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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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has nothing to do with these houses, he is interested in exciting the public, while earning some points, this is damn, so i won’t talk to them anywhere, especially on some television talk show, go to a talk show with he says: no, no, no, no, no, what,
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for a period of time, well, at least they owe you some time were given when you will be moved out of this , we are not even on the register, how is that even possible? well, that is , we don’t know when we’ll get anything at all, okay, this house was included in the program, they say no, it didn’t, the investigative committee suggested that i go to court, go to the regional court, go to the supreme court, stages we have, i think in this case. with a colleague, together with colleagues, we can help you walk this path, they will not hear you, but perhaps the public will hear, we are with the experts now we discussed the point that we are ready to help you, write a statement, first of all , to the investigative committee, request all the documents, on what basis was this house put into operation, what documents are there
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in general for this house, how was it built? as i understand it, no one except the administration signed it, right, igor? well, you see, but such people really don’t like it, they really don’t like it when suddenly someone allows themselves to say something about them somewhere publicly, but we talked about it, we talk about it and we will talk about it further. good evening, the big game and i, vyacheslav nikolov, are live. an unexpected visit to moscow by the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. as it turned out, only the day before yesterday the hungarian side made a request for a meeting. the hungarian
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leader with vladimir putin, today this meeting has already taken place, at these moments there is a press conference following the meeting, at which both leaders answer questions from journalists, our editorial group is closely monitoring what is happening there, and the most interesting thing we will tell you we'll show you soon, but for now let's talk about how viktor orban's visit to moscow has begun, so... what did russian president vladimir putin say at the meeting? welcome to moscow, to russia. i understand that this time you have arrived not only as our long-time partner, but also as the chairman of the karpeian council. we will, i hope, have the opportunity to exchange views on building bilateral relations in this difficult situation. and of course, to talk about, in
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the prospects for the development of the european, the largest european crisis, i mean on ukrainian direction, it is unknown that quite recently, on the second, i think, of july , we were in kiev, we arrived here in order to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed in the kiev direction, in the ukrainian direction, but at your disposal, you are probably you know about my speech to the leadership of meade quite recently.
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and distinguishes between our two meetings, i am very grateful that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to receive me, i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to the other side of the conflict, will rapidly reduce. it must be said that immediately after the first meeting, which was followed by a business breakfast, viktor orban posted photographs on facebook. meetings with the inscription peace is what needs to be achieved. on our part, he commented, the first comments were from viktor ushakov, they were very restrained, positive, i would say, he stated that the russian federation perceives
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orban on his trips to moscow as the prime minister of hungary, but no one removed his powers as chairman council of the eu. well, of course, uh, very interesting visit. because viktor orban is indeed now the chairman of the council of the european union, the chairmanship there is carried out on a rotational basis, until the end of the year hungary is the chairman of the european union, well, in addition, viktor orban, in recent weeks, months he met with ex-president trump, with whom he on a friendly footing with sijinping, well now. he met with zelensky 3 days ago and today with putin, that is, in fact , he is turning into such a major political figure who can actually lead conversation with everyone on the world political stage, with everyone, well, with the exception, probably
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, of his colleagues in the european union, because the reaction to his visit here was quite, the reaction was quite sharp, well, let's see... what burel said, the visit of the prime minister minister viktor orbán's visit to moscow takes place on december 21, 2024, this does not entail any external representation of the european union. viktor orban did not receive a mandate from the eu council to visit moscow. the position of the european union regarding. russia's aggressive war against ukraine is reflected in many conclusions of the european council. this position excludes official contacts between the eu and president putin. thus , viktor orban does not represent the eu in any form. and indignant voices came from germany, where both chancellor scholz and
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the chairman of the buddhastag international affairs committee condemned the visit, who generally said that hungary should be deprived of the presidency of the european union. and of course , kiev reacted sharply negatively, which was also outraged by such a visit, in connection with the visit of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, to moscow, meade notes that the decision to carry out such a trip was made by the hungarian side without agreement and coordination with ukraine, how dare he, but in general it is of course an interesting situation, but now we have elena vladimirovna here representing the entire institution of europe.
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it seems that, of course, orban’s position is exceptional, and we’ll see what comes of this visit, and we’ll see how things will be in the european union after this visit, and whether the new leadership will listen to him or not, new old leadership, and so more s...
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the fact is that this is the first reaction that can be like this, then the circles in the water begin to disperse, not necessarily immediate. the country presiding over the eu does not have a mandate to interact with russia on behalf of the european union. the european council clearly
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states that russia is the aggressor, ukraine is the victim. no discussions about ukraine can be conducted without the participation of ukraine. no, well, then we asked a very specific question: discussions about ukraine, and europe and russia should be conducted without the participation of russia, as they quite recently they organized this, they organized a conference in switzerland, where russia was not present and for some reason they discussed it.
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undoubtedly dominant now in europe, there is a party of peace, to which viktor
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orban belongs, and it must be said that this party of peace, it is now gaining strength, this was shown by the elections to the european parliament, these were shown by the latest elections in france, where clearly anti-war forces won top of macron's ensemble. therefore, yes, viktor orban does not represent the opinion of the european union and the european one. commission, european bureaucrats, he represents hungary and those countries that and those forces within european countries that are not interested in escalating tensions with moscow, so from this point of view i think the visit is important, and to some extent it is of such a precedent nature, here we are - now we have the opportunity to show you the first questions at the press conference held by the president... putin and prime minister orban, let's listen to how we see
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the state of affairs, including taking into account what we heard today from mr. prime minister in kiev still ready, no ready to abandon the idea of ​​waging war to a victorious end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not allow the very idea of ​​cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext for extending martial law disappears, and if necessary. to change the military situation, which means that we will have to hold elections that never took place on time for the presidential elections, but the chances of winning them, for the ukrainian, ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy, are close to zero, our peaceful initiatives were outlined quite recently at my meeting with management ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, its implementation, it seems to us, would make it possible to stop hostilities and begin...
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for a fairly detailed consideration in the course of possible joint work, that is, putin has outlined our position, it is sufficient in my opinion.
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communication about the visit, but barel, in general, his position is to conduct this kind of task-oriented negotiations, which means that he was bypassed by the development of events, but how will he react, that ’s how he reacted, that is here, and of course, his negative attitude in general towards russia, towards our position, and such aggravation of feelings that he
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has no practical contact line, no one really notices or recognizes it now. and with orban things went very interestingly, and it is unknown, by the way, how the matter will end, perhaps orban has already calculated everything, that we need to start, we need to start somewhere, we need to start with the fact that, well , first of all, to hear the parties, before than to offer something, and then look for some specific, specific solutions, as for us, you see how quickly vich putin responded to...
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personally responds now, now the fifth day has already been going on like this, he is responsible for what is called the agenda for holding high-level meetings, so he, naturally , he as a person, he as a performer, he must prepare, he prepares the agenda, and he began to prepare the issue that is the most alarming, the most important.
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good evening, yes, these are exactly the negotiations that took place in moscow, including reflects the current situation on the battlefield, it is no coincidence that the president’s statement that peace can be concluded after ukraine withdraws troops from the territory of donbass and novorossiya, and if they do not do this voluntarily, these tasks will be solved militarily and they will gradually are decided, if you look along the front line, then at zaporozhye. directions our troops continue to exert pressure on the rabotinsky ledge north of the orekhov direction, on the vremevsky ledge our troops continue attacks to the north from staromayorsky in the direction of makarovka, and battles continue for the central part of urozhainy, in the ugledar direction battles continue in the direction of the konstantinovka-ugledar highway on the outskirts of konstantinovka, in krasnogorovka there are noticeable
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advances both in the northwestern and northeastern parts of the city, the enemy by... a very difficult situation for the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​new york and zerzhinsk, today there were advances on the southern outskirts of new york, there are also battles in the area of ​​​​the heights that were occupied in the southern part. new york also our troops took part of the high-rise buildings and private sector in kirov, this is the outskirts of zerzhinsk, there are also intensified battles here, the enemy has not yet been able
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to stabilize the defense, despite the fact that reserves are now being successfully transferred here, in chassofir, our troops continue to expand the zone of control in the area of ​​the kanal microdistrict, there are battles for the area of ​​the bridge across the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, and there are also battles for the eastern part of the village of kalinovka on... on the northern ledge, our troops continue to attack north of razdololovka in the extraction area, and this means that in the krasnolimansky direction our troops continue to conduct opposition battles in the serebryansky forestry near the village of terny, it is worth noting that yesterday a very strong blow was dealt to the red estuary, serious enemy forces were covered there in the city itself, which means our svatovo-kupiansky direction troops are making progress in the stylmakhovka area. and fighting continues in the eastern part of the village of makeevka, our attacks also continue in the area of ​​petropavlovka and ivanovka, and well, in the kharkov direction our troops have improved their
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positions, having returned a number of oporniks in the area of ​​​​leptsa and glubokoye, and also continue their fierce street battles in volchansk itself for the central part of the city, that is, the battles there are still going on for every house, in general, with initiatives, the enemy recognizes the existence of a number of crisis situations , trying somehow... resolve them, but so far he hasn’t been able to do it. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhensk, as always, accurate information from the fronts of a special military operation. well, after the commercial we will continue to follow the press conference putin and orban and talk about the elections, which ended today in the uk, are ending in iran, and continue in the united states after advertising. girl, girl, dark night, raspberries, raspberries,
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mother, i dance, dance, but where is the heart that will love me, the neighbors are sleeping. fantastic after the program, time to gather the old choir and take it. favorite a major, we don’t have much nostalgia, because it seems to me that we live in such an atmosphere, for me it’s something special, to be in russia for the first time in my life. people go to paris not only
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fashion models, but also film directors. this is a very ancient method of telling parables and writing fables. therefore, the content of my paintings obviously has not changed. i was amazed that in the death certificate of this person, the last phrase is blood type. there was a very sharp turn on the bridge, there was a river there, there was a shot as big as a cannon. motador, today on the first. at the entrance to the legendary bam village, the star greets us with this wedge heel. 50 years ago, the pioneers got here on it, and they landed there on the banks of the tayura river. there was no one here then bridges, no roads, just one continuous... winter taiga, in cold weather, at 50 and 53°, in rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach
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the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is there, but the horizon is leaves, and you are chasing after him, we had a group of 13 people, a year later from these thirteen there were five left, a year later from these thirteen there were two of us left, that is , get used to this road, get used to the routine, to the inclines. i saw what an earthquake was, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy, for the tunnels, is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, tomorrow on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our heart hasn’t broken, do you know how it breaks, that’s all? gives and pulls the elbow, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good
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your training is... sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or do you have a second very a well-thought-out option for escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service and have him come to the control room immediately. and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer , suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, opposition to the prime minister. legendary book
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yuliana semyonova. big game live. the press conference of the president of the russian federation, putin, and the prime minister of hungary, orban, following the results of the working visit of the hungarian prime minister, has just ended. minister to moscow, well, let's listen to another statement from our president. dear ladies and gentlemen, taking into account the fact that hungary has been presiding over the council of the european union since july 1, mr. orbán and i exchanged views on the state of affairs in relations between russia and the european union, which are currently at their lowest point. we talked about possible principles of the future,
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possible too. security architecture in europe. in general, the negotiations were very timely and, i think, useful for both sides. of course, mr. prime minister presented the generally familiar western point of view, including from the point of view of the interests of ukraine. nevertheless, we are grateful to mr. prime minister for visiting moscow. we perceive this as an attempt to restore the dialogue and give it some additional impetus.
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i told mr. president that the greatest development of europe happened precisely in the peaceful decades, now in europe we have been living in the shadow of war for 2.5 years, and this is causing enormous difficulties in europe, we cannot feel safe, we see pictures of destruction and suffering, and this war began already have an impact on economic growth on our competitiveness, in general, as i already said, mr. president, europe needs peace. it turns out that he came because their competitiveness there has fallen, economic problems have worsened, or something else, well, firstly, i agree with my colleagues that this meeting will really set off circles, yes, so to speak, in the water, it’s probably too early to sum up its results, i think that orban acted very rationally very pragmatically, taking advantage of his status as chairman
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of the eu presidency.
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so to speak, this is already a clear example of friends, this is the loss of the european auto industry almost completely of the russian market, they lost, so to speak, to the chinese one, and so on. there are a lot of questions there for italy, i think, the loss of the russian market is simply colossal, so to speak, in all nomenclatures that you can imagine and so on, so i think that while denying this visit on behalf of the european union at the level of the brussels bureaucracy, i am nevertheless almost sure that there will be leaders of european states who will call orban, find out how and what can be improved and what is available.
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there is no hope for this, but today, as i said, is the day of the big elections, in britain the election results have already been summed up, but probably even for us more important are the elections that are now taking place in iran, the second round of presidential elections, early elections in connection with the death of president risi, two candidates who represent, in general, different wings of the iranian elite. on the one hand, sayat jelili, who represents, well, such a conservative elite, close to ayatalia khiminei, and masoud pedashkian, who is considered a representative of the reformist wing, and rather such
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northern regions of iranian azerbaijan, that is, there is a contradiction between them, the debates that took place in iran were much more meaningful than those debates. which took place in atlanta between biden and trump, and indeed, this is how important the outcome of these elections is for the fate of iran and for the fate of our relations with this country, it is important for the fate of iran and for our relations, i would say for certain very important trends in general in the islamic ummi, although the majority are sunnis, there are fewer shiites, but similar. processes are underway, so either take a tougher line, in particular in religious issues, family issues, and so on, and this is people’s lives, or to be guided by the fact that maybe in
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some fundamental issues this principledness should be formed, in others, which is connected with everyday life like this, and so on, and to follow the path of reform, here pezheshyan, he just represents... the second line , the line on what is conventionally called, maybe not very accurately, liberalization, liberalization, that’s the difference of a million votes, it’s quite big, it means that after all, the majority of the population is inclined to look for some reform methods here's more state development, social development, development of family relations, this is very important, because something like this...
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is already ours before bombay, this is in red, it is marked on our map, we are really concerned about the prospects for the development of transport corridors, the prospects for the participation of other countries ,
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but for example, yesterday putin met with the emir of qatar and he confirmed qatar’s interest in participating in this project, north-south, and of course an important factor in relations between iran and... israel, so, as far as i understand, this reformist candidate is even a tougher position towards iran than israel, than its more conservative competitors, that's in relation. the result will be a rather tough position,
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no matter who wins, because well, in general , the iranian elite and the general population, in general, have a very negative assessment of the american line, while they believe that this is personal evidence of what is happening in gas, what kind of people is it even hypothetically difficult to imagine that with these people it was possible...
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to hug zelensky, he will definitely lose the next parliamentary or presidential elections without exception, so zelensky’s curse is absolutely in effect, we see a large list of people who have already suffered from these hugs, but the result of these elections was the largest defeat of the conservative party, probably in the entire history of elections in the uk, they say, in the last 200 years. .. low - the tories never fell, they fell greatly, and
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absolutely impossible events happened, yes, for the first time a prime minister could not be re-elected in her constituency, lis tras became the first in british history a prime minister who lost in his own constituency, a crushing defeat, well, it must be said that he is already the leader of the iborists. visited king charles ii, received his blessing and took over his office at 10 downing street. actually, i think, already in the evening sunok had collected his little things from there. this is such a change of power, here is the new face of british power, new to us, i think, to the majority of our television viewers, well, let’s listen to what he said today following the results of his victory. our country
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has voted decisively for change. national renewal, through our actions we must restore trust in politics, our country needs a reset and a rediscovery of who we are, because no matter how strong the storms of history have been, one of the main characteristics of our nation has always been the ability to continue our path to calm waters, still a lot depends on politicians, especially those who advocate... then starmer already hugged zelensky in february of twenty-three, not yet in
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the status of prime minister, you know, not so much the liberists won, how many conservatives lost, all polls showed that the british were not at all delighted with the labor party and starmer, he does not have charisma, he is considered very boring,
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votes and one seat in parliament, now 14-15% of the votes, four seats in parliament, comparable to the liberal democrats, who finally got out of the minibus,
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they said that their faction was so large that they could all fit in the minibus, now they are getting somewhere around 60. 70 seats, despite the fact that that votes were cast for them somewhere 12-13%, that is, much less, is this - does this have any significance for relations with our country? no, it doesn’t, because with the libarists everything was clear in this regard for a long time, they declared, everything was written down in their program that they would support. regime until the victory of ukraine, and, accordingly, russia is a colossal threat, and it needs to be counteracted, so nothing will change in this regard. britain, how big is its role in supporting ukraine? very seriously, of course, because the british, of course, they do not have such large
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armed forces, but they have a very decent military-industrial complex and very decent special forces and intelligence services. these are the special services, they actually operate openly on the territory of ukraine, it should be noted that they even have conflicts with the americans, and they control various political groups, and it should be noted that the british are precisely the most significant and most the vile operations carried out in the ssu against russia are usually a british development, i would like to note that recently, literally just yesterday, they covered quite a lot...
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just like the conservatives in the uk or like biden in the usa. how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio. it was some kind of impulse. i was the first to confess my love, told him that i loved him, and he hung there for a while and asked me why? without you. your accident is very serious, it was ira, the person who brought you back, yes, ira brought you back, i had post-traumatic epilepsy, 7 years old, my first husband drove me to the journalist who was supposed to interview me, this was 58 years ago, is still interviewing me, sasha, how you confessed your
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love, it was disgusting, it seems to me, girls, i say, let's argue, that's what i want . a month and he will be with me, like all this, probably, if i had not married him at the age of 18, then i am no taller, but why are you so serious, are you afraid that i will tell something, i remembered, no , tomorrow on the first, volga, sun, how beautiful, the first name of volgograd is tsaritsin, it... was founded in 1589, this place is called the main height of russia, the mother’s homeland cannot be considered in isolation, this is a kind of story that, as we walk... up the steps, we gradually open it like a book, the water is cold, in principle it’s tolerable, little dolls, little dolls, and you have the same size, give me
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240 pieces, wow, that's a buyer, i'll make a green salad with crayfish tails, almond dressing and what do you think, mustard bridge, what a great guy you are, i'll have a wonderful roulette of pike perch, green peas on top, tomato film on top flowers, you decided take up floristry, learn a new profession. premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday at the first, for the anniversary of zhanna friske. zhannochka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very little, she was born like that, mom, here is your artist. we gave 50 concerts a month, but we already joked that if we get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, then what... happened to me and what is happening to me, i didn’t even dream about it . cute, everyone is wildly
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jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky, very looks like one actress, i’m telling you this honestly, it’s you, really, i, zhanna, was at the very, very top, a superstar, an unattainable dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition for the circus, i came all in... well, zhana, well , maybe you don’t need it, how you don’t need it, no, you need it, i want, i want me to succeed, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, and she’s so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, she’s great, the premiere is on sunday at the first, well, shall we go home, edgarova?
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well, search, search, maybe you will find someone, zafara has two sons, already adults, excuse me, but what is your last name? colomba, who i haven’t called yet, only interpol remains, i didn’t give him my sweatshirt, what do we have with registration, stand, police, police, maybe you can show your gun, but what about us? in the yard from july 7 to sunday on the first, this is my
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television family, and each of us also has our own family, and we also each have the family of our parents, in which we grew up and became people, this whole year has been declared the year of the family, a today is also the day of love, family and fidelity, we will celebrate... and we will tell you a lot of important and interesting things in the program to live healthy on july 8th on the first, humor is the most important thing in our life: you can’t live without a smile, when you smile, that’s all coming... a sense of humor is always appropriate, but you need to
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know in what moments. laughter prolongs life, laughter is an emotion and laughter energizes us for a new achievement. there is food on the table, cucumber and potatoes, i’m not afraid to work, smiles and something human. happiness, russia, we love you, a big game on the first, let’s not cheat on ourselves, it’s friday, so the hit parade of american train wrecks, well, someone might say, well, there are trains everywhere with... there’s nowhere in the states where 3-4 trains go a day,
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there’s nothing like that in one country in the world, even the most underdeveloped. means that the american infrastructure is really bursting at the seams, a good illustration, north seu city, south dakota, this is a railway bridge, the main railway bridge, which just fell, it is 100 years old, this bridge, this happened a long time ago, not yesterday, no one yet not he is even going to repair this bridge, and there are also plans for restoration. like this. matheson, illinois. more than twenty carriages of a freight train collided with the rails, which is why residents were asked to leave the area, they were evacuated, simply because they did not know what was in these cars, but it turned out that there was nothing so poisonous there, fortunately for the residents. elward, iowa, 11 cars, two locomotives of a freight train were derailed due to flooding on the railroad
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tracks. detroit, michigan - no time industrial capital, now the capital of the rust belt of the united states, at a crossing, two cars derailed. muscatine county, iowa, one person was injured after a train derailed, as you can see, well, there aren't really any tracks there anymore. of course, the infrastructure of the united states is behaving in extreme ways. unreliable, in addition, now they have summed up the statistics - train robberies, yes, the favorite plot of westerns, train robbery, so, there were 1,183 cases of attack, theft of cargo from trains in 2023, on average the robbery cost $587,000, so
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the tradition of cowboys and indians continues, what 's going on with them? well, yes, but apparently it’s not trains loaded with gold that are stolen, but, like in esterna’s films, probably containers, something, yes, something with beer, yes, you understand, this is a whole bunch of problems, in fact, a totality, in fact, the absence of a certain, well , so to speak, unified railway system in the country, private railways, like any private company , save on something, save on investments, save on costs, so it's sooner or later. also leads to the fact that the railway track wears out and leads to such problems, a lot, which you also paid attention to this many times, the presence of unequipped railway crossings, transitions, plus , so to speak, the hot temper, so to speak, of the american, so to speak, residents states with the most intense railway traffic, where it occurs quite actively, we also talked about this, these are
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the states where the main traffic is concentrated. transport and cargo with containers, but also another feature of american railways, by the way mattison, who was shown, you can see there that in general the tanks are not so harmless, liquid petroleum gas is written there, that is, the notorious sludge so-called, that's what, in general, hydrocarbon fuel is also unsafe, but this is an eternal dispute in the usa to build. whether internal pipelines or transporting everything by rail, they carry a significant volume - oil and petroleum products are transported by rail, this is their feature, and construction - so to speak, their main pipelines stopped, so the combination of problems, which suggests that they have not been solved for years, ultimately lead to these consequences. yes, well , biden is sure that everything is fine with him, the economy is simply booming by leaps and bounds,
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though here disney decided... not to give money to the democrats until biden is removed, and biden was advised to speak more in the media so that show his great powers, so he began to speak, first he made a statement on the radio, which not everyone understood, but for some reason he considers himself a black woman. by the way, i'm proud that, as i said, i'm the first vice president, the first black woman to serve. july he performed, of course, everything was as it should be, he read from the monitor, but then he suddenly decided something - to perform spontaneously, they tried to drag him away, they failed, that’s what he said: you caught me, buddy, i’m not
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going anywhere, finally, one more thing. you know, when i was a senator, i thought that there were always traffic jams on the roads, but now there are no more traffic jams, we go onto the highway and there are no congestion, to silence me, they say: we just blocked it. changes for him, but in britain in general, well , biden, they won’t support trump, it’s clear that biden, right?
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as obama said, the end of the line, there is still no agreement, it’s clear, so biden is not the most beloved figure for them and biden treated britain very rudely during the celebration of the anniversary of the belfast agreement, oh well... biden really doesn’t have much now there are sympathizers within the country, but now they are making a big bet, republicans, including democrats, are in favor of the jewish community, and are now passing a bill to deprive
5:59 pm
universities that have pro-palestinian movements of their licenses. well, this shows, of course, what kind of obscurantism things have reached. but the assessments there are completely varied and in general discord, of course , begins on these issues, in public opinion and those at the top, it is felt that in all directions, starting from trains, train traffic and ending with the directions of such scientific and other cultural, cultural trends, some is going on...
6:00 pm
is very, very sad for a large number of english people, so hugs with zelensky don’t help much here, it doesn’t matter to people, but our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours , we pass the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, here is the main topic. frank and helpful dialogue.
6:01 pm
negotiations between vladimir putin and...


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