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tv   Dva berega  1TV  July 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the fire has covered a huge distance in a short time, we need to help the burners, so let’s send a cry throughout the village, i’ll go to ivanshevo. yeah, i’ll see how they are, i can’t go with you, there’s no need, why, mish, varya is a deputy, he’ll assess the scale of the tragedy, so to speak, maybe he’ll suggest that, wait, i’ll bring the car now, we had a fight, but no, he’s now always with me.
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he talks like he’s talking to an empty space, he just did something bad, you don’t understand, love, i got married 5 years ago, i should have gotten used to this you can’t get used to it, everyone knows what you mean to him, that means no more. you’ve become like a stranger, well, you’re not my own, there’s nothing connecting us with you, well, yes, nothing at all. lyoshka, you scared me, how
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grateful i am to you, for the pies, why for the pies, for what you are, for what you asked for, you don’t drive me away, you love me, you feed me, hmm, you should have seen yourself when you came back , was there such a thing? unloved, unhappy, just six months after the wedding, idiot for missing out on such a guy, but to be fair, she’s still my wife, mm, that’s why you you’re running back to me, well, it’s all different with you, you hot woman irka. and passionate, i love you
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like the last time, well, at least in some ways i’ve surpassed her, lyosha, pies! lyosh, i forgot, thank you, when you come again, one of these days, wait, let's go!
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what's happened? what's there? we've arrived. well, let's go back, we'll get there in two hours. “if you want, go, i’ll wait, maybe someone will go, you’re happy with him, what does it matter, why did you marry him, misha,
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stop, i keep imagining how he, how he hugs you, kisses you, and you ..." like it, you like it, yes, stop it, misha, tell me, stop, don’t dare anymore, i have my own life, you have yours, we need to forget everything, if i can’t, if i can’t forget, then cook, i shouldn’t have. just when i think that we could be happy with you, i get so angry, at whom, mish, myself, at olga, at alexei, and at everyone, no need, mish, if life turned out this way, then it
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’s necessary, who, i will love you ever. me too, but we don’t need to dredge up the past, here’s the thing, what happened to us here, what happened to the car? yes, shoot? stuck, well ok, what, let's sit down, i'll give you a ride, at the same time i'll bring the trailer, but i need a bag, so i'll bring it, come on, sit down,
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styopka. but tell me, if one person found out something bad about another person, what should he do, open everyone’s eyes or remain silent, so who did you find out about, another gossip, but not me, and this is not gossip, any idle chatter that harms someone else's reputation is called writing, the one who walks... reveals the secret as a carrier, but a faithful person always conceals the matter, did i answer your question? answered, saw, vyvantsev, the second person was already
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given a state pension, but i am a war invalid, but a passer-by, why? because we are collective farmers. we don’t deserve a pension from the state, the collective farm pays pennies, we don’t have passports, to go wherever you please ask for permission, worse than slaves, like pinned insects to the ground so that they don’t run away, but i shed my blood for them, hey, i’ll die. so i won’t get anything from them, what kind of gratitude, what do you want, dad , please, i’ll give it to you, well, so that they give me a state pension, well, it’s a shame, i
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lost a leg in the battles for my homeland, and my homeland is blowing me away nose, i’ll think about what can be done, zoya, where have you gotten off to, well, you’re always on my arm, dad, to the club for a dance, and you asked me, should i? yes, of course, i’m the deputy chairman of the collective farm, and instead of working on the unit, you work your ass off in the tea shop, and now all work is held in high esteem, dad, i forgot, tell me again, what happened, i say, daughter, you should at least take care of your education, or something, go to the city, go to college, or at least have a tv with... instead of your own dances, there are now such programs they show, bye, well, here’s your
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upbringing, four seas, four suns, summer rains, and it’s good that he doesn’t know about someone like me, a maverick, “i still won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course, everything that concerns you, everything that concerns me is me, god, what a man, and i want, the main thing that a man has is to have a propeller.” fantastic on friday at the first,
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you’ll be bored, well, don’t forget your hat, it’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, that’s all. delicious health, come on, that's it, come on, bye, see you, well, we inspected the attics, the roofs, everything was clean, the owner of the dachshund says that she had no conflicts, no one threatened that varenike was tired, she missed the poplov, and in our yard, on sunday on the first, and you know how we we met him at... our train was parked in the slop, well, i was there, while i was collecting bed linen, he fell into
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the hollow, drunk, couldn’t stand, he looked at me with his eyes, let’s go to tashkent, let’s go to tashkent, i say, men, what tashkent, we are at the kiev station, again in the sky to be pigeon, you have to try, i’m good to go. but i don’t have a soul, so you know, lyonka, and i didn’t study well at school, heartache got in the way,
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i know i fell in love with you, look, why don’t you come in, so what? and for whom i was dressing up, and wow, look, look, i don’t know, now i have you, look, look, you like me better without clothes,
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i think i’m happy. “it seems that i need to be baptized, what do you mean, i’m a komsomol member, don’t be baptized, i don’t care, here you’re not lying, it doesn’t matter, but i loved you with all my heart, and i told you right away, don’t expect a wedding.”
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i see we have guests, listen to us, mikhail, our village burned to the ground, that’s all we could save, we came to ask you to join the collective farm, i know blacksmithing well, and school savat, my apprentices, and women for any work we’re ready, we’ll be useful, wait, like the whole village, where are the rest? ours have gone to the east, and i’m too old to wander, and i fell in love with these places, decide, mikhail, as you say, it will be so, we don’t have a place, well, where should they live, there are empty houses, that ’s it, now everyone went straight there and they’ll come, it’s like we have that house over there, or something, yes,
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yes, grandma lena’s house, she died in the spring, they just need to patch up the fence, well, the roof, that’s good, go, maxim will show you the houses, in the evening i ’ll come by and see how they’ve settled in , let's go, hello! “well, not in public, but what’s wrong, let everyone see how much i love you, what beautiful flowers, thank you, why, let’s take a walk, i have important conversations with you, if this is what i’m thinking about, then it took you a long time to decide, zakhar andreevich, yes, he is really important, hello, sofya,
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mikhailovna, hello, children, you children they love them, so i love them, so what did you want to talk to me about, zakhar andreevich, yes, nothing, let’s go somewhere, it’s hot, something, let’s go.
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i read it, it’s interesting, i was sure that you would like bunin, he writes about love like that, too frankly for me, because sometimes love needs to shout to be heard, that ’s how i am now, okay, let’s finish this conversation, there’s no point in it , here we go again. again you’re running away, well, you’re not blind, you see everything, but why are you torturing me, why are you crying, sophia, what did you come up with, you stupid thing, really? anyway, yes, i care, you’re a beautiful
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woman, and i’m even scared... to think how much older i am, but you don’t think, don’t think, come on, there’s a conversation. many years ago my son brought you a child, he is alive.
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you’re not very hospitable, you need to bring bread and salt, remember, come on, you won’t have a life here, take your family away, in an amicable way, take them away, here ’s another thing, god forbid, varya finds out, her son died 30 years ago .
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sedena selection, no rib, good, settled down, comrades, comrade. "we have gathered today to resolve several important issues, but first i want to give the floor to varvara, she really asked, come on, come on, comrade collective farmers, i raised the issue in the district council, asked that our veterans be paid a state pension, i’ll be honest, i chose several people, the most worthy, but i was given only one quota . i am at a loss, if it were up to me, i would reward everyone, really, be quiet, be quiet, comrade, now at the general meeting, we will vote and
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choose, but what is there to choose, i propose to reward plato, he did a lot for the collective farm, he was the chairman , foot in the war lost, disabled, more than anyone... which can’t be said about zakhar, it seems who is worthy, what kind of zakhar, who, in my opinion, is truly worthy, keep order, but
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there is nothing to keep, well, let’s vote, unanimously, that’s it, that’s it okay, that's it, thank you, daughter, that's it, madhouse, yes, not a meeting! thank you, comrades, leather cry, hat, wide gait, all this is beaking, this beaking is coming, of course, i’m a dude, are we all from the state security committee? i really wanted
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to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, so what would it take for me to unload a carriage, any the job must be done well, hello sherlock, hello my boy, 100% fit into the character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i think it was a decoration for any movie. we had the full feeling that we were an ordinary family, this was a loss, the loss of the head of the family, that we all called him dad, a wonderful artist who made a big mark on the theater and cinema scene, on the eightieth anniversary of the birth of boris klyuev, on saturday at the first, i didn't learn to rest when i tried to do it, i i almost went crazy. in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters: go ahead, i agreed
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to star in this film only because i voiced it. i tried to play so that it was comfortable in the frame, vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that’s a very, very long time ago was, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i have so many quails,
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“make denis marry me, you are a deputy, you can influence him, put pressure on him, besides, he is your relative, why should he marry you, let me ask, because i love him , otherwise..." otherwise i’ll make such a scandal for the whole collective farm, it will be worse, sit down, that means you came to make a scandal, i’m not ashamed, i’m the one who deceived me, but because i have to think about where with whom, i thought you you will understand me as a woman, woman.
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i don’t recommend making noise, you’ll only disgrace yourself, denis is off the hook, ready to drink, or are you already? what were you thinking, why are you ruining a girl’s life, denis, what’s there to think about, it’s a simple bad thing, then the woman won’t want kobelnisky, i heard, this is your child, son or daughter, oh well, nothing will be lost, girl , it’s also not a tragedy, if you swing at me again, you’ll fly like a carpet. i understand,
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you, denis, have no shame, no conscience, yeah, you’ll die alone, help, help, please, help, please, everything, everything is fine, damn, and gennady petrovich will be free soon, i've been waiting for 2 hours already, he's very busy, that's good, good. you know, i
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like it, okay, come on, you’ll be in our area, you’re welcome, come, it’s better if you come to us in moscow, so i’m not for anyone, i understand. “excuse me, i really need you, i am a deputy of the regional council, we have a bridge in the village of ribinovka, it is very old, suspended, now in disrepair, this is not for me, you need to first build a rest in the executive committee, this is their level, not my, that’s where they’ll solve your problem, listen, well, you’d still be in the kremlin came with this, i'm sorry, but you have to endorse such decisions." "it's just a bridge, somehow you can repair it without me, goodbye, goodbye,
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mish, i dyed my hair, it's okay , hold on, no need, so i’ll try, now i’ll walk without it, a year after the operation on crutches, 3 years with a cane, i don’t want to anymore, you’re sure, it’s dangerous, you never know, i already felt disabled enough, that’s enough. but anyway, be careful, okay, and you be there, support, catch, isn’t that what a knife is for, let’s go, the guests are already waiting, well,
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health of the birthday girl, birth, thank you for you. so don’t you eat anything, let ’s eat potatoes, cabbage, as i understand it, maxim won’t have to congratulate me today, that’s good, we’re fine without him, god, you can’t say that, you couldn’t marry the daughter of a murderer, that’s impossible. dolik, what are you saying in front of a child, dolik, what’s wrong with you, my boy, what’s wrong with you, mish, mish, do something, go, open his teeth, unclench his teeth, dad, run, call an ambulance, bring him a spoon, yeah, open, open, open, quiet,
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what's wrong with him, epilepsy. you'll still go to varya, you're a jackass, you're a terlashklysh, our grandson should know his relatives, we talked to her about meeting, she's waiting, but don't you think it 's time for her to tell the truth about her son, but does she need the truth? “we came with gifts, and shko asked me to say hello to my son, he himself was afraid to come, he feels guilty for that accident, this is for kolya, the horse is
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our sacred animal, it is a symbol of the sun, goodness, happiness, the one who wears this amulet, he always does.” under protection, thank you, we will keep it, i hope he will keep it you, kolya, come here, this is your grandmother, tyra, what a handsome boy, hello, kolya, you are my dad, kolya, i am your dad,
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dad, salam, baby, salam, where have you been for so long? you were afraid that he forgot, but he remembers everything, he remembers everything, the creatures got stuck, after all. i hate them all, i can’t stand them, i will never forgive them for their sadness, and not only tosya, one of them killed your mother, claudia!
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the people still have the right to vote, so what do you propose?
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rybes, hello, rybes got its start from the fish settlement, where once there was a fish farm fishing, in one season ours... made a real economic breakthrough, in rybinsk you need to find fish, fresh, yesterday i was swimming, very rich, just rich, tasty, almost like japanese smoked eel it turns out, smoked eel, the best day in the world, vologda differs from other cities in that we are surrounded, you won’t go to the store today for bread, then for milk, for vologda milk, hush, hush, are you crazy or something, look and... once, that’s it, i understand, two, come on, i suggest you
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try our skablyanka, it’s local pike perch, which is caught in our white lake in kubenskoye, like a sweet tooth, i will make a cheesecake from vloga boiled condensed milk, the famous and fermented baked milk, look at the consistency of the cheesecake, just cooks on wheels, on the weekend for the first time, i need to get married once and for all, i i think. you love me, oh, on behalf of the peredaliks, a fun wedding, the condition is serious, the spine is hurt, everything will be fine, take it away. take this collectively, can you understand it now? hello,
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seryozha, why did you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be man, free her, what do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself, i can’t say goodbye, on saturday on the first, it seems to me that this is not a sin, because... this is love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples was adored in the ussr. she turned into the queen of the satire theater. she was playing and dressed up. i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels and shoes. recently, she rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all. we were lucky to persuade her. i she looked after her husband very much when he was sick, very much.
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on saturday at the first, a bag of sugar, buckwheat, money from the cash register, 5 rubles there was new, you had this before, you never had it, after all , it’s all yours, but not all, and i said there’s no need to attract the cheremis, they’re like they pay well, yes, yes, the cunning people, wild, uh-huh,
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it’s sin that will lock the doors, there was no sadness, comrades, nothing has been proven yet, but what is there to prove, a private matter, expect trouble from them, strangers, one word , cheremis, why is everything clear here, little wolf, you what are you doing, you bastard, why are you screwing people over, but you yourself brought them and your dad to us by the hand, now i’ve started to disentangle, maybe i’ve arranged it to discredit people, well, repeat, you good fellow, well, repeat, keep in mind, i’ll find out, that it’s you who will completely ruin my life, without you the air on the collective farm will become cleaner, you can’t wait, you will stand in my way, you will lose your life, i understand, well
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, you will sulk for a long time, i... here i bought you butter, a cigarette, well ok, to hell with it, you really are not guilty of anything, zakhar really deserved a state pension, at least something good will receive from life, not a single experience, what else, but i ’m going to spread gossip or something, i heard, sophia, our teacher, she stung to her friends, i won’t.
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i’ll help, why hold it forcibly, my good one, you like aru, very much, you love horses, yes, well, i’m actually afraid of them, i fell from a horse as a child, quietly, quietly, quietly, there’s a scar left, i really don’t remember , how was it? in order to overcome fear, you have to deceive it, how is that? like this, come on, oh, like this, oh, great, great,
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my, we can’t leave the horse, why? i i’ll ride it, i already know a little, i need to deceive my fear, do you understand? it’s useless, otdazhkon will leave with him, aru, my good one, yes, i knew, at night a man in the yard fired at her, and you would have fired. i would have figured it out first, but what ’s there to figure out, thief, of course, yes, it’s a pity that i missed, aru, such a case happened, i live it myself, but i wanted the best, so that there would be
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a surprise, a surprise, and if god forbid yegor wounded or killed you, don’t do that again, and in general, until this storm subsides, don’t leave the house at night again, that’s all true they believe that we are thieves, they believe, they don’t believe, but they took out a gun, they are afraid, i don’t have to prove to anyone that i’m not a thief, ikolosh.
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epileptic. he's still sick. ir, what are you talking about your son? damn genes. did you at least give you something defective? exactly. the right word. i shouldn't have taken it. it was necessary to give this varka such a gift. irka.
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he is an illegal resident throughout america, put pressure on him, scare him, for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr you face the death penalty, silence will not help, the only way out is to start cooperate with us, you hear me, you can think whatever you want, but we must save you, for example, they will kill you, my beloved. they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, then tell your boss that i was terribly scared, we agreed, on the birthday of the legendary
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intelligence officer, the us government against rudolf abel, on saturday on the first. decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend, look at me. where should i go to the theater, to the cinema? sergey thumb launches are a dream for any artist to have as a partner. seryozha, a combination of incongruous things, he is an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera. it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame, have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with his human power. he could do so much for the cinema, for his own. countries on the shore where i have never been, traces of my feet in
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the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalis, when i’m gone, on sunday on the first, in the new season on first, a woman was killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken, what do you know, how is she... or do you have a second, very well -thought-out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the
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security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all of our people.
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it’s clear, but what is clear to you, what? well, i don’t want to go anywhere, just your word, i’ll stay, well, artek is a good camp, you ’ll like it there, sea, mountains, young people, perspective, why do you say that, well, you don’t want to let me go, i shouldn’t ruin your life, but i love you. you, you, don’t, sophia, you’ll meet a young, handsome man, for the sake of a lot of children, but that’s not what i want, and i don’t want you to become a young widow, i thought that you loved me, you’re just a coward, yes , i’m a coward, i’m afraid to ruin your
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life, yes i’m afraid. now you’re breaking it, and you’re also breaking it for yourself, i’ll go, don’t see me off, attention, attention.
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come on faster, come on faster, why are we standing there, time is running out, i repeat, that everything is fine, heart, but the shelf, what a shelf, such a ticket,
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sophie left, but i saw her twisted face, nothing, let it cool down,
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what else? give it to the young woman, so he needs it for the old goat, uh, give it back. did you hear that there was a fire in the forest again? yes, it’s the middle of summer, there’s no smell of rain, we need to appease the gods, call on heavenly water.
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great god kugumu, we pray to you, making a hot sacrifice, sincerely prepared, a sacrifice without beginning, accept kindly for the sake of families, for the sake of cattle, for the sake of bread, for the sake of wealth, for the sake of bees. for the sake of the product, for the sake of health, great mercy, joy, i beg, we ask, go into the waters of heaven on our heads,
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go into the waters of heaven on our heads,
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well, as i say, the sorcerers smeared blood, they beat a tambourine, you can, but what do you mean to me? you say, let the people hear, come here, people, listen to what seryoga saw, come on, men, the cheremis are doing magic, they're smeared with blood, they're beating the tambourine, oh, human blood, i've been speaking for a long time... these filthy bastards drive away the damned sorcerers from our village, let's go, people who are sitting, let's go, let's go, let's go,


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