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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  August 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:36pm MSK

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about the relations between russia and the west, russia and the united states, secondly, in ukraine we are not fighting with the ukrainian people and not with ukraine, we are there confronting precisely the united west, led by the united states of america, which chose ukraine as an instrument of war against russia, in we are winning this war, which means our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. red carpet - honorary guard, and the loss meets the president.
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10 of our compatriots, eight adults and two children, returned to their homeland. details of the largest exchange of prisoners between russia and western countries since the cold war. during the northern military district, 70 paratroopers became heroes of russia. today is airborne forces day. vladimir putin sent congratulations. and how the holiday of the winged infantry is celebrated throughout the country. five settlements were liberated at once, the ukrainian armed forces lost two combat aircraft, a leopard tank, and that’s not all, they were destroyed from over 13,500 militants. results of the week in the northern military district zone from our ministry of defense. the death toll increased to seven in nizhny tagil, where two entrances collapsed after a gas explosion in a five-story building, and debris removal continues. the route
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has been built, the new midkova city station has opened in moscow, what opportunities are now open to passengers, a mobile medical center was presented at the yaroslavsky station, what is its uniqueness? the news that is being discussed in both countries of the ocean: the largest prisoner exchange since the cold war between russia and the west. to our the country has returned. man, after almost a day, more and more details of this historical operation are appearing, so the children of our illegal intelligence officers learned that they were russian only when their plane took off from ankara, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about this. vladimir putin personally met our compatriots at the ramp. the atmosphere is emphatically solemn, and this is a tribute to the people who have gone through the most difficult trials to serve their country. each of those who... returned
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a man with an iron will and nerves of steel, but already at home it was possible to give vent to emotions. konstantin panyushkin will tell you more. vnukovo government terminal, red carpet, honor guard, this is something completely unheard of. vladimir putin came to meet the special flight. former alpha special forces officer vadim krasikov comes out to meet him from the tu-204 of the russian special flight detachment. in germany. life sentence for the liquidation of the terrorist zelimkhan khangashvili, wanted by russia. vladimir putin has repeatedly commented on this episode: i don’t want to say it, but nevertheless i will say it he laid out our captured soldiers on the road, and then drove the car over their heads. what kind of person is this? and is this a person? well, a patriot was found who eliminated him in one of the european capitals. after his arrest in germany, vadim
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krasikov refused all cooperation with the investigation and did not even give his name. now, when it came to the exchange , the ferg authorities required a formal petition from the prisoner for pardon, but even now the germans could not get anything from the russian. as a result, instead of the traditional pardon, germany was forced to formalize everything as a procedure for the deportation of a foreigner. the image of the unbending russian was complemented by the polyproof helmet that the germans put on vadim krasikov during the exchange. this is already footage taken in moscow. the president of russia shakes his hand. the patriot himself, when he served in alpha, he served together with some members of the presidential guard, who now work in the presidential guard, and naturally, they also greeted each other yesterday, when they saw each other, with a strong handshake, vladimir putin welcomed vladislav klyushin, vadim konoschonok, pavel rubtsov, roman seleznev and mikhail mikushin, many of them were captured by american intelligence services and brought to the united states, including officer gru, whom the americans tried to put pressure on with the help of his father.
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they found this employee’s father here, and a phone call was organized, and during the phone call, the father, contrary to what was expected of him, he said, son, you ’re doing everything right, well, it’s artyom’s family coming down the stairs, anna dultseva, their two children, parents, natives of bashkiria nizhny novgorod, they are intelligence officers, illegal immigrants, in europe the russians were known as the argentines ludwig gish and maria rosa maeres. the family lived in slovenia, owned an it company, in february 2022, someone pointed to russian intelligence officers, since then the dultsevs were kept in custody, the children were taken away, there was already a question of deprivation of parental rights, the family was bysy. the scouts who arrived yesterday found out that they were russian only when the plane took off from ankara, before that they did not know that they were russian and that they were related to our country, when the children went down the ramp
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plane, they don’t speak russian, you actually just putin greeted them in spanish, he said “ we are fighting at night.”
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thank you, eight adults and two more children, a total of 10 people returned to russia. negotiations were mainly conducted through the fsb of the cia, but the intelligence services of other countries also participated, including belarus, which provided a convicted german citizen for exchange. taking this opportunity, we, of course, must give the highest assessment of the interaction
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that was carried out with the kgb with the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and the assistance that i personally provided the president.
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concerning our country, our interests, the speakers are, respectively, the minister of foreign affairs and the director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned issues, to discuss the most pressing
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recent events. paratroopers make a significant contribution to ensuring the national security defense of our country. vladimir putin spoke about this in his congratulatory telegram. today is airborne forces day. those who serve in the legendary winged infantry carry out their tasks in the northern military district zone with honor. so, more than 71 thousand of our military, representatives of this type of troops, were awarded state awards, 70 of them became heroes of russia, as they celebrate a special day in different cities of our country, report by dmitry tolmachev. the celebration begins in the main temple of the airborne troops in sokolniki with a service, with candles for both veterans and active soldiers. the day of the paratrooper coincides with the day of remembrance of elijah the prophet, he believes.
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officers, as during a joint prayer service in the center of the capital on red square, vladimir was one of the first to congratulate the winged infantry putin, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of our country. i am convinced that you will henceforth reliably guard russia’s independence and sovereignty and make a significant contribution to ensuring its defense capability and national security. success for the benefit of the fatherland. particular attention on this day to general vasily margelov, whom all paratroopers call with filial piety, father or uncle vasya, the most legendary commander of this separate branch of the military. many even mistakenly believe that he was the founder of the airborne forces. vasily filipovich is not with us the first commander, the first twice hero of the soviet union, vasily afanasyevich glazunov, who was appointed in 1941 . in the month of february, but vasily filipovich raised the troops to extraordinary, technical,
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political and invincible heights. it was under him that the airborne troops became one of the most prepared, and most importantly mobile. in ryazan, ceremonial events took place at the monument to margelov, next to the guards higher twice red banner command school named after him, the main cousin. with which our paratroopers are now storming enemy fortifications throughout almost the entire friendly zone. according to the commander of the troops, since
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the beginning of the special military operation, 70 representatives of the airborne forces have already received the title of hero of russia, approximately 70,000 have been awarded other state awards. i say special words of gratitude today to those at the front. thank you for your service, fighting friends, low bow to your loved ones. eternal memory to ours. to the fallen comrades, glory to the airborne troops, this is also a day of remembrance of all paratroopers who gave their lives for our homeland in moscow, laying flowers at the central museum of the armed forces, on the other side of russia in vladivostok, near the monument to primorye residents who died during local wars. for those who served in the airborne forces and gather like this every year, it doesn’t matter at all what uniform they come in, field or dress, the main vest and blue beret, which has always attracted and still attracts the younger generation. dmitry tolmachev, kristina
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ivanova, kirill loginov, channel one. the paratroopers, who are currently carrying out combat missions on the dnieper during the special operation, were congratulated by representatives of the popular front. they also handed over boats purchased as part of a special collection to the fighters. it was organized just in time for airborne forces day. and it is still ongoing, you can join. qr code with all the information on your screens. the popular front team handed over 39 watercraft to the defenders, light, maneuverable, easy to operate and repair. now the report from the ministry of defense for the week. in the dpr, the forces of the center group liberated five settlements at once. this is the village of leninskoye, and also progress, evgenovka, volchya village of lazovatskaya. in addition, the ssu lost both at least two combat aircraft. pes means. shot down an enemy mig-29 fighter and a su-25 attack aircraft. also intercepted were
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a long-range neptune guided missile, seven attack projectiles from us production, and two missiles fired from american patriot launchers. just three such russian fighters were disabled. the radar station of the anti-aircraft complex was also destroyed. the ukrainian armed forces will miss another german leopard. the tank was burned on one of the front sectors. the russian army is advancing in all directions, gaining a foothold on new ones. 11 group strikes with high-precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produced and repaired armored vehicles, as well as assembly shops and security sites for attack unmanned aerial vehicles were hit. in addition, ammunition depots, aviation weapons and missile and artillery weapons, military
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echelons, as well as temporary deployment points of units of the armed forces of ukraine were hit. foreign. a new attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using cluster munitions. that night, over sevastopol, air defense systems shot down american long-range atacoms missiles, the flight missions for which were coordinated from the pentagon. the high explosive part of one of the munitions fell on the roof of a high-rise building. there were no casualties. as the governor said, employees of the ministry of emergency situations have already removed all dangerous elements to the landfill. people returned to their apartments. attack using cluster munitions by kiev terrorists curators staged a raid on sevastopol in june, as a result of which four civilians, including two children, were killed on one of the city beaches, and over 150 people were injured. and now there is new footage of the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, which the russian army began a few days ago. this is the third stage, it
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takes place by decision of the supreme commander-in-chief. at this, this time it was shown as a column. equipment of missile formations of the southern and central military districts occupies designated positions for electronic launches, combat vehicles covered with a camouflage net, the personnel compare the data, begin to carry out the task, and the aircraft practice their maneuvers; after equipping the missiles with special training ammunition, they go on air patrols. a legendary educational institution that is experiencing a rebirth , saratov. the higher artillery command school resumes officer training. its history dates back to 1918 . among the students are 130 heroes of the soviet union. more than 20 years ago the school was disbanded, and now the first cadets they are already preparing to start studying. classes on tactical, physical, fire,
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topographical training, as well as radiation, chemical and biological protection. the knowledge is truly priceless. the topic will be continued by svetlana kostina, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a military man, now i’m realizing my dream, it’s every guy’s dream to become a man, they are the first cadets of the saratov higher artillery command school, and this is something you can really be proud of, a serious competition for entrance tests is behind us, the start of studies is already in august , so the so-called course for a young fighter, we don’t rush, we don’t raise our heads, pulling comrades out of a burning armored vehicle is one of the first tests, applying a tourniquet, stopping the bleeding, every future officer should be able to do all this, we play out a real situation, we teach how to , as they say, can be useful in direct contact with the enemy, the cadet zhomin is ready for combat, a real test of courage, according to legend , armored vehicles are approaching the cadet in a trench, the first time
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it was scary, now it’s not anymore, it’s normal, an exciting moment about... later , saratov infantry and machine gun command courses were located on its territory. during the great patriotic war , an armored school was organized here, which was later transformed into the saratov higher command and engineering school of missile forces. it was disbanded in 2003. further, a training center for the combat use of artillery began operating in the military town. and this
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year, the russian government decided to open a full-fledged higher education institution. it will prepare the future officers. artillery officers, officer training will last for 5 years, at the end they receive a higher education, and a higher engineering education, respectively, well, according to the profile , it is an artillery officer, towed by self-propelled artillery, as well as mortars and anti-tank missile systems. the first intake - more than 200 cadets, among them both experienced air defense soldiers, contract soldiers, and yesterday's schoolchildren. artillery is the interest of the people of the troops, and i was convinced of this, we were shown various types of equipment, the combat performance of this equipment was demonstrated, that is, we already have an idea of ​​what we will work with... there are those who will train, they all dream of a military career, some of them will continue the dynasty, some entered the school at the call of their hearts, i am also in prague in the artillery i was in the second world war,
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went through it completely, took berlin, i also decided to become an artilleryman, a military man, what it means to defend the homeland, they learn from the first days of study, field conditions, combat scenarios, commanders with experience in the air defense, sometimes the feeling of a real offensive, this is the defensive position of the squad, on the one hand, the cadets you need to repel the attack... of the enemy, on the other hand, you see, the drones are attacking from above, dropping ammunition, and you need to eliminate them. there are still a few days ahead of the young fighter's courses, then a short break, and on september 1, the desks are ready, the classes are ready, the teachers are working out the finishing touches, testing possible scenarios on the simulator, preparing equipment and, of course, samples of military equipment to begin writing the glorious history of the new school. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, yuri shatokhin and andrey mikhailov, channel one, saratov. now small advertisement. and we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch gears, the fact
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is that i don't choose the songs myself, this is a collective decision, it won't turn golden inside this humble it guy. science fiction after the program time, well, generally
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cool, so say, in the summer at vdnkh on the twenty-first volga, this year the exhibition is 85 years old, everything is here, here we have the best place in the universe to study this very universe, the cradle is cast for each cosmonaut individual, apparently. they didn’t do it for me, orlovsky trotter, our famous horse, handsome, he can stick his tongue out at you, look, little world, what is it, it’s cool that you can probably have the whole kitchen of russia in one room, andrey, what are you cooking, there will be shmak, there will be beef, there will be heaps and heaps all sorts of delicious vegetables, bits of cucumbers, and will you make lemonade for me, premiere, cooks on wheels, on the first day tomorrow. tauride chersonese is the revived cradle of russian orthodoxy. a land that remembers the baptism of prince vladimir, his
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glorious exploits and the beginning of the great history of the russian state. in honor of the anniversary baptism of rus'. the opening ceremony of the new khersonez complex. everything you set your mind to, everything works out. yes thank god. on sunday on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria, friends. the bashker took several arrows into his mouth like this, you know, in battle, and three more between his fingers. that's how he shot. yeah, that's it. those very relict ices, they were formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this is 25.00 years old, what diseases does this bath treat,
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starting with skin diseases, musculoskeletal, nervous system, phew, the life of one’s own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, you told me that when he kissed you, you were on again... they’ll be playing at his house, a fortune teller, new episodes from monday, on the first . this is evening
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news and we continue in nizhny tagil, the death toll after the partial collapse of a residential building has increased to seven. the body of a boy and an adult man were found under the rubble. the search operation does not stop for a minute. experts act with extreme caution; there is a risk of another collapse. on at the moment, the fate of two people remains unknown. in the morning, they managed to save a man who was trapped under the rubble.
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elements of the international security system. on august 2, 1919 , the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty was officially terminated. this was done on the initiative of the american country. the states withdrew from the agreement unilaterally, accusing our country of violating the agreement without evidence. russia was forced to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations, virtually immediately after the withdrawal the united states has intensified the development of projectiles previously prohibited by the inf treaty. and now. are going
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to deploy their high-precision missile systems in germany. russia has already warned of retaliatory measures to such a decision, as vladimir putin said: moscow will consider itself free from the previously adopted unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev checked how preparations are going for the implementation of the new national project on environmental well-being in the krasnodar territory. he arrived with a working one. the company carries out a full cycle, collection, transportation, and processing of waste. following the trip, the deputy chairman of the government held a meeting where he discussed in detail the national project on environmental well-being. one of its
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directions is. additional capacity, the medkova city station opened in moscow, a large transport hub connecting mcd-3, metro ground transport. it is expected to be used by more than 6,500 people per day. passengers will now be able to build new routes and significantly save travel time. and at the yaroslavl station they presented today there is a unique mobile medical center, a real modern clinic, only
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on wheels. about everything. in the morning, residents of the capital are exploring the medkova mcd-3 station, bypassing the historical building on rusakovskaya 19, a minute later they find themselves in the new passenger terminal. in terms of architecture, it echoes its ancient neighbors; the building is partially built of red brick. on the eve of their professional holiday, which is celebrated the day after tomorrow, the railway workers themselves gave muscovites a gift. how can you not by the way, opening today is very convenient for us. today we are moving to an aircraft engine and... of course, we will spend very little time on the road now, we had to make a long detour to get to work, now i think it’s possible to get here from the north, we work at the kiev station by metro conveniently transfer, and you kind of save time, everything is fast, convenient, comfortable, this is the third line of moscow diameters, 85 km from zelenograd to ramenskoye, yurki ivolgo electric trains run in 2 hours 15 minutes, in total there will be 41 stations, 39 of them, including
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opened: the ground crossing here is quite long, the metro is more than half a kilometer away, so public transport stops have been moved closer to the railway, for example, the tram now stops very close to the platform, a couple of minutes and you are in the carriage, in general, a minimum of travel time, maximum for life, personal and public. in recent years, we have implemented such megaprojects as the moscow central circle, four moscow central diameters, and built many train stations. due to this, it changed the most the transport system, the transport framework of moscow has seriously improved, traffic has improved on other transport systems, on roads, in the metro, less than a year has passed amcd-3, in this direction,
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122 million people have already been transported, and we, together with moscow, are implementing joint projects have reached a completely new technological railway level. the so-called central transport hub is getting tighter and tighter. a network of high-speed trains brings moscow and neighboring regions closer together. as for distant regions, for them they have railway workers today also have a gift. the unique medical train st. pantilei , a modern clinic on wheels, departs from the yaroslavsky railway station. a unified information system and the ability to conduct laboratory tests, functional studies, x-ray, ultrasound, all this is implemented here. and opportunity. including even choosing glasses, writing a prescription for glasses, including the presence of a pharmacy, a dental office - these are such low-tech things that in the process of life and for people located in
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remote areas, it is simply necessary that all this can be realized here. the train is equipped with equipment that is not always seen in large regional medical centers, not to mention small medical centers. for example, an entire carriage is intended exclusively. for radiology diagnostics. the dental tube is designed to perform radiovisiography of teeth. radiovisiography of teeth is the same as dental photographs, yes, dental photographs, but not on film, in a digital version. all pictures are automatically included in a shared folder where any doctor who referred for radiography can instantly view all radiographs. there are eight regions ahead, from buryatia to primorye, almost the entire far east, wherever you go. the rails reach out to help adults and children. the routes are currently drawn up for 59 settlements, uh, where such a unique clinic will arrive, about 180,000 people
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will be able to use it, and 37,000 children will also be able to receive high-quality, high-quality medical... care. doctors say that for them this is not only a stressful business trip, but an opportunity to see the country. the first voyage of st. panteleimon will last 2 weeks. and there is no doubt that the train, named after the healer who selflessly helped people, will eventually travel all over russia. alexey kruchinin, yulia anishchenko, oleg krupen, vyacheslav chereshko, andrey kolobaev, alexander dudin, anastasia slobodenyuk and stanislav opletin. channel one moscow. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell." good evening, information channel on the first continues, this program, time will tell, studios anatoly kuzichev and olesya losev, and of course, the main news of the last 24 hours
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was the largest prisoner exchange since the cold war, which took place late the night before, all participants in the exchange between russia and belarus and western countries, 26 of them became. russian citizens were finally able to return home to their homeland; russian president vladimir putin personally greeted them at vnukovo airport. among those who returned to their homeland are the dultsev family, with them are two minor children, whom the parents, alas, could not see for more than a year, now the family has separated, so anna, when she came down from the plane, saw that the president of russia was personally standing at the gangway, but she simply could not hold back her tears. vladimir putin is worth noting that he greeted the dultsev children in spanish, saying imnas noches, that is, good evening, because as he said.


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