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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 20, 2024 3:30am-4:16am MSK

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for muscles, for the brain, and this is a rare food in a certain sense, but the main problem is that initially, where there was sweet food, there was sugar cane, go chew it, go get from there this glucose, fruit, fruit, which it still contains fiber, and there the process of the pancreas responding to the arrival of glucose is much smoother, of course, now that we have industrial sweets, if you overeat... just sweets, or cakes, well, to some extent this will not very useful for the body, but this does not mean that you need to completely exclude it and sit, and then break down again, so people need some tangible things, why 33, not 48, not 26, because on average, in order to survive the hard food, 33 is a sufficient amount, and here there are 32 teeth, one tongue, and it’s easy to remember, and... when there are some
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numbers, you can practice a little, as they say, then it becomes a reflex, and the person stops counting, but gets used to the fact that food must be chewed, but you don’t know this is the movement when this food is pushed straight through, this is a lump that is not chewed, not moistened with saliva, and naturally, this food is of little use, because nothing can be extracted from it, and so that we do not go far, into the icd, then the disorder itself, yes, an eating disorder . these are different things, if we take dsm5, the diagnostic manual of mental disorders in the latest version, which appeared there in 2013. avoidant restrictive
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eating disorder and we can say that we have an eating disorder behavior, this is bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, overeating syndrome, where concern lies precisely at the basis of this experience of the body, i don’t like my body, and i’m trying to do something through food with my difficult emotions about the way i look, disorder eating is completely different. these are people who, for example, initially have a disturbed sense of hunger, they don’t feel it, they forget to eat, they have no idea of ​​losing weight, they just don’t remember what to eat, they’re lucky, but i wouldn’t say such children can face developmental disorders due to lack of nutrients, with slow growth, in adulthood, these are people who understand that it is time to eat after they have passed out from hunger. this is a common story, you
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want to say, it is still very difficult to talk about statistics, because only in 2013 this began to be discussed as a separate diagnostic category, research is still underway, so it is difficult to talk about some percentages, but in general i think that will be approximately at the level of anorexia nervosa, somewhere around 1-5% of the population, this perhaps more associated with people on the autism spectrum. there are correlations, yes, we really, firstly, in people with autism and the autism spectrum we see an eating disorder in the opposite direction, we will also see autistic traits, but in general there are currently three groups, these are people with whose physiological hunger is very disturbed, plus they have practically no hunger for tastes, many of us have this story that we ate something there, well, we ate soup there. cutlet, and now we
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we want sweets, we are full, but the taste bud needs something else, uh-huh, but here it’s missing and people can, well, eat the same food, the same taste, this suits them quite well, they eat little, not varied, and this is one group, the second group of people are people who seem to have very strongly developed papillae, yeah. that is, they are such natural tasters, from childhood they do not like food that has a strong taste for them, and these are children who eat pasta, macaroni and cheese and cheese, in my opinion this is now such children predominate, that is, they choose food that has a very neutral taste, very understandable, and as a rule, these are carbohydrates, that is, here , on the contrary, we can see a situation when a person is... overweight, because
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also a very unbalanced diet. and the third group are people who in childhood experienced some kind of, well, let’s say, trauma in their relationship with food, they choked very much, got scared, got poisoned, they have this experience, it seems to begin to change their eating behavior, that is, the food starts frighten and the child begins to avoid, he choked on soup, removes all liquid food altogether , or choked on cutlets and stops eating meat because it reminds him, here, in fact, very different people can fall under the category of arfits, this is called avoidant restrictive food intake disorder . with very different past experiences, but it can be harmless, for example, i have a child i know who doesn’t eat red food, he doesn’t eat strawberries, he doesn’t eat tomatoes, it uh depends on how limited the diet is, that is , if the diet is so limited that it already
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has certain consequences for health, then this is dangerous, it’s good if a person simply does not eat tomatoes, well, in the end, everyone has taste preferences, this is not an intake disorder food. relieved, yes, yes, thank you, but what is not a disorder at all, what is just some kind of thing, well, as you said, yes, how to distinguish, yes, how to distinguish pathology from non-pathology, again, there are diagnostic the criteria are quite clear if we say about avoidant eating disorder, it ’s such a continuum, we have a food pyramid, there are complex carbohydrates. there are proteins, vegetables, fruits, fats, sugars, and, with severe arfit, a person eats one or two products, in principle, with milder forms, this is one or two products from each of this category, from each, from each layer of the pyramid , taste preferences are
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taste preferences if it does not affect the functioning of the body, it is a preference if the question arises that the nutritional structure cannot be changed... it is possible, it is necessary a person, for example, needs to add some kind of nutritional supplements, separately, sometimes they are directly prescribed these nutritional supplements that are used, functional, yes, here we are talking about disorders, yeah, but there are some genetic predispositions, well, let’s say , can be traced in the family, and we can say that this is genetically based, it is believed that there is, again, it is still difficult to determine for sure. the genetic component is difficult, but since we are talking about correlation with the autism spectrum, yes, most likely there will be some structural features of the same taste buds, well, most likely yes, there is some kind of genetic basis, we continue the podcast
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deception of substances, we are talking about eating disorders, this is olesya nosova, zukhra pavlova and natalya fomicheva are with me, by the way. they said an interesting thing about the fact that some children, but this starts from childhood, prefer to eat pasta, macaroni and cheese, sir, and so on, because they have very highly developed taste buds, they are such potential, as you said, tasters , potential tasters, does this mean that if a person is fat, if he loves macaroni and cheese, then the taster in him is dying, that he just needs to pump himself up a little. we don't actually rely on body mass index when diagnosing an eating disorder or an eating disorder, it may be the same, but then again not all people with anorexia nervosa are thin, because now under the new diagnostic criteria we say
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that anorexia nervosa - this is weight loss, this is the dynamics of weight loss, what weight a person is i went there, it doesn’t matter, so here it’s like saying what you weigh... and what dynamics should there be for it to look scary for anorexia nervosa, and 30% of the initial weight in 6 months is a lot, well, that is for a woman, 60 kg is 20 kg loss 20 kg, yes almost yes 18, yeah, 20 kg, yeah, well, yes, significantly, inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa is always required, right? this is very desirable, because in fact this is a complex complex disorder, and it needs a team, it needs a psychologist, who specializes in eating disorders, they need a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist, they need a general
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practitioner, they want a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, and so on, so of course it is desirable for this to be a team. well, anorexia nervosa is not genetically determined, it is genetic, there is such a predisposition, but there is a predisposition to the paradoxical experience of hunger. people with anorexia nervosa, or rather no, people with such a genetic predisposition, do not feel hunger as discomfort, yeah, that is they feel that they are hungry, but in general it gives them more activity, lightness, they even like the experience of hunger to some extent, but if a girl with such a predisposition, as a rule, girls decide that they need to lose weight, she will lose weight , while losing weight, yes, that is. for a person who does not have such a predisposition, breakdowns will most likely begin, restriction, breakdown will begin,
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maybe bulimia nervosa will develop there, here we go, we call it restrictive anorexia, when a very narrow corridor of calories is maintained, there are 500-600 calories per day, maybe you can hold on to this for a long time only if you have a genetic predisposition to cope with hunger, there are questionnaires, tests to check yourself for some kind of autistic disorders, but with eating disorders there is it in attitude test, it 23, on26, it ’s called, there is a dutch eating behavior questionnaire, there are also separate questionnaires for bulimia, for orthorexia, there is a body image questionnaire, because again we return to the fact that the root lies in this, yeah. distorted self-perception so yes, there are tests that you can pass, but what
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is orthoraxia, so that our listeners just understand what we are talking about? orthorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by the fact that a person eats only the right food all the time, yes, i don’t eat the right food all the time, in fact, yes, it is like that - a relationship with food where there is a lot of anxiety, and a person is constantly worried that if he eats some kind of wrong food, some very serious consequences will occur, therefore, in general, under nervous orthorexia will include different types of eating behavior, where what unites them will be precisely this experience of anxiety, an attempt to regulate this anxiety through such structuring of food, excluding gluten, excluding lactose. i exclude fats there or vice versa, i exclude carbohydrates, and it becomes
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easier for me on an emotional level, but food cannot regulate the psyche, this is a different tool, so in general, a raw food diet can also fall under the criterion of orthorexia nervosa, there is a roman scale of orthorexia nervosa, the same can be look, check, if they match, if the diagnostic criteria fit, then yes, and again. sometimes vegetarianism can be classified as orthorexia nervosa if this anxiety is the basis, and if it is a choice, for example, for some religious reasons, this does not apply to orthorexia, the core is precisely this experience of anxiety, of what food is like would stain my body, somehow have a very bad effect, leaks in the intestines, what else is all this going on there, and karma, yes, and i’m trying to regulate all this, in fact deal with your anxiety, duh. well, probably, it should be said that after passing all these tests, realizing that you have problems,
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there is no need to treat yourself, to pull yourself together, you need to go to a specialist. and how contagious are all these disorders, well in the sense that, for example, at school, in the class a girl appears who begins to take care of her figure by inducing vomiting, that is , how likely is it that others may follow. her example of the type of induced delirium, but in general we are talking about the fact that we always have three components: we have a body where there will be some kind of genetic predisposition, some metabolic features, something else, yes, for example, in people with bulimia nervosa, in principle, this aversion to vomiting is reduced, because in general vomiting is an unpleasant story, but there are people who genetically tolerate vomiting more easily, and there are factors associated with the psyche, with anorexia nervosa there is high perfectionism, you need to do everything perfectly,
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volitional qualities are very well developed, there is a lot of anxiety, that is, there are also mental characteristics, there are wednesday, and uh, no i remember now exactly, i think it was recorded at fitje, that when television appeared there, when beauty contests began to be broadcast, the curve of eating disorders immediately went up sharply. that is, the environment influences us, the idea that we need to keep ourselves in some form, meet a standard and do this through dietary restrictions, it can be contagious, of course, well, contagious conditionally. yes, by indicating that this is superficial and it is erroneous, you can return a person to there is no genetics here, most likely normal nutrition, or is it not so easy? in general, we can say that
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if a person comes out of an episode on his own, for example, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, most likely... there was no strong genetic predisposition, yeah, we know such cases and there patients say that i am in some kind of that moment i realized that i was doing something wrong to myself, so i really stopped, i suffered there for a couple of weeks, i talked myself into letting go, most likely there was no genetic predisposition, but there are those who one end, and to return everything back, the mortality rate for anorexia nervosa is about 13-15%, yeah. this is a very high level for a mental disorder, and what is most effective is in the family, let’s imagine that the person is somewhere far away, he cannot reach a psychologist, in the family, what can be most effective is to say that you are beautiful the way you are you exist, we love you and there are no, no problems with the body, or it
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won’t work, it won’t work, if we could cure our loved ones in families, we would sit. without work, i agree, therefore, and there are protocols for organizing nutrition for patients with anorexia nervosa, when we teach family members to really build this whole environment in such a way that it is supportive, yeah, but completely without specialists in severe cases, of course, this is very difficult, but telling a person that he is beautiful the way he is is possible without an eating disorder, in general it is necessary. and according to the gender criterion it is significant, we have many boys with anorexia, somewhere 10 percent, yeah, of the total number, that is , 10.9 to one, approximately yes, with sgulimia it’s about the same story, yeah, and by age there is a correlation, yes, most debuts are in adolescence, yeah, that is , puberty, entrance into puberty, accompanied by
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changes in the body, the appearance of adipose tissue, the appearance of some... emotional experiences about the fact that they didn’t love me, they rejected me, they didn’t take me here, when all this collapses for adolescence, this is the most typical story, but anorexia nervosa practically never debuts in adulthood, there are much fewer of them, that is, yes, we have cases of anorexia nervosa that start at 25, 30 and even 60, but there are significantly fewer of them. and with you again is the podcast deception of substances and its permanent host, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova, endocrinologist zukhra pavlova, with us today is candidate of psychological sciences, psychologist natalya fomicheva. and what could this serve as a trigger for a person to stop accepting himself at the age of 60? yes here
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it’s more likely that it’s not that the person stopped accepting himself, he didn’t accept himself before, just. the psyche coped with this, but here at some point some kind of strong stress can affect, and then a loss, for example, yes, happened, the death of a partner, and there was a predisposition to this kind of reaction, something began to happen further , so a person begins to go into this idea of ​​​​weight loss, it’s interesting that for pregnant women, pregnancy can become a trigger for... triggering, because the body is changing, yes, it is growing, again, with us a lot of attention to how much a pregnant woman weighs, she must always fit within some framework, this can also be very stressful, well, there, probably, the instinct of motherhood helps a lot to hold on, because it is dominant, most likely, there is a separate eating disorder, progorexia,
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this is an eating disorder in pregnant women, yeah, at risk are those who had episodes in adolescence. anorexia, it used to be even called bigorexia from the word big big, when men put a lot of effort into so that they have these sculpted
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muscles, and their nutrition is also very distorted, because there is nutrition by the hour, a very strict diet, some of these supplements, in general the content there is also anorectic, my body should to look only this way and not otherwise, all my mental psychic activity for this... will go in the other direction, yeah, that’s interesting, i really want to, although there are boys, but they are dating, i’ve seen patients, yeah, that’s
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such an interesting thought, that when beauty contests appeared, a sharp a surge, but in general there are some statistics that earlier this disease was found there five times less often, now it is five times more, or then they were not diagnosed and did not think about this topic at all, something like that... yes this is being done, in general , not so long ago they began to differentiate anorexia nervosa from schizophrenia, because it was considered one of the variants of simply
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schizophrenia, when it was identified as an independent disease, naturally our curve went up, because diagnostic criteria appeared, but case they have encountered such voluntary refusal of food with a fatal outcome before, yeah, but now. in principle, body positivity should help a little, after all, the criteria are not much, no, it doesn’t help much, it was in vain that it was introduced, that’s for sure, no, it was not in vain, but our statistics are not optimistic yet, well, about body positivity, it’s a very difficult impression i have something positive about body positivity, since olesya touched on it, when a person with morbid obesity, or any obesity, is told not to be shy. don’t worry about this, and most importantly, don’t worry you have to do nothing, it’s tragic when a person doesn’t have a hand and they tell him: everything is fine, you’re no worse, yes
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it happened, that’s good, but when a person is unfortunately told to accept everything as it is and don’t do anything about it, this is terrible, in its essence, you see, if we are talking specifically about overeating syndrome, then the main mechanism for triggering overeating and breakdowns is restrictions. and here for me the same body positivity is about the fact that i’m rebuilding this attitude towards myself from the position, i’m terrible and fat and scary, i’m ashamed, i need to do something urgently about this, punishing myself for what i eat, limiting myself, and with words, we all know what words people can call themselves, will not lead to recovery, what will lead to recovery is the appearance, acceptance of the fact that yes i have...
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yes, but at first, again, it’s a little sutruded, yes, i just don’t need a person to call himself fat, like that, or others called him that, and my task as a doctor, i can’t force anyone to become healthy, but i can’t help but explain to him what all this threatens him with that now it’s only in its infancy, if you’re a doctor, then yes, but for some reason we think that overweight people need to be informed that they’re overweight by every person passing by. it’s my duty to inform him that
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there’s something wrong with him, well, of course, this doesn’t lead to mental balance even once, no, i once asked this when an overweight man came into the office, it’s been a long time since i said, sit down, your complaints are too much weight, he said, no, i’m fine with it, it was much more than 100 kg, since then i i’m not asking the question, are you overweight, what are you complaining about, but further, in my opinion, it is still necessary to explain in such a way as not to frighten, but... give the person an overall picture, and he could understand, that would be very i wanted our listeners today to understand that an eating disorder is a problem, it can’t be treated with care, care needs to be treated, it will be very useful in the family, everything else should be taken to a specialist, just let’s take the overeating syndrome associated with obesity, yes, then there is a person really, because a person may have overeating, but at the same time the body mass index is normal,
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here a person overeats, overeats, overeats, then he somehow weighs a lot, he comes to the doctor, the doctor says: you need to limit yourself in diet, or even go for bariatric surgery, yes do bariatrics, if already yes, why did a person overeat before, because it was his way of regulating emotions, you can’t just take it, take it away and give nothing in return, we see a very frightening...
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studies show that if we take a women with a body mass index above 35, in of whom exactly the body mass index has increased as a result of overeating, then 90 there, 2-93% of them have a history of severe trauma, usually sexualized, no, rape is psychological, yes, yeah, and that’s theirs, well, that is, overeating develops in them essentially within the framework of post-traumatic stress disorder. you can just stop them from eating, well, in general, what can we do with ptsd, and this is always an interdisciplinary problem, i also always resort to the help of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, otherwise it won’t it works, taking away one thing, you need to give something else, but overeating can be cured in the end, let's ask this question, for a woman, but i won't make you happy about this, yeah,
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because. it is believed that somewhere around 60% of patients begin to break down again after 5 years, but hypnosis? no, no, no, now the gold standard is a combination of behavioral therapy with cognitive emotional therapy, that is, we work with food diaries, we work with identifying triggers that trigger episodes of overeating, we work with those emotions in...
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. our yuryevka and another point in the dpr were liberated, a missile warehouse for american patriots was destroyed near odessa. and our report from the front line about the combat work of russian artillery. any question. according to the one-
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stop principle: payments, paperwork, housing, medical assistance, as they help special operation participants and their families in the new military-social center of the ministry of defense, which opened at the beginning of the month. young fighter course for border guards who only called up for military service, as a soldier prepares. the sverdlovsk regional court sentenced american evan gershkovich to 16 years in a maximum security colony for espionage, who, on instructions from the cia, collected information about the production of military equipment at uralvagonzada. must. was to protect against threats, but in the end it brought down computers all over the world; the failure of the american windows components program led to a global technological collapse in airports, banks, stores and tv channels. trump, about the assassination attempt and
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the program with which he is going to the elections. what about biden? democrats are preparing an emergency replacement candidate, a draft of the proposed farewell speech has been published. the construction of the moscow metro new station rublevo arkhangelskaya started work from the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. alcatester as a gift, action of the state traffic inspectorate in the moscow region. the goal is not to punish, but to warn drivers. let's figure out when you can still drive after a feast. a brilliant sense of humor and incredible charm. today is alexandra's 90th birthday. erwinta, an actor and director who directed for many years moscow satire theater. and at the beginning, the main thing for the week is about the progress of the special operation. ukrainian formations suffered a loss that can be classified as irreparable, because
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the american air defense system priot is expensive and takes a long time to produce. according to a source in our defense department, this is exactly what the russian military destroyed near odessa. and the day before, a warehouse was also hit in the odessa area. where the petriot missiles supplied to kiev from romania were stored, and about successes on the front line. force grouping unit the center took control of the village of yuryevko in the dpr. thus, the enemy’s defenses in new york, which used to be the village of novgorodskaya, were actually collapsed. the garrison settled there is now sandwiched on both sides, advancing in the zones of responsibility of the groups in the north, west, south and east. losses in the ssu in a week amounted to over 13,000 people and a lot of equipment, including nato equipment. 19.
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aircraft, at enemy aviation bases, energy facilities that support the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, air defense and electronic warfare systems of the armed forces of ukraine, the locations of units of the armed forces of ukraine, trains with weapons and military equipment, warehouses for storing ammunition, including those supplied by western countries, and materiel were also affected. the target of the strikes has been achieved: all designated objects. amazed. let's return to the donetsk republic. and the vdeevsky direction. our troops are expanding the zone of control on the ocheretinsky ledge. this spring , the russian army made a powerful breakthrough there enemy defenses are now developing success.
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the advance of the infantry is supported by the crews of the hail multiple launch rocket systems. about the combat work of rocket artillery of the central military district sergei ponomarev. start the yaskaya carousel. let's go hug each other. it turns out. the take-off of a rocket, so this is already air defense, right now , very carefully behind the sky, hail calculation, three people, here behind avdievka there are definitely two more, one with a twelve-gauge gun, the other with an anti-drone gun, we don’t turn it on yet,
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because problems may arise with communication, well, that is, look at the sky yourself, and decide, the command comes to fire another salvo, the full package is loaded, but in total it fires less than a quarter, five fire, five fire. and we are not talking about saving ammunition, sometimes five shells are enough to hit the target, during their time, the guys say, they learned to work. colleagues, this hurricane is working, but they
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are standing a little behind us, it’s quiet, it practically never happens here, the troops of the central military district continue to expand the borders of the so-called ocheretinsky bulge, we support infantry, we are crushing the enemy, that is, now there is just a colossal, let’s say, sea of ​​fire, because the guys are moving, but they need to be supported very strongly, the fighters of this battery are experienced, most from the beginning of the northern military district, they worked near chernigov, in the zaporozhye region, flint. now they are helping the infantry break through here behind avdeevka, in avdeevka we mostly encountered drones, because of this, maybe there is some kind of peculiarity of it, we have to look much more often into the sky than to the sides, which remains unchanged, animals in at the deployment point, there are so many cats here that not all of them even have nicknames, it’s just a combat code and periodically brings combat cats to his department, that is , sometimes he’s not the only one who comes here, and the dogs also help the service.
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covered the satellite communication station with a vest, preventing interruptions in the unit control system. our fighters repelled the attack, launched a counter-offensive and drove the enemy back to their original positions. kiev terrorists constantly encroach on the lives of russian journalists in the northern military district zone for their vile attacks kamikaze drones are most often used. in order for our colleagues, military correspondents of the first channel to work more safely, the popular front handed over modern electronic warfare equipment, in particular drone detectors that warn in advance. the appearance of a mortal threat outside. in the rostov region
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, the valuable cargo was met by yulia pogorelova. the main principle is to create the radius of the so-called dome or hood as much as possible; when an enemy drone enters the reb’s coverage area, the connection with the operator’s control is lost. they are here they are attached with magnets and it will be possible, as a rule, there are also pickup trucks, there are additional luggage racks, which are there, including those we saw on cars. first tv channel, mobile complexes like this, it will be possible to put them somewhere nearby, the guys, of course, couldn’t come, they all work there, they’re all on the contact line, we ’ll give all this to the guys in the near future so that they really are under reliable protection, thanks to you, the popular front, thanks to all the people who help, payments, paperwork, housing, medicine, any issue that worries front-line soldiers and their loved ones will be solved in the unique military-social center of the ministry of defense, service on a one-stop-shop basis. individual approach. in 2 weeks of work there have already been 1,800 requests,
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the vast majority of which were resolved on the spot. will anna kurbatova tell you more? shamsuddin abarchaev, a history teacher from makhachkala, volunteered in the zone of a special military operation. still, why do tenth grade, ninth grade come to me, they come and ask: shamsudina, why? but how is this, well, why is this, why is this? can't a person? answer them without knowing all this from the inside, because i repeat once again, i am a patriot of russia, i grew up at a time when the homeland, the homeland was called mother, i was brought up then, but how bad is it for your mother, how can you be here? , he served in an assault unit, last year in kleshcheevka he was seriously wounded, a shell exploded, i was thrown out of the fourth floor, some time after treatment, a document about the injury was required helped. in the new military-social center of the ministry of defense, he repeatedly contacted his
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unit, the military commissariat at his place of residence, the hospital in which he was lying, then he turned to us, we found all of him, all his documents sent them to statements. at first glance, this center is not much different from the mfc we are used to. there is an electronic queue, but everything is correct here and information is displayed when the visitor receives a ticket and this information is displayed on the board. everything is arranged here like this well, the work is based on... the one-window principle, except that most of the computers are staffed with uniforms, renata, for example, by training, is a military doctor in the center who answers questions about the medical unit. the most common question is about payment. for injuries, the second is the provision of medical care, this center of the ministry of defense opened on july 1, during its operation almost 2.0 requests have already been received here, more than 86% were resolved on the spot, a wide range of problems that we solve here include assistance and consultation and analysis of various complaints. job a new center in conjunction with the defenders of
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the fatherland foundation. we create seamless interaction between active military personnel and those who retire and are mobilized. goes beyond the perimeter of the ministry of defense, then it ends up in the defenders of the fatherland foundation, because to date the defenders of the fatherland foundation has received more than 1,400 requests for assistance, 70% of which concern active military personnel, and now a whole center has been created for this category, here banks are also presented that make it possible accrue and transfer social payments, and there are five banks to choose from, sometimes they come with the following requests: my husband signed a contract in january 23, and to this day he has not been allowed to go on vacation, having only come to the military social center, the problem was solved , i’m waiting for my husband to go on vacation soon, when they promise to come in early august, it’s just his birthday, fill out documents, receive payments, solve the housing
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problem. svetlana zhivchenko has just such a problem, she’s a teacher in a kindergarten, her husband died in zone of a special operation, they were left alone with their little son in a rented apartment. the state has already allocated a pension for us and our son, we need to buy housing anyway, we can’t live in an apartment all our lives with our son, but we need to continue to live, the center of the ministry of defense gave an answer on the day of the application, we explained where to go, what documents needs to be collected, and she will receive either permanent housing in a chosen place of residence, or will receive a housing subsidy, while such a military-social center operates only in moscow, but residents can apply here.
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as reported by the fsb, he was trained by a native of one of the central asian countries who violated an international terrorist organization banned in russia. the criminal first studied the station in detail, found out at what time there were most people there, then determined the place where it would be best to plant an improvised explosive device ; he stored everything necessary for its manufacture in a rented garage. after the terrorist attack, he was going to leave for syria, but... our security forces thwarted him, during interrogation, the detainee confessed to everything, the court arrested him for 2 months. member of the fsb, as you know, the border service is included. starting this year, after a long break, conscripts will again serve in the border troops. the corresponding law was signed by vladimir putin in december. currently
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, recruits are undergoing training at training centers in different regions. report by valerie.


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