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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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it was so good with you, well, now home, let's go, let's go, the chefs are returning home, but the gastronomic summer continues, it still has many surprises. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim sheryfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the trikalor raid, video evidence from our military commander from a liberated settlement and footage from the ministry of defense of russian iskanders against a swedish giraffe are beyond dispute. american patriots.
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the danger is over, a long rehabilitation ahead, a meeting with relatives in a flight with a group of children from refugee camps in syria arrived near moscow. one child has shrapnel wounds. the main intrigue of the second round is whether the ultra-right will consolidate their success and what macron’s political feint will lead to. it's parliamentary election day in france. a warm welcome for the heroes of bam to the capital of the baikal-amur mainline. they are staying in honor of the anniversary. trains with participants in the construction of the century, from well-known songs. to the original russian cuisine. the knees were cooked for two days in the oven, and the cabbage leaf served as parchment or foil, preventing it from burning. report from the all-russian folk art festival in the ryazan region. and at the beginning of the release
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, there is information about special operations over the settlement of spornoe in the dpr, which our military liberated last week , the russian flag was raised, here is footage of the military correspondent of channel one dmitry kulko. and a video from the ministry of defense. our iskander crews destroyed the militants' firing points, destroyed the giraffe radar station and two launchers of the patriot complex. and in the zone of responsibility of the eastern group, fortifications were hit ukrainian armed forces, crushing blows on... from the crews of soncepyok heavy flamethrower systems. an important plane landed in the moscow region that night. 20 children who were in refugee camps returned to russia from syria. doctors accompanied the children during the flight. there is an examination and rehabilitation ahead, but the main thing is that the children are safe and will meet their relatives very soon. olga pautova more details. it’s hard to even imagine what these children went through in syrian refugee camps. to avoid subjecting them to additional testing and stress, we do not we call their names and... showing faces.
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20 children, seven girls and 13 boys returned to russia. among them there are siblings. the return was preceded by long, intense work. coordination, paperwork, data exchange, negotiations, we are doing this on behalf of the president. employees of the office of the children's obbudsman, together with representatives of the russian forensic center , were in northeastern syria for several days. visited refugee camps, took blood samples for... genetic research dna in order to confirm their relationship with our russian citizens. on the way to moscow , the children were accompanied by doctors. one of the boys has traces of a shrapnel wound. according to doctors, the health of the remaining children is not in danger. all children survived the flight satisfactorily until returning to the territory of the russian federation. after being received from the camp, the children were examined by specialists from the ministry of health. everyone's condition is satisfactory.
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we have not identified any serious deviations affecting transportation; in the future we plan to transport children to the children's hospital, where some of them will undergo an in-depth examination. the age of the returning children is from five to 15 years. some were born in syria and these boys and girls had no childhood at all. their parents turned out to be associated with terrorists. many of them are still in syrian prisons, some died during the fighting. but soon these children will meet their relatives, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and will receive all the love and care that they so needed, all families will be helped to improve their lives with their loved ones regions. we pay special attention to the health and adaptation of returning children. the children will undergo a medical examination at one of the capital's federal clinics and rehabilitation at the moscow resource center for childhood family support, where psychologists will work with them. together with representatives of relevant departments, we will help families obtain the necessary assistance.
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regional children's obbudsmen will accompany them at their place of residence in matters of education and medical care. humanitarian mission to return children from the middle east region goes to russia. 2018, during this time 566 children from syria, iraq, pakistan and turkey returned to their homeland, and this work continues. olga pautova, dmitry bedorev, alexander travkin, yulia khodorova, yuri rublev, channel one. mass protests in israel have broken out with renewed vigor, demonstrators are blocking roads and intersections, protests throughout the country, the largest in tel aviv, thousands of people on the streets, the main demands are for the authorities to achieve the speedy release of the hostages. crowd on one of the busy streets started lighting fires and starting clashes with the police. law enforcement officers responded with water cannons. the palestinian hamas movement still holds 120 people. just today marks 9 months since the attack on israel by militants from the gaza strip. in
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france, the second parliamentary elections can radically change the balance of political forces in the country. will the ultra-right be able to consolidate their success in the first round of the national. report by ivan blagov: a lot is at stake, it’s not just about the composition of the next government, france is one of key eu countries, and these elections may have consequences for the entire european union. the main intrigue is whether marine lupine will be right for the first time in history to obtain an absolute majority in parliament. in the first round , the national association scored over. 30% of the vote, an impressive result, which, however, has so far provided the party with only 39 parliamentary seats. in so many constituencies, its candidates were able to secure the support of more than half of the voters. there are 577 districts in total . the second round is held where no one was able to overcome the fifty percent barrier.
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the situation in the country is nervous, many admit that they are alarmed by the success of those whom they call the far right. this is a very important vote for the future of the country. we must not go to either extreme. it's a little alarming when you see that the far right can come to power, for me, as the son of an immigrant, it's heartbreaking. without a doubt, our current government has not done everything that is necessary to satisfy the aspirations of society, these are the consequences. for unconditional victory and control over parliament, the national association needs another 250 mandates. it will be extremely difficult to get them, according to the latest polls, despite all the disagreements; in the interval between the rounds, the bloc of leftist parties and the centrists of the current president were able to do so. they agreed to reduce the chances of victory for the right, the strongest candidate is determined who opposes the politician from the national association, the rest withdraw their candidacies in his favor. this scheme was carried out in more than 200 electoral districts. however, marine lepine and jordan berdela are determined only to win.
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observers have noted in recent days that both politicians have actually abandoned campaigning locally. limiting interviews on television and radio. according to the frenchinfo tv channel, this is due to his busy schedule. a few years ago it was difficult to take talk of the lepin party coming to power seriously, but now the mood in france has changed. i have no explanation for all this other than society is changing and it's not just our country, it's a global shift. here are the articles that will shine french newspapers mont writes that civil servants may not obey if the national association lupine comes to power. about nothing other than sabotage, carrying out orders issued from above. liberation talks about unexpectedly high support for jordan bardal in the jewish community. this is a landmark event for the party, which is called far-right in the country. the current president has not appeared in public all week. according to some reports, his own comrades insisted on this, since macron is alienating
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voters in his own camp. according to according to parisien's sources, macron is characterized with these words. unstable, unpredictable, in denial. rumors about his possible reappearance have resurfaced. rates are quoted in the words of one of the government members. macron swore that he would not make any decisions at the national level based on the results of the european elections, but in the end he dissolved parliament, he is capable of anything. polling stations in paris and the largest french cities will close at 21:00 moscow time. the data will be published then so-called exit polls. the election results are expected to be known overnight. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, evgenia stefanchuk, channel one. powerful downpours, following those in moscow. region hit the kome republic, sektefkar and its surroundings were flooded, roads were in water, in some places it was completely damaged, there was a strong thunderstorm in the city, lightning struck cars, footage was published by local residents, in addition there was a hurricane wind, downed trees were reported in several areas at once power outage. in tynza,
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in the midst of three-day celebrations in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline, a train from moscow to the capital was met at the station. veteran builders of the transport artery arrived in subam, those who accomplished a real feat of labor, laying more than 400 km of tracks through the taiga, mountains and permafrost. khabarovsko, irkutsk: the day of the foundation of the highway is tomorrow, there are plans for a large concert program. and in the ryazan region an all-russian festival took place. dedicated to the soviet composer, honored artist alexander overkin, the famous works
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performed by the song of dance ensemble of the russian guard, and of course, where without traditional entertainment, a fair of masters of treats according to ancient recipes, our correspondent alexey kruchinin visited the festival. and we have two arinas here, one arina is taller than everyone by half, greets guests and invites them to her place, the second arina is wider than everyone by half, treats everyone, guests, treats everyone, sees off guests with kindness. the kargashinsky courtyard draws guests into a round dance, and next door a folk ensemble from the village of kachemirovo starts an ancient ryazan song of the inheritance of great-great-grandmothers. they're coming, they're coming, they're bringing us wine, they're bringing us wine. who are the mazurs, and these are the traders, we expected good gifts from them, they came and fell in love with our girls and took them with them, this is a real russian holiday, as has been customary on this earth since ancient times, if you’re going for a walk, then... to the fullest and the songs don’t stop, the treats don’t end.
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in the old days, the traditional ryazan dessert kalinnik was prepared only once a year, on august 19, the day of the transfiguration of the lord. then kalina kept up with rye there was already plenty of flour. next to it is a modernized version, but prepared according to an original, complex recipe that old-timers told modern cooks. the knees were cooked for two days in the oven, and the cabbage leaf acted as parchment or foil, preventing it from burning, and subsequently became.
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the rosgvardi song and dance ensemble has been performing for a long time, what is called the headliner of the festival. thanks to the work of alexander petrovich overkin, we are once again turning to our roots, to everything that makes up the wealth of the land of the russian people. it's special important today during a special military operation. we will leave the right to our identity, ours.
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and in our yard. one sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep, 1.256 sheep, 1257.


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