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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 19, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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lady, it's all a garden, a garden, what are you singing about, you're not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you'll sing there, you'll listen there, three in the boats, not counting the dog, on saturday, on the first, well here here you, it seems to me, is very important to note that the sunrise is nearby. lived martynov, nikolai solomonovich, who is known not only as his friend in those years, but also as his murderer, mikhailovich, who fought in a duel, they were friends in their youth, and went to each other, traveled, i am confident, among these ladies who were in srednyakovo, they came there, just as lermutov came to them on their estate, which there, only 15 km from the middle roads, somehow i didn’t position myself in my head. and
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we won’t go into details about this, that there is a version there, again, now we are one of the reasons, so to speak, for the duel was natalya solomonovna, which means we’ll leave it aside for today, yes, well, just change it, that means here girls and boys were gathering, they were having a good time, they were walking, i think they were swimming too, we should find out how they swam in what costumes, but we ’ll tell that on another program, that means, on horseback in
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lermontov's words were so great that lermontov's small line left a person for eternity in heaven or on earth, everyone knew this, when allermants began to discuss, everyone wanted to receive from him, they gave him notes, at the same time when he left his a trace about someone, this person became an outcast, to put it mildly, you can’t get along with lermontov. yes, but here we are talking about the fact that the serednyakovs are the place in which lermontov became a man carrying this prophetic mission, uh, carrying his destiny, this is scottish the phrase, a person who has this ability, uh, prophecy, foresight, well, for example, strikes me most of all, this is a feeling. truth in the heart of man,
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a grain sacred in eternity, a space without borders, the movement of the century is encompassed in a brief economy, lermontov already understood then that the whole world is built on this feeling of truth, and that if you follow this feeling of truth, the attitude of heaven towards you changes, well lermontov always remembered his scottish relatives, he has a poem here too... he had to apply to the university and his relatives helped find this evidence. and his uh origin
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university didn’t accept him, because there weren’t these outgoing ones or something, and so uh. arsenievs, relatives, they are there, he went there to kostroma, where the family began, and brought this evidence, about affiliation, it is even written in these notes, affiliation of royal blood, it is written there, maybe, yes, in the year thirty-two we remember , lermontov leaves moscow university and moves to st. petersburg, enters the school of cadets, and studies there, this means that he has been playing pranks quite successfully for years, being naughty, although he studies well, yes, but i have the feeling that he somehow very highly valued these predecessors of his, pushkin, griboedov, bestuzhev marlinsky, and he wanted that he was very sad , that he was late
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to that company, due to his age, and hated all the officers there who were involved in drunkenness and love affairs, only because he came to life precisely... the year he left school and was placed in the leukbardian hussar regiment, and continued to serve , but serve in in the capitals, in general, the service was not very burdensome, as we know, all the same exercises, his most varied exercises, poetic and love, continued, but the thirty-seventh year comes, pushkin dies, here lermontov ... writes a poem, the death of the poet and becomes a complete star, because he wrote quite a lot of poems, but he never published them, but nevertheless, we now understand that the death of the poet pushkin is closest to lermontov’s words, but according to
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borodino, well, we are borodino, all the country knows about this battle is exclusively in the lermontov borodino way, how about this? tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that i already said that eight uncles took part in this, but it’s not only lermontova, it’s stalypina, it’s arsenyeva, it’s shangerey, borodino dates back to 1937, what we talked about with you, that uncle, here, one of the uncles, that means, who later became the heir, in fact, after michal yuryevich and after grandmother tarkhan, he also needs to be said about him. afanasy dmitrievich, yes, he is also a participant in the war and lermontov also learned a lot from him, but he tried, that means he had to somehow maintain tarkhany, and he managed to maintain it, maintain it, in fact, that’s why in such good shape, in
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such good shape, this whole house came to us, and now there is also a wonderful museum in tarkhany, then his relatives , accordingly, they also supported, these are very important things, yes. stalypin - this was a clan of very powerful statesmen who held among themselves the brand of statesmen, at the same time they understood that lermantov was an outstanding personality in their environment and therefore they were very they gave him a lot of information about borodin and where the poem came from , borodino and... and this, of course, is the stolypins, an incredibly important part of history, not only of russia, but also of lermontov. and when tolypin was shot, for some reason i remember the poems from the dead poet, lermantovsky. that is, they didn’t
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howl and persecute him so viciously, his free, fresh gift was fanned for fun, a slightly hidden fire. stolypin, even during his lifetime, as they say. remembered lermuntov’s revelations, of course, this is torkhano, this is that the place in which the stalypns, as they say, formed this powerful group, stolypin’s, although they lived there in saratov, in penza, and periodically they gathered together in penzi, where lermontov was also present at these meetings, when they say lermantov, he is weak there there in childhood, this, he was the only one in his...
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and i read his works to the sovereign, well, here the works that were wonderful also played a role, oh, in order to understand what kind of work it was, and then read it to my husband, this is very long, we read it after the first, second some kind of thing. we read everything that lermant wrote, we set the sound in such a way on the project
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that it seems that we also became kindred spirits, well, it’s just a breath of nostalgia , and it was a lot of fun, i was just somehow so jealous, upset that i didn’t sing and apparently i will never be able to sing with my daughter, at least tell me love. a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts aren’t breaking, do you know how she
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’s torn, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are orientations towards you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very good pro... “i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us,
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you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov, grandma tried everything.” his return from the caucasus, but he somehow, so to speak, got involved and didn’t he was in a hurry, and returned only in 1938, again, in fact, he entered service in st. petersburg, rushed into the big world, everything seems to be going well, but again he’s pushing his fingers there, which means he ’s dating a girl, he’s writing everything wonderful, again on ball in the secular process of the secular, which means some kind of courage, a duel happens, which means i think that he had a certain number of duels, but here... two known to baranant and me, the son of the french
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ambassador, supposedly there are also different version because of the girl or because of the opinion about the russian officer, so to speak, is still a society, at least the male side, why was lermontov given such a bad name, it means that after this duel, that is, the punishment was not too great, he was again transferred to the caucasus, because the entire male side.
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there was an opportunity to throw a coin, where should they go to the active army or to the waters, they mean that they, well, how is it, they don’t just end up on the waters, on the waters he pays 3 months in advance for baths in st. petersburg, he receives a note from the commandant , i laughed for a long time mikhailovich, which is for sick officers there is no longer a place in the hotel,
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he will not survive, and he is a completely different person, again, all his colleagues noted in combat operations, yes, they are idle and somewhere at a resort, completely different people, we have, by the way, a wonderful drawing by lermantov furashka, just after valerik you said that his friend sketched it,
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after this battle palin, yes, you know, remember his poem in the midday heat in the valley of dagestan , i lay motionless in my chest with lead in my chest, you know, in the caucasus every phrase uttered by lermontov is attached to a specific area and specific inhabitants, here is dagestan, so the poem, this is really a favorite space in which...
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he writes that i am leading the hunters, and we are fighting here and there, and maybe they will give something, there is in mind, then, this is the encouragement, but he never received it, he was presented, but he never received this order, he went to st. petersburg because he decided to see him, his grandmother decided to see him, his affairs were not completed in petersburg, here is what you are saying, somehow, on the one hand, he is a prophet, on the other hand, it means how... somehow he is in st. petersburg, he meets with the famous fortune teller anna filippovna kirkhov and she also had pushkin and griboedov, they received their prediction, so to speak, and predictions lermontov also receives the same prediction, but he somehow laughs at first, at first he somehow doesn’t
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react very well, in general he comes back and means between. the duel itself stopped as soon as the second said: shoot, or i will scout you, everyone began to agree, the point is that the whole thing... is that according to the dueling code, if they didn’t fire on the count of three, then the duel is over, all other actions
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are illegal, and what does illegal action mean, it means that martynov’s shot was already fired outside the dueling code, all these participants turned out to be criminals, because they did not stop the... dishonest act, and there this act no longer applies to them, to the whole family, then they should not have hidden, they should have reported that they did not take any action because that the duel was already over one, two, three, so you understand, they carried this burden all their lives, according to the stories, when it...
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by the will of heaven, events to our real life and we, so to speak, tie what was happening according to lermontov was a person who he was especially close to these heavenly revelations in all his poems... he placed himself alone between heaven and earth, that is, a person who includes within himself this sensitiveness capable of perceiving this world as a whole, in which there is both heaven and earth, and his hearts this is precisely the difference between lermantov and everything else, all his works, i have to say two words here, they are all in three dimensions,
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the construction of human existence, everything was put there by much more complex works, he has such, but for this it is necessary that somehow then, in order to distinguish this, you need to prepare a person for this, and lervant’s works are the best way to awaken this in a person. three-dimensional ability to see this world, it is necessary to create , as it were, an environment in which a person can awaken, so serednyakova is the place in which the first thing i did when we came there 30 years ago was the lermontov school of education with beauty, i am still convinced that a person placed in beauty changes his inner space of relationships, this very sense of truth has been with us for a very long time ...
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mikhail yuryevich lermantov and you were talking about mikhail yuryevich lermantov, this happens with us.
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لا. white clouds in kotchevyk catch hop larainai hop larainai hop larainai hop
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larainai. along the sleeping sidewalk the cloud of skachemlik look for hop larainai hop larainai hop larainai hop larainay hop nar-nay-nay hop!
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wok for autumn and promise to wash off the colors with you. hop! larai-nay-nay-nay! hop! larai-nay! hop!
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larai-nay-nay! hello, this is a podcast 20 years later and me and its host konstantin mikhailov. the song summer became a real hit of the summer of 2006 and is our guest. a girl with a unique, unforgettable voice, the lead singer of the group chile, irina zabiyaka. hi there, hello. you have such a rare voice for, in general, for show business, for a pop performer. do you consider yourself a pop performer? i generally self-taught, at one time i chose music, learned to play the guitar, because i wanted to write songs. then, of course, when we had already gained some popularity, when we
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had already... created that very manner, the image that you hear now, your voice is called contralta, contralta, yes, who did it come from? well, you know, basically my mother’s voice is also quite low, but does my mother sing? and my mother loved to sing, when there were feasts before, we always had a guitar, not like the one in stores for sale, this is a homemade guitar that i learned to play, my fingers were
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in tatters, and there were strings. cut your fingers in half, there were no nylon strings, what kind of nylon, nylon i saw for the first time in moscow, and do you remember the day when the chili group was formed, probably a group? chile, in principle, it was formed when seryozha and i started making material, it was just not called the group chile, that’s the first name seryozha sang before me, he had his own band in kaliningrad, it was called the group skrim, scream, uh-huh, with the same group we went to poland, uh-huh, then we noticed the reaction of the poles to my voice, after which we completely, seryozha himself decided to put me in the lead, and go back himself, and you were on the backs, like at first, i didn’t know how to sing at all, i was afraid of the studio, then they immediately came out with me on the big stage, let’s sing along, okay, at least not to sing the song right away, otherwise i would have sung there, then i started singing myself , and what was the reaction of the poles, what was it, and you know, seryozha sings, they dance, yeah,
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they dance, everything is fun for them, and then my part begins, i start singing, they freeze, they just suddenly stop, they begin to peer at me, who is singing, that is , it was a direct reaction to the voice to the timbre, i know that to the ear of an amateur your voice can be confused with a man’s, you definitely buy all the musicians and you are a girl, all the musicians hear a woman’s voice, yes, why is it phenomenal, cool, i look at you and you haven’t changed at all since the summer video, what’s the secret? i may have looked bad then, i just sometimes it’s bad, now it’s better, a nyclip somewhere you look disgusting later. in general, did you notice that when the first clips of artists are shown, they are still so different in the first clips, as if you know how such ducklings are a little disgusting, they are not yet fully formed, they have not yet created a proper image, here i am when the first clips i see,
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everyone looks different, this is childhood in the eyes, and when i see my first clips, i really look very cool there, like now, that it’s zosh, diet, sports, i’m probably lucky with.. .genetics, i’m bigger now than i was, of course, in the video it was summer, in the video it was summer, i weighed 54 kg, i don’t want to go back to that weight now, yeah, what i thought then was wow, beautiful, i was even looking for it back then somewhere there is fat, you understand, this is a headache for a thin person, now i weigh a stable 60 kg, and somehow with my height of 174 cm, this is a wonderful weight, yeah, but you don’t disdain the example of pasta and sausages. pasta, i eat all this, salads, yeah, they say that you can eat such food before the evening, after 60 it’s undesirable, you don’t eat after that, right, my life only begins after 60, you know, at 11
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at night, so it’s like laying out that clearing for yourself like this, i can not eat for the first half of the day, and how many of you wake up, at 11 somewhere- then, i’m a night person, i’m a night owl, i go to bed somewhere at three in the morning, yeah, at night there’s that one. silence, which is important to me and necessary for recharging, so it’s better at night, it seems to me that something is happening, and it seems to me that the muse hears you better at night, yes, because it’s quiet, so you think that the muse should come, her have to wait or her you have to come here by the scruff of the neck, well, in my case, she comes, and i notice seryozha too, you know, here’s the song new year’s bed, he wrote it in an hour, made a sketch of the phonogram in an hour and a half. well, then they finished it, mixed it, it took more time, but the song itself was just born, yeah, and for me, for example, when i write a song, it’s important for me to play something, to play along on the radial on the guitar, when i have no nails, i i take the guitar, yeah,
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the first phrase is important here, it should appear, when i sit down, i immediately understand, whether you manage to create something today or not, then once you have your first phrase, if it’s successful, it’s all a song. from beginning to end, on the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint, today i have a different thirst, another, colonel, you are introducing a blur into married life, obviously the gods are sending me tests on this decisive day for me, wait, this time the idea is not so bad, like all the ideas of leonid papagant, this man, your wife’s lover, is an idiot. pull yourself together, then screw it all up, he's a brilliant artist, i'm just delighted with him, he's just very smart and good man, and you think this is not fighting, i don’t have lire in my soul, these unfortunate sandwiches are the only way to feed myself, a million in
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the marriage basket on saturday on the first, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, kusha, you know how reliable , three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, you know this peacock for a week, and are you already jealous of him? no, i just don’t like him, and you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard on sunday first, a businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, backcountry skis, this is a podcast 20 years later, me and its host konstantin mikhailov, my guest is the lead singer of the chilean group irina zabiyaka, ira, hello! once again, the name chile, i understand that this is a question that has been asked
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a million times already, and you ’ve answered it about the same number of times, after all, where does the name come from, chili, in general, i just liked the way it sounds, but for the public it’s boring, you understand, yes, why chili, but just like that, well, no intrigue, and this intrigue was invented, by the way, i haven’t been hiding it for a long time, and the chilean revolutionary, it was such a big pr campaign, in general chile is just like... oh, but i like it, i didn’t have an association with malt, don’t you want chili, i say, the country of chili, yes, with pepper, with color , uh-huh, with strocity, well, with something like that, you know, it seemed to me that it was very organic with me, you probably like red hot chelly peppers, well , like, yes, yes, like, and what kind of music do you listen to yourself , i listen to rock music, i really loved dancing minus, from russian bands, i really
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loved nirvana, in sprinkling, all this yes, yes, yes, blur, you go to karauki, no , in general, you know, other people’s songs for me are horror, fear, why strangers, i came to karauki and i’m just interested in people’s reactions when you suddenly play a song by the band chile sing summer in your own voice, it seems to me that it will be like the polish fans, how similar he sings, and he’s also wearing this wig. how similar, it looks like you sing, it’s not just that he sings, he even pronounces the words as well, listen, i just, if you ask an academic singer to sing my song, yeah, you’ll understand, that it’s not that i sing straight, i remember there was such a competition where people sang all my songs, some educated, some self-taught, some sing well, some sing poorly, so they are all standing on stage, singing, i sit, listen and say, good, bad?
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the heart sang, and you know, it seemed beautiful, she flew somewhere around the world, i even repeated that, a girl came out, an academic singer, she can’t, she just you know, her melody goes like this, not like me , flew somewhere around the world, there were a lot of gifts, you see, i have a speech type like this, yeah, with sung, that’s when i realized that i don’t really sing-sing, let’s now listen to you sing - the song of the heart, yes, it was flying somewhere around the world, it’s a lot of roads, but i chose this one. knocked on closed doors,
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no one opened, no one paverie, precious night, embraced by the galloping, you became dear to her, the streets are waiting for the steps of their passers-by, but on him. he’s so different, it’s his heart, he doesn’t love her, but why then does she kiss him, but doesn’t warm her heart, but no one knows how to love him like that, she burned him, threw it to the wind, from mine, that she herself wrote, as soon as she trusted the fire,
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her words, but it was not enough for him, the dark night, the embrace of the deed, you became dear to her, the streets await their steps, passers-by, but they are so different from him, from the heart, she does not love , but why then does she need him? kisses, it's the heart, it doesn't warm her, but she loves him, no one knows how, it's the heart, it doesn't love her, but why then does she kiss him, it's the heart, it doesn't warm her, but
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no one knows how to love him like that, how did she come? to moscow, was it difficult and... well, what were the prerequisites from kaliningrad? well, at first we went with a man, we once arrived with one, he then tried to deal with us, this is a local kaliningrad man, uh-huh, i remember that he brought us to spend the night in some apartment of some of his relatives, where in one room, i don’t know, about six people slept, oh,
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it was terrible, and somehow this was our first trip to the sites of moscow, it was about nothing, we returned to kaliningrad. the second one was already interesting, then icq was popular, and since i’m a nocturnal person, i was sitting in vassky, at some point it came to me at night, hello, i’m writing hello, and so we got into a conversation with a man, he seemed to be a musician from moscow, he was surprised that we also make music, i sent him a copy of the song, which means he listened to it, said, wow, how cool you are, yeah, he says, come live with me, i practically live in the studio, and i have two dogs at home, and you will live with me, i have a three-room apartment, live there, walk, look for me in general, you understand, this is an accident, you understand , it was some kind of fateful, then by chance, i remember seryozha and i got together, went to whom
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we went to, everything is simple, and you, you had a relationship with seryozha, seryozha, yes, yes, we were a couple for 10 years, 10 years, now we are... just like friends, and i know even then it was funny , this moment when i arrived at the dog, i said yura, what kind of dogs and little creatures are there? i have good dogs, there are two kind dogs there, you know , they look at me like that, and then one of them is such a fat butt. you know, the dog's smile, this one was worn out, i immediately understood it as if she’s kind, the second one looks at me like a succulent, and that means the first night yura left the studio to spend the night, that’s it, there’s someone to look after the dog, seryozha is sleeping, i turn on the tv, which means that on one side this fidgety one is sitting, on the other side she’s suspicious you see, she sits like this in front of my face, her muzzle in the chair, she
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burns me into ashes, well, for half an hour, and i ’m afraid to get up, and i remember that when she barked in my ear, i thought that at that moment i just... as it turns out, she's really into in its youth, this dog was not kind, he told me this later, but since she is now elderly, she no longer bites, well, the dog left us, she is a suspect, you are a bully, and a good-natured one, ira, i heard one of the last songs, this is one of the freshest, there’s almost a drum and base there, but plus the guitars are kind of harsh, so we ’re experimenting in different ways, you know,


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