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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 16, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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don't mind your own business, brother, why should i, i said, don't meddle, shut your mouth, who are you to tell me, and i'm older, and worse, oh, you asshole, what did i jump, you goat, well come on, come on, get up, what are you doing? heavily stitched up, and you’re an old stump, still throwing your platosh at me with your castellated fist, what are you doing, what about you? well, don’t pretend,
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platosha, but it’s not funny, he’s early, she’s small, “mish, you’re responsible for the barn, the milk is falling, i’ve already heard from the area that we can’t cope, but i don’t understand it myself, what's the matter, the cows are kind of lethargic, i'm a veterinarian called, okay, when he examines you, report back to me, uh-huh, who’s there, dad, you’ll be there soon, otherwise i won’t be on the street for long, wait, there’s an infection and...” it’s overgrown,
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sit down, you know, i’m already giving myself a hard time anonymously intercepted that the chairman's daughter is small, and the collective farm ignores, in the city she beats the boklushi, but the joke is on them, you think, i don’t know who writes this, our women, husbandless ones, are jealous, my zoya is a beauty, well, yes, the only bad thing is that she got in touch, yes, i’m worried myself, but at least she has a stake on her head, so, okay, let’s go, come on, what, the money has run out again, dad, what are you doing, i’m just wondering... why
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didn’t denis go to his uncle’s funeral, and you could have, it’s a shame, it ’s not good, you know, dad, denis has problems now, he’s looking for a new job, he wasn’t happy with the old one, but there’s a boss, moron, what a despod, yes, your prince forces you to work, yes, although some kind of work for a man, a night watchman, well, it’s convenient for us, but he is free during the day, free for what, to hang around the pubs, in vain i straightened out your passports. it would be better if they were in front of your eyes, but beforehand, you don’t want any milk, olga petrovna, it’s fresh, yes, thank you, i’ll strain it now.
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thank you, why are you here, but i came to check on you, i’m fine, misha, you’re not taking care of yourself at all, go home, i still have a lot of things to do, that’s it, go, come on, mikhail sakharovich, the veterinarian has arrived, okay? take him, come on, exactly, i’ll expect you home in an hour, you forgot that the doctor ordered you to rest during the day, yes i understand, that’s it, go, come on, don’t you understand that this is the work of my whole life, in this life there is there are still a lot of things to do, and now i have to dig into the soil here until i grow old, this is our land, yours, everything is here your ancestors lived, these are your roots, come on, start giving me a lecture, don’t you understand that all people are different? i’m dreaming of heaven, you
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’re pulling me to the ground, that’s it, kolya, the conversation is over, no, not over, if you don’t write a statement to the military registration and enlistment office so that my reservation is removed, i’ll leave home, so you know where you ’ll go , a? tanya will pass her graduation, we will leave together, and will never return again. fine. let's think sensibly. the law exempts you from conscription, because the only relative you have is me and my great-grandfather, who is eighty years old. if god forbid that we end up with him, alone, old, and sick. grandma, why think about bad things? you understand, i chose my path, and you interfere with me, you break my fate. but if they did this to you. they took and took away what you love, okay,
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i’ll write an application for refusal of reservation, i’ll go to the military registration and enlistment office today. varya, let me give you a ride, no, thank you, i ’ll wait for the bus, today is my last day of work. why? i’m leaving, my comrade, to chelyabinsk, to the tractor plant, as chief engineer, i’m glad for you, come with me, big city, big opportunities, lesh,
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what are you talking about, well, i can’t forget you, let’s start over, in a new place, please , listen, we divorced a long time ago, so what? well, think for yourself, a completely different life awaits you, a well-deserved pension, tranquility, theaters, museums, it’s tempting, but it won’t happen, lying down, it doesn’t fit into the same water twice, sorry, and to hell with it.
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buddy, let me light a cigarette, i don’t smoke. i didn’t have time to see, just don’t tell tanka, okay, otherwise he’ll worry, okay, talisman, father’s, saved, here it is, where is the knife passed, was born in a shirt, let's go, i'll bring you,
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uh-huh, great, yes, hello, bad news, there's foot and mouth disease in the neighboring area. “come on, look at our cows again, i’ll see, the rash usually appears in a few days, then come straight to me, okay, i’ll call and come home, my wife is sick with something, she’s on fire, i’ll wait for the doctor, okay, just let me not tell you after the doctor let's gather, we need to make a cordon on the roads, good, yeah, 39.5 i'll give an injection, what complaints, lower back, no strength, and body aches, but what's wrong with her, now there's a flu
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he's walking around lousy, he's from hong kong, all the symptoms are obvious, maybe he should go to the hospital, i 'll bring down the temperature now, then let's drink more aspirin, in 2 more days... what happened? yacher. all cows have rashes on their lips on their udders. the young will die, these are the first. did they send you to the dairy? yes, damn it, you have to call so they don’t accept it.
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we’re all walking through the sawdust, comrades, what ’s going on, calmly, let’s pass, well done, come on, come on, come on, come on, be careful, alexey ivanovich, why leave, let’s do it first.
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left, always, didn't even say anything to me, you i'm sorry if i upset you, but i was about to fry cutlets, well, don't cancel the cutlets, eat them yourself at the table, and i won't feed this idiot, you'll go crazy, passionate today,
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and i will, for your health, that’s right, i’m beating off the stakes of the tank, there’s no point in him touching ermakov’s shack, think about it, i even talked him into piercing the birch trees, they poked your stake with a little guy’s knife for the sake of warning. well, the store, you see, don’t turn your head,
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you’re attracting attention, there’s a pawnshop, what are you talking about, the locks in the pawnshop are wow, there’s a security alarm, wow, did you ask something or something, say so, i didn’t ask anything, i just, in short, it will be darker, we’ll come back. i made a good master key, we’ll open it quickly, we’ll take the gold, well , if the alarm goes off, the cops will come, we won’t have time, we’ll already be gone, but well, it’s generally risky, well, don’t you want me to go alone, i just thought you’d stand on the fence, you never know, okay, well youngster, let's go.
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damn, i broke a piece there, it’s okay, okay, i took a hacksaw, give it here. here you go.
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it’s not a mushroom, it’s a lizard, remember carefully, you ’re sure you didn’t see anyone? no, i'm telling you, i i was walking down the street, suddenly everything went dark in my eyes,
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i felt dizzy, i sat down on the stairs and... that’s it, i don’t remember anything else, okay, but if you remember something, be sure to call, get well, tests are normal, i’m feeling good, just wonderful, doctor, who, yeah, here, great, hong kong mushroom. collect her, according to all signs of foot and mouth disease, press here, i’ll clean it up, mishenka, don’t be left alone, what are you talking about, please, get married, varya,
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you’re a good woman!
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okay, okay, let's take one last ride, let's go,
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get up! tanya, hi, hi, let's go for a ride, well come on, let's go to the cinema to the regional center, the gentlemen of good luck are walking there, the girls were walking around, just laughing, but i've just come from the regional center, look. the airborne forces call you up, when the day after tomorrow, miraculously, you made it in time, tomorrow is a farewell. i'm sorry,
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that's it. oh, it’s time for me already, i won’t wait for dispatch, i’m late, serve, okay, do you hear, write, don’t forget, bye, bah, thank you, thank you, kulka, what have you done, how am i without you now? 2 whole years, i’m going to die, come on, why are you
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sniveling, i love you, just wait me, do you hear, wait, danya, goodbye, i love you, do you hear, no, why are we sitting here, just the two of us, someone drives along this road once a day, well, more than once, and it spreads the infection throughout the area . have you seen zoyka lately? how is she? what do you think? he goes to cafes from morning to evening. does denis offend her? listen, go
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and see for yourself. give me the address. and then they change all the rented apartments. well, yes, so you don’t think that they will be happy to see you there. i don't think so. "hello, two calls to the skolchins, not alone, they are at home, at home, zoya, the police again, yes some kind of police, aunt vera, this is my classmate,
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lenka , come in! , thank you, wow, it’s day, you ’ll be late for work again? yeah, the cat is out of the house, the mice are dancing, what did they do to make me go on duty? denis, am i crazy? you’re doing me what you told him the address, but don’t touch me! that’s enough, that’s enough, i’m calling the police, no, “yes, let him in, i’ll persuade him to go to work , don’t be afraid, you’ll have a job for 15 days!” will provide, well, i
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’ll count the slut, i’ll get even with you, bitch, let him go, you’ll threaten, you little guy, you’re not dressed, fuck you, let’s go, let him sit there and come to his senses, you moron ? so why endure, leave him, i love him, i don’t know, i don’t know. and how much do you say, he earns 60 rubles? so, pack up your monads, go
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home, and don’t argue, otherwise i’ll take away my strength, varika? , you don’t have to register, it’s just the two of us left, why share, so just the two of us, i don’t owe anything to my husband, or to my grandson, i’ll live, how do i. it’s convenient, before she lived and didn’t run away, sometimes she lived because of tosya, sometimes because of kolya, just don’t pull the children out of their usual place, but now she’s her own mistress, oh it’s clear, you’ll get a man that he’s a cat to have , well , then i won’t understand, you won’t understand, i want to live my life, yes... worry, i
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’ll do the laundry for you, but then, okay, i have more space, give me cleaner air, oh, well, my dear?
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well, more than half of the cows are confidently recovering, it seems that the peak of the epidemic has passed, thank god, they escaped with little blood, well... goodbye, thank you, yes, that’s it, you see, somehow we’ll be able to recoup the losses. yes, yes, i hope,
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and at our house it’s also a joy to sit down, why did zoya come home, yes, yes, she left her skolchin, well, that’s great, maybe she’ll finally find a good guy, yes, of course, lyonka has been pining for her for a long time, banner labor, yes, i’m listening, here, from the hospital. yes, ermakov, when something happened to olga, she died.
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let's go to. why did you come? go away, father, i must fulfill my duty. leave. no, blessed be our god. i forbid you to perform her funeral service. don't swear in front of the grave, it's not fine. i know better that my wife is well. the spirits of the righteous who have passed away the soul of your servant olga. stop it, i said. don't give orders here. you have no conscience, you know that this is in our throats, you still climb with your god, this is not for you, for her soul, she is baptized in christ, i must lead her to the lord, in your chamber, lord, the soul of your servants olga, as one, you are a lover of humanity,
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rest your soul. your servant olga, for you alone are a lover of mankind. let's remember god's servant olga, thank you, lyuba, i wanted to say, yes it wasn't, what are you talking about? stupid, i am very lucky with you, very lucky, i would never have found a better wife, you are more than a wife, you are a friend,
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a stupka, but i thought you loved olga, this love was sent to me as a temptation. yours is like grace, because of olga, i almost overthrew a terrible sin, fratricide, and thanks to you, i realized how joyful it is when the soul is at peace, when it is intertwined with another soul, thank you. thank you, my dear,
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i’m sorry, i couldn’t come to say goodbye to olga, there was a meeting in the district committee, i know. how many years have you lived together? 40, 41, it’s like tearing a piece of your heart off? please accept my condolences, thank you.
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are you getting married? no, just in a friendly way, but i’ve already left the pioneer age to be friends. but i’m not on my own, my father told me to come back, and that you listened to your father a lot, everything is fine, yes,
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then go to work, come on, and you, little wolf, where did you come from, and what are you doing? you put on a cop uniform, you think i’m afraid to touch you, but if you’re not a fool, then you won’t touch, otherwise you’ll get jailed for being a hooligan, in short, zoya, car waiting, the counter is ticking, i wait, exactly 10 minutes, then i leave, let's go, denis, let's go, let's go.
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denis! wait, zoya, where are you going, zoya, ugh, why didn’t you wait, the time is up, i won’t wait another time.
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together, wait, break up, have a smoke and go, oh, it’s hot, of course, oh, it’s soaring, the ancestors write, they’re in a drought, the harvest is kaput, we’re in a drought too, oh, is this, thank you, yours, or something, mine, she’s just a little girl, she
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’s already finished school, she’ll be back, she’ll turn 18 , we’ll get married, well, if she waits, she promised, they all promise, okay, let’s go, leningrad +25, okay? the heat is coming in moscow, tomorrow the temperature is expected to rise to 38°, the temperature has broken the record for the last 100 years, what is your soldier writing about where he ended up, in the pskov division, he already jumped with a parachute, don’t distract me, i forgot what i wanted write, write what you love and... that's enough for him,
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quickly, quickly, where are we going, in battle, but how do i know, the peat bogs are burning near moscow, talk, refuel, right, in. run, march! yes, where are you from? i followed you, it’s good here, a beautiful place, in general, tan, i love you, be careful! you’ll fall more carefully
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now, i love you, there’s no life without you, you won’t be mine, i’ll lay hands on myself, are you crazy, let him go crazy, it’s so white already, that you’re breaking down, how to do it, “who, me, i, you, forgive me, maybe i wanted to ask at the wrong time, if the letter was from yours, otherwise tanya...” may, it was,
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it arrived the other day, yes, if you want, i’ll bring it to read, no, i just wanted find out, damn it, i don’t know how to lie to her, that’s not what i came for. lord, mish, we've gone crazy, we're old already. um, who's the old guy here? you are for me always young, remember how you jumped out to me through the window with a bundle, and
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do you remember our cave? yes, mish, if we could. then run away, your whole life would have turned out differently, yes, it’s like you didn’t live your own life, and mine passed by, mine too, now i won’t let you go anywhere, yeah, sorry, take it, don’t you want to? let ’s go live, and how can we go to bed, in which we have been for as many years as we have been, no, in her parents’ house we will be calmer, yes , i understand, i’m sad, the nest is emptying, so
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what? you're upset, tanya will stay with you, kolya will serve you, and let them live here, we are always there, if we can help you, i’m happy for you, misha, you’ve been waiting for your happiness for so many years, i can’t believe it myself, now hold her tight so you don’t miss her again, i won’t miss you.
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it’s not up to you to decide, and varya and i will get married, our grandchildren too, damn you and be glad, tan, it’s hard, let me help, don’t, stop it, are you afraid of me, or something, tan, well... forgive me , i don’t know what came over me, i really love you, it’s already getting dark in my eyes, what should i do, leave, yes stop, why don't you just go right away, don't worry, i won't touch you anymore, what can i do to make you forgive me, even if i get on my knees, tan, forgive me, please, tan, forgive me, please, well
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that’s it, okay, get up, come on, everything was fine, otherwise i got scared and ran away, i understand, yes, it’s fine, i’ve recovered, i’m used to it already, come on, be careful, yeah.
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the fire will stop, dig, the cake is burning underground, i grew up here under the tents, i know, fields, fields, in place, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, on calendar tuesday, july 16th. anastasia orlova and timur solovyov are with you today, the heat continues to break all records, and today we will visit places where it is always cold, well , it’s interesting, and we’ll also figure out how to cool a room without air conditioning, is it even possible? for those who go on vacation, we’ll find out what to do with communications, whether it’s worth taking a local sim card or are there other options, and how to cancel hotel reservations without
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losing money, and we’ll also try to understand why we buy something for a special occasion, how to read reviews on the internet for products and services and we will definitely prepare something tasty, and this is not all that awaits us this morning, well, right now fitness trainer anatoly goryachev promises us exercise, energy for the whole day. good morning, when the muscles are strong, you can master any, even the most complex elements, but you need to start preparing with basic exercises: feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms forward, squat to a right angle at the knees, do not go lower so as not to overload the joints, exhale straighten up and raise your right knee to the left elbow, we squat again, take turns working with one... then the other leg, for those who
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do not have enough load, this may complicate the exercise, we do swings with straight legs, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and also recharge with energy for the whole day. admit it! to be honest, you probably have something in your closet or on the mezzanine that is waiting and will not wait in the wings, a grandmother's service that leaves the sideboard only on holidays, on an ordinary day, no, no, or a dress that was bought for a special case, case everything is no and no, no and no, but maybe we should just arrange this very occasion, and the service too, why put it off for the holidays, especially since it matches the dress, even when, otherwise you can put it off for the rest of your life, in general , we get the dress service, 15%. of what ends up in this thrift store are new things, those that never saw a special occasion. not a single abrasion, scratches, factory
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film, instructions, tools, small household appliances, and of course, antiques, the same sets from grandma's sideboard. i remember very well, a teapot-cockerel, somewhere paintings from the eighties, always stood until the best holiday. the habit of postponing everything until a better moment and... the scientific title is deferred life syndrome, according to psychologists it is formed from 3 to 12 years old, you’ve probably heard in your life, when you grow up, then you’ll allow yourself, yes, that is , you’ll go to work, so then you will begin to live, but we all once put something off, repairs, as soon as it doesn’t come to it, it’s all over the place, repairs can be put off until later, but you can’t take a vacation, it was such that i worked for a year without a vacation. and what do we all have syndrome? in fact, we only need to sound the alarm if we repeatedly postpone our desires and plans until later. and
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this habit affects all areas of life. anna sharondak, an enterprise marketer, noticed that managers with this syndrome miss business opportunities, ordinary employees more often burn out, because they either postpone a vacation or make some new purchase. they don’t make themselves happy with something, so they have something in their work. this is fatigue, burnout, we can overcome our habit of procrastination, another a habit, every day, every day, for what, so that, since this is a belief, our belief changes after 7-30 days, and it turns out that holiday plates can be taken out every day, this set was given to me by my grandmother, some we took care of it, but we realized that when we use it, we have certain memories, we also decided to take the children to their grandmother on vacation. it turns out that we put it off and put it off, but it never happened to travel, this was replaced
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by short-term vacations, once every six months we got used to myself sorting out the wardrobe, children's clothes with tags that they grew out of now come across much less often, but you remember this dress, i don’t remember this dress, you don’t remember, because we wore it once for a photo shoot, yes, now we just started buying a dress , which you can wear for a walk. you can wear it for a holiday for mom's evening dresses; a problem with an asterisk - come up with a reason to wear it yourself, that is, we allow ourselves everything that we have been putting off, we are careful, except perhaps with new purchases, because marketers are like us they often catch you with the phrase: live now, not later, this is how things appear for a special occasion. natalya leonova, ksinia maklyak, angelina ivanova, denis panomariov, channel one. our good, bright morning continues, it’s time to take a look at the world wide web, what do you think? let's? right now, another batch of the latest videos from our honored surfer yegor uspensky
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opens our today’s video parade with a cat by name. not zeus from australia, he sticks his tongue out at everyone, everyone, without exception , zeus has no other talents, but already this was enough for him to become an internet star, in just a couple of days the video had already been watched by 7 million users, maybe he ’s just thirsty, i don’t know, our next hero is a young giraffe who lives in one of the kinei reserves, he met for the first time in his life the turtle and decided to get to know it, but it didn’t even pay any attention to the giraffe, it had already seen so many of them, it over-vized. some even suggested that the turtle’s mother forbade him to talk to strangers, it’s offensive. internet famous inventor colin furse has found, as he himself claims, an effective way to combat the heat. he modernized his old cabarilet and turned it into a self-propelled swimming pool. the video has already received 13 million views, well, i see, i ’ll say this, even looking at it you’re already a little refreshed. i don’t know, i wouldn’t go like that.
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okay, another touching ending. video from our favorite moscow zoo, it is, of course, about our common favorite panther katyusha, mom is sleeping, she’s tired, and katyusha, as you can see, doesn’t want to play either, well lay on my mother as if on a pillow, fell asleep, such a touching, touching wonderful video, in such heat, the first thing you want to do in your free time is , of course, go to the beach, swim and sunbathe, oh yes, you’re already tanned, and i haven’t yet, but i also want to look beautiful, so... the first thing we will do today is listen to the advice of a face fitness trainer, elena karkukli. immediately after waking up , we wash our face with cool water; instead of soap, i recommend crushed oatmeal. they delicately cleanse and nourish the skin at the same time.
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to enhance the effect, we perform contrast. self-massage with teaspoons to improve glide, apply massage oil to the face, place two glasses in front of us, pour hot but not scalding water into one, cold water into the other to cool it even further, put ice, drop two teaspoons into each container spoons, wait 2 minutes, first take out the cold ones, wipe with a napkin, move the spoons along the face along the massage lines, from the chin and nose to the ears, from the forehead to the temples, lower the spoons back into ice water and do the self-massage with hot water spoons, contrast procedures tone
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blood vessels, stimulate metabolism, help keep the skin young and elastic, and don’t forget about summer face masks. chop the dill for the salad, leave a tablespoon of greens, mix with whipped egg white and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. we apply the mixture to the face, the mask refreshes, moisturizes and whitens. and before... going for a walk, apply sunscreen to your face, put on a wide-brimmed hat, use my recommendations and you will be pleased with the reflection in mirror, you are my best friend’s wife, let’s not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when i started to figure it out, i found out a lot of dubious details, if
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you stay with me... in general , we’re amazing lovers, you still look there i'm a very modest person, i immediately felt that there was something wrong with him, that you were pestering me, i really want to know, and take a closer look at who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller, today is the first, why is it taking so long, maybe there are some problems?
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on a large post-hand ball, tangerine vamot light, berge on malala. the soviet union must love stirlitz. but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general just so that the actors would not be touched, days pass without you, she did not repeat herself, well, how
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can you compare a carnival there or 17 moments spring, or haylofts of spring and three poplars on the watering, oh, she looked at her with such key eyes, as he knew how to do, he just looked and said: i don’t need... on the calendar, tuesday, july 16, the july heat does not recede. therefore, the russian champion in bartending art, alexey sveridov , begins to prepare an original, refreshing drink. just listen,
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fresh basil, try it, it will be interesting, i hope it’s so cold too. i picked basil from the garden for a salad, and at the same time i’ll make an invigorating cocktail of aromatic greens. i wash the leaves. i put it in a shaker, a thermos with unbreakable walls will also work, i grind the greens with a muddler, that’s what they call a barman masher, it allows you to preserve the fragrant aroma of herbs, by the way, the muddler can be replaced with a thin rolling pin, squeeze two tablespoons of lemon juice, add passion fruit puree, add ice, close the lid, beat the ingredients, ready, cover the shaker with a trainer, this is a barman strainer, pour the mixture into a glass, i fill it
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with energy drink or regular sweet soda, help yourself, after such a bright drink you will feel cheerful and full of energy. tuesday morning continues right now, we give the floor to our... hello, the news is live in the studio sergey tygushev. several apu strongholds were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, this is the work of the crew of the salvo rocket system. hurricane. the soldiers moved to the position after ukrainian fortifications discovered our drones. the coordinates of the target were quickly transmitted to the crew. and he delivered an accurate blow. the enemy is constantly trying to respond. our advanced
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units, as well as civilians in donbass, are being hit with american hymers multiple launch rocket systems. protection against them is provided by the crews of the buk anti-aircraft systems m2. the system scans the sky within a radius of 100 km around the clock. beech.
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kyiv regime. he calls ukraine the most corrupt country in the world, and consistently advocates stopping the supply of weapons to it and an early peaceful settlement of the conflict in which russia will not lose. this is a fundamental fact. something everyone has to come to terms with, venson says. we need to accept the fact that ukraine will have to cede some territories to russia, everyone who has a head on their shoulders knows that...
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now we can expect that the pressure on him will only intensify. the west has set its sights on chinese foreign assets, representatives of nato states report that cnn is thinking about how to return chinese-owned infrastructure projects in europe. chinese. investments were very useful to the old world during the recovery period after the global financial crisis, the tv channel notes, but now european officials have seen a potential threat in the once coveted capital from keir. china, cnn recalls, has invested tens of billions in european infrastructure dollars as part of the path initiative, which eu countries began joining in 2013. the projects extend from railway lines connecting eastern europe with china, to ports in the northern and... china,
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despite international norms, can lose all this if the western leader so wants. the assets will either be expropriated or taken under temporary control until the owners sell them for next to nothing. in moscow, street cameras began to record violations by users of kick-sharing services, rental of electric scooters. already, as reported, the first fine has been issued - 800 rubles. for driving through a pedestrian crossing. according to the rules, a zebra must dismount, and also in the capital , for the first time, an electric scooter was confiscated from its owner by court decision. its owner, being drunk, hit an elderly woman. the offender turned out to be a design student. in addition, he was banned from using personal mobility aids for a year and a half. and in st. petersburg, they are looking for a man who rode down the street on a scooter with two children. one held on behind the wheel, the second sat on the shoulders. the ministry of internal affairs called such driving dangerous for violators. faces
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a fine. a music festival has opened in sukhum. khibla gerzmava invites. a special stage was built for the concert. world opera stars performed there. entry was free for everyone. in memory of her parents , khibla gerzmava first organized her music festival back in 2001 in petsunda, where she was born and spent her childhood. abkhazia is a country of soul and soul. and of course, here...
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it will go on all summer, with venues for famous in addition to the stage in sukhum, musicians will visit the ancient 20th century temple in petsunda and the foot of the bidi cathedral. the festival will also include concerts in russian cities and china. that's all for now, stay with us, the program "good morning" will continue to air on channel one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this wonderful day with channel one. on the air, good morning. so. summer, the heat in many regions is thirty degrees and even more , every year you come home from work the same thing, and the walls radiate warmth, with one on the other hand, you can of course buy and install an air conditioner, for example, i have one, i don’t know what i would do without it, but on the other hand, when you think that our summer is short and sometimes you feel sorry for money, yes, you can is there any way to do it at home cooler, but cheaper, what science thinks about this, we’ll find out right now, there’s nothing to breathe in...
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a saucepan, a basin and a saucepan will do, but a metal pan will be a little better, because metal has greater thermal conductivity, so a pan with cold water will take heat not only from the top surface, but from the side, we put it higher on a shelf or cabinet, if left on
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the floor, cold air will only be below, because cold air has a higher density than hot and denser air, it goes down, if we put it up, this cold air will go down, the air currents will mix and all this will cool our room. you can also cover the windows with foil, which is radical, but it works. the foil reflects almost 100% of sunlight, it practically does not heat up, because it is very thin, all the radiation that heats the room is reflected, and of course, the heating will be much less. well, we close the windows, plus we close the curtains, so the hot air will not penetrate inside. and it is also desirable that the reverse side be light. because when light hits, it is reflected from a light surface in the opposite direction ; it does not heat up as much as the option of using moisture evaporation, there is no humidifier, we use a spray bottle. kilogram of water evaporation absorbs much more heat than the same ice, we spray water like this, there are
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small droplets of water, they will evaporate, thereby cooling the room itself. it became much easier to breathe in the house; the temperature, although slightly, still dropped by 2°. so if it is not possible to install an air conditioner, life hacks will help. alena krolkova, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, channel one. oh, the heat continues to break all records. true, it’s cool in our studio, yes, but in many regions the thermometer has long since crept thirty degree mark. in the rostov region, he generally travels in the region of +40. residents of rostov, hello, but there are still places in our country where it’s always not just cool, but really cold. it’s also incredibly beautiful there, in general, it’s better to see it once than to hear it 100 times, even from us. let's go on a refreshing journey through the most beautiful and amazing ice caves
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in the country. the askinskaya cave received its name from the nearby askin river, which translated from the dialect of the bashshkir language means rebellious. water flowing down the walls. gradually polishes the surface of the cave from the inside , it becomes more and more, while acquiring the shape of the current dome. there is one hall in the askinskaya cave. the main attraction is the figures made of relict ice. we call this figure the snow queen. scientists believe that the snow queen is 1,500 years old, but some figures could not be preserved. due to the abundance of people wanting to get inside, the microclimate of the cave was disturbed. relic ice. now there are regulations for the excursion: the cave is guarded, the temperature in it is stable. in the summer, in throughout the summer in the cave it is 0°; in the hottest summer it can rise slightly to plus 1°. the path to the cave, pevcheskaya estrada, lies
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through the forest; in total there are 438 caves in the pinezhsky district of the arkhangelsk region. the singing stage is not the largest, but the most visited. the air humidity in the cave is 87%, but it warms up to a maximum of +4°. the two halls of the cave are separated by a stream; in the summer it dries up; it makes it possible to move from the singing hall to the cold one. in the kungur cave in the perm region, for those who want to get into winter in the middle of summer, and special paths and lighting. you and i are in eternity, the age of the modern cave grottoes is 12,000. years, but the age of the rock that surrounds us is about 280 million years old; it was formed in the permian period of the paleozoic era. the kungur cave is huge, one of the ten longest gypsum caves in the world. the yakut kingdom of permafrost
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is located in an old adit, near mount chuchur muran. temperatures here range from -5 to -10° all year round. in winter, tourists come here to bask from -50 to -5, and in the summer, on the contrary, at +35, when it’s so hot outside, you can go in and cool off. in the kingdom of eternal merlot, bones of ancient animals that were found in the ice of yakutia are exhibited, guests are introduced to the history and traditions of the sakha people, and they are also shown that the kingdom of ice is infinitely beautiful.
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most of them are written to order: i have to make repairs, i’m looking for builders, i plunged into the network with this question, and i just drowned there. sergey kuzmenko, head of the center for digital expertise of luxury, will help, here’s an example: reviews of the company in popular maps, excellent rating 4.9, 33 reviews, mostly positive, well, there are a few negative ones, that is , it seems that it’s all balanced, but it can’t be. everything is positive, the positive ones sound believable, we tap into our inner
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sherlock holmes, if a seller or service provider has accumulated negative reviews, he orders positive ones in a row to raise the rating, in this case messages can be left even on the same day, here the reviews are quite scattered across time. you can go to that person’s profile the user who left this review. some sites have this option, maps, marketplaces, social networks. in which other cities did this user leave a review? this is where the most interesting thing is, a person in voronezh leaves a review on trucking, then in volgograd he evaluates phone repairs, in kaliningrad, he is interested in the work of the gas service, and in short time intervals. it’s strange that a person leaves reviews for places all over the country; this is usually done by copywriters who have a client. from different cities, we look at the account of another commentator: the same companies,
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cat foster care, and ours is already a construction company. people who rated the construction company wrote reviews for almost the same organizations. it’s hard to believe, it looks like a team of remote copywriters. it’s worth starting with negative reviews; if they have a negative experience, they are, firstly, more motivated to write a review. let us remind you of other signs of a fake. there are many of you. procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do on the beach?
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in many other ways, it’s great to live in the program, today on the first, the sound, such an atmosphere on the project that it seems that we also became kindred spirits, well, it’s just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun.
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all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man
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was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you... don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you’re very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. even it’s amazing how people used to manage on vacation without a mobile connection, you need to call, go to some communication center, there would be a telephone there, but no one could find you on vacation, it’s true, now in the 21st century it’s even somehow funny to remember, but we want to be connected always everywhere all the time, but we don’t want to overpay for it at all, but although some people
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succeed in this, it’s interesting, as we are now learning, several ways to stay in touch... border, the most economical public wi-fi, traveler olga zhivikina does just that, she has visited more than 100 countries, every 50 m in any country there is a cafe, you do not have to pay money for your calls, and you are not limited in absolutely minutes, but public wi-fi is easy to hack, the network is not is protected, scammers make an access point similar, for example, to the name of a restaurant and steal personal data, roaming is safer, it’s easier for those who travel around... russia has canceled the national one, the only exception is crimea, each operator there has its own tariffs, international roaming is also possible connect and at home, you don’t need to change your sim card. the advantage of international roaming is security. you will always be able to access government services at any time, and the services of russian banks will always be available to you at any time. roaming conditions can be selected. we looked at
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the prices of popular destinations, first for 7 days. calls for this period are optimally 20 minutes, from 600 to... 500 rubles. if you use only the internet, 5 gigs is enough, from 1.00 to 1.200, the package is more expensive. for 2 weeks, calls are 200 rubles more expensive, internet is more than 1. we are forced to rent a network from international partners, we consume traffic that passes through the equipment and we are forced to pay for this service. roaming conditions will be a little higher, but you can save money by calling via voicer over wi-fi, it’s the same network, only it works in the wi-fi zone, connect. you can contact your operator, it is safe, if you are within the coverage radius of the wi-fi network, you will use calls as in russia. on a trip of two weeks or more, travelers are advised to take local sim cards, you cannot leave your number, the prices are better, we compare the same popular destinations, all cost less than a thousand rubles. regarding access to the resources of russian banks and such an important
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resource as government services, when purchasing a local sim card, these resources will not be available to you. if you plan to use only the internet, you can also connect an esim, an electronic sim card, and activate it in the application. you will have data to activate the sim card, in the phone settings you activate the sim card, in the cellular data section you will have two sim cards. communication prices are fixed, and the more popular the country, the cheaper. we look at 7 days and 14. by the way, russian cards are also suitable for payment. it turns out that local sim cards are more profitable in any case. but if you don’t need communication at all while traveling, after leaving your home zone it’s better to turn on airplane mode and check if data roaming is turned off? anastasia kremeshnaya, dmitry roshkov, channel one. plums, now is the season for them, bright, fragrant, juicy , ripe, round, oval, yellow, blue, red, but the most important thing for us is that they are tasty and fresh, that’s exactly what we are now
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we'll choose, we'll choose, and then i'll make a plum pie. kabordinskaya. in the collection of the crimean experimental breeding station in the krasnodar territory there are 566 varieties of plums, ancient varieties that were bred at the beginning of the 20th century, for example, the green variety linkot, has a green-yellow color, juicy fruits, it was bred by the great biologist ivan michurin, in general plums in it is not found in the wild, it is a domestic crop, it was obtained by crossing cherry cherry and blackthorn more than 200 years ago, and breeders still cannot stop. that it’s not a new variety for a year. currently at the moment, we did hybridization of the tofit variety in march, in april, when it bloomed. in order to obtain varieties with saturation, we have large fruit, as well as yield per tree. yes, there are varieties that are especially productive and have especially large fruits. the leader variety, here it fits in the palm of our hand with
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an average fruit weight of up to 70-80 g. the plum is also round and oblong. oval in color , more than fifty shades, in taste too, the sweetest are the early varieties that have already ripened, among the first is the pearl of the south, the pulp of the variety is juicy, sugar and almost 20% are freely separated, the stone is oblong, has a small weight, a juicy, very tasty dessert plum, the set of vitamins and microelements in all varieties is approximately the same, plums contain fiber, contain pectin, which is a natural sorbent, and it is capable of removing everything excess from the body, group b vitamins and vitamin pp, potassium, iron, selenium and also various... oxidants are natural substances that fight our aging, but the amount of useful substances depends on size and color, for example,
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purple and burgundy plums contain the most antioxidants, and it is important that the fruits are free of mechanical damage. for example, it is already slightly opened, already covered with its own juice, yes, probably some fermentation processes have already begun here. if we hear an alcoholic smell, it means that rotting processes have begun there. ideal if it feels like a rubber ball. slightly elastic and with a white coating, the more we see of this white coating, the fresher the plum, the less time has passed from how it was picked to the counter, respectively, in contrast to, yes, the plum should not be shiny, smooth, so very beautiful, because this will be a sign that it was covered with something that ideally should not enter our body, chose and eat, now is the season, karina makaryan, ksenia loginova, ilya ridkazubov, ilya saedzh, channel one, vacation! great time, you see, it seems to me that not only the children, but also the parents are happy, and another long weekend, for the children, of course, a holiday, you can to go to grandma's, to summer camp,
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on vacation with my parents, on a day off at 3 months, yes, but with all this, sometimes you have to stay at home, and alone without parents, here you and i, dear adults, must do everything, to ensure the safety of our children, the child has already stayed with his grandmother and will go to camp a little later. if you plan to leave your children at home alone, be sure to take care of their safety. imagine someone rings the doorbell, what should we do? let's turn on the tv and turn up the volume, let's the uninvited guest thinks that there are adults at home, we put the ottoman against the door and look through the peephole. who is there, some woman, we ask what you need, she says that she is my mother’s colleague at work and has come for her.
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look what is happening, the woman left, it was a scammer, most likely she wanted to rob the apartment, who else do the scammers pretend to be, the courier who brought the cake to the firefighters, the police, no matter what strangers tell you, there is no door. close in any unclear situation, call your parents. agreed? well done! and you, dear adults, make sure you stay in touch and leave your child the phone numbers of those who are always nearby, for example, neighbors who work at home and will be able to quickly come to the rescue if needed. the numbers should be in the child’s phone, just in case, in printed form, on the front door, for example. after such a conversation, i recommend giving the child a test, ask a friend he doesn’t know to help, let her ring your doorbell and
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act out the situation we talked about, you must make sure that the child will behave behave correctly, on the first channel the multi-part drama two banks continues, the river of time flows, eras change, heroes and external internal ones change, the signs of the times in the film are reflected very... with historical accuracy, and this also applies to clothes, we need to forget everything , if i can’t, if i can’t forget, two banks of the same river, two irreconcilable clans, fists made and ermakov communists, in this ural village they not only meet by their clothes, but they can also identify an enemy by the embroidery on the braid it was possible to understand which class this or that village resident belonged to. how to understand that a person belongs to you? certain embroidery is expensive clothes, when they came to dispossess the rich peasants of the village, they
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took care of their clothes, and as they took care, they specially folded them, wrapped them on top with poor rags, holey rags and gave them to the children in the yard as if they were playing football, then they unwrapped them and continued to wear. misha ermakov fell in love with varya skolchina for the rest of his life, and as he guessed. that she is a reliable person, just say that you’ve fallen out of love, i’ll leave, this costume, firstly, it says that she has masculinity inside, she’s such a strong heroine, she’s militant. these padded shoulders are needed for what, so that a man can lean on to build a normal communist society, she is an assistant, the first handbag in the village appears with the barbarian. varya, will you come to our place? i miss you so much. no, mish, i won't come. time passes, eras change, heroes survive the war, a time full of hope comes, they begin to dress smartly. and
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coquettishly. the most popular prints of the late forties and early fifties were polka dots. by the way, in cinema they often portrayed such positive people, with polka dots, that they bring such joy and positivity. and a man with a stripe is this excitement, this is some kind of anxiety. is this your child, son or daughter? come on, nothing will be lost, girl. oh, it's not a tragedy either. there are two in the film. on the shore we see two different weddings: varya and nazar had a magnificent, elegant one, smile, i don’t want to, but after many years varvara marries her beloved mikhail, when the real feeling is not so important, how old you are, and what clothes you are wearing, you are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your intelligence and wisdom, golka, a family saga of two shores, today on channel one, come on, svetlana neimanes,
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joseph kobrin , sergey morin, channel one. as you continue on tuesday morning, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world, by this hour our morning broadcast will continue broadcasting news, we will return to you soon. hello! on air news in studio sergey tugushev. the us republican national convention has approved donald trump as its candidate for the november 5 presidential election. even before this decision was made, the contender for the post of head of state said that if he won, he would like to see senator from the state of agai james vance as vice president. the test also approved his candidacy. bence is known for his critical position regarding washington's support for the kiev
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regime. ukraine he is. calls it the most corrupt country in the world, consistently advocates for an end to arms supplies to it and a speedy peaceful resolution of the conflict in which russia will not lose, this is a fundamental fact that everyone must come to terms with, says vance. we need to accept the fact that ukraine will have to cede some territories to russia. everyone who has a head on their shoulders knows that this will end in negotiations. the idea that ukraine will return russia to the 1991 borders. the owner of the white house, answering questions from reporters, called wenze a deviation from trump. joe biden said that politically doesn't see any difference between them. perhaps the future vice president is on the front pages of foreign media, and the politician’s publication cited the words of a high-ranking european official who called wentz a disaster for ukraine. earlier, his public statement went against the generally accepted line in the united states.
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times caused a painful reaction from representatives of both parties, both democrats and republicans. now we can expect that the pressure on him will only intensify. to the news of the special operation on the ukrainian military airfield, a hydroport near odessa was located missile strike, russian high-precision iskander systems were tested. the ministry of defense has not yet commented on this, but there is information that about eight hangars for light aircraft came under fire, including... for yak-52 training aircraft. their ukrainian armed forces use them to intercept our reconnaissance drones. our pilots successfully completed their combat mission. the crews of su-34 multirole fighter bombers attacked a temporary location of militants. enemy attacked with aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. these can be launched from a safe distance from the contact line, without entering the range of ukrainian air defense systems. upon returning to
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base. the pilots reported on how the operation went, received a combat mission, completed the necessary calculations, received aircraft equipment, aircraft weapons, taxied, gained the required altitude, reached the target area, carried out destruction, returned to the departure airfield, and were ready to carry out the next combat mission. another support the ukrainian armed forces lost their point under verbovoe, the attack was carried out by crews of heavy flamethrower systems. however, they provide support to our attack aircraft, who are actively pushing back the enemy in the orekhovsk direction in the zaporozhye region. the crew works mainly at night for additional camouflage, thermobaric shells.
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here is the image of abrams, it is quite large and much easier to hit. the area of ​​the fire in the karadaksky nature reserve, near kaktebel in crimea, reached 30 hectares. the flame is extinguished both from the ground and from the air, involved in
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mi-8 helicopters. this is the fifth major fire on the peninsula in recent days. vast areas were burning near simferopol, in the feodosia region in the territory of the grushevsky forestry. in the village of novofedorovka , two private houses were damaged by fire. an even larger scale of the disaster near novorossiysk, a huge fire, which they fought for more than a day and a half, was localized only the night before; the fire managed to destroy more than 60 hectares of forest. spread to several recreation centers, dozens of buildings burned there, evacuated there were about 600 people, two were injured. it is reported that investigators have opened a criminal case regarding the negligence of officials. it took a long time to control the fire; the weather in the region is dry and hot, almost the same now. throughout central russia, including in the capital. at the same time, some areas of moscow were hit by downpours yesterday, in some places 80% of the monthly precipitation fell. forecasters warn that the rain will continue and strong winds are possible today, residents
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are asked to be especially careful and not hide under the trees. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good” will continue to air on channel one. good morning to everyone who is greeting this bright summer tuesday with channel one, timur solovyov and anastasia arlova are with you, children's toys, you often hear, or read on various parent forums, how many toys you can’t buy, children are not enough, this is by the way true, and most importantly, no matter how expensive and high-tech the toy is, well , that means the child played with it for a bit, he threw it away, he needs to buy a new one, he threw it away, there’s such a mountain toys, you trip over them, and so on, in general, but how do you... is it even possible to buy such a toy, so that there is one for all times, so that it replaces a magic wand, and a jedi sword, a spaceship, in general these exist, i don’t know, there’s really nothing to invent, it’s all been there for a long time, one might say, they are these
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universal toys under our feet, the main thing is not to stop children from imagining, they will fantasize, leva is like the average modern child , more than enough toys, cars, airplanes, little people, but very important... he considers these sticks, this is dad's fork, valuable, but he eats pizza, which i cook from sand. psychologists call this game ideas, when vivid associations generate new activities, change the course of the game, the same stick can become both a horse and a stick. leva more often imagines herself with a saber or a gun, more something from a series of weapons, but sometimes there is something magical, something you can conjure. an ordinary kindergarten group on a walk, but today we don’t have any molds, dolls, or steam locomotives with us, let’s see if they get bored? anton,
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can you play without toys? well, of course, he can, but it seems that due to an overabundance of toys, our children have stopped imagining, stones, candy wrappers, carnations are still at the top. how many beautiful stones have i found, how many 10 have i already found on vacation, and what did you do with them, well, collect them in a collection, launder them, these are your treasures, and what other treasures you can come up with with them in a dozen games, i want to play in the store , this is a great idea, what will the pebbles be, and what will the pebbles be food, and what will the stick be? centipede, centipede, which came to the store, yes, small pebbles easily turn into food, large ones into plates, sandbox. kitchen. 10 minutes, your three-course meal is ready. i've already
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prepared dessert. i prepared a salad. well, show it so everyone can see. wow, what a salad. i have to try this stone. and what is this? sandwich? yes. now i will eat. hold the spoon. having lunch immediately changes the game. the same twigs and stones are used. we are now in our home. now a hangar for an airplane, which then suddenly, with the help of blades of grass and flowers, becomes a cake, somewhere we had money from leaves, clothes, leaves and money, all the time we collected sand into something, stirred it from a puddle, water, children think quite outside the box, it’s always interesting to listen to them. adults think that a child needs to be occupied with something, but sometimes it’s enough just not to disturb him, to give him the opportunity to learn to dream and invent on his own. channel one. hands forward.
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good morning, when your muscles are strong, you can master any, even the most complex elements. but you need to start preparing with basic exercises. feet shoulder-width apart, stretch out we squat to a right angle at the knees, do not go lower so as not to overload the joints, while exhaling we straighten and raise the right knee to the left elbow, squat again, take turns working with one or the other leg, for those who do not have enough load, this may complicate the exercise, do swings straight legs.
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exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as recharge your energy for the whole day. the america's cup has ended, the argentine national team won. our colleague, sports journalist of channel one, viktor gusev, has all the details. south america has not only bright football players, but also temperamental fans. there is always an unspoken competition between fans. under the dictation of the argentines, the first truly dangerous moment was not used by
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messi, whom the colombians left unattended in the penalty area, the ball ricocheted from leo's attacking partner julian alvarez and flew into the hands of the goalkeeper. however, this was the only shot for messi in the match. even in the first half, he unsuccessfully entered into a single combat with colombian defender santiago arios, and only after a long pauses.
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a few minutes later the final whistle sounded - 1:0. the argentina national team won the copa america for a record sixteenth time. the happy messi, who is now the most titled football player in world history, raised the council cup over his head. for your... you still take
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a closer look at your place to see who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller, today is the first. you, that it took so long, maybe there are some problems, i don’t believe you, that one from yesterday, which is for me, do good, god, young woman.
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i’ll come up to you, my golden one, and hug you, and i can come up to you myself, fantastic, on friday on the first, we’ll put the sound on full blast, such an atmosphere on the project that it seems that we too have become kindred spirits, mini, mini, mini, hobbies, well, it’s just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun, i care, i care.
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two stars, fathers and children, sunday is on the first, let us remind you that on the calendar tuesday is july 16, and our astrologers have already prepared a forecast for this day, they are ready to tell us it, let’s see what will happen for scorpios today, aquarius, pisces and other good people, right now, attention. on july 16 , the eleventh and twelfth lunar days meet: the twenty-ninth day of the sun, like yesterday , is not very stupid, he knows how to think systematically, although he is slightly conservative, but practical and responsible, he is also patient and persistent, he doesn’t worry too much if anything happens something doesn’t work out the first time, doesn’t give up and,
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as a rule, eventually achieves its goal. on the downsides: he is a little impulsive, irritable at times, does not always control himself, especially when he is... lectured or criticized. often on such days there is a mismatch in business, when everyone pulls in his own direction, conversations and meetings take up a lot of time. and for aries, among other things, their own stubbornness can make their day somewhat more difficult. here the stars can only remind you that there is such a word - compromise. and this is how everything should work out. just be careful when working with any tools, like an angle grinder. taurus may create some inconveniences due to the actions of colleagues or business partners, although not fatal. for those who are already on vacation, be picky about food that you did not prepare yourself, and take care of your wallet. a very effective day for geminis, when complex problems are solved, a way out of complicated situations is found, difficult things are done quickly and even a little bit of luck, the evening clearly has something romantic in store for you. cancers may learn something interesting, put it
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in their piggy bank, it will be useful for work, the main thing here is not to make stupid mistakes, but there is such a risk, so be more careful and try not to go anywhere... for leos, this tuesday may bring some changes at work, you can try to benefit from them, but a little later, in your personal sphere, something will now begin to change for the better, lonely leos, you are strongly advised to free up the evening, virgos are also having a good day, especially this as for the professional sphere, here virgos are simply beyond competition, but keep in mind that today you need to behave extremely politely with technology, be careful while driving, don’t speed, it looks like libra needs to finish, redo or correct something, this may require more time than it seemed, it is possible that the working day will drag on slightly, well , you will rest in the evening, by the way, you will get something like a pleasant surprise or a small gift, scorpios risk quarreling with one of their colleagues or family, the stars hint, even if someone is annoying you, this is not a reason
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to heat up the situation, well, be that as it may, the evening will bring everything back to normal, a good day for sagittarius, new projects and business contacts will go well. learned and new acquaintance, here the luminary is obliged to warn: not hope that today everyone will tell you the truth and don’t get carried away with alcohol. aquarius is expecting an interesting and useful meeting, most likely at a party or at some event. there may be something that was considered irretrievably lost, and aquarius and the ladies today are simply dazzling and will certainly outshine all their rivals. pisces will have to deal with money, perhaps they will need to pay some bills or pay off debts. but in general , it’s a very good day, when everything, or almost everything, works out in your favor, so good luck to you, sometimes it happens like this:
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you got ready to go on vacation, bought tickets, booked a hotel, took a long time to choose, yes, paid for it, and then bam at work they didn’t let you go on vacation, something didn’t work out, or it had to reschedule to other dates, then the tickets are returned, but the hotel does not refund the money for the room, and then what to do, really, in the joyful anticipation of a vacation, i don’t want to think about this. but you still need to know your rights well. the room was booked and paid for, but the trip was cancelled. and the hotel no longer returns the money; it keeps everything that was paid for itself. yes, this happens, explains lawyer mikhail salkin, for example, on the website in large letters, the tariff is non-refundable, it was confirmed over the phone. if i don't show up, the amount will be refunded. are you planning not to come?
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reservation, there is something else - with guarantees, this is the so-called non-guaranteed but again with prepayment, here the hotel has every right by law to keep part of the amount in case of cancellation of the reservation, the so -called guaranteed reservation, for which she may not return part of the money paid to you, but no more than one day of booking, even if... money was transferred for all days of stay, they must withhold only one day, everything else must be returned, according to the rules for the provision of hotel services, in including
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when the website says nothing about cancellation, like the owner of this hotel in sochi. what do you need to make a reservation? prepayment for the first day, if we don’t arrive, we’ll get sick. prepayment is generally non-refundable, of course, but if you can move in on your date, why not? return? can anything happen? well, a completely different story: guest houses, they are under a different law. working here is essentially a daily rental of apartments, and the rules of rental agreements are completely different, they will not interpret this as a reservation, but as a preliminary agreement under which they take money from you. in such a document, the owner can specify any conditions of non-return, so it is important to find out them in advance; sometimes there may be no agreement at all. there is no contract as such, just money on the card. well, this is just a weak point, if then you have something if something goes wrong, then in order to go to court you need to know at least his address. and you only know the phone number and this is kind of a feature of this market in the sense that here landlords dictate their own rules, and
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of course, it is advisable to study reviews, there were conflicts over withholding prepayments, former hotel guests will definitely write about this. our cheerful summer, hot morning continues, right now there is one delicate problem that probably almost everyone faces, especially women, we bought new shoes, and there are calluses, then they rub, it’s unbearable carry the patch with you. but now it’s because of uncomfortable shoes, what should i do with them then? let's figure it out now. the most common cause of blisters is uncomfortable shoes, dancers will confirm. you have to dance in different shoes. these are also latin dance sandals. they come on different lasts, on different heels with different straps. also dance ankle boots, or highhills, as they are now called. every lesson. calluses, calluses, calluses, calluses, they are different, fresh, those that are also called wet, not in under no circumstances should you pierce it, you can get
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an infection, first of all we treat the injured area of ​​skin with an antiseptic, the simplest thing is we use chlorhexidine, then sprinkle it with powder, yes, you can take any children’s product, or specifically for the feet, they sell them that reduce sweating, then a plaster , the regular one is always at hand, but this is not the best option, they are small quickly... they don’t hold anything, well, as a rule, i have these tape plasters, which are so meter long, the roll ones are well fixed, but do not contribute to healing, another thing is hydrocala. such pads are sold, they are like a second skin, there are polymers on a transparent film that turn into a gel, the pressure on the injured area is reduced, healing occurs faster and there are no scars. there are also special patches for sale for dry calluses, so be careful with them. the patch contains a high content of acids, which will soften and corrode good skin, after which you can
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get severe trauma. it is better to remove old calluses on a trample using a hardware method from a specialist padologist, core, going deep under the skin, the surgeon will have to walk for some time with soft pads to relieve the problem area, then try to choose comfortable shoes that are 1 cm more spacious in length and width with a flexible sole and fixation in the forefoot. yulia kozlova, denis ponomarev, vasily yurov, channel one. the calendar says tuesday, july 16th. therefore, the champion of russia in the art of barmana, alexey sviridov , begins to prepare an original refreshing drink, just listen, fresh basil, try it, it will be interesting, i hope it’s also so cold, i picked basil from the garden for a salad, at the same time i’ll make an invigorating cocktail of aromatic greens, wash the leaves, put it
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in a shaker. a thermos with unbreakable walls is also suitable. i grind the greens with a muddler, which is what they call a barman masher. it allows you to preserve the fragrant aroma of herbs. by the way, the muddler can be replaced with a thin rolling pin. i squeeze two tablespoons of lemon juice, add moraculai puree, add ice, close the lid, and whisk the ingredients. done, i cover the shaker with a strainer, this is a barmanka strainer, pour the mixture into a glass, fill it to the top with energy drink or regular sweet soda, help yourself, after such a bright drink you will feel cheerful and full of energy. the world is not without good people, in general
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there are much more good people than unkind ones. doing a good deed is very simple. the main thing is to want the heroes of our next report to confirm this, you can also join them if you want, fell from the top cabinet, if a cat really has nine lives, then this murka will probably have one of them presented by andrey denisov, a veterinarian from chelyabinsk. raskolchiki kolilov, here they only do metalostiosynthesis, treats animals and professor svetlana kontsevaya from rostov-on-don, two doctors.
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we performed more than 40 operations free of charge, including on the brain. were there any oddities? once we even took out a dog toothbrush, which the dog apparently ate, so that god forbid he wouldn’t brush those teeth again. mission good includes dozens of types of assistance. here are russian volunteers at a shelter in india. here's a comparison from egypt. and this is kyrgyzstan.
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assisting in care. kazakhstan is my small homeland, i was born there, so everything connected with kazakhstan is always very close to my soul. on the one hand, you provide your knowledge, on the other hand, you gain experience that your colleagues already have. each trip averages from two to 8 weeks, over 3 years there are 23 missions. all vacancies for volunteers are posted on the russian federation dopro portal. a volunteer can go to the platform, enter the name mission good, for example, there is now a vacancy for... people are needed who are ready to provide assistance in the construction of eco-trails, that is, you need good physical training, a willingness to carry out some small construction work, they will pay for tickets, accommodation, food, medical insurance, and work in the mission, yes,
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is free, but they don’t go there for the money. yulia molstva, olga sorokina, mikhail chetveryakov and vasily yurov, channel one. tuesday morning continue. right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to find out. about the latest events in the country in world by this hour our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. several strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this is the work of the crew of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system. the soldiers moved to the position after that. how the ukrainian fortifications were discovered by our drones, the coordinates of the target were immediately transmitted to the crew, who delivered an accurate strike, the crews of the bukm2 anti-aircraft missile systems successfully cope with the assigned tasks,
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this is an air defense system that scans the sky within a radius of 100 km around the clock. its main targets are american highmars, which ukrainian militants use not only against russian units, but against civilians in donbass. bug is able to detect several objects at once and them at the same time. eight targets were captured, discovered and destroyed as part of this product of the complex, these were also unmanned aerial vehicles and himars projectiles, we are working on all these targets to the best of our ability. the western equipment destroyed by our military was presented in chelyabinsk, over the course of a week, the exhibition of trophies from the savdeevsky and donetsk directions was visited by more than 100,000 people; there were 14 vehicles on display, including the american... abrams tank, marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the exhibition will last until saturday. donald trump appeared at a public event for the first time since the assassination attempt with his
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right ear covered with a plaster. it was he who was hit by a bullet during a campaign rally in pennsylvania. in this form, trump came out to his supporters at the republican party convention in the united states in milwaukee. and already in status presidential candidate. the majority voted for his nomination. senator james wentz from the state of agai, proposed by trump for the post of vice president, was also approved there. he is known for his critical position regarding washington's support for the kiev regime. ukraine is called the most corrupt country in the world and consistently advocates stopping the supply of weapons to it and an early peaceful resolution of the conflict. and vance also called vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson amazing. the west is targeting china. assets, representatives of nato states, cnn reports, are thinking about how to return chinese-owned infrastructure projects in europe. chinese investments were very useful to the old world during the recovery period after the global financial
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crisis, the tv channel notes. but now european officials see a potential threat in the once coveted capital from china. china, recalls, has invested tens of billions of dollars in european infrastructure as part of the path initiative. which eu countries began to connect to in 2013. projects extend from railway lines connecting eastern europe with china to ports in the north and baltic seas. china, despite international norms, may lose all this. if western leaders want it that way. the assets will either be expropriated or taken under temporary control until the owners sell them for next to nothing. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in new york. to participate in events within the framework of the russian presidency of the un security council, where he the chairman of the security council will hold a debate on the formation of a new world order, and the next day there will be a ministerial
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meeting on the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. a number of bilateral meetings are also planned at which current issues on the international and regional agenda will be discussed, including the middle east situation in gas. the ukrainian crisis has intensified. in defense of the un charter. in moscow, street cameras began to record violations by users of kick-sharing services and electric scooter rentals. already like it is reported that the first fine was issued - 800 rubles. for driving through a pedestrian crossing. according to the rules on a zebra crossing, you must dismount. and also in the capital for the first time as an owner. by court decision, the electric scooter was confiscated. its owner, being drunk, hit an elderly woman. the offender turned out to be a design student. in addition, he was banned from using personal mobility aids for a year and a half. and in st. petersburg they are looking for a man who rode down the street on a scooter with two children, one holding on.
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abkhazia is a country of soul, and of course, here are people who know how to rejoice, who know how to be happy.
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there is something that is waiting and will not wait in the wings, grandma's service, which leaves the sideboard only on holidays, on an ordinary day, no, no, or a dress that was bought for a special occasion, there is no case and no, no and no , or maybe it’s worth just taking this very occasion and arranging the service too, why put it off for the holidays, especially since it suits the dress, even then, otherwise you can put it off all your life, in general we get the dress service, 15% of what ends up in this thrift store. new things, those
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that never saw a special occasion, not a single scuff, a scratch, factory film, instructions, tools, small household appliances and of course, antiques, those same sets from my grandmother’s sideboard, i remember very well, a cockerel teapot, somewhere painting of the eighties, always stood until the best holiday, the habit of postponing everything until a better moment and the scientific name is postponed syndrome.
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you only need to sound the alarm if once in a while at the same time we again postpone our desires and plans for later, and this habit affects all areas of life. anna sharondak, a marketing specialist at an enterprise, noticed that managers with this syndrome miss out on business opportunities, senior employees are more likely to burn out because they either postpone a vacation or make some new purchase, they do not please themselves with something, so they have some kind of stress in their work. - fatigue, burnout. our habit of putting off can be overcome by another habit, every day, every day, for what, in order to, since this our conviction, our conviction changes after 7-30 days, and it turns out that we can get holiday plates every day, my grandmother gave this set to me, we took care of it for a while, but we realized that when we use it, we have certain memories, we also decided on vacation, the children should go to their grandmother, and they themselves would go to the sea for 4 days. it turns out that they put it off
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and put it off, it never worked out to travel, this was replaced by short-term vacations, once every six months we learned to sort out our wardrobe, children’s clothes with tags, from which we grew up, now we come across much less often, but you remember this dress, i don’t remember this dress, because we wore it once for a photo shoot, yes, now we just started buying a dress that you can wear for a walk, you can wear for a holiday for... mom's dresses, the task with an asterisk is to come up with a reason for where to wear it, that is , we allow ourselves everything that we have been putting off, we are careful, except perhaps with new purchases, because marketers are just catching us with the phrase: live now, not later , this is how things appear for a special occasion. natalia leonova, ksinia maklyak, angelina ivanova, denis ponomarev, channel one. our good, bright morning continues, it’s time to look at the world wide web, what do you think? yes, come on, right now there’s another portion of...
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the latest videos from our honored surfer yegor uspensky. and today’s video parade opens with a cat named zeus from australia. he is everyone. shows his tongue to everyone, without exception, no other talents were found in zeus, but this was already enough for him to become an internet star, in just a couple of days the video has already been watched by 7 million users, maybe he’s just thirsty, i don’t know, our next hero is a young giraffe who lives in one of the kineya nature reserves, he met a turtle for the first time in his life and decided to get to know it, but it didn’t even pay any attention to the giraffe, it’s already so much i saw them, re-saw them, some even suggested that mother turtles are for... talking to strangers, it’s a shame, the famous inventor on the internet colin furse found, as he himself claims, an effective way to combat the heat, he modernized his an old convertible and turned it into a self-propelled swimming pool, the video has already gained 13 million views, well, i see, i’ll say this,
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even looking at it you’re already a little refreshed, i don’t know, i wouldn’t go like that, oh well, the end of another touching video from moscow our beloved. mom is sleeping, she ’s tired, and katyusha, as you can see, doesn’t want to play either, so she lay down on her mom like she fell asleep on a pillow, this is such a touching, touching, wonderful video, in such heat, the first thing you want to do in your free time is - of course, go to beach, swim, sunbathe, oh yes, you ’re already tanned, but i’m not yet, and i also want to look beautiful, so the first thing we ’ll do today is listen to advice... immediately after waking up, we wash our face with cool water, i recommend instead of soap crushed oatmeal. they delicately cleanse and
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nourish the skin at the same time. to enhance the effect, perform contrast self-massage with teaspoons. to improve gliding, apply massage oil to your face, place two glasses in front of you, pour hot, but not scalding water into one, cold water into the other, to cool it down even more, put ice, put two teaspoons in each container , wait 2 minutes, take out the cold ones first, wipe with a napkin, move the spoons along the face along the mask. lines, from the chin and nose to the ears, from the forehead to the temples, we lower the spoons back into ice water and do self-massage with hot spoons, contrast procedures
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tone the blood vessels, stimulate metabolism and help preserve. already young and elastic. and don't forget about summer face masks. chop the dill for the salad, leave a tablespoon greenery mix with whipped egg white and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. apply the mixture to your face. the mask refreshes, moisturizes and whitens. and before going out for a walk, apply it to your face. protective cream , wear a wide-brimmed hat, use my recommendations and you will be pleased with the reflection in the mirror. fatal experience, peeling with fish, sacrificing a hand, professors,
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don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish is such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do? thirsman, a product of the stellar group. whiskey mancacher is a product of the stellar group. you're my best friend's wife, let's not get hysterical. at first, i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when i started to look into it, there were a lot of
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dubious details. kohl, stay with me and live. generally an amazing person, very modest. i immediately felt that something was wrong with him. i want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look there, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week, fortune teller, today is the first one, what’s taking so long, maybe there are some problems, mikhailovna said , every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actor very carefully, she could have killed this man in general just so that the actors would not be touched without you. she didn’t repeat herself, well , is it possible to compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring
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in tritopolis on the ivy, oh, she looked at me with such prickly eyes as he knew how to do, he just looked and said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she simply broke me, she is a great woman, wonderful, a fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor..." to work with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass. for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, premiere in saturday on the first. oh, the heat continues to break all records, it’s true, it’s cool in the studio, yes, but in many regions the thermometer has long crept over the thirty-degree mark, just breaking through, right? . hello, but there are still places in our country where
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it’s always not just cool, but really cold, should we sit there? yes, i don't, i like it. the ice there doesn't really turn into beautiful shapes. and it’s also incredibly beautiful there. in general, it is better to see once than to hear 100 times, even from us. let's go on a refreshing journey through the most beautiful and amazing ice caves in the country. askinskaya cave received its name from the nearby askin river, which translated from the dialect of the bashshkir language means rebellious. water flowing down the walls gradually polishes the surface of the cave from the inside ; it becomes larger and larger, while acquiring the shape of the current dome. there is one hall in the askinskaya cave. the main attraction is the figure made of relict ice. this figure here is what we call the snow queen. scientists believe that the snow queen is 1500 years old, some of the figures could not be preserved, there was an abundance of people wanting
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to get inside, the microclimate of the cave was disturbed, the relic ice was melting, now regulations have been established for the excursion, the cave is under guard, the temperature in it is stable, in the summer, throughout the summer, the cave is 0°, in the hottest summer it can rise slightly to + 1°. the path to the cave, estrada, lies through the forest; in total there are 438 caves in the pinezhsky district of the arkhangelsk region. the singing stage is not the largest, but the most visited. the air humidity in the cave is 87%, but it warms up to a maximum of +4°. the two halls of the cave are separated by a stream; in the summer it dries up, so you can easily move from the singing hall to the cold one. in the kungur cave in the perm region, for willing. to get into winter in the middle of summer , special paths and lighting were made. you and i
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are in eternity, the age of the modern cave grottoes is 12,000 years, but the age of the rock that surrounds us is about 280 million years, and it was formed in the permian period of the poleozoic era. the kungur cave is huge, one of the ten longest gypsum caves in the world. the yakut kingdom of permafrost is located in an old adit, near mount chuchur muran. the temperature here ranges from -5 to -10° all year round. in winter tourists come here to bask from -50 to -5, and in the summer it’s the other way around +35, when it ’s so hot outside, you can come in and cool off. in the kingdom of permafrost, bones of ancient animals that were found in the ice of yakutia are exhibited. guests are introduced to the history and traditions of the people. to the plow, and also show that the kingdom of ice is infinitely beautiful. marina
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glushenkova, roman shakirov, channel one. oh, not only people, but also animals are exhausted from the heat. dog handler anastasia plekhanova decided to treat the four-legged dogs to dog ice cream. i wonder if there are windows, we are mukatu too necessary. join us and write down recipes for your favorite pets. write it down. yes now. it's hot outside and i decided to make homemade ice cream for the dogs. i mix banana with natural yogurt without sugar. i put the mixture in the so-called licking room. the mat will suit any soft tray with small cells, an old anti-stress toy or a silicone ice mold. i cool the mass in the freezer; when it hardens, i attach it to the wall. look, dogs eat with pleasure. this ice cream will help animals refresh themselves in hot day. before going for a walk, i put
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cooling blankets on my dogs. if you don't have such vests, take them. bring a damp cloth with you to cool your pet's body. i apply protective wax to my paws; it will prevent burns from the hot asphalt. hairless dogs need to be coated with sunscreen. yes, yes, everything is like with people. to avoid heatstroke in hot weather, i go out with my dogs early in the morning and late in the evening. i choose shady alleys for a walk. when necessary, i stop and give the dogs something to drink. be be attentive to your pets and they will tolerate the heat more easily. plums, now is the season for them, are bright, fragrant, juicy, ripe, round, oval, yellow, blue, red, but for us the most important thing is that they are tasty and fresh, now we will choose exactly these, we will choose, and then i'll make a plum pie. kabordinskaya early, nenka, leader,
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debut, experienced in the crimean collection. it was bred by the great biologist ivan michurin, generally has a green-yellow color, juicy fruits, the plum is not found in the wild, it is a domestic crop, we got it through crossing of cherry cherry and blackthorn more than 200 years ago, and still breeders cannot stop that the new variety is worthless. at the moment we were making a variety of tofit. visa in march, in april, when it was blooming, in order to obtain varieties with saturation, this is our large-fruited plant, as well as the yield per tree. yes, there are varieties that are especially productive and have especially large fruits. the leader variety, here it fits in the palm of our hand with the weight of the fruit, on average reaching up to 70-80 g. the plum is also
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round, oblong, oval, in color, more than fifty shades, to suit your taste too. only the early varieties have already ripened, among the first is the pearl of the south. the pulp of the variety is juicy, sugar content is almost 20%, it separates easily, the seed is oblong, has a small weight, juicy, very tasty dessert plum, the set of vitamins and microelements in all varieties is approximately the same. plum contains fiber, contains pectin, which is a natural sorbent, yes, it is capable of removing. everything unnecessary from the body, vitamins of group b and vitamin pp, potassium, iron, selenium are contained there and also various antioxidants are natural substances that fight our aging, but the amount of useful substances depends on the size and color, for example, the most antioxidants are in purple and burgundy plums, and it is important that the fruits are without mechanical damage, for example, it is
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already slightly opened, already covered with its own juice, yes, probably a little has already begun here... separate processes, if we hear an alcoholic smell, this means that rotting processes have begun there, ideally if it feels like rubber to the touch a ball, a little elastic with a white coating, the more we see of this white coating, the fresher the plum, the less time has passed from the time it was picked to the counter, respectively, in contrast, yes, the plum should not be shiny, smooth, so very beautiful, because it will be a sign that it was covered with something that ideally should not be chosen to enter our body.
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the safety of our children. the child has already stayed with his grandmother and will go to camp a little later. if you plan to leave your children at home alone, be sure to take care of them security. imagine someone rings the doorbell, what should we do? let's turn on the tv and turn up the volume. let the uninvited guest think that there are adults at home. we put the ottoman against the door and look through the peephole. who's there? some woman asks what do you need? she says that she is my mother’s colleague at work and has come to get her passport, which is needed urgently: under no circumstances should you open the door. we say loudly: my dad is now in the bathroom, he will come out and open the door, my dad is in the bathroom, he will come now, look what is happening, the woman left, it was a scammer,
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most likely she wanted to rob the apartment, who else do the swindlers pretend to be, the courier who brought the cake, firefighters, police, no matter what strangers tell you, don’t open the door, in any unclear situation, call your parents. agreed? well done! and you, dear adults, make sure you are in touch, leave your child the phone numbers of those who are always nearby, for example, neighbors who work at home and will be able to quickly come to the rescue if needed. the numbers should be in the child’s phone just in case. printed, on the front door, for example. also, after such a conversation, i recommend arranging for the child. check, ask a friend he doesn’t know to help, let her ring your doorbell and act out the situation we talked about, you must make sure that the child will behave
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correctly. the anniversary program of ilya verbukh together forever started at the iceberg ice palace on the federal territory of sirius. figure skating stars on ice in the hot summer, together forever. you and i have a unique opportunity to take a look too. for this amazing performance, we were lucky, in the hot krasnodar region, a hot ice show, ilya overbukh presented an anniversary program together forever at the iceberg ice palace on the federal territory of sirius. we fantasized a little, as if we all lived in the same yard and this is who achieved what, some became ordinary acrobats, others world champions. we remind you that many of them became olympic champions, such is our champion yard. the ice show together forever dedicated the family year. family -
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this is the place where you want to return, these are the people with whom you feel as safe as possible. warmth, love, and some kind of awe, sincerity, respect. family is love, in our family with lisa, of course, after all. the main thing is the love between us, together forever on the ice, olympic champions and medalists of different years, evgenia medvedeva, alexey yagudin, tatyana tatmyanina, maxim marinin, dmitry aliev, elizaveta tuktamysheva, alexandra stepanova, ivan bukin. olympic champion roman kostomarov again challenges himself to yourself. after his performance with oksana domnina, the audience in the stands applauded. standing, two-time olympic silver medalist evgenia medvedeva
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dedicated her performance to her mother. mom put me on the ice, mom put skates on me. my mother fulfilled my childhood dream at the age of 3, they asked me what i was dreaming about, the only thing that came to my mind was that here i am alone on the ice, here is such a ray of light on me, this is the dress i have for... . someone will repeat this record, of course, for me, before sochi, now sirius, and this. absolutely native place, place of attraction, anniversary show ilya verbukha together forever at
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the iceberg ice palace until august 11, it will be hot. asya ratkevich, ivan belchenko, elena savina, egor istomin, channel one. tuesday morning continues. right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the information service. on the first channel, it’s time to find out about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. national convention the us republican party has approved donald trump as its candidate for the upcoming presidential election. already in this status.
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painful reaction from representatives of both parties, both democrats and republicans. now we can expect that the pressure on him will only intensify. in addition to the news of the special operation , a missile strike was carried out at the ukrainian military airfield near odessa, and russian high-precision iskander systems were used up. not yet at the ministry of defense. commented, but information is received that they came under fire about eight hangars for light aircraft, including yak-52 training aircraft, which are used in so to intercept our reconnaissance drones. our pilots successfully completed their combat mission. the crews of multifunctional su-34 fighter-bombers attacked a temporary location of militants. the enemy was attacked by air bombs with a universal planning and
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correction module. these can be launched from a safe distance from the contact line without entering the action area ukrainian air defense systems. upon returning to base , the pilots reported on how the operation went. we received a combat mission, carried out the necessary calculations, received aircraft equipment, aircraft weapons, taxied, gained the required altitude, reached the target area, carried out destruction, returned to the departure airfield, and are ready for execution. another stronghold in the ukrainian armed forces was lost due to a military attack by the crews of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems. they provide support to our attack aircraft, who are actively pushing back the enemy in the orekhovsky direction in zaporozhye region. crews work mainly at night for additional camouflage. those sontsepek thermobaric shells, hitting the target, ignite an explosive mixture and literally burn out ukrainian positions. among
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our priority goals. division of nato equipment, dozens of units were destroyed, for each the military received monetary rewards, and the rank of award was awarded to the fighters of the center group of troops, they had several american m1 abrams tanks on their account, they were stopped in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation. the award ceremony took place in one of dining area. after the ceremony , the servicemen told the details of that operation. well, i personally managed the complex itself. anti-tank, here are my soldiers, military personnel, they helped with reconnaissance and fixation means, it’s easier to aim at it because it’s quite large, if you take into account the t-72 there and so on, and the t-64 tanks, which are the main ones in ukraine’s arsenal tanks, the abrams is quite large and much easier to hit. samples of captured nato equipment are now available see in chelyabinsk. over 100,000 people visited the exhibition within a week.
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it is presented on it. for 14 vehicles destroyed captured in battles in the vdeevsky and donetsk directions of the special operation, including the american abrams tank and marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the area of ​​the fire in the karadaksk reserve, in the crimea under kaktybel, reached 30 hectares, the flames are extinguished both from the ground and from the air, mi-8 helicopters are involved. in recent days, this is already the fifth major fire on the peninsula; vast areas near simphepol in the feodosia region were burning on the territory of... buildings at several recreation centers, about 600 people were evacuated from there, two were injured. cope with the elements. did not
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work out due to dry and hot weather, the same now in almost all of central russia, including in the capital, while some areas of moscow were hit by downpours yesterday, in some places it fell 80%. joyful and even more, every year it’s the same thing, you come home from work, and the walls radiate warmth, on the one hand, of course, you can buy an air conditioner, for example, i have one, i don’t know what i would do without it i did, but on the other hand, when you think that our summer is short and sometimes
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you feel sorry for money, yes, is it possible to somehow make the house cooler, but cheaper, what science thinks about this , we’ll find out right now, we can’t breathe , the room is already 28.5°. how to cool a room if there is no air conditioning. let's bring in the ingenuity of science together with physicist vladislav shevtsov and his wife valeria. first we take books and bottles with ice inside. here the water is in a solid state; when it melts, it will absorb heat in this room to cool air around. but the air has very poor thermal conductivity, so it will only be cold in this small area. to disperse the coolness around the room, use a fan. air flow is important. went through cold bottles, so we put them higher, and if there is no fan , we move water with ice, any container will do, a basin, a pan, and a basin and a pan will do, but a metal pan will be a little better, because metal
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has greater thermal conductivity , so a pan with cold water will take away heat not only from the top surface, but from the side; we place it higher on a shelf or cabinet; if left on the floor, the cold air will only be below. because cold air has a higher density than hot, and denser air, it goes down, if we put it up, this cold air will go down, these air flows will mix and it will all cool our room. you can also cover the windows with foil, which is radical, but it works. foil reflects almost close to 100% of the sun light, it practically does not heat up, because it is very thin, all the radiation that heats the room is reflected and of course on... the heating will be much less, well, we close the windows, plus we close the curtains, so the hot air will not penetrate inside, and it is also desirable that it be light on the back side, because when light hits from a light surface it is reflected in the opposite direction
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; it does not heat up as much as the option of using moisture evaporation; there is no humidifier; we use a spray bottle. kilogram of water evaporation absorbs much more heat than the same ice, we spray water like this, there are small droplets of water, they will evaporate, thereby cooling the room itself. it has become much easier to breathe in the house, the temperature, although a little, has still dropped by 2°, so if it is not possible to install air conditioning, life hacks will help. alena krolkov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, channel one. it’s amazing how people used to manage on vacation without mobile communications. i need to call, i got to some communication center, yes, there would be the telephone rang, but no one saw you. i couldn’t find it on vacation, it’s true, now in the 21st century it’s even somehow funny to think about it, yes, we want to be connected always, everywhere, all the time, but we don’t want to overpay for it at all, but although some people succeed , it’s interesting, as we now find out,
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several ways to stay connected abroad, the most economical public wi-fi, traveler olga zhivikina does just that, visited more than 100 countries, every 50 m there is a cafe in any country, you don’t have to pay money for... your calls, while you are not absolutely limited in minutes, but public wi-fi is easy to hack, the network is not protected, scammers make an access point similar, for example, to the name of a restaurant and steal personal data, roaming is safer, it’s easier for those who travel around russia, the national one has been cancelled, the only exception is crimea, each operator there has its own tariffs, international roaming can also be activated at home, you don’t need to change your sim card, plus international roaming is safe, you can always log in at any time government services, also at any time you will always have access to the services of russian banks, you can choose roaming conditions, we looked at the prices of popular destinations, first for 7 days, calls for this period are optimally 20
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minutes, from 600 to 900 rubles. if you use only the internet, 5 gigs is enough, from 1.00 to 1.200, the package is more expensive, for 2 weeks calls are 200 rubles more expensive, the internet is more than 1. we are forced to rent a network from international partners, we consume traffic that passes through their equipment and we are forced if you pay for this service, roaming conditions will be slightly higher, but you can save money. calling via voicer over wifi is the same network, only it works in the wi-fi zone, you can connect through your operator, it is safe, if you are within the coverage radius of the wi-fi network, you will use calls as in russia. on a trip of two weeks or more, travelers are advised to take local sim cards, you cannot leave your number, the prices are more favorable, we compare them to the same popular destinations: all cost less than a thousand rub. regarding access to the resources of russian banks and... an important resource as a government service, when purchasing a local sim card, these resources
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will not be available to you, if you plan to use only the internet, you can connect an electronic sim card and activate it in the application. you will have data to activate the sim card, in the phone settings you activate the sim card in the cellular data section you will have two sim cards: communication prices are fixed and the more popular the country, the cheaper. we're looking at 7 days and 14 for payment, by the way. approach and russian cards, it turns out, local sim cards are more profitable in any case, but if you don’t need communication on a trip at all, after leaving your home zone, it’s better to turn on airplane mode and check if data roaming is turned off. anastasia kremeshnaya, dmitry roshkov, channel one. deadly experience, peeling fish, sacrificing a hand, professors, do not be afraid of the essence. peeling with fish is such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe... dangerous and what should you do on the beach
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about this about much more in the program to live healthy, today on the first, let me introduce yourself, so na so, look at me, oh, you are shirvent, shirvint, such a profession, you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters in our country. everything, faith, walk, a little, talk, well , carrot and stick, should evoke pity, and you are at home with your wife about work, thank god she doesn’t know where to work, the wife should believe in the genius of her husband, feed him and not interfere , i have all the moves written down, when your duet with mikhail took shape, count the silet here, we bring it to you... good, he can
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joke, but we love him not only for this, i haven’t sung this yet, alexander shirvint’s day, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, on saturday, on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we're talking about the devil and our hearts haven't broken, do you know how she... be careful, i'm always careful, major,
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find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone who you can, the whole version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. let us remind you that the calendar says tuesday, july 16th. and our astrologers already have a forecast for this day, they are ready to tell us it. let's see what happens today for scorpios, aquarius, pisces and other good people right now. july 16, the 11th and 12th lunar
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days meet, the twenty-ninth day of the sun, like yesterday, not very stupid, knows how to is called a systemic thinker, although he is slightly conservative, but practical and responsible, he is also patient and persistent, he doesn’t really worry if something doesn’t work out the first time, he doesn’t give up and, as a rule, eventually achieves his goal. on the downsides: he is a little impulsive, at times... he doesn’t always control himself, especially when he is lectured or criticized. often on such days there is a mismatch in business, when everyone pulls in his own direction, conversations and meetings take up a lot of time. and aries, among other things, can have several complicating the day is their own stubbornness. here the stars can only remind you that there is such a word - compromise, and this is how everything should work out, just be careful when working with all sorts of tools, like an angle grinder. taurus may create some inconveniences due to the actions of colleagues or business partners, although not fatal. for those already on
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vacation, be picky about food you didn't prepare yourself, and be careful with your wallet. a very effective day for geminis, when complex situations are solved... a way out of complicated situations is found, difficult ones are quickly resolved things to do and even a little lucky, and the evening clearly has something romantic in store for you. cancers can learn something interesting, put it in their piggy bank, it will be useful for work, the main thing here is not to make stupid mistakes, but there is such a risk, so pay more attention and try not to be late. for leos, this tuesday may bring some changes at work, you can try to benefit from them, but a little later, in your personal sphere, something will now begin to change for the better, lonely lions, you are strongly advised by the luminary free up the evening, virgos are also having a good day, especially in the professional sphere, here virgos are simply beyond competition, but keep in mind, today you need to behave with the utmost politeness with technology, be careful while driving, don’t drive, libra, it looks like something needs
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to be completed , redo or correct, it may take more time than it seemed, it is possible that the working day will drag on a little, but you can rest in the evening. by the way, you are getting something like a pleasant surprise or a small gift. scorpios risk quarreling with one of their colleagues or domestic. the stars hint that even if someone annoys you, this is not a reason to escalate the situation. well, be that as it may, the evening will bring everything back to normal. a good day for sagittarius, new projects, business contacts, anything related to communication and public speaking will be great. small money may come, feel free to make a date for the evening. capricorns may sense interest. to something that previously seemed alien and distant, a new acquaintance is not excluded, here the luminary is obliged to warn, do not hope that today everyone will tell you the truth, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. aquarius will have an interesting and useful meeting, most likely at a party or at some event. there may be something that was considered irretrievably
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lost, and aquarius and the ladies today are simply dazzling and will certainly outshine all their rivals. pisces will have to deal with money, perhaps they will have to pay. some bills or paying off debts, in general it’s a very good day when everything, well, almost everything, works out in your favor, so good luck for you, sometimes it happens like this: you got ready to go on vacation, bought tickets, booked a hotel, took a long time to choose, yes, paid, and then bam at work they didn’t let you go on vacation, something didn’t work out, or you had to reschedule to other dates , then the tickets were returned, but the hotel and the money for the room are not returned, and what to do then, really. in the joyful anticipation of a vacation, you don’t want to think about this, but you need to, and you also need to know your rights well. the room was booked and paid for, but the trip was canceled and the hotel will not refund the money. all, what they paid, he keeps for himself. yes, this happens, explains lawyer mikhail salkin.
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for example, on the website in large letters, the tariff is non-refundable, it was confirmed by phone. if i don't show up, the amount will be refunded. are you planning not to come? no, i don’t plan to, it’s just questionable, yes, you most likely won’t be paid anymore? that is, hotels introduce their own booking rules, but this is illegal. the ministry of development has so far only proposed to officially allow non-refundable reservations at a better price than refundable ones, but the latter have a plus, sometimes in advance there is no need to pay, payment is at the hotel, but there is a risk. they expect you to check in before a certain time; if you haven’t checked in by that time, they will rent out your room. anyone, even when you called and warned that you are late, if we still don’t show up, how does the cancellation happen, if the reservation is unpaid, they are canceled, this is the so-called non-guaranteed reservation, there are others with guarantees, but again with prepayment, here here the hotel has every right by law
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to keep part of the amount in case of cancellation of the reservation, the so-called guaranteed a reservation for which she may not return part of the money paid to you , but... more than one day of booking, even if the money was transferred for all days of stay, must be retained only for one day, everything else must be returned according to the rules for the provision of hotel services , including when the website doesn’t say anything about cancellation, like the owner of this hotel in sochi, but what is needed for booking, prepayment for the first day, if we don’t arrive, we’ll get sick, prepayment is generally non-refundable, of course, but if on your date there it will be possible to move in, why not return it, anything can happen, well, absolutely... they take money from you. in such a document, the owner will be able to specify any conditions of non-return, so it is important to know them in advance. sometimes
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there may be no agreement at all. there is no agreement as such, just money on the card. well, this is just a weak point, if something goes wrong with you later, then in order to go to court, you need to know at least his address, but you only know the phone number and this is kind of a feature of this market in terms of the fact that landlords dictate their own rules here. and of course, it is advisable to study. this is mainly due to uncomfortable shoes, we’ll figure out what to do with them later. the most common cause of blisters is uncomfortable shoes, dancers will confirm. you have to dance in different shoes. these are also
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latin dance sandals. they come in different lasts, different heels and different straps. also dance ankle boots, or highhills, as they are now called. each lesson is a callus within a callus, a callus within a callus. and they are different. fresh ones, those that are also called wet, are not do not pierce under any circumstances, you can get an infection. first of all , we treat the injured area of ​​​​the skin with an antiseptic, the simplest thing is we use chlorhexidine, then sprinkle it with powder, but you can take any children's one or specifically for the feet, they are sold that reduce sweating, then a plaster, usually always at hand, but this is not the best option , they are small, they quickly fly off, they don’t hold anything, but as a rule these are tape plasters i have, which are so meter long, the roll ones are fixed well, they don’t help, other the case is hydrocoloid. these pads are sold, they are like a second skin,
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there are polymers on a transparent film that turn into a gel. the pressure on the injured area is reduced, healing occurs faster and there are no scars. there are also special patches for sale for dry calluses, so be careful with them. the patch contains a high content of acids, which will soften and corrode good skin, after which. you can get severely traumatized. it is better to remove old calluses on tramplings using a hardware method from a specialist padologist, core, going deep under the skin - see a surgeon. for some time you will have to walk with soft pads to relieve the problem area, then try to choose comfortable shoes that are 1 cm more spacious in length and width, with a flexible sole and fixation in the forefoot. yulia kozlova, denis ponomarev, vasily yurov, channel one. the america's cup has ended, the argentine national team won. our colleague, sports journalist of channel one,
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viktor gusev, has all the details. south america is not only bright football players, but also temperamental fans. there is always an unspoken competition between fans for originality, especially if their favorites, the main trophy of the new world, are in the tournament. before the copa america final, argentina fans stocked up on banners. with images of their football legends from maradona to messi, and the colombians not only painted their faces in the colors of the national flag, but also approached their haircuts inventively; they placed portraits of the players on the backs of their heads. the final match took place in miami began under the dictation of the argentines, the first truly dangerous moment was not used by messi, whom the colombians left unattended in the penalty area. the ball ricochets off a partner. julian alvarez's attack flew into the goalkeeper's hands. however, this was the only shot for messi
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in the match. even in the first half, he unsuccessfully entered into a single combat with colombian defender santiago arias. and only after a long pause, the captain of the argentina national team managed to return to the game. but in the middle of the second half, messi found himself on the lawn again, having felt the pain, this time a replacement was needed. once on the bench, leo could not hold back his tears. however, the argentines managed to cope without their leader. in extra time, lutaro martinez took advantage of a one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper. for forward aldi feleste, this goal was his fifth in the america's cup. thus, lautara turned out to be the top scorer in the tournament, where he only appeared on the field twice in the starting lineup. a few minutes later. the final whistle sounded 1:0. the argentina national team became a champion for a record sixteenth time. winner of the copa america.
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happy raised the council cup over his head. messi, who is now the most decorated football player in world history. during his professional career, leo won 45 trophies. the multi-part drama “two shores” continues on channel one. the river of time flows, eras change, heroes and external internal ones change. the signs of the times in the film are reflected very carefully, with historical accuracy. and this also applies to clothing. we need to forget everything. if i can't, if i can't forget, two banks of the same river, two irreconcilable kind, fists from the kolchin and communists ermakovs. in this ural village , one not only greets people by their clothes, but can also identify an enemy; by the embroidery on a kosovorodka one could understand which class this or that villager belonged to, how to understand that a person belonged to oneself, the embroidery of certain expensive clothes when they came to
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dispossess rich people. peasants of the village, they took care of their clothes, and how they took care, they specially folded them, wrapped them on top with poor rags, holey rags and gave them to the children in the yard as if play football, then they were unwrapped and carried on. misha ermakov fell in love with varya and kolchina for the rest of his life, and how did he guess that she was a reliable person, just say that you stopped loving her, i’ll leave, this suit, first of all, it says that...
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you don’t want to smile, here many years later , varvara marries her beloved mikhail, when the real feeling is not so important, how old you are and what clothes you are wearing, you are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your intelligence and wisdom,
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a family saga. it's time to learn about the latest events in country in the world, by this hour our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. several strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this is the work of the crew of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system. the fighters went to the opposition after our drones discovered ukrainian fortifications. the coordinates of the target were immediately transmitted to the crew, who delivered an accurate
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strike. anti-aircraft missile crews successfully cope with the assigned tasks. this an air defense system that scans the sky within a radius of 100 km around the clock. its main targets are american highmars, which ukrainian militants often use to attack civilians in donbass. the buk is capable of detecting several objects at once and hitting them at the same time. eight targets were captured, discovered and destroyed as part of this product of the complex. these were ethereal flying machines. shells, for all these purposes we are working at 100 percent. the western equipment destroyed by our military was presented in chelyabinsk. for a week exhibition more than 100,000 people visited trophies from the avdievsky and donetsk directions. there are 14 vehicles on display, including the american abrams tank, marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the exhibition will last until saturday. donald trump
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appeared at a public event for the first time since the assassination attempt on him. with a band-aid on his right ear, it was he who was hit by a bullet during an election rally in pennsylvania, in this form trump came out to his supporters at the us republican party convention in melwaukee and already. as a presidential candidate. for him the nomination was voted on by a majority of delegates. senator james vance from the state of agai, proposed by trump for the post of vice president, was also approved there. he is known for his critical position regarding washington's support for the kiev regime. ukraine is called the most corrupt country in the world and consistently advocates stopping the supply of weapons to it and an early peaceful resolution of the conflict. and bence also named vladimir in an amazing interview. putin to tucker carlson. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in new york to participate in events within the framework of the russian presidency of the un security council. there he will hold debates on
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the formation of a new world order. and the next day there will be a ministerial meeting on the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian issue. a number of bilateral meetings are also planned at which current issues on the international and regional agenda will be discussed. including the middle east, the gas situation, the ukrainian crisis, efforts to defend the un charter. the west has set its sights on chinese foreign assets, representatives of nato states, cnn reports, are thinking about how to return chinese-owned infrastructure projects in europe. chinese investments were very useful to the old world during the recovery period after the global financial crisis, the tv channel notes. but now in the once coveted capital from china. the skinners saw a potential threat. china, cnn recalls, has invested tens of billions of dollars in european infrastructure as part of the path initiative, which countries began connecting to in 2013. projects
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extend from railway lines connecting eastern europe with china to ports in the north and baltic seas. china, despite international norms, can lose all this if the western leader so wants. assets. they will be expropriated or taken under temporary control until the owners sell them for next to nothing. in moscow, street cameras began to record violations by users of kick-sharing services and electric scooter rentals. already, as reported, the first fine has been issued - 800 rubles. for travel on pedestrian crossing. according to the rules on a zebra crossing , you must dismount. and also in the capital , for the first time, an electric scooter was confiscated by court decision. its owner being drunk. beat an elderly woman. the offender turned out to be a design student. in addition, he was banned from using personal mobility aids for a year and a half. and in st. petersburg, they are looking for a man who rode down the street on a scooter with two
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children. one was holding the steering wheel, the other was sitting on the seats. the ministry of internal affairs called such driving dangerous. the violator faces a fine. opened in sukhumi khibla gerzmava music festival invites you. a special stage was built for the concert. abkhazia is a country of soul, soul, and of course, here are people who know how to rejoice, know how to be happy, and of course, our
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festival is a separate love for those for whom we serve this music, many people come to us already from many countries, the festival will run all summer with venues for famous musicians, in addition to the stage in sukhumi. will become the ancient temple of the 10th century in petsunda and the foot of the bidi cathedral. also within the festival will feature concerts in russian cities and china. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this bright summer tuesday with channel one. timur solovyov and anastasia arlova are with you. children's toys, you often hear, or read on various parenting forums, how many toys you buy, it’s not enough for children. this is true, by the way. and... the main thing is, no matter how expensive and high-tech the toy is, well , that means the child played with it a little, threw it away, needs to buy a new one, threw it away, there’s such a mountain of toys, what are you talking about? you stumble, and so on, in general, but how is it even possible to buy such a toy,
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so that there’s one for all times, so that it replaces a magic wand, and a jedi sword, spaceships like that even exist, i don’t know, there’s really nothing to invent , all this has been there for a long time, one might say, these station wagon toys are under our feet, the main thing is not to disturb the children. they will fantasize. leva, like the average modern child, has more than enough toys, cars, airplanes, little people, but very important ones. psychologists call this game ideas, when vivid associations generate new activities, change the course of the game, the same stick can become both a horse and a stick, lyova more often imagines herself with a saber or a gun, more something from a series of weapons, but it happens that something magical, something you can conjure, invent. when you have a
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magic wand in your hands, then everything at once, everything changes its meaning at once. an ordinary kindergarten group on a walk, but today we don’t have any molds, dolls, or steam locomotives with us, let’s see if they get bored? anton, can you play without toys? well, of course, he can, but it seems that due to an overabundance of toys, our children have stopped imagining, stones, candy wrappers, carnations are still at the top. you know? how many beautiful stones have i found, how many 10 have i already found on vacation, and what did you do with them, well , collect them in a collection, launder them, these are your treasures, and what other treasures you can come up with with them in a dozen games, i want to play in the store , this is a great idea, what will the pebbles be, and what will the pebbles be food, and what will the stick be? centipede, centipede
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that came to the store, yeah, little ones pebbles easily turn into food, large ones into plates, sandbox, kitchen, 10 minutes, a three-course lunch is ready, i’ve already prepared dessert, prepared a salad, well , show it so everyone can see, wow, what a salad, i have to try it, here’s a stone such, and what is this, a sandwich? yes, now i will eat, hold the spoon, having lunch immediately changes the game, the same twigs and stones are in action. we are now in our house, there was a house, now a hangar for an airplane, which then suddenly, with the help of blades of grass and flowers, becomes a cake. somewhere from leaves, clothes, from we had leaves and money and all the time we collected sand into something, stirred it from a puddle, and water. children think quite outside the box. they are always interesting to listen to.
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adults think that a child needs to be occupied with something, but sometimes it’s enough just not to disturb him, to give him the opportunity to learn to dream and invent on his own. ksenia ionkina, maxim tkachenko, mikhail karasev, sergey namunko and dmitry ergulev, channel one. our high-tech time can easily be called the time of remote shopping. it seems that we have already learned everything order online. there is no need to crowd around the shopping center, this is one of the advantages, yes, wasting time on the road. a couple of waders will bring everything home for you, yes, but you can’t touch it, don’t try it on sometimes, we know in pictures, everything always looks better than in reality, then you get it, and then it’s ugly, i’m not even talking about calling a specialist, an electrician there or a repairman, you can, of course, read reviews, but sometimes these repairmen write reviews about themselves, and then we have a surprise, reviews on the internet do not help, it seems that the big some of them are written to order,
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the inner sherlock holmes, if a seller or service provider has accumulated negative reviews, in order to increase the rating, he orders positive ones in a row, in this case messages can be left even on the same day, here the reviews are quite scattered over time. you can go to the profile of the user who left this review. some sites have this option, marketplace maps and social networks. see in which cities this user has left.
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and here is the most interesting thing, the man in voronezh leaves a review on trucking, then in volgograd he evaluates telephone repairs, in kaliningrad he is interested in the work of the gas service, and in short time intervals. it’s strange that a person leaves reviews for places all over the country; this is usually done by copywriters who have customers from different cities. let's look at the account of another commentator. it’s worth starting with negative reviews; if they have a negative experience, they are, firstly, more motivated to write a review. let us remind you of other signs of a fake: a lot delight and a call to purchase, no personal experience, only general phrases, reviews are similar
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to each other, overkill with product characteristics. very briefly, the phrase “i liked everything, it doesn’t look like a real review at all.” yuri nesterov, mikhail karasev, channel one. deadly experience, fish peeling, we sacrifice the professor’s hand, don’t be afraid of the essence, fish peeling is such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe and what should you do on the beach, about this and much more in the program live healthy, today on first. gin сnop is a product of the stellar group, cognac, monte shocha, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, in
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the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts didn’t break. you know how it breaks, they just give up on the shoulder and pull on the elbow. well, okay, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well -thought-out option of escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, here... the question is, be careful, i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room , and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter
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and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the holidays are a great time, you must agree, it seems to me that not only the children, but also the parents are happy, and another long day off is, of course, a holiday for the children; they can eat at grandma’s. and here you and i, dear adults, must do everything to ensure the safety of our children. the child has already stayed with his grandmother and will go to camp
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a little later. if you plan to leave your children at home alone, be sure to ensure their safety. imagine someone calling at the door, what are we going to do? let's turn on the tv, turn up the volume, let the uninvited guest think that there are adults at home, put the ottoman by the door and look through the peephole, who is there, some woman, we ask what you need, she says that she is my mother's colleague at work and has come for her passport, which is needed urgently, you cannot open the door under any circumstances, we speak loudly, my dad is now in the bathroom, he will come out and open the door, dad is in the bathroom now, look what is happening, the woman left, it was a fraud, most likely she wanted rob an apartment, who else do the swindlers pretend to be, the courier who brought the cake, firefighters, police, no matter
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what strangers tell you, don’t open the door, in any unclear situation, call your parents, agreed, well done, and you, dear adults, worry about to be in touch , leave the child the phone numbers of those who are always nearby, for example, neighbors who work at home will be able to quickly come to the rescue if necessary, the numbers should be in the child’s phone, just in case, printed out, on the front door, for example, even after in such a conversation, i recommend having the child tested, ask a friend he doesn’t know to help, let him ring your doorbell, and role-play the situation we talked about. you must make sure that the child will behave correctly. plums are the best for them now. season bright, fragrant, juicy, ripe, round, oval, yellow, blue, red, but
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the most important thing for us is that they are tasty and fresh, now we will choose exactly these, we will choose, and then i will make a pie with plums. kabortinskaya early, nenka, leader, hungarian debut. there are 566 plum varieties in the collection of the crimean experimental breeding station in the krasnodar territory. ancient varieties that were bred at the beginning of the 20th century, for example, the green princott variety, have a green color. yellow color, juicy fruits, it was bred by the great biologist ivan michurin, in general plum is not found in the wild, it is a domestic crop, we got it by crossing cherry plum and blackthorn more than 200 years ago, and until now breeders cannot stop that this is not a new variety . at the moment, the variety is tofit, we did hybridization in march, in april, when it was blooming, in order to obtain varieties with saturation, this is our large-fruited variety, as well as... yes, there are varieties that are especially productive and have especially large fruits.
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the leader variety, here it is, fits in the palm of our hand with the weight of the fruit, on average reaching up to 70-80 g. the plum is also round, oblong, oval, in color, more than fifty shades, and in taste too. the sweetest thing is that the early varieties are already ripe. among the first is the pearl of the south. the pulp of the variety is juicy, sugar content is almost 20%. freely detachable, bone, oblong, it is light in weight, juicy, very tasty, dessert plum, the set of vitamins and microelements in all varieties is approximately the same. plums contain fiber , they contain pectin, which is a natural sorbent, yes, it is able to remove everything unnecessary from the body, b vitamins, and vitamin pp, potassium, iron, selenium are contained there, and also various antioxidants, this is natural. substances that fight our aging, but the amount of beneficial substances depends on
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the size and color, for example, antioxidants most of all in purple and burgundy plums, and it is important that the fruits are without mechanical damage, for example, it is already a little opened, already covered with its own juice, and probably a little fermentation processes have already begun here, if we hear an alcoholic smell, this means that that rotting processes have begun there, ideally if it feels like a rubber ball, a little elastic with a white coating. the more we see of this white coating, the fresher the plum, the less time has passed from the time it was picked to the counter, accordingly, in contrast, yes, the plum should not be shiny, smooth, so very beautiful, because this will be a sign that it was covered with something that ideally should not enter our body, we chose it and eat it, now is the time - the season , karina makaryan, ksenia loginova, channel one, in the iceberg ice palace on... in the hot summer, together
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forever, you and i have a unique opportunity to also look at this amazing performance, we were lucky, in the hot krasnodar region, a hot ice show, ilya overbukh presented the anniversary program together forever in the iceberg ice palace on the federal territory of sirius. we fantasized a little, as if we all lived in the same yard and this is who achieved what, some became ordinary acrobats, others world champions, we remind you that many of them became olympic champions, we have such a champion yard, we dedicated the ice show together forever to the year families, family is the place where you want to return, these are the people with whom you feel the most.
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olympic champion roman kostomarov is challenging himself again. after him performances with oksana domnina, the audience in the stands gave a standing ovation. two-time olympic silver medalist evgenia medvedeva dedicated her performance to her mother. mom put me on the ice, mom put skates on me. mom fulfilled my childhood dream. for 3 years they asked me what i was dreaming about, all that came to my mind was that here i was
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, alone on the ice, there was such a ray of light on me, my dress was so long, shiny and with... the hall everyone is looking at me, spectacular special effects, live vocals, acrobatic stunts and a little hooliganism, skaters will make our childhood dreams come true: you can ski or bike on the ice, the main thing is not to take off your warm hat, together forever a program can melt any iceberg. here in iceberg since 2014 after the olympics we have been performing every year, this is already the tenth season, let it be someone. will repeat this record, of course, for me, before sochi, now sirius, and this is an absolutely native place, a place of attraction, the anniversary show of ilya verbukh together forever at the iceberg ice palace until august 11, it will be hot. asya ratkevich, ivan belchenko, elena savina, egor istomin, channel one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this
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wonderful day with channel one. on the air, good morning. so, it’s summer, the heat in many regions is thirty degrees and even more. and every year it’s the same thing, you come home from work, and the walls radiate heat, on the one hand, you can, of course, buy an air conditioner, for example, i have one, i don’t know what i would do without it, but with on the other hand, when you think that our summer is short and sometimes it becomes miserable money? yes, is it possible to do it somehow, i think it’s cooler, but cheaper, we’ll find out what science thinks about this right now. yes. how to cool a room if there is no air conditioning, we involve ingenuity in science together with physicist vladislav shevtsov and his wife valeria. first we take books and bottles with ice inside. here the water is in a solid state; when it melts, it will absorb heat in this room and cool the air around, but the air
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has very poor thermal conductivity, so it will be cold only in this small area. well, we use a fan around the room, it is important that the air flow goes through the cold bottles, so we put them higher, and if there is no fan, we move water with ice, any container, basin, pan will do, and a basin and pan will do, but a metal pan will be a bit better, because metal has greater thermal conductivity, so a pan with cold water will take heat not only from the top surface, but from the side, we put it higher on a shelf or... a cabinet, if left on the floor, the cold air will only be at the bottom, because cold air has a higher density than hot and denser air, it goes down, if we put it up, this cold air will go down, these air flows will mix and it will all cool our room. you can also cover the windows with foil, which is radical, but it works. the foil reflects
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almost 100% of sunlight, it practically does not heat up because it is very thin, that’s all. the radiation that heats the room is reflected, and of course, the heating will be much less, well, we close the windows, plus we close the curtains, so hot air will not penetrate inside, and it is also desirable that it be light on the back side, because when light hits from a light surface it is reflected in the opposite direction, it is not so strong heats up, an option is to use the evaporation of moisture, there is no humidifier, we use a spray bottle, a kilogram of water absorbs much more heat when evaporating than the same ice, we spray water like this, there are small droplets of water, they will evaporate, thereby cooling the room itself. it has become much easier to breathe in the house, the temperature, although a little, has still dropped by 2°, so if it is not possible to install air conditioning, life hacks will help. alena krolkov, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, channel one. the world is not without good
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people. in general, there are many more kind people than unkind ones. it’s very easy to do a good deed, the main thing is to want to. the heroes of our next report are proof of this, you can join them too if you want. fell from the top cabinet. if cats really have nine lives, then one of them was probably given to this little one by andrey denisov, a veterinarian from chelyabinsk. fractures, here only to make metal transport, treats animals and professor svetlana kontsevaya from rostov-on-don. two doctors once studied.
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egypt, and this is kyrgyzstan, lectures and master classes on working with children with disabilities. in pakistan, a master class on first aid from students and teachers from saratov. returned from a mission in kazakhstan. we taught how to care for people with limited mobility people with dementia. my task included precisely the transfer of care skills, that is
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, positioning, moving in bed, using some special means to help with care. kazakhstan is my small homeland, i was born there, so everything connected with kazakhstan is always very close to my soul. on the one hand, you give your knowledge, on the other hand, you gain experience that already exists. your colleagues, each trip lasts from two to 8 weeks on average, 23 missions in 3 years, all vacancies for volunteers are posted on the good rf portal, a volunteer can go to the platform, enter the name mission good, for example, there is now a vacancy for a mission to zambia, and you click on the apply button, we need medical workers, teachers, psychologists and environmentalists, but you can help without specialized education, for example, we have several requests from reserves where people are needed. who are ready to assist in the construction of eco-trails, that is, they need good physical training, a willingness to carry out some small construction work, will pay for tickets, accommodation, food, medical insurance, and work at the mission, yes,
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is free, but they don’t go there for the money. yulia molstvova, olga sorokina, mikhail chetselyakov and vasily yurov, channel one. as you continue on tuesday morning, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events. country in the world, by this hour our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. republican national convention endorses donald trump as his candidate in the upcoming presidential election. already in this status, he came out to his supporters with a band-aid on his right.
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the kiev regime, which he calls ukraine the most corrupt country in the world, consistently advocates stopping the supply of weapons to it and an early peaceful resolution of the conflict in which russia will not lose, this is fundamental.
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operations on the ukrainian military airfield hydroport near odessa, a missile strike was carried out, russian high-precision iskander systems were tested. the ministry of defense has not yet commented, but information is received that about eight hangars for light aircraft, including yak-52 training aircraft, came under fire. their ukrainian armed forces use them to intercept our reconnaissance drones. our pilots and crews of multirole fighters successfully completed their combat mission.
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but the weapons, taxied, gained the required altitude, reached the target area, carried out destruction, returned to the departure airfield, ready to carry out the next combat mission, another one. the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was lost under the verbov attack was carried out by crews of heavy flamethrower systems. they provide support to our attack aircraft, who are actively pushing back the enemy in the orekhovsk direction in the zaporozhye region. crews work mainly at night for additional camouflage. santsepek's thermobaric shells, hitting the target, ignite an explosive mixture and literally burn out ukrainian positions. among the priority targets of our units
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is nato equipment, each destroyed. it’s easier to aim at it because it’s quite large, so if you take it in the crew of the t-72 there and so on, and the t-64 tanks, which are in service with ukraine, the main tanks, the abrams is quite large, it is much easier to hit it. samples of captured nato equipment can now be seen in chelyabinsk. over 100,000 people visited the exhibition within a week. it presents 14 vehicles captured in the battles of
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ovdeevsky and donetsk. the area of ​​the fire in the karadaksk reserve, in the crimea near kaktybel, reached 30 hectares, the flames are extinguished both from the ground and from the air, mi-8 helicopters are involved. in recent days this has already fifth major fire on the peninsula. vast areas were burning near simferopol in the feodosia region on the territory of the grushevskoye forestry. in the village of novofedorovka, people suffered from fire. two private houses. in the krasnodar territory, where more than 60 hectares of forest were destroyed, investigators opened a criminal case on the negligence of officials. a huge fire near novorossiysk, which they fought for more than a day and a half, was localized only the night before. they burned down, including dozens of buildings at several recreation centers. about 600 people were evacuated from there, two were injured. it took a long time to cope with the elements due to dry and hot weather.
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it’s the same now in almost all of central russia, including in the capital. at the same time , some areas of moscow were hit by downpours yesterday, in some places 80% of the monthly precipitation fell. forecasters warn that rain will continue today, strong winds are possible, and residents are asked to be especially careful and not hide under trees. that's all for now, stay with us. admit it honestly, you probably have. in the closet or on on the mezzanine there is something that is waiting and will not wait in the wings, a grandmother’s service that leaves the sideboard only on holidays, on an ordinary day no, no, or a dress that was bought for a special occasion, there is no case and no, no and no, maybe it’s worth just arranging this very occasion, and the service too, why put it off for the holidays, especially since it matches the dress, even when, otherwise you can put it off for the rest of your life, in general, we take out the dress service, 15% of that
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new things end up in this thrift store, those that they never got a special occasion, not a single scuff, a scratch, a factory film, instructions, tools, small household appliances, and of course, antiques, those same sets from my grandmother’s sideboard, i remember very well, a cockerel teapot, painted somewhere in the eighties , always stood until the best holiday, the habit of postponing everything until the best moment has a scientific name, postponed life syndrome, according to psychologists, is formed from 3 to 12 years, you’ve probably heard in your life, once you grow up, then you’ll allow yourself, yes, that is you’ll go to work, then you’ll start living, but we’ve all put something off at some point, repairs, as long as the silicate doesn’t reach it, repairs can be put off until later, but you can’t take a vacation, it was such that i worked for a year without vacation, and what do we all have?
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syndrome: in fact, we only need to sound the alarm if we repeatedly postpone our desires and plans for later. and this habit affects all areas of life. anna sharondak, an enterprise marketer, noticed that managers with this syndrome miss business opportunities, and most employees more often they burn out, because they either postpone a vacation or make a new purchase, they don’t make themselves happy with anything, so they feel some kind of fatigue in their work. we can overcome our habit of postponing, with another habit, every day, every day, for what, so that, since this is a conviction, our conviction changes, after 7-3.
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with tags from which they grew out, now they come across much less often, but you remember this dress, i don’t remember this dress, because we wore it once for a photo shoot, yes, now we just started buying a dress, which you can wear for a walk, you can wear for a holiday, for mom’s evening wear , it’s a task with an asterisk, to come up with an excuse where to wear it yourself, that is, we allow ourselves everything that we have been putting off, we are careful, except perhaps with new purchases, because marketers are like us... once they catch you with the phrase live now and not later, this is how things appear for a special occasion. natalya lenova, ksiniya maklyak, angelina ivanova, denis ponomarev, channel one. oh, the heat continues to break all records, it’s true that it’s cool in the studio, yes, but
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in many regions, the thermometer has long since crept over the thirty-degree mark, broken, in the rostov region, he generally travels in the region of vice, rostovites, hello, but there are still places in our country where it is always not just cool, but... really cold, we should sit there, yes, no, i like it, loves the heat, the ice there is not the same, it really turns into beautiful figures, and it’s also incredibly beautiful there, in general, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, even from us , let's go on a refreshing journey around the most beautiful amazing ice caves in the country, the askin cave was named after the nearest river askin, which translated from the dialect of the bashkir language means rebellious. flowing down the walls, gradually polishes the surface of the cave from the inside, it becomes more and more, while acquiring the shape of the current dome. the askinskaya cave has one hall, the main attraction is figures made of relict
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ice. this figure here is what we call the snow queen. scientists believe that the snow queen is 1500 years old, here are some figures it was not possible to preserve the abundance of people who wanted to get inside, the microclimate of the cave. the relic ice has melted, now regulations have been established for the excursion: the cave is under guard, the temperature in it is stable, in the summer, throughout the summer in the cave it is 0°, in the hottest summer it can rise slightly to + 1°. the path to the cave, pevcheskaya estrada, lies through the forest; in total there are 438 caves in the pinezhsky district of the arkhangelsk region. the singing stage is not the largest. but the most visited air humidity in the cave is 87%, and it warms up to a maximum of +4°. two halls the caves are divided by a stream; in the summer it dries up; it’s really possible to cross from the singing hall into
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the cold. in the kungur cave in the perm region, for those who want to get into winter in the middle of summer, special paths and lighting have been made. you and i are in eternity, the age of modern people. the yakut kingdom of permafrost is located in an old adit, near mount chuchur muran. the temperature here ranges from -5 to - guests are introduced to the history and traditions of animals that were found in the ice of yakutia,
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the people of sakha, and also show that the kingdom ice is infinitely beautiful. marina glushenkova, roman shakirov, channel one. on the occasion of alexander shirvint’s ninetieth birthday, go laugh in the garden with your boyfriend, well, let’s go to the garden, vodka, fresh air, only the sun, only the sky and the river. start gnawing at me, my dear, well, don’t gnaw at me, here, here is a frying pan, so why does it have strings, it’s very fashionable, there won’t be steaks, there will be pancakes. dear lady, forgive the tactlessness
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of my friends, it’s because of the dampness, you, you, and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, are all sa, sa, and what are you singing, you are not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, three in the boat, not counting the dog. on saturday on the first, let us remind you, on the calendar tuesday, july 16, and our astrologers have already prepared a forecast for this day, they are ready to tell us it, let's see what will happen today for scorpios, aquarius, pisces and other good people, right now, attention, july 16, the 11th and 12th lunar days meet, the twenty-ninth day of the sun, like yesterday, is not at all stupid, he can, as they say, think systematically, although he is a little conservative, but practical and
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responsible, he is also patient and persistent, does not worry too much if something does not work out the first time, does not give up and, as a rule, eventually achieves his goal. on the downsides: he is a little impulsive, irritable at times, and does not always control himself, especially when he is lectured or criticized. often on such days there is a mismatch in business, when everyone pulls in his own direction, conversations and meetings take up a lot of time, and aries... among other things, can make their day somewhat more difficult own stubbornness, here the stars can only remind you that there is such a word - compromise, and this is how everything should work out, just be careful when working with all sorts of tools, like an angle grinder. taurus may create some inconveniences due to the actions of colleagues or business partners, although not fatal. for those already on vacation, be picky about food that you didn't prepare yourself. and take care of your wallet. geminis have a very effective day, when complex problems are solved, a solution is found. out of confusing situations quickly difficult things are being done and even a little lucky,
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the evening clearly has something romantic in store for you. cancers can learn something interesting, put it in their piggy bank, it will be useful for work, the main thing here is not to make stupid mistakes, but there is such a risk, so pay more attention and try not to be late. for leos, this tuesday may bring some changes at work, you can try to benefit from them, but a little later, in your personal sphere , something will now begin to change for the better. lonely lions, the light shines on you urgently they advise you to free the evening. virgos are also having a good day, especially in the professional sphere. here the virgins are simply beyond competition, but keep in mind that today you need to behave extremely politely with technology, be careful while driving, don’t drive. libra seems to have to finish, redo or correct something. this may take longer than expected. it is possible that the working day will be slightly delayed. well, you can rest in the evening. by the way, they are telling you that. like a pleasant surprise or a small gift. scorpios risk quarreling with
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one of your colleagues or family. the stars hint that even if someone annoys you, this is not a reason to escalate the situation. well, be that as it may, the evening will bring everything back to normal. a good day in sagittarius. new projects, business contacts, anything related to communication and public speaking will be great. small money may come, feel free to make a date for the evening. capricorns may feel interested in something that they previously showed. with someone else’s and distant, a new acquaintance is not excluded, here are the luminaries to warn, do not expect that today everything is all right for you they will tell the truth and don’t get carried away with alcohol. aquarius will have an interesting and useful meeting, most likely at a party or at some event. there may be something that was considered irretrievably lost, and aquarius and the ladies today are simply dazzling and will certainly outshine all their rivals. pisces will have to deal with money, maybe they will have to pay some bills or give back.
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i don’t want to think like that, but it’s necessary, and you also need to know your rights well. the room was booked, paid for, but the trip was canceled and the money the hotel no longer refunds everything that was paid and keeps it for itself. yes, this happens, ” explains lawyer mikhail salkin. for example, on the website in large letters, the tariff is non-refundable, it was confirmed by phone. if i don't show up, will the amount be refunded? oh, are you planning? to move in, no, i don’t plan, it’s just
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questionable, yes, you’ll tell me, the village will no longer be allowed to pay, that is, hotels are introducing their own booking rules, but this is not legal, the ministry of economic development has so far... only proposed to officially allow non-refundable reservations for at a better price than refundable ones, but the latter have a plus, sometimes you don’t have to pay in advance, payment is made at the hotel, but there is a risk, they expect you to check in before a certain time, if you haven’t checked in before that time, they will rent out the room to someone whatever, even when you called and warned that you are late, if we still don’t show up, how does the cancellation happen, the reservation is not paid, six they are canceled, this is the so-called non-guaranteed reservation, there is. and others with guarantees, but again with prepayment, here the hotel has every right to the law to keep part of the amount in case of cancellation of the reservation, the so-called guaranteed reservation, for which it may not return part of the money paid to you , but no more than one day of the reservation, even if the money was transferred for
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all days of stay, it must be retained only for one day , everything else must be returned according to the rules for the provision of hotel services, including when the website does not say about cancellation... nothing is said, like the owner of this hotel in sochi, and what is needed for booking, prepayment for the first day, if we don’t arrive , if we get sick, the prepayment is of course non-refundable, but if you manage to check in on your date, why not return it, anything can happen, and a completely different story - guest houses, they work according to a different law, here it is essentially a daily rental of apartments, and the rental agreement has rules completely different, they will treat this not as a reservation, but as a preliminary agreement under which they take money from you. in such a document, the owner can specify any conditions of non-return, so it is important to find out them in advance, sometimes the contract in general may not be. there is no agreement as such, just money on the card. well, this is just a weak point, if later something goes wrong for you, then in order to go to court you need to know at least his address, but you only know the phone number
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and this is kind of a feature of this market in the sense that here landlords dictate their own rules. and of course, it is advisable to study the reviews; there were conflicts due to. deduction of prepayment, former hotel guests will definitely write about this. our brisk, hot summer morning continues, right now there is one delicate problem being faced, probably almost everyone, well, especially women, they bought new shoes, and there are calluses, then they rub, it’s unbearable, it’s unbearable to carry a patch with you, really, but mostly it’s because of uncomfortable shoes, what to do with them then, now let's figure it out, they come in different lasts, different heels with different straps, also dance ankle boots, they are also highhills, as they call every activity now, calluses, calluses, calluses calluses, they come in different varieties,
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fresh, those that are also called wet, or under no circumstances pierce, you can carry infection, first of all i will injure. stop they sell those that reduce sweating, then a patch, a regular one , you can always take any children’s patch or one specifically for handy, but this is not the best option, they are small, they quickly fly off, they don’t hold anything, but as a rule, these are the tape patches i have, which yes such meter-long, rolled ones are fixed well, but do not contribute to healing. another thing is hydrocoloid pads, such pads are sold, they are like a second skin. there are polymers on the transparent film that turn into a gel. pressure on the injured area is reduced, healing occurs faster and there are no scars. there are also special patches for sale for dry calluses, so be careful with them. the patch
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contains a high content of acids that will soften and corrode good leather, after which you can get. it is better to remove old calluses on a trampling using a hardware method from a specialist padologist; core calluses that go deep under the skin from a surgeon. you will have to walk around for a while with soft pads to relieve the problem area later. try to choose comfortable shoes that are 1 cm more spacious in length and width, with flexible soles and fixation in the forefoot. yulia kozlova, denis ponomarev, vasily yurov, channel one. completed. america's cup , won by argentina. our colleague, sports journalist of channel one, viktor gusev, has all the details. south america has not only bright football players, but also temperamental fans. there is always an unspoken competition between fans for originality, especially if kanu is their favorite in the tournament, the main trophy
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new world. before the copa america final, fans of the argentina national team stocked up on banners with their images. messi, whom the colombians left unattended in the penalty area. the ball ricocheted from leo's attacking partner julian alvarez into the hands of the goalkeeper. however, this was the only shot for messi in the match. even in the first half, he unsuccessfully entered into single combat.
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is the most titled football player in world history; leo won 45 trophies during his professional career.
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the multi-part drama continues on channel one shores. the river of time flows, eras change, heroes and external internal ones change. the signs of the times in the film are reflected very carefully, with historical accuracy, and this also applies to clothing. we need to forget everything, you see, i can’t. if i can’t forget, two banks of the same river, two irreconcilable clans, kulaks from kolchina and communists ermakovs, in this ural village they not only meet by their clothes, but can also identify an enemy, by the embroidery on the kosovorod one could understand which class he belonged to one or the other a resident of a village, how do you understand that a person belongs to you, the embroidery of certain expensive clothes, when they came to dispossess the rich peasants of the village. they took care of their clothes, but how did they take care? they specially rolled it up, wrapped it in poor
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rags, holey rags on top and gave it to the children in the yard as if they were playing football, then they unwrapped it and carried it further. misha ermakov fell in love with varya skolchina for the rest of his life, and how did he guess that she was a reliable person? just tell me you stopped loving me, i'll leave. this suit, it firstly says that she has courage. she needs these padded shoulders for what, so that a man can lean on to build a normal communist society, she is an assistant, the first handbag in the village appears from the barbarian, varya, will you come to our place, i miss you so much, no, mish, i won’t come, time passes, eras change, heroes survive the war, a time full of hope comes, people begin to dress elegantly and flirtatiously, the most popular prints of the late forties and early fifties were polka dots,
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by the way, in cinema they often depicted such positive people, precisely with polka dots, that they bring such joy, positivity, and a person with stripes is this excitement, this is some kind of anxiety, this is your child, qing or daughter, oh well , nothing will be lost, girl? also a tragedy in the film two shores we see two different weddings: a magnificent, elegant one at varya’s and at nazar’s. smile, i don't want to. but many years later, varvara marries her beloved mikhail, when the real feeling is not so important, how old you are and what clothes you are wearing, they are greeted by clothes, let them be escorted according to their intelligence and wisdom. golka, gonka, family saga of two shores, today. on the first channel, come on, svetlana neimanis, joseph kobrin, sergey morin, the first channel. well, our program ends,
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we say goodbye to you, we wish you good morning and a good day, timur solovyov and anastasia orlova were with you, we say goodbye to you, your day is just beginning, bye. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. what is vitally necessary, our military correspondent amir yusupov holds a training camp for fighters volunteer corps. only now you and i can help the guys,
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make their very hard work at least a little easier. what help do our defenders need? and new footage. the russian iskander attacked an enemy airfield in the odessa region. the bet is made. at the us republican convention, where trump was appointed as a candidate in the elections, the main intrigue was resolved. who will become vice president if he wins? and new sensational details in the assassination case. hectares of forest on fire kuban, crimea-ingushetia, where it was possible to establish a flame, and where is the struggle is it still going on? and after the fire near novorossiysk. a criminal case has been opened for negligence, not to hide, not to hide, in moscow, violators on electric scooters are now identified by street cameras, which threatens for crossing a zebra crossing or hitting a pedestrian.


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