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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 2, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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wait, wait, wait, oh, well, just like that, straight out of their house. let's go, on fire.
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keep it up, keep it up, be careful! what are you here? where the hell are you? has war been declared? yes, i heard. i bought it at the market before the price went up. have you purchased? what a fine fellow! i've already thought about it. what did you think? misc. i looked in the closet, but there was no money. here you go. folder, folder.
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you will go to war, of course, son, and you will take me, i will give you cartridges, no, it’s too early for you, you will help your mother, fire, mobilization was announced from the fifth to the eighteenth year of birth, you will have tomorrow you have to lie to the center, to the recruiting station here.
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irishka, she came to see me off, and tell you that you will wait, but leave me alone, you found time, there won’t be another, last minutes, brighten them up, defender of the homeland, but leave me alone, he would be ashamed of his wife, got drunk, what or i’ll kiss her for the last time, girls, why do you feel sorry for katka, look, look after katka.
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go, what about the church, don’t you see the warehouse here now, come on, hello,
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come in. hello, styopa, sister, hello, i don’t know if i’m baptized, baptized, baptized, i baptized you myself, and stepan too, your mother secretly brought it, bless, then tell me, this is how... to pray for a person so that he does not die, so that god will assure him, if you ask, he will protect you, yes, here is a saint ask for st. george the victorious, they offer him prayers for life, for the salvation of soldiers,
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here he is, and where should i insert the name, for whom i ask, the lord himself knows for whom my soul hurts,
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do not let temptation come upon me, lord, lord. i'm too strong to eat, i'm hungry today, be patient, guys, the kitchen can't get here, you can see for yourself that everything is happening. both, let's go get married, war is war, and eat according to schedule, pour some tobacco, listen, i'd be happy to
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share, last one. wait, is he writing from home? no, he doesn’t write, the devil knows what’s the matter, i’m waiting, waiting, and i’m waiting for an answer, like a nightingale in summer, so mine are silent, and what throws us, back and forth, back and forth. i don’t have time to find the mail, yes, you, if it’s better, tell me how it is there, of course, guys, the kitchen has arrived, well
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, that’s the point, otherwise the guts are already completely stuck together, but no... guys, sasha, attention, says moscow, after difficult and long...
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wait, can you go with me to sashka’s wife? i can’t, the kids will wake up now, please, i can’t do it alone, oh! to sasha, i really can’t, maybe you can go, let’s go, on a direct order, ir, what’s the letter? well, finally, and i’ve been waiting a long time, come in. what
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's happened? come here. your husband, alexander belikov, is in battle for the socialist fatherland. “i don’t understand how he died? is he not coming back? paradise, let’s go, you need to lie down, you need it, don’t, i still have to weed the garden, i need to fetch water, no need,
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heaven, it’s taking too long, she , these are long gone, is this bad, i don’t know, as soon as i left, i immediately gave birth. have you brought raisa belikova? yes. we couldn't do anything. sorry. wait, is she dead? yes. and a child, a child. birth injury incompatible with life. the whole family in one fell swoop. no husband, no wife, no child. lord, how long will they fight, and how long will i
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have to bear these funerals, but i can’t stand it, no, to hell with this work, let my father send me to the field, the hardest section, it’s better than this, sashka served with misha with nazar, maybe they like he’s on your tongue, and you would be glad, yes, if it weren’t for sasha. but i know what, you ’re out of your mind, how can i wish him death, he’s tosin ’s father, she loves him, and don’t hide behind your melancholy, you know, i’ll tell you straight out, var, nazar will come back, i won’t be modest anymore i will, i won’t give you life until i separate you, i realized why you didn’t separate me before, he loves you, nazar, accept it already, you’ve completely lost your pride, you’re crawling under him for the whole village’s amusement, what did you say, what
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did you say, you were walking with the bear while your husband was alive, you're bored, let it happen yourself, i i hate you, i hate you, keeps me away, otherwise i can’t vouch for you, don’t come near me anymore, you idiot. do you even understand that this is desertion, according to the laws of war, they will put you up against the wall, a new order for mobilization has come, your year is for prizes, i will not take a weapon in my hands, i will not shoot at people, but what kind of people, these are fascists, understand, father . “i will bring more benefit with my prayer, with arms in hand, we need
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to defend our homeland, and not drink prostrations, you have your own path, i have mine, only god can stop this massacre, i will ask him, i’ll renounce you, and i know you’ll leave, i’ll curse you.” well, goodbye, or what? well, how do you know? well, okay
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, well, our dear women, you are left without our watchful eye, you’ll have to work for two, for three, and it’s true, only the old people and children remain on the collective farm, there’s really no one there to fight, and the already tired and yellow-haired are rushing into the army, so the germans have already taken smolensk, they’re rushing to moscow, 2 months have not passed, and already to moscow, and they said we’ll beat enemy on its territory, but you never know? you have a front here too, only with food, this is the most important one now. labor, who will command our front, since you are going to war, and zakhar, what should we do, my daughter-in-law will do,
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well, go and look, oh, what a lot of things. honest, hardworking, competent, or there are other candidates, but why others, let olka, no worse than the rest, we’ll vote for, well , great, you stay, your daughter is in charge here, where are you going, zakhar, but for some reason you can’t see your styopka , i decided to save him from the front in any way, yes, but where is the styopka, he was also drafted, but no one saw him, in the hospital, the styopka, appendicitis burst, they took it away. zakhar andreevich, thank you for your trust, i won’t let you down, silent, mother, run, take care of the house,
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okay, well, body, body, body, that’s it, come on, come on, that’s it. tell me, brother, how zakharka differs from a german, he took away our property, almost drove our cattle to siberia to die, shut up, i strangled him with my own hands, let’s go, let’s go. i will finally return,
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i will give, they will wait, all these principles, the communists are, are, are, a step forward, civilly, fought? exactly where the twenty- fifth rifle regiment, the machine gunner, served as a chap, no, after his death, and then he was a commander, the communists spin the first car, the rest, the second, the third, commander, i apologize, but what about us, we are from
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one village, carry out the command, the poor pancakes came. but how are we going to plow on ourselves or something? we need to feed the front, i understand everything, but for me. drive their necks away, that's right, don't give them away, get out of here, i'm still shooting to kill assholes, and
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you're not at the front, our men are fighting the germans, and you and the women, go back, stop scaring the women, but understand, girls, well the horse is on front, she pulls the guns, delivers shells, kills them just like soldiers, they are needed there. and here you are, somehow he will grow up the foals in the spring, he will plow with nothing, but do you even know how long a child grows, plow in the spring, take it, take everything else you need, and we will somehow, yes. why are we sleeping there, let’s get it out,
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hello, study it and sign it, just hurry up, otherwise i’ll get it. i need to go around half the village, remember to say hello? hello, what is this? norms for individual owners. so last year they rented twice as many. so in the past there was no war year. and now it’s coming, haven’t you heard? so the women said that if two men are at the front, then there will be no tax increases. you are not a woman, listen, but listen to me. everything for the front, what are you talking about, we have two women on the farm, and two children, none of them are better, why should we die now, that well , we won’t make it until spring, well, i’ll feel sorry for the children, i
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have two myself, i warned you, if you don’t hand over, you’ll go to trial, according to wartime laws, for sabotage and sabotage, ermakovs, hey, what are you doing here, we’re waiting for your mother, she told us to sit here, there’s no point in sitting in someone else’s yard, go outside, wait, come on, there’s nothing to feed other people’s dogs, it’s high time to take everything away, bourgeois, damn, what did you say, blessed is our god, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen, glory to you , god, glory, to the king of heaven, stop the market, by the way, here they are, dessert, the whole country is at war, and you are hiding in the hermitages, on the way out,
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go, go, go, go! prepare, well, to suffer for your faith with joy, farewell, brothers, holy, god, holy, strong, holy, immortal, have mercy on us, holy, god, holy, strong, holy, immortal,
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claudia, all the potatoes were stolen, here they are, we’ll rip our hands off, herods, and maybe if we go through everything, we’ll at least scrape something together, uh-huh, oh, what are we going to eat, tax, how to pay, mom, eh where is the potato, it ran away, it’s like she doesn’t have a knife, her legs, uh-huh, wait, and buran, why didn’t he bark at anyone? apparently they fed him, and i even know who,
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the herods poisoned him. once or twice you don’t pass, pass, pass, my stone, anton, here you are, well, what are you doing, let him in, and where are the little potatoes, what kind of potatoes, the ones your family stole, well, open up cellar, i don’t have the key, then you bring the key, otherwise i’ll rip his head off, you bring the key, come on, let’s go open it, ah, ah, go, come on, yes, you go, where are the potatoes, i’ll bring it now, stand, why are you
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fooling me, my dear, we have nothing else, really, fuck you, my ear hurts, hold on, maxim, not cabbage soup, but water. here you go, mom dug up a little, just give me the bag, it’s so heavy, denisk,
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go get the bag, take it, pour it out, take it to the basement, tell mom thank you, thank you. where to unload the potatoes, they say, they surrounded you, often, darling, how do you know, everyone says, but it’s definitely not ours, you can’t carry 20 bags without a horse, and there are no men left in the villages, villages, come to berisha, it’s in bad condition, thank you, darling, oh yes, well,
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good luck pm, i'll have some potatoes, a little, thank you, oh, yes, let's hurry, faster, faster, faster, okay!
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how did this happen? comrade political commissar, your son is a deserter, it turns out that the priests fooled him, i didn’t expect it, you haven’t raised your son with dignity in the party since what year, since the twentieth, it’s your fault, comrade colonel, i’m ready if you are punished, you will join the rank and file. i obey!
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son, son, wake up, son, wake up, wake up, it seems like a horse, again the cheremis have come from the lower yurga to steal, they have already stolen everything from us. sleep, here are the herods, oh you iran, people are stealing, people, wake up, cheremis and potatoes are stealing, people, get up, lyudka, lyudka, your potatoes, they are digging, mordan,
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what are you, ah, starve, what happened, lord, they are bourgeois, what is this, the operation needs to be done in a hospital, i can’t help in any way, what to transport, there are no horses, denis herself, maybe we ’ll take her in a wheelbarrow, we’ll manage in about four hours, as it were it couldn’t have been worse, shake him, he... she already has a fever, oh, my god, what should i do? you need medicine, you can get analgin in ampoules on the market, if we give you an injection, maybe you’ll get it,
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but how much it might cost, there’s no money, they’ll exchange it for a piece of lard and a chicken, what kind of medicine have you gone crazy, give it here, what this is for your mother, she will die otherwise, and you want us to die, yes,
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what, give it to me, i need to go, i need to get out of here, and don’t even think about dragging me out of the house, what are you doing, i’m the boss here, listen to me you will. this is the last thing left, and how long is the war still will go, you know, go home, go home, come on, go, if you bother me again, i’ll beat you so hard that you’ll regret it?
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tosenka, bring me the mirror with the komudo. denis, that’s it, she’s exhausted. how is it possible, so quickly? i told you, you had to buy analgin, but you went with your analgin, you would have just brought it now, just injected it once, it would
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n’t have changed anything. don’t push it, you won’t move it, it’s good, i say, it’s good, well, it’s not like they were dragging you mentally, come on, marus, let’s go,
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it’s ready, let’s pile on, you think that’s enough, just a little push is left, girl, drop me off, let's go. took it, took it , and once, twice, took it, wait, i 'm doing it too, yeah, cooking, cooking, cooking,
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give me another spoon, well done, yes, they brought the mail there, you run, i'll fight with olga, thank you, come on , i can’t, that’s enough,
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forgive me, ol, it’s all because of me, i won’t forget about you, well, that’s how it happened! tell me the truth, all these years i’ve been dating misha, yes, because i love him more than life itself, we wanted to leave together, but there’s a war, and that’s what i thought. well, i won’t
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stand in your way anymore, but i will stand now i can’t, he’s yours, no, i can’t, you can, but misha, think about it. who is misha, oh, in the battles near moscow.
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good morning to everyone who greets him along with the first channel, this is the best start to the day, we assure you of this daria shulik and evgeniy pokrovsky, on the calendar july 2 is tuesday, a beautiful summer tuesday, we greet it cheerfully, brightly and of course interestingly. this morning we will travel to vladivostok, a wonderful city and, by the way, it has a birthday today. we will find out what summer mode is and how to avoid sunstroke? we were preparing, now let’s go ahead and warm up, good morning, there are only two players in the beach volleyball team, to make it easier to understand each other, the athlete standing in front gives signs to his partner behind his back. this, for example,
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means that the player closes the attack from the side lines of the court, the second needs to run to the center. the command must be executed. instantly, reaction speed is important in everyday life, paired exercises with a tennis ball will help development, i extend my hand with it and hold it at chest level, my partner stands opposite, feet shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent, holding onto my palm, i unclench my fingers, and without warning, my partner’s task is to catch the projectile on the fly, let’s practice. now let's complicate the exercise. we take a ball in each hand, but release only one projectile. the partner will have to focus on two objects at once. we change places.
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if you can’t catch the ball, don’t be upset, it’s just a game, and we’re still developing reaction speed. six, only 6 days left before the russian forum exhibition closes, and you can still make it, but you definitely need to hurry. a after all, the number of visitors has already reached 17 million. hurry up to join them, and you will be very interesting there. opening of the russia exhibition, we are drawing up a route for locations that have been open for the last few days. 2 minutes from the main entrance and we are already there, the gallery of russian achievements, the first point of the route, a tunnel 166 m long. inside there are solid screens, 40 projectors, a dozen sound speakers, broadcasting the main achievements of the country, we look at and study
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in the end, the effect of complete immersion is guaranteed, from here on a great journey across all regions.
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various sides, from the historical, industrial, and sports sides, and this inspired the creation of a new exhibition, directly in st. petersburg itself, it is called my petersburg. well, right now there are various master classes on painting porcelain mugs, restoring paintings, and creating fan pom-poms. yes, the program at the exhibition is as busy as always. today we have a presentation, and the funny goat festival brings together the best representatives of theatrical art from all over the world. on the fourth we will have the battle of the choirs, on the seventh there will be a huge beauty festival called the beauty of russia, what else can’t be missed, a farmer’s fair, it won’t be closed for a while. more than 580 manufacturers from more than eighty regions of our country visited our fair and sold more than 57 tons of products. in the last week
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there are nine regions, kamchatka with wild fish, caviar and ferns, adegia with cheeses, perm region with meat products. and it’s impossible to pass by the honey, but after that you can enjoy the fresh air in the summer, at the cosmos festival pavilion the future is in flowers, 89 flower beds and exhibitions from each region of the country, it ’s time to change your avatar, there are only a few days left to catch the closing of the grandiose russia exhibition on july 6 on channel one, don’t miss it, anna grebenshchikova, vasily valetov, anna ryabova, channel one. solar energy, just think, the sun continuously gives it to us. how profitable is all this? does it make sense to buy all this? solar-powered gadgets, a new dacha trend: i’ve done the day,
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stopped working, go away, starts again, and how is this reflected in the bills? electricity? physicists say it’s not difficult to calculate. in our orbit, the sun emits about a little less than one and a half kilowatts per square meter, the first question is, how much do you have? the sun is available precisely as a source; in each region, in each region we have a different number of daylight hours per year. profitable history siberia, the sun shines 317 days a year and, of course, the south. here in almost every yard there is solar-powered equipment; most often they use lamps and mats for heating water. elena gein from krasnodar too i bought it back in april and paid a little more than 4,000 rubles. part of the costs have already been recouped. in april the payment for electricity was almost 4.00, already in may we had hot weather, we paid
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- 2.0 is not even there, but once again, this is a southern city, in the same place where there is sun a couple of times a week, such savings are not obvious will work out, so there is no point in buying, the only exception is folding portable stations, they are among the top purchases among summer residents near moscow because they accumulate solar energy and continue to work even if the sky is cloudy. behind 10,000 rubles can produce approximately 300-500 watts per day. enough to recharge your gadgets every day, which is about a quarter of the amount on your receipt. however, there is an important point here: the effect will be under one condition, if used correctly. all this needs to be maintained, because it rains here, well, a simple example, just don’t wash the window completely for one year and see what happens to it, on solar panels they are protected by photocells with practically the same glass, that is, they also pollute it, this is necessary. cleaned, it needs to be properly maintained, it needs to be cleaned regularly, preferably immediately after rain, otherwise the solar battery will
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produce almost half as much energy. natalya lyubchenko, angelina ivanova, dmitry likhachev and tatyana yus, channel one. attention everyone, we are working. i think they told me that i would help solve important cases. but we don’t have unimportant matters, they are simply divided according to severity. and i heard that your beauty came up again, they said that you were using a fortune teller for coffee grounds, i developed a lot of bolts, but ivanovich survived, they didn’t teach me how to knock, lesha and i decided to get married, we’ll wait and see, and where were you, feeding the squirrels in the park, fortune teller, today. on the first, let's wait and see, this is normal in general, that's it, don't touch my mom, don't touch,
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revelation from former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program, this concerns the upcoming elections in the us, you need to go on the offensive, i'm doing everything, what i can do to re-elect president biden, we’re just used to saying that, well here's hillery, but he's not shot down.
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meet the new heroes of the internet. and our video journey today opens with a kitten named bucks. he helps his mistress count the money. well, with such and such a name, it’s understandable. to be honest, we don’t know about khavostatov’s other talents, but this did not stop bax from already earning 5 million likes with his work. money, chips, money. but with dogs that skateboard today, perhaps, you won’t surprise anyone. new heroes appear on the internet every day, but here we are. this dog named jumpy, let's call him that, jumper, he probably outdid everyone, he rode a hundred meters on a skateboard in 19.16 seconds, thereby setting
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a world record, well... oh, if i had done this as a child, my mother would have scolded me, of course, and now this is called art, what what comes out of this, you see for yourself, well, by the way, one such job, according to james, takes him no more than half an hour. eh, i have, perhaps, one of my favorite phrases from lewis carle, his famous work, remember, this, meet alice, this is pudding, pudding is alice, well, right now confectioner arakia babayan will introduce us to one very tasty
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pudding, you should carefully write down the recipes, you too. so you definitely haven’t cooked semolina yet? i pour the cereal into a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly, remove from heat, heat water at the rate of 1 liter per glass of cereal, add bay leaf and allspice, cook the spices for 5 minutes, during which time add seasonings. will give their own aroma, they will need to be removed from the pan. i pour in the toasted semolina, salt, add suneli hops, mix the cereal thoroughly, cover cover the pan and cook the porridge on low heat for 20 minutes, cool. look, the semolina has frozen and
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turned into jelly. i cut the porridge into portions. i fry it on both sides, before serving i sprinkle it with fried onions and herbs, it’s even tastier, help yourself, if i tell you that the strish is one of the fastest birds in the world, then imagine how fast it can accelerate in flight, i i know, 20, 30, 40, 170 km/h, just like that, friends, yes, the sky is really a home for this bird, and maybe that’s why the swift chicks strive... to leave the nest early, even when they don’t yet know how to fly, they already fall out of their nests. experts say that guardians are leaving their nests because they are too hot. well, be that as it may, from may to september there is a fall of haircuts throughout the country. we found some handsome guys, a new addition to the family of margarita morlang from volgograd. neighbors brought her a small swift and found a nest under the floor while renovating the balcony. you are my sweetie, you are my
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bunny. he has been saving birds since childhood, everyone in the circle knows, he found a swift in trouble by running to margarita, now she has six in her foster care chicks, will grow up, feed them and in about 20 days will give them a graduation ceremony, treats his charges, feeds marbled and turkmen cockroaches every 2 hours, buys them at feed farms, sometimes, however, even such a delicacy is sheared and not eaten, it shows character if the strish is not eats on his own, he can even kick, pinch, bite, we open it, bite him and let him swallow. i ate it. every year from may to september , haircuts begin to fall throughout the country. chicks leave the nest to escape the heat. they just can’t take off anymore. the wings are still too small. care there is a whole science about chicks. you can touch them only through a napkin, so as not to stain the wings, keep them in smooth drawers or boxes, again, so that the wings do not
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break. usually it takes a month to nurse a chick, then... you can release it into free soaring, you don’t need to throw the cut bird, just lift it on your hand, just push it off the palm of your hand and a lifting force will already arise in its wings, and accordingly the bird will take flight . the swift is the only bird in the world that is not capable of walking and jumping, such is the structure of its body, it spends her whole life in flight, even sleeps, drinks water on the fly, that’s why we need to help her, here ’s help for sparrows, owls, seagulls... help will only harm humans, no matter how hard you try, some birds, unfortunately, are not destined to return to the sky. a real angel lives in the house of olga svetlova from novosibirsk, named after the girl angelina who saved him 3 years ago. but the crepe was healed and remained in the family forever. the wing injury will prevent him from flying away. i think it is better for a bird to live at home
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in love than to die. that's why i keep at home among the swifts, only this is no longer just a bird in the house, a real member of the family, swifts are for a long time, in nature they usually live for 7 years, at home a... exactly 164 years ago on july 2 only 1860 in the pacific bay golden rock was founded by the city of vladivostok. we congratulate all the residents of this wonderful city, and indeed all of us, because it is impossible not to love this wonderful city. well, what if you have relatives from there like i do, or were you there? several times, then you also cannot help but love him and fall in love with it the first time you arrive. see vladivostok and stay here. a popular story among young people. daria filatova came
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from krasnoyarsk a year ago for a couple of days as a volunteer, and never left. it’s the sea that draws you in, but also the communication with people, the people here are simply wonderful. they are very bright, energetic, it’s not for nothing that we are the youth capital, the city fully lives up to its name and status. favorite place of the lighthouse on the tokarevskaya cat, when the tide is low you can approach it, here the border of the mainland passes and sea of ​​japan. walking in a million miles is a special pleasure. the ancient quarter was formerly chinatown. migrants from china lived here. courtyards-wells in the form of labyrinths. here, there were chinese shops, eateries, as well as opium smokehouses, brothels, and gambling dens. a unique chinese police was even created in vladivostok. a phenomenon in russia, where in addition to the russian police, there were also chinese, and of course, the business card, the russian bridge, everyone knows it, depicted on the 2.0 ruble bill, a rare pedestrian will want to cross it, length 3,100 m.
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well, what is vladivostok without a sea of ​​products, many come here for this, even indifferent people fall in love, where to start? this is the calling card of the far east, baked scallop; if you’re in vladivostok, you’ll definitely want to try it. by the way, the scallop here is the largest and meatiest. vladivostok is a place of amazing nature, the botanical garden is like a portal to the past. the usuri taiga is the jungle of the northern regions; it is a flora in which there are relict plants that remained in the flora before the ice age and have adapted to life in new conditions. ancient vines, red-listed irises, these are wild, inaccessible shrubs. oh, this is... one of the plants of the oraliaceae family, which are also characteristic of the flora of the primorsky territory and contain a large amount of medicinal substances. even just walking around the city
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is a pleasure; it is built on hills; it is not without reason that vladivostok means the lord of the east, soaring and majestic. sotnik, elena savina, channel one. tuesday morning continues right now, we give the floor to our colleagues from... the channel one service. it's time learn about the latest events in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. russian artillery paratroopers destroyed a column of equipment with ukrainian armed forces personnel in the chasov yar area. the enemy's movement was detected by our intelligence officers. the drones immediately transmitted the information to the command post. a few minutes later , crews of grad multiple launch rocket systems hit the militants. they use high-explosive fragmentation rockets. shock wave fragments,
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which fly hundreds of meters away from them, leaving no chance of salvation for the enemy infantry. our pilots carried out a series of powerful attacks on enemy targets; the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. special equipment was destroyed, the enemy suffered significant losses. or the coordinates of the enemy, namely the strong point, moved into the area of ​​the combat mission, worked with unguided s8 aircraft missiles, according to pan’s report, the target was hit. we also successfully worked out the calculations of automatic tank grenades flame, our fighters managed to capture the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, they had to work under continuous artillery fire, including the militants. from where the next blow could be delivered, in the end our guys worked clearly, harmoniously, the object was taken under
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control. and now the new names of the heroes of the northern military district, felcher ignat tolstikov, as part of a group liberated a settlement from ukrainian militants, moving along a given route, found a wounded soldier who had suffered during the shelling, provided him with medical assistance and organized. he provided first aid to the shelter, handed him over to the doctors, and then promptly delivered the shells to the positions. in mirgorod in the poltava region , an iskander missile strike on a ukrainian military airfield reportedly destroyed four fighters and seriously damaged two more, with damage estimated at approximately $60 million. the ssu also suffered significant personnel losses. the significance of this attack lies in the fact that it was from this airfield that the ukrainians took off.
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planes that carried out attacks on crimea and border areas, and this base was also being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. by the way, they may begin to be supplied to the kiev regime in the near future. the corresponding permission was finally issued by the outgoing government of the netherlands. the minister of defense of the kingdom informed the deputies of parliament about this in writing. exactly when the first few of the 24 aircraft promised to kiev will be sent is not specified. today is the tenth anniversary of the massive attack of ukrainian aviation on the village of lugansk, where there were only civilians, as a result of that strike one of the streets was almost completely destroyed, 12 people were killed, including a five-year-old child, eight residents were injured, at first the ukrainian armed forces tried to shift responsibility for the strike to the militias, but a day later they explained everything as a mistake by the pilots, neither the kiev regime nor international organizations have ever conducted an investigation into this monstrous crime.
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us president joe biden's team, after a disastrous debate with his main rival donald trump, still believes that the current head of state will gain the support of voters, the washington post writes about this. the publication points out that those around biden believe that those who believe that he is, quote, mentally incompetent for... such confidence, as noted in the article, is based on the fact that for many voters a trump victory will be unacceptable, and accordingly, such will vote for biden. according to bloomberg, despite the obvious failure in the debate, the us democratic party may nominate the current owner of the white house for participation in presidential elections. the crews of the tu-95 ms aircraft practiced in-flight refueling during the flights, and it was carried out. young pilots and navigators
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of the far eastern aviation regiment located in the amur region. the ministry of defense reported that refueling was carried out at an altitude of more than 5,500 m, at a speed of over 550 km/h. aerial refueling is an important element in the training of long-range aviation pilots. this skill allows you to significantly increase your combat radius and perform missions at a great distance from your base. v in st. petersburg, they are eliminating the consequences of the hurricane in public gardens, and also collapsing trees are being removed from the roadway sidewalks; one of them fell directly on a woman, she died. two more people, including a child, were injured. huge tree trunks crushed a dozen cars; in addition to strong winds, heavy rain hit the city, highways and pedestrian areas were flooded. an eyewitness camera captured the moment when one of the lightning strikes hit the lakhtacenter tower. to leningradsky.
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energy areas continue to recover downed power lines, power was restored to the homes of more than 70 thousand residents. the disaster left almost 900 settlements in the pskov region without electricity; repair crews are working in an intensive mode, as well as public utilities, they are cleaning up streets, courtyards, and removing fallen trees. that's all for now, now a word to colleagues from good morning, chats and all kinds of chats, this is perhaps the brightest.
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i actually expected that there would be a chat only for our residents of the region, but people from different cities write there, virtually there was no communication, so we decided to meet. it’s cool that here you have the opportunity to discuss various issues about raising and keeping dogs, meet interesting people, find some important useful contacts, and make friends, for example, in an english chat. it turned out that we, like kindred spirits, basically found each other,
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we corresponded for six months, we have been friends for 2 years, now ekaterina doroshenko and yulia dabizha from novorossiysk are best friends, we now often cook our food together... for these kids, the girls are growing up and we also want them to be friends. about a quarter of chat participants find their other half. 2012, volunteer chat, he is in karelia, she is in kaliningrad, they paid attention to each other when they were discussing the next project. in general, he pissed me off at first, she loves to interrupt so much, yes, it all started with a conflict for us, and we just got caught up word for word and went to communicate in a private message. all relationships in the chat ended with a wedding 12 years together: natalya lyubchenko, alena krylova, dmitry likhachev, dmitry roshkov, mikhail ilkevich and natalya kaldaeva, channel one. good, cheerful morning, we say to everyone who meets him along with the first channel, as
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well as with the stunning, bright daria shulik and evgeny pokrovsky on the calendar tuesday, the second of july. every child is a born explorer, he is interested in everything, he needs to stick his nose in everywhere. to prevent the basic rules from child safety expert dmitry arlov from becoming a reality, eight-year-old andrei alena and three-year-old matvey are with us, rule one: preschoolers have a note in their pocket. with parents' contact information. when law enforcement officers find children, the first thing they do is inspect their pockets for notes like these. an alternative is to wear a bracelet on your wrist and the number will not be lost in sight. the second is the 30 second rule. you position yourself like this, for example, we are now on the playground,
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so that every 30 seconds you can see your child, because in a crowded place a child can do enough in 30 seconds or more big way. he... can get lost or get into trouble, get stuck, fail, fall into the water, here every second is precious, the younger the child, the closer the parent should be. third - gadgets, for older children a smartphone with a control application, for kids a watch with a beacon, it is important for both of them to be fully charged. in open areas, the geolocation of both is determined, the error is minimal, i call the elder. andryusha, where is matvey? matvey, i’m next to us. we exhale, but dmitry is sure that he should trust his brother to take care of the safety of his youngest it’s not worth it, he may not keep track, do whatever he wants, he may be bothered by some other issues, this is a responsibility that we, as parents, should not shift onto the shoulders of another child. you can see in the app that andrei is playing now,
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matvey, meanwhile, is running wherever his eyes look, there is only an operator with him, but the watch is like a phone, you can call, mom, matvey, where are you, am i looking for you? stay in place, okay, okay, bye, mom, mom will come now, stand, wait in place, got lost, stand and wait, we don’t just teach this rule, periodically we are losing, like we are now, what else, let the child memorize the last name, address and telephone number of at least one of the parents, as well as who to turn to for help, first, that means the seller, second, this is a security guard or another person in a police uniform, the third is a woman with a child. what do you tell her, we’re lost , we need to ask her to call her parents, if still the lost connection doesn’t work, we can’t find him ourselves, dial 102. a police officer will immediately accept the appeal, see which police district applies to this
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will appoint an official responsible for the search and his necessary contacts, after which, after contacting the volunteers, it will be necessary to say that a statement to the police has already been left by phone. it’s enough, a photo in current clothes is much more effective than a verbal portrait, so before going to a crowded place, we take a photo of the child, and it’s better if the clothes he’s wearing are bright. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with us the first channel. the calendar says tuesday, july 2. summer this year has simply gone wild. in many regions, the heat is breaking records. column of thermometers. it just goes off scale , somewhere around 30°, and sometimes it can be even higher, yes, today they generally promise +32, this, of course, calls us to be careful, because you shouldn’t joke with the sun, it’s noon. +29: let’s answer ourselves honestly: we should wear a hat, if
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you think that you don’t react to the heat, it just seems like a reaction to the direct sun from the very first seconds. located in the scalp a large number of nerve endings that are irritated by this solar radiation excite, very strongly excite the central nervous system and the brain. the vessels dilate and blood flow is disrupted. the first symptoms of sunstroke are darkness in the eyes, dizziness, nausea, fever, and may appear after 10-15 minutes of exposure to the sun. approximately the same reaction occurs during thermal shock, that is, overheating. unlike the sun, you can make money in the shade; indoors is much faster if the humidity is high. the higher humidity, the better the thermal conductivity of the air, and the better the heat the body receives, say, when we put it on the stones in the bathhouse, the heat immediately rises... stuffiness sets in, it almost does not
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evaporate, the water-salt balance and thermoregulation are disrupted. at the first symptoms, immediately go into the shade in a lying position, unbutton the collar, splash water modestly, pour cool compresses on the back of the head, neck, armpits, it is important not to use ice, so as not to cause vasospasm, plus drink water, preferably salted to raise the electrolyte level. with a call to cool indoor spaces are also neat, there is a risk of experiencing symptoms of another type of stuffiness, when the level of co2, that is , carbon dioxide, exceeds the norm, more often with the air conditioner running and the windows closed, there is no access to oxygen, the air is not renewed, hence migraine attacks, drowsiness, loss of concentration, it is better to alternate air conditioning with ventilation. plan to go out on a hot day, but still wear a hat and clothing.
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we try to make travel around moscow comfortable, in winter the emphasis is on drivers,
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in the snow, they drive slower with a decent distance, so that more cars pass in one phase of the traffic light, the time is increased for them, and this is not only in moscow, for example in kem, in vladivostok, traffic lights are also reconfigured, urban transport, in the metro are switched to summer mode they set up the ventilation system, when it’s so stuffy outside, it’s always fresh in the underground; once every 10 days , they measure the temperature and humidity using a thermo-hygrometer. we try to constantly maintain the same temperature; in our metro there are more than 670 the pitch of ventilation, and by adjusting them alternately, we achieve this effect, the normalized temperature is from 18 to 30°, now in summer mode, in winter they maintain at least 10° here, they adjust the operation of foreign transport, air conditioning, of course, so that at +30 no one overheated, buses in many regions... and fewer flights.
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the moscow zoo also has a new schedule in the summer; in the winter it worked from 9 to 17, now it opens at 7:30 and until 22. the animals don’t care, they live in their own way, but it’s convenient for the guests. quite a large category visitors, especially in the summer, some from train to train, it’s time to pass the time, so if someone’s train arrived early. they have the opportunity to go somewhere, not just wander around the city, there are still benches here and really see the animals. utility workers have a lot of workload in the summer: mowing the lawn, planting plants, cutting down emergency and dead trees, repairing playgrounds, local areas, and entrances. entrance doors become deformed over time and fail, we repair them and carry out work inside wall plastering and painting. repairs are carried out once every 5 years, but also...
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i came on business, but what happened? girl, i beg you, don’t give him a drink, he’s very sick. yeah, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first.
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i love our country for its power, for its history, for the fact that it provides all opportunities to any person who wants to receive them, i am proud of russian composers, because they have brought great benefits to world culture and music. our favorite place with our family is the foothills of laganaki in the republic adega. i have lived in the north all my adult life, now. i’ve been living in sevastopol for the last 20 years, the best city in a person’s entire life can’t get around all our corners of our greatest beautiful country , thunderclouds and lakes are silent, oh russia russia, you’re so alone, what would you eat to
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make yourself wiser, and we often ask we ask ourselves this question, try it, do you know what they say squid meat is? remove, then the transparent film, few people know that there is another piece of skin that needs to be removed quite simply, that is, like this, look, you pinch it, there it is, here
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is this film, look what it is like, take it off and the squid can be cooked for at least half an hour, it will always be soft. now we will show the difference, we put the completely cleaned product on a hot frying pan with film, fry it, it is slightly deformed, curled up, this film holds it back, that is, you see, it’s even difficult to cut it, the second squid is cut quite simply, you can almost tear it apart with your hands, so once again, the next rule, it concerns shellfish that have been cleaned at the factory, so you need to cook them very quickly, no more than 30 seconds, the whole point is that this is a double-frozen product, one on the ship after catching, the other at the factory after cleaning, of course. additional processing of the fillet leaves consequences, repeated freezing gives less moisture-holding capacity, that is, the fillet will give up more moisture, it will be a little drier, due to the lack of moisture with strong heating, the veins contract, the squid becomes tough, finally, the last fourth rule is for those who prefer product rings, better, if they are from the domestic
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commander clam, and not the pressed giant one, they are not mined here, they are mainly philippine and peruvian squid, they can... up to 50 kg, it is important to note here that they accumulate a fairly large amount of mollusc substances, which as if they determine an additional type of processing, a specific soaking of these carcasses, then they are made into minced meat and given the desired shape, and the commander squid is small, it is enough to simply peel it and cut it, so the taste is more delicate and beneficial more. evgenia popova, konstantin struchkov, vladimir popov, yan machilsky, channel one. i remove damage and generational curses. once upon a time , the entire internet was simply buzzing with such advertisements, yes, but the era is a thing of the past, but the scammers, unfortunately, have not gone anywhere, now they offer another service, cleaning the ancestral genome. fortune tellers with their predictions based on cards are a thing of the past, today queens of diamonds and kings of hearts can no longer surprise anyone, so modern
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scammers have come up with a new deception scheme, here example, on my aunt’s social networks, here i am... this is a letter, the rodologist addressed. who is this? and here there is an explanation: a healer who treats diseases of a whole kind, meaning, will ask all my ancestors up to the tenth generation. what was wrong with them, i was also primarily interested in this: so, the rodologist writes that the genome of my distant ancestors was severely damaged, therefore, from generation to generation , my family has been haunted by illnesses, divorces and other misfortunes, my aunt, by the way, i was terrified, it’s good that i was nearby and quickly calmed her down, an ironclad argument worked: our loved ones are healthy and are not going to ruin the family, not go bankrupt, and we ’ll call this rhodologist now: we’ll find out what he needs, hello, i would like to correct the family genome, can you? well, how are you going to do this?
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my interlocutor says this is his professional secret, so it’s clear, but how much will it cost? wow, it takes several sessions of 10,000 rubles each, i agree, but i need guarantees, in what time will i become a millionaire? speaks? from six months. okay, i'm a lawyer. let's make it up with you service agreement. if your promises don't come true, we'll go to court. do you agree? for some reason the rodologist hung up on me? friends, genome cleansing, removal of negative ancestral programs, karmic modeling of connections with ancestors - these are all new ways of quackery. explain this to your elderly relatives, they become victims of scammers most often. in primorsky. region , motorists met an amur tiger on the side of the road. the striped handsome man lounged imposingly in the bushes and for some reason looked sadly at people. well, how else will you look at your prey? according to experts, such
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meetings between a person and a red book predator, by the way, have recently become regular. well, the fact is that the amur tiger population is constantly growing. we are becoming crowded. today is international sports journalist day, on which we congratulate all our colleagues. sports journalists of channel one, including, of course, our beloved precious viktor gusev, to whom we give the floor. downhill or downhill racing is one of the most spectacular cycling discipline, which truly changes the understanding of human capabilities. competitors strain all their strength to fly down the hill at high speed, overcome steps, pits and sharp turns. the rules are very simple. the riders take turns going through the course and the one with the best time wins. about 150 of the strongest extreme athletes took part in
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the competition in the capital of bolivia in the city of lapaz. two world records were set here. the participants not only started on altitude of more than 4,000 m above sea level, but also covered the longest distance - 4.5 km. not everyone succeeded in reaching the finish line, but every racer who managed to pass the most difficult high-altitude route has the right to consider himself a winner. powerful and sharp waves, which only the most experienced and courageous athletes can conquer, are the hallmark of the brazilian saquara beach. the next stage of the world surfing league took place here, bringing together all the main stars in this sport. the greatest interest is among the local public, of course. olympic champion and champion world italo ferreiro. he
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celebrated his next victory with the happy fans. the picturesque cliffs in the italian town of prilignano amare, on the adriatic coast, have for many years attracted lovers of cliff diving, diving from extreme heights. men make spectacular flights. the level of competition at the poriniano omara world series stage was traditionally high. and yet, the favorites - australian rihanna ifland and romanian konstantin popovich confirmed their status by achieving beautiful victories. on the first channel the multi-part saga of two shores continues. a big story, eventful, we follow the lives of the heroes, the great patriotic war bursts into life, we are destined for each other, can’t you feel it, i feel it, she feels it, we the audience feel it, the whole
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ural village is emotional, gossiping, well , sit down, that we will sharpen the lilies, cook with misha, an unlucky couple, since the lovers collided, there is trouble within a radius of 100 m, help, they met again for the whole country, already sadly, the war came on the morning when wanted to escape. and the ermakovs are together in combat positions, they have forgotten the grievances of the past, he writes from home, he doesn’t write, i wait, i wait, and i am waiting for an answer, like the nightingale of summer, testing time, the enemy is approaching moscow, you leave these panicky moods, let’s throw the fritz out of our land , you work hard here, provide the army with everything necessary. ira has long been in love with nazar, hated his wife,
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varya, a scheming woman. hello, the accident is in love with misha, olga’s husband, she couldn’t even think that olga will save her in the winter forest, it’s wartime, very difficult times. a tree falls in a logging felling, her spine is broken, she has been immobilized for many years, her legs can’t walk, this character is... the heroine evokes great respect, because to go through such a millstone, not to lose herself, to remain human and to survive, they decide to have a frank conversation , i will no longer stand in your way, he is yours, not enough, they no longer perceive each other only as rivals, but something more complex, deeper appears, and there are moments of
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mutual sympathy, but... news has come about misha's death. what's next? we'll wait until evening. new series of drama two shores, today on channel one, life is a long river. heroes change before our eyes. why are you silent, varvara? victoria oblenskaya, channel one. and now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. a missile strike was carried out on the ukrainian military airfield in mirgorod, this is the poltava region, four fighters were reportedly destroyed, two more were seriously injured damage. in addition, enemy personnel also came under fire, and the ukrainian armed forces suffered significant losses. damage is estimated at approximately $60 million. the successful attack
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was carried out by russian missile systems. iskander. this operation was also important because the airfield in mirgorod was being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. and it was also from there that ukrainian planes took off and attacked crimea and border areas. russian tank crews of the central group of troops destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire, ensuring offensive to our attack aircraft in the ovdeevsky direction. the infantry detachments were able to capture enemy positions and gain a foothold in the designated area. but first i did a lot of work. plow of the t-72 tank, it destroyed the firing points fortifying the ukrainian formations, our fighters fired from a distance of no more than 800 m with direct fire, while the militants tried to attack in response, using a variety of types of weapons. as we were approaching , we were already being surrounded by mortars , artillery, five-shots, and before the line there was even a blow, a bang, a shake, you looked around and saw that you can, the main thing is inside the car so that everything is
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fine. the crew were great, they didn’t waver, they went to the end, they worked as expected. in the kherson direction, crews of self-propelled guns of the dnepr group of forces destroyed a platoon stronghold of the vso, they managed to detect it with the help of reconnaissance drones, the coordinates were immediately transferred to the artillerymen, and they moved to firing positions. the main targets of the crew in this sector of the front are armored vehicles, fortifications, and enemy boats. the soldiers fired back. slowly leave the firing line so as not to come under return fire. ukrainian militants continuously conduct aerial reconnaissance in search of our equipment; a reliable shield against enemy attacks is the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system. it scans the sky around the clock. as soon as any air object that does not respond to a request from someone else enters the area of ​​responsibility. the crew takes it and destroys it. and here are the new names of the heroes of the northern military district. felsher ignat tolstekov, as part
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of a group, liberated the settlement. from ukrainian militants, moving along the given route, found a wounded soldier who had been injured during shelling, provided him with medical assistance and organized evacuation to the hospital. the driver of a motorized rifle platoon, andrei razzhivin, was delivering ammunition to our units when he came under enemy fire, drove the car to a safe place, helped a wounded colleague, carried him to a shelter, provided first aid, handed it over to doctors, and then promptly delivered the shells to the position. the number has increased. attack drones changed, the belgorod region also came under fire, and people were wounded there seven people, including a child, more than twenty houses were damaged, cars caught fire in the parking lot of a shopping center in shebekina after another attack, when rescuers arrived at the scene, the ssu struck again.
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one of the emergencies ministry employees was wounded and is in the hospital. us president joe biden's team, after a disastrous debate with his main rival donald trump, still believes that the current head. states to gain the support of voters, the washington post writes about this. biden’s entourage, the publication points out, is believed to vote and those who believe that he is, quote, mentally incompetent to do the job. such confidence, as noted in the article, is based on the fact that for many voters a trump victory will be unacceptable, and accordingly, such voters will vote for biden. according to bloomberg, despite the obvious failure at the debates, the us democratic party may nominate a candidacy as early as july. owner of the white house to participate in the presidential election. the nika national film award was presented in the capital. laureates were chosen in sixteen categories in just two previous years, and not in one, as it was before, so the competition this time was
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higher than usual. so, the film righteous received five awards, including for best picture, best actor, performed by alexander yatsenko for best director . the statuette belongs to sergei ursulyuk. the nomination for best actress was awarded. two nicknames at once: yulia snegir for her role in the drama for you and me and yulia peresilt for working as the first in the history of cinema in a film shot in space challenge. for some reason nika always talks to me somehow flew around, i really really wanted to have this woman with wings, especially, well, probably after we flew ourselves, after i felt what real flight is, at that moment she came to me hit my hands. "i want too". balabanov is open, sincere, and seems to anticipate his departure. the most touching
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moment of the ceremony, to the music of eduard artemyev , was remembered by those who are no longer with us, and the composer himself, who passed away 2 years ago, was awarded nika for the music for the film "nuremberg", his grandson came out to receive the statuette. araksia babayan introduces us to one very tasty pudding. make sure you write down the recipes carefully, you too. you definitely haven’t cooked semolina like this yet. i pour the cereal into a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown.
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pour in vegetable oil, mix thoroughly, remove from heat. i heat water at the rate of 1 liter per glass of cereal, add. bay leaf and allspice, cook the spices for 5 minutes, during this time the seasonings will give off their aroma, they will need to be removed from the pan, add toasted semolina, salt, i add suneli hops, mix the cereal thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid and cook the porridge over low heat for 20 minutes, cool. look, the semolina has frozen and turned into jelly, i cut the porridge into portions, fry it on both sides, before serving, sprinkle with fried
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onions and herbs, it’s even tastier, help yourself, three bosom friends live in the same japanese family, a cat named coco, well, you now you will understand why koko, because two charming chickens also live with her. kokot voluntarily took charge of the birds carefully monitors that nothing happens to the chickens. the video has already been watched by more than 10 million people. on the calendar, july 2, tuesday, and this is a mysterious date, because according to some sources it is world ufo day, also known as ufo day. well, it’s interesting, yes, that no one has proven the existence of plates, but the holiday already exists. i wonder if our astrologers even saw those? practical, does not like to, as they say, aggravate the situation,
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they say about such people they have an easy character, at the same time he has a sharp practical mind, has a creative vein, under his strict guidance , things will go well for engineers and everyone who works with equipment, this is a very good day for bosses, only dear bosses, remember that your subordinates are people, not robots, about the disadvantages, he is sensitive, reacts nervously to all sorts of little things, it’s easy to unsettle him , relatives and friends on such days trying to load something up with something takes up a lot of time. with caustic chemicals.
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someone's laxity or lack of obligation may try to spoil gemini's mood. calm down, please. otherwise the day was very good, including for all sorts of paperwork. expect guests in the evening. cancers today are very attractive to the opposite sex. you just can't help but fall in love with them. as for work, a lot depends on who wins, you or your laziness. and be careful when buying something secondhand. leos may find themselves in a situation where the mind tells one thing. but the heart is different, some of the lions will hear something like: “you, first figure out what you want?” and yes, you will have to figure this out somehow. dear lionesses, don’t get carried away with bright cosmetics, you already adorable. virgo today is the soul of any company, in the center of attention in the center of events. some of the virgins will have their bones washed a little for this occasion. but what do you care about gossipers? in the evening, perhaps a pleasant and useful meeting. for libra, everything is going well in the right direction; among other things, there will be a chance to confirm yours. professionalism and strengthen authority. about money, generally speaking, they
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love you, but try not to borrow money today. something romantic can happen for scorpios. they are now generally quite amorous, but not very predictable. let's still not lose our heads. okay, expect some news or news in the evening. sagittarius has a wonderful day for business meetings, negotiations and interviews, including regarding employment. yes, everything else should work out. the main thing is not to give up if something doesn’t work the first time, and the evening seems to be going to pleasantly surprise you with something. perseverance, perseverance is your motto capricorns, just before you break into a closed door, look carefully, maybe there is an open one nearby, men, don’t skimp on tender words for your other halves. aquarius may be reminded of the past, you may have to correct some old mistakes, repay a forgotten debt, some old grievances may surface, but you will sort it out somehow, and the evening will help you forget about all this... nonsense: a fairly smooth day for pisces, trips and
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business trips will be successful, it will be possible to convince someone of something, come to an agreement, shake hands. for those vacationing right now, be careful on the water. good luck to you! and we continue: car seat covers. this, of course, is not an essential item , but it is a necessary thing, it makes the trip more comfortable and saves you from frequent dry cleaning of the interior. dalia speaks to you with all her expertise. and on the market now, by the way, there are many options. polyestro, nylon, pvc, eco-leather and even foam rubber. and of course, the all-time classic wooden massage room. in general, karina makaryan will help us understand all this diversity. there is a sign, long car trips with children and pets, comprehensive cleaning of the car interior. how to save him from dust and wear, there are hundreds of offers with capes for this request on marketplaces. together with auto expert sergei petrov, we selected six. popular ones, among them this one made of wood for the driver’s seat, for
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800 rubles. protective and massage, this is an option for machines that i sometimes call grandmaconservat, because they are so ancient and good, i would not want to use one in my car. the design is, as they say, not for everybody, how convenient is it? well, now i feel like i’m rolling around in a chair, i’m not very comfortable, a small minus is probably that that you ride it back and forth, which will... ruin the upholstery. as an alternative, there is an option made of eco-leather foam, also for the driver’s seat for 650 rubles. this is a cape that is most likely intended to simply protect the abrasion of the seat, or to hide defects in the seat. it’s important that the cover on the driver’s seat must be fixed tightly, why? nothing to say about this one, there are no fastenings, it dangles, which
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means it will distract the driver from the road, models with many parts too, plus, the thicker, the worse for heating and cooling seats, the cape will get in the way. penetrate the heat or cold to our body, this is already a seat back cover, the composition is the same, eco-friendly, leather foam, small passengers can safely get dirty, it is easier to clean than the upholstery itself, and it is inexpensive, 450 rubles. like the pvc model, the price is the same, i like the fact that it is transparent, in principle it does not interfere with the overall design of the car, there are also pockets for toys, books and water, but when... choosing , pay attention to the fastening, the child will quickly unfasten the velcro , there’s no rubber band, an elastic band, if you pull it, it will come back, so, probably, the elastic band wins, the backs are protected, for the passenger seat in the back, here is a cape made of polyster and nylon for 450 rubles. waterproof and full length, fit both children and a pet named manya,
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also in the back seat, option with foam padding, cost 1.00 rubles. it does not allow water to pass through and easily turns into a hammock for transporting pets, but passengers will no longer fit. mani, beckoning, beckoning, sit, sit, sit, beckon. the size is clearly not for mani, even if she is fastened, it is unsafe. animal must be securely secured inside the vehicle during transportation. karina makaryan, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. in the primorsky territory, motorists met an amur tiger on the side of the road. the striped handsome man lounged imposingly in the bushes and for some reason looked sadly at people. well, how else will you look at your prey? according to experts, such meetings between a person and a predator listed in the red book, by the way, have recently become regular, but the fact is that the population of the amur tiger is constantly growing, we are closely becomes. revelation by former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our
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program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive. i'm doing everything i can to re-elect the president.
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there was customs this morning and the girl got some inexpensive potatoes. i was 5 years old, i put on zhanya’s dress and stood, sang songs in front of the mirror, i wanted to be like her. well, what do women regret? about love? there were quite a lot of disappointments when you expect from a person the same emotions that you give to him.
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“the blood pressure is normal, so far, what do you mean bye, single men don’t live long, you’ve heard, you know, i can cope, they cook the food, wash the floors myself, well, what does the floors have to do with it, twice a week, at least, okay, once, but regularly , and in our yard from july 7 on sundays, on the first, so that you become nervous, maybe you also need it, twice a week, what?” “the doctor says twice a week, this is what in the new season, in the first one, a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and our heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls well, let's think about it, let's say you
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're a mole, you're on the hunt for guidance in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you'll still be found out, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, of course, i would run, what will choose the moles? here's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of security, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, all the version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel
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kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. solar energy, just think, the sun continuously gives it to us completely free of charge, but how can you not take advantage of such a generous offer, there are solar gadgets. let's calculate how profitable it all is does it make sense to buy all this? solar-powered gadgets, a new dacha trend, i did it, stopped working, walked away, started again. how does this reflect on electricity bills? physicists say it’s not difficult to calculate. in our orbit, the sun emits... about a little less than one and a half kilowatts per square meter, the question is, first of all, how much sun do you have access to as a source, in each
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region, in each region we have a different amount daylight hours per year, profitable history siberia, the sun shines 317 days a year year, and of course the south, here in almost every yard there is solar -powered equipment, most often they take lamps and rugs for heating water, i also purchased it from krasnodar back in april, paid a little more than 4,000 rubles, part of the costs have already paid off. in april it was almost 4,000, payment for electricity, already in may we had hot weather, we paid - 2,000 was not even there. but once again, this is a southern city, where there is sun a couple of times a week, such savings will not come naturally, so there is no point in buying. the only exceptions are folding portable ones stations, they are in the top shopping list. summer residents near moscow, because they accumulate solar energy and continue to work, even if the sky is cloudy. for 10,000 rub. can
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produce approximately 300-500 watts per day. enough to recharge your gadgets every day, which is about a quarter of the amount on your receipt. true, there is an important point here, the effect will be under one condition, if used correctly. all this needs to be maintained, because it rains here, well, a simple example, it just goes completely silent for 1 year. and see what will happen to him in the sunny panels, they are practically protected by photocells with the same glass, that is, they also become dirty, this must be cleaned, it must be properly maintained, it must be cleaned regularly, preferably immediately after rain, otherwise the solar battery will produce almost half as much energy. natalya lyubchenko, angelina ivanova, dmitry likhachev and tatyana yus, the first channel, chats and all kinds of chats there, this is perhaps the most striking sign of our time, but you probably hear the taste, yes, they have their own chats...
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this is history, in where you can find your love, and work, up to some common, large, global interests, but here it ’s generally easier to communicate, i’m generally an introvert and it’s very difficult for me to go into company, when you’ve already corresponded with someone in a chat, it ’s not so difficult anymore , this is cool. elena mintseva creates chats herself, one of the last for dog lovers, 250 people joined in a week, i actually expected that it would happen. only for our residents of the region, but people generally write there from different cities. there was no way to communicate virtually, so we decided to meet.
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it’s cool that here you have the opportunity to discuss various issues regarding the upbringing and maintenance of dogs, meet interesting people, and find some important and useful contacts. and make friends, for example, in an english chat. it turned out that we, like kindred spirits, had basically found each other. we corresponded for six months, we have been friends for 2 years. now ekaterina doroshenko and yulia dabizha from novorossiysk are best friends. now we often cook food together for our little children. the girls are growing up and we want it too so that they can be friends. about a quarter of chat participants find their other half. 2012, volunteer chat, he is in karelia, she is in kaliningrad, they paid attention to each other when they were discussing the next project. actually, he pissed me off at first, she loves to interrupt so much. yes, for us it all started with a conflict. and we just got caught up word for word and went to communicate in a private message.
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that's all. the chat relationship has ended. wedding. oh, as parents we tell you this, these same researchers are sometimes so carried away by their research that are lost, we must, of course, take care that this does not happen, we, adults, the child is lost, the nightmare of any parent so that it does not become a reality, the basic rules from child safety expert dmitry orlov. with us are eight-year-olds, andrei alena, three-year-old matvey, rule number one -
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put a note in the pocket of preschoolers with their parents' contact information. there are law enforcement officers. when they find children, the first thing they do is inspect their pockets for notes like these. an alternative is a bracelet on the wrist and not the number will also be lost in sight. the second is the 30 second rule. you position yourself like this, for example, we are now on the playground, uh, so that every 30 seconds of time you can see your child, because in a crowded place in 30 seconds or more time a child can travel quite a long way, he can get lost or get into trouble. save me. get stuck, fail, fall into the water, every second counts here, the younger the child, the closer the parent should be. third - gadgets: for older children, a smartphone with a control application, for kids, a watch with a beacon, it is important that both are fully charged. in open areas , the geolocation of both is determined, the error is minimal. i'm calling the elder. andryusha, where is matvey? matvey, next to us, i'm salty.
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we exhale, but dmitry is sure that he cares about the safety of the younger one. you shouldn’t trust your brother, he may not keep track, do whatever he wants, he may be worried about some other issues, this is a responsibility that we, as parents, should not put on the shoulders of another child, you can see in the application that andrey is playing now, matvey, meanwhile, runs wherever his eyes look, only the operator is with him, but the watch is like a phone, you can call, mom, matvey, where are you, i’m looking for you, stay still, okay, okay, bye, mom, mom. coming now, standing , waiting in place, lost, stand and wait, we don’t just teach this rule, periodically we lose, as we do now, what else, let the child learn his last name, address and telephone number of at least one of the parents, as well as to whom ask for help? the first means the seller, the second means the security guard or another a man in uniform is a policeman, the third is a woman
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with a child, what do you tell her, we’re lost, we need to ask her to call her parents, if the lost connection still doesn’t work, we can’t find him ourselves, dial 102. a police officer will immediately notice and take a look , which police district this applies to will be assigned by the official responsible for the search and his contacts are needed, after that, after contacting the volunteers, it will be necessary to say that a statement to the police has already been left by phone, this is enough, photo in current clothes it is much more effective to take a portrait, so before going to a crowded place, we take a photograph of the child, and it is better if the clothes he is wearing are bright. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one.
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good morning, there are only two players in the beach volleyball team. to make it easier to understand each other, the athlete standing in front gives his partner signs behind his back. this, for example, means that the player closes the attack from the side lines of the court, the second needs to run to the center. the command must be executed instantly. speed reactions are important in everyday life. a pair exercise with a tennis ball will help your development. i extend my hand with him and hold it at chest level. the partner stands opposite, feet shoulder-width apart. the legs are slightly bent, he is holding on to my palm, i unclench my fingers, and without warning, the partner’s task is to catch the projectile on the lita. let's practice. now let’s complicate the exercise: we take
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a ball in each hand, but release only one projectile. the partner will have to focus on two objects at once. we change places if we can’t catch the ball, don’t be upset, it’s just a game, but we’re still developing reaction speed, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasiliov, hello, russian artillerymen, paratroopers destroyed a column of equipment with... ukrainian armed forces troops in the chasovo yar area, enemy movements were detected by our reconnaissance drones immediately transmitted information to the command post. a few minutes later , crews of grad multiple launch rocket systems hit the militants. they use high-explosive fragmentation
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rockets. the shock wave of fragments that scatter hundreds of meters from them does not leave enemy infantry has a chance of salvation. our pilots carried out a series of powerful attacks on enemy targets; the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the advance of the russian infantry was covered by drone crews; they tracked the enemy’s movements, promptly reporting where the next attack could come from. as
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a result, our guys worked in a well-coordinated manner and the object was taken under control. in mirgorod in the poltava region , an iskander missile strike on a ukrainian military airfield reportedly destroyed four fighter, two more were seriously damaged. the damage is estimated at approximately... the ukrainian armed forces also suffered significant losses in personnel. the significance of this attack lies in the fact that it was from this airfield that ukrainian planes took off and attacked crimea and border areas. this base was also being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. by the way, they may begin to be supplied to the kiev regime in the near future. the corresponding permission was finally issued by the outgoing government netherlands. i informed the parliament members about this in writing.
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they tried to shift responsibility for the strike onto the militias, but a day later they explained everything as a mistake by the pilots: neither the kiev regime nor the international organizations conducted an investigation into this monstrous crime. today in the lpr they will remember the dead civilians in the village of lugansk, a requiem rally will be held, and memorial events will be held. the crews of the tu-95 ms aircraft practiced in-flight refueling during the flights; it was carried out young pilots and navigators of the far eastern... onny regiment located in the amur region. refueling, the ministry of defense reported, was carried out at an altitude of more than 5,500 m, at a speed of over 550 km/h. aerial refueling is an important element in the training
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of long-range aviation pilots. this skill allows you to significantly increase your combat radius and perform missions at a great distance from your base. the real commotion in the white house was caused by the decision of the us supreme court in the case of former president donald trump. the highest court ruled that he again, claiming the post of head of state, he has partial immunity from legal prosecution, which applies only to his actions within the framework of his official duties. in other words, the biden team is being deprived of its trump card in the election fight. democrats were betting that...
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this decision almost certainly means that the president's actions are literally unlimited, which is a fundamentally new principle. this is a dangerous precedent because the administration's powers will no longer be limited by law and even by the us supreme court. restrictions will be set only by the president.
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that's all for now, now a word to my colleagues, good morning, exactly 164 years ago, on july 2, only in 1860, the city of vladivostok was founded in the pacific bay of zolotoi rock. congratulations to all the residents of this wonderful city, and indeed to all of us, because it is impossible not to love this wonderful city. well, if you have relatives from there like i do, or you’ve been there several more times, then you also can’t help but love him and fall in love with him from the first times as soon as you arrive. seeing
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vladivostok and staying here is a popular story among young people. daria filatova came from krasnoyarsk a year ago for a couple of days as a volunteer and never left. the sea draws us in, but at the same time there is also communication with people, the people here are simply wonderful, they are very bright, energetic, it’s not for nothing that we are the youth capital, the city fully lives up to its name and status. favorite place of the herscheld lighthouse on the tokarevskaya cat, when the tide is low you can approach it. there are borders here. mainland and the sea of ​​japan. walks for a million - a separate pleasure. the ancient quarter was formerly chinatown. migrants from china lived here. courtyards-wells in the form of labyrinths. there were chinese shops, eateries, as well as opio smokehouses, brothels, and gambling dens. a chinese police force was even created in vladivostok, a unique phenomenon for russia, where, in addition to russian police officers, there were also chinese. and, of course, a visit to... card russian bridge,
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everyone knows it, it is depicted on the 2.0 ruble bill, a rare pedestrian will want to cross it, length 3,100 m. well, what would vladivostok be without a sea of ​​products, many come here for this, and even indifferently fall in love. where to begin? this is the calling card of the far east, baked scallop. if you are in vladivostok, be sure to try it. by the way, the scallop here is the largest and meatiest. vladivostok is a place of amazing nature. the botanical garden is like a portal to the past. the usuri taiga is the jungle of the northern regions, it is a flora in which there are relict plants that remained from before the ice age in the flora, adapted to life in new conditions. ancient vines, red-listed irises, these are wild, inaccessible shrubs. oh, this is manzhurian oralia, one of the plants of the oraliaceae family, which are also characteristic of the flora.
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the region contains a large amount of medicinal substances, even just walking around the city is already a pleasure. built on the hills, it is not for nothing that vladivostok means the lord of the east, soaring and majestic. sergey apramov sotnik, elena savina, channel one. our good and your cheerful morning continues, now we will do he is even a little kinder and more cheerful, because next we will give the floor to our tireless internet surfer yegor uspensk. meet the new heroes of the internet. and our video journey today opens with a kitten named bucks. he helps his mistress count money, well, with such and such a name it’s understandable. to be honest, we don’t know about khvostatov’s other talents, but this did not stop bax from already earning 5 million likes with his work. money, chips, money. but with dogs that skateboard today, perhaps, well you won't surprise anyone. new heroes appear on the internet every day, but here we are. this dog
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named jumpy, let's call him that, the jumper, probably outdid everyone, he skated a hundred meters in 19.16 seconds, thereby setting a world record, of course. already among the dogs they applauded, but their hands were clenched. but these shots were taken at the bahrain zoo. there lives a monkey who starts every morning with a cup of coffee and a delicious bun. just admire her. let's wish the heroine of this video a pleasant appetite let's move on. if she could speak, she would say: very tasty coffee. well , in conclusion about art, melbourne resident james keightley works in a very original technique, he paints portraits on the bedspread with wax pencils. “oh, if i had done this as a child, my mother would have scolded me, of course, and now this is called art, you can see for yourself what comes of it, well, by the way, one such work, according to james , takes him no more than half an hour. that’s it. it will be fine, i promise you, as soon as i arrive, i will immediately i'll call you. my sister has disappeared, gone missing?
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no, she didn’t disappear, either she disappeared or not , she was killed, and i saw it, in a dream, well , that’s where it started. moment with lyuska all the strange things started happening, wait, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what is this, and max, she’s crazy, no, i see people, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, kill the worms , the house is state-owned, i went to work, and if he leaves the country today, you will never unravel this matter, i was told that you have the ability to predict, he did not cheat on you, that well... and what they don’t notice ordinary people, i’m with you, of course, where would we be without you now? there is a map, there is a navigator, here, you think the grandfather is out of his mind, yes, come on, attract her, fortune teller, today is
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the first one. white corridors women, excuse me, cognac old barrel product of stellar group, bourbon steersman product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin snow. product of stellar group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. humor is
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the most important thing in our life. you can't live without a smile. when you smile, everything goes better. i'll tell you a joke. i see a person, then i’ll sing a song, then something else, the most important thing for me is that people around me smile, a sense of humor is always appropriate, but you need to know in what moments, laughter prolongs life, laughter is an emotion and laughter charges us for a new achievement, it’s on the table food, cucumber with potatoes, i’m not afraid to work, especially with a louse, smile and so that there is simple human happiness, russia, we! we love you, july 2 is on the calendar, we remind you, tuesday, tuesday, of course, is a working day of the week and i love you, i understand everyone who is worried about the fact that the week is still has just begun, and the vacation is still somewhere out there, far away, of course there is little enthusiasm, many
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are not waiting for it, but we reassure you guys, everything will be soon, there will be rest, rest, of course, there will be, but for now we turn on the work mode, in after all, to have a good rest, you need to do something, okay? to work and to have enough strength, let's listen to our endocrinologist ilya magerya. there's only a little time left before vacation, and i no longer have the energy to work. water treatments help overcome lethargy and apathy. in the morning we wash our face with cold water, take a contrast shower, and in the evening i recommend a bath with magnesium salts. we eat fried eggs or an omelet for breakfast. yolks contain b vitamins, which are necessary for the health of the nervous system. and vitamin d, it adds energy and improves mood. season the dish with dill; the greens will give you strength. for dessert,
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orange or strawberry when available. these are sources of vitamin c, which helps cope with stress and increases it. before we get to work, we write a list of tasks for today, set ourselves exact deadlines for completing them, as soon as... done, we tick this item and be sure to praise ourselves, well done, this simple action increases the level of dopamine, and it is also called the hormone of joy, if it’s really hard for you, take a five-minute break every hour, but don’t immerse yourself in social networks, it’s better to arrange a physical exercise minute . we brew
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mint tea, it helps you concentrate. if there are no contraindications, you can add 15 drops of ginseng tincture to the drink. a milder remedy is chaga infusion. birch mushroom improves nutrition of brain cells. we completely forget about it, relax actively, you can arrange a bike tour around the surrounding area, new experiences, combined with physical activity, improve your mood and well-being, fruitful work and good rest. if i tell you that strish is one of the fastest birds in the world, then imagine how fast it can accelerate in flight, i know 20-30. 40, 170 km/h. that’s it, friends, yes, the sky is really a home for this bird, and
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maybe that’s why swift chicks strive to leave the nest early, even when they can’t fly yet they know how, they are already falling out of their nests. experts say that guardians leave their nests because they are too hot. well, be that as it may, from may to september there is a fall of haircuts throughout the country. found some beauties! there’s a new addition to the family of margarita morlang from volgograd: neighbors brought her a small swift, they found a nest under... naked while repairing a balcony, you’re my sweetie, you’re my bunny, margarita has been saving birds since childhood, everyone in the area knows, i found a swift in trouble run to margarita, now she has six chicks in foster care, will grow up, feed them and in 20 days give them a graduation party, pamper their charges, feed them marbled and turkmen cockroaches every 2 hours, buy them from feed farms, sometimes, however, even such a delicacy is sheared and not eaten. show character: if the creep does not eat on its own, it can even kick,
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pinch, and bite; we open its bite and let it swallow. i ate it. every year from may to september, snowfall begins throughout the country. chicks leave the nest to escape the heat. they just can’t take off anymore. more wings too small. caring for chicks is a whole science. you can only touch them through a napkin so as not to stain the wings. keep in smooth boxes or boxes, again, so that the wings do not break. usually it takes a month to nurse the chick, then it can be released into free soaring. the equipment needs to be thrown up, just lifted on the hand, it’s enough to push it off the palm and a lifting force will already arise in its wings, and accordingly the bird will take flight. strish is the only bird in the world that is not able to walk and jump, such is its structure body, she spends her whole life. in flight, even while sleeping, she drinks water on the fly, that’s why you need to help her, but for sparrows, owls, seagulls,
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human help will only do harm. no matter how hard you try, some birds, unfortunately, are not destined to return to the sky. a real angel lives in the house of olga svetlova from novosibirsk, named after the girl angelina who saved him 3 years ago. but the crepe was healed and remained in the family forever. the wing injury will prevent him from flying away. i think it's better for a bird to live at home in love than to die, that's why i keep houses between swifts. only this is no longer just a bird in the house, it is a real member of the family. swifts are for a long time; in nature they usually live for 7 years; at home , olga’s angel can live up to twenty. natalia kravchenko, evgeniy, nikolai petrov, liliya lobkova, channel one. there are 6 days left before the closing of the russian forum exhibition, and you can still make it, but you
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definitely need to hurry, and the number of visitors has already exceeded 17 million, have time to join them and you will be there, very interesting, countdown to closing exhibitions in russia, we are drawing up a route for locations that have been open for the last few days. 2 minutes from the main entrance and we are already there, the gallery of russian achievements, the first point of the route, a tunnel 166 in length. inside there are solid screens, 40 projectors, a dozen sound speakers, broadcasting the main achievements of the country, we look at and study in the end, the effect of complete immersion is guaranteed. from here on a long journey through all regions, we catch the final opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the seventy-fifth pavilion in this format. at the final this week the republic of tva invites you to play national games. bull chess and dice. the mentors are a married couple in everyday life , a lawyer and a translator. our surname is oyun from the uin language, literal translation, game.
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here we have horse racing. whoever crosses the eight mountains first wins. at the buryatia stand they continue to introduce national costumes, a nice bonus, photos for memory; during the entire period of the exhibition, several hundred thousand photographs were taken. red is the color of the hearth, and love, yes, and blue is the color of the blue sky, and the color of water. here you can tell fortunes on figures, on love and fate. 1050 probably knew their fate. and about one and a half thousand times they drove and raised bridges around the st. petersburg stand every hour. after the exhibition ends. are waiting for a visit. during these 8 months, st. petersburg could be seen from completely different sides, from a historical, industrial, and sports country. and this inspired the creation of a new exhibition, directly in st. petersburg itself, it is called my petersburg. well, right now there are various master classes on painting farkhor mugs, restoration paintings, creating pompom fans. yes,
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the program at the exhibition is as busy as always. today we have a presentation of the merry kaza festival. yes, it brings together the best representatives of theatrical art from all over the world. on the fourth we will have a battle of choirs, and from the seventh there will be a huge beauty festival called the beauty of russia. what else can't you miss? farmer's fair, it won't be open for a while. more than 580 manufacturers from more than 80 regions of our country visited our fair and sold more than 57 tons of products. last week nine regions: kamchatka with wild fish and ferns, addigia with cheeses, perm region with meat products and honey, impossible to pass by, and then enjoy the fresh air in the summer, at the cosmos pavilion, festival of the future in flowers, 89 flower beds and expositions from each region of the country, it ’s time to change your avatar, there are only a few days left to catch the closing of the grand exhibition russia on july 6 on
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channel one, don’t miss it, anna grebenshchikova, vasily valetov, anna ryabova, channel one. and we continue, capes on car seats. this, of course, is not an essential item, but it is a necessary thing, it makes the trip more comfortable and saves you from frequent dry cleaning of the interior. dalia speaks to you with all the expertise. on the market now, by the way, there are many options from polyester, nylon, pvc, eco-leather and even foam rubber. and of course, the all- time classic wooden massage room. in general, karina makaryan will help us understand all this diversity. there is a sign: long car trips with children and pets require comprehensive cleaning of the car interior. how to save it from dust and wear, there are hundreds of offers with capes for this request on marketplaces. together with auto expert sergei petrov, we selected six popular ones. among them is this one made of wood for the driver’s seat. for 800 rub. protective and massage. this is
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an option for cars that i sometimes call grandma's preserver. because they are so ancient and... what is called an amateur, how convenient is it? well, now i feel like i’m rolling around on a chair, i’m not very comfortable, a small minus is probably that you’re riding on it goes back and forth, that with sharp braking you can slide under the seat, this is dangerous, it is unlikely to protect against wear and tear from liquid dust, the wooden bones will push through the leather over time, ruining the upholstery, as an alternative to the option made from eco-leather foam rubber. this is a cover that is most likely intended to simply protect the wearability of the seat, or to hide defects in the seat. it is important that the cover on the driver’s seat must be fixed tightly, which cannot be said about this one, there are no fastenings, it dangles, which means it will distract the driver from the road, models with lots of details too, plus, the thicker, the
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worse for heating and cooling the seat. the cape will prevent the penetration of heat or cold. to our body, this is already a cover for the back of the seat, the composition is the same, eco-friendly, leather foam, small passengers can safely get dirty, it’s easier to clean than the upholstery itself, and it’s inexpensive, 450 rubles. like the pvc model, the price is the same, i like the fact that it is transparent, in principle it does not interfere with the overall design of the car, there are also pockets for toys, books and water, but when choosing, pay attention to... nilon for 450 rub. waterproof and full length. both children and a pet named manya fit in. also in the rear seats. option quilted from
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foam rubber, cost 1.00 rub. it does not allow water to pass through and easily turns into a hammock for transporting pets, but passengers will no longer fit. beckoning, beckoning, beckoning, sit, sit, sit, beckon. the size is clearly not for mani, even if she is fastened, it is unsafe. the animal must be securely secured inside. but how can you not take advantage of such a generous offer? there are solar-powered gadgets, these are it’s no longer science fiction, there are even roofs where you collect this solar energy and then power your house with it. let's calculate how profitable all this is, does it make sense to buy all this? solar gadgets. a new dacha trend: i’ve done the day, stopped working, go away, starts again, but how does this reflect on the electricity bills? physicists say
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it’s not difficult to calculate, in our orbit the sun emits about a little less than one and a half kilowatts per square meter, this is the question , first of all, how much sun do you have in access precisely as a source, in each region, in each region we have a different number of daylight hours per year. profitable history siberia, the sun shines 317 days a year, and of course, the south, here in almost every yard there is solar -powered equipment, most often they take lamps and rugs for heating water. elena geyin from krasnodar also purchased, back in april she gave a little more than 4.00 rubles. some of the costs have already been paid off. in april , the electricity bill was almost 4,000, and already in may we had a fever.
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recharging gadgets, which is about a quarter the amount that is in your receipt, however, there is an important point here, the effect will be under one condition, if used correctly, all this needs to be maintained, because it rains here, well, a simple example, just don’t wash the window for 1 year and look , what will happen to it, on solar panels they are protected by photocells with the same glass practically, that is, they also become dirty, this must be cleaned, it must be properly maintained, it must be cleaned regularly, preferably immediately after rain, otherwise the solar battery... will give energy is almost two times less. natalya lyubchenko, angelina ivanova, dmitry likhachev and tatyana yus, channel one. eh, i probably have one of my favorite phrases from luce
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carrel, his famous work. remember this: meet alice, this is pudding. pudding is alice. well, right now , pastry chef araksia babayan will introduce us to one very tasty pudding. make sure you write down the recipes carefully, you too. so, you definitely haven’t cooked semolina yet. i pour in the cereal. in a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly, remove from heat, i heat water at the rate of 1 liter per glass of cereal, add bay leaves and allspice, cook the spices for 5 minutes, during which time the seasonings will give off their flavor and aroma, they will need to be removed from the pan. i add toasted semolina, salt, add suneli hops, mix the cereal thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid
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and cook the porridge on low heat for 20 minutes, cool, look, the semolina has frozen and turned into jelly, cut the porridge into portions, fry on both sides. before serving , i sprinkle with fried onions and herbs, it’s even tastier, help yourself, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, a missile strike was carried out on the ukrainian military airfield in mirgorod, this is the poltava region, it was destroyed, four were reported. fighter, two more were seriously damaged. in addition, enemy personnel also came under fire. the ukrainian armed forces suffered significant losses, with damage estimated at approximately $60 million.
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the russians carried out a successful attack. iskander missile systems. this operation was also important because the airfield in mirgorod was being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. and it was there that ukrainian planes took off and carried out attacks on crimea and border areas. russian tank crews of the central group of troops destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces with direct fire, ensuring the offensive of our attack aircraft in the ovdeevsky direction; infantry detachments were able to capture enemy positions and gain a foothold in the designated area. but first the crew of the t-72 tank did a lot of work; they destroyed the firing points of the ukrainian formations. our fighters fired from a distance of no more than 800 m at direct fire, while the militants tried to attack in response. a variety of weapons entered the entrance. as we were approaching , we were already being surrounded by mortars and artillery, and the line was still a gift, a pop, a shake, you looked around as best you could. inside
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the car, so that everything was fine, the crew were great, they didn’t flinch, they went to the end, they worked as expected. in the kherson direction, crews of self-propelled guns of the dnepr group of troops destroyed a platoon stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, they managed to find it with the help of reconnaissance drones, the coordinates were immediately transferred to the artillerymen and those moved to firing positions. the main targets of the crew in this sector of the front are armored vehicles, fortifications, and enemy boats. having recovered, the fighters immediately leave the firing line so as not to come under retaliatory fire. ukrainian militants continuously conduct aerial reconnaissance in search of our equipment, a reliable shield against enemy attacks is the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system, it scans the sky around the clock as soon as any air object enters its area of ​​responsibility that does not respond to the request “friend, foe, calculation takes it to escort destroys." and here are the new names of the heroes of the north military district, paramedic ignat tolstikov is in
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the squad. the troupe liberated the settlement from ukrainian militants, moving along a given route, found a wounded soldier who had been injured during shelling, provided him with medical assistance and organized evacuation to the hospital. the driver of a motorized rifle platoon andrei razzhivin, was delivering ammunition with our unit when he came under enemy fire, took the car to a safe place, helped a wounded colleague, carried him to a shelter, provided first aid, handed over doctors, and then promptly delivered the shells to the positions. the number of victims has increased after shelling in sow, donetsk people's republic. according to the latest data , three were injured, one person died. militants attacked gorlovka in the dpr 30 times. more than seventy munitions were fired, including cluster-type ones, and attack drones were also used. the belgorod region also came under fire, seven people were wounded there, including a child, and more than twenty houses were damaged. in the parking lot of a shopping center in shibeikino after another attack, cars caught fire when
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they arrived at the scene... rescuers of the ukrainian armed forces struck again, one of the emergencies ministry employees was wounded, he is in the hospital. the team of us president joe biden, after a failed debate with his main rival donald trump, still believes that the current head of state will gain the support of voters, the washington post writes. biden's entourage, the publication points out , believes that those who believe that he is, quote, mentally incompetent to do this job will also vote. such confidence how... according to bloomberg, despite the obvious failure in the debate, the us democratic party may nominate the current owner of the white house to participate in the presidential election as early as july. the nika national film award was presented in the capital; laureates were chosen in 16 categories over the previous two years at once, and not in one, as was the case
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before, so there’s a competitor. i really wanted to possess this woman with wings, especially, well, probably, after we flew ourselves, after i felt what real flight is, so at that moment she fell into my hands. the best documentary film by balabanov, bell requiem, directed by lyubov arkus. each frame is an honest chronicle of the production of the master’s latest film , entitled “i want it too.” balabanov is open,
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sincere, and seems to have a presentiment. their departure, the most touching moment of the ceremony, under the music of eduard artemyev, they remembered those who are no longer with us, and the composer himself, who passed away 2 years ago, was awarded nick for the music for the film nuremberg. with us with the first channel on the calendar tuesday 2 july. summer this year has simply gone wild. in many regions the heat is breaking records. the thermometer simply goes off scale, somewhere around 30°, and sometimes even higher. yes, today they generally promise +32. this, of course,
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calls us to be careful, because the sun is not something to joke with. noon + 29. let’s answer ourselves honestly, we wear a headdress, we should, if we think about it. that you don’t react to the heat, it just seems like a reaction to the direct sun from the very first seconds. the scalp contains a large number of nerves endings that are irritated by this solar radiation excite very strongly the central nervous system and brain. the vessels dilate and blood flow is disrupted. the first symptoms of sunstroke are darkness in the eyes, dizziness, nausea. an increase in temperature may appear after 10-15 minutes of sunshine, approximately the same reaction during thermal shock, that is, overheating, unlike solar , it can occur in the shade and indoors many times faster if the humidity is high than above
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humidity, the better the thermal conductivity of the air and the better the heat the body receives, well , let’s say, when we put pressure on the stones in the bathhouse, the heat immediately rolls in, because the thermal conductivity of the air is different, it increases sharply with increasing humidity, combination with high temperature... moisture more than 50% stuffiness sets in, there is almost no evaporation, the water-salt balance and thermoregulation are disturbed, at the first symptoms, immediately go into the shade in a lying position, unbutton the collar, do not modestly splash water , pour cold compresses on the back of the head, neck armpits, it is important not to use ice, so that without spasms of blood vessels, plus drink water, preferably salted to raise the level of electrolytes, also be careful when entering cool enclosed spaces, the risk of experiencing symptoms... to another type of stuffiness, when the level of co2, that is, carbon dioxide gas exceeds the norm, more often when the air conditioner is running and the windows are closed, there is no access to oxygen, the air is not renewed, hence migraine attacks, drowsiness, loss of concentration, it is better to alternate air conditioning with
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ventilation, plan to go out in hot weather day, after all, let there be a headdress, spacious clothes, light clothes made from natural fabrics, and it is advisable to take a handkerchief, wet at least the handkerchief with some water on... the skin. doctors also recommend cool showers two to three times a day. minimum cosmetics and more vegetables and fruits. avoid fatty fried meats. coffee also dehydrates, so water is at least 30 ml per kilogram of weight. anastasia, channel one. summer mode. what it is? you often hear that, yes, utility services have switched to summer service. transport operates in summer mode. what is this? yes, that’s what it means, and how it’s fundamentally different from winter. or maybe we also need to switch something to summer mode at home, but we don’t know this, let’s find out, we don’t even suspect, but many services operate in a special mode in the summer, for example, the capital’s traffic lights are green for pedestrians in tourist places 5-10 seconds longer
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than in winter, in summer the pedestrian flow traditionally increases, tourists also arrive in our capital, so we try to make movement around moscow comfortable, in winter the emphasis is on drivers, they drive in the snow... slower with a decent distance, so that more cars pass in one phase of the traffic light, the time is increased for them, and this is not only in moscow, for example in kemer, in vladivostok the traffic lights are also reconfigured, translated in the summer mode, city transport, in the metro they set up a ventilation system, when it’s so stuffy outside, it’s always fresh in the subway, once every 10 days the temperature and humidity are measured using a thermo-hygrometer, we try to constantly maintain the same temperature, in our subway... more than 670 ventilation pitches, and by adjusting them alternately, we achieve this effect. the normal temperature is from 18 to 30°, now in summer mode. in winter the temperature here is maintained at least 10°.
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they adjust the operation of foreign transport, air conditioning, of course, so that at +30 no one overheats. buses in many regions are introducing seasonal schedules. on popular routes, for example, for summer residents, the number of flights and operating hours have been increased. now it opens at 7:30 and until 22, the animals don’t care. they live in their own way, here are the guests convenient, quite a large category of visitors, especially in the summer, who come from train to train to pass the time , so if someone’s train arrived early, they have the opportunity to have somewhere to go, it’s not just wandering around the city, here after all, there are benches, and it’s really a good idea to look at the measurements, utility workers are very busy in the summer, mowing the lawn, planting plants, cutting down emergency and dead trees, repairing playgrounds, local areas, entrances, entrance doors... are formed over time, break down, we repair them,
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the walls are plastered and painted inside, repairs are carried out once every 5 years, but also if necessary, if something happened in the entrance earlier, we still carry out the work, plus the double-glazed windows are transferred to summer mode, they weaken the pressing force of the sash frame; by the way, this can be done in an apartment so that it doesn’t blow at night when the window is open, but the air still circulates. ruslan yunyaev, ksenia loginova, channel one. good morning to the beach volleyball team only two players. to make it easier to understand each other, the athlete standing in front gives his partner signs behind his back. this means, for example, that. the player closes the attack from the side lines of the court, the second needs to run to the center.
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the command must be executed instantly. reaction speed is important in everyday life. pair exercises with a tennis ball will help development. i extend my hand with him and hold it at chest level. the partner stands opposite, feet shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent. holds my palm, i unclench my fingers, and without warnings. the partner's task is to catch the projectile on the fly. let's practice, and now we'll complicate the exercise, take a ball in each hand, but release only one projectile, the partner will have to focus on two objects at once. we change places,
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if we can’t catch the ball, don’t be upset, it’s just a game, but we still develop our reaction speed, eh, i have, perhaps, one of my favorite phrases from lewis carroll, his famous work, remember, this is it, get acquainted, alice, this is pudding, pudding is alice, right now pastry chef arakia babayan will introduce us to one very tasty pudding, look , write down the recipes carefully, you too. so you definitely haven’t cooked semolina yet, pour the cereal into a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly, remove from heat, heat water at the rate of 1 liter per glass of cereal, add bay leaf and allspice, cook the spices 5 minutes during this time. the seasonings will give off their flavor and aroma; they will need to be removed from
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the pan. i add toasted semolina, salt, add suneli hops, mix the cereal thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid and cook the porridge over low heat for 20 minutes, cool, look, the semolina has frozen and turned into jelly, cut the porridge into... pieces, fry on both sides, before serving, sprinkle with fried onions and herbs , it’s even tastier, help yourself, the revelation of former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program, this concerns the upcoming elections in the united states, you need to go on the offensive, i’m doing everything i can to re-elect the president. we just they are used to saying that, well,
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hillery, yes, they are downed pilots, and the men are also downed pilots, they are puppeteers, they believe her, they give her money on her word, she will win, we will do all this, you are already dying, well, that’s what she said, the main threat is trump, he wants to end the conflict on russia’s terms, i know he’s a very bad guy, personal hatred for trump because he did this to her in the elections, if a similar post appeared with the participation of not... hillary clinton, but one of the republicans, then they would decide to be the case that they are striking a blow to american democracy, in establishment circles, they say: god forbid criticizing everything, it’s a bad omen, they are real. they are afraid of the show of vavan and lexus, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, in fact, you pulled her up, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap, you will have wine, oh, the white one is cheaper,
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let’s take the white one, but i don’t see the waiters, no, thank you, i i won’t drink with you, i’m not allowed, i’m married, i’m not supposed to. and that i came, i came on business, and that i cut myself out, girl, i beg you very much, don’t give him a drink, he’s very sick, uh-huh, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, there is a woman. she’s killed, and we’re talking about the devil and my heart hasn’t broken, do you know how she’s torn, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, let 's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you
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will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second one a well-thought-out option for escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell , the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you are not punished for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel ostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book
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yuliana semyonova. it is important to travel around russia, because you need to learn the traditions of different cities, we are from the city of nizhnevartovs, our city is famous for oil and gas and good people, the famous place in voronezh is a kitten from lizyukov street, rostov the great is included in the golden ring of russia, this is the most -the most beautiful ancient city in our country, in our republic...
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improves concentration, and in general they are very tasty, however, if they are prepared correctly, only many housewives do not succeed very well, the taste is somehow not the same, and in general, they’re like rubber, yeah, the whole point is you know what it’s all about, the fact is that there are little tricks, which we’ll find out now: soft tender squids are easy if you know the simple rules, here’s the first thing, the most reliable thing is unpeeled shellfish, their they are frozen only once, immediately after being caught on the ship, so a lot of moisture is retained, the likelihood of getting a rubber product is minimal, especially if you remember the second rule: you must remove two skins, first the top dark one, these squids are very easy to clean, we take a napkin like this, remove it, then a transparent film, few people know that there is another skin that needs to be simply removed, that is, look like this,
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pin it together, here it is, here is this film, look what it is, its remove and the squid can be cooked for at least half an hour, it will always be soft, now we’ll show you the difference, put the completely cleaned product on a hot frying pan with film, fry it and it’s slightly deformed, curled up, this film is holding it back, that is, you see, it’s even hard to cut it, the second squid is cut quite simply, you can almost tear it apart with your hands, so once again, the next rule, it applies to shellfish cleaned at the factory, they need to be cooked very quickly, no more than 30 seconds, the whole point is that this double-frozen product, one on the ship after catching, the other at the factory after cleaning, of course additional... processing of the fillet leaves consequences, repeated freezing gives less moisture-holding capacity, that is, the fillet will give up more moisture, it will be a little more dry, due to lack of moisture, when exposed to strong heating, the wires contract. the squid becomes tough. finally, the last, fourth rule, for those who prefer the product in rings. it would be better if they were made from
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domestic commander clam, rather than pressed giant clam. they are not caught here; they are mainly philippine and peruvian squid; they can weigh up to 50 kg. it is important to note here that they accumulate a fairly large amount of omyotic substances, which, as it were, determine an additional type of processing, specific soaking these carcasses. then they are made into minced meat and added. the desired shape, and commander squid is small, it’s easy enough to peel and cut it, so the taste is more delicate and there are more benefits. evgenia popova, konstantin struchkov, vladimir popov, yan machilsky, channel one. i remove damage and generational curses. once upon a time , the entire internet was abuzz with such advertisements. yes, but the era is a thing of the past, but the scammers , unfortunately, have not gone away. now they offer another service - cleaning the ancestral genome. fortune tellers with their predictions from cards are a thing of the past, today queens of diamonds and kings of hearts can no longer surprise anyone,
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so modern scammers have come up with a new scheme of deception, here is an example on social networks for my aunt, so i saved this letter, the rodologist asked, who is this? there is an explanation: a healer who treats diseases of an entire family, meaning all my ancestors up to the tenth generation, ask what was wrong with them... this is what interested me in the first place, and so, the rodologist writes that the genome my distant ancestors are severely damaged, therefore, from generation to generation, my family has been haunted by illness, divorce and other misfortunes. my aunt, by the way, was terrified, it’s good that i was nearby and quickly calmed her down, the ironclad argument worked: our loved ones are healthy and are not going to ruin the family, not to go bankrupt, and we ’ll call this rodologist now to find out what he needs, hello , i would like to correct the family genome, can you,
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well, how are you going to do this, my interlocutor says, this is his professional secret, so it’s clear, but how much will it cost? wow, it takes several sessions 10 thousand rubles each, i agree, but i need guarantees in what time i will become a millionaire, he says in six months. okay, i’m a lawyer, let’s draw up a service agreement with you, if your promises don’t come true, we’ll go to court. do you agree? for some reason the rodologist hung up on me? friends, genome cleansing, removal of negative ancestral programs, karmic modeling of connections with ancestors - these are all new ways of quackery. explain this to your elderly relatives, they become victims of scammers most often. today is international day. sports journalist, with with which we congratulate all our fellow sports journalists of channel one, including, of course, our beloved
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precious viktor gusev, to whom we give the floor. downhill or downhill racing is one of the most spectacular disciplines in cycling, which truly changes the idea of ​​human performance. competitors strain all their strength to fly down the hill at high speed and overcome the steps. pits, sharp turns. the rules are very simple: the racers go through the track one by one, the one who shows best time. about 150 of the strongest extreme athletes took part in the competition in the capital of bolivia, the city of lopas. two world records were set here. the participants not only started at an altitude of more than 4,000 m above sea level, but also covered the longest distance. 4.5 km, not everyone managed to reach the finish line, but every racer who managed to pass the most difficult
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high-altitude route has the right to consider himself a winner, powerful and sharp waves, which only the most experienced and brave athlete can conquer, are a calling card brazilian saquara beach. the next stage of the world surfing league took place here, bringing together all the main stars in this sport. the greatest interest among the local public, of course, was aroused by the men's competition, where the leading brazilian, olympic and world champion, italo ferreira, became the best. he celebrated his next victory with the happy fans. the rocks in the italian town of polignano amare, on the adriatic coast, have for many years attracted lovers of cliff diving, jumping water with'.
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one went, but matthew has to rent an entire warehouse to store his large collection. the multi-part saga of two shores continues on channel one. a big story, eventful, we follow the lives of the heroes, the great patriotic war bursts into this life. we are made for each other, don’t you feel it? i feel, she feels, she, we, the audience,
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feel, the whole village of uralskoye is emotional, gossiping. well, sit down. work hard, provide the army with everything necessary, ira has long been in love with leave it, we’ll throw the fritz out of our land, you’re
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nazara here, you hated his wife, varya, you plotted, tried to poison him. uh-huh, now together in the forest for meals, all the troubles, now common, how long will they fight, and hello, the accident is in love with misha, olga’s husband, she couldn’t even think, olga will save her in the winter forest, wartime, very difficult times a tree falls in a felling area, her spine is broken, she has been immobilized for many years, her legs cannot walk, this character, this heroine evokes great... respect, because to go through such millstone, not to lose yourself, to remain human, to persevere, they decide to have a frank conversation, i will no longer stand in your way, he is yours, no, they no longer perceive each other only as rivals, but something more complex, deeper appears , and there are moments of
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mutual sympathy, but the news of death came. what's next? we'll wait until evening. a new series of drama two shores, today on channel one, life is a long river, the characters are changing before our eyes. why are you silent, barbarian? victoria oblenskaya, channel one. and now we find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. russian artillery paratroopers destroyed a column of equipment with ukrainian armed forces personnel in the chasoy yar area. our reconnaissance drones detected the enemy’s movement and immediately transmitted the information to the command post. a few minutes later, crews of grad multiple launch rocket systems hit the militants. they use high-explosive fragmentation rockets. shock
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wave of fragments that fly away from them at...hundreds of meters leave no chance of salvation for the enemy infantry. our pilots carried out a series of powerful attacks on enemy targets; the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, special equipment was destroyed, and the enemy suffered significant losses. chile, the enemy's coordinates, namely the strong point, moved into the area of ​​the combat mission and worked out uncontrolled by aircraft missiles. according to pan's report, the target was hit. the crews of automatic fire grenades with tank grenades also successfully worked. our fighters managed to capture the positions of the ukrainian armed forces; they had to work under continuous artillery fire. the militants also used cluster munitions. the advance of the russian infantry was covered by drone crews; they tracked the enemy’s movements in a timely manner, reporting where the next attack could come from. as a result, our guys worked in a well
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-coordinated manner, and the facility was taken under control. in mirgorod in the poltava region , an iskander missile strike on a ukrainian military airfield reportedly destroyed two fighter, four more were seriously damaged. the damage is estimated at approximately... the ukrainian armed forces also suffered significant losses in personnel. the significance of this attack lies in the fact that it was from this airfield that ukrainian planes took off and attacked crimea and border areas. this base was also being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. by the way, they may begin to be supplied to the kiev regime in the near future. the corresponding permission was finally issued by the outgoing government netherlands. the minister of defense of the kingdom informed the deputies of parliament about this in writing. exactly when the first few of the 24 aircraft promised to kiev will be sent is not specified. today is the tenth anniversary of the massive ukrainian air attack on the village of lugansk, where
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only civilians were located. as a result of that strike , one of the streets was almost completely destroyed, 12 people were killed, including a five-year-old child. eight residents were injured. at first, the ukrainian armed forces tried to shift responsibility for the strike to militias, but a day later. they explained everything as a mistake by the pilots; neither the kiev regime nor international organizations conducted an investigation into this monstrous crime. today in the lpr they will remember the dead civilians in the village of lugansk, a requiem rally will be held, and memorial events will be held. the crews of the tu-95 ms aircraft practiced in-flight refueling during the flights; it was carried out by young pilots and navigators of the far eastern aviation regiment located in the amur region. before refueling. reported to the ministry of defense was carried out at an altitude of more than 5,500 m, at a speed of over 550 km/h. aerial refueling is an important element in the training of long-range aviation pilots. this skill allows you to significantly increase your combat radius
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and perform missions at a great distance from your base. the real commotion in the white house was caused by the decision of the us supreme court in the case of the former. president donald trump. the highest court ruled that he , in re-claiming the post of head of state, has partial immunity from legal prosecution, which applies only to his actions within the scope of his official duties. in other words, the biden team is being deprived of its trump card in the election fight. democrats were betting that they could convict trump over the storming of the capitol and thereby prevent him from being elected. the annoyance from the supreme court's decision was so strong that the white house even organized a separate meeting. this decision almost certainly means that the president's actions are literally unlimited, which is a fundamentally new principle. this
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a dangerous precedent because the administration's powers would no longer be limited by law or even by the us supreme court. restrictions will be set only by the president. the us supreme court decision means the trial. the case over donald trump's alleged efforts to retain power following his election defeat and the capitol riots in january 21 is likely to drag on, allowing trump to continue campaigning. eliminates the consequences in st. petersburg hurricane in public gardens, as well as from the roadway sidewalks, removes fallen trees. one of them fell directly on a woman, she died, two more people, including a child, were injured. a dozen huge trunks were crushed. cars, in addition to strong winds, a powerful rainstorm hit the city, highways and pedestrian areas were flooded. an eyewitness camera captured the moment when one of the lightning strikes hit the lakhta center tower. in the leningrad region
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, power engineers continue to restore broken power lines, the light is back on sent to the homes of more than 70,000 residents. the disaster left almost 900 settlements in the pskov region without electricity, repair crews are working in an intensive mode, as well as public utilities, they are cleaning up the streets and courtyards. removes fallen trees. good cheerful morning, we say to everyone who meets him along with the first channel, as well as with the stunning, bright daria shulik and evgeny pokrovsky on the calendar tuesday, july 2. every child is a born researcher, he is interested in everything, needs to stick his nose in everywhere, and of course, study everything. and this is great, well, really on the one hand, because on the other hand, as parents we tell you this, these same researchers. they are so carried away by their research that they get lost , of course we, adults, must take care that this does not happen, the child is lost, the nightmare of any parent
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so that it does not become a reality, the basic rules from child safety expert dmitry orlov. with us are eight-year-olds, andrei alena, three-year-old matvey. rule one - preschoolers put a note in their pocket with their parents' contact information. employees law enforcement agencies, if they find children, they first examine their karma. so that every 30 seconds you can see your child, because in a crowded place in 30 seconds or more time a child can travel quite a long way, he can get lost or get into trouble, get stuck, fall through, fall into the water, here every second counts, the younger the child, the closer the parent should be. third, gadgets: for older children, a smartphone with a control application, for kids, a watch with a beacon, both are important. with full
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exercise, in an open area the geolocation of both is determined, the error is minimal, i call the eldest, andryusha, where is matvey, matvey is next to us, i’m salty, we exhale, but dmitry is sure, you shouldn’t trust your brother to take care of the safety of the younger one, he may not keep track, take care of everything , anything, he may be worried about some other issues, this is a responsibility that we, as parents, should not shift onto the shoulders of another child, you can see in the application that andrey is playing now. time runs wherever the eyes look, only the operator is with him, but on the clock it’s like on the phone, you can call, mom, matvey, where are you, i'm looking for you, stay still, okay, okay, bye, mom, mom will come now, stand, wait in place, got lost, stand and wait, we don't just teach this rule , periodically we lose, as we do now, what else, let the child memorize his last name, address and telephone number of at least one of the parents. and
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who to turn to for help? the first means a seller, the second means a security guard or another person in a police uniform, the third means a woman with a child, what do you tell her? we if you get lost, you should ask to call your parents. if, after all, the lost connection does not work, we cannot find it ourselves, dial 102. a police officer will immediately accept the appeal and look at which police district applies to this. will appoint an official responsible for the search and his contacts are needed, after that, after contacting the volunteers, it will be necessary to say that a statement to the police has already been left by phone, this is enough, a photo in current clothes is much more effective than a verbal portrait, so before going to a crowded place, we take pictures of the child and it is better if his clothes are bright. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. on the calendar there is july 2, tuesday and... this is a mysterious date, because
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according to some sources it is world ufo day, also known as ufo day. well, it’s interesting, yes, that no one has proven the existence of plates, but the holiday already exists. i wonder if our astrologers even saw those same flying saucers? well, you need to ask them, but for now let’s find out the forecast for today. july 2, twenty-sixth lunar day, 15 solar. good-natured, friendly, tactful, does not like to, as they say, aggravate the situation. they say about such people that they have a light character, at the same time he has a sharp practical mind, has a creative streak, under his sensitive leadership , things will go well for engineers and all those who work with equipment, this is a very good day for bosses, only dear bosses, remember that your subordinate people, not robots, about the disadvantages, he is sensitive, reacts nervously to all sorts of little things, he is easy to unsettle, relatives and friends on such days trying to load something up, telephone conversations take up a lot of time, messengers are swollen with... aries
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can get mad at some point, so don’t take your irritation out on others, otherwise it will be awkward later, you’ll have to apologize, besides by lunchtime this mess will settle down, everything will go back to normal, and in general you will succeed in almost everything today. for taurus, this day will help them solve some problem, improve something, fix something, or get some stuck business moving. taurus men, tolerate women’s whims today, okay, be careful with caustic chemicals. gemini can try. spoil the mood, someone's laxity or lack of obligation, calm down, please, otherwise the day is very good, including for all sorts of paperwork, expect guests in the evening. cancers today are very attractive to the opposite sex, you simply can’t help but fall in love with them. as for work, a lot depends on who wins, you or your laziness, and be careful when buying something second-hand. leos may find themselves in a situation where the mind suggests one thing and the heart another, some of the lions will hear something in... you first figure out
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what you want, and yes, you will have to figure it out somehow, dear lionesses, don’t get carried away with bright cosmetics, you are already charming, virgins today are the soul of any company, in the spotlight in the center of events, some of the virgins will have their bones washed a little on this occasion, what do you care about gossips, in the evening a pleasant and useful meeting is possible, for libra everything is going well in the right direction and, among other things, there will be a chance to confirm your professionalism and strengthen your authority, o money in general: something romantic could happen to scorpios, they are generally quite amorous now, but not very predictable, let’s still not lose our heads, okay? okay, expect some news or news in the evening. sagittarius has a wonderful day for business meetings, negotiations and interviews, including regarding employment. yes, everything else should work out. the main thing is not to give up if something doesn’t work out the first time. and the evening looks like it’s going to pleasantly
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surprise you with something. perseverance is your motto capricorn. just before you break into a closed door, look carefully, maybe there is an open one nearby? men, do not skimp on tender words for your doormats. aquarius may remind you of the past, you may have to correct some old mistakes, repay a forgotten debt, some old grievances may surface, but you will sort it out somehow, and the evening will help you forget about all this nonsense. a fairly smooth day for pisces, trips and business trips will be successful, it will be possible to convince someone of something, come to an agreement, shake hands. for those vacationing right now, be careful on the water. good luck to you. and we continue. discounts on car seats, this is of course not an essential item, but it’s a necessary thing, it makes the trip more comfortable and saves you from frequent dry cleaning of the interior. dalia tells you with all the expertise, on the market now, by the way, there are many options from polyestro, nylon, pvc, eco-leather and even
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foam rubber. and of course, the all- time classic wooden massage room. in general, karina makaryan will help us understand all this diversity. there is a sign. long car trips with children and pets, comprehensive cleaning of the car interior. how to save it from dust and wear; there are hundreds of offers with capes for this request on marketplaces. together with auto expert sergei petrov, we selected six popular ones, among them this one, made of wood for the driver’s seat for 800 rubles. protective and massage. is this an option for the machines that i sometimes call the grandma conservat because they are so ancient and good, how is this? i didn’t want to use it in my car, the design is, as they say, an acquired taste, how convenient is it? well now i feel like i’m rolling around on the chair, i’m not very comfortable, a small minus is probably that you ride it back and forth, that with sharp braking you can slide under the seats, it’s dangerous,
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it’s unlikely to protect from liquid dust from wear and tear, too, the wooden bones will push through the leather over time, ruining the upholstery, as an alternative , eco-leather foam rubber is also available for the driver's seat for... 50 rubles. this is a cape that is most likely intended to simply protect the abrasion of the seat, or to hide defects in the seat. important, driver's license cover the seat should be fixed tightly, which cannot be said about this one, there are no fastenings, it dangles, which means it will distract the driver from the road. models with many parts too, plus the thicker the worse for heating and cooling the seat. the cape will prevent heat or cold from penetrating our body. this is already a cover for the back of the seat, the composition is the same, eco-friendly, leather foam, small passengers can safely get dirty, it’s easier to clean than the upholstery itself, and it’s inexpensive, 450 rubles. like pvc models, the price is the same. i like the fact that she
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transparent in principle, it does not violate the overall design of the car. there are also pockets for toys, books and water, but when choosing , pay attention to the fastening. velcro baby. it unfastens quickly, but there is no elastic band, the elastic band, if you pull it, it will come back, so, probably, the elastic band wins, the backrests are protected, for the passenger seat in the back, here is such a cape made of polyster and nylon for 450 rubles. waterproof and full length, fit both children and a pet named manya, also in the rear seats, the option is padded with foam rubber, cost 1.00 rubles. no water allows passage and easily turns into a hammock for transporting pets, but passengers will no longer fit. beckoning, beckoning, beckoning, sit, sit, sit, beckon. the size is clearly not for mani, even if it is fastened, it is unsafe; the animal must be securely secured inside the car during transportation. karina makaryan, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. our
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good and cheerful morning continues, now we will make it a little kinder and more cheerful, because next we will give the floor to our tireless internet surfer egor uspensky. meet the new heroes of the internet. and today’s video journey opens with a kitten named bax, he helps his owner count money, well, with such a name it’s unclear, to be honest, we don’t know about khvostatov’s other talents, but this did not stop bax from already earning 5 million likes with his work, money, rub money, with dogs that skateboard, today, perhaps, you won’t surprise anyone, new heroes appear on the internet every day, but this dog named jumpy, let’s call him well, he probably beat everyone, he covered a hundred meters on a skateboard in 19.16 seconds, thereby setting a world record, well , of course, among the dogs they would applaud, but they have palms. but these shots were taken at the bahrain zoo. there lives
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a monkey who starts every morning with a cup of coffee and delicious buns. just admire her. let's wish the heroine of this video bon appetit and move on. if she could speak, she would say: very tasty coffee. well, finally about art, melbourne resident james keightley he works in a very original technique, he paints portraits on the bedspread with wax pencils. oh, if i had done this as a child, my mother would certainly have scolded me. this is now called art, what comes out of it, you see for yourself, but by the way, james’s ambassadors take him no more than half an hour to complete one such work. how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio. it was some kind of impulse, i was the first to confess my love, told him that i love him, and he hung around for a while and asked me: why? 7 years old, my first
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husband brought me a journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago, he’s still interviewing me, sasha, how did you confess your love? it was disgusting, i think it was. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. product of
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stellar group. veda, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. the most grandiose event in modern russia. and advanced technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 millions of visitors, we have something to be surprised about, we have something to be proud of. ceremonial closing of the exhibition russia on july 6
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at the first anniversary of zhanna friskechka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very little, she was born like that, mother, here is your artist, we gave 50 concerts a month, but we were already joking, what if... we get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, what happened to me, and what is happening to me, i didn’t even dream about it, handsome, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna freeski, very similar to one actress, i often say, it’s true, i was zhanna at the very, very top, a superstar, unattainable, a dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition for the circus, i came all bruised, and needed, well maybe you don’t need it, i don’t
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need it, no, i need it, i want, i want me to succeed, despite the fact that some men, great performers, she’s so small, fragile , it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, she’s great, the premiere is on sunday on the first. good afternoon, my dear, beloved country, our big friendly family, family is where they look in one direction, when they support, love each other, are always happy about the successes of each family member, being a dad is very good, raising children, helping them in everything, you dissolve. my cherished dream
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is probably for our country to prosper and to be happy. my son, you need to dream, believe in your dreams, strive for your cherished goals, everything will definitely work out. solar energy, just think, the sun continuously gives it to us completely free of charge, but how can you not take advantage of such a generous proposal? there are gadgets with solar batteries, this is no longer science fiction, there are even roofs where you collect this solar energy and then power your house with it. let's calculate how profitable all this is, whether it makes sense... and how this is reflected in the accounts is not difficult. for electricity? physicists say that in our orbit the sun emits about a little less than one and a half kilowatts per
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square meter. the first question is how much sun you have access to as a source. in every region, in every region we have a different number of daylight hours per year. profitable history siberia, the sun shines 317 days a year and, of course, the south. here in almost every yard there is solar-powered equipment; most often they use lamps and mats for heating water. elena geiin from krasnodar also purchased it, back in april, and gave a little more than 4.0 rubles. some of the costs have already been paid off. in april it was almost 4.0. payment for electricity already in may, we had hot weather, we paid - 2.0 is not even there. but once again, this is a southern city, in the same place where there is sun a couple of times a week, such savings will not come naturally, so there is no point in buying, the only exception is folding portable stations, they are in the top purchases for summer residents near moscow, because
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they accumulate solar energy and continue to work, even if the sky is cloudy. it can produce for 10,000 rubles. approximately 300-500 watts per day. enough to recharge your gadgets every day, which is about a quarter of the amount on your receipt. true, there is an important point here; the effect will be under one condition, if used correctly. all this it needs to be maintained, because it rains here, well, a simple example, just don’t wash the window for one year and see what happens to it, on solar panels they practically protect the photocells with the same glass, that is, they also pollute it, this is necessary cleaned, it needs to be properly maintained. it is necessary to clean it regularly, preferably immediately after rain, otherwise the solar battery will produce almost half as much energy. natalya lyubchenko, angelina ivanova, dmitry likhachev and tatyana yus, the first channel, chats and all kinds of chats there, that’s probably the most a bright sign of our time, yes, you hear for sure, yes, everyone has their own chats , dog lovers have them, cooks have them, there is an
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entrance chat, a collectors’ chat, and in general you can re-read endlessly, but where else can people get advice or share or? exchange experiences, if, for example, they all live in different cities, of course, in chats it is very, very convenient, and as a rule, such communication on the internet reaches a new offline level, this is our second life, virtual communication, on average about 3 hours a day, in general messengers have long gone beyond just communication, just correspondence, this is a story in which you can find your love, and work, up to some general big ones...
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here you have the opportunity to discuss various issues about raising and keeping dogs, meet interesting people , find some important and useful contacts for yourself, and make friends, for example, in an english chat. it turned out that we, like kindred spirits, basically found each other, we corresponded for six months, we have been friends for 2 years, now ekaterina doroshenko and yulia dabizha are from novorossiysk, best friends. now we often cook food together for our little children. the girls are growing up and we also want them to be friends. about a quarter of chat participants find their other half. 2012, volunteer chat, he is in karelia, she is in kaliningrad, they paid attention to each other when they were discussing the next project, in general it pissed me off at first, she loves to interrupt so much, yes, for us it all started with
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a conflict, and we are just there something got stuck word for word let's go talk in pm all. the chat relationship ended in marriage. 12 years together. natalya lyubchenko, alena krylova, dmitry likhachev, dmitry roshkov, mikhail ilkevich and natalya kaldaeva, channel one. in the primorye territory, motorists encountered an amur tiger on the side of the road. the striped handsome man lounged imposingly in the bushes and for some reason looked sadly at people. well , how else will you look at your prey? according to experts, such meetings between a person and a red book predator, by the way, have recently become regular. well the thing is that the population the amur tiger is constantly growing, it is becoming crowded. eh, i have, perhaps, one of my favorite phrases from lewis carroll. his famous work, remember, meet this, alice, this is pudding, pudding is alice, well , right now pastry chef arakia babayan will introduce us to one very tasty pudding, look carefully write down
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the recipes, you too, so manko, you definitely haven’t yet cooked, pour the cereal into a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly, remove from heat, heat water at the rate of 1 liter per glass cereals, add bay leaf and allspice, cook the spices for 5 minutes, during this time the seasonings will give off their flavor, they will need to be removed from the pan, add toasted semolina, salt, add hops, suneli, mix the cereal thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid, and i cook the porridge over low heat for 20 minutes, let it cool, look, the semolina has frozen and turned into jelly, cut the porridge into
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portions, fry on both sides, before serving, sprinkle with fried onions and herbs, it’s even tastier, help yourself, tuesday morning continues right now. word to our colleagues from the information service of channel one, it’s time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world, by this hour our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, a missile strike was carried out on the ukrainian military airfield in mirgorod, this is the poltava region, destroyed. two fighters were reported to be damaged, and four others were seriously damaged. in addition, enemy personnel also came under fire. the ukrainian armed forces suffered significant losses. damage is being assessed
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approximately 60 million dollars. the successful attack was carried out by russian iskander missile systems. this operation was also important because the airfield in mirgorod was being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters, and it was also from there that ukrainian planes took off and attacked crimea and border areas. russian tanker. the central group of troops destroyed the ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire, ensuring the offensive of our attack aircraft in the avdeevsky direction, infantry detachments were able to capture enemy positions and gain a foothold in designated area, but first the crew of the t-72 tank did a lot of work; they destroyed the firing points of the ukrainian formations. our fighters fired from a distance of no more than 800 m at direct fire, while the militants tried to attack the militants in response. a variety of weapons entered the entrance. on the way. they have already begun to surround us with mortars and artillery, fireworks, even before the line, a blow, a clap, a shake, you look around as best you can, the main thing is inside
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the car that everything is fine, the crew is great, they didn’t flinch, they went to the end, worked as expected, in the kherson direction of the calculation of the self-propelled gun to the location of the dnepr group of troops, they destroyed the platoon strong point of the ukrainian armed forces, it was possible to detect it with the help of a... as well as an enemy boat. having fired, the fighters immediately leave the firing line so as not to come under return fire. ukrainian militants continuously conduct aerial reconnaissance in search of our equipment. a reliable shield against enemy attacks is the strela 10 anti-aircraft missile system. it scans the sky around the clock as soon as any airborne aircraft enters its area of ​​responsibility. an object that does not... respond to a request from someone else, the calculation takes it and destroys it. and now the new names of the heroes of the northern military district felcher ignat tolstekov, as part of a group
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, liberated a settlement from ukrainian militants, moving along a given route , discovered a wounded soldier who had been injured during the shelling, provided him with medical assistance and organized evacuation to the hospital. the driver of a motorized rifle platoon, andrei razhivin , was delivering ammunition to our units when he came under enemy fire and brought the car out. safe place helped the wounded to a colleague, carried him to a shelter, provided first aid, handed him over to the doctors, and then promptly delivered the shells to the positions, the number increased. according to the latest data, three people were injured after shelling in the ssuu of the donetsk people's republic, three people were injured, one person was killed, militants attacked gorlovka in the dpr 30 times, more than 70 ammunition were fired, including cluster type, and attack drones were also used. the belgorod region also came under fire, seven people were wounded there, including a child, and more than twenty houses were damaged. in the parking lot at the shopping center center in shibekino, after another attack , cars caught fire when rescuers arrived at the scene, the ukrainian armed forces struck again.
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one of the employees was injured. nes he is in the hospital. us president joe biden's team, after a disastrous debate with his main rival donald trump, still believes that the current head of state will gain the support of voters. the washington post writes about this. biden's entourage indicates that those who believe that he is, quote: mentally incompetent to do this job, will also vote. this confidence, as the article notes, is based on the fact that a trump victory would be unacceptable to many voters. and accordingly, such people will vote for biden. according to bloomberg, despite the obvious failure in the debate, the us democratic party may nominate the current owner of the white house to participate in the presidential election as early as july. the national film award was presented to niko in the capital. the laureates were chosen in sixteen categories over the previous two years at once, and not in one, as it was before, so the competition this time was higher than usual. so, the film righteous
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received five awards, including for best card. after we flew ourselves, after i felt what real flight was, at that moment she fell into my hands. the best documentary, balabanov bell tower requiem directed by lyubov arkus, each frame is an honest chronicle of the production of the master's latest film called i want it too. balabanov is open, sincere and seems to anticipate his departure. the most touching moment of the ceremony the music of eduard artemyev was remembered by those who
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are already with us. no, but the composer himself, who passed away 2 years ago, was awarded nika for the music for the film nuremberg, his grandson came to receive the statuette, alexander shirvint was posthumously awarded a special prize, honor and dignity, by a lucky coincidence, the president of the academy of cinematographic arts andrei konchulovsky managed to present award to the people's artist of the satire theater stage during one of his last performances. and that's all for now. six, 6 days total there are only a few days left before the exhibition closes , the russian forum, and you can still make it, but you definitely need to hurry, and the number of visitors has already exceeded 17 million, have time to join them and you will be there, very interesting, countdown to the closing of the russia exhibition, we are drawing up a route for locations that have been open for the last few days. 2 minutes from the main entrance and we are already there,
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the gallery of achievements, the first point of the route in russia is a 166 m long tunnel. inside there are solid screens, 40 projectors, a dozen sound speakers broadcasting the main achievements of the country, we examine and study finally, the effect of complete immersion is guaranteed. from here on a long journey through all regions, we catch the final opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the seventy-fifth pavilion in this format. in the final week, the tva republic invites you to play national games. bull chess and dice, mentors are a married couple, in everyday life a lawyer and translator, our surname is oyun, from the uin language, literal translation, game, here we have horse racing, whoever crosses eight mountains first wins, buryatia stand continue to introduce you to national costumes, a nice bonus, a photo as a souvenir, during the entire period of the exhibition they took several hundred thousand photographs, red is the color of the hearth, and love, and the blue color... blue
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sky and the color of water, you can also tell your fortune here on figures, on love and fate. 1050 probably knew their fate. and about one and a half thousand times they bridged and raised bridges at the st. petersburg stand every hour. after the exhibition is over, we are waiting for you to visit us. during these 8 months, st. petersburg could be seen from completely different sides, from historical, industrial, and sports country. and this inspired the creation of a new exhibition, directly in st. petersburg itself, called. to my st. petersburg, well , right now there are various master classes on painting porcelain mugs, restoring paintings, creating pom-poms for fans, yes, the program at the exhibition is as busy as always, today we have... we have a presentation of the funny goat festival, it brings together the best representatives of the theatrical arts from all over the world, on the fourth we will have a battle of choirs, from the seventh there will be a huge the beauty festival beauty of russia, what else can’t
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be missed, the farmer’s fair, it won’t be closed for a while. more than 580 manufacturers from more than eighty regions of our country visited our fair and sold more than 57 tons of products. in recent weeks , nine regions: kamchatka with wild fish, fern caviar, adegiya with cheeses, the perm region with meat products and honey, it’s impossible to pass by, but after the fresh air enjoy the summer, at the cosmos festival pavilion the future is in flowers, 89 flower beds and exhibitions from each region of the country, the most time to change your avatar, there are only a few days left to catch the closing of the grand exhibition russia on july 6 on channel one, don’t miss it,
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my family makes me happy, because the most important thing in life for a person is his family, we are each family, like a cell , we must try to pass on everything we have, the best, to our children, spend time with our children so that... they learn something new, suggest something to them, my dad really likes to fish, he , he even took first place in the fishing competition catch, family is the basis of everything for me, for her i live, for her i breathe, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, to be a father for me means to be a support, a wall, i wish family in the year of family, so that they were happy. healthy, lived well, exactly 164 years ago, on july 2, only in 1860 , the city of vladivostok was founded in the pacific bay of the golden horn. congratulations to all the residents
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of this wonderful city, and indeed to all of us, because it is impossible not to love this wonderful city. well, if you have more from there like i have relatives or you have been there several more times, you also cannot help but love him and fall in love with him. days as a volunteer and didn’t leave. the sea draws me in, but at the same time it’s communication with people, the people here are simply wonderful, they are very bright, energetic, a year ago i came from krasnoyarsk as a couple , it’s not for nothing that we are the youth capital, the city fully lives up to its name and status. favorite place - herscheld lighthouse on tokarevskaya cat when.
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a business card, a russian bridge, the chinese also knew the police, and of course, that’s all, depicted on the 2 thousand ruble bill, a rare pedestrian will want to cross it, the length is 3,100 m. well, what is vladivostok without a sea of ​​​​products, many come here for this, even indifferently fall in love, where to start? this is the calling card of a distant losto, a baked scallop, if you are in vladivostok, you must have it, i say the scallop here is the largest and meatiest. vladivostok is a place of amazing nature, the botanical garden is like a portal to the past. the usuri taiga is the jungle of the northern regions, it is a flora in which there are relict plants that remained from before the ice age in the flora,
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adapted to life in new conditions. ancient vines, red-listed irises, these are wild, inaccessible shrubs. oh, this is oralia manzhurina, one of the plants of the family. even just walking around the city is a pleasure; it is built on hills; it is not without reason that vladivostok means the lord of the east, soaring and majestic. sergey abramov sotnik, elena savina, channel one. we remind you on the calendar on july 2, tuesday, tuesday is, of course, a working day of the week and i understand you all perfectly. who is worried about that the week has just begun, and the vacation is still somewhere far away, of course there is not much enthusiasm, many are not waiting for it, but we reassure you guys, everything will be soon, there will be rest, of course there will be rest, well, for now we turn on the work mode, in in the end, in order to
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have a good rest, you need to do something, work well, and in order to have enough strength, let’s listen to our endocrinologist ilya magerya. there's only a little time left before vacation, and i no longer have the energy to work. water treatments help overcome lethargy and apathy. in the morning we wash our face with cold water. we accept it in contrast. shower, and in the evening i recommend a bath with magnesium salts, we eat fried eggs or an omelet for breakfast. yolks contain b vitamins, which are necessary for the health of the nervous system. and vitamin d, it adds energy and improves mood. season the dish with dill; the greens will give you strength. for dessert, orange or strawberry when available. these are sources of vitamin c, which helps cope with stress
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and increases motivation to work. before we get to work, we write a list of tasks for today and set exact deadlines for ourselves. their execution time. as soon as we have done something, we tick this item and be sure to praise ourselves. well done! this simple action increases the level. and it is also called the hormone of joy, if it’s really hard for you, we take a five-minute break every hour, but we don’t immerse ourselves in social networks, it’s better to arrange a physical exercise for a minute, brew mint tea, it helps you concentrate, if... there are no contraindications, you can add 15 to the drink
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drops of ginseng rack, a milder remedy: chaga infusion, birch mushroom improves nutrition of brain cells, to make it easier to return to work on weekdays, on weekends we completely forget about it, relax actively, you can arrange a bike tour around the surrounding area, new impressions, combined with... physical activity improve your mood and well-being, fruitful work and good rest. if i tell you that the swift is one of the fastest birds in the world, then imagine how fast it can accelerate in flight? i know, 20, 30, 40, 170 km/h. that's it, friends. yes, the sky is truly home for this bird, and maybe maybe that’s why the strizhane chicks want to leave the nest early, even when they don’t know how to fly yet, they are already falling out of the nests.
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go to margarita, now she has six chicks in foster care, they will grow up, feed them and in 20 days will give them a graduation, she treats her charges, feeds them every 2 hours with marbled and turkmen cockroaches, buys them at feed farms, sometimes, however, even such a delicacy is sheared and they don’t eat, they show their character, if the creeper takes the bait on his own, he can even kick, pinch with a bite, we open his bite and give him swallow, eat. every year from may to september, haircuts begin to fall throughout the country.
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chicks leave their nests to escape the heat. they just can’t take off anymore. the wings are still too small, caring for the chicks is a whole science. you can only touch them through a napkin so as not to stain the wings. keep in smooth boxes or boxes, again, so that the wings do not break. usually it takes a month to nurse the chick, then it can be released into free soaring. don't try, some birds, unfortunately, are not destined to return to the sky. at olga's house
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a real angel lives in svetlova from novosibirsk, named after the girl angelina who saved him 3 years ago. and the crepe was healed, but remained in the family forever, the wing injury will not allow him to fly away. i think that it is better for a bird to live at home in love than to die, so i keep swifts at home. only this is no longer just a bird in the house, it is a real member of the family. swifts, this will take a long time. in nature , they usually live for 7 years; at home, olga’s angel can live up to twenty. well, let's go home, edgarova, education, why are you surprised, the twenty-fifth house over there is actually being cleaned by a new candidate, don’t
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understand, don’t understand, no, don’t say, well, well, the red-hot police major vladimir sergeevich was one of the three most promising. investigator of the leaders of the country, what are you following, i wish i could find a husband, everything will be fine, we’ll live as before, citizen edgarova, i see that everyone has 300 husbands, well, look, look, maybe you’ll find someone, zafara has two i have sons, already adults, excuse me, but what is your last name, colomba, who i haven’t called yet, only interpol remains, i told him i didn’t give you my sweatshirt, what’s wrong with registration? maybe you can show me a gun, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with us on the first channel, on
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the calendar is tuesday july 2, summer this year has simply gone wild, in earnest, in many regions the heat is breaking records, the thermometer simply goes off scale, somewhere around 30°, and sometimes even higher, yes, today they generally promise +32, this, of course, calls us to be careful, because you shouldn’t joke with the sun, noon + 29, we’ll answer honestly ourselves ourselves, we wear a hat, we should, if you think that you don’t react to the heat, it only seems like a reaction to the direct sun from the very first seconds, there are a large number of nerve endings in the scalp that... are irritated under the influence of this solar radiation excite, very strongly excite the central nervous system and brain. the vessels dilate and blood flow is disrupted. the first symptoms of sunstroke, darkness in the eyes, dizziness, nausea, fever, may
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appear after 10-15 minutes of sun exposure. approximately the same reaction occurs during thermal shock, that is, overheating. unlike solar , it is possible. the higher the humidity, the better the thermal conductivity of the air and the better the heat the body receives; say, when we put pressure on the stones in a bathhouse, the heat immediately rolls in, because the thermal conductivity of the air is different, it increases sharply with increasing humidity. combination with high temperature and moisture content of more than 50%, stuffiness sets in, almost no evaporation occurs, water-salt balance and thermoregulation are disrupted. at the first symptoms, immediately shadow in a lying position. unfasten the collar, splash water modestly, pour cool compresses on the back of the head, neck, armpits, it is important not ice, so as not to cause vascular spasms, plus drink water, preferably salted to raise the level of electrolytes. also , be careful when entering cool, closed rooms; there is a risk of experiencing symptoms of a different
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type of stuffiness, when the level of co2, that is, carbon dioxide, exceeds the norm; more often, when the air conditioner is running and the windows are closed, there is no access to oxygen, the air does not renew. hence migraine attacks, drowsiness, loss concentration, it is better to alternate air conditioning with ventilation. plan to go out on a hot day, but still wear a hat and loose, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics. it is advisable for you to take a handkerchief, wet at least the handkerchief with some water and wipe the skin. doctors also recommend cool showers two to three times a day. minimum cosmetics and more vegetables and fruits. fried meat, avoid fatty meats. coffee too. dehydrates, so water is at least 30 ml per kilogram of weight. anastasia, channel one. summer mode, what is it? that's often i have to hear, yes, public utilities have switched to summer service mode, transport is operating in summer mode, that’s what it is? yes, that’s what this means and how it fundamentally differs from winter mode, or maybe
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we also need to switch something to summer mode at home, but we don’t know, let’s find out. we don’t even suspect it, but many services are open in the summer. in a special mode, for example, the capital's traffic lights are green for pedestrians in tourist places 5-10 seconds longer than in winter; in summer there is traditionally pedestrian flow is increasing, tourists are also arriving in our capital, so we are trying to make moving around moscow comfortable. in winter , the emphasis is on drivers, in the snow they drive slower at a decent distance, so that more cars pass in one phase of the traffic light, the time is increased for them, and this is not only in moscow, for example, in kemer in vladivostok, the traffic lights are also reconfigured. they switch city transport to summer mode, adjust the ventilation system in the metro, when it’s so stuffy outside, it’s always fresh in the subway. once every 10 days from measured using a thermohygrometer. we try to constantly maintain the same temperature, we have more than 670
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ventilation pitches in the metro, and by adjusting them alternately, we achieve this effect, the normalized temperature is from 18 to 30°, now in summer mode, in winter they maintain it at least 10°, they adjust the operation of foreign transport, air conditioning, of course, so that at +30 no one overheats, the bus. in many regions, a seasonal schedule is being introduced, on popular routes, for example, for summer residents, the number of flights and operating hours increase where the passenger flow is decreasing and there are fewer flights. the moscow zoo also has a new schedule in the summer, in the winter it worked from 9 to 17, now it opens at 7:30 and until 22, the animals don’t care, they live in their own way, so it’s convenient for the guests. quite a large category of visitors, especially in the summer, who from train to train come to pass the time, so if someone... the country has come, they have the opportunity to go somewhere, it’s not just wandering around the city, here after all, there are benches and you can really see the measurements.
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utility workers have a lot of workload in the summer: mowing the lawn, planting plants, cutting down emergency and dead trees, repairing playgrounds, local areas, and entrances. the entrance doors become deformed over time and fail; we repair them inside, plastering the walls and painting them. repairs are carried out once every 5 years. but also out of necessity, if something happened at the entrance earlier, we still carry out the work. plus, the double-glazed windows are switched to summer mode, weakening the pressing force of the sash frame. by the way, this is possible do it in the apartment so that it doesn’t blow at night when the window is open, but the air circulates. ruslan yunyaev, ksenia loginova, dmitry roshkov, oleg soshin, channel one. today is international sports journalist day, on which we congratulate all our fellow sports journalists on channel one.
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the one who shows the best time wins. about 150 of the strongest extreme athletes took part in the competition in the capital of bolivia in the city of lapaz. two world records were set here. the participants not only started on top more than 400 m above sea level, but also covered the longest distance of 4 km. not everyone managed to reach the finish line, but every race did. anyone who manages to pass the most difficult high-altitude route has the right to consider himself a winner. powerful and sharp waves, which
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only the most experienced and courageous athletes can conquer, are the hallmark of the brazilian saquara beach. the next stage of the world surfing league took place here, bringing together all the main stars in this sport. the greatest interest among the local public, of course, aroused men's competitions, where is better. became the leading brazilian sertinquist, olympic champion and world champion italo ferreira. he celebrated his next victory with the happy fans. the picturesque cliffs in the italian town of polignano amara, on the adriatic coast, have for many years attracted lovers of cliff diving and jumping into the water from extreme heights. men perform spectacular flights from a twenty-seven-meter platform. women from 21 m. the level of competition at the parignano-amara world series stage was traditionally high. that's all
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the favorites, australian rihanna ifland and romanian konstantin popovich, confirmed their status by achieving beautiful victories. well, our program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you, we wish you good morning and a good day. take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. five fighters were destroyed, two more were seriously damaged. the russian military attacked the airfield of ukrainian militants , the very one where they were supposed to receive
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american f-16s. plunge into the summer, guys, i’ll see you again, swim behind the buoys, go swimming, go to the police, or the beach.


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