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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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after all, zelensky’s embrace has already brought a large number of political leaders out of the political arena, macron is on the way out after rishi sunak, cartoonists have already reacted to this, so yes, ukraine’s support now adds little to politicians in the european union, but so far, unfortunately, it’s overwhelming the majority of the european union is still inclined to support this, well, what can we do, our cause is just, the enemy will still be defeated, victory will be... ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, hello, the evening news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics: more than exposition, the pride of a big country. it is important
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to present it beautifully and talentedly, you did it, vladimir putin visited the russian exhibition on the final day of its work, to be continued, a national center will be created at the expo site. for the first time since taking office, indian prime minister narendra modi is on an official visit to moscow. what are the main topics on the agenda? group strike is highly accurate. weapons, target - military objects industry and air bases of the ukrainian armed forces. details from our ministry of defense and outright lies from kiev about the actions of our military. we'll tell you in detail. millions of dollars of promises of a comfortable life in europe. sbu officers tried to recruit our military pilot, all in order to get a long-range strategic bomber, a carrier of nuclear weapons. details of the fsb operational game. a sensation no less. results. the elections to the french parliament
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have dashed all forecasts: the left is in the lead, the right is in the bottom three, but the streets are seething. and first, let's move to vdnkh. the russia exhibition closes today. 248 days are behind us, thousands of events, 18.5 million guests. delegations from 120 countries became part of a global event, a bright, emotional, educational event. vladimir putin met with the organizers of the exposition today. in 8 months, the head of state visited it five times, and this is the case when the official closure is only the beginning of a long journey. it's already decided. the russia national center will be created at the expo site. this was reported by the president. our country has something to show and be proud of. report by anastasia kobozeva. the russia exhibition at vdnkh lasted for 8 months. there was a sea of ​​impressions not only for visitors, but
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also for international interest, delegations from 120 countries came here and watched, an endless stream of visitors every day, the mood was created by volunteers, people in incredible cold, in rain, in heat, came to us with whole families, sang songs, danced and even while standing in lines, read poems by great russian poets together with our volunteers, the last day of the exhibition and people are going to vdnkh from different parts of the country, well, you know that today is the last day, yes, yes, i know, that’s why they dismounted. we drove here without
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stopping, my son-in-law braved the road, 1500 km, but we just arrived and right away it was always 248 days, that’s how long the russia exhibition lasted, it started on the day of national unity, 192 thousand people were at the opening, this is the day of family love and fidelity, grand closing, the russia exhibition is again the main point of attraction for residents and guests of the capital, pavilion 75 was the most visited...
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in the regions of the russian federation, this should be, i would like it to be as bright as it turned out for you, russia prepared 500 guides especially for the exhibition, alexandra talpa conducted a tour for foreign guests. we met a lot of foreign delegations,
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foreign groups, and they were surprised , including the american journalist tucker carlson. the american journalist was at the sevastopol stand longer than the others. it’s interesting that he didn’t believe us about... but sevastopol yes, he said that you only have a fleet there, there is no wine at all, but we dissuaded him, showed him, told him, the bright events of the exhibition were covered by the first team, hundreds of hours of footage, all the most interesting things were broadcast, the first day of the exhibition, we worked with a large team of the first here, and i asked for figures, 6 million people watched the broadcast on the program about the opening of the exhibition, and of course everyone was delighted and interested in the stories and... to come from the regions and watch it, really, i it seems like the media is telling us this managed. hundreds of lectures, master classes, creative meetings, and at the exhibition there was also an action in support of residents of the belgorod region. on may 12, the capital of the region again came under massive fire from the armed forces of ukraine, the entrance to a ten-story building collapsed from a rocket strike,
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16 people died, everyone at the exhibition could write words of support, all letters were handed over to residents of the region. during the exhibition, we became a big friendly family, where everyone is ready to support. i am very grateful that there was such an action in support of the belgorod region, belgorod our hearts are with you, thank you to our family, as long as we are all together, we are invincible, no matter who comes to the russia exhibition, an adult or a schoolchild, they say we have a huge country, we have something to be proud of, a lot of guys come who are undergoing rehabilitation in hospitals, here they are with they come in with different moods, and come out and you know, here we are all... listening, we cry, they say: we know what we are fighting for, for our great, best country in the world, thank you very much, thank you, this is very important, very it is important to feel it ourselves, to show it to our country, to all our
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to show well-wishers, and this is the majority, this is the majority in the world, what we can achieve, and what we are achieving, thanks to the work and talent of our people. thank you very much, thank you very much, here at vdnkh the president met with participants in the world youth festival, it was held this spring in sochi, at the meeting was davis akampurira from uganda, it was him who putin jokingly called his son in march. after i took a photo with you, i became very popular in my country, thanks to this i am going to get married in november. after our meeting, i began to actively work with youth and even began a political career in africa. i hope for your support, by the way, the national center russia, which will appear in moscow, is exactly the platform where ambitious and young people from different countries will meet. anastasia kobuzeva, ekaterina ovsyanikova, ekaterina yarovenko, kirill loginov, channel one. this evening vladimir putin will meet with
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the prime minister of india. arrived in moscow on randramode in the afternoon, met at the airport, then in the center of the capital the cortege was greeted with indian national dances and music. many people gathered at the hotel where mode was staying, holding the flags of two countries in their hands. russia is the first place where the prime minister of india came on an official visit after taking office, and this underlines the level of relations between our states. today the leaders will communicate in an informal setting, and tomorrow there will be negotiations in a narrow and expanded format. the main topic is the development of bilateral partnerships. it is expected that putin and modi will also touch upon the topic resolution of the ukrainian crisis. message from the kremlin press service vladimir putin spoke by phone with the elected president of iran masoud pezeshkian. the russian leader congratulated him on his victory in the elections and wished him success in his work. we discussed bilateral interaction. a high level of good-neighbourly, russian-iranian relations was noted on both sides. the leaders
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confirmed their readiness to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. the belgorod region today again came under fire from the ukrainian militants. there were no casualties; in the village of rubanshchina, two residents were injured as a result of a drone attack. this morning our troops carried out a group strike with long -range precision weapons against the enemy’s military rear. the targets were industrial facilities and air bases of the armed forces of ukraine. the ministry of defense stated. this is a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage our infrastructure. military-industrial complex facilities in krivoy
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rog, vinnitsa, chernihiv, and cherkassy regions were hit. air raid sirens sounded in poltava, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev and sumy regions. a series of powerful arrivals in kiev, where they again tried to blame russia for the unsuccessful work of the ukrainian air defense. meanwhile, in the special operation zone, our army is pushing back the enemy in several directions. during the day, the enemy lost about 2.0 militants and a lot of equipment, including three haimers missile launchers and an abrams tank. anton vernitsky, more details about everything. footage of precision flights to the kiev artyom plant, which produces missiles, as well as aviation equipment, after which a fire started there, spread throughout social networks almost immediately after the strikes with high-precision weapons, as well as footage of the cruise missiles themselves, the fact that they struck the plant was heard by... the characteristic sound of the flight, as reported by the russian ministry of defense, is
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a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to strike damage to russian energy and economic facilities, while not a single official kiev channel showed the destruction at the plant, preferring to show footage of a destroyed hospital, accompanied by comments that the blow had been struck only for her. one of the alleged evidence is a photograph of fragments collected at the site. any specialist familiar with the characteristics of air defense systems will say that. the fragments are the destructive elements of the anti-missile missiles that the ukrainian military used to try to shoot down the same cruise missiles that destroyed the artyom plant. by the way, footage of the fall of the ukrainian anti-missile missile and a still image of the arrival at the hospital in kiev appeared on the internet. by all external signs it is noticeable that the strike was not caused by a russian cruise missile x101, here it is characteristic appearance, but either an american anti-aircraft missile system, or it was released by the norwegian nasa complex. it is these complexes that stand on the military. air defense troops directly in kiev. the russian x-101 missile
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has larger wings and is much heavier than any anti-missile missile. the mass of the warhead is almost a ton, and in principle it does not contain many square striking elements. that is why the russian ministry of defense confidently categorically denies attacks on civilian targets. statement by representatives of the kyiv regime on russia's alleged deliberate missile strike against civilian targets is absolutely untrue. numerous published. photos and video footage from kiev clearly confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city. we especially note that similar hysterics of the kiev regime have been happening for several years, every time on the eve of the next summit meeting of their patrons from nato. meanwhile, ukrainian sources report that zelensky's office gave an order to remove civilians from the territory of the okhmat-dit hospital, short for maternal and child protection. the goal is to prevent footage of ukrainian missile debris from getting onto the network, because this will confirm that what is happening is the result of the work of those very
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american and norwegian air defense systems that are located in residential areas. the case when the action of ukrainian anti-missile systems causes the destruction of civilian objects occurs regularly. at first there were more of them, then the ukrainian authorities under threat of criminal punishment prohibited the posting of such footage on the internet. as for the work of our military, strikes were carried out on targets throughout ukraine. another message from the russian ministry of defense in the special operation zone, our military has improved the situation along the front line in several directions at once, while three american launchers of the hymarc missile system, as well as a heavy american abrams tank, were destroyed at once. anton venetskiyna abdyukhanova, kristina neznanova, channel one. it is becoming increasingly difficult for the kiev regime to hide the facts. crimes, committed, including by foreign mercenaries, their presence in the ranks
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of militants and complicity in monstrous atrocities began to be publicly discussed even in the west: in prague, a high-profile trial of a czech soldier of fortune, he admitted that he was part of the firing squad, including the scandalous famous bucha. the american press writes about the fact that in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces there are entire detachments of punitive forces from among foreigners. grigory emelyanov studied new evidence. today my good friend of his own free will killed a bound prisoner, he was sitting in the dugout with a jacket thrown over his shoulders. zeus approached him from behind and shot him several times in the back of the head. in kiev they would probably try to give it away. as they say, russian propaganda, but not this time, this is the testimony of a citizen of a western country in the western press. the revelations of the german physician caspar gross, published in the new york times, clearly indicate that in ukraine , a unit led by americans is involved in the killings of russians who surrendered. kaspar grosse said that
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i saw a soldier asking for medical help in broken russian english. it was already dark, one of the members. he was looking for bandages in a row, at that moment, according to gross, his colleague approached the russian soldier and shot him in the torso, he fell, but was still breathing, another soldier simply finished him off with a shot in the head, we are talking about the so-called elite reconnaissance company of foreign mercenaries, chosen company chosen in translation from english company. the german doctor was so shocked by the murder and how his colleagues later bragged about him that i had an argument with the commander and decided to tell the press about everything, even showed some videos that were mentioned in the newspaper article. one of the russian fighters in an olive-colored uniform appears to be trying to attract the attention of a select few, he puts his hands to his mouth, apparently shouting something, shoots into the air, then lowers his weapon and walks to the edge of the harrow with his hands raised, an internationally recognized sign of surrender . , in the recording taken from a drone, a russian soldier can be seen raising his hands for a few seconds when a grenade falls nearby, killing him. the commander's reaction to
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the killer's actions, he was simply doing his job. journalists must admit, they report in the material. the charm and confusion of the german, but then, as if feigning objectivity, they in fact question his words, citing the rebuke of that same commander, the accusations are supposedly unfounded, as they say, new york times journalists gave the floor to the other side. the newspaper, by the way, once received a pulizar prize for its coverage of events in bucha, for ukrainian provocation, which was later passed off as the atrocity of russian barbarians. in your over time, we analyzed in detail who killed these people, whose bodies appeared on the streets after. the departure of our troops from the storm, people with white armbands on their sleeves, the white armband is a russian identifier, a signal for our soldiers, do not shoot, the blue armband is a ukrainian identifier, here are the boys without blue armbands, you can shoot at them, then you could meet them on the internet footage, which was then hastily cleaned up, where the militants of the ukrainian so -called territorial defense discussed whether it was possible
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to shoot at people without blue armbands, why we remembered butch, to the fact that like this it coincided that... a couple of days before the revelations of the german mercenary doctor, the trial of another soldier of fortune began in the czech republic. philip simon distinguished himself not only by mercenary work, but also by looting. in the czech republic, this is an even more serious crime, word to the local press. the former mercenary, part of a squad of 11 others, stole expensive sunglasses, a breathing mask from an aircraft, and gold and silver items as part of a so- called clean-up operation. he also took beret rings from dead soldiers, including...
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fsb with ukrainian recruiters. they thought that they had taken advantage of a russian military pilot and dreamed, no more or less, of hijacking our long-range strategic bomber, a carrier of nuclear weapons, with his help. they also promised a cash reward of $3 million and a comfortable life in europe with italian citizenship. to be convincing , they even sent a video of packed banknotes, and they also
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threatened me. the fsb emphasized that the involvement of the intelligence services of nato countries in the preparations has been established. a combat aircraft on the territory of ukraine, but not just a long-range aircraft missile-carrying bomber, carrier of nuclear weapons. but in the end , the ukrainian recruiters themselves gave out valuable information. and it wasn’t the tu-22 m3 that came to them, it was our missiles that hit the ozernoye airfield in the zhitomir region. the whole world is discussing the results of the
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french parliamentary elections, a sensation, nothing less, and a mockery of everyone who had high hopes for the victory of the ultra-right, leadership of the left, and the alliance of the new popular front. macron's coalition is in second place, marine lepin's party is only third, but that's exactly what they predicted historic victory. and, of course, where would we be without the famous french riots? did they disperse people with tear gas at night? this is an anti-advertising for the capital of the olympic games, which will start very soon. the situation needs to be stabilized. under this pretext, macron no longer accepted the prime minister’s resignation. about political passions in the fifth republic, our european subcorrespondent, ivan blagoy. this is madness, the front page of the liberas newspaper. and what should we do now, colleagues from...
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in paris there is delight, in moscow there is disappointment, kiev is a relief, enough to be happy in warsaw. tusk did not explain why there should be disappointment in moscow from the problems that befell macron, just as he did not reveal the theme of happiness in paris, which spilled out onto the streets of the city in a very peculiar way. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, dilia serzhidinov, alexey kozlov, channel one. a huge infrastructure project. which will connect moscow and st. petersburg, a high-speed railway. its construction will begin in the near future. start of work given, the corresponding agreement was signed.
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mikhail mishustin announced this today at a strategic session in the government. the prime minister emphasized: this will be the first such railway in our country. thanks to her , the travel time will take literally a couple of hours. other transport routes were also discussed. we will develop the great northern sea route. this is significant national. an artery that connects the west and east of our country, it is the main route for delivering goods to remote arctic territories, therefore, we need to actively expand our summer-breaking fleet, which is necessary for year-round navigation, organizing northern deliveries, trade with the countries of the asia-pacific region, it should be convenient for cargo senders to use our seaports, and for this we will continue to build modern terminals. loading complexes, approaches to them. and let's return to vdnkh. vladimir putin met with the finalists of the competition there today, this is a family affair for us. 600,000 people took part in it.
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there is nothing more important for the state than strengthening families. these are the words of the president. and, of course, a family is a big responsibility , a lot of work: mortgage payments, using the remaining capital. we also touched upon the topic of granting leave by svo participants. the head of state called for the establishment of this system. more details about everything ivan prozarov. truly a national competition. more than 100,000 families from all over the country took part in it and only 300 of them reached the final in moscow. here for several days such teams not only competed with each other, but also established new family connections. on meeting with the president, they not only shared their impressions of the competition, but asked about what worries families across the country, maternity capital, how to spend what is left of the principal amount? we are the owners of maternity capital and we have had a small amount stored in our account for many years, and it would be great if we could spend this amount today instead of storing it in our accounts.
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use the remaining money, well, let's make it 1000 first, guests from the ulyanovsk region asked about compensation payments for disabled children, according to the law, this is 10 thousand rubles per month, but if the mother gets a job, then another relative, most often the grandmother, in this case receives only 1,200 rubles. is it possible to make this payment so that it can also be paid, for example, to a grandmother or another close
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relative, of course it is possible. and you need to do this, you know, these are the difficulties, they don’t develop on purpose, yeah, but the situation just develops like that, one decision is made, then another, these little things are not taken into account, they matter to people, it turns out, well, the meaning is certain, so of course you need to do this, these ones - what difference does it make who takes care of the child, mother or grandmother, we need to make everyone equal.
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with the beginning of its work you associate something for yourself, for your families there, that’s what you are counting on, well, we hope that we will be there when it is built, opened, we will be frequent guests there, and really spend more time together, because it will be right within walking distance to us, yes, yes, that’s what we ’re counting on, we expressed it to the president gratitude for the competition, this is a family competition for us, it united a variety of people from all over.
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so that even more families unite into one big family. you are rightfully proud of your son, and your parents are rightfully proud of their sons, who are taking part in today’s combat work to defend russia , the whole country is proud of them, you are the whole country. thank you for taking part in the course, the idea is good, we will try to organize this work in the future. i want to congratulate you all on the final, i want to thank you for your participation. by request the president instructed the meeting participants to simplify the system for extending the unified child benefit, and also to develop standards for children's infrastructure, as was once the case with a barrier-free environment. putin supported the idea of ​​raising the prestige of a large family.


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