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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  July 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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so, yeah, come on, so, yes, that's it, guys, bye , bye, okay, come on, come on, i'll help, no, thanks, i'll do it myself, please, give me the key. listen, what's wrong with him? and my sister and i found this kasandra, her neck was shot right here, they don’t show it to themselves, but it’s all bullshit, she told us that in her dream there was something about a construction site and green, so they found my sister, the settings are in a green alley, well, that's normal, yeah.
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well, when did it start for her, all these visions? oh, long ago in childhood, she was probably about six years old when she i almost drowned in the river, i was walking along the bank and stumbled. went under the water, she later told herself that her grandmother antonina afanasyevna pulled her out of the water, it’s good that her grandmother was there on time, good, good, only by that time antonina afanasyevna had already died for 2 years, well, from that moment with lyuzka all the strange things started to happen. allegedly knew what
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was happening to people, even those who were far away, then it passed, but a few days ago, just before masha, her sister, disappeared, it all started again, it’s a pity, of course, lyusya, hello, let's come to us. hi, i need moscow, to moscow, to moscow, let me take you, if you want, sit, sit, i’ll take you myself, let’s go, what do you pay, bye, that’s it, bye, bye, guys,
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“we are our father from the junior private the boots were trampled, so i myself know what’s what, and we had no less things to do at work, and you coped with it, you went out early this morning to shoot a gun, uh-huh, what’s that, a construction site for women to kill? there are movements, well, what
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movements, well, what movements, well, 2 hours ago the body was discovered, well, what movements, well yes, but no one is interested in this, shall we take the gourd? they took baryko, and where are they in the bullpen, and why didn’t they report to me, they were there, and there’s no need to imitate me, they accidentally tied him up, for some reason by accident, as a result of planned operational search actions, well, yes, these are all performers, brainless little thing , when will you take the guruch himself, well, we can’t take him now, but we can’t , he’s sunk to the bottom, he’s gone into a hole somewhere, well , borrow a dachshund, but you can’t find him, she ’ll find how much this guruch is in our area sells this rubbish for six months, six months, a year, and you can’t catch them, but the bicycles are stolen, i
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saw them yesterday, there’s such a stack of complaints, comrade colonel, don’t, let’s just say you can’t find a tricycle, comrade colonel, let’s do this, or will we look for the missing cats for the bicycles? let's do this, calmly, i was also in the first, i know when they get it, when, when, when, okay, work, yes, something i, something i wanted to ask you, what the hell, i forgot , oh, when you take the guritch, colonel, have a happy day.
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germany is completely destroyed. well tell me. that, as the collective farm has given in, it has disgraced our family, i propose that the chairmen are a hero, plato, although he is a new person, he is a hero, let’s vote, who is for plato from kolchino, no, that two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, anton , look who is there, some uncle. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. stirsman bourbon, a product
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of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin cnop product. stellar group cognac monte shococa, a product of stellor group. revelation of the former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive. i am doing everything i can to re-elect president biden. we are just used to saying that, well, hillary, yes, they are downed pilots, and her husband is also a downed pilot, they are puppeteers, he believed her. her word gives money, she will win, we will do all this, you are already dying, but she said it, the main threat is trump, he wants to end the conflict on russia’s terms, i know he is a very bad guy, has a personal hatred for trump because he did this in the elections, if a similar recording
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had appeared with the participation of not hillary clinton, but one of the republicans, then they would have decided to be the case that they are striking a blow to american democracy, in establishment circles. they say: god forbid you criticize her, it’s a bad omen, they’re really afraid of her, the vavan and lexus show, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, in fact, you brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap, at the entrance to the legendary bamovsky the village of zvezdna, we are greeted by this wedge: 50 years ago the pioneers got here on it, they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous impassable taiga. in frost, at 50, and 53°, in rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is, but the horizon goes away, and you’re chasing after it, a group of 13 of us came , after a year from these
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13 there were five left, after another year from these 13 there were two of us left, that is, to get used to this on the road, to get used to the routine, to the slopes, i... saw what an earthquake was, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator. water is an enemy for tunnels, it is an enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave. premiere. i am very grateful to you, lucy. if you allow me, i would really like
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to do something for you, nothing is needed, thank you, you know, i took your phone number from nadya and i beg you, please, take my number, but this is just in case, i still- after all. business woman, in this city i can decide some questions, if you suddenly need anything, just in case, i beg you, call me at any time, okay, okay, they’re calling you, i know, take me somewhere to the police, they’re calling, do you want, will i
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go with you? no need, thank you for everything, hang on. be careful, pick this up, girl, girl, wait, yes, let me go. i’m here, we found your sister, i know, sit down, move away, no need,
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san, we’ll have to go, make an identification, and answer some questions there, purely formalities, where they found masha, settings. are the walls green? no, well, if it somehow consoles you, the construction site is located on a green lane, so i was still right, will you go through?
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but i will call you every day, i promise the truth, and if you are really sad, i will take you to my place. yes.
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so what about biology? the girl was shot 3 days ago, and the body was brought to a construction site, so she was not killed there. why do you think so? traces of dragging, body position and nature of the wound. there was not enough blood at the construction site for such a wound. we didn’t find it, so they shot, obviously in a different place, well, they pulled out the bullet, yeah, it went right through, got stuck in the bone of the skull, sent it for examination, so what do we need ballistics for...
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i still can’t believe it, i was so hoping
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that everything would be fine with her, i knew that... it’s too late, she’s so happy she was, everything was just starting to get better for her, i ’ll take her home to the birch tree, okay, we’ll store them there. “she was sitting here just a few days ago, telling how she was well received at the bank, so happy she left us for another apartment, for a new one,
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god, that’s what i’m doing all this for?” maybe grigory, yes, definitely grigory, but i don’t remember something, sergeevich, yes, grigory sergeevich, i think.
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hello, hello, excuse me, please, i need to find grigory sergeevich, this is impossible, he is very busy, i really sympathize with your grief, but excuse me, please help, this is very urgent. okay, girl, i'll say that you came, but he's unlikely to be able to help you, he didn't cheat on you, that your husband, he's faithful to you, it's your friend, she, she wants to steal him
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from you, listen, i don't know , how you dug it up, but... it’s none of your business, wait, you in the situation, please don’t be afraid of anything, go to the doctor, he will confirm everything for you, your husband will be happy, let’s go. let's gather the old choir and take our favorite one.
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not only fashion models, but also film directors go to paris. this is a very ancient method of telling parables and writing fables. therefore, the content of my paintings obviously has not changed. i was amazed that in the last phrase on this man’s death certificate, blood type is zero. a very sharp turn on the bridge, there is the teytuka river, it was as big as a cannon shot, matodor on friday, on the first, for the anniversary of zhanna friske, zhannochka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very little, she was born like that, mother, here is your artist. "we gave 50 concerts a month, but we already joked that if we get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, what happened to me, and what is happening to me, i didn’t even dream about it ,
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handsome, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky, very similar to one actress, i often say this, it ’s you, really, i zhanna was the very top, superstar, unattainable, dream, “mom, i love you, after the first circus audition, i came all bruised, and i need it, well, maybe you don’t need it, i don’t need it, no, i need it, i want, i want so that i could do this, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, and she is so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, she’s great, far away, the premiere is on sunday,
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krotov, you are wanted, targeting you well, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you are in all parts of the soviet union, and what no matter how well prepared you are, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell.
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hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova. listen, dude, well, i ’ve seen all this in the movies a thousand times already, like your accomplices betrayed you, let’s write against them quickly, yes, well, let them repeat all this in front of me, everything that you just told me, yes, then i’ll sign anything for you , okay, let’s try everything first, and ivanovich, there... the ballistics results came, they shot from a makarov, a year ago it showed up, there was also a wet woman there, they shot at two businessmen, they killed her about metro, i have a client, you can hang everything on him, on
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this one, yeah, good thing to hang it on, eh, and, grigory sergeevich, to you. lyudmila, hello, hello, i’m grigory sergeevich, anna andreevna asked for you, but i honestly don’t know how i can be useful to you, i wanted to talk about masha, please, all this is terrible, please accept my sincere condolences. worked for us for a short time, i myself saw her briefly a couple of times, excuse me, this is also a very big loss for us,
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we are specialists of this level from our knees... for several months, but i understand that your loss compared to ours is much greater. tell me, can you or one of your employees noticed something unusual, and some conversation, maybe on the phone? no, unfortunately, no one knows anything, but our police are not sitting idle either. so they called me in for a conversation, major potapov, you know him, he’s in charge of this case, here’s your sister, well, you probably talked to her on the phone, maybe she talked about how she got a job, we talked to her, well, you see, she probably has some acquaintances here, maybe some?
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she was supposed to meet someone that evening, meet someone, it's important, i don't i know who, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i’m sorry, if you need my help, please contact me, goodbye. “hello, yes, you can talk, yes, okay, yes, and so that the car is ready, it’s late, it’s late,
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a second, excuse me, what time do you have an appointment with potapov for an hour, what about... the flight , you are flying abroad today, what made you think? i’m sorry,
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wait, i’ll bring the documents tomorrow, but for now, bye, excuse me, patapov, where is he, interrogation, yes, i understand, i’m on my way. it hurts, come on, take it off, yes, ivanovich, here to see you, come on. we need
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to talk, it’s urgent, say, i think i know who killed masha, find out, it would be normal here right away, ah, women rule, take your hands off, let’s go. please, sit down, i’m listening, he’s not a murderer, he didn’t kill masha, but he knows who killed why, if he’s flying out of the country today, you ’ll never unravel this case, that is, i have to invite a person. say that he is
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based on what? listen, is he supposed to come to you at one o'clock today? yes, he won't come that way. okay, when he doesn't come, i'll send behind him is roto amon, two armored personnel carriers and one tank, he won’t come, that’s when i don’t feel him here, don’t feel him, his thoughts are somewhere very far away from me, brilliant, what should i tell him, on the basis of which i’m detaining him , i had a vision, i was detaining the manager of a large bank. based on the vision, you understand where you are, you understand what you are saying, i understand, i understand what it looks like, well, thank you for everything, and let me see you
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through, don’t interfere with our work, i beg you all, listen, what kind of person are you? unhappy! how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio, it was some kind of impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i
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love him, and he hung up for a while and asked me, for what? you had a very serious accident, which... brought you back, yes ira brought you back, i had post-traumatic epilepsy for 7 years, my first husband brought me a journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago, still does interviews, sasha, as you admitted in love, it was disgusting, it seems to me, girls, i say, let's bet, here's my month and it will be with me, like...
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technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days , 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of, solemn. closing of the russia exhibition on july 6th on the first. day of family, love and fidelity, festive concert. on sunday on the first.
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andrey, find out if he bought air tickets for the next few days, we’ll do it, ivanovich, alexey ivanovich, what’s there? no one is buzzing, grigory sergeevich has a satellite system on his car, uh-huh, look where the car was glowing on the day of the murder, just quickly, uh-huh,
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wait, wait, wait, i need to get to the station urgently, please take me. girl, we have several of them, we have a map, we have a navigator, here, you’re sure, probably here, owner, gentleman, let’s go, yeah.
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andryush, give me this petrosevich’s number, 495 380 4020, good afternoon, grigory sergeevich, please, when will he be there? thank you. does he have such a system 2309 yes near the construction site on the green lane and today where is it the latest data at night of the same day on kadymtsev street these are repair garages, we’ll definitely run there two heavy ones with us , thank you lady ivanoch took the tickets this was the departure flight moscow-london today. moscow,
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london, moscow, london. on alexey ivanovich, they found the car, marin found blood, but she wants it, uh-huh, yes, lesh, well, the whole interior. in our blood, apparently they washed it away, so only a wood lamp
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showed traces of blood, and our girl was also killed in the front seat, and a friend was transported in trunk, uh-huh, come on, forgive me,
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hello, we will be happy now forever, well, at least for a long time, let me have a purse, ice cream, then, later, come on, remember who drove the car at night, i swear, i wasn’t there that day, well, look what happens next, i’ll take turns shaking your guys. for the pennies that you pay them, no one is going to prison, as far as i
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understand, i don’t know, tlobkovaya, last chance, remember, listen, let me think, i thought, yes, i remembered, yes, well done,
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i already told you, my car was stolen a long time ago a few days ago, more than a week, how much does the car cost? so 9 million m, that is, 9 million, but they announced only yesterday, i don’t have time to deal with this, i gave instructions to the legal department, apparently, they will have to punish someone, that is, i can call and ask, okay. to hell with the car, well, we made an appointment at one o'clock and ended up at the station at that time, why? i have a lot to do, i can’t keep everything in my head, my
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assistant is in charge of scheduling my meetings, she should have warned me, reminded me, but she didn’t. as it appears, no, what will we do, we will punish, okay, we will punish, alexey ivanovich, the lawyer has arrived, well, invite me, go away, good evening. “can i find out what roman sergeevich is suspected of, grigory, yes, here is the geolocation data of your client’s car on the night of the disappearance of citizen
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nekrasova.” well, great, i hope you find it now, we found it, well, that’s great, thank you very much, yes, by the way, when can i get it back, i think in 10 years, why so many, and even less for you? it’s somehow indecent to suggest, so let’s try to do without psychological impact on my client, traces of maria nekrasova’s blood were found in the trunk, on the doors, on the seats, someone really wanted
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to set me up, and judging by the fact that i’m here, he or she succeeded. the auto repair shop workers claim that it was you who brought the car to the pit. i do not exclude the possibility that psychological pressure was exerted on them. we will check this, don't doubt it. well, you know, there’s no need to blame our valiant police so groundlessly. perhaps you, or you, just my ill-wishers paid. sergeevich, grigory sergeevich, yes, you claim that that night you did not meet with maria nekrasova and did not appear at the auto repair shops. yes yes. here are the recordings of the external cctv cameras of the store, which is located near the box. this
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is just a man who looks like my client. yes. and a car. which is similar to yours, someone tried very hard to set me up, here is the recording from the camera installed at the entrance to the auto repair shops on kadentsev, today you can make up a person so that he looks real, all recordings we almost didn’t make it, but this is enough to take you into custody, no matter how long they can... keep me here from 48 hours to a month, two, yes, i... didn’t kill her, it’s true, i’m a financier, not a murderer , continue.
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we need to break up, why? because you love someone else. well, that's all. what all? what are you talking about? we can’t see each other anymore, it’s not good. but why? what did you come up with? the bear needs to be removed from the road. kill? why? kill, rat poison was found in all milk cans, explain to me how it got there, admit it ermakov mikhail zakharovich is found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 15 years. why are you silent, varvara? i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather let your father down in prison. well, it’s not time for you, thank you, you’ll tell me later. tosya, will you come tomorrow? at least she loves her. “not yet, but she will love you, you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let
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me go, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give in, i love her more than life itself, i understand , this is for your mother, rum, castra product stellar group vodka pechora, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first. neurophysiology is a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalya petrovna
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bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem with a variety of different systems; it seems to try to help us in all the most difficult situations. all my life i have seen my mother sit at table and wrote, wrote, wrote, it was all connected with treatment, her task was to determine the disease, i remember when... she took care of the sick like a mother, she said, treat the patient as your closest relative, she treated the employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters. when we begin to interfere with the secured electrons, miracles are expected from us, so we are trying our best to organize
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some kind of miracle, for the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva, the premiere is on sunday on the first, luce, forgive me, but i ’m going home to moscow tonight, i called vovka, he has a lot of work , he can’t film with artyom, uh-huh, your vovka is good, good, but life just makes you want to hang yourself with him. don’t anger god, come with me
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to moscow. we’ll rent you an apartment nearby, i haven’t seen artyom so much, but no, i’m not going anywhere, it’s decided, but if you don’t like it, you’ll come back. sorry, andukh, maybe i’ll stay, well, where am i,
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where? kla, dad, well, we’ve already decided, that’s it, calm down, he’s carrying me like luggage, i didn’t even have time to buy a hotel for my grandson, you’ll do without your hotels, dad, hope, thank you very much for everything, you helped me a lot, then stop, well, if what, call.
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he worked with a certain guy, as it is now fashionable to say from ethnic organized crime groups, well, a week ago the partner withdrew a large amount from the accounts and disappeared in an unknown direction, well, naturally, the boys pinned the debt on the patient and...
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said something, everything, names, surnames , appearances, passwords, everything is fine, when you take it, yesterday, that means, today it’s acting, yeah, “anna vasilievna babaeva, better known as babay, babayeva, and like hot water,
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throw it on, otherwise it’s cool in the cell, sit for a long time.” put your hands behind your head faster.
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i wonder how she does it, and what does she do? well, this is the sister of the murdered woman, i have no idea, if only she could come to work in our department, yes, you would be fired immediately, what about you? no, they would have left me. they are rewriting, someone came there, where did you get the idea? caesar said, well, since caesar said, let's go, let's go, meet, sanar, let's go meet, good afternoon, sater, to me, to me, thank you, come home, let's go, let's go, start already, well, it's still hot,
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what kind of piece do you want, i have no leg, no leg, listen, chekhov, writes mir holde, dear universal, i answer the letter sloppily, it’s my friends who are to blame for this, who completely... made me dizzy, okay, i’ll go finish reading it, and what about kissing? what, do you want some pizza too? yes, but is it her fault to talk?
9:00 pm
hello, the program is on air, time in the studio. andreeva, the main event of the day. iskander's blow. our military destroyed five ukrainian su-27.


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