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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 3, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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there i wrote to my friend dana gorelkin: if the shirt was loose, the pants were not bad, the sneakers were also good, here’s the top, well, somehow going to the draw in a sweatshirt, well, that’s not entirely correct, he said, well, this is the situation, only with a turtleneck, that’s what i thought , well, well, who can i turn to, well, of course, to alexei nikolaevich. asked: alexey nikolaevich, do you have a loose shirt? he said: “oh, yes, don’t worry, we’ll arrange everything.” as a result, the morning training took place, then the day was generally busy, we slept for 3 an hour, then we had a tour of the uh, metallurgical plant, then there was training, there was little time to sleep, but it was a busy day, i liked that the federation provided such comfortable conditions, everything was... went to training, trained ,
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went for a cool-down, and before the cool-down i asked alexey nikolaevich, and he just wanted to take a walk with egor, and egor, our general physical training coach, asked when we could see his clothes, he said, well, come on, we had a departure at 7:20 for the draw, well , come in at 77, let’s see how you all go calmly, thought, okay, went to the meeting. i’m coming back, and alexey nikolavich hasn’t left yet, so i think, i ask, alexey nikich, well, since you haven’t left, let’s see now so that i don’t bother you anymore, okay, he gives me the key to his room, he says: here i left you a shirt, red with dark spots, it will be in the closet, there will be a cardigan at the bar counter, oh, thank you very much alexey nikolaevich for your trust, he said, this is it... try it
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on, tell me, send a photo, tell me how is it normal for you or not, yes, of course, thank you, in the end i came to the room, laid out my things there, went out, ate, i think, well, i’ll go have a look, i had one card of my own, and one of alexei nikolaevich, opened the front door to certain case, everything went through, i insert the key card into its number 425, it doesn’t open, i thought, well, that’s strange, that means i mixed up the card, i take out another one, probably mine, it also doesn’t open, i think it’s demagnetized or what? well, that's it, i leave, go to the reception, please, i say the number is such and such alexey nikolaevich misha, they gave me key card, i go up, i open this front door again, then the door, the room itself, i go in, i see, oh, a counter, in, i see, there are things in it, only i look, it’s not a cardigan, like, well, i think, okay, maybe i made a mistake, i open the closet, oh, i see, it’s a shirt, but it wasn’t... red with black, just
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black, i still look, it’s strange, well, like okay, i tried it on, i’m sending it to alexei nikolaevich, he looked, i i immediately called and said, oh alexey , it seems like such a stylish shirt you have, he says, yes, it suits you very well, but i don’t remember myself in the wardrobe, well, okay, i’m asking, alexey nikolaevich, you said there will be a cardigan on the bar counter, i see there are things here, but not what you said. well, what next, what happened next, what happened next, well, in the end i’ll say, well, like alexey nikolaevich, here i am in room 425, he’s such a wife, like 425, i live in 427, and i’m standing in this shirt, and what you took it off, i’m like this, there’s already a tremor and... i’m in this state,
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so i’m taking it off, i caught a terrible tremor, i put it back on the hanger, i run and pull out the key card, i run out, go to the reception, i say, excuse me, this is the wrong number, like, oh, like, she also gave out the key card for the wrong number, well, they laughed, well, did you at least find out whose number it was, the surname is unfamiliar to me, that is , it was not from figure skating, i don’t know, no, i would never forget, probably like this, so you could see the unusual outfit i had at the spartakiad draws, it seems to me that we should have started our interview with your story , maybe there is some other one, but it’s enough, it’s enough for the first time, and what’s more fun fact, these two events happened during a spirit dance, very memorable.
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exceeded the mark of three hundred points, because of these events, so the trip turned out to be truly memorable. well, i wish you to do well in the exam. don’t miss your plane on vacation and maybe tell your fans where they can have coffee with you. okay, thanks mac for the conversation, i was very glad to chat with you, i hope the audience will enjoy it too. this was a free program podcast, but all episodes can be viewed at website this is a podcast 20 years later and i am its host konstantin mikhailov and today my guests are my old friends dj fonar, aka vladimir fonarev and evgeny rudin, aka
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the legendary dj groof. hello, hello, we have a dj broadcast today, i’m also a welder, but not a real one, i’m a tractor driver, you know. this is great, yes, so as not to slip into, so to speak, a professional conversation and not to use exclusively our medical terms, so that others will also be interested, let’s immediately agree on that we speak in simple language, we use a minimum of some dj terms, well, there are hooves, faders, kio, since we agreed, yes, yes, volodya, extinguish, that’s it, maybe yes, everything is fine, we’ve messed up something. we danced normally, staged a mini-rave in the podcast 20 years later, the guys were relevant in the 2000s, someone else was relevant in the nineties, listen, i remember that at some disco , when i was the head of the mercury show group,
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we danced breakdancing, we took first place among robots throughout the soviet union, in one of the clubs i remember that i saw this for the first time. what was called djing, who did the djing? vladimir fonarev, back then with kore. by the way, this was in the studio class, studio class, where we started performing together with lika. yes, it was the end of the eighties, there was even lika mc, lika mc, yes, that is, lika blabla, you, all this. so guys from the nineties to the zeros, from the tenths to the twenties, they are more relevant than all the relevant ones. now - volodya he played and not only on records, he also played on reels on reels before this, that is, he
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practiced all this, but officially my appearance, since they recognized me as rude the whole country, it was 96, when it premiered on one of the radio stations, there is happiness, now that yes... we just remembered , when you started, you remembered when you learned the dj's game, you remembered when you recognized the lantern, i also remember, excuse me, i can't right now, i was overwhelmed by a wave of nostalgia, i remember that i listened avidly again on the same the radio station itself has a maximum funny house program volodya fonareva, i remember, i was especially hooked by the program where you were a guest, yes, it was my first broadcast in moscow in general, and in general the first broadcast in moscow, i invited you there, in general, at one time i wanted volodya to adopt me as a... something else, the first years of living in moscow, zhenya lived at my house, we have been friends for 30 years, in general, in my life in moscow i am grateful for the appearance of volodya, of course, because he is probably practically the only person who
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has me so much , i came from st. petersburg, and fellow countryman, well, i was born in a different place, but i lived in st. petersburg, studied there, yes, wow, i didn’t think that yours was so tight, i remember that for the first time i heard from you then the following: roughly speaking, everything , well, except for rock, let's say, you too there, plus or minus, this one was always somehow... he was ahead a little, and what he did continues to do is a little, maybe even incomprehensible to those who lives now, but it will be clear later, each direction, as in principle in any style of music, has its own audience, and even if there is some kind of underground direction, there will always be its own audience, even if it will be
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5,000 people there, but they are exactly those 5,000 people who will appreciate all this after you said about prodezhi and the chemical brothers, six years later they became popular in russia, it's absolutely. exactly, but actually, the first visit of the prodigy was still when they were not world stars, you know, where the prodigy performed for the first time, where in the concert hall in russia, wow, well, that’s not even the point, really...
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” i am your servant, i am your worker, this track several generations of people know what was special about it, we are accustomed to the fact that classical music is not classical in terms of it, yes, exactly, we know what a guitar sounds like, we know how a piano sounds, a violin, yes, but the appearance , we even know how they will study everything together, and electronic musical instruments helped synthesize, the word synthesis came from what, the search for a new sound, that is, what we are already accustomed to is this. there was novelty, and it was a time when science fiction, astronautics,
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robots, computers, space, yes, what shaped ours, our musical tastes, remember the album pinfloyd, yes, why do i say, for example, that our musical tastes are close, king floyd, jean michel frying, yes, it was the music of space, it was the music of space, in fact, this is every time the search for something new, a sound, there was interest in this, in fact, it was a romanticization of futurism, let’s say, science fiction, now everything is fine, musk has already made a humanoid robot that can take an egg and almost peel it him, that is, now this one is no longer there romanticization, we fly into space, surf the internet, the amazing thing is that all our lives we have looked up and wanted to learn about the infinity of the universe, yes. what is this, now we are looking for an infinite universe where in our computers, that is, the internet
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has become the very cosmos for us, like a taco, listen, well, there is no longer the romanticization of this electronics, the sound of this electronic or is it still there, what is happening now, in general, probably just if we consider electronic music as a kind of creative a process that is always changing spaces, new combinations of sounds appear, new transitions from one musical... that is, the junction of something, that is , it is a constantly mutating, developing and moving process, in this, probably, attracts all people, to find something... something new, all episodes of the podcast 20 years later you can find on the website of the first channel so, well, we're finishing, i really want to hear some final track from the groove dj or the lantern dj, or from both, yes we can just, here you go, great final track. by the way, now a lot of music is very popular at all sorts of different foreign festivals of this style, so come to
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me, help me with a modern flight, the three of us can play, no, no, come on, so what is the beat, this is the effect, so stop, and these are the effects, yes, come on volodya, give way to the young, respect to the old, so guys, this is a podcast 20 years later, and i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are legends, the founders of russian djing - dj fonar and dj group. thanks, let's play. volodya even exposes look, you see, he has vinyl, he doesn’t play cd, i play cd, and volodya plays vinyl.
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where did you find your cinderella? it happened right at the kievsky railway station. i asked her, what are you doing here? she said. that i came to see moscow, i found you bossing, worshiping, hairless, took a week in order, and you cheated on me, fell in love with someone else, maybe i’m blind, but it was, we had a great relationship, she went to acting classes, yeah, where she met
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the man who later became her destiny. it was quite difficult for me, my father gave me millions, she froze him off, my childhood went to a boarding school so that i wouldn’t interfere with his new family, who gave the money to the salon, no one gave it, i earned it myself, you tell it so smoothly that of course i didn’t give you i believe, i ’m very offended by the fact that you know, two adult women are sitting and saying that we don’t believe you, i invite ulyana to go through the stage to show a surprise, a novel, i heard that you are a very interesting man with good taste , a fashionista, so i invite you walk the stage with me, now we'll see, very i wonder what the surprise will be and what they will do? today, roman, we will look at your wardrobe, and my wardrobe, see which of these might suit me, oh, i didn’t know, i would pick something for you, okay, can you please
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show me this red one magnificence, well, that ’s what i think, maybe it will be... too big for you, but i think you’ll look good in it, look like that, listen, well, you have very chic taste, like philip kirkorov, roman, it’s yours, yours coat, oh, the most interesting thing is that i’m all red, coat it’s also red, maybe the bottom could also be done somehow, look, it’s like a fashionable blouse, the insole by philip kirkorov is even beautiful.
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here is a jacket that’s so good, it’s really good , it goes, well, it’s clear that a person has a taste for pants with a ruffle, or what can you wear with a blue one? please, by the way, i really liked these blue ones, yes, i think it’s time for me to try on something, come on, come on, come on, good surprise, good, but i think he should dress her, oh yes, really, suits her, thank you, girls, take your flowers and go into the room, thank you, and you, roman, come back to us, home clothes, comfort. not bad, dmitry, yes, you were such an outside observer, how do you like ulyana, still quite a young lady, no, this is absolutely another person’s story, absolutely not about ulyana, can you imagine what it’s like to have three children, but two salons where you work hard to earn money, what will you look like, yes, when is the time
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to have an operation, get an education, that’s all, three, well...
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i forgot the flowers, here are the flowers left, oops, hello, roman, my name is lesya , i i invite you to a lifelong race, it can’t be, lesechka, it’s very nice, thank you very much, olesya, 44 years old, owner of a running center in yekaterinburg, vice-champion of the 2004 olympic games, medal winner. order of merit for the fatherland, paints pictures and is a member of a book club, dreams of starring in a film about his life, admits that he sleeps naked, warns that he often changes his image. olesya
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always ran ahead of her husband, until one day she decided to voluntarily leave the race. hopes that roman will be behind her be on time. hello hello. he gave flowers to the second bride. gave it as a gift. have you forgotten them? i’m telling you, i have three children each, here they are standing, you, she says, take the flowers, you just left, why alone, so beautiful, why alone, because i’m running, apparently fast, men can’t keep up with me, i’m married i lived for 17 years, i met my husband when i was 18, but fate separated us for 5 years, after 5 years we meet at the coach, i came to a new group and... he is there, and you know, everything started spinning very quickly, it was just the day before olympic games, the coach scolded us very much, but here you know, as they say, this separation
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was necessary, because we grew up and overestimated, rethought, realized that we couldn’t live without each other, very good, her olympic champion, constant classes, i have a son, he’s 16.
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we broke up, i brought the money, well, that explains everything, athletes have a completely different character, yes, yes, i can do everything myself, you all, i can do everything myself, but i really want to feet oh, it’s very interesting here, the divorce took place in my birthday, well, it’s accidental, because all this, you know, this is some kind of interesting sign, because we didn’t talk about divorce, it happened.
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and this is also a moment - the realization is that we tried, tried, i really wanted to do it again , i really want to succeed as a mother again, i want another child, but somehow you know - i didn’t
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come, i kept saying that we need a second one child, when i asked him, he said, yes, i never wanted, i say, they listened to the end, when you said i want, i want a child’s, so i had to ask why are you silent, if you saw the two of us, we’re generally different people, i’m very open, 17 years different people don’t live, you know, you’ve been 17 years something, something has been holding you back besides the child, it’s been holding me back, my whole life was. i’m ashamed to say that my mother is a drug addict, that i was on the internet, i was ashamed to talk about it, you know, it’s pain, i don’t want to pass on this pain to this child, and at what age was she taken away, when she was less than 3 years old, maybe she doesn’t even remember at all, she doesn’t remember anything, nothing, she doesn’t remember, we were separated, this the adoption was secret, no one told me anything, i went through all the authorities like a fool, i screwed everyone up, in the end the director of the orphanage
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says, although i don’t have... to say anything at all, i close my eyes and tell you that she is in the pronsky district, she has normal parents. alesya, you like the novel, yes, very much, i noted that the smile is very open and kind eyes, well, it feels like a man takes responsibility for his beloved women, alesenka, but the groom loves us very much , these are the types of women who are so poor, defenseless, and you are on a galloping horse, a challenge. everything else, and although you say, i want to be a girl, it’s unlikely just a girl, a girl will become an olympic champion with all the regalia and so on, so you don’t confuse us, we understand everything perfectly, you’re a grown-up woman, and i’m not i pretend to be the main one in the family, no, of course, i have a very, you know, interesting fate, i’m a girl from nizhny tagil who
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has achieved everything herself, i usually have... a family, ordinary parents, who, i really thank my parents, because they did not interfere in my upbringing, i grew up in the yard and, due to circumstances, i just ended up in the athletics section and spun, spun, and i keep saying, you know what, that if you want to achieve success, you just love i really love what you do - i make everyone fall in love with running, and do you love running too? olesya, you are wonderful, i wish you happiness, and i wish myself to see the surprise that you have prepared, thank you very much, for the surprise i need a novel, see how it smiles, soft and straight, your eyes are shining, i’ll help you, what beautiful legs you have, and in general, you’re a dream woman, so what? raman, you
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and i are going to go for a run now, but can you, i’m with you, yes, we’ll go for a run with you, but i have one, and one rule, also in shoes, you and i will run past all sorts of objects and decide for ourselves where you and i will stop, okay, and one more thing, come on, either i run after you, or you follow me, i’d better run after you, you follow me, let’s start from here, damn it, let’s know how we’ll do it so that this is all no way it was ending, you and i are now... calm down, change clothes, go out there, i just don’t know, at some place, and we will put an end to it, we are all, that’s all you think, we will say everything, that’s 3 , 2, 1, let's run, let's run, let's pay attention to what we're running through, and what are we running through here, so what are we running, we're still running through the woods, it's so interesting, well,
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we can go to a strip club, let's keep running, well and i think that now we’ll get to where we need to be, we’ve made it, i think we’ll go in to finish our run, thank you big, now i’ll help you, your beautiful, oles, i wanted to ask, you sleep naked, right, and the groom has a t-shirt on his head,
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it seems to me that this will be a combo. i start telling them, they interrupt me right away, oh, this is some kind of fiction, if i look good, it doesn’t mean that i’m a freak, if they ’re used to seeing all these idiot freaks here, then i’m not that kind of... person, i am a sincere person who came with honesty. mendelsohn, do you think they will make it to the assembly? it seems to me that the chances are very high, in my opinion, roman has his whole life now flashed before my eyes, olesya, you are wonderful, it was nice to meet you, thank you very much, dmitry, in my opinion, you even have eyes. your legs hurt like that, but for some reason you blinked so often, you liked the bride, well, she’s a nice, sweet young lady, in my opinion she and roman ran very well , smoothly, i think she liked roman,
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he liked her , how do you like a very interesting girl, to be honest, well, her legs, her figure, of course, she is cheerful, she is smiling, she smiles a lot, she is... purposeful - there is a lot of positive in her, she radiates a lot of positive energy, she has achieved a lot, oh, athletes, in essence, she is an olympic champion, well, she must be a four-time world champion, but you have to think, what kind of character is there, however, as for a smile, it has nothing to do with it, for tv, that is i think that she is very homely, that she is very family-oriented, she wants women's happiness, yeah. which is normal, because my brother is an athlete, these are endless boarding schools, training camps, hotels, they love their home very much, they really appreciate it, yes, i, i would take a closer look, the age is when you already there is nothing to be afraid of, there is an 11-year difference, this is
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a good age difference, she will look like this in 20 years, you know, yes, it’s so nice, it’s not age that makes a woman, but men. you don’t need to save her, you’ll just live and enjoy this life, that’s all, but then this pride, well, when you’re already proud of your woman and have something to be proud of, i completely agree with you, but meet the third bride, the third bride. roman, please sit down, dear women, i don’t know what to call you, girls, no, we are not girls, i came, yes, my emotions went away and i decided to express everything that i think, everything that is in
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my soul, because i can’t leave like that, i’m just seething, you know, i’m very offended that they are as smart as i thought grown women, that’s how they think about me, not one of you has lived even a fraction of the life that i lived, how do you know. please, don’t interrupt, i want to finish, well, now such a cry from the heart begins, about my sister , i want to say, you say, you want, okay, you know now seventeen-year-old teenagers, some, what they are, yes, but imagine, i now come to my sister and say: my dear, your mother hanged herself, i found her body, your father is an addicted drug addict, what will i tell her, this is the child to whom i i can ruin my entire psyche, i lived through all this crap, i lived through it. tones, i lived through the death of my mother’s corpse, i actually had a child in my arms, i didn’t even have a child for a month, i went in and saw the corpse of my mother, whom i idolized and loved all my life, excuse me, here
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i came to the whole country, revealed my soul , a they just called me names, they revealed me, you sat there, told some kind of written story where they came together in the end, you didn’t come, it’s a pain, you know, i’ve never told this to anyone... unfortunately, i’ve been telling this all my life , i lived all the pain in myself, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, i lived all my pain in myself, if only you were like this, like this now, like now, now i was just disgraced all over the country, they called you, who disgraced you, it’s for your children, but i have a good fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, but i’m not such a low person as to stick on some tags that haven’t been used?
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whatever i did, everything that i have, i have never in my life, nothing, no apartment, no car, nothing, i didn’t take anything from a man, because i don’t like an apartment for a car. at 27 years old, yes, in our city it is possible to buy an apartment, this is not moscow, of course, yes, i started doing nails while i was pregnant, i was about a year old with a small child in my arms , yes, she ran next to me while i was filing my nails , honestly that’s how it was, i earned money for a car because i wanted my daughter to have everything, my children don’t need anything, my children play sports, my daughter
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does takwando, english, whatever she does, they have a happy childhood, i do it twice a year i try to take them to the sea, not because this is some kind of picture, because these are my children, i had nothing, but for my children i will achieve everything, and i will move on, uncle roma loves people like you, what you’re going through, it’s not just offensive, no, that’s it, we misunderstood you, we went over everyone, uh-huh.
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lord, there is no one to raise a child, if only there was such a promo, i would help the girl, meet the third bride, go, hello, hello! my name is galina, i flew from afar, i hope it’s not in vain that where are you from, galina, 40 years old, owner of a legal business, lives in vladivostok, plays tennis , attends master classes on table etiquette, is proud that she bought a house for her parents , warns that khvostunov cannot stand pessimists, his lover kept galina in a golden cage, and...
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these were feelings, these were emotions, but when i realized that expensive gifts, that’s all he did, it was worthy, it was beautiful, it was expensive, but then they started telling me, communicate with this one, don’t communicate with this one , come here, don’t come here, don’t go anywhere, but i had a lot of ideas for creating this or that business in parallel with my own and...
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it’s better to have your own blouses, your own apartment, your own car, you know, so that he can always answer, this does not belong to you, i bought it, you understand, when you take from men something, well, who pays, dances, such a law, i realized that he began to buy me, that is, it was even to such an extent that he chose clothes for me and said, you wear this, well, that’s the same cool, listen, not for me, well then... you said no, my fish, no one can
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tell me how to dress, not even my project manager, you see, this is how i want to dress, that’s when i realized it, well, yes, you first started playing this game, no, well, how would you have patience, then what’s the problem, what is your tragedy about the golden cage then, no, it’s a tragedy, i just left it, but how long were you with him, three, 3 years, but that’s a period of time, it’s cool, interesting, it kind of looks like there , by the way, very good. and in 3 years, what has he given you? well, my first travels were, and there were jewelry, my throat was so dry, i can’t worry. and it doesn’t matter what it’s made of, copper or gold, a cage is a cage, i
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’m saying it again for the fifteenth time, i’m for equal marriages, when you’re equal in a relationship, no one is your equal can dictate nothing, because you have your own. when you use him, well, either tolerate it or leave, well, that’s why i left when he already started saying that it was time for children, i understand that i’m not ready, that’s how old you were, but 35, and you thought that at 35 how old are you?
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pill after another relationship, well then you used this man, he used you. well, what’s wrong with that, listen, you know, you can easily get rid of this, you know that men, when they realize that their women don’t love them, take revenge, so that you would be walking around with blood stains to this day, and mendelssohn, please tell me what percentage of women dreams of getting into a golden cage, you know, this is a fairly large percentage, around 69, because in a golden cage they say the nerve cells are very good and recover quickly, oh, bunny, what...
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model on expansion is heading towards this, and you are planning children, but at 35 you thought that you early, no, i didn’t say it was early, i didn’t see that this man was the father of my children, that is, when i realized that the moment was approaching responsibility, it was time to break it off, well, you think that 40 is already just the right time it is, i can give birth now, and in 2 years i can give birth, everything is fine with my health, everything is controlled by a doctor, but i will give birth only in love, in a family, and do you believe, this is possible in the forties, yes in love, i mean yes namely, if you don’t meet love, you won’t give birth? probably not, well, this is really serious, it seems to me that she just sting, she needs a serious man, but he’s not serious, look, here we have a groom,
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a romochka, a previous bride, well , he just pumped up his wife specifically, even he took her to... far away, let’s call it that, and what about you? with pumping up, what do you mean by appearance, bring in, are you ready to pump up, hmm, am i talking about plastic surgery? i don’t know, i’ve never done it, but in the sense i didn’t make a face and i think that i won’t have to do it, but everything is fine with galina, she didn’t give birth, well, over time, by the time she reaches fifty dollars, it will be necessary somehow, well, if, if necessary. if i want this, of course, this is permissible. galina, what kind of happiness do you want for yourself? i’m already happy, i’m happy every day. why are you happy every day? because i love to live. no, well, in general , i’m happy every day, either children, or well, mental people, non-mental people, happiness in every
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moment. and what is it about you, everyone? that is, it varies, but you constantly find yourself in a state, well, of course there is a state when there are experiences, there are problems, there are moments when you need to think, and you have it, yes you have it, well, since you are happy all the time, it means that there are some moments that don’t mean that i’m unhappy, because they are all so scrutinized, everything in this, it’s as you say, their everyone has been re-flashed via the internet, re-flashed, no, i see that you are prepared for a surprise, there ’s something there, yes, yes, it’s already beautiful, show me, yes, i’ll show you, raman, i need your help, i wonder what galina cooked what? it will be that there is a flame in every person, when the flame burns, you want to share the warmth,
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with joy and light with everyone, let's go, let's go, of course, we distribute, we distribute, so this is the light for me. the basis of the love that i dream of, what it will do to him now, will light him, look at him, it will light the heart, so let's light, let's light the fires, the fires in our souls in our souls and hearts and hearts.
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wow, you flew so far crazy with these , you can, uh, be stunned, i just like small women, darlings, yes, thank you, it was very cool, they didn’t like yours, like, yes, they didn’t like it. i see more than i’m supposed to, you are an inexperienced person, one might
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say, pure, and you too, you believe everyone, that’s why i would really like your impression of galina, but i can only believe in what i saw, romantic, beautiful, a beautiful girl, ready to experiments, and then, and i’ll say, what’s there? she is very, firstly, she is a very influential person in vladivostok, she works with many management companies of the city itself, this is too much for you, she is here, this is romance, in fact a very serious business woman, quite powerful, correct, very it was romantic, i saw a lot, i really liked it, with your seemingly pleasant naivety.
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boring, uninteresting, that’s all, and you’re not such a sexual type, you won’t learn lessons with others, you’re not interested in it, you’re interested in being, there hasn’t been time yet to learn a lesson, literally a year has passed. necessary, no, moreover, it seems to me that if she called or ran to you and was lying at your feet, she would have a chance, i think that if she watched you on tv, or something like this would happen, would you give it a chance, well maybe this is not forever, but your third would be a little pleasant for him, but what about ulyana, that ’s who needs to be saved, it’s just yours, your type, and what ’s not, why do you feel sorry for something, i think that ulyana is right yours, your type, will stop. fantasize, after all, there are children, this youngest is 3 years old, this is your field of activity, please


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