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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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donald trump. during this period, the politician held a number of meetings at which he outlined his solution to the ukrainian conflict. the meaning is simple. the parties need negotiations. and this is what viktor orban says about its participants. there are three global players that can influence developments - the eu, the usa and china. we must also take into account turkey as an important regional player. china will continue to participate in the settlement in ukraine if its chances of success are close to certain. not yet. what regarding the us, the nato summit and during my negotiations with president trump, i felt that there is currently a lot of activity in the presidential campaign. i am more than convinced that in the event of a likely trump victory, the ratio of the financial burden between the us and the eu will significantly change to its disadvantage in matters of financial support for ukraine. here are the initiatives viktor orban proposes in his report. i suggest starting a discussion. the first
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is the initiative to hold high-level political negotiations with china about conditions for organizing the next peace conference. the second is the resumption of direct diplomatic ties with russia , restoring communication while maintaining current political contacts with ukraine. the third is the launch of a coordinated political offensive in the global south, which we have lost respect for due to our position on the war in ukraine, which has led to the global isolation of the transatlantic community. nikit. yes, peaceful, that means orban’s plan, but what i paid attention to is, of course, the third point, that’s what it means the beginning of a coordinated political offensive in the global south in the context of resolving the conflict in ukraine, and he says this on behalf of the west, on behalf of europe, on behalf of the west, which understands that it is isolated, we remember that from the very beginning, one of the main the tasks of both nato and the european union, together with america
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, were to make russia as outcast as possible, and working not only with satellite countries, but also with countries of the so- called global south. what happened in 2.5 years? in fact, all the countries of the global south, which can actually create an alternative to this american-centric system of international relations, say the following: russia offers peace, russia in this case is the country that builds equal relationships in global politics, in this sense, orban really damn... orban is not so much about becoming one of the main conductors of peace negotiations, there are attempts to establish some kind of communication, no, such statements about cooperation with china, about what is needed...
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the conventionally arrogant boorish position of europe without any initiatives, in general, it will complicate the situation for the european union and for the west even more, therefore.
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non-aligned, guaranteed non-aligned status of ukraine, and this is recognition by the whole world and the lifting of sanctions with russia, our reaction can only be that russia is ready to go to any negotiations on this, but taking into account reality, so we are now looking at your question, we are now look at what europe is doing, europe has lost time to to really be an agent of peace negotiations, europe has been rattling sabers for too long, by the way they continue.
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the west reacts softly, some in europe play along with russia. 2 weeks ago , the prime minister of one of the countries went to moscow on a so-called peace mission. this is not a peace mission, but a regular pacification mission. well, if orben has a peaceful mission, then ursula fondern has one
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calling - to break loose and spew out ashes on everyone who wants to extinguish this volcano of war. in general, let’s fawn on zelensky, the same one who publicly gave a damn. orban in during his arrival in kiev, he also decided to promote himself on the topic of this peace initiative of orban on the topic of possible negotiations and openly insulted the hungarian prime minister. if someone in europe is trying to resolve issues behind their back or even at the expense of someone else, if someone wants to make several trips to the capital of the war to talk, it is possible to promise something against our common interests or at the expense of ukraine. or another country, then why should we consider such a person? the european union and nato can solve all their issues without this person. zelensky a peace mediator is not needed, he only needs a war mediator, period. explain the logic. there is orban, who is one of the few european
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politicians, travels around the world and says: it is necessary to agree so that all interests are taken into account, there should be a new structure of the world in general, but... there is europe and zelensky, who says: “no, only on under our conditions, all these negotiations must." what's the logic? i cannot share my enthusiasm for orban's visits and his peace plan. by and large, this is absolutely a pro-western plan, only more cunning and smart, but it fully meets the interests of the west, and the interests of europe too. europe's incomprehensible reaction to such a drilling site is considered that way? why? because, firstly, it has system errors. firstly, he believes that it is possible to negotiate with ukraine. ukraine. subject, this is impossible, it is impossible to negotiate, secondly, he names china, even before the publication of his plan, he called china the main country in this conflict, not america, which maintains this regime, which forces europe to pay colossal funds to maintain this regime, sponsors the armed forces of ukraine in every possible way, but
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no, china is the main country, and why, this is the typical position of the west, we need to come to an agreement with china, put pressure on it with threats, sanctions, so that it breaks off relations with russia, russia . receives components and so on, it will be very difficult, it will be in isolation, we need to work with china, not with america, not america, the most important thing, and turkey, of course, but turkey is the key to exiting the black sea to the mediterranean, this is basford. day the will of washington is that no, let's we’ll fight anyway, let’s continue to terrorize russia, there are forces in america
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that would agree to freeze the conflict in order to preserve the kiev regime, this or similar to it, but so that a huge part of the territory is under the control of the west, where they can pump out resources, as many american congressmen have talked about, and they are preparing for the next war, but for now europe thinks that no, we still have people left in ukraine, they can be thrown into the furnace.
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we, taking into account the agreement, moved away from kiev, took a position, said that we are ready for peaceful negotiations, which were refined even then, which have already determined everything, we are ready for peaceful ones, but we need guarantees, we were deceived in minsk alone, minsk two were deceived and in istanbul we were deceived and no one i was going to talk about guarantees and move on to some kind of peace process, this is the second thing, guys, they have given up on us, we as a country should not
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exist in the near future. i want to tell our very many rich pinocchio women who live and work there today, well, they live for border, but they receive money while there, which you absolutely correctly said, for them today freezing this process is not a solution. fine motor skills, as the experts have already said, they took everything away from the fact that once upon a time
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the ukrainians supposedly received something there, based on the fact that we retreated, we are slowly moving away, kilometer by kilometer, moving the line, carrying out the liberation of these territories, in these conditions, when all this happened, they understand that they need a front line, yeah, for... a break they need a platform a platform from which they will start not in five, but in 10, it is no coincidence that they are talking about about the twenty-ninth, about the thirtieth year, it is not by chance that they launched the defense industry, it is not by chance that they are talking about some, they need 4-5 years, but they need ahead for 4-5 years, and further all the events that we will have in the future are deferred problems for our children and grandchildren, the decision has been made.
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eight planes, zelensky says that 300 planes are involved in the special operation, we have never taken and taken off modern ones. ammunition for this armada total cleansing of territories, well, apparently they are asking themselves, we are leading and giving very correct examples, carrying out a surgical strike, very high-tech, surgical strikes that say: guys, don’t joke, why? because they haven’t entered yet,
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but olesya, here’s one thing, the cannon fodder into which the population of ukraine has been turned... today is being launched like cannon fodder, and the high-tech entry has been carried out by nato specialists for a long time, we regularly say, we just don’t have enough time, so you say we are moving the line, but in the west it’s the other way around, they want to bring this world to such a fatal line, so the united states is temporarily disconnecting from the story with ukraine, because there is a real action-packed series called: the election of the president of the united states, there are already rumors from american journalists that biden intends to speak soon with an appeal that he was withdrawing from the election race, the white house said that this was not so, so it turns out that biden did not have time to remember where the entrance is, they are already asking him to leave, in general, everything is twisting, the series is continuing, here
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what could be the outcome immediately after a short advertisement, i don’t believe you. he is yesterday, which to me, good creatures throughout the whole earth, love honey, love the chill, that’s what they called me at the institute, dasha chill, in a big balloon, tangerines.
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this is very fashionable, there will be no steaks, there will be pancakes, dear lady, forgive the tactlessness of my friends, it’s because of the dampness, you, you and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, all the garden, yourself, what are you talking about sing, you are not in the garden yet, no,
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go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, three in the boat, not counting dogs, tomorrow is the first one, such an atmosphere on the project that it seems that we have also become kindred spirits, well, it’s just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun.
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we don't need a special occasion to gather with our families, two stars. fathers and sons, sunday on the first, here, except for dog walkers, no one goes to the killer, i really loved her, and they wanted to submit an application, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 18 on the living for bad dish soap, she was here yesterday, here, right here. fortune teller from monday to first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet.
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the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us,
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you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister’s confrontation with the legendary ... you and i all became unwitting spectators of such a large-scale political series called an american tragedy, but as we know, series are such a thing that swallows up the main heroes and actors, just grinds them down, the question is, who will be swallowed next? messages from american journalists that the election race even began to appear
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that biden will make an appeal that he can’t do this anymore, he’s leaving for the white house, this is all denied, but the main keyword here is bye, clouds, of course, around him are condensing, the other day biden fell ill with the coronavirus while he was in self-isolation, the american media began to think about why biden’s covid, just think about what they are talking about they say it's more dangerous than trump's bullet. donald trump is an elderly man who, for some reason, had 9 seconds to take that very photo after the assassination attempt. this situation is strange, one day we will figure it out. but the fact that he survived and went to the party congress is then presented in a funny way. to demonstrate his power. now the us president is 81 years old and has coronavirus. he will feel better in the next few days.
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shouldn’t this be presented in such a way that he is also strong, even though he is older than trump? this disease can be fatal for people in its age. if he recovers and returns to the campaign trail, wouldn't that be the same thing? i was wondering, why are they discussing such nonsense? and look who’s sitting there as the presenter, it’s the same. our old friend jen psaki, what else can you expect from her, but in general there is a feeling that this is not about the election of the president of a big country, but this is just some kind of race on carriages, but it is not a fact that biden will make it to the elections , another embarrassment of his went viral on social networks, very, very fresh, during an interview he suddenly forgot the name of pentagon chief lloyd austin was simply given to him by a black man. look at the criticism i face because i appointed the secretary of defense, that black man, i mean with criticism
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because of who i appointed to the post, like this, and biden is being dumped by his own party members , and former us president barack obama said that joe biden's chances of winning have decreased significantly, this is the data cited by the washington post. obama told his entourage that biden is getting further away from victory, he believes that the president needs seriously consider the viability of your candidacy. according to many people, obama has long been studying polling data and is concerned that biden's ratings continue to fall while the number of voters supporting donald trump continues to grow. in general, in america, when it is necessary to benefit, everyone is for it, and everyone is against it. in general, everyone has been very involved in leaking biden; recently the speaker of the us house of representatives has gotten involved in the matter. johnson, he said that he does not consider biden fit for the role of president, while he understands that biden’s departure is a violation all the rules of the laws by which
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america lives. i don't believe biden is fit to be president at this point. over time, it became very clear to me that he did not understand many important matters. since the end of november, white house staff have not even allowed me to make an appointment with him, this alarmed me, it lasted 8 weeks, and now we know why. the democratic process went through and joe biden was elected. i mean he is a duly selected candidate. and if you imagine re-election replacing him with another candidate, i don’t know how to do without violating some great tradition or even law. only. what if they wave a magic wand and make it all disappear? the new york times already writes that representatives of the democratic party have postponed the nomination of biden as a candidate for us president. online voting for his candidacy was postponed from next week to the first week of august. and here another intrigue arises: if biden nevertheless withdraws his candidacy from the election, who will replace him? some sources report
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that biden will support the nomination. vice president kamala haris. he even asked to conduct opinion polls to understand what her chances were. a senior administration official said the president has become more receptive to calls to drop out of the race. biden also commissioned a poll to see how kamala haris would fare. at the same time, other american sources say exactly the opposite, that kamala harrison will definitely not support anyone. i was informed. that joe biden will not support vice president kamala hares as his successor. democrats hope he will support an open process to nominate vice president haris and several other candidates for the us presidency. nikit, what a weekend it is, so we live with news from america, so it’s forever, it’s the weekend, something happens there, we discuss it later, but it’s interesting to us from the point of view of the further development of the ukrainian conflict
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, etc. .. in general, how will it all look, but here it’s interesting, biden right now, yes, as american journalists predict that he can make an appeal and abandon the election race, whether it will happen or not, whether he will be removed or not, and what this entails, he will be removed 100%, they even wrote a text for him to address the nation, and yes, it has already leaked information that the text is ready with eleven points, it really won’t say directly that kamala haris is my successor, most likely... they will be forced to make sure that such an open process goes through to find a new appointment of a new candidate, it’s another matter that it seems to me , this it’s incredibly important to emphasize, let’s remember, dear colleagues, how 3 weeks ago the same, in quotation marks, respected western press said what a powerful old man biden is, in fact he doesn’t have any problems, and he can pass the cognitive, cognitive test after the debates, this is just
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a misfire, in fact it will still give some heat. that is , to what extent american society is manipulated by the media by those who stand behind it, as for biden’s prospects themselves, look, when obama spoke out, this is already the nail in the lid biden's political coffin, by the way, may not only be political, by the way, i believe that one of the most severe scenarios, but quite probable, will be that he will not just say, i will not be a candidate, he will say, i am health, or i can’t give him any hints at all.
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the focus of the cameras, any of his addresses are public and so on, this is a very severe drop in ratings, at the last moment, in seven swing states, it is no secret that such an electoral system in the states, yes, that in fact everything is decided in just a few specific states, there are now seven swing states, where , depending on the electoral votes, one or another candidate will actually win, donald trump is in the lead in all seven, everyone understands perfectly well that any subsequent candidate instead of biden, if he is associated with biden, will appear in public , this is a final defeat, and what do you think kamala harris will change? kamala harris, of course, won’t change anything, but that’s why they bet on eliminating trump, because to find an alternative to trump, it will be difficult for republicans to have such a charismatic figure, but of course the republicans will have a stronger bench than the democrats, and if they eliminated him, they would do what they love, fishing in troubled waters, they are great specialists,
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but... you know , another thing i would like to draw attention to is that there was a unique attempt, this is the most unique, that is, it was still difficult to miss, they probably wanted to kill, they usually say if they want to kill, they will kill, if they killed, well, everything was filmed. it was an attempted murder, that's why it turns out to be a jackpot for trump, and for these, of course, they found themselves in a situation in which, when tossing a coin, it fell on its edge, what should they do now, they probably didn’t have a script for this case, so they would have launched it now they are trying
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to write it urgently, as i understand it, well, he writes, he doesn’t know who will take the main role, aleksandrich, but still, if biden leaves before the end of his term before the new president takes office, kamala harris, whatever one may say, is on vice president, she replaces. and she now for us, as a candidate, a possible replacement for biden is how dangerous, i wonder, and what chances does she have if she is nominated in the end, because her personality is already ambiguous, how to interpret her statement in general, she says, she already has no set of phrases at all understand what she means, i generally want to answer this question with a simple answer: whoever the candidate is, whoever is elected president of the united states of america,
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biden shrank to watching his gait and articulation, nothing else about biden, the world, not even an american, the whole world is not attracted, any new candidate, whoever he is, kamala haris or someone else, will at least arouse curiosity, and at a minimum it will be a channel of information through which the democrats can try to correct their situation, which as for kamala harris herself, her attitude towards russia, her attitude towards the view of america’s role in the world is hardly well known.
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after all, we understand that the president does not make all major personnel appointments out of his head, 100%, especially the one we are talking about now we are talking, in consultation with those who really, who really make policy in the united states of america, and in recent years we have become convinced that this is far from being the president, not the president of the united states of america, who? russia and the states, they are doomed to be opponents, but there will be a change in tone, a change in policy, for example, trump in relation to ukraine will be, trump, for example,
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will be tougher on issues of sanctions and energy, because they view our lng as a kind of competitive sphere, which means it’s a sphere , but in the case of the story with ukraine, look, look,
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the politician said to the audience at the congress that he was receiving him like a real showman, he only provoked the nomination as a republican presidential candidate, showed these graphs for the sake of which he turned his head at that very moment towards...
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republicans and journalist tucker carlson
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was also present there, trump’s wife, milania, received special attention, in a bright red suit, she came out on stage to the participants of the event, her official appearance at the convention was not announced, here are the means the media wrote that she was not actually going to do any, well , any public work in support of her husband, but at the last moment everything changed and milania, who really... rightfully causes admiration, appeared in public , the whole trump family came out on stage, children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, while trump’s son, eric, the ex-president’s granddaughter, was speaking from the podium, sitting on her grandfather’s lap, and apparently yawned very sweetly, well, we see that the trumpet shock in america turned out to be a trumpet show, yes, but somewhere at the same time, lonely ukraine is sad; the pill has been sweetened a little. writes that us presidential candidate donald trump
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called vladimir zelensky today. it is not surprising that zelensky is nervous, the situation at the front is worsening for them, the russian army has the initiative in all directions and within 24 hours enemy units were hit in 127 areas, in particular near chasovye yar, ugledar, krasny liman, volchansky. the russian military also continues to reduce the fleet of the ukrainian air force. air defense systems a mik-29 fighter was shot down and 74 aircraft-type drones. black sea sailors destroyed 10 ukrainian unmanned boats with which the enemy tried to attack crimea. and in these video frames, one of the ssu naval drones is stopped by machine-gun fire from our helicopter. but this is the result of joint fire from the air from the shore. now an unmanned boat effectively explodes, now it rises above the hit target. a thick column of black smoke, in general the footage is certainly epic considering the fact
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that i just returned here. the most the tense situation is now in the volchansk region, the command of the armed forces of ukraine continues to make a fortress city out of it, sending death unit after unit, the news is spreading in telegram channels that the officers of the fifty-seventh brigade of the armed forces of ukraine have retreated to the rear, essentially abandoning their subordinates to their fate, here to our conversation, i'm here. of course, the news needs to be discussed, and we will return to our studio, of course, yan dmitrievich gagin joins, yan dmitrievich, hello, yes, hello, what’s the story, what’s all did the officers of the fifty-seventh brigade go to the rear? well, in fact, this is not news, and ukrainian officers acted in a similar way every time when some kind of fortification was , more or less clearly, doomed to be captured by our forces and where. they understood that it was too dangerous there,
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it was completely impossible to find an officer senior to a lieutenant there, that is , ukrainian officers did this often, it was in artyomovsk, it was in avdeevka, it was like that everywhere, but this speaks of their professionalism and most importantly, about their combat spirit, that is, in principle, we don’t need to pay attention to this, this happens regularly, yes, this happens regularly, naturally this does not increase the morale of the street personnel, who are simply driven away throughout ukraine. tskashniks are in service, and it is worth mentioning separately that against the backdrop of these actions, in recent months, especially in recent weeks, the situation with desertion among ukrainians has worsened. employees, that is, this has become a certain trend, most of those who surrender explain that they were going to surrender in captivity from the very beginning, as soon as they got into the tsk, that is, they initially did not intend to fight, they understood that by participating in battles they would simply die, and most importantly, they would die for nothing, now
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such an interesting trend is emerging in ukraine, yes, how fashionable it is to say, but now lately, there is an awareness among both military and civilians that there is nothing to fight for and... for no one, that there is no truth behind them, that the whole war is just profit for their elite, for the elites of their country, and the common people, they have been in the red for the third year already, that is, it turns out that now we also talked about this yesterday, good soil for the underground and guerrilla war to warm up in ukraine. yes, in fact, there are now a lot of proactive sabotage by citizens of ukraine in relation to shopping centers.
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she received 80% of the burns on her body, they took her husband to the front, they didn’t give her a reprieve, it’s just, i don’t know, not even an act of desperation, but this is some kind of madness, people are just brought to the brink, well, 80% of the burns are of course very seriously, we are unlikely, of course, the woman will survive, but this is the result of what zelensky has achieved, this is his success, this murder.
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they never came, well , the deputy, a friend of zelensky, david arakhamia, talks about the problems with the f-16. now the number of f-16 aircraft promised to us is already twice as large as the number of trained pilots and engineers who can service them, that is, our weak point is no longer aircraft, but people. the second problem is that we have a very limited number of places that can infrastructurally service and accommodate these combat units. cars trying to solve their problems, the day before zelensky rushed straight to the uk, met him in at the airport, the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, the same one who was removed from his post with a scandal, has now been appointed ambassador of ukraine to britain so that he will be less visible and not compete with zelensky. deputy
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maryana bezuglaya even mocked zelensky's handshake, captioning the photo well for the harvest, hinting at the settlement in which he was lost... strives for peace, military airfields from which russian planes with bombs take off against our cities, launch sites of russian rockets, all this should be destroyed, these steps must be taken, in general there is one step from bad to irreparable, then it’s a whistling flight, the news has just arrived that the newly elected british prime minister ger starmer received vladimir zelensky, according to
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the bbc he became the first foreign guest at 10 downing street since kim kirstarmer went there and... the first foreign leader to attend a meeting of the british government since us president bill clinton in 1997, but we all remember the curse zelensky's handshakes, so everything is still ahead. france adamovich, everything that’s happening now is making zelensky move, because he somehow needs to save his ass. well, without a doubt, there is a task there, but he is not... fulfilling this task, just like the upcoming elections in the united states of america. ian dmitrievich correctly said that knowledge of trends frees you from knowledge of trifles.
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more profitable today than trump. trump will be a tough, extremely problematic person, and most
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importantly, he will freeze this conflict, create further precedent, everything connected with zelensky, his trips, this is also a public activity that he, well, sort of carries out, according to the owner’s instructions, while, of course, he resolves his own issues. because he has property in great britain, in european countries, in the united states, he needs to think about how to leave it later, how to preserve it, how to position himself what needs to be done, he is also a person, he lives in this paradigm, but they are all sure of one thing, they are all sure of one thing, that today they will win, temporary the front that orban is talking about, so you understand,
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a short advertisement, and then we will continue well, attention, says st. petersburg shows. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main one will take place. naval parade. congratulations on navy day.
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hurray, we need such ships at sea so that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys. then water is like earth to us, then we are a crew family, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day on july 28 on the first, mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz. but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general
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only so that the actors would not be touched, they would pass without you, she did not repeat herself, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring or 17 spring and three poplars on ivy, she is so i looked with such key eyes as he knew how to look. tatiana lioznova, premiere, tomorrow on the first. to the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint. tonight you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved
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theaters in our country, that's it! at the safira theater, what has changed over these 50 years, nothing, the same rake, an interesting idea, and the iconostasis with my faces, i was a little scared, and then i thought, what if it’s sincere? nina grigorievna comes up to me from different directions, says, it seems to me that i’m doing something wrong, snow is falling to the beach, that's the feeling.
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on the first. two stars. fathers and sons. sunday on the first. no one walks here except dog walkers and murderers. i really knocked her out. and they wanted to submit an application. it seems to me that he spoke sincerely. they are all sincere, and then they get 18 for not washing the dishes properly. she was. here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller from monday, on the first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema, otherwise it’s easy to fix, i’m waiting, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we talk the hell about
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why didn’t your heart break, do you know how... it breaks, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the service chief security, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for what you
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they didn't want to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. the confrontation of the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the enemy, with the full protection of the west, does not hesitate to use prohibited methods of warfare, not even one. permanent representative of the russian federation to the opcw vladimir evgenievich tarabrin. vladimir evgenievich, hello, what is known, what is known about these facts
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of the use of chemical weapons and, most importantly, how to do it.
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actively promotes them, because, as you know, to achieve the defeat of russia, our enemies are ready to do anything, supplies of toxic chemicals are widely carried out by western curators of kiev, in particular the united states of america, and any information about such incidents, the kiev regime, relying on the full power of the western propaganda apparatus, it immediately turns it on its head, accusing russia of war crimes. please clarify, excuse me , just now, when you listed prohibited chemical substances that are used in the zone of a special military operation of the enemy, you listed nato variants of toxic substances,
11:58 am
does this mean that the west supplies prohibited chemical munitions to ukraine, or does ukraine itself produce them from components? no, the west supplies, and ukraine produces itself, since it is supplied as ready-made...
11:59 am
12:00 pm
connections, further news on the first.
12:01 pm
hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. where.


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