tv PODKAST 1TV July 30, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK
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the sticking together particles heated up so much that a separation of chemical elements occurred, much like in analogy with a blast furnace, when we melt metal, slag, and some gases are separated, in fact, this is an analogue of this process, it happened on earth 4.5 billion years ago, as a result of it we had an iron core, a kind of mantle, the earth's crust, which can actually be imagined as slag, and an atmosphere - these are degassing products. the mantle, well, roughly speaking, everything heavy sank, the light rose to the top, yes, and how did the gold end up on the surface that we are looking for, but not all of it sank, and that is, this separation process is imperfect, most of the gold apparently really sank, because if we take this undifferentiated substance of chondrites, then the order of content there an order of magnitude, that is, 10 or maybe more times the concentration of gold than... korea
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on average, that is, meteorites brought us a lot of gold, but this substance, it was collected, this protoplanetary one gave birth to the earth, and although there really is a version that during the late meteorite bombardment , there was a re-enrichment of the upper geospheres with gold, and other heavy metals there, including platinum group metals, i don’t know, i can just explain, just this... the bombardment is believed to have occurred approximately 3, 9 billion years ago, that is, if the earth is 4.5 billion years ago, then almost 500-600 million later this event happened, catastrophic for the entire solar system, we see traces of this bombardment on other planets, in fact, if we let's look at the chemical composition earth, on the chemical composition of the mantle on the chemical composition of the same meteorites, we see that our mass balance does not converge a little, that is, according to all calculations, as you correctly noted,
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there should be platinum and gold on earth less, well, in its upper parts, but in fact we know that we have deposits and gold of platinum, so we need to somehow figure out how it happened that not all the gold and not all the platinum sank into the center of the earth, and we are looking for models that could do just like this to explain this somehow, well, today we will talk to you in the mode of such a funnel, so we started with the universe, narrowed down to the earth. for all its years of existence, let's now move on to where gold came from on the territory of russia, this is the origin of those deposits that are there in krasnoyarsk, to kolymyachik, where we have gold, everywhere, everywhere, as the great scientist vernadsky said, in every drop of water dissolves the entire periodic table, so gold is not only on your finger, there is a certain amount of it in body, but disappeared. things are small, but another
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thing is that the areas of gold concentration, yes, they are quite specific, these are areas where , uh, there were events such as collisions, folding events or magmatic activation and where active, well, hydrothermal processes with the participation of highly superheated waters took place , which are just good at transporting gold. including, well, in simple words, where there are mountains and where there are volcanoes, there is mostly gold, or where there were volcanoes, because siberia , of course, doesn’t erupt much now, but once upon a time, yes, or, for example, the kola peninsula, the most ancient rocks emerge there, once there were mountains there, but they were cut off a long time ago, the last time they were cut off by a glacier, and there are no mountains there anymore, when all this happened, that is when we started...
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there was still oxygen in the atmosphere, so the whole cycle of the life of the earth, and the movement of matter, it was a little different from what is happening today, then, starting from 2.5 billion years and younger, we have such, well, classical objects with age there is close to there 1.8 billion years and younger, but most deposits, specifically for russia, this is certainly the far east, siberia, the urals, and this range is, well... probably from 650, if
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we take the raznisey crash, well, even maybe from 800 million years to the present, because.. . modern systems in chukotka, in the far east, they are generally determined by the age of 50 million years, 60-90, well , yes, by your geological standards, 50 million, that’s like the day before yesterday, there are even modern ones, well, on active volcanoes, in principle. gold deposition is happening right now, and a colleague saw the report and showed it right in the sublimates volcanoes, he found newly formed gold, that is, of course there is no deposit there yet... but it is redeposited, and how is age determined, here lies, well, from the point of view of the average person, a piece of stone, there is a small piece of gold in it, how can one determine that this piece, this little gold particle appeared 850 million years ago,
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by and large, determining the age exactly when gold was formed is a difficult task, in geology there is an approach that allows the use of isotope systems, in other words, radioactive... the decay of one chemical element into transformation into another, to determine the age of this process, if you explain it on your fingers, then when a mineral crystallizes, a certain amount of a radioactive isotope gets into it, well, for example, uranium, this uranium decays over time, forms lead , accordingly, if we take a mineral, measure the lead content in it relative to the uranium that it contains, we can, by substituting the formula in the law of radioactive decay, calculate how much time has passed, uranium with... system - this is not the only isotope system that exists in geology, we, for example, know that potassium is one of the very common chemical elements that generally surrounds us, and we eat there in one banana, how much of the same potassium is radioactive , beta is radioactive,
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other chemical elements are also transformed through transformation, in particular, it has a decay channel with the formation of argon, this is probably the second most common method for determining the age of minerals, so if... return to the question of how to determine the age of gold is a difficult task, because gold usually does not contain much uranium, on the contrary, there is a lot of lead, it is difficult to measure, there is little potassium in gold, and there is a need to either use some other minerals that are indirectly related to gold , that is, we, as geologists , can say that they probably formed simultaneously, or try to use new flooded systems, in particular, those based on uranium-torigels, the fact that uranium decays to form a gel, which is an alpha particle. well helium flies away, how to find it in the breed? it is difficult to find in rocks, but native metals, in particular gold or sulfides, with which gold is often associated, they very well preserve radiogenic helium throughout
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geological history, over millions of billions of years, the main thing is that they do not split or flatten, that is, if there was an impact, then the clock is reset, that is , the taste... points of the rock, if it was not heated there, not pricked, and so on, there is a little bit of inert gas, helium, the amount of which can be divided, when it is gold, yes formed, yes, absolutely right, olga, you are still more of a laboratory theorist, one might say, no offense to a laboratory theorist, but no, but pavel, a more applied person who is looking for gold, these models help you look for gold, but well, basically, you mean age, right? for example, age, but no, well , of course, they help in some way, although of course, the main criterion for searching is to look for ore next to ore, yes, if there is a gold deposit in some region, uh, why not look again, but in principle
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this is an important, important question, and the age of mineralization, these events, when gold deposits were formed, they were not formed continuously, but... in such eras, well, that is, for example, continents collided, heating and friction began, these solutions, gold was formed, yes, generally speaking, we can, knowing the age of some garnitoids there - we can know that we have gold associated with these garnitoids, nothing is associated with garnitoids of a different age, accordingly, this is already for a search model of how we will be where we will search, this is already... important information, this is a podcast of schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory tarasevich, today we are talking about how to find gold in the bowels of russia, here's how to look into these bowels, and how to find what decorates our lives with its
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yellowish, expensive light, about gold, about how geologists search for gold in russia. these are continental plates, in order for me to have this little yellow ring, such events took place over billions of years, and how much ore was crushed into your ring, by the way, but in my ring, how much is a couple of three grams, well, well, three grams, it will probably be, this is how many tons of rock are needed, well, it depends on the content, in principle, industrial content now starts there from a gram per ton, that is, three... tons of rock gone, well , no, then if it’s per gram, then 9 tons, 9
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tons, yes, yes, but if the sand, uh, the sand contains industrial content, they really count it per cubic meter of sand, but it’s less than a gram per cubic meter, so, with great respect i look at the ring, if, dear viewers and listeners, if there is something gold next to you, there is a gold tooth, a gold ring, a gold chain, look at it with different eyes from a different point of view. like any mineral, when searching for it in geology, the principle of successive approximations is applied, that is , all geological exploration work begins in general, they have a certain stage, they are even prescribed in the law, they begin with a regional study of the subsoil, that is, a certain... section of the territory of the russian federation is taken and
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a state geological map is drawn up for it millionth scale or 2000th scale, geologists go on routes, study along the routes, look at satellite photographs, conduct some fruitful rare geochemical studies, take samples for analysis, and based on this they build a map, a geological map, one of the components, well, actually this geological map, this is... as a rule, they conduct searches along rivers, if there is a river hydraulic network, sometimes they use,
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where there was glaciation, the wave-pebble method, that is, they collect, look for pebbles with signs of ore, then reconstruct, like this the lidnik crawled and from where it brought it, that is , more and more, more and more, such a golden funnel turns out, in the end they find a source, from where it goes into the rivers somewhere else, this is gold. rushes, scatters, they already find ore fragments, they found it, it’s not a deposit yet, but first of all we need to see that there, as a rule, we have soil on top, yes, there’s already something loose, a product of the destruction of these rocks, and they take , they drive a bulldozer, tear off everything loose, reach the bedrock, rock, there they find the original body, evaluate how... its power, they test it, determine the content, so they make several intersections,
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for example, this is a vein, they get an idea from the surface, i somehow extrapolate to the depth, yes, i make a reasonable assumption that it is not just from the surface, for example , goes 100 m deep, they consider the predicted resources, that is, these are not reserves yet, well, they roughly imagined, after that burets... important to confirm, they confirmed, this is not a deposit yet, that’s when its entire ore body is torn up by these wells , they will drill, get pieces of core, they will study them, determine the content at each intersection, multiply all this, multiply it, calculate the reserves, then it will be a deposit, i specially took with me a certain souvenir that geologists gave me. who are looking for gold in the krasnoyarsk territory on the yanisei ridge, this is the same core, that
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is, what is taken out from the depths of the earth by a drilling machine, yes, can you explain what is on it, why it could be connected with a gold mine , that is, in theory , i have a piece of gold mine in my hands, well, almost, if only we had some water, some water would be better yes, it’s obvious that it’s here because its surface is so rough. water into the studio, not because someone felt bad, but to better see the geology, in my opinion there was a depth of 100 meters, there we wet it and magic happens. wow, now it’s clear that it’s become, it’s become less scary, by the way, here at burovaya, when a geologist describes the core directly from the drilling rig, they immediately take it out , the geologist documents it, describes it, and there’s always a bucket of water and a brush, or a spray bottle, to wet it, because you can see it much better when wet,
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and what we see here is something white, and something gray, something gray - this is the host rock, these are some sandstones, maybe oleurolites, orgelites, something that once was sand, clay, which were deposited at the bottom of the ancient sea, then it compressed, heated up, was pressed, cemented and became strong rock, and so in the strong rock, then it cracked , superheated water vapor began to flow through the cracks, we call it fluid or hydrothermal.
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you have to hit it right away and see what’s there there will be, but if you find quartz, this does not mean that there is necessarily gold there, even when we go to sites, we chop these quartz veins, well, 90% of them are empty, like a drum, as they say, except for quartz. which, in general , is not of great interest here, what else can you see here, here is this one, most likely it will be visible as black, and such a strip sparkles a little, it’s pyrite, well, in general it looks like gold, if i i didn’t know, i thought it was a gold mine, but they call it gold fools, thank you, well, there were often cases
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when people found it, collected it, raked up bags, were happy, and then upset, well... there is no visible gold here, but this does not mean that it is not here at all, it may be in in the form of a tone, small small disseminations, if gold is visible, then we can immediately say with confidence that 10 grams per ton content is from what crack it could be from, if we took a microscope we would look for where where most likely next to pyrite next to pyrite, yes, that is, gold is not foolishly like that stupid, it often indicates that there is real gold nearby, well, this is a sign of some kind of mineralization. there is, and moreover, along with objects, perite may contain gold in the form of some microscopic inclusions, or even generally dissolved, as if in the structure, apparently dissolved, because then pyrite is sulfite, it oxidizes well in air, well there over tens of years, they interact with water and air, so
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this secondary gold, also micron-sized pieces of gold, can fall out of it. podcast cat with you schrödinger and i am its host grigory tarasevich. today we are talking about gold, about how to find gold in russia. olga, what will you see on this, on this core? will you see some history of what happened in this place? well, well, i ’ll say right away that i simply don’t know very well, accordingly, what the direct selection point is, but you said that the yenisei quack, and i, as a representative of such academic science.
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it’s interesting to see exactly this quartz vein and the mineralization that it contains, what age it is, if it’s close to given the age values that exist for rich gold ore systems, then this object becomes even more promising for me, because we already know that in this area with such age values there were suitable conditions for the accumulation of gold, the second point, again exclusively academic, as i see it, that... quartz veins are a sign of this type of deposit as an orogenic type deposit. orogenesis is mountain building, if translated from greek into russian.
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go, but on others, again, i, as a representative of such academic science, i work mainly with already known open deposits, and for me the main task is to somehow understand , that’s how it happened that it was formed here - to say that pay attention, for example, to some things like this, and accordingly, when i come to the field, most often it’s already operating a deposit where once upon a time there was a quarry somewhere, so you could go up, look at everything, take the necessary samples for very specific scientific tasks, so you didn’t encounter bears, you had to encounter a bear, well, fortunately, you didn’t come face to face i had to, but it was on the route... i heard him cracking somewhere in the bushes, i felt the smell, and my partner and i shouted, they beat us up, and he ran away, literally there
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, 5 minutes later, another route group was screaming, a bear is coming towards us, in general they are with the route got off, what is happening and where? this means it’s in yakutia, it’s clear that i’m in a mosquito net, because there are a lot of mosquitoes, and so am i... there’s a spot sample, that is, it’s loose material, usually from rivers, or maybe we just took some kind of rock , vein, we crushed it and also washed it, or the same core was ground, yes, yes, you can grind the same core and wash it, and then there is also a funnel, that is, first the lightest is washed out, then the heavier, until there is nothing left, until will remain, the heaviest will not remain black minerals are usually magnetite. and the gold, in fact, it remains, in principle, this is a artisanal method of extracting gold, yes, that’s exactly with a tray, but why is it usually done in the river, my
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back just quickly starts to hurt in the river, that’s why i built myself such a washing machine , well , the tray itself is like 100, 200, 300, 400 years ago, yes, well, here it is plastic, but the shape is the same, and there are also different shapes, there is one in gayan, i worked, they are round trays. looks like a vietnamese uh hat like this literally from any piece of iron they are made , sometimes you go and see an abandoned car, and it has these circles on the hood, obviously they made patches. tell me, is all this exoticism, the taiga, bears, this washing in the river, is this what attracts you to the profession or is it just circumstances? well , this is an interesting experience, although over time it becomes something like a circumstance, and something in itself. why did they become, honestly, yes, it was by accident, i always generally liked biology, but i decided that this would be my hobby, but in general i wanted to go to a hemologist,
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i learned, these are precious stones, yes, yes, yes, yes, well , i ended up in a geological development institute, and i was brought into the group of geologists, i studied, realized that i liked this thing, and moved on, let's go, uh, in general, i say, i traveled well, i was in the far east, in africa, i worked in south america. olga, what about you, if you didn’t choose the path there with tents, bears and other exotic things, what motivated you to become a geologist? no, well, actually, when i entered the faculty of geology, i just wanted one romance, it was difficult for me to imagine how a person would sit only at a computer, for example, work in an office, and i wanted what i would do in the future to allow me to work like this... with my hands in the laboratory , at the computer, including the opportunity to go somewhere in nature, look at the world around, so it seems to me that my
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choice in this regard of the geological direction was completely balanced and justified, but returning to such difficult field conditions , well, i'm probably there after several years of studying at the faculty , i realized that i liked it all, but i’m physical, in fact, it’s certainly hard work, maybe there’s some other specificity - gender, that is, in principle, among geochemists and people who work in laboratories, usually there are more girls than among such field geologists - well , probably in general it’s a clear picture , so yes, well, in general, i still like all this forest romance, in general. tell me, is there, in addition to forest romance , another detective element, that’s when you watch like an investigator at a crime scene, here the solution was coming, here there was pressure, here there is a feeling that every time it’s like sherlock holmes, of course, that is,
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it seems to me that this is the second factor... which does at least at least, for me this area is very interesting, i always feel like, i don’t know, a treasure hunter, a scout, that now we’ll see what’s in these maps, and what ’s here in geology, in search, really , uh, all methods are good, that is, it was correctly said that one of these - mining next to the ore, but in fact - by and large, local residents - this is also one of the very large contributions - to geological exploration, that is, this is exactly the area where we have yes ... fundamental classical geology, that's where gold behaves like this, it has such and such chemistry, but there are really other methods, that someone once saw something somewhere, someone said something to someone, and well, a real detective, well, this is more of a scientific excitement, because well, i remember numerous stories of these very golden ones prospectors, gold rush, sometimes in california, jack london, sometimes in the urals, in siberia, sometimes in
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australia, or it’s more scientific. it turns out that you won’t be able to get rich especially, yes, since our subsoil belongs to the state, and i work in a state organization, and i would even work for private owners, but it would belong to the subsoil user, put it in your pocket, find a nugget, put it in pocket is very bad. idea, but this excitement that you will find something is cool, it’s still there, yes, that is, maybe it’s like a child in sandbox, yes, who digs up something there, he will not get rich, but he is interested in finding it, and of course, there is also scientific excitement, yes, when you build some models, assumptions about where it might be, you can find ore, and where it
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won’t be and... you immediately run and check, you want to check it, but there are many places left in russia where you can still find a large deposit, well, i think that yes, there are huge territories through which there was one route , years, give a tip at least on a scale of thousands of kilometers, well, a new land, for example, by the way, or the brango ridge, the chukotka region, there is a territory in which practically no one went there, in the far east, there are territories in the yana-maisky region, even in soviet times there were no routes, because it was simply physically there, well, it’s impossible to raft, walk, see something, as if from a geological point of view, from the point of view, looking at the map, there is every reason to assume that there may be large deposits there, the question is how to find them there, find them with minimal effort , and here it’s probably just like this there is an alliance between fundamental science and exploratory science, that is, we can give something on our part, they can tell us what is real and
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what is not. still, as far as i know, the competition for geological faculties is quite low, why? lack motivation? i think there may be a lack of popularization of the profession, we see economists and lawyers on tv every day, in tv series, somewhere else, about geologists, well, what kind of films are there lately, the territory, yes, was based on a novel by kauvaev, it's like a remake, but nothing. no, there is no geology at school, that is, we have biology, we have geography, and schoolchildren have an idea of what kind of field this is, what geology is, what it is like, that it is different, what it’s not just going to the field with a hammer, well, i have no idea about this, and as a result, when you graduate from school and choose where to go, it’s just not on the list, let’s imagine that
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some... territory is watching us now unstudied, that is, if you go to study geology, then you don’t have to be afraid that then it’s not possible, well, it will be difficult to find a job, to be in demand, therefore, that is , there will be enough work for a couple of centuries, yes, yes, that is, this is not an area that can collapse in like 5-10 years. what will your argument be? well, i’ll probably appeal to the fact that i love to travel, and geology is a wonderful opportunity to travel at government expense, yes, or at the expense of some investor, because well, i
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was in the urals, i was in yakutia in the magadan region, in the khabarovsk territory, traveled to africa, i worked, i went to south america, i worked, i got paid for this... i think this is a weighty argument, yes, but at the same time i will still have the opportunity to work in the city, so at the moment i work in a department that does not travel to fields, i, uh, now at this stage i’m an office worker, although 2 years ago i was running around there with a hammer and a backpack, maybe i’ll come back to this, many thanks to our guests with... with you was the podcast schrödinger’s cat and me its presenter is grigory tarasevich and we talked about gold, how it appeared, how it ended up on surface and how to find it in russia?
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how since he’s thinking about moving from technical complexity to artistic complexity, how do you feel about this, about this initiative? well, of course i should advocate, i should of course shout that yes... yes, because figure skating is forever, yes, this is sport art. i still think that this story, connected with the exorbitant level of jumps, it, of course, excites and delights people more than these moments of art, even take the fantastic breakthrough of our girls, when our girls jumped these endless quadruple jumps , and this is a fight of quadruple jumps, anyway, we talked about the first one. it’s about this, when everything comes together, when it’s really not just gymnastics, well, in terms of execution, when it also fits into a single image, for example, probably from such programs, which i didn’t stage there, but i’m considered absolutely there, it’s a ballerina, yes, well
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, you can just admire this endlessly, this program, when every jump is organic, this is of course the highest story, everyone dreams about this, but if you still compare, then probably it's still a technique. why are you, being a director from god, always talking about the dances, commenting on the dances, but never work with the tops in the plan. dancing takes a lot of time, but objectively, firstly, sasha zhullin can handle it himself, but our leaders do a great job with their team, i don’t know why it doesn’t work out, well, right now i just think there’s so much of these ins and outs in ice dancing that i’m not completely interested yet, probably, but honestly, on the other hand, no one, as i said, no one is calling yes. if, of course, the senitsa invited me to kosolapov, but who would be
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happy, then a couple in general you look at them, just just do the running ones and you already get aesthetic pleasure, because that well, they are both absolutely beautiful guys, and of course this is such material, but here i am - directly in public, so that sasha doesn’t think, zhulin, that i ’ll catch him there, i directly ask you, let me do a demonstration dance with them, and if you zhulin suggested such an option that you bet next year on russian? or is there already a question of money, but while something with money is not very good, you are always not very good, everything is fine, it’s jewish, yes, you know, i’m honestly not lying, you can then take me at my word, i even here - probably in in any case, and of course it’s hunger and thirst, well, honestly, not money but... but this
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year i realized that due to the fact that i had quite a lot of numbers, i missed some things, didn’t have time to finish, for example, the work with your students, well, your school taras and morozova, i was left with dissatisfaction here, i didn’t finish it, well, i didn’t see it, i didn’t finish it, after all,... everything could have been done so that if already this idea, then it had to be conveyed, or vice versa, as i did in the previous season with lesha yagudin, when we did a dance, it seemed to me that no one had ever seen it like this, it was the blues, it was such a sophisticated story, we tried to make humor with the sounds, so he makes this humor, i sit and remain 2 days, i say: lyokha, it’s complete, it’s simple, it’s not possible to watch, it’s not humor, it’s a failure, and we start sitting all night and laying it out, yes there but
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that one somewhere, those elements that have already been collected, as then i understand that it’s still when you understand that they were there, we changed came here, and by the morning the picture had taken shape and i realized that there wouldn’t be any questions here, he and lyosha, when they understand, everything works out, i didn’t have that kind of time, that’s when you’re just chasing without yourself, when there’s nowhere to retreat, you go, you should have looked, it was possible at all. to say, this is all being postponed, now there is another option, and even more so with their professionalism it was possible and, because of this race, because there were many numbers, i would think that if there is something like this right this is where you can tell yourself everything, but in one pair, but i would refuse all the others, well, we are just looking for ways to neutralize alexei yagudin, because not everyone is happy with his constant victories, but i repeat that for me it is lionel messi, who will receive the golden ball every year . thank you for really talking about the fact
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that you can win more than once, lyosha, a truly outstanding skater, and that it’s not so easy to actually find those elements, because of course, well, the base, vocabulary, ice, of course , he no longer has the one he had and the one he has guys who are skating now, and at the same time, but he has a fantastic magnetism, he just takes you away like a boa constrictor. the entire judging panel is taken away by the audience, finding this solution that could surprise him was really very difficult this season, so lyosha probably devoured me from everyone else, and he planned me right here, but with him it’s like everything- so many years, and he just seemed to let go, like a child who is jealous anyway, well, he’s like yes, yes, please, i just need it now, i need it now, that’s what’s here you know and and every time i alyosha, well, as if lyosha, and he,
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of course, did not let me run through all the others, find this solution, find a topic so that here he is, talk and tell , take away, i think that lyosha should beautifully give the opportunity next year for others to win, he showed himself perfectly, he is above the fray, or maybe he was just distracting you so that other masterpieces wouldn’t happen... it worked out, well, he didn’t distract, i don’t think he’s like that, he just wanted , he really really really wanted this story, in principle it so happened that when lisa tutamysheva called and also sent music, i realized that...
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in principle, the two of them entered the gap and it was possible, as it were, but it’s up to you to judge, so not from figure skating, so that they couldn’t navigate, and that’s great, really in fact, i think that, well, even there there was such a key story, in fact, everything was decided - boris elfman, uh, because he, feeling, gave first place to lisa, i remember, but in order to even out, he should not have given either one point, lyosha, you are touching such, touching such a serious literary... source, such a hero, uh, this is a very difficult, dangerous and responsible path, so you only understand, at the beginning of this path, i wish you success in comprehending this, this path, because the knowledge and translation of such the highest ideas into your art, on your
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technique, this is a very difficult and long path, i wish you success, and now i want to say my opinion: in deep bow for the jury, which has already been sitting on the russian cart for 2 years in a row, this is fantastic, in all 16 years i have not boris eifman never managed to get the crane period, although we constantly they did this, because this is of course such a peak, it’s just enough, of course
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allasegalova is outstanding and the actors are all, well, for me, of course, i try to look at everything with my eyes. they are much better rated, more in demand by judges and spectators than cheerful, positive, funny numbers, maybe what topic would you suggest for the next russian challenge to satisfy everyone, so that this scale at least swings, okay, it doesn’t stand level , but did not weigh in one direction, this is eternal problem of the glacier project. forward, always, dramatic numbers win over life-affirming numbers, yes, they are funny, superficial, just about happiness, therefore, since i myself direct the entire episode, and even when, despite the fact that sasha zhulin is working, we still , i say that there should be at least two
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life-affirming numbers, so that in total i have two, you have two, we should have four numbers about the positive, so that the whole... it looks alive, you can just roll dance, you can just i don’t know do something fun cossack, there’s a lot of life-affirming music, but it doesn’t connect you from the point of view of the hero’s empathy, you applaud in the hall, bam, bam, so what happens here, this only happens in dramatic numbers, but it certainly can’t be done all the time, here we even agreed with the judges during the summer period that you would support the numbers. and so you still agreed with the judges ilya yadislavich, but i kept hearing something else, no, it was on a general basis, we support funny numbers, we support something, after all, i brought him to clean water, whose program did you like among those?
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