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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 11, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the gifts reflected in the exhibition include a complex of memorial items, for example, the sheikh's costume, as well as the jewelry of the princess, whose father is sultan amana from anzibar, and whose mother is cherkeshenko. the relations between our countries, brought through centuries, are now receiving a new impetus for development. we have very big plans for working with our colleagues from aman, since we have such technologies in museums, primarily in organizing exhibitions and restoring objects.
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hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about important and current events, and i am observing important current events that occupy a large place on the agenda of the past few days, in particular those related to the whole complex. events around the nato summit , i thought that sometimes the relevance of events in some way can overshadow the importance of events for us, and by the way, the nato summit is no exception, because we all, well, since the current events are the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, this is an increasing involvement , and apparently, and readiness nato will continue to get involved in this conflict. that is, current events, they
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create for many, and i even caught myself thinking about this, well, this is a more actualized conflict, here is the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, the summit, what will they say to ukraine, will they take ukraine, will they not take ukraine, how much will they be drawn out, will not be involved, will they overshadow a much more important context, because the fact is that nato existed before the ukrainian conflict, there were attempts to take nato into take ukraine into nato. this is the cause of this conflict, but it was a consequence of how nato behaved felt in 1991 with the collapse of the soviet union, deciding that they had won, deciding that they were exceptional and that they could now do what they wanted, and this in turn was the consequence of an even much longer chain of events that can be extended right up to, probably the results of the second world war, as a result of which a certain world order arose, in
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which nato became one pole, the soviet union with the corresponding powers, the other pole, a certain history began, many of us have the illusion that, as it were, in the ninety-first year, it all sort of reset to zero, but it didn’t reset anything, and the seventy-five-year nato summit is not only about ukraine and not only about what is happening now within the framework of this conflict, it is, whatever one may say, about what is global happening in the world. in some multi-decade development, in this sense, they helped me return this important global perspective - the americans themselves, well, actually, we say nato, we mean the usa, we say the usa, we mean, among other things, nato, which declassified precisely for this very anniversary summit, a new batch of documents: the us national security archive, in particular there are documents there that relate to the conversations. and communications between american
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leaders and the president of the russian federation, boris elson. here is a conversation from december 1994, al gore talking to boris elson. let's listen. as clinton said in september 1994. nato will eventually expand, but the process will be gradual and open. we will consult with you. the process will be carried out in parallel with the deepening the us-russia partnership and your partnership with nato. this is just a reminder of how this process went. here we need to be objective, but we , well, in a sense, it is convenient for us to pose the question that they promised gorbachev not to expand, which means they deceived gorbachev, they cheated us and then began to hostilely expand, which is the honest truth, but still... still, everything is more complicated, and the complexities of the process that we are dealing with now are rooted in many ways also where you see how... in ninety-seven
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it is no longer the same as in ninety fourth, and the easier it is for clinton to weave this lace, we listen: russia has no claims against other countries, in fact, as for the countries of the former soviet union, let's conclude an oral gentleman's agreement, we would not write it down in the agreement that that no former soviet republic will join nato. i'm trying to create a nato that is not a threat to russia, but allows the us and canada to remain. in europe and work with the russian federation and other countries to create a united, free europe and solve other problems. if we agreed that no member of the former soviet union could join nato, it would be bad for our attempt to build a new nato, but it would also be
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bad for your attempt to build a new russia. i am not naive, i understand that you are interested in who will join nato when. we need to make sure that these are all topics that we can consult on. much more complicated than the americans who simply ditched us, this is the situation where i myself and which ones are even further back, everything, of course, i’m glad to be deceived, yes, let’s conclude unwritten means gentlemanly, one already concluded an unwritten gentleman’s agreement, and this one knew that he was cheated, but
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nevertheless, i’m saying this to the fact that looking at what nato is today, and what nato wants, is trying to be able to or this cannot become... question: in the future, we are talking not only about the fate of the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, but about the fate of the world, the prospects for its development, peaceful or not. here's what you need to remember, thanks to the american archivist for reminding me of this, to slightly expand the focus of our attention, well, now with an expanded focus advertising forward, yes, so what? you don’t have to touch me with your hands, you want to live with me, but a little at home, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, clear, i didn’t seem to call a plumber, and i’m not a plumber, i man is a drill, i am a cheerful carpenter, i am a husband for an hour,
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a fortune teller, today is the first, and where is the witch? “she doesn’t report to us, and from whom we would also like to know the flowers, of course, across four seas, across four suns, and it’s good that he doesn’t know about someone like me, i still won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course,
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tomorrow is the first, we need to get married once and for all, i think you love me, oh, on behalf of the peredaliks, the wife of the bride, the wife of the bride , fun wedding. the condition is serious, the spine is hurt, everything will be fine, mili, take it away, take it away, he’s cool, now you can understand it, hello, seryozha, why did you
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let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be a man, free her , what do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself, no i can say goodbye, on saturday on the first, rybsk, hello, hello! rybensk originated from a fishing settlement, where fishing once took place. in one season, our merchants made a real economic breakthrough. in rybinsk you need to find fish, it’s fresh, it was still swimming yesterday, it’s very rich, really rich, delicious, almost like japanese smoked charcoal, it’s smoked, the best day in the world. vologda differs from other cities in that we are surrounded by people who won’t go to the store. today for bread, then for milk, for vologda milk, hush, hush,
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are you crazy or something, look, and once, that’s it, i understand, yes, come on, i suggest you try our skoblyanka, this is a local pike perch, which is caught in our white lake in kubenskoye, like a sweet tooth, i will make a cheesecake from vlogoskaya famous boiled condensed milk and fermented baked milk, look at the consistency of the cheesecake, just a cook on wheels, on the weekend on the first. “decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater to the cinema, sergei letting finger is a dream for any artist as a partner, seryozha combines the incongruous, he is an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame, you haven’t thought of changing your profession yet ?" "no, he filled the entire frame with himself - with his human power, he could
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do so much for uh cinema for his country, on that shore where i had never been, the traces of my feet in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalis, when i'm not there, on sunday on the first. program time will show, we continue to work live, we discuss the past nato summit live, well, not as a nato summit, not as an event, this is an event for nato, but how? well, it’s still an important moment in the global history of ours and the current current history in connection with the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, which largely happened thanks to. part and aspiration, if you like, of nato, and which one way or another develops largely,
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depending on the extent to which the nato countries and, above all, the united states, deeply they get into it and are ready or not ready to get into it further. ukraine itself is not so important against this background, because we understand that ukraine is not a goal, it’s just an excuse, it’s a platform, it’s a field.” battle and this is relatively speaking, well, it’s like a subject of rhetoric, everyone , of course, is sorting out relations at a much higher level in this territory, with ukraine everything was generally quite predictable, i was still waiting to see who would be first, well, they were still waiting to see what wording they would use at this summit they will not take ukraine into nato, it was clear for a long time that they would not take it, and to everyone, the most interesting thing was, with what formulations they won’t accept it, and i kept waiting, who ? the first one will already say: okay, guys, let’s move this question to the next one, we’ll definitely take it up on the next one,
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well, my expectations were not let down, the polish nobles, it’s as if the one currently playing the role of the chief noble, duda fulfilled, please, this nato summit, invitation for ukraine to join the alliance, most likely will not be sent, but i have hopes and i will talk about this in my speeches at the summit, that an official invitation for ukraine to join in... nato will become a fact at the next summit of the north atlantic alliance, which will be held in the hague. well, well, that is, roughly speaking, we rewind to the beginning, move the needle to the beginning of the track, and that means, here’s the next summit, everything will be, ran, the donkey of ran, that means, here’s the carrot, all over again, i already know that we will discuss about two months before the hague, the wording from which further, and so on and so forth, everything is predictable here, predictable hints that you need to fight until you... defeat you, we let’s not take it, in this sense, in my opinion, but
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again from the point of view of not so much relevance, but the importance of this event, this is that according to the final declaration of the summit, in which everything about ukraine was more than predictable, and it seems to me that this is not even it is especially worth discussing, precisely in relation to ukraine’s membership in nato, which is like a horizon, it is always visible, but it is always an imaginary line. it seems to me that a much more important point from this declaration is that nato, at least at the level of the declaration, is it ready or...
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the most important thing is this, its irreversible membership in the alliance, this is what all the copies were broken around, there is a lot more that i propose to talk about, in fact, about this broader context, because even in application to the ukrainian conflict specifically, there were several, in addition to the declaration, several statements, apparently off-duty. yesterday we already discussed blinkin’s statement that at the very moment when we are talking to you, it means f -16th edition of the netherlands are transmitted, the transfer of fighters is underway, they will fly in the ukrainian skies this summer, here are two fairly accurate indications of the place, time, ukrainian skies, yesterday i said that 51 days
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remained until the end of summer, now there are 50 days left until the end of summer, in fact, this already like that. some clear guidelines, before it was all vague, we will give it, we won’t give it, someday, now, however, these are words again, but yesterday, after our broadcast , these words came with news from the netherlands that 300 million have been allocated euro to the purchase of ammunition for the very aircraft that will soon be delivered, including to ukraine, and this is in addition to the 150 million euros of reserves for this purpose, that is... 450 million euros are allocated for ammunition for the aircraft that blinken said about the fact that by the end of summer, that is, within 50 days, they will appear, as they say, in the ukrainian sky, this raises the question: in your opinion, is this a forced puffing out of one’s cheeks, well,
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because if this is all true, then this is the next step . yes, in the escalation of nato's participation in the conflict military operations on the territory of the former ukraine, especially considering the harsh statements that we made through the mouth of our minister of foreign affairs in may of twenty-four, that since these aircraft can carry nuclear weapons, this will be a kind of signaling action within the framework of this whole story and so on further. all that remains is to understand, in our opinion, these are some kind of test words, which are already confirmed by the allocation of half a million euros. yeah, for the purchase of ammunition in the netherlands, or what is it? i really didn't like this nato summit, very much. well, for example, i never liked the nato summit, any summit, even this one, even not this one, i don’t like them in principle, i liked it much less than last year’s in vilnius, yeah, and it’s not just about rhetoric, it’s one and the same, in the totality of statements, in
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the combination of characters who speak out and ...
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new weapons in europe, this concerns the arrangement of the northern front, a common front, as it were, with nato, that is, scandinavia, the baltic states, that is, in fact, and i why i’m talking about this because within the framework here such a perception highlights the role of ukraine in a different way, but we have talked about this more than once, including me, that until february 24 , 2022, this territory was recognized. in the west to nato as a springboard for putting pressure on russia, i do not specifically specify nato there as a springboard, on february 24, when we launched a special military operation, they immediately realized that.
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we write, we touched this sacred cow, we opened it, and if we open it, you can put whatever you want in there, this is very serious for them, it looks like we are ready for this, rebkov also said about this, yes, but, but their
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task is to deliberately go for escalation, in different ways, so at first there should be few planes, yeah, for example, yes there are, well , 15, yeah, well, we’ll shoot down half of them at once. we will chase half, then they will start taking off from rzeszew, we will hit the planes in rzeszewo, by the way, they just brought me news, the white house once again confirmed that the f-16 fighters transferred from the west to kiev will be based in ukraine, yes , at first yes, at first yes, but the repair base will not be there ukraine, we are, they simply have no specialists, no equipment, nothing, they will fly there for restoration in any case, that is, do all this in small steps and due to this - due to the fact that they will how to mince in escalation, uh-huh, uh, at each checker control like this, the russian has everything, yet and not everything yet, then it’s still thirsty, the russian
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has already closed the valve there, no and well, yes, that is, as if by 15 planes to answer in some serious way, yes, but where is the line from which you can start, but they won’t let 50 at once and just go and think about when, plus what you said is that they will be repaired in rzeszow, but repairing this is not like fighting. except for our missiles, for a second, well, kind of, in this case it, i mean, you can’t just hit it, without thinking about the fifth, i mean, inaccessible, but
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thanks for the submission, let’s continue your a thought when the americans are still resisting ukraine firing missiles at russian territory, but these are mirror things, if you perceive them. zone special special military operation as an independent territory, then all of russia is the rear for the russian army, and the entire west is the rear for ukraine, and if they are there, then we are there, only strikes on russian territory with western weapons that are already being carried out, and this does not fall under any which, so to speak, may be formal for us, but nevertheless quite real for them, paragraph five of the washington declaration, that’s why. they, let's say it honestly, they have deterrent mechanisms to hit our territory today moment, much less than ours, because
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the very first missile of ours that arrives... in rzeszow is essentially an attack on nato, while the ukrainian missile transferred by the americans, which comes here, flies here, they say: guys , so we are simply handing over missiles, ukrainian missiles, ukraine is at war, we are helping, here it is important to distinguish, here it is important to distinguish between two spaces of dialogue, there is a space , as it were, legal, and there is where there are documents, statutes, all garbage, but there is, as it were, real life , that's if we're in real life we’re talking, we don’t care about all these regulations, now it’s ours. the strategic enemy played a scene for us, they wrote about it, which means that the russians will come up with something now, they came up with it for us, by the way, i liked it, i would sign up for it, which means in the small, tiny town of narva, the russians come out , and only russians live there, and he is in estonia, he goes out to the central square and they say, russia, take us to your place, the ivan bridge separates the city and narva, we cross the bridge and occupy the city of narva.
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nato territory. and nato members are asking the question: are we ready to start world war iii because of some kind of narva? yes. no. and because of one strike, it won’t hurt if we hit the planes, and not the control tower. and here we all enter the zone of the unknown. so it’s the same here, artyom, when they give once, they think every time, but the russians have everything, or not everything yet. their rockets.
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excuse me, there is no strategy for you, they are bombing ukraine with all their stupidity, and they cannot change missiles from nuclear warheads, and easily no one will even notice whether this happened at all or not, so here it’s kind of bash to bash, the only thing is that i am again limiting myself with your presentation, but our strategies do not fly into the skies over ukraine, yeah, and they will be in the ukrainian skies, but they will say, well, these are now ukrainian bayraktar planes, remember, and these are not
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turkish bayraktars, that's what they are. here, here, here you understand, and this whole and this whole conversation, this whole story, it consists of the same amount, if, as it were, perhaps, this is this, this is again once again not in the first, not in the second and not in the third, i remember the book of the gun of august or the august guns, as we translate it, you know, it’s also like in the spring in the summer of the fourteenth year of 1900, yeah. also everything, if we answer like this, but nothing, if we answer here or don’t answer, or answer like this, but nothing, that is, everyone probes each other, and then somewhere there is such a story, after which probe the poses, well, here ’s another example, please, and confirming what you’re talking about, washington, and jake sullevan, this is right here today, that means, said the adviser to the us president,
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national security stated that the united states does not intend to revise restrictions on strikes by the ukrainian armed forces deep into the russian federation, despite the calls and dissatisfaction of vladimir zelensky. quote. we have made our position clear, we have a sound policy regarding cross-border strikes, and we do not allow the use of deep strike tactics inside russia. and what’s more, it’s interesting about airplanes, sullivan said, the united states is waiting. there is an interesting wording here: they are waiting, the united states is waiting for the american fighters supplied to kiev f16 will be used to protect the ukrainian armed forces on the front line and will be deployed on the territory of ukraine. on the territory of ukraine, we have already talked about this, but then the question arises: where will they hit, that is, if a fighter is on the territory of ukraine, it will hit from the territory of ukraine beyond the territory, depending on what, that is, you understand how much convention there is - i think he said something else, they’ll bring it to me now, but i want to give you another
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example. and by the way, it’s good that there are countries that are comfortable on several chairs, because, well, look, so, yesterday the turkish minister of defense and shar guler said: “we will not allow the black sea basin to be turned into an arena of military operations.” oh, i wrote about this yesterday, who won’t allow it to be turned? the british, with whom they are in the same alliance, whose unmanned boats are hitting our fleet and whose missiles.
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nato and we read in this wonderful declaration, and reading trousers turn, trousers turn into a point nato is going to continue expansion in the black sea in the eastern balkans, further the question arises for me, where is expansion in the black sea, bulgaria is three options, three options, yes, what is expansion, admission of new members, there is no one else to accept except ukraine, we are still, and well, georgia is also, well, we are georgia. what all? georgia is all there, because there, this is a separate question, maybe they want to accept abkhazia? i don’t know, but you understand, this is all in the same conversation, about the same, about the same turkey, we won’t allow, who you won’t allow, how you won’t allow, in time,
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is this already a response to the turks? yes, yes, ha, i see, response to the turks who are part of this organization, well, that is, you understand that from this side, from the planes, from the missiles, we are all quietly, as if reasoning that no, no, well, they... this is not we will go there, we are all gradually moving somewhere little by little, we are putting wood on the fire, hoping that there will be no wind and the roof will not catch fire, that’s what’s more , we are moving on, why did i say that the ukrainian conflict, which is now more relevant and hotter and so on and so forth, it certainly raises a lot of concerns, there are planes around him, and a nuclear weapon, we’ll talk about the nuclear weapon later today, but again returning to... china and belarus are helping to inflame the conflict in ukraine and threaten nato’s defense. regarding china,
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yeah, in this context, i don’t remember them doing this, but this is a document for a moment, this is not some stupid un secretary general, by the way, a stupid secretary general. iran and north korea provide direct military support, and china supports russia's war economy. this is not just a temporary coalition of convenience, this is a serious a strategic shift and we must remain clear-eyed about the threat it poses to us. today, in a summit declaration, nato allies agreed that china has become russia's decisive enabler in the war against. ukraine. the allies have made it clear that china cannot contribute to the largest conflict in europe in recent history without negatively impacting their interests and reputations. and pay attention, i say again, this is an idiot who will soon leave, but the declaration
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will remain. will stay and it's official a document of a military alliance, very large and powerful, in which for a moment the tone addressed to china is unprecedented in tone. following. let's listen. the stated ambitions and coercive policies of the people's republic of china continue to challenge our interests, security and values. the deepening strategic partnership between russia and china, and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undermine and rebuild the rules-based international order, raises deep concerns. we are faced with hybrid, cyber, space and other threats, as well as malicious activities with... in official relations with china, there is unprecedented rigidity, not only because the documents recorded rigidity
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, because i’m standing here in a moscow studio and of course i’m still supposed to shake it there, which means addressed to the adversary, here you go , the western media, who paid attention to this, for example, new york. for the first time, nato accuses china of supporting russia's attacks on ukraine, a major departure from the alliance's course, which until 2019 had not officially mentioned china as a matter of concern. that is, why is this important? well, here’s the wording for you, just a year ago, european leaders did not dare to challenge china, especially well, so on and so forth, the alliance for the first time joined in condemning washington for china’s military support for russia, and this not just the new york times, here you go, washington post, same thing, new nato wording, nato allies name china as decisive enabler, extraordinary move, especially given warning that beijing about...
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was created as, in fact, a military bloc. well, look, it’s just not a secret that nato , which considered the main threat to be the soviet union and its partners, the warsaw bloc, and it is no coincidence that after the collapse of the soviet union, in fact, we remember very well that we for many years they asked the question, what is the meaning of nato’s existence if there is no warsaw bloc, and... the soviet union, in fact there was such a pause for many years from the point of view of nato self-identification, because they could not explain in any way why they exist, why are they expanding, why are they accepting new states, the conflict in ukraine seemed to give the same identity in the second circle, as they say, again russia instead of the soviet union, again an obvious enemy, and russia was endowed with the status of... a global outcast in their version, this is an important point, because
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they said that russia has challenged humanity, or that’s what they call it , a world without rules, that is, there is a world according to rules, that’s all except russia, and maybe there are several states there that, by the way, north korea, for example, was not mentioned in connection with russia, the nato bloc was not officially directed against north korea, and now a new goal setting is really taking place. that is, we are already comma-sharing with china, and the north atlantic alliance openly calls china, china is comma-sharing with us, well, china is now comma-sharing with us, and then maybe we’ll switch places, what really matters is that we are together with china, belarus, this is if you read official documents, and if you listen while leaving secretary general, let’s add iran and north korea here, that is, we have indeed already been united into an axis of evil 2:0.
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this is really a very important point, because it’s one thing when there’s a conflict in ukraine, and we’re thinking about how to resolve it and what solutions to find, but it’s another thing when it’s necessary to say, well, actually, we see that a new military bloc is being created , and we must strategically confront this military bloc there in the next decade, again we chip in for the war, 2% of gdp, and so on and so forth, again we we see the point that nato considers africa and the middle east to be a zone of expansion of its influence. neither was it, they speak openly, that is, in this regard
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, nato is really spreading, they are no longer ashamed of it, they say: africa is the territory of our interests, the middle east is the territory of our interests, which means that tomorrow the question will arise there, for example, saudi arabia's membership in nato, and this is not some kind of fantasy, and why not, we know that attempts at military alliances have been created and are already being created against china in the east, deployment of american missiles, for example, in the philippines. the creation of a military alliance with the participation of australia, i think that soon all this will also be united into one story, but why create a second one, let’s just join nato, we will include australia, for example, or the philippines, it will be a single bloc. although australia is in the global but countries in the north may well be included there - well, this is in the global north, and so is japan, and japan is paradoxically in the global
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north, but it will be the political north, the political north or the political west, whatever you want to call it, or northwest versus southeast, global. there is already a supposedly created military bloc there, if democracy sleeps, it will be left behind, and then a huge number of politicians will come out on the topic, which means there is not a minute to lose, in this regard, the level of escalation is indeed rising sharply, i repeat again, this is the logic, we are all against russia, the logic changes to this global
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northwest versus the global southeast, this is another... another confirmation of where i started the program today, well, with great a number of interesting, as it were, details of observations, that indeed this nato summit, it will go down in history not just as an anniversary, i don’t know what will happen there next , whether anyone will study history later, what happened at the anniversary, but, of course, it cannot do not go down in history as the nato summit, at which nato went beyond its borders not only in europe, but also semi-senile. led by the united states with many problems, but nevertheless stated that the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine is not the basic conflict in which they consider themselves, so to speak, involved, and that the conflict is much wider, having actually spread it to the whole world, which
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is paradoxical, having artificially included certain countries in it, yes, china, of course, immediately objected - through the mouth of a representative of the department - china, but at with all due respect to comrade lendzian, and this is called, who cares, that is, if nato said that you are a side, now go prove that it is not, we also say that we did not start the war, but we are trying to stop it, and that we are not aggressors, she is us, that doesn’t stop us from imposing 15,000 sanctions, now returning to the declaration, which konstantin vasilyevich already talked about... talking about, this series really sounds there: we will expand into the black sea, we will modernize our nuclear potential, we will, therefore, be present in the middle east in africa , and we plan to deepen cooperation with the countries of the indo-pacific region, that is , the question arises that they have crossed a certain line, well, some
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conventional line for themselves, it is left somewhere behind them, they are all already... now that's not what the north atlantic alliance, security, they have already extended themselves to the whole world. now i have only one question for you, and since, well, you still look with one eye from there and can imagine their motivations, the second from here, the second from here, well, i hope, yes, if you looked with two from there, you would there now, like all those who look from both sides, that means, together with both eyes, so, seriously, in your opinion, this is still some kind of ambition. puffing out one's cheeks, or is this some kind of well-constructed plan and readiness for the next, well, scale and level of escalation. this is a statement of a process that is already underway, in fact, yeah, and moreover, this is not just puffing up one’s cheeks, but a reflection of the existential nature of the problem for
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nato. yes. and the problem is twofold, internal and external. i 'll talk about this now. but i would like to point out this. this one here. and it is afraid of this: i will quote a famous philosopher, this is a familiar quote from berkeley, who said to be is to be in perception.
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i was even surprised today when i found it information, but the fact is that they still say that they are liberal democracies, well , more or less, yes, they say, of course, more, oh well, don’t laugh, but we say that, of course, less in general, let it be so, let it be so, but this means that it is important for them to prove to their voters, their citizens that they are needed for some reason, well, citizens pay taxes, you see, the german marshal fund conducted a survey: about the attitude towards nato among citizens of western countries, they found out a very interesting thing, that if you if you start to break it down, read the breakdown by
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generation, by age, then the following picture emerges: these are representatives of the zoomers - these are the genzi generation, and generation z, that is, these are people who were born there approximately in the mid, late nineties and before the beginning of 2010 , that is this is what young people mean, they believe that nato is not particularly needed, yeah, they have a rather negative attitude towards it.
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but at the same time, his teeth are still those of a mastiff, you see, he may seem like an old mastiff to everyone, but he has teeth, here we are now we’ll show, yes, we’ll show, yes, yes, yes, now we’ll show everyone that we are of the same color, you know, that we’re no longer just a fool, and from here, accordingly, these are the steps, from here this is, well, obviously well, the nervous tone of this meeting, which well ... for me was completely obvious, but look, you brought an interesting quote from the philosopher that to be means to be perceived, subjective idealism is called
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subjective separation, but but for this, in order to be in perception or to be perceived somehow, it needs to be done in some way it is not necessary to confirm with actions, or in the postmodern world, no, the fact of the matter is that in the postmodern world, although i am not at all sure about the correctness of this, i also sometimes just like to insert clever words.
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we will be in the middle east, we will be in africa, we will be, now, then, this is a mastiff that says: you all think that i am a lapdog, but i am not a lapdog, i am a mastiff, but he is in order to convince everyone that he is a mastiff, he must still bite someone like the masters, he must come there, and he will be there should someone, well, as an array should. bite, so you understand, this cannot be said and not done, because then you will no longer be a lap dog, and you won’t know that soon you will have a home, that i agree with sosha, what does it really mean that they are going to do, what exactly to do, yeah, it’s hard for us to say now, let’s be honest, yes, let’s say, entering the war, so to speak, precisely the russian-ukrainian conflict, this is actually a difficult story for them , by and large, because in fact they will do this only on one condition, they will do this only on one condition, if... with the help of ukraine they succeed, they dream about it, to deplete russia’s military resources to such an extent that if they intervene, the outcome will be
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a foregone conclusion, as they are now about this is what they say, russia. battles, and we exhaust each other, and well, there we are in this forefield in very heavy artillery, rifle, fpv, these assaults , and so on and so forth, but we understand everything perfectly, and
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our supreme commander-in-chief has said this more than once what if in at some point a threat arises. statements on our part that we are now thinking about changing our nuclear doctrine, so to speak, commented that work on the nuclear doctrine is underway, discussions are really taking place, experts are discussing, we must understand, and so on, yes, but now a question arises , about what they decide or don’t decide, we are having discussions there. since we understand it based on the fact that it is there, that there is an entry point for these, so to speak, as if, based on yes, a signal, based on
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from what you are telling me everything here, there is no such entry point,
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and we have talked about this many times, we need to listen not to the avatars that are now in the photo, we need to listen, and this opportunity exists, we need to listen to to the voice of the deep state, which exists in the united states, in europe, in european countries, there are people there who perceive signals normally, it’s just that now, given these conversations, which are quite frequent, the task has changed globally, we have talked about the first task many times here and ... we solved this problem together with the americans, no one believed me until the americans themselves said it, the americans, and we provided a regional framework for this conflict, so that it would not go abroad, so that it would not become internationalized, that’s right, and now the second page has been turned, now in the nato resolution, the statement by peskova and not only peskova, ribkova and the rest, a second frame is visible, and we
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will also provide it together with the americans, so that this conflict is even a frame? the frame is very simple so that it remains conventional, and conventional, yes, this is just when you and i were talking, and they are generally there, and not who is it convenient for him to remain conventional, with 32 countries with economies with a military-industrial complex, which they will shake up by the year twenty-nine, and with us with all due respect, well, it’s still the resources, wait, artyom, let’s be fair, in the previous one, in the dialogue with konstantin, you yourself assumed our dynamics.
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this conflict, and it will take over the middle east right there, everything else, there will be a lot of people who want to not let someone go somewhere, i i’m not even saying take part, but don’t let someone go somewhere. pre-selection for nato, nato for pre-selection, well, in general, it’s time to watch advertising, so seriously, why are you blind, don’t notice anything at all, what are you talking about, about your husband alexey irk
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ermakovy, you have him, yes, lyosha, you here, varyusha, but you thought the wrong thing, and it was completely accidental, and my poor, dear. what happened there that caused the fire to start? two shores, premiere of the serial film, watch after the program time. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellor group.
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fantastic, tomorrow on the first. this is a city
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whose coat of arms depicts the most powerful beast. we are in the glorious city of yaroslavl. afonya was filmed here by everyone’s beloved ivan vasilyevich, who was also filmed in the yaroslavl region. so, boyars, for you to erase what you prepared in yaroslavl style.
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voiced the wheelbarrow, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, well, because it’s brilliant, hurt yourself after the shock, and then answer my question, well, of course, only i can do this, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to give us a rating in the app, i was once on taita, actually nothing more could have been done and don’t do it, go ask everyone if you’ve been to taita, tonight with nikolai tseskaridze on the first one, you’ll be bored, well, i’ll be fine,
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don’t forget your hat, it’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much everyone. very tasty, good luck, come on, that's it, come on, bye, see you in touch, well, we inspected the attics, the roof, everything was clean, the owner of the dachshund says that... she didn’t have any conflicts, no one gave birth, that the dumplings were tired, she missed the poplov, and in our yard on sunday on the first, and you know how we met him, our train was parked in the septic tank, well, while i was collecting bed linen, he fell into the hollow drunk, he couldn’t stand, he looked at me with his eyes, let’s go to tashkent , let’s go to tashkent, i say, men, what... shashken, we are at the kievsky station,
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we are discussing live, well , the obvious spread of this conflict agenda on the global surface, to a certain extent , the united states stands behind nato, which is the source of this spread, but itself...
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biden and the fact that the guests of the summit are more focused on the state of the president. it’s a very strange feeling to be in europe and listen to the president of the united states, more worried about whether he will go off script than to be happy listening to the leader of the free world. are you worried if he knows what direction it goes, or will it fall, or will it forget, or will north korea say, meaning the south. said a high-ranking european diplomat, you see, yes, this is politics, this is a european diplomat, this is a free world, in the very telegram that alexandrevich recommended to you, here is mine, i wrote about this that there is a feeling that the chicken is beginning to guess that she’s already running around without a head, because well, they kind of understand, you need to sit and eat, and you look at biden, you understand, well, in general, there’s a kind of dissonance, and he is intensifying every day, this break in the pattern, because...
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and it’s not about some congressmen, senators, and so on, clooney, but we understand that in the modern world, where the picture is more important, marketing, and so on further, it doesn’t matter who from, well, it’s important, but the fact that clooney was for biden, it was kind of cool, cool, cool, and now what about the clune, that’s what the clune, i love joe biden as a senator, as a vice president and as president, i consider him a friend and i believe in him, i believe in his character, i believe in his morals, for... the last
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4 years he has won many battles he has had to face but the one battle he can't win is the battle against time, none of us can, it pains me to say but joe biden i was with 3 weeks ago at a charity event, this is not the joe biden of 2010, hell, he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020, he was tired, yes, he had a cold, maybe, but our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn't see that what we just... saw, we didn't win in november with this president, on top of that we won't win the house and we'll lose the senate, that's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of every senator, congressman and governor i've spoken to privately. joe biden is a hero, he saved democracy in 2020 . we need him to do it again in 2024. and you know, you may not know who ted cruz is, who chuck schumer is, who the hell is...
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well, i can't help but share because this is very accurate in my opinion not very good news. our meeting is due to the fact that this week, unfortunately, will be your last in this company, just one unsuccessful evening. yes, i don’t know who edited it, but it’s very cool, you know, this is a montage from a film in a club and an interview with biden, but jokes aside, but
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nevertheless, clearly something is happening and there is a feeling that there is already in biden’s camp some group that is leaking him, and there is some group that... in financing the campaign of the democratic party, so his voice is significant, but at the same time we must also understand that biden, apparently, this is the latest information, still managed to suppress the uprising, as they say, firstly, they just didn’t warn, yes, no, no, clooney,
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no, this was the last one who came out sharply against him, yesterday evening and today such reversals began, let's say, mark warner, a democrat, who was... just about to set up a meeting with biden, talk with him, persuade him to leave the race, canceled the meeting, uh-huh, then, then, black, black-skinned, so to speak, representatives in congress supported biden openly, latinos, that is, hispanics from hispanic origin, representatives of congress supported biden openly, this is already a minority, this is quite a significant, quite influential force, chuck schumer still supports biden, unequivocally.
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the most important thing is that many democrats finally realized that this is, as they say in english, too little too late, yeah, that is, in other words, too little time and too late, because for whom change, it’s still a question, there’s all sorts of stuffing going on, that supposedly hillery can beat, what in russian they call horses at the crossing they don’t change, yes, it’s too late, late, late, late, it’s already all, it’s already half, half, half the river has already been passed, half the distance has been covered, it’s all over, there’s not enough time, you know, yeah.
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with an annual presidential address to the nation, not cheerful, very angry, this is a side effect of these special medications for such, well, elderly people, let’s say, yes, i’ll try very hard, so as not to offend anyone, you know, that’s why this is a big problem for them, but what else are they counting on ? date, trump was scheduled to be sentenced today in his case, which he lost. new york in new york state - postponed until september 18, why? because the supreme court ruled in his favor that if he was acting as an official of the president, that he cannot be blamed, he has immunity. therefore, the lower courts at the federal level, at the state level, were instructed: you will sort out your
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charges there and weed out what we have prohibited, while they will sift out and sort it out, that means, in addition, the judge must come on november 5, that’s what we’re talking about, but they are, after all, on something ... these people, about whom, here is the publication, writes that everyone is already asking who rules america, listen, the oversight committee of the house of representatives. us summonses three senior aides at the white house demanding testimony
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regarding biden's health. the investigation could drag on until the november 5 elections. according to the document, the committee is concerned that biden's aides are among several white house employees who have taken over running the country while the president is unable to carry out his duties. this is the interesting point that we don’t really understand right now. institutionally, who is driving all these global changes, it’s clear, that in nato, everything that the americans say, they will generally do more or less, that’s who the americans are today, takes into account the state of joe himself, this is also an interesting question, well, you know, in fact, in political science there are generally two explanatory schemes for everything, this a scheme of general chaos, a scheme of a general plan, a general plan, that is, a secret, how...
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is it that one of the two is which one? accordingly, this is how the question arises, it’s just that we are objectively scared to imagine that it really is like this it is like it looks official, that...
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this is actually happening, so we are more likely to convince ourselves that behind biden there really are some kind of deep state, his family, well, at least this is the simplest thing, there are different explanations there is the biden family, the clinton family, the obama family, a union of several families, and so on and so forth, well, then you can go a long way to the reptilians. get there, and this world is for us, it is simply more understandable than the world that we again see
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in these pictures, but again i don’t have the final answer to your question, who rules with the united states, even mikhail probably doesn’t know who really rules with the united states, but if we really believe in chaos, that what is happening now is real panic at the democratic headquarters. it actually becomes scary, why? because then it is not clear what they will even come up with before december 5, what else they will come up with, because for them it is obvious that maintaining power is the highest value, for the sake of this they can go to great lengths anything, yes, there to unleash conflicts, we saw this, by the way, in the same cinema, in your favorite films, replace albania with ukraine or something else and you will get all this, that’s what they will get in my head, if... this is really a panic, so i would say so cynically that i would be more
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inclined to believe that after all this is part of some kind of performance, that this was part of the plan to replace biden like this now, although we know that, in fact, the answer will be soon, because very soon there will be national conventions, there are a few days left, twenty for the democrats, something like that, yes, that is, this is like the official extreme point when someone can be nominated, we’ll see, the wait won’t be long, a riot is not a riot, but i repeat again, it’s more likely here i really want to believe in the version that after all this was part of some kind of plan and now they will finally pull some ace out of their sleeve, although you know, i looked at the latest american sociology, because you know that we are an expert community, well, at first everyone was a virologist then they will become military experts, now they will all become americanists and will explain to you how the elections are already taking place. that it’s time
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to get started on a doctorate, everyone knows that in america electors vote, that there are states that always vote for a democrat. for the republicans, everything is decided by these swing states, the swing states, so by and large , you don’t have to look at national sociology, we always know that california will vote there for a democrat, and texas for a republican, no matter who it is there, that’s who you can replace it with , they always vote like that, so i was looking at the latest american sociology on these swing states, this was after the debate, i was honestly amazed, in swing states trump is only 2% ahead, that is, it seems like everyone saw and understood everything,
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that ’s... -firstly, i believe that - the united states, like most western countries, in fact , to some extent we too, is still a country where institutions and procedures dominate, that is, you are talking about the state of the president - this is important , but not critical, not critical, yes, this will not lead to chaos, for in order for chaos to set in, an initiative for chaos is needed, but there are procedures, institutions work, even institutions of war, they also work like... there is a budget, it must be executed, before the next budget a new budget is being prepared in congress, it is discussed, everyone pulls himself, that is, in fact, this will not lead to the chaotization of the country, and there are military men, without whom biden will not press the button, he is the only one who presses it, that’s why, and as for the main political meanings,
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mainly in domestic politics, i think , here konstantin already said, i think, first of all, of course, this is his family, this is his... his wife, who came to the fore right after, very much showed herself, came out or was taken out, no, no, no, we have seen her many times , she saved him many times, she dragged him by the collar, led him by the hand, but here she just stood there, came out instead of him and started talking just like that in a simple way, well, shouldn’t we know from this experience with our wives of general secretaries and presidents, as if yes, and not only the secretaries general and the president, sometimes you think who he would lead me away from there by the hand, but sometimes they did. that’s why - there are selfish interests there, but political ones too, but on the other hand, i thought with your quotes, you ’ll show that no matter how it goes, i discovered it myself, this statement, it seems to me, is very symptomatic, johnson, he heads
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our deputies, all these leaders of nato countries, prime ministers, heads of state come here and tell us in private because if this country suddenly begins to collapse, it will also pull everyone along with it, and we know this very well, okay, well, that's it here, we are the united states first, first we destroy the programs, we destroy, we destroy, and then in the end we sort of put it together and glue it together a little, let it stand, advertising on channel one, yes, what’s wrong with you, what happened, don’t touch me with your own hands, do you want to live
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at home with me at night, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight. clear, clear, i didn’t call the plumber, but i’m not a plumber, i’m a drill man, i’m a cheerful carpenter, i’m a husband for an hour, a fortune teller, today is on the first day, but where is the witch, she doesn’t report to us, but we would also like to know who the flowers are from, of course.
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now can you understand this, hello, seryozha, why did you let her in, mom? we don’t need guests, be a man, be a man, free her, what do you think, if i, and it’s you, think for yourself, i can’t say goodbye, on saturday on the first, leather coat, hat, wide gait, this is klyuev , this klyuev goes, of course, that i’m a dude, we’re from the state security committee, are all the items there? room you own 575 horses, it's called a herd, stop saving, there was a youth, poor, i really
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i wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, well, what was there for me to unload the carriage, any work must be done well, hello sherlock, hello my boy, one hundred percent fit into the character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i think that’s was a decoration for any movie, we had... what, it’s not a sin, because it’s love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples
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was adored in the ussr. she turned into the queen of the satire theater. she was playing and dressed up. i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels. recently, she rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all. we were lucky to persuade her. i took a lot of care. looking after her husband when he was sick, she felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make to play the leading role, why did she not dare to give birth, i didn’t hope for anything good, she called someone else’s daughter hers, when i know that she is nearby, i am not afraid of anything. now that vera kuch has passed away, we are in this same apartment, gifts, gifts, gifts, who will now have the incredible legacy of the great vasilyeva, who will get her jewelry. we lay out these decorations so that everyone can choose what they want. our exclusive, the last interview with the last will of the great vera
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vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. and in our yard on sunday on the first. call what else could they do? mother and daughter transfer this energy to each other, have they lit it? two stars, fathers and sons, sunday
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on the first. it is very important to discuss the global confrontation plan very correctly, the struggle for the restructuring of the world order, well, that is, this map, but at the same time it is very important to discuss their problems, their weaknesses, how something may be wrong with them somewhere and how we somewhere there we will go around, it is very important to remember about this plan, to return with all the important, most important geopolitical, economic, financial considerations, here, in order to oppose ourselves and, even more so, to defeat this strongest bloc led by the united states and still a nth number of not weak countries, we need to understand that here
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we should have everything with a triple reserve. it just so happened today before the broadcast that i had several conversations, and which confused me a little with this geopolitical version, making me think about what is here when... for example, the fighters i visited in may were covered by the forest with incendiary ammunition, well, that’s how it happens in war, everything they had, everything that volunteers brought and so on and so forth for work, everything burned down. and now who will resume all this, you will be surprised, they are also volunteers, there is no reserve, there are no maviks and so on and so forth, but there are tasks for them, from another direction , mobilized boys from moscow write to me that they need a remote robot to evacuate guys from the battlefield, they are a whole company, well how the whole company, with what’s left of the company, chips in money to buy it, artyom grigorievich writes to me, can you help,
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of course i can. help, but i’m thinking that they probably should have had it there, well, maybe a couple of borders not dig in moscow, well, on their behalf, that ’s how they would return, then on their behalf we’ll dig up these curbs, send them something like that, this is very important, that geopolitics is geopolitics, here the guys should have everything with a triple scale, this is the only way we will win, until tomorrow. good morning, tol, hello, thank you.
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where is potap? i don’t know, the duty officer said that early in the morning before work started he came in for a couple of minutes, then he left somewhere, and where was the witch? who knows, she might be flying somewhere on a broom, she doesn’t report to us, but the flowers are from whom, we would also like to know, in the morning we came to
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the office of no one, and the bouquet was already on the table. it's worth it, of course.


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