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tv   Bolshaya istoriya  1TV  July 28, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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regarding the development of security systems , specifically in terms of combating these scammers, we studied the scheme, studied who is scamming our citizens, because mostly, probably 99 percent of the calls come from the territory of ukraine, and this, in principle, is not a secret, and what is most important, what is most important, is that the work is going on at the state level against our citizens, only... in dnepropetrovsk alone - as they say now, this is the capital of all this ukrainian fraud, and there are 1,500 call centers . this is a recording a telephone conversation between a prankster and a fraudster who is trying to convince him to give the courier a package of money. do your house windows face which way, forward or backward? in advance, in advance, okay, put the preparation amount in the bag, you will see that the courier is waving a flashlight at you under the window, throw this amount off the balcony. look,
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i can see him from the window now, you see from the window, throw the bag, throw the bag, he threw, he threw the bag, look, his, his name is, the psychiatric hospital has arrived, he is being put in the psychiatric hospital, oh, the dog took the bag in his mouth, ran away, oh my, how's that just like that, oh, and they lost their money. and they took this one to hell, oh-oh, you’re fine in the head, and you, i’m fine too, no, but you’re fine, you’re not following through on the plan, you’ve screwed up, you’re the loser of the day, today it’s you, here’s some advice, how not to become a victim of scammers from van and lexus, first of all, do not trust anyone, the most important thing, especially when you receive strange calls from people on the phone via messenger, when they immediately want something from you, for example, some code from an sms ,
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say something else, some information, this should never be done. this week a law came into force designed to protect people from transferring money from their accounts to scammers. banks are required to suspend transactions for 2 days if the recipient of funds is listed in the suspicious transaction database. the client is given time, a cooling-off period, to come to his senses and understand that they were trying to deceive him. not only the sending bank will monitor the situation and see where the money is going and whether there are any signs there. actions, but the receiving bank will also look to see if the money is being received by a fraudster who opened an account with her in advance. psychologists advise to be internally prepared that any call from an unfamiliar number carries the risk of falling into the network of scammers and keep a line from the immortal novel in your head: never talk to strangers, especially on the phone. oleg shishkin, mikhail semakov, sergey mukhin, vanstrukov, veronika ilvuchenkova, maria emelyanova and vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. and finally. release once again about
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the amazing footage that we saw today during the broadcast of the main parade during part of the navy day, the quality of the picture and sound and we owe the smallest details, usually hidden from the viewer's eyes, to the engineer, cameraman, director of the first channel, in general, a large team of professionals who understand each other perfectly. what is the secret of such unity? well, firstly, you need to really love your job, and secondly, thirdly, and lyubov filippova will tell you who is behind the effect of complete immersion in the holiday atmosphere. two operators are responsible for this camera at once, you see, one controls the crane, adjusts the height, turns to the right to the left, the second one is in the cockpit at this time, he looks behind the lens, chooses what exactly the camera will show, this is how we practiced filming the passage of the presidential boat along the neva, a responsible task, these shots are already during the parade itself, hello, the most
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difficult thing is not to dip camera into the water, but keep it as close to the waves as possible. what is it like to control the camera? on the games, on the console. you're playing? well, sometimes, yes, that is, these are your workouts before working days. yes, yes, that's what we do. now i’m 18, don’t be shy, director’s every minute is intense at the same time; video from dozens of filming points comes here. the broadcast of the first one this year has become even larger. this time we tried to make a new version of the parade, we did not limit ourselves to the usual way in the previous 7 years of large ships sailing in the waters of the gulf of finland, now we showed the baltic fleet, the pacific fleet, the northern fleet, the caspian military flotilla, and even the base in tartus, and it seems to me that it is important that our viewers, our... preparing for the broadcast,
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almost fifty cameras, cables had to be installed stretch towards them from the mobile television studio, like arteries along roads, embankments over the water. these iron structures are needed in order to reach the cables and to the ships that are in the dark, they do this through the air with the help of ropes like these, they were delivered to the large deck by the cutter. be sure to take extra. there are four cameras, six males, suddenly something is happening somewhere. we hang special beacons that light up at night to prevent tall ships from passing by. here are our cameras on the combat icebreaker ivan popanin, its commander even before the parade, he said that there would be unique footage from here for viewers of the broadcast. they will see it from the inside, they will undoubtedly see
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what our shipbuilders have achieved, and the crew will definitely see it. at this time they will leave to form along the corridors, cabins, they will see the pilothouse, that’s how. because you can watch it endlessly like a picture, our sharp-eyed lenses on the roofs of houses cope with this task, for example, on this cable road, this year its length breaks a record of 850 m. this is how it moves there's a camera on it, it seems to me that it looks like some kind of scooter, well, maybe it also
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looks like a water strider, it has just such legs, well, imagine, here you have a cart, it rides on four wheels on two cables , just look at how much equipment needs to be used. to service this one small chamber, a fire truck with a seventy-eight-meter crane, there are only two of them in the whole of st. petersburg, and another construction crane, here is an additional vehicle, where the control headquarters is located, here are the batteries, and the radio station, here there is even a spare cable, imagine what it was like to throw this huge cable road across the neva, through houses, over roofs, now i see a lot of trees, how did they cope with this? a large group of specialists worked on this ; traffic along the forward channel was specially blocked in order to safely move the cables from one bank to the other, using a boat, and, of course, from one lift there to the roof, from the roof to the second lift, and so on in small dashes,
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people rise up to install it special mountaineering training, once, twice, the third time it’s no longer scary, you need to monitor the air temperature so that the camera doesn’t... stabilization systems have generally appeared on ships in the world, we use this find to show you these same ships in all their glory , better than from any platform. any filipova, rinat goreev, evgeny savchenkov, zulfiya khakimova, channel one st. petersburg. well,
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for those who were unable to see the passage of the ships live or want to enjoy the dizzying footage, this is again there will be an opportunity. channel one will show the main naval parade for navy day once again. watch today immediately after the program on sunday, that’s all for now, the premiere of the big history program is on the air right now. there is a big story on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. i'm vyacheslav nikonov, hello. 110 years ago, on june 29, according to the new style of 1914, feldieger,
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lieutenant skuratov, boarded the imperial schooner standart and handed nicholas ii an envelope with the news that the day before. v in the bosnian city of sarajevo, with shots from a revolver, a young serb, gavrilo princip, killed the austro-hungarian throne, heir franz ferdinand and his wife sophie von hohenberg. the standard turned at top speed towards petergov. the mlada bosna organization, which advocated the unification of the southern slavs, placed seven terrorists on the streets of sarajevo along the route of ferdinand’s motorcade of france to the city hall. the first attempt was unsuccessful; a bomb exploded in the security car. the archduke did not cancel the ceremony; on the way back he decided to visit wounded. got lost, the car stopped at a street cafe, where one of the terrorists,
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a high school student, a principle, a serb and a citizen of austria-hungary, was already finding solace in wine in connection with a failed assassination attempt; he did not miss his chance. the eight-year-old austrian emperor franz joseph, after deliberation, encouraged by the german government, decided on july 28.
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but these inter-imperialist contradictions can exist for decades, not cause any wars, suddenly
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at some point a shot occurs, even russia was not obliged to enter the war for serbia, and did not intend to do so; suddenly , within a week, such an outbreak occurs ; a world war begins; even the british liberal historian stetan utson, who lived almost until the munich agreement, wrote that the first world war was there was at the same time a world war that changed the geopolitical alignment and configuration on the european continent, which was then the main place where world historical events took place, but it was also a revolution, a revolution like writes, '48, that is, he did not mean the revolution of '17, the shaking of europe by precisely such bourgeois...
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you are no longer the ghost of communism that walks across europe, you must literally swear allegiance to it, otherwise you are an outcast in politics and teaching, in school, in education and so on, they strive.
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published, where in austria-hungary there are no small republics, not a single monarchy, everywhere there is republican rule, crowned monarchs, bulgarian, russian, austro-hungarian, go to the workhouse, over the jacobin red cap shines with them, in place of russia it is written russian desert, that is , the russian desert, you know, they just can’t get this map of the russian desert, so... this is unfinished, so today instead of, so to speak, powerful russia, the desert is meant, of course, not in the physical sense, in the sense of the absence of historical initiative, that is, locked somewhere in the tundra, which does not participate in world affairs, i believe that the crimean war was already a kind of prototype, for the first time against
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russia opponents united earlier, in in general, and already with the advent of bismarck and his...
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anglo-saxon world, civilization, whatever you call it, on the eastern european space, on russia, on the russian world, it was noticeable, by the way, during the napoleonic wars, it was noticeable during the time of the crimean war, which is sometimes even called the war of world war zero, the zero world war,
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although here, of course, with assumptions, but the fact that all the world powers participated in both, in fact for that period, is obvious. well, if civilizational civilizations lead to world wars contradictions, which means we are doomed to new wars, because revolutionary contradictions do not go away, they are only getting worse. it is quite clear that from the middle of the 16th century , the creation of colonial empires led to the fact that the struggle for dominance in europe automatically became a struggle for peace, so you know, the thirty years' war was in this respect a world war, because it was fought in asia in africa.
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another, namely, if we recall bismarck’s expression that preventive war is suicide committed out of fear of death, then this is exactly what happened not just to germany, and not just to austria-hungary, but to europe. these two wars led to a sharp decline in the importance and significance of europe in the world economy, in world finance, in world politics, yes. their place began to be taken by completely different countries, but it is absolutely clear that after the first, and even more so the second world war , there was no russian desert, yes, it began... with the movement of one of the centers of the world economy east to the soviet union, a new one arose financial world center in the united states of america,
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whose influence on the former creditors and former economic centers of the world, france and great britain, cannot be overestimated, so we can say that as a result of what we call the two world wars of the 20th century, arose, but... there was no crisis, there was a real threat of direct clashes between russia and nato leading to the third world war. and here is what the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, recently said.
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perhaps in 10 years the current processes will be called a prelude to the third world war. it cannot be ruled out that if things go well bad and we will not be able to control the war psychosis that has developed in brussels, then the history of these years will also be an episode of the first years of the great world war. in my opinion, european politicians think of the nuclear bomb as a tactical tool. hegemony and broader hegemony, the much longer hegemony of the west, this crisis will not be resolved quickly, it will take a decade,
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perhaps a generation, the strength of the hegemon and his allies should not be underestimated, their readiness, their determination to defend their privileged position in the world, there was a period after the end of the cold war, a period of american hegemony that no one cares about.
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peaceful withdrawal, we already see a crisis today, a military crisis in eastern europe, we see a looming crisis in east asia, we see a real and expanding crisis in the middle east, this is all part of a single new world crisis. well, in these conditions, of course, it is very important for us to take into account the experience of previous world wars in order to avoid the following after advertising. solemn parade for
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navy day, today on the first, romcastro product stellar group, pechora vodka, product of stellar group, vodka. veda, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, the beauty jumped back to work, slower, am i old, no, why can you come to me, your potapov, he doesn’t work as a builder and not a doctor. there was a murder,
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i greet you, senora cagliostra, i see people, those who are here, those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, do you want to live with me, at home at night, because i i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m kozlevich, that’s right, another kozlevich, marina, it’s not me, of course it’s not you, so that means you love him very much too? fortune teller, new series, tomorrow on the first, there is a russian spirit here , it smells like russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, he held his face, he is no one in the broad sense of the family didn’t let him in, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have
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the opportunity to see him like this... what is he like? only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. there were always lively gatherings. and you’re sitting in dad’s place, it just happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad. and mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena , and his first wife, velta. in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don't take it like a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, god needed you more for some reason. our exclusive, the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday, on
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the first. that i have snow, that i have heat, that i have torrential rain, when my friends, tonight in our studio those who have experienced it know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i have the operation took 12 hours, igor arrives, comes to me, i played a melody, the next morning he called and dictated the verses of the song to my friend. how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it’s impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich, that’s exactly what friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years that we ’ve been friends, i’m carrying seryoga his guitar, we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives, sisters, we are already like lenin,
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twin brothers, voices similar even to... you are wanted, there are references to you in all points of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run that will pick out the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major. find
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the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i’m very i hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister’s confrontation based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov.
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none of the countries claimed and does not claim the dubious honor of being called the initiator of the first world war. it’s as if no one started it, or everyone started it at once. in all participating countries, color books will be published explaining the causes of the war, where the blame will be placed on the opposite side, such as the german white book, the austrian red book, french black, russian orange, belgian gray book. the winners of the war will definitely place responsibility on germany and its allies. the bolsheviks in soviet russia explain everything by the predatory appetites of world imperialism. and germany will be inclined to see the main blame.
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to become a serious competitor to welt politic, access to russia's natural resources was required, including food, and this access could be obtained on acceptable terms only if russia became a dependent state. bankers and german industrialists looked at russia as a potential colony. well, i must say that germany’s ambitions were also considered in russia, in any case, in one of your books you quoted russian foreign minister sozonov. give it to the ambassador. and it seemed to them that such a task as the creation of the notorious mittel europe, that is , the establishment of german rule over the continent of europe, and even more so the creation of a fantastic empire stretching from the banks of the rhine to the mouths of the tigris and euphrates, which i described in one of my duma speeches
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called the berlin caliphate, was achievable by the means available to germany and its ally, who was dying from a merciless internal illness. sazunov also said that the goals. germany wanted to become the gatekeeper of the straits instead of turkey, which, of course, absolutely did not suit england, first of all, but us. and germany’s ambitions cannot be, this is a fact, they lay in the east of europe. the map of the pan-germanists of the eleventh year is exactly like the map of nato expansion. there are varying degrees of state unity, under german such a protectorate of dominion over the whole of eastern europe, divided, and
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we cannot win, because the fleet here will not give anything special, which is why it seems that england was, well, if not interested, but in any case not against the war, because for her it was very important to remove these threats that threatened its superiority, or rather its position as standing above europe and preventing the emergence of any preferential influence. geopolitical power, first it was france of the 3rd century, then it became bismore germany, then russia, which entered the balkans, it was openly written in british newspapers that almost cossack cavalry was ready to cross the world, threaten
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british positions in india, we reached three oceans and positions in central asia, this is not at all was in the interests of britain, but german ambitions also lay in the east of europe, the baltic sea, the black... russophobic press in germany, all this was there, so one way or another, here is a triangle of contradictions england, germany, russia, one way or another concerned sea ​​borders of our country, and it was almost inevitable, but england could prevent the war, and kisenger even writes this in his book. sazonov begged sir edward gray to make some kind of demarche against, that is, kaiser germany, after the start. england made it clear to germany in advance.
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indeed, many believe that if it had entered the war, germany would never have decided to start a war, germany was completely sure that it would not enter, it began to bomb belgium, and that’s when great britain was tied up with belgium should have allied obligations. is turning into a nightmare, all the generals believe: russia is getting stronger and stronger, it needs to fight before it’s too late, now there are chances that everything will work out, by 1917 germany will have no hopes, therefore, if the russians go to war, it’s better in 1914 year, and not later, the western powers will abandon russia, the entente will collapse, and germany will emerge victorious, really the idea that russia. europe, it then spread not only to germany,
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england, france. well let's take a look at figures, from 1800 to the late 1890s, until the tenth years of the 20th century, the average rate of development of russian industry was 5.7%, which is higher than in other developed countries. yes, from what point should we count, russia, of course, was not yet ready in 1914. to war, because the rearmament program that nicholas ii, our general staff, organized, was calculated until the end of the seventeenth year, in this regard, the germans, of course, believed that they had to strike now, otherwise it would be too late later, but there is an objective situation when the power of the english, french empire, colonial empires began to weaken, that is, germany was a young predator, it burst into open spaces, and the desire to maintain its positions at all costs, whatever we call them, was the anglo-saxon world, there is western european or others, yes, he tried
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to hold on to what they had once seized predatorily, germany tried to grab it all for its own benefit, but the german general staff and kaiser wilhelm understood perfectly well that without the resources of russia, the enormous resources of russia, here is the bread, here and there, water resources, a colony, yes, there is no reason for them to seek... there is no hegemony, so i would also like to cite one document, in 1944 imagine, one of the departments of our people's commissariat of foreign affairs prepared a note called a secret maneuver of british diplomacy, where clearly i understood how british foreign secretary gray, at that time, was trying to impose a war on germany against russia, while they themselves, together with france , remained on the sidelines, that is, it was, you know, when you read this document, how did it happen? what happened was
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contacted, reported to the kaiser of germany that england may not come out if germany strikes the first blow specifically at russia, then france and england should remain in the country, let them fight, in fact, after that we will retain what we grabbed earlier, the english and french empires, you know why it fell apart when welhelm talked to his general staff and said, we have everything planned, our trains are already on their way. the germans had only one blow, first against france, and then against the plan, the schlieffen plan, which provided for russia, gray probably has a dissonance about this , and you know that chancellor von bülow wrote 20 years ago: “in a future war with russia, we must deprive her of both coasts, which made her a great power, pontic’s black sea and the baltic, destroy the coast and old bismarck wrote the following in the margins: eccentric sketches cannot be left on paper, they can only be verbally, yes, but we
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also know that when - this murder in sarajevo took place, austria-hungary presented an ultimatum - to serbia out of eight conditions, nikolai was then horror in his diary he wrote: on thursday evening, austria presented serbia with an ultimatum with demands, eight of which are unacceptable to an independent one. state, the austrian ultimatum was , in general, part of a large austro-german project, a large austro-german provocation, the details of which were discussed during the meeting of archduke franz ferdinand with wilhelm in kanopishty castle, and in the hunting castle of the heir to the austrian throne, it’s just that it didn’t stipulate that the victims of this provocation were. will become franz ferdinand and his pregnant wife, yes, so, by the way,
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the principle did not want to shoot the woman, he accidentally hit her with a shot, then he said in court that i did not know that i was shooting at three people, but indeed, here you are in germany, first of all it was growing fear that russia is strengthening, and that this strengthening could cause a catastrophe in the future for germany, here was a quote from batman-holwig, i... i consider him simply a rightist, because when the question of whether to plant plane trees was discussed on his estate, he said: "why will they grow up in 40 years, in 40 years there will be russians here, and indeed in 1948...” the headquarters of a group of soviet troops in germany was located on his estate there, so he predicted the future to a certain extent, but one thing was clear that the economic interests of russia and germany, they crossed paths in the area of ​​the straits, and above all this was manifested during the reaction of russia and specifically russia to
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the mission of liman von sanders, the appointment of a german general as commander of the first army corps of the ottoman army in the straits, russian protests and political protests . the crisis caused by these protests led to the fact that wilhelm ii declared in 13: russian-prussian friendship has come to an end, if we look, then from the end of 13 this howl began in the german and austrian press that russia was preparing for war and which is necessary in primitive actions against it. still the king to his cousin willie.
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with national interests understood one way or another played a certain role, and norman davis writes about this in the history of europe: despite the connection between mutual obligations, the diplomatic system of 1914 provided governments with significant room for maneuver. key issues were decided by considerations
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of honor, friendship, fear or expediency, and not by the clauses of treaties. i agree that the subjective factor played a very big role. there may be a decisive role in the fact that the war began precisely in the summer of 1914, because no matter what the kaiser and the ertz-duke discussed, they did not determine the date for the start of the war, the war was to a certain extent a surprise to everyone, to a large extent a surprise to everyone. the book "august guns" written by barbara tuckman was very popular 60 years ago, she also wrote another book, august guns about the war of the fourteenth year, how is it all, it seems that no one wanted war, it was at that time that
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everyone was preparing for war , it was at this time that no one planned or expected her, so it turned out that a combination of different... lack of will led to the fact that she also wrote an even thicker book, it’s called, the step of madness or the step of stupidity, the march of folly, which examined several similar cases when the actions of certain, seemingly very rational international players led to exactly the opposite results in relation to what was expected. so here the human factor played a very big role, i think, specifically, if we talk about russia, then the emperor could, for example, listen to the minister of the bad, yes, well, he could, yes, let’s remember with you, when slogans began to sound in germany that germany needed a place under
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the sun, some states have land, others have seas, germany has nothing but the sky above their heads, germany needs a place in the sun, the same thing. germany needs poland, england continued its, that is , the public mood in germany at that time, they were of course aimed at, yes, continuing this expansion either towards baghdad, yes, or towards russia, where there is bread, here i am here is one episode, literally from brusilov’s recollection, which he was on vacation, in my opinion, in baden-baden and he saw. came to the holiday, to the holiday, where are the german burghers, and the model of the kremlin is wooden, suddenly he saw, he was walking with his wife, how they lit up this model of the kremlin and began wild german dances in...
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hitler will write: the war of 1914, god knows, was not imposed on the masses, on the contrary , she was desired by all the people. soon he will write history with his own blood. after the advertisement, about the second world war. ceremonial parade for navy day. today is the first one. all the tragedies of the 20th century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in
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bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, france ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new cursed era of global wars, revolutions, prison camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world has arrived, unprecedented in cruelty. on the anniversary of the start of the first world war. today is the first one. my last name is korablev, rank, as you can see, colonel.
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without crime, new employees are needed. do you know the difference between a genius and a madman? a genius was given a chance to realize his vocation. comfortable office in the ward. are we out of our minds? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. compulsory treatment is like an invitation to work. we don't get paid for this. yes. positive colleagues. i noticed that your crazy patients can think. interesting and fun investigations await you. the mysterious disappearance of breeder pitza. detective syndrome. tomorrow after the program time.
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a simple thing, but with a twist, just the way we like it. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams. this is the spirit of the times and today the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh on saturday at the first. what do i know, what do i feel like, what do i feel like, what do i feel like
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torrential rain.
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and neither friend nor foe, but on saturday on the first. there's a big story on the air. the first world war lasted. from july 28, 1914 to november 11, 1918. in one way or another, 30 countries participated in it. during the war, vast areas of europe suffered terrible devastation. the total number of deaths is estimated at approximately 12.5 million people, and 70% of them were combatants, the rest were civilians . 2/3 of the losses came from four
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countries - russia, france, germany and austria-hungary. purely combat losses in germany amounted to 1,800 thousand, in austria-hungary 1,300, in russia it is considered 1,700,000, in france 1,400, in great britain 743. in 1919, the french poet and philosopher paul valéry wrote that now we civilizations know that we mortal. predicted by the philosopher oswald spendler, the decline of the west began to be considered. as a completely possible scenario: the bolshevik revolution won in russia, which offered an alternative to the capitalism of the western model of development. and on at the paris peace conference, three leaders, us president wilson, british prime minister david lloyd george and french premier george clemenceau, allegedly established eternal peace. in fact, they arbitrarily divided europe and the world, trying not to forget themselves,
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to humiliate germany as much as possible and ignore russia. thereby setting up the scenery for the second world war, germany, of course, especially suffered, and the first, in fact, german chancellor, philip scheidemann, declared with horror, let's listen, we can say without reservation that not a single political figure in germany did not expect a document of such monstrosity, germany was doomed to want revenge, and in the absence of russia, which... at one time at the vendian congress still kept the allies in the anti-napoleonic coalition from completely, so to speak, even dismembering the extinguishment of the role of france. in the absence of russia, the anglo-saxons, first of all, did this as in pagan times in victis woe to the vanquished. everyone, including the german social democrats,
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after wilson's 14 points program, which is a world without anexia. live and stuff there an international organization for arbitration of which all the contradictions without they expected something softer and were in shock, and indeed you are right, lenin cannot be denied historical flair, he said, the treaty of versailles contained the seeds of a future war, but the most interesting thing is that france was primarily concerned , of course, about reparations, because it was a theater of war, suffered a terrible defeat, i was driving through the provinces of france in small ones. world war ii is not that, but america and well, a hero of the resistance, so for them england in the person of lloyd george and woodrow wilson,
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the pastor's son, who shocked the weary in skepticism. of a certain new world, they accepted, made the decision themselves, which of the parts of austria-hungary should become independent, which should change their owner, which would do this, which would need this, from here, they drew these borders, by the way, they did this in dayton later, because they were very there are many parallels, but the attitude towards russia was such a wonderful book, margaret mitchell was published in 2019, she is already an elderly historian, now working, working... in canada, she is the granddaughter of loy george, she writes that france was perhaps interested in white russia, so that the debts of the tsarist government, here lord balfour is all here, here they are, despite the fact that he
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called loy george a little, that he himself is a little bolsheviks, they were in favor of even having a red russia, but without control over the transcaucasus, which were considered by the london parliament as having to be resolved in a turkish parade, so to speak.
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then cherchel says: it was the whites who fought for our cause, they needed a torn, weak, giving away its resources, oil, grain and other others, and to these capitalist countries, this is britain, this is france, this is the united states of america, this is what churchill hoped, so here for them, when the civil war was going on in russia, this is for them, well the golden time when they can enter baku, take their concessions for the caspian sea, here...
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for germany, in any case, it is otherwise difficult to explain why germany was supported with such tenacity, generally worthy of better use.
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the treaty of versailles is absolutely fair, was terrible in its consequences, because the so-called treaty of versailles really gave birth to the second world war, but it is also fair to say that the word revenge did not appear in germany in the thirties or twenties, it appeared in france in the seventies of the 19th century, when bismarck completely...
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or using its weakness, this happened at the end of the cold war, this is what happened, we must understand these lessons of history well, if you did not destroy it, then be prepared, this is the strategy that was based at first on the real rise of germany, assistance and restoration, germany did not pay a significant part of its reparations, because it was all restructured by the efforts of american bankers and... the energy of german revenge to
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the east in favor of our country and this , in my opinion, is very good comrade stalin said in his speech at the eighteenth congress of the all-union communist party of belarus. in politics there is no interference, there is aspiration, a desire not to interfere with the aggressors from doing their dirty deed, not to interfere with, say, japan in the war with china, not to interfere with, say, germany, to get bogged down in european affairs, to get embroiled in a war with the soviet union, to let all the participants in the war get bogged down deep in the mud of the war, to encourage them in this quietly, to let them weaken and exhaust each other, and cheap and sweet and cheap and sweet, such a cheap and sweet event was the munich agreement, when the countries of the west, western europe... in munich, hitler decided
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to give him part of czechoslovakia and declare that they had brought peace, and indeed there was such delight in europe when brought the world, here we honor the british historian david feber. in the days following munich, chamberland received more than 2,000 letters and telegrams of thanks, while he was showered with an embarrassing abundance of gifts. including an endless supply of spinners for fishing, salmon carcasses, scottish tweets for costumes, socks, an endless supply of umbrellas, pheasants and partridges, fine rin wines, lucky horseshoes, flowers from hungary, 6,000 tubers of tulips from grateful dutch fans, a cross from the pope. it is quite obvious that she the situation that arose in europe, yes, it led to germany’s preparation for... a campaign in
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the east, as a matter of fact, no one hid it, france could not act independently without the support of great britain, no matter what kind of government there was, a popular front, anti-popular front, whatever. she asked london. london looked like this: there is a red russia, there is a pinkish france, there is an almost pink spain, which it is fighting against, well, let’s not forget that the republican zone is franco, franco spain. ideas, a fascist party, which had the support of the very top of british society, but let me note one more nuance that
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must be remembered, this is that these very parts of czechoslovakia, they really had a problem, as the cambridge historian wrote. hp taylor, the great troublemaker, as he was called, that until a certain time, hitler’s demands regarding the national issues of czechoslovakia, they were quite fair in nature, but if you chopped off the territory in which the national the minority has 90, 96 and at least 75%, to take away from them the right to speak german, to have schools in german, german theaters, german museums, german newspapers, well... somehow stupid, that is, prague for its part, it raised from the sudeten germans, germans who were not such, you know, it is believed that chamberlain sought to appease hitler and after that, but he was mistaken that this
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appeasement was not enough, and i believe that the calculation was precisely on the unbridled ambitions, because if hitler had been satisfied with austria the seizure of czechoslovakia, that would be. as if germany won the first world war, a nightmare for britain, so the task was to direct it to the east and we share this here , you understand how chamberlain felt about hitler, i have long wanted to meet this man, he said even before munich, as dalade said, i i’m very glad, we’ve been waiting for this meeting for a long time, they were from the same clan of civilization, a super-ethnic group, they have the same ideology, whatever one may say. chamberlain had never flown on a plane at all, the first time he boarded a plane to fly to hitler, then he flew again twice, so here's the story:
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september 1, 1939 is considered the day the second world war began, this is the generally accepted date. but many historians believe, and not without reason, that in fact the second world war did not begin with germany’s attack on poland, but back in 1931 with japan’s attack on china. in japan itself, they often talk about the fifteen-year war, which began precisely in 1931. in china, july 1937 is officially considered the beginning of world war ii. in the ussr, from the mid-thirties they talked about '. no, it’s already early thirty in the second year, japan captured 1.1 million square kilometers of chinese territory, this is
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3 and a half times the territory of poland, perhaps the human losses in the war with germany, germany and poland in the thirty- ninth year were prohibitively high. no, let’s listen to the wisest, truly ours, who unfortunately passed away, valentin mikhailovich palin. until 1939, adopted at the suggestion of democracy as the date the war began, japanese aggression cost china about 20 million killed; in total , the tokyo expedition cost the chinese people 30-35 million lives. the number of victims from italy's aggression against ethiopia... the spaniards, but these crimes have gained an appetite in historical chronicles, if they are remembered at all, millions disappeared into oblivion, just as the states
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of austria, ethiopia, czechoslovakia, albania disappeared from the political map. and it turns out that all this happened before the start of world war ii. so why is it still september 1st? 1939 after advertising the solemn parade for navy day, today on the first. mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, cnop gin product. stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group. here. pechora, product of stetellar group. in the new season on the first. she was killed, and we’re talking
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about the devil and our hearts didn’t break. do you know how it breaks? so they just give it away and the elbow pulls. okay, let's think about it. let's say you're a mole, you're wanted. there are targets for you in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you won’t care. they know, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second, very well -thought-out option of escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly he speaks like cicero. i really hope that you
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don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation premier according to the legendary book. all the tragedies of the century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in a bosnian barn. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new cursed era of unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions,
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concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world has entered. on the anniversary of the start of the first world war, today on the first. new employees are needed for the crime fighting department. a do you know the difference between a genius and a madman? tomorrow after the program, time, a simple matter,
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nose and zest, everything as we like, it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave a performance. first.
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big story on air. the privilege of calling certain wars world wars belonged at that time to the great european colonial powers, great britain and france. and what could they call it?
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september 1, 1939, it really happened so, hitler had everything prepared for this date, but speaking about this asian aspect, about china, about the war, the liberation war of the chinese people against the japanese invaders, as is customary in chinese historiography, i really believe that this is the correct term, they attacked to manzhuria, then at the marco polo bridge in '37 they launched a large-scale aggression against china, the fact is that then both the british, the french, and the americans looked at chinese affairs as a profitable business for themselves, in many ways, or we we substitute weapons, or we support one side or the other, this is again a continuation, after all, in my opinion, here is the policy
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that began at versailles, only the soviet union helped china then, let’s take it as we please, and our pilots died. china, no one helped china, only then the soviet union fought heroically for it, china remembers this, this is important to note, so here, well, in this regard, you know, abstracting from today, moving events forward, well, if that's what they say about the third world war or the fourth world war, today western leaders. yes , maybe set it for february 20 , 2014, which, when the coup took place on the maidan, when the legitimate government collapsed, when the neo-nazi regime came in, kiev, then maybe they can start with this according to their logic of events, this is something worth thinking about , this is a very important aspect that we must remember today, these parallels, yes, history, of course, every
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time new circumstances arise, new conditions, but some basic ones... in may 1939, molotov handed over a note to the british side essentially proposing the creation of a new entente, so let’s remember what the soviets wrote there. the government believes that in order to create a real barrier for peace-loving states against the further development of aggression in europe, at least three conditions are necessary: ​​first, the conclusion of an effective pact of mutual assistance against aggression between england, france and the ussr, and second, a guarantee from these three great powers. , states of central and eastern europe, under threat of aggression,
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including latvia, estonia, finland. third: the conclusion of a specific agreement between england and france and the ussr on the forms and amounts of assistance provided to each other and guaranteed by the state, without which mutual assistance pacts risk hanging in the air, as the experience with czechoslovakia showed? that’s great, these are the points about guarantees to the baltic states, which, by the way, were semi-fascist, and were absolutely quoted in western europe. and the point about that the agreement must have military guarantees only. this could somehow restrain hitler, limit him, moderate his ambitions, but this is exactly what they refused to do, moreover, they always led our side for us, if all these years were thirty-eighth, thirty-nine, if we take even the late soviet documents, volumes opened in soviet times, are simply filled with reports
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from our permanent representatives reporting on the efforts they are making in relation to our... so to speak, so-called partners, more moreover, even returning to munich, the night meeting of the government of czechoslovakia speaks about what kind of situation was created then by the western media,
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by the western powers, in any case, they
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did not openly talk about the need to destroy us, in contrast, we considered them non-aggressive and would prefer alliance with them. well , on our part, all the negotiations were conducted by molotov, who, let me remind you, at that time was also the head of government, not only the people's commissar for foreign affairs, there were ambassadors from their side, and then they sent. hitler, he went to meet him in germany, he and lord halifax visited rome, but
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who they sent to russia, they didn't even send the lowest ranking cabinet member, they sent the foreign office clerk, that was an insult, ivan, ivan maisky, our british ambassador was just talking about sabotage from both chamberlin and daladi. due to consistency. the sabotage of chamberlain and daladier, who were betting on germany's unleashing of the soviet war, the tripartite negotiations finally reached a dead end, the dispute over the passage of soviet troops through the territory of poland and romania was only the last and the decisive link in a long chain of previous disappointments was, in fact, a very british policy, they pitted two forces that, to varying degrees, threatened british interests: hitler’s germany and the soviet union. and as senator truman will later say, let them kill each other as much as possible, this is the meaning
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of politics, of course, this was not an accident, this was not a piece of shit, this was not some kind of ideological thing, although there was ideology here , but even if the soviet union were not red and white, then this policy, in my opinion, would still be so. well, let ’s read what our historian mikhail meltyukhov writes on this subject; in august 1939, the question of clarifying the position of england and the ussr in the event of a war in poland entered a decisive phase for germany: on august 2-3, germany actively probed moscow, on august 7 - london. august 10 moscow, august 11 - london, august 14-15 - moscow, august 21 london was asked to receive
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gerring on august 23 for negotiations, and moscow ribentrop for signing pact, and not an attack, and the ussr and england agreed, while the british leadership, fearing to disrupt gerring’s visit, prohibited mobilization, because indeed there was such a possibility, of course, of course, moreover... another very important point, practically at this time, this is the visit of the chief of the imperial general staff, airenside, to poland, they joked very nicely with the polish command there. the subject of why we do not need to communicate with the red army, while ironsight reported to london that in the event of war the poles would not survive, but he provoked them to such a position, all this is correct, goering was really already getting ready, having learned that rebentrob was flying to moscow, only after that goering’s plane was canceled, so let’s imagine for a second, goering agreed in england with the british, that is, what the situation occurred, the retsir risked ending up in a war
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states, finland, estonia, latvia, lithuania, the northern border of lithuania is at the same time the border of the spheres of interests of germany and the ussr, while the interests of lithuania in relation to the vilna region are recognized by both parties. in the event of territorial and political reorganization of areas that are part of the polish state. spheres of interest of germany and the ussr will approximately pass along the line of the narev, vistula and sana rivers. the question of whether it is in mutual interests, desirable to maintain an independent polish state, and what the boundaries of this state will be, can only be finally clarified during further political developments. in any case, both governments will resolve this issue in a mutually friendly manner. consent. regarding the southeast of europe,
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the soviet side emphasizes. the ussr towards bessarabia on the german side declares its complete political disinterest in these areas. the question of polish independence will be decided later, and so on and so on. therefore, i think that this was a proposal from the german side. further. we see that lithuania greeted this pact with such jubilation. american, that is, a diplomat, norem, i read, foreign relations of the united states. in the morning the city was decorated with national flags, music is playing everywhere, people are congratulating each other, hugging, festive demonstrations are scheduled for the evening, the same thing is true for the russian charge d'affaires of the soviet pozdnikov, he writes the same thing, then we pass on, we will have an agreement with lithuania, literally in a month and we mean we confirm that vilno, if today you don’t like the molotov pact of rebentrop and are going to try to do something all the time
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that didn’t belong to him before, these are the words. churchel said even more clearly in the house of lords a week later that the hammer pact ribentrop is the biggest failure. anglo-french policy, and roosevelt, speaking before his cabinet, said: “if there is a war between hitler and western european countries, everyone will enter, america will enter the war, if between hitler and the soviet union, america will wait,
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only enter if changes do not begin structural order. well, i must say, at that time there were many politicians in the west who perfectly understood the inevitability." german pact, for example, winston churchel. it was vital for the soviet union to push back as far west as possible, the starting positions of the german armies, so that the russians would have time and could gather forces from all over their colossal empire; if their policy was coldly calculating, it was also at that moment highly realistic. well, another authoritative opinion was expressed on this matter by vladimir putin. the agreement between the soviet union and germany was the last in a series of those that were signed by other european countries, as if interested in maintaining peace in europe. at the same time i want it should be noted that the soviet union agreed to
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sign this document only after all possibilities had been exhausted and all proposals of the soviet union to create a unified security system, an anti-fascist coalition in essence, were rejected. the role of the soviet union in the war was obvious from the 782 divisions of nazi germany and its satellites, destroyed during the war, 607 destroyed by the red army. during the 1418 days
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of the patriotic war with nazism, our country lost 26,6000 people to the fascist extermination machine and there is no family that would bypass tragedy of war. the loss of our armed forces was 8.885 thousand people, during the liberation mission in europe alone our losses amounted to 4 million, of which 1000 were killed, the losses of our civilian population were incomparable, almost 18 million people, the nazis, their minions, deliberately destroyed soviet people, irreparable losses germany, its european allies, hungary, italy, romania, finland, slovakia, and croatia amounted to more than 12 million people. poland lost 6 million,
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yugoslavia - more than a million, greece - more 800 thousand, great britain with colonies 384. united states - 417, france - 587. japan lost 3 million, while the number of victims of japanese aggression in the countries of southeast asia is more than 20 million people, losses of the chinese armed forces are 5 million, a total of 35 million people, more than anywhere else, a bloody harvest. at the end of the second world war , nuclear explosions were heard, and humanity immediately began to prepare for the third world war. almost 80 years have passed since then, god. merciful, but is there a chance for a world, solemn parade for navy day, today
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on the first, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, konya. old barrel is a product of stellar group. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. gin сnop. product of steller group. all the tragedies of the 20th century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new
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cursed era has arrived, unprecedented in cruelty global wars, revolutions, concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world. on the anniversary of the start of the first world war, today, on the first.
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the mysterious disappearance of a broker detective syndrome tomorrow after the program time, a simple matter, but with a twist, everything is as we love, the russian spirit is here, the hands are here. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in the image of what is called holding his face. he is not a member of the family in a broad sense...
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the daughter turns to him, realizing that he somewhere there, and he hears it: don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, god needed you more for some reason, our exclusive to the family archive of mikhail zadorovo. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday at
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the first, that i laugh, that i feel heat, that i feel pouring rain, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor came, came. i played a melody for me in the morning, he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend,” how cool, my friend. in general , there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with michal mikhailovich. friendship, you know, often begins with respect. all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar with him. we are our own people, we are not just friends, we are ours.
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there's a big story on the air: explosions were one of the final chords of the second world war american nuclear bombs in hiroshima and nagasaki. these nuclear strikes, not caused by urgent military necessity, were a message to us: the united states can still accept its global hegemony. and already at the beginning of september forty- fifth. the first american plans for a nuclear attack on the soviet union appeared.
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then there would be many such clans, and some of them envisaged complete destruction, more than 350 stood in the center of europe, and our answer could be a tank march to the english channel. secondly, it is a reality, firstly, because soviet troops at that time, the ussr enjoyed worldwide support as a country that had just defeated fascism. well, thirdly, in 1949 we broke the american nuclear monopoly by testing our own nuclear one. the third world war did not take place. today, especially in connection with the special military operation, many believe that the world is teetering on the brink of world war iii. what is now acting as a fuse against a new world war? you see, the prerequisites have already been created , including in public opinion. we must not
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be mistaken about the american public opinion. yes, they care primarily about their domestic politics, but what the state department or their deep state says is relevant.
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you will see what happens in poland, hungary and other countries along the border, then there will be a third world war. well, trump, naturally, makes counter -accusations, which also include the third world war. this is the most dangerous moment in the history of our country because of the power of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, there is a chance that because of ours.
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i understand, american strategy is the same most in some slightly different version, but essentially the same thing, the united states is trying to do in east asia, push the chinese to take some kind of action against taiwan, which will make it possible to create an anti-chinese, a real anti-chinese front to involve the chinese in this war with its neighbors, here...
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russia into the ranks of active great powers of the world level and the rise of china to this level. i think that you have noticed that the united states is strengthening, qualitatively strengthening its alliances with japan, south korea. they are strengthening alliances with australia and new zealand, they are strengthening alliances with the philippines. by the way, it is quite possible that a collision may occur not in the taiwan strait, but in the south china sea. the united... states consider vietnam as their strategic partner, i think that the vietnamese are wise enough not to
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use india to the maximum, they are trying, the indians are also wise, but, but the situation is like this, and the united states is turning nato into a global alliance, pulling european countries to confrontation with china will also throw away the wars of poland, the baltic states and germany again, so it must be said that... these junior partners from the united states of america, they understand that things smell like a fry, and many of them are already expressing very serious concern, again about the possibility of a third world war, well, for example, antonio taiane, italian foreign minister. nato should not enter ukraine, sending nato troops into ukraine would be a mistake, we must help ukraine defend itself, yes, but going to war with russia means running into a third world war, but defending international law is one thing.
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unfortunately, there are segments of countries in the west that are taking an approach that is paving the way for world war iii. obviously, arms dealers need money.
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fear of nuclear weapons, do we understand that we have a huge responsibility to return this nuclear weapon to protect the international system in order to prevent movement towards a huge wave of conflict. we have a nuclear doctrine, we have everything written there, application possible in an exceptional, precisely exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. i don't think so.
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in case of any strikes on our territory, if god forbid there are any strikes, then everyone should understand that russia has a system of missile defense systems, a system. nuclear weapons are three times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans against kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, we have many times more of them on the european
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continent and even if the americans bring theirs from the usa. “whether the americans are getting involved in this exchange of blows already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, we don’t even need to think about this topic, please, and i would also ask everyone once again in the sura not to mention such things, is this a sufficient fuse , oleg fedolievich, based on historical experience? you know, historical experience, yacheslav alekseevich says that political dualism, the history of political dualism, sparta, athens, parthia, rome, the entente and the central powers, the cold war, is history. military-political crises that end in catastrophic victories for the winner, when he can no longer control the situation, i am afraid that we
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are living in precisely this period. when the winner of the cold war loses control over the world before our eyes, and this winner is controlled by some characters from the american cartoon south park, yes, which is very, very dangerous. i would add to this something that is very important in my opinion. you asked the question, do the fuses protect us enough? my personal answer is, not enough.
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battle, after which it finds itself in complete isolation, so the task that our leadership faces today is extremely difficult, extremely important, and the president made a statement that i, that russia’s nuclear doctrine may require some clarification, everything is correct, but here you just need to say that today vladimir putin, our president, is laying the foundations for the future world and...
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yes, the topic is inexhaustible, but for almost 80 years now we have been living in a state of peace, largely because it really is so called the great equalizer. the third world war would have started long ago if our country did not have reliable means of deterrence. our nuclear missile potential has been a reliable guarantor of
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world peace for decades. our country has. tenfold superiority over the soviet union in strategic weapons. today our country has superiority, and not so much quantitatively as qualitatively, and for a long time. our safety is reliably guaranteed, and even the most stubborn russophobes understand this, even those who are still president of the united states, joe biden, nato generals. it was a great story,
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see you again on the first one. hello, on the first channel sunday time, about the events of this day throughout the outgoing week. holiday of the sea power, glory to the navy, for russia, hurray!


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