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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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orban’s visit to kiev is intended simply to increase some efficiency of hungary’s presidency of the council of ministers of the european union . this is how politics is done in the european union. hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. orban is also, i must say, such a soft option, yes, for people like macron and. scholz is hypocrisy of simply cosmic proportions. now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00 don’t miss it. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now.
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successful development, including thanks to digital technologies. the head of gastrumneft told the president about the results of work for the year; sales revenue amounted to a record 3.5 trillion rubles. transports the wounded from the battlefield and delivers supplies. it rides confidently, now the total weight on it, taking into account the body armor and helmet , is about 100 kg, but it feels like this is far from the limit. the new drones that the fighters received from the ministry of defense have successfully proven themselves in the northern military district zone. a door was knocked out of a wall, children were covered by a shock wave in bashkiria as a result of a gas explosion in a residential house, one person died, six were taken to the hospital. features of national bathing or beach of rozeni beach. swimming here is not only prohibited, but it is a former seaplane landing site. here the concrete slabs go to
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the bottom, no one has checked their condition for decades, which must be remembered so that your vacation near the reservoirs is safe. vladimir putin discussed the results of gazprom neft’s work today with the head of the company, alexander dyukov. the meeting took place in the kremlin. dyukov reported to the president: production volumes oil products are growing, supplies to the domestic market are also growing, large fields are being developed in the arctic and eastern siberia. particular attention is paid to updating capacity, this is how the omsk oil refinery was modernized in line with the capital's oil refinery. the gazprom company showed good results over the past year, the volume of sales revenue is a record, and in the entire history of the company’s existence it is 3.5 trillion rubles, and the trouble is 1.3 trillion, which is good for this capital investment, how much do you have over 570 billion rubles.
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russian federation to return to the number of countries leaders, oil producers and play an important role in ensuring the stability of the world market, and of course, this growth was also ensured by technological development, which made it possible to develop new oil and gas provinces in the barctic and eastern siberia. in terms of technology, we are import independent and completely independent technologically in terms of equipment, there is this slight dependence, but by the year twenty-seven. it
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will be eliminated, this will not only allow us to achieve technological independence, but it will provide additional orders for our machine builders, we estimate the volume of these additional orders at 1 trillion rubles. and, of course, digital technologies are very important; they can significantly increase the efficiency of working with both hard -to-recover reserves and ordinary traditional reserves; we use them along the entire value chain, from geological exploration, production, processing and sales, respectively. on other topics, russian troops occupied new positions in several directions of the special operation at once, the positions of militants in kharkov and zaporozhye regions, as well as in the dpr and lpr. a high-precision strike was carried out on the airfield in mirgorod, poltava region. five planes were destroyed, two were damaged. the ukrainian armed forces are losing foreign equipment, american counter-battery stations, a german artillery mount, a british howitzer, the enemy tried unsuccessfully. during the day
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, 10 attacks were repulsed; air defense systems intercepted six british stormshadow missiles and a french hammer air bomb. deliver the necessary supplies to the front line. and evacuating the wounded from the battlefield will soon become easier thanks to new unmanned platforms, now izdikhon drones have their last tests on the front line, a payload capacity of one and a half hundred kilograms, 10 hours of continuous operation, all-wheel drive, and also the ease of control and reliability of the drone, our correspondent, dmitry tolmachev, was convinced. through a forest belt, exactly the same as those in which it will work, the cart confidently moves towards the testing site. they try to load the platform as much as possible: food, water, ammunition for stealth, so as not to lose anything along the way, a camouflage net on top. produced cargo camouflage. we are working. the operators work in pairs, with the unmanned aerial vehicle being the eyes of the unmanned ground drone. we don’t allow
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it to get into any kind of hole, we immediately correct its movements from the air, plot a route in advance so that the folds of the terrain are more suitable for... an earthly drone. according to the plan, the enemy noticed the movement, so we have to dodge. come on, come on, straight to the gas, to the left, to the left. you need to get to the conditional position where the medic is preparing the wounded for evacuation to the rear. now, brother, now we will help you. similar platforms are being developed by many departments, together with small russian companies, but this is the first one that was transferred to our soldiers through the logistics support of the ministry of defense. the purpose was only to transport goods. but in practice it turned out that this all-terrain vehicle can also carry people, they brought rations and ammunition to the guys at the front, and after they brought them up, they asked a comrade from the infantry to help with the wounded, so they decided what to try, they loaded two
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the wounded and - sent, she calmly took them out, everything was successful, the experiment was a success, ready, hand, oops, come on, with a healthy leg, beautiful! come on, come on, come on! a military medic with the call sign harness is one of the first to appreciate all the capabilities of the radio-controlled platform, because in order to carry a wounded man out of position, three or four soldiers would have to be distracted for a long time. well, actually, we can test this ground-based drone for ourselves, it rides confidently, now the total weight on it, taking into account the body armor and helmet , is about 100 kg, but it feels like far from the limit. the maximum load capacity is one and a half. controlled from such a remote control, there is nothing complicated here, this platform has already been used in combat, it has shown itself to be good,
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it has proven itself in difficult conditions, in damp, mud, snow, snow, it went everywhere, there were no problems with it, battery designed for continuous operation. up to 10 hours, but as always it was found that it could be improved, for example, installing a repeater that would allow you to move further away from the operator every five times, it is assumed that after testing the advanced units of the center group of troops will begin delivering such platforms en masse to our troops. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, anastasia slobodenyuk, channel one. resolving the ukrainian crisis is the central topic of the negotiations in kiev. hungarian prime minister viktor orban is visiting there, unlike others. in the council of the european union, which means hungary has more leverage since yesterday to defend its position. and here is orban’s advice to zelensky to cease fire
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start negotiations. the development of president zelensky’s peace initiatives takes a lot of time due to diplomatic difficulties. to speed up the achievement of peace, i proposed to him. begin negotiations on a temporary ceasefire. six people were taken to hospital after a domestic gas explosion in the city of sterlitomak in bashkiria. the one-year-old girl, who was in a stroller at the entrance , was not seriously injured and did not require hospitalization. there is one woman on the list of dead. the emergency happened this morning, according to the prosecutor's office, the explosion occurred during repair work carried out by the gas service. 11 apartments were damaged; specialists are now inspecting the supporting structures of the house. 80 residents, a help center has been organized for them, a temporary accommodation center, emergency services are working on the spot, and a criminal case has been initiated. now about the new orbital station that our country will have, the schedule for the creation of a large-scale project was approved today by roscosmos. it is expected that the station will be a platform for advanced
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space developments so that they will not be interrupted when russia withdraws from the iss program. it will be possible to solve fundamentally new problems, which are currently inaccessible due to technological conditions. or the absence of international agreements, we are talking about national security issues. the first scientific and energy module is planned to be launched in 27, and all work will be completely completed by thirty- third.
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safe, olga pautova will remind you. the sun, the heat, summer adventures make you want to dive headfirst. in many regions this week, the temperature has exceeded 30°, so that city reservoirs in terms of the number of vacationers more and more like resorts. done, honestly, no worse than in the south. this beach is equipped with everything necessary, buoys,
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a paddling pool for children, lifeguards keep order, one was examined by divers before the start of the season and confirmed its safety. emergency situations ministry employees invited us onto their patrol boat to show us a different picture: unspoiled beaches that only seem safe. swimming here, not only is it prohibited, this is a former seaplane descent, here concrete slabs go to the bottom, their condition.
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but only in the first month of summer throughout almost 800 people have already drowned in the country, including 145 children, which is 22% more than last june. i have only one request, be careful, please, and even if you have come to swim in the same place for many years, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the last season, it is worth checking whether the beach is still safe by going to the rospotrebnadzor website, because it’s not just about buoys and a smooth bottom, a red flag is raised when the water is... specialists from the rospotrebnadzor department regularly
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take water samples for all types indicators are escherichia coli, generalized coliform bacteria, enterococci, vibrio cholerae and other indicators that characterize the epitemiological safety of water. if the water quality does not meet hygienic standards, the reservoir is considered unsuitable for swimming. for example, in moscow, out of 133. problems, the turbulence zone is to blame.
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but this time it is not related to technical issues. 40 people suffered injuries of varying severity, namely those who were not wearing seat belts. formed in the interior lining of the cabin huge holes, one of the victims ended up in the luggage rack; other passengers helped him get out. board was flying from spain to uruguay but had to make an emergency landing in brazil. everyone who needed help was taken to hospital. our episode is completed, stay with us and stay updated on events, right now on the first channel the program “let's get married.” football. lokomotiv club said goodbye to its iconic players; goalkeeper marinata guelherme and midfielder anton mironchuk left the team. contract with a thirty-eight-year-old the goalkeeper's loan expired on june 30, and now it is quite possible that he will discuss options for continuing cooperation with the club. he became a lokomotiv footballer in...


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