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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 24, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and news has just arrived from the kremlin, the strategic partnership between moscow and tashkent, the topic of the telephone conversation between vladimir putin and the president of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev’s birthday today, the russian leader first congratulated the politician, and then the leaders discussed cooperation, the president paid special attention to the implementation of agreements that were achieved during the state visit of the russian leader to uzbekistan. that's all for now, we are following the development of the event, the information channel is on the first, the program will continue, time will show, the information channel on the first continues its work, this is a live broadcast, the program time will tell, anatoly kuzichev is with you, some strange news, strange news is coming, the time is of course such that every second news is strange, but here is very strange news comes from kiev, a citizen suddenly for...
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achieving victory for ukraine. francis has often made confusing and contradictory remarks about whether he blames russian president vladimir putin for the invasion of ukraine? he spoke cryptically about the mission, which is currently ongoing but has not yet been made public to bring peace. with all due respect to his holiness, ukraine does not need mediators; victory on the battlefield is necessary and there is no point in talking with putin. i repeat, apparently something happened. alexey alekseevich, why? why does volodko intend
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to shave his mustache, what happened? then why did he call donald trump, not yet knowing that kamala haris would be nominated as a presidential candidate. so. then, apparently, some kind of insight finally came, but here, i need to clarify, that is , these statements of his, which contradict all previous policies and statements and so on, are like his assessment of kamala harris’ chances. well, this is the fuss around the sofa, in fact, it’s understandable. zelensky was somewhat disoriented, perhaps he was disoriented by his handlers, so i believe that he is now trying to put eggs in all the baskets, and the vatican too, also his egg for easter day in the vatican, he is also rolling up now, mr. kuleba is doing the same thing in beijing, which is also exactly promotes opposite thoughts, after a meeting with a chinese colleague, with a chinese colleague, he suddenly became absolutely
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peace-loving, a peacemaker, and so on, zelensky’s team is looking for a way out of the vile situation in which they now find themselves, because, apparently, in any case the change of power in the united states will also change the attitude towards zelensky’s team, they are now trying to understand who can guarantee them a safe future, nothing more, there is no talk of peace here, by the way, this is even the consensus opinion of western experts, do not believe zelensky. trump, we know very well how trump negatively views ukraine, and for him , ukraine is just a bargaining chip in a big geopolitical game between russia.
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under trump there were deliveries of jewellins to ukraine, under trump the anti-russian sanctions regime was strengthened, withdrawal from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, so of course, now zelensky is trying to catch these signals, but at the moment
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neither the west as a whole nor the united states under biden haris, they are in reality not ready for negotiations, or ready,
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the idea itself, of course, the team should be different, but the same thing, we have the same thing, that is, these are tactical differences, if i understand correctly, and voniki are not strategists, so don’t take zelensky’s hysteria for hysteria, like according to the project, this is his personal, his personal hysteria of an unfortunate little man who feels that a furry white animal is approaching him, a fluffy animal, thank you, erudite, our dear experts, let's do it now. it's not trump, of course it's not trump, it's not there, who else is there, maybe not some non-leader of europe, but i’m just wondering how much this opinion, how much it coincides with the attitude of europe, let’s
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talk about it now, with europe’s attitude to this conflict, to its prospects, the historian’s name is emmanuel tod, he’s from france, attention . when i say that ukraine has already lost the war, i am only saying what the pentagon or the french general staff think. i'm convinced that the russians will take some more territory. the only tragic thing about this situation is that although the west knows that it has lost the war, there will still be no peace concluded the russians have lost trust in the west. for the russians, the end of the war can only consist in achieving a military situation in which their successes are guaranteed, their security in the future is ensured. they are waiting for the collapse of the regime in kiev and hope that it will be replaced. a russian-friendly government would come, but it would be a disaster for the americans if the russians achieved their goals in ukraine. america would be defeated in the eyes of the world. it is also necessary to end the conflict in ukraine because the west as a whole is on the brink of its collapse, it has more important problems such as demography, the destruction of
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societies due to neoliberalism and nihilism. here, but you see how he begins his publication, when i say that ukraine has already lost the war, i only say what they think.
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so that it doesn’t happen, yes, of course, because a guarantee of security is the number one question, if it comes to a truce or , even better, a peace agreement, of course, this is the number one question, this is the biggest stone of contention between ukraine, between the west both ukraine and russia, because russia is unlikely to move away from this position, maybe the process will be very, very difficult, how do you feel about these contradictory statements?
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to lead him to the presidency even on a stretcher, that is , if last year had really been
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a success, if this year they had at least been able to do something, then the people leading biden would have hung him the winner of russia, dragged him, so to speak, through the streets and passed yes, yes, but it turned out that a huge amount of money was spent, a year and a half has passed, there seem to be huge problems at the front and nothing and zelensky is responsible for all this, of course, in this case , today for him there is an understanding that his main... so to speak patron patron is leaving, and there is also the same salivan with him, who depends on him in what -degree, because the question of money and the distribution of everything else is a very sensitive issue, they all leave, but he remains on this ashes, he is alone, in this case, of course, so he, like a clown, begins to run from one stage to another, and with this put on a mask, and smile, and in front of these jump, and i can still somersault in the air, you know, but the problem is that the stage is becoming empty, it’s obvious to everyone that... by november the military-political situation will be different, the situation at the front
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can change very dramatically, because that even a fully launched mobilization mechanism there of up to 200 people per day, it barely covers the losses that the front suffers, which approximately coincide with this, and in this case, even the formation of these famous ten brigades, even if we imagine that by september they will be able to staff, they are with them at best, they can actively defend themselves; there will be no attack from any side. this suggests that the resources for waging war themselves, if not exhausted, are very seriously undermined against the backdrop of the fact that russia is constantly increasing both military production and reserves.
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on the first one, i restored my father’s records, well, don’t delay, don’t delay, who, i’m afraid, they won’t make you happy, just a courier, take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tormented by counting it, you have to be equipped with a steering wheel, with fire, with
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valuables , with documents, there was a lot, there are almost no hopeless situations. you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what needs to be done, they have different pathologies, but when performing one common task, they seem to begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos know how to think in their own idiotic, non-standard way, i i want to use this, as i understand it, you didn’t find any money, in any way according to your calling of my patients, to catch criminals, oh, but we don’t get paid for this, by the way. detective syndrome today after the program time, are you out of your mind, no, of course, that's why i came to you, at him, at him, i look , i understand, i’m disappearing, either big or
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small, bears. i will never forget you, some snow woman melted, by the way, she melted, i am now absolutely free, hello, i don’t even miss you. flew to you like a lie, i broke with love, imochka, i missed you, call me, i’ll come, i wonder what he came in today, fantastic, on friday on the first, oh my good ones, well, how are you
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here, shukshin, this is the password for good literature, character, i closed my eyes, why? frame as the main character and to be a director , something unattainable to exist in is a rare, very rare gift. oh, if only i were in your place. i would make a film like this, are you a hero or something, they should have broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, so what? i was launched onto the moon, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything, shukshin is everything for me too, on the occasion of vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, and what,
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oh, where did ours not disappear, on saturday, on the first, all the tragedies xx century began with shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new cursed era has come, invisible.
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so it remains, but what is, so to speak, strategy, and america has a strategic interest, they are aimed at fighting their opponents, opponents that are principled, fundamental, old, one of such opponents is russia, the entire second half the 20th century, it should be noted, was marked by a great confrontation between two superpowers, the ussr and the usa, but the battlefield, the battlefield and the sticking point was, as it were, well, not as it were, but in general there was ideology, then it...
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it’s time to remember how the usa they were able to arrange, as igor ashmanov calls it, that means injecting a brain virus, or, well , organizing ideological sabotage against the soviet union right in moscow, right in sokolniki. let's look at the story on this topic. 1959, khrushchev thaw. there is a slight detente between the ussr and the usa and countries decided to sign the document. about the exchange of cultural experience, the result was two exhibitions: soviet achievements in new york , a national-american exhibition in moscow, in sokolniki park, the soviet
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side opened the exchange, they decided to show american citizens the achievements of soviet science and technology , and residents of the capitalist west saw a communist miracle, models space satellites, rockets, nuclear powered ships. the exhibition places great propaganda emphasis on peace and progress, sputnik and the soviet worker.
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during the long ship journey from montreal to russia, the guides trained to try to predict the reaction of the soviet audience. they took turns standing in front of their colleagues and answering difficult questions. it became clear that only about half of the american guides traveling to moscow were students. the other half were from the rand corporation, the cia and '. government agencies that were introduced there under the guise of guides. soviet citizens were offered an opportunity to get acquainted with the image of america through a supermarket whose shelves were inundated with foreign products. in addition, throughout the exhibition there were posters with low food prices with the slogan that any worker could provide food for his family with just a week's wages. new products from the american automobile industry have caused an unprecedented stir. at the same time, soviet citizens tried pepsic for the first time, but it became the main hit of the exhibition. a model of an american country house, stuffed to capacity with the most modern models of household appliances. the house had no outer wall and all the inside was visible. exactly
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the way of life of an ordinary american family amazed visitors to the exhibition. many of our people, in their stupor, had not yet really become acquainted with television; here they were shown luxurious refrigerators, a dishwasher, a washing machine, and a host of other useful household appliances, the existence of which soviet citizens did not suspect. at the opening. us vice president richard nixon came to the exhibition and was met by nikita khrushchev. the most striking part of the conversation took place in the kitchen of an american home and went down in history as the kitchen dispute. america 150 years, it means it exists, this is its level, we have not yet completed 42 years, we are still 7 years old and we will be at the same level as america, but when we overtake you at the crossing, we greet you, so kindly, then, if you want, we can stop, say please follow us. nixon assured khrushchev
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that he was out of town. the house that the americans built for the exhibition is the standard of living that almost any family can afford; this, of course , was not true. the organizers included all the most advanced household appliances in this layout of their time, some even existed in a single copy, for example, a robot, a vacuum cleaner and a fully automated kitchen system. however, the american president made a bet on the kitchen, which is where he stopped khrushchev to continue the conversation. i would like to show you... they are assembled in factories and then built right into homes. americans are interested in making life easier for their women. all these household gadgets only caused khrushchev irritation. after inspecting the dishwasher, nikita sergeevich asked his american counterpart. and you don’t have a machine
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that puts food in your mouths. further, you show us a lot of interesting things, but they are not necessary for life, they are of no use, they are just little things. the argument in the kitchen lasted almost an hour, it was there that khrushchev first uttered his famous expression about kuska’s mother, in response to the achievements of american technology, he annoyedly replied that in the ussr they don’t beat flies. the conversation between nixon and khrushchev was recorded on color film by the americans and shown on their television. soviet citizens saw only a fragment of the debate several weeks later. exhibitions in the states were confident that it was nixon who won this debate, and the exhibition became a powerful ideological blow to the ussr. we know that our life is good, by the end of summer the millions of russians who visited our exhibition will also understand this, if i am not a completely bad judge of human nature, then this experience will awaken not only hearts, but also desires, so be it, let the russians want what we have, let them demand it from their
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leaders, and let the hype be... so loud that it will require an answer, perhaps then the soviet leaders, to keep their people happy, will redirect part of their production capacity, from the production of weapons to the production of furniture, electric mixers for prefabricated houses. by the way, it was at this exhibition that the leaders of the ussr nikita sergeevitch khrushchev were photographed with a glass of pepsi in his hands, then, of course, in the western press the photograph was placed on all the first, so to speak, pages. well, you know, it’s not cool, of course, it’s incredible, well, it just boggles the imagination, however, the topic is huge, let’s just try to stop ourselves, because in general i’m talking about a huge philosophical topic, imagine, we give them an icebreaker satellite, and they give us a dishwasher, you know, and there’s something else, and a comfortable chair, damn it, it would seem like a nuclear icebreaker - the dishwasher is still an american thing, by the way
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, i don’t know one thing in general, in general, in short. scatters the pieces, shits on the board, and because playing chess with a pigeon, politically says that he defeated you, excuse my french, in general this debate reminds me of a children's game: who is stronger, an elephant or a whale, guys ?
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that we then, well, or not we there, overestimated the person, no, no, because the person for whom they made an icebreaker and space, because of which about the soul, he preferred jeans, we actually underestimated that a person is weak, weak from the very beginning , and of course he can think as much as he wants about the bright future of humanity, but he still wants good pants for himself, yes, well, i went through this myself, so what can i say, this is my personal experience in in the end, so, it seems to me that this is...
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we love to fight in an informational sense, in a normal sense in the sense of a traditional war , and so on, but we are very unnecessary, because these guys, western countries, yes, the usa , especially, they are fighting with us seriously, directly. we returned to syria, we returned, we returned to many places now, yes, in fact, this is what i really noticed, i would like to draw the attention of listeners and viewers to the fact that we are now, in essence, being sanctioned.
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maybe, maybe, but for now here i am with missiles, by the way, yes, one without the other doesn’t work very well, i deliberately want to sharpen the discussion a little, so to speak, but look at us, move a little, look at michael and me, but here in five nine , it’s clear that it was easy to distinguish a soviet citizen from an american right away like this, now look, it’s also easy, yes, really, i’m removing the question, okay, it’s true, it seems to me that it’s just us and...
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there is, there is china, formann, there is vietnam, but they, it's only farmann, not communist, in short, wants to say that well, that is, you, you won then, including thanks to this story, we then preferred jeans, excuse me, to space, the question, so to speak, is not
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understood then that all this, the question now, and the coolest thing is, the question is what is now and how is it now, the coolest thing, anatoly, is that very little has changed since that time, remember, when we are ahead of the planet. now they mostly work without chips, because they are in the very rockets that were so praised, it was a joke, yes, they are chinese, listen, even iphones are chinese, bro, so we also have our own filling,
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what, everything else is chinese, assembled in china, everything is assembled in china, including the board and the case, and by the way, as for the glass, it seems to me that this our development, no matter how funny. i’m in this, well, it happened, i saw one interesting thing, that today, in principle , exactly the same thing continues in 2022, they are trying to catch us, they started , more precisely, at the same thing, when the sanctions regime began, when all this, this is all the same
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the same story about the russians not having all this, there were no jeans, there weren’t, only now on the other hand, because they think that we ourselves are nothing, they’re just taking us away now, and that is, now the task is to take all this away in order to bring them to the same state in which ...the soviet union collapsed. of course, today's generations have changed, we went through the temptation of america in the nineties, now hardly anyone will sing this song seriously, except for nostalgia, but we must understand that...
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and somehow the actions of the west, this is its hidden aggression, like i call, or these all sorts of kitchen things caused the collapse of the ussr, this idea is naive and does not correspond to reality, these are necessary conditions, but why didn’t what happened in the ninety- first year happen in the fifty-ninth year, yeah, because there were not sufficient conditions for this, and the internal conditions were sufficient, then the soviet government was still quite strong, then, first of all, the soviet people believed that they were building a better society, yeah.
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on friday on the first. on the occasion of
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vasily shukshin's ninety-fifth birthday. what are you, a hero, or what? you didn't you hear anything on the radio? what did you hear? should they have broadcast it on the radio? are our headphones not working? and what? they launched me to the moon on saturday on the first one. yes and again. i'll steal it! if theft is your thing, once again i’m flying to moscow, odessa, the planes won’t let go again, and you’ve had too much to drink, with lots of crying, you’re spinning around indefinitely, the years go by and by for centuries.
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this is how it happened to me, sash, for you a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you are live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes, you, me i'm afraid that all our directors love naturalness, so you... yes, and it even happened that my husband got into a fight with someone, when someone spoke unflatteringly, i go out, there is no car, we stole it, he says, i see your car, i see the car, at 3:00 in the morning, she will drive along peace avenue towards
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the region, these beautiful apples, they were on pins, this pin was almost nearby.
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you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting us help, you are a very good shooter,
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hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation. well, you, too , buried your great american dream, so to speak, you screwed it up, and michael says the great american dream is to live and work in russia. yes, in all seriousness and with a tear, well, just magnificent, well, you are lucky, lucky may, as we call him, the chosen one, the chosen few, we continue to work live, that means, as for, yes, yes, yes, about, about our great dream, which i repeat this image, in fact, here is a mental virus that lives there somewhere, yes,
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lives and lives for itself and does not force you to jump there suddenly and jump out for later , the moment when you jump is inevitable, but it lives and develops . quietly eats up and eats up and eats up and eats up and then devours you whole, an exhibition from '59, of course the footage is amazing, amazing in the sense that suddenly it just stuns you a lot, and so when that's where it all came from, oh my god , my god, well, not everything, but a lot, yes, in continuation of what vadimovich said, you wanted to add a couple of numbers, two numbers of statistics about that, which means that they speak about themselves, early ninety.
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what else does this mean that the image has faded, the image has faded, somehow everything turned out to be wrong, so to speak, this is not only so to speak, it is our merit to open the eyes of our compatriots to how they are there, they are there they live, they live normally, they seem to live well at times, and so on, but in the same way , by and large, in general, but it’s a shame, michael, write it down a second time, as you know, they don’t change, so to speak, the image has faded, the image has faded, faded, but the tasks remain the same, look, it means that the current one... political strategists are actually within the framework, well, not within the framework, of course, in the same logic of 1959, they are going to destroy
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the ussr in parentheses, russia from the inside. here is the french ideologist of color revolutions, as they call him, so to speak, a philosopher, and sometimes they also call him the angel of death, as soon as they don’t call him, yes, bernard henri levy, he means he talked to the pranksters, with vavan and lexus, but he didn’t know that it was vavan and lexus, he thought that it was one person, and peter poroshenko. please listen to what he says: i believe that we need to defeat russia not only at the front, but now it is very important to defeat russia in moscow. i'm sure you're right, i'm sure you're right about public opinion in russia. and i'm sure of the following, like in the eighties during the times. samisdat some ideas, some information, some images, it was possible
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sending to russia is easier than in the eighties, today we have tools, technological tools to create super samis data, super samis data via the internet, via the world wide web, there are many ways to send to russia, good information, good ideas, this is 100% true. i remember at that time there were some foundations, some of the non-governmental organizations in france in america that really introduced democratic liberal ideas through very simple means. literally uncouth means, practically people crossed the border with a book in their hands, music, ideas, images, i don’t know,
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images of barbarian russia, maybe send a few short films of 3-4 minutes each on usb keys, i don’t know, there are many ideas that can be implemented now. the path to suicide, and i think that this will be the last war in the history of mankind, that’s it, civilization will return to the stone age, i think that the west is unlikely to risk its
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existence for the sake of the same ukraine, if and if they are talking about a possible third world war, then this is conditionally only informational and psychological pressure, so they will follow the good old pattern, but what to sell to us, but to sell, i think, let’s bend our fingers, freedom, mm.
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and for them this is the scenario of a color revolution, it is the most effective, it is the most economical, you think about it, victoria noland said that the cost of separating ukraine from russia has cost the united states only $5 billion since the ninety-first year, today after the start of the northern military district, the west as a whole provided financial and military assistance to ukraine at the most conservative estimates amount to more than 300.
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in this context, in the new cold war, tomorrow the ukrainian conflict will end, then the day after tomorrow a second front may open, it may open in the baltic states, in transnistria, in the southern caucasus, not only that it can, of course it will open in fact, i’ll just support what was said earlier, just a little bit, so to speak, i judge, you need to understand that for the west today the task is to drag russia into the same senseless war with itself that i’m talking about,
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in first, try to turn russia into ussr 2.0 in... to de-vegetate russia, thereby slowing it down, again, to keep sanctions on everything, not to give them, as it were, along with the war, one of the key tasks number one, which they will deal with, is to try to separate peace negotiations, stopping hostilities from the sanctions regime, that is, they will all
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be pushed through to us now, let’s first end the war, and they will have sanctions... then the decisions of international organizations will be made dependent on some, so to speak, fulfillment of certain obligations, which, as we understand, no one will carry out, that is, the number one task for them will be in this new cold war - this is to separate , once again, military operations from sanctions, and as you rightly said , it’s not easy to medvedify russia, you know , there are such bears who, so to speak in the den when they are in winter, all the normal bears are sleeping there, and this one is wandering around, it’s called a connecting rod, and that’s what it’s like... the loneliness is poignant, they want to plunge russia into the same state, so this is also to shake things up, not only to bearify, i see one problem in this information program, which the west is now using with the help of which the west wants to isolate russia, demoralize it to some extent, yes, that’s what the west now really has nothing to offer, as before offered the american dream of a
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consumer society, beautiful. people don’t want to go where they are being led, and the amount of material effort, first of all, spent on this will only increase, and the snake is devouring its tail, the western economy will not withstand this, you know, it’s interesting to say what rotten tomatoes mean in europe, not only in europe in fact, not only in europe, this means this exhibition for 1959 , let’s assume , now a completely
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open open society, so to speak, informationally completely transparent. this is the very house that he left, remember, without an outer wall, the whole structure was visible, now the states, in fact , everyone became such a house, suddenly we found out and saw that in fact that house in the ninth year, it wasn’t... a little bit, well, let’s just say a little bit, of course it was, yes, everything was exaggerated, as if happiness and opportunity, and look, let’s again why optics is so important, let’s bring it a little closer, after all, the states are truly a mighty superpower country all this , let’s bring it a little closer, and look, elon musk is not just some american, after all , he’s an american who has achieved a lot, as it were, and formally speaking, embodied the american dream, and an emigrant who paid off the american dream, well, as it were, now listen. listen to what this emigrant who embodied the american dream says and what is his current mood about this? please pay attention? i was deceived into signing documents for
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my eldest son xavier, i didn’t understand what was happening at all, there was a coronavirus, there were a lot of doubts, although they said that this would save him from suicide. if this was true, then it was a lie from the very beginning. no reliable doctor has ever believed this. there was no evidence of this, and if there was an increased mortality rate, it was only because of rising levels of anxiety, not because of gender rejection, and every damn doctor knows that, and they tell parents that unless they agree to radical transformation, their children will die, and you think it's morally acceptable, children are accessing puberty blockers on the internet through non-medical channels, it was not explained to me that they are on...
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and how a product of this individualism developed such an idea is called social constructionism, in other words, reality is not only facts, reality is also something that seems to come from our consciousness, that is, in other words, and we have already
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raised this question, the problem is that in the united states it is considered normal to present what is desired as reality, that is , reality is what is desired, it is not necessarily facts , from here, accordingly, he said that he is a woman, that’s it, he is a woman.
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at the airport, where they were looking for you and me in the turbine, this is the cia, this is the cia, you and me, and we, and we were here, the turds weren’t looking for us, but we were here, yes, that means, well, what’s the matter? rup, did i understand correctly, i am now, i i’m not talking about this now, specifically, you understand, it means, look, now is the most important moment, this time, i already said about immunity, when you the same virus comes back to you, you have immunity, your body reacts differently, this time instead of... collapse, they received the beginning of the process of transforming russia into a new stage, its development as a civilization, that is, in other words, more than three hundred years of spiritually deep confrontation between the slavs and
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westerners philosophy ended, the triumph ended slavophiles, the process now begins de-petrovization of russia, not in the sense that now we will stop wearing jackets, but not in this sense, everything valuable will naturally go to waste.
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we are not discussing at all, wait, tell me, please, how can we understand that this is the work of the cia, do they leave signatures there? no, well, some, wait, so let’s assume, let’s assume for a second, let’s assume, well, let’s pretend we’re psychopaths, even i ’ll take myself, so let’s assume that the cia runs some of its own companies and operations all over the world, i understand this is nonsense dog, well, let's assume for a second, well , let's assume that they are trying, well , let's assume for a second, well, really inflict some damage on russia, we can have the right...
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the united states of america, its allies. the team, get ready for action on the ovral. the steering wheel is straight, both forward small. submarine, foreign virginia, exactly that. waiting for a husband is such a romantic state, dad, they live here. khimovtsa, this is a wardrobe, there is a perescope to raise, the near distant horizon is clear, compared to all other submarines, we can sneak up anywhere, we try, we always try to be the best, the caliber winged complex is capable of hitting a target with
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an accuracy of 5 m, it hit, it premiered for navy day. hurray, sunday is on the first, and vanoshatavich is waiting for you, i'm afraid, no, we have unraveled something serious, there must be other letters, how does the code work? the alphabet shifts either to the right or to the left, by several letters, now let’s check, the girls dug deeply. fortune teller, today on the first day, i resumed signing up, well, no pull, don’t pull, who, i’m afraid, they won’t make you happy, oh my good ones, well, how are you
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here, shukshin, this is the password of good literature, character, close your eyes, why, well, close your eyes, well... everyone thought, that they could just move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that they wouldn’t succeed, what are you saying? nothing, did you leave? i don’t know how to behave, some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director - this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if only i if i were you, i would make a film like this. what a hero or what? they were supposed to broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, so what? they launched me to the moon, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything, shukshin is everything for me too. to the ninety-fifth anniversary of vasily shukshin. and what,
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where did ours not disappear? on saturday, on the first. evening of remembrance.
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centuries began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in a bosnian barn. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war: a new cursed era of unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions, concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world began. to
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the anniversary of the start of the first world war. premiere on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, the program time will tell, we are working live, the head of medpolsha radoslaw sekorski, here he openly admits that he asked his colleagues in the european union to still allow ukraine to attack with western weapons targets on russian territory. i have called on my ministerial colleagues to lift the national restrictions. well, the poles, of course, they are in their repertoire, they continue to blackmail everyone around,
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including ukraine, here the head of the polish ministry of defense, kosenyak kamysh, named the condition under which ukraine can become part of the european union. there will be no accession of ukraine to the eu if the issue of the volyn massacre is not resolved. warsaw should not put pressure on kiev by making the issue of exhumation of the bodies of victims of the volyn massacre a condition for providing military assistance. the ukrainian authorities must understand that kiev's future european prospects will depend on meeting poland's demands on this issue. well, in general , it is clear that poland intends to bargain, as for the volyn massacre, this is such a very important thing for the poles, they even have a stella there, where it is written: “lord, curse me if i forget this.” they, therefore, are ready to forget, but apparently, for a fee, they remember everything perfectly well, this is an absolutely terrible massacre during the years of the great war...
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they directly violate the conclusion of the sentence nyurmen tribunal, which should necessarily be the reason for close
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legal attention to what they say and, most importantly, what they do. radoslaw sekorski, when he proposes to push through this initiative to launch missile strikes on the territory of the russian federation, must understand that in this case russia has not only the moral, but also the legal right to suppress such attempts from the territory of poland itself. and he must understand this, and i hope that he understands this, because if he does not understand, then i am very it’s a pity for the polish society, the polish state in this regard, so i think that certainly an attempt to bring greater tension into relations between ukraine and poland is, of course, only one goal, and pursues only one goal: and poland will annex part of the ukrainian territory, this must be clearly understand these lands too. the so-called kresy, yes, they will definitely continue to use it as a prize for the efforts that they
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are now making, in the person of sekorsky, duda , and so on, and pushing ukraine to more greater escalation of the conflict with russia, this is a prize for them, after this they will most likely, after all of these, when the escalation ends, they will most likely demand exactly this as a kind of reparation from the poles, such demands are an opportunity for polish politicians to justify themselves later. in europe, what countries are willing to sell themselves for in order to change their position, to close their
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eyes, well, they are trading with themselves by and large, we have already sold ourselves completely, because you see, we have big problems now with healthcare, i mean public healthcare, there is not enough money, there are... fights in hospitals and so on, but we continue to give a lot of money to the ukrainians, how, not only weapons, but 70, almost 77% of italians, italians of course, the government is not against the supply of weapons to ukraine, we continue to supply these weapons, it is expensive, but this does not mean that this is the largest part.
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every year, not only italy, all other countries of the european union, we pay pensions to 11 million ukrainian pensioners monthly, we pay multimillion-dollar salaries to, say, civil servants of ukraine, so what?
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the election of ursula, yes, seriously, well, it’s just like such a chuck, because otherwise she will completely lose her electorate, to return to this, it’s just minus, minus, minus, we are losing everything, she, she even organized such, how
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to say, such a conference in rome, you know, italian companies will... we are not enough, we will make compromising evidence for you, and in 2 years everything will be proven that this is not true, this is a lie, but for now you should leave the government, this is pure blackmail, so for italy this is only damage, indirect, indirect too,
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excuse me, how many billions have we lost? not working every year, not cooperating with you and russia, how many billions, you know, you had to think then, as for miloni, everyone else, the americans have a simple position, which means that if there is no compromise, then there will be compromising evidence, as for the economy, of course , it’s bad for europeans, well, what can we say about ukrainians, large-scale mobilization simply threatens to completely bury the ukrainian economy, the ministry of infrastructure sounded the alarm because of the mobilization...
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but now the foreign media are changing their rhetoric, they noticed that ukrainian business is literally on the verge of extinction, all because of the acute shortage of workers. online job portals in ukraine say they have never advertised so many vacancies. millions of ukrainians moved abroad, hundreds of thousands of men exchanged their jobs for military service. now that kyiv
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is increasing mobilization efforts, entrepreneurs expect that it will be even more difficult to find workers. ukraine's labor shortage, a problem expected to worsen as the war continues, is putting further strain on an economy already under pressure to depend on foreign workers. help. alexey alekseevich, how long will the ukrainian economy last? well, so objectively. well, ukrainians are slavs. they are stubborn, so i won’t give an exact time frame, because people there are stubborn. same as us tenacious. yes, the only thing is that there are demographic laws, human laws and laws, uh, by which one lives and develops with society. that is, societies, unfortunately, and many sociologists say, state that by the end of the year ukraine will cross the very line of no return, when the population
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will no longer be restored, that is, it will not be able to reproduce in the required quantity to provide the economy, provide social services and so on, and but i’m afraid that because of this total mobilization, it will come much earlier. already in the fall, already in the fall of this year, processes will begin to destroy the economy, destroy social relations, transport logistics and so on, which is why western countries say that it is necessary to restore ukraine and so on, but the problem is that volunteers from europe this problem cannot be solved, and this means that migrants will be attracted, there are questions for migrants. europe, european countries are also trying to solve their problem at the expense of ukraine, that is, until the last ukrainian, remember this whole thing,
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and then the country will be flooded with migrants, squeezing them out of different european countries, here you go, and the reason why european governments are now behaving this way towards ukraine, alexey alekseevich, what does it mean to restore ukraine when it means there is a war going on there they regularly show their people there and social ones... a process that various countries, china, the vatican, and so on are now trying to launch, so it seems to me that this kind of thing, they ultimately should, in principle
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to give ukraine a chance, but at the same time we understand how many weapons are loaded into this territory, how many foreign mercenaries and staff members of various armed forces of different countries arrive here, there is practically no chance as a result. they said, the ukrainians will last, they are slavs, they are stubborn, as for the europeans, sandra, among the europeans, here you have the italians, resparmeo, save, yes, that is, this is a word that is present in the life of italians every day several times you use it, save, yes, well, here is ukraine, which needs to be poured into, the italians, the europeans, how long can they hold out, the ukrainians are ready, but you, well, we are not, about ukraine - this is... i can say figuratively this way: ukraine is like - a person who is confined to a bed, to a hospital, and
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who, without oxygen, dies, cannot, as long as we give oxygen, can still survive, because as soon as we no longer give this oxygen, everything falls apart, in connection with this i wanted to say about... what you said earlier, that annexation is possible from the outside poland, galicia, i believe that they are so distant in mentality, in all respects , from the rest of ukraine that galicia could, in order to join nato, and legally, become part of poland, well, federal poland, so that i could return it. well, we have big, huge problems, while we are under anesthesia, because
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we are euphoric from the huge money that we received from the european union, but we quickly spend it, and part of this money we must return, we have a colossal internal debt , well, you understand how it turns out, what? pumping oxygen out of the ukrainians, but what about us, and we are doing our job, trying to resist all this? advertising we will continue broadcasting. is vanosh otaevich expecting you? i'm afraid, no, we 've unraveled something serious, there must be other letters,
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how do the codes work? the alphabet is shifted either to the right or to the left by several letters, let’s check it now. glubokoye, girls, fortune teller, today on the first day, i resumed signing up, well, don’t delay, don’t delay, who, i’m afraid, they won’t make you happy, i look at him, i understand, i’m lost.
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the snowy woman has melted, by the way, she has melted, i am now absolutely free, hello, i don’t even miss you, i flew to you as if to confession, i love you, imochka, i missed you, just call me, i’ll come, i wonder what he’s wearing came today, fantastic, on friday on the first,
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“the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you’re very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation with the prime minister.
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well, what is your calling to treat criminals as my patients? oh, by the way, we don’t get paid for this? detective syndrome. today is after the program. are you out of your
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mind? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. i wish you health, i wish you health, well, it wasn’t easy to find you, well, we drove for a long time, about 2.0 km, but we covered 600, 2,600, 2,600, we established a campaign in the twenty-second year. union of marines of the sverlovsk region and the fighting brothers of the sverlovsk region , the ural action does not abandon its own, and my friends are the berezovsky mine, nevertheless the workers berezovsky mine in uniform, with weapons , everything is serious, they knew where they were going, absolutely
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right, i served in the airborne troops, the guys from the marine corps are helping, well , let’s say, this is a medical backpack, a group, assault version of camouflage. the networks that our women weave in the urals, here we have radio stations, a thermal imager, all this was collected with people’s money, citizens of enterprises are not indifferent, now we are quickly unloading where we go further, well, then the guys accompany us accordingly to their training ground where newly arrived personnel are being trained, we are moving: now we are moving further to the luhansk direction, and on bukhanka, these vehicles are in demand, they can provide some ammunition,
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here you can also transport the wounded, take them away from the battlefield, from where -it’s like it’s a very acceptable car for them, but this one has already gone through thick and thin, god grant that it serves the guys the same way. how it worked somewhere in civilian life, we checked it, did everything, so i think the boys won’t be offended by us, this is more than one car that has been transferred here, specifically, bukhanka is already the third, already on the fields of defeat of a special military operation, these guys heroically showed themselves in the zaporozhye direction, and are now carrying out combat missions in the donetsk and lugansk directions. the structure at the training ground is practicing its control , the fuses are fastened, judging by this battle in the city, yes, in the city, there are further positions, and they first
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storm the city, then run into the strong point and naturally storm the opornik in twos, this is our whole task, run , run, run, run, well, it’s not like that by sea are you bored? well, of course, we don’t miss you. we haven't seen the sea for a long time. we were on vacation recently, about six months. relax on the embankment. well , well, it still pulls me back. there is brotherhood here, we are all brothers, and it draws us back to the guys. well, we need to complete the task to the end. this is why we are here. i would like you to know that you are at the front, you are not alone, you have reliable friends, brothers in the rear, they will do everything to ensure that you get what
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you need for successful combat work, but the most important thing for us , this is for you to complete tasks alive, healthy, returned to their families. apparently we need trials so that we meet more and more often, remember each other and do not forget each other, unfortunately, i would like there to be no war, but since international militarism has unleashed this war against... our people, with the goal of enslaving us, so we have no choice but the force of arms, with our love and devotion to our great russia, to our great people. prove that no one will dare to attack our country and
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cause it any harm, in popular the unity, resilience of our people, the ability to unite, all together, in independence, i emphasized, our multi-confessional, multi-ethnic people who live in our country, who love our country, who are proud of it, are capable of defeating any enemy. i visited the fronts several times in different directions, i always carry with me, of course , attributes, those that are sacred to us, this beret, a vest, such a flag, it becomes like a relic, well, for me, for my family, for my children, remains to be added here are also the signatures of the fighters, yes, definitely, yes. well, in general, do you preserve any traditions
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unique to the marines? of course, we preserve the traditions of the marines, but this does not apply to ranks, young people who just come to us, we dedicate them to the marines, this is clear, he must pass physical training to an excellent level, it is clear that he must know some tests classes, only after that we allow him to put on a vest and a black beret, so the marine corps is one of the elite units armed forces of the russian federation. what kind of combat missions that you have completed now can you tell us about after a while? well, i think, probably, the first combat mission was on february 25, 2022, our regiment, the only one, for the first time in the history of the russian federation after the great patriotic war, made a combat landing from warships, it was we who reached the unequipped coast of enemy territory.
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set tasks, and luck is needed by losers, there have not yet been moments in our regiment for us to step back at least one step, you i have my own personal talisman, but my wife gave it to me, so i never take it off, it’s an image of all the saints, it’s torn, it’s been torn more than once, scattered in the dark across the field, but it’s been collected, your family and friends are waiting for you, and your wives, children understand this, but there are still a lot of people, including viewers
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of our program, we have a good tradition, they send letters to us so that we pass them on to you, letter from arseny shabalin, city of davlekanovo, republic of bashkarkastan, hello, soldier, we are with i don’t know you at all, i’m writing from home, you are reading a letter in the trenches, even if i am not next to you, but i am with you in soul and faith. many times i imagined myself next to you in battle, in these hearts i say thank you with a bow, gifts of light and sunsets and my peaceful childhood, i know it’s not easy for you, but for us you are heroes, we are proud and believe that you will return with victory alive, this child wished us, now his voice will tremble, good health to you, arseny, but we will not defeat you.
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good afternoon, the big game is live. today vladimir putin is expected to hold a meeting on an extremely important topic, especially in the context of the hybrid war of the west against our country, nuclear deterrence. in itself, this is a hybrid war and the creeping escalation that the west is carrying out, for example, the decision to hit them with weapons on the old territory of russia, threats to start hitting strategic depths in russia if the situation is in ukraine. sergey ribkov.
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nuclear deterrence must be strengthened. moreover, the united states intends to begin deploying medium- and shorter-range ground-based missiles in europe as early as 1926. they are already being deployed in asia. nato officially focuses on building up long-range precision missiles. and the united states has officially announced the adaptation of its nuclear doctrine to the fight against russia and china simultaneously in the region. nuclear weapons, about the extension of the start-3 treaty or its replacement with some other major treaty, i think we can safely forget, against this background it is no coincidence that russia recently, again, officially announced that it will make changes to the russian nuclear doctrine , and apparently this will be discussed at a meeting with vladimir putin today,
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the question has been brewing for a long time, alexey petrovich, and this question began to brew after the united states of america withdrew from the small medium missile treaty. range, then we just discovered that before the termination of this agreement for far-fetched reasons, a well-known corporation began production of medium-range missiles, and before that they carried out launch tests, which recorded our long-range radar detection stations behind the horizontal radar, and we realized that the enemy wants to change the picture of nuclear safety by significantly lowering the threshold use of nuclear weapons. in the us nuclear doctrine even a term appeared that they can use weapons , including if there is damage from certain cyber attacks, when we know that cyber attacks are quite difficult to investigate the incident, and under which any country can be summed up, second , the fact that they
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gave the commanders of their commands of the asian pacific and european command the right to limited use of nuclear weapons and introduced the concept: limited nuclear war with the use of nuclear weapons low-power, all these factors formed into such a picture, which means the concept of the deterrent factor that existed before that time , it ceased to exist, it was necessary to do, of course, we announced on the other side that we would take appropriate steps, so participation in the treaty with hb-3 was suspended, but at the same time we updated our nuclear arsenal and warned. the opposite side, that if suddenly the medium-range missiles that were announced supposedly appear without nuclear warheads will be deployed on the territory europe, we will make a mirror response, only our missiles will be deployed with nuclear warheads and will operate on russian technology using russian controlled hypersound technology. as we see, these
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warnings did not have any effect, therefore the points that we set out in the basis of our policy in the areas of use of nuclear weapons will be changed, yeah. china, that is, the deployment of these missiles in the asia-pacific region shows that this is such a systematic decision that they followed, everything else was a screen in in the form of some kind of diplomatic releases, a march against us, that we are violating something, they are fulfilling their task, they believe that they can maintain the upper hand with nuclear weapons, and the communication that was adopted at the nato summit suggests that that the nuclear forces are now all united under the leadership of the united states, the entire nato bloc is working for this nuclear component,
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and not only that, there are also factors that nuclear security will be left to artificial intelligence systems, this is very extreme. the united states reached an agreement with germany, with chancellor scholz about the deployment of ground-based
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tomahawks on german territory in 1926, but in the context of all this, of course we need to strengthen nuclear deterrence, of course. we need to make changes to our nuclear doctrine, so we are looking forward to news from today's presidential meeting, at the same time russia is advancing on... vladimir razin, i apologize, vladimir andreevich, good afternoon, good afternoon, yes, indeed, it continues in the toretsky direction . increase the turnover of our advance movements, the main battles are still taking place on the eastern flank of the city, these are
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the satellite villages of artyomov and kirov, there is progress on our side, there are successes, in addition to this, work is constantly being carried out on the city itself, on the accumulation of equipment, on the accumulation of the enemy, which he does not ceases to move in order to try to hold back our advance, at the same time we work on the crossings that the anti... on the bridges that he uses to throw new forces into the city, along with this in the southwestern the flanks are precisely the populated area of ​​new york, there are also our advances there, we are moving towards the center of this city, we are literally taking house by house, because this settlement has probably been strengthened over the last year and a half, it has already become into such a full-fledged stronghold of the enemy, which he used for... defense and conducting defense, because he understood that sooner or later we would start moving, we started it and we successfully broke through the first line of defense,
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now we are moving towards the city center, more once i repeat, at the same time, in this direction , a situation is developing for the enemy, where he is caught in a pincer movement, now he is already caught in a pincer movement between new york and dzerzhinsk, and every day, in fact, these pincers are getting bigger and bigger. are closing, there is a possibility that the enemy will fall into the cauldron, but based on the fact that we understand how the enemy command treats its personnel, it is unlikely that they will try to get out of there, save personnel, most likely in this direction in the near future the enemy will suffer quite serious losses, precisely because our attack aircraft are literally slamming this cauldron to the cauldron every day again...
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wait for further successful development , thanks for the encouraging news, there will be situations, thank you very much again, take care ourselves, now let's ask our traditional military observer boris rozhin, what is happening in general on the fronts of the special operation, boris, good afternoon, the floor is yours, good afternoon, speaking in general, you can... after all, firstly, the powerful blows that were carried out in the kharkov region, just before the broadcast, there were strikes in izmail, in the poltava region, in the zaporozhye region, at the front our troops continue to actively operate north of rabotin and verbovoy on the rabotinsky ledge, on the temporary ledge we continue to advance east of urozhainy , in the ugledar direction our troops continue to advance towards the konstantinovka ugledar highway, the enemy admits the loss of part of their positions, in krasnogorovka we continue to move towards the northwestern outskirts, the enemy is asking positions city. will soon be liberated in georgievka, we have advanced about another third - this is already an adjoining village and
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maksimilyanovka means that to the west of tovdeevka there are battles for the remaining part of novoselovka. the first is advancement in the area of ​​​​progress and volchie in the lazovacka area in the vozdvizhenka area. in new york, our troops are advancing in the city center, we also have an advance in kirovsky to artyomovo - this is the toretsk direction. our troops continue. movements north from the village of kalinova, kalinovka, where half belongs to our troops, on the northern ledge our troops are fighting at the crossing north of razdololovka, and are also searching the control zone in the vanodarevka area, this is east of the notch, in the krasnolemansky direction so far without major changes, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops today have still advanced to the peschany area, there are also small advances in the senkovka and petropavlovka areas, well, in the kharkov direction , our troops are expanding the zone of control in the area. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, keep us informed, well, i must say that it’s difficult
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the situation in the ssu at the front is recognized in kiev, so commander-in-chief syrsky gave an interview to the british guardian, the british newspaper guardian, where he admitted that the situation at the front is indeed very very difficult for them, russia has superiority in almost everything, both in technology and manpower, according to according to syrsky, kiev needs mobilization. on the other hand , kiev has significantly changed its rhetoric, recently, let me remind you that in a recent interview with the bbc, zelensky completely contradicted his official position over the previous 2 and a half years, stated that that it is not necessary, firstly, to go to the borders of the ninety-first year by military means, yes, and secondly, that it is necessary to talk with russia, and directly with vladimir putin, despite the fact that
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zelensky himself has a decree prohibiting these negotiations, took place yesterday.
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but it seems to me, elena vladimirovna, that there is no need to succumb to illusion here, but personally it seems to me that such a mood and similar rhetoric of the kiev regime are not aimed at negotiations with russia directly, especially on the terms that were indicated president putin, and simply kiev, is trying to ensure the success of the so-called second peace conference or peace summit after the failure of the first, he is trying to drag china into this conference.
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for zelensky, he is very scared because something incomprehensible is happening in america , because the support that biden was turned out to be decrepit, it is impossible to rely on it anymore, and trump’s unpredictability alarms many, but for zelensky this is just a disaster, now it is already known that trump to almost all international meetings takes it with him. star general kitekelog, who developed a peaceful plan for resolving the conflict in eastern europe, and according to some reports , former cia employees are also working on this plan in the team, for zelensky this is a disaster, in kiev they probably understand that now they are relying exclusively on
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the united states of america, there would be another big one.
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marine fleet. hooray! hooray! hooray! the team should prepare for action on the ovral. there is a perescope to raise. the chikyan fleet solves problems of ensuring military security in asia-texia region. the caliber winged complex is capable of hitting a target with an accuracy of up to 5 m. we simply cannot do without a fleet. in no era could we manage without a fleet. the navy has become such a demonstration of the economic military power of the country, the marine corps it carries out tasks.
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“a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts aren’t breaking, do you know how she’s torn, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow. well, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there’s a lead on you at all points soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad." well , of course, i would run in, whatever he chooses moles, here’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the
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security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero , i really hope, that you don’t... you’ll have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you’re a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, and vano shataevich is waiting for you, i’m afraid no, something- we have unraveled something serious, there must be other letters, how does the code work? the alphabet shifts either
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to the right or to the left, by a few letters, now let’s check, we dug deep, girls, fortune teller, today is the first one, i restored my father’s notes, don’t delay, don’t delay, who? but the general task, they seem to be starting to help each other, i noticed that your psychos know how to think in their own way, idiotically, outside the box, i want to use this, as i understand it, i haven’t found any money, so what do
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you think? the vocation of my patients, the sea of ​​criminals, oh, by the way, we don’t get paid for this, detective syndrome, today after the program time: are you out of your mind? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. during my life i was tall and slender, i was not afraid of a word or a bullet. in the forefront was this united a lot of people who have lost a loved one. i don’t like a fatal outcome, the funeral itself showed what it means for the russian people, it is selfless.
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there is a big game on the air, after biden’s forced withdrawal from the election race, the kiev regime is actively trying to build bridges with donald trump, with kamala haris, with their entourage, that is, with the main candidates in the presidential election, and are calculating what the united states’ policy might be in regarding ukraine, in the event of victory of one candidate or another, on the eve of a very an interesting article was published by the american magazine time with reference to many... officials and the main thesis of this article is that for ukraine trump is actually not as scary as he is painted. let's listen. the first 8-10 months, that is. almost all of 2025 will be very
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difficult,” said time, a senior ukrainian official. trump will most likely cut aid to ukraine, push zelensky to sign a peace agreement that will benefit russia, but over time he will understand that putin cannot be trusted, - said the ukrainian official. more importantly, he adds, if trump eventually realizes that putin doesn't care about trump or his agenda, that's when we can get some benefit from trump. he doesn't want to be a toy in his hands. over the past two years, zelensky and his allies have often complained that under biden, the us response to the russian invasion has been too slow, too indecisive and too distracted for fear of russian escalation. more and more of them are inclined to think that if trump comes to power in some moment decides to help ukraine, then us support will become more decisive. well, i’ll add on my own that trump is really less inclined to fear the risks of escalation, more inclined to use some kind of force, at least rhetorically. boris johnson, who
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met with trump several times, who was at the republican party convention in miloki, most recently, when trump was nominated as a presidential candidate, met with trump there, wrote an article based on the results, here is the following content in the daily mail, let's listen, after conversation with donald. fix, save ukraine, restore peace , stop the harmful spread of the conflict, no matter what some republicans have said about ukraine in the past, i believe that trump understands the real state of affairs, the defeat of ukraine will be a heavy defeat for america. alexander viktorovich, well, it’s clear that there is a very large share of lobbying here, yes, the same boris johnson, the ukrainians are trying to convince trump, in fact, to adopt their agenda, but in general, here’s what you...
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it’s not getting better, on the eve of the elections they are trying to promote a new trump's team some actions, scaring again with the terrible russia, in reality we must understand that trump today declares quite clear statements regarding his position regarding ukraine, he says: “we do not need external donors, we need donors within the country, we must invest to our country, this is his company, and one of his basic theses." tomorrow he will start, just
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like biden, simply unprincipledly supporting the kiev regime and showering it with money and weapons, what his candidates and the people who elected him will tell him, his voters, first of all , well, actually, his colleagues in the republican party, because we also know his agenda , we hear, i think that it can really be useful for ukraine, ending this conflict, but not on ukraine’s terms, of course, i agree with you, but at the same time kiev society, because it will save many lives. the regime is trying to build bridges with kamala haris' entourage. the day before, a telephone conversation took place between the head of the office of the president of ukraine, ermak, and the adviser to kamala haris, the vice president of the united states for the time being. national security, philippe cordon. this means that this is very important, because the day before, the american wall street journal wrote a very important article about what if kamala haris wins the election. then the current
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leaders of american foreign policy in the person of secretary of state blinken, security advisor jake salevan, secretary of defense austin will resign and will not remain to work in the harris team, so philip gardon will become the real head of us foreign policy, or at least an executor, taking over the post of secretary of state or national security advisor to president kamala haris, let's look at this and that. who is philip gordon himself, yes, he is krim alya krim, simply the american traditional liberal-internationalist establishment, he worked in the administrations of bill clinton and barack obama, dealt mainly with issues of europe, nato expansion, yes, strengthening the transatlantic bond, dealt with issues of the middle east . he is considered to be against the policy of forceful regime change, but he is a strong supporter nato expansion. he was just dealing with this
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issue, during the administration of barack obama, he was the deputy secretary of state for europe, and he has such a significant neighborhood, before him this position was held by daniel fried under. opponent of 2018, let's listen very briefly to an excerpt from this article from 2018 . having worked to build a more constructive russian-american relationship since the end of the cold war, we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the united states needs to confront russia more forcefully.
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just like during the cold war. washington must continue to engage with moscow and cooperate with it in cases where it is in us interests. but the united states cannot sit idly by while the enemy does more than just host. he worked at bruckens, he worked at the council on foreign affairs, it is no coincidence that this article was published in the magazine scam, he can influence kamala harisa, he is already influencing her to take such a more left-wing position on the middle east with criticism
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of israel, with calls stop the violence in gas sector, and some believe this could help it score extra points. during the election campaign, just yesterday, the american-british researcher daniel leavy, known to me, maybe you know him, sent his new work, where he says that the europeans in the elections in france, great britain, they just lost because that israel was criticized little, and because of this they lost many votes, kamala haris will now play on these strings, we will hear from her criticism of israel more than once. as for ukraine, then here she will be a clear successor to the policy of joe biden, and the bet on philip gordon, it only proves this, this is such a stubborn policy, quite unpleasant, hostile, but with open windows regarding maintaining
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dialogue, for example, on sensitive issues for america on nuclear affairs, and here what has already been said, changes in the nuclear doctrine are probably necessary so that the americans at least hear us, i agree, well , in fact, i do not expect any serious changes in american foreign policy in in the event that philip gordon becomes either secretary of state or national security advisor regarding russia and the ukraine crisis, this will simply be a continuation of the current policy of the biden administration. meanwhile, the united states and europeans are preparing in full for a long-term military confrontation with russia and are trying to force a race on us. here again , the inspector general of the german armed forces, his name is carston boyer, in yesterday’s interview tagespiel said that in 5-8 years russia will become so strong in militarily, that it will be ready to attack nato, and
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to carry out a ground invasion of nato, according to him, our army annually adds from 100 to 1500 additional tanks, while the five largest european nato countries only have. half, yes, and even then in warehouses, in general, we need to arm ourselves, and one of the leaders in such armament and rearmament is estonia, which means that yesterday there was a meeting between the us and estonian defense ministers, here is hanna pevkur, the estonian minister of defense at a meeting with lloyd austin us secretary of defense, said that nato needs to raise its minimum spending standard, defense spending to 2.5 or even 3% of gdp, and... estonia, as a leader, will spend as much as 4% of gdp on defense. well, yes, if you compare estonia’s gdp, for example, with germany’s gdp, then 4% or 4 to even 10% of estonia’s gdp is in no way comparable to 1% of germany. but
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here we see a completely pragmatic picture, the fact is that the united states, they always expose europe to a certain strategy that it is developing, and europe, despite on... they will bring to europe the hope that it is better to trade with us and not fight, in parallel this work was going on, gordon, who spoke in an article in january 2018, trump’s speech, which he unveiled the new nuclear doctrine of the united states america said that they were actually already preparing to talk to us in a different language, and maybe not even through the cold war; at the same time , a division of war into hybrid, conventional, limited nuclear, and full-fledged nuclear appeared. war, that is, they went according to its program, europe now continues to follow this program, they were told
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to arm themselves, they need to arm themselves, and estonia , all these other countries or metropolises, they always act as some kind of skirmishers who say, now we are 4%, here are five, everyone says, look, they are four or five and now you, too, give four to five, but still don’t forget that this is also germany, even if it spends 2% of the budget on its own, as they say, military expenses, that is, itself in fact, military spending is doubling and then. but here is the very essence of this thing: the americans are preparing europe for a war with russia, it is europe, especially after the deployment of medium-range missiles and tamahawks there, that will become the very clear ones from which, as they say, they will strike at us, maybe even for far-fetched reasons, while the united states believes that during this time it will not have time to build a defense at home and will, as it were, sit out behind the atlantic or quiet.
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is vanosh otaevich expecting you? i'm afraid, no, we've started something serious, we have to there may be other letters, how do ciphers work? the alphabet shifts either to the right or to the left by several letters, now let’s check, the girls kicked deeply, the fortune teller. today on the first one, i
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resumed signing up, well, don’t delay, don’t delay, who, i’m afraid, they won’t make you happy, at him, at him, i look, i understand, i’m missing, either big or small. then some snow woman melted, by the way, she melted, and now i’m absolutely free, hello, i even...
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stop chattering, it’s saturday on the first. our program is dedicated to curiosities on television. oops, that's it, the bunny has already shit himself. this is how it happened to me, sash, you have a program with animals, this often happens. yes, when you are live, everyone can only enjoy these moments behind the scenes. all our directors love naturalness, so that you get reactions. there was an immediate, weakest link, and many people were offended by you, yes, and it
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even happened that my husband got into a fight with someone, when someone spoke unflatteringly, i go out, the car is gone, well, it was stolen, he says , i see your car, i see your car, at 3:00 am she will drive along peace avenue towards the region, these beautiful apples are on pins, this pin turned out to be almost next to the voice. but i say it’s not necessary. in shorts i walked along this corridor in astana for about 20 meters , i passed, i remember i didn’t take the pass on saturday at the first checkpoint, and i’ll steal it again if it ’s your soul that’s being stolen for the umpteenth time i’m flying moscow odessa
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again they don’t let me out. yes, i also drank too much with quails, you are spinning in infinity, the years are rising for centuries, a little slower, godi, a little slower,
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days kamala haris to her election fund 100 million dollars were poured in, this is unprecedented in the history of the united states, it is simply impossible to do without oligarchs here. with the wave of a magic wand, it has the support of key democratic governors, including potential rivals such as the governors of pennsylvania, california and
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michigan, and it has already been endorsed by senate democratic leaders in the house. representatives, respectively, chuck schumer and hakeem djerfis, finally, another evidence that kamala haris, the candidate of the establishment and the elite, again by magic wand, here how manageable the system is, 350 prominent american foreign policy figures, there are former secretaries of state, former secretaries of defense, former heads of the intelligence community in the united states and...
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not under a dictatorship, the delegates are not oligarchs, the appointment of kamala haris as the democratic candidate and an unknown person as her vice president without any public vote will turn the modern democratic party into a party of hypocrites. what do you think? you know, when kamala haris was elected along with mr. biden, she gathered representatives of the black metro in the capitol, there was a rally there, and those of my colleagues who i now have in the intelligence department, and in the criminal department, they met with her, she says, when biden became. president, he is all the participants in these marches, yes, who robbed stores, fought with the police, he will release everyone, 6 years have passed and 470 in only one state. in atlanta , the activists who sat and continued to sit, very big questions arose about the blm movement, so today they, well, let’s say,
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publicly divorced the democratic party, this is one thing, and secondly, i work for a dozen times with various experts, political scientists, politicians from the united states, all of them throughout the entire biden campaign talked about only one thing, that kamala haris really rules for kurisi, both foreign and domestic policy, she really. a candidate from transnational companies and a representative of the most important lobbying tool is a weapon, but the weapon is not inside the country, where the republicans have clearly divided up precisely these transnational supplies, such as , strictly speaking, ukrainian aid, therefore the question of her speculation, but in the election race, it is clear: this is a candidate from the oligarchs, this is a hawk, this is a war, confrontation with russia, with china, this is tightening the screws, so all these manipulations will continue, then i think, after the congress if he chooses her, we will see very serious problems with trump; the same establishment is essentially trying to remove him. well, there are already
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reports that according to the latest opinion polls, ipsos conducted a poll, rators published it, kamala harris has already surpassed trump on issues of public opinion, although not strongly, you need to understand, you need to understand that here again most of the respondents were democrats who cheated, but nevertheless, they are already showing that kamala haris, unlike ... biden, has overtaken trump. and kamala harris held her first campaign rally, held it in a very symbolic place, this is the city of milwaukee, the capital of wisconsin. and this is an important swing state, where the republican convention recently took place, which nominated trump as a presidential candidate. and it was no coincidence that kamala haris went there, it was there that she already formulated, as it were, the main direction of the attack. according to donald trump, which is as follows: former attorney general versus convicted felon. let's listen to part of haris' speech at the rally. even
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before i was elected vice president, before i became a u.s. senator, i was the attorney general of california, and before that i was a trial prosecutor. at these posts i encountered criminals of all kinds, predators who bullied me. trump was found guilty of sexual violence. when i was california's attorney general, i took on the big wall street banks and prosecuted them for fraud.
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shot, this is no longer very effective and not well, you need to understand that recently trump was seriously attacked, but the american political model apparently allows this, and we see that no one really apologized for this, well. someone was removed, someone was moved, two meetings were held, that’s all, but we will not deny the fact of pressure, it will take place, because now we have removed one a criminal, this is biden’s son, hunter biden, who interfered with his father’s company, our new criminal, in fact, is a presidential candidate, and naturally, the entire model of countering trump will be built on this, especially who received serious support after the assassination attempt, well, you’re right mentioned. the assassination attempt on trump was unsuccessful, but which could have been successful, another piece of news from yesterday is that the head of the us secret service is precisely the agency that is responsible for
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the security of presidents and former presidents the most senior list, resigned because there was indeed an attempt on trump’s life, a colossal failure of the secret service, it is possible that it was a set-up, by the way, she was unable to answer the most basic questions at congressional hearings about how this could have happened, so there is what do the republicans in congress have to deal with, now there’s a little advertising, then we’ll continue, i’m just a courier, take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tormented by counting, you have to be careful while driving, with fire, with valuables things with documents, there was a lot there, there were almost no hopeless situations. you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what needs to be done, they have different pathologies, but while performing one common task, they seem to begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos have
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a thought. in my own way, idiotically, unconventionally, i want to use it, as i understand it, you didn’t find the money, what’s your calling for my patients, kill the criminals, oh, we don’t get paid for this, by the way, detective syndrome , today after the program time, you are in in my mind, no, of course, that’s why i came to you,
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just like that, i’ll never forget you, then some snow woman melted, by the way, she melted, i’m absolutely free now, hello, i don’t even miss you, i was flying to it’s like a confession for you, i broke you with love, i missed you, just call me, i’ll come, i wonder what he came in today? fantastic on friday on the first. well, how are you here? shukshin is the password for good literature. and everyone thought that they could move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard. unattainable
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some kind of thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also to be a director - this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i would make such a film, are you a hero or something, they should have been on the radio tell me, but our headphones don’t work, but what they launched on the moon for me, shukshin, is something that cannot be overestimated. pushkin is everything, shukshin, for me too - that’s everything. on the occasion of vasily shukshin's ninety-fifth birthday. and what? eh, where did ours go? on saturday, on the first. on the occasion of vasily shukshin's ninety-fifth birthday. what to read? capital of karl marx. i'm there alone i didn't finish the chapter. stop talking. on saturday
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on the first: during my life i was tall and slender, i was not afraid of a word or a bullet. in the front row was this close-knit mass of people who had lost a loved one. i don’t like a fatal outcome, the funeral itself showed what it means for the russian people,
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and the redrawing of the world. to the anniversary of the start of the first world war. premiere on sunday on the first. there's a big game on the air. today , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is visiting the united states, will address the us congress on
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invitation from the republic. netanyahu’s visit program also involves a meeting with biden, although it is not clear when, in theory it should have taken place yesterday, but did not take place, and a meeting with kamala. inside the biden administration, most people are in favor of a tougher approach towards netanyahu. vladimirovna, what do you expect from these meetings, what will be the results? kamala haris really takes such a position
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of criticizing israel, first of all, the policies of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, she will most likely not be present during his speeches in congress, although she was invited, well, really, she is obliged to be there as the chairman of the senate, because the vice president. prime minister netanyahu, this speech is a gift for him, he has already surpassed all the speakers in the us congress, including venston churchill, with whom he constantly compares himself in terms of the number of speeches there in recent years,
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and netanyahu has been in power for a long time , he is constantly invited to congress, he has a difficult situation inside, but soon he will leave in just a few days vacation, yeah. has now been resolved, in any case it will flare up and flare up, and most importantly it can escalate, just like now with the yemeni houthis, the situation on the lebanese-israeli border is already escalating again, so i just wanted to move on to this, because
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today is exactly during netanyahu's visit to the united states, two very prominent important american publications, forbes and foreign affairs, published articles in a doublet about the almost inevitability. war will involve both iran and, accordingly, israel and hezbollah, into which they may directly the united states, a direct iranian-american war will begin. the first article was written by steve forbes, in fact, the founder of forbes magazine and its editor-in-chief, let's listen. a spark could ignite on the border between northern israel and southern lebanon. october 7 hezbollah, iran's large and deadly tentacle in the region, launches missiles and drones towards israel. about 80 thousand israeli residents had to be evacuated, which is an unacceptable situation for a sovereign state. iran's goal is to force israel make a deal. hezbollah will retreat and stop firing rockets in exchange for a ceasefire in gaza. this will not only save hamas from complete
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defeat, but will allow the organization to eventually take control of gaza and then the west bank. jerusalem cannot afford to sign such an agreement. this will be the death knell for the jewish state. with similar content that israel and iran and hezbollah are closer than ever to a major war, an israeli military analyst has already written on pages of foreign affairs harel. what do you think about this, elena vladimirovna? the first article seems to have been written under the dictation of netanyahu, these are his views. that the cause of all troubles in the middle east from the point of view of israel and the current government is iran, netanyahu will now push this idea at his negotiations in the united states of america, the second article, it is more distant from
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netanyahu, but with a real expression of alarm regarding the danger of the situation, people i know on both sides of the border talk about great nervousness, which and... the current processes will continue, but we will observe periodic surges with a very great danger that at any minute, on any day, at any second, this big surge that we are talking about may occur. both articles write about the military power of hezbollah, which has approximately 150 thousand missiles of various calibers that will penetrate the iron dome and the israeli air defense system, missile defense system, and so on, in general hezbollah is much more powerful than hamas, from a military point of view...
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for example, it wins to the same extent, israel supports in this war, but on the other hand, the united states of america needs the war, because it is a large economic corridor, a soviet canal, it influences the north-south project, and if it is possible to set fire to this entire region , then, probably, trade routes will go through the dead panama canal, where there were certain investments trying to expand it, but it did not work in full, here there is a clash of interests.
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vladimirovna said that if trump wins, well, i would just like to emphasize that war may be impossible, the united states is once again the warmonger in the middle east. tomorrow in russia they celebrate the day of the employee of the investigative bodies of the russian federation, this is a professional holiday for employees of the investigative committee, investigative units of the ministry of internal affairs, etc. fsb and i want to say that the importance of their work simply
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cannot be overestimated, especially in the context of a special military operation and, in general, the threats that russia faces. from we sincerely congratulate our investigators on tomorrow’s professional holiday, give the floor to the news, see you at 17:00. attention, says st. petersburg. every year, last sunday. july russia celebrates navy day; in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, hurray, we need these. ships at sea so that we can argue with anyone,
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we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also we need faithful guys, then water is like earth to us, then the crew is family to us, then any of us won’t mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, solemn. for navy day on sunday on the first. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. intelligence reported the matter to aviation and artillery. strike the area where the mercenary base is located.


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