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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 1, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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yours, stop muttering, because we all here in this studio heard your wife’s confession related to how, when and under what circumstances she filed for divorce. don't mumble, she wants to listen to a different soundtrack. it's time to see our heroine in the third, final look, alina on the catwalk.
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and i could say that our stylists went too far, and here they tied something, and put on gloves, but this is gothic, this is what you once liked, and it seems to me that you are this outfit with a corset, this skirt to the floor with these jewelry, high gloves, you feel, alina, you are so beautiful, thank you, i continue to be amazed by how alina was guessed and how this whole story is, and so that she doesn’t look vicious, in dad’s opinion, right? at the same time, according to my mother, she was feminine, that’s what she had a gothic period with all this with piercings, it’s all somehow, everything stuck together, everything stuck together, that’s what being feminine doesn’t mean it looks like something in a woman's way, it means like this, well, in different ways, well, including this and that, you are just really magical, yes, thank you, evelyn, over to you, please pay attention to the white color of the dress, now it ’s not only brides who wear it, although in this case, i would highly recommend
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using a white dress, maybe without a jacket, maybe with a different set, or maybe just so, precisely for this purpose, because well, well, seriously, yes, well , seriously, well, as much as possible, well, a normal family, i think that our stylists also understood this, which is why they used the trend to make you so heavy a big hint, at least for the sake of the party, for the sake of the family holiday, aline, i understand that this image now seems very complicated and far-fetched to you, but all these things. you can definitely wear them separately, i already see you in my favorite jeans, a simple white t-shirt with this cool jacket, in white sneakers you go for a walk with your children, your ex-husband, oh i don’t know, i’m confused, let’s invite a support group to the podium, hug alina, congratulate her on her transformation, i will hug you, what a beautiful family, today a new stage begins for you. i love this for you
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i see, and i would like to share your new stage with you, i hope this is a proposal, this is a proposal for what, alina, yes, yes, alina, we applaud your new image, the work of our stylists, all three sets, we of course , we give you a fashionable sentence from the program, wear it with pleasure, be happy, but if you, like our today’s heroine alina, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device. to the qr code. see you at
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first, see you soon. the first channel presents. so, dear friends, which tomato is better? like this, fresh, or like this. so dry during the canning season, stunning news in the program to live healthy, so, dear friends, we start with the user manual, this is a cotton swab, for those who don’t understand, this is an ear, only with such a stick can you get into this ear, god gave us an ear, i didn’t provide a manual, so today we’ll talk about what an ear is, why we need it,
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i’ll start with this. so, what is ear function? the first thing you tell me is that it's a rumor, it's true. let's fly into your ear. in the auditory canal it hits the eardrum, then through three bones, the outer ear collects this sound along the outer incus hammer from the tremone vibrates a special window inside the cochlea, in this very cochlea there are auditory hairs inside, these auditory hairs vibrate and this is not...
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information , how and where we are, this allows us to maintain equilibrium, that is, on both sides we have these microscopic things, this apparatus balance, we bent over, the pebbles went in
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one direction, did not go in one of the channels, in the other, this is how we orient ourselves in space, of course, the second function of the ear is, of course, the organ of balance, now the question for the audience is, what are the ears like? enemies, well girls, come on, listen so carefully, enemies of our ears, say, i think the enemy of our ears may be the wind, because if you don’t wear a hat, it will blow into your ear, yes, so, what do you think , well, it seems to me that the wind was blowing in my ear, and what was there, what happened next, something this, brought trouble, brought trouble, brought trouble, a new reading of an old song, what do you think, it seems to me that one of... the main enemies of the ears are the neighbors who drill at night, during the day, in general, constantly above you, neighbors bastards, yes, the neighbors are terrible, it seems to me that this is for the head, and not for the wow, no, wait, girls have their own versions, what can you say, but it seems to me that water is harmful to the ears, so it’s better not to dive into the bath when we
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we accept it, it’s better not to dive into the bath, which of us, of the doctors, will read out the list of enemies, mikhailich, start, that’s all. it was correctly said, but if we are talking about water, this is dirty water mainly in reservoirs, there is such a concept, uh, bather, when people bathe in such reservoirs, but where there is stagnant water, stagnant water, it is full of various infections, viruses, and so on further, this water enters the outer ear and stagnates there, causing inflammation of this part of the ear, the outer ear, these are the microbes that live. this is a very common occurrence, especially in summer, but we pay attention to bathtub, we have no big complaints, there is running water in the bathtub, this is the horror of stagnant bodies of water, there will really be problems there, big,
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this is one, two, the second case is what you said about the neighbors, and, by the way, the sound is very loud is also the enemy of our ear, the fact is that in the ear... there are these villi that suffer from very strong sound, it has been proven that the sound is more than 85 dcib, it is dangerous for these same villi, but this is, in principle, not so a big sound, let's say it's a passing train or something a motorcyclist, and mikhail yegorich, what a motorcyclist, all these girls, are they listening, listening, and in your ears. the neighbors are a thousand times more dangerous, the neighbors are not able to shout so loudly, they are the ones who have to blow up the house so that it somehow affects the ears. i want to show how hearing is lost due to the death of these hearing hairs right here in the inner ear in the cochlea when you listen to
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loud music in a headphone. let's see, dear friends, here is our ear, here comes a loud sound, vibrations of the eardrum. so strong that it can burst from a very loud sound, now we get into the inner ear, these hairs, unfortunately, they die in the literal sense of the word. right now we can determine the age of your ears by a simple test, now we will hear the sound there will be large numbers, how old is your hearing, as soon as you stop hearing the sound, remember this number, listen to everyone and the doctors too, let's go.
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something is all in the baby now, we have two extremes, how old is your hearing, just tell the truth? look, girls’ hearing is worse than ours, because you and i, mikhail egorovich,
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don’t listen to crazy music on headphones, but you listen, so you already have the death of these hearing hairs, understand? mikhail egorevich started enemies, continue herman shnu , look, the list is very long, let's start with the fact that the same atherosclerosis, like a cardiologist, damages hearing and blood supply. the ear is getting smaller, and accordingly degenerative changes are progressing, but that’s not all, there are medications that can damage hearing, it’s usually antibiotics, aminoglycosides, now you will see the list, this is streptamecin, kanamycin, amicocin, tobramycin, gentamicin, you know, i am a supporter of these antibiotics being banned, absolutely now i sincerely say,
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i filmed at our federal center for ent diseases, you are not can you imagine what a hellish number of children, born with hearing, starting to speak, lost their hearing completely at the age of three due to ototoxic antibiotics, today we don’t need gentomecin, we have a billion modern antibiotics that can treat diseases, this is old... antibiotics, right, andrey, we can generally live without them, so i have an appeal right now to our entire medical community, ent doctors, support me, ototoxic antibiotics should be banned and withdrawn from practice , that’s just the point, children are not allowed at all, my grandmother went deaf on genta medicine, absolutely 100%, after the third injection, why, okay. my grandmother died 30 years ago, and why do children need them today, this is
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a very serious problem, very, this is on go deaf out of nowhere, herman shaich has news about the ear stick, these ear sticks are free, sold everywhere, everyone uses them, this is also the enemy, first, come, come, explain, you can damage the eardrum while brushing your tooth. ears, second, this stick can stay there and lead to infection, in addition, you tamp down the ear wax with it, and this impairs hearing due to the ear plug, do not use sticks, the ear stick is the enemy of the ear, there is such a principle among ent doctors, if finger you can’t put it in, there’s no point in picking, of course, they allow you to pick your nose, then your finger goes in there. no big deal, okay? friends, girls, well, today you are taking the rap for everyone,
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friends of the ears, come on, well, it seems to me, earplugs, if loud music is playing, then put on earplugs and it will be comfortable everywhere, friend of the ears are earplugs, so who else, friends, well, maybe there should be some other fruits, vitamins, some vitamins and minerals and good ecology, i just can’t stand these words, what will you say to us, but it seems to me, friends... in in some situations, for example, on an airplane, when your ears are blocked, lollipops can help , too, a friend, so announce the list of friends, andrey petrovich, this is really true, especially when in those places. where there are loud sounds, you need to reduce the load on your these nerve endings, this is the first, second, eliminating infections, and this is the main thing that you can do for your ears, what infections, the most common in children are pneumonic infections, pneumonic otitis, what can we do to prevent them?
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eradicate or at least seriously reduce, this is a pneumococcal vaccine, a vaccination, exactly the same as the vaccine against measles, against herpes zoster, and, of course, also against rubella, because all these infections have complications in the ears, these are very serious things, therefore, vaccination helps preserve hearing, not only health. in short, we have received the manual, use it, and we won’t be here for long. let's take a break, and then continue and after a short advertisement a miracle will happen, because we will leave german shaich here, go to the tomatoes, germyshevich, the time has come canning, we leave it on the tomato plantations, and we ourselves go to the dacha, we go to the dacha to mikhail egorovich, we fell in love with his dacha this summer, our very special
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project of failure at the dacha, immediately after a short advertisement, a story, a fairly typical situation when parents lift their children by two hands and do it abruptly, in this case an injury occurs that can affect the rest of their lives, the child can get a dislocated shoulder thanks to his parents. andrey andreevich doesn’t like it when i hold him tightly, he knows that it’s
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dangerous. what to do if this happens? a breath of freshness. you received oxygen after ventilation, carbon dioxide was taken away from you , they left, just five minutes and you don’t get sick, as soon as you open the windows, the risks of getting sick are reduced, you know how many times, 20 times, why ventilating your apartment should become your habit, ready be surprised? drum roll, he thought almost nothing, but he got home, yes, only on instincts, zombies, everything is different here, it’s more complicated here, what did you see about me, about us, like a fortune teller, new series, today on the first. it was a time
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of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in 1937, that is, a very short period of time. offers a good simple concept, the project was a simplified classic, one could say that this is the spirit of the time not only of that period, but vdnkh today is the spirit of the times today. for the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh, on saturday, on the first, in the new season on the first. a woman
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is killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken. do you know how it breaks? so just the shoulder. gives and the elbow pulls, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. “the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for
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not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, opposition to the prime minister.
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dangerous, in this case an injury occurs that can affect the rest of your life, because there are growth zones, they can be damaged
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as a result of such an injury. they suggest entrusting the child to the mother’s pediatrician: irisha, we’ll leave it to you, hold it tightly, and andrei petrovich and i will go to our models, because in fact, this childhood trauma is very, very serious things, so once again the hand should be raised like this, especially i can point at you... i’ll just show you, because this is how we take them, carry them, lift them, but also it’s more disgusting when a child is capricious, and some angry mother drags him by the hand like that, you just want to stop him and honestly report him to some inspectorate, well, because unfortunately in children , the ligaments and joint capsule are so delicately attached to the bone that you can tear it off, dislocate your shoulder and there will be... a rupture of this growth zone, let's show it directly again, look, here is the shoulder joint, this is a complex joint, three bones, a scapula,
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a collarbone, you see, here it is with humerus, a very complex joint, many ligaments, adults have a special cuff that prevents them from breaking out, children don’t have anything like that, so they grabbed you like this, dragged you like that, tore everything off, and accordingly, the growth of this further... unfortunately, it can be dangerous, although it is clear that you really need to do this only by the chest under the armpits and in this way you need to take, lift the baby, then
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take him in your arms, do not pull his hands by the arms, this is the first thing, now if suddenly a tragedy happened here, what does it look like, the hand is hanging, it’s just you you can't tell her lift, it is clear what to do in an acute situation, in an acute situation you need to press your hand.
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prevent the onset of swelling in the shoulder area and, of course, immediately go to the emergency room, but before that you can give painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in order to relieve the pain, the pain will be acute, the pain will be great to remove the swelling. so, what medicines should we give to children? global choice of two: either paracene and buprofen in pediatric doses, this is the whole group. sometimes, unfortunately, we even have a diagnosis, habitual shoulder dislocation, we once showed this in the program, and now i want to show you again, remember the concert of polina gagarina, when a hand hung right in front of her eyes, she moved her hand and in fact it was just
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intense in itself. hand gave her such an injury. one, two, where this can happen in everyday life at the dacha, when you lift something heavy upward with such a movement, now we will show how it happens with weightlifters, when the arm is thrown back like this and dislocated, that is, in essence, when it is hand in position behind back, abduction, in this case then the shoulder joint comes out, you need to fix it.
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when falling from a bicycle, when people fall on their side or on their elbow, the shoulder pops up when falling on their elbow. all the actions are the same, the same, they fixed the humerus, like this, like this, in this position, to stop the shoulder from falling out, they fixed it from here, took a pill to the emergency room, this is the best thing that can be done. let's return to andrei andreevich, our wonderful one. who is with mommy, our child himself, that you can’t get enough of exemplary behavior, yes guys, here it is, irisha, well, we’ve caught up with fear here, tell me both prodeus as pediatricians, have you encountered such injuries in children, of course, yes, yes, this happened in my practice, everything ended well , because parents sometimes called on time and asked what to do, but they always went to
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the emergency room on time and set their arm. and andrei andreevich liked our cameras, we, andrei petrovich and i are so-so little people, so the cameras and the people opposite represent some kind of big interest, such people are visiting us today, and we are forced to return to the program to live well with andrei petrovich, where our beloved doctor gandelman and no less beloved doctor kanavalov are waiting for us. we return to the studio of the program live healthy. well, friends, so we returned to our doctor gandelman from the dacha, we didn’t bring him anything, but you prepared something for us, yes, i’m trying to make sun-dried tomatoes, you ’ll appreciate the result, we’re sending you, mikhailgorovich will help you, because he lived and worked in italy for a long time, he knows that what is canning, what are sun-dried tomatoes, look, it's canning season and
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today is canning day. as they say, the international holiday of canned food, the date was chosen as the period for the beginning of the preparation of food for the winter, but everyone who lived in russia as long as we lived with the doctors knows that in general there, 60-50 and 40 years ago, we prepared everything for the winter , that is , canning was an integral part of life, there was a process in the fall, absolutely true, the whole family participated in everything, that’s for sure, who washed the cucumbers, who...
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no one knows what you're talking about, no one knows what you're talking about, because you didn't say what you're talking about, tomatoes, we 'll talk about sun-dried tomatoes, bring us sun-dried tomatoes into the studio, look, i i started today's program with...
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add we show a homemade method of drying today in like this, i put them in a jar, we put them in a jar for you, yes, you can add spices, you can preserve the day like this, here we
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can add them, yes, they add oregano, what are you doing, let's according to you. it is perfectly stored there and as long as you want, now why did we say that sun-dried tomatoes are better than fresh ones, i suggest everyone to go to the mock-ups, because this is a fact proven by science, because
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because if we talk about tomatoes, we talk about lycopene, the fact is that leucopene it is not destroyed by heat treatment... it is not destroyed by drying, on the contrary, yes, lycopene is an antioxidant, look, this is our retina, it is covered with nerve cells, rods and cones, and the fact is that these cells, they basically determine our vision, light hits these cells, photochemical processes occur there and... information from the eye enters the brain, if there are not enough antioxidants in the form of lycopene, then macular degeneration develops, that is , degeneration of the retina in the central part of it,
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this is blindness, you see , the eye does not see, the eye thus ceases to see, and so to speak, these substances come from the outside, we get them with food, the body itself does not produce them, therefore... in a sun-dried tomato there is several times more lecopin than in a fresh tomato, in tomato dried lekopina more in times than we have just a pedestal on this topic. tell us, and we can of course show you, look, in first place, of course, are dried tomatoes, this is nine days of polycapin, nine daily norms, tomato paste is in second place, six daily norms, fresh tomatoes are only 0.8, that is, in 10 since there is more here than here, you understand that there is little lycopene as a supersubstance in fresh, dried tomatoes.
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lowering cholesterol levels and thereby reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, therefore the product is both anti-cancer and anti-attrogenic. question, yes, to a former resident
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sunny naples, how to choose sun-dried tomatoes? nikola gorovitch, how to choose, by appearance, here in banks, in banks, in banks, usually banks, in fact they are transparent and there, in general, everything is visible, you see, here we see, well, there are full-fledged ones, normal dried tomatoes, clear oil. but, but the place should be darkened so that
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it does not get exposed to sunlight, of course, the cooler the better, you can store such tomatoes for up to two years, and homemade ones for about half a month, oh, six months, like sun-dried tomatoes correctly you can eat them, properly eat them alive, in a salad with cheese, with feta cheese, or in a green salad. add as you like, you can use it in making sauce, pizza, and i want to give lo, lord, spoons, forks to our girls, to all of us, and to men too, so that everyone can try dried tomatoes, no one has tried them, let’s have a short advertisement now, let’s eat dried ones tomatoes, and then we’ll continue, don’t switch, a breath of freshness, you’ve got oxygen. ventilation, the carbon dioxide was taken from you
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and they left, just 5 minutes and you don’t get sick, like as soon as you open the windows, the risks of getting sick are reduced, you know how many times, 20 times, why ventilating your apartment should become your habit, how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your crazy people can do it... i want it use, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice the stogasem, we are talking about a tragedy, as you don’t understand it, i discovered your talent, i will close it, will you deliver pizza from me again, will you, what do you want us to do for you? they did all the work here, it’s time to develop, pasha, take a more careful approach to the matter, i’m from german, let’s go back to the wards, it’s a pity, it turned out very smoothly. time is glass,
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detective syndrome, today after the program it’s time that i laugh, that i feel heat, that i feel pouring rain, when my friends are with me, today in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced and know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, she comes, she comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated poems songs my friend, how great is it, my friend, in general? conflicts could happen every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich, friendship, you know, often begins with respect, all these years we have been friends, i carry his guitar behind seryoga, we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like parties
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lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, sometimes even confused, leshchenko loves you all, if a friend. so, friends, 52 steps, 52 weeks a year, and 52 steps we take with you, fortunately, these steps are healthy and correct habits that we form, not all at once, but one habit at a time. per week, this week our habit is called this: ventilate your houses, andrei petrovich, so, this house, if you don’t ventilate it, then it will become overgrown with dust, germs, viruses, and you will inevitably get sick, closed spaces
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imply, that viruses, bacteria remain, and people who are in contact in this room for more than 40 minutes progressively... at least once every 3 hours, come up, open, ventilate for 5 minutes, close, here i am now we ventilated our model, everything was fine, german shevich, so ventilation to expel germs, what else do we need to sweep for, so that fresh air with a normal oxygen concentration enters the apartment,
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now look germanshech, we opened our windows to us. a person inhales this oxygen andrei petrovich - this is a red blood cell, an erythrocyte andrei petrovich , an erythrocyte that travels along the bloodstream and comes to the tissues, where exchange occurs, oxygen is given to the cells that must breathe, and carbon dioxide is waste gas, but... it’s clear, you received oxygen after ventilation, they took away the carbon dioxide from you and left, which means this is the second, good thing that is happening, our apartments are saturated
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with oxygen, the third is not so fun, mikhail egorovich, the fact is that in winter on our street. it’s dry because all the water has turned into snow, moreover, it’s dry in our apartments because we have heating devices working, but in the summer the situation is different, in the summer there are rains, fortunately mikhalogorich, what is the rule, if it rains in the summer, then of course, we need to seize this moment, why, because we need to open the windows, then the humid air will come into our apartment and be ours. fortunately, in winter everything is much more difficult, why? because you can’t open the windows much, all these appliances and generally the dry air that is outside spoils our mucous membranes, spoils our skin, and hence the risk of various respiratory diseases increases, because our
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dry skin and dry mucous membranes are bad work to overcome obstacles. andrey petrovich, our beloved experiment. welcome perier to the studio. after this experiment, i sneeze most often.
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it’s okay, bring yourself, let’s pretend it’s dust. please give us bottles of water. but now look, dust is flying everywhere in your house, it was raining outside, so you opened the windows, just like that you moistened the dust, it became damp and heavy. the whole donkey is graying, so i’ll even spray it so that it finally becomes clear that the wet dust will settle safely, safe for allergy sufferers, safe for all people, without exceptions, right, yes, so ventilate, ventilate and ventilate, and after the rain, open the windows of your apartments, okay? this is what we wanted to tell you, dear friends, may you be happy and healthy, i want to remind everyone that if you didn’t have time to watch
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our program on air, it’s okay, on the website of channel one you can watch our program at any time of the day, so that we will be together day and night, winter and summer. we had a good time with you, may you live a healthy life. hello, this is an information channel on first, we start working live, the program time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashko, olesya loseva. ukraine is starting something in the kharkov direction, the armed forces of ukraine are forming new ones. reserves in kharkov , mercenaries of the teroborona detachment, nazi units were spotted , this is what
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telegram channels report with reference to local residents about what is happening in the city. according to our data, the ukrainian army is actively strengthening the kharkov garrison and creating new reserves for a possible counter-offensive. our source said that mercenaries, terrorist weapons and nazi units. military equipment is also actively moving on kharkov streets at night. moreover, reserves accumulate in the region itself. an increase in the contingent of the armed forces of ukraine was noted in chugoevo and other settlements. the source said that, apparently, the plan of the ukrainian command is to accumulate forces to try to cut off russian units from the border. military correspondent sergei vorobyov is now in the kharkov direction, let's ask him questions about a possible counter-offensive of ukrainian troops. sergey, hello, what do you know about this topic, because the news is, well, important. ruslan, alesa, good morning, yes, the information is indeed confirmed that a fairly large group of troops is being formed in the kharkov
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direction, the only thing is that, according to the information available today, this group should carry out a diversionary strike during the next counter-offensive that kiev is preparing. do you have any idea where the main blow will be? so far, information is coming about zaporozhye, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this is zelensky plans to improve. their negotiating position at the moment when he is finally forced to sit down at the negotiating table, that is, now they are preparing a counter-offensive in the kharkov direction in order to simulate a strike, and the main blow will be on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, according to your information, yes, on today, according to the information i have, this is exactly the picture, and the point is to then enter the negotiating positions from a position of strength, that we have captured something there, occupied it and are generally strong, yes. absolutely right, it's like in the famous phrase, sesny, that the last phrase is remembered, that is, they want to sit down to the negotiating table on such a positive
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demobilization chord, uh-huh, in kharkov language...


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