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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 23, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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it begins, let's try again, what's wrong here, well, katerina herself, first of all, fyodor, why do you have her as katerina? uh-huh, we should have called her something, let it be katerina, and what’s wrong with her, it’s very difficult when everyone interrupts all the time, i support, everyone here, everyone is interrupted all the time, no one will interrupt anymore, fedor, fedor , yes, yes, sorry, katerina, well, obviously, katerina. with
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nikita, while making unambiguous advances to ilya. vadim, who has an axe, has been terribly in love with her since the seventh grade. the question of who will have the nerves to break first, i personally bet on vadim, especially since he has an axe, no, no, the ax is a constant function, it doesn’t carry, boris igorevich, why, you’ll get confused now, everything is as usual, well, crystal the situation is clear, no one will return from this trip, the bodies will be found in six months, and then by chance, when they... thank you, fedor, but the task was still a little different, let's look again at the picture, on which side the sun is drawn , left, right, which means the shadow should fall somewhere, to the right, and if there... a nuclear explosion -
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it’s a flash, brighter than the sun, so in the other direction, this is the last moment in their life, it doesn’t matter who katerina sleeps with, who loves whom, they will all die in a second, all four of them, strangely i don’t recognize the area, but maybe this could happen , that the picture is not important at all, well, a man sat down and drew it out of his head, well, by chance, it could be like that, what by chance? no, how many times do i need to repeat for you to understand me, finally, there is no such thing as chance at all , in principle, everything that we call chance is a manifestation of unstable connections in reality, the result of the intersection of processes and events independent of each other, an integral addition to the laws of necessity, these connections are sometimes invisible, like you... you don’t understand,
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this is not a reason to do it because they don’t exist, tatyana andrevno, it’s not me , of course, it’s very convenient, i don’t recognize it at all here either, okay, let’s finish for today, thank each other, it’s empty without you. earth, how can i live for a few hours, and where is everything, just empty on earth, mine without
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you, and you, you fly and the stars give you its tenderness, it was just as empty on the ground when it was flying, and where...
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come on again, let yourself out here, sit next to me, listen to how it sounds, come on!
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“thank you for your trust, oleg, you’re really going to make a joke now, i’m open, i. i’ll leave now, won’t you count them? yes, oleg said,
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don’t, pinch your hand, you need to be more careful. subsequently, marlon asked himself how it happened, that the detective, with his experience, did not sense the danger and stepped straight into the trap set for him, the answer to which he inevitably came on autumn evenings over there was only one glass of bourbon each time, and it was all because of the stranger’s gaze.
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please, the result, and you have a transit head in opposition to saturn, here you are, hit, yes, you see, i’m a libra, today it was better for me not to leave the house at all, well, it’s written in black and white, increased risk of accidents, you have to be careful behind the wheel, with a fire, with valuables with documents, no, but most importantly, every time i think that i’ll carry it, hey, hey, stop! when marlow came to his senses it was already getting dark, the road was empty, not a beauty on the red car, no bags with money, only
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the dim sun seemed to deliberately linger over the very edge of the hollywood hills to laugh at our hero, we thought you were lost, you won’t wait, victor ivanovich, mom, happy birthday, so smart, yes, this is for me at school today arranged, did not have time. listen, ma, here’s the situation, i bought a gift, but why are you spending money, you didn’t need anything, but listen, i bought a gift, but on the way my backpack was stolen from the car, oh my god, yes, can you imagine, i came to meet you , 15 minutes left, no bag,
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the situation in the city is very criminal, the san doesn’t work well, well, as best we can, why aren’t you picking up the phone, i’ve been calling you all evening, let’s sit down already, we’re a cake without you. we didn’t eat, no, mom, i don’t eat sweets, you eat everything, we bought it for someone, you know that my father can’t, but i forgot, viktor ivanovich has diabetes, i really want it. cake mommy, let me help you, val, let’s go, i’ll help you with something, i lied about the gift, no, i actually bought a hairdryer, sanya, there’s champagne, open the second bottle, no mom, thank you, i won’t, i’m for it that’s it, i understand, come on, at least my head has settled down, how much was there, how many times i told you, find a normal one. on a rifle, or what? what? paint automatically. no offense. yes, why
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be offended by you? last year there was a similar case for an accountant in a construction company. volosukhin, i remembered the last name for the rest of my life. did the illegal immigrant bring his salary in cash? well, some lady cut him off at a traffic light too, he’s a fool, let’s feel sorry for her, at this time his bag was still stolen from the salon, he let’s catch up, his gazelle is something like that the mirror caught that we took readings three times, a match. pavlik, 18 years have passed, okay, 18 already, yes,
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when it’s really me, it ’s time to forget that you and i once had a father, a real one, or alternatively, find out in these 18 years where he is lost, at least try, i just heard that you cops are taught to specifically look for people, that’s it, you spoke out, spoke out. so now we’ll do this: we go into the house, you smile and eat cake, okay? no, i better go home already, no, you didn’t hear me well, now let’s go to home, you’re eating the cake, smiling, listening to your mother’s story about school before you moved in, the task is clear, that’s right, comrade senior lieutenant, well, that’s all.
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why didn’t you call? yes, the phone fell out and broke, but why don’t you come right away? it's my mom's birthday today, huh? well, this is sacred, and there were a lot of, like, one and a half, well, not fatal, sales, you’ll give something that will sell him, a car, you saw what he drives, well, yes, and what about your apartment, i’m renting. this is a problem, kerman nikolaevich, oh, you have it here, zay, you
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wait for me downstairs at the exit, and i’ll be there soon, pash, don't worry, everything will be fine. there are no hopeless situations, almost, yes, are you already sleeping or something, well, talk, listen, you know what i wanted to ask, but... this accountant of yours with a funny last name, what’s his name , well, whose suitcase was pressed plasukhin, and
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where did you iron , he worked? well, there ’s something special about building a rest, what for you, where did you decide to play? no, no, that’s not what i’m calling about at all, i wanted to say that everything was fine, german understood everything, good, and there wasn’t much money there, well, consider yourself lucky, so, well, something like that, good night, good night, monstrous! the story is monstrous, i have known seryozha polosukhin since the eighth grade, and he worked for me for 1.0 years, for him.
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and you, excuse me, for which publication, bulletin of clinical psychiatry, quarterly. young man, where are you going? and i, excuse me, i’m in neuralgic solitude, who would have thought, the second entrance, the pass office, thank you.
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i see you in my peripheral vision, accepted, hello. andrey petrovich, what is it again, you have a group meeting in 3 minutes, i ’m running to look for you, let’s quickly.
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good morning, tatyana andreevna, hello, alisha, good morning everyone, today we are, and where is boris igorevich, and let fedor tell us. why is he not feeling well after yesterday? why are you looking at me? am i to blame, or what? yes, well who? from you 200 rubles, by the way, is the minimum, you have to pay for everything. so, let 's not quarrel, i'm right now. arina.
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young man, can i help you, no, i’m going to see the head of the neurological department, tatyana, aleksandrovna, where is your pass, letting me in, young man, young man, pass, i’m looking for a pass, i’m looking! young man, tatyana andreevna, khlebnikova miglinskaya is not let him go, he has increased anxiety after yesterday’s session, great, but now
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what should i do, should i cancel now andreevna, don’t swear at me, i don’t swear arina, you always need six people, and migvinskaya knows this very well, damn, that’s the main thing, it was impossible to say about this an hour ago, but let’s not go, hello, hello, have a seat. “boris igorevich won’t be there today, he has increased anxiety after yesterday. or maybe he ran into the territory, and there the door was welded shut, but he doesn’t know for sure, i don’t know anything.” i don’t know at all, it’s some kind of madhouse,
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konstantin, it’s very nice, pavel, mutually, the entrance fee is 30, so, and you are with us, this is pavel, yes, durov, manic-depressive psychosis, miglianskaya sent me to you, sixth , you always need six people, yes, damn it, i yelled at the intern, that means pavel, and i’m tatyana andreevna, i know, great, take one, one, one and pass it on. others, of course, tatyana andreevna, and this is not difficult, along the way i will explain to you what needs to be done. ah, today we have
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you have a slightly different task, a few words, the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at the picture. loneliness, pain. emptiness, there’s a nuclear explosion outside the window, and what can he say about the explosion, for some reason i don’t recognize the street, strange, some kind of three-kopeck story, and pavel, well, i think he’s an accountant, a lot of strangers were stolen from him, and he is very responsible, and he was so upset that he ended up in a mental hospital,
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and he’s standing at the window, looking at the street, so this is polosukhin, that’s what a fresh head means, yes, polosukhin, as if alive, and you know him, yes , who doesn’t know him, he was under functional diagnostics for a week, yeah, a very sad story happened to him. he took money from the bank to briefcases, then left the briefcase, which, of course, is a complete disgrace, considering the amount that was there, well, yes, stupid. today is the twentieth, yes, but this is mars, in transit, in opposition to saturn, and in the meantime, here is this minivan, with a mirror
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directly, injured for a week, then to us. he was visited here, of course, firstly, the police, well , you saw the license plates, and secondly, colleagues from work, seryoga, understand, these are not like that deadly money, seryoga, look at me, he didn’t talk to them, and he didn’t talk to anyone at all. and not because he hit his head, he had some problems, no, everything was fine, his head had just healed, and why then? very simply, he
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recognized this woman in the car. lyuba, lyubov bogdanovna, the specialist has a branch in tolstopaltsevo, she worked there in the accounting department too, so she knew what numbers he used to deliver salaries. thank you, lyuba, thank you. polasukhin, today is the twentieth, right? lyuba, stop, but if he found out who robbed him, why didn't the police tell him? you really don’t understand, because he liked her very much, not that he liked her, he was in love with her, without memory, he was simply embarrassed to say. how could he hand her over to the police, but lyuba, unfortunately, didn’t know about it, or she knew, but didn’t want to take the risk, it was too expensive, perhaps he
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was discharged after a week, because... it was you, fyodor sergeevich, of course, who turned it down, yes, i probably got a little carried away. palasukhin is an accountant, a good accountant is a state of mind, and a heightened sense of responsibility, namely, the main love of his life is work and cacti; he has been collecting cacti since childhood.
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this is also in second place after work, or an honorable third place, at best, something like this, so where is he now, well, he works, of course, a good accountant is expensive, he will also waste money, he, as an investment, should be kept in in a safe place, in a closet, there is no inflation. oh, he’s here, glebushka, so, let’s get up, just a minute, wait, now, i mean, in the closet, i don’t understand, i myself, myself, myself, i, i’ll go, i’ll go, absolutely, tatyana andrevna, for god’s sake, i’m sorry, i apologize that we interrupted your lesson, there’s a story here, a stranger broke into the territory, we looked for him for half an hour, and he turns out to be sitting here with you, excuse me, continue, please, we will figure it out ourselves, excuse me, i beg your pardon, excuse me, but the new guy forgot his jacket,
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the tekhian fleet solves problems of ensuring military security in the asia-tekhian region, is a region of increased attention of the united states of america and its allies. team get ready for action by ovral. the steering wheel is straight, both forwards are small, a submarine was discovered, foreign, virginia, exactly straight, she is waiting for her husband - this is such a romantic state, dad, nakhimovites live here, this is a wardrobe, there is a perescope to raise, the near distant horizon is clear, compared to everyone else other submarines, we can sneak up anywhere, we try, we always try to be the best.
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the caliber winged complex is capable of hitting a target with an accuracy of up to 5 m. it hit the prime minister on navy day, in sunday is on first, don't do that again. what kind of tolstopaltsevsky branch, you want to say, you don’t have a tolstopaltsevsky branch, and not only there is no branch, there is no city with such an idiotic name, and you know what else, there is no bulletin of clinical psychiatry, i googled it, but it’s a pity, a publication would be useful,
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go away. and that’s when everything finally fell into place. marlow realized that he had been cruelly played, deceived, tricked like a naive youth. what a fool he would have to be for us to believe. tanyush, well, understand, if you go to the academic council now with these fantasies of yours, they will simply devour you. and me too, for putting up with all this for a year, almost a year, i have 2 months left, tanya, well, you have such a bright head, well, you can’t waste your energy, god knows what, but today i had a breakthrough, by the way , explain to me, how is this from an outsider,
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a dissertation, i’ve heard this 100 times already, well , it’s a beautiful idea, well, it doesn’t work, 2 months, no, ivan arnoldovich, but that’s all i ask of you, you promised me, i don’t , no, no, three weeks, and if you raise your voice, i'll change my mind. oh, damn it, please help me,
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i can take this disgusting thing off, it’s digging into my neck, why is it disgusting? it's a very beautiful thing. yeah, german, sorry, i brought it, i thought the stones turned out to be glass. it costs 60 euros, by the way, i looked it up on the internet. well, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. and this is you, when you get yourself a girlfriend, you will tell this, okay, but i don’t need to. come on, let's please make sure that you don't have a house, but the lights are on everywhere, oh, it's mine, and what do they say in such cases? where did you get the mattress from? was in
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jacket, in such cases they say thank you, hmm, well, it’s logical, listen, i would invite you to my place, but i’m not cleared, come in, feel it. you feel at home, first of all, who are you , why did you break out to me today? and both questions sound very appropriate now, didn’t it occur to you that these are patients, that they have a flexible psyche, in general you can harm them, no, you might swell a little, no, thank you very much, then it seems to me that you’re a little... a little tense, i said, no, but this is merlot, look, organic, mental deviations are usually are associated with damage to different parts of the brain, but some are responsible for speech, some for memory, so just don’t show it on yourself, not in this apartment. the group that you saw today, they have different pathologies, but performing one common task, they seem to begin
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to help each other, as you saw, what one cannot do, the other complements, then the third, roughly speaking, we have with you one healthy brain for six, yeah, why is this necessary, i’ll explain, there is a theory, it... has not yet been clinically confirmed that with such group exercises, the affected areas of the brain are stimulated, that is, pathologies that are usually considered irreversible, and it is not necessary to listen to all this now, i already explained to you why i came and admitted that it was a bad idea, i have already apologized to you twice, that you i also need from me, i ’m just about to do this, for you to come to tomorrow’s session, it’s during the day and literally about 40 minutes, so stop, stop, stop, i’ve completely lost the thread, they just swore at me for coming to you stuck, in danger, fragile the psyche of these yours, yes, but your appearance somehow incredibly stimulated them, well , for almost a year i could not achieve such a result from them, and you came and yes, only they lied to me everything, no, not any kind of love, not
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the branches of tolskopaltsevo, i think they’re bored with you, that’s how they’re having fun, and you, by the way, are really a psychiatrist, and what doesn’t seem like it, well , it just always seemed to me that a psychiatrist... has professionally developed powers of observation, that they feel a partner, an interlocutor, understand, what if, for example, you came in at the wrong time or stayed a little longer than necessary, oh, i forgot to tell you an important thing, well, since you forgot, that means... it’s especially important about polosukhin, i clarified that after you were taken out, my group, no one has ever seen him, i mean, he’s been with you for a whole week , well , in another department for diagnostics, they could
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read his name on the roundabout or see him in the park from afar, but none of them had any contact with him, oh well, good, you ’re making fun of me now, so stop. wait, how could they have found out about this woman in the car, the details of the robbery, where did they come from? they, and you ask them yourself, tomorrow at 11. here is my number, dial the matchmaker, otherwise the security is offended by you, and apologize to your girlfriend, they came out inconvenient, i think you ’ll propose now, she’s pretty, at least krotaev, take a look i didn’t have time, but there was nothing that was necessary, but it doesn’t matter, she’s a psychiatrist and oh, but i think she’s a teacher, such a disgusting voice, well... of course you can’t compare. i turned off the irony.
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naumova 26 third entrance, you’re a fool, it hurts, oleg, you ’re going to break his arm, yes, well, i think so. you'll have to think when i tell you, i'm like this
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i understand, you didn’t find the money, then what did you find, the address, oh, wow, it’s really an address, but who the hell is it? who was this? kuratov, last name, i think, is polosukhin’s boss and seems to be his school friend. nervous to catch up with someone, wait,
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palasukhin accountant, a good accountant is a state of mind. kuratov mm, well, it looks like his apartment, krataev, why did you bring us here, we are the door for him, and he is a cop now, the main love of his life is work, he also collected cacti, he has been collecting cacti since childhood, cacti are in second place after work , pash, explain, you don’t see, he’s hanging up. where is he now? it works, of course, it’s like an investment,
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it should be stored in a safe place, there was no woman at all, and he’s the one and a half lyama in the closet itself, that’s where it’s most reliable. and you, i suppose, are german, well... something like that,
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i don’t say a word to anyone, honestly, well, that’s right, just you come here, speak up, i’m here, speak up, so why say anything, your money was stolen in the spring and they say, do you know who stole it, do you know it or not, i don’t know, i would say if i knew, which is what was required to be proven. damn, here it is, sergey, sorry, i don’t know yours patronymic, nikolaevich, sergei nikolaevich, it was him, yes, you guessed right, don’t turn on the cuckoo, listen, german, the choir is babying him,
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take a couple of steps away from the accountant, listen, german, oleg, well, as you know , we, like any construction organization, once a month from the black salary, i transfer 15% to you. yeah, he used to stop by himself all the time, that time... he asked me to bring everything to him at the hotel on the way from the bank, olympic, curious, then, yes, the generation, of course, yours, this is all
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because education has become bad , culture. both music and cinema, everything pulls in some unchanging direction. herman, listen, then you’ll say, how did you get this thing going in one day, it’s like crazy, it’s just luck, it happens. by the way, there’s no way to get the backpack back, i bought it on sale in barcelona, ​​a nato one, why do you need a nato backpack, you’re russian, so buy yourself a russian backpack, it was all there, but not for mom’s
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birthday, listen, slow down there on the corner, oleg and i will have one thing to do between us.
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the funniest thing is that oleg palsukin of course suspected this, but who could know when and where will he go? with money, but i wasn’t completely sure until this deer came to him here in the hospital, he’s just an idiot to scare, well , he scared, the half-ass first tried to stay here with you, but he’s not a real psycho, no offense to those present, well, in short, he was discharged by his boss , who hid him at his home, naumova 26, third entrance, third floor of apartment 14, he helped him with accounting there, and there were cacti there, and when we got there, he was actually sitting in the closet, really i didn't really understand how what is incomprehensible here, any single event,
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a link in a chain of many others, hence the apparent cyclical nature of both the course of history and individual human destinies, everything that comes with it. explains something, well, vladik loves topography, maps, atlases more than anything else in the world, i constantly buy him guidebooks, at some point he had nothing to read, and he stole the matchmaker’s notebook, where to visit...
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basically, i immediately understood that you yourself don’t understand what they are doing for you and how? well , for now, yes, but i told you that this is ours the first breakthrough for all the time of work, and if good luck, thank you, that means you are no longer with us, right? no, excuse me, tatyanavna, your crazy guys, of course, are wildly sweet guys and helped me out, great, but, but a couple more of these meetings, i can... i’ll feel free to go to their hospital, but i don’t like it when there are bars on the windows , and they probably feed you crap, like they did with anatoria, well, good luck to you, but you don’t
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need to warn the guards, thank you for helping to somehow stir things up, then we’ll really do better on our own, but the main thing is don’t get bored, he’ll definitely come back , depending on what point of view, there is an option that he didn’t... go, korataev, it seems to me that now we will have what’s his name, the beginning of a wonderful friendship. good morning, our earliest tv viewers, on the calendar it’s tuesday, july 23, in the studio today i’m ekaterina strizhenova. hurry up,
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get up, we have a great summer day ahead, a lot of things to do, a lot of plans. this morning we will continue to prepare for navy day, which we will celebrate throughout the country next sunday, visit the forts of kranstatt, and expand our vocabulary in nautical terms, and we’ll also visit bela. and other whales of our seas and oceans on whale day, we will choose the best souvenirs, a reliable sleeping bag for hiking, and of course, we will definitely prepare something tasty today, a new recipe is provided to you, so we will recharge ourselves with energy for the whole day, fitness instructor sergei blucher us i'm already tired of waiting. good morning! muscles should be toned, weight should be normal. we all want this, don't we? pills to make this wish come true have not yet been invented.
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that leaves gymnastics. we spread our arms with a jump and legs to the sides, jump again and return to the starting position. we continue to study. to further strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. interferes with the movement of the legs, which means the load on the muscles increases. yes, we don’t deal with exhaustion, tingling in the side. we do everything with pleasure. this is the best way to always be on your toes. our good body. the summer morning continues, our video catcher on the world wide web, yegor uspensky, continues
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to surprise us. let's get a look. our morning review opens with perhaps the most cultured, intelligent, well-read representative of the cat family. her name is lilya brik, she lives in the mayakovsky central public library in st. petersburg. her responsibilities include maintaining order and, of course, communicating with visitors. and this is a dog named champion, who became famous on the world wide web for the fact that he likes to spy on his neighbors, resting his front paws on the fence and his back paws on a tree trunk. the champion climbs to the very top and begins to spy, earning likes along the way. australian scott russo decided to show his daughters the sheep that they passed by the house, opened the gate, the sheep regarded this as an invitation for the whole town to come... guests, how long scott drove the animals out of the area is not reported. well, in conclusion, another st. petersburg
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celebrity, a pig named dulsenee. she and her owner leisurely walk along the central streets of the northern capital, passers-by and tourists like to take pictures with her, and as a rule, dulcinea does not refuse anyone; ordering something on the internet with delivery to your home or office is a common thing , already quite ordinary, we are already completely we’ve gotten the hang of it, but since in the summer you really don’t want to mess around in the kitchen, we often order ready-made food for ourselves, but why not, but only... and in the heat, you have to be more careful with this. in the heat, a person slows down, he is drawn to sleep, at least the bacteria spoil the food in a matter of hours. the general bacterial temperature is 30°, respectively, from 30° the proliferation of microorganisms begins. more specific bacteria, such as stephylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, salmonella, they
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multiply at 37°. majority biological reactions double as the temperature rises, simple arithmetic, after an hour there are four times more microbes, after two there are already 16, and the speed of food delivery is sometimes exactly that, delivery time is 2 hours or 20 minutes, so it takes 2 hours to deliver, they are on horseback there on horses or something, i don’t know, in the heat, ready-made dishes are especially dangerous, in the first place those with raw fish or meat, without heat treatment in general. even some of the already existing bacteria are not killed, because poisoning due to their certain quantity, rolls are not the best option now: in buryat , 75 people were recently poisoned by them, the diagnosis was salmanosis, especially for pregnant women, because this microorganism (listerimonost), it is more common in fish in pregnant women, can cause various complications. the second
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most dangerous thing is salads with mayonnaise or other fatty sauce. sission, bacteria love this, besides, they cut it, add everything by hand, which means the risks are even higher, the more of these human contacts, dishes and the environment with the product, the more it will be more dangerous for humans; stephylococcus aureus bacteria of the e. coli group are often found in salads. the third most dangerous thing is shawarma and its components are often not stored in the refrigerator, they are simply stored at room temperature. recently conducted research on shawarma, there were also many discoveries, plus delivery in hot weather, plus the same fatty sauce product, perishable, recommended storage temperature of +4°, and finally, in the summer it is better to refuse delivery of cakes, they do not last long, even in the refrigerator, if we are talking, for example, about confectionery, yes, with whipped cream, some kind of cake, and custard, the shelf life there is very
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short, whipped cream generally only lasts 6 hours. naturally, in the heat, during delivery, the safe shelf life is reduced; for ice cream that has thawed, as soon as the temperature inside it rises to -13°, microorganisms are already developing. anna brosimova, ilya redkozubov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. we often order ready-made food now, it’s really very convenient, but still, the most delicious food is the one you cook yourself and at home. have you ever tried stuffed cabbage? no, not individual leaves, these are ordinary cabbage rolls, everyone has tried them. but culinary specialist victoria bredis suggests stuffing the whole head of cabbage. let's see how she did it. i want cabbage rolls, but i don’t want to make them. i will stuff the whole cabbage. i remove the top leaves and cut off the stalk to
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create a solid support. i make a long curved cut on the cochin, next to another one , only in the opposite direction, so that the edges matched. i remove the layers of cabbage, creating a depression. i cut the whole cabbage with wedges. for the filling, i mix minced meat with breadcrumbs and a beaten egg. salt, pepper, fill the cavity with filling. i wrap the head of cabbage in foil and put it in a preheated oven, bake for an hour at 180°. i serve the dish with chopped herbs, sour cream, and boiled rice as a side dish. if you like cabbage rolls, you will definitely like stuffed cabbage according to my recipe. bon appetit! today is world
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whale and dolphin day! for which i congratulate heroes of the occasion, dear dolphins, please do not be offended, today we are going to visit the whales, they live in our northern seas off the coast. sakhalin and kamchatka. i was lucky, i saw a whale live and swam with dolphins. and this is great luck. they say that the largest mammals on the planet can even speak their own special language. i wonder what they say about us, about people? to the nightingales to see the beluga whales, their maternity hospital and kindergarten . females help each other to prepare their babies for big water. can hear them talking. red.
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in large numbers, in general, summer is the time of whales, i cry, i cry, because my dream has disappeared, yes, the happiest person in the world, many come from the warm waters, where they gave birth to babies, to the northern seas to feed, for them this is a resort, in barintsev the sea has dozens of species, the species only have time to attract tourists. just the day before yesterday we met a humpback whale, which made more than twelve flights out of the water, turning over from its belly to its back. these are some saltos, giants of the ocean, when you see how it takes off over the water, but this is a sight that is difficult to find anywhere else in the world. still, the largest mammal on the planet is a record holder, among
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them a blue whale with a length of 30 and weighing more than 50 tons, one tongue weighs as much as an indian elephant, but according to whale experts, even for them it is visually difficult to estimate these sizes. what we see on the surface of the water is only a small part, a tenth of a whale, if our boat, for example, is about. 5 m long, then even a gray whale, it is usually 13 m, that is, well, the entire carcass is hidden under water. after the whaling bans , the population slowly is being restored, so scientists know each ward personally by the drawing on the polovnyak, it’s like our fingerprint. this year, good news: in four trips to sea, which the weather allowed us, we have already met eight females with cubs, which is very good, that is, this is an increase. at least eight cubs, we hope, we hope that there will be more of them there, they will still come, that is, this year the situation is getting a little better compared to the twenty-second and twenty-third years. this means that
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next year there will be even more of them, and the likelihood of meeting increases, especially since the whales are very constant, they always return to the feeding place where their mother first brought them, which means now we will be able to see these babies every year. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. on air on channel one news release. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the crew of the k-52m helicopter of the russian aerospace forces successfully overran the positions of militants in the special operation zone. after use aircraft weapons, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned safely to the airfield. in the avdievsky direction, the crew of the malka self-propelled artillery installation of the center group of troops began
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an artillery duel with the enemy. as a result, he destroyed the german-made pan howitzer 2000 self-propelled gun. they hit us with large-caliber high-explosive fragmentation shells weighing 110 kg each. the fire was controlled using a drone. dobley himself performs combat missions military and assault unit of the west troops group, the most distinguished were awarded medals for courage. here is the story of one of the awardees. the enemy opened fire on us from the srzo with a tank. i saw that my friend was wounded. that is, without hesitation, without any thoughts, i began to pester my comrade, during which i also received a wound. that is , god willing, everyone remained alive, all the guys, now i’m communicating with everyone, all the guys are in a good mood, that is, they are ready to move on, defending the country, defending the homeland is our duty
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male, my family lives here, my friends, relatives, that is, every man must accomplish a feat in his life, victory will be ours, so guys, guys, men, don’t be afraid, the truth, the truth is always ours. after successful attacks by our units, more and more ukrainian military personnel prefer to surrender in order to save their lives. one of them told during interrogation how he ended up in the army and how he treated his soldiers. ordinary ukrainians are tired of fighting, they are tired of being pawns in someone else’s game, they want peace, they mobilized me, well , i was walking drunk, they gave me a summons, i went all the way, and never came home again, the commander in words, in words, had a normal attitude, well , in fact... didn’t consider us to be people, sent us
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to meat, to fight no one wants it for a long time, they take it and mobilize it, it’s already forced, what kind of spirit is there, what is everything there , everyone is tired of the war, the west, no matter what, is inflating the conflict, how can zelensky, who begs from the so-called allies, one thing or another another, promises almost one and a half billion euros, they are going to take them from the proceeds of frozen, and essentially stolen, russian assets. chapter. european diplomacy josep barel said that funds will be allocated in early august, they will be used for air defense systems, ammunition for artillery and support for the defense industry of ukraine. countries that have already supplied kiev with weapons are now counting on compensation from the european peace fund, but hungary is standing in the way. budapest refused to lift its veto, and the money remains blocked. meanwhile, the ukrainian deputy prime minister for issues integration into the eu was offended by... european
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politicians olga stefanishina said that they cling to trifles, reproaching kiev for violating the rights of national minorities, which she refers to as millions of russian-speaking citizens of the country. according to stefanishyna, there are restrictions for russians in ukraine, quote, for security reasons, and demands to respect their rights, in her opinion, are destabilizing. since 2014, the country has been pursuing an aggressive policy of ousting everything related to russia and the russian language, and also the so-called. decommunization. in the poltava region, officials reported that the process was completed, more than 300 names had been changed. and there are no more gagarin, tchaikovsky, or kovpak streets in the region. also, not a single partisan remained. in poland , a monument to the soviet-polish brotherhood in arms was demolished. all this happened to the hooting of the crowd, broadcast on its website by the polish institute of national remembrance. to be fair, it must be said that not all city residents supported the proposal head-on. activists
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tried to the last to defend the monument, to which they laid flowers every year. solution the new mayor of the city decided to dismantle it. today is the memorable date of the great patriotic war. 80 years ago the red army liberated pskov. from the first days of the war, hitler’s command called him the key to the front doors of leningrad. there was the highest concentration of fascist troops. however, after the blockade was lifted , the germans began to retreat, trying to gain a foothold for forty kilometers.
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during exercises in the strategic missile forces , our military in the irkutsk region perform hundred-kilometer marches on mobile yars complexes. along the route repels attacks by simulated sabotage groups, and trains to carry out camouflage. also, one of the important tasks is to learn how to remove special equipment from the zone of conditional chemical contamination. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new summer day with channel one on the calendar for tuesday, july 23. this whole week passes under the sign of navy day, which we will celebrate next sunday, july 28. don't miss the live broadcast of the naval parade from st. petersburg on channel one. our correspondents are already working in the northern capital and rediscovering this amazing city. anastasia soveleva suggests.
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yes, the maritime language is a separate universe, hundreds of names for the ship’s hull from the crew appeared in the days of sailing ships, and peter ii brought it. there are practically no russian words, it’s either dutch, or... german or english, i wouldn’t call it international, i had a case when i got on an english sailing ship, there was its own terminology, technical terms for us, of course, not understand, my favorite word is knyav degent, by the way, that’s it, but many expressions have become popular among the people, and since the 18th century,
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because the fleet is developing, words are heard, everyone wanted to be, so to speak, in the trend, for example , watch, according to one of the versions from the dutch watch, watch, the following: used, and on ships of all types, this is about the work of the ship, for which the entire crew is assembled, anchoring, mooring, cleaning, but not to be confused with the midday, this is jargon, and an ancient one, a cry to attract attention to some phenomenon, that’s where the expression sea wolf came from is still unknown,
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one can only guess, the animal is strong, so brave and they are wolves in a pack, and sea wolves are in a team, single men who have been in the plan for a long time. wolves just sound better than bears. the language of sailors tends to simplify things, take, for example, a ship’s bell. they call it a market. rynda is the sound made by a ship's bell. this is the market. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ah, there is an assumption that it comes from the english ring the bell. masts and yards logs and sticks. well, it’s just like that among themselves, if. and porusa rags. it's time to learn another one.
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in burg, almost everything is ready, the best seats have been reserved for you, dear tv viewers, the spectacle promises to be grandiose, so don’t miss the live broadcast on channel one, and all this week we will be introducing you to the ships participating in this parade, i present to your attention right now multi-purpose patrol ship near sea zone corvette project 20380 boykiy. compact, unobtrusive and maximally automated, this is all about the corvettes of project 20380, on the roadstead of the neva the corvette is lively. the length of the ship can be 100 meters, the width of the ship is 13 m, and the displacement is almost 2,500 tons, and this colossus can travel up to 7,500 km in one trip, which is
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more than the distance from moscow to khabarovsk. the project's corvettes are armed to combat surface and underwater targets, as well as to support amphibious assault. on board the uni. can sink a ship with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons, that is, a full-fledged frigate, coverage area more than 250 km. the corvettes of the project have already repeatedly undergone firing and maneuvers on the high seas, after which we can definitely say that there have never been more economical universal ships in the russian navy, they are built using a modular architecture, which means that they will be easy to modernize, these are the first corvettes , on which there was also a place for k-27 anti-submarine helicopters, a fuel reserve of 20 tons is provided for them, that is, the winged vehicle will be able to operate for quite a long time, and this increases combat power of the ship. very soon, on july 28, we
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will celebrate navy day throughout the country. the main naval parade will traditionally be held in st. petersburg. him, as always. will show the first channel and, as always, show it the way only we can do it. don't miss the live broadcast of this bright, large-scale celebration. our correspondents have been working in st. petersburg all this week, rediscovering this city, and the city, i must say, is simply amazing. here, it seems, every stone holds a story. and how much of this story keep the stone forts of kronstatt, travel. in time and space , dmitry kuzmin invites us to follow the famous kronshtat, let’s follow him. stone sentry of kronshtat 21 fort. for centuries they have protected the approaches to st. petersburg from the sea,
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how much time does it take to get around everything, i went to this one, but it ’s plague-ridden, but the most beautiful, it’s only accessible by water, the most mysterious kronshtat fort is already inside in the scaffolding in white, this is how he looked when they called him plague, a vaccine was developed here, officially a fort alexander i, his task, like all forts, is to protect st. petersburg along the southern channel. we found rails and granite stops on which the turning mechanisms for the guns stood. grand duke constantine, the most accessible fort from the dam, is named after the son of nicholas i. so how old was he then? only 7 years old, it no longer stopped him from being an admiral general of the imperial fleet. there is also a lighthouse museum, the only one in the country. fresnell lens, the first in the russian empire, mid-19th century.
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swedes to assemble the building to get to the line bricks, we selected exactly the historical brick of the required size. take a break from the water on fortov island, the largest fleet park in the country, more than 100 hectares. only this exhibit, the museum of naval glory 107 m, is a real nuclear submarine k3. don't press your fingers, this is the only gate for the passage between the compartments. it helps a lot with astejandrosis, yes, yes, good exercise. torpedo tubes, which were used to launch emergency exit torpedoes, four of them entered here, closed them and
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went up through the buoy. historical park st. petersburg is such a wise holiday around, and for children, adults, oh, first, there is all the information about peter i, yeah, there’s a queue at the swing with a gorgeous view of the bay, so i took a seat early, in 5 hours i walked only two , two forts, during the same time i looked into two museums, and even then not completely. of course, i looked, well, about a third of this simply gigantic park, it seems to me that you should come here for at least a week, you should live here. dmitry kuzmin, elizaveta neklishova, first channel kronshtat, i’m just a courier, take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you'll be exhausted from counting, you have to be careful while driving, with fire, with valuables, with documents, there were many hopeless situations. no, almost, you are with us, this is pavel, i
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will explain to you what you need to do, they have different pathologies, but performing one common task, they seem to begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos know how to think in their own idiotic way , non-standard, i want to use this, as i understand it, you didn’t find any money, in your calling for my patients, to catch criminals, oh, we don’t get paid for this, by the way... detective syndrome. today is after the program. are you out of your mind? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. the 21st century seems to be a thing of the past long ago, the days when salaries were received in an envelope. however, no, gray and black salaries turned out to be very tenacious. i think the point is that those who agree to them... simply do not think about what they are losing and what they are risking.
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unfortunately, white, gray and black salaries still exist. what is the difference? white or as it is also called the official salary when the employer deducts all taxes, pays for sick leave, all this is beneficial for the employee, but expensive for the employer, because he spends more than just paying salaries. contributions to the pension fund are temporary. capabilities. in total , social contributions reach 30%. in total , it is easy to calculate that 30% of social taxes and 13% of personal income tax, the total amount is 43%. in fact, a salary of 100,000 rubles. for the company you cost 143. therefore, some employers have come up with gray salaries with a small official part and a little more in envelopes. it is beneficial for the accounting department and for the employee. if you receive 30,000 only officially.
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conscientious employers can use the unofficial part as a tool of punishment, you will be indignant, i will pay only the white part, the envelopes are not taken into account anywhere, file a complaint with the labor inspectorate that the employer paid black wages, but you are also setting yourself up for this in a certain way, because you violated legislation, you did not pay 13%, yes, by agreeing to this, the employee enters into a kind of criminal conspiracy, so what? talk about black wages in fact.
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an inexhaustible topic, we can talk endlessly, but it’s better to eat it right now, fruit ice is easy to prepare even at home, the recipe couldn’t be simpler, you need to pour this branch into a mold, just freeze it all, you can use fruit and berry puree or the fruits themselves, juice freshly squeezed or packaged, sugar as desired, when we eat ice cream, in 6 hours, bye, the magic of television, everything is ready, let's see how beautiful we are, how it turned out, yes, wow, how beautiful, so fruity, fruity, refreshing, yes, yeah, you don’t have to wait long for store-bought and fruit ice, but it has its catches, often with food chemicals, be sure to read what is written on the packaging,
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it should not contain artificial flavorings or dyes, at least this is undesirable . this delicacy has the lowest content of fruit and berry puree according to gost up to 10% of the total composition, more in sherbet up to 25%. what else is there? milk, butter, sugar, stabilizers and flavorings that give the ice cream its taste, that is, it is fruit and cream ice cream, but it has fat content sherbet does not exceed 4%, for comparison in plambier there is about twelve, although in the kitchen without ice cream... it cannot be made. the sherbet mass must be saturated with oxygen, due to this an airy structure is obtained, plus then the delicacy melts more slowly. sorbet has the same cooking technology, only it does not contain milk, eggs or butter. the composition includes only natural products, that is, these are frozen berries, fresh berries, and fruits, and chocolate may also be included. according to gost, it’s like in sherbet, up to 25%
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fruit and berry puree. water and sugar are acceptable natural thickeners. thanks to which the taste turns out to be as rich and berry as possible, which is why they love it all over the world, especially in italy. everything is ready, very good, yulia shvalova, dmitry parfenov, tatyana yus, channel one. the opening round of the russian football championship is gaining momentum. my colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov, has all the details. the start of the thirty-third russian football championship was a glorious one. the teams did not let the fans get bored. zenit began their title defense with a victory in samara. petersburgers already in the first half they left no stones unturned , they opened the game in the soviets, scoring three times. first, vilmar barios snatched the ball from two opponents in a tackle. wendel immediately cut through the hosts' defense with a penetrating pass to maxim glushenkov, who calmly
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beat alexander soldatenkov and hit the target. soon arthur opened up on the flanks, received the ball and made a serve from under the same soldier. newcomer zenit has four goals. his transfer from lokomotiv has already been called the most effective in the off-season, and his debut for zenit the brightest in club history. at the end of the match, the guests organized another effective attack. ivan sergeev threw the ball to pedro, who successfully shot from a tight angle. what helped him was a rebound from a defender. 4:0. dynamo, which fought against zenit for the championship last season until the last round, beat fakel in moscow. in the third minute, after a cross from a free kick, nineteen-year-old defender ivan lepsky stood out. when the ball bounced into the field, almost breaking the post from
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konstantin tyukavin's shot. at twenty-eight minutes the uvs score became devastating. yaroslav gladyshev performed a beautiful parachute kick. the intrigue was partly revived by daniil famina, who soon received a red card for a foul on erakleik in vikveskiri, leaving dynamo in the minority. but in the remaining time, fakel managed to score only one goal through the efforts of evgeniy markov. the locomotive at home hardly defeated the debutant rp lacron; the two opponents made 33 shots on each other’s goal, five of which were successful. the first half ended in a 2:2 draw, with the guests constantly winning back, but the muscovites' winning goal happened in the 79th minute, when they two passes traveled the entire field, and vladislav sorveli rolled the ball perfectly under dmitry vorobyov’s shot. having once again replaced the head coach, spartak continues to test the nervous system of its fans. trainees daina stankovic. we left orenburg with nothing, if in the first half the red and white were saved by goalkeeper alexander maksimenko, then in the second he was powerless, first mother asperes blocked emercan gurlyuk's cross, and then
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turuk gave up himself, punishing maksimenko for a monstrous mistake, 2:0 . do you want to be in weightlessness and improve the health of your joints, float because it is a load without vertical axial gravity. about how to save joints about many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy, today on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we are talking about what the hell and my heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you ’re a mole, you’re wanted, targeted at you... in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have
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a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, let me urgently... pecherskaya and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i am very hope, that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello! colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semenov. for a city
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dweller, going to the cinema is the most ordinary event. i chose the nearest cinema, bought a ticket and please watch the movie on the big screen with excellent sound. for residents of small towns, villages and villages, going to the cinema is often a whole thing, a trip to the city. this was the case until recently, but now. everything is changing, but did you know that in addition to nizhny tagil, there is also verkhny tagil, a town in the sverdlovsk region with a population of about 10,000 people, the pride of tagel residents - a palace of culture, inside there is a concert hall, a recreation area and a modern cinema. we submitted an application, justified that our city really wants to have such a cinema hall on our territory, in our palace of culture, an anatomical chair. acoustic panels on the walls were different, initially there was just a small hall, now there is no tulle on the floor, no old parquet, but cartoons and films can be
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watch at least in 3d, nothing superfluous, everything is like in our big cities, in many ways this is the task of the national culture project, so that villages and small towns do not lag behind, and at the same time as residents of megacities have access to the latest film distribution, equipping cinema halls is one of important directions of the national project, the public in the city of kambarki appreciated this. according to the national project, we purchased modern audio and video equipment, a projector, a screen , and 120 chairs. instead of how. mechanic nikolai glebov behind the updated equipment, this is the projector itself, the basis in total, the sound system, the power supply is on, the projector is controlled almost entirely through the laptop, the city of otkarsk,
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the center zoya zaberova still remembers how they used to show films, every 10 minutes it was necessary for the region, the director of cultural and educational to make transitions, rewind the film to the beginning, charge, so during the film, let’s say the film lasts an hour and a half, an hour 40, this had to be done from post to post, now it’s different, two days before the start of this film the so-called keys arrive, the same day when the screening begins... the keys open this film, there’s no reason, it’s such simplicity, on average there are 100 film screenings a month for participants of summer day camps free of charge, just like for youth from the pushkin card, but there are also a lot of sales, thanks to the cinema, the cultural center received additional funds, we installed plastic windows, we installed iron doors, a new major porch, a wardrobe, we purchased a fountain, we purchased an advertising stand for a movie poster, so that...
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hello, the news is on air in the studio sergey tgushev. tankers from the southern group of troops destroyed a militant stronghold in the donetsk direction of the special operation. having received information about the deployment of enemy groups in the forest belt, the t-80 crew moved to a previously prepared position. at high speed , the tankers marched to the indicated square
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and performed a series of precise shots. shots, the tank crews of the marine corps brigade of the pacific fleet also showed good results; they supported the actions of the assault units of the vostok group of forces in the area of ​​the vremev salient with powerful fire. cars equipped with mine trawls are reliably protected. the crew's task is to lead the column to the landing site and hit the targets . and in the northern direction , units of the tula guards airborne forces captured enemy positions near a populated area. arriving under heavy fire, our fighters on the bmt armor covered the distance to the enemy trenches and broke his resistance. the moment fire opened, the distance was 80-50 m. the landing on our infantry was about 30-40 m, somewhere around give or take. while they landed, i opened fire further to cover my infantry so that they would normally storm the get-together. when you shoot.
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you don’t think about anything anymore, you just think about keeping your guys safe, and also about the courage and determination of our fighters. lieutenant danil bannykh, together with his unit, broke through the enemy’s defenses in one of the areas, personally destroyed the enemy’s fpv drone and about ten militants. petty officer of the first class pyotr zhuravsky eliminated several fortified fire positions from an artillery gun enemy positions, helped our attack aircraft capture the enemy. strong point. after successful attacks by our units, more and more ukrainian military personnel prefer to surrender in order to save their lives. one of them told the pre-prot how he ended up in the army and how the kiev command treated its soldiers. he walked towards the russian positions with his hands raised, left without any support. and he expressed a general opinion. ordinary ukrainians are tired of fighting, they are tired of being pawns. in someone else's game, they want
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peace. the west, in spite of everything, is inflating the conflict as best it can, zelensky, who is begging from the so-called allies, first one thing, then another, they promise almost one and a half billion euros, they are going to take them from the income from the frozen ones.
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on issues of integration into the eu, she was offended by european politicians. olga stefanishina said that they cling to trifles, reproaching kiev for violating the rights of national minorities, to which she includes millions of russian-speaking citizens of the country. according to stefanishyna, there are restrictions for russians in ukraine. quote, for reasons security, and demands to respect their rights, in her opinion, are destabilizing. since 2014, the country has been pursuing an aggressive policy, ousting everything connected, more than 300 names have been changed, there are no more gagarin, tchaikovsky, kavpak streets in the region, and there is not
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a single partizanskaya street left. training in the strategic missile forces. our military in the irkutsk region are making a hundred-kilometer march on yars mobile systems. along the route, they repel attacks from conditional sabotage groups. carry out learn to remove special equipment from zones conditional chemical contamination. and the last disguise, also one of the important tasks - the combination of jazz and classics. with this basic idea, the first st. petersburg international jazz festival is being held in the northern capital. it opened the day before. it was attended by about 500 musicians from russia and beyond. the moscow jazz orchestra of igor butman and the chamber orchestra performed at the opening. ensemble of moscow soloists yuri bashmet. the artists presented a unique joint program. imagine, here's a jazz classic, they meet. you know, it’s in such
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contrasts that when we get huge, we play very loudly, very brightly, a lot of, so to speak, improvisations. and then suddenly some amazing classic comes on, which sounds very, very quiet. and the applause. no less loud after it, this is the contrast we always try to maintain. the festival will run until the end of the week, many of the venues will be free to visit. musicians will perform at the arts square in lake dolgoye park in the tauride garden. that's all for now, stay tuned us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on channel one. on the calendar july 23, tuesday. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina. on sunday, july 28, we will all celebrate russian navy day. celebrations will take place in all fleets, and the heart of the holiday is the northern capital of st. petersburg.
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our correspondents have been working in st. petersburg all this week. ksenia ionkina decided to join the army of thousands of tourists, but not for fun, she is doing something important editorial assignment. which one, you'll find out now. tourists have flooded st. petersburg, and you know what they will take away from the northern capital, an overflowing phone memory, of course, and at least one magnet, there are pieces for 100 rubles, 150 for each, there are sets, gorgeous magnets, simply gorgeous, there are eight there are 10 things about the night city, it turns out. all the main attractions of st. petersburg, the most profitable most convenient souvenir, put it in your pocket, and nothing will happen to it, this one a sweet moment of choice, when he agreed to take only one with himself, and then he allowed himself to grab a couple more,
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some even come up, close their eyes and choose, because there is a large choice, they can’t decide, this is the one they took with their hands, don’t buy this, yes, the excitement around magnets is no longer the same, now the leaders are practical souvenirs, umbrellas, panama hats, shopping bags, but the tradition of bringing a magnet back from vacation is unbreakable, i even asked my friend to be sure to bring it, like, we’re like that, well, she’s like that , well, a magnet, just like a memory, well that, for yourself, for your own glory, you were there, you live in st. petersburg are still ready to buy a magnet, yes, these are the kind of magnets i would buy, yes, and there is such a love for magnets throughout the country, the greatest, of course, in resorts cities, for 200 rubles. a piece of the beach of a carefree holiday in your apartment, well, you still need to bring something, like a memory for yourself, a memory for friends, relatives, small tourist towns are not far behind. sellers know that there are not just fans, collectors
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of magnets, such as our operator mikhail karasev. immediately after filming in zvenigorod with the catch, with the balalaika, i suggest that the balalaika is not my format, otherwise it won’t take anything, the requirements for the magnet are very strict. there is not enough space, it is limited on the refrigerator, so this rectangular one, or a square one, it seems to be optimal, and it is imperative that... i was there in these places, the choice was made, after 2 hours there was a magnet with a white stone cathedral in the kitchen gallery, attention count 199, and this is not the limit, the era of magnets continues, ksenia ionkina igor kostyakov, stepan erofeev and mikhail karasev, channel one. we recharge ourselves with energy for the whole day, fitness instructor sergei blucher has already been waiting for us. good morning,
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muscles should be toned, weight should be normal, we all want this, right? pills to make this wish come true have not yet been invented, all that remains is gymnastics. we jump to spread our arms and legs to the sides, jump again and return to the starting position. we continue to study. to further strengthen the muscles of the hips and buttocks, we attach an elastic fitness band to the ankles and jump again, the expander gets in the way movement of the legs, which means the load on the muscles increases, we don’t exercise to the point of exhaustion, tingling in the side, we do everything with pleasure, this is the best way. says
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gynecologist-endocrinologist olga gridasova, now she will tell you and me, dear women, how to maintain both in the summer, but men, you also don’t go anywhere away from screens, there is one important, useful advice for you: dear men, so that your the woman has always been beautiful and happy, pamper her more often. it improves our hormonal health. but from grievances and stress your other half is experiencing not only joy hormones, but also fat-burning hormones, and this is a direct road to obesity. frequent snacking also leads to weight gain. therefore, we eat three times a day, preferably at the same time. we have an omelet for breakfast. eggs
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contain animal protein, which is needed for the construction of new cells. serve the dish with salad and spinach and fresh cabbage. these products contain alpha lipoic acid, which improves fat metabolism. season the salad with olive oil and ground nuts. these foods contain healthy fats that help maintain hormonal balance. grapefruit for dessert. oops. citus improves metabolism . fat-burning vitamin d also helps you stay slim. it is produced by sunflower rays. but don't overdo it. 15 minutes a day in the open sun is enough. but only before 11 am or after 4 pm. and then we apply sunscreen to the skin. and most importantly, in order not to gain excess weight, we spend. more calories than we eat,
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fast walking, running, squatting, jumping and even hugging have an excellent fat-burning effect, choose what you like i like it, we are always on the move , we go somewhere, we fly, especially in the summer, sometimes over long distances, on a train, for example, or on an airplane, more often we have shorter routes, on a bus or in the subway, and you have wondered what kind of transport. .. the safest, and what are the safest places in this transport, let's find out, almost 70% of accidents occur in bus transport, there are more road users, a higher risk of accidents. the worst statistics on road accidents are shown by suburban and intercity transport, this is due to the fact that speeds are higher, as a rule, on highways intercity is a speed of 90 to 110 km/h severity, at such speeds... a collision, it is more dangerous, we often choose places and
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considerations of comfort, and which ones are safe? it’s worth choosing those seats when the passenger sits with his back to the driver, physics. the process is such that all the slowdowns in acceleration will be reflected in the event of an accident, that we will run into the back, here are those in the middle of the cabin, along the aisle and at the window, the most unsafe driver is at the end of the bus, another thing, a subway car, of course, i want sit down and meanwhile, it’s safer to stand. simple physics: when braking sharply , a force acts on a person seven times greater than his own weight, it is no coincidence that the subway has so many handrails and a person must be prepared for the fact that he needs to fix himself as much as possible. yes, that's exactly it, yes, in this case you have a chance that you will restrain yourself, it is better for the passenger to position himself facing the direction of travel along the body of the subway car. the inertia of your body will press you here, your spine, head, or cervical regions will not be damaged with this striking force. in second place in terms of
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accidents is railway transport, 17% of accidents over the past year. which carriages on the train are safe? if there is a collision. according to statistics, every third russian is an aerophobe, but less than 2% of accidents occur in the air, comfortable seats on the plane are at the emergency exits in the front part of the board, and below are cases of which are in the risk zone. why is it that the closer you are to the pilot, the more unsafe it is? well, for example, when a plane rolls out onto a runway, or encounters
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obstacles, of course, first of all those sitting in front suffer. in the fuel wing near the emergency exits there is a risk of fire, a high percentage of survival. struchkov and evgeny smirnov channel one. ordering something online with delivery to adam or to the office is a common thing, already quite common. we are already completely comfortable with this service. well, since you really don’t want to mess around in the kitchen in the summer, we often order ready-made food for ourselves, but why not, but only in the summer, when it’s hot. you need to be more careful with this. in the heat, a person slows down, he is drawn to sleep, at least bacteria would spoil food in a matter of hours. general bacterial temperature is 30°. accordingly , from 30° microorganisms already begin to multiply. and, more specific bacteria, such as stephyllococcus aureus,
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escherichia coli group bacteria, salmonella, they multiply at 37°c. the speed of most biological reactions. doubles when the temperature rises, simple arithmetic, after an hour there are four times more microbes, after two, already at 16, and the speed of food delivery is sometimes exactly that, delivery time is 2 hours minutes, here it is, 2 hours deliver, are they there on horses, or something, or i don’t know, in the heat , ready-made dishes are especially dangerous, in the first place are those with raw fish or meat, without heat treatment in general, even some of the already existing ones... bacteria are not killed, but the poisoning was due to a certain number of them. rolls are not the best option right now. in buryat , 75 people were recently poisoned by them; the diagnosis was salmaniasis, especially for pregnant women. because this microorganism is listerimostogenos, it is more common in fish, and in pregnant women it can cause various
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complications. the second most dangerous thing is salads with mayonnaise or other fatty sauce. consistency. bacteria love this. moreover , they cut it, add everything by hand, which means that the risks are even higher, the more of these contacts, people, dishes and the environment with the product, the more dangerous it will be for humans. stephyllococcus aureus and coliform bacteria are often found in salads. shawarma is the third most dangerous, its components are often not stored in refrigerators? they are simply stored at room temperature. recently conducted research on shawarma. there were also many discoveries, plus delivery in the heat, plus the same fatty sauce, a perishable product, the recommended storage temperature is plus 4°, and finally, in the summer it is better to refuse delivery of cakes, they do not last long, even in the refrigerator, if we are talking about it, for example, about confectionery, yes with whipped cream, some kind of cakes,
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yes, with custard, the shelf life there is very short, whipped cream generally only lasts 6 hours, of course, in the heat, in delivery. the safe shelf life is reduced for ice cream that has thawed; as soon as the temperature inside it rises to -13°, microorganisms are already developing. anna brosimova, ilya redzubov, evening in memory of alexander vertinsky, daughters, daughters, daughters, dad and dad, masha and i adored him, fought for the prevest of his love, too tired, every song of his is...
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the sixth day of the sun, energetic , friendly, pleasant to talk to, plus he has a rich imagination, has a creative streak, he is
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musical, artistic, deeply feels beauty, in general, he would be good for everyone if he weren’t so impulsive and changeable, what should i do, a delicate nature, hence some eccentricity, whims, remarks from the category, it’s as if you all conspired to spoil my mood, we take it on days like this for some task, and having not finished it we grab onto another, sometimes we invent problems for ourselves, problems where there are none, we get started over trifles, aries are more careful with this, today it is very easy to quarrel with good people , be careful with your finances, there is a risk of getting into some kind of that a scam or just overpay for some nonsense, otherwise the day is quite successful, especially for those who are creative in their work. taurus, your motto is, i hurry slowly, you may get the feeling that everyone around you is somehow slowing down, so you don’t need to rush anyone, it’s just that you live too fast, forget about the word ovoz. geminis will have a chance to show entrepreneurial qualities, if, of course, geminis want to do it. they're in a bit of
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a poetic mood today, well, at least keep a close eye on your money while driving, and don’t be distracted by conversations or text messages. cancers may have something like a romantic date. this day is also good for business contacts. however, keep in mind that today it is better to count on old trusted partners with caution with fire. everyday life may be overwhelming in lvov, and you may have to. something in the house, perhaps solving the problems of relatives, not exactly what you wanted, nothing, wait until the evening, he will give you a chance to shine, just don’t get carried away with alcohol, virgins can experience an attack of mild melancholy, an easy way to cheer up is good music, but in general the stars suspect that you are simply overworked, isn’t it time to be careful with caustic chemicals on vacation, a good day for libra, it is true that situations are not excluded when everyone follows their own line and does not want to cooperate, but you just be patient. you will benefit, and if you have small children, look after them. scorpios face some kind of loss, most likely due to someone else's
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sloppiness or incompetence. there is also a risk of buying a defect. in general, with money today you are more careful, but the opposite sex is not indifferent to you. who is completely irresistible today are the sagittarius, they are the center of attention, they are discussed, they are listened to. keep this in mind and refrain from harsh criticism and caustic jokes, especially behind the person’s back. gossipers - zero attention. capricorns are generally advised by the luminaries to talk less, listen more, and certainly should not be frank about their wealth with random people. otherwise, it is a good day when all efforts yield their treasures. aquarians take risks quarrel with someone close to you, and the reason is extremely banal - reluctance to hear each other. well, the stars warned you about something pleasant. there will be a chance to complete something, sort it out, put it in order. before a vacation, it’s very important, right? pisces are at risk of losing something. valuable, so be careful, take care of your wallet, smartphone, documents, keys, as for any good advice that may be in
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abundance today, take it calmly, after all, they want the best for you, good luck to you, good morning to everyone who joined us, the weather is ok to say, he doesn’t just whisper, he actually insistently suggests that you go somewhere in nature, on a hike, for example, on a hike you can’t do without a reliable sleeping bag... if an experienced hiker, a survival instructor, an employee of the production of tourism equipment gathers in the forest , the hike will definitely be comfortable. today we’ll figure out together how to choose a sleeping bag. the last time i was in yamal, the temperature in the summer, by the way, sometimes gets below zero, due to strong winds, because of the cold, a sleeping place, it’s absolutely critically important, because it’s impossible it’s comfortable to walk like a tourist if you haven’t had enough sleep. yes, when choosing, we focus on the climatic specifics of the place where we plan to go and the characteristics of our body. all bags have three numbers: limit, comfort and extreme temperatures.
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we look at the latter if we are going on a hike to the north or... high in the mountains, if nothing like that is planned, all attention to comfort to the limit, if suddenly it is very cold. this figure shows at what minimum temperature it is bearable to sleep. i have a sleeping bag like this. both sleeping bags have a synthetic filler, there is more in that bag, and a simpler filler, this filler is more modern, there is siliconized hollow fiber, well, due to this it is more expensive. this is also important, but the main function of the filler is to retain heat, so we pay attention to how tightly it is filled. synthetic filler looks like padding polyester fibers; it stuffs toys, quickly removes moisture, and dries quickly when wet, but it has a larger volume than down. of course, fluff - it’s a natural filler and warmer than any artificial one, but it doesn’t have any other advantages.
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when down gets wet, it is very difficult to dry it. in hiking conditions, it is almost impossible, but to properly restore its properties, it is suitable for camping or for hiking where it is dry. the same goes for the outer material; with synthetics everything is much simpler. and lastly, size, we select it according to height. the size of the sleeping bag should be 15-20 cm higher than the person’s height. why is it not recommended to buy a sleeping bag tailored to your height? because in addition to height the sleeping bag also has a width, and if you buy a smaller sleeping bag, you will save on weight, it will be narrow, you will not be able to turn or turn around, and it should not be too spacious so as not to be blown, and it is warmest in models with two, they also take up less space in the backpack than two separate ones. ruslan yunyaev, ilnur valiakhmetov, konstantin leonov, yulia bykova, channel one. an important topic, children on...
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the internet, today they sometimes spend more time there than some adults, master new technologies, play, communicate, they also do this better than us, but they are not very good at recognizing swindlers, we are adults, we simply have to teach them the basics of safety. mom’s bank card - confirmation code from her smartphone and now the scammer has the parents’ money, the child. on the internet the ideal victim, it’s easy to deceive, there are dozens of ways, the simplest is an imitation of a familiar person, for example, a favorite blogger writes to a child, congratulations, you won a prize from me personally, could you look, maybe the parents have a plastic card, enter here these are the numbers your prize will be delivered to you. another option is chat bots in messengers, virtual currency, favorite games for a couple of tasks: take your mother’s phone, go to
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the bank’s application, but most often scammers operate through. plays for 2 hours a day during the holidays, in-app purchases with the permission of his parents, until, as he says, he is banned from the game there, three times already, yes, he writes offensive words, due to the fact that he does not have paid, game suits i have about 200 friends, i personally know four of them, anyone can write in the chat , a scammer or our cyber expert, dmitry sidorin. hello, are you home today? egor answers readily. in the room with him, besides the cameraman’s mother, is psychologist svetlana ageeva. 5 minutes of communication and for the sake of game items, he is ready to follow the link. and the link has already prepared a special website with a payment system, where you need to enter data. in principle, i could even ask him in correspondence to send me some data. i’m actually shocked, it seems to me that if he had a bank card right next to him right now,
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and he had been given a little instruction, he would have done everything that was needed. i think. that it is true, it is important to understand that such gullibility is normal for children, a very important structure such as the frontal cortex, which is responsible for assessing the consequences of one’s actions, has not yet been developed, that is, what will happen if i am there, what if it is a stranger, for the same reason, children translate money to streamers in gratitude for broadcasting how they play, by the way, they are not breaking the law, what to do, firstly, protection, we change passwords more often on devices for... about digital literacy and, finally, the most important thing - trust relationships, working on ourselves. if you turn on such a strict mentor and tell him how to do it, what should have been done differently, or
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even blame the child, then of course, trusting contact does not develop, and next time the child simply will not tell you something. it is much more effective, psychologists say, to get to the heart of the issue, to speak the same language with the child, even if this means figuring out what ulta, skins or... donations are. natalya kovaleva, sergey falendysh, yulia kuvabina, channel one. next on our morning broadcast on channel one, news release. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the crew of the k-52m helicopter of the russian aerospace forces successfully identified the position of the militants in the special operation zone. after using aviation weapons, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned safely to the airfield. in the avdiivka direction, the crew of the malka artillery installation of the center's group of troops started a duel with the enemy, as
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a result of which they destroyed the german-made panzer howitz 2000 self-propelled gun. beaten large-caliber high-explosive fragmentation shells weighing 110 kg each. the fire was controlled using a drone. valiantly perform combat missions. military assault unit of the west troops group, the most distinguished were engaged, not given for courage, here is the story of one of the awarded, the enemy opened fire on us with a rocket launcher with a tank, saw that my comrade was wounded, i began to pester my comrade in arms, during which i i was also wounded, defending the country, defending the homeland is our duty as men, my family lives here, my... friends, relatives, that is, every man must accomplish a feat in his life, victory will be ours, so guys, guys, men, don’t be afraid, the truth, the truth, it’s always ours. after successful attacks by our
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units, more and more ukrainian military personnel are choosing to surrender in order to save their lives. one of them told during interrogation how he ended up in the army and how the kiev command treated its soldiers. he walked out towards the russian positions, raising his remaining hands. without any support and expressed the general opinion: simple ukrainians are tired of fighting, they are tired of being pawns in someone else’s game, they want peace, they mobilized me, well, i was walking drunk, they gave me a summons, i went and didn’t come home anymore, a command in words, in words a normal relationship, well, in fact, he didn’t considered us to be people, sent us to meat, to fight... no one wants to fight for a long time, they take us, they mobilize us, it’s already forced, what’s the spirit there, what’s everything like there, everyone’s tired of the war. the west, in spite of everything, is inflating the conflict
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as best it can, zelensky, who is being begged from so the so-called allies, one thing or another, promise almost one and a half billion euros, they are going to take them from the proceeds of frozen, and essentially stolen, russian assets. the head of european diplomacy, barel, said that the funds will already be allocated. countries that have already supplied kiev with weapons are now counting on compensation from the european peace fund, but hungary is in the way, budapest refused to lift its veto, and the money is still blocked. meanwhile, the ukrainian deputy prime minister for eu integration was offended by european politicians. olga stefanishina said that they are clinging to little things.
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more than 300 names have been changed ; there are no more gagarin, tchaikovsky, or kovpak streets in the region. also, not a single partisan remained. and in poland, a monument to the soviet-polish brotherhood in arms was demolished. all this happened to the joyful screams and whistles of the crowd. and the broadcast on its website was conducted by the polish institute of national remembrance. in fairness to the radio , it must be said that not all residents of the city supported it wholeheartedly. activists tried to defend the monument to the last. to whom everyone they laid flowers for a year. the decision to dismantle was made by the new mayor of the city. today is a great memorial date. domestic. 80 years ago
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the red army liberated pskov. from the first days of the war, hitler’s command called him the key to the front doors of leningrad. there was the highest concentration of fascist troops. however, after the blockade was lifted, the germans began to retreat, trying to gain a foothold on the forty-kilometer panther defensive line. anti-tank ditches, barbed wire, firing points. but the advance of the red army could not be stopped. at the gathering during the pskov-ostrovsk operation, our units approached the city. powerful. by storm, soviet rifle divisions crossed the velikaya river, with minimal losses, and completely cleared pskov of the enemy. in moscow, in honor of the liberation of pskov, a salute was given, 20 artillery salvoes from 200 guns. in 2009, pskov was awarded the honorary title of city of military glory. training in the strategic missile forces. our military in the irkutsk region perform hundred-kilometer marches on mobile yars complexes. along
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the route, repels attacks from conditional sabotage groups, practicing camouflage. also, one of the important tasks is to learn how to remove special equipment from zones of conditional chemical contamination. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. on the calendar july 23rd is tuesday. today is world whale and dolphin day, on which i congratulate the heroes of the occasion. dear dolphins, please do not be offended, today we are going to visit the whales, they live in our northern seas off the coast of sokhalin and kamchatka. i was lucky, i saw a whale live and swam with dolphins, and this is great luck, they say that the largest mammals on the planet can even speak in their own special language. language, i wonder what they
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say about us, about people? on the nightingales to see the beluga whales, their maternity hospital and kindergarten, the females help each other to prepare the babies for big water, you can hear them talking, they address different children with different sounds, that is, there is an assumption that even these children have names, but is there a common whale language? a mystery, gray whales, for example, hear each other’s voices at... distances of almost 1600 km. killer whales gather in underwater clans , each with their own call sign. here is one of the flocks. they are frequent guests off the coast of kamchatka. killer whales usually swim in families, so they can be seen in large numbers. in general, summer is the time of whales. i'm crying, i'm crying because my dream is gone. yes, the happiest man in the world. many come from the warm waters where they gave birth to their babies in the north. and the sea for
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feeding, for them it is a resort, in barintsevo the sea has dozens of species, the species only have time to attract tourists. just the day before yesterday we met a humpback whale that made more than twelve flights out of the water, turning over from its belly to its back, these are some kind of somersaults, giants of the ocean when you see how it takes off over the water, well, this is a sight that is difficult to see anywhere else in the world. still, the largest mammal on the planet is a record holder, among them the blue one. 30 tons long and weighing more than 50 tons, one tongue weighs as much as an indian elephant, but according to whale experts, even for them it is difficult to visually estimate these dimensions. that, what we see on the surface of the water is only a small part, a tenth of a whale, if our boat, for example, is about 5 m long, then even a gray whale, it is usually 13 m, that is, well, the whole carcass is hidden under water. after the ban on whaling, the population is slowly recovering, so scientists know each ward. excellent in the pattern
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on the fin, it's like our fingerprint. this year, good news, in four trips to the seas, which the weather allowed us, we have already met eight females with cubs, which is very good, that is, the increase is at least at least eight cubs, we hope, we hope that there will be more of them there, more will come, that is, this year the situation is getting a little better, compared to the twenty-second and twenty-third years, which means that next year there will be... more more, and the likelihood of meeting increases, especially since the whales are very constant, they always return to the feeding place where their mother first brought them, which means now we can see these babies every year. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. our good, cheerful, summer morning continues, our video catcher on the world wide web, yegor uspensky, continues to surprise us. let's get a look.
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our morning review opens with perhaps the most cultured, intelligent, well-read representative of the cat family, her name is lillya brik, she lives in the mayakovsky central public library. in st. petersburg. her responsibilities include maintaining order and, of course, communicating with visitors. and this is a dog named champion, who became famous on the world wide web for the fact that he likes to spy on his neighbors. leaning his front paws on the fence and his hind paws on the tree trunk, the champion climbs to the very top and begins to spy, earning likes along the way. australian scott russo decided to show his daughters the sheep that... walked past the house, opened the gate, the sheep regarded this as an invitation to the entire flock to visit, it is not reported how long scott drove the animals out of the area. well, in conclusion, another st. petersburg celebrity, a pig named dulsenya. she and
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her owner are leisurely walking along the central streets of the northern capital. they love her passers-by and tourists take pictures. and as a rule, dulcinea never refuses anyone. rum, castro, stellar group product, pechora vodka, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, bourbon stirsman, product. so, almost everything is ready for the parade in st. petersburg, the best seats have been reserved for you, dear tv viewers, the spectacle promises to be grandiose, so don’t miss the live broadcast on channel one. well, all this week we will introduce you to
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the ships participating in this parade, right now i present to your attention the multi-purpose patrol ship of the near sea zone corvette project 2 380 strikers are compact, unobtrusive and maximally automated, this is all about the corvettes of project 20380, on the roadstead of the neva corvette is lively. the length of the ship can be 100 meters, the width of the ship is 13 m, and the displacement is almost 2,500 tons, and this colossus can cover up to 7,500 km in one trip, which is more than the distance from moscow to khabarovsk. the project's corvettes are armed to combat surface and underwater targets, as well as to support amphibious assault. on board is the a-190 universal naval gun mount. two six-barrel anti-aircraft guns ak630 m. missile weapons are a threat to enemy ships. one x-35 can sink a ship with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. that is, a full-fledged frigate, with a
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coverage area of ​​more than 250 km. the project's corvettes have already undergone firing and maneuvers on the high seas several times. after them, we can definitely say that the russian navy has never had more economical universal ships. they are built on a modular architecture, which means that they will be easy to carry out modernization. these are the first corvettes on which there was a place for k-27 anti-submarine helicopters; they also have a fuel reserve of 20 tons, that is , the winged vehicle will be able to operate for quite a long time, and this increases the combat power of the ship. in the 21st century, it seems that the days when salaries were received in an envelope should have long gone into the past. however, no. gray and black salaries turned out to be very tenacious, i think the fact is that those who agree to them simply do not think about what they are losing and what they are risking. white, gray and unfortunately, black wages still exist. what is
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the difference? white, or as it is also called, official salary, when the employer deducts all taxes and pays for sick leave, all this is beneficial for the employee, but expensive for the employer. after all, he spends more than just paying salaries, contributions to the pension fund, contributions in case of temporary disability, in total social contributions reach 30%, in total it is easy to calculate that 30% of social contributions and 13% of personal income tax, in total they amount to 43%. essentially, with a salary of 1000 rubles for the company you make do 143. therefore, some employers have come up with gray salaries with a small official one. and a little more in an envelope is beneficial for the accounting department, but for the employee, if you receive 30,000 only officially, and you receive 100,000 in an envelope, then from these 100 thousand there will be no contribution to the pension, yes, accordingly, your pension will be less, all the social benefits will be with 30,000, and not with 130,000,
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plus unscrupulous employers can use the unofficial part as a tool of punishment, you will be indignant, i will only pay the white part, there is no envelope anywhere are not taken into account. file a complaint with the labor inspectorate that the employer paid black wages, but they also substitute this in a certain way, because you violated the law, you didn’t... or 13%. yes, by agreeing to this, the employee enters into a kind of criminal conspiracy, let alone black wages; in fact , an unemployed person does not pay taxes at all; payment and wages generally depend on the wishes of the employer. most often, this type is found where there is a high turnover. this is logging, this is construction, this is advertising is cleaning, catering, non-chain stores, that is, in essence. this is where there is quite a lot of unaccounted cash, and people agree because they need
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money, and for others the price of the issue is important, we asked passersby whether they would agree to a black 500,000 rubles per month, i think yes, i can manage the money as i plan there , let’s say save, money doesn’t smell, there was one emperor, he said, money doesn’t smell black, it’s white, green, not money, and then you only get it for years camera, so no, well, it's not a fair day. so the whole society is divided into those who seek peace and stability, and those who are ready to take risks, which is why white, gray and black salaries still exist. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnyaya, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. what we can talk about endlessly in the summer. well, firstly, about the weather, secondly, about vacation, thirdly, about ice cream. we eat 3000 tons of this delicacy in one summer. at the same time, ice cream is not only ice cream, from kimo or creme brulee, but also sorbets, sorbets, and fruit
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ice, an inexhaustible topic, we can talk endlessly, but it’s better to eat it right now, fruit ice is easy to prepare even at home, the recipe couldn’t be simpler, you need to pour this branch into a mold, just freeze it all, you can use fruit and berry puree or the fruits themselves , freshly squeezed juice or... what is written on the packaging: the composition should not contain artificial flavorings, dyes,
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at least this is undesirable, this delicacy has the lowest content of fruit and berry puree according to gost up to 10% of the total composition, more in sherbet up to 25%. and what is there more? milk, butter, sugar, stabilizers and flavoring agents, which give the ice cream its taste, that is, it is fruit and cream ice cream. but the fat content of sherbet does not exceed 4%, for comparison, a plambier has about twelve, however, it cannot be made in the kitchen without an ice cream maker, the sherbet mass is necessarily saturated with oxygen, due to this an airy structure is obtained, plus then the delicacy melts more slowly, sorbet has the same cooking technology, only it does not contain milk, eggs, butter, it contains only natural products, that is, it frozen berries, fresh berries, and fruits, chocolate can also come off. the guest here is like in sherbet, up to 25% fruit and berry puree, water and sugar are allowed, natural
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thickeners, which makes the taste as rich and berry as possible, which is why they love it all over the world, especially in italy. yulia shvalova, dmitry parfyunov, tatyana yus, channel one. the starting round of the russian football championship is gaining momentum. my colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov, has all the details. start of the thirty-third championship russia has had a great time in football. the teams did not let the fans get bored. zenit began their title defense with a victory in samara. the st. petersburg team left no stone unturned in the first half and opened the game in the soviets, scoring three times. first, vilmar barios snatched the ball from two opponents in a tackle. wendel immediately cut through the hosts' defense with a penetrating pass to maxim glushenkov, who. coolly beat alexander soldatenkov and hit the target. soon arthur opened up on the flanks, received the ball
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and made a serve from under the same soldatenkov. on mateo casieru, the rpl's top scorer last season, headed the ball perfectly. well, shortly before the break, glushenkov scored a double, completing the combination with the participation of arthur and wendel. taking into account the country's super cup, zenit's newcomer has four goals. his transfer from lokomotiv has already been called the most effective in the off-season, and his debut for zenit is the brightest in the club’s history. at the end of the match. the guests organized another effective attack, ivan sergeev threw the ball to pedro, who successfully shot from an acute angle, which was helped by a rebound from the defender, 4:0. those who fought in last season until the last round with zenit. dynamo beat fakel in moscow. in the third minute, after a cross from a free kick , nineteen-year-old defender ivan lepsky scored. previously, he had played only two matches for the blue and white senior team. in the middle of the half, mumin gamalyo developed the success of the hosts, arriving in time to finish when the ball bounced into the field, almost breaking the post from konstantin tyukavin's shot. in the twenty-eighth minute the score became devastating. yaroslav
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gladyshev performed a beautiful parachute kick. the intrigue was partly revived by daniil fomina, who soon received a red card for a foul. in the minority, but in the remaining time the torch managed to drink only one goal through the efforts of evgeniy markov 3:1. the locomotive at home barely defeated the deputy rp lacron, the two opponents made 33 shots on each other’s goal, five of which were successful. the first half ended in a 2:2 draw, with the guests constantly winning back, but the muscovites’ winning goal happened in the 79th minute, when they covered the entire field in two passes and vladislav sarveli rolled the ball perfectly under dmitry's shot. having once again replaced the head coach , spartak continues to test the nervous system of its fans. stankovovich’s charges left orenburg with nothing. if in the first half the red and white were saved by goalkeeper alexander maksimenko, then in the second half he was powerless. first, matyas peras blocked emercan gurluk's cross, and then turned away himself, punishing maksimenko for a monstrous mistake. 2:0. for
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a city dweller, going to the cinema is the most ordinary event; he chose the nearest cinema. bought a ticket please, watch a movie on a big screen with excellent sound: for residents of small towns, villages and villages, going to the cinema is often a whole thing, a trip to the city, this was the case until recently, but now everything is changing. did you know that in addition to nizhny tagil, there is also verkhny tagil, a town in the sverdlovsk region with a population of about 10 thousand people. the pride of tagel residents is the palace of culture, inside there is a concert hall. recreation area and modern cinema. we submitted an application and justified that our city really wants to have such a cinema hall on our territory, in our palace of culture. anatomical chairs, acoustic panels on the walls were different. initially there was just a small hall. now there is no tulle on the floor, no old
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parquet, and cartoons and films can be watched even in 3d. nothing extra. in many ways, this is the task of the national culture project, so that villages and small towns do not lag behind, and at the same time as residents of megacities have access to the latest film distribution. equipping cinema halls is one of the important areas of the national project. in ludmurdskaya the republic in the city of kambarka appreciated this. according to the national project, we purchased modern audio and video equipment, a projector, a screen, and 120 chairs . instead of the wooden ones that once stood here. they were very hard and creaky, this is our sound system, these are our speakers that create surround sound. while the children are enjoying the cartoon, mechanic nikolai glebov is supervising the show in the cinema booth, using updated equipment. this is the projector itself, the basis of everything, the sound system, the power supply is included, the projector
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is practically controlled via a laptop fully. city of otkarsk, saratov region, director of cultural and educational institutions. transitions, rewind the film to the beginning, charge it, during the film, let’s say the film lasts an hour and a half, 40 hours, this had to be done from post to post, now it’s different, two days before the start of this film the so-called keys arrive , on the same day when the screening begins, the keys open this film... that’s it, such simplicity, on average 100 film sessions per month for participants of summer day camps free of charge, as well as for young people with pushkin card, but there are also a lot of sales, thanks to the cinema, the cultural center received additional funds, and we installed plastic windows, we installed iron doors, a new main porch, a wardrobe, we purchased a fountain, we purchased
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an advertising stand for a movie poster, so that as much as possible residents of small otkarsk... came to the cinema, in general, thanks to the national cultural project , more than 1,300 cinema halls have already been modernized, and this year more than 90 will be updated. yulia mostova, elena savina, nazir nagumanov and pavel kulygin - the first channel. attention, says st. petersburg. every year, last sunday in july, russia. celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval meeting will take place. congratulations on navy day, hurray, hurray,
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we need such ships at sea so that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need faithful guys and then in... it will be held in st. -petersburg, as always , channel one will show it and, as always, it will show the way only we can do it. don't miss the live broadcast of this bright,
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large-scale celebration. our correspondents have been working in st. petersburg all this week, rediscovering this city, and the city, i must say, is simply amazing. here, it seems, every stone stores a story, and how much of this history is stored. the most mysterious kronshtat fort inside in the scaffolding is already in white, this is how it looked when it was called plague, a vaccine was developed here, officially fort
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alexander i, its task, like all forts, is defense of st. petersburg along the southern forvater. we found rails and granite stops on which the turning mechanisms for the guns stood. grand duke constantine, the most accessible fort from the dam, is named after the son of nicholas i. so how old is he - he was only 7 years old, but this did not prevent him from being an admiral general of the imperial fleet, there is also a lighthouse service museum, the only one in country, fresnell lens - the first in the russian empire, mid-19th century. the range of the lighthouse with a fire was a maximum of 15-17 km. with with the advent of frennel lenses, the visibility range could increase up to 70 km. and if the light bulb burns out, look, the lamp replacement is sticky. i would like a chandelier like this for home. ilizaks, by the way, will appear in the oldest fort kranshlot. it is unlikely that tsar peter imagined this when he built the first
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wooden fortress. ford completed his task, repelling the swedes' offensive twice. to assemble the building to fit the brick line, we selected exactly the historical brick of the required size. take a break from the water at fortov island, the country's largest park fleet. more than 100 hectares. only this exhibit of the museum of naval glory is 107 m, a real nuclear submarine k3. don't press your fingers. this is the only transition gate between the compartments. helps a lot against osteochandrosis, right? yes, good charging of the torpedo devices that were used to launch torpedoes in escape accidents. four of them entered here, closed it, and fought their way out to the top. the historical park around is such a great place for children and adults to relax in st. petersburg. oh, peter the great, here is all the information about peter i. yeah, at the swing with there was a queue of gorgeous views of the bay, so i took a seat early. in 5 hours i passed
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only two, two forts. during the same time, i looked into two museums, and not completely, of course. and i looked, well, about a third of this simply gigantic park. it seems to me that you should come here for at least a week. you have to live here. dmitry kuzmin, elizaveta neklishova, kronshtat channel one. further. in our morning broadcast on channel one, news release. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. tankers from the southern group of troops destroyed a stronghold militants in the donetsk direction of the special operation. having received information about the deployment of enemy groups in the forest belt, the t-80 crew moved to a previously prepared position. at high speed, the tankers marched into the indicated square and fired a series of accurate shots. the tank crews of the pacific fleet marine brigade also showed good results.
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the action was supported by powerful fire. assault units of the vostok group of forces in the area of ​​the vremev ledge. the vehicles are equipped with mine trawls and are reliably protected. the crew's task is to carry out column to the landing site to hit targets completed. and in the northern direction , units of the tula guards airborne forces captured enemy positions near the village of perezdnaya. under heavy fire, our soldiers on bmd armor covered the distance to the enemy trenches and broke their resistance. after successful attacks by our units, more and more ukrainian military personnel prefer to surrender in order to save their lives. one of them told during interrogation how he ended up in the army and how the kiev government treats its soldiers. command. in the direction of the russian position, he walked out with his hands up, left without any support. and he expressed the general opinion: ordinary ukrainians are tired of fighting, they are tired of being pawns in someone else’s game, they want peace.
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the west, no matter what, is fanning the conflict as best it can. zelensky, who begs the so -called allies for one thing or another, promises almost one and a half billion euros. they are going to take them from the proceeds of frozen, and in fact, stolen russian assets. head of european diplomacy josep barel stated that the funds would be allocated in early august. and they will be used for air defense systems, ammunition for artillery and support for the defense industry of ukraine. countries that have already supplied kiev with weapons
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are now making calculations. for compensation from the european peace fund, but hungary is in the way. budapest refused to lift its veto and the money is still blocked. meanwhile, the ukrainian deputy prime minister for eu integration was offended by european politicians. olga stefanishina said that they cling to little things and blame kiev for violation of the rights of national minorities, which she includes millions of russian-speaking citizens of the country. according to stefanishyna, there are restrictions for russians in ukraine. the quote is for security reasons, and the requirement to respect their rights, in her opinion, is destabilizing. since 2014, the country has been pursuing an aggressive policy, ousting everything connected with russia and the russian language, as well as so-called decommunization. in the poltava region, officials reported that the process is completed, more than 300 names have been changed and there are no more gagarin streets in the region tchaikovsky kovpak, there was also not a single partisan left. mikhail neshustin, who
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is touring the regions of siberia and the far east, arrived in khabarovsk. the prime minister visited the new infectious diseases building of the regional children's clinical hospital, which began operating last year. three infectious diseases departments, as well as a resuscitation and intensive care unit, can accommodate up to 6.00 small patients per year. slava government inspected the layout of the complex, offices and laboratories, talked with the staff, and inquired about how it was organized work and thanked the doctors.
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it was attended by about 500 musicians from russia and beyond. the moscow jazz orchestra of igor butman and the chamber ensemble of moscow soloists yuri bashnito performed at the opening. the artists presented a unique joint program. imagine, here are jazz classics, they meet, you know, it’s in such contrasts, when we get huge, we play very loudly, very brightly, a lot of, so to speak, improvisation, and then suddenly some amazing classic sounds, which sounds very -very quiet, but no applause less loud sweat we always try to maintain this contrast. the festival will run until
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the end of the week, many of its venues will be free to visit, musicians will perform at the arts square in lake dolgoe park in the tauride garden. that's all for now, stay with us. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new summer day with channel one. on the calendar is tuesday, july 23. this whole week passes under the sign of navy day, which we will celebrate next sunday, july 28. don't miss the live broadcast of the naval parade from st. petersburg.
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i wouldn’t call it international, but i had a case when i got on an english sailing ship, and it had its own terminology. we, of course, cannot understand the technical terms, my favorite word is knyav degent, which, by the way, is what it is, but many expressions have become common among the people, and since the 17th century, because the fleet is developing, words are heard, everyone wanted to be,
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so to speak, in trend, for example, watch, according to one version from the dutch watch, watch, next, keep your nose to the wind, also from there, it meant catching a fair wind, as is the case today in any business, so we decided. this is now about money, in the days of sailing ships about provisions, they saved, when the ship was immobilized, they planned, and so that this would not happen, they said, 7 feet under the keel, they wished good luck, the expression means - enough depth for you not to land on the shallows, among the sailors i haven’t heard this expression used, usually they just wish for a successful passage, but avral is still used, and on ships of all types, it’s about work a ship for which the entire crew is assembled, anchoring...
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is called a bell bell - this is the sound that the ship's bell makes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, there is an assumption that it comes from the english ring the bell, mast and sail with logs and sticks, well, it’s just like that among themselves, if the sails are a rag, it ’s time to learn another phrase, admiral’s hour, maybe, i don’t know, or some kind of meeting of admirals, most likely, when the admirals, probably already happy with his victory, this is the right time crew rest time, just free time when a sailor can rest, an hour after lunch, you see, this is exactly the case when it would be nice to adopt this. anastasia soveleva, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov,
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anton tolstolutsky, channel one, st. petersburg. we are recharging ourselves with energy for the whole day, fitness instructor sergei blucher has already been waiting for us. good morning, your muscles should be toned and your weight should be normal. we all want this, don't we? the pills to make this wish come true have not yet been invented. that leaves gymnastics. jumping we spread our arms and legs in sides. we jump again and return to the starting position. we continue to study. to further strengthen the muscles of the hips and buttocks, we attach an elastic fitness band to the ankles and jump again. the expander interferes with the movement of the legs, which means the load on the muscles increases. yes,
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we don’t deal with exhaustion, tingling in the side. we do everything with pleasure. this is the best. how to maintain both in the summer, but men, you also don’t go anywhere from screens, there is one important, useful advice for you. dear men, may your woman always be when you are beautiful and happy, you treat her more often, this strengthens our hormonal health. but from upholstery...
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frequent snacking also leads to weight gain, so we eat three times a day, preferably at the same time. we have an omelet for breakfast. eggs contain animal protein, which is needed for the construction of new cells. serve the dish with salad and spinach from fresh cabbage. these products. alpha lipoic acid, which improves fat metabolism, season the salad with olive oil and ground nuts, these products contain healthy fats, which help maintain hormonal balance, for dessert, grapefruit, oops, citrus improves metabolism, fat-burning vitamin d also helps to stay with triples, it is produced under the sun's rays, but not too much. 15 minutes a day in the open sun is enough, but only before 11:00 am
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or after 4 pm, and then apply sunscreen to the skin, and most importantly, in order not to gain excess weight, we spend more calories than we eat, it has an excellent fat-burning effect fast walking, running, squatting, jumping and even hugging, choose what you like, we are on the move all the time , we go somewhere, fly, especially in the summer, sometimes over long distances, on a train, for example, or an airplane, more often we have shorter routes, on a bus or metro, have you ever wondered which transport is the safest, and what are the safest places in this transport? let’s find out that almost 70% of accidents occur in bus transport. the worst statistics on road accidents are shown by suburban
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intercity transport, this is due to the fact that the speeds are higher usually on highways intercity is a speed from 90 to 110 km, now the severity at such collision speeds is more dangerous, we often choose places and considerations of comfort, and which ones are safe? it is worth choosing those seats where the passenger sits with his back to the cooler. the physics of the process is such that all the slowdowns in acceleration will have an effect in the event of an accident and we will hit a wall. here are also those in the middle of the cabin, along the aisle and at the window, the most unsafe driver is at the end of the bus. another thing - a subway car, of course, you want to sit down, but meanwhile everything is safer stand. simple physics: when braking sharply, a person experiences a force seven times greater than his own weight. it is no coincidence that the metro has so many handrails and a person must be prepared for the fact that he needs to be fixed as much as possible. and that is, if this is exactly the case, yes, in this case you have a chance that
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you will hold yourself, it is better for the passenger to position himself facing the direction of travel along the body of the subway car. the inertia of your body will press you here, neither your spine, nor your head, nor your cervical regions will be damaged by this impact force. in second place accident rate of railway transport 17% of accidents over the past year. which carriages on the train are safe? if there is... a collision, for example, with a car that enters the railway unauthorized , of course, the lead car will bear an additional load. if struck, the locomotive can pull the remaining cars with it, the first two and the last one in the risk zone. the middle of the train is further away from the collision points. in a compartment , the lower and upper bunks in the direction of travel are considered safe. in a reserved seat on the side in some places we lie down with our feet towards the locomotive. and if the blow falls on the legs, yes, then this is the safest. according to statistics, every third russian is an aerophobe, but less than 2% of accidents
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occur in the air, comfortable seats on the plane are at the emergency exits in the front part of the board, and below that, in the risk zone. why is it that the closer you are to the pilot, the more unsafe it is? well, for example, when a plane rolls out of a runway and encounters obstacles, of course, those sitting in front suffer first. in the fuel wing, near the emergency exits probability of fire, high survival rate. adam or to the office, it’s a common thing, quite common, we’ve already become completely accustomed to this service, and since we really don’t want to mess around in the kitchen in the summer, we often order ready-made food for ourselves, well, why not, but only in the summer, in the heat, you need to be more careful with this, in the heat a person
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slows down, he is drawn to sleep, at least the bacteria spoil the food in a matter of hours, general bacterial. 30°, respectively, from 30° the reproduction of microorganisms already begins, and more specific bacteria such as stephylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, salmonella, they multiply at 37°. the rate of most biological reactions doubles as temperature increases. simple arithmetic, after an hour there are four times more microbes, after two there are already 16, and sometimes the speed of food delivery is exactly that. deliver 2 hours 20 minutes here it is 2 hours deliver on horseback they are there on horses or something everywhere i don’t know in the heat ready-made dishes are especially dangerous, in the first place are those with raw fish or meat, without heat treatment in in general, even some of the already existing bacteria are not killed, but poisoning due to their
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certain quantity, rolls are not the best option now, in buryat 75 people were recently poisoned by them, the diagnosis was salmanosis, especially note. because this microorganism, glisterimonosus, is more common in fish, it can cause various complications in pregnant women, the second most dangerous thing is salads with mayonnaise or other fatty sauce, consistency, bacteria like this, besides, they cut it up, add everything by hand, which means the risks are even higher, the more of these contacts between humans, dishes and the environment with the product, the more... it will be more dangerous for humans, stephyllococcus aureus, coliform bacteria, are often found in salads. shawarma is third in danger; its components are often not stored in the refrigerator, they are simply stored at room temperature. recently we conducted research on shawarma, and there were also many discoveries. plus delivery in hot weather, plus the
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same fatty sauce - a perishable product, recommended storage temperature is +4°. well finally, in the summer it is better to refuse delivery. cakes are stored too briefly, even in the refrigerator, if we are talking about, for example, confectionery, yes, with whipped cream, some cakes, yes, custard, there the shelf life is very short, whipped cream is generally only 6 hours, naturally , in the heat, during delivery, the safe shelf life is reduced, for ice cream that has thawed, as soon as the temperature inside it rises to -13°, microorganisms are already developing.
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let's find out what the stars say there. 23 july - the turning point of the eighteenth and nineteenth lunar days. sixth day of the sun, energetic, friendly, pleasant to talk to, plus he has a rich imagination, has a creative streak, he is musical, artistic, has a deep sense of beauty, in general, he would be good for everyone
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if he were not so impulsive and changeable , what to do, delicate nature, hence some eccentricity, whims, remarks from the category, you all... as if conspired to spoil my mood, on such days we take on some business and grab onto the unfinished another thing, sometimes we invent problems for ourselves where there are none, we get wound up over trifles, aries are more careful with this, today it is very easy to quarrel with good people who are more careful with their finances, there is a risk of getting into some kind of scam or simply overpaying for some nonsense. otherwise, the day is quite successful, especially for those who are creative in their work. taurus, your motto, hurry up slowly, may arise. the people of leznetsy will want to do this, they are in a bit of a poetic mood today, well, at least keep an eye on the money drive more carefully, do not be distracted by
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conversations and text messages. cancers may have something like a romantic date; this day is also good for business contacts, but keep in mind that today it is better to be careful with fire when counting on old, proven partners. life may be overwhelming for lviv, you may have to improve something in the house, perhaps solve the problems of relatives, which is not exactly what you wanted. it’s okay for you, wait until the evening, he will give you a chance to shine, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. virgos may experience a mild attack melancholy. an easy way to cheer up is good music. in general, the stars suspect that you are simply overworked. isn't it time to be careful with caustic chemicals during the holidays? it’s not a bad day for libra, it’s possible that there will be situations where everyone follows their own line and doesn’t want to cooperate, but you just be patient and you’ll win. and if you have small children, keep an eye on them. scorpios face some kind of loss, most likely due to someone else's sloppiness or incompetence. there is also a risk of buying a defect. in general, with money today
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take a closer look, but the opposite sex is not indifferent to you. who is completely irresistible today are the sagittarius, they are the center of attention, they are discussed, they are listened to. keep this in mind and refrain from harsh criticism and caustic jokes. especially behind a person’s back, there is zero attention to gossipers. the luminaries generally advise capricorns. talk less, listen more, you definitely shouldn’t be frank about your wealth with random people. otherwise, it is a good day when all efforts bear fruit. aquarians take risks quarrel with someone close to you, and the reason is extremely banal: reluctance to hear each other. well, the stars warned you about something pleasant. there will be a chance to complete something, sort it out, put it in order. before a vacation, it’s very important, right? pisces run the risk of losing something valuable, so be careful, take care of your wallet, smartphone, and documents. keys, as for all kinds of good advice, which may be in abundance today, take them calmly, after all, they want the best for you, and good luck to you, good
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morning to everyone who joined us, weather, one might say, he doesn’t just whisper, he actually insistently suggests going somewhere in nature, on a hike, for example, on a hike you can’t do without a reliable sleeping bag if an experienced tourist gathers in the forest... a survival instructor, an employee of the production of equipment for tourism, the hike will definitely be comfortable, today we’ll figure out together how to choose a sleeping bag. the last time i was in imala, the temperature in the summer, by the way, is sometimes minus, due to strong winds, because of the cold, a sleeping place, it is absolutely critically important, because it is impossible it’s comfortable to walk like a tourist if you haven’t had enough sleep. yes, when choosing, we focus on the climatic specifics of the place where we plan to go and especially. of your body. all bags have three numbers: limit, comfort and extreme temperatures. we look at the latter if we are going on a hike to the north or
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high in the mountains, if nothing like that is planned, all attention to comfort to the limit, if suddenly it is very cold. this figure shows at what minimum temperature it is bearable to sleep. i have this one here a sleeping bag like this. both sleeping bags have synthetic filling, but this bag has more. simple filler, this filler is more modern, it has siliconized hollow fiber, well, due to this it is more expensive, plus it is lighter, this is also important, but the main function of the filler is still to retain heat, so we pay attention to how tightly it is filled. synthetic filler looks like padding polyester fibers, it stuffs toys with it, quickly removes moisture, and dries quickly when wet, but it has a larger volume than fluff. of course, natural down filler is warmer than any artificial one, but it has no other advantages. when down gets wet, it is very difficult to dry it in camping conditions.
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it is almost impossible to properly restore its properties. suitable for camping or hiking where it is dry. the same goes for the outer material; with synthetics everything is much simpler. and the last thing is the size, we select it according to height. the size of the sleeping bag should be 15.20 cm higher than a person’s height, why it is not recommended to buy a sleeping bag that fits your growth? because in addition to height, a sleeping bag also has a volume of width, and if you buy a sleeping bag that is shorter in height, saving on weight, you will be narrow, you will not be able to turn or turn around, and it should not be too spacious so as not to be blown, but the models for two are warmest; they also take up less space in the backpack than two separate ones. ruslan yunyaev, elnurovali akhmetov, konstantin leonov, yulia bykova, channel one. an important topic, children on
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the internet, today they spend there, sometimes more time than some adults, they master new technologies, play, communicate, they also do this better than us, but they still don’t really know how to recognize scammers, we are adults, we simply have to teach them the basics of safety, mom’s bank card, confirmation code from her smartphone , now the scammer has the parents’ money, the child on the internet is an ideal victim, it’s easy to deceive in dozens of the most... simple imitation of a familiar person, for example, a favorite blogger writes to the child, congratulations, you won a prize from me personally, they can watch, maybe your parents have a plastic card, enter these numbers here, your prize will be delivered to you. another option is chat bots in messengers, virtual currency, favorite games for a couple of tasks: take your mother’s phone, go to the bank’s application, but most often scammers operate through online games, as
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we will show with an example, i will save up. egor plays for 2 hours a day during the holidays, in-app purchases with parental permission, for now. how he says that he is banned from the game there, three times already, he writes offensive words due to the fact that he has there are no paid costumes. there are about 200 gaming friends, he personally knows four. anyone can write in the chat, a scammer or our cyber expert, dmitry sidorin. hello, are you home today? egor answers readily. in the room with him, besides the operator’s mother, is a psychologist.
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water from cards daily restrictions, secondly, a control application - to know what the child is doing in the gadget, we add videos about digital literacy to the content and, finally, the most important thing - trusting relationships, we work on ourselves. if you turn on such a strict mentor and tell him what is needed, what is needed if you had done it differently, or you still blame the child, then of course, trusting contact does not develop, and next time the child
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simply will not tell you something. much more effective - they say. psychologists get to the heart of the issue, speak the same language with the child, even if this means figuring out what ulta, skins or donations are. natalya kovaleva, sergey falendysh, yulia kuvabina, channel one. now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. on air on channel one news release. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. the crew of the k-52m helicopter of the russian aerospace forces successfully hit a militant position in the special operation zone. after using aircraft weapons, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver. we released heat traps and returned safely to the airfield. in the avdiivka direction, the crew of the malka artillery installation of the center's group of troops started a duel
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with the enemy, and as a result destroyed the pantsir howitz self-propelled gun. i started pestering my comrade in arms, during which i, too, was wounded, defending the country, defending the homeland, this is our duty as men, my family lives here, my friends, relatives, that is, every man must accomplish a feat in his life, victory will be ours, so guys, guys, men, don’t be afraid, the truth, the truth is always behind us,
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after successful attacks by our units, more and more ukrainian soldiers prefer... to surrender in order to save their lives. one of them told during interrogation how he ended up in the army and how the kiev command treated its soldiers? to the side he left the russian positions, raising his hands, remaining. nobody wants to fight for a long time, they take it, mobilize it, it’s already forced, what kind of spirit is there, what’s everything there, everyone is tired of the war. the west, in spite of everything, is inflating the conflict
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as best it can; zelensky, who is begging from the so -called allies, is promised one and a half billion euros. they are going to take them from the proceeds of frozen, and essentially stolen, russian assets. the head of european diplomacy, borel, said that the funds will already be allocated.
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to whom flowers were laid every year, the decision the new mayor of the city decided to dismantle it.
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today is the memorable date of the great patriotic war. 80 years ago the red army liberated pskov. from the first days of the war, hitler’s command called him the key to the front doors of leningrad. there was the highest concentration of fascist troops there. however, after the blockade was lifted , the germans began to retreat, trying. with minimal losses, they completely cleared pskov of the enemy. in moscow, in honor of the liberation of pskov, a salute of 20 artillery salvoes from 200 guns was given. in 2009. exercise in the strategic missile forces destination, our military in the irkutsk region make hundred-kilometer marches on
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yars mobile complexes, along the route they repel attacks by simulated sabotage groups, train to carry out camouflage, and one of the important tasks is to learn how to remove special equipment from zones of simulated chemical contamination. that's all for now, be with us, today is world whale and dolphin day, on which i congratulate the heroes of the occasion, dear dolphins, please do not be offended, today we are going to visit the whales, they live in our northern seas, coast of sakhalin and kamchatka, i was lucky, i saw a whale live from...
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killer whales gather in underwater clans , each with their own call sign, this is one of the pods, they are frequent guests off the coast of kamchatka. killer whales usually swim in families, so they can be seen in large numbers. in general, summer is the time of whales, i cry, i cry because my dream has disappeared. i am the happiest person in the world. many come from the warm waters where they gave birth to their babies to the northern seas to feed. for them, this is a resort in the barints sea. flying
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out of the water, turning over from your stomach to your back, this some flips, giants of the ocean when you see how it takes off over the water, well, this is a sight that is difficult to find anywhere else in the world. another record holder for the largest mammal on the planet is the blue whale, 30 long and weighing more than 50 tons. the tongue weighs as much as an indian elephant, but according to whale experts, even they have a hard time visually assessing its size. what we see on the surface of the water is only a small part, a tenth of a whale, if our boat, for example, is about 5 m long, then even a gray whale, it is usually 13 m, that is, well, a carcass everything is hidden under water. after the ban on whaling, the population is slowly recovering, so scientists know each ward personally by the pattern on the fin, it’s like our fingerprint.
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this year, good news, in the four trips to sea that the weather allowed us, we have already met eight females with cubs, which is very good, that is, there is an increase of at least eight cubs, we hope, we hope that there will be more of them there, will still be suitable, that is, this year the situation is getting a little better compared to the twenty-second and twenty-third year, which means that next year there will be even more of them and the likelihood of meeting them increases, especially... the whales are very constant, they always return to the feeding place where their mother first brought them, which means that now we will be able to see these babies every year. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. good morning to everyone who woke up and turned on channel one. on the calendar july 23, tuesday. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova. on sunday, july 28, we will all celebrate navy day russia. celebrations will take place in... all fleets,
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and the heart of the holiday is the northern capital of st. petersburg. our correspondents have been working in st. petersburg all this week. ksenia ionkina decided to join the army of thousands of tourists, but not for the sake of entertainment. she has an important editorial assignment. which one will you find out now? tourists flooded st. petersburg. and you know what they will take away from. northern capital, phone memory is full, of course, and at least one magnet, there are pieces for 100 rubles, 150 for each, there are sets, gorgeous magnets, simply gorgeous, there are eight things from the night city, there are also 10 things from the daytime city, it turns out all the main attractions of st. petersburg, the most profitable, most convenient souvenir, put it in your pocket and nothing will happen to it, this one... a sweet moment
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of choice, when he agreed to take only one with himself, and then he allowed himself to grab a couple more, some even come up, close their eyes and choose, because there is a large choice, they cannot decide, this is the one they took with their hands, this is not to buy, yes, the excitement around magnets is no longer the same, now the leaders are practical souvenirs, umbrellas, panama hats, shopping bags, but the tradition is to bring them back from vacation.
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small tourist towns are not lagging behind, sellers know that there are not just fans, collectors of magnets, such as our cameraman mikhail karasev, immediately after filming in zvenigorad for the catch, with a balalaika i suggest, the balalaika is not my format, otherwise it won’t take what, requirements for the magnets are very strict, there is not enough space, it is limited on the refrigerator, so there is such a rectangular square there. he seems optimal and a must for me to be there in these places. the choice is made, after 2 hours there is a magnet with a white stone cathedral on the kitchen galley. according to the account. attention 199, and this is not the limit. the era of magnets continues. ksenia ionkina, igor kostyakov, stepan erofeev and mikhail karasev, channel one. our good, cheerful, summer morning continues, our video catcher on the world wide web, yegor
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uspensky, continues to surprise us. let's get a look. our morning review opens with perhaps the most cultured, intelligent well-read representative. the cat family, her name is lily brik, she lives in the mayakovsky central public library in st. petersburg. her responsibilities include maintaining order and, of course, communicating with visitors. and this is a dog named champion, who became famous on the world wide web for the fact that he likes to spy on his neighbors, resting his front paws on the fence and his back paws on a tree trunk. the champion climbs to the very top and begins to spy, earning likes along the way. australian scott russo decided to show his daughters sheep, who passed by the house. he opened the gate, the sheep regarded this as an invitation to the whole flock to come and visit. it is not known how long it took scott to remove the animals from the site. well,
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in conclusion, another st. petersburg celebrity is a pig named dulsenya. she and her owner slowly walk along the central streets of the northern capital. with her. passers-by and tourists love to take pictures and, as a rule, dulcinea does not refuse anyone. where we are, there is more, the marine corps, it performs tasks in three elements, this is on land, on water, from the air. 23 soldiers of our assault detachment fought against 1003 marines of the ukrainian armed forces. in 3 hours of battle the enemy was completely destroyed. and those who survived, they simply ran away through the ovrok. i prepared myself for the fact that anything could happen and i didn’t have to think about it. if not us, then who else, guys? a family is waiting for us, and we want them to have a peaceful sky above their heads, so that this fascism does not come to our homeland, we will do everything possible and
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impossible to make it easier for them there, and we we know that they will always protect us from any threat, no matter how scared you are there, you... go because you know that people are waiting there, premiere for navy day, on sunday on the first, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, cnop gin, stellar group product, montechoca cognac. product of stellar group. rum. castro. product of stellar group. all the tragedies of the 20th century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian
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high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdind. and the unexpected result was the first world war: a new cursed era of unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions, concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world began. to mark the anniversary of the start of the first world war, it premieres on sunday on the first. so, to the parade in st. petersburg. almost everything is ready, the best seats have been reserved for you, dear tv viewers, the spectacle promises to be grandiose, so don’t miss the live broadcast on channel one. well, all this week we will introduce you to the ships participating in this parade, right now i present to your
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attention the multi-purpose patrol ship of the near sea zone corvette project 20380 boyky. compact, unobtrusive and highly automated. this is all about the corvettes of project 20380. on the roadstead of the neva there is a lively corvette. the length of the ship can be a hundred meters, the width of the ship is 13 m, and the displacement is almost 2,500 tons. and this colossus can cover up to 7,500 km in one trip, which is more than the distance from moscow to khabarovsk. the project's corvettes are armed to combat surface and underwater targets, and also to support amphibious assault. on board universal. the ship's a-190 gun mount, two six-barreled ak630m anti-aircraft guns, missile weapons are a threat to enemy ships, one x35 can sink a ship with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. that is, a full-fledged frigate, with a coverage area of ​​more than 250 km. the corvettes of the project have already
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undergone firing and maneuvers on the high seas several times, after which we can definitely say that there have never been more economical universal ships in the russian navy; they are built using a modular architecture, which means that they it will be easy to upgrade. these are the first corvettes on which there was a place for k-27 anti-submarine helicopters; they also have a fuel reserve of 20 tons, that is, they operate as a winged vehicle. century in the yard, it seems that the days when salaries were received in an envelope should have long ago become a thing of the past, but no, gray and black salaries turned out to be very tenacious, i think the fact is that those who agree to them simply do not think about what they lose and what they risk, white gray... and black salaries, alas, still exist, what is the difference: white or as it is also called the official
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salary, when the employer deducts all taxes, pays for sick leave, all this is beneficial for the employee, but expensive for the employer, because he spends more than just on paying wages, contributions to the pension fund, contributions in case of temporary disability, in total, social contributions reach 30%, so it’s not difficult to calculate that the total is 30%. contributions and 13% personal income tax, a total of 43%. in fact, with a salary of 100,000 rubles for the company you cost 143. therefore, some employers came up with gray salaries with a small official part and a little more in the envelope. it is beneficial for the accounting department and for the employee. if you receive 30,000 only officially, and you receive 100,000 in an envelope, then from these 100,000 there will be no contribution to your pension, and, accordingly, your pension will be less, all the social benefits. plus, unscrupulous employers can use the unofficial part as
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a tool of punishment, you will be indignant, i will only pay the white part, but the envelopes are not taken into account anywhere. file a complaint with the labor office inspection that the employer paid black wages, but you are also setting yourself up for this in a certain way, because you violated the law, you did not pay 13%. yes, by agreeing to this, the employee enters. a kind of criminal conspiracy, let alone black wages, in fact the person is generally unemployed, does not pay taxes, payment of wages generally depends on the desire of the employer, most often this type is found where there is a high turnover, this is logging, this is construction, this is advertising, this cleaning, catering, not chain stores, that is, in fact, this is where there is quite a lot of unaccounted for... cash and people agree, because they need money, and for others the price of the issue is important, we asked passersby
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whether they would agree to the black 500,000 rubles per month, i think yes, i can manage the money as i plan there, let’s say save it, money doesn’t smell, there was one emperor, he said, money is not black, it’s white, green, it’s money, and then you only get years in a cell, so no, well, this is dishonest money, so the whole society is divided into those who are looking for... peace and stability and those who are willing to take risks, which is why white, gray and black salaries still exist. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnyaya, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. what we can talk about endlessly in the summer, well, firstly, about the weather, secondly about vacation, thirdly about ice cream. we eat 300,000 tons of this delicacy in one summer. at the same time, ice cream is not only plambier, popsicle or creme brulee. and sherbets, sorbets, and fruit ice, an inexhaustible topic, we can talk
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endlessly, but it’s better to eat right now, fruit ice is easy to prepare even at home, the recipe couldn’t be simpler, you just need to pour this branch into a mold, freeze it all, you can use fruit and berry puree or the fruits themselves, freshly squeezed or packaged juice, sugar if desired, when will we eat? ice cream in 6 hours, how much, magic television is all ready, let's see how beautiful we have, how beautiful it turned out, yes, wow, so beautiful, so fruity, fruity, refreshing, yes, yeah, store-bought and fruit ice doesn't have to wait long, but it has a side effect, often with food chemistry, be sure to read what is written on the packaging; the composition should not contain art. dye flavorings, at least, this is undesirable. this delicacy
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has the lowest content of fruit and berry puree, up to 10% of the total composition, more in sherbet up to 20.5%, and what else is there? milk, butter, sugar, flavoring stabilizers, which give the ice cream a taste, that is , it is fruit and cream ice cream, but the fat content of sherbet does not exceed 4%, for comparison, in plambier there is about twelve, however, in the kitchen you can’t make it without an ice cream maker, the sherbet mass must be saturated with oxygen, due to this an airy structure is obtained, plus then the delicacy is slower. sorbet has the same cooking technology, only it does not contain milk, eggs or butter. the composition includes only natural products, that is , these are frozen berries, fresh berries, and fruits, and chocolate may also be included. according to the state regulations here, as in sherbet, up to 25% fruit and berry puree, water, sugar are acceptable , natural thickeners, which makes the taste as rich, berry, as possible,
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this is why he is loved all over the world, especially in italy. is gaining momentum, all the details are from my colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov. starting round of the russian football championship. the start of the thirty- third russian football championship was a glorious one. the teams did not let the fans get bored. zenit began defending the title. with victory in samara. the st. petersburg team left no stone unturned in the first half and opened the game in the soviets, scoring three times. first , vilmmar barios snatched the ball from two opponents in a tackle. wendel immediately cut the hosts' defense with a penetrating pass to maxim glushenkov, who calmly beat alexander soldatenkov and hit the goal. soon artur opened up on the flanks, received the ball , served from under the same soldatenkiy to mateo
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casier, and the top scorer of last season in the rpl made a perfect header. well, shortly before the break, glushenkov scored a double. in a combination involving arthur and wendell. taking into account the country's super cup, zenit's newcomer has four goals. his transfer from lokomotiv has already been called the most effective in the off-season, and debut for zenit was the brightest in the club's history. at the end of the match, the guests organized another effective attack. ivan sergeev threw the ball to pedro, who successfully shot from an acute angle, which was helped by a rebound from the defender. 4:0. dynamo, which fought against zenit for the championship last season until the last round, beat fakel in moscow. in the third minute. after the cross from the free kick , nineteen-year-old defender ivan lepsky, who had previously played only two matches for the adult team of the blue and white, stood out. in the middle of the half , mumengamalyo broke the success of the hosts, arriving in time for finishing when the ball bounced into the field, almost breaking the post from konstantin tyukavin's shot. in the twenty-eighth minute , uovs' score became devastating, yaroslav gladyshev performed a beautiful parachute strike. the intrigue
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was partly revived by daniil famin, who soon received a red card for a full erakleik in vikveskiri, leaving dynamo in the minority, which became worse. test the nervous system of your fans. stankovovich’s charges left orenburg with nothing. if goalkeeper alexander maksimenko saved the red-whites in the first half, then the second one, and he ended up powerless. first, matyas peras blocked emercan gurluk's cross, and then turuk himself fell away, punishing maksimenko for a monstrous mistake. 2:0. for a city dweller, going to the cinema is the most ordinary
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event. i chose the nearest cinema, bought a ticket, please watch the movie on the big screen. personal sound, for residents of small towns, villages and villages, going to the cinema is often a whole thing, a trip to the city, this was the case until recently, but now everything is changing, and did you know that in addition to nizhny tagil there is also verkhny tagil, town in sverdlovsk region with a population of about 10 thousand people, the pride of tagil residents is a palace of culture, inside there is a concert hall, a recreation area and a modern cinema. theater, we submitted an application, justified that our city really wants to have such a cinema hall on our territory in our palace of culture, anatomical chairs, acoustic panels on the walls, it was different, initially there was just a small hall. now there is no tulle on the floor, no old parquet, and cartoons and films can be watched even in 3d. nothing
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extra, everything is like in our big cities. in in many ways, this is precisely the task of the national project. culture, so that villages and small towns do not lag behind and, at the same time as residents of megacities, have access to the latest film distribution. equipping cinema halls is one of the important areas of the national project. in the udmurd republic to the city. kambarki appreciated this according to the national project; they purchased modern audio and video equipment, a projector, a chair screen of 120 pieces, instead of the wooden ones that once stood here, they were very hard and creaky, this is our sound system, these are our speakers that create surround sound, while the children are enjoying the cartoon, mechanic nikolai glebov is supervising the show in the cinema booth, using updated equipment. this is the projector itself, the basis of everything, the sound system, the power supply is included, the projector is controlled almost entirely through a laptop, the city of otkarsk, saratov
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region, the director of the cultural and educational center zoya zaberova still remembers how they used to show films: every 10 minutes you had to do transitions, rewind the film to the beginning, charge it, during the film, let’s say the film lasts an hour and a half, hour 40, this had to be done from post to post, now it’s different, two days before the start of this film the so-called keys arrive, on the same day when the show starts, the keys open this film, that’s it, such simplicity, a month on average, 100 film screenings are free for participants of summer day camps, as well as for youth from the pushkin card, but there are also a lot of sales, thanks to the cinema, the cultural center has additional funds, and we inserted plastic ones. windows, we installed iron doors, a new major porch, wardrobe, we purchased a fountain, we purchased an advertising cabinet for a movie poster, so that as
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many residents of small otkarsk as possible would come to the cinema. in general, thanks to our culture project, more than 1,300 cinema halls have already been modernized, and this year more than 90 will be updated. yulia molostova, elena savina, nazer nagumanov and pavel kulygin, channel one. next on our morning broadcast on channel one, news release. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei egushev. tankers from the southern group of troops destroyed a militant stronghold in donetsk direction of the special operation. having received information about the deployment of enemy groups in the forest belt, the t-80 crew. moved to a previously prepared position. at high speed , the tankers marched into the indicated square and fired a series of accurate shots. the tank crews
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of the pacific fleet marine brigade also showed good results. powerful fire supported the actions of the assault units of the vostok group of troops in the area of ​​the vremevsky ledge. vehicles equipped with mine trawls are reliably protected. the crew's task is to lead the convoy to it is possible to hit targets at the landing site. in the northern direction, units of the tula guards airborne forces controlled enemy positions near the village of crossings. under heavy fire, our soldiers on bmt armor covered the distance to the enemy trench and broke his resistance. the moment fire opened , the distance was 80-50 m. our infantry landed at about 30-40 m, somewhere around give or take. bye. did not land, i opened fire further to cover my infantry so that they would storm this normally forest planting, when you shoot, you no longer think about anything, you only think about
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protecting your guys, after successful attacks by our units, more and more ukrainian soldiers prefer to surrender in order to save their lives, one of them said during interrogation, how he ended up in the army and how the kiev command treats its soldiers, towards the russian positions he... came out with his hands up, left without any support and expressed the general opinion: ordinary ukrainians are tired of fighting, they are tired of being pawns in someone else’s game, they they want peace, they mobilized me, well, i was walking drunk, they gave me a summons, i went and went, and never came home again, the commander in words, in words, had a normal attitude, well, in fact , he didn’t consider us to be people.
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and the far east arrived in khabarovsk, which is touring the regions of siberia , the prime minister visited the new infectious diseases building of the regional children's hospital, which began operating last year, three infectious diseases departments, as well as an intensive care unit and intensive care can
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be received until... how is it organized work and thanked the doctors for such important and selfless work. friends, i want to thank you for your work. the most important thing is that young patients feel and care about the possibility of professional help. i am sure that their parents appreciated the way the work was organized in particular. the head of government visited one of the largest universities in our country and the far eastern state university of transport. i looked at the laboratory for organizing train traffic, which allows you to simulate the operation of several stations at once. and in a conversation with the participants of the student groups spoke about the need to create new highways, in particular, he called the development
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of the eastern one a priority. imagine, here are jazz classics, they meet, you know, it’s in such contrasts, when we get huge, we play very loudly, very brightly, a lot of, so to speak, improvisation, and then suddenly some amazing classic sounds, which sounds
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very -very... quiet, and the applause is no less loud after it, this is the contrast we try to maintain all the time. the festival will be go until the end of the week, many of its sites will be free to visit. musicians will perform on art square in lake dolgoe park in the tabrichesky garden. that's all for now, stay with us. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new summer day with channel one. on the calendar tuesday july 23rd. this whole week passes under the sign of navy day, which we will celebrate next sunday, july 28. don't miss the live broadcast of the naval parade from st. petersburg on channel one. our correspondents are already working in the northern the capital rediscover this amazing city. anastasia savelyeva invites us right now to significantly
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expand our words.
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everyone wanted to be, so to speak, on trend , for example, a watch, according to one of the versions from the dutch watch, to observe, the next, to keep your nose to the wind, also from there, and meant to catch a fair wind, as indeed today in any business, so on miles - now it’s about money, in the days of sailing ships about provisions, they saved when the ship was immobilized , and so that this would not happen, they said, 7 feet under the keel, they wished good luck, an expression... for which the whole crew gathers, anchoring, mooring, cleaning, but not to be confused with half-hull, this is jargon, and an ancient one, a cry to attract attention to some phenomenon, that’s where it came from the expression sea wolf is still unknown, one can only
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guess, the animal is strong, so brave and they are wolves in a pack, and sea wolves are in a team, single men who have been at sea for a long time, wolves simply sound better than a bear, the language of sailors ...
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good morning, muscles should be toned, weight fine. we all want this, don't we? pills to make this wish come true have not yet been invented. that leaves gymnastics. we jump to spread our arms and legs to the sides. we jump again and return to the starting position. we continue to study. to further strengthen the muscles of the hips and buttocks, we attach an elastic fitness band to the ankles and jump again,
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the expander interferes with the movement of the legs, which means the load on the muscles increases, and there is no tingling in the side. we do everything with pleasure, this is the best way to always be in good shape. do you want to be in weightlessness and improve the health of your joints, swim, because it is a load without vertical axial gravity, about how to save joints about many other important and interesting things in the program - live, healthy, today on...
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stay, let's stay just like that, i i’ll never forget you, some snowy woman melted, by the way, she melted and now i ’m absolutely free, hello, i don’t even miss you, i flew to you like crazy, i broke you with love, imochka, i missed you, this call me, i'll come. i wonder what he's wearing today have you come? fantastic! on friday on the first! we
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are always on the move, traveling somewhere, flying, especially in the summer, sometimes over long distances, on a train, for example, or on an airplane. more often we have shorter routes, on the bus or in the subway. have you ever wondered how... what transport is the safest and what are the safest places in this transport, let's find out: almost 70% of accidents occur in bus transport, there are more road users, the risk of accidents is higher. the worst statistics on road accidents are shown by suburban and intercity transport, this due to the fact that the speeds are higher, as a rule, on intercity highways the speed is from 90 to 110 km/h. at such collision speeds it is more dangerous. we often choose places based on comfort, and which ones are safe? it is worth choosing those seats where the passenger sits with his back turned. to the driver, the physics of the process is such that all the slowdowns
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in acceleration will have an effect in the event of an accident, that we will hit the ground, here are those in the middle of the cabin, along the aisle and at the window, the most unsafe driver at the end of the bus. another thing is a subway car, of course, i want to sit down, but meanwhile it’s safer to stand. simple physics: when braking sharply, a person experiences a force seven times greater than his own weight. it is no coincidence that there are so many handrails in the subway, and a person should be prepared for what is needed as much as possible. fix, that's exactly it, yes, in this case you have a chance that you will hold yourself, it is better for the passenger to position himself facing the direction of travel along the body of the subway car. the inertia of your body will press you here, neither your spine, nor your head, nor your cervical regions will be damaged by this shock by force. railway transport is in second place in terms of accidents (17% of accidents last year). which carriages on the train are safe? if? there will be a collision, for example, with a car that
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enters the railway unauthorized, of course, the lead car will bear an additional load. if struck, the locomotive can pull the remaining cars with it, the first two and the last one in the risk zone. the middle of the train is further away from the collision points. in a compartment , the lower and upper bunks in the direction of travel are considered safe. in a reserved seat on the side in some places we lie down with our feet towards the locomotive. and if the blow falls on the legs, yes, then this is the worst. safe. according to statistics, every third russian is an aerophobe, but less than 2% of accidents occur in the air. comfortable seats on the plane near the emergency exits in the front part of the board. and below, if something happens, it’s in the risk zone. why is it that the closer you are to the pilot, the more unsafe it is? well, for example, when a plane rolls out onto the runway and collides with an obstacle, of course, those sitting in front suffer first. in the fuel wing at the emergency exits the probability fire, high percentage. survivability of a seat in the tail of an airliner. rita larkina, polina
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losan, konstantin sruchkov and evgeny smirnov, channel one. ordering something online with delivery to adam or to the office is a common thing, quite common. we have already become completely accustomed to this service, and since we really don’t want to mess around in the kitchen in the summer, we often order ready-made food for ourselves, but why not, but only in the summer when it’s hot. you need to be more careful with this. in the heat, a person slows down, he is drawn to sleep, bacteria, at least no matter what, they spoil the food in a matter of hours. general bacterial temperature is 30°. accordingly , from 30° microorganisms already begin to multiply. more specific bacteria, such as stephylococcus aureus, a bacterium of the escherichia coli group, they multiply at 37°. speed ​​of the majority.
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existing bacteria are not killed, but poisoning is due to their certain quantity. rolls are not the best option right now. in buryat , 75 people were recently poisoned by them; the diagnosis was salmaniasis, especially for pregnant women. because this microorganism wisteristogenos, it is more common in fish, and can cause various complications in pregnant women. the second most dangerous thing is salads with mayonnaise or other fatty sauce. consistency. they love this kind, besides, they cut it, add everything by hand,
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which means that the risks are even higher, the more of these human contacts, dishes and the environment with the product, the more dangerous it will be for humans. stephyllococcus aureus bacteria are often found in salads . shawarma is the third most dangerous, its components are stored often not in the refrigerator, they are simply stored at room temperature. recently conducted research. well, finally, in the summer it is better to refuse delivery of cakes, they are stored for too short a time, even in the refrigerator, if we are talking, for example, about confectionery, yes with whipped cream, some cakes, yes, with custard, the shelf life there is very short, beaten cream generally only takes 6 hours, naturally. when delivered, the safe shelf life is reduced for ice cream
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that has thawed, depending only on the temperature inside it rises to -13°, the development of microorganisms is already underway. anna brosimova. now we often order ready-made food, it’s really very convenient, but still the most delicious food is the one you cook yourself at home. have you ever tried stuffed cabbage, no, not individual leaves, these are ordinary cabbage rolls, you’ve tried them all, but culinary expert victoria bredis suggests stuffing a head of cabbage. let's see how she did it, she wants cabbage rolls, but she can't make them, i'll stuff the whole cabbage, remove the top leaves, i cut off the cabbage so that i get a solid support, make a long curved cut on the cabbage, next to it there is another curve, only in
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the opposite direction, so that the edges coincide, i remove the layers of cabbage, i get a depression, i cut the entire cabbage with wedges. for the filling , i mix minced meat with breadcrumbs , beaten egg, salt, pepper, fill the cavity with the filling, wrap the head of cabbage in foil and put it in a preheated oven, bake for an hour at 180°. i serve the dish with chopped herbs from... sour cream, and boiled rice as a side dish. if you like stuffed cabbage rolls you will definitely like the cabbage according to my recipe. bon appetit. an important topic, children on the internet. today they sometimes spend more time there than some adults,
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master new technologies, play, communicate, they also do this better than we do. but they... don’t really know how to recognize scammers yet, we are adults, we simply have to teach them the basics of safety. mom’s bank card, confirmation code from her smartphone and now the scammer has the parents’ money. a child on the internet is an ideal victim, it’s easy to deceive, there are dozens of ways, the simplest is imitation of a familiar person. for example, a favorite blogger writes, congratulations to the child, you won a prize from me personally, but could you look, maybe... your parents have a plastic card, enter these numbers here, your prize will be delivered to you. another option is chat bots in instant messengers. virtual currency favorite games for a couple of tasks: take mom’s phone, go to the bank app. but most often, scammers operate through online games, as we will show with an example. now i'll save up. egor u8 plays
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2 hours a day. vacations, in-app purchases with parental permission. bye. as he says, he is getting banned from the game. three times. yes, he writes offensive words due to the fact that he does not have paid suits. there are about 200 gaming friends, he personally knows four. anyone can write in the chat, a scammer or our cyber expert, dmitry sidorin. hello. are you at home today? egor answers readily. in the room with him, besides the cameraman’s mother, is psychologist svetlana ageeva. 5 minutes of communication and for the sake of game items he is ready to follow the link. and on the link already a prepared special website with a payment system where you need it. enter data, in principle, i could even ask him in correspondence to send me some data, i’m generally shocked, it seems to me that if he had a bank card nearby right now, and he was given a little instruction, he would have entered everything that it is necessary, i think this is true, it is important to understand that such gullibility is normal
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for children, a very important structure such as the frontal cortex, which is responsible for assessing the consequences of their actions, that is, what will happen if i... there, suddenly it’s a stranger, for the same reason, children transfer money to streamers in gratitude for the fact that they broadcast how they play. by the way, they are not breaking the law. what to do? first, protection. we change passwords on devices more often. to enter online banking, in addition to the pin code, we add biometrics, withdrawals and transfers from cards, daily restrictions. secondly, the control application is to know what the child is doing on the gadget. we are adding videos about digital literacy to the content. and finally, the most important thing is a trusting relationship, we work on ourselves. if you turn on such a strict mentor and tell him how to do it, what should have been done differently, or even blame the child, then of course, trusting contact does not develop, and next time the child simply will not tell you something. it is much more effective, psychologists say, to get to the bottom of the issue,
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to speak the same language with the child, even if this means figuring out what ulta, skins or donations are. natalya kovaleva. very soon on july 28th we will all the country will celebrate navy day. the main naval parade according to tradition. will be held in st. petersburg, as always, channel one will show it and, as always , it will show it the way only we can do it. don't miss the live broadcast of this bright, large-scale celebration. our correspondents have been working in st. petersburg all this week, rediscovering this city, and the city, i must say, is simply amazing. here, it seems, every stone stores a story, and how many stones store this history. forts kranshtat, a journey through time and space through the famous kronshtat, we are invited to take a trip by dmitry kuzmin,
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let's follow him: the stone sentries of kronshtat 21 forts have been protecting the approaches to st. petersburg from the sea for centuries, how much time does it take to get around everything, i would go to this one, yes, it’s plaguey, but it’s the cutest, you can only get to it by water. the most mysterious kranstadt fort, inside the scaffolding, is already in white, this is how it looked when it was called the plague. the vaccine was developed here. officially fort alexander i. its task, like all forts, is to protect st. petersburg along the southern forward. we found rails and granite stops on which the turning mechanisms for the guns stood. grand duke constantine, the most accessible fort from the dam, is named after the son of nicholas i. so how old was he then? only 7 years old, but this did not prevent him from holding the post of admiral general of the imperial navy. there is also a lighthouse museum
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, the only one in the country. fresnell lens, the first in the russian empire, mid-19th century. beacon range with bonfire was a maximum of 15 -17 km. with the advent of fresnell lenses, the visibility range could increase up to 70 km. and if the light bulb burns out, look, the lamp replacement is sticky. to assemble the building to fit into the brick line, we selected exactly the historical brick of the required size, to take a break from the water on fortov island, the largest fleet park in the country, more than 100 hectares. only this exhibit of the museum of naval glory is 107 m, a real nuclear submarine k3. don't press your fingers, this is the only transition gate
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between compartments. it helps a lot with osteochandrosis, right? yes, a good charge, a torpedo tube that was used for - launching emergency exit torpedoes. four of us entered here, closed it and went up through the buoy. the historical park around is such a wise holiday for st. petersburg, both for children and adults. oh, peter the first, here is all the information about peter the great, yeah, there ’s a queue at the swing with a gorgeous view of the bay, so i got a seat early, in 5 hours i only walked through two, two forts, during the same time i looked into two museum, and even then not completely, of course, and looked, well, about a third of this gigantic park, it seems to me that you have to come here for at least a week, you have to live here, dmitry kuzmin, elizaveta nikishova, kronshtat channel one, with this, our program has come to an end, i’m ekaterina strizhenova, i wish you good morning and a good working day. see you on
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channel one. attention, says st. petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president. russian federation the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, we need such ships at sea so that we can fight our own waves, we need lighthouses, and we need varnish. and we also need faithful guys, then the water is like earth to us, then
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the crew is family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day, on sunday on the first. hello, time for news. first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. every meter with a fight, cassette ruptures ammunition, birds are circling the sky. as our fighters advance,
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they make quick throws, it is important not to get hit. several beers at once. we tried to attack us, if not for the raf system, we would not have left. a beacon for foreign investors, promising projects in the far east. mikhail mishustin in khabarovsk. economics and social sphere, what is most important for medicine in the regions. a refugee camp is under attack, an air attack by the israeli army, fire on targets in the gaza strip, children among the dead. either grandfather or vision, scandal in the usa, republicans demand biden be presented to the people, he still has not appeared before the public, but he had a voice, i 'm watching you, baby, i love you, and i love you, joe, let there be light, invention of the lamp incandescent, exactly 150 years ago, our alexander received a patent.


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