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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 1, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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musk recalled that the announcement of a reward there for information, so to speak, of nicolas maduro is again in force, here is an interesting story leading to the arrest, and what is the location of venezuela, caracos, the presidential palace, yes, the presidential palace, 12 queen academy street, friends, we are waiting for parcels, well, by the way, maduro himself also interestingly accuses... of financing or supporting protests in venezuela, even, by the way, on this occasion, challenges him to a fight, i don’t know, a fight will work out there, it won’t work out , well, like this, like this political, one might say, battles, we are telling all this, i am not telling you all this to entertain you, so to speak, with the element of secularism in the political struggle, so to speak , in political battles, in fact, for several days now in this studio we have been discussing protests in the cities of venezuela and the role in this usa, well, it’s just painful, even here you don’t have to be, i don’t know, some kind of conspiracy theorist, you don’t have to... be, so to speak, a biased
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author, just look, suddenly you recognize some more familiar techniques and you can even say which ones some training manuals, well, at least i at least i see a lot of things, note, again , this is not news that for the united states to support coups or organize them, this is a favorite scheme that has been used for a very long time, here someone comes to mind in the 50s of haiti, remember, and this is francois the famous duvalier came to power. but there was, in fact , a so-called patient zero, it was the nicaraguan dictator anastasio samosa, and it’s time to remember this story, and pull out the rest from them. so, one of the first pocket american dictators was anastasio samosa, president of nicaragua.
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being a general of the national guard, he received for the successful suppression of the uprising against the american occupation forces in nicaragua and the murder of the leader of this struggle , the country's national hero august sandin. having taken his post, samosa became famous for his bloody reprisals against undesirables, and most importantly, any person who opposed the fact that the country was actually occupied by american companies that were pumping out all the juice from nicaragov instantly fell under the cauldron of repression. special hatred. anastasio samosa had a fondness for the locals communists, the nicaraguan dictator even very much approved of hitler’s policies. however, this is exactly what the americans needed from their pocket dictator. in connection with these events, roosevelt, by the way, is credited with the famous phrase: he may very well be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch. anastasio samosa, with the support and approval of the americans, became president for life and the founder of a family dynasty that ruled the country unchallenged for 43 years. for these.
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wanted to avoid this word, you see, it came out, well, no, no, exactly the opposite, actually actually, vladimirovna, that’s how many years it’s been, yes, 100, in fact, everything has been working, which means, excuse me, don’t misunderstand, it means this is a really effective technology, it still works, well, of course, such technologies are more than 100 years old, much more, of course , centuries,
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is becoming almost the norm, literally today iran is saying goodbye to the leader of hamas, who was killed, and so calmly in tehran during the reading of the koran. and just the other day, forenpolis burst out with an article in which she seriously justified and told how you can kill the russian president. you see, this is foreign policy, one of the leading newspapers, yes, you see, this has all
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become the norm, that is, that samosa is a dictator, that there have never been any principles for the united states of america. centuries, it, unfortunately, not only does not leave the world stage, it becomes tougher, cruel and much more cynical, well then we must resist this, then isn’t it time to take on board, excuse me, these tools, if they such
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effective and work so well in all historical circumstances, we are not them, we are a different civilization, if we... so also take all this into service and we will carry out political murders and we will organize terror in concentration camps and so on, everything that everything , which represents what the samuza dictatorship was, then we will cease to be our civilization, i understand, excuse me, you are friends in north korea, you are not takly, and there are no concentration camps there, what are you talking about, i am saying about russian civilization about northern korea.
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well, for ourselves, of course, in order to remain ourselves, we are fighting for this, but on the other hand, the same anglo-saxons have, excuse me, a saying, but mikhail vladimirovich will not let you collect, i will say in russian, in love in war, all means are fair, with all due respect, i don’t agree with you, because you gave such an extreme version of the plot development, right away about concentration camps, let’s go without concentration camps, but we will defend schemes in which...
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and if i am threatened by someone who is not wearing white gloves and in europe they can simply steal me, imprison me and send me to prison guantama for torture, then i would really like the one who gave such an order, the spread of rot on the russian, the destruction of the russian, because they do not wear white gloves, so that this person also knows that he can be taken to the same guantama in the same way and in the same way, the jurisdiction of russia should be extended if it is in the interests of russia, and no camp camps are needed, and i will answer you jiri, you don’t confuse different things, it’s one thing to create a dictator and another thing with him... tolerate the atmosphere, also to influence, when the scoundrels, the americans, start processes, when the people he’s dying of hunger, you know, and we still support all this at the un, sorry, we didn’t create any korean rulers, unlike what happened in nicaragua or unlike what happened at goita, it’s
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russia’s interests to defend, you know , i’ll give a simple example, that’s why all the time there are extremes, taiwan, america really insists on , well, it’s like playing some kind of game, supporting. sells weapons, and god forbid a war starts there, it will be so global for china, i do not insist that the war was there and america needs to prove something, but no, it’s simple, america understands the conversation from the point of view only of the dollar. a blow, for example, if you take control of two chip factories in taiwan, i mean, control could be customs, the sea route only exists there, then america will not survive this blow and europe will not survive from the point of view of chip technology, that is, not it is necessary to conquer territories precisely, based on the fact that you really want interests to be defended, i will say when the german deputy kiesen wind says frankly that the closest casting deposit is lugansk, so we must win this war, the german says, we must war you...
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we need to be strong and we need to defend ourselves, this is not at all the same thing, that we need to become cynics, but strong, we always both the russian empire and the soviet union were strong, when they became weak, when they became weak, then of course we had problems. arguing with this is generally pointless, of course, only force, i repeat, this is the edge of application and, so to speak, the use of demonstration, this is it
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interesting, this is a thin story, please continue the thought, not in the spirit of contradiction, on the contrary, develop it, as for taiwan, that is, the thought is correct, there really is the largest company there, 54 percent, in my opinion, produces semiconductors in the world, means the united states, since american analysts predict that within 12-24 months china will try to resolve the taiwan issue. it’s a question of power, although this forecast has already existed for 2 years, they continue to push it back, but they are deeply convinced that this will be necessary, here they are naturally they are trying to protect themselves, this year is starting in arizona, which means that a plant for the production of sex conductors is opening, owned by the same tavian company, it’s called, and building the same plant, if i’m not mistaken in germany, then, it seems to me, that’s how it is in in this sense, it means that this is done precisely for the purpose of what if suddenly. will be in taiwan, the semiconductor problem will be solved, now, as for interests, this is also the right
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moment and dollars, also the right moment, but here it is better to open this topic, now we let's see, let's open it up, that's what interest is, interest, it can actually be defined in different ways, for the usa in different ways, for russia, for the united states, i completely agree, interest really always lay in very basic trivial things, which means that these are naturally material wealth, resources, well, roughly speaking, dollars, now let’s just see. on the numbers, that’s why all the time with venezuela, the americans try every few years, well, just, well, venezuela produces 0.8 of the world's oil, but in terms of reserves, in terms of reserves, 19% of the world's reserves - first place , first place, then saudi arabia has 16 in second place, but canada has 10, yeah, add two more to the american ones, so you already control the reserves oil is such that here you go, yes, that means, you understand, you already control a huge share of oil, this is not a developed place.
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let us remember it, which was actually adopted by the americans at that time, it was the first step from american isolationism to american expansionism, which means it was adopted precisely with the goal that this was the period when the liberation from the colonial yoke of latin america ended, and the americans then took upon themselves the role of guardians of order in the western hemisphere, we will not let them back there, it is now ours, we control it, so the americans in their eyes, an absolutely legitimate claim to control over the entire western hemisphere, but how... we are also talking about natural resources, like oil, well, here, as they say, god himself calls the shots, so it’s natural, but this is
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american interest, you know, it’s clear , yes, but this does not have to be identified with russian interest, especially if you remember the political traditions, i’ll say one thing, the political traditions of the soviet union, russia, how much money the soviet union invested in the development of the peoples of africa and asia during the accession movement, you know, the same yes, well so you know what we are talking about, the experts prepared it. to say that not a single good deed, including the large number of good deeds that the soviet union did, goes unpunished, and where are all our allies whom we, so to speak, paid and everything else, and then i thought, well, no, now the term global has reappeared.
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funny and fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first.
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tomorrow on the first day, what is snow for me, what is hot for me, what is torrential rain for me, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced you know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must go through the ordeal, i had an operation,
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it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played the melody the next morning, he called and... the soviet union is no more, now you can earn a lot of money in a completely legal way, have you heard anything about
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the oil-for-food program, you have no idea what volumes there are, but what do you care? is russia short on oil? this is a completely different level. oleg and i decided to get married. yes. you've been accepted as a graduate student at new york university. and they gave me a scholarship. you and i just live different lives. i can't do that. it's hard for me. yes, you are leaving me like this now. do you recognize this woman? i think you know what happened in cancer. and for us this means that all foreign intelligence services are becoming more active there. hello. i won't interfere. certainly. what do you think, he figured you out? i hope not yet, i have never cheated on my wife before you, and you? i'm not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. hello, trader from monday on the first, do you understand what you have done, how have you
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not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years in the new season on the first. abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version
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is going to hell, the man was a stutterer , suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for the fact that you didn’t want to help us, you’re a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister’s confrontation based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova. we continue to work live, well, you and i understand, yes, that the technology is not new, as vladimirovna rightly noted, it is not even a century old, but much older, but it works.
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wherever they want, this is, of course, an attractive image, exactly what we give you, freedom, this is the first, second there are also some historical grounds, you know, there are still some historical grounds for some reason it’s so methodical and purposeful and cynical and vile and so to speak they’re trying to steal our history, to cheat us somehow, i don’t i know, and so on, well, because this is one of the most important reasons in general, so we talked before the advertisement about the soviet union, which was taking shape. to african countries, and many whined, well , they spent so much money, and where is it now, and then boom, several decades have passed, you see, i won’t say that this is real , full-fledged support, but the memory is there, but the global
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south - now, so to speak, one way or another , it is migrating towards russia in the brackets of the union, because they remember, history is very important, now let’s talk about history, and this is history and about our history, which, so to speak, is denigrated and... summer of 1944. the belarusian offensive operation of the red army has been successfully completed. the wehrmacht is suffering terrible losses. the german
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army is forced to retreat along the entire front from the baltic states to ukraine. on the shoulders of the retreating german divisions, part of the red army and the polish army operating within it enter the territory of poland. the liberation of this country from the invaders begins. rapid advance of red the army to the west causes panic in london, they are trying to leave post-war poland in their zone of influence, and besides , there are levers of influence, it is in britain that the polish government is hiding in exile. in london , they decide to carry out a large-scale provocation, controlled by the government in london, the partisans of the kraev army receive instructions to raise a general uprising. announce the restoration of the pre-war polish government; demand from moscow recognition of the 1939 borders. on october 14, 1943
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, the future commander of the uprising, general tadeusz burkomarovsky described the goals of the upcoming uprising this way. the weakening of germany is not in our interests. i see a threat in russia. the further away the russian army is, the better for us. a logical conclusion follows from this. we cannot cause an uprising against germany as long as it keeps the russian front, and thereby the russians, away from us. in addition, we must be prepared to provide armed resistance to russian troops advancing into polish territory. but the advance of the red army turned out to be much faster than expected london. by the end of july 1944, soviet troops were already close to warsaw. the british and polish nationalists did not want to allow the country to escape nazi occupation. liberated soviet troops to get ahead of the red army on august 1, 1944, forces controlled by the polish government in london begin an uprising against the german
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group in warsaw. the leaders of the uprising hoped that the red army would continue the offensive and defeat the germans, at which time the rebels would be able to expel wehrmacht units from warsaw and proclaim restoration pre-war polish government, however , marshal rakosovsky and the command of the first belarusian front had other plans: the soviet troops were exhausted, they needed time to... replenish and regroup. in such a situation , no one wanted to throw troops into battle, especially in the interests of polish nationalists. in addition, soviet intelligence in poland was well aware of the goals of the uprising. these are the cipher messages that were sent to moscow in those days. the uprising pursues political goals: to take power into their own hands before the arrival of the red army and declare that the poles liberated warsaw themselves even before the arrival of the red army. at the same time, the leadership of the regional army conducts oral propaganda. we
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started an uprising to help the reds. army to take warsaw, however, when the uprising began to develop, the red army deliberately suspended its offensive and did not even help the rebels with weapons. the command of the red army did this with the goal that the germans would destroy the best part of the polish patriots. architects of the warsaw adventure, the british no actual help to the rebels they did not, polish nationalists had to fight the germans alone. the rebels initially had no chance in a battle against the wehrmacht. on october 1944, the commander of the rebels, general komarovsky, surrendered to the germans, without even trying to break through with his people to the soviet troops. after two months of urban fighting, the forces of the regional army in the city were virtually destroyed. 2,000 poles died, including 16,000 rebels. the entire civilian population of warsaw was taken from the city, tens of thousands were sent to forced labor in germany. after the defeat of the warsaw
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uprising in london , they lost all interest in polish emigrants; warsaw itself, all of poland was finally liberated by the red army in the winter of 1945, however, through the efforts of the polish emigration , the myth that the real heroes who did not liberate the country were soldiers was firmly established in poland itself. the red army and the polish troops, and the participants in the warsaw uprising, a very living story that the command of the red army, therefore, did this with the goal that the germans would destroy the best part of the polish patriots and so on, i don’t i know why polish patriots don’t ask each other the question, listen, where were the british, and how did the british respond to the request, so to speak, to organize an airborne assault there and help in general, why don’t these questions not no no, well that’s okay, that’s just me , because
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these are lyrics, vladimirevich, i ask you.
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in my opinion, this is generally a consensus, so to speak, academic there, which in a military sense, of course, was against the germans, in a political sense, of course, against the soviet union, against, yes, the soviet union, pay attention to what the organizers mean where were the inspirers, that’s right, in london, jiri, i’m a little surprised, in fact , instead of us celebrating the heroism of these people who fought for freedom, because well, in russia there is a concept of heroism, but you respect heroes, your heroes, and here you call the warsaw uprising an adventure, but this, forgive me, this is an insult to these victims, this is an insult, then let me express myself more clearly, you are right, absolutely, let me express myself more clearly, so, yes, i think that there was of course an adventure, a cynical one, vile and bloody, those who
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this whole thing was organized from london, so i think, by those people, those people who were there, who rebelled, who fought, what questions are there for them, of course, that’s the problem. this is the cynicism, that these bright people, so to speak, just like that, yeah, well, it didn’t work out, okay, let’s understand then, this is the cynicism and meanness, in no case, here it was a colleague who said why they rebelled against the approaching soviet power, yes, because you abolished independent poland in '39, they have experience or had the experience of the twenties, when you were advancing on warsaw, and they had to wait for soviet power with crucified hands, the soviet union offered help how many times.
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the same ones didn’t do anything, didn’t do anything at all, pretended that there was a war, there was no war, like poland’s allies should help out, you know, that’s what i’m saying, just understanding the significance of the poles and in general the significance of this warszew uprising, something completely different, just among the poles, for you this is a gamble, but for the poles this is, by the way, by the way, president duda said today, yes?
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listen, tell me, what you say means that it has become independent or is it still dependent on the union, your country, is it independent, well, honestly, by the way, i can say, by example, by example, i i want to say something else, but in 1946 we
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elected communists, we voluntarily joined the soviet bloc, but poland didn’t have such a voluntary entry, because the soviet army came and stayed, well, no, the minister of defense, right? year was, the warsaw uprising is, of course, the clearest example of the cynicism of the polish the gentry, which, well, he’s a gentry, means komarovsky, then already komarovsky, when there are a lot of his own people, young people, 2000 people died there, you know, give it up. so, for the sake of their political ambitions and under the dictation of london, because it was clear and the army was warned by regional intelligence, it gave information that the ss units entered
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warsaw, the death’s head, another elite ss unit, five tank tanks were brought up, which means a column armies met our second tank army, rokosovsky could not. not stop, by the way, the order to stop this offensive was given on august 1 at 4:00 in the morning, the uprising began as planned on august 1, it didn’t. this means he said that the warsaw
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uprising contributed to the fact that the soviet army did not go further, it held the front, whose front, it held the front of the nazis, it turns out who it was intended for then, it is necessary to separate these concepts from the fact that the polish the people have always been sacrificed by these lords, their ambitions have been historically proven, therefore poland is one section, second... in which poland, mentions of the polish language
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were prohibited, the poles again create the ponitovsky corps, which means 100,000 people who go with napoleon, the most brutal robberies in moscow in 1812 by the poles, alexander i, the congress of vienna, restores , makes this the polish kingdom, polish is the state language, russian is the second, the second state language, gives them a constitution, self-government. there is a lot of things there, the restoration of all of poland, what they responded with, the uprising of 1830, 1863 severe torture against russian soldiers, officers, this nation, it is now the same again, three seas, from sea to sea, from mozh to mozha, everything is not possible, in the end it will also be impossible for the poles now, we can’t, guys, yes, no, no , yes, i just wanted, now i just wanted to say, thank you very much for... saying and raising this topic, it seemed to me that it sounded like that, yes, but i’m
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grateful to her anyway, of course, the speech is not about those people who gave their lives, and about those people who cynically manipulated and used them, we just gave it to you quote, he says, yes, of course it would be good for us, he says, now it’s not about weakening the germans, but these need to be, well, imagine what an abomination and what baseness, so of course irzha, thank you, this is not about these people, these are heroes , yes, they gave their lives for what... well not the titanic, the titanic, the titanic, then
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it will boom and sink, funny, yes, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, it was the time of big ideas, it was the time - very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​power, the beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in the thirty-fifth year the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in the thirty-seventh year, that is , this is a very short time frame, alstarzhivsky offers a good simple concept, the project was a simplified classic , one could... say that vdnkh is the spirit of the time not only of that period, but vdnkh today is the spirit
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of the time today. to mark the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh on saturday, on the first. there is a russian spirit here, it smells like russia. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or some events, when he was in the image of what is called holding his face. he didn’t allow anyone into the family in a broad sense; it was a strictly closed territory. for the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively, there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right?
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that’s a compliment, my father’s feelings are more important, more likely at this sad moment, god needed you more, for some reason, our exclusive - the family archive of mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday on the first, you how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t find anyone like him, he could ruin everything.
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the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin, mavlyuda, hello, i just moved from the basement to three rubles, and oh women, look how the men need to be clamped down, and in our yard, on sunday first, the soviet union is no more, now you can earn a lot of money, in a completely legal way, have you heard anything about the oil- for-food program,
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hi, i won’t interfere, of course, what do you think, has he figured you out? i hope not yet, i'm up to you i've never cheated on my wife, and you? i’m not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career, hello, trader from monday on the first, do you understand what you did, how have you not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years? we continue to work live, that’s why we remembered the warsaw uprising, well, firstly, yes, because, because history, which again, you see, how it interprets, to put it delicately, because the approaches are still the same, and yes, here you go
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thank you vladimirovna, she gave us a short tour, so to speak, of the history of the relationship, or the relationship of poland and the poles to russia. it was interesting, very instructive, let’s not forget, by the way, it also instructs us on what we need to remember, let’s remember, here, but here’s another story, if the approach is still the same, and the poles are still poland - this is now a backup option, and what is the main option, well , there is no intrigue, these are ukrainians, these are ukrainians, of course, the approach is still the same, but nothing has changed, 100 years have passed there, but not 180, yes, everything is the same, look, it means how interesting, in that case. some kind of party in london, they sent something there, that means, but these, no, didn’t go, and these didn’t work out either, oh well, god bless him, nothing, here, now look , what they say, what they say in europe, in europe, which poked us all the time, that means, supposedly ours, that means, this is the same thing, that means, our face, uncouth, in value, you know, in
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value, the same, as if like them believed that they are different, they have values, and we well, nothing, just a brutal appetite, but look. what’s happening: we want to continue training ukrainian soldiers, so why not extend this process to czech citizens who consider themselves to be of ukrainian nationality and form some kind of unit. there are hundreds of thousands of potential conscripts in eu countries who are obliged to defend ukraine. it is possible to impose conditions on the stay of ukrainians in the eu, which will encourage them to fulfill their duty to defend their homeland. we can send back ukrainian. their men of military age, if ukraine asks us about this, tell me, as a european, a european, what is happening in general, but it’s interesting, an interesting turn is happening, because? also, well, for the last 2 years , we seemed to be protecting ukrainian refugees on the contrary, that there is no need to extradite them back, but
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how can we explain this, as you put it, an interesting turn? i believe that this is due to developments at the front, and this is also due to the fact that ukraine, and this is objectively already valuable , may be subject to the situation at the front, well, the lack of people, the lack of people, and what if the shortage of people must be taken from everywhere, including.
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it is clear that there is a violation of human rights, because he is sent to death in advance, it is known that he will die, because there is war, a hopeless situation, but i am delighted with something else, about the formation of ukrainian battalions on the territory of the czech republic. if you look at the czechs in general, at the poles, there ’s this complex of political inferiority, grievances there for the uprising, there the czechs have a very big grievance, frankly, honestly, there is a danger that the west will once again come to the territory of what is called russia or russian interests, the destruction of the russian people, russian people, russian spirituality, russian morality, russian civilization will begin, for this it is necessary to create buffer zones, a buffer zone. after the second world war, which was the socialist camp, but in fact , capitulation was signed on may 9, in the czech republic there was an armored
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division that resisted for 2 weeks, but why? but because they had a repair plant there, a tank repair plant, and how to treat the place where the danger comes from, of course, any of these democratic uprisings or something else, let's fast forward to today, where this border is a buffer, i believe that the west really poses a danger, the west is doing a simple thing, we started with this. today the program, as soon as they have economic interests, they launch processes of undermining statehood, revolutions occur, there is an eternal dispute about the october revolution, what happened to russia in the nineties, what happened then, attempts to maidan russia, what existed and as soon as it comes american capital, british capital or just some kind of hedge fund capital like rock, then these are their interests, these are not the interests of russia, if they suddenly start losing, then a war begins, in this regard, can you imagine?
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after 1945, we did not complete, the soviet union did not complete the issues related to the destruction of nazism, yes, it is clear that the country
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was weakened, and after the war there were colossal millions of losses, we paid 26 million people, but the soviet union was very strong then military political in regards, we didn’t follow through until we knew that these were nazis. absolutely, then they didn’t finish off, you see, now you have to add, because it means that in fact the same thing happened inside
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the soviet union, if you remember, at the end of the war, after the war, the death penalty was abolished. when when they caught bandera's members or sent the forest brothers, they were given 25 years there, they were sent there, then they were released, and then there was an amnesty, yes, then there was an amnesty, even those who stayed in prison, even those who sat out until the end, imagine him there 22 in 1948, he came out 25 years later, he’s still basically a man, he lived until 1990, you know, that is, all these people, they ended up on the territory of ukraine, not only in the west, many of them settled throughout ukraine , they ended up on the territory of the baltic states, all this came to a head in the late eighties, when they were inspired.
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we will help in any case, it is important: on august 1 , the russian orthodox church celebrates the day of memory of the great russian ascetic, st. seraphim of sorov, specifically about this is a new video of a joint project of the ministry of culture of the russian federation, the russian state library and channel one, this project is called “rustoria”. let's get a look. in 1754, one of the most revered ascetics of the orthodox church, seraphim of sarov, was born in kursk. the monk came from the family of a pious merchant. even in adolescence, the young man dreamed of a monastic life, with the blessing received from his mother, he made a pilgrimage to the kiev pechersk lavra. in 1778 he became a novice of the sorovsky monastery, in 1786 he accepted
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monasticism. after 16 years of obedience in the monastery, seraphim settled in solitude several kilometers from the monastery, wore the same clothes, prayed a lot and read the gospel. the only wealth was a small vegetable garden. seraphim took upon himself the feat of silence for 3 years , did not say a word, did not receive anyone, and if he met anyone, the monk fell in front of the diary and did not raise his face until the guest left. returning to the monastery, seraphim continued to live in seclusion, but began to receive people who came to him for advice. became founder and patron of the deveyovo monastery. in 1833, the monk ended his earthly journey in kelia during kneeling prayer. his fame spread throughout russia. in 1903, by decision of the holy synod, in the presence of the royal family and in front of a huge crowd of people, the great ascetic seraphim
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of sorovsky was canonized. becoming one of the most revered. saints in our country, a good video, thank you all for your attention, thank you for the company, advertising on the first channel and we’ll come back, what a laugh, what a heat, what a torrential chill for me, when my friends with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly what a true faithful friend is. i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how wonderful, my friend. in general, conflicts could happen every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich.
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friendship, you know, often begins with respect. all these years like us we are friends, i carry his guitar behind seryoga, we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, sometimes even confused, leshchenko loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend, and neither friend nor enemy, but so, saturday is on the first. how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t find people like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us? they're back, well done, but you have to understand what you have to do with this cop it's not good to be, it's dangerous. i received the money,
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enough for five tickets, two adults, three children, to moscow. well, why are you silent, are we going or not, look, the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin, come back, hello, look. no, well, just like that , i moved from the basement to three rubles, and oh, women, look how the men need to be clamped down, and in our yard on sunday on the first, when such a dad was at royal, there could not have been any other children at all, i understand that the program is called children, you can get confused in such company, who is older, went on a spree...
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well, who is behind you? i’m telling you, i came myself, i wanted to conclude a contract for the purchase of oil, everyone wants it, let me introduce you to my partner, ignat kravtsov, it’s very nice, you were never taught as a child that money doesn’t buy happiness, this is so russian, like trader from monday on the first. how do you understand each other? you don't know french, do you? so what? when she asks me something, i tell her: whoever got it, well, whatever you want, and if she washes something for me, i tell her i say: jolie pans osi, well, honey, i
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think so too, in the new season on the first. a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and the heart is not torn, do you know how it breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole
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version is going to hell. the man who was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere the legendary book by yulian semyonov, the information channel on the first continues, we work live, new scandalous details of the assassination attempt on donald trump have appeared. it turns out that the shooter was walking quite calmly on the roof, choosing a position to shoot right in front of the united states secret service. the irony is that
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this video is unlikely to be shown to american users of social networks , well, it’s all due to extreme censorship, well, freedom of speech, it would seem, but someone will be silenced for freedom of speech whatever. it turns out that the largest american search engine simply does not provide any results. this is the data for users. states, about the assassination attempt on donald trump and, in general, about some of his election campaigns, users have noticed that when they try to type the word assassination attempts, they come up with anything except the story of donald trump. meanwhile, billionaire elon musk said that the search engine simply works in the interests of donald trump's rival, kamala haris. well, the son of donald trump even called such actions of internet giants interference in american elections. big tech companies are again trying to interfere in the election to help kamala haris. we all know that this is deliberate election interference by search engines. truly disgusting.
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and now we understand that we are entering a new era of political technologies, when either technology controls us, or we control technology. let's try to sort all this out with nikitai aleksandrovich kulyakov, the general director of the national robotics company. we do it directly. and we are at the same time, well, like people, some people, not all of us globally, but some people, and technologies, because well, if you look at the sponsors of the trump party from the outside, and the republicans, there are mainly representatives of it giants and either venture investors who invest in technology, it is obvious that on the other hand, these technologies work for the benefit of one or another candidate, here we can say that on the one hand, people undoubtedly manage technologies, but the number of these people... is quite small, such
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a mountain, because everything is lined up there pyramid, let's say, yes, because there are some it engineers somewhere in india, there is some middle management somewhere in the states, there is their leadership that can manage it all, in this case , well, there is undoubtedly manipulation of the search results of this or that information, that is, you know how i would correct it, information about the assassination attempt on trump can be found, but only if you enter there... a link or follow another link, otherwise, what was said just now was shown in the plot, this is exactly recommendation services, which on the one hand, as the most popular answers may suggest, can also ignore them completely, so you assume how many audiences in the us are now influenced by these search queries, that is, how many people interested in the topic will encounter this, that is will be faced with the direct influence of the corporation on the user’s opinion, and how can we in russia resist this? well, you
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know, constantly, well, just like constantly, before, you could often hear that russia - the remaining country in technology, there is something wrong with freedom of speech, something wrong with the press, in the end it turns out that russia is almost the only island of such, well, moderate reasonable freedom, where there is a law-elected government and normally working resources that do not block anyone for some political or other characteristics, but in the states they are somewhat unprepared for... all this, here we have the same telephone scammers training the population, and this is not the first time year, and for them this is all new, and accordingly, if someone suddenly starts looking for something there and it doesn’t give him something, well, how lazy a person is and can’t be that doesn’t quite understand how it all works, and how you can find information , but this will undoubtedly stop someone, so well, i would say that if we are talking about it giants, for example, the same google, then the influence is undoubtedly global and not only on the scale of one country, and maybe the whole world, but ... i also
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think that they have editorial offices aimed at different countries, and where needed, not some requests, let’s say, are hidden or hidden in the shadows, where it is unprincipled, they can openly use them, that is , everything is still being adjusted to the audience, the situation in this case, and undoubtedly the population of the states can be hostage to this system. thank you very much, nikita kulikov was in direct contact with us, director of a national robotics company. scandalous manipulations have become more common. calling card of the united states and the current presidential race in america yesterday, for example, donald trump said that his competitor, kamala haris, is not actually black, but is simply manipulating information about her origins. she was always of indian descent until a few years ago when she suddenly became black, now she wants to be black. well, actually, given these trends, i think that kamala haris has fallen apart. will be openly proud of the fact that she has
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dark thoughts, but this is not about kamala haris, not about the upcoming elections in america, it’s about technology, about manipulation, the point is that america, which is promoting freedom of choice, has long since deprived everyone of this freedom of choice, and instead of a fair fight, she uses open, vile, manipulative tools, and here the question arises, but how far can these manipulations go and what can they lead to?
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i think he will just cope with the fact that there is not enough information on him in searching for attempts on google, and his own network will now develop on this, dominate, there are business processes there, but from the point of view of manipulation, that’s even when trump says she's not black, that's an order what, it must be black, sedentary, that is, disabled, preferably also an lgbt representative, then you are a superstar in hollywood or in an election campaign.
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processes in the united states, they very often come back with a boomerang, they tried it somewhere in europe, they tried it in the russian speaking segment of the internet, it comes back to them because these are algorithms, algorithms that influence a certain perception, lowering the threshold of sensitivity with from the point of view of education, if we are talking about the electorate, well, that is, simple the american has become even simpler, why does he need to figure out where the communists are, where the capitalist is, feed him, you know, all this is not as interesting as the consequences, what this can lead to, but the consequences, that’s what confrontation is like for me today. which exists there is a civil confrontation in which the stratification of society is visible and can lead to civil war in the united states of america. we watched how some states, suddenly, out of the blue, became disobedient to the washington vertical. but it’s very interesting when governors say: no, guys, we are not on the same path, let's arm ourselves, the national guard here
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will not participate in what we do, we are the power here, we are the power here, for america this is generally something new, and trump is, in principle, blackmailers still like this, if i don’t come, then we’ll see what the governors will say, because your... you in general , dragging the country into socialism is generally nonsense, here’s the civil war in the united states of america, you know, i’m calm about this, california - what is the sixth economy in the world, the fifth economy in the world, if germany is there moves, they often say that they don’t really like what’s happening in the united states of america, and texas doesn’t like it, let them take care of themselves, they won’t have time for us, you know, i was listening to you just now...
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that this is tsypso, this translates as the center of information and psychological special operations that exist in ukraine, this is also manipulation, but this is manipulation, i don’t like it, i don’t like it, but war, manipulation of war, well, of course, and firstly, if possible , i’ll add a little, what other problem america is now facing a collision, because of this, because the level of intelligence has dropped, they don’t have enough industrial defense specialists, that’s why they can’t do hypersonics, the houthis can do it, but what about them? tsypso in ukraine, it is clearly different from its owners in the west, we understand perfectly well that tsypso works according to the formalities and manuals of both britain and the united states,
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it is also distinguished by especially informational and not even informational, but human atrocities, we remember everything is fine , these videos distributed by tsypso and so on other. and so on, well, here we are ukrainians, i don’t want to offend all ukrainians, of course, those who work for tsypso, they didn’t surprise us, we remember how during the great patriotic war these same ukrainians of this caliber, they were surprised by the atrocities of the ss men, we now see the same thing, only within the framework, or rather outside the framework of a hybrid war, but it works, well, it works, it doesn’t work like that anymore, it worked, remember in the summer of twenty-two?
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well, in fact, endless manipulation is in general, this is a feature of the behavior and conduct of politics by the west of their puppets; the expired president of ukraine zelensky decided to change his rhetoric for the first time. admitted that ukraine could begin negotiations with russia without a preliminary demand for the withdrawal of troops
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to the border in 1991. zelensky’s accommodating behavior can, by the way, also be explained by the fact that things are not going well for the armed forces of ukraine at the front, which the west is reluctant to admit, this is what journalists from the american cnn write. russian troops are slowly advancing towards the strategically important city pokrovsk in eastern ukraine, threatening vital ukrainian supply lines, the president. ukraine's volodymyr zelensky acknowledged the difficult situation, saying ukrainian troops faced extremely difficult realities in the area. analysts said russian troops have recently made significant tactical gains in the area, which lies northwest of avdiyevka. russia is forcing ukraine to carry out defensive operations rather than preparing for a counteroffensive. however, the ukrainian army will have to advance even in such conditions. a legitimate ukrainian telegram channel writes that the west simply does not leave elections to kiev. our source will report that the banks are aware that they have the last months
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to carry out a large-scale offensive in the ssu and gain territorial success, which can be sold to sponsors as a continuation of financing the war. otherwise, by the end of the year, many officials in the west will begin to talk about urgent peace and negotiations, forcing the bank to make concessions. vladimirovich, that’s all, that too information technology of counter-offensive, because they are of course informational in the sense that they are already writing about this today, but these men whom we show in ukrainian uniform, they will go there to the front and shoot at our guys, and these are not exactly information wars, well , let’s do it, overdue zelensky, he is really stalling and will stall for time, it all depends on whether the trumpists come or the democrats still come to power, whether the funding will continue, europe will remain alone with the problem without the united states of america? all these conversations, i think, this is such a level of kvn, the ninety-fifth
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quarter, which comes up with something every time, well, kvn was not the worst in its time, well, as kvn, yes, a good comedian, but as a head of state, then, what he did was a deception, first of all, of the ukrainian people, he promised peace, but that’s not the point, the point is something else, look, this is not the first time the counter-offensive has been discussed, including in the west, intensively, there are all these observers in various propaganda ... resources talks about what opportunities there are, every time ukraine starts a topic, talk about a counter-offensive, there is immediately a parallel increase in arms supplies, it seems like everyone has forgotten, but nevertheless the metal region in ukraine will be built with shells, it’s not easy there are prospects that later these shells will simply be cheaper to produce in ukraine, and germany will buy, no, this is so that these shells will still be fired there, the west in this case, i see such a division, if no one knows about america , but britain already... how many times has the government changed there, the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, well, they are directly changing, but their goal is the
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same, causing strategic damage to russia, respectively, when we talk about a counter-offensive, i can assume with a high degree of probability that in a month we will hear completely different cries in the west, that we need to provide additional weapons, we need to abandon some kind of internal patriot systems in the territory, as they will do in a few months, i i think that the route map... and the direction has already been written, i think it’s just how you need to start, it’s a written script, it talks about a counter-offensive, and it’s already known what weapons will be provided and when and by whom, that’s how i think, accordingly, this does not depend on any situations, this is a prescribed direction, another thing, another thing is that zelensky has very new notes regarding the negotiations, this is written down, i think that zelensky is very shaky, not from the point of view of responsibility for ukraine how for the country there or an attempt to preserve statehood, no. i think zelensky has realized that he, as an individual, is now considered to be able to be replaced at any
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moment, and he won’t have a comfortable life in britain because he knows too much, but if he then throws in this postulate about negotiations, already so well formulated by him lately, this means that he is ready to show the west his flexibility, or that he is already ready , which means fulfilling the plan, the order of the west, which is set up for negotiations, what is this about speaking?
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i think that he is not sitting, i think that he is probably lying by the chair and licking his feet so that at least they promise him something. vasiliyvich, in fact, as far as ukraine is now, well, it can independently somehow make a decision on negotiations, or at least muster the courage to say, then, to the west, let’s stop, we want
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and are ready, no way, and here i beg to differ with vladimir vladimirovich, nothing about zelensky’s two incarnations. there are no more human beings left in these cattle, well, don’t offend the cattle like that, well, yes, so to speak, perhaps zoologists will be offended at me, yes, well, i mean it in the bad sense of the word in this case, because i really got out everything i could with my western curator, while the remains of my brain allow he must realize that he will, of course, end very badly, given that his western guards will be removed at any second, so to speak, and so on and so on, we saw just now they showed us footage of him, well... that’s why these bags of sand, excuse me, at his residence, who is he afraid of, what’s here tomorrow the russians will burst in here, or he demonstrates this in front of the englishman, and zelenskaya, remember, there was some kind of cover of some western publication, it means she posed there with her legs spread wide apart, i don’t know how the gates of ukraine are, probably come, and there, in the background, she had these sandbags, it was so
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deliberately demonstrative, the bags remained, props. they will imitate a counter-offensive, nothing will work, especially since the word is a large-scale counter-offensive, well, this is of course unrealistic, but imitate they will, they will imitate bloodily, how? firstly, they will probably now call for, or rather drive for slaughter, people over 60 years of age, they will lower the lower bar, that is , it’s not for nothing that they have been registering everyone there for 17 years, for a reason, they are already mining the border there so that no one can escape to... poland, not to romania, we see this very well, we also see from the footage that now the entire western world is supplying them with everything that can be done from the f-16, that they can only imitate, but they don’t have enough strength, because that normal, personnel, there are no high-quality troops left, there are only natsiks who can efficiently perform this police function, kill civilians there and morate and be
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detachments, what remains is this mass of meat, i apologize to the honest ones...
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kalashnikov assault rifles with an additional handle are produced in romania since soviet times, so it is quite possible that they will drive western troops there under the seemingly combat-ready ukrainian army. this is the real danger on the battlefield. well, here's confirmation of your words, in ukraine, if i’m not mistaken, this week a law was passed on the legalization of private military companies, and many experts
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assume that this will be done in order to legalize the presence of foreign armies. time. will show, now there is a short advertisement, you are ready to be surprised, drum roll, that is, he thought almost nothing, but he reached the house. yes, only on instincts, zombies, everything is different here, it’s more complicated, what did you see about me, about us, like a fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first.
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it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him , the gatherings were always lively, and you are sitting
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in dad’s place, it so happened, and unique footage previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated for border, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta, in the face of misfortune and grief, the three of them united. lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he's out there somewhere, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, more likely at this sad moment, god needed you more, for some reason? our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday at the first, that i laugh, that i feel heat, that i
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feel pouring rain, when my friends are with me, today in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe, that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me.
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let me introduce you to my partner, ignat kravtsov, we teach nicely, you were never taught as a child that money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s so russian, i like it, a trader from monday on the first, how do you understand each other, you don’t know french , and that when she asks me something, i tell her, to whom vuvula, well, as you want? and if she rubs something, i tell her: jolie pans osi, well, honey, i think so too. good afternoon, this project helps
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children of our country take their first steps towards their dreams. meet sonya turko, she dreams of becoming a teacher, it would seem that there is nothing special here, but sonya lives in severo-donetsk, and it’s easy to even finish school. it’s a huge problem for her, my name is sonya, i’m 15 years old, i’m from the city of severodonetsk, i have a dream, i want to become a primary school teacher, because children are our future. and the future of my beloved city, school has always been a place for me where i wanted to return, knowledge, teachers, friends, everything was wonderful there, but so simple school life for sonya is a dream. there are only four operating schools left in the city. little children studied here. in
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the primary school classroom there is a walkthrough instruction, i hope when i start teaching, everything will be completely different, i just want to just clean everything here, i really love severo-donetsk, i don’t want to leave this city, probably because i’m here born, raised, experienced it all. sixteen-year-old sonya becomes absolutely fearless when she needs to help someone, and this is how she captured my heart. each. i came here to get water, the line was very long, it went all the way around the corner, you could get water only here at the market at the red cross, there was a well here, everyone didn’t have enough water, i came, stood in line, arrivals began, then moment i thought about the neighbor who was standing next to me, well, we just ducked down together, i was somehow worried about her, for me love is actions, i brought water, this
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is how i express my love, for example , to... ends , these are the improvised stoves we had, on them we cooked, even the saucepan was left, most likely the neighbors left it, they cooked with my mother here on the fire, they cooked for me, she is gold, we are the only children, we understood, everything, everything, everything, everything, help is very much appreciated now, because there are a lot of indifferent people,
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well, they pass by, that’s all for them... this stone face, she killed people on the streets, buried them right here in my yard, because under shelling it was impossible to go to the cemetery, and there was no transport, here my neighbor was lying down, came out of the entrance, started cooking eating with neighbors, so she killed him, along with two more, a woman and a man, it’s hard to remember. i would like to introduce you to sonya's mother. anya is a strong woman, now she is the only support for sonya. she taught her to never give up. do you want some tea? yes, sure. how was your day? very tired, how are you at work? and today i saw aunt tanya, she burst into tears, and so did i. why are you crying? and they remembered
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how i carried water. the worst thing is when we buried our neighbors in the yard, sometimes you just want to cry, yes, well, passes, it was hard to live in ukraine, i was waiting for russia, well, it’s fair to say, another tragedy in sonya’s life was that dad abandoned them at the most difficult moment, this is what dad gave to mom, i remember, some it was a holiday, we were walking to the square, so he bought it beautiful. mom loves such hares, dad doesn’t help us, i don’t communicate with him, no, i don’t want to see him at all, i won’t be able to forgive him, but no matter what, i wish sonya to sincerely forgive her dad and let go of this heaviness of heartache , we are very they wanted to return sonya’s childhood at least for a few days, so they went with her to krasnaya polyana. hello, hello, well
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, thank you for bringing me here, i want to tell you right away, because this is an amazing place, i always dreamed of visiting the mountains as a child, i also loved ice cream, and if you combine everything at one moment it would be wonderful, hello , you noticed us a long time ago, you knew that you had something delicious here , it’s like that, let’s have that ice cream there, i even... she feels sorry, it’s beautiful, really, enjoy it, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, we’re off there is ice cream, i myself ended up with sonya... in childhood, thanks to her for that. after ice cream, we went to the highest accessible point in the mountains, which sonya dreamed of so much, but we found ourselves in real winter, but it was very cool. have you ever ridden one of these? no never. great,
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come in. wow, i really wanted to see the mountains, everything is so beautiful. i’m shocked, it seems to me that you can look at this view endlessly, the calmness, and what also struck me about your dream plans is that you want to develop your hometown, and so that the children don’t see such as it was, so that they don’t even know about it, they are not afraid to dream like you, yes, they move themselves forward, but this is not the limit, this is a height, you and i are higher almost to the very olympus, let’s go, let’s go. so, well, we ’re still driving, yeah, tattoo there’s already snow here, well, it’s beautiful, we’re right in winter, so that i can see, so that there’s no snow, and so that we
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can see here, here’s the loon ridge, here’s the black sea, and in front of you, yeah, sochen beauties, super, i... i think that at the stage of choosing a profession, an invaluable opportunity try yourself in it, so the next point on our journey towards our dream was the opportunity to teach a lesson for junior high school in one of the best schools in the city, you’re worried, a little bit, a little bit, yes, okay, i ’ll be with you, we can come in, hello , success, as a colleague of a colleague, hand it over , great, hand it over, and i’ll also sit down on the back step. someone, my name is sofia sergeevna, i will write to you on the board so that you don’t forget, i have a dream of becoming a primary school teacher, and do you have any dream, i want to become a taxi driver, i need
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to become a singer, i have a dream - to have a snake, cool, sofia sergeevna is also in the back party, is it possible, i have a dream to become an artist, what kind of artist? in the theater, in the theater, seriously, it’s great that there are children here who can dream, because in our city children have probably already forgotten how to do this, i think that even someone is afraid, guys, what a teacher should be, so that children go to lessons, are happy, study, give me advice, you need to be beautiful, you need a lot know, and a teacher needs knowledge, of course, why do you want to become a teacher, there are many different interesting professions, i want those children who are now in my city not to know grief, to be happy and not afraid , wish good luck to sofya sergeevna, yes
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guys, i wish you good luck, despite the excitement, sonya did a great job and the children really didn’t want to let her go, it was very cool, and i’m also glad that sonya did not lose the important love of her heart for the people. i do folk and oriental dances, this is very important to remember and pass on from generation to generation, let's go do a warm-up with us, well done, turn, once again, what is it, i'm worried, everything is fine, even better than expected, you like it, very much, yes, but now you'll like it even
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more, which is the most difficult thing for you in this dance, posture to smile, and this will come in handy everywhere, 1 2 3 4 5 6 back, let's go, one two, 3, 4, 5, 6, to the left, let's go, how difficult it turns out, all the muscles are just here so, now i propose to dress up sonya in an incredibly beautiful national dress, hand-embroidered with semi-precious stones done, real goto, yeah, the dress will suit me, and i’m sure it will, and this costume is national, very beautiful, i would wear it for the holidays, yes. there are a couple of strokes left, we don’t have the opportunity, exhale, inhale, exhale, we have to do it.
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as i am now an expert on children’s dreams, i can say that they do not always have practical value and can be useful for a future profession, but the positive impulse that children receive can sometimes do much more for their destiny. sonya had such an unusual dream from the childhood, it came true. beauty, boats, hello, sofia, hello, how do you like the city, i really like it, i’m glad to meet you and i know that you have a dream, i would like it to come true for you, a certificate for the fulfillment of your dream, thank you, i dreamed so much fly in a hot air balloon, just in general, dreams come true, uh-huh, look, what can you give me? unichka, i don’t know
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how to express my feelings, i would never be able to give my child such a gift, i’m so glad, so happy, bunny, that your dream will happen, it will end, it’s just beyond words to express, we will remember all our lives . in addition to the fortitude of the ability to enjoy everything that surrounds you, sonya also inspired me with her determination, despite the rain and bad weather, she was still... ready to fly in a hot air balloon, so at 5:00 in the morning we were already on the take-off pad , are you sure what you want, but you haven’t changed your mind, sure, but what is this our ball? ours, how handsome, what do you think, mom on this topic, mine probably wouldn’t have flown, you’re like me, yes, you’re our pilot, good morning, good morning, here’s ours sonya, my name is sergei, the commander of the aircraft, this balloon, we have very simple safety rules, the main thing is to follow them. instructions from the aircraft commander , well, god bless you, have a good flight, that’s it,
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we’re flying, hurray, yes, hurray, hurray, i’m flying, and what are you digging, fantastic, incredible, we’ll figure out now where to land. can i try this too, how to do it? well, this is an exception, okay, usually we don’t give it to anyone, but i’ll tell you, this handle, press straight all the way down, incredible, a crazy dream, such a gorgeous view can only be seen from above, all these mountains, and also the sun. it’s shining, and there was a river, the sun is reflected in this river, in general it’s just a dream,
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the trees help us, these are our friends, attention, now there will be a boom, meet the brave balloonists, hurray, we did it, hurray, hurray, and we are coming to you we’re going straight up the mountain, it’s been a long road, and you were flying, how are you, sleepyhead? i liked it, the mountains were beautiful, you could see it from above, yes, i realized that this was the best ending to a fairy tale, my fairy tale, your dream has come true, but there are still many dreams ahead of you, however, all will come true, on your first flight sonya, may all your dreams continue to inspire you and carry you high to the stars, thank you, but you just need to land, in this issue we tried to make the dream of another child come true, whose childhood, unfortunately, was stolen, we believe that sonya will succeed
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in becoming an excellent teacher, she is smart, beautiful, a very hardworking girl, and love also lives in her heart, which means everything will definitely work out, i want to say a big thank you to the project step towards a dream , so funny guys, you are brave, you have become close people to me, you have fulfilled all my dreams, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, my dreams have come true. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. a big tragedy in nizhny trogil, unfortunately, household gas exploded in a house, several spans were collapsed, the number of victims, as tas reports, has now increased to 10 people, of which five. children, condolences to those
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who are no longer there, and we pray for those who are now under the rubble, who are being rescued, and wish them recovery. we'll keep an eye on news from nizhny tagel. the russian federation's ministry of defense reported that personnel as part of the third stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces began supplying launch vehicles for aircraft weapons , the ministry of defense reported. so, the third stage of the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces is a clear signal to our inexpensive forces that our deterrence forces. is now on a siding. boris aleksandrovich shrozhin, our permanent military expert, is now in direct contact with us. good afternoon, over to you. ah, good afternoon. yes, indeed, the exercises are taking place during a period of, of course, expected escalation in relations with nato. again, nato is trying to increase this
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level precisely because the situation at the front for ukraine is now quite difficult, since the enemy is forced to retreat in a number of directions. and accordingly, our command, well, the strategic command is taking the necessary measures to show the enemy that it will not be possible to intimidate russia, to force it to move away from the co target. if we talk about the situation on the front line, then our the troops continued to conduct progressive actions north of rabotin and verbovoy, where we have slight progress, and our troops also continued the offensive on the ledge east of urozhayny, where the enemy lost another position. in the ugledar direction, actions continue in the eastern outskirts. konstantinovka, and there are also small advances south of konstantinovka, to the konstantinovka ugledar highway. there are also advances towards victory. in krasnogorovka, our troops have almost completed the liberation of the city, the enemy claims that he still holds it,
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citing control of the private sector and our troops. first, this area continues to be very difficult for the enemy, and it is impossible to stabilize it. in the new york area, our troops have advanced in the central part of the city, and also to the west of new york there is an advance on the outskirts of zerzhinsk. in recent days, a significant number of prisoners were captured by enemy soldiers in berginsk, where they actually ended up, well , in an operational pocket, which means that in temovsk our troops continued to conduct assault operations on - in the central part now, as well as north of kalinovka, which means on the seversky ledge there are battles on the outskirts of the crossing in the area of ​​the excavation, in the krasnolimansky direction there are no changes, in solatovo-kupyansky our troops have advanced at peschany, they are fighting in the eastern part again makeyevka near
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stolmakhovka, well, in the kharkov direction , our troops have advanced a little more in the area of ​​​​glubokoe and leptsov, and are also fighting in the central part of volchansk, where the enemy has lost two more high-rise buildings, there are also well, good progress, in general, the initiative is almost everywhere behind us. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen with good news from the fronts of the northern military district, krasnogorovka is really already ours, i think the ministry of defense will soon announce this too. this is a large populated area; the ukrainian armed forces have not yet recognized the loss of krasnohorivka. there is a lot of information noise, yesterday and today, regarding supplies to ukraine. f-16 fighters. perhaps most succinctly about this in the material of the times. the first f-16 fighters arrived in ukraine later a year after four nato allies pledged to supply them. a source familiar with the situation said that six aircraft were delivered to ukraine from
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the netherlands, with other publications soon to follow. it is expected that over the next year kiev will receive about twenty aircraft, including an additional one. from belgium and norway, this will be enough to form only one squadron, in the long term the four countries have promised about 80 obsolete aircraft, but many of them are expected to be dismantled for parts, they may never fly. ukraine has requested 300 combat aircraft from its allies. how serious and important is this information, in your opinion? the information is important, but we understand perfectly well that no one will give them 300, or even 100 aircraft, i will remind you, markamili’s words, this is... the head of the joint committee, which means the headquarters in america, who was, as it were, their general headquarters, which means he said that even 10 aircraft are very expensive, the american support forces there are about 30 people per aircraft, he is very demanding runway, it is not suitable for takeoff from our military airfields, well, i
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call ours in ukraine still built by the soviet union, where a modular design is used, special plates so that a blow can be delivered, it can be... pulled out, replaced with a new one after a few hours, its air intakes are located very low, this is visible, that is, it is actually, well, demanding in the same way as modern airliners, that is, it must take off from civil airports, it is... a single-engine aircraft, it multifunctional, but the missiles it has are air, air, the americans said they will transfer their long-range missiles, aim-120 with a range of 120 km, i don’t think there will be more, against our r37m missiles, which fly 300 km, well, there’s obviously just a difference, we’ve already shot down mig-29 planes at a distance of 213 km from the line of combat contact, so most likely, of course, they will use them as airborne aircraft... which means such platforms are for air defense, that is, they will have their own air-to -air missiles shoot down our cruise missiles or else
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something, in terms of battle options, so that they fly up to the line of combat contact, try to isolate the area of ​​​​combat operations, inflict damage on us or drive away our su-34 aircraft, which strike with these huge bombs with a planning and correction module , and in fact this and there is this main problem for the ukrainian armed forces, because we are hacking their security system. defense system, no matter how deep they go, 3 tons, when a bomb arrives, it grinds everything there into pieces, they can’t pull up pvu complexes, we destroy them with lancets, that’s what we need the air component, accordingly this is not enough, most likely they will be used with long-range crolat missiles stormshadow or scalp, so accordingly, the more aircraft, the greater the mass launch will be, this is a problem, so here we will track the airfields where they will be based for now it’s not clear to us, they based them. in ukraine or will try to leave them in moldova, romania or the baltic states, fly to the territory of ukraine, receive a bomb, take off, work to leave
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back, here, of course, we still have to work on reconnaissance, look for them, yes, we have to, but in any case it’s unpleasant, although for now we are talking about just a few, and not even dozens, well, anastasia mikhailovskaya is with us again in the studio, we’re glad to see you here, and not on the screen, what news do you have, we have good news , very new.
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nevertheless, we have wounded, we continue our collection, our collection for medical care , we are so victoriously going very well, but equipment, medical equipment, now the guys are handing over new medical equipment again equipment for us, which we take there to the front line, transfer to hospitals, our rap also continues to work, we are now making a new batch, now in these days, while i was here with you, we have already collected 7 million with you. rubles only on programs, they support us, thank them very much, thank you for this is generally a very wonderful result, our viewers in general are very friendly with us
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on the front line, and the guys thank you very, very much for the fact that all this comes to us on the front line, you see results, we are knocking down the copts, we are breaking the woman’s yoke, that’s it these rebs who stand on cars, and this is really very, very good, well, thank you to big anastasia for what you do, and of course to our tv viewers, for whom i think 7 million in a week is not... a referendum, this should to want the ukrainian people, i’ll tell you frankly, this is not the best option, because we are dealing with putin and
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it will be a victory for him if he regains part of our territories. not a single issue concerning the territorial integrity of ukraine can be resolved by one president or one person or all presidents peace without the ukrainian people, this is simply impossible, it contradicts the constitution of ukraine. we should not liberate all our territories by force and weapons, because... it costs us a lot of time and human lives. we can return our territories through diplomacy. like most countries, i believe that representatives of russia must be present at the second peace summit, otherwise we... will not achieve concrete results, if everyone wants to see them at the negotiating table, then we cannot be against it. well, i must say that this is a really serious change in zelensky’s rhetoric, well, it’s true, we are already accustomed to not believing his rhetoric, but the fact that the former president of ukraine spoke about the possibility of a referendum on the return of territories, which they would then return diplomatically, i
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think this recognition is simply a reality on the battlefield. ukraine understands that it is in a very difficult situation and zelensky is trying to lay out straws for the case when he has to enter into negotiations, well, in fact , he is already saying that there will be negotiations if russia will be invited supposedly to the second peace summit there, but for now russia has no interest in sitting down at the negotiating table with the former president, the illegitimate president of ukraine, it is simply not there, it is escalating sharply. situation in the middle east, the american media have already said that iran has decided to strike israel in response to terrorist attacks in lebanon and iran. is it so? after the commercial. how many times have i told myself, find a normal job. i noticed that your psychos can think, i want
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use it. we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it. we are talking about a tragedy, as you don’t understand, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will deliver pizza from me again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, more carefully let's get down to business, i'm in kerma, we're going back to the wards, it's a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time is glass yes... detective syndrome today after the program time oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group, the fact is that i don’t choose the songs myself, this collective decision, light
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my love will not be shed. the most human avatar and a nice one , don’t you want to kiss? i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is? at the best friends party, you danced with my friend, fantastic, tomorrow at the first one.
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somewhere there, and he hears it, don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important, most likely at this sad moment god needed you more, for some reason, our
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exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday at the first, what did i dream, what do i know? and what do i need pouring rain, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song, my friend, how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. that's just friendship you know, it often starts with respect. all
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these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga ’s guitar with him. we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives, sisters. we are already like lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, sometimes even confused. leshchenka loves you all.
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in pakistan there was also a rally of many thousands, even several hundred thousand people, who also demanded retribution for the murder, in turkey
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we see pakistani protests, there are really a huge number of people now in turkey smashing starbucks, burger king, other american, or considered american fast food department, but what will iran do, how will it respond to this strike, how will hezbullah respond to the attacks on beirut, the iranian country is not yet talking about its plans, but the new york times posted an article where it attributes khaminiya’s decision to strike according to israel. let's read: iranian supreme leader ali khameniyi , during an emergency meeting of the supreme national security council, ordered a direct strike on israel in retaliation for the killing of ismail kheniyya, three iranian sources reported
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official, including two members of the ksir. it is unclear at this point how decisively iran will respond or whether it will again calibrate its attack to avoid escalation. iranian military commanders will try to avoid attacks on civilian targets, officials said. they also added that khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state, instructed the commanders of the essir and the army to prepare plans for both attack and defense in the event of an escalation of the war by israel or the united states striking iran. well, ivan alekseevich, well, it’s probably no secret that iran has military plans to attack israel, and there are plans to defend against israeli attacks, that’s what serious consequences there could be for... israel from the murder of a terrorist act on the territory of tehran itself. here is vyacheslav alekseevich, i want to draw your attention to... your final words,
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that this is not just the murder of the hamas leader on iranian territory, this is a violation of sovereignty, this is on the verge of an act of aggression, this is not just a sabotage terrorist act, this is precisely a violation of sovereignty, but at the security council meeting that took place last night, the positions became clearer. we saw that the united states, in general those who are its vassals, have taken such a position that they are trying to restrain iran from retaliating, so it begins that oh, there is an escalation, everyone is hitting each other, we need to stop this escalation , it is precisely at this moment that it is necessary to establish, stop, by and large this is an option when they want to humiliate iran, prevent a big war through humiliation. iran, i
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apologize for such simple language, they tell him: wipe yourself off, but for the sake of universal peace, yes, you will be humiliated, you will, but peace will remain, this was approximately the message in the speeches of most westerners, however, the americans went even further, in only the representative of israel supported them in this, they said that in general it is necessary to put pressure on iran, all because of iran, iran very clearly stated its position, iranian representatives said that this is an act of violation. sovereignty, and iran has the right to, to act in accordance with article 51 of the charter of the united nations, that is, to self-defense, iran has the right to act in self-defense. the same position was stated by the lebanese delegation and the syrian delegation, which also very clearly stated that israel has no right to talk about...
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syria was hit under the druz, who hit someone, an incident occurred, this has not been fully investigated, with why on earth does israel say that the jews are being beaten, we need to defend ourselves. the incident occurred in syria and those who died, unfortunately, were druze, yes, everyone really regrets this, but what does israel’s self-defense have to do with it, there are no legal grounds for this at all, but all these countries stated that they have questions about israel’s aggressive behavior, though i would drew attention to the fact that all three countries that are being targeted, whose territories were seized by israel, syria, spoke
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out, iran went a little further, iran said that yes, we would also like that... the international community did something, but we reserve the right to self-defense if no one is doing anything, we will defend ourselves, this is the position stated, and by the way, i apologize, i will personally express this impression, i really liked the speech of the diplomat from algeria, the representative of algeria in the united nations, who very much objectively sorted it out, very harsh words sound...
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here he put everything aside and that means, like an obedient student, he listened to the american representative, everything else, and by the way, everyone listened to him, the iranian representatives, even those who are very harshly criticized israel, listened carefully to its position, the israeli representative did not listen to anyone, or i want to draw your attention, he pretended that he was not listening, because apparently he still listened, but he pretended that it meant that it did not concern him , of course, an insane position, but
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returning to the essence of your question, everyone called for de-escalation of countries that are subject to aggressive behavior on the part of israel. we should not ignore the issue of responsibility of the united states, which is israel's strategic ally, and those who support the israeli regime in the region, most of all, this act could not have been carried out without sanctions from washington and support from the us intelligence community, the ongoing israeli aggression, which undermines peace and stability in the region,
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must not be ignored the international community, especially the un security council, which cannot remain indifferent to such heinous crimes and must take action. well, as for the united states, anthony blinken, turned to qatar for mediation. let's listen to tas' message. us secretary of state antony blinken conveyed a message to iran asking it not to retaliate after the assassination of hamas politburo head ismail haniyeh in tehran. cnn reported this citing a source. according to the channel's interlocutor.
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in israel is in a completely different political situation, where its level of approval is extremely low, and not only in the eastern world, in the arabian world, but in the west, and in remote regions such as latin america, i already told you once that while walking around mexico, i found homemade stickers on starbucks, starbucks supports
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israel, israel kills children, we recently conducted research at the institute, and even in such a remote region as latin america,
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will be inflicted, but there are already many signs that a response will be required, but the united states is simultaneously fanning conflicts in latin america, and of course, the situation around the results of the presidential elections in venezuela and the protests in this country remains very sharp, more about this after the advertisement, my last name is korablev, rank? the colonel is presented with a huge number of government awards, a titan of discovery, like on a wreath in a cemetery, well not the titanic, titanic, titanic, then
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boom and drown, funny, yes, fortune teller, new series, today on the first, here is the russian spirit, here is russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say. face, he did not allow anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively, there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. queue for duty with
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mikhail, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her. don't take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father's feelings are more important. most likely at this sad moment you were to god, why are you? we need our exclusive - the family archive of mikhail zadorny exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a mint, i didn’t go to such and such, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, they returned, well done! but you have to understand that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, you got my money,
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five tickets is enough, two adults three children to moscow, why are you silent, are we going or not, look, the kremlin, the kremlin, where is the kremlin, movlyuda, hello, no, well, i just moved from the basement to three rubles. oh, women, look how men need to be clamped down, and in our yard on sunday on the first, two stars, fathers and children, on sunday on the first, the soviet union is no more, now you can earn a lot of money in a completely legal way, what are you talking about? have you heard about the oil-for-food program? you have no idea what volumes there are, but what do you think?
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of course, what do you think, has she figured you out? i hope not yet, before you i never cheated on my wife, and you, i’m not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. hello. trader from monday on the first. do you understand what you have done? how have you not seen an american spy under your nose for so many years in the new season on the first. a woman is killed and we are talking the devil about what and the heart is not torn, do you
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know how she is torn? so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. ok, come on let's think, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out. and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you’re very... . good shooter hello. colonel kostenko.
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confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semenov. big game live. venezuela.
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the foreign media want to lead to military intervention in venezuela, they want to once again impose sanctions against venezuela, they want violence, they want to start a civil war again. the west cannot come to terms with reality and accept the fact that we live in a different world. venezuela has the right to defend its sovereignty with...
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we tried to come to a consensus that we all could support. we discussed the resolution paragraph by paragraph, and we reached agreement on almost all points, with the exception of one sentence in one paragraph. this means that we will have to vote on the resolution. i was hoping that we could avoid this so that we could be united in what we were doing. dear colleagues, please announce the voting results. mr. chairman, 17 countries voted in favor. no one spoke against, 11 countries abstained from voting, five were absent. colleagues, this means that the resolution was not adopted; this is the decision of all our participating countries. dmitry mikhailovich said the day before yesterday that not everything is clear in venezuela. how do you think? i am afraid that now, until there is clarity, we need
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to wait for the weekend, when people really don’t go to work, they take to the streets, if they can avoid it. serious unrest and serious casualties, i think that at least the spiral of violence will temporarily stop. another thing is that, apparently, both sides have reached a dead end. western countries, and many american ones, are pushing for a vote recount and the publication of protocols, which is technically impossible to do for a trivial reason. during the protest, many polling stations along with their protocols were burned. therefore, apparently, both sides will stand their ground and stand to the end. i. most likely, the confrontation will continue, but this whole story actually indicates a deep internal political crisis in the country and the division of society, when, according to official data, more than 40% of venezuelans ready to vote for someone who is not very well known to the general public, not the brightest politician, i would like to vote against maduro, this speaks of a divided society, and of course the country needs to think and work for a long time on how
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to negotiate and build normal political relations in the country. well. and the position of other latin american states, how would you assess it? it is very different and, apparently, we are seeing that serious divisions are occurring in the region, but the key ones were probably three countries: brazil, mexico and colombia, in general the positions of brazil and mexico, they are quite favorable towards the government of nicolas madura, and dalva had some doubts about the correctness of the elections, but in general he spoke quite optimistically. and quite benevolently, colombia, however, spoke out more negatively, in general, doubted the transparency of these elections, and apparently, in the countries of the region there will be such a division, a number of countries, of course, have already severed relations with venezuela and belong to it is critical, but other countries are against it
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any interference, the internal affairs of a sovereign state, this is what is happening now, including at the kla meeting , very... elections were held in venezuela, the united states has long wanted to overthrow the venezuelan government, take control of it, because there is more oil there than saudi arabia arabia. let's keep that in mind, exactly. no wonder they are so concerned, who cares about the coup they planned, what they think in america about the elections in venezuela, this is pure water, imperialism and nothing more, if you
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if you really believe that anthony blinton cares about the will of the venezuelan people, then you are simply a blockhead in the highest category, and iraq, libya and 20 years have taught you nothing. yes, hitting the nail on the head, indeed, venezuela represents a huge desire to divide. these are the resources that we now have against the backdrop of a huge public debt in america, when the dollar is depreciating every day, ownership of resources is of key importance, and of course they cannot let such a region out of their hands, but the americans, the state department, the intelligence services that were preparing continue to initiate these unrest, they added quite interesting new elements that were not there before, firstly, this is the decentralization of rallies, when small groups... moved around the whole country at the same time, secondly, they put them on motorcycles , this was very noticeable, here are the rallies that are going on now about government ones, these are people, columns, and there were like small gangs, everyone on motorcycles,
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they come somewhere, quickly set something on fire, film it, move to a new place, and hence the picture emerges that this seems to have a massive significance throughout the country, and the western, pro-american, pro-european media were quite seriously pressed to shoot the picture in the very... in the capital itself, to show, therefore, the demonstrators, the youth, again, a colleague noted today that it is impossible to raise the protocols now, because there was a powerful hacker attack that destroyed, including the servers of the election commission, the central election commission of venezuela, they are now continuing this mechanism restore, and most importantly , probably for the first time, they used a simultaneous diplomatic demarche, which occurred when countries that were pro-american in latin america actually became the next day.
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brazil and colombia are that they are part of a communist conspiracy. let's listen to the argentine president. some idiots accused me of going crazy seeing communism everywhere. others, adherents of political correctness, said that communism no longer existed, and that i i'm exaggerating. ultimately, today it has not only been proven that i was right in that international. day to which i am pointing, but it is also clear that those who questioned my words are accomplices, be it because they are ignorant or stupid,
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well, of course an amazing character, i remember in soviet times there were disputes about , what would happen to gold under communism, and they said that under communism they would make toilets out of gold, but in the process of decommunization, meley carried out an interesting operation with argentine gold. let's let's listen to the material from lpai. the administration of argentine president javier meley acknowledged the recent transfer of gold abroad, but did not specify the amount. the destination or purpose of the measure. the country's central bank also did not provide any details. in a climate of financial instability, when the government was faced with the need to accumulate reserves, this decision aroused suspicion and speculation. there is concern that the gold could have been seized due to long- standing issues.
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but there is a long history that argentina owed money to private investors, a default was declared with the argentine government for a long time, they went to court for a long time, since miley made a bet on getting money from international financial institutions, from the united states, apparently he was given an order, in general, well, to say, to pay off those with whom they could not pay further, earlier, in order to further. these new debts, in general, he is driving his country into debt, into debt bondage, and his politics are absolutely conscious that as for the conspiracy, then yes, i think, shallowly in
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some way... he says sincerely, he says: here i am, in a small way, entered into a conspiracy with the americans, a normal conspiracy, familiar, everything is clear, but some figures enter into a conspiracy with their own people, yes, they enter into a conspiracy, hold elections, listen to their own population and act in the interests of their own people, such a conspiracy is unacceptable from his point of view, because a chain is being built that the united states first robs its own. vassals allow their vassals to plunder someone further along this chain, but touchingly , there is no one further along the chain whom he can rob, because no one has the same pro-american policy as him, now so openly does not uh, so of course meley acts as a battering ram for these american, these american interests, but we will hope that the venezuelan government will still be able to sum up
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the election results, because american policy is very... understandable, not only are they unhappy, they want to cancel the elections as such and create chaos, yes, well, chaos - this is what americans can, by the way, organize it in their own country too, there is now an election campaign there, which we have a little forgotten about, but the candidates reminded of themselves, now the center has raised the question of what color kamala haris’s skin is, after the advertisement. how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice, we are talking about a tragedy, how can you not understand it, i discovered your talent, i i'll close it and you'll have pizza again deliver, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, to develop, to approach things more carefully, i’m in germany, we’re going back by... it’s a pity, it’s very
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difficult, because it worked out. time is glass. detective syndrome. today is after the program. the thing is that i don’t choose the songs myself, it’s a collective decision. the light of my love will not shine. for gold, inside this modest it specialist, a fierce mathematician, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, it was just something with something.
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it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in 1937, that is, in a very short time,
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suggests... what is a true, faithful friend? i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich.
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that's just friendship, you know. begins with respect, often, all these years we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar behind him, we are family members, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like...
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children, on sunday at the first, big game in the elections in the united states of america, the key question is now being resolved: what kind of after all, kamala haris’ skin color. trump raised the issue at a convention of black journalists. let's listen. that vice president kamala harris is on the ticket only because she is black. i would say that perhaps it 's a little different. i have known her in absentia for a long time, but i almost never communicated personally. she always positioned herself as indian by origin, she promoted only
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the indian agenda. i didn't even know she was black until a few years ago when she suddenly turned black. now she wants to be called black, so i don't know what is the right way to call her, indian or black. well, in connection with this. naturally, they began to wonder, after all, who kamala haris was, what her ethnic and color characteristics were. and here is her birth certificate, she was born in california, this is all clear, but her mother is really the country of birth of india, and her racial type is european, caucasian, as for her dad, he was born in jamaica, and there the racial type is written jamai. "who is kamala harris? well, trump asked a question, which is extremely offended who did you think, karine jeanpierre? let's listen. i definitely have something to say. to me, as a person of color, as a black
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woman, who is in this position, who stands before you, on this podium, behind this pulpit, what he said disgusts me. this is offensive." and you know, no one has any right to tell someone who they are, how to identify themselves, no one has such a right, this is a purely personal decision, only she can talk about her experience, only she can to talk about what it's like, she's the only person who can do it, and i think to say that, whether it's a former leader, a former president, it's, it's humiliating, and it's worth adding that kamala haris, the vice president. trump is being attacked for, so to speak, insulting these racial feelings, because in america this is a very topic,
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on the one hand it is discussed, on the other hand it is taboo, in general everything is very confusing there, you can easily run into demagogic arguments like karin’s jean, but trump, as far as i understand, what i mean. keeping in mind that kamala haris is like a chameleon, she will say one thing and then another, she, she does not understand what her roots are, she is ready to appear in one form, then in another, the second point that is in this statement of his, hidden, is that the option is being considered when harris , unlike biden, will rely not on the northern states, on the southern ones, and trump is trying to prevent this, he is generally among blacks, now, among the colored population.
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personalities. and this is a certain difficulty, the united states is that criticism is not directed at the candidates’ programs, but against specific ones that exist, but the fact that trump, of course, will build his program largely on the model of those successful elections for him, rely on his electorate, which already exists, this undoubtedly, i think that he will do it consistently, well, naturally, the democrats are now accusing trump as a threat to democracy, but trump is outraged because he considers the opposite side to be a threat to democracy, let's listen, this is a poisonous threat to democracy.
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not only about money, how to make money, how to take over the continent and think on a planetary
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scale, and this line of division is already going beyond the borders of america, they are trying to shape reality in order to make money on this, i will remind you that more than 20 trillion dollars are in circulation only one such company, black rock, which manages shares, they have long known that they need to shape reality , then they can make money on this, without predicting it. go forward yourself, it works, of course, it’s destructive to the planet, and we see that now america is becoming a very serious battlefield, and that means the situation with biden was just indicative, you stopped being interesting, you were pushed aside, once everyone crossed out trump, when- then all the media that were exposed to these companies, and the top 500 companies, the owners, this is all the media, they are subject to two funds, black rock and avangard, but there street style also has its shares a little, so of course, now.. the republicans are up against a huge a financial giant who does not want to lose
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this opportunity to rule the world. well, i must say that behind the republicans there are also quite serious financial and industrial groups, and the real sector, and oil companies, so there was a scythe to the stone, but the fact that what is called the deep state is interested in the election of kamala haris, there is no doubt, although there really is a certain paradox, after all - a conservative, elderly, white man who stands for traditional values, for, so to speak, normal economic policy, is perceived as a threat to democracy, in contrast to - well, a woman of jamaican-indian descent who takes extremely radical positions on so many issues, who in her youth was a really outspoken marxist such a leftist, she is perceived as a symbol.
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see you again at 17:00 don't miss hello, it's news time at first, we'll tell you about the most important events right now: the number of victims has grown to 12, among them children,


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