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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 4, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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art, high music, and diaghilev did this wonderfully, and even such worthy people, creators as rimski korsykov, were recognized only in the world thanks to diaghilev. last year the festival attracted about 800 spectators, this year there are even more people willing to listen to classics in the open air; for many, coming here for concerts is already a family affair. tradition, last year we had
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the good fortune to attend this concert - at the festival and spent the whole year guarding tickets to get to it - this year, yes, we are very happy, beautiful weather, beautiful nature, we came to the classical music festival, i want to introduce my six-year-old daughter to music, i’m just a big connoisseur of classical music in general, so i’m pleased with it in any form, so i just expect to enjoy it. tickets to the festival cost from 500 rubles. at the same time, the organizers assure that a panoramic view will open from any place. the price also includes admission to the new jerusalem museum. now there are two large-scale exhibitions here: master repin, telling about his most famous students the legendary artist, and invisible are free, which presents the works of soviet modernists of the twenties and thirties. this is a special layer of the history of our domestic art, which existed between two large movements, this is the russian avant-garde. the next big style
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is socialist realism, these artists flogged the lyrical path of their artistic works and paid attention to human sensation, feeling, and so on. the culmination of the musical show will be two concerts of the bolshoi theater dedicated to on the 180th anniversary of roman korsakov, soloists, opera troupes, chorus and orchestra will take the stage, the festival will last until july 7. kristina levieva, dmitry skvartsov, dmitry remizov, andrey govalevich. and alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin. today, as always, we will talk about the most important things.
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are the protagonists, actors, as they say, of this biggest global politics, many of whom gathered in astana and the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, in fact, in the final declaration following the meeting of this format, there are precisely those very words, tectonic shifts are taking place in world politics, economics and other areas of international relations, giving birth. ..
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those same tectonic shifts, but you understand what a tectonic shift is? it’s not that it moved and stopped, it’s a whole process associated with magma eruptions, with all kinds of seismic shocks and so on and so forth. in fact, by and large, this is what we are living in now and what we are discussing will continue to be discussed immediately after a short and despite any tectonic shifts of very interesting advertising on channel one, do not switch. don't worry,
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do everything you're told, we're here, everything will be fine. well, well, well, guys, we’re working, we’re working, fortune teller, today on the first day, god forbid you get into the same situation, i would see how you would behave in my place, it seems to me, i know, we they were looking in the wrong place, time. it was very berry time, and we decided to divide the word berries so that we could get me and years. the fact is that a huge study came out that showed that not all, three unique berries have the ability to prolong life. about these berries about many others.
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it's great to live in the program. tomorrow on the first. the most grandiose event in modern russia. traditions and advanced technologies. the greatest achievements and discoveries. all corners of the country, all spheres of life. 247 days. 89
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regions. i told him that i love him, and he was so stuck for a while he asked me: why? without you, you had a very serious accident, it was ira, the person who brought you back, yes ira brought you back, i had post-traumatic
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epilepsy for 7 years, my first husband drove me to a journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was it 58 years ago, she’s still interviewing, on saturday at the first one, she’s cute, the whole house is covered in bears, she’s 15 years old, volodya, at 15 she gives other gifts, she only has tennis, how
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’s your pension, i’m humping volodya, so that your daughter becomes a person, and you show up with this stupid bear, of course, she loves you, you are so good, not a father, an ideal, where is the trash can here, at the exit, and in our yard from july 7 on sundays on the first, but stop nagging, she has tests , exams, eh, well, she’s not going anywhere, she’ll wander around the city, clear her brains, come back, wander around the city, she’s lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, kolka will appear, call, who are you talking to? oh, what's taking so long? i'm really bored. come on, come on, come on, come on. let's go to the bedroom, let's go straight away. great choice congratulations. he speaks russian normally, he speaks. and we don’t waste time talking. the program time will tell, today i
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am starting the program, well, in force today, due to today’s agenda, as if a frame. raised the subject under discussion to such globally seismic, that is, heights, since in astana they talked about the tectonic shifts that are taking place. in world politics, economics and other areas, so, strictly speaking, well, that’s what they say, there is such a message to talk about this, well, looking as if from the height from which as a rule, tectonic shifts are visible, or if you look at it the other way around, from a personal point of view, you understand that when you are somewhere in a place where tectonic shifts are occurring, you can, of course, discuss the lava there, which is where - there’s something flowing there, some pieces of hot something, which... are flying from there, but by and large you need to understand how far that crack goes, so, in
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fact, what are your chances of falling into it or not falling into it, yes , so you discuss, being in a small space, you want to understand what, by and large , is happening, all these faults and so on, and we understand that these tectonic shifts are really about the world order, and by the way, putin, being there in astana, also spoke about this today , however, he made a very interesting statement regarding these tectonic shifts to the point that, in vladimir vladimovich’s opinion, they have already come to something. let's listen. in the current conditions, when rapid and irreversible changes are taking place in the world, the active initiative position of the sco in international affairs is undoubtedly in demand. a multipolar world has become a reality. the circle of states that advocate... a fair world order and are ready to resolutely defend their legitimate rights and
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defend traditional values ​​is expanding. new centers of power and economic growth are emerging and strengthening. we are convinced that the shanghai cooperation organization, along with brix, are the main pillars of the emerging new world order. it is these associations that are powerful locomotive. processes of global development and the establishment of true multipolarity. here is the question about the dynamics of the process: on the one hand , the multipolar world has become a reality, on the other hand, the pillars of the emerging new world order and the locomotive of global development processes are the establishment of true multipolarity, that is, as if in one phrase , we seem to understand that on the one hand, it seems that ...
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the councilor of india is somehow already multipolar , so somehow he’s on him so it’s like, yeah, well , because they’re still generally at both poles well, let's be honest, india seems to be good at one pole; at the other pole, it will be with that pole which, yes, he listens so attentively and has already been built, okay, let's see, so if we speak seriously, trying to look at it globally , considering that we are in the middle process.
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or are they those who do not join the american-centric west, which recognizes itself as another polis, to which russia has opposed itself, that is, they are not against us, and as if we are part of the same associations, but they are a little aloof, well, something like this representative of india, so they sit nearby with interest, listen at one round table, but a little on their own, well, that is , if you translate into the language of the court, that is, we are fighting, and... they are like that they say, you are generally handsome, these ones from the other yard are just bastards, well done in general, let
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us contrast our yard with that, well done guys, it’s a different state, it’s one thing when you’re part of a team, and another thing when you just, well, it would be so expensive for me i gave it to see what my comrade was doing at this time, what he was thinking about, listening to all this , and so on, but this is in many ways a tectonic fault and we...
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the majority of our viewers have figurative thinking, like everyone, here is a round table, a certain number of people sit at it, each of them represents a certain country, all together they represent, i think 2/3 of the population, i think that well , more than half for sure, well , more than half definitely, but i think that 2 /3, and the economy there in general,
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the population, the economy, and finances of everything, that’s uh, he looks at all this, at this table, at these people, for example, the west looks. and if he had looked at this table 30 years ago, he thought, listen, let’s go and roll them up in the asphalt, we’ve come up with something, or we’ll buy them, roll them up in the end anyway, we would have rolled them up, yeah, now he’s looking and even the thought doesn’t arise, to go make a deal, because he can’t anymore, but for now he can partially buy, one at a time, yes, he can’t buy everyone, he can’t intimidate everyone, because... at that, at that moment, when you do this this is the movement of your hands and you’re talking about everyone, this is where my question begins: do they all already exist, like this closed figure that you’re talking about, or is it still about the image of someone, this whole thing, and we’re inclined, well, we’re russians people, we seem to understand that if we seem to be fighting, they are from the wrong side, they seem to be behind us, but
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they are behind us, i am another image, and not nearby, i am another image for understanding, and we ’re like... well, as if you understand, here’s artyom, another image, now you remember about our guys at the front, and we’ll take a piece of the front, a fragment of the front, and we’ll unite it into such a specific community, that’s where the guys who are on the front line are on the front line, and behind them is the near rear, the deep rear, they don’t fight, they do not stand next to weapons in their hands, but they provide the opportunity for the guys there to resist the spiritual attack. materially, and this and this are the same thing, so again at this moment i ask you a question, you yourself gave me this pass and this image, and i ask you, now i turn your answer into my question, these are also people, who are sitting at least at this table, 10 countries that are included, it doesn’t matter 10 here, some are included in brix and so on, and we say that this is a pole, this is the same as
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at the front there is the first front line, and there is a second line of support, which if something comes in or goes to the rock, is it... the same as at the front, or is it something completely different, it’s like, come on, let’s do this, i’m now going a little beyond political correctness and i’m asking, you know, like in the zaporozhye direction, there’s a first line, there’s a second line, there’s the third line, you arrive at any one, and everyone tells you, you can’t imagine how many waiters there are, there’s like a bunch of waiters and we go back and forth, so we kind of understand that there are waiters here too, of course not, here not only the waiters, there are representatives here who play their game,
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and it is clearly demonstrated to the other side, too, that they can no longer change this, the point of no return has been passed, but you are the one asking the right questions, again, because this has not yet taken shape, but here is a very important point, about this once every for a week, as our president talks about at work, he talks about this, which means as at work, he is at work, this is exactly what he deliberately talks about, this is what the chairman of the people's republic of china regularly says, that we are against all sorts of blocks. and unions, yeah, blocs and unions, right next to us, yes, the nato bloc and the euro union, that is, you want to tell me that we are friends
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for the sake of friendship, but we are not friends against them, no, no, but firstly , they are against us, so no, so san, this is where the conversation begins, that we we understand perfectly well that they, these them with all these numerous mongrels, that they are friends against us, they do not hide that they are friends against us, they understand. you, of course, in courtyard terms, as if the topic. let's listen. china has always stood on the right side of history, insisting on
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peace and promoting negotiations. we are ready to continue to make active efforts to promote a political resolution of the ukrainian crisis and other pressing regional problems. china supports russia in implementing it responsibilities as the current chairman of brix in uniting the global south, preventing a new cold war and...
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long ago accepted the advice not to listen to what america says, to watch what it does. the americans, you will take turns, do, do the same, they listen not to what china says, but to what china does, and not to what putin says, because this is political rhetoric, and the point, and it’s not even about the protocol and not in tradition, this is true, because china doesn’t want to fight, we didn’t want to either fight, yeah, and no one wants to fight because of the global west. in fact, this is one of the dividing lines, because for the past half a thousand years the west has mostly
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solved its problems by force, and we offer an alternative, but of course you can fight, but if there are 10 of you, and 10,000 are standing in front of you, go and fight , in this sense of this unification, there is one more very important thing, and about this... this is provided that there are 10 of you, but each of your ten understands what is in it for you this is a fight, well, not for life, for death, what we call the word existentially, well, for hegemony, that is, they understand that either they bend everyone, or they don’t kill everyone, then gradually, not immediately, but kirdyk, when there are 100 people against you, each of whom stands and thinks, well, i kind of need this, i recently got new teeth and my teeth are so beautiful.
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and then you will create such a military bloc, no, because what is being created now and those people who are sitting at the table, they are creating fundamentally new forms of unification
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that did not exist before, and even on... some can, others cannot, i already see that you are talking to me in your head in other words that cannot be used live, so i turn to alexei viktorovich, well we actually set the essence of the conversation both meaningfully and figuratively, that’s why i’m interested in what you either think or feel about this, or we also have such an option in our program, and guests sometimes use it, they say: you know, that’s all that you are discussing here, it is actually very interesting, but i wanted to say something else, there is such
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an option to choose. the whole time you and alexander were diving here, i was looking at this map that you’re walking on, yeah, and thinking, this is what, i’m mostly by sea, by water, by the arctic, yes, but pay attention , to what extent our language is loaded with the concept of the west, just imagine the formula, yes, these are african values, yeah, the australian way of life, yeah. yes, you see, i understand, that is, even i don’t know, the eastern world order, even that’s even difficult i hear, that is, we have, as it were , the west, well, there are two words such as europe and the west, and europe is an older word, and i don’t know what else it has to do with it since the time of the greco-persian wars, but europe is something good , pure light, that means asia is something bad, dark, that’s what we
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’re fighting with, yeah. accordingly, when europe a little, so to speak, moved across the atlantic puddle and, therefore, colonized north america, then europe became simply the west, and accordingly the west became everything good and bright, and not the west became that bad, which means we, europeans, or westerners, so to speak, are fighting, where we bring with it, that means, the values ​​of our civilization, that means our high culture, progress, yes, there, enlightenment, there education, technology, these all mean... well, in short , this recent garden of eden of barelevsky, this is also another version, this is a regurgitation of this, another version of the same concept, and the citizens who gathered in astana, they say: guys, that’s it, it’s over this song, so, there is no such thing anymore, such a situation, that here is one piece the planet, all other parts of the planet teaches how to live, and i think that the main thing is what all
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these meetings are about. this is about the fact that we will no longer accept any teachings from you about how we should live, and so this applies very much, well, starting from just culture, and starting from things of value, yes there are understandable, ending, naturally, with who to be friends with, yes, who to be friends with, who to fight with and not to fight with, who to support, pay attention to how parallel, that is, parallel to the sco summit.
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the answer to the question you asked in the at the beginning, it is such that this new emerging multipolar world order, of course it exists, but if you look at the fact that next to it there is an old one, which has not yet died and is not going to leave, and which is still stronger in some aspects , yes, his strength is decreasing every day, yeah. it happens on different planes , economic, financial, technological, well, in different ways, but in some aspects it still dominates, that is, we are dealing with a weakening hegemon, leaving, but still dangerous, still very toothy, so i from time to time i say the word fight, to which alexander yuryevich, well, as a prominent political scientist, tells me that not everyone should fight, i say, not everyone should fight, but everyone should decide
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whether they are ready, if anything, to fight. having made a wonderful statement, which you also described now, that we tell them, guys, that’s it, it ’s over, it won’t happen again, and they sometimes say from there, it’s bitten, if, and we are so russian... that means russia is like that comes out and says: well, let’s bite it, we’ll throw off the hat and away we go, well, it’s very simple, we are the only ones who are so brave, because we have nuclear weapons, and not alone, we have china , pakistan has nuclear weapons , only we have quantities comparable to the americans, and if we combine, and this is a different question, it is the same question, why am i understandable a little, well, not that i’m being stupid, i’m exaggerating a little, but i understand that many people have in front of the tv and even if suddenly they are now watching them from me... comrades at the front, they are to me periodically they write who has time, who is on rotation, they say: temych, everything is great, you there you tell everything back and forth, but like, how should we count, we will fight to the end alone, and these people will say beautiful words there with all due respect, they
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understand perfectly well at the front, better than many in front of the tv, what the most important china plays a role, and you, being involved in unmanned vehicles, albeit in a slightly different direction of unmanned vehicles, understand that china could have moved half a step further; we were...
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here we are listening, she’s actually talking about what? it’s about the fact that in parallel on this same day, well, just like this doors, that’s how it is there, yes, it means these same people, mind you, even erdogan
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is standing there, okay, he’s saying believe it, so they agreed on very mundane and pragmatic things, in particular, how can you and i get around these very notorious american hellish sanctions, so that we suffer the least. they hit us all, so you and i need to build such a system of relations so that conventional spare parts for drones still continue to go, that is, along goat paths, so to speak, to where they are going in such a way that this is how it is caused the least damage to those who... understood, this is also a fair war, and moreover, if we talk about politics, here i agree with alexander yuryevich that if we talk about politics, then the same erdogan, he will sit here and listen , will discuss one thing, discuss another, and then go to nato,
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and at nato he will also have something for himself, and it would be strange to expect naively to expect from erdogan that after sitting here, he will come and say, that ’s it, guys, like... . we drain the water, as if he is there too, he will also walk in these there. the very little rooms and something like that to discuss, in this sense, i pretended to be a fool a little, so that you would give me more, as it were, everything that you drew for me is more tangible, which means, well, it’s not difficult for me to pretend to be a fool, yes, strictly speaking, everything is the same, i think that everything is clear again, meaningfully and figuratively, and what we are discussing - and for whom we are discussing it, please, well, i’ll start with the clever word that you said, actors, who is the actor of history, that is, i read us on telegram for a long time, i i knew it, we have been convinced for a long time recently that the actors are
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individuals and entrepreneurs who create new values, pay taxes and feed the people, in fact , historical actors are political nations, large social systems, formed and formalized in...
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the personality of the world ended, it was no coincidence that magherini said that europe is a cultural superpower now, because they are no longer a superpower, they are emptiness, the civilizational center of the west has moved across the atlantic puddle, this is absolutely certain, then there are values ​​in washington, and europe is an absolute satellite, that is, it is a communal apartment connected for this, we have that very ambiguous concept of the west, in general, it doesn’t matter where the center of this puddle is, whether it’s in washington, whether it’s in london or somewhere.
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from all the states in germany there were just
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colossal strikes against, but no, not all of them, i’ll jump over 99%, what didn’t work out there through the treaties, through this one that the usa is creating, they have two, they have one military bloc in the atlantic, nato , yes, the second aukus, they are creating in the pacific region, that is, what did not work out at the corporate level, they are formalizing it through military-political means, yeah, this is about the question of what the united states is doing, that is. any union, any national association begins with the announcement of the unity of political goals, but on the principles of a water truce it is impossible to create a long-term union, as we were sitting at the table just now, there is a good english saying, you can’t feed two hungry dogs with one bone, yeah, india and china will fight , turkey, they will start dividing something, it’s impossible, i i have difficulty providing, i imagine a fair multipolar world, that is, when after the second world war three people sat down and agreed and divided the world, i understand when there are 28 people, and if there are
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158, despite the fact that it is clear that these three people are stalin, churcher luzvid divided the world more fairly than the nazis would have divided it, but in general they seemed to agree that this was fair, they were, let’s say, the main thing was they immediately fought, yes, firstly, they immediately fought, and secondly, even before that how they fought, in general, not everyone agreed, and many are still screaming, the poles are screaming there, which means the balts are screaming there, well, a lot of people. well, that’s why for me this is precisely putin’s phrase that on the one hand a multipolar world has taken place, for me this means that the unipolar world is falling apart, that is, we see this, but when he spoke about an active position, this means that that i said that any long-term alliance between states begins with the announcement of the unity of political goals, that is, the creation of a political and military bloc, including because any zone of trust, a newly formed zone, we see how the world is falling apart, right? into a zone of trust, and it can only exist in
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the security circuit, the one who will ensure the internal rules, oh, therefore, without announcing political goals, and they are sitting, this is what you asked all the questions, and none of them stated the real political, long-term goals, we are all for peace, against conflicts, let's live together like leopold, but this is, well, that is, you are now describing in clever words what i am a little being a fool, i first asked it as a question, because you asked a very high-quality question, and what is it that you... will introduce into this construction, which you described in more so-called political science terms, as soon as you add there, well , what i called a fight, or an element of this power confrontation. you described the north atlantic bloc aucus - this is a membership that is focused on the need, if anything, to fight, of course, any economy is, first of all, a rule, and the market is not a bazaar and bandits walking around i understand, this rule is contractual and valid, who ensures the implementation of these rules, the penitentiary system, and the sheriff with
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a pistol, customs authorities, judicial authorities, prison authorities, who creates them? within the framework, by the way, of these agencies that were proposed by the united states.
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sounds more based on the results of our discussion, like a formula that the main people who sit at this round table are against, there is no task to take the place of the west, yeah, there is no task to kill the dragon and become a dragon, yeah, that’s why they keep saying all the time, that’s why they they keep saying, against blocism, against this kind of hierarchically vertical pyramidal structures, we will not be the new ... leaders of the world, i really like this principle, but i, but i return to the question of how this principle will be embodied in life, this is historical creativity, they themselves talk about it, we are doing it right now at the door, says sidin pin to putin, we are doing something that no one has done in 100 years, there is an elementary concept
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of a traffic pyramid, an energy pyramid, which we must let's not go back we will not do what happened in the past and become another west. and by the way, a union of states is not obligatory vertical, call one union one union, name me such a globe in history, yeah, how many and not against but for.
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a just world, and there is a world built on other principles, that’s all that sounds, yes, like rhetoric, in fact, the most important, perhaps the most interesting question on the question of tectonic dimensions, is that we measure these new processes with the yardstick that we have with the yardstick of the past, perhaps , perhaps if it is addressed to in the future, perhaps these new, or rather these old measures, these old patterns, they are outdated. lost their relevance at the moment when the world that stood on them began to fade into the past, we even use old words, terms of the 19th century, to describe the reality of the 21st, that is, that is, this is a question, as you know, about the glass is half empty or half full, it is a question of whether we are
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conditionally here, and whether we measure where we are moving by the criteria of where we came from, because then we turn this into that.
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because putin already said at one time that legislation of one country, we should not
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impose our own country model on the world, he also said about america in the seventh year that the states tried to extend their country over the entire globe, they cracked, it didn’t work, well, look, that’s all, that’s all this is really without irony, i say, it’s very interesting and very important, because , well, understanding the framework of the process, it makes the movement within the process much more conscious, but how complex is the movement that we just tried so cavalry attack to discuss, to sort everything out, the fate of humanity, where we are moving, where we are from, and so on, but it’s clear from at least one example that this whole complex global process, for example, is now, well, let’s say, not that it’s stalling , but there you know, there’s some kind of ride, i don’t know, a skating rink or a car, and there like this... there’s a piece of stone lying there, it’s called ukraine, and he starts like that, because
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no one understands how this pass a pebble, this global skating rink with all the things to do, everyone is stalling on this, this is about the question of relationships, now a short advertisement and well, let’s talk about the pebble, because this beautiful global skating rink needs to roll somewhere, but something is wrong with this pebble, advertisement on the first channel. what happened there, denis, in fact, i didn’t want to, it happened by accident, you brought it on us , don’t touch me, i don’t want to see you, tosya, trouble, look what you did. i will wean you from your family. two shores, premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. rum,
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castra, a product of the stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. vodka. veta, a product of the stellar group. konya.
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kill all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel... confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov, let's gather
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the old choir. and take our favorite a major, we don’t have much nostalgia, because we tell me it seems that we live in such an atmosphere, for me it is something special, to be in russia for the first time in my life. not only fashion models, but also film directors go to paris. this is a very ancient method of telling parables and writing fables, so the content of my paintings obviously has not changed. i was amazed by what was on this man's death certificate. the last phrase: blood type zero, a very sharp turn onto the bridge, there is the tetuka river, it was as big as a cannon shot. motador, tomorrow on the first, shaggy, shemelya, fragrant, this city is very cinematic, and there is also a very
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interesting local dialect. hello kostruma, you're welcome. what kind of health do you need to have in order to live in a crooked sauna all year round, so she is always always young, always a granddaughter, and do you even know what summer is? no, if she didn’t consider me a moose calf, she wouldn’t have allowed me to give it here, it’s an extreme number, it feels like we’re about to splash down, we got together, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. neurophysiology is a young science and many discoveries have been made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalia petrovna bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem with a variety of different systems; it seems to try to solve all the most difficult situations. all my life i have seen my mother sit at the table and write, write, write. it was all related to the treatment. her
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task was to identify the disease. i remember when i told you. i went home with pride because i said that the tumor was in that place, and indeed it was in that place, she took care of the patients like a mother, she said, treat the patient as if she were your own she treated her closest relatives and employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters.
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but we came to the conclusion that all these global things, a change in the world order, a multipolar world and so on, at the present moment, somewhere here is this most powerful tectonic process, it is nevertheless swinging somewhere, well, or seems to be slipping, on such a small pebble, historical, such, what is called ukrainian...
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is it possible for a ceasefire along the line of combat contact with ukraine before the start of peace negotiations without preconditions, so that... at least in order to increase the chance of success, or is it also a subject of negotiations? thank you, yes, you know, i will remind you of some things, when our troops were stationed near kiev, we received an offer and even a persistent request from our western partners to cease fire, stop hostilities in order for there to be certain things were done on the ukrainian side, and we did it, it was like this...
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we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of these ceasefires in order to improve their position, rearm, replenish
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their army with the help of forced mobilization and be ready to the continuation of the armed conflict. we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that would not... yes, for the first time he voiced this circumstance, that it seems that not all ukrainian formations, that means they are subordinate to the central authorities, this is a very important nuance, but the nuance, in fact, listening to this answer, i was interested in
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this, in the last, well, probably not even weeks but days, this topic of ceasefire, as some kind of unconditional the condition of some negotiations, about which no one understands what kind of negotiation it is, it is being raised quite actively, and it is not for nothing that andrei kolesnikov asked this question to vladimir vladimirovich, because this topic exists, and orban came to kiev with this , that is, to the idiot kievsky, who continues to pretend that he is the president of ukraine, although he is not the president, by the way, putin spoke about this again today, by the way, he has already crossed out the supreme one from the list of legitimate counterparts for negotiations.
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like, mind you, this is not the first country, says this asshole, who talks about such possible scenarios of events, i don’t know what these other countries are, well, in general, we fight back, yes, moreover, it’s an interesting story that everyone continues this discuss, yes, that means it’s interesting, news appeared right during the program, they’re here right now, this not even news yet, but some kind of... story that when i went on air, the editors told me that the hungarian media began to write that tomorrow it was expected that viktor orban would go
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to moscow, which means literally a few days after he made an unexpected visit to kiev on tuesday, which means that this person who writes this was told about this by numerous western and european officials... er persons, and moreover, he says , as foreign minister peter siyarta, then, in parentheses - lavrov’s sidekick, well, that’s how it’s written in english, it’s not me who says that, lavrov’s sidekick. here he is coming too, however, now a statement has appeared, i was already on the air, they just brought it to me, peskov did not confirm or deny the possibility of orban’s visit to the russian federation tomorrow, i mentioned this only because of course, in general, that’s how it is we are talking about this topic in the public space, please tell me, this is the emerging topic of ceasefire as a condition for negotiations, despite the fact that no one understands who should deal with whom negotiations, in your...
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politically sophisticated opinion , what are they talking about? well, first of all, i understood why orban went to kiev, that there was an excuse, why he went to moscow, he needed to talk to sladimich, he says, i was in kiev there about nothing, but now we can talk at a normal session, well at the same time, we must also remember that in kiev he was already in the status of chairman of the european union, it’s already like that in moscow, he’s going to moscow as prime minister in hungary, frankly speaking, i think. traveled to kiev as a person who met with trump, and judging by everything, they talked so very well about something, orban after that was very much in rhetoric, he seemed to cheer up, cheer up, so, it means that kolesnikov really asked the question very competently, because, especially at the end, he said , or this is also the subject of negotiations, very competently, because according to the disposition, the situation now is like this, everyone says the word negotiations, yeah. the question is what, yeah,
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because what vladimir vladimirovich spoke about, we, by the way, changed the situation on the eve of the so-called conference in switzerland, yes, because vladimir vladimirovich rolled out the conditions for negotiations, that is, our position is the conditions under which negotiations are in principle possible, moreover, he set these proposed these conditions for negotiations, taking into account and he said about this that the next day,
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and a ceasefire, yes, this is a subject of negotiations, but these are not - not essential, these are not negotiations about peace, so - today my imaginative thinking is also working, yes, there is a table on which there is a sign, negotiations, so, and we are all around stood, there are chairs here, they tell us, sit down, uh, wait, you do this first, then i’ll sit down, what, what does the fact that we sat on these chairs oblige us to do, what are we, if we sit down, then we if there are two of them, then. then we are talking about the essence of the matter, because that’s all, it was not for nothing that lavrov clarified a few days after putin’s speech that these are minimalist, these are minimum demands, not maximalist, because the maximum will be at the negotiations, should i understand you like that what do you mean by all these levels? negotiations, about negotiations, about the terms of negotiations about negotiations, but nevertheless you tell me that a certain negotiation track in the broad sense of the word... again
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becomes a kind of central part, around which yes, yes, yeah, yes, but of course , sitting opposite us at these negotiations will be someone other than ukraine, of course, this is understandable, although formally, perhaps, one of the not will be sitting, this is ukraine, we will resolve the issue on ukraine at the coffee break, there will be others negotiations, can the west agree to this, this is the main question, our the task is to force him to do this, because, by the way, the question is: about this, who will force whom to do what, here is zelensky, who, i think, understands everything perfectly well, or his advisers understand, most likely british, american , why is this, what is all this about, he - in fact, against this background, he puts forward this, let ’s say, argument, which i think looks interesting about who will sit on these negotiations, what will be discussed, listen, the war has been going on for the third summer
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it looks like your counter-offensive has been delayed, how long will this stalemate last ? this is not a stalemate, it's just a problematic situation. we have brigades without weapons, we have reserves, we have 14 understaffed brigades that do not have the appropriate weapons, which have already been voted for, which have already been talked about, packages should arrive, but they are coming, unfortunately slowly, we are grateful to congress for support, but it should all come, we cannot talk about counter-offensives.
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and mayonnaise and as if we are not meat yet skewers and a barbecue, yes skewers, a barbecue here, but it’s not clear where it is, so there will be onions, mayonnaise and so on, as if we’ll marinate, fry, no, but he says the meat, i chopped it up, but it won’t be a barbecue until you don’t give me this, and this is the question again, he is seriously talking about some military actions for which he needs armor, or is it within the framework of this bargaining, who is sitting at the table, what is being bargained about, and so on and so forth. this was done for the report, so that this report goes to the boss’s desk in washington, we are ready to fight, but then it’s for give money, weapons, we have 28 thousand brigades there , corps and army, and no one will check whether they exist or not, and you just give us weapons for 28 armies, and we are like now, like we
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are like this, and if you don’t give it, it means you don’t want it, then it’s your fault that we are losing, this brilliant conversation, thanks once again to our main ones... can’t take place, they can’t afford it, negotiations on conditions are still ongoing, i understand that they will continue tomorrow, but real negotiations will begin after, what do you say about this whole negotiation history, in general , how much
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attention should we pay to it now, or is it just like, you know, just like we had this one yesterday in moscow a dry thunderstorm, something there somewhere on the horizon looks very impressive, but there is no rain. no, in the context of a dry thunderstorm, i would also pay attention to one recent incident, funny, tucker carlson, our old friend, wrote on his twitter that he seemed to have agreed on interview with zelensky and not right there, after some time zelensky’s press secretary said that, well, in a boorish manner, that they say he has other plans, that is. i draw a conclusion from this, well, tucker carlson would not have written about this if he had not agreed, but here, in principle, from the point of view of such, well, let’s say, a little hooligan western journalism, he could, if he used all
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the methods get zelensky, and for him this is of course very cool, he probably could, well, as i understand tucker cars, well, i won’t argue, the other, well, very, very little, well, i don’t know. well, okay, here’s my reconstruction of events: after all, after some talk about zelensky’s interview with tucker began, after that, from somewhere from the office of the democratic party, a call came to kiev , like, why are you standing next to them? we were forced to urgently roll back. i agree, this means this is much more like the truth than the fact that tucker was bluffing. i agree, well , again, this and that are just speculations, yes, it’s understandable, but nevertheless, that means that’s what i’m talking about, here look, biden leaked the debate, yes, that means it’s now being discussed, respectively, whether he ’s leaving, or whether to change him, it’s like these, these staff graters are going on, or he
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leaked the debate, so he’s definitely not leaving, because what he has to prove, there are a lot of rubs now, yes, something like that, something like that, on this in this in this in this behind the scenes.
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that’s all you need to understand about this stupid clown, that even in this he’s just a schizophrenic, i think that i think that, but this is an interesting moment, yes, well, he’s talking about the same thing, these are the strong steps that he says: grandfather, you leaked the debate there, well , maybe somewhere else you’ll jingle the remnants of what you once had, as it were testicles, and what’s ringing, because well , it’s like again about the same chance, the question is just out of desperation or is it just
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not, just what despair, and if it suddenly turns out that no one will check there anymore, because everyone will be busy with the elections, but the decision on supplies will still be successful, because imagine what a profit, and it’s clear, it’s clear, this is so and so, if you look at it from this point of view, i didn’t look at it, but still, from a purely political technology point of view, after all, here’s what...
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you need to create noise behind the scenes, that’s all they go in different directions to talk when there is nothing to say, what to say, this is exactly what to say
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when there is nothing to say, here you are artyom, they said that, what kind of negotiations are these, what to talk about, not only what are these negotiations, who are these people with whom to talk, vladimir vladimirovich said, once they deceived, twice they deceived, there’s something there has changed, other negotiators have appeared there, well, judging by what we just discussed, everything has changed a lot, because they are no longer like people, they are the same people, these same people are deceiving us. cardinal interests will not change and it is no coincidence that the boy, he noted exactly absolutely , he actually hits the most painful place in america, yes, this is blackmail. america must show strength, because everyone believes in strength. that's when artyom, you talked about the pebble, ukraine, ukraine is not the reason and ukraine is not the solution the global conflict that we talked about arose, how all the world empires collapsed, they did.
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sc, they knocked out their people on the periphery, when it became clear to everyone that he couldn’t, it was clear that he couldn’t protect his people, everyone was from him, and with a click he just bang, and no one stood up, the same thing happens with america, it is losing resources, it cannot control the periphery, ukraine, this...
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they now, as they say, have nowhere to retreat, then the question arises that with ukraine they can resist to the last, because well, there is nowhere to retreat behind new york, that’s right, we are already in new york, and it sounded here that any negotiations are not with ukraine, and you asked the question, but the west will agree to this, because this. will mean the defeat of the west, and already now we see who is sitting at the round table, and a bunch of people, and if they still publish here back, and russia turns out to be the winner, a queue will form, a queue, these, these negotiations that have begun, is that what you think , russia will be the winner, no, i’m not talking about negotiations, i’m saying that ukraine is not a solution to problems, when in general the format for solving the ukrainian
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problem is not ukrainian, this was originally the swiss format. done, and we are starting all over again, we have a clean slate, the democrats and biden screwed up, hunter robbed there, from a clean slate, and this is a chance for them, this is a chance, however, i can imagine what is there, what hieroglyphs will be drawn on this a blank slate, considering that trump said this, also in general, i don’t know, so-so is also an option, well, time
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will tell, advertising. good afternoon, dear russians, my beloved russians. love in one's homeland is comparable to love for one's mother. my dream is to go on a trip with my whole family, with my younger brother, with my parents. swim on the volga, see our nature, admire our region. vagodonsk is the only city that has both a nuclear power plant, a thermal power plant and a gas station. mushrooms with eyes, come find out if this is true? a corner of russia, a home of our own, where there are blue fogs outside the window, where our russians are and the words of russian songs are, let comfort, prosperity and goodness reign in every home. i love
7:52 pm
you, russia. everything that they tell you, we are close, everything will be fine, so, so, so, guys, we are working, we are working, scumbag, fortune teller, today on the first, god forbid you get into the same situation, i would see how you... behaved in my place, it seems to me, i know, we were looking in the wrong place, we’ll gather the old choir and take our favorite lam major, we don’t have much nostalgia, because it seems to me that we live in such an atmosphere, for me it’s something... it’s special to be in russia for the first time in my life,
7:53 pm
not only fashion models go to paris, but also filmmakers, this is very ancient. method of telling parables and writing fables, so the content obviously of my paintings has not changed, i was amazed that in the death certificate of this person, the last phrase... cut group zero, a very sharp turn onto the bridge, there is a river, was as big as from guns shot, matodor, tomorrow on the first, the first channel is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of baikal, the amur mainline, just bravo.
7:54 pm
hello, what kind of delivery do you need? i cooked the kosiya myself, i have to work, thank you, go home, why, i need to return the plate, usual like this, and... in the yard from july 7 to sunday on the first veterinary mine with
7:55 pm
the wind, betrothed here, my family, the rest is all we, my parents' house, the beginning began, you are a reliable berth in my life. and let love repent in peace, as it was and so it will be again, as long as people live in the world, this is all my dear, it is somewhere in the depths, let's pray for our parents, for all the living and celestials, i will win you back, everyone else has the same thing.
7:56 pm
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7:58 pm
the usa is filled with even more content than ever before, because it finally needs to become one.
7:59 pm
back in arkansas, then the operators with the day us independence.
8:00 pm
don’t worry, do everything you ’re told, we’re here, everything will be fine, god bless you, it’ll be fine.


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