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tv   Utrachennie illyuzii  1TV  July 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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we are at the final stage of negotiations with the eurasian economic union and hope that we will reach tangible results by the end of the year. the new russian hydrogen-powered engine attracted particular attention of the arab delegation. technological cooperation is a key topic in the industry this year; the prime minister already spoke about the fact that russia is open to everyone.
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participation in the formation of the broadest possible international economic cooperation, and i want to emphasize that we are open to everyone who is committed to cooperation, on the principles mutual trust, respect, consideration of each other's interests. examples of successful international cooperation presented at the exhibition, for example, the stand of belarus, several exhibits created jointly, can be produced in russia jointly by cooperation.
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and its pace remains quite high, including in comparison with the world. and this is clearly visible right away. here is the conversation at the new russelmash tractor. this year the plant was launched, everything, all the components are made at the rassilmash plant, that is, the box is installed, then what 25% is included if 75% of this tractor has an engine. what are your plans for the engine? plans for the engine, well, we have an agreement. if examples of import substitution were most often seen at the exhibition in previous years, now the emphasis is on advanced scientific developments, in order to have not only our own, but to set trends for the whole world. andrey goldorev, maxim trubnikov, ekaterina yarovenko, evgeny kuznetsov, ekaterina koryaka and alexander kusev. first channel. to be fair, progressive legislation will begin to operate in the new year.
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infrastructure development, with additional investments in science, and there it is important to develop machine tool building and microelectronics, the resources that we will concentrate from business in the form of changes in tax rates will also go to support business, business can participate together with the state in the development of relevant sectors of the economy, which are important for the state, it was necessary to submit to the tax system the principle of compliance with the principle. fairness, if citizens have
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high incomes, they can pay more, moreover, this money will be used primarily for those people who need state support, support for families is also provided through special family tax payments, this is an innovation in our legislation, starting next year, payments will be received in person, so to speak. part of the personal income tax paid, if we are talking about a rate of 13%, then 7% will be returned if the level of income for the family, for family members, is below one and a half subsistence level, this is also good support. and over another law is currently being worked on in the state duma: biologically active additives, soon they will be able...
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doctors will officially prescribe them to their patients, but only officially registered, tested products. the document on controlling the use of dietary supplements passed the first reading in the duma. he assumes that the sites where they trade. in fact, they will block without trial, too often there is something that is simply dangerous to life. yulia anishchenko with the history of the issue. shock content i bought the professional line bath on the marketplace, let's say this original can, but let's see what's inside. do you see these black spots? it's mold. and not only mold, hidden hormones, dangerous bacteria and even poisons were found by experts during laboratory research of dietary supplements. externally it looks like pills. pills, at best , most dietary supplements will not add health, at worst, they will lead to disaster. before that, everything was fine with me, i did water aerobics, i even went dancing, worked, was on duty, everything was great for me, on monday in the morning, in the bathroom mirror i saw my
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yellow eyes. this is the first sign of serious liver problems. toxic cell damage was caused by dietary supplements of dubious origin. the doctors had to urgently. to look for a donor for a transplant, elena was saved, but not everyone has time to get to the doctor every year, not only in our country, all over the world, people die because the doctor did not prescribe. this year, in 2024, from february to march, several deaths were recorded in japan, people there took a natural statin, like this fermented red rice are those substances that lower cholesterol and are usually prescribed for life. drink, there was this poisonous acid present, what else could be in the capsules? one manufacturer only knows, if in pharmacies there is still control, on the internet you buy a pig in a poke, without registration and quality certificates, they can be quite dangerous, because there are a fairly
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large amount that is illegally imported into russia and contains prohibited substances that should either be completely prohibited or... used as a prescription drug. these bright boxes, purchased during a special raid on one of the domestic marketplaces, contained a dangerous psychotropic drug, which, of course, was not indicated on the label. sibutromin is a potent substance; the circulation of potent substances on the territory of the russian federation is limited; today it is used only in potent drugs for weight loss. the peculiarity of this substance is that it affects the central nervous system, a person becomes full faster, and the feeling of hunger does not occur for a longer time. a substance similar in structure to a drug stimulates the production of hormones. a person experiences euphoria,
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while the heart works to the limit, it is possible to lose weight, but there is also a chance of dying from such a drug. in the intensive care units of our clinics there are patients who have taken various biological supplements. you heard perfectly about stories with celebrities who, in such a search for health, in the race for health, began to uncontrollably use medications, as well as a whole handful of biological additives from five to 25 drugs a day, it’s time to regulate the market, human health is the most priceless thing we have yes, in total, more than 360 million packages of biological additives are sold in our country per year, a significant share of which is made up of online sales , approximately 17%.
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another danger, swallowing them in handfuls, we overload the body, magnesium supplement number one: my children drink too, i drink, i myself, my husband drinks, my husband works on shifts, tatyana is an adherent of various food supplements, she is sure that they are against all diseases, reliable protection, and there are many like her, so first get tested to make sure there is a deficiency some element, cases are rare, and few people think that, for example, an excess of vitamin d leads to the deposition of calcium in the blood vessels and heart and, as a result, increases.
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appeared for the first time in... we are sure, of course, there are those dietary supplements that doctors use as a dietary supplement they trust, at the institute of nutrition, it is there that additional microelements and vitamins are needed only for high-quality and after medical consultation, that is, this is a baht, you swallowed it, and you are the deficiency that is included in your diet, which allows you to stay slim, you get all the necessary components . a new bill, which has already passed the first reading in the state duma, will help guarantee the purchase of proven drugs. the point is that officially registered products will be able to be prescribed by doctors. what they had no right to do before, one of the novelties of this bill is
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that after its adoption, it will be possible to pre-trial blocking the pages of sites containing false information, including the sale of dietary supplements that have not passed state registration. it is important, the authors of the bill clarify, biological active additives will not be prescription ones, and quality control will become stricter. yulia... usually such shots are shot with a hidden camera for a report to the customer, but here are lighting devices, optics, look, we see staged, that is , there are no militants preparing a terrorist attack in moscow, i’m sure, comrade general, that they
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were looking for our embassy, ​​documents, employee, not all diplomats are on the list of those killed in the attack on the embassy, ​​two of ours , here’s another one, some fedorov from the energia concern, the fsb came to me and asked questions about the libyan embassy, ​​something specific, fedorov’s name sounded, then you have nothing to worry about, handsome! over the years you only become better, well, just our dear russian james bond, you have changed, kir, you know, there was a reason, until you were 15 years old, you yourself then refused to go with him, i didn’t refuse, i just asked to give me time to think, your desire to sit on two chairs with me and your wife is not bestiality, it’s a compromise , i wanted to know if there was any more material on the osmolov explosion, what we had, we gave it away, we just want to be
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sure that we have an exclusive, that a random witness could have filmed the moment of the explosion, the car driving away, but for bombers this is not so scary, there was clearly something else there, this video will turn everything upside down, and this, it’s not even a bomb, it’s some kind of me...
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gave you information, i don’t know him, i’m sleeping, i don’t know, do you really think that you ’ll live to get here if you don’t cooperate with us, i i can’t, i’m going to sleep, tell me who gave you the documents. will you sleep? both times you handed over the documents,
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handed them over to the locker room, i’m from the gym, he didn’t introduce himself, i don’t know, write him down. well, you found a place, sorry, hello, great, listen, leave your cell phone in the car. why, well, leave it, you think i ’ll write to you, god protects the safe,
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what happened, what did you want to talk about? did you find the video of... the witness? no, no video, no computers, nothing, they were literally half an hour ahead of us, can you imagine, us too, yesterday a suspect was killed under my nose, only i knew about the capture, you, what ’s going on, colonel, ruban, are you taking over? we'll sort things out, listen, and you couldn't find someone simpler than i could, but there's a lieutenant, a captain, i have 46 arrests of especially dangerous criminals, two wounds, am i a boy or something, what are you
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talking about, lieutenant colonel, talking chicken, eggs, and you osmolov was blown up? they began to pretend to be an investigation, then two random witnesses appeared, and this gozaryan quickly identified one of the performers, we need to work cleaner, comrade colonel, you drink, you drink, well, when i’m on vacation i call prostitutes, when i have money, it’s clear, you know, that you file a report to be removed from this. i can work with alcoholics, drug addicts, bandits, i can’t work with fools, we agreed, colonel, just consult with yourself how you will excuse yourself when i i will definitely prove that all these murders are yours, you will cover up with an anti-terrorist operation.
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i have a broadcast in an hour, you will take me, i can’t, we are publishing one material, there may be... consequences, i think you yourself will find out everything from the studio now, vanya, i am with you, no matter what happens, even if everyone is against, i will close by and let everything go to hell,
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the main thing is us, i’ll rip your throat out for you. i know, i know, there is, i’ll post it, i’ll start uploading it to our website, in about five minutes i’ll publish it, yeah, just a minute, wait, hi, it’s me, hello, in general, the video is online, in 5 minutes i ’ll publish it, wait, but you can’t, no, you can’t not publish it, if not us, then others, on your website, yes, yes, i
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’ll send you the link, yeah, i got it, come on, come on, bye. this morning, a video was posted online proving that the famous human rights activist pyotr osmolov was not killed, but was kidnapped at the entrance of his own house. all the details are in our.
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i’ll call you back, the video of the kidnapping was published by some blogger, then the mirror newspaper posted it on its website, but what about the fsb? they did you make any statement about the video? no sir. "we need to force them to justify themselves, publicly at a briefing, and then publicly flog,
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flog, i, frankly speaking, expected a slightly different reaction, sir, we didn’t want the scarecrow, so that he would promote the topic of the published video as much as possible, so that even a blind man would looked." and most importantly, ask the woodcutter to drink the entire deputy prime minister's coffee. you understood me?
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you think that anyone cares what they wrote there, of course, it’s like you were just born yesterday, dear, i just don’t so cynical, people are now accustomed to computers, visual impressions, so, unfortunately, we have to take this into account, sorry, i have a second line, yeah,
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yes, kira aleksandrovna, yes, good afternoon, is this from artyom’s school bothering you, yes , i’m listening, yes, we have an emergency, you can come urgently, the incident that happened today casts a shadow on the reputation of our school. and we cannot allow such things to happen, since the highest standards of discipline are our calling card. oksana georgievna, kirai alexandrovna and i. i'm sorry. nam sir alexandrovna’s well-known principle of teaching our children in this undoubtedly elite educational institution. i understand that our children know this, so i suggest not to waste time. and find out what are the causes of the conflict? well then, i think it would be advisable for saunas to listen to the opinions of the participants. artyom, what happened? i
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won't talk. vlad, maybe you? be brave, boy, we won’t abandon our own. yes, i just wanted to joke. well, what, there are a lot of cute girls at school, but he’s not even with anyone. well i asked. how are you? with girls, guys, our school must meet not only discipline standards, but also generally accepted norms of behavior, civilized in a secular society, of course, any deviation from morality is the subject of discussion, but not in the same barbaric way, just like that, dad, she it’s not worth it, young fellow, my school. and oleg vitalievich, what are you doing here, what kind of kid are you trying to make me? yes, i ’ll let you all in, do you even know how
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much i’m sponsoring? "yes, you will die if i close my wallet, you have no use for rags will buy, who will help then, a member of the parent committee, oleg vitalievich, we know and appreciate your participation, you appreciate it, we recruited children from decent intellectual families, and they see enough of everything, and then they come to school and corrupt their peers, maybe we are without let’s continue with the children, let them listen”? remember, i also found another child, do you even understand who you raised, and certainly not such a fool as you, why, and if you call my son again, i ’ll break your head with this hairpin , do you want it?
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sue, send a lawyer, let's go, martem, well, you know how much effort we put in for you to study at this school, my father and i... we love you so much, you, we, you, yes, and he , i don’t know why you talk about him like that, i know why, did something happen between you?
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we quarreled, no, this is not between us, this happened between you, mom, don’t you think that lately it’s become strange how many night meetings he has, no? thank you for coming, you clearly kicked him in the balls, hello, hello, it’s me, i want to advise you, listen, paul, i need it now it’s inconvenient to talk, i’m quick, invite radionov to his birthday, why do you think you’re asking me about this, i’m
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just. listen, well, it’s your birthday, well , you decide, that’s it, come on, for now, there is a witness who saw a girl coming out of the entrance where the teenagers were killed, they made a composite photo, well, now that’s something, well...” can i say a few words to you? it’s not for nothing that i respect you, listen, i’m talking about the morning, well, don’t worry about it, that’s it, i understand everything, honestly, five corpses, one after another, it feels like we’re sick. they’re playing tricks, they’re always one step ahead, well , in general, i said too much today, everything ’s fine, but i also thought i was screwed, listen, i have a feeling that
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there’s a leak in your office. i don’t like to interfere with other people’s business, but ruben, everyone here is one of our own, i heard you, excuse me, yes, hello, andryush, and it’s my birthday, when is today, and you don’t remember, i congratulate you, thank you, i really want you to you came, you have how many, today, yes, in the evening, 9 hours. yes, of course, i will be, but i will try, honestly, you definitely won’t deceive me, then see you, yes, see you, uh-huh, sorry for pulling you out of your deputy prime minister’s schedule, but we have a wild fire, sorry, i asked without a spear, i’m sorry, 5 seconds,
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we’ll fix everything. 5 seconds, no more. dim, why are you so tired? and... the training regime has changed, the chinese are threatening to disrupt the contract through unofficial channels, the video of asmovoy’s kidnapping caused a wild response, i know, the boss paid attention to this this morning, well, you can’t behave like that, but we ’re fighting as hard as we can, you also the office sits in its tower and pretends that it’s not hers concerns, although the person who was kidnapped does not blame us, not...
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informs the public and the press, it is necessary to show that there are people here, and not bulldogs who can only tear their grandmothers with their teeth, and you didn’t try to contact nefedov directly, well, you you know this campy thing about him, the guilty man makes excuses, but he doesn’t understand that if the contract falls through, then we will then be pale-faced at the international forum, and what the hell are western investors, if even he is with us... the chinese neighbors don’t want to work , okay, don't be nervous, i'll try to talk with the president, thank you, and what other
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news is that augustinia, yes, i feel like i’m going to austria for a psychiatrist in august. to the hospital or to munich, which is better? and mine finally moved into the house, on the cliff below there is a small beach, small, but with sand, and can you imagine, my daughter was swimming and caught a jellyfish, such a small one with red veins, dangerous, thank god, don’t wait, not 5 seconds. one was shot the day before yesterday, here he is, by the way, driving, tyupenko, vladimir anatolyevich, born in seventy-five, the second one, which i pulled out of the car from the street, here we break through it, yes, gentlemen, please
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pay attention to the screen, here it is, kurgada, everything is as it should be, so, beer, bathhouse, bathhouse again, these two generally look like prostitutes, what kind of contingent, look, they’re not a candidate of technical sciences sciences, obviously, but you were hoping for a meeting of musicians, artists, scientists, or what? what does this mesela from beer mugs and women's thighs give us? i’m already looking through my immediate circle, this is who i sent messages to, who i liked, so in the history of visits on chipenko’s laptop, one of the most visited forums are spartak fans, so the day before yesterday at 10:30 chipenko commented under the nickname botsman in the discussion.
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registered to a 65-year-old woman from the city of samara. were you able to locate the phone? the number was not aired. our fate is somehow bitter, mish, how could we not have lived our own lives? varvara, so that i can see him, i won’t let you live, they’re calling you, airborne, just wait for me, hear, i love you, there’s no life without you, are you crazy, crazy, he often i'll explain it to you, leave him, i love him, what about you?
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you put on my uniform, you think i ’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf, you don’t know the shores, your son, alive, what kind of son are you? how she could do it, she just looked and said:
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i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she simply broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a boss on broken glass, towards the centenary of tatyana lioznova. premiere on saturday first. you have a video recording, but you don’t comment on it. why? this would change the situation significantly. because it's a provocation. and now the contract with the chinese is under threat. do you even understand what's going on? we are under attack from our foreign press. the fsb is accused of kidnapping the person who accuses.
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i will report your position to the prime minister, and i will remind you that the service is subject to the orders of the first person of the state, and we will try to ensure that you receive such an order, alexander ilyevich, all the best to you.
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rewind fyodor's death right away, yeah, rewind, move, shake, shake, further, further, further, further, stop, he had a case in his hands, well, maybe he threw it away with a blast wave, where is the kitty?
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great, sasha, radionov is worried, please pick up the list of things found after the attack on the embassy, ​​i need a black case, well done, yes, of course, you did it today, it’s possible. the most important deed in your life, kindness, what deed, no, i’m serious, i couldn’t do that, well, either i don’t have enough courage, or this never happened, thank you, yeah, listen, the mirror is now one of the few publications, who writes the truth, and you work in this newspaper, so... “listen, well, if i
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pass off my everyday work as heroism, i know, i will soon have to be treated for vanity and stupidity, well, let’s do it for you, for you, and did you even see what was going on on social networks today? to be honest, i didn’t expect such activity at all, i thought that the zombie guy had already brainwashed everyone a long time ago, right?” i saw, nothing, they will spit angry comments for a couple of days, and then with the same zeal they will begin to discuss the new series. and i see that you are completely worthless you believe. kostya, i only believe in what i see with my own eyes, but for now i see only a crowd of senseless bloggers, and why senseless, and people simply have nowhere else to speak except, well, i don’t know, on their page on social networks, just
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imagine tomorrow at this announced fsb briefing, bringing all these commentators, what will happen, well, i would launch it. i would launch it, but only one, i mean, kostya, and this is the line beyond which the jokes end, this is not for you to post videos on the internet, this is where it begins serious questions, after which men with lubyanka porcelain in their eyes make serious claims. it’s interesting, have you at least once made a real, serious claim against them for sasha, and you, kostya, have more rights to these claims than anyone else, for
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continue observing, ruben, keep an eye on him , the object threw away the phone, everyone working 2, direct visual contact.
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yes. you said your stomach hurts, here are the cells, the suspension, yeah, this is from everything else, order. got in touch, promised the day after tomorrow, ok,
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you have it, do you want it? i can cook oatmeal, i don’t like it.
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make 50 whiskey without ice.
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left without saying goodbye to anyone, no, well , really, well, honestly i liked it, oh, honestly, i’m not an expert, but i was wondering where ivan was, oh, great, van, can i have a few words with you, of course, well , thank you for at least calling before this circus started, circus? of course, the video was in the public domain, the largest newspaper in the country does not ignore such facts, of course you don’t know the author either,
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even if i knew him, andryukh, wait, wait, val, what really believes that our department liquidated tanshitskaya, andryush, what difference does it make who thinks what, well listen, let’s do it, today is a party, let’s rest, relax, talk about various abstract topics, about nature, about the weather, for some time now there is you, there is us, who are you, let me clarify, we are, and we are those who 3 years ago thought that
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there was freedom of speech in this country, we are those who thought that ... at home, beautiful, smart, wife, child, what are you pretending to be? what does my beautiful wife have to do with it, and in your opinion, what is her homeland like to me? she awarded me the order because i live like a human being, but don’t cling to words, don’t pretend to be a victim of the bloody
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regime, thank god, i’m not sacrificing yet. i know that i noticed when i returned to moscow that the most dissatisfied here are not the hungry, but the well-fed, the hungry have no time to reflect, you know, they work for a piece of bread, earn money, survive, but what do you know, tell me about those who survive - tell me, who are your friends, teachers, doctors, educators, bus drivers, are you on the subway, when was the last time you came down, representative survivors, stands here, reflects, everything is common and hypocrisy. you are the main hypocrite, vanya. no, andryush, the main hypocrite is you, and like those officers who took the oath, and then began to protect the entire business, like ordinary hucksters. that is, you want to say that the entire office of businessmen is eating? no, i’ll go, maybe wait, just wait. major trafimov died on
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tverskaya in 2003, covered with his body. a bomb so that others don’t die, now i can name hundreds of them, but you know why we couldn’t install a memorial plaque for him in this place, because the whole city will have to notice, these guys died defending their city, their country, for a salary with which you buy two bottles of champagne, fly,
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guard, and we are a herd of sheep, ironically, ironically, until the wolves came , how long until you retire, what difference does it make to you, just imagine, when you retire, these wolves with which you scare us so much never came. and this is vanya, which means that i , too, did my job well, listen, i’m just on top of him now, there’s still time, let’s go let's dance, wait, we're having a very interesting conversation with andrey, it's been 10 years since we danced, the main thing, andryush, is that when you understand everything,
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excuse me, hello, feet and shepherds, andryush, wait, everything is fine, normal, van , i'm sorry, vanya, everything is fine, van, what happened, van, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, fine, fine, fine, give it to him, that's it, that's it, i
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said, sit down, please, yes. sleep,
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and today, listen, i think it’s time for polina , it’s your birthday in the morning it was a success, now you have me, i understand, i understand you, well, everything is quiet. and what does the fields give, well , don’t need this, fields, fields, fields, apollya, apollya wants a holiday, a continuation, oh, oh, now there’s music, music, like a hand, but i’m fine, where are you? learned to swing?
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my god, what music, what an evening, boys, so cool, yes, kir, kir, they are all like that, quietly, quietly, oh, god, what a cat, ah! you’re happy, and both are yours and you don’t deserve either of them, listen, what are you talking about, and what am i, well, why do you, why do you, that’s it, lady, why merit, poledia, come on.
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andryusha, hold me, andryusha, andryusha, quietly, quietly, helicopters, i’m about to throw up. andryusha, will you stay with me, of course, or i need it, you really love her, i’m nobody. i don’t love you, you love me, you love me, why are you all on her and what about sugar, well, let you
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rest, and i’ll go, she left you, why do i need all this, there used to be an important person, fsb officer. now a pittance salary, unclear prospects, moving to iraq, can you imagine what a fool you are, she told you this, you don’t believe it, no, why, i want, so you understand me, look, they brought me to iraq from an airplane. immediately without talking, without explanation, bang, and the hand is already hanging, then a second wound, a third, in 15 years i buried 12 guys, they all have wives, children, great
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guys, i may be good too, but i don’t want to be loved like that photographs, i don’t need a family or anything like that, i’ve already accepted that, the lukirs are doing well with her. family, husband and child, not happy, yeah, so to close with that, happy, eh... you’re happy, i ’m calm, and you know, when you left, kiromort did.
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you’re silent, who gave you men the right to decide for our sake who we love, how we live, what kind of money we have who is holding on?
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“kira, i just thought that andrey needs to go, he has to go to work tomorrow, well, since everything is fine with you, and everything is fine,
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what a fool you are, this podcast is a must read, i’m agla ibatnikova, today we will have a very interesting episode, firstly, my guest is a co-host... for today dmitry bak, podcast host, let them not talk, let them read, today we are together compiling such a literary team to meet with elena, the poetess, countess de carli, the most famous beauty of her time, and also the prototype of elena from the book, it’s me, eduard limonov’s eddie, i’m very glad to welcome you here, welcome you. not only in this studio, in
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moscow, for me, of course, it was very difficult to get to you, but i got there, flew and, as they say, not in vain, but do you really like some of limonov’s books? yes, my favorite book is the diary of a loser, i love it very much, it’s me, edichko, and, of course, his poems, because i met him as poet, that’s why i love his element, he has a wonderful collection of russian, as you know, and especially the early ones. poems tol bruselovsky introduced me to limonov and he read his poems to me and i didn’t really like them, i really liked them and the conversation just started, i said: listen, maybe you can arrange some kind of meeting for us, because i’m interested in getting to know this poet, but how come it didn’t happen that tolya braselovsky had this meeting with limonov, the meeting happened much later, but it happened with the poet’s wife sabgira, in her days. limonov was sitting, such
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a young man, with long wavy hair , wearing some kind of bright shirt, as far as i remember, and it was some kind of national shirt in round glasses, he looked at me all the time, i felt very funny and happy, but, nevertheless , i liked him, because he was very funny, he was different, different, of course, from the moscow poets and in this whole atmosphere he... was different, let’s say, it was directly visible, yes, that he, well, he’s not from moscow, he felt himself there too, he’s from kharkov, yes, and he was actually famous for his trousers for a while, he had the image of such...
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naturally, it is very interesting that i have now learned something new about this famous meeting of yours with limonov, described many times, many times on different pages of his works , and i just found out that he impressed us with his poetry, that is, in general, his entire period of poetry, when he wrote poetry, he is somehow not particularly respected, but it turns out... he conquered you precisely with his poetry, that is these verses were the weapons with which he conquered you, and he mentioned that it was the conquest of you, a young, beautiful, talented poetess, that for him was a sign of what he had achieved, he broke, well, this is not surprising, because his poems are also transforming to this day, and
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you are talking about the period, he wrote poems, in my opinion, are still more or me always, always, of course, always he has a wonderful period, the yugokharkov period. igor khollin, but he doesn’t stand out from this series either, he falls out, completely falls out of this series, although naturally, he ended up in the circle in moscow that he needed it was natural to get in, but it was his circle.
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different emotions arise, what is it here, well, it’s chic, yes, but some people here are recognizable, i’ll just explain to you, this is new york, you all recognize limonov, mikhail shimyakin is standing behind with his girl, like mine novel, this girl’s name was denis,
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here kostya kuzminsky is standing, and this is nakhamkin, his wife is standing next to kostya, in general everything, all these, all these photo sessions. of course, i have to say thank you to misha, because he always arranged this, he always called the photographer, said: “guys, let’s get together, let’s take a photo, because no one, someone should do it, someone should do it, we, none of us ever wanted to be photographed, this is all, as they say, collected by mizhe, the shot is amazing , because everyone is looking, as it were, you are looking at him, and he is looking into space, look how it is done, how great it is, how expressive it is, a photograph that was taken, well, in a second, yes, but this period is . limonov is described in the diary of his servant, in the novel about how he worked for millionaire, housekeeper, if i may say so, i think that this photograph was taken even before that, and these are already the eddie periods, i think that naturally this is the eddie period, but this is even before the servant, during this
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period rather he wrote his diary of a loser, if a wonderful book that i really, really love diaries. in your relationship with limonov, a big role was played by the fact that you are a poet and that you can speak, well , in your own language with each other, understanding each other, precisely professionally, i think that yes, this is exactly what brought us together and of course, i was very united brought me closer, first of all, because you were, well, the most famous beauties, i think there was a huge line of admirers there, why exactly did lemons stand out, yes, yes, why did lemons stand out so much, well, now it becomes clear that this is poetic. additionally, i think yes, naturally, he always told me that you know, in general, we, he and i were very similar in some ways, despite what, like where, of course, we were born in different families and ... the upbringing was completely, as they say, different, but nevertheless, here we lived, firstly, two hooligans,
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absolutely creepy, that’s why we probably agreed on this basis, the same thing and of course the love for poetry, because i also wrote poems that don’t resemble anything, reminiscent of kharms or in general now called free verse, but when there is no rhyme, what do i i wrote, i wrote, and i wrote a lot of free verse. and i, as they say, loved kuzmin very much, so i loved the aberiuts, so these are all these poems, they were very dear to me, so somehow i didn’t even know, but this is better, for a poet it’s not necessary to know what is happening there, you need to be yourself, that who, who writes what there and what he does, if you start to imitate someone or you start to really like someone, it’s all over, you’re dead, they say, they say that there is three dangers, i’ll read something with pleasure,
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this is just a poem that i wrote a long time ago and dedicated it to limonov, i love him very much, it’s called birds, you and i are birds of the day, not by choice, by force of those who for some reason is afraid of the night, you and i are spring birds, our dangerous excitement causes fear in those who see spring... do you remember the dacha, the pies and the grandmother, the white stove and the childhood photo, the good past,
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the evil past, after all, you have to suddenly invent something like this, they spent hours and hours whispering with the bodies, but time passed and became friends, like tanya and vanya, like galya and mitya, our voices sound less and less in this world, but sighs live in the air at the dacha, and the summer grandmother cries more and more often, wonderful, there are rhymes, by the way, they are not regular, but they are consonance, beautiful, unexpected, yes it’s very good a poem called a flamingo, a flamingo thing comes to me, blinks on one leg, the flamingo is tenderly pretty, with goodwill towards me, i don’t count your minutes, you’ve been off the clock for a long time, no one takes it seriously... takes neither loneliness nor tears, you will die terribly old, in a closet
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of withered dews, and not with a flamingo, with a fat macaw, that you know tuberculosis is screaming, so your aunt died, an actress of a fast movie, a guitar, scraps of lace and newspapers, bits were wrapped in a dirty purple coat... .bread, mountain salt, a parody jack howled on the field of dust. roles, look, look, the macaw shouted to her, look how the wound has aged, your mouth, one big wound, you’re holding a shadow on a chain, you’ve been too lazy to comb your hair for a long time, but get out of bed in a crumpled black dress, your husband was killed and your daughter was not born . “your ancestor is famous, even though his mother died, your brother has all his hopes, and your sister
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has no clothes, you live like an ugly person, with a parrot’s leg, eating paint from feathers, you keep thinking about how to get some seeds again, well, cheat, you’re a great reader i read my poems to flamingos on paper, and well , completely differently, yes completely different imprinted." he left d. she sat on l until he came up. he asked why she p. she said
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that re was waiting for her, and he was her b.
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fortune teller tomorrow on the first, that it took so long, maybe there were some problems , in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts aren’t breaking, do you know how she’s tearing, it’s just her shoulder giving away and her elbow pulling, okay, let’s think about it, yes...
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major, find the head of the service security, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. full version. goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. why did you decide to write a book about limonov and what new, unexpected things will we see in this book? well, regarding
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what we already know as fans of limonov. well, firstly, of course, you will recognize a completely different limonov, because... limonov, who i have, you see, who is in this book, you probably didn’t know him, and many people probably don’t know him, because these are his letters to me, which i kept, as they say, and carried through all my life, yes, because i moved a lot, i left, and yet all these letters remained, oh, what a neat handwriting, this is what you kept and transported, yes, from paris to rome and so on, yes, yes, i, as they say, traveled a lot because...
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he asked you permission, this is important, yes he asked permission, i just told him signed literally every page of this book, because yes, because no one wanted it, he was incredibly nervous, when he invited me, he said: “listen, i wrote a book, forgive me, please, and you know, of course, here, well what, i told him, listen, i say, don’t worry, i say, give me the book here, so i’ll read it now, he says, especially read it, there’s a page about you, i started. read, oh my god, i say, what did he say here at the end, about you, essentially, about your relationship, so he said, well, here you are you see, yes, of course, i understand that everything, all this is exaggerated, but i needed to speak out, and this, as they say, was an outburst of my soul, i had to do it,
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i then started, i say, okay, you, i say, i don’t know, you want to go for a walk somewhere, i’m reading the whole book right now. i’m going to read now, and i just sat down and started reading the book from beginning to end, well, then i still have a manuscript, but just in the form of a manuscript, naturally, i read the book that it was given to me. i really liked it except for some things, by the way, that didn’t concern my person, some others, i said, you know, it seems to me that here i would say that there is a repetition of the plot, of course, here i would remove it there, but this was, of course, the author’s dialogue, dialogue, because there was personal sympathy, well, because, after all, you understand, we naturally, when we worked and lived together, then we...
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of that time, he was a very interesting person, with emesdata, so, of course, with emesdata, he was working on poems, manuscripts, when i wrote, he said, listen, i told him sent, i immediately sent this bone, and he said, oh, how interesting, of course i will print this, so we are printing this book, i said, just call it i eleno, i said, no, kostya, the book has its own title, it 's called an interview with myself, i say, well, nothing, in general, why is it me and lena, what the? for nonsense, well, as an answer, it’s just me, as an answer, dialogue, answer, i, i say, well, that’s not entirely true, that’s not entirely true, because after all, i don’t
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answer him there, but the book goes like would be about the same thing the very period, about the same time, this is the same new york, but still there i have some of my own memories and my own, my own life, let’s say, that is, this is not an argument, but just another look at the same ones yes. which misha shimyakin did, he handed over everything and gave it all to kuzminsky to publish, there were just all the photographs, to which i, i , naturally, of course said, i called
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misha, i say, misha, what is this at all, without any first , without my asking, you at least asked me if i want these photos, i don’t want these photos, no one does anything to me didn’t ask, so i had a fight with him, but we didn’t talk for several years, no, well , i think a beautiful woman is photographed - that’s why i, when i came from rome, i went to kuzminsky, because i needed to pick up just a few books , when i entered, he said: why are you going to beat me? i said, no, i won’t beat you, of course, so i say, come on, give me the books, but in general, of course, it’s disgusting and rudeness, you could consult with me, you know, the letter is still very important, it’s with him some kind of connection history, it was sold, but it’s an artifact, it’s not just by the way that it was sold for fabulous money in the midst of the sale of literary artifacts, and it
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surpassed even brodsky’s letters in price. but this is a letter from a man who simply cannot exist without you, look, breathe, yes, there’s something germany, italy and switzerland in russian in all languages, and have you ever perceived eduard as mayakovsky, well, as a certain a literary figure with whom i had to cross paths, become his muse, imprinted in eternity, that is, no, no, well, you probably felt like you were in the same place.
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a lot, a lot of things are changing, that's when he called me on the phone, and i had absolutely nothing to do, i did an interview with him, an interview that was not included, not included in this book, it is very funny, that is, this is
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a completely new text , a completely new one, an interview with limonov, yes, an interview with limonov, amazing, done by elena shapova, i don’t understand how she didn’t get into the book, but it happens, because i sent it. this is an interview, but still, you love your body, yes, in the summer, when you don’t have money, you prefer to take the subway or a taxi, i don’t have them all the time, you like to give gifts, i don’t have this art yet, i hope to learn how old you will be do you think you will live, i think i will die this year, what will happen to you after you die, everyone will... love me, you have found the ideal of a woman, yes, my ex-wife, lenochka, what is in a woman, i was waiting for this question , me too, yes, do you have a lenin or napoleon complex, i have a complex of my ex-wife
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helens, what art will survive if the world perishes, mine, you love to sleep, i love you, you love loneliness, i hate it, do you think the soviets want to take over the whole world? i would like them to take over the world. when stalin died, did you cry or celebrate? i cried. do you drink a lot? terrible. do you prefer to buy expensive or cheap things? expensive. when you came to the west, it coincided with what you thought about him in russia, if not for my wife, lenochka. living in the west. you are disappointed, of course, you suffer from nostalgia? yes, according to my ex to my wife lenochka, what is your favorite animal, i love worms, you cry often, i haven’t cried for many
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years, do you think you are a genius? i think, half-genius, what kind of food do you like, coarse, to say the least, who influenced the development of your personality, my ex-wife len? do you consider yourself more of a poet or a prose writer? i consider myself personal, unappreciated , grandiose. what is your horoscope sign? i’m a fish, this interview is wonderful, and you can’t even understand where the irony is and where it’s absolutely serious? questions are very the tricky questions are amazing, but what tonality is so elusive, it’s all true to the point, although it seems to be so. distanced and, by the way, easy , yes, i’m very sorry for this interview, i’m very sorry that for some reason it didn’t make it into the next book, but maybe in the next book, the next book for sure, since everyone is asking me to do it, write, we also ask, and they’re asking me to continue
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the memoir, then i will certainly insert, of course , this piece here, but tell me, you ask edward how he accepted this life in new york, whether the west disappointed him, how did you accept him, you left together? to the west from the soviet union, and what was it like for you, you worked as a model, you paved such a new path for russian women, tell us a little, i suffered greatly from nostalgia, i can say honestly and frankly, it’s terrible, we didn’t think then that we could return to russia, that something would change, we, as they say, none of us could even imagine, we were leaving forever, so...
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limonov didn’t write, and i thought how accurate it was, but you liked life in new york and work as a model, the period described in eddie? well, well, i, i liked it, because new york was completely different, strange, but, but true, you could walk down the street and just see your friends, acquaintances and greet, i’m not only talking about russians, i i’m also talking about some american friends, say hi-hi to them, but of course, which now practically does not exist, yes, because new york was a city. well , firstly, it was full of foreigners, because , in my opinion, there weren’t even many americans there, and secondly, it wasn’t as huge as it is now, and the people were more sociable.
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what does he say, what's the difference, he says, it doesn't interest me at all, we met at the presentation of a film, there was a film called padre-padron, so i came to this presentation, it was arranged by the italian embassy, ​​and i i was very friendly with a certain journalist, who, by the way, limonov was friends with him, lucia manisco, there are memoirs in my book, and he invited me. at the presentation of this film, padre padron,
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i was a little bored, and then a man jumped up to me and practically, a little didn’t he ask me to marry him right away, so we got into the elevator, he said that they fell in love with elena, what are you doing, where do you live, i say, yes, it’s not far from here, i wanted to give it to him too , of course , my phone, but in new york i gave a lot of phones, of course, the left ones, so he called. i kept saying that i mean that i’m busy, that i’m busy, that i’m busy, finally he called one fine day, i said that i’m sick , i said, oh, now i’ll come, now i ’ll come , dima immediately understood how to point it, to visit the sick person, when he came, there was, of course, complete confusion, because i had one in the bedroom, let’s say, like...
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so you have 15 minutes left, your time is up, go away, kick everyone out, kicked everyone out, and jean franco was the last to arrive, he said, so you still have, well, here’s another 10 minutes, he said, well, i just arrived, i said, can i just sit a little longer, i’m just a louse, it seems to me that all men will become meek in the hands of elena, because limonov also cannot be called flexible, but we hear about wife lenochka on each.
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it’s a great honor to meet and talk with you,
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thank you for your sincere answers, i’m impressed by so many details, there’s a lot that’s new, and most importantly, and most importantly, elena emerges from that novel, and it becomes clear that this is not the same thing, it’s not the same thing, there was distance, but here there was no distance, there was a cordial conversation, thank you very much, greetings, friends, this is a podcast of the chronicle of the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodaleev, will tell you today about jeans, jeans, not to be confused with jeans, these are materials in the press, which, as if they were advertising, because money was paid for them, but they do not look like advertising, and advertising is not... the main thing for the publisher,
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because this money is taken either by some employees of the publication, or simply by the journalists who prepared the material, or to the journalists who published the material. i started working in the media, that is, in the press in the mid-eighties, you won’t believe it, but then there was no advertising at all either on television or in newspapers, but jeans already existed, that is, there was no official advertising, but there was already an unofficial one, in the newspaper in which it was a youth publication, very popular, moscow, the salaries were very... small, i already talked about this, but i will repeat, i received the so-called half-time salary, the rate was 130 rubles. but in the youth publication where we worked, they didn’t pay this salary, they paid exactly half of this rate, 65 rubles. well,
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only employees of the editorial board received 130, i must note that it was possible to earn much more at the plant in those years, simply. is that the 20th century was actually a century as if they were baghemians, that is, in any case, in the environment in which i grew up in the capital, it was generally believed that the military profession, the working profession, this was all somehow not right, but a bohemian is yes, a baghemian, cultural, media, artists, journalists, that 's all, in short, i received 65 rubles, it was not enough, especially since for these 65 rubles, well... i worked very hard, like everyone else, that is, i was not in any - in a special situation, let’s say - i ran the numbers, that is, i worked with a fresh head, what is a fresh head? in a newspaper, i don’t know how it is now, then these were the functions of the person who signed
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the newspaper for publication, as they say, that is, uh , signed, after that the newspaper... went to the printing house, was printed, and after a few hours the machines throughout moscow they delivered it to kiosks, the press union to subscribers to post offices, which means why a fresh head, because it was assumed that the responsible members of the editorial board, and i headed the youth student department in this newspaper, and he rests all day, fresh like that arrives in the evening for the issue, when the pages have already been laid out, he reads: these pages and since he is fresh, he finds certain jambs with a fresh look, uncluttered, and he reads directly from top to bottom, from the header to the last signature, everything, including the imprint, checks everything, everything, everything, but
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actually, i don’t know about the rest of my colleagues, i just don’t remember it, but i never had the patience to sit there all day at home, i relax there... i know what to meditate, what do, no, just uh, okay, it was the eighties, then there are all the journalists, in general they drank, that is, i arrived somewhere in the middle of the day with my colleagues, drank and was already quite intoxicated - i sat down at this table - in the duty room, uh, read the strips, well, i must say, there wasn’t a single joint , everything was somehow normal, although of course there were very... funny moments that were not related to jeans, i’ll say right away, related to different ideas about beauty associated with censorship, and jeans, i repeat, was, well , really very selective, only as far as i remember in one section, this section was here hits of parades and in general everything that was connected with
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the music industry, show business, then the host of this section was dmitry shavirin.
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that is, it was possible to move from ninth place to sixth, that is, in principle, i repeat, everything was quite fair, and dima sternly said: “yura, we have a lot of girls working here.” the balyk is good, the cognac is excellent, we need more candies, yura said, now i ’ll rush out and bring them, he said, no, we won’t have time, we’ll sign the number, so don’t forget the candies for the next hit parade, when yura tried to take the cognac back, dima said, no, it won’t work back, it will be taken into account, that’s how it all looked quite funny, by the way, with dmitry, with this... parades, the following story came out: i was 5 years ago, in the nineteenth year - i was working on a book for the anniversary of a very famous soviet
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rock band, and i recorded interviews with musicians, naturally, with ae journalists who wrote about music, including dmitry shavrin, and he, in particular, in his interview, which was included in this book published, said that our legendary... composer pakhmutova wrote denunciations to yakova to the central committee of the cpsu, that is, the highest governing body, for those in the tank i’ll explain, complained about these same hit parades, that some strange not professional rock bands were appearing there, but worthy ones songs, which means it doesn’t appear there, since one of the speakers of this book, that is, of the people i interviewed for this collection, was alexander borisovich gradsky, then
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he read the book and got acquainted with this passage by shavirina about the denunciations that she wrote pakhmutov, he called me in a rage, how he loved it with swear words, that is, he masterfully mastered non-standard speech, at first he attacked me, i say sash, well, you understand what this is? even what puzzles me seems untrue or strange to me, i can’t answer responsibly after all, he is authoritative, he was in this industry,
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i won’t call him a critic, but a columnist, so sasha demanded from me - shavirin’s phone number, he said, now yura, meaning yuri shmilevich, one pomeranian, was already punching him in the face, now, that means, it’s my turn, no i know how they ended - conversations, sorting out relationships, uh, sasha categorically ruled out the possibility of pakhmutov writing a denunciation, by the way, it seems to me too, well, some kind of wildness, perhaps shavrin himself was told that she complained somewhere - at some kremlin banquet, she could tell someone in a conversation that there is such a section, such a hit parade, there are such and such songs in the first places of some songs, it’s not even a fact that she i meant my own, although...
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the tones opened, but just the gates they opened their doors, that is, they began to give money to journalists in abundance, because in fact there was simply a paradoxical situation in these last years, the years of the soviet union, when journalists did not receive money, but at the same time they had a very significant influence, that is, they were actually really the fourth power, because this inertia has no trust at all. to the press, how much understanding is there that this word, if it is printed on a newspaper page, then this is
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some kind of ultimate truth , there is some kind of word of power, but you don’t have an account, i want to live my life, i’m happy for you, misha, you’ve waited so many years for your happiness, the skolchin servakovs will never be together, and it’s not up to you to decide. i would step aside, yegor, there is no way for you, i won’t let you in, you won’t mean peace, two shores, the premiere of a serial film. tomorrow after the program time. this is the chronicles of the end times podcast. and i, evgeniy dodolev, am telling you about such a media phenomenon as jeans. a lot of people, without even wanting it, the journalist, well, i’m just speaking for myself, were deprived of their jobs, some positions. i remember how my
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friend and i went on time. student holidays in some boarding house, something was wrong with us there, either they gave us the wrong room, or they didn’t check in at all, or they somehow reacted incorrectly to these forces, and this was the mid-eighties, then there is this legachev gorbachev company to combat alcoholism, when the vineyards were cut down, when there were monstrous queues in the wine departments, they were fighting against the gray wine itself with...
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that in the boarding house you won’t believe this, the students are singing, oh, laughter and sin, yes, this boarding house was on the balance sheet of the ministry of foreign trade, and i don’t remember what day of the week the article was published, but the following weekend there was a resolution that two deputy ministers had been removed. lost his position at kamsork mgemo, because there were mgemo students, mostly of some kind of course, many people suffered, many years later, at some party i crossed paths with umar dzhabrailov, a very famous businessman, entrepreneur, he
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said with a grin that he, too, was some kind of komsomol leader. he's there and so is he suffered through the article, i didn’t mean it, it’s just, well, well, we went , we fulfilled our journalistic duty, i’m not proud of it, but in short, i’m just describing the situation, how weighty the word was, and i’ll repeat for these words, they didn’t officially pay, but people there like dzhabrailov, that is, future oligarchs, businessmen, they already... clearly understood for themselves the power of this printed word and knew that, in general, journalists can be bought inexpensively, and they bought, that is, these articles came out, the prices were really very quickly, literally it was a period of 2-3 years before official advertising appeared with these advertising modules with jeans already
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like this, which went through the advertising department, that is, the material looks... purchased, i just don’t know how i did it if they had offered me money, they didn’t offer me, i don’t know why, but for me, well, i just heard from one, from another, once there a person was given a car there, i thought, like, just somewhere somewhere close, in general, in short, somehow i was unlucky, that’s why in this
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aspect, i remained an honest journalist. although you know, opportunities give rise to intentions, it ’s just that there was no temptation, that is , either the demons interfered, or the angels were guarding, later, when i began to work in the business press, i headed first a business monthly magazine, very famous, then a business weekly, and there are often these ordered materials, they went through, so to speak, cashed out.
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and was the editor-in-chief of the magazine, and i was, well , sort of the publishing director of this entire publishing house, which i was part of, so he often came, said, you know, they offer me money here, it’s like that, well , it was always decent money, that is, it was always thousands of dollars there, from five to 25, but i like the material, i’ll put it in, where to send the person, and well, i sent it to the financial director there. the money seemed to be cashing out in 2008, mikhail vladimirovich and i went to kiev to launch a franchise of our publication there, we published
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a russian-language version here in moscow under the license of a german weekly, our kiev friends they said that they want to publish it there in ukraine, so we went to launch this publication. then we also learned that there were also special services directly connected to this monetary turnover for materials, this was
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a discovery for mikhail vladimirovich and me . now i’m moving on to the most interesting thing, in my opinion, in the denim aspect of this conversation about covers , which means covers have always been expensive. i came up with such a thing in a publishing house, since there were several publications, one magazine was advertised in others, well, the next one comes out there, i don’t know, the june issue of this magazine, and advertising was in all the other magazines, so the person who got on the cover, and there was one business magazine, in my opinion, was the only business magazine where it was possible to put men on the cover, because all the other women's magazines were, that is, there were... here are the masses of what are called men's magazines - this means with women not always dressed or not very dressed on the covers, and there was one magazine, where did we publish it?
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people, they took money for it, well, officially at the cash desk, uh, that is, how it was formalized, that is, with the person - we agreed that he would buy official advertising for the module in this or that building, no matter where, the amount for... . i received the hundred-thousandth such package, but we didn’t take money from everyone, because we would like it to be, firstly, recognizable, and secondly, in one way or another, in
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general, it would be pleasant for someone or the owner. or the editorial team and or in my view, as publishing director, reader, so one day a banker approached us, i won’t name this bank, not because it was headed by some eastern comrade, because it doesn’t... it doesn’t matter who exactly, and for myself, as soon as people came out to me from this bank, i decided for myself that in no case would this person be there, because it’s just reputational for the magazines, but it’s not good to refuse to say that no, that we have some kind of discrimination based on i couldn’t do this or that sign, so i decided out of the blue to just to name that figure, which is obviously unaffordable, i will repeat once again that from twenty... excuse me, 150,000,
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imagine my surprise and displeasure when my interlocutor, it means this pr man grunted and said: okay, you how can you list it in cash or so, i realized that everything, well, we were in trouble, that we had to answer for the market, that we would have to publish this cover, it was the most expensive of the ones i sold, i say sold by me, because i made the decision, money - they did n’t go to me, but to a pocket from those i sold covers, we continue to talk about denim and corrupt journalists, this is a podcast chronicling the end of times, my name is evgeniy dodolev, another story came out with covers, i remember when i bought, well, that means i bought, the owner was we are an oligarch, on his orders i purchased them there. or other publications, this was
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a licensed edition of a very popular men's magazine, the license was purchased, and i negotiated, there was a manager quite famous in those years, mikaelonpe, we met there in some cafe and he said that the current editor-in-chief of this publication wanted to talk to me. i immediately concluded for myself that we will have a different team, we are buying only the brand, only the name, i’ll just explain why it’s important to buy the name, and not buy, let’s say, there’s a team there or i don’t know, a teapot or a computer, everything that is on the balance sheet of this magazine, because advertising was built directly under the name of this or that brand.
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or in the city of new york, they simply knew that if such and such appeared in russia publication, then certain brands automatically become part of this publication, they didn’t write them, who will be there on the cover, what will be written there, because there is a license, it’s clear what format it is, what content is there, that’s why i say again that this brand was purchased exclusively, especially since when a magazine brand is acquired, you have the opportunity to place there those materials that... the licensor released, that
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is, the publishing house that sells you the license, it provides you with the entire package of filming various and materials that can translate them so that you can publish them in your publication, so i understood that this would be some kind of waste of time, and he arrived, he very temperamentally explained to me that the purchase should take place any minute, but they had already planned the next issue is almost ready, and there is a cover with the singer. some kind of, well, one of the kind of singing cowards, and what is very important is that it should come out, because filming, by the way, was expensive, several thousand dollars could be spent on renting studios, on a trip somewhere for such a photo shoot, because usually not just the cover was shot, that is, there was also the so-called under-cover material, that is , several pages were filled with shooting and some photograph was left for the cover, so he so insistently said that... that’s really
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very it’s important that she comes out, that i was already at that moment when i was finishing my second glass of mineral water, i made a decision for myself that what the hell, well, there won’t be this singer, just 100%, and if only he didn't come, i wouldn't say, i probably would i used the already prepared material rather than shoot from a new cover or get it from the licensor or even bother with it, but when the content of the issue is ready, in my opinion we... took one of the hollywood stars from the licensor and put it on quite so undressed, well, as expected format of the publication, literally a few days after the release of this magazine, so-called serious people came to us and said that what the hell is going on, we paid 3000 dollars there, where is our cover, i say, well, are you asking this?
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tennis player, a very famous person, my friend andrei vandenko, who was my deputy in the early nineties, in the new look project, this existed, the first private weekly in russia, he was my deputy and i consider him the best interviewer, well,
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magazine and newspaper, i actually recommended andrei vandenko as a person who does a brilliant interview with this person, and... the interview was recorded, it was shot for the cover, day x comes when the issue should go on sale, and i a call rings, again from a patient, he says: what kind of bullshit is this, like, i just stopped at a gas station, there is a magazine there, on the cover there is a nice, well-known lady, i say: i have nothing to do with this at all , i just recommended a person who will record the interview, well, now i’ll figure it out, i call andrey, i say, andrey, what happened, there’s a very angry felix, vomiting and throwing around,
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he in turn tells me, i’ll call you back, you know that they did it, well, yes, i don’t even know if anyone did this before or no, they put one on the cover, on the... front cover, well, actually on the cover they put the lady’s face, i don’t know if it was sold or not, on the last page, well, which is also a general cover, it’s called the fourth cover, well, on a professional page they put it here businessman, that is, formally, they generally fulfilled the conditions, because the agreement was oral, that is, it was not formalized, they said, let’s put it on this cover, i don’t know with what... it ’s over, because, well, man serious and so to speak, he hardly liked it, as with they did, but i think that somehow this issue was settled, but with the covers there were stories like this, and i remember how
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in that very magazine, a licensed, men's magazine, i mean, i’ll explain again, this is where usually quite naked people appear...
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here in its purest form, so i call london - i ask the curator, i say: andrey, we have this official, he recorded a video and is generally very advanced, he wants to be on the cover, well, i roughly understand what the reaction will be, with a completely flawless, as for me it seems, and seems, to be such a british sense of humor, he says: there is no question, if he stars in a thong, he will stick a cherry in his ass - in this form, in general, we will not object, and i honestly just told the pr people word for word, well, they laughed at that’s the end of the matter, but it wasn’t completely over, because she said, well, you know, at least this is a problem, can you
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at least go to work then, since we ’ve lost such a large package, we’ve already prepared some money, take it to work girl somewhere. there for pr or something else, i say, for god’s sake, send it, let’s see what kind of girl it is, a girl arrived, parked right there, it’s on the big androinskaya street, we had a rental office.” later it turned out that he is in charge of the development of our entire north, there is
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arkhangelsk, and so on, but by the way, he worked very efficiently, everyone was happy and happy, that is, this story did not end with the cover, but it ended with the fact that i found a very efficient employee , who actually did not have to pay a salary, and which, by the way, did not applied to appear on the cover, because there were such employees, i even once... in the same magazine - i decided to arrange it in order not to pay the models, i suggested to the girls working in the publishing house, i repeat, there was about a dozen publications, to do a photo shoot, if they are ready to undress, then this is how our our girls of our publishing house i thought, well , we’ll have to persuade, you know, we had to build a filter, because well, a lot of people wanted to, i have a niece worked in this publishing house, on the blocks, and i
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could not refuse her, although i must say that i later received a very severe scolding from my relatives after this issue came out, we practiced sessions like this, that is, in addition to covers, we did there , let’s say , well, there are restaurant chains, when a restaurateur has several establishments there, we...
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for each publication, that is , they paid 100,000 euros a month, that is, more than about one and a half million a year, this airline paid not to be mentioned, well, that is , when she needs to be mentioned, she i paid separately, sent it, and to be honest, it amazed me, because for this money it was possible to do some, i don’t know, well, do a lot of some, well, really some cool things, i don’t know, hospital build something. a boarding house, some kind of charity, then people would just write it themselves, they wouldn’t have to pay for it
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, they could come up with some great promotion, but that means people were afraid of compromising evidence, what i mean is that when you see something on the covers , it's just money, when you don't see it, you know how in the film you see this bursuk, no, but he is there, this is the same story, that a lot of money is paid for that. that you, dear viewers and readers, simply don’t see, otherwise the end of times would have come, this was actually a podcast, a chronicle of the end of times, and i, evgeniy dotle, told you about such a phenomenon as jeans, you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel
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hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to open the windows of your lives into a world of light, joyful and practical hassle-free, or at least that's what we try to do. today our heroine veronica is working with me, a psychologist, doctor of cultural studies, professor andrei sberovsky.
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you finally got the freedom to do this, precisely in order to survive, to pay off your debts, in order to feed your children, and accordingly, so that we could live somewhere, i had to have more than one child, two children, 6-8 years old, beautiful girls, yeah, what happened to your spouse, where did the debts come from? unfortunately, the majority of the russian population has a large debt, including my husband, so he didn’t have a credit history, or rather it was very bad, i had to take a lot on myself... he left and left you a rich inheritance in the form of debts, but you left, i left , yes, yes, yes, but what was wrong with him, with your husband, why did it happen, everything was fine, he is a wonderful expert in his field, a specialist, but unfortunately, we could not find something in common, or rather with us the general vision diverged, i probably went into business, into implementation, i wanted something different
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life, my husband decided to stay in the same positions where he has, although he has... enormous potential, but unfortunately, he didn’t want to realize it, you know, andrey, i now feel like i’m sitting at a meeting with some a major director of a large plant, who gives a countdown of the past period, problems and prospects, well, while there is a feeling that the director likes to be a director, in fact, i don’t see a contradiction yet, because i see a girl who went into self-realization, went consciously , i separated from my husband consciously, then there is a girl who, in principle, chooses that... model, well, under which life is easy, as if it’s not supposed to, i understand that there are some problems there, yes, that is, it’s far from easy, so, it’s a huge burden directly from the point of view of children, from the point of view of work, from the point of view of obligations, that is, i really had to accumulate a lot of obligations on myself , not because i want it so much, i really don’t want it that way, i want everything to be easy, i want to relax,
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i want to get high, not work to satisfy needs. and these needs, who determined for you that you need exactly this level of needs, you need now i have my own picture of the world, it exactly contains the level of my life, as i want, this is realization, this is constant travel, these are new opportunities , so what? and i feel comfort in this, we say, do you feel comfort in what, in that moment, will you feel comfort when you achieve this picture of the world, or now, when you achieve it? feel comfort is the key point that i saw before that there is some level of comfort that i want to come to, but now i understand that i am going to this level of comfort through a process that you no longer like, but it is difficult for me, in which the heaviness manifests itself, you are nervous, you are not emotionally take it out, you break down, you have insomnia, so what then, what is
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the burden, in stress, in fears that somewhere might not work out, in the fact that i’m... for example, somewhere i might not be able to keep up with children, when electrodes are attached to the heels, through which a current is struck, yes, you run faster, what where fear needs to grow, well , what is the problematic story itself, because a person who goes into business, in principle, especially such a serious, adult person, as if voluntarily, he usually understands that life is and business is a struggle, it’s such a constant story, where there is no rest , no sleep, and in principle, people actually get pleasure from this because they are all needed, without them no one ... can do anything, because in fact this is one of the options for human self-realization, so, so what is the problem story here, the problem story is that you didn't know it was going to be this hard, or it turned out to be too hard than you expected, what is the biggest problem area? well, just as, probably, even modern society dictates, women want to
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achieve with ease, and some heights, peaks, when, probably, there is a partner who accompanies you and constantly supports you. this is much easier to do, at the moment there is no exactly the support from the point of view where i would probably start much simpler, faster and understanding that from the point of view of relationships, as is probably the case with most women, we are still inexperienced, at the age of 23 we get married, then our views completely diverge, some grow in relationships, others remain in this level, in principle i always had a gradation that when we got married, my husband was much taller than me, 20 years old. moreover, the difference between us is, wow , yes, here, and after he stopped in place, i began to grow very sharply, and this delta for us increased multiple times with my husband, that is, it turns out that you are his have outgrown over time.
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but so that it would be easy and joyful for me, so that there wouldn’t be a concrete slab of obligations hanging over me, so that there wouldn’t be a concrete slab of obligations on my shoulders, and so that the hammer wouldn’t be hammering down on me from above about
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the fact that the contract might be torn down, the loan not paid, not fulfilled obligations to some partners or employees, but we see who we see in front of us now, yes, we see an excellent student. yes, she is simply an excellent student, from her toenails to the top of her head, yes, she is imbued with this largely invented world of ambitions, excellent students and commitments, so it seems to me that this is not a problem? you are certainly right to the point, and if we are probably thinking about how it all started, always all the problems from childhood, i want to point out here that now everyone is telling me, you are like a soldier in a skirt, “you need it, you you do it, you make everyone around you, you delegate it, and you control it, but you want to come, so guys, let’s go, do this,
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this, this, this, but you have to live at a slightly different rhythm to be heard, here, but i i know that there are wonderful examples where a woman comes, a leader, she gave everyone tasks with ease, everything worked out for her, but i think that this is at the level of thinking and some kind of attitudes, because as a child my dad gave me such a serious installation, incorrect, no. we also overestimate the importance, because everyone ’s parental attitudes, we often say they are good attitudes, people live differently, so here let’s not make them responsible for accepting your models.
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there might be one like this somewhere for the younger one pre-shout, that is, this is how you have to do it, that is, set boundaries yourself, and i myself set boundaries for children, that is, i influence them, the same thing happens in a team, okay, in a team okay, i can set some boundaries , my own rules, because this is my business, my rules, probably from the point of view of children. and the people around me, well, as if to those around me, okay, no, i’m probably more for children, yes, i dictate my rules, what i explain
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correctly like this, but the key thing is me... not just i forbid something, i always explain why it is needed, why exactly this is so, right? what don't you like? let’s give a probably trivial example, as all parents know, but my sleep follows a clear schedule, that is, i see parents who calmly let their children sleep there, oh, they walk, they walk, they don’t have any schedule, but i everything is based on discipline, this is how much we have to eat, these are the procedures they will do, sleep at 9 years old, that is, for me it’s clearly like this, probably this is not very good for children. here's the point from the point of view of the fact that i dictate such rules to them, there are advantages, there are disadvantages, the advantages are that we introduce discipline to the child, yes, and the disadvantages are that i squeeze the girls a little, that’s the problem, the girls don’t like it or are you experiencing or who, the problem is who i have a problem, that i am experiencing some kind of discomfort, that i can overpressure somewhere. this is a psychic podcast, where i,
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journalist natalya losyeva and psychologist andrei sberovsky analyze the situation of our heroine veronica, who took on too much of herself and i'm already tired of this. well, look, well, we see a whole series of very contradictory positions, here is a girl, on the one hand , who says that she is a leader, a successful leader, on the other hand, she has a feeling of guilt towards her children that she does not give them a happy childhood , as if we have multidirectional trends, as if we would say vectors factor person. in this case , you still need to try to prioritize the stories, because you need to understand that there is always a leading line offensive, if you are a businesswoman, after all, as i understand it, your dominant position is self-realization, then you need to understand that, unfortunately, yes, you always have to sacrifice something and somewhere children there will not see mothers there, in fact , i just see in this case that you are excessively taking on several images of yourself at once, which of course you don’t need to pull, of course you can pull them and
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you clearly... pull them, but at the same time you experience a feeling of discomfort, so my advice is, in this case, let's clearly define the zone of your development, the zone of your development, after all, business, in this part, uh, what will happen to the children half an hour earlier or later they will go to bed, let's not consider this such a significant task, let's start, solve the main task, i understand correctly that this is to become easy in business communication with your subordinates, clients, customers, contractors and so on, this is how we formulate the task, right? stories, because as i understand it, there are some complaints being heard, apparently, in the team, or someone there is telling you that either you or yourself are conveying too much self-reflecting, you yourself decided that you are just creating difficulties for someone who decided this, now i’ll say that there are now very interesting master groups, accordingly, i
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’m talking about the environment, i have a master group where we.. . any minus is a point of your growth, to which everyone unanimously said that i’m just some kind of soldier in a skirt, i’m pushing myself into limits in terms of discipline and life, i’m directly passing it on to others, that i need to live the same way. you noted correctly, i have my own picture of the world, and i i’m pulling people there, well, how much do you need to be a hostage to the opinions of these five people
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who don’t have children with them... it hurt when veronica says that any minus is a point of growth, and why, and why , as if advice, that i so it’s a little bit impossible to just leave some disadvantages for yourself, well, simply because that’s what life is beautiful, life is beautiful, including some faults, kinks, yes, in some
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cracks, so what? well, you’re on the red line, you’ve probably already voiced that very moment several times, well, roughly speaking, some problem, excellent student syndrome, you said it directly, i heard it, but... what i really need at this level to be good for someone, yes, but for myself i ’m pinching myself, well, wait a second, i heard pride, when you said that in a few years of your marriage you had caught up and surpassed your man, who was 20 years older than pride, but again, you are an excellent student, and if you were this lightest girl there in a skirt , were you like this, would you be successful, because actually complaining about the syndrome.
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to improve something, if there is no direct request, and even perhaps there is a request, he says, listen, guys, well, i have enough to improve in my family, then i have two children there with their mother who don’t play very often, so please improve it yourself or turn to improvement specialists to others, that is, in this case, there is no need to be a point there of such quintessence, a point of crystallization of all the problems of the galaxy, it is not necessary, because from my work experience i understand and see constantly girls of your type who are all the time raise, raise their bar. and these people reach depression and burnout and many different physiological health problems, while being completely prosperous people, i am the envy of others, and they feel unhappy, burnt out and so on, so i see your tendency , trajectory
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there, i see you now as a completely successful, prosperous girl who, in this case, came out of a divorce, yes, that is, having gone through this story, setting new goals for herself tasks there in business there in everything else , you are according to the completely correct model that you have already adopted for many years - that i should lay straws everywhere everywhere, take everything into account 10 steps ahead, calculate and you ran as if ahead of the locomotive, you ran what is called - with acceleration when it is possible not you have to run so fast, you lived successfully there before for 32 of your years, you achieved great success in the model that you actually lived in. you don’t need to speed yourself up now, you don’t need to spur yourself. according to some patterns of other people there, in in this case, if the point of the business, if everything is clear to you, if you understand the mechanism there, understand the growth points, do it, and ease can only come when, firstly, you find smart
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deputies for whom you can do the same here are excellent or excellent students like you, and they should be pushed aside, in fact, this mission there to improve by and large, then your ease will come, because if you try to control... the paradox is this: i’m trying to control the increase its lightness. this is a psychic podcast, where i am journalist natalya loseva and psychologist andrei sberovsky, we analyze the situation. to our heroine veronica, who has taken on too much of herself and is already tired of it, a friend of mine, a great leader, once told me, you know, he says, you need to compete with only one person, with yourself, only with yourself, with yourself yesterday, this first, second, what he always said, you have to be grateful to yourself every day, so i sat down in the evening, yes, i sent the children for this free hour, write in my notes on my phone, for which i am grateful. today, in which i am great today, because you know, i really
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liked this image that andrei gave, yes, that you are rushing at this enormous speed, when you are rushing on a high-speed train that is rushing overtaking cars, you don’t see nothing but a colorful ribbon, you understand, and you are your successes, which andrey is absolutely right, absolutely stunning, yes, amazing success , you can be proud of them, of course, you should be proud, but you don’t see them, i continue yours. what is it for you specifically, without general
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words, but with specific examples, what for you could be such, well, signs or details of the lightness of a girl, the joy of life, yes, lying in the bathroom and so on, tell me, reading a book, definitely as if reading a book, i want it in a hammock, or in a hammock in the maldives, a great plan, so, or it’s just a walk through a coniferous forest, because it recharges you afterwards. rain is an incredible feeling, crazy speed, by the way, i really love the speed some kind of high-speed car, where you can break the speed, drive, well, go somewhere to a race track, and actually traveling by car, it’s very difficult to actually pull it out, because as if i don’t allow myself to do this, we are for it grabbed because we see that you are trying to live according to the rules according to the armored ones. the rules that everyone has, in fact, too, again, i say, i am
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incredibly grateful to fate and even to my husband, despite everything that happened to us, and for the fact that i began to transform greatly, direct transformation of me, a psychological person, and where again do i get up every morning at 7 am, from 7 to 0:70 on the alarm clock, i have time for gratitude, but the key point is, i thank everything for what i have, but not myself, i want to emphasize this thought more... concisely, in order to be easy, for this you need to allocate special time, and you, apparently, simply physically do not have it, because you are constantly engaged in self-improvement, when you are always in this flow there is a critical assessment of oneself, listening other people’s opinions, of course you don’t have time for yourself, so answering your request on how to become easy, first, we allocate special time for this, what time reserves do we have, if we put it aside a little. psychologists, coaches there, business trainers,
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your colleagues there, we can find time for easy veronica, if we accept this idea, if we start allocating special time for this, then this will actually be the answer to your request for ease, because ease is our right nothing, excuse me not to do at least an hour a day there, as if it’s our right to get pleasure for ourselves , our loved ones, wait, look, this is a very important point, you just said not to do anything in this place and your eye has already twitched.
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do it as you think, it’s easier for me, i kind of can do it, yes, but i trust me, a little, add, add, let’s learn this, because at your discretion, i trust you, this will be such a gift people actually and you, because speaking, i trust you when you hear yourself, even i may repeat, you may not really trust, but when you say it out loud,
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when your own ears hear your own words, it releases you a little, releases you psychologically, physiologically, emotionally. learn to say these words, i trust you, a person may not justify the trust, we will change it, strictly speaking, but he can justify it, then veronica, a successful girl, smart, hardworking, wonderful mother of all other words in the superlative mood, will have time to be light, but i would like to have more time to talk about, look, i’m hooked on this tension that arises in veronica when you suggest telling her: you have a problem with trust in the world, and people and circumstances, when there is no trust
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the world, there is no trust in life, in circumstances, what appears in a person? why, why control, why? fears, yes, if you don’t trust, then you are afraid of it, if you are afraid, then you don’t trust that everything will go well there, or that people will not let you down, and maybe they will even come to you in some way, your employees, this is wonderful, yeah, from this tension, this stone concrete slab on your fragile shoulders, it’s clear from you, yes, that you carrying it around your neck, you are being pressed by this emotional slab.
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we know that you are really easy, you are really easy, veronica, you have it all, you can, that is, we kind of delegate it to you a little, we trust you a little, because how can we not trust you, you are an excellent student, we trust you with natalia, you can be light, but for this again, we must set aside a little time, b) we must find someone you will trust, this is a game, this is a game of adults, transfer trust, transfer responsibility to someone, yes, in fact, this is the right thing distribution, as it were, frees up ease for time. what about what about this, can you swim? of course, do you swim on your back? of course, but are you lying on the water? yes, i love you, yes, she doesn’t trust water, wait, that’s right, that’s when you ’re lying on the water, you know, it’s this one it’s a thrill, yes, i swim too, well , a little under stress, a little under stress, that is, when i’m not under stress, but it’s hard to break this,
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i probably have somewhere the thought that there is something inside me a feeling of total justice, when well... what is justice hmm?


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