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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  July 27, 2024 9:45am-10:00am MSK

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your eminence and eminence, dear brothers and sisters, i am very glad to visit this place, i am glad that such a temple was erected in a very good style, very ascetic, and at the same time bright and joyful, god grant that the valaam land be decorated with new temples, but the most important thing is that it should be adorned with new ascetics, the further human civilization develops, the more
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many people realize that there are some limits that it is very dangerous for a person to cross, including even for maintaining his mental health. we know what nightmares megacities are turning into, how difficult it is for people to live, how the entire system of values ​​gets mixed up and is destroyed with this way of life, well, of course, in our country, while all these crisis... phenomena do not yet pose such a decisive danger to humans , but nevertheless, a lot of things are also happening today that prevent people from strengthening in faith and developing themselves spiritually, therefore our church, our people, i am deeply convinced of this, needs places like this place, but in order for it to be attractive, it is important not only to build a temple, it is important that... prayer is performed here, that
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monastic feats are carried out, and that at the same time the brothers are able to treat the pilgrims with loving attention , pray with them, pray for them. let us pray to our venerable father sergius of germanoblame. we encourage you, reverend.
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your eminence, vladyka abbot viceroy, bishops, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, i cordially welcome you all, for me, indeed, a visit to valaam monasteries are always special... in life, because there is a lot connected with this monastery, i have spoken about this many times, but now i will say it again, special because i remember the monastery from which they tried to make a place of abomination of desolation, and they did these are not some robbers, not some dashing people, but the state did this and did it consciously. in place of holiness and spiritual
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exploits, as if in mockery of these exploits, something absolutely opposite was created to what had been associated for decades and sometimes centuries with one or another holy place, therefore , it is very clearly preserved in my memory every time it is displayed, this is my first visit with...
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of course, from the point of view of an external observer at that time, this confidence had no basis. by 1980 , a godless, insane ruler wanted to build communism, this was the era, and here i want to emphasize once again, there was everything except the most important thing, there was no prayer and there was no manifestation of spiritual life, for the sake of which all these majestic walls were erected, we had no despondency, indeed, this is absolutely true. somehow. god is stronger than any human power, presidents, general secretaries, and also by applying this power to some historical
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circumstance or to some place, the lord is able to make the children of abraham out of these stones, that is, from...
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a source of joy, inspiration, prayers for many people who flow here with faith and love for the lord. the example of this holy place should strengthen our faith, but not only strengthen our consciousness responsibility before god. if the lord is so strong that he can make the children of abraham from these stones. after all, how can he help us then? no boss can help like that. the lord can change our life when it goes very badly in the wrong direction, when there are continuous disappointments, sorrows, when dreams do not come true, when material
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or even some cultural circumstances are so destructive that there is no space for spiritual development and in general... . to gain a certain fullness of life, so we need to remember events of tremendous historical importance, the revival of monasteries, one of which is the valaam monastery, also give us an example of the presence of god in our lives, and if so, then how should we live if the lord is so near, so close, after all, this is not a fantasy. not a fairy tale, he is nearby, but the lord god would not exist, but would you and i be here, and never in our lives, who could revive this place, this holy temple, this holy monastery with human power, but there was no one at that time these forces, yes
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now there are no such forces that from the ashes, from the dust, it is possible to revive, relying only on ourselves, the centers of the spiritual life of our people. therefore, when coming to valaam , peering at all this beauty, praying in this majestic temple, visiting monasteries and other places, one must always remember that valaam is a monument, a living monument to the divine presence in our people, in history, in the present, and therefore in future, but in order to... be connected with the presence of god, this is where we must not only remember, but also think about this future. in first of all, we must raise our children, not being afraid of anything, not the kids themselves, when they are rowdy and don’t want
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to go to church, not any other teachers there or god knows, some kind of educators, we shouldn’t be afraid of anyone , you need to raise children in faith, this is the duty of parents, first of all. mothers, but also fathers, this needs to be understood very clearly, because the lord at the last judgment will ask not only us about some of our... troubles, we need to sound the alarm, we don’t have enough strength, turn to someone experienced , to
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maybe one of the teachers or priests who could help you with what is called correcting the trajectory of your child’s life, so that the worst and most terrible thing does not happen, the separation of the child from god, from grace, raising him in ignorance and godlessness. this is the task of both parents and our church, in relation to which from the first day of my patriarchal ministry i had a special appeal, a special call to keep in mind that the education of children and youth is not the tenth, not the fifteenth item on our agenda day, and this is the very first. on which the future of our church, our people depends. i would like
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to sincerely thank the bishop-vicar, all the brethren, for the work, my dears, that you are carrying out. the monastery becomes prettier from year to year, and not only is it decorated externally, but it also grows spiritually. and the number of pilgrims, well, everything that generally accompanies spiritual development. any monastery is present here, so god grant that valaam will continue to remain a truly very important center of the spiritual life of all our people. a in order for this to happen, i ask first of all the brothers, and all of you, my dear brothers and sisters, to pray for our fatherland, for our people, for our people, and for your part to do everything so that the orthodox faith is not suppressed in the life of the russian
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people, through the prayers of the saints, the ascetics of islam, may the lord protect our fatherland from external internal enemies, from every enemy and adversary, may he strengthen the faith of our people, may he admonish rulers, may he inspire priests, may he... give courage and strength to those who defends the fatherland with weapons in our hands, so that our life may be peaceful, spiritual, strong, filled with the orthodox faith, as the source of all other strength for our people. amen. happy holiday to all of you. amen.
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attention, says st. petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day, in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation. the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, we need such ships at sea so that we can with any wave to argue, we need beacons and we need a locator. and we also need faithful guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us,
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then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day is on the first day tomorrow. on the first channel vremya novostey, my name is yuri sherbakov. hello, here's what we'll tell you about. every frame is true television art. on the day of vmf, the parade is on channel one. for viewers in real time, the brightest and brightest are selected.


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