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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  July 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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i also can’t see anything new, uh-huh, a bullet, blood and he dies, listen, and you use the things of the people you want to see about, yes, sometimes it works, sometimes not, so i use it like sorcerers from sumatra, you are hinting at a thing potaps, i’m not hinting, i’m speaking directly, come here, ah... wow, yeah, marta, you’ve already done this before, we ’ll also ask max to help you, like the most charming and attractive thing in the film, i don’t understand, let him he’ll pick you up at work with a bouquet of flowers, no, that’s too much, i’m maxa i also deceived, i don’t know at all... now i know how
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to look at his eyes, boldly, max returned from paris with a woman, some russian frenchwoman, god, the first good news, so i’m reading it, just let me see from my hands, i love you, show us , oh, great photo, here we are... looking for
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corporate ethics, we decided to study the city, as they say, love yourself in paris, and not paris in yourself, or rather, on the contrary, love paris in yourself, and not yourself in paris, that’s it you will tell us how it works there in this fifth republic, yeah, and by the way, what are your views? stick with it, jarandists, jacobins, yellow vests, i understand, mihalach is waiting for you, why, i don’t know, he also wants to hear something about the trip, allow me to go? of course, go, well, musketeers, by the way, atos, partos, aramis, sanya, ah, i have a small, but very, very intimate task for you, yeah, it’s heads, tails. can you guess yet? michal
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ignativich, tell me how you do it, you see it there inside yourself, right? no, it doesn’t work like that, uh-huh, but if you make it more complicated, come on, mikhal, two coins. that's it, let's do it already honestly, this is potapov, he asked you to call me, to detain everything.
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lyusya, lyusya, lyusya, that there was a vision, so, come on, tell me, now he’ll call after tapping, i’ll say that you can let me go, lyusenka.
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are you stunned, why did i give you a map, it’s a general thing, in order to catch, you need small details, improvise, like during the siege of rochelle, am i right in saying that the face will run out of gas? i don’t understand why this is all, i don’t understand, it’s a riot, i’ll be imprisoned in the bastille, lucy, there’s a big airport there, where in paris, well , big, bigger than ours, there’s a lot of terminals, guys, this is... what is an interrogation? yes, cross, let's go climb, let's have a drink, with pleasure, rascals, come on, see us off, you're coming through, yeah.
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here, please, straight ahead, don't you dare , run anymore, you won't dare anymore, run, you won't dare anymore. sorry, thank you, this man is very frightened by something, it’s not like we have an entertainment
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center here, they were robbed or something else, they were listening, artists still gather at the monomart, i don’t know. that is, i’m probably going to, they don’t wear blouses with berets, now, well, yes, you’ll never dare to run again, you won’t dare you run, you won't dare anymore, you 'll never be a freak again, even that means you stole the phone? petty theft, a real sentence, i’d rather go to jail than cover up this nit, well, now i’m in a hospital somewhere with a glider soon i picked it up yesterday afternoon, it was about 3 o’clock, okay, let’s check, or maybe i’ll
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just go, but where else, but how without you, we ’ll tie this freak to the phone, don’t worry, they definitely won’t give him life, write. camera. i’m a vile creature, i’m clinched, i’ll never dare to run again, you won’t dare to run, you won't dare again, you'll never
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dare again, we open a case without a statement, why? okay, i'm working on phones, prints, nothing, just the fingers of the victim rogov, there is a pickpocket in the database, rogov, her. born in 1985, lives in moscow, he is still unconscious in the hospital, but i’ll go and look through personal belongings, maybe i ’ll come across something interesting, okay, whoever takes care of the cameras, i ’ll do it, that’s it, until the evening, and i’ll
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have a task, well... the hardest thing is to look at everything again, to find a clue. what, what, i’ll go look for her, how many times i told myself...
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you see, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will deliver pizza from me again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, we are talking about a tragedy, like you’re not up to it, we should approach the matter more carefully, i’m in the herm, we’re going back to the wards, it’s a pity, it turned out very smoothly. glass time, detective syndrome, today after the program time, monte shococa cognac, stellar group product, rom kastra, stellar group product, pechora vodka. product stellar group vodka veda
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product of stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams. soviet movies.
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it happened, uh-huh, uh-huh, okay,
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take it, hold it longer, take your time. well, silence, they hung up, i’ll try to ring the bell. there are no questions, the case is open, without a statement, it’s clear, we have already
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done some work, comrade nekrasova quickly established the identity of the victim, alexey ivanovich was just lucky, the right direction, thank you, thank you, let’s move on, sofya ivanovna, citizen moldova, disappeared six months ago, her sister yaporiana milania ivanovna left a statement. worker, he got the same job for his sister, well, he turned out to be a difficult character, once he was kicked out, then a second time, then he said that he found a job he liked and disappeared, we must look for him while he’s still alive, so we have... a suspect, we have an interesting suspect who hit the car, anatoly sergeevich rogov, yes, nicknamed trambon, a pickpocket, so we don’t have a suspect yet, he snatched the phone from someone on the tram, and i searched through his personal belongings, there men's purse, money, cards, here's an interesting little thing, pussy, that blade lyudmila
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sergeevna. in our case, a sharpened coin, yes, a tiny one, i told you, study, expand your vocabulary, gain experience, yes, that means in fact there was a trombone and cut off the phone, i’m almost a force of nature, i work with phones, i hope that there are no owners, billing will carry it out, filled out a paper with a request, this is correct, we must act quickly, comrade nekrason, what? well, tell me, everyone here is friendly, the call was on this phone, they were just breathing into the receiver, but i saw a carousel, man in a hood, but i couldn’t see his face, how
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he was dressed, all gray, somehow worn out, maybe this was a children’s playground? this is a cemetery in paris, yes jim morrison was buried there, jim morrison is buried there , the lizard king, uh-huh, mikhail gendevich, and you are rudely
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free, martha, this is some kind of nightmare, so why did they interrogate me with partiality? i was on place bastille, i was on marmartre, i was in the boulensky forest, which one, in bulensky, what kind of broth is there, what kind of broth, andrey, brothy, let's sit down in boulogne, well, who said it would be easy, hold on, let's come to me in the evening, i 'm waiting for you, we'll talk, yeah, okay, yes, evening, okay, go already, thank you, ivanovich, why all this, go? let's go and work as assistants,
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yes, alexey ivanovich, comrade major, i'm here, i just went out into the street. so yeah, okay, i ’ll be right there, i’m already on my way, allow me, here, you see, he most likely pulled out this guy ’s phone, look, the brother was there, they found the owner, yes, he’ll be arriving soon, here he is, the next one, this big one in the hood gets off at the next stop. you need to drive up to the area, with communicate with people, what will you show them, photographs of a man in a hood, find cameras, maybe he showed up there, this woman, she could see him, she could see him, she could not see him, a woman will understand you, that ’s right, you will do this together with lyudmila sergeevna, so navigation
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, authorization on the network, where, when, at what time, for how long everything else that is called magnificent... in a word, phone billing something damsiy ivanovich, i work, it’s not fast for them, the service is paid, okay, we work, and so, well, since there is no one, how one great woman said, let me go. tell me at the duty station, i have the phone, goodbye.
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tolya, but you know me, this will be our secret.
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is this where you lost her? alexey ivanovich? the thing is that i don’t choose the songs myself, this is a collective decision, the light of my love will not be shed. the most human avatar, pretty, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, at a party
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of best friends, you danced with my friend, fantastic, on friday at the first one, what did i feel like, what was the heat to me, what was pouring rain for me , when my friends. it is those who have experienced that know exactly what a true, faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, the next morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”, how great it is, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but... the horror is that it’s impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich, that’s just friendship, you know, it often begins with respect, that’s all these years how we are friends, i carry his guitar behind seryoga,
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we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives, sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even sometimes confused, leshchenko loves you all, if you turn out to be a friend friend and not friend. so here we have a kindergarten, a store, a bank branch, that’s what we need, there’s probably a camera on the bank building, show the photo to this old lady again, that’s the right word for us, i mean? well , everything you listed, kindergarten, store, bank branch, tire service, children's garden, and stroked the child’s head on the tram,
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teacher, elementary, watson, where to go, there, let’s ask, about what, about paris? why, you are all very interested, corporate solidarity, in maline rouge everyone is really naked, no, we were dressed. lusha, after all, why are you barging in, maybe i’m not alone here, give me the tape, marina, i didn’t put it away, marina, give me my tape.
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“okay, you would have found out sooner or later anyway, let it be me. lyosha, this world has long stepped forward, there is such a thing, it’s called the internet, you know, there, in addition to just because you can download this song, you can order any cassette, any record, any disc, even an x-ray, listen to your music on your bones, you won’t give them away, i need to tell you so that you understand that i didn’t take your cassette ? you say you didn’t take it?
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who is your security? hello, we are from the police, we need a director, director of what? kindergarten. we don't have a director, but a manager. you don't understand me, open the door. it's quiet time, come after 15, otherwise you'll wake the children. san, let's go. let's wake up, come on, come on, don’t be lazy, bad student, but good afternoon, we are from the police, you recognize this woman, egor, come on, look, it says on it that he is from the police, heaven, it’s not written, well done, but you’re not showing me , you show him, i still can’t see anything without glasses. and you’re good,
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good, look, carefully, i know how many of these i’ll draw myself, the sky, a real id, they don’t draw like that, the real thing, okay, well, what do you need, ask, you know this woman, but what’s the point of knowing her, this is antonovna, but you didn’t even look, why look at her? everyone here knows, she’s a teacher, and yegor, yeah, with me. at my mother's, that's where she works? yes, over there in the garden, he works there, thank you.
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the rain has built walls of water, tell me, anna antonovna, sanya, sasha, alexander, lyusya, lyudmila, it’s very nice, young people, what happened, peter, don’t climb so high, oh, thank you, my dear.
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i remember this man hanging over me like a rock, you know what i ’m talking about, a young man, of course... he didn’t take out his phone in front of you, i didn’t really look at him, verbal portrait can you make it up? perhaps, why is the girl looking at me so intently? does it really chill your skin? forgive me, please, it seemed simple, but the children probably love you very much, right? i won’t brag, but it’s true, everyone has their own gift, my gift is children, they are like
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grandchildren to me, hello! the droplets are built in pairs so there are a lot of them. some trumpet without a head, the hood again, i found it, no, you’re looking badly, alexey ivanovich, you need to look better, no, it’s not like that, i’ll help you. looked there,
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no, here, no. are you really a good detective alexey ivanovich? or can you no longer do anything without lucy? the legend is fresh, hard to trust. here is an identikit of the hooded man, kindly compiled by her. well, she's an intelligent woman.
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we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face, he did not let anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. the get-togethers were always fun, but you’re sitting in dad’s place, it just so happened, yes? unique footage, previously unavailable. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same
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kitchen, and took turns coming to mikhail on duty , the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her, don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, to me... father’s feelings are more important, more likely at this sad moment, god needed you more for some reason, our exclusive - family archive mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we’re talking about the devil and my heart didn’t break, do you know how she breaks? so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. well, let 's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you
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will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. careful, i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you won't have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister according to the legendary book by
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yulian semyonov. marrin. thanks for the cassette, we’ll agree, alexey ivanovich, the main thing is to serve it cold, what? the cold wind and rain increased a hundredfold, marina said everything, i knew it.
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the reason for aggression in animals in women is pain, victoria, everything is better, yes, i’m sure, yes, thank you, a million in small bills for friendship, no problem, well, he’s not mine, not
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mine anymore, you’ll take revenge, that’s already bad , you understand, whether it will work out or not is unknown, but the fact that you will harm yourself is certain, well , we’ll see about that, vic, he just left me, you know, that is, he left. her he i just left, that is, it turns out that nothing is working out, it’s a crapshoot, thank you very much for the gift, brother, let’s rent this pharmacy already, really, i’m already tired of it. beshay, please tell me, she
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’s always in this state, so be quiet, be quiet, ellen is russian, by the way, great, we need to get her out of this, but i like it, i’ll go to the pharmacy and take it bye, yeah, and in general, if honestly, i’m already hungry, it’s noticeable, but i want to , you know, remind you that you and i have a joint business, you and i.
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what a stuffy girl, you know, she tastes and color, uh-huh, uh-huh, by the way, you wanted to talk about something, yes, where is my beloved nephew, in germany, at a competition for young talents, and then he will have argentina, stockholm and krasnoyarsk. you were gel fran max, like. only the real one, you’re great, yes, i know, i
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’m ready to help, marta told me everything, to be honest, i’m not sure it’s worth doing, everything ’s fine, i’ll call tomorrow, i’ll come by, who, where to call, don’t worry, it’s work, and here is the hood. shilov, konstantin pavlovich. oh! what an idiot, i didn’t hurt myself, come on already, here i am, oh, hi, hi, thank you, it's no problem, where are you going, i'm going to the archives, help, no, okay.
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sit, sit, mom is coming, forgive me, please, should i even report here, where, to the cap? suspect, water-fed, yes, it suits you better. shilov konstantin, yes, me, your phone number, no, during the arrest we said, it’s clear that our hands are broken, we like to fight, we don’t like to fight, but i can hit you for the job,
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for the job. your wife cheated on you, and you beat up her lover, yes, her boss, quickly tell me, okay, i’ll confess everything, give me the paper, i’ll write it explanatory or whatever you have? well, that’s good, it’s a paradox, there is a confession, there is no statement, but maybe he takes less blame on himself in order to fend off more? no, no, wait, this is a dead end, we have no victims, no statements, that’s it, a dead end, and anyway, maybe your run-down horn in another
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tram pulled out this phone? okay, let's collect all the information, watch videos from all over the city, right. let's look at the recording again. mikhalovich, may i please? yes of course. lyosh, there is news on the phone. the video came from telephone, which was located outside the city, the area, more precisely. it was not possible to determine too extensive, but the stolen phone at the time of receiving the video message was located on 21 liberty street, what does this tell us? freedom 21? yes, there is a kindergarten where anna antonovna krutikova works, back a little,
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here she comes, oops, rogov stole her phone, but it turns out it’s her phone, darling, darling. you're doing great, that's wonderful, won't you give us an old lady, before lyusya should have stabbed her grandmother, earlier, earlier, yes, you know, alexey ivanovich, if only i was stabbing everyone, why would you be here, quietly, that’s it, that’s it, quietly, you were joking, that’s enough, let’s take the old lady to the department, tell her about learning, the main thing is not to scare her away, act, lyukhenka, bravo, bravo, bravo, mikhailovich, really you won’t think of her like that right away. how are you? are you okay? yes, i twisted my ankle.
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how many times have i told you: find a normal job. i noticed that your psychos can think, and i want to use it. we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it. we are talking about tragedy. how can you not understand this? i discovered your talent. i'll close it, you'll have i'm going to deliver pizza again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it's time to develop, pasha, to approach the matter more carefully, i'm from the germans, let's go back to the wards, it's a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time is up, detective syndrome, today after the program time, burbon stirсman product of stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, product of steller group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom castro. product of steller group. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, there is a blooming garden of eden, we are bashkirians, friends, bashkirs , he took several arrows in his mouth like this, you know, in battle, three more between his fingers, this is how he shoots, these are the same relict ices, they were formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this echo is 2500 years old, which?
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the life of their premiere, sunday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t find people like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re a researcher on something especially important. so i moved from the basement to three rubles, and oh women, look how the men need
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to be tied up, and in our yard on sunday first. hello, hello, borenka, how are you? okay, take your bags. i don’t understand, just why kill sophia, she might still be useful. boris, don’t confuse the personal with the public. then she saw me, they are looking for her, i saw you too, many people here saw you, you are our boss,
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dear, but you are a completely different matter, come here, here, there are gifts, look. so audio cassette with delivery, payment in cash, so what else? alexey ivanovich, i was told in kindergarten that she took a vacation for the first time in many years, so there’s no one at home, the neighbors they say she left, she left in what, we don’t know, great, her phone number, no, good, alexey ivanovich, yes. i think i understand, well, i saw a carousel and there is a trumpeter without a head, a trumpeter is a pioneer, maybe they need a pioneer camp, as departmental as
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a kindergarten, this... well, my dears, let's have a drink for the end of our cooperation, please, boris, have a drink with us, okay, but what about you, i’m driving, i’m fist bumping with you. take the chocolate, take it, take it! drag them,
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you poisoned them, no, these are sleeping pills, they are sleeping, why, not all at once, dear, sonya, sleepy and drink it too. "please, why, please, it will be better this way, please, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, sonya, everything will be very good, sleepyhead, everything, great,
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everything will be fine. stop, everything, everything, everything will be fine, everything, everything will be fine, sonny, everything will be fine.
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where, where to sit in the car, the car, i said, look, there’s someone alive, she ran there, quickly, let’s get her out, let’s go, stop,
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stop ! move, keep your hands on the steering wheel, how do you like it, something like this, move away, step away, step away, step away, step away, good evening, madam, please the way out, this is grandma, god, a dandelion, she arranged everything for her, yes, they trusted her children, you bastard, you bastard, the world will not be the same, i no longer believe in god...
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well, anyway, you’re great, you did everything quickly, this is a girl, what’s her name, sofia, sofia, yes, she remained alive, thank god, well, the rest too, well, yes, it seems they should be grateful, at first they said it, now they’re silent, i understand, the lawyer suggested that they solve all the problems, like this, well, if anything , we will turn to you, mikhail ednevich, as the head, so to speak, of the unit, that... lesh, this is outdated information, that is , everything will be fine in the ministry now, but i want
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to recommend you, in my place, the guys don’t agree, we’re not rushing you, you think, think, see you tomorrow, mikhail agnadievich, excuse me, there’s a collection here. urgent, oh, excuse me, colonel, you, potapov, well, i, delivery for you.
9:00 pm
hello, the program is on air, in the studio quiz andreeva, the main event of the day. a journey through time at the crossroads of eras and civilization, the unique museum and temple complex new khersanez in crimea has opened for everyone to experience first visitors.


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