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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 10, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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completely russophobic, but completely about a pro-western territory with a normal orthodox population is completely different. he achieved, in fact, even passed this law against gay marriage, in this regard, zarubeshvili is not a politician, it’s just, well, an agent of western influence, which is why she supported the protests against foreign agents. i think that this is a fairly competent policy of a person who has full power in georgia. and who, of course, is playing a very delicate game between the west and us, but so far he is winning it, so far each of his actions, each next stage strengthens the sovereignty of georgia, and the west really begins to dislike this, they have already tried and saakashvili was sent there , they tried to organize color revolutions and will continue to try, but i see that ivanishvili’s position is precisely that of the georgian party dream, as well as others loyal to this...
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some jabs, but at the same time, it seems to me that it is generally wrong to say today, to consider the situation in georgia as a struggle between some kind of, that is, russophobic, there there are enough russophobes, and they will remain there, apparently, for some time, and some kind of russophile movement, which has not yet been formalized in any way, and to consider all the protesters as our friends, in my opinion, it’s too early, let’s wait and you ... i completely agree with you here, we need to be patient, and it seems to me that look how difficult the relations developed, they were going, so to speak, all the time in the direction of aggravation, this patient policy of our president towards georgia and in general south caucasus platform, which very peculiar, here there is a change in roles that concerns armenia, and azerbaijan and georgia and... this is
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patience, patience and a policy that is focused primarily on our national interests, it bears fruit, and you know, i think that this is luring georgia into the eu, the georgians saw through it, it will take a very long time, for years, just like the european union has been in the pre-banks for more than 20 years, so georgia will stand, that’s right, the leader of georgia is benzina ivanishvili. a former russian oligarch who moved there and became the head, he knows our capabilities very well, the most important thing for us is not to get involved in politics, our economic power, our interaction and cooperation in economic terms can play a big positive role for the georgian leadership, who will perfectly understand what is their benefit, their benefit to trade with russia, to interact economically in terms of tourism, remember in recent
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years how many tourists from russia there were in georgia, because we love georgia, and the georgian people generally treat us well, and sakashists are running around the squares unfinished, i think that the georgian authorities will also deal with them, i remind you that georgia , together with ukraine, was declared by the west as the next candidate countries for the european union in nato structures, in this sense, the european integration of georgia is still a possible euro-atlantic integration of georgia, what to what? what this road cost ukraine is being watched by the whole world. since 2014, ukraine has clearly degraded, despite the abundant aid that the west supposedly supplies, in fact we are talking about the destruction of the state, which did not happen in february 2022, not at all with the start of a special military operation, but much earlier, so it seems to me that this factor, this example, which is close at hand, is also of great importance for georgians, as you were at a certain moment of the transfer...
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we we don’t interfere in any way, and we proceed from the fact that you will behave in the same way, because you understand, otherwise there may be consequences, this is what i have from my
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point of view, not very ominous fantasy, we’ll go to advertising, we’ll come back literally in a couple of minutes. come to our place, i'm so i miss you, no, mish, i won’t come, engineer, this is a completely different calico, not like your bear is a criminal, don’t you dare talk bad about him, but how would you like to meet in the evening, this is masha, my fiancée, me and we’ll marry her, she won’t set foot in my house, i don’t want to see her, i love her, we ’ll have a child, i won’t forgive her for replacing me with ermakova. do you hear, the skolchins have not calmed down, they are hiding, you stumble a little, a knife is stuck in your back, how can you drink, cook, i will do everything for you, i will carry you in my arms, take it, come out for me, why is it that this bitch gets everything, and i also want happiness, many years ago my
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son brought you a child, he is alive, i wonder what he would become if you left your cooking, misha, two shores, the premiere of the series. .. movie time tomorrow after the program, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater to the cinema, sergei poskipales is a dream for any artist as a partner . seryozha, combined incompatible, he is an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame. have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with himself - with his human power, he could do so much for uh cinema, for his country, on that shore where i had never been, the traces of my feet in
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the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalis, when i ... will not be on sunday on the first, the russian non-systemic position in voluntary exile, the opposition, who first became extremists and then turned into outright enemies of russia, they have very high expectations, even biden does not suit them. they always feel like they need to do more of something. well, for example, what the former world chess champion says about this, he is also the knowledge giver gary kasparov, he himself admitted that
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he gave bribes to become the head of the world chess federation. now, let's hear what this man recommends. the only thing that can change the situation in russia.
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ukrainian television, they are available to the russian reader, their books are in the largest bookstores in moscow. regarding filistinsky, we already mentioned this on the previous program; in the moscow store, next to the kremlin, there are books by these people who actually call. to strikes in moscow, here you go, and i want to clarify
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my position, i am categorically against banning books just because we do not agree with the content, i am categorically against removing and not even publishing books because someone... that opponent of russia, i just bought... henry kissincher's books are russian editions, i wanted to have them, i have them in english, i wanted to have them in russian, thank god, kissinger must be read, even if you are categorically against what he says, for those who are involved in international relations, reading kissinger is very important, there is another person whose books are available in moscow, he is even more controversial, his name is sbigniew brzzinski, i think it is important.
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immigration, they read mackinder and said, well , this is straight forward, and we should be able to read mackinder, absolutely right, mackinder and the eurasians, we should be able to read brzezinski, and my books, but my books are banned in america, this is important, that they are just, maybe, if some were hooligan attacks on america, they would not have touched all this, these are the real
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theoretical serious questions that are posed by american hegemony, here they are, this is another tucker. congratulated, they are very vigilant here, recently they even started censoring me on twitter, already twitter elon musk, it would seem, and how the account, the paid account, was canceled based on sanctions, that is, they are very vigilant to ideas , in fact, they just don’t pay attention to nonsense, but i think that we must act on -otherwise, we need to know who is an enemy and who is a friend, by the way, brzezinski , at our only meeting, gave me his book with a very characteristic inscription: with a wish for mr. dugin to change his views to the exact opposite, well , of course, he was joking slightly, it was an element, but this that is, he seems to be in one position, i’m right the opposite, these are just, well, sort of symmetrical positions, but it seems to me that we should not close off access to understanding our geopolitical thinking. as for
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these other authors whom i just named, i think this is simply an oversight. people who are from roskomnadzor, now they are acting very effectively, in my opinion, i just think that this is a technical glitch, it’s just that, of course , we shouldn’t have such authors, but no one will suffer from this, just if you just, we prohibit, for example, pornography or we prohibit direct terrorist literature, but if something appears somewhere, we eliminate these failures, but in relation to serious opponents, i think that we are different, you must make this distinction. you know, i think what i want to say about kasparov, we just watched him, well, he was a brilliant chess player, he brought glory to our soviet chess gallery, and then, when he began to lose, to give in to others, but his ambitions remained, so he decided to show himself in such a shameful role, you
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know, i think that this is his call - to causing military defeat. we are dealing with people who are inciting attacks on our capital, merciless, it was a big game, we will meet tomorrow on the air.
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hello, this is the easy money podcast and i am its host, mikhail khanov. today we are figuring out how to properly distribute, introduce, and even better, increase the family budget; financial consultant alexey rodin helps us figure this out. hello, alexey. hello, mikhail. i deliberately did not use the word create, because as i understand it, there is a budget always regardless of whether we want it. do we manage it, increase it, control it, there is always a budget, what is a family budget? a budget is a plan for spending money, which takes into account both income and expenses, that is, this is what relates to money, to our receipts, to our expenses, this is the budget, everything, any expenses in general, yes, of course, those that relate here families that concern either a family or a specific person, depending on whose budget, so
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we went to drink coffee on the weekend, we stopped on the way while walking in the park, this is in the budget, we heard that in second place, according to the results of the research, in second place the reason for divorce is financial problems, and financial in russia, yes, and financial. problems arise due to the fact that we don’t necessarily have little money, we have it, we can simply manage it incorrectly, in fact, financial problems happen not only to
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those who have a small salary, of course, the rich cry and even more so, it’s just that the rich spend more, they need to be monitored in the same way as those who have small, small incomes, something like a personal budget from family principles are different there, say, a certain young man or a virgin? the question is that some additional goals will appear here, well , there will be education for a child, education for him there, creation of a pension, by the way, pensions, creation of
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a pension, one individual person has a goal , there are some other family goals, taking into account the goals, we build a budget, because we need money to achieve these goals, but globally everything is the same, we take into account expenses, understand how much we spend, plan for... these future expenses and distribute our income according to these plans, there is one small nuance here: do not forget, friends, when you are planning the next year's budget, be sure to increase expenses by the rate of inflation, it happens that people forget this do, and then oh, how is it, in february i started spending more than before, of course, because inflation, after all, the horizon for introducing a family budget, let’s talk about the family budget, this is a year, five, three, how many, well, the budget for the year ahead is being compiled. you mentioned the education of children, this is a long-term goal, look, look, here, what is a budget, a budget is planning of income, expenses, when we add goals, it’s more likely that we are moving
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towards a financial strategy, it’s just that a budget is a component of a financial strategy, excellent, excellent explanation, thank you for giving it, because i’m already ready to talk about targeting, about long-term targeting, today we’re looking at the budget, really, let’s start with the basics, because uh huh. of course, many of our audience have already tried to manage a budget , they started doing it, some even manage it successfully, but everyone wants to continue, yes, why am i doing this, incentives and so on, today we are simply dealing with a tool called the family budget , you know how it is usually in investing, there is such a joke as to start investing, start, you know, it’s the same as how to properly manage a budget, that is, in this case, i’ll paraphrase, you can say that in order to properly manage a budget we need to start. record all expenses, all income, if you did not initially create a grading by category, there are periodic expenses, constant expenses,
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random expenses, potential expenses, then once you start keeping these records, you will somehow figure out the categories and what to enter where, in in the end, for our audience, in every banking application we already have... the bank helps to allocate your expenses, you can start with what your bank offers in the banking application that we all use, and there are already these initial ones, they are definitely not good, not bad, they are as they are, and then you customize them for yourself, let’s look at this question, what mistakes do you, as an experienced financial advisor, encounter in your practice among those who are just starting out or even already constantly asking what classics are typical there? atypical mistakes happen when managing a budget, the most important mistake is not understanding why you are doing this, you need to answer this question for yourself, why? and this could be setting goals, that is, setting
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goal, in order to understand that i’m going towards it and i need to control money, this could be some kind of psychological motivation, that is, we need to understand why, when we have the answer to this question, we understand, our brain understands that we we do the right thing, and accordingly. we take money into account, everything works out for us, this is the most important mistake not in the post, what are the answers mainly to this first, this mistake, when there is no goal, how he stimulates himself to behave, there are, i recommend, there are excellent exercises in general, it is necessary describe yourself at 100 years old, it’s better to have a 100th birthday, you ’ve turned 100, you describe where you live, what you do, who congratulated you, what you drive, how much?
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what is for you, what do you need in general, you will understand what your goals are, when you look at this description and just rewrite them, you will see, here i am striving for this, for example, i need, i need money to buy some kind of the house that i described, i need such and such income, in order to get this passive income there in the future, i need to create capital, well, that’s already mathematical calculations, there are many calculators on the internet where you can calculate how much capital is needed for a certain passive income, so you have set goals, you see everything. what is important to you, you know, it very often happens that we do not set goals that are specifically important to us, we focus on advertising, on social networks, on some millionaire bloggers who drive good cars there, we need to find something what is important to us, let’s take a more realistic age, let’s take 70 years, because in ours, in ours period you find everything quite in a cheerful state of mind, at the same time it’s a really distant goal to have time
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to save up for everything, come on... here’s our dear audience, let’s take 70 years, describe your day at 70 years old, yes, because that you are still cheerful and cheerful, the blood of the living is still boiling, believe me, and you want a lot, and there is an opportunity to enjoy what you have already achieved, and even set goals for the future with what you have not yet achieved, how to distinguish superficial ones, that is, other people's motivations, other people's goals from their own desires, well, here we need just think about them, ask them. a question to myself: do i really need this, and what will i get when i achieve this goal, the next question: do i need what i achieved, when what i received when i achieved this goal, well, just with myself to communicate, in general conversation, communication is the foundation of a good life, you need to talk not only with yourself, we are talking about family, but also with your other half, you need to come to an agreement, you need to look in one direction, you need to agree on the rules, you need to agree on how ... we
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treat money, you know, how it happens, one spends, and the other tries to save, and nothing works out, we need to sit down and discuss what the family’s values ​​are, who looks at what they look at, loans, savings, expenses, what kind of budget we have, separate, joint, all this needs to be discussed, well, about this, i can share with our audience about how to define what’s mine, not mine, but i’m with mine. i do this exercise with all my children, it’s very simple: before you go to bed, you can always understand what mood you’re in, good or bad, well, there is some kind of emotion, either positive or negative, there is always some event, a trigger that caused this emotion, yes, if you are sad, you are not just sad, you are specifically today, yes you are sad there or this it’s started to rain, you think,
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well, that’s it, it’s also raining, or are you...
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we’re talking about the need to talk and agree, so tell me, dear, from your point of view, in what ways i’m inadequate, i assure you you, yes, here you are, are also faced with this, they will throw out so many questions, so, mistakes when drawing up a budget, number one point is the lack of goals and motivation, we figured it out, then, second, we are talking about planning a budget for the future, the mistake here is not taking inflation into account, great, we wrote it down briefly. always clearly take inflation into account, but here the period is a year, yes, i think, we take it there, well, yes, when we draw up the next year’s budget, we set out, then increase expenses by the amount of inflation, the average inflation in the ruble is 8%, the average annual, well, you can have it there everything can be taken into account, or even 10, so that it’s enough, as they say, or still, it’s better to stick here, you know, eight, that’s the question, eight or 10, i don’t mean from the point of view of whether
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to make a reserve here or not, everyone has such a concept as personal inflation, few people think about it , if one, for example, shops there at a convenience store, and the other at some premium grocery store, everyone’s baskets are different, of course. of course, of course, here it is necessary, here you can calculate your inflation and take it into account, everyone should understand this issue themselves, excellent advice, yes, the next thing is to find a way of budgeting, accounting for expenses, income, the one that fits, what a mistake, that is, you chose the wrong way, not yours, not yours, not yours, for example, for example, you can write down every, literally every expense, and this will make your head explode. after 3 weeks and you don’t want to do anything else, but there are people for whom this suits, here are those for whom it doesn’t suit, in large strokes divide your expenses into four or five funds and write down for these large funds, just how many
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we were held events, well, at most they will break dishes, break furniture, punch each other in the face to kill, beautiful, work, guys, work. lyushch, is it true that you dreamed of a dragon with three heads, but not with three, with two, i didn’t understand what was happening, not with heads, but with faces, we’re working, fortune teller, tomorrow on the first day, you and nadya are constantly quarreling, rushes at we’ll survive me, i think, i have someone. this is the easy money podcast, and today we are discussing the family budget, how to start managing it, how to properly earn money with introducing the family budget additional money into the same budget. well, okay
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, here it is, i know that you have a slide, what a simplified budget table looks like, here it is, so you see, here we have income, everything is taken into account, salaries, some there. there may be dividends, and so on, and expenses, you see, expenses in large strokes, yes, this is called large strokes, yes, yes, in large strokes, there is a current consumption fund, this includes all expenses for living, these are food, medicines, there is no i know, maybe car maintenance is included here, gasoline, there are large purchases, that is, once a month at the beginning of the month the family sits down, by the way, that’s also a question right away, is the budget managed by both or everyone, yes, including children, or someone one? there is a common joint one, when all the money is simply thrown into one pot and it is already spent from there, there is a mixed one, when everyone
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earns their own, they chip in a little, they have some kind of common part, that is , everyone has their own common part, then there is a separate one, well, separation is rare in our country, this is more of a western model, when everyone... is responsible only for themselves, only for themselves, we need to agree so that everyone is comfortable, for example, maybe, you know, if we are talking about the attitude towards finances in the family, there may be an authoritarian regime , when one earns, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman, we won’t divide by gender now, because now there are women who earn money, and men sit at home and vice versa, here’s one who earns money and he has his paw on everything, he controls everything, does not allow you to step aside, and if the other half does this normal... if it suits you, then the family will live wonderfully, yes, there is such a famous meme, a couple sits and a psychologist asks the man, do you think that your wife dominates you, a woman, that is, no, he doesn’t think so, here
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a situation may arise when, let’s say, a housewife or a house owner, he will no longer like it, that is, we have reached it, but again this is alexey, what we talked about is feedback, that is, you need to constantly receive our feedback. dear viewers and listeners, that is, if you you think that you can agree on everything once, and you will forever and ever decide who does what, who is responsible for what, i assure you, this is not so, just from my experience, i think, probably from alexey’s experience, it is necessary to agree and talk, the more often the better, but every day is probably too much, but once a month, but it’s better sometimes and someone needs to talk through some things once a week, yes, at least just talk, everything is fine , dear, here we are, we and...
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in the program we touch on the topic of inflation, how as a rule, these figures reflect the average temperature in the hospital, but they are accurate, because if you take big numbers, yes, big data, that is, everything, the entire population of... the country's average basket and there will be inflation on it, but how to calculate your own inflation in your consumption basket and what should be taken into account, the average purchase of cars and so on, or is it impossible to do? yes , it’s possible, please, let’s just focus on the fact that you see the budget already, you just look at how much you spent last year in january, how much this january if i don’t lead for a year, that is , you can try for a month, well, of course you can try. yes, you can, this, this is better, look,
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of course, if you take a short period of time and compare, then there will be a big spread, it’s better to take a look at how much was spent this year and how much in the past, this will be personal inflation , that is, this exercise, when i forecast, add inflation to my budget in the amount of my own basket, it makes sense for a period there, i think that at least starting from 3 years, yes, when you started already... he just takes it for granted, and here
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it’s better to do it this way, if you see that you are more than 5% of your plan, yes, well, about 5%, then you definitely need to find out the reason, sit down and analyze what it is , maybe it has jumped too much, prices have jumped, or maybe something has changed in your life, or maybe you have lost control, because in fact, in fact , we always forgive you, please, we always earn more than we need it because it's a very large part. we earn more when more than we need, a very large part of expenses comes as a result of emotions, occurs as a result of emotions and no matter what income, i communicated with a huge number of people, there are clients, there are simply subscribers, friends, acquaintances and comrades, even if you earn 3,000 rub, you always have some kind of emotional part in your expenses, so it needs to be controlled, but again, please excuse me, mikhail, i am in no way saying that you need to... live life tight and this is another mistake , we must live
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happily today in the future, that is, we must always find such a balance, like this, that’s some kind of middle ground, so as not to save in any way, saving is when we go to the cheapest store and buy rotten tomatoes, that’s not necessary, if we take it, plan a budget, let's go, i have four children, i'm the same, so i'm going to a wholesale warehouse and i... take it at the same price as in stores, tomatoes are much better, this is the optimal use of money, that is, saving in no way case is impossible, but the money must be used optimally, it must not save, you need to stick to the budget that you have planned for yourself, you need to clearly, i would like to highlight this mistake separately, you need to react immediately if any of your categories is more, as alexey told us, than 5%.
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you can take 10%, and it will be a kind of fund that can always remain undistributed if you start to control your spending, is this true or not? yes, i can give one example, about 10 years ago a young guy i knew came up to me, he was 23 years old at the time, he said: alexey, i thinking about the future, what should i do, as i say: dima, how much do you earn now? he says: "300 rubles." i say, great, save 10%, he says, i can’t, imagine the situation, what will happen to you tomorrow. your employer said that i’m sorry, dmitry, we have difficulties, now
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you get 27, you will quit, no, something will happen to you, so extraordinary, he says, no, put aside 3,000 rubles, and we ’ll see about it further , what to do, what to do next, and of course, i explained the situation to him there, this is just an example, that what happened next, he refused, well, i can say that from my own experience, this is such a complex psychological exercise, but for our respected audience i will say this, do you have it? here is any amount of money, no matter how hard you live, so you take 10%, just take it out and put it in a little box, and forget about it, it’s not there, it’s not there, even if. i don’t know, some kind of misfortune happened there, no, that’s all, there is this money, i assure you that in a few months you will get used to this exercise, and you will have capital from it, no need to regret it, no now you have to burden yourself with the fact that it evaporates along with inflation, nonsense, this is all nonsense, nothing will evaporate in 4 months, but after 4 months you will have an amount
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accumulated that is almost half of your monthly salary, and after 5 months it will be half of your the monthly salary is half and you very correctly said when... usually, why an entrepreneur usually
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has financial problems at home, but because he is tired at work, and any top manager there, just some employee, he is tired at work , he still lacks his home... i still have this burden on myself, as an entrepreneur i still have to deal with this, continuing your topic, i want to note that from my own experience, i did this exercise at one time, there is more money, that is, if you entrust the money to your wife, an intelligent woman, who you chose your companion, yes, and not using someone’s advice from magazines, you chose just a beautiful picture for yourself, and you chose the right person, then believe me that this person, the woman, your beloved, will save, and increase, and there will be money more, and there will be enough for everything.
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about - developing further, yes, because in principle, well, if you don’t - go into very details, then there is nothing complicated to start managing a budget, yes, let’s take a little small steps specifically towards a financial strategy towards a financial plan, that is, everything, let’s say we mastered the budget, budgeting,
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you and i began to write it down in a form convenient for us, but right now, step by step, by mistakes, we motivated ourselves. why did we do this, but there we started, say, at the end of the month, if everything is fine, to buy for ourselves some kind of bun there or fulfill some wish for the whole family member, but you can say that guys, if we are on a budget, then we are 10% there, everyone chooses some little amenity for themselves and we will implement it, you right mikhail is a savvy person, we really need to give our brain proof that we are doing the right thing, so we definitely need some kind of bun for ourselves, by the way, you know, here’s a bun when everything is fine. what do you think is the best thing to do so that uh, when you go over budget, when you were clearly at fault, did something wrong, tell me, when i ask this question, they immediately begin to come up with such stories, for example, to take a certain amount and put it aside, that is, this is money that would go to a wish list, somewhere put it aside, and either take it
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and invest it somewhere, or...


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