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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm MSK

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that is, he makes, as it were, his american paid, very expensive insurance in taiwan, and in fact this entire line, it costs a lot of money, and the taiwanese, well, have money, but not quite that much to pay for it, that is they are horrified that they have to pay for us, and in general it’s interesting that the election campaign in the united states is becoming such a factor in global politics, it’s shaking ukraine, shaking taiwan, well, the united states of america itself is shaking, and we really... should just stock up on popcorn and wait because ours the cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, time for news first, about the most important ones. we'll tell you about the events right
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now. not to miss the moment at a meeting on economic issues, vladimir putin announced the need to move to a wider implementation of the digital ruble and develop conditions for the circulation of digital assets. on which rivers will transport hubs be created, how new regions will be included in the system and specialists trained on the potential of shipping routes, was speech at the meeting of the prime minister with the head of rosmorrech-fleet. due to network overload in the rostov region, where power supply was restored after a failure at a nuclear power plant, a temporary restriction on energy consumption is being introduced. a signal to the whole world, victory will be ours. 80 years ago, almost 58,000 captured fascists marched through the center of the capital. how it was? stern faces, everyone who stood next to me, demands for an answer, but from these who were coming, there was no rejoicing, no joy. there
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was such a constrained feeling of heaviness big. russia needs to move to full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in various areas. vladimir putin announced this today when opening a meeting on economic issues. the digital ruble is one of the forms of our monetary unit, which has a number of undeniable advantages; recently it has become increasingly in demand among businesses, investors and citizens. such technologies are already beginning to change the usual patterns in trade, banking, services, and international payments. it is important for us in russia, as they say, not to miss the moment, timely set up the legal framework and regulation, develop infrastructure, create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. i suggest focusing on issues that require special considerations.
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in short, the digital ruble platform showed its performance and functionality within the pilot, and now we need to take the next step, namely move to a wider, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy, in business activities in the field of finance. another topic cryptocurrency mining, so-called
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mining, in russia annually accounts for almost 1.5% of total energy consumption, the figure is growing. vladimir putin recalled that if the situation is not brought under control, some regions risk facing a capacity shortage. and the message from the ministry of defense, which we received shortly before our broadcast: 95 russian servicemen returned to their homeland from ukrainian captivity, there they were in mortal danger, but now everything is behind them, the military will be taken to moscow for... and rehabilitation, in return 95 prisoners were also handed over to kiev . the return of our fighters was the result of the sentencing process. the united arab emirates acted as a mediator. now there is a new report from the military department on the progress of the special operation, russian troops have improved their positions in several directions at once. we are talking about the zones of responsibility of the groups: west, east and center. ammunition depots and equipment were destroyed, the ukrainian armed forces lost western guns, british howitzers, and american fh70s.
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m-777 paladin installation. during the supki, the enemy tried to launch a counterattack three times. our military repelled all attacks. air defense systems shot down about 60 enemy drones. passenger freight transportation in new regions must follow russian standards; mikhail mishustin spoke with andrei tarasenko, he heads the federal agency for maritime and river transport, about how to organize them by water. all local ports are already included in the general system; where repairs are necessary, new routes are being developed. all this will ultimately help enterprises increase production and sales volumes. reporting by anna kurbatova. as head of the federal agency sea ​​and river transport andrei tarasenko meets with prime minister mikhail mishustin for the first time. he has headed the department since march 29, that is, a little more than 3 months. however, i am very familiar with this work. he was previously deputy head of the rosmore speech
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fleet. therefore, today the head of government asks to immediately set the emphasis. tell us in more detail how you plan to organize work on the priorities of your department. the development of shipping and... passenger and cargo, this is a very important area of ​​our activity, directly affects connectivity our territories, on their economic growth, including the strengthening of international cooperation, if we talk today about the capacity of our port infrastructure, then we have 63 ports, which today provided a cargo flow of 884 million tons with a capacity of 360 billion. that is, it is somewhere in we have a reserve of another 35%, which allows us to increase the volume of cargo and work in the future, and so on, that is , in terms of transshipment volume, we today have a leader in the basin, this is considered to be the azov-black sea, for example, in the arctic basin the capacity of sea ports is at the end
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decades should double, the most important task, given the pace at which the regions of the far east and the arctic are developing, there is a lot of work, for example, the rivers are very good, large,
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for the personnel that is available, i am absolutely sure that such a harmonious program will help the industry, i would also ask you to think about this, to introduce its government, i understand the task. today we discussed the situation in our new regions, donbass, kherson region and zaporozhye, there is a process going on, you know, of restoring the entire infrastructure, but what it is very important to integrate them, including into the transport infrastructure, including of course... waterways, we have already included them, they are all in operation today, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly, we are putting in order all the depths that are necessary today so that there would be a passage, for example, today the largest port of the azov sea in mariupol looks like, 2 years after liberation from ukrainian militants, a strategic object,
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the sea gate of donbass, a harbor more than 4 km long, about two dozen berths, restored today most of the port infrastructure of the zaporozhye region is in berdyansk, now six work there... according to russian standards and so that nothing interferes with the integration of the corresponding structures of our new regions into the general transport system of the country. anna kurbatova, olga gerosimenko, oleg smalkov, channel one. electricity supply in the south of russia has been restored, the ministry of energy reports, but a number of cities are again introducing temporary shutdowns. this is due to too high load on the network. forty-degree heat at the height of the tourist season season, air conditioners and fans do not turn off, consumption has increased significantly, as a result, a historical record was set the day before, the figures are even higher than in winter. at the rostov nuclear power plant, the first power unit went down, the protection system worked, in large cities first the power went out, then the water, the streets were stuck
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in traffic jams, in some places the electricity was restored almost immediately, in some places the residents spent several hours without power, while the hospitals were important social the facilities were not turned off, they temporarily switched to... the power unit was soon able to start up, now it is operating at full power. in crimean kaktybel , open burning was eliminated; a natural fire there did not subside for two days. now experts are shedding the earth. let me remind you that everything happened on the territory of the reserve, the area was 40 hectares. the spread of the flames was stopped the day before. aviation was involved in the fire extinguishment. according to experts, restoration of the ecosystem after a fire in the reserve will take years. the first and last march of germans through moscow. march of the vanquished. 80 years ago, almost 58,000 germans marched through the center of the capital prisoners, mostly captured during the largest operation bagration, a stunning success of the red army, there was still a year left before victory, but this march clearly showed the whole world
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the inevitability of hitler’s defeat. memoirs of witnesses from yana podziuban. here they are, 57,600 captured germans, the remnants of defeated regiments, divisions, and corps. this is footage taken at the moscow hippodrome and dinama stadium, a few minutes before the start of the march of the vanquished. material about how the grandiose action was prepared was recently published. this is just part prisoners. the first result of the bogration operation. the germans have already entered four cauldrons in belarus. two german army groups, center and north, were defeated. prisoners are selected and sent in trains to moscow. get up! the nazis were led along the leningradskoye highway to the garden ring, and here they were separated. most of them go clockwise to three stations, others, past the exhibition of captured weapons, they gave the crimean bridge to the ring railway. ideologically, this was justified as a response to... german propaganda, which said that here in all european capitals, german troops approached the victory marches, they will take place in
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moscow. like, let them pass like this, that’s why it’s called a march, and not just a procession. the main addressee of everything that was happening was not even hitler, but the allies, their representatives, in this frame you can see well-dressed men and women standing on the balcony, watching the procession. a month before the second front was opened in normandy, the americans and british landed, barely managed to occupy a bridgehead and stalled. soviet system, with with her characteristic practicality, she was able to combine a logistical task and a propaganda campaign, extremely successful, and she showed in the west that the soviet union was capable of winning this war alone and spurred the western government to intensify its efforts on the western front. 19 generals, six colonels and lieutenant colonels, they were allowed to put on their uniforms as a reward. vincent müller commanded the fourth front, his troops were surrounded near minsk, and collaborated with ours in captivity. intelligence agencies described in detail the tactics germans, later evidence of his involvement in the mass executions of jews near
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artyomovsk in the donbass will emerge, he committed suicide. major general adolf gamon, commandant of bobruisk, has just over a year to live, sentenced to death, guilty of the death of 500 civilians. vyacheslav romanchenko holds rare footage of how the march was filmed; he is the son of the same police chief who organized the convoy. he remembers how, a few weeks before, beri often called them at home in the middle of the night. on the day of the procession , vyacheslav persuaded his father. the senior group of the kindergarten, they took us to the garden ring, we took the first row, it was very, very quiet, only there was a sound, there was
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a click, a click, a click, there was dead silence, only one word was uttered by the bastards, we were driving in a car, under us there was a load, crackers, so i took a cracker out of the bag, threw myself into the pleengo, hit me in the face, and i was scared... it was as if in the gaze of the demand for an answer from these who were coming, this is the retribution, now
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it is visible, not there was, i tell him, there was no jubilation, no joy, there was some kind of, well, constrained feeling of heaviness very large, the daughter of marshal olga biryuzova was also at the procession of prisoners, she remembers how relieved she was when field vehicles drove after the germans, so the whole world saw how we washed away the fascist evil spirits of the earth. yana paduba, and this concludes our episode, stay with us and stay updated on the event, right now on the first channel the program “let's get married.” 80 thousand spectators gathered at the santiago bernabe stadium for the presentation of the newcomer to the real madrid football club, kylian mbappe. a twenty-five-year-old frenchman, by the way, addressed fans in spanish earlier.


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