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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 25, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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of course, we will help as much as possible in everything, in general, the development of educational infrastructure today is a priority from kindergartens, schools to professional institutions of universities, everything must be modern. and another important decision, the development of the road network , within the framework of the five-year plan , the reconstruction of the chuya highway is provided. the route is one of the most beautiful in our country, the road will be expanded to four lanes. anna kurbatova, dmitry popkov, ravil mengaleev, zulfiya khakimova, sergey deev, channel one. strategic russian missile carriers and chinese bombers in the skies over the chukchi, bering seas and the north pacific ocean. the military of the two countries conducted joint patrols, they were covered by our su-30sm and su-35s. at some stages the group was accompanied by foreign fighters. in total , the flight of russian and chinese pilots lasted more than 5 hours. it was important to work out the interaction between the crews in strict accordance with international law. borders of other states. not violated, the defense
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emphasized that the patrol took place within the framework implementation of the plan for military cooperation between moscow and beijing and is not directed against third countries. the best projects in the field of art. today, the presidential fund for cultural initiatives began accepting applications for the first grant competition next year. nine areas dedicated, for example, to the history of our country, the traditions of peoples, a unique opportunity to embody your ideas and talk about the most important things. applications are accepted until september 10 on the foundation’s website. and beyond, i am confident that this will empower the creative teams we we wish you success and encourage you to submit applications for the first competition in 2025, the total amount of support up to 5 billion rubles. a good vacation must
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be planned in advance; the new year holidays will last for 11 days. the ministry of labor presented the schedule today. so, winter holidays start on december 29 and end on january 8. it's wednesday, which means the first working week of january will be, as they say, a warm-up, just the right thing to slowly return to the routine. that's all for now, we are monitoring developments, and the information channel on the first will continue program. time will show. good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, we are working live, anatoly kuzichev is with you, this program “time will tell.” this sunday, july 28, there is a whole scattering of big important holidays, but one of them, especially important, the russian orthodox church celebrates the baptism of russia. this is not just a holiday, it is clear that this is one of the fundamental foundations for our self.
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a unanimous decision was made that the next plenary meeting will begin with consideration of this bill. well, it’s interesting, now we come to what i actually want to say, i don’t want to, that is , it’s clear, and it’s clear that you don’t remember, even a year ago it was, maybe 2 years ago, when when the picture literally i don’t know of some kind of biblical, biblical plot, biblical, so to speak, strength and power of horror, when it means a woman is standing on her knees and praying, remember, around her there are simply... some moral monsters are going on a rampage,
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someone someone spits at her, someone throws something, she it’s worth it, well, i’m just saying, it’s just some kind of, well, it’s amazing, it’s just a biblical story absolutely embodied in our time here in ukraine, but well... we’re not here to record this again, we understood everything, we recorded everything , demons and demons, well , look, but by the way , look at this picture, and these are dancing, and these are spitting, and so on, it’s interesting, even more interesting, as an epigraph, by the way, for the program, i just forgot to say this, i want to offer you this phrase, i repeat, as an epigraph: to betray in time, this to foresee, and further, that means, a curious circumstance that did not allow the deputies to pass this bill, namely the us state department, it would seem, wait, here is our demonic, so to speak, principled decision, that’s why, why?
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so the us state department is being proposed to impose sanctions against those who initiated the bill banning the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, wow , trump's vice presidential candidate david vance, he... is one of the main us defenders of the ukrainian orthodox church, that's what he is i spoke about this back in april. let's listen. today, the ukrainian parliament is considering the adoption of a law that will deprive a large number of christian churches and communities in ukraine of their property. this is due to the fact that some churches are too close to russia. that may be true, but you don't deprive an entire religious community of its freedom because some of its adherents disagree with you about a conflict.
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yes, a candidate, yes, but i remember, also vice president trump, mr. pompeo, yes he was such, if you remember, let's remember who actually implemented the idea of ​​the tomos for ukraine, who oversaw this issue, mr. pompeo did it, yeah, under poroshenko, he is poroshenko, they also sponsored the ecumenical patriarch in order to provide ukraine with thomas, thomas , that’s the same reference, that ’s where all this actually started, that’s why. i do not trust all these words that are heard today from the united states of america, but what is certainly the position of the current possible administration of the united states of america on this issue had a corresponding impact on ukrainian politicians - this is one of
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the factors why they did not vote, the second factor is the internal political struggle, because the issue of tomos, the ban on the orthodox church, the ukrainian orthodox church. this is a topic that poroshenko has saddled with and would like to bring it to its logical conclusion so that that part of ukrainian society, which supports this one way or another, is on his side, it’s just that their intraspecific struggle has begun, yes, their intraspecific struggle has begun, therefore servants the people decided not to play along with poroshenko and not vote for this bill, so there is no need to assume that someone there is for the orthodox church there over the ukrainians.
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well, potoraev is not just a deputy, he is responsible for all information policy, i say again, he is the chairman of the committee on information policy, so he is the main propagandist of what is called today the zelensky government or the zelensky regime, this is his task, he initiated this issue, he will punch it further, you understand what the picture is like today, because vance spoke in the month of april, here in the month of may on the night of may 17, what zelensky did, he took a bulldozer... he destroyed the tithe church just a month after that, so zelensky does not stop and will not stop in what is called the fight against the ukrainian orthodox church, the second, but there are no names of the ukrainian orthodox church, this addition of the moscow patriarchate is not at all
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legal, the second, when the svo began, well , they are its addition, let them legally pronounce it, of course, this and there is a reason for all these besavian dances.
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returned to the bosom of christ, listen, well , it happens literally just one minute, just one minute, no, i won’t give you a minute, well, just a second, okay, but here we must keep in mind one more important circumstance, be that as it may, the main orthodox church, there is a huge the number of parishes remains, and millions of orthodox christians are mainly russian-speaking, and if such a bill is adopted, then it will be accordingly.
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beautiful city of northern palmyra, canals, niva, we begin our journey through
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st. petersburg, it should be just pasta, spaghetti, it was always cones, you have the peak of naval pasta orders, probably on navy day, the first thing the sailors see as they approach kranstatt is the naval cathedral in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker , this is still the highest point of the city, all this is about... now you will try to run along all these boards at once, run, forest, run, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. our program is dedicated to curiosities on television, oops, that's it, the bunny is already screwed up, that’s how it happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you’re live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes, but all our directors love naturalness, and so that you have a reaction
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the presenters had an immediate, weakest link, and many people were offended by you, right? and i say: no need, in shorts i walked down this corridor like tan, i walked about 20 meters , i remember, i didn’t take my pass, on saturday at the first, new employees are needed in the crime department, and you know, in
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what is the difference between a genius and a madman, a genius was given a chance to realize his calling, comfortably. office in the ward, are you out of your mind, no, of course not, that’s why i came to you, compulsory treatment, like an invitation to work, we don’t get paid for this, yeah, positive colleagues, i noticed that your crazy patients know how to think, interesting and fun investigations are waiting for you, the mysterious disappearance of a pizza delivery man, detective syndrome from monday on the first. a simple matter, but with a hint, everything is as we like, in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we are talking damn it, my heart didn’t even break, do you know how it’s breaking, it’s just the shoulder giving and the elbow pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all
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parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified. and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. a man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, we continue to work
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live, here i am after all. i would like, you know, to adjust the angle or focus of our discussion a little, but i don’t want to characterize this regime and these people there, everything is clear, we have already given them, it seems to me 100 times, everything is clear, it seems to me that we can generally cut out vasily dmitrievich, and god, forgive me, that’s the truth, cut off what he agreed and what came after, and to the whole situation in ukraine, well, really, well, lord, forgive me, say there, citizen, absolutely rightly, i’m not interested in understanding, but the political consequences, which means the introduction of this law about... and its adoption or non-acceptance and the logic of such actions, because yuryevich says in the last part: well this is even stronger this will aggravate it even more, and so on, but what is the logic of then accepting to aggravate it, and why is this necessary, is it not a problem or what? no, no, you just need to keep in mind that we are talking about ukrainian nationalism, but the fact is that in ukraine there is not just one type of ukrainian nationalism, but there are several of them,
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here are some of the representatives of that same ukrainian nationalism who are playing out that... i repeat, i’m still interested in the political consequences, the political logic of acceptance and non-acceptance, and so on, and let’s remember now is the time to remember. not only about what is happening in ukraine with the uoc, with the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, but i started with the fact that very often they, there is such a word folk. they change their shoes, change their views, so to speak, demonstrate flexibility, i say pro-ukrainian leaders and pro-ukrainians in general, not all, vasily dmitrievich, not all peredon pavlovich, well, they demonstrate, so to speak, amazing examples. the bones of this behavior, let's just put it all together, look, realize then discuss, please, ukrainian leaders have always
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been famous not only for their deeds, but also for their loud betrayals, this began back in the 18th century, a striking example is ivan mazepa, in 1687 mazepa was elected hetman of the left bank of ukraine, for a long time he served peter i, was his close ally , was awarded the honor of becoming the second cavalier in history. it is argued that another betrayal, this time of the russian tsar, was committed in the name of building an independent ukrainian state. mazepa’s main dream was
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to unite ukraine, to do everything to ukraine did not depend on moscow or anyone else. another independent traitor, simon petlyura, the first leader of ukrainian nationalists. in 1919 , the territory of ukraine was divided into two large blocs: ukrainian people's. at the beginning of the year, the republics concluded the so-called zluka act, that is, a document according to which the armed forces of the two states were united, around the same time petlyura came to power in the upr, the representative of the wunr really counted on his help in the fight against the poles for the territory of galicia and volyn , however, petliura betrayed his allies, he was caught in negotiations with the poles, and the zluka act was terminated. but petlyura was not embarrassed. in april 1920, he signed an agreement with poland on joint actions against the red army. the condition of this agreement was the recognition of
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the entry of galicia and volyn into poland. another traitor stepan bandera. in 1939 , he was recruited by the nazis as an informant and helped the hitler regime in every possible way in the fight against the ussr. in april 1941 , a congress was held in krakow, at which led.
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in october 2022, he signed a decree, after which he forbade himself to negotiate with vladimir putin, shortly before, stating the following. it is obvious that it is impossible to negotiate with the current russian president, so we are ready for dialogue with russia, but with another russian president. however, recent events show that zelensky, like mazepa, has relied on the wrong patron, and biden will not help him. coincidence or not, he changed his latest statements again. around ukraine, well
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we will talk to those who decide everything in russia, we have to sing, but i’m drawing your attention, just let’s not forget all these, all these monstrous crimes of bandera’s, bandera’s, and i want to draw your attention to the fact that the current government is itself bandera’s believes and proclaims and is proud of it, these are bandera’s people, you saw what they did and what they are going to do, what kind of illusions are you, what i mean is that all this just requires some kind of negotiations.
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external support, they focus on someone outside, this is always available in ukraine, because they have appointed russia as their enemy, this is a powerful, strong, eternal enemy, they need support, because they understand that they themselves cannot do anything, well, finally , the third part is just swindlers, these are just those for whom everything is here this, blood, tears, conversations, war, this is all a way to line your pockets, all these three categories are mixed together even within certain ones...
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you talk about the holodomor, i say, how can this be, now you tell me what are you doing, he says , yes? said, i say, re-realized it, re-realized it, you know, you know, i re-realized them, well, damn it, it’s normal, listen, i apologize, exactly the same re-awareness happened in morgun’s brains, there was this fyodor trakhimovich morgun, the first secretary of the poltava regional council, i also knew him personally, he was a convinced communist, but as soon as he left moscow for ukraine, yeah, he literally re-realized,
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re-realized. moreover, he published two disgusting little books, one of which was dedicated to the holodomor. i apologize, grigory ivanovich erivenko, who was the first secretary of the kiev regional committee, he told me personally later, you know, how he described margun, as he says, i told him in a personal conversation, what a bitch you are fedor, that ’s all, this is it, this is the reality, this is the reality of the political elite of ukraine , especially the political elite. this is the most characteristic feature of this elite since the times of medieval russia, here they remembered mazepa, petlyura and so on, but why go far? khmelnitsky's military clerk was vygodsky, ivan vygodsky, who later replaced him with post of hetman of ukraine, so he also betrayed the russian tsar, there are plenty of such examples of political prostitution, this is a mixture of the second category, and at the root of this.
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and the moscow trace, and it seemed clear that there was logic in this, well, of course, a nationalist, who is such a calm person, but still, well, it’s impossible to lie, but she has such a stinking hatred around herself, even that’s not easy some kind of conviction, she wasn’t just some kind
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of ideological, you know, but for some reason she clothed her idea in the most vile of some other form, she it wasn’t hatred that she tried to sow and sowed, who could have killed her, well, it seems logical, well, you see, yes, moscow, no, it turns out. it turns out that there is some kind of intraspecies struggle or something, and i don’t know, it turns out that they are nationalists, well, this cannot be officially verified there yet, but everyone already understands, by the way, there is some kind of manifesto, yes, you see , yes, this is this group national socialism white power, a terrorist organization banned in russia, listen, they also have an intraspecific struggle there, explain to us who is with whom and why for what? yes, i will allow myself to be quoted if it is not too immodest. in 2010, an article was published in the magazine rossiya, my article entitled the latest trends in modern ukrainian nationalism, and i conducted an investigation, a study, excuse me, and identified, along with the traditional old
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well-known nationalism of golicin, well, the conventional bandera direction of this nationalism, although there of course, the situation is more complicated, not only bandera, melnikov’s, and so... along with this galitian old nationalism in ukraine has existed since even , i would say, since the middle of the 19th century, but of course it took shape at a later time, there is the nationalism of the greater or nadnepryansk ukraine, which after the collapse of the soviet union in the nineties took shape primarily in the organization of the well-known, in the 2000s this palm moved on.
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let me tell you what the difference is, very briefly, here i am a person who grew up in ukraine, at one time i was fluent in the ukrainian language, literary, now of course it’s worse, but when i was visiting my friend from galicia, i i listened to my friend’s conversation, a conversation with my father, i did not understand a single word, the mentality of little russians and ukrainians is also different from the mentality of galicians, the two versions of nationalism are also different, what is the difference?
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the tasks, tasks of galitian nationalism were formulated, formulated by the ideologists and leaders of old aun, which then split into two versions, this is the creation of a great conciliar ukraine, vitsyanu dodon, this means
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the creation of such a small ukrainian empire, with all territorial claims to all neighbors, in which political, i i would say geopolitical tasks of the new ukrainian nationalism, first of all this. a patriot of ukraine and from which the battalion of the azov regiment grew, this is already, this is already, this is the east, these are not golicians, it’s clear about golicians, this is already new, yes, they have different tasks in the patriot’s program.
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historical sciences, ukraine, thanks to him and his broad horizon of thinking, he became a mecca for his like-minded people. the center of all white racism and neo-nazism, i couldn’t
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play such a unifying role, now listen, now no, i’ll give it to everyone, everyone, it just seemed important to me, so to speak , here, bring this topic to life, it turns out that you see, it is necessary to understand the varieties, so to speak, of ukrainian nationalism, it turns out that this is generally necessary and inevitable and it is necessary to understand it in order to defeat it, so let’s thank you very much for for for a short excursion, we are now going to briefly go to an advertisement, and then they... join us, there is such fun
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not only for the spectators who then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street, these are my slogans: creation sustainable government, at the beginning i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be or not to be, asking why you want to play the role of ganbe, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king... what something on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that nothing
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would work out for them, what are you saying? nothing, did you leave? i don’t know how to behave, some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift. oh, if i were in your place, i would i wish i could make a film like this, are you a hero or what? they were supposed to broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, so what? launch me to the moon. shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated. pushkin is everything. shukshin is everything for me too. on the occasion of vasily shukshin's ninety-fifth birthday. and what? uh, where did ours go? on saturday. on the first. yes and again. i'll steal if it's a theft. i like you,
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i’m flying for the umpteenth time, moscow, odessa, again they don’t let planes out, and i’ve also had too much to drink with quails, you’re spinning indefinitely, the years are rising for centuries, but... evening in memory of alexander vertinsky. daughters, daughters, daughters, dads and dads, masha and i adored him and fought for the primacy
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of his love. we're too tired. to emphasize to some people what they cannot get in modern life. all the tragedies of the century began with a shot
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fired on june 28, 1914 in a bosnian barn.
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nonsense, this is the first circumstance, the second circumstance, yes, moreover, in soviet times it was these very seeds of mozeypenism, vigorously sown during the civil war by the petliurites, they later became the basis for - the first stage of ukrainization throughout
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the twenties, and by the way, blame the communists for this, but this is either meanness or simply ignorance of basic facts, because ukrainization... in the twenties was carried out by yesterday’s borotbists, that is, members of the essra party in the ukrainian manner, with which real communists, including stalin and koganovich, actively fought , but it did not turn out very successfully, yes, it was a very difficult struggle, at times a failure, but nevertheless, by the beginning of the thirties, this was the ukrainization in the noragul manner, which was carried out by yesterday's borotbists with party tickets in their pockets, it was... skrypnik, as you know, even shot himself in the forehead without surviving this fact. this is the first circumstance, the second, i don’t agree with my respected colleague, that means beletsky is, well, a man of a broad horizon of thinking, intends, under the auspices of the patriot
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of ukraine, to unite the so-called white, modern fascism of at least all countries of eastern europe , that is, former ones. trans-socialist camps, and you think there are no such same ideas, for example, among the bearers of our fascist idea, i mean here the homemade russian fascists, therefore, it means, whose cow mooed, as they say, then, i think that their plans are just a little more modest , why, why are they now especially actively taking up privatization. the history of ancient russia, namely the history of ancient russia, not the muscovite kingdom, not the russian empire, the origins of russian civilization and also fights against prohibition.
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that is, to all sorts of beletsky, that is, this does not really contradict no, no, no, no, to all the beletskys, to all
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the patriots of ukraine, these poisonous seeds of mozepinism, they were sown throughout the territory of ukraine, then the backbone of the history department of kharkov university, and i will remind you that this is the oldest university, it was founded before kiev in 1804, yeah. was just founded 30 years later, and so this department, this history department was headed quite often by ukrainian nationalists who had nothing to do with the galician banderaites, so it still seems to me that the origins are here we need to look for this much deeper, much wider, as they say, well, yes, probably it’s necessary, not probably, it’s definitely necessary, but now i have a task. simple, as if it were very practical to the maximum, probably, without understanding the origins, so to speak, and so on, it’s difficult to fight, but look, what i’m
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worried about now is not, not an academic, so to speak, matter from the outside, but a purely military-political one, you know , please, here is farion, farion, who killed farion, so the language is just neo-nazism and language, who killed, who killed farion, who killed farion, an investigation is currently underway in ukraine, but one of the versions, just today it was literally published that... this is revenge, this is revenge of just a representative of this organization azov or a new neo-nazi organization, which is new nazis against the old against the old, yes , why is the version, the version on the surface, farion ran into a direct word, if not in an academic way, she ran into the military from azov, let’s blame them for something, that they speak russian, yes, they speak russian, that’s all , that's all, so you understand, now excuse me, vasily dmitrievich, but we don’t have this, this illustration, no, as she accused?
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but the military, for example, the azov regiment, with whom i am very friendly, and the third assault, some of them speak russian, including in battle. i categorically, i categorically do not accept this. i have a question for them: what is stopping you guys, when you are so powerful, so smart, that it prevents you from fulfilling the twenty-ninth article of the law of the armed forces of ukraine. you guys know what discipline is in the army, if there is no discipline in the army, then there is no army, this is no army, this is a ford, then. we can’t call them anything.
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with them in general, my god, my god, but that’s not the point, we’re trying, i’m trying , at least together with our respected experts, interlocutors, to figure out who is there, with whom, for whom, and so on, let’s listen, that means, greetings from azov farion, hello, old man, i know that you are a big lover of the russian language, a real komsomol member and security officer, so i’m writing to you in russian, on purpose, stop promoting my name and the names of all the fighters of azov, all your attempts write some statements, appeals about allegedly indecent behavior on my part... this is nonsense, window dressing, if you think that there are no our sister cities in lviv, then you are deeply mistaken, so think, it turns out there is,
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yes, please, she was warned, farion warned her.
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as for the word, this nationalism, that means my great-grandfather, he came from the austro-hungarian empire, he lived for a very long time and he did not say that in the fourteenth, sixteenth year, yes, the first world war, he says, we are russian people, we are rusyns, we are russian people, and we do not distinguish ourselves from people who live in the moscow region, there or the leningrad region, we go to the same church, we also, we have the same faith, yes, that’s his, his rusin, neighbors who became.
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why is it clear that when she attacks people with weapons, they, they take revenge on her, with weapons, with weapons, i also want to say, you know, this is a very important point, i will support svlovich here, what is called political confrontation, poroshenko supported, supported galicia, poroshenko farion supported, that is, this is his region, but zelensky can’t do it, he’s flirting with
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the nationalists, he’s trying to crush it under himself. but so far he’s succeeding, you know, it’s surprising, of course, that ’s probably the whole point of the nationalists, yes, here she voices the idea, addressing the kozovites, that it’s preventing you from fulfilling article twenty-nine of the law, but at the same time she’s silent about that , that there is the tenth article of the constitution, which gives the right to ukrainians to use the russian language, and it is written there in black and white that the state of ukraine must ensure the normal development of the russian language, which is the problem, well, this is the whole essence of nationalism, because
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as far as mr. belesky is concerned, we greatly exaggerate the role of this. a nationalist, in fact, is a typical opportunist who is trying to use the general trend of sentiment to achieve his absolutely parochial goals, a person who is absolutely, in my opinion, not, not big- minded, he is not an ideologist, he is not even a politician, really in fact, if he was a politician, he would have at least tried to realize himself in ukrainian politics, to achieve some success, remember yarosh, he was a deputy, do you remember yarosh?
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that gopnik who does not declare himself robin hood. what else do mazeppa and current politicians have in common? mazepa not only betrayed peter, he also took away the treasury. these people have already taken away the treasury and betrayed it, that’s all, but what else is needed? eduard anatolyevich i’ll ask you, when, by the way, i will absolutely support beletsky, but let’s box, listen, give it to the higher one, absolutely right, don’t after all, creating an idol out of people who, in their essence... in their real work , is not a topic, okay, it’s not about specific persons, i say, i wanted to understand, it seems to me that i’m already right on the verge of complete understanding, that means two of these systems,
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ideologies, varieties, thanks to pavlovich, that means old nazism and new, this romantic one, and also, which quickly disappeared, romantic, now i’m using the vocabulary of evgeniy yuryevich yes, imagine, it’s like this, this is a dream - then, don’t lie under anyone. ay, oh, alive, not at all, not at all suitable, does not lie directly, does not lie directly, in nato, no, and not in nato, and here, no, themselves, oh-oh-oh, it’s clear that it’s romantic, to understand that this is how a nationalist is depicted in photographs of zaluzhny, who in london with his wife rides on a boat, this is against the backdrop of the golis observatory, of course, yes, life is good, remember how in the nineties there was this famous poster, life was good, yes, black cut on red, please eduard anatolyevich, i probably , i’ll go against the general flow, no big deal.
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united states, left opposition magazine greenville post, my article was published, i called it somewhat provocatively: the death of ukrainian nationalism. and ideologists and leading organizations openly identified themselves with a pan-european stratum called fascism, nationalism - this is, you know, some kind of mimicry.
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but this is not a one-man show, quote your articles, listen, i can stand too, look, we have a task to figure it out, not to award victory to someone in this dispute, at least we are trying to figure out the form of the discussion, well, figure it out after all that's all that matters they will say i promise, okay, i will continue, of course i am expressing my opinion, i may well be wrong, but this is my point of view.
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let’s briefly film with biletsky, please, short, we need, we need to fight not only with the power of arms, the power of arms, yes, but we need to fight with the intellect, which is what beletskiy did, a journalist in 2016.
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yanukovych, who brought this pharaoh to power, the nationalists received their first power under yanukovych, so this is what we need to do, not support the collective yanukovychs, who are now appearing in the queue are standing, to lead that ukraine, which, perhaps, this is this, it’s like a question of tactics, this is a question of tactics, but this is the most important question, and if it’s a question of strategy, ask for time, there’s simply no time, but if it’s a question of strategy, it may not come to you yet too general and, so to speak, not necessary, no, it’s not general and necessary.
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then some snow woman melted, by the way, she melted, i’m now absolutely free, hello, i even. fantastic, tomorrow is the first, the city will be here, precisely from this phrase, more than 300 years ago the glorious history of this beautiful city began. we are starting our
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journey through st. petersburg, it must be pasta, spaghetti, in the navy it was always cones, you have the peak of orders for pasta in the navy, probably on navy day, the first thing the mariki see when approaching the cranshtat is - this is the naval cathedral in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker, this is still the highest point of the city, that's it, it's trash, now you'll try to run across... all these boards at once, run, forest, run, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, ours the program is dedicated to curiosities on television, oops, that’s it, the bunny has already shit himself, that’s what happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you’re live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes. in our country, all directors
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love naturalness and so that your reaction from the presenters is immediate, the weakest link, and many people were offended by you, and it even happened that my husband got into a fight with someone when someone spoke unkindly , i go out, there is no car, we stole it, he says, i see your car, i see a car, at 3:00 in the morning it will drive along peace avenue towards the region, these beautiful apples, they were. and i say: no need, in my shorts i walked like a dancer in such a corridor, i walked about 20 meters, i remember, i didn’t take the pass, on saturday at the first,
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new employees are needed in the crime department, and you know what the difference is between a genius and a madman, a genius was given a chance to realize his calling, a comfortable office in a ward, you are in your... no, no, of course, that’s why i came to you, compulsory treatment, like an invitation to work, we don’t get paid for this, yeah, positive colleagues, i noticed that your crazy patients can think, interesting and fun investigations are waiting for you, the mysterious disappearance of a pizza distributor, detective syndrome from monday on the first, a simple matter, but.. . everything we love in the new season , in the first, a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil , and the heart is not broken, what do you know, how she breaks so only her shoulder gives and her elbow pulls, well, let’s speculate, let’s say
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you’re a mole, you’re looking for an orientation towards you. exists in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was the stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel
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kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, our fighters of the units of the center group of troops have improved their tactical position in the donetsk direction. videos are spreading in telegram channels like a red flag victory is developing over novoselovka first, and with the help of our guys, western technology.
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in half, simply. the western media are sounding the alarm, forbes is trying to predict how the russians will behave and are talking about the worst- case scenario for the ukrainians. russia still has more people and heavy equipment than ukraine. the worst-case scenario for the ukrainians is if russian forces, including the 433rd, 506th and 1195th modular rifle regiments, are able to advance further. miles to the west, they will reach mirnograd and pokrovsk, two strong points that serve as a kind of gateway to dnepropetrovsk region, which until now remained under firm control of ukraine. in general, the west is very worried about all this, so it is actively preparing for a war with russia, in order to give us
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such a tough rebuff if something happens. british chief of staff roland walker said that the country’s army should double its power by 2027 so that opponents, which. .. naturally, he attributes russia to thinking twice before attacking britain. we must double our fighting power over the next 3 years so that british forces can destroy the forces superior to them. the enemy must think twice before deciding to attack. the point is, just when you think the russians are defeated, they come roaring back with vengeance. well, to the question, who is attacking whom? just last night, information appeared that the russian military had exterminated the airlift .
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the story about the russian military threat, about the inevitability of war, it actually
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exists today, the question is different, but you can say anything you want, but britain produced its last tank 20 years ago, and today they don’t even melt the armor for tanks, it is not capable of producing tanks, but they are preparing their own for reforms, which means the army is now active, yes, so the question arises, what will they reform it about, they don’t produce guns, they don’t produce tanks, they produce airplanes for them ... americans, that is, it turns out that now there is a lot of roar on their part, but so far there seem to be very few real opportunities, and for this they need to spend, firstly, a huge amount of money, of which, as we understand, there is not an abyss, and secondly, it’s to start everything again, and the story that by the twenty-seventh year the british army will be twice as strong as it is today, but this is about a million shells for ukraine, from the czech republic this year, lina vladimirovna, look what a fine line it really is, they don’t can win... a hot war, they understand this, they are now trying to somehow transform it into
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a cold war, but the fact is that a cold war at any moment can develop into an even hotter one, what is the goal they set by translating this is all in the cold war camp, as vlad said, because if we again return to history, which we know, we remember, we analyze, learn lessons, but the cold war leads to detente, one way or another, the west is playing with fire. because they actually talk all the time about a hot war, all the time they hint that someone will attack them and so on. why is this being done? this is being done by those who have a vested interest in preserving the transatlantic alliance, that is, the alliance between europe and the united states of america, by those who have a vested interest in the nato alliance was preserved, but its preservation is not so guaranteed, yes, they are powerful.
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first of all, the germans have a somewhat cooler attitude towards this, although, probably,
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there are those in germany who believe that military spending can become a driver for the fading economy. in germany, what they are preparing for and counting on, the story of the deployment of american missiles directly on german territory is not leaked there. a few weeks ago, the united states and germany released a joint statement in which it was said that washington would begin with by 2026 , new fire weapons with a greater range will be deployed on german territory than those currently deployed in europe. well, german defense minister boris pistorios decided to explain why such a decision was made in the first place? we have not had to deal with weapons for 35 years, a whole generation does not even suspect such a threat, what the united states will do in germany from 2026 is nothing more than countering the russian threat associated with the deployment of iskanders in kaliningrad, then containment
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will work again. it’s interesting here, it means that olaf scholz is joining this story, only in order to set conditions for russia to say what we must do to prevent this from happening. what should the russians do to prevent american mid-range missiles from being stationed here? the first thing russia must do is stop the terrible war of aggression against ukraine and abandon its attempts to conquer the entire country. we need a situation in which russia no longer wants this war.
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scholz also said that germany will not supply taurus missiles to ukraine, arguing that germany is not going to lift restrictions on strikes with its weapons deep into russian territory. explain to us for the germans what is happening? what 's happening? well, let's play big cards right away. no one asked the germans, no one asked scholz, no one asked the german government. i asked if the americans made this decision on their own, this decision to deploy missiles on german territory, and i did not see any discussions on this topic in the bundesag, then there is a sovereign, the sovereign integrity of germany, it was in the 2+4 treaty, when the unification of germany took place, some things were spelled out there, a very interesting
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point, first, britain was against the unification of germany for one reason, we have the right to conduct an exercise at any time, bomb with nuclear weapons, strike directly at germany in order to stop the soviet troops, to which schmit, the current chancellor, one of the most popular chancellors of germany, replied that well then germany should become neutral, realizing that the americans will launch a nuclear strike on germany itself, when i listen to pistorius, when i listen to scholz about some kind of restraint, what are you guys, no one asked you, they told you that these weapons will be deployed, and in the meantime he
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will kill, you still you don’t even know, this is the first, second, you know, rich people left the regions in... in which this placement will take place a year ago, that is, it was known, i think the weapons already exist, it was just reported in this way, that is not that it will somehow be there tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, no, it already exists, and german rapists in uniform load these nuclear weapons onto german planes during exercises, then they receive orders , and once a journalist today asked the ministry of defense at a conference, tell me, why did you practice the approach to hamburg? that is, a plane takes off and practices dropping nuclear weapons on hamburg, what are you doing, we are not commenting, so this partial sovereignty or lack of partial sovereignty in germany, it is clearly expressed when germany was divided into in the event of conflicts between the superpowers, the soviet union and the usa, the first missiles would have hit like this, well, that is, from eastern germany to western, from western to eastern, that is,
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in the conflict with the ussr and the usa, germany no longer existed, the french zone of occupation was british, now they are the same. the rake is coming, that is, they now want, if there is a conflict, well, it is clear that it is not a conflict, they are trying to tell the population something with these shoulders of nato, if there is a conflict between the superpowers, russia and america, then germany sets itself straight such a target on the forehead, shoot at us, because we have a nuclear missile, we may have american hypersonics, which poses a threat to kaliningrad, so i think scholz, when he speaks, he performs some kind of functionality, but really in general no one asked him, but i wouldn’t want the germans to then present themselves as hostages of the situation and circumstances, and this was some kind of justification for them, because any form of support is direct... complicity, well, it’s quite obvious that europe will not make no important decisions without the united states, and history will now be made there; it seems that the wind
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is not blowing in the best direction for kiev. yesterday , us presidential candidate donald trump was asked a question about financing ukraine. listen. as for ukraine, if you become president, you will immediately cut off funding in the middle of a war. yesterday, as you know, he called me. president zelensky, we had a good talk, i said that we need to end this conflict, this is a war machine, in front of you is a war machine, this is what what are they doing, they are fighting, they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon, they are waging a war, the spring offensive never happened, they, as far as i know, laid millions of mines, they had thousands of tanks, i 'm talking about the russians, so here i am said that we need to end this conflict, biden should never have allowed this to happen, it was easy to stop everything. the chances of this happening were zero, in my 4 years this actually did not happen, they say maybe it would have happened, but it didn’t happen, president putin would never have
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never did. well, firstly, here , of course, it should be noted that the americans understand perfectly well, attributing to themselves the victory in world war ii, that it was the soviet union that defeated hitler and trump has now confirmed this with words, they defeated hitler, so, so to speak, not all is lost , they know everything, simple. to the public, and we all remember very well that during his presidency , economic sanctions against
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russia, adopted back in 2014 after the referendum on crimea, were tightened more than ten times, which is what he now wants disassociating ourselves from biden’s failed policy in ukraine, this is understandable, the policy is completely failed and will not lead. already all the american analysts are saying that it will not lead to any semblance of success, it will even be difficult for americans to pass this off as some semblance of success of their policy, trump understands this very well, in general it is significant that he is now remembering napoleon, hitler could i would also like to mention, he said, the soviet union defeated hitler, they, they, but now his possible one was sitting next to him. vice vence, who has repeatedly said that the conflict in the east of europe is pure mathematics, and if everything
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is calculated from this point of view, then the military power from his point of view of russia absolutely exceeds the capabilities of ukraine, and he named several parameters, both in terms of military equipment, as in terms of missiles, human resources and strategic depth. the size of the territories is not what our analysts say, it is the candidate for us vice president who says this. there is a clear understanding that america will no longer be able to fish in these troubled waters. not interested. naturally, joseph wyden could not do without ukraine; that night he recorded an address to the nation, in which he stated that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the presidential race, but his coalition continues. fight with russia, trump closely followed this speech of joseph biden with some crazy eyes, trump watched everything on board his plane on the way from
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north carolina, and during a speech to his supporters, trump accused kamala haris of being very i lied for a long time americans about the condition of joseph biden. if kamala will lie so blatantly about joe biden's mental incapacity, then she will lie about anything, she cannot be trusted, just like rogue joe biden, kamala haris is unfit to be a leader, she will destroy our country, in a year this country will be destroyed. not a bad scenario, by the way, is trump’s prophecy, so maybe it’s worth rooting for kamala haris, however, yes, yes, yes, by the way, however, kamala haris’ supporters are already predicting her victory, that’s what
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the democrat, hillery, says. clinton. next 15 weeks will be unlike anything the us has ever experienced. i love kamala haris. this is a new start for american politics. haris is talented, experienced and ready to become president. i know she can beat trump. now the choice is clear. on the one hand, there is a convicted criminal, on the other, an experienced former prosecutor and a successful vice president. i listen to hillary and people like her, i immediately understand perfectly well that in america in certain...
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for various reasons, so i would like to tell you that this is a competent, experienced politician, who knows exactly what he is doing and has very clear ideas about the role of his country, about events in the world and the problems that we face. well, what’s interesting is that the democratic party itself is now raging with its passions, the former president of the united states, barack obama, is now in real rage because biden supported the candidacy of kamala haris, this is what he writes about this: obama is very upset, because she knows kamala haris can't win, a biden family source says. according to him according to him, the former president knows that she is simply incompetent and does not know how to avoid the mines that lie in her path. moreover, obama is shocked and furious that biden almost immediately endorsed haris, rather than nominating him as the former president had expected. and they have already conducted
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a survey, a sociological service.
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depicts, he knows, there is a black man, this minister of defense, this is a black man, he doesn’t remember his name, i think it’s exactly the same situation here, he didn’t very clearly understand who he was extradited to, someone black, that’s all , this enough, this is important, but as for the race in general, we are discussing, everyone is discussing, the whole planet is discussing, germany , in fact, with scholz’s statements, has already intervened in the election campaign, when scholz speaks, we see that she is professional, it’s not just a compliment, this is already interference, i will remind you that germany interfered in the us election campaign, when obama came to germany, that was. the work is just perfect, there is a central square, 100,000 people gathered, greeted, well, quite technologically an interesting thing, look how they greet him in europe, this is the future of america, he can do everything, trump won’t have this, of course, this is where technologies are mixed, but these are technologies, this is all an internal american conversation, for us, it really doesn’t matter who of them will win, these are two factions of one party and they are called the united states of america, they
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live for the united states of america.
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scow-voices, because the stars of show business, the musicians there have already joined this american struggle for the post of their potential president, well, in general we will watch everything, now there’s a short advertisement, and then we’ll dive into this studio. what is the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can simply lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything. we have a restaurant nearby and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is it, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who
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will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers people on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a sustainable government, i first played comedy roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, asking why you want to play the role, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the crowd fell silent, i came out in memory of vladimir vysotsky, tomorrow at the first, oh my good, well, how are you here shukshin, this is the password of good literature, character, i closed my eyes. why, damn it, mother in the usa, everyone thought that they could just move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that nothing would work out for them, you what, nothing, you left, i
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don’t know how to behave, some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place,
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i’ll fly away, moscow, odessa, again they don’t let planes out, and there’s too much to drink, with quails, you’re spinning indefinitely, the years are rising for centuries, go, a little slower. in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we
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’re talking about the devil and our hearts aren’t breaking, do you know how she’s torn, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow, okay, let’s do it let's think about it, let's say you're a mole? you are wanted, there are references to you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad , well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major. find the head of the security service, have him immediately report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. whole version goes to hell. the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope
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that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. there was a secretary of defense in america under harry truman who jumped out the window shouting. the russians are coming, and there is a chance of repeating this, now the cuban ministry of defense has announced that ships of the baltic fleet will visit the port of havana from july 27 to 30, we are talking about the training ship smolny, the patrol vessel neustrashimy and a tanker. this will be the second visit of russian
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warships to cuba this summer; in june , we recall, a strike group of the northern fleet called at the port of havana, the americans were shocked, but their shock does not go away. vlad, did our military somehow clear cuba, is it a popular tourist destination, or are we transmitting certain signals to someone? well, it used to be called, when times of peace are called flag demonstrations, well, that is. how fashionable it would always be for fleets to sail along seas, make friendly visits to show the flag that we can get here, come here, today in the current tense state, of course this is a demonstration of strength, because we must understand that cuba is not even the approaching united states, to put it mildly, something very sharp towards the usa, pressed to the stomach, it is obvious that, of course , the bases that we had there would be very useful to us now, but modern types of weapons allow everything...
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maybe more important than just any other exercises, because we are taking our people there
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cadets, our sailors, who, as it were , perform such an ultra-long sea passage, and accordingly gain experience, because they are on watch, they practice navigation, they practice working with weapons, respectively, in this case the patrol ship that accompanies them, it also fulfills its tasks, in general - any long voyages, they are always extremely important for the preparation of the fleet, in soviet times... in ours , too, for a long voyage, the sailor was always given a special badge, which had a huge respect in the naval environment, because this meant that this was a sailor who had really gone through the whole cycle of what the sea could give. my father, as a cadet, he went to cuba as part of such training missions, i ’ll tell you that until the end of his life there remains this feeling that america is actually much closer than we think, in the case what can we reach for it? in short, what could be the answer? well
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, you don’t need to expect anything more from them either, you need to understand that their answer was 800 km away from us a long time ago, this military assistance to ukraine and the war they got into against us, well, the answer is not the answer, but this is how we send them our greetings, the big game, will continue to broadcast on the first, good afternoon, the big game is live and... vyacheslav nikonov , russian president, vladimir putin, i don’t know, last night or this morning, but he met with syrian president bashar assad, it was indeed an unannounced, but very meaningful meeting, judging by the statements that the two presidents made, let’s listen to ours first, dear mr. president, i’m very glad to see you, we have the opportunity to talk about the entire experience of relations, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, yours is very interesting. opinion on how the situation in the region as a whole is developing,
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unfortunately, it tends to worsen, we see this, this also applies directly to syria, as for our trade and economic ties, there are a lot of questions here. within our countries, however, during all this time , relations between our countries have maintained their level of trust, which indicates the maturity of our peoples. considering everything with the events taking place today in the world as a whole, in particular in the eurasian region, our meeting today seems very important for discussing all the details of the development of these events, as well as for discussing
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possible prospects for scenarios. i think it is not a coincidence that it was at this time that israeli prime minister netanyahu himself spoke in the american congress . this synchronization of clocks between russia and syria on the middle east conflict, i think now is of particular importance, as it always is of great importance, especially in context our special military operation is a comparison of watches between the presidents of russia and belarus. it was announced that alexander grigorievich will visit our country today on a working visit.
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special military operation, the ukrainian front is cracking there, and this is clearly visible, especially to our military expert boris aleksandrovich rozhin. paris alexandrovich, good afternoon, what news do you have? good afternoon, against the backdrop of attacks by the russian army on targets in the odessa region, kharkov, zaporozhye, our troops continued to conduct active offensive actions, to achieve tangible results, and if you look from south to north, then in zaporozhye. our troops continued their attacks north of rabotin verbovoy on the rabotin salient. on the vremyaevsky ledge, our troops continued to attack east of urozhayny, gradually leveling the front. and in the ugledar direction, our troops intensified assault operations in konstantinovka, and also continued to put pressure on the konstantinovka-ugledar highway,
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there are also small advances there. and in krasnogorovka our troops continued to be active advance to the northwestern outskirts, the enemy continued to retreat. set up a whole series of positions in the city, now somewhere our army controls up to 95% of krasnogorovka, which means that to the west of tavdeevka our troops have actually completed the liberation of the village. from volchye the enemy has retreated, the enemy continues to roll back from novoselovka first, we have an advance in the area of ​​progress to the west already to the west of lazlavack and there our troops are moving in the direction of timofeevka and ivanovka, which means our troops are still a little more in the new york area advanced in the center of the city, there is also an advance to the west of new york, in the dzerzhinsk area our troops continued to advance to artyomovo and... there the enemy also lost a number of important positions, in the hour area our troops continued to attack north of the village of kalinovka, there
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there are small advances, on the northern ledge our troops continued to exert pressure in the direction of the excavation from the south from the side of vesyoly from the east from the side of ivan darika, there are small advances in our favor, in the krasnolimansky direction there are special there is no change, positional battles, matchmaking in the kupyansky direction continues to be successfully called an offensive in the peschany area. our troops are moving towards koskol, there are 26-7 km left before it, the enemy cannot stabilize the front for us yet, there are also battles in the eastern part of makeevka in the stalmakhovka area, well, in the kharkov direction positional battles continued in the area of ​​​​glubokoe and lepsov, as well as in the center volchansk, where our troops also achieved small tactical successes, in general , the initiative is almost everywhere in our country. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen for accurate information about what is happening on the fronts.
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sharpest recently. russian tu-95 missile carriers, together with chinese strategic bombers, conducted joint patrols over the chukotka and bering seas in the north pacific ocean. moreover, there fighters from some countries rose up against them, even we can even guess which ones. well, there was a message that the chinese ismen took part in the naval parade in st. petersburg, which will take place the other day. what did kuleba bring from china? there is a certain state here
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that is described in the well-known fable about crayfish swans and pike, yes, when the leadership of the ukrainian junta is trying to be transparent with everyone in order to somehow extend its existence or be sure that this existence will last as long as possible. that’s why kuleba talks about peaceful initiatives. syrsky says that they will definitely return the borders of the ninety-first year to crimea, and zelensky says that more pennies are needed for all these things are so that ukraine will still stand there or hold out there in the struggle for democracy, but this is such a stretch, it actually may look like some positive initiatives on the part of the ukrainian junta, but the reality is that the fate of ukraine is not decided she decides others. places, and the fact that china accepted the position of ukraine, there with some, as if listening once again, to their
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initiatives, this does not mean that it completely shares them, because everyone understands that behind all this conflict, and future conflicts and ongoing ones, now, for example, in the same middle east there are the same actors, this is the united states of america surrounded by them, and this does not contribute to international security, so we need to deal with this... in fact, the decision will be made only within the framework russia's interests come first and foremost, and russia will always come out with only this agenda, and what fate ukraine will share in this, as they say, final result of a special military operation, time will tell, but it is unlikely to be an enviable one, china does not intend to quarrel with anyone at all , he certainly leaves the door open for himself to be a mediator in any
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negotiations, including with ukraine, by the way, let me remind you that for a long time... positive pressure has been exerted on our troops, in particular the volunteer fighters corps , the ministry of defense is now to the northeast already on the northeastern outskirts of chasovyara, this is near the settlement of kalinovka, between kalinovka and the kanal microdistrict there is now an advance, the fighters have already caught on to
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the canal, seversky donetsk-donbass. and there they go clashes have already in some places managed to cross the canal to the western one, our fighters are gaining a foothold there, fighting is already going on there, they are pushing out the ukranazis, now they are getting a foothold in some places in the western part, the same can be said a little to the south, and after clearing the microdistrict, the canal of the eastern part of the city, also paratroopers of the ninety- eighth uvanov division,
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volunteer corps of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, take care of yourself, we are waiting for your reports. an interesting conflict is brewing within the european union. ukraine, as you know, it cut off oil from russia to slovakia and hungary. slovakia and hungary appealed to... the union that their rights and all european laws are being violated, the european commission said: ukraine is doing everything right. and now there is a response from the president of slovakia, pilgrimi. slovakia has always acted as a good neighbor and responsible partner of ukraine on key issues. slovakia does not deserve the current approach from its neighbor, which has stopped
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oil transit. we cannot accept this. ukraine did in relation to slovakia, i consider it a very serious matter, a very unpleasant interference in our good relations. i firmly believe that ukraine will be able to put this in order as soon as possible, because slovakia, as a sovereign state, will eventually have to take some kind of countermeasures. this would not benefit either ukraine or its citizens. like this. you see, well, this was to be expected, such a kind of blackmail, and the eu in response will blackmail hungary and slovakia so that they change. some of their views and statements regarding, especially the position of hungary, you see, makes them simply hysterical, obscene in relation to orban, the behavior and statements of such, in general, officials, well, really , such states that can be considered such mosquito spots, these are such, you know, satellites of larger players or how
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sometimes there are people like this around a predatory animal... in the states, this is already just a regular thing, president biden showed up and spoke , even supposedly live, let’s listen to him. well, after the advertisement, on him, on i see him, i understand, i’m disappearing, a mere creature,
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either big or small, bat your eyelashes and fly away. if you want to stay, stay just like that, i will never forget you, then some snow woman melted, by the way, she melted, i am now absolutely free, hello, i don’t even knock, i flew to you as if to confession, i was broken by love .
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the main story of this beautiful city northern polmira, canals, niva, we are starting our journey through st. petersburg, it should be pasta, spaghetti, according to flotti, there were always horns, you have just the most the peak of naval pasta orders probably falls on navy day, the first thing the sailors see on the approach to ranshtat is the naval cathedral in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker, this is still the highest point of the city, that’s all. now you will try to run across all these boards at once, run, forest, run! go! premiere on saturday on the first! our program is dedicated
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to curiosities on television. oops, that's it, the bunny has already shit himself. this is how it happened to me, sash, do you want a program with animals, does this happen often? yes, when you're live on the air to everyone remains. enjoy this moment behind the scenes, all our directors love naturalness, and so that your reaction from the presenters is immediate, the weakest link, and many people were offended by you, and it even happened that my husband entered into an affair with someone a fight, when someone spoke unflatteringly, i go out, the car is gone, well, it was stolen, he says, i see your car, i see a car, at 3:00 in the morning it will drive along peace avenue towards the region.
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on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we say, what the hell and my heart didn’t break, what do you know, as soon as it breaks, they just give up on the shoulder and pull on the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later they will identify you anyway, and this is fatal...
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the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semenov. big game live. sik transit, gloria
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munda, the ancients said, this is how worldly glory passes, just recently, the day before the assassination attempt on trump, president biden assured that he would definitely participate in the presidential election campaign, let me remind you. people are worried that maybe you shouldn't be in this race, are you 100% sure you'll get re-elected? 100%
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and with a stronger alliance than ever before in history, i will continue to do the same for our allies in the pacific. at first during my tenure in this post, there were fears that china would outweigh us aid, this no longer threatens us, well, that is, the ukrainian war alone is its main achievement for voters; all these foreign policy issues are not a priority at all.
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but he didn’t say why he left the race and didn’t say anything about his health, well, it’s really a very sad sight, you can sympathize with the american people, because the current election campaign, i thought, could not be dirtier and worse, in an illegal sense nothing for the company of the sixteenth year, then...
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technologies, technologies of deception, technologies of manipulation, including the top officials of the state, appeared, as they say, on the surface, turned out to be the property of the public as a result, but we, we are not blind, are observing , what is really happening , people are being deceived, president biden was deceived, in fact, kamala hares, my colleagues and i discussed, in fact, this, this is still a code in the bag, because we don’t know how she will behave, as a result, if biden will declared incompetent, in this regard, i would like to paraphrase and repeat the phrase, whether there will be elections in the united states in november 2020, this is unknown to science, because yes, there are too many passions, many groups are brought into
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a state of almost combat readiness, i mean the trumpists and representatives, whether all participants live, judging by what happened with trump and so on, in fact, to some extent, an interesting event took place from a political science point of view, but a terrible event from the point of view of common sense, all they thought that ukraine would copy the united states of america, and the united states of america began to copy ukraine, their policies became ukrainized as a result, that’s what happens, yes.
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the opening of the eminence grise, and these questions fell on not just anyone, but on karine jeanpierre, oh, oh, poor brownie, cousin, ordered the white house to cover the deteriorating health of the president. i know you love to spread this narrative. no, no, wait, wait. he was at nato himself, talking about things he wanted to do, and then, after 10 days, he said: "i'm leaving race." no one was covering up for anyone. i know you all want to push this narrative. this is not true. it is not easy to make the decision that the president announced on sunday. not easy at all. you all wrote that this is a historic, unusual step, this is not the norm, making such a decision is not at all easy, the fact that he was able to make such a selfless decision is worthy of admiration, that it is selfless, i just believe, yes, but what made a person reduce his confidence, the need to ballast from 100% to zero ,
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yes, this something had to happen, these are, i think, the same people who stand behind biden and will stand behind kamala harris if they hope to stand. assembly, who will stand behind kamal harris, the most important question is who will be the vice president, will he be a strong figure, or will he be another puppet, that is , they do not have an agreement there, against the backdrop of this disagreement, the appearance of biden with his watch , which remain, raise more questions than answers to the questions asked by
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the population, well, kamala haris, of course amazing politician, we remembered all her mistakes of recent years, there were many of them, well, let’s remember at least a few of them. access to clean air and clean water, this is the future president of one of the united states of america, the police, kill, which means there is one circumstance that they remembered, there is also the obama family, a very influential democratic party, we respect
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what the new york-post? former president barack obama did not endorse kamala haris for the post, according to a source close to the biden family. president, because she doesn't think she can beat donald trump. obama knows that she is simply incompetent, she will not be able to maneuver among the pitfalls that await her, he said. and this is bad news for kamala. this is bad news for kamala, but nevertheless, yes, at first he abstained altogether, said that premature support can only harm, get ahead, and so on, but nevertheless, i am increasingly beginning to think that she has a chance.
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directly, let’s say, in america the intellectual layer is very narrowly described by natalya alekseevna zachariah with her election strategy, but what trump's strategy will be regarding kamala haris, we will immediately find out after the ad.
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i'm not lying, i'm not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard.
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well, how are you here? shukshin, this is the password
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for good literature, character. and everyone thought that they could move it like some piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that they wouldn’t succeed. and what, eh, where ours didn’t disappear, on saturday,
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at the first, for vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, are you a hero or something, haven’t you heard anything, what you heard, you should have remade it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, and what about they launched me to the moon, on saturday, on the first one, yes... and again, i’ll steal, if they steal to your liking, for the umpteenth time i’m flying from moscow to odessa, again they don’t let planes out, and i’ve also had too much to drink with quails, you’re spinning around in infinity, the years stand for centuries.
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it tore, do you know how it tears, it’s just the shoulder giving and the elbow pulling. well ok, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second, very well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run, what? will choose the moles, here's the question: be careful, i'm always careful, major, find
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the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize everyone our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello ! colonel kostenko, confrontation with the prime minister according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov. big game live. we have just received photographs that indicate
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that alexander grigoryevich lukashenko has already arrived on russian soil, along with the president. russian federation they are located, guess where? on valaam, on valavam, this is the stavropegal monastery, on ladag, in karelia, a holy place, it is there that an informal working meeting of the presidents of our two countries is taking place today. well, let's pray for our presidents. well, we'll have to go back. to the united states, as i promised, natalya alekseevna, before we left for advertising, told how kamali haris can beat donald trump, but trump also does not want to become a whipping boy and strikes back. so, like trump going to fight kamala. let's listen to the former us president. if kamala
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haris takes office, she will become the most radical, far-left extremist. ever occupied the white house, there have never been such crazy people in the white house, although of course there were all sorts of things, but the worst was certainly joe. as a senator, haris was considered the most radical left-wing democrat in the senate. think about it, she came first, that's not what this country wants. left radical democrat. this is a very interesting maxim, because joseph biden, here just didn’t declare himself a woman, and kamala haris may consider herself a man, although she said that she was. identify themselves as shi after all, this is interesting, but the point is completely different: the rhetoric of the election campaign in the united states began with mutual insults, and what does this mean? this means further desacralization of the institution of the presidency, and this means that in the future any actions of the president can be questioned, moreover,
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challenged, and so on, now any american president actually starts with in addition, against that against him and ... the authorities, we know, there is an automatic replacement in this will be especially obvious when the legal consciousness of the introduction of certain rules is abolished, and regarding the rules, any mafia formation will tell you how and what to do, so i think that the usa is facing very difficult times, i will add to this that the usa is a federation, and they also have
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different interstates, we have already seen how texas behaved and it is possible.
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democratic electoral processes, for example, elections, it interferes in various ways just a couple of weeks ago we reported on significant interference in social networks using generative artificial intelligence, we are talking about the so -called russian bot farms, they are created to carry out influence operations using fake accounts pretending to be real us citizens, they continue to do this , we see this every election cycle, and the russians have a preferred candidate? i'm not sure if i can talk about this here, but in any case, it's not just about the russians, and i it seems like it's important for people to hear this, the russians are getting a lot of attention, that's how it should be, but you may also remember that...
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the government of the united states of america, they don't even include cybersecurity in the reasons why they might use nuclear weapons for those countries that violate this security, all the cybersecurity centers that are deployed around russia do not ensure the cybersecurity of europe or the united states of america, but are waging a hybrid war against us, when the fbi director speaks with such confidence that he already knows that... the farms have been created, you need to be sure that during the elections these cybersecurity centers will imitate, act under a false flag , imitate interference in russia in the election
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fight, because now there is uncertainty there, we we see that there is discord there, but we need any, under any conditions, this is not only voting by mail, voting in these cemeteries, it will also be these electronic pumping of the information that people will look for in search of the truth, and where the truth is is clear. they this will be manipulated, by the way, i note that when the persecution of trump as a russian agent began in 2016 , it was the then cia director come who was at the head of it, he actually gave information that trump was indeed a russian agent, this was information from the fbi, yes, another important fact is that the us cyber ​​command and the nsa are a structure that is always headed by one director, that is, in principle, everything is under control. as for the current director christopher ray, whom we have already shown, he was forced to answer more one unpleasant question is who really rules america now, and it’s matt getz,
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known for his deviousness. when did you notice the president's mental decline? during my meetings with the current president, he behaved absolutely professionally. i mean, we've seen this so often that high-ranking. and the members of this committee and mr. schiff personally stated that he can no longer be a candidate, since you are the director of the fbi, then i am interested in asking who is running our country, if if god hadn't seen something terrible happen, you would have to owe it to president biden, right? as i said, my meetings with the president were absolutely great, they took place between 12 noon and 4:00 pm, you had to report to him before or after that time. we heard.
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pelosi tears up the report of the official head of state, she apparently doesn’t even realize that by doing this she undermines respect in general for
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the political institution of america, as a state on the world stage, and then they continue in the same spirit, well, here’s the leader the fbi, well, just avoided all questions, it cannot say who runs america, i cannot say, or we together with the cia. with the banking system, with the reserve system, he cannot say this, because he must say it, name a truly democratic institution and its heads, and this is the president, yes, or the congress, the congress of the united states was busy with the most important matter, now he has already left from today on vacation, but before that he got ready for avacia to meet who you thought was netanyahu, prime minister of israel. after the advertisement, at him, at him, i look and understand that i am lost.
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some snowy woman melted, by the way, she melted, i’m absolutely free now, hello, i don’t even miss you, i was flying to you as a lie, i missed you, just call me, i ’ll come, i wonder what he came in today, fantastic, tomorrow on... you will be here
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in the city, it is with this phrase, more than 300 years ago, that the glorious history of this beautiful city began, the northern palmyra, canals, the neva, we begin our journey through st. petersburg, it should be just pasta, spaghetti, according to the navy it was always cones, you have the peak of naval pasta orders, probably on navy day, the first thing the moriki sees when approaching the cranshtat is the navy... the cathedral in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker, this is still the highest point of the city, that’s it, it’s trash, now you’ll try to run along all these boards at once, run, forest, run, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, for the ninety-fifth anniversary of vasily shukshin, what read, capital karl
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marx, i didn’t finish reading one chapter there. stop chattering on saturday on the first, our program is dedicated to curiosities on television, oops, that’s it, the bunny has already shit himself, that’s how it happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you’re on the air, everyone is left just enjoy this moment behind the scenes, i’m afraid, all our directors love naturalness. your reaction from the presenters was immediate, the weakest link, and many people were offended by you, yes, and it even happened that my husband was with someone got into a fight when someone spoke inappropriately, i go out, the car is gone, well, it was stolen, he says, i see your car, i see the car, at 3:00 in the morning it will drive along peace avenue towards the region, these are these beautiful apples, they are pins, this pin turned out to be. i left
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the program, the producer followed me, she said: then i won’t give you your clothes, you grabbed it, but i said, don’t, i walked along the stansky corridor in my underpants, i walked about 20 meters, i remember, i didn’t take the pass, saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, well, okay, let's speculate, let's say you moles, you are wanted, there are references to you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out
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escape option abroad. well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, everyone version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer, speaks like cicero, i really hope that you are not blamed for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book of julian semenov. the big game is live,
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there is a humanitarian disaster in the gas sector, the death toll is already close to 39. the number of injured. meanwhile, in washington , netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, was received with pomp, well, however, the pomp was not for everyone; in congress he received more applause than the president of the united states of america, but the city itself was rocked by protests in washington. there were dances near the hotel, the sign of the criminal was at netanyahu’s speech, they burned him in effigy, they burned the flags of the united states of america, they took down these flags, hung up
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a palestinian one instead, at grand central - this is the station, just not far from the capitol, they threw them into the hotel in the netalnyaha all sorts of larvae, turned on the alarm and... so on, that is, in any case, the onset of protest was completely unprecedented for washington and strengthened the police, as many as 200 people were brought from new york under oath to protect only the capitol. well, the democrats, half of their faction members, the house of representatives boycotted netanyahu’s speech, including, by the way, pilosi, because the majority are democrats. voters, of course, are categorically against israel's policies, but those who came to the speech, of course, were delighted. netanyahu, first of all, spoke about the need to create an international alliance against iran, that's what he said. today we
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we meet at the crossroads of history, our world is experiencing a shock.
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where is your sting, you know, nothing, it is quite obvious that israel is stuck there, stuck, has turned against itself the entire arab world, which demonstrates this in varying degrees of activity, without the help of the united states, which, of course, will not be denied it, here well, there’s simply nothing to even discuss, he’s basically there, i don’t know if he’ll retain, i’ll repeat my thought that he himself... by committing the holocaust, undermines his own concept of his existence in history, as a universal victim of world history, before which the whole world is guilty, either for what the nazis did, or for turning a blind eye to it, and he cannot
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be criticized, everything, this is undermined, even if not completely, but everything , this foundation is no longer concrete, reinforced concrete, it is on the sand, especially stormy applause was caused by the words ... tanya that during the shelling, the destruction of cities, the civilian population did not suffer at all, and there were no casualties, that’s what he said, there already, the war in gas has one of the lowest ratios, losses among combatants and non-combatants in the entire history of urban battles, and do you know where it is lowest in gaza, in varafah? remember what many people said, if israel enters rafah, thousands will be killed... hamas, i asked the commander, how many terrorists did you kill in rafah? he gave the exact number: 1203. i
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asked him: how many civilians were killed? he answered: prime minister, practically none. want to know why? because israel removed civilians from the attack. people said we would never we can't. in fact, it is very difficult, in this regard, i will assume that nitanehu, in fact, this trip to congress is an act of desperation, he really needs support from the outside, because inside he is already losing it, and you are absolutely, you are absolutely correct in what he said, regarding the fact that he is actually destroying the idea of ​​the holocaust, and the jewish people are unlikely to be grateful to him for this in the future, not now, in the future and... an attempt to take congressmen as accomplices in this
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situation is even more cynical, in my opinion look, what is zelensky’s behavior when he tries to do the same thing? well, here we see the height of hypocrisy, because despite the fact that israel has organized an information blockade, it believes that no one else controls information about killed iranians , by the way, they killed journalists and representatives of the united nations for this. the information was leaked anyway, everyone knows the price, we didn’t kill civilians, and if we remember the statements of some military men from sakhalin, yes, who said yes, that’s all terrorists, and including children, that is, we see this is the height of cynicism and this cynicism, this outright genocide that is happening in our history, is applauded by the us congress, we understand who is behind this order, we understand what is being sought israel, it seeks to create some kind of coalition against iran, this... was the goal of this war through genocide, but i repeat once again that these
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goals are hardly achievable. in general, of course, it’s an amazing thing. netanyahu needs to strengthen his position within israel, he goes to the american congress solves its internal problems. these congressmen who came to listen need to demonstrate to their jewish lobby that they, together with israel, are solving their internal problems, while the congressmen don’t give a damn about netanyahu either. the rest of the world, let alone what will happen in
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palestine, they don’t care at all, it’s our business, so right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we pass the word to the news, we’ll see you again at 17:00, don’t miss it, attention, says shows st. petersburg, annually, the last sunday of july. russia celebrates navy day; in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation , the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, we need such ships on... so that we can compete with our own waves, we need sinks and
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we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is family to us, then any of us won’t mind, at least serve in the navy all your life, military day parade... navy on sunday on the first. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. air raid warning, strike and no five bradleys at once. our military is having a very successful day, what else have they lost? abrams, arsenals with missiles, and after


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