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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 14, 2024 5:00am-5:35am MSK

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i invite the beautiful soya to our studio, please come in, dear, my friends, i congratulate you, you are in the finals, look, the rules are very simple, i have two songs, the words of which i will now give to you, since you guys typed four voices out of four, you get to choose, i’ll choose, come on, what kind of song, the performance is over, the performance is over, soy, you get the song that polina sergeevna loves very much, gagarina, which... screw up the song in one direction or the other, walk , but since you actually borrowed, more precisely, we got four votes, you - actually start, but i must tell you that we have reworked this song as much as possible, so that it is not similar to the song that you are used to hearing, consider that you are at a corporate party and they turned on a different soundtrack for you, and there’s nowhere to retreat, there’s a children’s choir behind us, so yeah... we wrote our novel
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about love, just a couple of words are missing, sit with me, talk to me, i want to remember how the snow falls, the snow falls slower than usual, like a smaller soul wanders around naked. soon the echo of a new day will sound, starting it, we won’t be without me, free me, the performance is over, gaster light, sometimes sharpening, no more,
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you sing the song “walk” and if you are ready, we begin. i’ll put on lipstick and hide my eyes in dark glasses, i’ll go where i don’t need to, so as not to return to my own hands, but it’s easy, unusual, impossible for me to find words, i dance when i’m sad. look how i
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can dance, i’m on the edge, but you’re normal, it’s impossible to be on the edge with me, but it’s not easy, it’s extraordinary, it’s impossible to find words, this is mine, my life call, this is mine, my signature style, don’t try to bring back the one again. once he let go, walk, don’t load, walk, walk, don’t load, polina sergeevna, and now the floor is yours, tell me, well, who did you sleep with before, i’ll sing with soya, hurray, well, listen. here
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i can say that guys, this does not change the fact that you are fantastic musicians, a fantastic couple, you met polina gagarina, you gave us so many wonderful minutes, you gave us a huge thank you, it was a super experience and i am very glad we met, thank you very much, we just happy, this is a gift of fate, these are our best moments, about a bird, i have a bird singing here, yes i am a gift... i will be very happy to see you all, absolutely everyone, and manya too at his show in luzhniki, so i 29 june, soybean, dear, you become the winner of our show podcast non-format 2024, now polina sergeevna will leave her autograph with this amazing marker, and i’m sure that after june 29 it will cost billions of tenge to write yours in russian or in latin. in russian, everyone held their breath, and i
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i’m broadcasting one on the night air of channel one, my friends, it was an exclusive release, wonderful, something that has never happened, especially here, in our cozy, wonderful place, we were happy to see all these wonderful people, how young they are, how kind , how talented, right now, while polina sergeevna is writing her autobiography on this convenient golden disc, i can tell you that the guys and i, my wonderful co-hosts, karina cross, vari karnival, gypsy band, are giving up this stage to polina gagarina and the singer soya , they they will sing a song in a duet, this song will be called the sun will rise, our fate is somehow bitter. misha, how did they live their lives? varvara, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, they’re calling you, airborne, just wait for me, hear, i love you, there’s no life without you, are you crazy, have you gone,
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he beats you often, go away from him, i love him, and what are you, you put on my uniform, you think i’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf, you don’t know the shores. your son is alive, what a son you are with the bear has walked, will we really find out where it is, two banks, the premiere is on monday on the first, tatyana mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she is right for this the person could actually have been killed. so that the actors are not touched, days pass without you, she didn’t repeat herself, well, is it possible to compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring and three stomped on the pole, oh, she looked like that with key eyes, she
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looked like she was dumb, she said like that: “i don’t need a cabzon, but she broke me, she just broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful.” fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked, like a boss to broken glass, to the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere next saturday at the first. i will quietly kiss you by the fire, slowly blow out the candle, it will be full of anticipation again, ruby ​​by drop, i don’t want to tear down the flattery
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calendar, midnight seconds, burn so brightly, happiness reveals all parts. me, where is the tenderness of the silovin, no matter what happens, no matter how it turns out, you and i are indivisible, soon our sun will rise, with the bright color of thanksgiving, starting a new flight, we will rise for our beloved, soon into our sun. will set with a bright light above the clouds, starting a new flight, we will become for our beloved cards,
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we are melting near the shore of our dreams, time blurs other people's traces, all my words are infinitely pure, and it would not have been otherwise, you can open my secret dreams, hold my hand from spring to spring, lifting me beyond the height limit, it seems. this means that no matter what happens, no matter how it turns out, for weeks we are with you, soon our sun will rise, bright color must be blakarmi, starting a new flight, we
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will become for love my karni, soon our sun will go down, bright. century above the clouds, starting a new flight, we will become for our beloved carnie. remember that soon our sun will rise, soon our sun will rise, the bright light will be upon us, starting a new flight, we will rise for love as beacons, soon! your sun will go down, bright light above the tobloks, starting a new
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flight, we will become my beloved, remember that as long as our sun sings. well this is just fantastic, this is just fantastic, tell me how you feel? yes , to be honest, i’m generally in some kind of shock and elation, as if you had already done a tour together, you know , well, this is just an amazing field, thank you very much, my dears, it’s just that the launch of a rocket into space was a success, everything was a success, we they did an incredible, incredible show, thank you very much, thank you very much, my dears, for... talented girls, and we are now giving up this stage to another new very interesting performer,
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despite the fact that they are young guys, but their songs are gaining millions of views on the internet, meet the group 5:00 in the morning, there is a girl outside the window, too, mine is being paid, i will love the girl outside the window in the living , let's spend money on you, i will love you very sincerely, i'll look at you very sincerely, i'll become whoever brings you to me, you'll spend money on me, you'll love me sincerely, they're galloping, the city has picked up the weather today, look out
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finally, let’s quickly run away with you into nature, sunbathe the sun, you’ll take my hand, that strong one, coming out of the entrance, secretly press with you together, singing this song to me, outside the window the girl is going to hang out, but i’ll take you, i’ll spend money on you, i’ll love you.
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capital has one single vital desire, the desire to grow, to create surplus value, to absorb with its constant part the means of production. as large a mass of surplus labor as possible, this is a quote from perhaps the most famous work on capitalism, karl’s capital marx. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about capitalism, its current state, and i think many other topics that we will discuss with my interlocutors today, sergei ivanov, entrepreneur, public figure, ilya kuzmenkov, media manager, entrepreneur, i am vladimir ligoida , we begin as we began. with our karl marx, well, i started, tell me, how
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important do you think it is today to know labor, a couple of sentences from which i just quoted, well, i it seems that the evolution of knowledge in general in the professional field in which you are engaged is useful to understand, because i am an economist by training, and in my 30 years ago the name milton friedman was so indisputable. an untouchable authority, uh, and a year ago i met with a friend in europe, a professor at a large business school, who said that capitalism is sick, on the other side. that’s how scientific thoughts also talk about this, and it’s even known who poisoned him, milton friedman just did this 60 years ago, who - supposedly - came up with a very simple formula that the only goal of business is to earn profit for shareholders, all the social utility is gone, but in reality , of course, we need
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to move a few more steps earlier, so our great karl can be seen and studied, but he formulated a lot of interesting things, ilyavich . also an economist by training, also an economist by training, yes, i think that’s absolutely correct, knowledge is never superfluous, you can’t treat this material as something that generally determines, unfortunately, it largely determined the 20th century, but i hope not what determines the future of humanity, after all, yeah, capitalism is a certain system, yes, socio-economic, for which the important, characteristic, mandatory, private property, yes, free, free market, competition, and in fact, marx had it... it’s still a kind of economic abstraction, yes, with the help of which we describe, well, it’s clear that nowhere is this ideal capitalism, which would exist from country to country, from era to the era, let it change, it is also clear what it is there is a certain living fabric of reality, yes, there are our intellectual abstractions that try to describe what is happening, well
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, maybe somewhere we can not only look back, but forward, we can more or less agree with this, we are taking a risk with. .. to the territory where it’s easy to drown in the history of the concept and its evolution, it is really different, it has changed very much under the influence of the conflict with the soviet and communist ideas, we have a big business abroad, so when we come to africa or asia, we compete with whom, with transnational corporations, these are precisely the representatives there of ideas built rather on protestant ideas, attitudes towards money and work, so... when we come there in order to compete for what, for minds for hearts, here is a battlefield, no, no, these are young people, yes, we need to offer something, here are some of our own meanings in order to separate ourselves with something, i had an interesting experience of just approaching this topic, in february of this year i ended up in rwanda, yes, so to speak, we read, followed,
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i offered just mine there, as a reflection, or something about history. and where we are, i actually started my report with a question, let’s try to imagine, and i’ll ask you, imagine a world in which capitalism is empathic, human-centric, about the benefits for the people of the planet, does not exploit people, but realizes their inherent potential, i i say, it’s easy to imagine, and how they reacted, three hands were raised, i mean, who can imagine that it’s easy, yes, i said right away, come work for us, we really need you. and if it’s difficult, but that is, reasons, but what reasons? very briefly: this idea is a little over 400 years old, the main idea, you mentioned it, is competition, and the main rule, the main rule, everything that is not prohibited is allowed, but by the way, we have the thirty-fourth article of the constitution written down, that is, in this uh model the strong have the legal right to destroy the weak, this is
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a very cruel world, to destroy, well, economically, that is, you can lose business, so to speak, let’s say, yes, yes, yes, you can, you must turn into zero, that is, competition for that , so i left alone, well, what is marx basically suggesting, if this is not limited in any way, that is, your proposal says that we can build a world of capital, where there will be many successful entrepreneurs, but no one will turn into zero, and we will, so to speak, love each other, help each other and so on, this is a very big question and... where to start the big question there from business , to start from the state by the community , it seems to me that from business, if we live in this socio-economic formation, then we definitely need to start with us, but we are simply at a historical point when it is no longer possible to do anything, that is, well , the number of conflicts accumulated in completely different areas of man with nature,
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man with man, man there with the future expected with something - something incomprehensible in the form of artificial intelligence or... with machines, well, that is, something needs to be changed, the world is going somewhere in the wrong direction, but it all starts right here in the socio-economic model, is it possible to build something this is such an idealistic, romantic thing, from which marx will turn over, well, this is probably a tough guy’s question, it’s so simple, but at least as an ideal you can start discussing something, these three hands that were raised, and yours was the fourth, that is, you yourself believe in it, yes, i believe, but in general we are developing our company, we are trying to develop it precisely in this logic, and we call ourselves a non-capitalist company, for 30 years already - well, i’ve been for a couple of years. i started talking about it this way, because this is such a strange approach, capitalists are capitalists and social experiment in the twelfth year, our president vladimir vladimirovich
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published a very interesting article, he then said that the great mission of the russians is to unite, to strengthen civilizations with culture, language, global responsiveness, and in general he suggested that the cultural code be considered the main, the main reason for the competitiveness of any social system. now, if you understand this cultural code, then it is important to fix a very simple thing in that, in the system of socio-economic relations where we are now working, all the best practices that brought to us, they were brought by western companies, well, from the beginning of the nineties they began to come here, business schools, all well-known, they are all built on the protestant ethic, attitudes towards work, and there the attitude towards money is a little different than in our culture, let’s let’s stop here now so that we...
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under what slogans does it mean that in ancient rome slaves went to... to the may day demonstration, don’t you remember, hello feudalism, the bright future of humanity, has it become a bright future, that is, this was originally an idea progressivist, yes to say, yes, that the world is changing, the world is changing for the better, improving in everything and so on, here we are going to something, here again , historical practice does not show or confirm, that’s what concerns capitalism, in essence that’s how it is, yes it is believed that this is the 17th century, where england and the regions that are now called the benelux began to form there. capital, although in reality, again, economic statistics show that until the beginning of the 19th century, in fact, the growth of the economy, these centuries, did not differ from
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the medieval one, that is, in essence, here this cash-in economy didn’t exist, so it seems to me that i don’t like this periodization, i’m not very myself at all, it seems to me that a person doesn’t change much, and society changes in some ways, in some special social economic relations, right, they are different from those that were there again, as a person who received an education. formed her worldview and views on socio-economic development in those same years and in the late eighties during the era of the emergence of capitalism in modern russia, here i am how would i define several things: the first is, well, as we know, freedom is better than not freedom, it is freedom, economic freedom, i believe that it is not an inherent feature , which means, strictly speaking , capitalism as such, in ancient times there was right, here is private property, but in ancient judea there was a right to private property with a ban on selling, for example. land, that is, quite strict laws seemed to exist regarding the protection of property at different times, that is, there is no need to imagine the present time as a kind ideal or the time of capitalism, when another
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thing is that slaves were also property, and slaves, we imagine slaves as people, which means the law is heavy, who drag them along to the kitchen, which means while they are cooking paili there, no, of course , but from a philosophical point of view, they were simply talking instruments, there were non-speaking instruments, that’s actually different. from other historical facts, we know that there were houses, including the houses of patricia, where slaves, in fact , enjoyed, in fact, were members family, that is, in many respects it depends on , strictly speaking, all these ideas about a wonderful society, yes, in the end they depend on the performers, as it were, always, but the same socialism is... sweden built in kampuchea, which now cambodia is called, yes, in principle they built socialism, it turned out differently there, it turned out a little differently, but in many ways it was determined by the culture there and so on, that is, in many ways
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it still depends on the people, and it seems to me , here we come to the key question, in general maybe this is our conversation, or do you think this is a question about a fair society, is it possible or impossible?
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and the children tomorrow after the evening news. and today we gathered our thoughts about capitalism and its current state, as well as what we can do about it all. ilya kuzmenkov, sergey ivanov, i’m vladimir ligoida, let’s continue. i want to return to your theses, which since they were voiced in rwanda have been heard, so to speak, in the vastness of the information field, yes, just in case i will repeat, yes. what for sustainable existence in the future , a business model must satisfy three mandatory criteria, yes, you already said this today, i repeat, it must be human-centric, multicultural and socially responsible, and well, you talked about empathy, in general, the concept is important for you, i have the question is, what does capitalism have to do with it, that is , relatively speaking, after all, all these characteristics are connected, firstly, with the attitude
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of a particular person, and with a certain... cultural-historical context, and capitalism is like an instrumental history, it will naturally exist differently depending on this, well, you know, i’ll draw this analogy: there are political institutions and processes, and there is the concept of political culture, this is a system of values, views, yes, when it appeared, in fact it appeared when they noticed that these political institutions and processes, well, parliament, for example, yes, in different countries, it seems that there is a parliament, and there is a parliament, and there is a parliament, and democracy. different, why? because the political culture is different, yes, it seems to me there is a similar story here, so strictly speaking, whether you are talking about capitalism as such, as an instrument where there is a free market, private property, competition, or you are talking about this cultural context, here we generally raise the topic of capitalism, probably with one goal, that here we are living in some kind of socio-economic formation , and for the last 30 years this idea has been dominant
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, as it is called. what should a business be like to begin with, just a business to stand on its feet, so i suggested these three criteria that need to be thought about, discussed and criticized, the first one is human-centric, and what is it, and what kind of person do we put at the center, and how... it’s another person who believes in life after death, that is, it’s already like and today everyone is talking about this, that is, this is a very fashionable topic, human-centric business, human-centric culture, but nevertheless , i am sure of it, but we must definitely not miss a person, because today no one needs him, he seems to be superfluous becomes, what does this mean that it is not needed?
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signs of the times, yes, unconditional basic income, and separated by commas just further, the gaming industry, metaverses, the virtualization of all this, the availability of entertainment in this part, the liberalization of gender, if you look at all this from such a detached perspective, then i’m like, uh, like a person, it’s just that a person, any person, he would say that some strange thing, this is preparing me for what, this is me being prepared for the transition to... who would not ask questions in the store, go up to the shelf, pay, and well, that’s how i need an ideal consumer someone even states that there are consumers needed, what is a creator and what is a creator in general, what criteria should he meet and this is a question, well, you can just dive in here, of course we are talking about the creator.
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social utility, what is social utility, business can be done, that’s how marx wrote, capital is looking for niches where it grows at maximum speed, with minimal risks, or vice versa, business is a benefit that finds a place in people’s lives economically in an effective way, in dialectics it... gives birth to find the answer, this is some kind of individual people harmony, but the question of questions, which of these three criteria should be the hardest to meet in order to be able to work in all this, well, i suggested calling them creative leaders, managers, but it won’t turn out that these wonderful creators, leaders, empathic, so to speak, human-centric and so on, that they will simply lose everything to the business sharks, i think that
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the criteria... victory for defeat will not be only empathy, but many many other factors, v in general, it seems to me that there is a society, yes, there is, there is a person, we are looking for some. ideal formulas, yes, we all want society to be fairer, more human-centric, there, well, it used to be called humanism, and we often come up with some hopes for ideal social economic relations, which in themselves will make a person’s life better and change the person himself, i would still not bet on the general public, but i would not bet on society, but i would bet on people, on people, well, that’s strictly speaking echoes, that is, it is necessary to clarify, because i.
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a joke, but every joke is a joke, here is the image in society, unfortunately, the image of a capitalist, there... a businessman, he has a little bit of criminal overtones and such a predatory shark, to a large extent people who grew up from below, well, creating and that's it what is dmitry talking about, doing his own startups there, attracting capital, well, in general, that is , whose source of origin is not crime and not some kind of bureaucratic, as it were, these are entrepreneurs, let’s get to this word more like to relate, that is, it seems to be about the same thing: capitalism can be on the side of society, but it’s about predicting that an entrepreneur.
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to create, change the world, transform and so on, in this, well, there seems to be no, well, theory or artificial construction. give, because i, as an entrepreneur, let's call this word, we will use this word, uh, i have two sources of motives, set a price and choose, well, the technology or product on which i make money, the first source, uh, well, i just i want benefits for people
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to do and somehow make money from it, values, the source of motives is different, greed, i want, money, i want, passion, humanity historically had the choice to somehow strain and agree on these.
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let's see, then any such aspirations, they will ultimately stumble upon the imperfection of human nature and its fallen state from a christian point of view, yes, that is, we understand that this is an unattainable ideal, all the same, yes, towards which, nevertheless, humanity is time goes, but does it mean so, on the one hand, on the other hand, that this is bad, we say, even from a christian point of view, that before you become deified, you need to humanize yourself, and what i hear in the words... sergei nikolaevich is that guys, well, let's humanize, well, , we have a certain teaching about, that is, the transformation of man, a pre-christian teaching.


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