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tv   Vremya  1TV  August 4, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the table is the sum of all points for all competition days, exactly half the way has been completed, we are not slowing down, moving on in the same spirit, and we will see you in exactly a week, all the best and see you soon, see you soon. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. we have returned home, i want to congratulate you all on your return to the people. gave
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the largest prisoner exchange between russia and the west since the cold war, we we are following the same course that was before, we are not abandoning our own, this is a very very significant phrase: examples of courage and fortitude: the battles for volchansk - exclusive footage from the film crew of channel one, which , together with the fighters of the north group of troops and the volunteer corps, is moving forward, work, work. “stand strong, our defenders know what they are fighting for, they always said in vain, there are no other people’s children, and these are the future of russia, children, we need to finish off the enemy, quickly, and how the state supports soldiers, increased one-time payments to everyone who signs a contract with the ministry of defense? the murder of the head of the hamas politburo as an insult to..." tehran. iran has been
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dealt a slap in the face. for iran, ismail haniyeh is a guest, and an honored guest. israel is awaiting retaliatory strikes. citizens of israel, difficult days lie ahead. a new round of escalation in the middle east american pandora boxes and nato launchers are spreading around the world. with such actions, the united states is inviting its partner allies to develop similar weapons systems and also deploy them on their own. territories. it’s been 5 years since washington destroyed the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty before russia responds to the threat. the most scandalous olympics in history. it's not fair, it's not fair. what's going on at the games in paris? i think france
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has shown its true colors. and what do the world think about all this? new chersonese - the impression of the first visitors. it’s monumental, i can’t even believe that in such a short period of time they could do something so beautiful after all, we live in a great country. opening ceremony of the unique museum and temple complex in crimea, look right away. after our program, the topic of the week is the largest since the cold war, the exchange of prisoners between our country and the west. thanks to the agreements reached through the special services, the people managed to return the russians who were held in custody in nato countries. the scale is impressive: 26 prisoners and seven states took part in the exchange, besides russia - belarus, the united states, germany, poland, slovenia and norway. herself. the transfer took place at the capital airport
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turkey. from ankara, planes flew to russia, germany, overseas, to america. in total , 10 people, including two children, our illegal intelligence officers, flew to moscow. vladimir putin met his compatriots at the plane's exit. several film crews from channel one worked that evening. report by evgeny lyamin. the plane of the special flight detachment russia landed at vnukovo 2 airport, accompanied by employees accompanying the long-awaited passengers. they take turns looking out the porthole, calling each other, this is clearly we didn’t expect a government terminal, a guard of honor, a red carpet, russian president vladimir putin greeted us near the ramp. the first to descend is a former officer of the alpha special forces, fsb of russia, vadim krasikov, his military bearing immediately catches the eye. when he served in alpha, he served with some members of the presidential security guard, who now work in the presidential security guard, and naturally. they
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also greeted each other when they saw each other. in germany, vadim krasikov was serving a life sentence for liquidation in 2019 a terrorist wanted by russia, whom the german authorities of zelimhad refused to extradite. heads, what kind of person is this and is it a person? well, a patriot was found who liquidated one of his european capitals. 5 years ago, after his arrest. krasikov refused to cooperate with the german investigation, did not give his name, and was convicted. now , in order to comply with the exchange procedure, the germans needed a petition for pardon in order to sign it and release kraisky to russia, but the russian officer refused to sign anything. as a result, instead of the traditional after the pardon, the german authorities were forced to formalize everything as a procedure for the deportation
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of a foreigner; during the exchange, he was brought in in handcuffs and a black helmet. in moscow, following the former special forces officer , the dultsev family, artyom, anna and their children, descended the ladder. since 2017 they... no one had any idea that they were natives of bashkiria and nizhny novgorod. our intelligence officers are illegal immigrants. artyom founded an it company, anna, an online gallery of contemporary art. they lived in the suburbs of ljubljana for 5 years; local counterintelligence was tipped off by someone in '22. officials say the couple used slovenia before their arrest in december 2022. a state, a member of nato and the eu, with a population of only 2 million people. as a base for trips to...
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many who met them near the ramp also didn’t understand, the children of illegal immigrants asked their parents who was meeting him, that is , they didn’t even know who putin was, but that ’s how they work, in fact, illegal immigrants go to such sacrifices for the sake of their work, for the sake of dedication to their work. in the european press , the dultsev family was compared to ours illegal intelligence officers, colonels of the foreign intelligence service andrei bezrukov and elena vavilova, who successfully worked in the united states for more than 20 years, raised children. no one suspected any connection with russia, they were discovered in 2010 due to the betrayal of one of their colleagues, and exchanged in the same year, it so happened that the two sons of bezrukova and vavilova only learned in adolescence that they were russian of course, the duultsev family has a difficult stage in life ahead, says elena vavilova. now the main task
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will take care of the children so that they are able to adapt in this difficult and unusual environment, all this, especially since it happened very, i think, unexpectedly. for children, especially, you need to somehow gradually introduce them to a completely different reality, but to get to another country, to find out that the parents are not who they thought, by nationality, by main language, this is also a certain turning point, a separation from what - a familiar environment, friends, perhaps some acquaintances, of course, a new language that you will probably have to master. but in this age, i think there will be no problems. everyone who finally returned home was greeted by vladimir putin with a strong handshake; journalist and political scientist pavel rubtsov was detained by polish intelligence services on february 22 and accused of espionage. mikhail mikushin returned home. 2 years ago he was arrested in norway. roman seleznev 10 years ago , while on vacation in the maldives, was captured
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by american intelligence services, who grossly violated the foundations of international law and the laws of the maldives itself. the russian was accused of creating a hacker group. the united states asked the republic of maldives for help. they agreed there, but they took the russian out of the country without the permission of the court, in fact, this kidnapping in an american prison was all sorts of things, they tried to provoke and said that if you don’t confess, you will receive a life sentence in prison and you will spend your whole life there, that is, they scared me, initially they put me in a punishment cell, they tried to suppress me morally in every possible way, they sent me, planted some...
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this employee and a telephone call was organized, and during the telephone call, the father, contrary to what was expected of him, he said, son, you are doing everything right, hold on, what they had to go through was great... those who also went through this difficult path of pressure, torture, provocations, did not break and returned home know. the most important thing for a person, if he finds himself in difficult conditions, especially in the conditions of american imprisonment, captivity, is to maintain hope, to maintain hope that the country will not abandon you, and this is what happened in my situation with me. i didn't know, de facto, whether my country supported me, but i knew in my heart that my people would never abandon me, because russians do not abandon their own. we follow... the same course that was before, we do not abandon our own, this is a very, very significant phrase, we
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do not abandon our own, who did not sell the country, did not sell their homeland, yes, who remained faithful, such people need to be proud, you know, who remained faithful to the duty of our country, our people, such people are unbending, and this is what i have experienced, yes, as americans can do, they can torture, steal, russian it businessman vladislav klyushin returned home 3 years ago. arrested in switzerland and taken to the usa. vadim kanoshchonok, also an entrepreneur, was detained in estonia. american intelligence services also took him to the states. it's all over now. first of all, i want to congratulate you all on your return to your homeland. now i want to appeal to those of you who are directly related to military service, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath and your duty. who has not
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forgotten about you for a minute, here you are, yes, all of you will be presented with a state award, we will see you again, we will talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on your return home, thank you very much, congratulations, thank you. perhaps the story of the exchange will someday form the basis of a film script, as, for example, on the bridge in the film "off season". one of the most famous exchanges went something like this. in sixty-two, on the glinniki bridge between east germany and west berlin, the soviet intelligence officer illegal rudolf abel, real name william fischer, was exchanged on the american pilot powers, whose reconnaissance plane was shot down over the ussr. william fisher, arrested in the united states as a result of betrayal, is the legendary soviet intelligence officer who obtained the secrets of creating the american atomic bomb. at the trial , he never revealed his real name; he called himself rudolf abel. this was a signal
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to the center that he refused to cooperate with american intelligence services. he was sentenced to 30 years in prison, in the seventy-sixth, for the first time , an exchange was made of people who were not connected with the intelligence of the dissident vladimir bukovsky, convicted of anti-soviet agitation, was exchanged for the leader of the chilean communists, luis carvalan. he was arrested after the military coup of general pinochet. nine years later, in 1985, there was the most massive exchange of the entire cold war period. the action that was carried out with the kgb, with the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and the assistance that
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president lukashenko personally provided in drawing up such a complex chain, and express gratitude for this. 10 people, two children and eight russians convicted abroad returned to russia; they were exchanged for those who worked in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of russia's security in our country. a total of 16 people, 13 flew to germany, three to the united states, among others. paul willan, a former american marine, accused by our intelligence services of espionage, as well as evan gershkovich, whom a court in russia sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security colony, also on espionage charges. evgeny lyamin, ilya marin, dmitry zelvyansky, ekaterina koryaka and arseny baibulov. prisoner exchange is one of the main topics on both sides of the atlantic. about today there is also a commentary by the famous political scientist, host of the big game program on channel one, dmitry simes. the exchange is concluded. between russia and the united states, which in america has already been called
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historical, leads to both optimistic and alarming thoughts. let me start with what is encouraging: the exchange took place, this exchange was quite complex, the cross-services of the two sides worked, the leadership of both countries was naturally involved, and this is the situation. worked, which means there are some minimal contacts, they exist, this is very important, especially in the nuclear age, that's also encouraging. that people have returned, that russia has shown very clearly that it does not abandon its people, especially people who faithfully served their homeland, risking their lives, that they are now at home, with their families, will live a new full life, this, of course, absolutely
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wonderful, but now the thoughts are not like that:
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in justification they say to her: well, what do you want? this is on the eve of the american presidential elections, when all american politicians become slightly irresponsible and think about how to score points rather than how to pursue a responsible foreign policy? i have a simple answer to this: i remember well the conversation in moscow that the delegation had. the center of national interests, where i then worked, and the conversation was with yevgeny maksimovich primakov, who was no longer prime minister at that time and headed the chamber of commerce, one of the american participants in response to some claims from
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the russian country, that american policy is unreasonable and short-sighted, one of participants from an american country, a former deputy minister of defense, said: “ okay, what do you want? well, you know, this is how american domestic politics works, but you just need to understand and accept this, and before primakov managed to find time to answer this , and he had something to say, the head of our delegation, james schlesinger, spoke, he served three presidents, as director of the cia, as secretary of defense, as secretary of energy, and he was a very tough man, but very pragmatic, and he is so. looked patronizingly at the former american deputy minister of defense and told him: listen, they are not complaining to you about american motives, they are complaining about the results, they want to be
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pursued in relation to them the policy that, as it seems to them, would correspond to the interests of the two countries . helped develop relations, unfortunately, america is not yet ready for this, and inevitably, in moscow they will judge, must judge american policy, not by the circumstances under which this or that is said, but because where it all leads, for now this doesn't lead to anything good. it’s also, of course, alarming, and i’m not afraid to say, i’m personally outraged. the way the american media, american politicians, american experts describe this exchange, a good example, a typical example -
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in the suburbs of moscow, in crimea, throughout the country, not to mention donetsk, lugansk, and
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the united states, everything they knew it, they covered it all up, and sometimes they directly supported it, so you know, it’s not for people with such an approach to condemn russia for its liquidation. terrorist in berlin park. and lastly: for the russians who were participants in the exchange, there is a presumption of guilt for them. it is automatically accepted that they were involved in serious and well-proven crimes. but when it comes to americans, then the presumptions are not guilty. they are not guilty of anything, look at evan gershkovich, how can one even assume that he helped the cia, being a journalist, so they seriously
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want to tell us that the cia did not and does not use journalists, including americans, but what idiots they us they accept, they say that this exchange that is taking place now is very reminiscent of exchanges during the cold war. the last such large exchange involving journalist, us news & world report correspondent nicholas danilov, took place in 1986. nikolas danilov was arrested in moscow by the kgb. and he was accused of providing assistance to the cia. there was great outrage. it did not last long, because the leadership of the cia itself.
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were released, they practically did not spend any time in prison. this didn't make america and the soviet union friends, but
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it showed. that when people want results, they know how to act confidentially and not make political plays. unfortunately, the biden administration did not show such a responsible approach, and this was unfortunate for russian-american relations, and it was unfair, primarily in relation to mr. gershukovich himself and his family. dmitry sainz, host of the big game program, about the largest prisoner exchange between russia and the west in the 20th century. now a front-line exclusive. in kharkov direction there are fierce battles for volchansk. his release, firstly, will relieve belgorod from shelling, and secondly, will open the way for an attack on izyum and kupinsk. soldiers from the north group of forces and the volunteer corps, including the alexander nevsky brigade, are now fighting for the city center. how the enemy is knocked out of
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multi-story buildings, the first of... storm the second half. that's it, we reached the top floor, all the floors are behind us. the enemy fights for every position to the last. there is no talk of any panic flight to the ssu coming. they either surrender to us or end their war. that's it, we have two prisoners. that's it, unbuckle yourself. come on, what are you, second, do you have anything with you? turn around, second one. turn around. come on, just quietly, quietly, don’t be stupid, don’t be stupid, you’ll live, i answer. you see, i'm without a mask, without anything.
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i keep my word. the commander of the assault group talks to the prisoners as if there was no mortal battle just now, there are wounded, there are legs , yes, but the field equipment is yes, well, i probably hurt you just now, i just gave you turns, that’s it that's it, guys, lie still, while you rest, no one will touch you, the pianist will help, water, now we'll bring it, now we'll bring it, now you'll drink, they are given help and taken to russia.
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that it will be like in jars, neither they will be able to walk around the city, nor we, that everything will be folded up, and we will actually sit on two different sides of the village, well, god grant that everything will be fine, for now there is somewhere to move, but this is not so simple, there are a huge number of enemy
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drones in the sky, but... they fly in pairs and constantly replace each other, the whole war turns into short dashes and waiting between them, who ran winning at school 10 to 10, shuttle running, well, movement in the city is kept to a minimum, how much we walk, we practically don’t meet people, deserted, abandoned volchanskaya streets, mom was killed on tv, you preen yourself, at least face out. oh my, are we climbing through basements? it’s hard, brother, we practically don’t climb out at all, during the day we move in dashes, at night we don’t work at all, moments when there are no drones in the sky allow us to run from one shelter to another, but sometimes these pauses are not appears for several hours, there are two trees standing there, and you stand right next to them and don’t move for 2-3 hours, it’s also good that on the approaches to the city in the private sector there is a lot of vegetation, vova, our
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guide, professional, like here... it’s common to say a tramp, he knows all the trails , constantly brings personnel to the front line, delivers food and ammunition, over the last month he’s lost 16 kilograms, probably already. both reconnaissance drones and kamikazes fly, we distinguish them by their sound, the latter are more sharp and disgusting, this sound chills your back a little, yes, the moment your heart is beating so fast, one flies up very close, just cruises around, looking for a target, well, you sit, wait until it shakes everything, explodes right behind the fence. they waited for a while, they can notice in the sight, behind the enemy there is still a number of high-rise buildings and an elevator, the enemy is already where the elevator is, yes you can me 800, we are in direct
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visibility, in short we are standing, yes, there were no cases of a sniper working from there, but it is preferably especially don't display, who the hell knows what they're in the head will come, we are still lucky, for many soldiers the entry to the front line is much more fun, that’s... this is how the commander of the dark company remembers his first day in the city, we are running, uh, something explodes, booms, we were already met in the forest, that is, it has already started to hammer through the forest, you just run and don’t understand anything, bam, bang, poof, bang, and you still run, there’s just emptiness in your head, and then you come to the point, you understand, oh my, you almost died now, after 3 months you got used to it, the initial fear has passed, somehow everything is as cold-blooded as possible it’s happening, just yesterday we almost got burned and didn’t end up under the rubble, somehow we just had no emotions at all, our hand was burning, we hit our elbow, we’re running, now it’s normal, and even somehow everything is humorous, yeah, i’m like that, we’re running out, that’s it this one is with the enemy, this cameraman, this handsome guy got knocked up, it’s good, of course,
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a little more and they would have stayed there, in the alexander nevsky brigade there are actually quite a few who just recently signed a contract, of course there is a current of strength, there are still russians in russia heroes, men go to war. of course, i wanted more men to come, well it’s clear that war is a terrible thing. this is why many people don’t tell their relatives where they are going; everyone has their own legend. i work in security, guarding a wood processing plant in the city of leningrad. where are you really? but in fact, i, the village of volchansk, don’t want anyone to worry and the like. what if they know you by your voice? well, then you change your voice, i think a fighter with the call sign shares decides to confess to his family, who’s waiting at home? grandma, hello, by the way, you, there’s no medical school, she doesn’t know where, god forbid, grandma, happiness, you, health, everything the best, i’m doing well, if anything,
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don’t worry, he’s, of course, disingenuous, the combat journey for him could have ended as soon as it began, the recruit shares, yesterday was his first day on the front line, my first flight was, so yesterday we they were lying in a forest plantation, and there was such a hole in my briefcase. well, about three or four centimeters, it was lying under my head, i was lying in an armored jacket with a helmet under a tree, just like that, they exploded from the left, to the right, i just felt this push in the head, it was uncomfortable, yes, but the adrenaline was pumping, i had a thought, if only we break forward, they will break through, this is a small building, in the middle of high-rise buildings, the fighters call tetris, because of the shape similar to the game pieces, there are about a dozen militants holding the defense from...
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two children, what education? secondary incomplete, secondary incomplete, 10 classes like or what 11 - six, but nine, and six classes? true, only one survives the evacuation, the second is killed by his brothers-in-arms from the armed forces of ukraine while leaving the building, these
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two, they are the most prudent, are taken prisoner, but one was unlucky, they say to their players, the guys ran out and covered them heavily with ags, and several wogs flew straight at him, they don’t take care of their own at all. here they have some information that we took into account, that’s all, they kill their own people, the fighters are not surprised at this for a long time, they see that in the ssu they don’t even spare civilians, from volchansk to the border villages. and cities are no more than half an hour away, the nationalists are finishing here with drones, and cannon and rocket artillery, right now, barely having entered the territory of the belgorod region, we notice smoke not far from the houses, we hit something, it’s a meadowsweet, but the civilian population is throwing ammunition at playgrounds, playgrounds, buses, minibuses, comic drones crash, explosions occur, civilians suffer, with cluster munitions, they are hitting residential buildings in chaos, to crush this scum, but as for
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the culture, which kills children, old people, and even more cultured, i think there is already no culture here, here we simply need to crush them all, we are very worried about residents of belgorod and the border area in general, we understand everything perfectly well how they feel there, but we are doing everything possible, with tears in our eyes. experience without all over russia, those who want to stand up
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, people of different professions and ages with a fighting side alongside our defenders come to the assembly points. voluntarily and consciously, everyone has their own starting point, but everyone is united by the desire to be with their homeland in difficult times. decent material rewards and respect from society are also very important. from august 1, a new measure of social support for our warriors, those who enter into a contract with the ministry of defense. for a year or more they will receive a lump sum of 4,000 rubles from the state, plus regional payments, which cannot be less, they can be more, and also municipal payments, everything adds up in the end. lyubov filippova will tell you more. he did the right thing, yes, son, we’ll wait, he’ll come back. lyubov accompanies his eldest son to the special operation zone; the youngest also fights, and this happens in many families. my nephew serves there, they will stay at home, my father has left.
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was wounded twice, so before leaving for the northern military district i went to his grave, alexey ’s father went to the front as a volunteer 2 years ago, their family is from north ossetia, well, i finished my studies accordingly and decided to send him to my father, as recent events have shown, now he’s already flying in, so they’ve touched me our home is the meaning, in my opinion, it’s time to stand up to defend our homeland, our families, i have children, i want to protect my children, my family from august 1 until the end... of the year to everyone who signs a contract with the armed forces relies on strength
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a one-time payment from the state of 4,000 rubles. the contract must last for at least a year, the decree was signed by vladimir putin. it is also recommended for the regions to make payments in an amount no less than from the state; there is also additional assistance from municipalities, all this adds up. pavel arrived at the selection point just on august 1, when the presidential decree came into effect. we woke up today, with the guys, we read the news, and there it was like this.
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children and women are being killed, water is being turned off, infrastructure has been destroyed, beaches have been hit, parks they bombed, it all happened, it’s already in history, i’ll even tell you this, it’s not going anywhere, after signing a contract , training is mandatory for all volunteers, and they can also be sent from special operation zones to improve their skills or learn a new specialty, for example , sappers came to learn how to operate drones, they make their own fuses, they assemble drones from a fighter with the call sign hub, seven children. dad, you decided, you go, well done, we are proud of you, could you ever imagine playing with son on the joystick, that you will someday be a uav operator, no, never, yes, i thought, my place is a trench, my place is somewhere in the forest plantations, and now also the sky, the drone
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hub is controlled deftly, drones are needed in every unit in that including a sapper, you can use a drone to clear mines, we can keep an eye on our people so that... there are extra eyes around, the guys are waiting with such skills, because it is necessary at the moment, a bird at the training ground easily flies into the open body of a car, and this is footage from the special operation zone, drone quickly rushes to the enemy's shelter and hits him, or destroys the infantry, the trees do not help to hide from the watchful thermal lens, at the training ground in the novosibirsk region, operators are taught terrain orientation and working with maps, on the other side there is so much going on there, it leads there so much... equipment, well, as the boys say there, who now, of course, it’s important to help the boys in any way, we’ll help, and drones really help with this perfectly, these kids destroy multi-million dollar equipment, and at the same time we don’t we are putting people at risk, there are results of damage to foreign military equipment directly by our students, there are
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also engineers in the calculation, we are identifying among the military personnel people who had skills, for example, in civilian life, in working with a soldering iron. during training, each engineer is given a task where he assembles a drone from scratch from parts, no one without us, the motto of the engineering troops is they build trenches, equip crossings, lay paths through minefields, about fifty different dynamic simulators are in this interdepartmental training center for engineering troops, all the most necessary equipment that the guys learn to drive, for example, bat, a bulldozer on an artillery tractor. this is how it looks from the inside, it’s needed for laying column tracks, filling up trenches , for example, getting stuck equipment out, so i’m trying to get into the mechanic’s place, it’s interesting, of course, to sit behind it, instead of a steering wheel, there are levers, controls, you have to get used to it , here the instructor sees us, but accelerate, accelerate, accelerate, accelerate, like this
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military personnel train on the same principle; by entering their names, i can monitor their performance, that is, the progress of their training. yes, record them. since the beginning of this year , more than 190 thousand people have signed contracts with the ministry of defense; the state provides them with preferential mortgages, life insurance, health insurance, pensions, social support for soldiers of their families, which is one of the most important tasks today. in the nizhny novgorod region, for example, as in many other regions, a social contract is concluded with the families of military personnel. monthly payments to pregnant wives, monthly payment to children up to 10,000 rubles. 50%. payment for housing and communal services, admission of children to educational institutions under a quota; if a man fulfills his military duty, his family should be provided with protection. similar support throughout the country, so that the soldiers at the front have peace of mind, the state takes care of their parents, wives and children. lyubov filipova, rinat
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goreev, artyom tikhonov, khristina ivanova, dmitry olin, veronika kalivuchenkova, sergei komensky, channel one. now vodka for a week. the russian army continues to push back the enemy in the donetsk republic. as the ministry of defense reported today, a unit of the center group of troops took control of novoselovka first. the villages of lazov were liberated earlier. progress, evgenovka, volchie and leninskoe, advancement in the zones of responsibility of the groups west, south and east. along the entire front line, the enemy lost over 17 thousand fighters and a lot of nato equipment. the list includes three launchers and two radar stations of the patriot complex, as well as three more tanks leopard, bmp bradley and marter. max pro armored vehicles, hamvi, kirpi, self-propelled guns and gaudizi. we especially note the work of the air defense, the downed mig-29 and su-27 fighters.
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the expired leader of the kiev regime, in order to plug the gaps at the front, gave the go-ahead to the military registration and enlistment office to work with men under 25 years of age, although this is illegal. at the same time , hunting for ukrainians. has ceased to be a one-goal game, dozens of military commissar cars are floating all over the country, there are frequent fights with them, including mass ones, sometimes passers-by manage to fight off potential ukrainian armed forces soldiers from their kidnappers with their fists and strong words. easier speaking, ukraine is on the verge of civil conflict. ivan kanavalov is monitoring the situation. thinking in offensive terms when the front is collapsing is evidence of the extreme desperation of the military command. but zelensky’s team and... the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine do not know how to plan differently, because the west is only willing to pay for counter-attacks and meat assaults. ukrainian
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telegram channels, citing sources in the general staff of the ukrainian army, write about the autumn counter-offensive in the ssu on energodar, in order to capture the zaporozhye nuclear power plant power plant. an additional strike is being prepared for kamenka dneprovskaya, across the dry reservoir, in order to stretch russian forces. at least eight brigades have been trained and equipped for this purpose. in the meantime, commander-in-chief syrsky is gathering all available reserves to pokrovsk-krasnoarmeysk. this is the main logistics hub of the ukrainian armed forces in the center of the front, and its inevitable fall will leave no hope for the development of any offensive actions. in other areas, the ukrainian armed forces are doing no better. in fact, the front, the ukrainian front is already in the kharkov direction, in the pokrovsky direction direction, collapses. we see great, high-quality successes. volchansky, the state of affairs in the watch shop is quite good.
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the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces is trying to block the active advance of russian troops in several directions at once by sending into battle units of untrained mobilizers, who are being caught on the streets more and more, their age is getting older, and their physical qualities are correspondingly getting lower. i don’t know how i haven’t heard it before, but those who are younger and more daring quickly surrender, we were sent to a generally unequipped landing, and it seemed like they should wait for the escort that we were taken at the boarding, well, we were taken to position, we were sitting under a tree, there was another one with me, it turns out he... i was sitting with my back to the tree, the second one was sitting opposite me, then he raised his head,
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he saw the russian military were already coming and they’re already shouting give up, the armed forces of ukraine are demanding from zelensky’s office the mobilization of ukrainians under 25 years old, they are healthier, more numerous, and most importantly, it’s easier, due to their youth and inexperience in life, to break them morally and quickly send them to die. ukrainian public pages write that zelensky, without changing the law on mobilization, the trade center gave the go-ahead to territorial recruitment centers or simply the military registration and enlistment office to work with ukrainians under 25 years of age, that is, they will not be officially drafted, but the trade center employees, together with the police, can detain and deliver them for supposedly voluntary passage of a military medical commission, and from there a ticket one way to the front, where did you go, where did you go, where did you go, did you kidnap a person?
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and those who have some kind of military training or military registration specialty, although under 25, are taken away from everyone in a row, too concerns the category of limited serviceability, it was simply cancelled, but resistance is growing, civilian cars without military license plates are no longer saved, guys, get out of here, get out of here, as for suvs and minibuses with plates.
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azov, which now forms the basis of the third assault brigade, the keisevac vehicle of the third assault brigade was planted, i am a battalion commander by agreement with senior leadership, relying on wartime, relying on combat immunity. i give verbal orders and the go-ahead to my soldiers to so that if these villains are discovered, these creatures, the death penalty will be applied on the spot. however, the ukrainian partisans are also armed, their stock of hatred is no less than that of the ukrainian nazis of the trade center employees, the lack of control and the clearly emerging caste character of the ukrainian
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military commissars is typical of the ukrainian corruption of this entire system. an inevitable clash between two forces. the oppressed ukrainian mobilizers are clashing with a new caste of exploded celestials from the tcc. marvel at how many police officers there are, guys. dosi, dosi in beads, boys, yes, don’t bother anyone. this large-scale action against mobilization actually grew into a popular revolt, and this is the city of kovel, in the volyn region, the stronghold of ukrainian nationalism. military commissars kidnapped two men on the street in belodnya, and women rushed to fight them off. the news spread throughout the city, many local residents rushed to the rescue, and soon the kovel shopping center was under siege. among those besieging were front-line soldiers. police officers and employees of the shopping center held back for several hours pressure of the crowd. that's it, the momentum started, in short, they broke through the military registration and enlistment office. ttsk is a huge, actually armed gang, which will now be difficult to pacify. and this is not
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something even a third force, it is a kind of makhnovism. against the backdrop of all these special services on the territory of ukraine itself, but while the work of the trade center suits zelensky’s team, the capture of human meat on a state scale has been put on stream, martial law and general mobilization are being extended for another 90 days, from august 12 to november 9 of this year. the new york times writes about huge numbers already captured since the mobilization law came into force. ukrainian authorities refused. report information about conscription for military service, citing the fact that this information is confidential. three military experts familiar with these figures said that since may, when the new conscription law came into force , kiev has recruited up to 30,000 people every month. new york times journalists write about the general unpreparedness of this large contingent, which is confirmed by the ukrainian armed forces militants themselves. here's the statement soldiers of the eighth battalion of the 78th
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air assault regiment. the f-16 in kiev in washington took place without the usual fanfare; it was presented as a routine action that was not at all aimed at radically changing the situation in the theater of operations. let me remind you that at the nato summit we talked about
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the process of transferring f-16s to ukraine. continues, we said that their use would begin before the end of summer, we have no reason to doubt this. bloomberg is not sure that these machines can be incorporated into the ukrainian air force. according to. it is unclear from sources whether ukrainian pilots, who have been training with their western allies in recent months, will be able to immediately use combat aircraft or whether the process will take longer . ukrainian telegram channels, citing sources in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, write that ukrainian runways will be used only as jump airfields, because they are constantly attacked by the russian army. these aircraft will not be based in ukraine, but will enter ukrainian airspace for combat work. they will have to and here they are already waiting, a huge number of russian military personnel are waiting for the f16 to appear over the skies of ukraine, with only one goal, to qualitatively destroy these vehicles.
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it is obvious that zelensky’s autumn counter-offensive, if it takes place, will begin with the shooting of the f16 by our air defense systems. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, first grand. by the way, our military has such historical experience in shooting down. american fighters, for example, in vietnam. this week marks 60 years since the beginning of the united states aggression states against vietnam. that war changed the world and, above all, america itself. new circumstances, facts, details, declassified documents. everything secret becomes clear. in this sense, it is very significant how washington justified himself and then explained. why is there no alternative to war? just on august 4, 1964, the pentagon announced that american ships had been fired upon in vietnam.
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but even the famous test tube of colin paul. this is the medex, one of two destroyers that was attacked while on patrol in neutral waters of the gulf of tankin, near northern vietnam. on august 2 , 1964, two american destroyers headed for the coast, where pentagon-trained indo-chinese commandos were already waging a sabotage war against the forces of communist north vietnam. three torpet boats came out to intercept the ships, one of which was destroyed after a short battle.
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did not fire at each other, but the real shock in the night panic of the two american destroyers was that the naval aviation pilots, raised on alert, could not detect a single one a vietnamese boat, that is, american ships were fighting with money, the destroyers were rocking in the sea, one was moving in one direction, the other in the other, i saw them quite clearly, i immediately turned around to see if i could see something else, but i've only seen a couple.
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will be doubled, our response will be effective, but limited, about the limited response, the obvious deceit of three days has not passed since congress adopted the so-called tankin resolution, which allowed the president to essentially send troops into vietnam without declaring war
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compliance with other formalities. the johnson administration used the event on august 4 to pass the resolution in the senate, where there were only two dissenting votes. it was presented as a forced measure to prevent the expansion of civil conflict. however, after acceptance. anything, everything, but not everything, realizing that there is no war without coffins, johnson was afraid to get involved in vietnam before the elections. as i understood, spending days on the fly in the pentagon, the expansion of the war was our main goal, we were preparing for the expansion of the war and were waiting for it immediately after the elections. a swift, victorious war did not work out; american troops were stuck in vietnam for 8 long years. they did not count on such resistance, since it was from the democratic republic of vietnam and the partisan detachment. a truly people's war,
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in addition, worldwide support, military-technical cooperation, supplies of any kind of material resources to vietnam were provided by its allies, at that time the people's republic of china and the soviet union. american soldiers make their way through the tropical jungles of the south vietnam. what at first seemed like an easy walk turned into a nightmare that the whole country saw. this was the first big war of the tv news era. over the years , they have forgotten... the formal reason and the original goal - to put an end to the expansion of communists in asia in the main american film about vietnam, the apocalypse today, the image of a victory that never happened was formulated in the end by the crazy lieutenant colonel kilgar, for whom the meaning of life was reduced to the endless continuation of slaughter for its own sake slaughterhouses. i love the smell of napalm in the morning. you know, we once spent half a day bombing the same height. when it was finally over, i went up there. there was no one there,
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not a single stinking corpse, the smell, you know, that special smell of gasoline was everywhere, it was the smell of victory, 58 thousand dead americans, the war ultimately destroyed the political career of president johnson, who was so unpopular that he did not even try for re-election , america itself plunged into the abyss of protests, the crippling gap is illustrated by the family drama of admiral george morrison, who commanded that very navy. his son, the teenage jim, initially disowned him and later became an international star with the dors, expressing the sentiment of an entire generation that felt betrayed by old men who sat too long in high offices. as for the beneficiaries, the vietnamese company enriched pentagon contractors, among them. and locked martin,
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today they are earning their billions in ukraine. the giants of the american defense industry learned the lesson of a protracted war far overseas better than anyone else. georgiy litsashvili, dmitry malyshev, natalya litovka, channel one. in the donetsk people's republic , four industrial enterprises have already started operating since the beginning of the year, and another 15 should be commissioned by the end of december . the head of the dpr, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. at the meeting in the kremlin, other tasks were discussed. in the near future, special attention to construction, how donbass is being transformed after reunification with russia. about this in the report by alexey ivanov. i had a dream to paint the whole city so that the city would be bright and colorful. my favorite city, i local resident, native resident of the city of mariupol. there was a dream, and now it is coming true these days. yulia derityuk effortlessly makes mariupol brighter; her works adorn the corridors of renovated schools and the facades of new high-rise buildings. for example,
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the nevsky microdistrict and a giant painting, a girl named russia, a symbol of change is visible to everyone who is just getting acquainted with the city, the appearance is changing in a colorful, architectural style, and people have become more cheerful and joyful, this can be seen from communication, how they behave feel like they personify themselves, a citizen of the large native country of russia. in the summer of 2022, the whole big country took on the restoration of mariupol, then, looking at... one can say, they revived this sunny city, but the city is changing, roads, facades, houses, crossings, drastic changes, everything is changing for the good, everything is becoming beautiful, and look at the roads, we’ve never had such roads, yes, it’s a fairy tale, it’s just pleasing to the eye, you go, every time you see something new. okay, mariupol, for
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the third summer in a row there has been a giant construction site, the largest in the country. new houses and entire neighborhoods are changing the urban landscape. nevsky, cherymyshki, houses on gugel. people received apartments here whose housing cannot be restored. unsafe houses are being demolished and modern, comfortable apartments with spacious apartments are being built in their place. in this house, the designers even took into account the fact that the city is hot in the summer, and the residents will probably install air conditioners. that is, this is the design right away. we look at the city of southern mariupol, this is what i understand by air conditioning. yes, that’s right, the outdoor air conditioner unit will be installed here and installed in such a way that it will look in the same style as the facade. construction is now the main element in the economy of the donetsk people's republic. the head of the region spoke about this at a meeting with the president on monday. sites for new housing have been prepared not only in mariupol, but in other cities, including the capital of donbass. the construction is progressing very seriously. we had the opportunity to discuss at recent
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meetings, that is, in more detail, but what the most important thing is that we still focus on the construction of commercial housing, and let’s just say, using extra-budgetary funds. respectively. your decision on a two-percent mortgage at a preferential rate is yielding results, i’ll tell you that very carefully investors even came to mariupol, but didn’t understand how, but the first results, three houses have already been commissioned, put into operation, by the end of the year it is planned 15 houses, but for sites on the territory of donetsk, makeevka, enakiev, but i ’ll tell you, there’s already some kind of excitement contest.
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with the fact that for many years, decades, perhaps in the past, they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first, second, this is something that you, of course, cannot solve on your own, this is water supply, on these topics, i ask you please pay attention and i always pay attention to the government of the russian federation, vkontakte, please, with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this, of course, ukraine has blocked it. russian donetsk-donbass staged an introductory blockade of the donetsk agglomeration, thanks to military builders who, in record time, erected a new water pipeline from the don river, strict water supply schedules are a thing of the past, in most cities communications are being repaired, old pipes, including heating, are being replaced with new ones, and the example
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of mariupol shows how this is possible done quickly and efficiently, the same situation with emergency housing, people call these nine-story buildings that are located on lenin avenue in mariupol: houses, ships, indeed, very recognizable facades, an iconic place, in during the hostilities, all these high-rise buildings were very badly damaged, there was a fire inside, some of the interfloor ceilings even collapsed, they wanted to demolish the houses then, but at the request of local residents these ships were preserved and completely restored, now the apartments are undergoing interior decoration, the walls are being plastered on one floor , on the other, the apartments are already prepared for occupancy, the moscow region has taken patronage of the houses, and soon. the apartments will be in this final form, people will return here, people will return, yes, people they are already returning, the apartments that we rented out in the neighboring building, people have already arrived, moved in and are living, everyone really likes everything, houses that had minor damage were not just restored, but overhauled, communications,
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roofing, windows, some five-story buildings were changed now they look like new, the facades of one and a half thousand houses are being cleaned up in the city, for this they even developed a so-called design code for everything... four districts in the city of mariupol, each with its own color scheme chosen, namely facades, just by the facades, how i arrived in a foreign city, they didn’t recognize me, i don’t go, i don’t recognize it, i’ve been studying for the third day, well, it’s beautiful, of course it’s beautiful, yesterday i went for a walk in primorsky, looked at nakhimovskaya, very beautiful, i really like it, natalya gromova this week returned to her native mariupol, for the last 2 years she has lived with her son in donetsk, her house is destroyed, but without a roof over her head...
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she is setting records. the leading mine in the komsomol region from donbass reached a historical mark in july. 100 million tons of coal have already been mined here. a large-scale road construction. thus, in donetsk , the main transport artery, ilyacha avenue, is being overhauled. asphalt pavement and curbs are being replaced. the route from donetsk to the uspenka checkpoint on the administrative border with the rostov region has become comfortable. the head of the region asked the president about the possibility of expanding this road with additional lanes on the highway. is already under construction, it will be light even at night on the highway from donetsk to mariupol, lighting poles are already being installed along its entire length, and road fencing is also being installed, which was not here, after 6 years the level. the condition of the residents of the republic should be equal to the all-russian one; this is the task facing the leadership of the region.
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integration processes continue and there are already certain achievements, and budget revenues, both tax and non-tax, can typically indicate this, if last year 54 billion came to the budget, and this was twice as much as our, say, plans for the beginning of the year , and today... we can say that already in the first half of the year the budget received almost 33 billion. accordingly this gives reason to expect that by the end of the year we will reach figures of more than 70 billion in budget revenues, which is 30% more than last year, and what is decent, a good growth of 30%. yes, accordingly, of course, we are recording an increase in average wages of almost 40%. it opened for railway worker's day in mariupol. renovated station, it was restored in less than a year and a half, the building had to be practically
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rebuilt from scratch, ruins remained from the old one, the capacity of the new station increased by a third to 900 people, so far from here suburban trains are departing, however, everything is ready to receive long- distance trains from all regions of russia. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, andrey gvalevich, sergey klishin, channel one, donbass. i-mortgage program, which should support employees. for children's families, such a law was signed by the head of state, this was in june, the government made changes to regulations so that
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the measure became available throughout the country, parents whose third subsequent babies will be born before december 31, 2030 will be able to receive 450,000 rubles to be paid as a payment on a housing loan, while the loan agreement must be concluded before the beginning of july of the thirty-first year, we hope that thanks to such assistance. even more citizens will come to new houses, apartments, living conditions will improve, support for families, especially large families - this is always a priority for the government. it's sunday time, that's what awaits us next in the program. the murder of the head of the hamas politburo as an insult to iran, israel in anticipation of retaliatory strikes, a new type of escalation in middle east. on the american pandora's box, nato launchers have been spreading around the world for 5 years, how did washington
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ruin the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty, how will russia respond to the threats? the most scandalous olympics in history, what is happening at the games in paris and the echo, the flamboyant opening ceremony, president macron insists, is the face of france. new khersanez is a unique museum and temple complex in crimea. and we'll continue after the commercial. khersanez tauride, the revived cradle of russian orthodoxy. the land remembering the baptism of the prince vladimir, his glorious exploits are the beginning of the great history of the russian state. in honor of the anniversary of the baptism of russia, the
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opening ceremony of the new chersonese complex. everything we planned, everything worked out. today is the first one. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rom kastra product of stellar group vodka pichora product of stellar group vodka vedo product of stellar group cognac oldbarr product of stellar group burbon сtirsman product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. the soviet union is no more, now you can make a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about
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the oil for food program? do you have any idea how big it is? but what? in russia there is little oil, this is a completely different level, oleg and i decided to get married, yes, you were accepted into the master's program at new york university and given a scholarship, you and i just live different lives, i can’t do this, it’s hard for me, then you me now you throw this way, you recognize this woman, i think you know what happened in cancer, but for us this means that all foreign intelligence services are becoming more active there, hello, i won’t interfere. of course, what do you think, has she figured you out? i hope not yet, before you i never cheated on my wife, and you, i’m not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. trader, tomorrow after the program , do you understand what you have done, how have you
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not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years? where there are many songs by dvanaev said that you know, i say, i expected everything, but that it would be like this, i didn’t expect it, i omitted it, every time, when someone sings exyu, i think it’s good that you don’t have the opportunity to talk, she would have explained everything, someone is looking for you, in
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the rain, when i read what komarova wrote, i was very surprised, i was i’m sure that... this is something very popular and very ancient, on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed and we’re talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, do you know how she breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled, well, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole. you are wanted, everyone has a clue about you points of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, whatever he chooses moles, here's the question, be careful, i'm always
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careful, major, find on... hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister's confrontation based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. it's sunday time and we 're moving on. a new round of escalation in
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the middle east after a political assassination ismail haniyeh, head of the hamas politburo. the explosion destroyed not only... presidency in tehran, but also timid hopes for peace. iran promises a tough response to israel, russia and china warn of the tragic consequences of haniya's death. even the states that usually cover the main ally in the region are not happy with his murder. dmitry malyshev is monitoring developments. ismail haniya has lived in qatar for recent years. farewell to him took place in the largest mosque in the country. the emir also took part in the ceremony. on the third day after the assassination, iranian researchers reported that ismanil haniya was. killed by a short-range projectile with a warhead of about 7 kg. this is the only photo that allegedly shows the very tehran residence where everything happened. journalists from the new york times write that they received the photo from their own sources, and they also introduced another version. according to the investigation, ismail haniyeh was killed
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with an explosive device that was hidden in advance in a well-guarded complex. the british telegraph is already openly calling israel for... israel embedded a sophisticated spy program in a message sent to ismail haniyeh using whatsapp, he was killed after a conversation with his son during which the spy program identified haniyeh's location. israel itself remains silent. we do not comment on this incident. thank you. next question. the first reaction of americans to the news of the murder of ismail haniya was one of confusion. she found the head of the pentagon in the philippines, and the state department in singapore. can you confirm what is behind this hit? israel, were you warned that this would happen? i don't have anything for you on
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this matter. something happened that we did not know about, in which we did not take part. and joe biden, he came to earn political points by meeting a plane with three prisoners released in russia, when asked about the fate of eight other americans who are still being held by hamas, he answered briefly. and irritated, was there still a chance for negotiations after the murder of ismail haniyeh, it definitely didn’t help, that’s all, thank you. ismail haniyeh was indeed the main one negotiator in indirect contacts with israel, in comparison with other members of hamas, he was considered a moderate politician, even despite the fact that just last month , 10 members of his family were killed as a result of an israeli airstrike on the shati refugee camp, in april there,
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obviously, that this kind of ongoing escalation, while this is all going on, there is no need to hold new elections, the knesset there, especially , won’t meet at all until november, and then maybe the administration in washington will change, well, we’ll agree on everything with the republicans, or already agreed, after the meeting with biden, the israeli prime minister demonstratively went to the republican estate of maralaga, he could blackmail the white house with the fact that if he does not receive complete carte blanche to conduct an operation against hezbollah in southern lebanon, he will simply.
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we all remember very well the dangerous escalation in january 2020, when the region teetered on the threshold of confrontation as a result of the us assassination of qasim sulaymaniyah in iraq. we note with regret that proper conclusions have not been drawn. washington, acting irresponsibly, filed a bad example for others.
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the trigger for the escalation of tension on the lebanese border was also a murder. on tuesday, israeli air force fighter jets fired four rockets into the beirut suburbs.
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fuad shokkar, the right hand of hazbalah leader sheikh nasrola, was killed. the rubble was cleared for several days; three women and two children became victims of the raid. 74 people were injured. their ezbollah and hamas promise retribution, epithets about his character are one harsher than the other. just like after the murder.
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iran has already proven that it will respond to such demonstrative and sensitive blows maybe. on april 13, when iran launched 170 drones and 120 ballistic missiles toward israel in response to a missile attack on its consulate in damascus, even american assistance did not prevent the iranians from making a breakthrough.
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timing for the liquidation of ismail hani. the times publication in israel quotes an american official who claims that biden, during an outburst of anger, literally demanded to stop hanging noodles on his ears, because during a personal meeting, netanyahu assured biden that negotiations on the release american hostages and the ceasefire in gaza are about to be renewed. the american president still promised help, but warned that there would be retaliation, but you shouldn’t count on more, he even repeated
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it several times, that’s how...
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according to the national electoral council, the current head of state, nicolas maduro, won an unconditional victory. he was supported by almost 52% of voters, his closest rival edmund gonzalez was supported by about 43%. but it was he who washington decided to recognize as the winner of the race, and this was stated in state department. they also called on venezuelans to think about how to transfer power from one candidate to another peacefully. secretary of state antony blinken's statement was released on friday after a wave of unrest swept across venezuela, behind which... the americans confidently stand in caracas. over 2 thousand participants have already been detained. president nicolas maduro called on citizens to help take the others into custody. everything happens according to a familiar scenario. only after the last presidential elections did states and a number of european countries declare temporary venezuelan president is oppositionist juan guaido. it was not possible to organize another color revolution then. as a result, guaido first went to colombia and then moved to america. this week. it has been 5 years
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since the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty terminated. a document signed by mikhail gorbachev and ronald reagan in 1987 limited the arsenals of the two nuclear superpowers for more than three decades. let me remind you that the average and shorter range is in the range from 500 to 5,500 km. the united states withdrew from agreement in 2019 unilaterally under a flimsy pretext. why was it necessary to destroy one of the most important elements of architecture? world security, it is already obvious that washington’s immediate plans include deploying the latest missile systems with a destruction zone of up to 3,000 km on german territory. there is no need to explain where they will be aimed. but russia has a response to any threats, so it was and so it will be. anatoly lazarev will continue the topic. the ancient greek poet hesiot would have been quite surprised if he had learned that the jug he once described, later named pandora's box, a repository of troubles and misfortunes, in
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the 21st century has become like a huge container, which is what the american military is opening increasingly closer to russia. this is a nato mk-70 mobile launcher, it can be armed with sm6 missiles with a range of up to... which stand vertically, then these missiles are launched, that is, in fact , the secrecy, secrecy of the transfer of such attack weapons, it is guaranteed, the nato summit in washington announced in july that they will install missiles in germany. if nato
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strikes russia, then the affected sector, both from the territory of denmark and from german soil will cover almost the entire european part of our country, including moscow and st. petersburg. until recently, this was impossible, since there was a treaty on the elimination of missiles. no less than the range of the inf treaty, signed by gorbachev and reagan in 1987, it obligated the parties to destroy no longer produce all ground-based missiles and launchers that could hit a target in the range from 500 to 5,500 km, that is, between tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear there was nothing left with weapons at all, then these several steps to escalation were removed, which of course increased strategic stability, now we see that from... western countries there is a desire to build these steps again, which will naturally increase the risks of nuclear war. for more than 30 years, this document guaranteed a peaceful balance of power in europe and on the planet, but in august 2019 exactly 5 years ago.
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trump announced that the united states would unilaterally cease to comply with its obligations under the treaty because, according to according to washington, moscow is allegedly violating the terms of the agreement; russia has denied the accusation. they themselves violate everything. and then they look for excuses, appoint those responsible, but also mobilize their satellites, they so carefully, but still grunt at the americans on this issue. russia, of course, could not ignore the annulment of the inf treaty, since a little bit of the country’s existence is at stake. as you know, several years ago, the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and declared that they will be so rocket-like. system to produce, we announced in 2019 that we will not produce these missiles and will not deploy them until the united states deploys these
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systems in some region of the world. today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already imported them. based on the actual situation, make a decision on where, if necessary to ensure our security, to place them. moreover, the united states announced that it will deploy in germany in 2026 the latest dark eagle missile system, its
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hypersonic missiles hit a target 3,000 km away. the entire european part of russia up to the urals will fall into the risk zone. important russian government facilities will be within its reach. at the final stage, we will take
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mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. the decision to deploy missiles on german territory was made in washington, but berlin’s opinion was not particularly interested. chancellor olaf scholz, who walked in his youth, to rallies against the appearance of pershings in the country, now he has agreed on similar deployments. this was discussed behind the scenes, on the sly, and now scholt is under fire from all sides from criticism. placing additional strike missiles on german soil does not improve our security; on the contrary, it increases the risk that germany itself will become a theater of war, with dire consequences for everyone who lives here. the united states has already worked out the transfer of its missile systems to typhoon, not only to europe, but to southeast asia. these were just exercises, the pentagon said, both about denmark and the philippines. now the us is practicing the deployment. such systems, both in the west and in the east, with such actions the united states seems to be
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inviting its allies and partners to develop similar weapons systems and, in fact, to deploy them on their territory. the spread of nato missiles around the world worries not only russia. the american medium- range missile system is a strategic offensive weapon. the us and the philippines must remove her from the region immediately and never again use. in recent years, washington has withdrawn from many control treaties. vladimir putin’s proposal to create a unified eurasian security architecture has aroused interest among the countries of southeast asia, as foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke about after recent negotiations in laos at osian events. what could russia's response be if american missiles, including nuclear ones, actually appear in europe? it is possible that iskander missiles will be equipped with nuclear warheads. in kaliningrad, for example, in addition, russia has
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sea-based caliber cruise missiles, their range is 2,600 km, the map of where they can be reached is probably now being studied by the nato military. it is no coincidence that president putin commented on this topic at the naval parade in st. petersburg last week, the parade of ships, including from china, india and algeria, in the waters of the neva, and numerous foreign delegations on the st. petersburg shore. all this speaks, among other things, about how many countries, if necessary, count on help. russian fleet. russia used navy day to highlight its relations with non-western countries as part of a strategy to build an anti-western coalition led by russia. all this should discourage washington from opening pandora’s box. not literally yet. anatoly lazarev yulia foreign magomed amirkhanov. first channel. the olympics in paris breaks records, but most often not in sports, scandalously absurd. the opening ceremony is like a black mass.
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this athlete in red is a representative algeria's iman kheliv, the unique charm of the olympics in paris, which day fans have to discuss not records, but the gender of the participants in the competition, here is the movement, here is the blow that passed, and indeed the power of the blow of men's boxing differs from women's, at the olympic boxing tournament, it acts as a woman, but she looks and most importantly,
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a couple of missed blows were enough for the athlete from italy to refuse to continue the fight. this is her predictable reaction to defeat. it's not fair, it's not fair. and this, moreover, is not single case. a double blow has been dealt to women's boxing. just a year ago, two boxers from algeria and taiwan were disqualified from the world championships for failing a gender test. and now both of them or...
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those who set the rules could also, this is a parody and mockery of all olympic sports. the writer john rowling, known for her fight for women's rights, did not stand aside. look at this and then explain why you don't mind a man beating a woman in public for your entertainment. and this was published before the fight, the second rival of the algerian boxer. the beauty and the beast. the victory in the fight, as expected, went to the one who was larger. hali! publications by athletes convey the atmosphere at the games. this joke was posted by a triathlete from holland before the open water stage. 9 days until we emerge from the water like this. and indeed, it was as if she was looking into the water. triathlon in paris has suddenly become one of
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the most talked about sports. the reason is the desire of the organizers to hold a swimming tournament in the city at all costs. in the waters. seine river, where swimming has been prohibited for more than a century since 1923. in vain, the mayor of paris personally dived into everything, demonstrating that swimming here is safe; efforts to clean the river of pollution were wasted, even though they cost 1.5 billion euros. as soon as the rain fell over the city, the hay turned into a gutter again; the starts were postponed for several days, but this did not help. disgusting, a beautiful place is not enough for pleasure, yes, during the swim there was little pleasure, thank you, go, you will regret it soon. the athletes’ well-being after the start also speaks for itself, and this is only what was included in the frame. the games may end with a bunch of infectious diseases,
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but it won’t be immediately after the swim, after yesterday, well, if it hasn’t already started, then it will start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, however, you can see a doctor not only after the swim. raw meat, you heard right, athletes are served raw meat. for a country known throughout the world for its haute cuisine, this is an unforgivable oversight. even the french press was forced to admit that the organizers had miscalculated with the olympic menu. after the influx of athletes , it turned out that there was not enough food in the main restaurant of the olympic village. some foods, such as eggs, had to be limited. the british team decided to call it that way. paris, his own chef, a swimmer from australia even said that nutrition at the olympics prevents him from showing good results. the lack of world records is explained by the fact that here they think not about results, but about environmental friendliness, veganism and carbon footprint. they had a charter according to which 60% of the food in the village should be vegan, and the day before the opening ceremony
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, the village ran out of meat and dairy products because they didn't expect so many athletes to choose this food over vegan food. athletes living in the olympic village complain about eco-friendly cardboard beds, lack of air conditioning, and cramped rooms. video of an american tennis player with a caption for 10 girls, two bathrooms. as a result, athletes are moving into hotels in droves. the south korean swimming team has moved in full force. the reasons for this decision were fully explained team coach. we just want to make sure they're at least a little more comfortable. another scandal broke out. in beach volleyball. the netherlands included in its national team an athlete who was once convicted of pedophilia. even the western press considered his presence at the games inappropriate. the controversy continues due to the spinelessness of the authorities who created this situation. with a past like vandevelde’s, the path to the olympics is barred. what a dark, shameful day. but for the olympics,
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which began with open mockery of peasantry, this is rather in the order of things. despite the criticism heard in the world, the french authorities... stand their ground. the french are proud of the opening ceremony. we are all very proud of her. i believe that france has shown its true colors. she showed her courage and did it with her characteristic artistic freedom. now sports fans are left to wonder what face france will show during the remaining days of the olympics and whether the upside-down flag over the opening ceremony was an accident. paris is truly turned upside down.
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confessions in the homeland of our entire great homeland, everyone will receive an answer to these most important questions, our common godfather, the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir, together with his retinue, was baptized here in 988 , originally from these places, our culture, history, statehood, entering to the new chersonese, you fully feel your roots. at the same time you feel yourself in several eras and feel them in modern times, at the same time you feel this power of place, like...
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yes, just like at home, of course, somehow it just happened that we came and poured out, if the muse doesn’t come to you, but you can get hooked on it yourself, please play something for the soul, with pleasure, the boundaries between the ancient past and the present here seems to not exist at all, i... wanted to ask, what time are you from? are we from the present time? am i from the present? maybe you are from the past or from the future? no, i am exclusively from the present,
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i am interested in wisdom, so in the course of your life, have you found a recipe for happiness? i think that i still in search, it seems, it’s only outwardly that we are different, we are looking, as 25 centuries ago, for the same thing, to invest our strength not only in our happiness and prosperity, but in the general, and this is advice: by the way, the philosopher who lived in the fifth century bc, let's listen. in khersanes tauride you can look at the slave market, and then go to the resting place. i was impressed by everything, especially the actors who created this setting of ancient greece, well, how i imagined it all. here, but the most important thing that impressed me was this is the time during which it was built. new chersonese was built in less than 2 years, archaeologist. and discovered in the foundation of the southern part of the ancient greek polis a real storehouse of treasures, almost 7 million artifacts, 350,000 of
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them became museum exhibits, in the mirror of the water of the geraon river, which fed the chersonnesians 2,500 years ago, the present is reflected, immersion in the special atmosphere of the evening new khersanes, the byzantine city of the twenty-first . century open -air amphitheater, where performances will soon be played, a unique temple park, but especially fascinating looks like the only museum of christianity in russia, a beauty that cannot be expressed in words, we have probably visited all eras today, we have visited the byzantine empire and the soviet union, in the present time, this is an amazing place, the historical, cultural and rich heritage is reflected here for our ...
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there are three national languages ​​in the republic, along with russian - ukrainian crimean tatar. interethnic peace is achieved, among other things, through
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the support of all traditional religions. last year it opened in simferopol the largest mosque on the peninsula. there are four fifty-meter minarets in the corners, the height of the dome of the mosque is 28 m. inside, the walls are decorated with unique crimean tatar.
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around every corner something new opens up, large-scale, huge, beautiful, wonderful, well, all at once in one, we’ll definitely come, in one go, we probably can’t go through it all, we can’t look through it, we’ll definitely come, monumental, it’s not even like i can’t believe
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that in such a short period of time they could have done so beautifully... the museum and temple complex of new khersanez in crimea, the opportunity to travel back in time at the crossroads of the era of civilization. we are watching the opening ceremony right now. we have been waiting for this moment for 10 years. at the beginning, in
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1914, they didn’t even understand what we should do and what? “something can be done, but the order was given by the president himself and the blessing of my patriarch himself, everything that was planned worked out, yes, thank god, his holiness is interested, so for him, this is also important, for his support, his support, yes blessing, prayers,
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procession of the cross left the museum of christianity, this museum was conceived back in 193, and a project was created that was approved by emperor nicholas ii. in size, it was, of course, much smaller than the one we see now, but we took the front part of this museum as a basis. a dome that floats. above this museum, it is a repetition of the dome of the sophia of constantinople, even measuring 31 meters in diameter. here the religious procession goes around the temple park, we decided to do it here, because the climate is crimean, it is sometimes
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simply merciless, especially in the hot months, you see these pergalas that are built over the temple park, while the grapes


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