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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 21, 2024 9:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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then the crew is a family for us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day on july 28 is on the first. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, and we will tell you about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. battles for taretsk. our defenders are already in the suburbs, a new underground operation, like in avdievka, the tunnel was dug by hand. look, look, from underground. they’re climbing, handsome guys,
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it turned out, of course, on the level, there are no words, it looks like a mess, an exclusive report on the work of the brigade is veterans of the volunteer corps, mobilization in ukraine, no one wants to fight for the kiev regime, i’m afraid for my drug addict zelensky. guerrilla war from kharkov to odessa, burning of cars. another speed, completely open, neva highway, the quality of the northern door was checked by the president, driving a new lada aura. how to reduce traffic between st. petersburg and moscow, about 50, and bypass talyati, part of the future ultra-modern highway.
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windows? washington expansion. today we see another decline in germany, whose the government unquestioningly obeyed the us decision to deploy american ground-based medium-range missiles on german territory. the european union refuses to act independently and puts pressure on hungary, which thinks differently. exodus from the west coast of the united states, elon musk, whose son decided that he would be his daughter, moves to texas, the headquarters of spacex, all because of the policies of the californian authorities. i watch our schools indoctrinate our children and try to turn them into freaks. this is similar to child molestation. and
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at the beginning of the exclusive storetsky direction of the special operation, this is in the donetsk republic, the film crew of our military correspondent amir yusupov is working side by side with a brigade of veterans, the same fighters who were the first to enter ovdeevka through a pipe in winter, now this is also an underground operation only using a tunnel dug by hand, in just a few hours we are already in the suburbs of toretsk. we occupied lines in the village. the pub and friendship took full control of the territory of the filtration station. the brigade of veterans, whose merits were personally noted by the president, is part of the volunteer corps, for which samir yusupov, together with the popular front, is currently holding a collection within the framework of the “everything for victory” project. to make a contribution to the common cause, just scan the qr code on your screens with your smartphone, all the instructions are there. and look at the report, brilliant work. it's just all burned out to the ground. landscapes don't change, no.
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some shocking footage. these are liquidated militants, liberated from the armed forces of ukraine in the ukrep district, on the street of the village of pivnichnaya, now under the control of a brigade of volunteer corps veterans. and the civilian population does not let out of here, that's all locals say that they were immediately warned, like we will leave, we will not leave anything from your houses, our fighters evacuated the local residents and it was not in vain that the enemy kept his word, razed all the houses to the ground, now the streets are deserted and abandoned, breaking
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the dead silence, bursting shells and sandy drones, it was us, the fight can end quickly, so it’s not even time to leave... to say, oh, it’s already nearby, after all, some drone was not ours, and there’s another village nearby, it’s called friendship, this is the street, here are the first at home, of course, there is no smell of friendship here, if the enemy greets him, it’s with artillery fire, we run again and again take cover from the drones, an enemy komikaze is hovering over us, maybe a dugout, now under our feet in... a chill down the back, like dentist, sound enemy drones accompany us in all areas, another fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine recaptured by veterans, a filter station near toretsk. run
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run. the station is under constant enemy fire, there are fewer and fewer wastewater treatment plant buildings left, although the equipment is already idle, along the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, water has not flowed here for a long time. did they drain it? why shouldn’t the city go anywhere? the kiev authorities, starting in 2014, left residents of crimea, donetsk and luhansk cities without electricity, gas and water, and here near toretsk the armed forces of ukraine answered for this. they harmed themselves, the passages opened, you can even get into the canal itself. what would it be like, imagine, a water barrier. there is no water barrier now. the veterans broke through the ukrainian defenses in a beer camaraderie at a filtration station at the same time counted for hours. it was a daring operation which the whole country was talking about. look, look, they’re just crawling out of the ground, they appeared behind enemy lines, as if from nowhere, only a few knew about the operation, the soldiers of our other units, who at that moment were observing the enemy’s positions from the air, reacted to what was happening the way they did they ended up there, they dug fearlessly, i answer, isn’t it grue, but
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they recognized the veterans by their signature handwriting, no, no, the veterans work there, it’s who stormed avdeevka from the south, yes, yes, yes, yes, they are handsome, numbers.
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what are you going to do, i don’t know now, these miners, pipeline fitter, he’s very good at working with pipes, with tunnels, jokes aside , it’s a huge daily job, digging an almost four-kilometer passage underground is only half the battle, you still need to carry your ammunition to the exit before the assault in thirty-kilogram equipment, but it’s cool here, but at least at least a little breeze, where is five and tuberculosis? if you pass through, your legs will already go numb, i’m telling you seriously, this is how it comes in, under the nose of the enemy, who has a fortified area and minefields right above the tunnel , any leakage would cover the passage high up or, what’s even worse, they released toxic substances into him, of course, and the nervous and physical
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tension of the fighters was at the limit, they were already working, what is called morally strong-willed, love for the homeland, where they are waiting, mom, dad, land, river, here it is how is it in stitch? it’s all cold, dirt, generally hot, well , withstand it all, that’s another 3.5 km, well, in this condition, it’s no feat, about such books, about such people, by the way, we should make films, they completed the task, they came out to the surface right next to an enemy strong point. i'm shocked, this is the first line, near krephal, two nato m113 armored vehicles were hit here and were destroyed in the first minutes of the battle.
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in some places there are holes like this in the pipe, at least you can stand for a while and breathe, well , remember what the world around you looks like, because when you walk for a long time, of course you already forget, it seems that the pipe is endless, you keep going, you go, the clothes don’t change, in the end they took ours several dozen people were captured, here is the prayer of a ukrainian nationalist found in the grout, here are the inscriptions on the concrete block: glory to ukraine, get up adol, so i say understand who we are fighting with, we are fighting specifically with the fascists, my grandfather... fought here 70 years ago, liberating ukraine from the fascist scum.
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we have to continue his work. now the veterans are dismantling the enemy's strongholds. drone operators are active. they drop grenades and hit kamikaze drones. in these shots. they burn a tank in the middle of toretsk, and they fly into a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. of course, artillery remains the main striking force. veterans call this unusual mixture of a military tractor and hail a bmvp, a combat vehicle vladimir vladimirovich putin. there is also a portrait of the president on the brigade banner on board. you have vladimir vladimirovich putin at chevron. our pride. i was always for him. i always supported and shared his policies, so i’m proud, so to speak, to belong.
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andrey morozov, khristina ivanova, maxim kulifeev, kirill loginov, irina kuksenkova. first channel. it was a report on the flawless operation of the veteran brigade. it is already a tradition for them to hold such events. let me remind you that our reporter amir yusupov, together with the popular front, is collecting for volunteer
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housings. we need drones, motorcycles and much more. to help, scan the qr code, it is now on your screens and follow the link. now, front-line reports for the week , a unit of the west group of troops liberated two settlements: rozovka in the lpr and peschanoye nizhne in the kharkov region. two days earlier, the center group took control of the village of yurievka in the dpr. we are making steady progress. in other key directions, the american hymers isplat launcher was destroyed, where 400 tons of ammunition were stored, and this is footage objective control, filmed by our drone 10. iskanders were hit in the donetsk republic by two military echelons of 20 platforms each; up to 240 militants and more than 60 units of military equipment were destroyed, including 14 american max pro armored vehicles, 10 canadian senator armored vehicles, seven armored personnel carriers, more than two dozens of trucks and special equipment. let me also remind you that recently, near odessa, two
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launchers and a radar station of the american patriot air defense system, one missile for which costs about four, were destroyed. dollars, and the entire complex is valued at more than a billion. and another figure of the week, the total enemy personnel losses exceeded 16,500. and now a reporter’s look at the combat work of a unit of the military group west in the kharkov region, zone of responsibility - kupinsk direction. the enemy is being attacked there by artillery, aviation, and drones, creating conditions for the advancement of our infantry. footage from the front lines with anna prokofieva. the operator raises the bird into the sky, ready to adjust the fire, at this time we are already at the artilleryman’s position groupings of troops west, we go down into the dungeon, so this is a trench 2 m deep, so that the personnel can easily get from the dugout to the gun if there is a command for battle, if there is some kind of shelling, for example, there is a roll on it at the top, that is, here from fragments full protection, we arrived at the firing position, to be
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honest, we didn’t even understand how we got there, the gun was camouflaged, the drone detector detected the fpv signal. we wait for a bird to fly somewhere near the target 1602 accepted, unmask the gun, after the command to unmask, the gun is ready for battle, but still hidden from the enemy's eye under thick pine branches and a mask net, the target is a temporary deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction, a shot, the first sighting crew at the headquarters of the uav adjusts the fire, the shot was accepted, now at least 20, north 10 20. 10 m from the target already very close, a shot, there is a hit, it’s worth recording, the gun is camouflaged, the detector immediately beeped again, most likely a reconnaissance aircraft was raised into the sky, they are looking for a uav, our side after the shooting, but here everything is camouflaged, we are not visible, by this moment we are already finished shooting, we camouflage and sit in cover,
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non-stop duty, the crew is constantly on three-minute readiness, whether during the day or at night, even if it’s at night... every time there are some arrivals, we go out, check, whether it exploded or did not explode, so that again, our equipment moved safely, on the eve of our arrival the enemy fired at the positions from the eighty-second mortar, the sappers found two mines on the road, here is one, the second, now they guys will remove the soil a little so that there is contact, they will lay an overhead charge and they will blow it up , fighters
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we are preparing waste bombs and shells for detonation, we are trying to dig up as much as possible. but preferably before reaching the fuse, so as not to move it from its place and not to disturb the mine itself, because an explosion may occur, it’s just like that, carefully, you need to be careful with your hands, well, preferably yes, you can do it with a spatula, you can do it with your hands, whichever is more familiar to you , we work without gloves, a sapper cannot work in gloves, you can’t feel it, we dig a little to extinguish the explosion, after activating the charge , the sappers have 2 and a half minutes to leave at a safe distance from the explosion site. the road is cleared, and we go underground again , we are now moving straight to the mortar, a closed firing position, here we have a bull warehouse, and we are also walking along a closed trench, yes, yes, we have already come straight to the gun itself, a matter of seconds after the command ready for battle, the crew opens the lid and the mortar is already firing the first shot, several escapees and the target is suppressed, the weapon is hidden
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underground, the soldiers are safe. we have a specific job: combing, let’s say, forest shelves, working on smuggling enemy mortars, further along the trenches, we can disassemble the dugouts a little, recently we worked on a pickup truck with baba yaga’s crew, targets where the guys with a closed firing position couldn’t reach, the crew of a pumping 120 mortar is practicing, under the fire of mortars, an ukrainian armed forces stronghold, shot! the target is destroyed, how much time do you have to turn around, curl up, so as not to be detected, 10-15 minutes, the bird will not have time to fly up, we are already making slippers.
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now the weapon, which has proven itself to be amazingly accurate since soviet times, has become even more effective due to its mobility. the crew only needs 5 minutes to set up, aim, work on the target and quickly escape from the firing position. a firing position in an open area, now we’re quickly leaving, as quickly as we left, we haven’t caught up with you, there’s still dust, well, practice, yes, it’s fast, and what else, it turns out to be homemade. our brainchild, yes, you came up with it and cooked it, well, yes, well, collectively, together with the crew, it was difficult to combine it, in the field it’s difficult,
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nothing, we managed it, in civilian life, commander guns with the call sign shah worked as a welder, so without hesitation, he got to work, within 3 days they brought in a motor-league, a cannon, and well , within a week they did three, my entire crew took part, the tropira is called a sniper gun, an artillery gun, and so on. in my opinion, she behaves even better in motorcycle league, why? she stands here more, well , confidently, dead, or something, on the ground, but steadily, yes, that is, she doesn’t bounce in any way, yes, yes, we have a lot of targets hit, and what targets are mainly oporniks, pillboxes, infantry, some kind of technique, this is a targeted self-adaptation, here we have a bull, we carry 20 bulls with us, the bull is under you, on the side, that’s all. everything opens, everything closes, here you have a barbecue, and from drones, here is a net, yes, also homemade, by the way, there were arrivals, it was a little dented, but it held up, everything is fine,
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the whole calculation is intact, it’s more pleasant to have your own brainchild so the work is that she is yours, but of course, yeah, we won’t exchange the girl for anyone, units of the western group of troops continue to occupy more advantageous positions in kupinsky direction, methodically crowding out the formation of the armed forces of ukraine with the forces of artillery, drones and, of course, aviation. anna prokofieva, nikita alekseev, yulia khodorova, nika vishnikova, kharkov region, channel one. every day we talk about the courage and heroism of our fighters in our zone, here are new names. colonel oleg lauto, in combat conditions , refined promising communications equipment, risking his life, under fire, the officer tested various equipment to determine its strengths and weaknesses. as a result , we managed to implement the latest technical solutions increase efficiency. already existing samples. junior sergeant andrei drisvyankin from his group came under enemy fire, despite the dense mortar fire, andrei carried his wounded comrade out of the shelling zone,
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gave him first aid and handed him over to the doctors. a man named zelensky, who, contrary to the law, continues to call himself the president of ukraine, in the near future intends to submit to the verkhovna rada a bill on extending martial law and continuing general mobilization. meanwhile, the ukrainians hit into partisan warfare, burning cars. clothes delivery, where there is no laughing matter at all, the burial of pure water, everyone is being rowed to the front , so the crowd at the market is trying to recapture from the law enforcement officers a detained young man with a woman who stood up for him, the policeman starts a fight, sprays tear gas in her face, followed by shot in the air. my god, guys, look, there are still really not enough helicopters and planes here, this is odessa, yes, this is odessa, lawlessness, garbage
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lawlessness, a woman was splashed, one was tied up, already taken away, what are you doing, creatures, and this odissite was forcibly taken from his home, beaten, his head was broken, the guy died in the hospital the next day, without even a cry, a cry, despair in the kiev region, without having achieved a legal reprieve.
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all men from 18 to 60 years old were required to update their data at the military registration and enlistment offices; after the summons to the front , the ministry of defense of ukraine no longer hides their true intentions. at the moment, more than 4 million people who want to serve in the army have entered their data into the database. we are fighting russian propaganda in the west, which says that ukrainians don't want to serve in the army. this is wrong. we passed the law, we launched a digital registration platform.
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in odessa, the seventh pickup truck burned down in 2 weeks. military commissars go to any lengths; they even go on safari to pick up conscripts in ambulances . fines for swindlers, that is, draft dodgers in ukraine, range from 17 to 25,500 hryvnia, which is more than 50 thousand rubles. for most, the amount is unaffordable; it is more than the average monthly salary. i have accumulated a debt of more than 160 thousand hryvnia, they will take away my car or housing, even if it is the only one, but it is possible it’s not for nothing that we agree on an abbreviation. they are already offering odessa residents, if you want everything to be normal for you, please
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write there to my wife, to my mother. armor from zelensky to everyone who finances or serves his regime, justifying the murder of their fellow citizens, there are 133 companies with foreign, mostly american capital on the untouchable list, one of these is antin
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muhar. when something explodes nearby, i simply fall without legs, as a person who is honest with himself, i will say that i am scared. already all people want peace, tranquility and simply live. but the overdue zelensky made it clear to ukrainian bloggers who advocate for an early cessation of hostilities that it is better to keep their mouths shut; all dissenters were taken for interrogation to the sbu. people who interfere with the completion of these tasks give rise to, for example. they should keep quiet, because it’s none of their business, you shut up , sit there, don’t speak up, otherwise you’ll get 10
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years in prison, or else with confiscation of property, the zelensky regime has not yet figured out how to fine and send to the front those ukrainians who went abroad, but in kiev stated that many are eager to serve. alexander, you are going to go to fight for ukraine, you are citizens, and sashko and mikola are sending greetings from abroad, if it’s censored, then you, comrade zelensky, didn’t guess right. vitaly katchenko, maria mortanova and arseny baibulov, channel one. the russian aerospace forces did not allow american bombers to violate the state border, as our ministry of defense reported today; airspace control equipment detected a group air target over the equator of the barents sea. which was approaching our borders, mig-29 and mig-31 fighters took off to meet the uninvited guests. the pilots visually identified a pair of united states air force b-52 long-range bombers. as our planes approached, the americans made a u-turn
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and retreated. the russian crews returned safely to the airfield. a landmark event in the field of transport , the construction of the m11 neva highway, which connects moscow and st. petersburg, has been fully completed. on tuesday, vladimir putin opened the final section of the northern bypass of tver. now you can get from one capital to another without traffic lights about an hour faster. moreover, for those who are willing to pay, there are now no restrictions along the entire route, from st. petersburg to kazan. this is more than one and a half thousand km, and this is just the beginning. now the highway is being extended to yekaterinburg. our correspondents, konstantin panyushkin and andrey golderev, talk about grandiose projects that change our understanding of space and time. konstantin was at the opening of the road. tverskaya region, and andrey will talk about how construction is going on in the urals. highway m11, northern bypass of tver. tell us, vasilivich, how things were going, how things were being built, things were going well, they were being built
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with difficulty. vladimir putin is driving the final section of the moscow-st. petersburg road; a passenger, one of the builders vasily vasiliev, tells the president how they were in a hurry to complete the route ahead of schedule. yes, a year earlier, that's great. it was planned for july of the twenty- fifth year, so today is july of the twenty-fourth, exactly a year earlier. it must be said that in 2019, vladimir putin already accepted the m11 motorway, but then to bypass tver from the expressway you had to exit onto the old overloaded m10. you drive along a good, wonderful highway , then stop, and then you start bowing and stopping at every traffic light, populated areas, the speed of 60 km, this spoiled the whole impression of driving along the m11, so very soon it was decided to build the missing high-speed bypass of tver and... now drivers have completely different travel experiences: 110, well, yes, you see, if in unfavorable weather conditions it is necessary, because now we will have a pretty decent turn with you, so it’s better
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not to hang around here in the rain, but how much? 130? you got up, set the speed to 130 km/h, and drove from moscow to san petersburg without a single traffic light, how much to reduce the traffic between st. petersburg and moscow is found. but in half an hour, let’s say, it will be possible to get - st. petersburg to moscow back, in 6.5 hours, yes, approximately, well, somewhere around, probably 7.5, again, if you follow the speed limit, here we are just now we were talking with your colleague, i had somewhere in the information that the road would be 30 minutes faster between moscow and st. petersburg, but he says it’s about an hour somewhere. for 50 minutes, but this is already noticeable, it is of course not free, with the introduction of the tver bypass, the cost of travel on the m11 increased by 540 rubles for cars by 970 rubles for trucks, this is a payment for speed, comfort and quality, which the president immediately drew attention to attention, i noted the very smooth top
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surface of the road, well, i praised you, i praised you, the road surface is good, we tried, good protection of steel, oroyniks, lighting. also on the highway, yes, yes, there is full lighting throughout all 64 km, there is about 2.0 oor, but the most impressive and complex structure of the entire bypass of tver is this bridge across the volga, the volga bridge, yes. 700 m 738 yes meters, maximum support height 21 m, shipping direction 140 m, very beautiful, here the trip of vladimir putin and engineer vasily vasilyev ended, like putin at the wheel, so confident, so much so that the president steers with one right hand, but these are also cars allows, a new russian car for officials, this is the same car he was driving on tuesday. vladimir putin drove, this is our product, almost entirely consisting
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of components from russian suppliers, engine, chassis, and electronics, finishing materials, everything is russian, under the hood there is a new vaz engine in the side mirrors , a russian blind spot monitoring system, on a ten-inch screen there are swollen navigation and entertainment applications, you can control them using the buttons on the steering wheel, the role is localized here, yes, but the most impressive thing is in the second row. look, how much space. lada aura is a business class car. this is leather, perforated leather, it is made in russia, similar natural leather is used in aurus cars. there is also an audio system from the aurus in auri, otherwise, how could a car for an official cost about 2.5 million rubles. the head of avtovaz named this estimated price a year ago. conveyor assembly will begin in september, but several pre-production vehicles are already transporting russian ones.
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with a good result, it is very important in general in
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any country, such as our country with its vast territory, ensure transport connectivity, logistics connectivity of the regions of the russian federation with each other, this multiplies the economic opportunities and improves the quality of life of people, these are completely obvious things, this is a big and necessary job and i want to thank you again for the result, to all participants. very heavy rains, the road itself is almost ready, i drove all the way through it,
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looked at it, we need to finish the issue with bridges, well, i really hope that our road workers who built roads and bridges here are already there moved, that is, well, there was a little lack of strength there, now the forces from here have been freed up, everyone has now been transferred there, and i think that by the end of the year we will also get this facility out, so now that high-speed automobile traffic has been launched in the west of russia, did a great job, thanks to everyone, all attention to the east. we are now at one of the main and at the same time most difficult sections of the construction of the m12 highway from kazan to yekaterinburg. asphalt has already been laid here in some places, fenders and lighting are ready, and a total of 275 are being built here from scratch km of highway and only this section will pass through three regions at once: sverlovsk region, perm region, and bashkiria. work here goes on around the clock, seven days a week. road builders need it. not just laying asphalt, but laying a future route through
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forests, fields, rivers and even small mountains, there was originally a slope here, that is, this is actually one of the unique places, this is a rock mass that is made up of messenger, it also goes mixed , we can see that there are clay soils, but basically this is an array that is not so easy to develop, so we had to use drilling and blasting operations, we are working. only in this area, with the help of explosions, it was possible to drop down 12 m. please note. pay attention to where the trees are located, this is necessary so that there are no steep ascents and descents, because the declared speed here is 110 km/h, but rocky rock is not the only obstacle on the way, there are also karst voids, they have already been filled with a special compound, and they have also organized a permanent monitoring in case new ones appear. under
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the fabric runs from four, so to speak, to five threads of a special paired cable, one temperature, the other deformation, which in case of subsidence occurs. will promptly signal changes in the foundation, and this is another example where you can clearly see what difficult terrain road workers have to overcome. this bridge is one of the largest objects on the site, its length is more than 500 m, the height of the supports in places is more than fifty; for comparison, this is comparable to the height of a twenty-story building. road builders have already nicknamed this structure the pearl of the route. it’s not often that you meet such scales and volumes of hard work and everything gets done. similar to 3d printing, that is , when laying the concrete mixture into a structure, it means that strength is gained in layers and thereby the sliding formwork
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rises higher accordingly. this technology helped save almost 3 months; now the brain is 80% ready. in total, i will build only on a site in the sverdlovsk region. 12 artificial structures, including tunnels like these, were specially designed for passage various special equipment, for example, there is an agricultural farm nearby, traffic along the highway must be continuous, that is, without traffic lights and any ground crossings, all the way, and although the section of the new road in the middle urals is small, only 43 km, it constantly makes its own adjustments also the weather, the climate here is very unpredictable, the sun may be shining here during the day, but... the temperature may drop to minus, rains, which you can never predict, even if the forecast says it’s sunny, can come, that’s how it is here today the day showed, and indeed, during the shooting it was still sunny in the morning, a couple of hours later it began to rain, the surprise for the road workers was the abnormal
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may snowfalls this year, here in may there was 5-7 cm of snow, we were all in shock, well , we carried out as much work as possible that... can be done under the given weather conditions, but we had to make adjustments to the schedule, reinforce ourselves with people and technicians in order to return to the previous deadlines. he makes his own adjustments at other stages of this route, for example, on the section in bashkiria, back in the spring, in order to ease the load on the supports of the future bridge, ice had to be blasted across the beloye river, the military, fire, and now road workers helped. on all sections of the section from kazan to yekaterinburg, its length will be more than 700 km, along the way there are about a hundred artificial structures, these are bridges and overpasses; in tatarstan, for the future route , a bridge is being built over the kama river, as well as bypasses of the embankments of chelny and nizhnekamsk. they promise to complete work along the entire route by the end of
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this year, after which the travel time between moscow and yekaterinburg will immediately decrease doubled. the road gives a big economic boost, first of all. the travel time from yekaterinburg to moscow is reduced from 35 hours to 17 hours; accordingly, the intensity increases, and this is an opportunity to increase both cargo transportation and new travel opportunities. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy; they make it possible to invest in the attractiveness of regions in all other areas, improve the quality of life of people, as i have already mentioned. give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, promotes the growth domestic tourism. by the way, the number of tourists in the urals has been constantly growing in recent years; there is something to see here, and this is confirmed by the builders themselves. daniil tyapkin built roads in central russia in the crimea, but for the first time in the urals. this is my first object, if you look at the easternmost point on the map,
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it is very interesting, there is something to see, the nature is beautiful, the people are friendly. already next year the m12 highway will be built. a road that will not only connect, but will make the west and east of our country closer. andrey from st. petersburg to vladivostok, golderev, konstantin panyushkin, ekaterina karyaka and alexander anonichev, channel one. the news of the hour, which was expected on friday, but it arrived today, it is from overseas. joe biden announced that he is... withdrawing from the presidential race. according to biden, he will not seek re-election as president of the united states. at the same time , the current owner of the white house supported the nomination of vice president kamala haris as a candidate for the highest government positions. "i believe that it is in the interests of the party and the country that i step aside and completely focused on serving as
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president for the remainder of his term. donald trump has already reacted to biden's decision, calling him the worst president in american history. according to trump, it will be much easier for him to defeat harris than biden. trump's chances of re-entering the white house are clearly growing. a new alignment for the united states, russia and the whole world. time for my colleague's opinion piece. good evening, the failed assassination attempts on donald trump, the former and, he hopes, future president of the united states, created a completely new situation in the american election campaign, if he still had critics in the republican party, they quickly disappeared, nicky haley, his... main rival during the primary elections, she was the governor of south carolina, immediately
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supported donald trump. even more interesting is the statement of the current governor of utah, spencer cox, who has always been such a very harsh critic of trump. he suddenly declared that trump was saved by the providence of god, and that he showed courage.
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there are many people who have a desire who have an interest in preventing trump from entering the white house under any circumstances, this time the bullet missed, next time, who knows, but this, of course, is still very unlikely, under normal conditions trump will be the next president of the united states. the question, of course, for russia is what kind of president he will be, first of all.
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react, respond positively to american instructions, needless to say, if trump really tried
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to do something similar in relation to russia, i think he would very quickly find out that this is a road to nowhere, but there are other things i want to say that are not exactly reassuring, but give the impression that trump is a different kind of politician, well, first of all, he is much less fixated than biden on the global dominance of the united states, he says he wants to make america great again. but he admits that there may be other great powers with their own interests and their own sense of self-worth. if these words from trump influence his actual actions, then an interesting opportunity may arise in relations between russia and the united states. my personal concern is that we don't really know what
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trump is going to do. i'm afraid he doesn't know this himself. because. trump, the problem is that they are not his current advisers. these are rather people who, if you like, are applying for positions in the new republican administration with their statements, but this in no way means that trump is responsible for their current statements. i have to say that i have my own experience with donald trump. in in 2016, at his request, i helped
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coordinate his group of advisors.
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the impression is that russia may , but is not a guarantee of success, there may be some really interesting opportunities with trump, but the last thing you can afford is to give trump the feeling that russia is speaking from a position of weakness, trump does not respect the weak, he the main method in foreign policy, and by the way in business, is to show one’s strength, to show the strength of america. expect that his partner will make concessions, it seems to me that in this context it is very it is important that in the last month left before the end of the biden administration, that during this time russia demonstrates that yes, russia wants peace, but russia wants peace on its own terms, russia has the strength and is
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willing to effectively defend its interests, that is.
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where the temperature rarely drops below 45°, and at filling machines it is even higher, only those who are in love with their work can withstand it, i can’t live without metal, and it’s really mesmerizing. we are now reviving the rental industry , which will be used to restore our native republic, production, there is confidence and hope that that we will launch it at full capacity and achieve good results. giving
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oneself to work is a family thing for donbass metallurgists, zoya fedorovna chutcheva, her parents, husband, daughter, son-in-law worked at the yanakievsky plant, she also gave 45 years of her life, became the first woman operator of a hot rolling mill, the responsibility was colossal, to do. a mistake means not fulfilling the plan, letting down the whole shift, at first, when i was studying , when i arrived, you do something wrong and curses rain down on you, and then i went from there, and then, when i had already learned, i i began to receive such respect for myself, i felt such authority, because i learned not from just one control panel, but from all of them. the professional holiday in donetsk is celebrated , albeit modestly, but with faith that the plant will return to its previous capacity, especially in terms of production. .. now steel with a reflection of gold is in demand, because it is melted by golden people, golden hearts. vladimir putin discussed the development of the metallurgical industry with ministers and regional heads this week. russian enterprises
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employ more than 700,000 people. i love you all i cordially congratulate you on this professional holiday, metallug day. dear friends, your hard work, which requires professionalism, tenacity, hardening... the right to enjoy well-deserved respect and honor. we are proud of your achievements, your significant contribution to the development of the domestic metallurgy, which is of course of strategic importance for our entire country. the ministry of industry and energy notes rapid growth in all indicators. steel, cast iron and metal are now needed in construction and mechanical engineering. wanted today i would also like to thank the metal company for its very great work in the interests of our military-industrial complex. despite the sanctions, our colleagues have repeatedly increased the volume of shipments of their products to the defense industry. for this purpose, duplicate production facilities were created for the production of a wide range of aluminum semi-finished products, high-strength
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rolled products, and especially special alloys. according to experts, last year russia took first place in the world in the production of high-grade nickel, second place in aluminum production, third in production. metallurgical regions, only in the dpr there are 36 enterprises. over the past year in the lugansk people's republic in the donetsk people's republic, the production of metal products has increased by 30%. a very
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good indicator. the numbers continue to grow this year, said dpr head denis pushilin. in the first quarter of 2024, the volume of production of the main types of metal products included cast iron, steel, rolled products, and coke. great holiday for everyone, congratulations, success. two furnaces were also launched in the nizhny novgorod region at the ruspolimed plant. in the chelyabinsk region, on the eve of metallurgy day , coke oven battery no. 12 was put into operation
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. it alone will replace five obsolete ones. two of them have already been launched, one will be launched by the end of the year. as a result , emissions of harmful substances, such as dust, will be significantly reduced by more than 20%.
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technological collapse abroad, 1,500 canceled flights, broken atms, difficulties in hospitals. why did the windows operating system crash? new terminal magadan airport and a park on the seashore, which is also the focus of the head of government’s attention during his working trip to the far east. american expansion when washington plans to deploy medium missiles in germany. exodus
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from california why businesses are leaving the west coast of america. we'll continue after the commercial. hello, you are watching methodor. our program is dedicated to the famous city of pompeon in spain. the population of the city during the fiesta of san fermin reaches half a million. people come here from europe, north america and even new zealand. 99% foreigners, when asked why they are here in pomplona, ​​answer in rather monosyllabic terms. arnest simingway, and the sun rises. for 300 years, this holiday was unnoticed by anyone, only after the twenty-sixth year, the year of the himengui fiesta, tens of hundreds of thousands began to come to this city. man, i once
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wrote a book about this: you should not go to pomplona with your wife, there is every chance that she will get sick, cut or hurt herself. fiesta in pomplon is a man's affair. matador. no one discovered pomplona better than jimengui. bullfight went beyond the spanish world. from now on, karida belonged to everyone. today is the first one. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of steller group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. bourbon steersman. product of stellar group. whiskey. here, except for
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dog walkers and murderers, no one walks around, i really loved her, they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they were all sincere, and then 17 were stabbed for doing bad justice, she was here yesterday. here, right here, fortune teller, tomorrow on first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema, otherwise it’s easy to fix, i’m waiting, oh my good ones, well , how are you here, shukshin, this is the password for good literature, character,
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navy july 28 on the first of the new season on saturday on the first day of the navy first. abroad, well, of course, i would run that will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our
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employees, everyone you can, the whole version goes to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope. that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. it's sunday time and we continue. this week's abnormal heat again tested russia's strength. residents and tourists used air conditioners and fans en masse, and as a result, the electrical networks could not withstand the load. we had to introduce a schedule of temporary shutdowns, which affected millions of people. now the situation is normalizing, our
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correspondent, alexey ivanov, was convinced of this. fireman. at the intersection of krasnoarmeyskiye eastern, right? power lines are on fire, apparently, right across from where i live, here is my line, transformers and substations are burning in the south of russia in such record heat, machinery and equipment cannot withstand maximum loads, the oil in the same transformer can heat up to 120°, then there is a fire , rescuers quickly respond to every call, trying to somehow escape from the sweltering heat people. includes air conditioners, fans and other climate control equipment. in addition to local residents , there are now millions of vacationers in the krasnodar territory; on some beaches there are no empty rooms left in hotels, as a result of which there is a record excess consumption of electricity. and although power engineers are doing everything possible to ensure an uninterrupted
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supply of light, it is turned off every now and then. here, for example, is pioneer avenue of anapa. on the road along the coast, there are numerous hotels, boarding houses and shops. here, the longest street of anapa periodically... disappears electricity due to a network failure, and in order not to be left without electricity at all, local residents launch these autonomous power sources. most anapa hotels are prepared for forced power outages; industrial generators are installed on the territory of large complexes; there is plenty of power for all buildings. right now these days. i had to launch it, yes, yes, just the other day, yes, not for long, however, we were lucky, our neighbors were a little less lucky, that is, well, the need for such equipment, of course there is, vacationers in the tourist center of anapa will not notice any power outages,
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cables are stretched from a large generator to several catering points at once, air conditioning works, it’s cool, refrigerators don’t leak, everything works, the lights blinked, the generator started working, the process doesn’t... which automatically connects immediately within 10 seconds, so we don’t have any interruptions in receiving patients, this is the same station under a separate canopy, the lifesaver of the entire hospital.
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everything is here, we are here for three days at a time we live, near a generator near a generator, in the south of the country for millions of people, one of the most stressful, or to be more precise, day without voltage in the network, was tuesday, then the electricity went out at once in many cities of the rostov region, krasnodar territory, power outages were noted in the republics of the north caucasus in the crimea, so in krasnodar there was no power, at least a third of the city turned out to be, trams and trolleybuses stopped, dozens of traffic lights went out, the city froze, in a huge traffic jam, i don’t know, how long will i come, because i have never seen anything like this before, that
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everything is so simple, it’s a nightmare, there is no end to it, the reason for the large-scale power outage was the situation at the main generating source of electricity in the southern federal district of the rostov nuclear power plant, as it turned out, at the power unit of the station , the protection of the turbogenerator was triggered, the automation disconnected the unit from the network, by the morning of the next day the cause was discovered, according to the chief engineer of the nuclear power plant, it was triggered: the protection on the generator was false: the first power unit was immediately started up, its load is again full, the background radiation is especially noted to be normal. the station currently operates with three power units and carries the load according to schedule. one of the four blocks has been undergoing scheduled repairs since the end of june. the equipment is operating normally, the nuclear plant personnel understand the responsibility we have today, and we are working with maximum efficiency. radiation background at a nuclear power plant in the area where it is located. is at the level of natural values, trust only official channels of information. to
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stabilize the situation, the ministry of energy is going to shift the repair schedules at generating facilities in the south of the country. in addition to the rostov npp, planned repair work is now underway at the novocherkassk npp, but for now, schedules for correct shutdowns are being quickly drawn up, because the heat in the south does not subside. krasnodar residents fried it. in a frying pan, hot from the sun, let alone the equipment, emergency shutdowns periodically occur in the city, as a result, some of the houses are de-energized, in this residential complex it could not withstand the power load cable, the building has 19 floors, the elevators don’t work, there is no water, the high-rise building is not gasified, food cannot be cooked without electricity, the residents first discussed the problems with the lack of light in the yard, and then decided to go straight out onto the road, where they clearly interfered with motorists, to the house quickly local authorities have arrived and are answering residents’ questions.
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the cable in the house was promptly replaced and electricity was restored, this is how the residents of the high-rise building reacted to this. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, igor fedorenko, natalya litovka, vitaly zaitsev, southern bureau of channel one krasnodar region. and more about failures, only now computer ones. and it was not the heat that led to them, but the update of the american windows operating system, specifically its component
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of the crowdstrike program. in theory , it is responsible for security, but in the end it itself became a threat, and almost all over the world computer screens turned blue and displayed error messages. according to microsoft , the global failure affected 8.5 million devices, banks, stores, medical institutions, and airports were affected. thousands of flights in the united states have been delayed or cancelled. spain, germany, great britain, india, japan. the difficulties began on friday and , for example, the uk health care system has not yet returned to normal operation. it is noteworthy that russia was practically not affected by the computer collapse. due to sanctions, microsoft has limited access to its resources for users from our country. plus, the crowd program was not very widespread in our country anyway. but most importantly, more and more russian. companies use domestic software solutions, thanks to this, when the whole world came to a standstill pause, our planes continued to fly and
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our banks continued to work. now we return to the main international ones. political news on sunday, joe biden announced that he was leaving the election race. this message was just commented on by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. he said: for our country, the priority is achieving the goal of a special military operation, and not the results of the elections in the united states. i note that even many of his fellow democrats were looking forward to biden’s withdrawal from the fight. and here donald trump this week became the official republican candidate for president of the united states. the frantic donald, who survived the assassination attempt, now looks like... popularity. by the way, the investigation into the attempts to kill trump has already shocked some of the details and may have influenced biden’s decision. our american own correspondent, mikhail akinchenko, will continue the topic. president biden t saved democracies in 2020. now is your chance to do it again. it's time to pass the baton and let us choose a new candidate. tom,
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who will bring new energy and new hope. the commercial is like a gesture of desperation, maybe at least they will be able to get through. before joe biden, whoever tried to persuade him, american newspapers and television channels , citing their own sources, listed the names of the most influential democrats in the country who tried to convince the current owner of the white house to refuse to participate in the presidential election. democratic leaders in congress chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries, the former speaker of the house of representatives, dozens of congressmen and senators, he eventually gave in, especially since the surveys of the blueleps company, owned by the largest donors to the democratic party, are clear. showed that it was time to write off joe biden at a loss. polls show joe biden trailing donald trump in 14 key states, similar to waterloo. in the same poll, data on alternative candidates, and first of all, it turns out that the ratings of almost every democrat who was polled are higher than biden's. but who if not job at the past
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praiz voted for him and kamela harisa, only the current vice president has the right to inherit not only 14 million.
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their main goal is the white house, but in reality , few already believe that such a victory is possible; the minimum task now is not to lose positions, at least in congress, the elections in which will be held simultaneously with the presidential ones. many, including myself, say: yes, the number one goal is to defeat trump, but if we fail, trump wins the election and the country puts trump in the driver's seat, we need to make sure that in our the car has brakes, which is why winning the house in the senate is so important, but it seems. can no longer be stopped, he is only pressing harder on the gas, in general, initially such a rather formal event as the republican party convention to nominate its presidential candidates has turned into donald trump’s triumphant march to power. in 4 months we will achieve an incredible victory and the countdown to the four greatest years in the history of our country will begin. the most fashionable
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accessory of the political season in america - bandage on the right ear, about the same as when i cry. when he stood up, wounded in the head, bleeding, raised his hand, i thought that at that moment he had changed, he was no longer just a candidate of his party or a former president or a future president, he was the leader of a nation. with the modesty befitting a leader, trump said that for the first and last time he was talking publicly about his feelings at the moment
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when the bullet grazed his ear. i started turning to the right like this and got ready. to turn a little more, which, fortunately, i didn’t do. i heard a loud, whistling sound and felt like something hit me very hard in my right ear. i said to myself: wow, what else is this? it can only be a bullet. i touched my ear with my hand, it was all covered in blood. i realized that all this is attacking us very seriously. he rushed the stage, the bullets continued to whistle. there was blood everywhere, but in a way i felt safe because god was on my side. it’s easy to believe in divine guidance when looking at computer simulations of the trajectory of a bullet relative to trump's head. indeed, if not for a slight turn to the right, just in time. shot, a sad outcome would have been inevitable. in america they are as sure of this as they are of the fact that they guarded trump carelessly. an officer? officer, there
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's a man up there on the roof, there he is, right on the roof. footage taken on the phone of one of the eyewitnesses shows how trump's would-be assassin, thomas matthew crooks, climbs onto the roof and sets up a firing position. it later turned out that the police eventually the signal of vigilant citizens responded, one of them too. climbed onto the roof. the officer climbed up the building to take a look, and from what he told me, the gunman turned around and pointed the barrel of his rifle at him. the officer reflexively crouched down, fell and lost grip on the roof. all this happened a few minutes before the first shot, why did the police not warn the secret service, or did they warn, as the washington post writes about it, and trump’s security did not react, then the question arises again, why. something to ponder, i have so many questions, how could this twenty year old guy almost kill president trump single handedly, this smells like something bigger and more sinister, i don't care what
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others say about me, because everyone already knows, what are we all thinking about now, call me a supporter of a conspiracy theory, i don’t care, crazy leftists have been fantasizing out loud about trump’s murder for many years, they just connected a twenty-year-old guy from a provincial town with the lebanese ... it’s clear, among the words in the characteristics that his acquaintances gave him are as follows: smart, intelligent, kind wouldn’t hurt a fly, what then made him take up arms, the new york-post newspaper, relying on the words of members of the local shooting club, offers a version of the desire to assert himself. crooks shot from 15m away and missed by almost six. he tried, but he was a ridiculously bad shot, so he was not accepted into the team and spent no more than one day with us. crooks shot trump from 10 times away. he only miraculously missed where he managed to do so it is unknown to hone his skills, and he approached the matter thoroughly; as the media report, he carried out aerial
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reconnaissance with the help of a drone in advance, and no one paid attention to it. this was a catastrophic security failure, and if the director of the secret service had any conscience, she would have resigned that day, and if joe biden or anyone else in the white house had any brains, they should were to fire her. not so easy, after all, director of the secret service, old friend jill biden, the president's wife, it was through her patronage, as one of the former executives of pepsico is believed, that she became responsible for the life and health of the top officials of the state; from the very first days after her appointment, she explained what, in her opinion , should be addressed first of all, equality , inclusivity and accessibility, well, in general, everything that liberals love so much, as soon as i sat in this chair, i realized that we must attract different candidates to work, trump from the stage after the shooting, i especially remember
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a bodyguard who, for some reason, grabbed a pistol and then was not immediately able to get it back into kubura. it is not surprising that the very next public event, at the party convention in milwaukee, at which trump appeared, there were no female bodyguards in his entourage. however, according to many professionals, trump’s entire security team demonstrated poor preparation; for a full 9 seconds after the assassination attempt, he stood on stage, raising his hand with a clenched fist, and if thomas matthew crooks had an accomplice, he could very well see the matter through to completion. the head of the secret service has many questions, but she has so far refused to answer them in congress. and only on air on the abc television channel did she try to explain how it happened that there was a roof. the hangar in the immediate vicinity of the former president was not controlled by security. this particular building had a very steep slope at the top of the roof, you see, for
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safety reasons we couldn't put someone on the sloped roof, so the decision was made to ensure safety inside the building. otherwise speaking, the police simply locked themselves in the hangar , apparently guarding themselves. the tv channel did not comment on the words of the director of the secret service about the dangerous slope, but simply showed a picture of that same roof. social networks immediately became convinced. photo with a secret service agent standing on the canopy of a white house, here the slope will clearly be steeper, and in this photo, the man washing off the blood left from the hangar roof from the liquidation of crux does not seem to be worried at all.
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all the most valuable assets, factories, energy companies, even fertile arable land, and i have absolutely no desire to lose all this now. john kennedy ordered the withdrawal of american troops from vietnam and a month later was shot in the head at dilly plaza in dallas in 1963. trump said he would end the war in ukraine in 24 hours, a war that the united states is funding 80% of, in 24 hours. he, as the president, will have the resource for this. and i told you many times, they will try to kill him before the elections. and now also the vice president. trump chose to match himself. young senator and zagayo, j.d. vance is perhaps one of the most vehement opponents of american involvement in the ukrainian conflict. the publication politico writes about oteropi, which swept europeans with the news of vence's candidacy. a senior eu official , reacting to donald trump's choice of jadie vence as his candidate for vice president, said: this is a disaster for
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ukraine. vance made his views on ukraine clear. in 2022, he said in an interview: “honestly, i don’t care what will happen to ukraine in the end. in february 2024, when vance attended the munich security conference for the first time; he said that the united states needed to reconsider its support for ukraine and did not come to the meeting of american senators with the kiev delegation. someone fussed, the head of the kiev regime, after the assassination attempt, still managed to have a telephone conversation with trump, wished him health and obsequiously called him president. after all, just recently, he literally looked into biden’s mouth and refused to share with trump information on the dark ukrainian affairs of hunter, the son of the current president, but what can’t you do, when your own well-being is at stake, you probably heard how in april jady vance spent an hour and a half convincing his fellow senators not to give ukraine a single cent. i believed the propaganda of the bush and junior administrations that we should send troops into iraq, that this is a war for freedom and democracy,
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that... those who advocate an agreement with saddam hussein are only provoking a broader regional conflict. is this similar to what we hear today? the same conversations, 20 years later, only the names change and names of countries. have we learned our lesson? don't think. we decided that if we beat ourselves in the chest instead of diplomacy, it would somehow lead to good results. but this is not true. as a young man, jaydee vance served in the marines in iraq. evil tongues in the liberal media claim that. his service was limited exclusively to the walls of the press room, and it is also hinted that he was a protégé of billionaire peter tiley, one of the founders of the paypal payment system, who is believed to have introduced him to trump. however, with the fact that vance himself - a man of extraordinary abilities, agreed by many, who grew up in a dysfunctional family with a drug addict mother who changed several husbands, he went to college, studied at yale university law school, wrote a bestseller on his biography, and for about 15 years published under the pseudonym "in one
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of the most respectable us publications, atlantic magazine. i admired him, i thought he had a great political future. there is no question, he is very capable. unlike trump, he is not buffoonish. of great intelligence and talent, very disciplined with great ambitions, even greater than that of an ordinary politician. he differs from them in his incredible moral and intellectual flexibility. relations with the 45th president of the united states are a clear example of such flexibility. just 8 years ago, vance was considered one of the most irreconcilable critics. trump, compared him to hitler and urged him not to succumb to his intoxication. there is no place for reflection in false euphoria. trump is a culture of logical heroin, for a while he makes you feel better, but he doesn't let you correct the causes of anxiety, and one day everyone will understand. donald trump paid his fellow party member in the same coin and did not spare him verbal poison. the new york times published a false article. allegedly , j.d. vance doubts whether he needs my support? yes.
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jaydee wants my support so badly that she kisses my ass. it is all the more surprising today to hear that jady vence himself is now being spoken of as almost a bigger trumpist than trump himself, who in turn calls his likely vice president his own clone. policy - a crazy and harsh thing, when you compete with someone, emotions overwhelm you, they attack you, you attack, everything only gets worse until you slip. i won't say that this is good, it's just the political reality. and the reality is that over the last 6, 7, 8 years, jady wen has become my father's closest ally, they have incredible chemistry. in the american tradition , the vice president is usually the maximum. a person who is not like his boss, thanks to whom it is possible to collect new votes, so obama had it with joe biden, trump had it with mike fence, biden chose kamela haris, this time the task of attracting additional voters is being solved by vence’s wife usha, whom they met while
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studying at yale university. my background is different from jaydee's, i grew up in san diego surrounded by middle class people. i have two loving parents, immigrants from india and... beautiful sister, the fact that jady and i met at all, fell in love and got married is a testament to the greatness of this countries. the choice in favor of vance, in the opinion of many, is the choice of not just a deputy, but a likely successor who can continue trump’s work after 2029, or insurance in case something happens to the president, and this thorough approach attracts republicans not only votes, and also huge money. the likely vice president is well known in silicon valley, where he has been for 5 years.
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let me make one thing completely clear: i fully support donald trump. dot. against the backdrop of monolithic republican ranks, fuss in the democratic party looked even more in contrast and only further alienated voters. the only question is whether
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the democrats will now be able to cope with their losses, when there are just over 3 months left before the elections. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, pavel evdokimenko, channel one usa. let's return to russia. head of government mikhail mishustin. today i began a working trip to the far east and siberia and the first stop is magadan, the focus is on the construction of a new airport terminal and tourism development. report by anna kurbatova. kalyma - this is not only a point on the map where snow lies for 9 months of the year; by the way, it can even fall in summer. magadan, today, also has such views. the city is surrounded by incredibly beautiful hills, connected by a single chain of almost 1500 km. you can already say it’s a tradition in the second half of summer.
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in december of the twenty-fourth year, there is no turning back, yes, we plan to complete the commissioning of the buildings in december of the twenty-fourth year. right at this place, for example, there will be a baggage claim; even the floor is already lined. passengers are currently being served unfortunately, in the rather cramped premises of the terminal, which was built in the early eighties, all conditions have been created; the terminal area will allow serving up to 1.5 million passengers. it’s a wonderful airport, it’s clear that it was... made wisely, with an approach, it’s very nice that it was designed by russian specialists, we are modernizing 3075 airports, which in the country should be a reliable support for people who travel, returning to their loved ones,
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it should be comfortable, convenient. concerning magadansky, there will also be jet bridges here, the dream of local residents is not to get off the plane immediately in a severe snowstorm and frost, and in winter it’s -60 here. the area of ​​the aerovocal complex is 14,000 m2. the project is very complex , for example, a pit under this building could only be dug in winter, because underneath there is permafrost ice, we cannot allow it to begin to melt, so now on the ground floor there is a powerful cooling unit. the new terminal will be able to serve 800 passengers per hour, which is a quarter more than the current one. this is important, given that the plane is the main mode of transport for magadan residents; often this is the only way to get to neighboring regions. and there is data on what the current passenger flow is, how much do you expect it to increase after commissioning, now there are already more than 600 thousand passengers a year, here up to half a million, passenger flow is growing, of course, not only from...
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the region was talking about for those residents who work there at a very important production facility, oska, they produce airplanes, there was a new embankment, how are things there? embankment will be delivered, mikhailov, by the end of this year, well, returning to kolyma. magadan 2030, what a real tourist magnet it is, beautiful, attractive for tourists from russia, not only is it a sea facade, it is certainly the marina center, it is mayak park, and this. those pearls of nature in which there will be
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facilities for tourists, tourist centers, this is the talaya sanatorium, which is already ready to receive its first guests. a lot has already been done, this is how the city lives now, eight time zones from moscow. new buildings are being actively built here housing, new embankment observation platforms appeared, extended into bicycle paths, a modern park appeared next to residential areas - mayak, in this place, for example, there used to be an industrial zone, now the dyukcha ethnopark, which translates from ... settlements, and this is here, the meaning of the phrase, not everything that glitters is gold, is taken literally and explained to tourists. gold, diamonds, gold, only, no diamonds, we need to go to yakutia. just today there is a gold panning championship in the park. by the way, the magadan region ranks second in russia in gold mining, second only to krasnoyarsk region. these figures are expected to increase even more this year. this was discussed in particular at the meeting between mikhail mishustin and the governor.
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many people in the world hear and understand russia, but not the west. there, the rare voices of reason are drowned out by the same russophobic warlike rhetoric. viktor orban and robert fitzo, the prime ministers of hungary and slovakia, call for dialogue with moscow and pressure on kiev for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict, but they are in the minority. ball in europe is ruled by the war party. the head of russian diplomacy spoke about this at the un sergey lavrov. as long as the old continent only listens to orders from washington, don’t expect peace. but... 40 years ago, many of those who lead europe today took exactly
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the opposite positions. ivan blagoy will confirm. in 1984, no, not oruel, but western. and here is the article signed by scholz personally. the world is threatened by the new us global strategy. the united states is trying to achieve military superiority over the ussr in order to wage a victorious nuclear war at the regional level. it's nothing more than a concept deep blows of the american general rogers. in the eighties, pentagon analysts seriously thought about the acceptability
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of a nuclear conflict in europe for washington, since it most likely would not affect us territory. in parallel. scholz said so much, wrote so much, and also refers to the statement of the coordinating committee of the peace movement. an unconditional yes to nato means continuing the madness of military weapons and complicity in the military oppression of third world countries. copies of the documents were published by the german historian hubertus knabe. they are showing, how consistent an opponent of american military plans scholz was in his time. what an irony that it was under olaf scholz as chancellor that the americans decided to declare that starting from...
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this would have dire consequences for the european continent. end of quote. as they say, a freudian slip. that is, washington is convinced that it will not be the united states but its european allies that will suffer from a new global war. if the biden administration's strategy is based on such an analysis, then this is
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an extremely dangerous delusion. well, the europeans of course, they must realize what a suicidal role is destined for them. judging by a survey conducted by the forsa institute for the study of public opinion, germans are close to this realization. in fact, every second resident of germany (47% of respondents) believe that the deployment of american missiles in germany will increase the risk of a collision between nato and russia. only two out of ten of scholz’s compatriots believe in the mantras about increasing safety. and in general, we see a situation in which a new euro-missile crisis is actually emerging. and when there are more of these missiles, it may turn into a very serious threat to... the security of the russian federation, to combat stability, including our strategic nuclear forces. as sergei rebkov, deputy head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, said, moscow must calibrate its responses without experiencing internal checks. the deployment on the russian side of systems similar to the american ones, only in a nuclear version, is not excluded. as for ukraine,
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moscow perceives the conflict there in the general context of european security. we are ready for negotiations, but taking into account the sad experience. interpretations of the conditions for starting negotiations with kiev, vladimir putin outlined on june 14 at a meeting with foreign ministry staff, the withdrawal of troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and refusal to join nato. on thursday , the website of the hungarian cabinet of ministers published a letter that viktor orban, who had previously visited kiev, moscow, beijing and washington, sent to the outgoing head
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of the european council, charles michel. in the letter, the hungarian prime minister calls for the restoration of direct diplomatic contacts with russia and warns of the consequences. for europe donald trump's coming to power in the united states. the point is that the ukraine project will ultimately hang on the shoulders of european taxpayers. by the way, former us ambassador to germany richard quite openly warns about this. berlin's plans to halve spending on military support for kiev next year. this is due to the difficult economic situation in germany itself. it would seem that in
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such conditions, orban’s initiative for an early ceasefire in ukraine could be extremely useful, but the eu is trying in every possible way to isolate hungary. i think, it is obvious that the supporters of war among eu politicians are not happy with what we are doing, because they do not want peace, they only want the continuation of the war. they don't care about escalation, but we do. no, as if in retaliation for efforts to establish peace this week , kiev blocked the transit of russian oil through the druzhba pipeline, simultaneously striking both hungary and slovakia. the authorities of both countries are in favor of a ceasefire in ukraine. for both the hungarians and the slovaks, supplies of russian oil are vital , since they simply do not have adequate alternative. the publication politiku writes about the real threat of the fuel crisis in hungary, rising prices and electricity shortages. spokesperson for the hungarian government. published the following statement from the head of mid sijart. interestingly, a country that seeks to join the european union threatens energy supplies for two
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countries that are already members of the european union, and this happens in the summer when consumption is at its peak. on thursday, the summit of the so-called european political communities. it unites not only eu countries, but also states located on the periphery of the union. one of such states after brexit is great britain itself. zelensky, whose presidential title, was also invited to the meeting. powers expired in the spring. he was in an extremely nervous state and urged people not to listen to those who propose peace negotiations behind ukraine’s back. a clear allusion to viktor orban, however, the same words can now be applied to former british prime minister johnson. here he burst out with an article about how trump could resolve the conflict on ukraine. he proposes to further increase arms supplies to kiev and remove restrictions on strikes on russian territory. however, the borders of the ninety-first year are not mentioned in the article, that is, ukraine forgets about crimea. moreover, johnson is thinking about protecting the rights of the russian-speaking population and the global restoration of relations with the united states, this is written by the same johnson who prompted
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the ukrainian authorities to fight with russia, because thanks to him, at the very beginning of the conflict, kiev buried the draft peace agreement in istanbul, which contained similar points. and now, while in the uk, zelensky, in an interview with the bbc , actually admitted his direct interest in continuing hostilities . you may reach a point where...
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we need to invest more in defense and security, russia continues its offensive in eastern ukraine, it is betting on a war of attrition, it wants to do the next one.
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first channel. big news of the week. billionaire elon musk announced on his social network x that he is moving his headquarters from california to texas. the main office of another space businessmen company follows them in the same direction. according to musk, he and his employees are tired of gangs of drug addicts, but more of the state authorities, where political fashion is dictated by the lgbt community, a movement that is recognized as extremist in russia and is prohibited. about the dark tones of the american rainbow by georgy alsashvili. i am one of those people
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who like to be taught, but not lectured.
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made it clear to governor newsom that laws of this nature would force california families to leave the state to protect their children. logics the mask is very clear, the evacuation to conservative texas from democratic california, which has turned into a testing ground for the most daring experiments within the framework of the liberal agenda. for example, even before puberty, a child is explained in an accessible form that he can decide for himself whether he is a boy or a girl. puberty does n't just happen on its own. there are drugs that can help your body start the process, for example, hormone replacement therapy. some people choose hormone surgery, so that their body matches their gender identity, who they feel they are. your gender identity is real, only you can decide what to do with your body, and if anything, teachers will help you and
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inspire you by personal example. my last year's students are now in fifth grade, but... almost every day after school they come to me, and many of them are lgbt, because i am lgbt myself. jennuhol, however, after recording this video, the school asked, but perhaps only because it was in a conservative state utah, in california they film educational stories about such things, like about the widdington family, where the mother gave birth to a daughter, but somehow immediately realized that it was a boy. ryland could not yet speak, but he had already managed to show his parents that he was a boy. he immediately began to act up, as if he was in pain.
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who i grew up, my father would just hit me for that, put me in jail for saying something like that, i don't care, it's like child molestation, talk to my kids about gender without telling me where the father is, he might
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just beat the man up physically, the degree of confrontation is growing, trans activists even tried to send prescription puberty blockers to everyone via the internet, more than twenty states are trying to ban hormone therapy for trans youth, my friends and i had an idea: let's send out the remaining drugs we have, if you need hormones, i will connect you with network of distributors, everything is free without any questions, the shop was quickly closed, but transguru eli erlik continues the fight, now he demands free access for transgender women, that is biological men into women's sports. what if a six-foot, 100-kilogram boxer said, “i want to fight women, would you like that?” “yes, well, there are two-meter women, can’t they compete?


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