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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  July 7, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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well, there is, of course, and you can somehow draw this parallel between the characters in the film who, of course, we have in real life, well, it is believed that since you are a military man, we necessarily behave somehow more carefully, well, this is the army, that’s all -after all, you are an officer, but there are moments when they don’t see us, or if you get to know us better, we have the same humor, maybe even more than the one who always behaves so relaxed, with a smile, but in life it can be -
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theoretically , i think, yes, psychologists are possible if you get to know them, after all, the tests that they they give, you can play along, but then there is a long process, so i prepared for my first flight for 8 years, in 8 years i had already been thoroughly studied and many who were selected were already in the cosmonaut corps, were undergoing training, they had already failed or, well, retired aside, later, well, for example, in the entire history of astronautics, only half of the cosmonauts who... were fully trained, flew into space at least once, that is, i’m the 111th cosmonaut there, i have a diploma of almost 200, there are those who were in space for 25 years team of astronauts were preparing, it was their same a dream, maybe from childhood, to fly, but they never did, it’s a sad story, it’s some kind of lifelong trauma, just in my opinion, but some of them ended very badly later, so we came together on the same day, but there they pass years, but i spent 20 years there, four long flights as commander. well, that’s it, people recognize me, but this
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man, he went through everything with me, it seems to me that he was no worse than me, he was also physically and mentally, he also took tests, but for some reason he didn’t get in, the reasons are unknown, this is well there are many of them, they are different and medicine, psychology, there are some personal problems, i was just unlucky, i ended up in a program that was closed there, a dead end, he was transferred to another program, it was closed again, time passes, a person grows up, health is natural. i was preparing for this just like our hero from konstantin’s second film, and how the idea for this film was born years later, because at some moments, well, to be honest, i was even scared. when i watched it, it
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seemed like such a horror, yes, especially in this scene of the main character’s nightmare, when the house is like an umbilical cord pulling him back, he can’t tear himself away, and in general, of course, my film is much more dramatic, despite the outward simplicity of the picture, it is much more complex in themes, even more of a question in the second, how he eats, how he well, in general, the most practical thing is no, wait, he ’s an astronaut, maybe we’ll see an excerpt, yes, so that the audience, the most difficult task is in the back.
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not deliberately by accident, everything is conscious, as yuri borisevich narshten says, some kind of divine mistake may happen, something is wrong there, some kind of glitch, but still leave this glitch or change this conscious decision, all the same, of course, here it is, here it is, yes, how will he eat it, well , it’s a pity how he eats, how he doesn’t try to breathe, i don’t know, if i spent so much time in a spacesuit, my reputation would wear off, and what is the maximum time you can spend in a spacesuit, dependence on the spacesuit, this one is more like ... the fan that we go into outer space, but i went out and this is a record, well , there are still 8 hours, i think 13 minutes, wow, this is in outer space, we’ll add another hour there there, well, somewhere around 10 o’clock, excuse me, it’s in diapers, in principle we wear them, but we don’t go, 10 hours is enough, you can be patient, and somehow, by the way, there was no such thought, well, i don’t know, it’s normal everything was there, the spacesuit in which we are in is in a spaceship,
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but it is already there with food, with airflow, you can sit there longer, yes, but still you definitely couldn’t stand it for a day, without really opening it, but why a spacesuit in a spaceship? ? had to fly without spacesuits, the first crew were able to fit three seats, but at the same time i flew without spacesuits normally in tracksuits, the second time when i returned, we lost a volunteer volkov, after that everything was taboo. no matter how the ship is designed, no matter what the race, everyone flies in a spacesuit, whether here or abroad, and there are probably children’s spacesuits somewhere in the store , but i haven’t seen it yet, we haven’t sent children yet , but there is such an idea, but in general children will someday be sent into space, step by
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step, we are getting closer to the fact that space will be accessible to everyone, now people are flying who they want to fly, but they have money, there are people who want to, don’t want to, well, some... happy accident, well, like a film director and an actress flew, so step by step we are closer to the universe, like aviation, aviation, not i know, 110-120 years in general, and 120 years ago, when everyone looked at this iron bird, they could not imagine that a normal person could fly, they only thought of people like i don’t know, chkalov, groms, such seasoned men, celestial beings , only they can fly on such creatures, but what can't an ordinary person sew normally? i just bought a ticket, no one asked for a health certificate, the main thing is it all depends on where you want to fly, correct me, it seems to me that i’m right, the feeling is that the two components of a flight into space are physical, yes, psychological, that’s physical , it seems to me that, in principle, it
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is in the background and the first is psychological, this is difficult, probably the most difficult, there was nothing difficult, firstly, it was my dream since childhood to fly into space, when i got there i saw it. ..
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some unexplored planets, although of course i would fly with my heart, but there is no such thing, i called the ground when the flight ends and you say, i ask for an extension at my own expense, there was no, there were other cases, my two flights were just extended, yes, then there was an extension, and the first time it was extended for 2 months, and the crew, there were only three of us at the station, i was an american, an italian and...
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jumped all over the station, the american started a little, he had some business, and he he had already flown in, i had things to do, well, in principle , the crew was ready to fly further, american i may even have set some kind of record there, but literally before boarding, they also called me and said, anton, it’s the may holidays, we don’t want to keep people on the may holiday, we’ll let you out 3 days earlier, you’re like, i say, right here it’s bad, i say, here what i can say is that the crew will be dissatisfied, this is immediate, so you yourself... tell me, let me not speak as a commander. i have a question: if we talk about time, the future, the past, this film can be considered a prequel, that is, a story that tells the events preceding the first film, or is it part of the same universe, or
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are these completely different stories shot in the same style, how do they relate to each other, your one film and the other? it seems to me that the advantage of this diptych is that the films are connected in everything... even in terms of themes, as i said, they are different and this is wonderful, you can watch each film separately from each other and not even know anything about the existence of the second film, it seems to me this is a big plus, and what’s interesting is that i don’t remember being in pain above the title we can’t live without space, it was immediately at the level of an idea, from somewhere, with the second one, i didn’t go through everything, i didn’t try it, i didn’t have this version, it doesn’t even occur to me how much though i already had the plot in my head, but i was almost finishing the film and... suddenly , in despair, i remember calling my friend, colleague dima vysotsky, and saying: dima, come up with
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something, save me, maybe you’ll quit some version, and i remember how i felt on the phone, i found him somewhere, he was almost going in, or getting ready, or going out somewhere, that is, on the run, and he did this, apparently, to get rid of me, well, knowing about the previous film, he joked, he couldn’t live without space, that’s how it is it’s just that i didn’t even have a version like this. moreover, a little later , when this excitement settled down, that the title was found, everything connected at once, the two films came together, here it is, a diptych, i suddenly realized this important thing, the last one, the title of the second film, he cannot live without space, even more precisely than the title we do not we can live without space, by the first film, but with the first film i couldn’t do anything, and by the second i couldn’t refuse such a tasty morsel, by the way, anton, there is a shot... in the first film, like two astronauts, in front of the rocket, before the dive, yes,
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before the launch, they take photographs on the site using a poleroid photograph, i did this for the plot, it was important to me, well, because the photograph as an artifact plays a certain role in this story, but then i found out who was for me - he said that, in principle, they are not astronauts, not pilots they don’t do this, it’s a bad sign, but for pilots, it’s great. i thought that because this, this tragic mistake was theirs, including, it’s true, not the pilots, yes, i’m like a professional pilot, yes, we don’t take pictures before the flight, we’ll arrive, then we’ll calmly take a picture, this, this is there, we cannot help but take photographs of the astronaut, because from the very moment of exit there is a photo, video recording, now , in fact, in soviet times everything was still on such a hiatus until the rocket was successfully launched or landed. the crew doesn't care about him they talked about this stage of the flight, now they are broadcasting live, we know who will fly, i
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can say who is planned next year, this was not allowed before in soviet times, the americans, even the launch to the moon, they showed from the very start who would fly, everyone watched the start itself, so now there is no such thing, everyone calmly takes photographs, but from the film it was, of course, clear that such a photograph was needed in order to understand all this later, for the anniversary.
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traces of my feet on the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puski pales, when i’m not will. next sunday on the first. this is a space history podcast, we continue the conversation with konstantin bronzit, anton shkablerov and stanislav didinsky are with you. they say there is a tradition of watching the white sun of the desert before a flight, is this true? yes, she stayed like that and recently i
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found out that this is our second year of cross -flights, and we started flying.
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there will already be a documentary film, this is a different type of cinema, so we will be careful with this, your second film almost made it to the oscar race, but it didn’t make it to the list until the final last last step was not enough, what went wrong, very simple, when i realized that the title would be he can’t live without space, i knew that for the oscar i buried my film, but i didn’t care,
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i didn’t care about the title, that’s it this whole valuable game was more important, and why did i bury it, because at the oscars... in the category of short animation, short animation, yes, they don’t like minimal serialization, i know that, there were precedents similar, i was surprised, i appreciated it, nothing itself, the film made it to the shortlist, then they did notice him, they voted for him, and even there there was some kind of hope, but not strong, they are just a name, yes, and some academician friends wrote to me there, that kostya, the name still gets in the way, i say , i know, well, that’s it, i can’t do anything ...
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oh, by the way, yes, in the context of what was said, indeed, this is an ideal environment for creativity, because no one bothers you there, that’s true, ah, but i i'm afraid my human feeling, mundane, is that space, forgive me, anton, space is hostile to man, there is nothing for us to do there, we we can explore, this advances science and so on, but we will never live there, we will fly there, do something, explore something, but the hostility of space towards us, in my opinion, is absolutely, it is a black lifeless space, absolutely cold, i think we need to look for something here on earth, here is our home, but what about the colonization of other planets similar to earth, beautiful science fiction, so far science fiction, i’m very 50 years old, not 50 years old exactly, yes stanislav, well, first of all
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, of course, i would like other directors to fly there, they’ve finally filmed some new films there, so we’ll really go there like tourists. space tourism should definitely develop a feeling of weightlessness - this is a feeling that probably every person should experience in their life, that’s exactly it. the film "we can't live without space" talks about this. thank you very much and i remind you that today our guest was the director and animator, konstantin brandit, and i
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, as co-host of this program on the history of film animation, stanislav didinsky. and permanent host, pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, it was a podcast called space stories. you can watch all episodes of the space stories podcastlab project on the website
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long live the gift festival!
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look at the sea, i’ll tell you guys how i’m lying, i won’t give a damn, it’s very hot on the beach, if i’m lying on the day, i’ll run.
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oh, and where are you hearing this? the little piglet laid an egg and carried it to a high birch tree, and the birch tree broke off, but the egg was broken, oh where is this view of where it fell, ahopa is on the river, there he is in a boot, twisting the long ones. ulsy at his place, the fox plays the trumpet for the wolves, he rocks the little pig, while the mother flies,
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it seems that we are starting. so, the traditional sea fun aqua starts in the village of loo at our festival begin. hurray, everyone, everyone is trembling, trembling. one of them has already failed ahead of time.
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and this hints to the maestro that we first need to introduce our aquaband, the city, the city of novosibirs, hurray, comrades, so we’ll probably ask this team to step back a little, let’s start with this wonderful team, this team is called, team squid, our squid is better
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everyone, has a lot of legs, can cheerfully play six harmonicas at once, we probably need to introduce the participants of the captain and geography , the captain of our team is the don cossack fyodor kuznetsov region, next we have ivanikhov.
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so the slippers are already lost, lost, torn, lost, a good start, the slippers are torn, still torn, cuttlefish is your way out, ready, by the way, we didn’t listen to their chant, there’s no chant, black sea flies in cuttlefish forward, forward, cuttlefish , no, it is worth noting that not a single belly suffered, did not fight back, did not fight off the stomach, not a single one, which means it’s not bad, let’s move on, so, we are preparing for the first competition, our competition is called - on someone else’s hump or
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a seahorse, or its third name, which is sweating, oh well, not in the pool apparently, attention, girls, ready, boys, ready, yes, the task is this, what team, all together? all three, so to speak, couples from the team will be here faster, so, let's go, come on, come on, and friend, so that, come on, the last barrel, come on, come on! listen, the two people have gone their separate ways, it seems at the same time, yes, because someone with his hand, someone like that, someone with his head, you could see from the balcony who was first, in parallel or what, equally, no, yes,
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both teams won, score, score 1:1, hurray, okay, i grew up in belarus, i love to sing and dance, i played and played harmony. a varona sits on a bitch, yes, a krychytsya pair of steam, our weighty lads, little of them ate, mashkara, i don’t need other people’s boasts, but
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a piece of bread, and a piece of lard, when the soul of may danced, oops the sea is black or white, without i won’t be able to live through it, and i’ll tell you, the first thing i do when we meet on the shore is the sea. steamboats are sailing, i’m completing passages, steamships are going back and forth to the sea, but you can’t guess why the seas are considered, for
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you any sea, one waters, the shore is closer in days. the flight is difficult for you, if somewhere they are waiting for us lovingly, then find yourself. landlubber, being a sailor is not for you, steamships go to sea, make passages, steamboats go back and forth to the sea, but you can’t guess why you need to sleep in the seas? for you any sea,
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one water, for you any sea, one water, this is for her, cute, the whole house is covered in bears. she’s 15 years old, volodya, at 15 they give other gifts, she only has tennis, what’s your pension, i’m hunchbacking volodya so that your daughter becomes a person, and you show up with this stupid bear, of course she loves you, you’re so good , not a father, an ideal, where is your trash can here, at the exit, but in our yard, today on the first. stop nagging, she has tests, exams, the unified state examination. she’s not going anywhere,
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she’ll wander around the city, clear her head, she’ll come back, wander around the city, she’s lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, she’ll appear polka, call, who are you talking to, volodya, oh, what ’s taking so long, i’m really bored, come on, come on, come on in, come on in, come on and sleep, come on right away, great choice, congratulations, in russian, normal. and we don’t waste time talking, yeah, romcastra is a product of the stellar group, vodka pechora, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, burbunн stirs. product of stellor group. neurophysiology is
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a young science, and many discoveries have been made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalie petrovna bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem with a variety of different systems. he seems to be trying to help in all the most difficult situations. all my life i have seen my mother sit at the table and write, write, write. it was all related to the treatment. her task was to define. various physiological parameters, when we begin to interfere with animated
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electrodes, miracles are expected from us, so we are trying our best to arrange some kind of miracle, for the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva, the premiere is on the first today. happiness is, first of all, internal harmony, i feel like a happy person, then when i live here now , clean air, sunny weather makes me happy, when a person trusts another, when he doesn’t change him and accepts him for who he is, happiness for me is happiness - this is the health of my children, grandchildren and the well-being of my country, for me russia is everything, i don’t need anything else, i wish all families a year of family. and be happy, don’t be afraid to have children, may
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you have a lot of them, i myself four, happiness and love, never lie, love your children and believe in them, bori, i love you, across the seas, across the waves,
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the next competition causes a thrill for some, as we call it, a dive - a dive into a circle or a donut into a donut , tested on myself. and you did it, i remember, well, that is, what is the task, look, it’s a donut, it means we’re on the water, here you need to get here in turn, everyone who gets a point, in general we add up then it turns out who has the highest score, that team i took this competition, well, in general, you can jump like a soldier fish, donut went into the water, donut in the water, well, music,
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musician, come on, yes, oh, far, far away, count, there is one, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, here, man, no need to get too close, well done , but you can move, yes.
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andryukha, come on, away, away, away, away, right away, all he has to do is take a step. what the hell,
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come on, yura!


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