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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:29pm MSK

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i feel sorry even for non-democrats, but in general for western democracy as such, western countries, i honestly feel sorry for them, because against the backdrop of the calm confidence of the sco and brix countries, yes, which people are talking seriously to each other, discussing serious problems, how to increase trade turnover, how to build a new world, they are discussing whether there is a nuance of gel or not, and also in every western country, where now all the governments are crumbling one after another, the next in line will be sunok, my word, but our cause is just, the enemy victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, hello, the evening news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics. the organization that holds the future, the
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sco summit in astana. today is the day of bilateral meetings. details of vladimir putin's negotiations with colleagues from china, turkey and beyond. we are getting closer to the most difficult goal, the liberation of the city of chasov yar. and our iskander missile system is in action again. attacks on the poltava airfield. details from the ministry of defense. a at night in the black sea, our sailors destroyed an unmanned ship. 80 years ago minsk was liberated from the nazi invaders, large-scale celebrations in the capital of belarus and, most importantly, a parade. vladimir putin sent congratulations to alexander lukashenko.
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that’s what i read: a lot of people die from floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined, to say it again, combined. a new day, a new incident with the american president, i read the clues on the souflure and didn’t blink an eye. the hottest day in the 21st century in moscow a new weather record: the downpour was a fleeting respite, what to prepare for next, whether an umbrella will be useful for the rain or the heat, we’ll tell you. in the next 2 days, astana is the center of big politics in the capital of kazakhstan, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. all nine states of the association are participating, as well as observer countries and dialogue partners of the sco. the main program is tomorrow, and today the focus is on bilateral meetings. vladimir putin has six of them, including with the leaders of china and turkey. security, economics, humanitarian ties, questions on...
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a bunch of. the discussions will result in the signing of more than 20 documents. all of them are aimed at strengthening multilateral dialogue and the pursuit of sustainable peace and development. this is exactly what the slogan of this year’s summit sounds like. preliminary results of the first day of work in the report by olga knyazeva. despite the fact that the official opening of the shanghai cooperation organization summit is scheduled for late evening, our president arrived in ostana at 5 am and has been holding bilateral meetings and six events, including communication, all day. erdogan i arrived in advance with the ministers and is going to a meeting with putin, the first question is for our president, how are you? vladimir putin separately noted that it is important that relations between our countries are developing progressively, despite the complexities of geopolitical processes in the world. despite all the difficulties of the current moment in the world, nevertheless, relations between russia and turkey are developing progressively. we
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have noted a slight decline in trade turnover over the previous few months, but it remains at a fairly high level, 55 billion dollars, we are implementing all our major projects, in this sense, everything is going on schedule, according to plan, there are no glitches, new projects are also planned, we are very happy about this, and also about the opportunity to meet with you today and...
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not without problems, problems are primarily created for us by third countries, limiting supplies, worsening mutual settlements, destroying logistics, but we are going according to plan to prepare the station as...
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participants, and tomorrow belarus will become another full member of the organization, the organization has strengthened as one of the key pillars of a fair multipolar world order. we will certainly support china's chairmanship of the sco in 2024-25.
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it has been stated more than once, with good reason, that russian-chinese relations are universal. cooperation along the planned course. as our multifaceted advances in the far from difficult international situation and external environment, we need to remain committed to friendship forever, work hard for the well-being of the people, enhance the unique value of chinese -russian relations, make efforts to
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protection of our legal rights and interests, as well as basic norms of international relations. today putin is meeting not only with the heads of member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization, but also with the president of neighboring mongolia. this country, an observer in the organization, discussed relations in the field of energy. today we provide about 15% of the electricity and petroleum products consumed in mongolia, support the operation of local power plants, and the country imports our gasoline and diesel fuel. the energy was still there one of the main areas of our interaction, work has been established, but we can talk about expansion, keeping in mind hydrocarbons and electricity, there is something to talk about here, i am very glad. today's opportunity to exchange our views on the entire range of our relations, bearing in mind coordination in the international arena, we are actively working at the un site and at the sites of other organizations. russia also controls the trans-mongolian railways through
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its subsidiary russian railways, providing more than 70% export and import freight transportation. the construction of new transport corridors lies ahead. our cooperation is developing in all directions; as an example, i will cite the work of the government. russian-mongolian enterprise ulanbater railway. we have a railway project linking eastern mongolia, russia and china. in this way , new opportunities for economic development may emerge that will favor trilateral cooperation between our countries. vladimir putin with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev greeted each other for a long time and after the meeting they discussed something, as is customary to talk on their feet. recently, there has been a tendency to see each other almost once a month, most often on the agenda of azerbaijan’s participation in the north-south international transport corridor project. all other general topics, we act on the basis of the agreement that you and i signed back at the end of 2022, this is a good basis for developing relations in all areas, including in the energy sector, industrial cooperation, more than 300 schools in azerbaijan work with
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the russian language, teach young people and children the russian language, this creates such... a good base, a prospect for maintaining and developing our relations for the future. and i am grateful to you that you always note and appreciate that attitude towards the russian language. security issues, but the main emphasis is on the economy, of course, we have something to offer the countries of the shanghai
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cooperation organization, among the participants of the russian delegation is the director of the russian direct investment fund, kirill dmitriev. special attention we are also focusing on investments in agricultural infrastructure, because there is a very high demand for russian agricultural products among the sco countries, and we see that investments can also be directed there, as well as transport infrastructure and other infrastructure projects. it was cooperation in the agricultural sector that putin discussed today with the prime minister of pakistan. at your request , russia is trying to make its contribution to ensuring pakistan’s food security, we are increasing the supply of grains to the pakistani market, our ministry of foreign affairs is cooperating in international organizations, including at the o site . supplies of our energy resources, afro pakistan, have begun, and we are ready to increase them. mr. president, at my request, you have kindly given us the opportunity to increase energy supplies, and we have already
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received oil from your country, we are very grateful for this, we must continue to follow this path, your excellency, our relationship is self-sufficient, it does not depend from no one geopolitical situations, the situation does not depend on relations with other countries. the last bilateral meeting with the hosts of the summit, kazakhstan, and then a joint informal dinner, which will open the sco summit in astana, are already over. eight people were injured, one of them was in moderate condition.
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as a result of enemy sabotage, most of the city was left without electricity and water supplies. now all efforts are being devoted to a speedy recovery. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone. the fighters of the southern group knocked out ukrainian militants from the kanal area in the city of chasov yar in the dpr. here are the first shots from this section of the front. dense buildings, high-rise buildings. the enemy did. there is a powerful fortified area here, the battles were very difficult, they pressed the kiev security forces from literally every floor and basement. our paratroopers unfurled the flags of russia and the airborne forces in the westernmost building in this microdistrict, as a symbol that it is completely under control. the capture of the canal is an important stage in the liberation of the entire settlement, for which there are long-term battles. thus, the russian army continues to squeeze out the enemy further, beyond the seversky danets canal. and from today’s report: the russian armed forces launched attacks on the poltava airfield.
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our iskander missile system is in action again. reportedly, a mi-24 helicopter of ukrainian militants and vehicles of the aviation engineering service, as well as a workshop for the production of tank guns with large-caliber ammunition, were hit. the day before, let me remind you, the russian military struck the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region. the ukrainian armed forces lost seven aircraft. during the day , a large amount of equipment was destroyed in all directions, including including... for the first time, an enemy combat vehicle of the tunguska anti-aircraft missile and gun complex. the enemy is suffering serious losses in manpower, almost 1,800 militants. and more information from the military department: at night in the black sea, our sailors destroyed unmanned vcu boats. two of them were reportedly heading in the direction of novorossiysk. the main public holiday in belarus, today is independence day. exactly 80 years ago in minsk. was liberated from the nazi invaders. congratulatory telegram vladimir putin sent a message to alexander lukashenko,
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noting that the bonds of friendship and mutual assistance, forged during the harsh wartime, today remain a reliable basis for the development of relations. as confirmation of this special connection between our peoples, there are celebrations in minsk. more than 500 parade participants, 300 pieces of equipment, there were many new products, in the skies over minsk spectators saw the skill of the swift aerobatic teams and... a report by ivan prozurov. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. hooray! straightaway two parade cars were received by the minister of defense viktor khrenin, the parade was commanded by deputy minister andrei zhuk, and president of belarus alexander lukashenko in military uniform. the supreme commander-in-chief noted that in that fateful battle, soldiers of the red army and fascists recruited from all over europe fought. it was a fight for the freedom and future of the peoples of the entire continent. today we will walk together, because we learned
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the main lesson from the great patriotic war. nazism. this is absolutely.
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ivan, he was a prisoner of a concentration camp, but he survived, he i ended up in a concentration camp as a child, and of course, the most difficult thing for him was the lost childhood, so he wanted me to have a happy, carefree one, with a peaceful sky above my head. today such equipment is already guarding the peaceful sky. belgrade, multiple launch rocket system on a locally produced platform.
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the polones m missile system, with a destruction range of up to 300 km, is on combat duty in belarus, an operational-tactical complex. iskander m, capable of using nuclear-powered missiles. for the first time in the parade procession. first there are also many drones, aircraft and helicopter types of belarusian production on display. and these are kamica geiran 2 drones with stalinist falcons stickers, black paint , taking into account the experience of a special military operation. among the spectators are our svo participants. our dad was invited, he is a member of the northern military district, they were invited to the parade, here is our dad, he was awarded the order of courage and other state awards, which is big for us.
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to repeat again, it was the west that prepared and provoked the ukrainian crisis and is now deliberately prolonging it. wherein western countries are doing their best to condone the provisional government. ukraine, in its widespread inculcation of nazism, in its most acute manifestations, is making every effort to distort the historical truth.
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we value the solidarity of the cis countries in the fight against the glorification of nazism in the falsification of history. together we will continue to defend the truth about our common past. today's military parade in minsk is proof of this. russia. suspends participation in the work of the osce parliamentary assembly. the decision was made by both houses of parliament unanimously. this is a response to the ongoing provocations against our country. instead of constructive dialogue, the organization has long adhered to a deliberately anti-russian course. well, the last straw was the refusal to issue visas to the participants of our delegation, which was heading to the annual session in bucharest. the topic will be continued by oleg shishkin. statement to the osce parliamentary assembly, both chambers.
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the osce parliamentary assembly, which is now taking place in romania, so that if they have at least the remnants of some diplomacy left to conscience and something else, so that they voice statement of the federal assembly regarding their activities. russophobia parade, a branch of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and these are still mild expressions that describe what the osce parliamentary assembly actually turned into after the start of a special military operation. in austria, our delegation was even prohibited from laying flowers at monuments. soviet military liberators. ukrainian journalists described the order here with visible pleasure. the russians sit in the last row; they were specially assigned seats in the last
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row. it came to direct insults. about these shots speak eloquently of the atmosphere prevailing at the meetings. the head of our delegation , deputy chairman of the state duma pyotr tostoi, is trying to reach out to the assembly participants; there is no security left in this organization. not cooperation, and russia, as the largest country in europe, will no longer participate in this russophobic circus into which the osce and deputies from nato countries have turned, and the russian federation will not transfer funds to the budget of this organization, we would rather spend this money in the interests of our voters at home. annual assembly. up to 250,000 euros. on a state scale , the amount is small, but here, as they say, it is a matter of principle. our delegations were regularly denied visas. in the summer of 2022 , the british authorities essentially blocked
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the participation of russian parliamentarians in the work of the assembly. in the fall of the same year, poland also did the same. they did not want to see us together with the belarusian delegation at the current meeting in bucharest. this was the last straw. participation in the work of the assembly lost all meaning. what's happening there today of course, it does not stand up to any criticism, and this is contrary.
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where did these deputies, these parliamentarians from european countries say a word,
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not a word was said on this matter. nigu, isn’t this ensuring the security of european countries, when terrorist acts are committed, they are not investigated, everyone is in the house, so there is nothing to do there. the decision of the federal assembly does not mean that we are hanging a lock on the door; provided that the assembly abandons russophobic approaches and changes vector, we are ready to resume cooperation. this is not clapping door, this is not a break with this one, alas. misconceptions, will they know where to find us? once they think about it, they will understand the full depth of theirs ; russian parliamentarians still have a lot of options to convey the position of our country to the world community, for example, the world’s oldest interparliamentary union, which includes 179 states. the united states, by the way, did not join the organization, having miscalculated, as
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experts say. sustainable development of the country is possible only by maintaining such a harmonious balance of interests, economic growth, welfare of society, but on the other hand, what is very important is environmental safety, and here rosprirodnadzor has a special role, we are talking primarily about protecting the environment, for
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this a number of very important... federal projects are being implemented, these are national projects, these are our state programs, socio-economic initiatives, we we support the federal environmental project, for us, of course, such national tasks as general cleaning and the improvement of water bodies are very important, we are doing a lot of work as part of general cleaning, the entire population showed in each region those objects that are most important, we put them on the map; out of 2000 objects, we have already examined 700 objects, after which we will select.
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after his debate failure with trump. the assistants have to get out of it with all their might. the white house even made a special statement saying that biden does not suffer from degenerative diseases, dementia or alzheimer's disease. another temperature record in moscow, almost. +33. weather forecasters have already called today the most hot in the 21st century. after lunch, however, there was a short respite, the short-term rain brought a breath of freshness, but not for long, the sun came out again. according to forecasts, the heat will subside somewhat by the weekend, thunderstorms are predicted, strong winds, hail is possible, and from next week it will be sultry again, about 30°.


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