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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 15, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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we don’t teach them, we don’t educate them, we just set some kind of example, and even now i notice with my older child that she’s like this, she can pre-shout at the younger one somewhere, that is, this is how it should be done, that is, she sets boundaries and i myself set boundaries for children, that is, i influence them, the same thing happens in a team, okay, in a team okay, i can set some boundaries, my own rules, because this is my business , my rules are probably from the point of view of children and uh people around me, well, as if to those around me, okay, no, i’m probably more for children, but yes, i dictate my rules, what i explain correctly like this, but the key thing is, i don’t just prohibit something, i always explain why this is needed, why exactly this is so, yes, and what you don’t like, let’s give a probably trivial example, as all parents know, but my
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sleep follows a clear schedule, that is, i see parents who are calm they let the children sleep there, oh, they go for a walk, they walk, they don’t have any routine, but for me it’s all about discipline, so this is how much we have to eat, do these procedures, sleep at the age of 9, that is , i have this clearly, probably, this is not very good for children, but from the point of view of the fact that i dictate such rules to them, it has its advantages , there are some disadvantages, the advantages are that we introduce discipline to the child, yes, but the disadvantages are that i squeeze the girls a little, but he says, what is the problem, the girls don’t like it or you feel guilty in your heart, this who's the problem? i have a problem that i am experiencing some kind of discomfort, that somewhere i can get ahead. this podcast psyche, where i am journalist natalya losyeva and psychologist andrei sberovsky, we analyze the situation of our heroine veronica, who took on too much of herself. i’m already
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tired of this, well, look, well, we see a whole series of very contradictory positions, here the girl, on the one hand, says that she is a leader, a successful leader, on the other hand, she has a feeling of guilt in front of her children that they does not give a happy childhood, as we would have - multidirectional trends, as we would say, vectors, and as if in this case it is necessary still try to prioritize stories, as it were, because you need to understand that there is always a leading line of attack, if you... well, a business woman, after all, as i understand it, your dominant position is self-realization, then you need to understand that unfortunately, yes, it always comes with something to sacrifice and somewhere the children there won’t see their mothers there, in fact, i just see in this case that you are excessively taking on several images of yourself at once, which of course you don’t need to pull, you of course you can pull them and you are clearly attracted to them, but at the same time you feel a feeling of discomfort, so my advice, in this case, let’s clearly define the zone of your development, the zone of your development is, after all, business. in this part, what will happen
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to the children half an hour earlier or later will they go to bed, let’s not consider this such a significant task, let’s start, solve the main task, i understand correctly that this is to become easy in business communication with your subordinates , clients, customers, contractors and so on, this is how we formulate task, yes, yes, and i’ll clarify, it’s easy only for them or for myself too, and for myself too, well , this is an interacting, interconnected story, because as i understand it, there are some, apparently, complaints in the team, yes or someone there tells you that you are overdoing it, or you yourself, or you yourself, simply by reflecting too much on yourself, decided that you are directly creating difficulties for someone who decided this, now i’ll say, there are now very interesting master groups , accordingly, i ’m talking about the environment, i have a master group where we are very close with everyone we communicate we gather a master group of us 10th six entrepreneurs who constantly communicate once every two weeks and as much as possible.
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i’m laying out everything that i have, there are psychological questions, business issues, we all, that is, you exchanged such a hot experience, and current, but directly, i was interested in the question, and i need to answer as frankly as possible, no matter how it was, i asked the question , guys, tell me what are my disadvantages, how have you been assessing me for six months already and what are the disadvantages, where should i grow up, any disadvantage is the point of your growth, but what did everyone unanimously say that i was specifically some kind of soldier in a skirt? i drive myself into a framework from the point of view of discipline and life , i transfer this directly to others, that you need to live the same way, as you correctly noted, i have my own picture of the world, and i pull people there, well, how much do you need to be a hostage to the opinions of these five people with whom you can’t row children with them, you don’t do business with them, why would you want to - they see at the root, firstly, there are also psychologists, yes, who frankly say, this...
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slows you down, you set some boundaries for yourself, and this slows you down, let’s imagine from you, i don’t like it as a psychologist, what in this case, five people told me something, maybe one more time? simply because that’s what life is beautiful, life is beautiful, including in some wrinkles, kinks, yes, in some cracks, so what, what’s a minus, well, you’re probably already on the red line by now the same moment was voiced several times, well, rude speaking, there is some kind of problem, the excellent student syndrome,
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you said it directly, i heard it, but the fact that i really need to be good for someone at this level, yes, but for myself i’m pinching myself. well, wait a second, i heard pride when you said that in a few years of your marriage you had caught up and surpassed your man, who would have been 20 years older. pride, but again, you are an excellent student, and if you were this the lightest girl there in a skirt, were you like that, would you be successful, because in fact , it’s easy to complain about the excellent student syndrome when you are already standing on the pedestal of success, yes, i have the excellent student syndrome there, but you are a successful person, wait, but if the excellent student devours herself, she might...
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we look at it like this, children at 3 months they should be able to do this and that, for example, yes, it turns out that the only problem is who is this appraiser for us, yes, who is correct, who are healthy judges and safe for our
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human health, mother, children , i don’t know, he’s talking to himself, yes, that is, sitting in front of the mirror, who, who should these be judge so that these are people whose opinions i can...
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do not give advice that is not needed, do not try to improve something if there is no direct result, and even perhaps there is a request to speak, listen, guys, well, i there is enough to improve in my family, i have two children there with my mother. they play so often, so please improve yourself or turn to improvement specialists to others, that is, in this case - you don’t need to be - a point there of such quintessence, a point of crystallization of all the problems of the galaxy, not it is necessary, because from my work experience i understand and constantly see girls of your type, who constantly raise, raise their bar, and these people reach depression and burnout, and there are many different physiological health problems, being at these completely prosperous people, being the subject... of the envy of others, they feel unhappy, burnt out there, and so on and so forth, so i see your tendency, the trajectory there, i see you now as a completely successful, prosperous girl who - having gone out into in this case from a divorce, yes, that is, having gone through this story, set new
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tasks for yourself there in business, there in everything else, according to the absolutely correct model you have already accepted for many years, that i should lay straw everywhere, everywhere... everything take into account 10 steps ahead, calculate and you ran as if ahead of the locomotive, ran, what is called with acceleration, when perhaps you shouldn’t run so fast, you lived successfully there before for 32 of your years before... achieved great success in that model , well, actually, which you lived, you don’t need to speed yourself up now, you don’t need to spur yourself on some patterns of other people, in this case, if the point of business, if everything is clear to you, if you understand the mechanism there, that you understand the points of growth, do it, and ease can only come when, firstly, you find smart substitutes for whom you can have excellent students or excellent students like you, and push them off. in fact, this mission there is to improve by and large, then your ease will come, because if you try
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control, here’s the paradox, i ’m trying to control the increase in my lightness, this is a podcast of the psyche, where i am journalist natalya loseva and psychologist andrei sberovsky, we are analyzing the situation of our heroine veronica, who has taken too much of herself and is already tired of it, i have one of my friends, a great the leader once said: you know, he says: you need to compete with only one person, with yourself, only with yourself, with yourself yesterday, this is the first, second thing he always said, you need to be grateful to yourself every day, so i sat down in the evening, yes, children sent for this free hour, write to yourself in the notes on your phone, what i am grateful to myself for today, what i am great at today, because you know, i really liked this image that andrey gave, yes, that you are rushing on this huge speed when you rush at...
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in gomak i want, or in gomak in the maldives, a great plan, so, or it’s just a walk through a coniferous forest, because it energizes you after the rain, it’s an incredible feeling, crazy speed, i by the way, regarding the speed, i really like it on some a high-speed car, where you can... for the fact that i began to transform greatly, a direct transformation of me, a psychological person, and where, again
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, every morning i get up at 7 am, from 7 to 0:70 on the alarm clock, i have time for gratitude, but the key point is, i thank everything for what i have, but not myself. i want to emphasize this idea more clearly, in order to be easy, you need to set aside special time for this, and you, apparently, simply physically don’t have it, because you all the time...
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in the morning i drink tea, coffee on the terrace, i myself forbade me to take my phone with me to the terrace when i drink coffee in the morning, you see, this is wonderful, it was unbearably hard. because my mail is not sorted, yes, text messages are not answered, the news is not viewed, the schedule for the day, so to speak, is not updated, you see, i just understand you very well, well, i feel it, but i suddenly realized that this the time when i'm 10 minutes, i'm sitting and excuse me, please, i'm stupid, looking there at the forest, at the grass, at the starlings, at a drop
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of rain, which yes, i'm just stupid, i... i understand that this is the time, in which i i am developing incredibly, returning to how to technically ensure this, in order for you to sit quietly for an hour with a mug, look out the window, enjoy the forest, you need someone to work for you at this time, that is, you need to give your responsibility, in this case, i advise you to say words that are very difficult for such excellent students, when you once tell someone at work, that is, you may not trust the person, you may not trust him.
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in fact, you don’t trust it, but when you say it out loud, when your own ears hear your own words, it lets you go a little, lets you go psychologically, physiologically, emotionally, learn to say these words, i trust you, a person
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may not justify the trust, let’s change it, strictly speaking, but he can justify it, then... i they will tell you this, but it seems to me that this is the key: you really probably have a problem with trust in the world, and people, and circumstances, when there is no trust in the world, there is no trust in life, the circumstances that appear in a person, total control , and why, and why control, why fears, yes, if you don’t trust,
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then you are afraid of it, if you are afraid, then you... veronica, you must learn to be easy, you must learn to be irresponsible somewhere, i know that when it is irresponsible, my eye is twitching again, and we will even tell you, veronica, we believe in you, we know that you are really
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easy, you are really easy, veronica, you have it all, you can, that is, we are like that for you let's delegate this a little, a little. can’t trust you, you’re an excellent student, we trust you with natalya, you can be easy, but for this , again, we must set aside a little time, b, we must find someone you will trust, this is a game, this is a game of adults, transfer trust, transfer responsibility to someone, yes , in fact, this correct distribution , as it were, frees up ease for time, ask about this about such a life, you know how to swim, of course, and you swim on your back, of course, but you lie on the water, but i love you, but you don’t trust me on the water? wait, that's for sure, that's when you're lying on the water, you know, it's this one it’s a great feeling, yes, i swim too, but a little stressed, a little stressed, that is, but not stressed, yes, it’s hard to overcome this, i probably have it somewhere. i have this thought that there is a feeling of total justice inside me, when well, what is justice,
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justice, the last story, if you want in stories, i paid for moscow parking, but the application or their system does not work, i don’t know what was the problem, but the money was debited from the bank, yeah, then after a while i received a fine of 5,000, this it's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame. we work with grievances, for 5,000, and then you realize that the bank removed the transaction, then returned it back, but i paid for parking in the center of moscow for 5 hours, for my part i did everything correctly, like an excellent student, but everything is as it should be, as a result , a week later i receive a fine, and i understand that this is completely unfair, i filed an appeal, of course, oh, not an appeal, there is an appeal, they didn’t appeal, you start drowning in a sense of injustice, doing something unfair. yes this is the injustice i i celebrate everywhere and i want to fight for justice, probably this is also due to the fact that i don’t trust the world, in this case , again, to fight for justice in one way
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is to be a quixote who fought with milkmaids, you need to have allies even in the fight for justice , and these allies need to be trusted and delegated, yes, that is, you need to have people who, just like you, will have the same picture of the world in this case, so the fact that you are such a fighter is great, this is yours, well, actually this is this your your image, your way of life in the end ends. it’s not a fact that you see people close to you, perhaps you look at people and say: well, there really is something you’re not telling me, here everything is not as good as you tell me, or maybe there you
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didn’t achieve this yourself, i sort of achieved this myself, this is the feeling, because in fact the sense of justice is heightened, but it is typical for those who have achieved everything in life on their own, i wanted two nuances for you, but could you tell me first before the nuance, please tell me, i trust my employees, i’ll verbalize, well, at least parts of it, let’s simplify the task. i wanted to point out one point, back in school, back in school, they wrote wishes in a diary when we were leaving school, one in the field is not a warrior, this is what we
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are telling you about, you know, to hug a hedgehog and a porcupine i want to, but it’s impossible, yeah, you know, so in order to become easy, you need to show your weakness somewhere, don’t be ashamed of it, find time for it, find faith in people who can support you, and you really.. you will achieve that the goal you want because you are great. well, friends, our heroine veronica came with a request on how to stop carrying everything on yourself, how to stop being this small, iron, tireless tank. it seems to me that we have found the right path for this tank into the sunny pine forest, which veronica generally dreams of, but has not been for a long time. i am incredibly grateful to you, indeed, you helped me, found the right path for me, and i... first of all , i promise myself, and i keep my promise to you, that now i will work on myself, take time for myself, don’t forget my beloved self, pay more
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attention to myself, really, trust the world, trust my employees, i emphasized it, you don’t need to work on yourself, you’re already perfect, just take a little break from yourself and that’s it will be your path to ease, this is to leave yourself alone, it is called, absolutely true, if you want to participate. in our psyche podcast, leave applications on the website of the first channel hello, my name is still dmitry bagh, we have, as always, right now another episode of a literary podcast, which, as... you, of course, remember, is called: “let them not talk, let them read.” today we will talk about an author who was incredibly popular in the early years.
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after the revolution, or one might say in the first two decades, then it was semi-banned or completely banned during soviet times, also for several decades, then again it was very popular, and this author turns 130 years old on july 12, this is isaac imanulovich babel, as you of course already guessed , and we talk about babelei with the elder researcher at the department of contemporary russian literature.
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in the eighty-ninth year we celebrated the anniversary of andreevna akhmatova, and in the ninetieth year of pasternak, in the ninety-first year of mandelstam, that is, centuries of writers followed each other who had such a difficult fate, as they used to say, so if we compare the two anniversaries, now it’s 130 years, well, it’s also an anniversary, we’ll consider it this way, if we compare these two dates, then what... has changed in popularity, in reputation, i’m talking about literary reputation, of course, to a degree knowledge, but that anniversary was so columbus, yes, now, what is happening, as you say? i will say that a lot has changed, for example, shortly before the centenary in 1990, it was very difficult. that is
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, it was not easy to publish, to compile a two-volume set of his works in a fiction publishing house, and thanks to the efforts of the writer’s widow antonina nikolaevna pirzhkova, this was done, and if we generally start from anniversaries, then every 10 years, naturally, in the period of decades it happened, well quite a lot, that's if well... let’s compare it with the last anniversary and the 120th anniversary of babel, which, probably, well, 125 it was not celebrated as it would be, but 120 years were celebrated, but i will say that during this time, over these 10 years, i managed come out, but now, in general, now, of course, babel is often published, often, in modern times
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, in good circulations. and even in 2006 , a four-volume collected work was published, but now i’m talking about mass editions, already several three-volume collected works, mass-produced, several, i can’t now give an exact figure, well, somewhere around three or four the collected works came out, in this decade we managed to release cavalry in the series, so i’ll show it. these are our dear friends, these are literary monuments, they sometimes come without a dust jacket, then they look like this, and sometimes we have a dust jacket, we continue to introduce you to authoritative series, these are monuments of years, the book was prepared by elena pagorelskaya, we also published the first scientific as complete as possible biography of babel, that is, first
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of all, me...
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is there now, well, such a decline, well , routinization, or something, well, another big one a writer is everything, and not someone who needs to be immediately read, obtained, bought, i think. that this kind of rotinization, as you said, does not apply to babel, just as it does not apply, for example, to andrei platonov, i naturally don’t know, but i was told that when the first posthumous collection was published in 57, that it was generally a colossal event, indeed, then only in the sixty-sixth year, the sixth year, they came out, so... well, such collections were published during this time, well, the first thing you can say is such a small collection of works in two volumes in ninety. it seems to me that babel is such a great writer, like andrei platonov, that you understand, well
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, how can i say it, this charm, the charm of their skill, their style, it seems to hold the reader captive, another thing, another thing, can i finish that... this can be easily read, well, from the inside of a specialist’s point of view, of course, it seems that nothing is happening, and elena pogorilskaya, the largest specialist in babel in the country, i’m telling our wonderful interlocutors
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who are listening to us now and watching , after all about isaac immanuilovich himself, that’s how extraliterary his biography is. correlated with literature, because he studied three times in commercial educational institutions, yes, first at the nikolaev commercial institute, school, college, commercial school, of course, yes, named after sergei witte, then at odessa, yes, nicholas i then at the kiev commercial institute , where he finds himself in the midst of all sorts of events, the murder of stalypin, and akhmat there. at this time in kiev, i mean, yes, well, like the belis case, the belis case, of course, in these same times the same time, well, a little later, and well, it’s as if babel faces such a classical fate
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of a person who follows the comic path, well, there were such examples, goncharovich, also a merchant’s son, who spent 10 years in a commercial school, and then went to university , how did this happen to babel? after all, did one contradict the other or not, what influenced him? i think it doesn’t contradict, if we talk about, let’s say , a commercial school, let me remind you that alexey remizov graduated from the moscow commercial school, also and probably in that period, then i don’t think so, i’m sure there wasn’t any kind of professional education for writers at that time, but that arose later, and well, for me. it seems that he is babel, as he wrote, really, he, he thought of himself as a writer, probably first from childhood, by the way, he also studied at
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the law faculty of the psychoneurological institute in petrograd, but did not graduate, and he is babel , well, i don’t know, maybe his family prepared him for this, no, his family, his family certainly didn’t prepare him. the family didn’t prepare for this, but you see, he’s really very i read a lot, as for the odessa commercial school, it provided a very good general education, it was at the odessa commercial school that babel taught and had an excellent command of french, and he translated mapasan, he spoke several times at rallies in french in paris , and he...
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and i’ll say again that ivan goncharov, avtoblomov, also spent 9 years in a commercial school, which is located on ostozhenka, opposite turgenev’s house in the very center of moscow. wasn't here now, but i noticed please note that in this fundamental biography it is called a life description, the authors elena pogorelskaya and steve levin, just in case, i am making an exact link, you very often, when illustrating the biography, you also refer to literary texts, after all, artistic texts - it was a means to somehow process the experience of life.
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i wrote to my mother that, after a long
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break, i published it again, in the next one in the same series, yes, there will be a story, which i will later unite under this same general the title is the story of my dovecote, they are all about childhood, but of course they lied, a lot was composed, as he himself said, yes, in my opinion, in the basement, yes, that he strengthened the beginning, there the ends, he...
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and how he accepts revolution, doesn’t accept it , well, that’s how he feels about the soviet era, but of course we don’t live in a time when, on this basis, people were assigned to the right or left, ours or not ours, well, it’s curious how he feels about this time, which mixed everything up, led all classes astray, but created completely, remember, mandelstam says that people knocked out of biographies are like balls from billiard pockets, this phrase is simply very... i once remembered how babel did with the revolution and with everything that happened in
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russia, then in the soviet union, you know, distance enormous size later in the soviet union, i would probably have sinned against the truth if i had said that yes, babel accepted the revolution, completely, like maikovsky, yes, my revolution, and i would have sinned against the truth if i had said, that babel didn’t accept the revolution, that’s what i want, if possible, then to illustrate with an example of an early beginning, babel has essays in the newspaper novaya zhizn, gorky’s newspaper novaya zhizn,
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this is where we will do our traditional beat, we just have telepathy with you, lina, because usually, as, of course, our interlocutors remember that in the middle of an issue i either show some old book, or analyze a poem,
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or read something from the classics, but today, of course, i decided in advance that i would read a piece from babel, a fragment of the story of the same gedali, let's. we will read this to you: revolution, let's say yes to it, but will we say to saturday: no, so the gidalia begins, and wraps me in the silken belts of his smoky eyes, yes, i shout to the revolution, yes, i shout to it, but she hides from the gidalia, sends forward only shooting, closed in the eyes, the sun does not come in, i answer the old man, well, i mean.
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