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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 29, 2024 1:50am-2:36am MSK

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after all, a very interesting point, alexander ii was very contemptuous of wilhelm, he called him a dancing dervish, because he had such a gait, as alexander ii said such a prussian officer who wobbles when walking, and he alexander ii was like that, a straightforward person, big, big, and he suppressed this wilhelm, absolutely, you have a scene like wilhelm. runs on a pyron, meeting alexander ii to give him an overcoat, when our power changed and nicholas ii came, the roles changed diametrically. wilhelm just psychologically put pressure on nikolai, he succumbed, including, he pushed him to war in the far east, because it was beneficial to germany and nikolai succumbed, yes, he... called him there, i don’t know, admiral, so
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to speak, quiet ocean, the far east there, that is, no matter how he tempted him to attack, well, it must be said that nicholas ii did not need to be seduced much, he wanted to go to the far east, and witte himself teased his appetites, because when was the treaty on chinese eastern railway in moscow, in 1896, then russia built a railway from transbaikalia to...
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allowed russia to have preferences in china peacefully, then there was the boxer uprising, the khatuania uprising in china, russia suppresses it, including russian troops including, they enter beijing led by general lenevich, well, they robbed not without this, but russia does not withdraw troops from manchuria, after the uprising was suppressed, the japanese ask, when will you withdraw the troops, what does russia answer, russia is silent, in general - then about the great risks of this war, his warned the same kuropatkin, who visited japan a year before, the minister of war...
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that’s why, well, nikolai awarded him, so to speak, the title of count, the press was sarcastic about this, calling him the count of semi-sakhkhalin. his mother warned him and was categorically against this idea of ​​​​the russian-japanese war, she is generally the smartest woman and did a lot to somehow correct his behavior, but from the very beginning of his reign this was not possible, so... let’s remember , this tragedy that happened bloody stampede, bloody stampede, during coronation celebrations, distribution of gifts, they rushed for some mugs, something else, well, in general, in short, a tragedy, in general in such cases it declares, i don’t know , national mourning, well, no i know, but in any case they don’t behave the way nikolai behaved in this situation, he wrote in his diary, of course, that something unpleasant happened and it’s all bad. here,
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but at the same time, despite his mother’s protests, he went to a ball at the english embassy after that on the same day, on the same day, and he waltzed, so to speak, with alexandra feodorovna, this caused a very negative reaction in society, in general he was condemned by the foreigners themselves who were there, they were shocked by this behavior and it turns out that, in general, nicholas i.. , together with his wife, waltzing, he took the first steps towards the abyss, and marxism had nothing to do with this, these are purely personal, so to speak, matters, while some colonel was appointed there in the country , yes, and grand duke sergei. to alexandrovich, the tsar's uncle, the tsar announced gratitude for organizing the celebrations, help for the victims was, of course, allocated, but the coronation celebrations turned out to be much more expensive than the help allocated accordingly to the dead of the ira... and the mother just demanded
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the punishment of the grand duke, well, and who was later hated in moscow as prince khadynsky , grand duke serge alexandro. yes, in the end, russia really didn’t lose that much, half of sakhalin, lost port arthur, but the most important thing is that this is the result of this war, which of course should be the topic a separate conversation, this is a huge topic, but one of the results of this war is that in the west they stopped being afraid of this russian steam roller of the russian army, the army discredited itself, in accordance with this , germany will then develop its strategy for the first world war, no longer afraid because before a war on two fronts, and this is of course. played a role in subsequent events, including for russia itself, well, yes, we can add to this that it also contributed to the first russian revolution of 1905, of course, the russian-japanese war, yes, the russian-japanese war, of course, is a topic for a separate conversation, follow our podcast, we will
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continue this topic, all episodes of the historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history can be viewed on the website of the first channel , and here various moments are very interesting, and alexei’s illness, the very fact of his late birth, because the very fact of his late birth, therefore such a well-understood , completely humanly love for his son, and so on, which influenced in many ways
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politics, in in this sense i would like remember the confrontation between the matter of nikolai maria fedorovna and alexandra fedorovna, but... the well-being of the dynasty depends on the well-being of russia itself, therefore stability in russia is stability for the dynasty, and stability for russia was largely associated with the need for certain reforms, so maria fedorovna supported in every possible way and
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witt, first, and then stalypin. she was ready for a constitutional monarchy, she was ready for concessions, because in her native denmark there had long been a constitutional monarchy, and her sister... so to speak, ruled in england, there was also a constitutional monarchy, as for alexandra feodorovna, she had a completely different position, she was categorically against any of the slightest concessions by nicholas ii, in this sense she influenced him, because it was believed that everything should be left as it is now to the little one, that is , or a ray of sunshine, as she called her son, so to speak, but everything should be left to the little one, i understand, everyone should. understand, so to speak, the mother's desire, so to speak, do everything for the good of her son, but she, well, i don’t know, maybe the parallel is not very appropriate and even rude to some extent, but well, peter the great sacrificed his son for the sake of russia, and
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alexander fedovna thought that russia is obliged to do everything just to ensure that everything remains as it was before. for the little one, she , having converted to orthodoxy, accepted some kind of mystical, somewhat hysterical version, despite the fact that she listened to lectures at oxford on philosophy, and she in every possible way strengthened nicholas, who was still somewhat more skeptical of some mystical things, he was also infected by them, but to a lesser extent, in that his power is chosen by god, in the fact that any attempts on his power are crimes. against god's will, she supported him in this, she wrote to him about this, she cultivated to a certain extent his personal stubbornness, when he wrote shortly before the february revolution that all ministers are fools, generals are idiots, literally practically these in words, yes - in that you have to, you have to be peter peter i,
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you have to be ivan the terrible, you have to hit the table with your fist, that is, she tried to make ivan the terrible out of him, out of nicholas, yes, which was completely utopian and completely out of character, impossible in that situation. which was then in russia, but the influence of his wife grew sharply, of course, during the first world war, when he went to headquarters when he trusted in petrograd, petersburg with the beginning of the first world war, as everyone remembers, was renamed from the german-language petersburg to russian-speaking petrograd, yes, when he trusted her most of all, when, under the influence of rasputin and his wife, state affairs end up in the hands of the general, well, what is called a clique, a court clique, this discredited the monarchy itself, because about this rumors spread, rumors repeatedly exaggerated the influence of his wife and rasputin, and nikolai himself began to be perceived as some kind of completely henpecked man, which he was...
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nikolai did not understand this at all, how much this would discredit the emperor, he indeed, he looked at all this mysticism and other matters much more soberly than alexandra feodorovna, this is indisputable. i think what prevailed here was that since putin was not expelled, he did not want to upset alexandra feodorovna. and this is also very important. because stalepin, who also tried, so to speak,
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to talk to the emperor about rasputin, heard the following from him, yes, but i can’t, i can’t, i can’t say this from the emperor, this, of course, is dictated purely by family personal relationships, yes, he saw a lot, but he couldn’t, because he would then... alexander fedor was upset, while advice from our friend, as in correspondence, a friend with a capital letter, yes, he accepts, accepts, he accepts, including in personnel policy, yes, too, but also, but also not, most often, far from directly, again through alexandra fedorovna, this is her role, a huge role, russia is sliding towards war, russia concludes after the russian- japanese war, the agreement on the division of spheres of influence with england is ceded.
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russia cedes sphere of influence in tibet, russia undertakes to respect the demarcation lines with afghanistan, russia withdraws from central and southern iran, and iran has divided its spheres of influence. by the way, a small detail, because of this, in iran for a long time the railways ran only from west to east, not from north to south, so that the spheres of influence of england and russia did not intersect, god forbid, that they did not compete. but russia is gradually sliding towards the first world war, russia tried there, nicholas ii tried to prevent something there, like by corresponding with nikola and wilhelm, but in the end the war was still began, but the emperor was warned that it was not time to fight; he warned that after the russo-japanese war decades of calm are needed, stolypin will say almost the same thing verbatim: yes, give me 20 years of peace, but where do 20 years of peace come from?
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nikolai also did not want to fight, and yet he fell into this whirlpool and it sucked him in. here it must be said, of course, that war is a well-known fact, all the warring countries were not ready, no one expected that it would last so long, as wilhelm told the soldiers, you will return home before the autumn leaf fall. well, yes, no one expected that it would last so long and lead to so many victims, but russia turned out to be
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more unprepared than everyone else, well, teleran at one time, during the french revolution, he said that in the revolution everyone is to blame, in general, it seems to me that yes, nicholas ii, of course, a significant share of the blame is on his shoulders, but they are to blame. many, the revolutionaries are to blame, the tsar is to blame, the liberals who, so to speak, played the war in many ways played the war, so to speak about the personality of nicholas ii. and to look at him in another critical situation during the first russian revolution, let’s step back a little now, then his behavior also does not demonstrate this idea of ​​spinelessness, i must say that during the first russian revolution, which begins, well, with a terrible history, with bloody sunday , which the tsar knew about, that is, not about the blood of bloody sunday, but that the troops were preparing to disperse
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the rebels with armed force, this is also a separate big topic of the first russian revolution, but no less, he... treats this completely calmly, he mobilizes troops, gives dictatorial powers to grand duke vladimir alexandrovich, whom he will then again thank for what happened, and his reaction is as follows: his documents have been preserved, and witta reports , witta then held the post after the manifesto of october 17, after the first attempt to establish a constitutional monarchy took place in russia, holds the post of prime minister, reports on the commander of the punitive expedition in baltic provinces. who in general shows excessive enthusiasm, mass floggings, executions without trial and so on, that means the highest resolution on the report vitty, wow, well done, but that means they are shooting at a workers’ demonstration, several dozen people are dying, nikolai has a resolution, it’s a pity that it’s not enough, the same thing, the law on military courts is introduced on the initiative
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of stalypin, but nikolai forbids him to submit a petition for pardon, so... there , despite the fact that there a certain city that rebelled was peacefully after negotiations, brought to obedience, nicholas imposes a resolution, all this was preserved, it was necessary to destroy the entire city, that is, nicholas ii regarded all this as an attempt on his unlimited, god-given autocratic power, this is this cruelty, tenderness in the family, yes, a good family man, this is cruelty after all, it was also present in the character, these are historical. podcast russia and the west on the swing of history discussing nicholas ii today. question: nicholas ii. this is really the main culprit of the revolution, or what, these problems that revealed the first world war. or is it still, of course, of course, therefore, of course, answering the traditional russian question of who is to blame,
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of course, nigola is undoubtedly to blame, but i repeat once again taleran’s phrase. that everyone is to blame for the revolution, including the west, since we are talking about the russia-west topic, then the west is undoubtedly to blame, the west supported not only liberals, cadets, let’s say, yes, it supported in every possible way, and after the revolution, by the way , many people believed that the center was revolutionary, well, after the february revolution, the revolutionary center...
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i wrote about this that in order for russia not to leave the war, that is, they wanted the russian soldier to fight to the end, to the last russian in general, including in the interests of britain and france, so , but at the same time, in general, they turned a blind eye even to the radicals, the radicals themselves in france, for example, felt completely in front of...
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after all, i would say that the russian revolution is still, first of all, an internal problem , of course not, first of all yes, again, if we return to the first russian revolution, then here is a very characteristic episode with how the famous manifesto of october 17, 1905 was signed, which almost made russia a constitutional monarchy, why was it almost, because it was then actually canceled, largely canceled during the so-called third coup in 907,
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to sign the manifesto, he is convinced by grand duke nikolai nikolaevich, the tsar’s uncle, who threatens to shoot himself in front of his eyes if the tsar does not sign, the tsar signed was very offended, he believed that he had a manifesto tore out, he did not understand that this was what saved the monarchy, the most lenient... towards nicholas were marxists in the sense that they believed that no matter what nicholas did, no matter how he behaved, no matter what were there
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reasons, the revolution was inevitable anyway, the collapse of nicholas was predetermined, in connection with the brezhnev times, in my opinion , an anecdote appeared that nikolai aleksandrovich romanov should be posthumously awarded the order of the october revolution for his great services in creating a revolutionary situation in russia and in in general. there is some truth in the joke, yes, yes, yes, yes, when the events begin in petrograd, also a separate big topic, of the february revolution, the events began with queues for bread, of course, yes, there are many conspiracy theories, but it all started with queues for bread, they didn’t bring bread to the capital, well, this is already a suicidal story, nikolai, being at headquarters, does not understand what is happening in petrograd, he believed that all this could be calmed down again with punitive measures, and then he agreed to...
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nikolai ii could not be the culprit of the revolution, all crises, unsuccessful wars. there
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’s an interesting thing here: when such a not-quite-fit monarch found himself at the head of russia, the russian ruling class, the nobility, had a well-known method: what could higher russian society do, seeing that the tsar was inadequate to the situation. russia and the west on the swing of history.
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this is a podcast. burned by fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the ninety-fifth anniversary of our great compatriot, vasily makarovich shukshan. called him the last genius of russian literature vasily makarovich, quite a bright writer vyacheslav alekseevich pietsukh, editor-in-chief of the magazine rural youth, which did not have too much popularity, but a very good magazine, this is my answer, i read it, this is exactly how we will be. strictly speaking, to regard and talk about this man, not as outstanding, not as bright, not as significant, but as the last genius of the russian word, quite comparable to the bas-reliefs of our great compatriots studied in school, first of all, frankly speaking, with anton pavlovich chekhov, despite the rather striking external difference between the long, bespectacled
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chekhov and... there was a lot of fundamental commonality between them, and both of them lived to only 45 years, the czechs even to 44, and they did not die from some terrible disease misfortune, but simply from wear and tear of the body, from excessive consumption of energy, which both wasted seriously, both had side professions, chekhov was a highly respected and practicing doctor, shakhshin was an equally significant important cinematographer, and at night, instead of resting, sat down over a cigarette and wrote stories in a student notebook for 3 kopecks on 12 sheets, with a ballpoint pen, his contemporaries talked about this, and chekhov and shukshin knew enormous fame during their lifetime, both were very popular for their literature for...
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it’s still a long way to rattle and rattle, but a lot of interesting things have also been written about chekhov in american biographies, not that this is the most important thing, but the main thing was that they were both geniuses of small forms, both created a gigantic cosmic reputation for themselves on small stories, both because of this worried, chekhov, many said that he set his sights on a great novel because he still felt some imperfection of his writers.
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reputation, but never wrote it, limited himself to plays, wrote lyubavin’s shukhshin novel, this novel did not add anything to him at all, the novel did not become great literature, unlike small stories written down to the last line, to the last letter, probably people, who work with a phrase to such a precise extent, and should not... composes over a long distance, novels still, like a stayer's distance, require of some rarefied writing in shukshin and chekhov, some stories can be read by heart from the stage, and it should, of course, be noted that what i am about to say is not a common place in either film studies or shukhshin studies, but i am responsible for my words, everything - after all, shukshin had absolutely no cinema...
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prose, which is why not a single story that he filmed himself or allowed others to film, even such significant people as karan shakhnazarov and viktor aristov, was still not such a big event, such a significant spot in national culture, like his stories themselves, his characters were unsightly, the circumstances of all sorts of events that took place were quite caricatured, my son-in-law stole...
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15-17 million viewers, that is , they were a success, but quite consistently ordinary, with the exception of the last picture kalina krasnaya , on which... shukshin quite clearly understood that for cinema you need to write separately, that the script is subliterature, some verbal delights need to be more or less calmed down , on the contrary, seriously engage in the history of the very construction of the plot, that’s for him in the end it should have been taught by his teacher mikhail ilyevich rom, himself a top-class storyteller, if before that...
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the hero himself, the hero himself, shukshin himself, with a bass on the edge, finishes smoking and says: that’s it, guys, it’s over, in kalina krasny, the topic was another, the mood was completely different, and the film broke all popularity records, it was watched by 62 million viewers in the first year of release, and shukshin became the winner of the acting competition of the soviet screen magazine twice in a row.
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a writer must study life, this is all a rule for mediocrities, for workers of the feast, and a writer and a writer that he knew life perfectly, without any chatter in life, pushkin, frankly, didn’t chatter much in life, somehow he found for himself
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what to write about and how to write without any, without any special side life experience, to this vyacheslav alekseevich can still be objected that the gift to a writer is not a weight, not... a cast iron block that chains him to the table, that after all, the author has his own will, and we cannot force pushkin marry maryana ivanovna tsvitaeva, and not the barren flower natalya nikolaevna goncharova, and shukshinn clearly liked to act in films, you can see it on the screen, and he liked to drink, and he liked to roam around the female sex, thus somehow he arranged for his life, he did what he could, that’s why ... he was discussed now it’s him, and not some pyotr petrovich. pietsukh himself probably understood this very well, he devoted entire volumes to russian desire, but still he, like any normal reader, was very bothered by the fact that - the great author
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took away from his desk - huge hours of filming in often quite empty-colored paintings like by the lake by sergei polenaevich gerasimov. that's what he wrote. that filming there took away 10, or even 15 stories from russian literature, considering that the lake was a two-part series, it’s good that at least the state prize was given to the girls in the open air, however, there was still some injustice in this, as i already said, especially in the malicious phrase that shukshin was working off corvée for the king velmozharchuk, the meeting with... dorchuk largely determined the last years of vasil makarovich and that powerful nail in his miraculous monument, frankly, let’s say, was hammered with the participation sergei fedorovich, the fact is that vasim
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makaroch all his life dreamed of directing a film about stepan razin, he wrote, specially wrote the film novel “i came to give you freedom,” which began with anafi. morazin, from all the church pulpits of the russian empire, had such a moment in shukhshin’s attitude towards the church, usually still very restrained and respectful. but he never forgot anaferazine, he had a difficult attitude towards the church, as well as towards everything he wrote about, towards the village people, perfectly understanding the various tricks of the village residents, who were either imprisoned, or about to be imprisoned, or who don’t sleep at night in order to do this kind of training, in order to sit in places not so remote for as long as possible and towards the country, towards socialism, in general, the attitude was complex and varied, on... then, strictly speaking, he is also a great man, as for razin, the motive
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of this hero was sure to sound in all his films, be it a touch or a dot, razin was always present, in the film there lives such a guy, a guy who was shukhshin’s debut, pashka kolokulnikov 30 times , probably starts singing a song and throws it overboard proper wave, in the film your son is a brother, the middle brother of the volodin family, who... the last month of his time in prison suddenly blew himself up and fled to his native land, his name is stepan, considering the extent to which this name was important for vasily makarabach, it is absolutely clear that it doesn’t appear here by chance, there are strange people in the film, in the last short story, the hero, a woodcutter, is hewing a figurine of razin out of a scoop at his execution. he doesn’t like it,
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he burns it, razin, in fact, the wooden razin burns like in the fire of the inquisition, in a fire pit red, grandfather-in-law says to yegor prokudin, and you have turned out to be a robber, stepan razin is also for me, even in the film pechki lavochki, where razin was not on the screen, there was a moment in the script when the hero’s wife lidi nikolaevna. she dreams of her husband in the guise of stepan razin with a drunken ball-ball, she kicks them all in the dream, and then wakes up. this was not included in the picture, but it is clear to what extent this motive worried shukshin. shukshin prepared for this role constantly and seriously, every year he became more and more shabby from such a daring, mustachioed handsome man. he has more and more gimlet eyes appeared, stepan
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timofeevich razin was clearly not a good-natured person, and in the novel it was written that he walked with his toes spread apart, as stepan timofeevich radin himself walked, we don’t know now, and hardly any of his contemporaries wrote about this, that’s it that shukshin himself went to skama in raskaryaku, everyone remembers this very well from the film kalina krasnaya, from the way yegor prokudin... goes to hit the visiting correspondents in the neck, well, everyone remembers, the thieves, having arrived to him, introduced themselves as correspondents, he like once i walked with my socks on the other hand, probably still in saber combat, he practiced and trained so as not to look like an amateur in combat scenes, while the script was constantly rejected for him and sergei fedovich bondarchuk himself explained all this to him, he said that the studio... the first
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four films, is simply poor as church mouse, she won’t be able to pull off a powerful historical production, a color costume production, obviously a two-part production, and without some guarantee of commercial success, she won’t be able to, and she’s afraid of losing the author, so she feeds him breakfast, telling him that the script here is unfinished. and bandarchuk suggested making shukhshin
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something cheap, but at the same time so that the film would pay for itself as many times as possible, that’s why, in fact, shukhshin was forced to make a movie about his contemporaries, and not about stepan razin, not because stepan razin was the manager the top are less nice than the contemporary, simply because it’s cheaper, it’s... i, and its presenter denis gorelov, will burn with fire, with the story of the eleven-fifth anniversary of the great master of words, the great master of cinema literature vasily makarovich shukshin, and shukshin. managed to rent kalina krasnaya for 289,000 rubles. this was not money at all for a full-length film, especially a color one. at that moment, the approximate estimate for a typical painting was 600-700 thousand. shukshin was limiting himself in every possible way in terms of costs,
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so when again there is a conversation that he was not allowed to remove something to save money, that this was fully part of the task, to remove it as cheaply as possible, so that the result would shock all, especially the financial directors, what happened, kalina red was watched by 62 million people in the first year rental, it’s clear that 62 million viewers is not 62 million rubles, a ticket cost 45 kopecks, the most expensive, and the cheapest 10, but there is a feeling that the film raised about 20 million, and thus... well, it paid off in 80 -90 times. shukshin, with this film, discovered his know-how, which during his lifetime was completely impossible to describe in film criticism, film literature. the fact is that russia has been a deeply criminal country, since the time of the civil war,
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many everyday details, some everyday customs and rules came to us from. a large number of people passed through, and not at all on political grounds, as a result, any picture in which prison life was touched upon in any way was a huge success with us, even such a wampuka as dangerous friends, 30 million people watched it there, not to mention
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the gentlemen of fortune, who enjoyed the boundless love of the population, prison pictures were always looked upon as a ticket to life. boundless popularity in russia, which shukshin played on. all of his initial episodes of kalina krasnaya take place in prison, many details were left out by the editors simply because the civilian editors, who had never been to prison, could not understand what hints were there. launches shukshin, understandable to a huge number of seasoned men in the hall, in particular, when these same costumed correspondents arrived, the hero told his wife that shurik and i served with general kumov, i often dream about this service in my dreams, general
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kumov, they call godfather in the zone operational commissioner for escapes, and even appeared in the script... well, and many other things, but nevertheless in in many fragments of the picture there were some moments that slipped through the editing, a lot of corrections were made, shukshin was left with an ulcer, but nevertheless the main, main
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body, the main line sounded, the picture had no...


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