aka suppliers of ballistic missile gunners. the atacoms operational tactical missile was first used by the us army during operation storm in the desert in iraq. since the early nineties, it has undergone many modernizations. ballistic missiles are launched from two types of launchers, including those intended for the haimers missile launcher. in april-may of this year, the united states
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transferred to ukraine new surface-to-surface attack missiles with an increased range of up to 300 km. the previous ones, which were used to arm the ukrainian armed forces, flew 165 km and carried 950 submunitions. in the one that hit the beach in sevastopol, there were up to 300 of them. not every submunition, but detonation will occur from contact with water or another surface within a radius of tens of meters , over 50 fragments scatter, that is , about 15 thousand fragments in total scattered over the sea and the beach. the presence of built-in gps allows you to adjust the missile’s route, for example, to bypass the operating zone of our air defense, which happened in sevastopol, that is , guidance targets and flight missions were carried out from the ground, by american military specialists, and this is an irrefutable fact: time and the strike location was chosen so that the maximum number of victims would be killed. people, midday, a day off, the beach is full of vacationers, an american
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reconnaissance drone is at that moment circling over the black sea, about 200 km from sevastopol, four air defense missiles are repelled by the fifth, already in flight it abruptly changes course, an attack on sevastopol using cluster ammunition, it was a purposeful decision when this global howe... before reaching the shores of the crimean peninsula, he made a loitering flight off the coast of turkey, he waited for the launchers to reach the positions from which they would launch an attack. such coordination of actions suggests that these installations were managed and brought into position by foreign specialists. this is a terrorist act, this is a war crime. flowers and children's toys continue to be brought to spontaneous memorials on the beach in uchkuevka.
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“india changed its foreign policy priorities there, india wants to achieve mutually beneficial results in contacts with all countries, we want this too. speaking about the situation in ukraine, the foreign minister recalled that we were left no choice but to protect interests and safety of those people whose ancestors lived for centuries in the donbass, in novorossiya, building cities, factories, ports on these lands, when the west plays its favorite record about territorial integrity, about the right of people to choose to live in fear of oppression, or freely, neither words in 1970, after many years of negotiations, the general assembly unanimously adopted a declaration on the principles of relations between states, it says: everyone is obliged to respect the territorial integrity of those states whose governments respect the principle. self-determination of peoples, and thanks to this
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they represent the entire population. news has arrived from washington, mark rutte has been chosen as the new secretary general of nato, prime minister of the netherlands since 2014, ardently in favor of extending and tightening sanctions against russia, while the eu plans to appoint the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallos, to the post of head of diplomacy, her strict chrusophobic views are feared even within europe itself, kalos wants the eu to collectively purchase ammunition for ukraine.
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eastern ukraine to kill russians, so the west, let it go crazy there, don’t i know, he finally realizes that he has his own interests, and he should not be an instrument in the hands of washington, ukraine, yes, this is for the current regime, this is a worthy role, an instrument in the hands of washington, but for europe this is of course humiliating, so , but when, when they are ripe, let them
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come to us.
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the head of the british meath spoke frankly, thinking that the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko, in fact a russian prankster, about nato and kiev, for example, will not receive an invitation, because america will not support him, we should not
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there will be a dispute between nato and ukraine before the summit, i support ukraine's membership in nato, i always have, and i'm sure it will happen, but this time we won't get that invitation, so i think it's important not to argue about it. let me remind you that there are two weeks before the washington nato summit, cameron’s prank in its entirety in the vavana and lexus show is already at midnight on channel one. pensions for workers will again be indexed . the most important bill that will affect almost 8 million russians was adopted unanimously by the state duma today in its final reading. let me remind you that the procedure was suspended in 2016 , and governor of st. petersburg alexandrova proposed to resume it. pensions will be increased twice a year, starting next february, and the basis will be not the frozen amount that is paid now, but the maximum due if the pensioner did not work, the increase from
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1,300 rubles. the decision is being made at a very difficult time, with sanctions, threats, and a special military operation. and the decision is made in relation to people who continue to work, have not retired, and this emphasizes the president’s attitude towards the older generation, this decision will keep hundreds of thousands of our citizens working in the economy, so let’s watch. confidently into the future, such priorities of our president speak about one thing: russia is a social state. since the beginning of the year, the federal budget has received 2.5
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trillion rubles in customs payments; mikhail mishustin discussed the priorities of the service today with its head, valery pikolev. foreign trade turnover, not counting the eac countries, amounted to almost 22 trillion. with given the growing flow of goods, customs has a special responsibility. konstantin paneshkin will continue. valery pekalev has been head of the federal customs service for a month and a half. before heading customs, he worked as vice-governor of st. petersburg, and before that as chairman of the government of the leningrad region for security. i hope that your extensive experience will allow you to organize work related to the effective functioning of customs, this will also expand the flow of goods that go across the border. it is very important with... constant sanctions pressure, these are priorities for domestic producers, taking into account national security requirements and in close interaction with our trading partners from friendly countries, and, moreover , the implementation of each individual task of the federal customs service should contribute to the replenishment of the federal
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budget. if we talk about the structure of receipt of customs duties, then imports account for 2.66 billion, exports account for 467 billion. the figures for foreign trade turnover in the first half of 2020 are comparable to the data for the same period in 2023. trade turnover, not including ias countries, per 1 june 204 amounted to 21.708 billion rubles. of these, 13.336 billion for exports. 8.373 billion rubles for imports. if we talk about cargo turnover, we exceeded 333 million tons, for exports - almost 312, for imports - 22 million. control of cargo crossing the border is carried out according to the principles of a risk-based approach. risk profiles are classified, but it is obvious that sending a company with a tarnished reputation is checked more often. from january 1 to may 31 of this year, this approach brought the budget an additional more than 9 billion rubles in penalties. post-release control
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goods allowed us to additionally accrue over 26 billion rubles. and over 21 billion have already been collected. additionally, by mobile groups of the federal customs service, that is, often literally on the highways. processing times were 46 minutes for import and 21 minutes for export, and 89% of all goods declarations were issued within 4 hours.
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must occupy positions in public administration. the federal customs service is a place where many of the skills of the guys who protect our country would definitely come in handy, thank you for your contribution to this pay attention. so many customs officers decided to try their hand at the presidential project of training a new managerial elite from among the participants of the northern military district of the time of heroes. according to the head of the federal customs service , 32 people have already passed the selection process. konstantin panyushkin, anna zayakina, dmitry letvinenko, channel one.
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valentina matvienko met with one of the participants in the presidential program time of heroes today, the speaker of the federation council became daria svetyash’s mentor, the captain of the medical service was awarded the order of courage for her participation in the special operation. during a conversation she spoke about working on the front line, and valentina matvienko, in turn, wished her success in mastering the program. everything is done to involve the exes too. to be your ward, if you can
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call it that, of course, in the zone of a special military operation i had to try on the role of a manager, when my head of the medical service was ranil, i had to take his place and take on these responsibilities when i gave at that very meeting with the president in moscow region on the basis of the management workshop.
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experts in this field, politicians and business representatives. the ukrainian theme was raised. pavel pchelkin listened attentively. for 3 days, st. petersburg became the capital of international law, according to which most of humanity tries to live. while the west imposes a certain order on the world, based on rules invented in order to maintain its dominance.
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peterstan went so far as to call the reports about the use of nato missiles against sevastopol unreliable, you understand, there are two options here, this is already a certain degree of unprofessionalism that has gone beyond everything possible framework and has turned into some kind of madness, or this is a cynical policy that is formulated in our language. how to spit all of god's dew in your eyes, no condolences, not even words of sympathy for the victims , as a matter of fact, all these years in order for every criminal. the kiev regime suffered a well-deserved punishment, according to the deputy head of the investigative committee, it is necessary to change russian legislation, which has gaps. these gaps include the inability to recognition as criminals of persons who have committed grave crimes against the national security of the russian federation in cases where such persons are no longer alive.
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a paradoxical situation arises when there is evidence that specific crimes have been committed. persons, but these persons not only were not punished, but were not recognized as criminals. the actions of such persons do not receive proper legal assessment in court. this shouldn't happen. attempts by the west to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries gave rise to such a concept as legal aggression. by manipulating the concept of human rights, some countries cynically advance their own selfish interests. i want to say that if before the anglo-saxons.
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who left a huge legacy, and, probably, this legacy is connected not so much with jurisprudence, but with the humanitarian component of our life. by the way, it should be noted that he was not an academician in the field of law, but in literature. the minister of justice emphasized that less than six months passed from the idea to the appearance of the monument to the legendary lawyer. he thanked authorities. petersburg for the speed with which this project was implemented. pavel vchelkin, ksenia ugarova, vladimir smirnov, oleg goryachev, tatyana bakulina and fedor yurasov, channel one st. petersburg. a landmark day in the russian nuclear industry. exactly 70 years ago , the world's first nuclear power plant was launched in obnensk. it gave out only 5 megat. a modern power unit can be
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more than a thousand, but then the main event was the new principle of electricity generation. everyone understood the prospects for the development of peaceful atoms.
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efficient operation of nuclear energy facilities, russia is their friend, that we are ready to maintain not only friendly relations with our partners for many, many decades. now advertising, see below. gennady zyuganov is 80 years old, as the country's main communist celebrates. the eleven millionth visitor that was given to him, there will be a lot more, don’t switch, what a beauty you are, mish, it’s all the same, you’re beautiful, here’s a bear for you, i won’t ever get along with ermakov now, understand? hands, i see you’re not touchable, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t follow nazar, i
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love the bear, varka, make up your mind, i need a new life let's get started, i'll get a job at the factory, we'll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom misha! they didn’t find him var, father said, you crashed on the rapids, hold it, jump, i said, otherwise i’ll shoot now, don’t, who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it varya, my bride, for the happiness of the newlyweds, smile, i am your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores. watch the time after the program, you 're crazy, don't touch me, i won't sleep with you,
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i'd rather not live at all, mankatcher whiskey, stellor group product, snop gin, stellar group product, monte shop cognac. stellar group product, romca lar group product, pechora vodka, stellar group product, veda vodka, lar group product, old barrel cognac, lar group product, the world media is full of headlines that the british foreign minister was the victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of peter..
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that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf, premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. this year zhanna friske would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both older and younger people fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with. with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: the disease, which turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step at all, i slept next to her. how
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did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she is the light hated it. she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success; for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued. money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father, if we had not trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive, life after zhanna’s life, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it cannot be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, two banks, i love you, varya, i’ll leave olga, this is your daughter with a teddy bear gets confused, he will kill you. won’t kill, he found someone else, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, premiere, look after the program
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time, this is program time and we continue, news from the kremlin, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the acting head of iran, mahammad mahber, on the development of cooperation, in particular in the energy sector. i wished the iranian people successful elections, let me remind you that they were appointed in connection with the death of the president in a plane crash in may ibrahima roisi, voting the day after tomorrow. and today vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to gennady zyuganov. the permanent leader of the communist party of the russian federation turned 80. for three decades , he has been at the helm of one of the largest influential parties in the country. member of all eight convocations of the state duma, participant in several.
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53, i love to drive, for several decades the government boarding house snegery has been like a home for gennady zyuganov, they take care of him here, and he takes care of the boarding house, the general secretary’s car is the permanent inhabitants of snegery they recognize him from afar, and he says that
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he is proud of the new residents of the boarding house, there are two streams every month. under 200 people, almost 1,700 children from donbass were able to relax here. we have a lot of children, there was a condition, i helped the management, they said, we will create everything we have for the children, well, here are the children of donbass. on the occasion of his anniversaries, gennady zyuganov prefers to meet with journalists in this pink house of the secretary general and is happy to conduct excursions around it every time. over the course of three decades, he says, he has planted hundreds here. bushes and trees.
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he stumbles, falls head first into the nuclear button, i remember his name. to the obviously necessary question of how to be in excellent physical shape at 80 years old, zyuganov, a hereditary beekeeper, begins to answer by mentioning honey as the ideal end result of the correct social organization demonstrated by bees. you definitely need a teaspoon in the morning and evening, if you have bad sleep, half an hour with warm
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water or warm milk, you will sleep like... a child will write an encyclopedia of the young the beekeeper, doctor of philosophy zyuganov admits, it was more difficult for him than numerous works on geopolitics, but geopolitics also greatly tones the brain, the search for optimal principles of social reorganization prolongs active life. the intermediate conclusion is this: humanity is still very far from bees, and since people are drawn to lie, manipulate and kill, then we need clear, tough and clear rules for everyone, such as they say now in china, such as they once had in the ussr. the decline of which , including him, the communist andropov appeal, i couldn’t save it. this is a personal drama. we did not find, when the top group of people rotted, or even two or three people who would overcome this crisis. historical russia had to pay dearly for the events of the late eighties and early nineties, for experiments with reforms of the leadership of the cpsu. and gennady zyuganov was already the leader of the communist party of the russian federation at
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the critical moment of the bloody events of the autumn of ninety. in moscow interpreted lenin’s famous phrase for his associates: we will take a different path, in this way, we everyone is interested in you so that no skirmishes or conflicts occur in the coming days. in ninety-three, a major civil war was avoided, as in ninety-six, when after the presidential elections many were convinced that yeltsin had stolen zyuganov’s victory. the country fell apart in half, the whole south voted for me, and the urals voted for iltsany. now it was possible to organize a civil war in the northern yule. there was a moment when you made a decision for yourself: i will not take the forceful path. what was the moment after what? after everything was weighed and it became clear that this would end in the collapse of the country. at street rallies, processions at ceremonial receptions in the kremlin, gennady zyuganov looks organic. his party is part of
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the country's political structure, the existence of which has been proclaimed by the communist party of the russian federation. the first main task for both you and me, regardless of political orientation, is to win the war, i contribute to this as much as possible, i do not see the future of the country without victory, explaining the logic as an almost artistic metaphor gennady zyuganov, his story about his childhood and his mother-teacher, who for him is the prototype of his homeland, in fact, when i was 7 years old, she called me and said, i will teach you, you see, i see, here i am... i got in, i’m a teacher, came back, i’m a mother, i studied with her for 4 years, i really wanted to get an a, i said, nikolai got
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an a, but i didn’t, she looked at me very sternly and said, my main task is to teach you to work, it was very good lesson, zyuganov always tried to learn from excellent history. world champions from russia, china, india, azerbaijan, iran, including sergekin. russian chess players have something to show, i’m glad that. tournaments such as chess stars are held, where each chess player can compete under his own flag, and here sport is above all, there is no politics here, it’s just the development of sports, as well as
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the sexualization of chess among children. i think this is a great tournament, with the best players participating, i 've been waiting for it for a very long time, and i'm glad to take part in it again. anova dnh at the exhibition forum of russia today we welcomed and congratulated our seventeen millionth visitor. egor morozov, cardiac surgeon from volgograd. together with his wife olga and sons ivan and andrey, he comes to the exhibition for the second time. and it was the nizhny novgorod region, where they dreamed of going on the trip to which they were awarded a certificate. i really liked the stand of this region. let me remind you that there are less than two weeks until the exhibition closes; there is now a huge influx of visitors. there is probably a maximum flow of guests to the russian exhibition right now. we didn’t have this throughout the entire exhibition, we see at least 100 thousand a day, and nevertheless i want to remind you that on july 8 the russia exhibition closes, those who have not yet
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made it, you are welcome, we are waiting for everyone, we are very glad to visit this exhibition at all, it is very wonderful that they even came up with this format, we have already chosen several places where we would like to go, it is very interesting for children, it is very interesting for the whole family to just come and see what a large, vast country we have. julian asansh was reunited with his family in australia today after traveling halfway around the world from london where he spent many years in captivity without trial, with a halt to the legal procedure that officially returned his freedom. the founder of the wikileaks portal made a deal with the us authorities to avoid 175 years, that is, death in an american prison. asansh is tight-lipped about the details, but still, why was he released now? report from washington by mikhail akinchenko.


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