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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 18, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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and then the peasant son sets off to conquer the capital, that’s how it was, not exactly, but how? studied in broslavl, barin’s son was just going to study, and sergei timofeevich was taken as his companion, a boy of the same age, he successfully passed the exam, they prepared for the exam together, he passed successfully, then he went to moscow to the academy of painting of the world of fine arts, but this it was not enough, the most important thing was that it was necessary to overcome the order of my relatives, who said, as i understood, yes... it’s good
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to have a literate person with a high school education education, but sculpture is already too much, that is, the parents were against it, of course, of course, of course, yes, so the main condition was set, they would send 50 rubles, which had to be raised by selling the harvest, so konenkov worked all day long in field, well, actually this is a young man without the most perfect training, whatever, it was a school that competed with the st. petersburg academy of art, but what is it today? academy? at that time, the moscow school positioned itself, so to speak, those schools that create the russian national style, therefore , young artists were needed who, firstly, should give birth to that very style, who can give birth to a genuine style if not a peasant son, who is free from all western influences, therefore he presented himself wonderfully in front of volnokhin, young as a man of the people.
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touched, virgin, not spoiled by western culture, that’s what he needed, yes, and he was accepted, he very quickly went through all the stages of training, in the end he gets a big a silver medal for the sculpture stonebreaker, which was soon acquired by the tretyakov gallery, you understand the scale, he said, when he was driving along the road just to moscow, he saw people crushing stones making the road, this is his impression of the road to moscow, he realized both in the sculpture stonebreaker and for this sculpture. a large silver medal, which gives him the opportunity to live abroad for a whole year, he studies western european museums, konenkov was certainly in the raden museum, that is, he studied raden’s sculpture, but most of all he struck michelangelo, he was stunned, the next work from his student's work, which he created within the walls of the russian imperial academy of arts, was the famous figure of samson, which was inspired by michelangelo's slaves, well , this is like the next page, this is this, yes, this is himself dream.
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sky academy of arts, that is, to receive a second education, yes, anticipating the joy of finding a brilliant student, kayunkov enters the academy of arts, and naturally becomes a magnificent, brilliant student who completes all classical tasks, associated with neoclassicism, the prevailing style and education at the academy of arts at that time, it was a program naturally associated with classical neoclassical sculpture,
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when the time came for the diploma, the horse closed in his workshop, even biklemisheva was not allowed to create the sculpture that he believes that it should amaze everyone and overcome all the established norms of classicism of academic requirements, he creates his famous samson, here he is in front of you, the chained samson, and naturally the model for him was internal, he saw michelangelo’s slaves, this is actually a manifesto, he says: i am michelangelo, i can do the same as michelangelo. and this is precisely the manifesto i am michelangelo or the manifesto i am a revolutionary i am for the revolution for liberation is connected with the revolution, of course, but with his mood and his vision this is 1902 , 3 years later, well, actually a wonderful scene, i just see biklemishev has a presentiment of the magnificent work of konenkov, here is what lies ahead commission and what material is it made of? is it made of clay and commission what? was outraged here in the first place? all
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the classical proportions, that is, he overcomes, look, there are exaggerated brushes, and michelangelo also had all the proportions violated, well, not as much as kanenkov’s, that is, konyunkov went further than mekin, no, that’s not possible.
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where he was told that the sculpture was destroyed by taking the owner’s address, of course, this was deceit, so it was possible to find the owner, the konyunko sculpture was destroyed, so we would gladly stay on this story if kanenkov would have lived 30 or 40 years, but he lived 100, we need to fit these 100 years into our format, but it’s not that long, so let’s move forward, so, konenkov and the revolution, briefly 905 and 917, oleg yurivich, there was a famous barricade on arbat, which was commanded by konyonkov, as i understand it. why didn’t he like the tsarist regime, which favored him, gave him education, gave him honors, what did he want? well, i can’t say i was a blessing, but nevertheless it was wonderful, but when they always tell me that the christening was impossible in any way achieve nothing, then i give the example of the history of prague, so then he wanted what you
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want for him freedom was for the people, okay, good, konenkov once said that the worker does not need a good life, he does. you need to be the master of your life, there was a barricade, creative people, this barricade, which, as i understand it, was never broken, as it never was, submitted to the artillery attack of the semyonovsky regiments, as kanenkov said, only no one did anything to kanenkov, no one he was not imprisoned there, he was not repressed for this, the merchants hid him yakunchikova, an old believer, he had a workshop in those who drank the branch on which they sat, of course yes, so in general he was carefully patronized by the konenkovs and acquired his works. separately , a very interesting page. konyunkov and the seventeenth year? kanyunkov becomes the most popular after the seventeenth year, probably the sculptor embraces the revolution, like mayakovsky, he becomes the first sculptor of the young republic, this is a very interesting perception, so now i’m just working on yesenin, because this is very biblical
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perception of the events that took place, the birth of a new state, the birth of a new bethlehem, and sergei timofeevich knew the psalter.
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so, we move on to the next period in konenok’s life in 1923, he leaves for america and remains there for more than 20 years, and he does not leave alone, but leaves with his young wife, this is his second wife. margarita ivanovna, varantsov’s last name was, yes, she was from sarapola, a wonderful city on the banks of the kama, and so, this is the actual external plot. sergei timofeevich was invited by the committee for organizing art exhibitions and tours , in order to be included in
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the exhibition committee, the exhibition intended to show the united states of america, as it were, the best work of contemporary russian art. she was not young at all, works by recognized artists of the art world were presented, works by serebryakova, magnificent works by kustodieva, that is, everything was better than what was there.
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he receives an order from the institute for advanced studies in princeton, but this is already a story connected with albert einstein, indeed was in immediate demand, that is , the americans really liked him, a year later he had already organized a personal exhibition at the grand central palace, this is also very prestigious, it is very important, donkan and i dissuaded him from going, they were also in america, they dissuaded, they said, that they don’t need art and have nothing to do there, they were in america a little earlier, they dissuaded him, there , unlike yesenin, he really liked it there, no, well, as i understand it, he also missed his homeland, and this is very interesting
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margarita ivanovna recalled that when konenkov worked, naturally , commissioned portraits, for money, he had to live on something, otherwise if he didn’t like a person, he didn’t like making his portrait, he swore, and she was a translator, she, he spoke a lot, but she translated little, they asked her why mr. kanenkov...
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well, actually returning to einstein, and margarita ivanovna, well, after all, she served as a translator, well, the fact is that she is excellent knew german, it’s not very clear why she served as a translator if it’s difficult to work and think in russian. we are talking about what einstein had to talk about, so he could talk to him, but this is impossible when a person is working on a portrait of this family, but about this photograph, but i would still like to return to einstein, because this a very important story, the fact is that while working on this portrait, margarita ivanovna asked probably the strangest question, what are you working on now, and albert einstein began to tell what you are working on and what he is famous for.
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certainly beautiful, but probably empty, he asked margarita ivanovna, do you understand what i’m talking about, she answered him: no, he answered: it can’t be. in any case, these wonderful sheets of paper with einstein’s notes were at one time in the konenok museum, now they are, stored in the archive academy of sciences. that is, we have a unique document, einstein’s theory of relativity, written for the wife of a russian sculptor. great, now, oleg iyurievich, there is a version that in fact margarita ivanovna was there for a reason, margarita
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ivanovna actually came to america because it was through the soviet special services, ogpo, nkvd. there is no confirmation, let's just say, well, the kanenkovs came to america, kanenkov receives a huge number of orders, and the most important thing is that he is participating in the philadelphia international exhibition, this is very important. in 1926, the americans decided to create a huge global exhibition. which would compete with the famous parisian exhibition, they chose the best sculptor of america, the new world, the old world, and the second big silver medal was given to konenkov, a russian sculptor, representing america, another russian sculptor gleb deruzhinsky, konenkov’s classmate at the imperial academy of arts, received a gold medal, that is, konenkov’s glory was unconditional, after the start of the war in 1943,
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when danger arose -
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people who helped russia completely disinterestedly, she was charming, yes , but this was actually work and service, she had her own office in new york, she had her own personal car, a driver with a car, she came to work, she received wages, in fact, from the activities of these public charitable organizations were led by leonura rosevelt, unlike land lease, this is magically selfless help, which was quite large at that time, so margarita was still doing this work very important. year 1945 horses returns to the soviet union, and stalin also sends, as it is written everywhere, it is true, of course, that stalin sends a huge, well, huge, not huge, in general, he sends a court to a ship, a steamship, carries all his sculptures, then
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he comes to moscow, gets this a luxurious workshop in the very center of nadverska on gorky street. how to interpret this fact, what does it mean? well , it seems to me, obviously, this is, firstly, the merit of margarita ivanovna, unconditional recognition, of course, this is the first, but second return of such a significant figure, already a world -famous sculptor who is returning from the new world, and what was his motive for returning, oh this, he experienced every, every victory of the soviet army, he commented in his work, let's look at this photo, who here?
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give them this territory, and he gave it to them, there was a children's playground, which in the nineties turned into the pushkin restaurant, great, which means that then, after returning from the soviet union, the rubbish began on the horse itself, unconditional, that is, this is the only one who can to be a sculptor who starts out, as it were, well , naturally continues his creative searches, but he is completely renewed, he is carried away and immersed. contemporary art, at the end of his life he creates abstract compositions and creates absolutely amazing works, installations modern. a 95-96-year-old man, an absolutely
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modern artist of that time, which is what young artists are looking for, and to get into the horse’s studio is to become familiar with new unusual forms, this sculpture, which would be 97, 96 years old, yes, it’s very interesting that he came , returned to work, he did not return. to the deceased railway workers, a beautiful monument was asked to be placed in their depot and naturally they collected money, here is
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the work of konenkov from 1910, why is it presented here, somehow in his memoirs konenkov noted: if i had not created bach, these are portraits of agan sebastian bach, i would not have succeeded as a sculptor, that is, a horse who created some incredible amount of works, some highest, magnificent level, suddenly the tsensaku appreciates this incomprehensible sculpture, i can say about my childhood impressions of it, this is a sculpture with sound, so it always seemed to me that there is music here. although he, this is a very difficult thing, yeah, this, this work is called the prophet, was created in italy in 1928, very connected with it
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interesting story, konyunkov was very concerned about the events in his homeland, various rumors reached konyunkov, and he decided to find out the truth, and for the truth he went to gorky in sorento, specially comes to italy to sorento, and talks with a colt from america, and a very important conversation with gorky, he goes a long way with him, and at the same time he is working on this sculpture, which is called the prophet, in one of gorky’s letters, when the little horse left, returned to america, in gorky’s writing there is such a phrase: let’s forgive each other, we russians, and russians must forgive, apparently the conversation was difficult, olegich, do you still have some family memories, some myths too?
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these are merchants, here is the nizhny novgorod house of the rukishnikovs, these are the same ones, and these are the same ones,
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that is, it turns out that the konenkovs were the land. to his great-grandfather’s workshop, and began to sculpt something from plasticine and stuck it to his sculpture, which he was working on, and the great-grandfather naturally got angry with him, and the grandfather also said that you don’t know how to communicate with little ones, he began to get dressed, the great-grandfather got scared, told him where you’re ready, he says, i’ll call the driver, i’ll get to the courtyard, and there my mother will pay, of course, in the last years of his life, when
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sergei timofeevich had already died, right?
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margarita ivanovna kept it, like sergei timofeevich, they were not chasing some kind of comfort of life, some kind of wealth that they did not earn in the united states, they gave the money to the red army, as they said, this was a fund for victory , but how are you going to celebrate or how are you celebrating, or rather, the horse’s anniversary, the fact is that the academy of arts is organizing an anniversary exhibition in the zurap gallery, there will be a huge exhibition at prichistenka 19 in four huge ones. we are preparing this exhibition, it will be based mainly on the museum’s funds, we have restored a lot of works for this exhibition, we will show a unique collection of works that remained in the united states for the first time, a photograph of the workshop, that is, it will be like an opening exhibition, that is, the main the message of the exhibition is to show everything new, completely unexpected and unusual, we at the yesenin museum are preparing a large exhibition project two sergei, yesenino-konenkov. where
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there will be two halls, well, it’s very interesting that they were called two sergei when they were walking in moscow, the hall is like a sculptor’s workshop and the hall is a writer’s office, it will be an interesting immersion into the creative world of a sculptor and a writer, and konenkov will appear here as our graphic artist, something will be exhibited that has not yet been exhibited anywhere, and this is in the yasenin museum in the chernyshevsky railing. and also does things together with us, events will be held at the smolensk museum, on maikovsky street, in my opinion, yes, because it is located this museum, this is the house that my great-grandfather himself chose, the house as a container for his works, which he donated to smolensk, there will be events there, there will be events in our moscow region, the serpukhov history and art museum is also doing a good exhibition, they have an amazing collection of early horses , yes they have
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a portrait. great-great-grandfather, that is, konenkov’s father, well, okay, let’s end on this wonderful note, so, this was the podcast life of the remarkable, we talked today about the great russian, soviet sculptor sergei timofeevich konenkov, we learned a lot of new things, thanks to my dear guests, the head of the museum workshop, konenkov, the russian academy of arts, svetlana. leonidovna bobrova, thank you very much, svetlana leonidovna, many thanks to oleg yuryevich robinov, director of the moscow yesenin museum and oleg yuryevich, in addition, the great-grandson of sergei timofeevich konenkov. thank you very much, alexey, for such a wonderful conversation, thank you very much, thank you.
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greetings, dear connoisseurs of humor, this is a podcast of jokes, my guests are two two wonderful kvens. wonderful comedians, tv presenters star in various projects, in general people are very close to humor, alexander and gar, hi, vadim, hi, hi, vadim, hi, today we came as a duet or something, it feels like one of you have to take a driving test now, or you are sitting somewhere in some business class, by the way, in vladivostok you would be driving, you understand how much, where we are going, for some reason, well, while you are going somewhere , i would like to talk about something today, perhaps it’s been a long time wanted to hear ours.
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there they become heroes of jokes, but some don’t, for example, well, that same cheburashka, yes, who is the hero of jokes, undoubtedly together with the crocodile gena, becomes and somehow lives, lives in these jokes, moving there from one century to another one already, yes, the same cat matroskin, that is, well, no, well, or to a lesser extent, that’s what you think, let’s start with ourselves, what do you think, considering that after all, a joke is a genre that my opinion. reached the peak of his popularity there, when he already lived in kitchens and so on, well, let’s take it relatively speaking, in the eighties it just reached its peak, and then in the nineties it simply became an integral part of some kind of, let’s say , social circle of people, so tell me
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what you think is needed in order is it possible to become the hero of a joke today? it seems to me that you need to get there, well, roughly speaking, to be at that time, in that place, like , well, that is, for example, the cheburashka crocodile, after all, these are such characters that everyone knows, they are marked in modern circumstances, for example, yes , i'm just here i know such jokes, and they imprison nar, and it’s kind of comical that well, there’s the most famous one, probably a children’s joke, when you take it off, yes, there are cheburans there, now , for example, a cheburashka asks a neural network, yes, for example, no, well, in general, well, this could be a good start to an anecdote, well, of course, now we are watching, there are new series of animation about matroskin, he lives in the space of children’s perception.
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that one and i bet my ass off that he wouldn’t tear my leg off, well, you see how simply terrible this one could be the situation is any, just like uncle fyodor could come to matroskin, and matroskin could, but it’s not interesting, you know, it’s not interesting, there’s no kind of intensity there, there ’s no core in them, you know, there was a core there anyway, the children didn’t understand why the little boy uncle fet, why they were writing a letter together with...
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brought the cat either he or i and dad answers, he says: no, well, i choose you, i ’ve known you for a long time, but i’m seeing this cat for the first time , that is, if this was the second meeting, that’s it, goodbye, take your different sizes and somewhere, and considering that she then sings somewhere, she is some kind of artist, she is a singer or someone on the blue nut, you know, by the way, regarding what vanya says, it seems to me that another reason for the situation, well, exactly in this cartoon, in venepukha there are clear images, this well... what's wrong with you piglet piglet superheroes
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superpowers melancholic sad everything is clear piglet generally understand some kind of ninja he was the only one who had a gun at home who is he anyway he's a provocateur he's a provocateur and he has a ball there was a gun and who was he anyway? pensions, some kind of special forces soldier or something, well, i don’t understand, by the way, it’s interesting, but the video is just kind, okay, let’s take it then to the discussion, i just want to understand that the cartoons there are not so abstract , here’s vovochka. well, in my opinion, one of the most popular characters, but who is he, this is some kind of schoolboy, but at that time, for example, the same boy who was there was friends with khatabych, his name was a very strange name, volka, remember , this is apparently voldemar, yes, not volodka, volka, volka, volka, his name was volka, voldemar, by the way, it’s true, yes, well, apparently it’s voldemar, that is, well, they could have done it then, because all the children knew him, in the huts, that everyone looked at and loved, everything is obvious, this is a collective image of a hooligan, this is a joke in every yard. volka, he ’s not a hooligan, i agree with sasha here, yes,
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that’s more or less the definition, this is a collective image of a hooligan, because he’s a valka all the time, they yell at him all the time, he’s a bad student all the time, he hasn’t studied all the time, he’s always rude, yes, he mocks his classmates, spying on his parents, a moral type, how do you imagine a voucher, how he is different for you, the thing is, well, basically , he’s like that, i don’t know, some kind of, i agree with you, a hooligan, but he’s quite like that , well ... he’s very much like a child, because you can’t tell how old he is, this, this, this , this, this, this, well, i think he’s probably in the fourth or fifth grade, because i recently also thought about this topic, an old children's joke, when it means an open english lesson at school, and the commission from gorono is present, well, the teacher some kind of commission there checking to see how a young teacher, it means an englishwoman is conducting a lesson with... well, the commission is short, it means she writes like this on the board
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, she was preparing in such a summer dress , there’s some kind of task for translation and it means the class is sitting and vovochka is sitting at the last party and behind them, already behind these last rows, sits this representative with glasses, so burnt out, at that moment her chalk falls, she bends down, the dress is very short, which means she picks it up quickly , so children, who can translate this phrase vovochka once hands, he says vovochka yes. the notebooks are all in the briefcase, he turns around and says: you don’t know, you don’t tell me, uncle, it’s a cute school joke, considering how you say it correctly, a collective image of such that vovochka is some kind of truth-teller, he’s some kind of , although in principle it’s simple, but you know it, this is a hussar, this is a rzhev lieutenant, only young.
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maybe it was a collective image of all the hussars at that time, yes, that is, or someone there , i just think that this, again , goes according to trends, this is where war and peace come from word, some bright characters appeared on our domestic television or in cinema and this then passed on to the people and he was given all sorts of superpowers , some vulgar, not vulgar, and so on, he became the people's favorite parchevsky is one of the examples, well here it is just - exactly.
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nowadays, because so many events have happened in everything, animation in cinema. some bloggers, why aren’t there any mass ones because a lot of them appeared , i don’t know, a passion for something or someone
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who could be made the hero of jokes , that’s the reason, it’s not clear that now many people say that jean is not so popular. was invented earlier, you asked a question about the heroes of jokes, very often now you said the word hero of a hero, so the answer seems to me to be encrypted in this, the heroes of jokes in their time were like heroes of their time, heroes of our time, who are now heroes, like before, something to laugh at, mother-in-law, stirlitz, but they appeared,
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arose, and such a layer was created as heroes, which they laughed at, it’s unclear now, there are no such bright characters who stand out, here’s a joke... now all the bloggers are just these sketches, it seems to me that they told jokes before, they simply couldn’t be visualized, now we’ve come up with a miniature , they showed it, here, they gave it to you, now you understand, before - the joke is important, it’s very important to me that - let’s say, if the humor is readable, when you read it, everything is clearly written there, and if someone tells it, then be kind already tell me that it was funny, you know, there is stupid jokes, when in general the heroes of the jokes are kind of idiots, that is, where everything is unexpectedly wonderful. yes, these guys are coming, it’s summer, it’s hot, that means they’re walking along the road, you know, they’re trying to stop a ride, suddenly from the bushes a guy with the steering wheel of a kamaz truck just jumps out in front of them like that, they’re playing back, just like that, he’s left behind, he says: let me down, the three of them bent over, they said, listen, man, are you crazy
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or something, come on, get out of here, run, drive, and he, what, takes out a barrel like that and one head, i he said, let's get into the kamaz, quickly.
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corn, he says, quickly, takes the steering wheel from the motorcycle, he says, sit down, you two follow me, and you in the stroller, he says, are you crazy, comrade policeman, he jerks the shutter on the machine, i said quickly, you in the stroller , two of you in the back, this one sat in the stroller, like this, and he was like, you know, let’s go into the corn, and these ones in the back are like, i’m running after this crouch, and this one is running, he’s like, what are you doing, i said, you’re in a stroller, run in a half-squat. and he crouched like that, they fly into the corn, the cobs are all over the forest for them they were flying, and this one ran in a crouch, turned to them, said, why the hell are we, why the hell did we go to this post, now it would be normal to get to the city in a kamaz, and there are also a lot of endings, jokes going to the people and...


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