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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  August 3, 2024 6:00am-9:45am MSK

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basically explains everything about weisberg, his path from color to light through this chromatic layout, through complex dialogue, introspection, he was constantly engaged in self-reflection, he wrote down his state. he carefully documented what he does, what he plans to do, all these materials, they have been preserved, they are in the archive, and all this can be reproduced and you can see this kitchen, laboratory, it’s incredibly fascinating, but in fact such artists few who they are distinguished not only by self-discipline, but also by such introspection, usually this is in general, probably the lot of writers, poets, artists, they are like introverts, as a rule, but for him, did his jewish
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nationality have any significance? it’s hard to say, to be honest, i don’t have such information, but his first exhibition, his first personal one, was created in israel, thanks to him, yes, during his lifetime in the mid-seventies , but he had no idea of ​​going there, at least well, i don’t know, no, as far as i know, but his close friend, well, maybe say, a student, jan reichweiger, a famous israeli artist, he took mm in the seventy-third year. collection, a large collection of weisberg’s works in israel and actually collected his first personal work there, then it was to the tel aviv museum, that’s all i know about his jewishness, yeah, for this last exhibition of his, which opened in paris or in berlin, where i was in paris in 1984, and in the gallery of garik baspandzhan, such a dealer, gallerist, he could theoretically go there, he could, but he didn’t they gave him a visa, he could go to dressdon, well, especially the gdr, yes. the first exhibition in europe
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also took place in the mid- seventies thanks to the initiative of such a young , very brave curator, who collected graphics from eastern european artists in the drawing department, well, surely other artists went, they didn’t trust him or what’s the problem, well, i just think that or he himself didn’t really strive, no, he did, he really wanted to go to paris, he had a dream, since he was, yes, he was a fan of cezanne, he really appreciated and as if he understood yes... that paris was the capital of modern art at that time, he really wanted to go to paris, but he was not allowed to go. the first soviet and russian museum collections are the new jerusalem museum, around the same time the first drawings were purchased by the pushkin museum, gradually, in the eighties, the collections began to be replenished, here are several gifts, as i already said, the heirs end up in our museum, in the tretyakov gallery, but those the same heirs, the same galina.
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in the city of klin, moscow region, natalya vladimirovna perlina. hello, natalya vladimirovna, and let's start with this quick question, what is the most important name for you? in gaydar, you know, this is the first word that for some reason came to my mind - honesty, honesty, decency, loyalty to one’s work , understanding a child. it seems to me that the most important thing for arkady petrovits is that he always remained a man, despite the fact that he had a lot of trials, in childhood - the first world war, in his youth, the civil war. in adulthood, the great patriotic war, always remained a man who was true to himself, to his ideals and never betrayed himself, but mandelstam said a little later, after gaidar had already become a writer, that in the first half of the 20th
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century, in the first third of even the 20th century, people were driven out of their biographies, like balls from billiard pockets, this is a very capacious image, well, that is, we don’t know. who would gorky be, who would babel be, who would pasternak be, if not for the revolution and not the first world war, that is, this is a time when all the cards were mixed, but even against this background, gaidar has a completely unique biography, you know, i was amazed when this still just a child, a child in the fourteenth year, so he is 10 years old, he writes.
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answers to questions: first: what do soldiers think about the war? writes arkady, is it true that they say that they will attack only if they put the rear bourgeoisie on the front line. well, look, i see a paradox in this letter, dear daddy, on the other hand, as if teach me how to be a military man, well, dad won’t teach him to be a military man, why won't it happen? because, by and large , he was brought into the army, strange as it may sound, because his mother brought him, when his son came one day he said: he’s going to the front, his mother makes such, you know, a purely feminine knight move, she’s negotiating with the commander of the first red battalion , what is worth in arzamas, so that he, the commander, would take arkady to his headquarters, well, his age is not quite there yet, well, everyone knows that he commanded a regiment for 17 years, it’s like a fact, but why did this man suddenly
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become a writer, if we talk about that begins from childhood, from childhood he has a very a good school in... arzamas, in which there is an excellent, probably the most beloved teacher, a literature teacher, let's call the city arzamas again, because the city of arzamas, the city of gaidar, he was not born in this city, but this is his city, he is a man the world, he lived everywhere, worked everywhere, yes, in the urals, in the far east, and of course, timur and his team wrote there, and he was happy, the most important thing is that he was happy, i think what exactly is mother natalya arkadyevna.
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from the point when he brings it to the publishing house, he she will say, i wrote a novel for adults, but there she says, it’s not a novel, not for adults, a good children’s story, i think that natalya is right in many ways, especially since she, in general, knows the biography of arkady gaidar very, very deeply, but it seems to me that this is still
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an era, that is, this is the time, the time made writers out of many people, well, we mentioned that the stalkers are stalked. this pseudonym, which later became a surname, and there are many hypotheses, well, for me it’s kind of like aida or a guide - this is a slogan, forward, yes, but there are others. in soviet times they were very fond of saying that gaydar comes from the mongolian word haidar, which means horseman, where the rider is galloping in front, or looking ahead, that is, leader, unfortunately, the mongols do not have such a word in the language, mongolian students told me about this owns, this is a hypothesis, which is a legend, there are too many legends, and if we’re talking about some kind of romantic relationship, including towards gaidar, then arkady gaidar has worn himself out.
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well, yes, a military secret, and a military secret, and in general, after all, his growth is largely based on classical literature for boys, everything is there, there are spies, there are prairies, there are horse races, after all, let’s remember where arkady petrovich studied, well, in the fourteenth year, how said tatyana valerina, he enters the arzomaz real school, a real school is not a gymnasium,
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for him his reader, yeah, seems like a child, but he and this reader are completely equal and serious, this is a child who, and you have some kind of there’s a book here, it’s my dear one, yes, that’s it, here he is, gaidar, volume, this is a four-volume publication. warming and a very large publishing program at this time, this is a four-volume
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green, so-called blue version, yes, it’s blue, green, here it is, and you know, maybe, looking ahead, i just can’t help but tell this story, several times completely different readers told approximately the same story, how they were at the dacha in the summer... by chance in a closet or in the attic they found old collected works of gaidar, most often from the year fifty-six, well, apparently a family like for something unnecessary, put it in the closet, and well, throw it away, well , somehow it’s completely unintelligent and impossible, and these children found it, started reading and couldn’t put it down, then when i asked these children, what did you like, and the answers were perfect.
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in the author's section, i either read and comment on a poem, or a quote from prose, or show an old book from my library, it is not from a museum. not a state book, but just my book, one of those thousands of volumes, i have 30,000, as i used to count, that are on my shelf, here today is a strange book, but i think that the one that is relevant to our conversation is the first congress of soviet writers , a shorthand report, this is 1934, we
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know that the first congress took place in the second half of august of thirty-four. and this book is already quite old, it is almost 100 years old, it just records how everything was, this is not a retelling of what happened, it is just a countdown, it is very difficult for us to imagine this now, by the way, we understand perfectly well that we have a kind of anniversary of 90 years of creating our own recorders, just this year too anniversary, not only gaidar’s anniversary, and we see that here for each genre there was a speaker, there was a banner.
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one of the researchers talks about the nationalization of literature, well, it’s an awkward word, but the writers’ union is, well, such a ministry of literature, where they trained young people, where they published mature ones, where they were there from creativity, the point is not only that bulgakov ridiculed in the master margarita, he massolit named the writers' union, as we remember, yes, the griboyedov house, in fact the hertzin house, he mentions there, this is not only a struggle for...
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attached such importance to literature. at this congress, an official definition of the creative method of soviet literature was adopted. socialist realism is a truthful and historically specific depiction of reality in its revolutionary development. you can't go either right or left. well, let's get back to talking about the wonderful writer arkady petrovich gaidar. arkady.
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a little bit in all political stories, because well, well, what can you do, this is our gaydar, independent, unlike anything else, standing to the side, defending the eternal, yes, as kakimevna says, and not the opportunistic, what is not conjunctural, this is perfect, this is a man who lived and died for what he considered his own, let’s now talk about the most important works for each of us, i have this one. .. the list is very very simple, this is the rvs, this is a military secret, this is the school and timur, his team, of course, too, i’m surprised why you don’t call the blue cup, the blue cup is also, of course, the blue cup. here and chuka-huck and well, there are literally a couple more works left all no, after all, not only, well, timur’s team is a great work for me, because it is a metaphor for the wheel, i often
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say at work, yes, we are a team, well, i run a very large museum, yes - there are 400 people there, and it’s so great, when we understand, the wheel turns without any dictate, without violence, everyone is united by one thing, but this web reaches out to someone and we understand, everything works. yes, by the way, many people, when they come to the museum, say, here is your favorite work, i always say: conscience, very many people say what kind of work this is, why, but in fact the work is very short, literally half a page, but i think that in this story, it’s not even a story, it’s just that, yes, i also wondered what to call it, but in this work the whole arkady petrovich is revealed, yeah, firstly, it shows the writer’s attitude towards the children themselves, he... raises the reader to his level, without coddling with him, these musi-pusi are not about gaidar, not lisps, but he doesn’t give him ready answers, and that’s very correct,
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look, the heroine of this story, the story is a conscience, who decided to skip, i remind you in just a few words what to tell, who decided to skip her lesson, a fourth grader, hid her breakfast, went to catch a butterfly, suddenly came across a first grader, she, a fourth grader, decided to say, what are you you’re playing truant, and he ’s this... dear boy said: “no, there ’s a dog there, i’m afraid,” she understands that she ’s starting to talk to him about some kind of conscience, although she herself is acting ugly, she ’s playing truant, she’s playing truant, and after all at the end look, no morals, she sat down and cried, because her heart was tormented by her conscience, yeah, but i would like to say that today we are talking about the fact that arkady petrovich is a children's writer, a children's writer, but arkady petrovich himself, he said about that let later... someday there will be people who will say that there were such writers who were called children's only out of cunning, let's say, today they actually forgave the red banner,
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the red army, so i want to say, that it’s still not just for children, arkady petrovich will grow with you, and you can grow with arkady petrovich, and you have some tatyana valerievna, well , additives, conscience - after that, in fact, before the very, very war and death, and death, and gaidar, who came up with the whole story with timur and understands what...
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several years have passed, since the timurovs, they have grown up, the war begins, stay in the rear and help, well, everyone has their place, of course, but since we started talking about timur, then probably it’s logical to go to the wedge, yes, we have already mentioned what clay is blessed place, about the house of the museum, tell us when it appeared, what its history is, how it lives now, it is part of the association, museum and tourism, museum and tourism center. and the house museum arkady petrovich is a department of this center, i want to say that our museum is also celebrating its anniversary this year, everyone has an anniversary year , we will be 35 years old in the month of may, in general
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the museum was opened in 1989, i must say that in 1947, the people who gave arkady petrovich a bed before the war, they left klin and from 1947 until 1988, it was ordinary municipal housing, so... it’s nice that it was in our wedge that arkady petrovich found his personal happiness, one of the owner’s daughters, dora matveevna , became his wife, yes, yes, of course, she became his wife, it was also a marriage, well, not the whole story in the sense that zhiladora chernashova, a noble maiden, karata luvek in the room. she sewed, soap, cleaned, didn’t walk, didn’t dance, even though with a lot of guys everything was adjusted to her, all the guys got a blow, gaydar himself came to the wedge, it turned out a miracle, a couple, he’s a gaydar,
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she's a guy. and it seems to me that it was precisely this simple, you know, unpretentious human happiness, when he found a full family, dor matveevna had many more brothers and sisters, and allowed arkady petrovich to write the most recognizable, the most, i say, the warmest works, timur his team, chuka-huck, he finished writing in the wedge, smoke in the forest, wonderful, please tell me, like a museum worker, i’ll ask you again, where are the funds, things from? there are so many things that belonged to arkady petrovich, i believe the pearls of our funds are lifetime edition of arkady petrovich, a book called my comrades with a dedicatory inscription to dora matveevna, when he writes: “dear dora, no matter what people say, they always talk about their grief about their joys, and i always talked to you about the same “, apparently, this is what you tell those who come to the museum,
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we also have an album with photographs.” what wealth we have in the library, what books we have from the thirties , published by gaidar from the forties war years, we realized that we need to scan it like this everything, compiled into an album and compiled into an album, there is an electronic version, well, here is one of our great treasures, a unique edition, this illustration. uh-huh, completely
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unaccustomed to military secrets, by the way, we didn’t include it in the pantheon, i called it, called it, remember, i said that gaidar is mysterious, and it’s not for nothing that military secrets, nadka, i adore all this military, this it’s difficult, it’s difficult, because it’s the death of a child, and gaydar, it rises so much above something familiar and real.
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i remind you that today we are talking about arkady petrovich kaydar, a writer who is celebrating his anniversary this year, and we are talking in wonderful company, my interlocutors today are tatyana valerievna rudishina, head of the libraries of the moscow arkady gaidar library, and natalya vladimirovna perlina, head of the house of the arkady gaidar museum klin, tell me, such a banal question: do they go and see if the library and gaidar’s book are in demand, and will they re-publish them at the same time? a two-part question at once, we talked about the klin museum, now about your library, there’s a library going around, thank god, comes, on weekends we work on saturday and sunday, these are most often family events, trips to the library, on this day there are always some events, meetings with
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"once arkady petrovich heard a question when the guys asked why, why did you make your boy die, boy, because it was possible, you are the author, you are a writer, you could, this is a fairy tale, come up with any ending. an amazing answer. arkady petrovich said, of course, it was possible to imagine that the red army would have had time to save the malchishaki, it was possible, why? wouldn't be true. children cannot be deceived - said arkady petrovich. here. and to answer your question, who comes, i really really like it when mothers come with their children and with their parents, that is, grandmothers, children, yeah. and everyone has their own gaydar. yes, very interesting. this book, you see the wisdom of a mother, how this mother can raise two tomboys, how she is not angry, when she
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arrived, god knows where, dad is not there, because no one gave a telegram. if you are a grandmother, she reads tv. yes, another crossroads. if you read this book as a grandmother, you see relationship between people.
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huck, then they made gaidar a little younger than he generally wrote, he wrote timur not for the first grade and not for the second grade, this often happens, we perceive walter scott, and fenimore cooper and even aid for children, they are not for children, their own time, and in general it’s very interesting, i’m very interested in looking at, for example, a blue cup. through the eyes of a child, well, yes, well, they quarreled with mom, broke a cup, went on a wonderful trip with dad, in general, this is a trip around the globe for a child, when you ask children about what about the blue cup, they are talking about love, well
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, right, not about the cup, when you look through the eyes of an adult and read, because this is about a family that is about to collapse, just a little more, will collapse? no, about what is read differently and will collapse, but what is read differently, and this is a great book, well, speaking of arkady petrovich, i want to say that children who read gaidar understand adults better, adults who read gaidar better children understand this is a point where children and adults can meet on gaydar territory, but i think that this is such an aphorism, which can serve as our contribution to
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our own work, you know that it’s surprising when arkady petrovich met with readers and read his to them, by the way, he had a phenomenal memory, he read his books by heart, so, wow , smoke in the forest he peed in a wedge when he read this book to the guys, uh, actually, the book, if you don’t know when it was written, it can be tied to any time, boy, actually the boy is a slob, in geography he has two , he doesn't know how to swim, he was completely lost in the forest. i don’t remember at all, it’s so interesting, and this boy becomes a hero because he can overcome his fear, when arkady petrovich read this work, the guys were indignant, they said, some kind of unheroic hero you have,
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do you know what this is? , in geography two, he doesn’t know what azimuth is, he doesn’t know how to swim, he needs to swim across the river, and arkady petrovich said that a hero is not someone who does something, a hero is someone who is ready to do something, this is wonderful. what will happen when a child today opens a gaidar book, smoke in the forest, the fate of a drummer, a blue cup, it is interesting for the child because he sees himself on these... pages, yeah, no matter how the child reads harry potter, he understands that he will never have a magic wand, but every child can do an act, swim across this river when necessary, defeat himself, defeat himself, and arkady petrovich teaches this in his works, do not give up on yourself, believe in what you can do , i thought about timur and his team, who were also transferred completely suitable for children's reading, but this is a romantic story, and dear girls, if only each...
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and so on, this is a different story, this is a secret story, secret help, which seems to me, in general, leads us somewhere to the scouts in many ways, well, i think that it can lead to the bible, saying, because, because any good deed should not be obvious, there are some things we didn’t read, and sometimes this ideological pioneer subtext, which was later covered up, he closed for sure.
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melt with pleasure, dear friends. kind morning to everyone who is celebrating this weekend with channel one, yulia zemina and timur soloviev are with you. good morning on the calendar august 3: saturday, the first saturday of august, right? yes, let's not waste a second of this wonderful day, let's not, make yourself comfortable, we're starting, we'll tune in for the best. so, this morning we will celebrate watermelon day, admire the lotuses in kalmykia, and figure out what is possible and necessary. make it in time for the last summer month, for the last summer month, everything is fine, there’s still a whole
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summer month left, let’s learn how to reheat correctly the food, it turns out, needs to be heated correctly, i didn’t know that you could do it wrong, let’s cook something tasty, yes, let’s cook, walk around vdnkh, the inspiration festival is being held there these days, and that’s not all, comrades, that we have to do this morning, now, let's get some exercise, the master of sports in streetlifting, margarita kuznetsova, is already waiting for us. hello, in the summer my daughters and i try to spend more time at the dacha, because here there is sun, fresh air, vitamins from the garden, and of course, gymnastics, we do it every morning, and you girls join us, we divide into teams, emilia angelica, you are the first, and veronica and i are second, we stand facing each other about two steps away, we hold hands. feet are shoulder-width apart, and now we do
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lunges: i step forward with my right foot, and veronica steps back with her left, we bend our knees at a right angle, but we don’t touch the ground and don’t fall on top of our partner, we just hold hands to make it easier to maintain balance, we rise and lunge with the other leg. and now veronica steps forward, and i step back. girls, you too will change. exercise will help pump up the muscles of the whole body, develop balance, and you will also strengthen the health of your loved ones. let's continue! all this week we are celebrating the eighty-fifth anniversary of the famous vdnkh exhibition. an iconic place,
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the world's largest exhibition and recreational museum complex. wow, the most popular, as they say now, is public space. on eleven stages of vdnkh, performances, film screenings, dances and performances, i generally like everything here, if you want, listen to music, go to the theater, listen to lectures, inspiration arts festivals, participants from groups from ten countries. i'm from france, marseille. we came from chile, there is an amazing atmosphere here, we invite everyone to visit the festival, a special project laboratory of modern theater, russian actors and a director from greece, online selection of participants, 8 days of rehearsal and this sunday the show. i was very excited to work with
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russian actors in my language, i also speak a little russian. tourists are here too. states opened it in '39. initially the exhibition was supposed to be it was quite modest , designed for only 100 days, but it was such a resounding success that it was extended for a year and another year. the pavilions were made temporary, summer, mostly wooden. then the exhibition area was 136 hectares, in the fifties it was already 207.
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the main symbols of vdnkh appeared, the central pavilion, the fountain of friendship of peoples, the arch of the heads. the entrance is large, it is beautiful and golden, and again meets the symbol of our country, a sheaf of wheat. today vdnh is 325 hectares with historical pavilions, arches, museums, ponds, parks, alleys, fountains, flower beds and sculptures. there is an eco-trail and even its own urban farm. you can talk to all the animals, feed them, touch them, everyone is very friendly. there is an amusement park, a cable car, and the moscow sun ferris wheel. for 85 years now, vdnh has been one of the most beloved places in the capital. over the course of a year , the exhibition is visited by 30 million people. you can feel the holiday atmosphere without leaving your home. today is the first episode of the cooks on wheels program at vdnkh. and after it, the documentary film the architect of time
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about the life of vyacheslav altarzhesky, author master plan of the exhibition. you will take a journey, opening archives, looking for forgotten addresses. urgently go to kalmykia to see them. for the third year in a row there is a lotus festival in the village of dzhalykovo. fragile creatures do not bloom for long. already on the third day the petals fall. lotuses are considered a symbol of purity; breaking through the silt, they remain just as beautiful. at the festival
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, everyone can swim up to them on boats and look closely at them; they say this is a sign of eternal happiness. last year the festival was attended by 300 people. from 12 countries, more are expected in this one more, here are master classes in chinese gymnastics, beach volleyball, traditional asubsurfing tournaments from new products, learning kalmyt dances, playing the dombra, we are also ready to demonstrate our national costumes, it will be possible to take photographs as a souvenir, photo zones will be organized for lovers of quiet rest quiz, by the way, it was held at the russia exhibition at vdnkh, and also a foam party, the start of the festival on august 3. "here is the russian spirit, here is russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts
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or some events, when he was in character, so to speak, he kept his face, he did not let anyone into the family in a broad sense, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him saw him, his daughter and wife, the gatherings were always fun, and you’re sitting in dad’s place?” it happened, yes, unique footage previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta , in the face of misfortune, they are grief-stricken united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to work for mikhail, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment,
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god needed you more for some reason, our exclusive, the family archive of mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, today on the first, behind the steep one, here on this scene is a real holiday. two stars, fathers and sons. tomorrow after evening
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news. we continue to heat up the ready-made food, but it would seem that it could be easier already, no one even asks you to cook it, just heat it up already, and well, please, well, in a frying pan or in the microwave, in a double boiler in the end, where in the end , in the microwave, in a double boiler or in a frying pan? it turns out that every kitchen gadget. heats up food in different ways, yeah, ligia belyanskaya will tell you everything now, they heated it up too much, they lost vitamins, the higher the temperature and during heat treatment, the correspondingly stronger the ae the nutritional value of this product may decrease, so it is correct to cook it for one time, so as not to reheat it again later, maria succeeds in this if there is still food left, she puts it in the freezer, and this is correct, it also heats it up, just like her daughters do it. in a double boiler, i think this is correct, and we have had a double boiler for a long time, we have been using it for a long time, we tried to eat right, but sometimes there is not enough time
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at all, yes, it’s not just 10 minutes on a small cutlet, and then washing the entire installation , but warmed up well to 92°, when time is short, the microwave helps out, experiment, in 2 minutes the potatoes in the microwave warmed up to 73°, the cutlet up to 55, since any product we have contains water, it receives electromagnetic energy very well, so the product heats up, radiation heats up food in the microwave in this way stoves, many people don’t like them, but there is no harm from electromagnetic waves, they are reflected from the walls and are absorbed by food, causing vibrations inside that generate heat. there is a downside: products that do not contain water, dry cereals, for example, can burn. another danger: the surface of the food is different, that is, on the surface of the potato it can be hot on top, but inside it is cold, and this is actually fraught with bacteria that are in the food, check by stirring, in a frying pan too, on the stove for for 5
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minutes the cutlet warmed up to 30°, the potatoes to 62, if we heat everything together, it is better to divide it into small pieces, the soup generally began to boil in 2 minutes, but heating on the stove has its drawbacks, when we add oil, we additionally add to the load on the body for digestion, that is, this is a secretion carcinogens and when heated. the oven is all pluses, without excess oil, the food is heated from all sides, convection works, but it first needs to be warmed up well to achieve 60-70°; the food was waited for 23 minutes, and even that is not enough. the minimum heating of food is preferably somewhere around 79-82°, because it is in this interval that bacteria are killed. we want to preserve the texture of the dish, a crispy crust, for example, we choose an oven, we heat liquids on the stove, but in general for speed. a microwave is also suitable, even in plastic containers, this is food grade harmless polypropylene. during production processes , a minimum amount of various
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additional additives is added to it, these can be stabilizers and antioxidants. plasticizers, but over time they absorb the smells and tastes of food. if possible, choose glass or ceramic dishes. nigiya belyayanskaya, denis panomariov, tatyana yus, channel one. the twenty-third summer ballet season is underway on the stage of the russian academic youth theater in moscow. parade of classical choreography performed various dance troupes in russia. our correspondent has details. what do ballet and fencing have in common? some movements came from there. i stretch my foot so that my leg does not cramp. this is a basic movement when the ballerina moves her legs finely on her fingertips. the russian academic
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youth theater has its twenty-third summer ballet season. masterpieces of world ballet in non-stop mode, from the classics of tchaikovsky to the avant-garde of prokofiev, from the romantic adan to the passionate minkus, swan lake, sleeping beauty, giselle, romeo and juliet, baederka, baederka, this is a very rare performance, that is , there are swan nutcrackers everywhere, here esmeralda, beiderka, this is just an exclusive 75. performances for 2 months, are performed every evening, and on weekends also during the day . some spectators go to all the ballets specifically and compare one group with another group. a live orchestra, luxurious scenery, hundreds of costumes, up to 10 meters of tulle are needed for just one tutu for a ballerina. this is an aurora tutu, a sleeping beauty, embroidered with this kind of gold ribbon, very scarce now
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a craftsman who decorates packs like this. on stage are soloists from the best theaters in russia, including large graduates of ballet schools. it seems to me that they are just like sweethearts, very good, cute, they fit right into this scene. the theater is intimate, it is small, the stage is small. the twenty-third ballet seasons in the russian academic youth theater will be held until august 28, inclusive; the summer of ballet is in full swing. asya rodkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. in sevastopol on july 30 a unique museum and temple complex, new khersanez, a special amazing place where past and present are intertwined. the architecture and scale are truly amazing. st. vladimir's
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cathedral in khersanes, the former korsun, is the very place where, according to '. prince vladimir was baptized in 988 along with his retinue, which is very important, the priests of khersanes catechized him, that is, they taught him the basics of the faith. returning to his homeland, along with baptism, he brought, of course, centuries-old european culture. now on this sacred place there is a grandiose museum and temple new hersanez complex, 24 hectares, a real byzantine city. behind me is a unique museum of christianity. the first, probably, in russia of such a large format, there is also a youth complex, a museum of crimea and new russia, an amphitheater, a museum of byzantine antiquity, the heart of new khersanes, an open-air temple park nearby, services will be held here, even at night under the stars. the unique complex was built in record time, one year and 8 months, the
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largest archaeological work in history was carried out, 6.5 million were found... to the treasures of antiquity the geraon river was discovered underground. there was a separate task not only to fill up this river after archaeological excavations, but to somehow preserve it, to give modern visitors the opportunity to admire this river and feel this involvement in ancient history. therefore, the ancient river heroon, thanks to special engineering structures , was brought to the surface. new khersonese has already opened its doors to visitors. you may be among the first guests. the first team will show how the opening took place in day of the baptism of rus'. 27 cameras on the ground in the air to show the scale of the complex from a bird's eye view, but to examine every detail, to see the religious procession. attend the first divine liturgy in st. vladimir's cathedral after large-scale restoration. broadcast of the opening of the new hersanez museum and temple complex this
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sunday at 10:00 am. and right after the podcast. lab gathered their thoughts, a discussion about the origins of faith, the personality of prince vladimir himself and the role of princess olga in his destiny in a special issue of “the baptism of russia”. what vladimir did it - it really is. a real feat, a feat of first of all overcoming oneself, yes, and it is no coincidence that if we again turn to the tale of bygone years, there the author puts into vladimir’s mouth such words that he lived like an animal and thanks god for enlightening him, transforming him , repeat this evening, immediately after the program time on channel one, on sunday, anna grebinchukova, vladimir ilyin, oleg soshin, channel one. let's move on, attention to all football fans. the best goals from the opening matches of the russian cup tournament. word to ours athletic sports journalists of
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channel one. the group stage of the russian football cup started brightly. spectacular matches followed one after another. perhaps the most impressive goal was scored in the meeting between krasnodar and cska. southern midfielder. kevinin lenini, so spectacularly volleyed the ball into the goal of the capital team and brought krasnodar a 1:0 victory. spartak in the moscow derby with dynamo opened the scoring at the end of the first half. guest goalkeeper igor lishchuk, who seemed to be haunted by an evil fate in matches against the red and whites, unsuccessfully hit the ball in front of himself and manfred ugalde took advantage of this. in the second half, spartak strengthened their advantage. medino earned a penalty and converted it himself; pavel maslov, who scored just 5 minutes after appearing on the field, put the finishing touches on it, 3:0 in favor of spartak. lokomotiv pleased its
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fans in a home match with rostov. the victory for the railway worker was brought by the only goal scored by substitute vadim rakov. note that this is the first goal for the nineteen-year-old student of the club. main cast. zenit, off to a great start season, achieved another confident victory, this time over the torch. alexander erokhin put the st. petersburg team ahead in the middle of the first half. in the second half of the meeting, the audience saw two more goals. torch defender vasily cherov scored an own goal, and wilson isidore finally put all questions to rest. 3:00 zenit. stop a team that has gained momentum.
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a word to our colleagues from the first channel information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. hello, on the air news, in studio sergey tugushev. they detained me on trumped-up charges and literally kidnapped me. so his arrest in an exclusive interview with channel one. to russia as a result of an exchange. roman was detained by us intelligence agencies in the maldives, accusing him of hacking the databases of about 200
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american companies. and they threatened him with a life sentence if he did not share some information that in fact he did not have. the russian was sentenced to 27 years in prison, of which he served 10. all this time he was transported from one prison to another. now he talks about... how was there any attitude towards him from the employees of these institutions? they constantly woke me up, forced me to check in every 2 hours for 24 hours, that is, i could not sleep, they woke me up every 2 hours, they constantly turned on the light, that is, the light is like a spotlight, and it shines on you day and night, they were flying on a plane to turkey , all also handcuffed and scissored. such a chain, it’s unclear why the country doesn’t abandon the russians, that is, i never even thought for a second that they would forget about me, that is, for all 10 years i was in prison, i knew that the russians
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well, no, they won’t forget me, this night ukrainian formations carried out a terrorist attack on the oryol region, air defense forces destroyed three drones, two more hit a high-rise building near oryol. the governor announced this. people ran out into the street after the first blow, and a few minutes later there was a second one. apartments on the upper floors were damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt, but a fire started and was quickly managed. there are no military installations near the attacked building, and the drones did not change their trajectory, they purposefully flew towards house. our military pilots struck the enemy in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces. so-25 attack aircraft destroyed the stronghold along with the militants holed up there. after a successful attack, the planes released heat traps to confuse enemy air defenses and returned to base.
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the calculations of the buk m3 anti-aircraft missile system also worked out. they managed to intercept and destroy an american atacomsa missile, as well as several combat and reconnaissance drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the unique capabilities of the complexes allow crews to provide reliable protection of troops. as a rule, there is one missile per target. exception: especially large and high-speed objects. due to the high efficiency of beeches, the enemy constantly hunts them. the most effective thing i've seen for this. how can we say to protect ourselves, this is camouflage first of all, this is security that protects the car, as well as constant movement, the more often we move, the more difficult it is for the enemy to attack us. new examples of the valor of our military. corporal daniil golubkov, together with his squad, attacked the militants captured an important section of the road leading to one of the settlements in which the enemy group had settled. together with his comrades, danil fought off several. counterattacks
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by the enemy, who lost about a platoon and two units of armored vehicles. later, our military liberated the settlement. corporal sergei alexandra destroyed five enemy firing points during our assault from a tank. thanks to this, russian fighters were able to drive the militants out of the village and improved their positions. in odessa, another attempt to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, recruits ended in street battles. military commissars and passers-by, who were outraged, got into fights. the very appearance of people in military uniform on the city street, as eyewitnesses write on social networks, at first one man entered into an altercation, but soon several more people came to his aid, then fists were used, one of the women lay down on the roadway, blocking passage of transport, the other screamed loudly, attracting the attention of the entire area, how it all ended is unknown, allegedly one of the ladies was detained after she tore the uniform of an employee the police, however , failed to mobilize anyone this time as a military commissar... the situation
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in the middle east has reached its limit. everything is in anticipation of iran's retaliatory strike against israel for the death of the leader of the palestinian hamas movement, ismail hami. his funeral took place the day before. world media, citing various sources, suggest that the attack will take place today or tomorrow. an anonymous iranian diplomat from the pages of the american all street journal threatens that the retaliatory strike against israel will be lightning fast and harsh. on the background rising tensions. the skies over israel became empty. civil vessels, as can be seen on the flight radar website, avoid dangerous airspace. meanwhile , the united states is strengthening its posture in the middle east to bolster tel aviv's defenses, pentan said. in nizhny tagel, search and rescue operations have completed at the site of a partial collapse of a residential building. there are no more people under the rubble. this was reported to the operational services. according to the latest data, the tragedy claimed the lives of ten.
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roads suddenly began to go under water, it poured into the interiors of cars and buses. eyewitnesses post footage from the shopping center online. equipment was damaged by ankle-deep water. they are trying to cope with the consequences of the downpour in buryatia ; a state of emergency was introduced in three settlements; about 500 courtyards were flooded there, two pedestrian bridges were washed away. the currents were so strong that they carried away cars. that's all for now, stay with us. broadcast of the first channel. the program will continue, good morning. let us remind you that today is august 3, our ancestors on this day they picked apples and said goodbye to summer, it was believed that on this day, at exactly noon , the autumn weather began, how sad. no, we don’t, no, we don’t agree with you, ancestors, i just don’t even have words, i don’t know who came up with this sign, maybe we are canceling this sign, weather forecasters promise us summer, we will still be happy, we we also want to wish this to you, now let’s see what horoscope astrologers will please us
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with, open the doors, a great summer weekend is knocking, cheerful, good-natured, sociable and certainly not boring, really today’s day isn’t... you can’t really get him out somewhere, his house is a place of power, but he’s always happy to have guests, they often just drop in at his place without an invitation, tomorrow’s day is the opposite, he doesn’t mind going on a visit or to some event , he generally loves what is called spinning, knows how to show off his charm, and if you need to organize some small holiday, this is also for him, both of these days are also excellent friends, today they really like to give orders a little, but this is simplified for them, with technology they are not very friendly. on days like this she she is often capricious, be careful with her, and avoid extreme sports, especially on the water. aries, you heard it, and if you're heading to the beach with the kids, don't let them out of your sight. otherwise, you have a great weekend, among other things, favorable for all sorts of quick household chores and short
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trips. for taurus, everything should work out too, however, today something may confuse the plans a little, you will have to adapt to someone, but these are all the little things in life, and tomorrow you may be taken for a walk. or to visit, a nice weekend with the twins, but maybe some problems associated with information, well, there are all sorts of errors, inaccuracies, someone may be out of reach just when they are needed, and be careful with sharp instruments, this advice is also relevant for crayfish, and even when leaving home, if possible, turn off electrical appliances ; try not to impose your opinion or your society on anyone. leo will have a chance to successfully buy or sell something. the lioness will certainly please herself with some new thing, but why not, especially since you are in the spotlight these days, to some you won’t like it, but what do you care about the spiteful critics, if you have some brilliant idea, but no understanding of how to implement it, call the girls, they will come up with everything for you and put it in order, however, they
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still need to be persuaded and spend time on it , their mood these days is romantic, libra is also fine on the romantic front, but be careful with money transactions on the internet and with large purchases it is better to wait a couple of days, and be very careful when buying groceries. scorpios have a normal summer weekend, true, there may be some kind of disagreement on the personal front, everyone has their own truth, so don’t look for the guilty, it’s better to go somewhere with the whole family. sagittarius will have to spend money, however, on something necessary, like urgent minor repairs. dear parents, if your child is a sagittarius, do not raise him or her too much. okay, be careful driving. capricorns, be willing to put your own business aside to help good people. as compensation, you can grow up in someone’s eyes, and in general, doing good deeds is great. guests may arrive tomorrow. aquarius simply has a good weekend, when they can
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get a good night's sleep, do their homework, and chat with nice people. it may be true that there are calls or messages regarding work, but that will have to wait until monday. and some gatherings are in the cards for you. with a treat, the stars hint to the fish, sometimes one carelessly thrown harsh word, as if a pebble can cause an avalanche, in general, watch what you say, otherwise you have a wonderful weekend, light, airy and a little romantic, good luck to you, summer is a city of scooters, it seems that these concepts are already inseparable, i’m angry, you’re angry females, you also go out into the street, someone rushes by all the time, you know, so quietly behind your back. the wind blows straight into your hair, it's driving along the sidewalk, nothing, by the way, you know that most people ride without protection, apparently they think that nothing bad can happen to them, this is all , alas, before the first fall, the park, scooters, the speed of some is not at all children's, my
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scooter accelerates to 40 km/h, and almost everyone without a helmet, but what about on a scooter with a grinder? how to skate, i didn’t know that it was needed, someone is just... confident in themselves, i skate carefully, i don’t need it, it’s possible for safety, well, i feel completely safe for now, meanwhile in the trampoline in the summer from 10 up to 15 people every day, doctor, i ’m also here without protection, i can, in principle, become your patient, that’s absolutely right, this is due to the fact that when a patient falls , he tries to protect himself by putting either... straight arms forward, or bent at the elbow , in the elbow joint, the humerus breaks when falling a person on the shoulder, the collarbone is broken , the rotator majetta of the shoulder is damaged. the main mechanism... injury, collision with an obstacle or the wheel getting into damaged asphalt. the scooter ejects
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its driver. we didn’t have time to group ourselves, we fell head first. he runs the risk of diver injury. this is a very complex pathology in which the spinal cord is damaged at the level of the neck. such people remain paralyzed from the head down. well, plus a concussion hematoma. we threw a watermelon from the height of human height, group, as we see, i didn’t have time. but as soon as i put on the protection, i escaped with light scratches, so the first thing is to protect your head correctly, since you came here on an electric scooter, and not on a regular one, where your speed reaches up to 25 km/h, i want to offer you this beautiful pink one color, bowler hat with maximum head coverage, inner lining of at least 3 cm, if you try to just bend your arms like this, then...
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channel, i really want summer not to end, summer will be with us for another 28 days, and this is calendar summer, and there is a chance that the warmth will spread into september, and dreams for october, who has money for november, in general, there is time to bask in the gentle august sun, swim to your heart's content, stock up on vitamin d, in general, summer continues comrade, let’s breathe it in deeply, our colleague darina griboyedova will now tell you what definitely needs to be done. the last month of summer, come on, come on, come on,
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good morning, 2 months of summer are already over, and i still haven’t swam in the outdoor pool in the city center, either the rain interferes with my mood no, at this rate, a healthy lifestyle will pass me by, how to find resources in yourself, spend the summer as you wanted, and not as it turned out, i’ll talk to expert victoria shimanskaya. victoria, august 3. we have already lived through 2 months of summer, i didn’t get as many happy emotions as i had planned, in the spring i wanted a lot of things, what should i do? it’s just the effect of missed opportunities, let’s figure it out, step number one is to record all your wishes on stickers, but first , this season’s fashionable poll: swimming in the pool on open air or rafting? sup rafting, sup rafting or camping trip with a tent? rafting on a glanders, rafting on a glanders or... walking on the lawn barefoot every day in swimming on a glanders we record walking on the lawn barefoot or
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young potatoes on a fire potatoes on a fire young potatoes on a fire or on a bicycle in the park young potatoes we fix 500 g of berries and fruits or sunburn in the morning uh berries 500 g of berries and fruits or dancing in the park berries we fix the three main wishes for august we have chosen and write them down on stickers and we hang it in the most visible place in the house. the final step is to put all this into the plan. so we have things to do at least once. let's see what it is? smallpox rafting and potatoes. what about berries? well, there are probably berries every day, so you choose the days, and starting from today , the summer will be successful. while we were hiding from the rain, summer turned on the sun again. victoria, what did you manage to do yourself? during these two summer months, look, douse yourself with cold water, get up early, because in the summer it’s
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much easier than in the winter, you know, with there are still fewer gadgets on social networks, this is also very important, speaking of gadgets, i follow many health practitioners on social networks and thought that this would stimulate me in order to, you know, do more, practice more often, well, somehow what an effect - on the contrary, yes, yes, such an effect , on the contrary, very often happens when... people close to us, we are sincerely happy for them, they succeeded, when we see, you know, such people, it seems, these are them everyone manages to do it, and you start comparing yourself, you feel it’s sad that you’re not like that, yes, yes, because this feeling of anxiety, it arises inside, and energy is spent on anxiety, and not on those daily actions that are necessary for regular habits, so only we, you know, compete with ourselves, stimulated, realized that we need this, great, then on the contrary, it’s better... shoot for yourself, create your own day, become the best version of yourself, 100%. for pessimists, summer is coming to
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an end, for optimists, zoshniks still have it ahead, zosh glass s.
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burbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of steller group.
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trader from monday on the first, you must contact him and give him a new task on the same object, get him out of cancer, get him out of the game, that’s how it happens, saturday, you need to sort out the closet, get rid of everything, well, that’s there it’s been hanging for years, you know, something like that, unclaimed, isn’t carried around, your hand needs to go numb, you need to free it up for something new, the woman’s attention will help you. now in in her hands, an old men’s shirt turns into a new summer dress, okay, dear friends, if you want to sew an original summer dress, but don’t know where to start, then take an old men’s shirt, matching cotton weasels 40 x 15 cm wide and 3 long and we boldly
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get to work and don’t have to throw away or buy anything, first we’ll prepare the base of the dress: the fastener from the shirt goes over the back of the dress, so we put the shirt with the back up. the neck of the dress will be asymmetrical, and the dress itself will have one sleeve, i’ll show you how to do this now: draw a smooth line from the side, move it under the yoke, remove the top of the sleeve, cut off the excess clearly along the line. we will make the sleeve short, cut it from a piece of cotton 15 cm wide, make a drawstring for the neckline, apply the fabric
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with the front side to the wrong side of the base and sew it under the machine. we turn the sewn strip of fabric to the front side so that the width of the lapel is approximately 2 cm for the elastic and sew it, thread the knitted elastic into the drawstring. from a strip 3 m long we sew a shuttlecock, connect the sides and the submachine, assemble
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flounce in drapery, taking into account the width and bottom of the base. we connect the balan and the base, chop it and put it under the machine. we also assemble it with an elastic band, and i also decided to add a strap in the form of a bow, we tie it, here’s a new thing, you can sew many different dresses like this, even a novice tailor can handle this work, there would be unnecessary shirts and shreds, there’s grass in the yard, there’s grass on the grass firewood, home foreman alexey bg was bending over the firewood, who will confirm now. wisdom, they chop wood, the chips fly, it's a factory chipper,
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it does its job perfectly, but it costs quite a bit expensive, chopping wood with an ax is, let’s say, dangerous for a city dweller. i know how to make a chipper myself. we will need plywood 40x40 cm and two more pieces of board of the same length. we put the boards on the deck in the form of a tick, we will make an angle of 15 degrees, we put a square piece on top, we screw the boards with self-tapping screws to the plywood, we have a wedge, let's see how this device works, we put the firewood inside the triangle, and we split it like that, look, no need to hold the workpiece with your hands, it stands perfectly without help, one two, wood chips it turns out less and less, we again move them to a sharp corner and prick, an excellent chipper,
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it works quickly and your hands are completely safe, our good cheerful morning continues, our also cheerful and kind lamilute continues... doing your favorite thing, taking celebrity slobs , today her host of the fashionable verdict program, celebrity, lilya rakh, they will play towns, but some unusual ones, but for celebrities. this section barely keeps up with fashion, and the presenter of the fashionable program will give her comments on this topic right now verdict liliya rakht. lilya, good morning, good, good morning, i’m very glad to meet you, glad to see you, you look stunning from your feet, as always, you are the host of
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the legendary program fashion sentence, of course, when you see a person, you probably meet him by his clothes , or not, to meet someone by their clothes is a signal that you will start some kind of conversation and get to know this person, this is normal, of course, then you look deeper. our main mistake is that we complicate our image, this is leads to the fact that it’s so ridiculous, and polka dots, and a flower, a monkey, a bunny, and this is all in one image, there are too many difficulties in order to look good and fashionable, in fact, you personally need to feel comfortable, cozy, surprisingly convenient for... so that you are perceived as an individual, today is a medieval version of the game towns, we knock down the opponent’s pieces, the one who knocks down the most beats will win. so, lily, begin.
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ok then. oh, so, a small shortfall, but nevertheless, it’s already really good, well, for starters, what what to do now, since there’s not enough air there? first flight! hit, super, one figure is downed, but now this is an excellent result, now you will see this, everything is a lily, flutter, but great, overshoot, oops, one one, overshoot, one is undershooting, the other is overshooting, well what is it, another figure, simple, simple-minded. damn, so lily knocked down two more pieces, the score is 3:1, my last chance, well, that’s it, oh, bravo,
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just here, that’s it, with a score of 3:2, lilia rakh wins, dear lilia, from the program, good morning , i congratulate you on your victory i present the medal, which... thank you very much good morning this year my de... small settlement it turned into a large sea of ​​​​okhotsk, despite the winds and frost, from yes, a city that was founded on the shore of the administrative, scientific cultural center of russia, and what beauty there is right now , let's go to magadan, catch flounder on a fishing rod, see the sunrise in one bay, sunset in another, wander along the sandy beaches, shrimp, ida, azure-colored water, sandy
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beach, lighthouse near... give me, what kind of city? this magadan. at 95 years old, he looks like this, and i’m ready to argue with all the stereotypes, for example, this one: it’s too cold in magadan, the frosts here are really strong, but at the same time there is summer, albeit a short one, and there is always a lot of sun. in magadan , summer may not come for a long time, but the sun comes in january, it is almost always sunny. svetlana moved here 5 years ago, she says, they think. that in magadan there are continuous camps and prisons, another stereotype. yes, in the middle of the last century , thousands of people were exiled here, and magadan residents don’t talk about it they forget that the mask of sorrow monument was erected to the victims of repression. but now everything has changed. the city has turned into a comfortable one. for me personally, it’s like a cradle. i feel comfortable here in all areas, personally, in friendships, in work. and it’s nice to just walk around the city.
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look at the architecture, these are houses on the main street, by the way, it was jokingly nicknamed the longest in the world, starting from the tv tower on lenin street, you can get to moscow, from there to kaliningrad, that is, it smoothly turns into kolyma a route along which you can get to the most extreme point of our central russia, by the way, central russia is called the mainland here, because you can only get there by plane, there is no railway transport, by car it takes too long, but this is also a plus, there is less impact on others. environment, the nature here is very beautiful, in the city itself there are two bays, in one you can see the sunrise, in the other you can admire the sunset, from here we can go on a sea voyage to the island of misunderstanding, zavyalovo island, the koni peninsula, from may to almost september, this a favorite place for fishermen, here you can throw fishing rods from the pier, catch flounder, all kinds of other fish, around the taiga, coniferous forests , the ecology is in complete order, the main
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production, gold mining, is quite... clean, by the way, it has also changed a lot in 95 years , the pioneers mined gold using a boat like this with a scraper, now everything is technologically advanced, gold reserves will last for a long time, for example, our largest deposit is antalka, there is an estimated 1,200 tons of gold there, but this is a lot, this will last for almost 30 to 35 years work this mine, but at the same time geologists say that there are still a lot of deposits that are completely undiscovered, and these are jobs, scientific research, new discoveries. ninety-five-year-old magadan has room to grow and develop. kirill kalinin, lyudmila shcherbakova, channel one. good summer morning. today is august 3, and also the first saturday of the last summer month. double reason to give yourself your favorite moment for beauty relaxation. irina matiranskaya just has some cool cosmetic life hacks. even though in the summer there are no school lessons, household lessons there are enough questions. cleaning, cooking, attention
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to the children, everyone. mom knows that they won’t feed themselves, even if everything is prepared, they’re waiting for mom to get home from work, and yes, no one canceled work either, we’re sorely short of time, so we’re already painting our eyes and lips on the go, but how could that be possible? it’s finally saturday, which means i’ll have a moment for myself, today i’m with my nastya. we’re talking, nastya, by the way, is an etiquette expert, we’re talking about etiquette in makeup, let’s start with the fact that etiquette is based on three pillars: adequacy, yeah, appropriateness and respect for ourselves to those around us, this is where we will proceed. mascara ran during the rain, right there in the cosmetic bag, and makeup is, it turns out, a rather intimate moment, like
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brushing your teeth, you won’t do that, will you? yes, this is an intimate story, we have to go to the toilet room to do everything there. etiquette, of course, does not prohibit anything, it rather recommends. and categorically, as you say, it cannot be done. this is especially true when you are at the table, correcting your makeup, as we often do. you shouldn’t wear makeup at your desk or at your workplace either, unless you are alone at this time. okay, here is our situation today, yes, we are within the limits. but they attracted attention, yes, in what other case can you attract attention if you use lipstick as an element of flirting, that is, you took it, as if by accident in front of a man, and painted your lips with transparent gloss, well, that’s flirting, that’s about flirting, if you want
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to attract a man in this way, then yes, it’s possible, of course, it’s clear, but it ’s appropriate to go without makeup, it turns out that it’s not always, i woke up in the morning, washed my face, applied cream and... went to work completely without makeup, to meet, this appropriate? here you need to look at how formal your work is, for example, or what kind of meeting it is. etiquette says that if we have a formality coefficient of ten, from one to ten, the highest, then makeup should be, no matter whether it’s some kind of social meeting or a business one, it should be there, that is , it turns out that no one imposes it on you , paint brightly, but apply some light tone. highlighting your eyes a little is always much more pleasant, yes, it’s about respect for yourself and others, because we were preparing for meeting a person, and he sees it, and i think he will definitely appreciate it, and also according to etiquette, it is advisable to be without makeup in the bathhouse when
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you play sports, and even you yourself will be much more comfortable this way. irina materanskaya, channel one. well, often when you are driving, you just want to know who? chases you from behind, so as not to interfere with him, so to speak, not to impede his movement, there are probably special mirrors for this, the mirror in which you most often look, yes, she, you know everything more than anyone else, will tell you everything with accuracy, you bought a new car, a friend let you drive his, or something else, you use car sharing, you know what to do when you get into an unfamiliar car, that’s right, adjust the mirrors to suit you. my name is dimish shiravar, let's do this together. you will be surprised, but to properly adjust the mirrors, you first need to adjust the seats correctly, only then will you be in the right position in the cabin. everything is easy here. we move away from the steering wheel
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to such a distance that your foot remains slightly when the pedal is fully depressed. bent at the knee. the same principle with the tilt of the back, you should touch it with your shoulder blades, when you stretch your arms, your wrist should lie on... on the side of the steering wheel, while your elbows dry slightly, that's it, now in this correct position we begin to adjust the left mirror, so, what we see in it, there are too many cars, of course it’s cute, but we need to see the road, so we do it like this: the side of the body should occupy from 7 to 10% of the entire view, literally you should see the rear door handle and the rear wing in it , now about the tilt. the ratio of sky and earth is 40x60, less air, more surface, in order to adequately assess the dimensions and situation behind the car, you just need to catch your eye on the edge of the body, while you will see most of what
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is happening behind the car, a similar story with with the right mirror, we look into it without bending over, we adjust it, although here you can leave 30% of the sky and 70% of the ground, so it’s better to control the side of the road when parking. there is a salon mirror left, but everything is very easy here, we set it up so that we see the rear window and nothing else, if there are too many parts, move it a little to the right so that you can see the small rear side glass, this will help you when changing lanes. it seems to you that we left too little of the car in motion, this is done by tilting the head while moving, for example, when turning or when driving on uneven roads. even if you bend over so that your head touches the pillar, you will still see part of the car in the mirror and what is behind it, and this it means adequately assess the situation on the road, i’ve already eaten something, it’s delicious,
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yes, you need to call maria surova for help, she always has something, yes, she has gibzhali with her, this is a migrelian dish of cheese and mint , delicious very aromatic snack. gebzhalia is a migryan dish made from cheese and mint. in georgia it is prepared from freshly prepared suluguni. i'll try to make it from a regular store bought one. i chop the cilantro very finely into a bowl. i tear off the mint leaves and chop them too. i remove the seeds from hot green peppers so that the appetizer didn't turn out too spicy. the amount of pepper depends on its size. i have medium pods, so i’ll take two, grind them, it’s better to do it with gloves, add chopped garlic and salt, grind it with a masher, you can do it either... in a mortar, or in a round bowl, you get this spicy
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dressing, it’s called green adjika with mint, i move on to the cheese, cut the suluguni into small pieces, let the milk heat up, and i will cook the suluguni in it. some housewives boil it in water, but gebzhalia is milky it's a snack, so it's better to use milk. the milk has warmed up, i turn down the heat and send the cheese into. pan. i wonder if he will melt? yes, the cheese starts to melt very quickly. i mix it and collect it with spatulas like this into one mass. don’t throw away this milk, then you can use it to make porridge, pancakes, whatever you want. almost the entire mass came together. it should become homogeneous. i take it off the heat and then you need to work with the luguni with your hands. be sure to wear gloves, the mixture is hot. i squeeze a little. i put it on the board, knead it and distribute it into a large
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flatbread, most of the crumpled adjika mixed with ricotta, spread on the cheese, roll it into a roll, cut into portions, you can serve it with matsoni or with the same milk in which the cheese was boiled. mix the matsone with the remains of the green juice, put it on a plate, decorate the pieces of roll with mint on top, i didn’t think that it would be possible to make hebajalia from store-bought cheese, a delicious, very aromatic snack, i really want to relax well on the weekend, go for a walk with the whole family, well, with the children, of course, take a ball with you there, a shuttlecock with badminton, but since the weather has turned bad, yes, but this is not a reason to be bored, father of many children alexey ivanov is sure of this, attention, home games. it's raining outside and we won't
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be able to go out for a walk, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. now i will show you some simple games at home that will definitely cheer you up. the first game is an analogue of air hockey. to do this, we need two rolls of toilet paper and a jar lid like this instead of a washer. the rules are simple: everyone defends their own makeshift gate. who missed it i lost, and wow, and one of my pipes, friendship won, yes, now i honestly give it. second game: we arrange shoes, and each
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pair can be placed in different ways, sometimes not even a pair, our task is to jump according to this scheme, whoever makes a mistake is eliminated, and so, so, so, and, so, and, so, yes, five, one, so, so. okay, well done, well done, game number three, a fun labyrinth, we covered the corridor with colored masking tape, the task is to walk along this corridor without hitting anything, you are first, second, okay, andrey, andrey, well done, and look,
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one remark, be careful next, i have two comments, fyodor, it's your turn, one remark for now, oh, two comments, be careful, fyodor, fyodor, fyodor, fyodor, well done, dad, he's sleeping now, so oh, so, let's announce the results , andrey won, you have only one remark, and i have the most comments, i lost, but we had a great time, take advantage of our games, well now, dear friends, dear... tv viewers, we invite you to the garden , as you
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remember, all summer oksana stankevich, without taking it out, has been experimenting with beds and by the way, i collected a good harvest, yes, but oksana’s gardening season, like other ... summer residents, never ends , right now we will be pruning strawberries, gardeners who themselves have a mustache, be sure to look, there is practically a strawberry bed every summer resident, now is the time to take care of it, at the end of summer , strawberries produce these long shoots, they are called mustaches, this is your... free planting material, we apply them to the pot with soil and press them with wire, in a week the shoot will take root, then we we cut it off and get a young plant. remember, strawberries produce large berries for the first
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3 years, and then they begin to get smaller, so it’s time to dig up the old bushes, plant these new ones in their place, and if... the beds, like mine, are less than 3 years old, then you just need to cut them . the classic way is to remove all dry and spotted leaves, leaving only clean green ones. but this is long, painstaking work. many summer residents do it simpler, cutting strawberries almost to zero. we collect all the leaves in a bunch, cut them off, leaving the stems 5 cm high. don’t worry, cutting the strawberry short will not harm it; on the contrary, we removed all the diseased, infected leaves, and it will grow a new one in just 2 weeks and thus
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be completely rejuvenated. all that remains to be done now is water. it and feed it with complex fertilizer, it will help the strawberries gain strength, lay flower buds next year, make you happy with the harvest, here is the russian spirit, here... we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or some events, when he was in character , as they say, he kept his face, he did not allow anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him.
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the gatherings were always fun, but you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique footage, previously unavailable. this difficult period, when he was being treated abroad, was an outsider, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena and his first wife velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen, and took turns coming to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her, don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, i miss... my father’s feelings more important, more likely, at this sad moment you were god, for some reason more needed? our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. today is the first one. well, in general
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, it’s cool, so tell me, in the summer at vdnkh on the twenty -first volga, this year the exhibition is 85 years old, everything is here. here we have the best place in the universe for the study of this very universe, the tray is cast for each cosmonaut individually, apparently this was not made for me, the oryol trotter, our famous horse, handsome, he can stick his tongue out at you, look, mirka, what is a kengalshi, zmak it’s cool that you can probably sit in one room against the whole kitchen of russia, andrey, what are you cooking, there will be shmak, there will be beef, there will be a bunch of all sorts of delicious vegetables, broken cucumbers. and you will make lemonade for me. the premiere of chefs on wheels is on the first day today. all this week we we are celebrating the eighty-fifth anniversary of the famous vdnh exhibition. an iconic place, the world's largest exhibition and recreational museum complex. wow, the most popular, as
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they say now, is public space. yes, this is a piece of our history and a place where there is everything for everyone. yes, navedenhab is especially interesting there these days.
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well, i’ll probably even say with my mind, plus i’ll also get to know different people. conceived at odnkh in 1935 as a showcase of the achievements of the soviet state, it was opened in thirty ninth. initially, the exhibition was supposed to be quite modest , lasting only 100 days, but it was such a resounding success that it was extended for a year and another year. the pavilions were made temporary, summer, mostly wooden. then the exhibition area was 136 hectares, in the fifties. already 207. the main symbols of vdnkh appeared, the central pavilion, the fountain of friendship of peoples, and the arch
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of the main entrance. it’s big, it’s beautiful and golden, and they meet, again, the symbol of our country, a sheaf of wheat. today at vdnkh it is 325 hectares with historical pavilions, arches, museums, ponds, parks, alleys, fountains, flower beds and
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a vote on what gender is this hairy little guy? i think it’s a boy, because the watermelon is so oval, elongated, and girls
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are usually so round, i think it’s a girl, because the butt is wider, but that’s not for sure, well, boy, that’s the inner feeling i have about the tail , if there is one, it means a boy, a dot, so to speak, yes, very small, it will be a boy for us, 12:3 in favor of a boy, but what will the botanists say, watermelon? we have a girl, however, like everyone else, repeat all watermelons. a watermelon has both female and male flowers, but the male flowers pollinate the female flowers, producing fruits, so all watermelons are girls, because only the female flower produces a fruit, so the way to determine sweetness by gender is not working, but ripeness. here again, someone is for the deaf, someone is for the voiced watermelon. from a physics point of view, it should ring. in general, his ultimate goal is
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that in order to be torn into pieces, he must spit out his seeds, that is, internal pressure increases. accordingly, strength the elasticity that arises in the crust, it seems to slightly stretch the surface. plus , many air cavities are formed inside the watermelon, which, so to speak, amplify the sound, and accordingly it resonates. another sure sign of ripeness is the color of a watermelon cheek. some for yellow, others for almost white. photosynthesis is responsible for the color of our cheeks, and if a ray of light does not hit the surface of the watermelon, photosynthesis occurs in that place. occurs very weakly, pale - this means that the watermelon lay on the ground for a very long time and overripe. greenish, unripe, yellow, a good sign, like a ripe watermelon, but the scarlet flesh inside is not necessary, they grow sunny melons in this astrakhan melon, you will be surprised, but this is not a new product in recent years, when the watermelon was born it was not red, it was yellow, white , green in color, red, the breeders made them,
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because red ones contain lycopenes, they are more... and finally, another surprise for today. as soon as we accepted that watermelon is still a berry, the botanists changed their minds again. watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. in the old days, the watermelon fruit was called a berry because the seeds are scattered throughout the entire volume of the pulp. pumpkin seeds are located in the middle of the fruit. but then they decided, to avoid confusion, they also called it pumpkin. there seems to be confusion. what not to do, but pumpkin is pumpkin, but sweet as a berry, they chose it according to science. alena ostrakhantseva, vasily valetov, igor kostyukov, channel one. good morning, once again, now, let’s spend a couple of minutes on our health, right now the advice of the face fitness trainer, elena karkukle, they they will definitely come in handy for gardeners, gardeners, and in general for everyone who has delicate skin on their hands. before going out into the garden, apply
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a rich cream to your palms, it should work well. to eat, so we wait about 10 minutes, at this time we do a warm-up, rotate our hands first in one direction, then in the other, now we spread our fingers as far apart as possible, clench them into fists, put on gloves, first fabric ones, they will protect from calluses, then rubber ones from moisture and let’s get started to... and after a hard day we prepare a softening nourishing bath, pour boiling water over the chopped parsley, after 15 minutes squeeze, remove the greens, let the broth cool to room temperature, add two tablespoons of unrefined
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vegetable oil. we hold our palms in the solution for 20 minutes, the bath nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin. after the procedure, apply nourishing cream. at the same time, we do self-massage, turn our right hand palm up, and draw a figure eight with the thumb of our left hand. we pinch the little finger with the thumb of the index finger and insert them up and down. we massage all of our fingers one by one. gently rub the pads using pressing movements. the procedure will help keep your hand skin in excellent condition and also relieve fatigue. i wish you to always remain beautiful. let's move on, attention to all football fans. the best goals from the opening matches of the russian cup tournament. over to our
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athletic sports journalists. the group stage of the russian football cup started brightly, spectacular matches followed one after another. perhaps the most impressive goal was scored in the meeting between krasnodar and cska. midfielder of the southerners, kevin lenini, so spectacularly volleyed the ball into the goal of the capital team and brought krasnodar a 1:0 victory. spartak in the moscow derby with dynamo, opened the scoring under...
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lokomotiv pleased its fans in the home match with rostov, the victory for the railway workers was brought by the only goal scored by substitute vadim rakov. note that for the nineteen-year-old student of the club, this is the first goal for the main team. zenit, which had a great start to the season, achieved another confident victory, this time over the torch. questions 3:00 zenit. rubin will try to stop sergei simak's team, which has gained momentum, in the next round of the cup. the kazan team, in turn, also started their performance in the tournament with a big
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victory on their own field, scoring four unanswered goals against akron. the fourth goal deserves special mention. midfielder rubin ugachukwu iwu sent the ball into the top left corner like that. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. we were detained on trumped-up charges of kidnapping. this is how roman described his arrest in an exclusive interview with channel one seleznev. he is one of our compatriots rescued from prisons abroad and returned to their homeland as a result of a prisoner exchange. authorities. roman was accused of hacking the databases of about 200 american companies, for which he was sentenced to 27 years in prison, 10 of which he had to spend behind bars, now he talks about how it all happened. they kidnapped me from the maldives, kidnapped me,
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brought me to the states, put me in prison, they treated me very badly there, i was initially put in a punishment cell, that is, in an isolation ward. imprisoned and how i would have thought that it’s such a prison for them, to sit here, it’s all brutal, they constantly woke me up, forced me to check in for 24 hours, every 2 hours, that is, i couldn’t sleep, they woke me up every 2 hours, they constantly turned on the light, that is, the light was like a spotlight, and day and night it shines on you, people flew with you. everyone is also handcuffed, on a scissor, such a chain, it’s unclear why the country doesn’t abandon the russians, that is, i never even
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thought for a second that they would forget about me, that is, all 10 years i was in prison, i knew that the russians well, they won’t forget me, this night the ukrainians formations carried out a terrorist attack on the oryol region using air defense forces. apartments on the upper floors were damaged, fortunately no one was hurt, but a fire started, it was quickly extinguished, there are no military installations near the attacked building, and the drones did not change their trajectories, they purposefully flew towards a residential building. our military... struck the enemy in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of troops. su-25 attack aircraft destroyed the stronghold along with the militants holed up there. after a successful attack, the planes we released heat traps to confuse
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enemy air defenses and returned to base. the crews of the buk-m3 anti-aircraft missile system worked effectively. they managed to intercept and destroy an american atacoms missile, as well as several combat and reconnaissance drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the unique capabilities of the complexes allow... strike. in odessa, another attempt to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine with recruits ended in street battles. military commissars and passers-by, who were outraged by the very appearance of people in military uniform on the streets of the city, fought. how they write
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eyewitnesses on social networks, at first one man entered into the altercation, but soon several more people came to his aid, and then fists were used. one of the women lay down on the road, blocking the passage of traffic, the other screamed sickeningly, attracting attention. all districts, how it all ended is unknown, allegedly one of the ladies was detained after she tore the uniform of a police officer. however, this time the military commissar failed to mobilize anyone. the situation in the middle east is heated to the limit, all in anticipation of a retaliatory strike from iran against israel for the death leader of the palestinian hamas movement ismail hani. his funeral took place the day before. world media, citing various sources, suggest that the attack will be carried out. threatens that the retaliatory strike against israel will be lightning fast and harsh, amid rising tensions in... meanwhile, the united states
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is strengthening its force grouping in the middle east to support the defense capabilities of tel aviv, the pentagon said. us vice president kamala haris has gained enough votes to be nominated as the democratic candidate in the upcoming presidential elections. state, instead of joe biden, who dropped out of the race. these are the current ones.
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partial collapse of a residential building. there are no more people under the rubble. this was reported to the operational services. according to the latest data , the tragedy claimed the lives of ten people, half of them children. 11 victims remain in hospitals, five in serious condition. the investigation into the causes of the emergency continues. according to preliminary data, the explosion could have occurred due to faulty gas equipment or a violation in its use. meanwhile, near the surviving walls of the five-story building, a spontaneous memorial. people bring flowers and soft toys, light candles, today is a day of mourning in nizhny tagel. the consequences of a powerful downpour are being eliminated immediately, several areas were flooded in a matter of minutes, visibility dropped sharply, cars were stuck in traffic jams, while the roads suddenly began to go under water, it poured into the interiors of cars and buses. eyewitnesses post footage online from the shopping center; equipment was damaged by ankle-deep water. they are trying to cope with the consequences of the downpours... two pedestrian
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bridges were washed away, the flows were so strong that they carried away are cars. the weather had deteriorated in moscow the day before, heavy rain fell on the city, rain was promised today, since the very morning the city was shrouded in dense fog, the upper floors of buildings disappeared in a white haze. that's all for now, stay with us. there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, home foreman alexey beydzhi is bending over the firewood, who will now confirm the old wisdom, firewood is being chopped, chips are flying, this is a factory chipper, it does its job perfectly, but it is quite expensive, chopping chips with an ax is a city dweller, right let's say it's dangerous, i know how to do it chips with... on our own, we will need
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plywood 40x40 cm and two more pieces of boards of the same length, put the boards on the deck in the form of a tick, we will make an angle of 15 degrees, put a square blank on top, screw the boards with self-tapping screws to the plywood, we have a wedge , let's see how this device works: we put the firewood inside the triangle, and we split it like that, look, you don't need to hold the workpiece with your hands, it stands perfectly without help, once or twice, the chips are getting smaller, we again move them to an acute angle and kolim, excellent chipper, works quickly and hands are completely safe. summer is a city of scooters, it seems
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that these concepts are already inseparable, i’m angry, so am i, you go out into the street, someone rushes by all the time, you know, so quietly behind your back, just like the wind, such hair goes along the sidewalk, nothing, by the way , you know that most people ride without protection, apparently they think that nothing bad can happen to them, alas, this is all before the first fall,
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doctor, i’m here too without protection, i can, in principle, become your patient. absolutely right, this is due to the fact that the patient trying to fall. protect yourself by putting either straight arms forward or bent at the elbow, the humerus breaks at the elbow joint . when a person falls on the shoulder, the clavicle is broken and the rotatory majetta of the shoulder is damaged. the main mechanism of injury is a collision with an obstacle or a wheel hitting damaged asphalt. the scooter ejects its driver. we didn’t have time to group, we fell head first. he runs the risk of diver injury. this is a very complex pathology in which the spinal bridge is damaged. at neck level, such people remain paralyzed from the head down, well, plus a concussion hematoma, we threw a watermelon from the height of human height, as we see, i didn’t have time to group, but as soon as i put on protection, i got away with light
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scratches, so the first thing is to protect the head correctly, since you came here for on an electric scooter, and not on a regular scooter, where you have speed. it fits tightly, you feel everything is fine, only then we close it, ideally with more protection on the knees, elbows, plus gloves. anastasia otela, alexey ovchinnikov, olga kislitsina, channel one. that's often when
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when you are driving, you just want to know who is overtaking you from behind, so as not to disturb him, so to speak, does not impede the movement, probably for this there are special mirrors, mirrors that... most often you look, yes, you know everything more than anyone , it will tell you everything with accuracy, you bought a new car, a friend let you drive his, or else, you use car sharing, you know what to do when you get into an unfamiliar car, that’s right, customize it for yourself mirrors, my name is dimish shiravar, let's do this together, you will be surprised, but for the right the mirror settings must first be adjusted correctly. seats, only then will you be in the desired position in the cabin. everything is easy here. we move away from the steering wheel to such a distance that your leg remains slightly bent at the knee when the pedal is fully depressed. the same principle with the tilt of the back: you should touch it with your shoulder blades when you stretch
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your arms, your wrist should rest on your backrest, while your elbows dry slightly. so, that's it, now in this correct position we begin to adjust the left one. mirror, so what are we in do we see him? there are too many cars, she is, of course, pretty, but we need to see the road, so we do it like this. the side of the body should occupy from 7 to 10% of the entire view. literally, you should see the tailgate handle and rear fender in it. now about the slope, the ratio of sky and ground is 40x60, less air, more surface. in order to adequately assess the dimensions and situation behind the car. you just need to catch your eye on the edge of the body, and you will see most of what is happening behind the car, a similar story with the right mirror, look into it without bending over, set it up, although here you can leave 30% of the sky and 70% of the ground, so it’s better
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to control the side of the road when parking, the interior mirror remains, but everything is very easy here, set it up like this, so that we can see the rear ones in it. and nothing more, if there are too many parts, move it a little to the right to see the rear side small glass, this will help you when changing lanes. it seems to you that we left too little of the car in the reflection, this was done by chance tilting your head while moving, such as turning or driving on uneven surfaces. even if you bend over so that your head touches the pillar, you will still see part of the car in the mirror and what. is behind it, which means adequately assess the situation on the road, good summer morning, today is august 3, and also the first saturday of the last summer month, ha ha ha, double reason to give yourself a favorite moment for beauty relaxation, here is irina matiranskaya just has some cool cosmetic
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life hacks, even though there are no school lessons in the summer, there are enough household issues, cleaning, cooking, attention to children, every mother knows that they won’t feed themselves, even if everything is prepared, they are waiting for mom to come home from work, and yes, no one has canceled work either, there is a catastrophic lack of time for ourselves, and now we have eyes , and we paint our lips on the go, but why? it was possible, it’s finally saturday, which means i’ll have a moment for myself, today my nastya and i are talking, nastya, by the way, is an etiquette expert, we’re talking about etiquette in makeup, i’ll start with the fact that etiquette is based on three pillars, this adequacy, yeah, appropriateness and... respect for ourselves to those around us, this is where we will
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proceed. mascara ran right into the cosmetic bag during the rain, and makeup - it turns out that the moment is quite intimate, like brushing your teeth, you won’t do this in public, yes, this is an intimate story, we have to go to the toilet room and do everything there, etiquette of course, he doesn’t prohibit anything, he recommends more, and categorically, as you say, it’s impossible to do. it’s especially good to touch up your makeup at your desk, as we often do; you shouldn’t put on your makeup at your desk or at work, either, only if you are alone at this time. okay, here ’s our situation today, yes, we are within the filming process, there are no other conditions, we need to film a story, they paint you in public, all these rules, that’s for sure, but they attracted attention. attracted attention, yes, in what other case can you attract attention if you use lipstick as an element of flirting,
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that is, you took, as if not meaning so in front of a man, tinted your lips with transparent gloss, but this is flirting, this is about flirting, if you want to attract a man in this way, then yes, it’s possible, of course, of course, but walking around without makeup - this is appropriate, it turns out, not always, i woke up in the morning, washed my face, applied cream and went to work completely without makeup, to meet people, this is appropriate, here you need to look at how formal your work is, for example, or what kind of meeting, etiquette speaks of that if we have a formality coefficient of ten, from one to ten, the highest, then there should be makeup, it doesn’t matter if it’s a social meeting or a business one, it should be there, that is, it turns out, no one forces you to wear bright makeup, but apply some light tone, a little bit. yes, it’s about respect for yourself and
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others, because we were preparing to meet a person, and he sees it, and i think he will definitely appreciate it. and also according to etiquette, it is advisable to be without make-up in the bathhouse and when doing sports, and even you will be much more comfortable this way. irina materanskaya, channel one. what do i care about snow, what do i like heat, what do i like torrential rain. when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio those gathered are those who have experienced exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, the next morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend,” how great, my friend, in general conflicts could be.
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he leads russia to christianity, this, of course, in general, is both a feat and a miracle, in order
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to be in the same boat with prince vladimir, this is what loyalty to this choice means for us today, not a nominal, but a real aspiration to holiness, holiness as a cultural ideal and as a vector that determines the real motivation of people’s behavior, tomorrow is the first, the soviet union is no more, now you can make money. a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about the oil for food program? do you have any idea how big it is? but is there not enough oil in russia? this is a completely different level. we. oleg and i decided to get married, yes, you were accepted into the master's program at new york university, and were given a scholarship, it’s just that you and i live different lives, i can’t do that, it’s hard for me, then you’re leaving me like this now, you recognize this woman, i think you know what happened in cancer, but for us this means that all the foreign intelligence services
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are becoming more active there, hello, i won’t interfere, of course, what do you think, will she figure you out? no time yet, before you i never cheated on my wife, and you, i’m not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career, hello, trader, from monday on the first, you understand what you’ve done how have you not seen something in front of your nose for so many years? american spy, i would have already eaten something, something tasty summer, i need to call maria surova for help. cheese and mint, gebzhalia, a migrelian dish of cheese and mint, mm, a delicious, very aromatic appetizer, in georgia it is prepared from freshly prepared saluguni, and i’ll try to make it from an ordinary store-bought one, i chop the cilantro very finely into
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a bowl, tear off the mint leaves and also chop them ... i remove the seeds from green peppers so that the appetizer doesn’t turn out too spicy. the amount of pepper depends on its size. i have medium pods, so i'll take two, i grind it. it is better to do this with gloves. add chopped garlic and salt here, i crush it with a masher. this can be done either in a mortar or in a round bowl. it turned out to be such a spicy dressing. it’s called adjika s... i move on to the cheese, cut the suluguni into small pieces, let the milk heat up, and i’ll cook the suluguni in it. some housewives boil it in water, but gebzhalia is a dairy snack, so it’s better to use milk. the milk has warmed up, reduce the heat and place the cheese in the pan. i wonder if he will melt. yes, cheese
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it starts to melt very quickly. i mix and collect. like this into one mass, don’t pour out the milk, then you can make porridge, pancakes, whatever you like from it, almost the entire mass has been combined, it should become homogeneous, remove from the heat and then you need to work with the ulguni with your hands, be sure to wear gloves, mass hot, squeeze it a little, put it on a board, knead it and spread it into a large flatbread, crush most of the adjika, mix it with ricotta, spread the cheese, roll it into a roll, cut it into portions, you can serve it with matsoni or with the same milk in which the cheese was boiled. mix the matsone with the remains of the green juice , put it on a plate, decorate the pieces of roll with mint on top, i didn’t think that it would be possible to make gijalya from store-bought cheese,
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a delicious, very aromatic snack! “i really want summer not to end, summer will be with us for another 28 days, and this is a calendar summer, and there is a chance that the warmth will spread into september, and dreams for october, who has money for november, in general, there is time to bask under the gentle august sun, swim in the water, stock up vitamin d, in general, summer continues, comrades, let's breathe it in deeply, our colleague darina griboyedova will now tell you what you definitely need to do in the last one." good morning, 2 months of summer are already over, and i still haven’t swam in the outdoor pool in in the center of the city, then the rain interferes, then i’m not in the mood, at this pace, a healthy lifestyle will pass me by, how to find resources in myself, spend the summer as i wanted, and not as
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it turned out, i’ll talk to expert victoria shimanskaya victoria, august 3, 2. months. we have already lived through the summer, i didn’t get as many happy emotions as i had planned, in the spring i wanted a lot of things, what should i do? it’s just the effect of missed opportunities, let’s figure it out, step number one is to record all your wishes on stickers, but first, this season’s fashionable poll: swimming in an outdoor pool or rafting? sup rafting, sup rafting or camping trip with a tent? rafting, rafting or walking... potatoes on a fire, new potatoes on a fire or cycling in the park? young potatoes, fixed: 500 g berries and fruits or a tan in the morning? berries, 500 g of berries and fruits or dancing in the park? berries,
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fix! the three main wishes for august have been chosen: we write out their stickers and hang them in the most visible place in the house. the final step is to put all this into the plan. so we have things to do at least once. let's see what it is? alloy of sape and potatoes. and berries, but berries, probably every day, so you choose the days, and this is starting from today, and summer will succeed, while we were hiding from the rain, summer again the sun turned on, victoria, and what did you manage to do during these two summer months? look, douse yourself with cold water, get up early, because in the summer it’s much easier than in the winter, and you know, with social networks there are still fewer gadgets, this is also very important, by the way? on gadgets, i follow many people who are doing healthy lifestyles on social networks and i thought that this would stimulate me to do more, do more, exercise more often, well, somehow
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there is some kind of effect, on the contrary, yes, yes, such an effect is really on the contrary very often it happens when these are people close to us, we are sincerely happy for them, they succeeded, when we see, you know, such people, it seems that they manage to do everything, but i and you begin to compare yourself, you become sad that you are not like this, because this is the feeling. all this week we are celebrating the eighty-fifth anniversary of the famous
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vdnh exhibition, an iconic place, the world's largest exhibition, museum, recreational complex, wow, the most popular, as they say now, public space, yes, this is a piece of our history and place, where there is everything for everyone, and these days it is especially interesting there, at vdnkh there is an art festival of inspiration. at eleven vdnkh venues there are performances, film screenings, dances and performances. mires generally likes everything, listen to music, go to the theater, listen to lectures. inspiration arts festival, participants from groups from 10 countries. i'm from france, marseille. we came from chile. the atmosphere here is amazing, we invite everyone to visit the festival. special project laboratory of modern theater, russian actors. director from greece online selection participants 8 days of rehearsal and this sunday the show. i was very excited to work with russian actors in my language.
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i also speak a little russian. tourists here are also from different parts of the world. almaata, kazakhstan. and for another year the pavilions were made temporary, summer, mostly wooden. then the exhibition area was 136 hectares, in the fifties it was already
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207. the main symbols of vdnkh appeared, the central pavilion, the fountain of friendship of peoples - the arch of the main entrance. it's big, it's beautiful and golden. and meets, again, the symbol of our countries. wheat. today in adnh it is 325 hectares with historical pavilions, arches, museums, ponds, parks, alleys, fountains, flower beds and sculptures. there is an eco-trail and even its own urban farm. you can talk to all the animals, feed them, touch them, everyone is very friendly. there is an amusement park, a cable car, and a ferris wheel with the moscow sun. for 85 years now, vdnh has been one of the most beloved places in the capital. the exhibition is visited throughout the year. 30 million people, you can feel the holiday atmosphere without leaving your home, today is the first edition cook on wheels program at vdnk, and after it the documentary film architect of time
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about life. yes, but this is not a reason to be bored, father of many children alexey ivanov is sure of this, attention, home games. it's raining outside, we won't be able to go for a walk, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. now i will show you some simple games at home that will definitely cheer you up. the first game is an analogue
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of air hockey. to do this, we need two rolls of toilet paper and a jar lid like this instead of a washer. rules simple: everyone defends their own improvised gate; whoever misses loses. things are friendship, yes, now i, honestly boyba, the second game, we arrange shoes, and each pair can be placed differently, sometimes not even a pair, our task is to jump according to this scheme, whoever makes a mistake is eliminated, and so, so, so,
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and, so, and, so, high five, one, so, so, good, well done, well done, game number three, a fun maze, we covered the corridor with colored masking tape, task. walk along this corridor without hitting anything, i'm first, you 're first, i'm second, okay, andrey, andrey, well done, you look, and you look, one remark, be careful, then, two comments, fyodor, it’s your turn, and one remark, bye, oh, two remarks, be
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careful, that’s all. so, we announce the results, andrey won, you only have one remark, and i have the most reprimands, i lost. but we have brought a great time, take advantage of our games. well now, dear friends, dear tv viewers, we invite you to the garden, as you remember, all summer oksana stankevich has been experimenting with the beds and , by the way, has collected a good harvest, yes, but oksana’s gardening season, like that of other experienced summer residents, never ends; right now we will be pruning the strawberries for the gardeners themselves.
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with a mustache, be sure to look, almost every summer resident has a strawberry bed, now it’s time to take care of it. at the end of summer, strawberries produce these long shoots, they are called mustaches. this is your free planting material. we apply soil to the pot and press it with wire. in a week the shoot will take root, then we will cut it off and get a young plant. remember, strawberries produce large berries for the first 3 years, and then they begin to shrink, so it’s time to dig up the old bushes and plant these new ones in their place. and if your beds, like mine, are less than 3 years old, then you just need to mow them. the classic way is to remove
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all dry ones. spotted leaves, leave only pure green ones, but this is a long, painstaking work, many summer residents do it easier, cut... the nick is almost to zero, we collect all the leaves in a bunch, cut them off, leave the stems 5 cm high, don’t worry, short haircut it won’t harm the strawberry, on the contrary, we removed all the diseased, infected leaves, and it will grow a new one in just 2 weeks and thus... completely rejuvenate. all that remains to be done now is to water it. and feed with
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complex fertilizer. it will help the strawberries gain strength and lay flower buds. and next year i will please you with the harvest. by the way, today is watermelon day. the watermelon is so sweet, striped, red, sometimes yellow, with a tail, cute dear, how can you not notice this day, it began that you couldn’t eat a couple of watermelons. yes, this is great, because there are never too many watermelons, you see, now let’s plunge into the real watermelon diversity. let's knock, listen, in general, choose according to all the rules. every august, in stores at markets , buyers throw watermelon gender parties, it’s easier to bring a watermelon, determine whether they want it to be a boy or a girl, they say a girl is sweeter. let's have a vote on what gender this
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hairy guy is? i think it's a boy, because the watermelon is so oval, elongated, and girls are usually so round, i think it's a girl because the butt is wider. well, it’s a boy, i have an inner feeling from the tail, if it’s there, it means it’s a boy, a dot, so to speak, yes, very small, it’ll be a boy for us, 12:3 in favor of a boy, and what will the nerds say, watermelon shot, gender ball in studio, we have a girl, however, like everyone else, we repeat all watermelons, a watermelon has both female and male flowers, legs...
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a good sign, like a ripe watermelon, but there is not necessarily scarlet flesh inside, this one they grow sunny melons in astrakhan, you will be surprised, but this is not a new product in recent years,
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the joy of the watermelon was not red, it was yellow, white, green colors, the breeders made them red, because the red ones contain lycopenes, they are more susceptible to humans taste sweeter. and finally, another surprise for today, as soon as we accepted that watermelon is still a berry, the botanists changed their minds again. watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. in the old days, the watermelon fruit was called a berry because the seeds are scattered throughout volume of pulp. pumpkin seeds are located in the middle of the fruit, but then they decided to avoid confusion and called it pumpkin. it seems that the confusion has not gone away, but pumpkin is so pumpkin, but it’s sweet. we continue to heat up the ready-made food, but it would seem that it might be easier , no one even asks you to cook anymore, just heat it up already, oh please, well, a frying pan or in
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the microwave in a double boiler, in the end where in the end everyone ends up in the microwave in a double boiler or in a frying pan kitchen gadget heats food in different ways here's ligia belyanskaya will tell you everything now. heated too much, vitamins are lost; the higher the temperature during heat treatment, the more the nutritional value of this product may decrease. that’s why it’s so right to cook for one time, so that you don’t have to reheat it again, maria succeeds in this, if there is still food left, she puts it in the freezer, and that’s right, it also heats up in an unusual way, i heat up my daughters in a steamer, i think that ’s how it works that’s right, we’ve had a cooker for a long time, we ’ve been using it for a long time, we tried it correctly eat, but sometimes there is not enough time at all, yes, it’s not just 10 minutes for a small cutlet, and then washing the entire installation. but they warmed up well to 92°. when
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time is short, the microwave comes to the rescue. experiment. in 2 minutes, the potatoes warmed up to 73° in the microwave. cutlet up to 55. since any product we have contains water, it receives electromagnetic energy very well, so the product heats up. radiation. this is how food is heated in microwave ovens. many people don’t like them, but there is no harm from electromagnetic waves. they are reflected from the walls and are absorbed by the food inside, causing vibrations that... the potato can be hot on top, cold inside, and this is actually fraught with bacteria that are in the food, check and stir, in a frying pan too, on the stove for 5 minutes the cutlet warmed up to 30°, the potatoes to 62, if we heat everything together, it’s better to divide it into small pieces, the soup actually started to boil, but heating on the stove has its drawbacks,
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when we add oil, we additionally add load to the body for digestion, that is, this excretion carcinogens when heated. the oven is all pluses, without excess oil, the food is heated from all sides, convection works, but it first needs to be warmed up well to achieve 60-70°; the food was waited for 23 minutes, and even that is not enough. the minimum heating of food is preferably somewhere around 79.82°, because in this interval bacteria are killed, we want to preserve the texture of the dish, a crispy crust, for example, we choose an oven, we heat liquids on the stove, but in general, for speed , a microwave is also suitable, even in plastic ones containers, this is food-grade, harmless polypropylene, during production processes a minimal amount of various additional additives is added, these can be stabilizers, antioxidants, plasticizers, but over time they absorb the smells and tastes of food, if possible... nigiya belyayanskaya, denis panomariov , tatyana
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yus, channel one. this is how it happens, it’s saturday, you need to sort out the closet, get rid of everything, well , what’s been hanging there for years, you know, unclaimed, something you can’t wear, you can’t raise your hand, throw it away, you need to free it for the new, woman’s attention, olga nikishcheva is in a hurry to help you, right now in her hands an old men’s shirt is turning into a new summer dress, normal, and friends, if you want to sew an original summer dress, but don’t know where to start, then take an old men's shirt, cotton shreds of matching color, 40 by 15 cm wide and 3 cm long, and we boldly get to work and won’t have to throw away or buy anything. first, let's prepare the base of the dress: the clasp from the front of the shirt goes to the back dresses, so we put the shirt on the back. the neck of the dress will be asymmetrical, and
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the dress itself will have one sleeve, and now i’ll show you how to do this, draw a smooth line from the side , move it under the yoke, remove the top of the sleeve, cut off the excess clearly along the line. we will make the sleeve short, cut it from a piece of cotton 15 cm wide, make a drawstring for the neckline, apply the fabric with the front side to the wrong side of the base and sew it under the machine. we turn the sewn strip of fabric to the front side
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so that the width of the lapel is approximately 2 cm for the elastic and stitch it, thread the knitted elastic into the drawstring. from a strip 3 m long we sew a shutter, connect the sides and the under-machine. we assemble the flounce into a drapery , taking into account the width of the bottom of the base, we connect the ballon and the base, we cut it under the machine, we also
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collect the sleeve with an elastic band, and i also decided to add a strap in the form of a bank, we tie it. here's the new thing! you can sew many different kinds of such dresses, even a novice tailor can handle this work, if only there were unnecessary shirts and caresses. here is the russian spirit, here is the ruk seyubach. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny stage, at concerts or some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face. in a broad sense, he didn’t let anyone into the family, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him , the get-togethers were always lively, and you’re sitting in dad’s place , it so happened, yes, unique footage, previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated
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abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta, faced misfortune, grief, they united and the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, more likely at this sad moment, god needed you more, for some reason? our exclusive to the family archive. exclusive with dmitry borisov, today on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria, friends. bashkker here are some arrows so he took it in his mouth, you know, in battle, three more
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four between his fingers, that’s how he shot, also a machine gun, these are those. the most relict ice, they were formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this echo is 25,000 years old, what diseases does this bath treat, starting with skin diseases, musculoskeletal, nervous system, phew, life of one’s own, premiere, tomorrow on the first, you how did you find me, listen, what about me?
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but look, the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin, movlyuda, hello, no, well, i just moved from the basement to three rubles, but oh, women, look how men need to be clamped, and in our yard, tomorrow on the first stage of the russian academic youth theater in moscow, the twenty-third summer ballet seasons are taking place, a parade of classical choreography. performed by various russian dance troupes. our correspondent has details. what do ballet and fencing have in common? some movements came from there. i stretch my foot so that
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my leg does not cramp. undercuts are a basic movement where the ballerina is on her fingertips. fingering his legs finely in russian academic youth theater twenty -third summer ballet seasons, masterpieces of world ballet in non-stop mode, from the classics of tchaikovsky to the avant-garde of prokofiev, from the romantic adan to the passionate minkus, swan lake, the sleeping beauty giselle, romeo and juliet, baederka, baederka pita very rarely. performance, that is , there are swan nutcrackers everywhere, here is esmeralda, baderka, this is really exclusive, 75 performances in 2 months, they are performed every evening, and... on weekends also during the day, some spectators go specially to all the ballets they compare one group with another group, a live orchestra, luxurious
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scenery, hundreds of costumes, up to 10 meters of tulle are spent on just one tutu for a ballerina, this is the aurora tutu, the sleeping beauty, embroidered with such a gold ribbon, now there are very few craftsmen who decorate like this packs. on stage are soloists from the best theaters in russia, including the bolshoi, and graduates of ballet schools. it seems to me that they are just like sweethearts, very good, cute, they fit right into this scene. the theater is chamber, it is small, the stage is small, the twenty-third ballet seasons in the russian academic youth theater will be held until august 28 inclusive; the summer of ballet is in full swing. asya rodkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. on
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july 30, a unique museum and temple complex, the new chersonese, opened in sevastopol. a special amazing place where past and present intertwine. the architecture and scale are truly amazing. st. vladimir's cathedral in chersonese, former korsun, is the very place where, according to legend, prince vladimir was baptized in 988 along with his retinue, which is very important, priests khersanes catechized him, that is, taught him the basics of faith. returning to his homeland, along with baptism, he brought, of course, centuries-old european culture. now this sacred place is occupied by the grandiose museum and temple complex new khersanez, 24 hectares, a real byzantine city. behind me is a museum of christianity, unique, probably the first in russia, such a large one. format, there is also a youth complex, a museum of crimea and novorossiya, an amphitheater, and a museum of
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byzantine antiquity nearby. the heart of new hersanes - temple park in the open air, worship services will be held here, even at night under the stars. the unique complex was built in record time; the largest archaeological work in history was carried out in one year and 8 months. 6.5 million finds, ancient treasures underground discovered the river. there was a separate task not only to fill up this river after archaeological excavations, but to somehow preserve it, to give modern visitors the opportunity to admire this river and feel this involvement in ancient history, therefore the ancient river heroon thanks to special engineering structures they were brought to the surface. new khersonese has already opened its doors to visitors. you may be among the first guests. the team of the first will show how the opening took place on the day.
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somehow i don’t really want to, well, we’ll have to , we’ll go deeper now, yes, it won’t be boring, for sure, it will be interesting, attention, the adventures of our body in the water, well, your body, and on a hot day we dive into the water here with our body amazing things happen, the open water temperature is usually a little above 23°, and the body needs 36 or 37, thermoregulation processes are activated, energy is spent not only on swimming itself, but on keeping warm. hormones are produced, blood begins to flow faster, skin vessels narrow, blood flow becomes
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fundamental through. internal organs, which is why after swimming we seem to be more tired, it costs energy to do this, but the coolness of the water is deceiving, you can even get heatstroke. sports doctor dmitry korolev will show why this is so using a thermal imager. our hero yaroslav just took a swim, his temperature the surface of his body is 27°, and his head? it’s already 30 on the head, the lower part of the body is really cooling, it corresponds to the water temperature for some time, that is , 28°. but the upper part, that is, the head that remains above the water, is still subject to thermal effects, this is one example of how sunstroke can suddenly occur, even if you were swimming, so hats and shade are all ours even for beach, that’s the fact that the surface of the legs and arms is only 27° - one of the reasons is cramps in the water, add more here weakness and unpreparedness of the muscles, if
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you swim for a long time, not knowing the area there, the first time you swim far away, this can actually lead to cramps. against the background of hypothermia, the body’s adventures in water continue, here’s the paradox, you knew that even in it there is a risk of dehydration, a polovtsian loses 100-150 ml of liquid per kilometer of swimming, including through the underwater, but this is not felt immediately, a person swims and keeps his lips water, constantly as if wetting the oral cavity and not feeling so thirsty, so don’t forget to drink water on the beach. and perhaps the most important test for the body: the load on all muscles at once. in the water, your arms, legs, and torso work, and the faster, the more difficult. if we double the speed in water , the resistance quadruples. in addition, swimming is an exercise in endurance. that’s why on the first day at sea the whole body hurts, but there are advantages, for example, the production of endorphin, the hormone of happiness. yuri
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nesterov, olga kislitsina, yuri lebedev, channel one. there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, the house master alexey is bending over the firewood a badge that confirms the old wisdom, they chop wood, the chips fly, it’s a factory chipper, it does its job perfectly, but it’s quite expensive, chopping chips with an ax is frankly dangerous for a city dweller, i know how to do it. basically, we will need plywood 40x40 cm and two more pieces of boards of the same length, we put the boards on the deck in the form of a check mark, we will make an angle of 15 degrees, put a square piece on top, screw the boards with self-tapping screws to the plywood, we
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have a wedge, let's see how it works this is a device, firewood inside triangle, that’s how we split, look, you don’t need to hold the workpiece with your hands, it stands perfectly without help, once or twice, the chips are getting smaller, we again move them to an acute angle and chop, an excellent chipper, it works quickly and your hands are completely safe . for the day of the airborne forces, to the right, no one but us, blue berens, impressions, of course indescribable, when you fly on a parachute and see how all this equipment is falling, a shot, victory is ours, we
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are going towards it, we are going confidently, we stronger in spirit, we are for right. the support of relatives is very necessary, without it it is difficult, because first of all it is for their sake, everything is done for their sake, he made his choice in life, i am proud of him, i support him, they always stand side by side for each other, follow the orders of their commanders, never abandon each other, never let each other down, then this will be the strength of the airborne forces spirit. heroes, landing in the line of fire. today. on the first vodka pechora product of stellar group vodka veda product of stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellar group burbon stirsman product of stellar
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group behind is cool. dad, at royal’s, it couldn’t have turned out to be any other children, i understand that the program is called fathers and sons, in such a company you can get confused, who’s old? news lotus an amazing creation of nature drinks 15 liters of water per hour almost like me on the weekend incredibly beautiful and photogenic exactly me but it blooms for only 3 days also not you not
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you not you you are better than the lotus everyone is in a hurry to admire the lotuses we are going to kalmykia urgently to kalmykia to see them third year in a row in the village of dzhalykovo there is a festival of lotuses, fragile creatures. not long, already on the third day the petals fall. lotuses are considered a symbol of purity; breaking through the silt they remain just as beautiful. at the festival, everyone can swim up to them on boats and look closely at them, they say this is for eternal happiness. last year the festival was attended by 3,000 people from 12 countries, and this year they expect even more. there are master classes in chinese gymnastics, beach wrestling, traditional subsurfing tournaments, and some new products. learning kolmyd dances, playing. in dombra, we are also ready to demonstrate our national costumes, and you can take pictures at memory, photo zones will be organized, for lovers of a relaxing holiday - a quiz, by the way, it was held at the russia exhibition at vdnkh,
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and also a foam party, the festival starts on august 3, locals advise to arrive early, lotuses open with the first rays of the sun. anastasia zavidova, tsagan makivyuna, sergey abramov sotnik, bater batutymirov, channel one. summer is a city of scooters, it seems that these concepts are already inseparable, i’m angry, you’re angry, me too, you go out into the street, someone rushes by all the time, you know, like that behind your back, it’s so quiet, the wind is right in your hair, it rides along the sidewalk, nothing, by the way, you know that most people ride without protection, apparently they think that nothing bad can happen to them, that’s all, alas, until the first fall, the park, scooters, speed some are not at all for children, my scooter accelerates to 40 km/h and almost everyone without a helmet, and that you have to ride a scooter with helmets, i didn’t know that it was needed, someone
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is just confident in themselves, i ride carefully, i not needed, for safety perhaps, well, i feel completely safe for now, between however, in the summer there are from 10 to 15 people at the tramp point every day. “doctor, i’m also without protection here, i can, in principle, become your patient, that’s absolutely true, this is due to the fact that when a patient falls, he tries to protect himself by putting either his arms straight forward or bent at the elbow; the humerus breaks at the elbow joint “when a person falls on his shoulder, the collarbone is broken and the rotator cuff of the shoulder is damaged. the main mechanism of injury is a collision with an obstacle or a wheel hitting a damaged one.” this is a very complex pathology in which it damages spinal cord at the level of the neck, such people
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remain paralyzed from the head down. well, plus a concussion hematoma. we threw a watermelon from a height of human height, as we see, we didn’t have time to group, but it was worth putting on protection. got off with light scratches, so the first thing we protect is the head correctly, since you came here on an electric scooter, and not on a regular one, where your speed reaches up to 25 km/h, then i want to offer this beautiful pink color, a bowler helmet with maximum head coverage, no inner lining less than 3 cm, if you just try to bend your arms like this, you will feel that it is almost impossible to bend it, but for me this helmet is narrower. more realistically, which means that not only the helmet, but also the head will take the entire impact, we put it on, adjust it, and before closing it with our head, the helmet did not slip, did not come off, it sat tightly, feel,
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everything is fine, only then we close it, in ideally also protection for knees, elbows, plus gloves, anastasia hotel, alexey avchinnikov olga kislitsina, channel one, i want it that way. so that summer does not end, summer will be with us for another 28 days, and this is a calendar summer, and there is a chance that the warmth will spread into september, and dreams for october, who has money for...
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at this rate and a healthy lifestyle it will pass me by how to find resources within myself, spend the summer as i wanted, and not as it turned out, i’ll talk to expert victoria shumanskaya. victoria, august 3, we have already lived through 2 months of summer, i didn’t get as many happy emotions as i had planned, i wanted a lot of things in the spring, what should i do? it's just you the effect of missed opportunities, let's figure it out, step number one is to fix all your wishes on... but first, this season's fashionable poll: swimming in an outdoor pool or rafting? sup rafting, sup rafting or camping trip with a tent? sup rafting. rafting or walking on the lawn barefoot every day. sup rafting. we fix it. walking on the lawn as a puppy or young potatoes on a fire? potatoes on the fire. new potatoes on a fire or cycling through the park? young potatoes. we fix it. 500 g
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berries 500 g berries and fruits or dancing in the park? berries, fix! the three main wishes for august have been chosen, we write out their stickers and hang them in the most visible place in the house. the final step is to put all this into the plan. so we have things to do at least once. let's see what it is? alloy of sape and potatoes. what about berries? well, there are probably berries every day, so... you choose the days, and starting from today , and the summer will be successful. while we were hiding from the rain, summer turned on the sun again. victoria, what did you manage to do during these two summer months? look, douse yourself with cold water, early rise, because in summer it is much easier than in winter. well, you know, with social networks there are still fewer gadgets, this is also very important. and speaking of gadgets, i follow a lot of people on social networks.
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i really want to relax well on the weekend, go for a walk with the whole family, well, with the children, of course, take a ball with you, a shuttlecock with badminton, yes, since the weather has turned bad, yes, but this is not a reason to be bored, a father with many children is sure of that alexey ivanov, attention, home games, it’s raining outside, you won’t be able to go for a walk. but it is not means we won't be able to have fun. now i will show you some simple games at home that will definitely cheer you up. the first game is an analogue of air hockey. to do this, we need two rolls of toilet paper , like a jar lid instead of a washer. the rules are simple: everyone defends their own improvised goal; whoever misses, loses. wow!
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never even a couple, our task is to jump according to this pattern, whoever makes a mistake is eliminated, and so, so, so, and, so, and, so, high five, one, so, so, good, well done, well done, game
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number three, a fun labyrinth, we covered the corridor with colored masking tape, task. walk along this corridor without hitting anything, i 'm first, you're first, i'm second, okay, andrey, andrey, well done, you look, and you look, one remark, be careful, then, uh, already two remarks, fedor, your turn , but one note, bye, oh, two notes, be careful, that's all.
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so, we announce the results, andrey won, you only have one remark, and i have the most reprimands, i lost. but we brought great time, take advantage of our games. well now, dear friends, dear tv viewers, we invite you to the garden. as you remember, oksana stankevich has been experimenting with the beds all summer and, by the way, has reaped a good harvest. yes, but oksana’s gardening season, like other experienced summer residents , never ends; right now we will be pruning strawberries for gardeners who... with a mustache, be sure to look, almost every summer resident has a strawberry bed, now it’s time to take care of it. at the end of summer , strawberries produce these long
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processes, they are called mustaches. this is your free planting material. we apply soil to the pot and press it with wire. in a week the shoot will take root, then we will cut it off and get a young plant. remember, strawberries produce large berries for the first 3 years, and then they begin to shrink, so it’s time to dig up the old bushes and plant these new ones in their place. and if your garden bed, like mine, is less than 3 years old, then you just need to mow it. the classic way is to remove all dry ones. spotted leaves, leave only clean green, but this is a long, painstaking work, many gardeners do it easier, cut the strawberries almost to zero, collect all the leaves in a bunch, cut them off, leave the stems
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5 cm high, don’t worry, cutting the strawberries short won’t hurt, on the contrary, we removed all the sick, infected ones leaves, and she will grow a new one in just 2 weeks and thus completely rejuvenate. all that remains to be done now is to water it. and feed with complex fertilizer, it will help strawberries gain strength, lay flower buds, next year please you with the harvest. all
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this week we are celebrating the eighty-fifth anniversary of the famous vdnkh exhibition, an iconic place, the world's largest exhibition, museum and recreational complex. the most popular, as they say now, is public space, yes, it is a piece of our history and a place where there is everything for everyone, and these days it is especially interesting that the inspiration arts festival is taking place there at vdnkh. at eleven vdnkh venues there are performances, film screenings, dances and performances. if you want, listen to music, go to the theater, listen to lectures. arts festivals inspiration, participants in teams of ten. i am from france, marseille, we came from chile, there is an amazing atmosphere here, we invite everyone to visit the festival, a special project - laboratory of modern theater.
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to rest your soul, well, i’ll probably even say with your mind, plus also get to know different people, vdnkh was conceived in 1935 as a showcase of the achievements of the soviet state, it was opened in 1939. initially, the exhibition was supposed to be quite modest for only 100 days , but it had such a deafening success that... it was extended for a year and another year, the pavilions were made temporary, summer, mostly wooden, then
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the exhibition area was 136 hectares, in the fifties already 207, the main symbols of vdnkh appeared, the central pavilion, the fountain of friendship of peoples, the arch of the main entrance, large, it is beautiful and golden, it again meets the symbol of our... country, a sheaf of wheat. today vdnh is 325 hectares with historical pavilions, arches, museums, ponds, parks, alleys, fountains, flower beds and sculptures. there is an eco-trail and even its own urban farm. can communicate with all the animals, feed them, touch them, everyone is very friendly. there is an amusement park, a cable car, and the moscow sun ferris wheel. for 85 years now, vdnh has been one of the most beloved places in the capital. over the course of a year
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and after it, a documentary film by the architect of time about the life of vyacheslav altarzhensky, the author of the master plan for the exhibition, you will travel, opening archives, looking for forgotten addresses and documents , you will find out who was actually involved in the creation of the modern image of vdnkh. maria, anna popova, elizaveta. first channel, between by the way, today is watermelon day, the watermelon is so sweet, striped, red, sometimes yellow, with a tail, cute, sweet, well, how can you not celebrate this day, the very thing has begun that there is no watermelon pair, yes, this is great, because that there are never too many watermelons, you must agree, now let’s plunge into the real watermelon diversity, knock, listen, in general, choose according to all the rules, every august... in stores at markets, buyers throw watermelon gender parties, it’s easier to bring a watermelon, determine
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what they want, is it a boy or a girl, they say a girl is sweeter, let's have a vote on what gender this hairy guy is, i think it's a boy, because the watermelon is such an oval, elongated shape, and girls are usually so round, i think it's a girl, because the butt is wider, but no, it's exactly, boy, that’s my inner feeling. what is it ? however, like everyone else, we repeat, all watermelons, watermelons have both female and male flowers, but the male flowers pollinate the female ones, producing fruits. therefore , all watermelons are girls, because only a female flower produces a fruit, so
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the way to determine sweetness by gender is not working, but ripeness by sound, here again someone is for a deaf, someone for a voiced watermelon, from the point of view of physics , it must ring, its ultimate goal is that in order for it to be torn into pieces, it must spit out its seeds, that is, the internal pressure increases, and accordingly, the elasticity force, which a crust appears, it seems to slightly stretch the surface. plus , many air pockets are formed inside the watermelon, which, so to speak, enhance the sound and , accordingly, it resonates. another sure sign of ripeness is the color of the watermelon cheek, some are yellow, others are almost white. photosynthesis is responsible for the color of our cheeks, and if a ray of light does not hit the surface of the watermelon, photosynthesis occurs very weakly in this place. pale - this means that the watermelon has been lying on the ground for a very long time and is overripe. greenish, unripe, yellow, a good sign, like a ripe watermelon, but there is no need for scarlet flesh inside,
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they grow sunny melons on this astrakhan melon, you will be surprised, but this is not a new product in recent years. when watermelon was born, it was not red, it was yellow, white, green in color; it was the breeders who made them red, because red ones contain lycopenes, they are more susceptible to human taste and turn out to be sweeter. and finally, another surprise for today, as soon as we accepted that watermelon is still a berry, the botanists changed their minds again. watermelon belongs to the family pumpkin in the old days, the watermelon fruit was called a berry because the seeds were scattered throughout.
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there are probably special mirrors for this, the mirror in which you look most often, but she knows everything better than anyone else and will tell you everything with accuracy, you bought a new car, a friend let you drive his, or else, you use car sharing, you know what to do, when you get into an unfamiliar car, it’s right to adjust the mirrors, my name is denis sharovar, let’s do this together. but to properly configure the mirrors, you first need to correctly adjust the seats, only then will you be in the desired position in the lounge. everything is easy here. we move away from the steering wheel to such a distance that your leg remains slightly bent at the knees when the pedal is fully depressed. the same principle with the tilt of the back: you should touch it with your shoulder blades when you stretch
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your arms, your wrist should rest on both arms, your elbows should dry slightly. yes, that's it. now, in this correct position , we begin to adjust the left mirror. so what do we see in it? too many cars, she of course, it’s pretty, but we need to see the road, so we do it like this. the side of the body should occupy from 7 to 10% of the entire view. literally, you should see the tailgate handle and rear fender in it. now it's wet, the ratio of sky and ground is 40x60, less air, more surface. in order to adequately assess the dimensions and situation behind the car, you just need to catch your eye on the edge of the body, and you will see most of what is happening behind the car. similar the story is with the right mirror, we look into it without bending over, we adjust it, although here you can leave 30% of the sky and 70% of the ground, so it’s better
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to control the side of the road when parking. the interior mirror remains, but everything is very easy here. we set it up so that we can see the rear window and nothing else, if too much detail is visible, move it a little to the right so that you can see the small rear side glass, this will help you when changing lanes. it seems to you that we left too little of the car in the reflection, this was done by chance tilting the head while moving, for example, when turning or when driving anywhere on an uneven surface. even if you bend over so that your head touches. racks, you will still see part of the car and what is behind it in the mirror, which means you can adequately assess the situation on the road. this year , the city of magadan celebrates its ninety-fifth anniversary, yes, a city that was founded on the shores of the sea of ​​okhotsk, despite the winds and frosts, from a small settlement it
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turned into a large administrative, scientific cultural center of russia. and what is it like beauty right now, let's. let's go to magadan, catch flounder on a fishing rod, see the sunrise in one bay, sunset in another, wander along the sandy beaches, shrimp, oh yes, azure-colored water, sandy beach, lighthouse, guess what kind of city, this is magadan, at 95 years old looks like this, and i’m ready to argue with all the stereotypes, for example, like this: it’s too cold in magadan, the frosts here are really strong, but at the same time there is summer. in magadan , summer may not come for a long time, but the sun comes in january, it is almost always sunny. svetlana moved here 5 years ago, he says, they think that magadan is full of camps and prisons, another stereotype. yes, in the middle of the last century , thousands of people were exiled here, and magadan residents do not forget about this,
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a monument and a mask of grief were erected to the victims of repression, but now everything has changed, the city is a seeker. has turned into a comfortable place, for me personally it’s like a cradle, i feel comfortable here in all areas, personal, friendly, work, and just for a walk. it’s nice to be around the city, look at the architecture, these are houses on the main street, by the way, it’s a joke nicknamed the longest in the world, starting from the tv tower on lenin street, you can get to moscow, from there to kaliningrad, that is , it smoothly turns into the kolyma highway along which you can get to the very extreme point of our central russia. by the way, central russia is called the mainland here, because it can only be reached by plane, there is no railway transport, and by car it takes too long, but this is also a plus. impact on the environment, the nature here is very beautiful, in the city itself there are two bays, in one you can see the sunrise, in another you can admire the sunset, from here we can
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go on a sea voyage to the island of misunderstanding, zavyalov island, the koni peninsula, from may to almost september, this is a favorite place for fishermen, here you can throw fishing rods from the pier, catch flounder, all kinds of other fish , around taiga, coniferous forests, the environment is in complete order, the main production. gold mining is quite clean, by the way, it has also changed a lot in 95 years: the pioneers mined gold using this boat with a scraper. now everything is technologically advanced, gold reserves will last for a long time. for example, here is our largest deposit, it is estimated that there are approximately 1,200 tons of gold, but this is a lot, this is for almost 30 to 35 years of operation of this mine, but at the same time, geologists say that there are still a lot of deposits that are completely undiscovered, and this jobs, scientific research.
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canceled, we are sorely short of time to wait for our mother to come home from work, and yes, no one has enough work either, so we are already painting our eyes and lips on the go, but how could that be possible? finally it's saturday, which means you'll have a moment for yourself. today my nastya and i are talking, nastya, by the way, is an etiquette expert, we are talking about etiquette in makeup, i’ll start with the fact that etiquette is based on three pillars, this is
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adequacy, yeah, appropriateness and respect for yourself and others, that’s why we will start, the mascara ran during the rain, immediately to the cosmetic bag, and makeup - this turns out to be a rather intimate moment, like brushing your teeth... you won’t do this in public, yes, this is an intimate story, we have to go to the toilet room to do everything there, etiquette, of course, does not prohibit anything, it recommends more, and categorically, as you say, you should not do it, especially at the table, correcting your makeup, as we often do, putting on makeup at your desk or at your workplace is also not worth it, only if you are in this is the time alone, okay, this is our situation today, right? “we are within the framework of the filming process, there are no other conditions, we need to film the story, they paint you in public, yes, all
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the rules of etiquette, that’s for sure, but we attracted attention, but we attracted attention, yes, back in in what case can you attract attention if you use lipstick as an element of flirting, that is, you took it, as if by chance, in front of a man, and tinted your lips with a transparent gloss, well, this is flirting, this is about flirting, if you..." want to attract in this way a man, then yes, you can, of course, understandably, but walking around without makeup is appropriate, it turns out, not always, i woke up in the morning, washed my face, applied cream and completely without makeup, went to work, to meet people, this is appropriate, here you have to look at how formal, for example, work or some kind of meeting, etiquette says that if we have a formality coefficient of ten, from one to ten, the highest... then there should be makeup, no matter if it’s some kind of social meeting or a business one, it should be there, that is, it turns out, no one to you it doesn’t impose, it’s about wearing bright makeup, but
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applying some light tone, highlighting the eyes a little - it’s always much more pleasant, yes, it’s about respect for yourself and others, because we were preparing to meet a person and he sees it, and i think , which he will definitely appreciate, and also in terms of etiquette, preferably without make-up... when you play sports, it will be much more comfortable for you even yourself. irina materanskaya, channel one, well, it’s generally cool, say so. in the summer at vdnkh on the twenty -first volga, this year the exhibition is 85 years old, here we have everything, here we have the best place in the universe to study this very universe, the cradle is cast for each individual cosmonaut, apparently, this one was not made for me, the oryol trotter, our famous horse, is handsome, he can stick his tongue out at you, look, little world, what is this such a kangal, zbak, it’s cool that you can probably throw all the crap out
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of russia into one room. well, what are you cooking, there will be shmak, there will be beef, there will be a bunch, a bunch of all sorts of delicious vegetables, cucumbers, and you will prepare lemonade for me, premiere, cooks on wheels, today is the first one, it makes me laugh, it makes me feel hot, it makes me happy pouring, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what it is... a faithful friend. i believe that friendship must be tested pass the. i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor came, came to me. i played a melody, the next morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend.” how wonderful, my friend. in general, conflicts could happen every second. but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, begins with
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respect. often, all these years, as we have been friends, i carry his guitar behind seryoga, we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even sometimes they are confused, leshchenko loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend, and not a friend and not an enemy, but so, look after the program time, in the new season. on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and my heart is not breaking, do you know how she is torn, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls. well, let 's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second one
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fine. a well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can , the whole version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. i would have eaten something by now.
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to the aid of maria sorova, she always has something , yes, she has gibzhale with her, this is a migryan dish of cheese and mint, mm, a delicious very aromatic appetizer, gebzhalya is a migrayan dish of cheese and mint, in georgia it is prepared from freshly prepared saluguni, and i’ll try to make it from a regular store-bought one, chop the cilantro very finely and a bowl, tear off the mint leaves and also... chop the hot green pepper , remove the seeds so that the appetizer doesn’t turn out too spicy. the amount of pepper depends on its size. i have medium pods, so i’ll take two and chop them. it is better to do this with gloves. add chopped garlic and salt here, i crush it with a masher. this can be done either in a mortar or in a round bowl. it turned out to be such a spicy dressing. it is called.
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i move on to the cheese, cut the suluguni into small pieces, let the milk heat up, and i will cook the suluguni in it. some housewives boil it in water, but gebzhalia is a dairy snack, so it’s better to use milk. milk when it's warmed up, i turn down the heat and put the cheese in the pan. i wonder if he will melt? yes, the cheese starts to melt very quickly. i collect it with spatulas like this into one mass, don’t pour this milk out, then you can make porridge from it, pancakes, whatever you want, almost the whole mass has come together, it should. get it homogeneous, remove it from the heat and then you need to work with the ulguni with your hands, be sure to wear gloves, the mass is hot, squeeze it a little, put it on the board, knead it and distribute it into a large flatbread,
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mix most of the adjika with mint with ricotta i spread the cheese, roll it into a roll, cut it into portions, you can serve it with matsoni or with the same milk in which... i mix the matsone with the remains of green adjika, put it on a plate, decorate the roll pieces with mint on top, i didn’t think it would be possible to make gebzhalia made from store-bought cheese, a delicious, very aromatic snack, moving on, attention to all football fans, the best goals from the opening matches of the russian cup tournament, a word to our athletics. sports journalists of the first channel, group stage of the russian cup football started brightly, spectacular matches followed one after another, perhaps the most impressive goal was scored in the meeting
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between krasnodar and cska. midfielder of the southerners kevin lenini, so spectacularly volleyed the ball into the goal of the capital team and brought krasnodar a 1:0 victory. spartak in the moscow derby. dynamo opened the scoring at the end of the first half. guest goalkeeper igor lishchuk, who seemed to be haunted by an evil fate in matches against the red and whites, unsuccessfully hit the ball in front of him, and manfred ugalde took advantage of this. in the second half, spartak strengthened advantage. jesus medina earned a penalty and converted it himself, and pavel maslov, who scored just 5 minutes after appearing on the field, put the finishing touches. 3:00 in favor of spartak. lokomotiv pleased its fans in a home match with rostov. the victory for the railway workers was brought by the only goal scored by substitute vadim rakov. note that for the nineteen-year-old
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student of the club, this is the first goal for the main team. zenit, which had a great start to the season, achieved another confident victory. on this time over the torch.
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on july 30, a unique museum and temple complex, the new khersanez, opened in sevastopol, a special amazing place where past and present are intertwined. the architecture and scale are truly amazing. st. vimir's cathedral in khersanes, formerly korsun, is the very place where, according to legend, prince vladimir was baptized in 988 along with his retinue. what is very important, the priests of hersanes catechized him, that is, taught him the basics of the faith. returning to his homeland, along with baptism, he brought, of course, a centuries-old european culture. now on this sacred place there is a grandiose museum and temple complex new khersanez, 24 hectares, truly byzantine. city: behind me is the museum of christianism, unique, probably the first in russia of such a large format, there is also a youth complex, a museum of crimea and novorossiya, an amphitheater, and a museum of
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byzantine antiquity nearby. the heart of new khersanes is an open-air temple park, where services will be held, even at night under the stars. the unique complex was built in record time; one year in 8 months spent the most largest archaeological work in history. 6.5 million finds, ancient treasures underground discovered the heraon river. there was a separate task not only to fill up this river after archaeological excavations, but to somehow preserve it, to give modern visitors the opportunity to admire this river and feel this involvement in ancient history. therefore, thanks to special engineering structures, the ancient river heroon was brought to the surface. has already opened its doors to visitors, you can be among the first guests it turns out that you too, the team of the first will show how the opening took place on the day of the baptism of russia. 27 cameras on the ground. in the air to show from a bird's eye view the scope of the complex, but
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to examine every detail, see the procession of the cross, attend the first divine liturgy in st. vladimir's cathedral after a large-scale restoration. broadcast of the opening of the museum-temple complex new khersanez this sunday at 10:00 am, immediately after the podcast lab gathered their thoughts, a discussion about the origins of faith, the personality of prince vladimir himself and the role of the princess in his fate. this is indeed a real feat, a feat of first of all overcoming oneself, yes, and it is no coincidence that if we again turn to the tale of bygone years, there the author puts into vladimir’s words such words that he lived like a beast, and thanks god for enlightening him , transformed, repeated that same evening, immediately after the program time on channel one on sunday, anna grebenchakova. this is where our program
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ends, but a new summer day is just beginning, we wish you a successful, not just summer, the whole weekend, so everyone have a good barbecue, picnics, time fishing with loved ones, see you on the first channel. let us pray to the dedicator philip, metropolitan of moscow for all russia and wonderworker.


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