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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 6, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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goes from ugledar to the village of konstantinovo, reached the rakadnaya road and actually created a threat of enveloping the city from the north. due to their tactical advantage, russian troops continue to advance, so the situation is extremely dangerous threatening. the ukrainians are trying with all their might to save themselves and their position at the front, but so far it is fair, here in an attempt to repel our offensive in the toretsk direction, the vysushniki even began to use a robot dog, but this does not really help them, that's what. writes about the situation in this direction already ukrainian military telegram channels. in the toretsk direction, the armed forces of the russian federation have expanded the capture zone in the settlement of zheleznoye in the eastern part, and are also making progress in the north, advancing in the direction of toretsk. according to military analyst bilt julian röbka, zheleznoye is 90% captured. they are also advancing in new york, making their way to nelepovo. a video of a major fire appeared on social networks. in the kharkiv turboatom - this is
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a turbo-building enterprise where low-speed turbines for nuclear power plants are manufactured power plants and where they repair military equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. this is the kharkov direction, let's find out more about what is happening there from the military correspondent of ria novosti alexander kharchenko, he is on the line with us, alexander, hello, how is the kharkov region? yes, hello, well, first of all, i want to say that today there is an intensification of hostilities. even, let's say, military provocations from the ukrainian troops along the front line, so the first is the kherson direction of the kinburn spit, the second is the kurbskaya region, they also reported that there was a sortie, a landing of ukrainian saboteurs on russian territory, until now, as i learned, the battle is going on, why did i say this in light of the kharkov events, the fact is that since the morning, ae... dolgorod region
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does not have an air raid alarm, literally every 2-3 minutes, and sirens are howling, and apparently shelling is underway, that is, so far nothing is visible visually, nothing is burning anywhere, but compared to previous days , there is a sense of activation of ukrainian forces, and therefore all this is connected with the fact that to pull apart - well, to disperse russian forces at diametrically... opposite corners of the map, that is, if you look at where the kurdish region is, where the kherson direction is, in order to weaken the offensive potential of russian troops, in the kharkov direction, if we take the direction, and if we take volchansk, then we will not see any significant changes on the map, and positional battles continue, fierce positional battles, and therefore volchansk. again, i highlight
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this aggregate plant and the area of ​​high-rise buildings, the high-rise area is almost in the very center, and the akhmat unit has already taken half of these long-suffering high-rise buildings , the aggregate plant is still standing, that is, as ukrainian resources have already surrounded it for a month and a half and are keeping it in isolation, so let it remain in their publics, our fighters.
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the troops tried to push us on the front line, but it did not work out, so they resorted to such, so to speak, a diversionary attack, so that maybe we could transfer some troops to the kursk region then try to attack in the deep, again in the same volchansk, because no one has relieved the ukrainian command of the responsibility to displace russian troops from the kharkov region, but they are not succeeding by standard means. alexander, what do you associate the activation of these days with, is it connected with the transfer of the coveted f-16? and look, here i personally have two versions. the first version, it is such an economic one, yes, yesterday the markets fell, yes, there in japan, in the usa and so on.
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in order to - to support, so to speak, the moral the spirit of the ukrainian people who believe that the western economy is the strongest there, they sounded in the spring, they promised an offensive in the summer, we are preparing forces, we will attack in the summer, there will be a counterattack,
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we will push back russia, the leaders of the ukrainian army said , and they, and this was repeated many times, summer is ending, there is no counterattack, but you can’t just go back on your words, there will be several... such diversionary attacks, when someone asks them: you promised, yes, there were several attacks, well, unsuccessfully, that’s why i associate it with this, then there is this - just to cheer up ukrainian society again, to raise patriotic sentiments, well, to show western sponsors that billions of dollars of money are pouring in simply - not into a bottomless well, here is at least some kind of a payoff, thank you very much, war correspondent.
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the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, all the time with someone, either with this woman, or with the cops, even the dog does not walk alone, today you will have an opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, the atp will be knocked out at his house, fortune teller, new series, today on the first. it doesn't happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl i almost don't recognize that child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don't think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, julia began to die very young, at 38,
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leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband, i said that unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, he knows only he, it is a big responsibility, to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did the only daughter, yuli, survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother's death? i am somehow really super-strong, i was somehow just like that , i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you came into the world, my life.
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residents is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can live even for free, if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems now, we accept him and settle him in one of the rooms, the favorite dish of uruguayans is meat-siege, usually we eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce, here's another rib for you, please, everything is going well in uruguay, the life of others...
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larisa alexandrovna, listen, so now she's taken on her granddaughter, it turned out great, like everything else she's done so far, we'll rejoice in our own. in unnoticed, two stars, fathers and sons, in time flies in the circle of talented people sunday on the first, alexander nikolaevich verchinsky, vera vasilievna is cold, mom, and shurik has a jacket like dad, by what right do you decide what we should do, by the right of a man, oh, and you have been in constantinople for a long time, 2 days. elena pavlovna, this poor child just fainted from hunger, do you want me
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to become your mistress? yes, i agree, to marry, only to whom, vasya, how good, to wake up alone, i know you, you are vertinsky, don't dare meet her without me, and where are you will you spend tonight? i've been waiting for you for an hour and a half, if i want to get married, i'll marry anyone, you 're old enough to be a grandfather, i think you wished me happiness, verdinsky is on sunday first, we love each other, and i'll be his wife, well , you're unlikely to be his wife, for the reason that he's already married. ukraine continues to behave like
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a terrorist country, according to our ministry of foreign affairs, the ukrainian special services were preparing a provocation at the ceremonial parade in st. petersburg on navy day, here are the details given by the deputy the head of our mfa sergey rebkov. the ukrainian special services were preparing a provocation at the ceremonial parade in st. petersburg on navy day, this was stated by the deputy head of the russian mfa sergey rebkov. according to him, several days before... rada the russian minister of defense held a telephone conversation with the head of the pentagon lloyd austin, so that he would convince kiev to abandon its intentions. the signal from our military leadership and the minister of defense to their american counterpart, apparently had an effect. we avoided a new escalation, summed up deputy head of the russian foreign ministry. andrey frantsich, but for me this is such a public recognition, including by the americans, that ukraine is a terrorist state, that ukraine is ready to go for any provocation,
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not a viable option, therefore, of course, they should push the conflict as far as possible until the denouement, did i hear correctly, excuse me , i will clarify, this is an important point, it seems to me that if they had organized a terrorist attack on the bottom of the navy, and i suspect so, most likely it would have been some kind of big explosion in a large crowd of people with large casualties, then we would not have been able sit down with them at the negotiating table, they would say, well, you see, we invite them, but russia refuses, that they are provoking us so that we... don't go, no, i am not linking the events associated with the beginning of negotiating positions with the war
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crimes that they are committing, the fact is that the kiev regime has already exceeded the most possible standards that can be, i remind you, the crimean bridge, a pure terrorist attack, when the driver was blind, so he was blown up by a truck, they recognized this as their achievement, as a military operation, i remind you, what do you mean, attempts, and real murders of our opinion leaders, they constantly... talk about it and are not embarrassed, that is, the west pretends that they didn't notice, but what is important here is that we called the americans the day before, said that we have information, if this happens, firstly, this information will become public knowledge that you are supporting terrorism for them as part of the election campaign, this is not the best option, but the most important thing, i am sure that we told them, colleagues, don't think that it's a one-way street, we can too to organize such events as against your bases all over the world, it is not so. easy, let's say, difficult to do, so on the territory of america itself, that is, the americans understand that the risk is becoming very serious and for them
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it is unacceptable now, well, that is, they have limits, unlike the zelensky regime, of course, that is, if for zelensky there are none, he is ready to go beyond them, then for the americans they are clearly outlined now, this is very important, here why is it important for the americans, because they do not want there were at least some actions against their citizens, and for zelensky this is salvation. any loud event or a rocket that falls on the citizens of ukraine is a reason for him to continue to cling and shout that he is russian, he himself would be ready to do this, that is why he always...
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this year. earlier, he admitted that the whole world and he himself want russia to participate in the next conference on settling the situation in ukraine. taras, how should we understand this statement? you know, you really can't figure out zelensky without a pint of vodka. but let's still so let's clarify. he says: it is necessary to create a basis, that is, what is the basis for zelensky for the president of war, in fact, because there is nothing more terrible for zelensky than the transition to. normal life, because questions will immediately begin: what is going on with our economy, what is going on with our hryvnia, what are our prices for utilities, what are we doing with social protection of people, and there are certain strata in society that can ask, this stratum is probably the military, not the tetsk workers, yes, the tetsk workers, they are in good condition, the police are in excellent condition, everyone
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is earning money, from the security agencies only the military suffers, so again we return to his wording, that means... regarding these conditions that need to be created, and maybe that is why he is now trying to carry out some kind of military actions in order to utilize that stratum that can really ask zelensky something in peacetime, because i will remind you again, 2014 people are standing on the maidan, a new government comes, strange laws come, yes, strange ones are starting to be adopted laws, here the passionaries start making a lot of noise. ato starts loudly all passionaries, accordingly, for disposal, so i think, this is one of such options, the more representatives of the armed forces of ukraine die, the better the conditions, well , in zelensky's opinion for signing some kind of peace, but in the end, i probably would not count on the fact that zelensky sincerely
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wants peace to one degree or another, because this is still a person ... was often noticed in the fact that he does not keep his promises, to put it mildly, we must understand that zelensky is having such conversations because the situation is really complicated, the united states will do nothing about ukraine until 2025, because biden can't do anything anymore, kamala can't do anything yet, if trump comes, he's unlikely to want to do anything at all, plus, after all, the middle east can draw attention to itself.
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serious provocations, what kind of provocations, elena vladimirovna, do you think he'll go for in order to improve his negotiating positions? zelensky is ready to go for any provocations and indeed, this is not the first terrorist attack that kiev has organized, and how many murders have there been, let's remember darya dugina, let's remember many other bloggers, political scientists and journalists, how many terrorist attacks have been prevented? and how many have been prevented, that's absolutely right, but what else can zelensky do? well, he received fighter jets, f-16s, the americans set some conditions, not to use these planes there, there and there, they set such conditions, they could set such conditions, such conditions were, such conditions were, but it is quite possible to assume that kiev in
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at a certain point they will want to violate these conditions, another thing is that in this situation... i don't really trust the americans either, they say they are in a certain, well yes, they say they are in a certain framework and are putting pressure on kiev, yes they officially say some things, but if kiev succeeds in something, the americans immediately say: we have nothing to do with it, we said we shouldn't do this, but somehow they continue to supply weapons, in no way punish sanctions, eyes on their provocations. there are some deadlines when they will need to do something like that, so that to attract as much attention to himself as possible, whether it is connected with november and the elections in the usa. i believe that before the november elections in the usa zelensky will try to draw attention to the situation in ukraine, and since he is in a position of uncertainty, because he does not know
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who will come to power in washington and also because of his fears, seeing what is happening on the front lines, then he, he or his associates, can take some desperate step, the crimean bridge, terrorist attacks inside our country, what could it be, well and terrorist attacks?
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i do not rule out that this was also a british trace in this part, for the americans it is also very important to understand, as allies for them, the british are acting behind their backs, as for the f-16, i agree that the americans
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have outlined some limits, but not because they are afraid of escalation, because there are few planes, and it is not profitable for them now if we shoot them down right away, they would like to increase the number, use them very precisely, well, the media writes that a strike was carried out in the nikolaev region the target airfield for the transferred targets was the martynovka military airfield in the city of voznesensk. it is specified that there are missiles for fighters and flight personnel, including foreigners. but this news is especially important, first of all, because just a couple of days ago, vladimir zelensky proudly said that western fighters were already in ukraine, he was shown footage of flights over lviv, over odessa, and there was a question, did they get lost or were they really there? is, but actually what is not there, there is no doubt, the question, combat missions are still being carried out or trained . the joy of the ukrainians was short-lived, firstly, they were promised 79 fighters, but
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so far they have received only 10, whether the rest will arrive is still in great question, and secondly, western tv channels are vying with each other to report that the f-16 simply did not help zelensky. and should be removed from service and replaced with newer models. the allies promise ukraine 79 aircraft, but the f-16s that
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have recently arrived are only a handful. ukrainian media report that only 10 fighters have been delivered to the country, this is not even iskadrilya. this is only the first problem. the second is the training of pilots, which also has many questions, many of them have not even finished their training. in order to claim... an attempt by the ukrainians to dominate the skies, at least 130 combat aircraft are needed, and even under these conditions, russia has at least twice as many fighters, this supply is a relief for kiev, but it is not enough to change anything on the battlefield to defeat russia. only 20 military personnel have undergone f-16 training, each aircraft must have two pilots. here consider how few aircraft ukraine can use. what will it be for?
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given all the difficulties and limitations, the f-16s are unlikely to be a magic wand for ukraine in the conflict. russia warns that they will not have a significant impact on the course of events because they will be shot down. and a series of strikes on ukrainian air bases has also cast doubt on kiev's ability to protect its long-awaited and expensive weapons. well, here, of course, it is appropriate to recall that the american military has repeatedly said that in preparation ukrainians have had a lot of trouble getting the f-16 up and running, as nato's top commander in europe, christopher cavolle, said in april. it's especially hard to transition from the old soviet-era planes the ukrainians were flying to a modern
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fourth-generation aircraft. all the manuals, all the instructions, all the buttons are in english, and you need to have a good command of the language to use them. another important step is to determine whether the pilot has sufficient basic training; if the person is already experienced, he or she goes directly to control of f-16, but this leads to certain difficulties, because these aircraft are very different from those they flew in the ukrainian air force. in general, the quality of life expectancy of the kiev boss now depends on quantity.
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they are simply afraid to supply these weapons en masse, because if we really see 2-3 f16s that will burn in the sky and burn out on the ground, then this will again raise big questions among buyers of western weapons about the effectiveness of these weapons, therefore, of course, there is a question here about reputational losses that western partners may suffer, and therefore, in order to avoid these reputational losses, it means that zelensky, who talks about a fair world, about some negotiations, must create for himself, again, let's go back, elena vladimirovna, conditions
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that are favorable for these negotiations, this means that the west will now help zelensky in every possible way, well, let's say, very skillfully use these fighters at the front, this means that we really cannot do without the west, what should we expect? there will be new deliveries, in fact, zelensky will try to use the delivered aircraft in order to somehow change his position on the fronts for the better, but any objective observer will say that this is impossible, they understand this in washington and yet they delivered these f16s, which means zelensky cannot play the situation back to what it was, what were these aircraft delivered for, including in order to...
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further by autumn or in the fall, i really want to, for some reason i remember the proverb of the chickens they count in the fall, here f16 they count in the fall, i suppose we'll count, we'll count for sure, now we'll break off for a short commercial, and then we'll return to the studio, fantastic, on friday on the first to de...
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it will be late, start liquidation, what would i wish for grandpa for his birthday, that's more great-grandchildren, on saturday on the first, wait,
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where, i said, go, uh, sunday on the first, like scarlet, the car is being repaired, i'll explain everything later, there's been no bus for a long time, well, guys, let's go to the movies, and as we agreed, oops, and this is my worker,
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meet, hello, i'm alena, hello, in the new season, on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city. the only real witness, the only
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person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first. what a unique gift you have, you take such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or something, it's me, andryukha, that means life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, what does this mean, you don't take guys just because he... i don't know the notes, in order to get official
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status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you've been accepted, from today on a new life begins for you, if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met, if i see you with this person again, i 'll tell my father everything, you're mine, you're my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, glory... i wanted, remember, goracheva and his choir there shouldn't be a song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, here the ukrainians in a few years have gotten used to the fact that the whole world should adjust to them, this is what happens in sports, for example, listen to what the ukrainian fencing athlete
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olga kharlan says, who took third place at this olympics and the same one who last year demonstratively refused to shake hands with our athlete, so now she proudly talks about how the ukrainians could have bent. the war between russia and ukraine has changed the rules in some sports, including fencing. if the international federation wants to admit athletes from the country. a few seconds victory, here's the new hype: athletes from several countries at once
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will not be able to take part in the competition due to e. coli infection caused by dirty hay, here's what journalists are writing about it. the belgian olympic committee announced that it was withdrawing its team from the mixed triathlon relay at the olympic games in paris, after one of its participants, swimming in the seine river, fell ill. claire michel, who took part in the women's triathlon on wednesday, unfortunately, what gets into the seine is not purified by anything,
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there is everything here, there is toilet paper, unpurified water flows directly into the seine, according to the paris olympics, several types of disorders can be studied at once, from mental disorders to, excuse me, such intestines, and the paris city hall immediately began to deny it, saying that they had nothing to do with it and did not see any connection between the e. coli in athletes and the quality of water in the seine, here who speaks for the city mayor on issues of: sports and the olympic games. we do not know what claire michel is sick with, but i can say for sure that this story has generated a lot of false information. for example, they talked about hospitalization, when she simply went to see a doctor. local clinic. in addition, there are many other sick people in the olympic village who are not related to triathlon. i do not know what she is sick with, but to date we have not been able to establish any connection between sick athletes and the quality of water in the seine. in general, no politician in france will speak frankly, and on the issue of pollution of the seine, this is already obvious. well,
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here, users of social networks, it means, have already begun to show their attitude to what is happening in paris, they have chosen a new symbol.
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with a certain smile we tell quite calmly, it would probably be unpleasant to tell how our athletes sleep on cardboard beds or sleep on the street, or god forbid, after the seine something happens to them, here is the question, yes there they say, because of this olympics we have fallen into some kind of isolation, but softly speaking, it is not quite so, because more and more western stars, famous people come to our country, the next guest was the famous french director of argentine origin, gaspar nuet, he came to moscow and was noticed by the social. events, for example, at the olympic games, i do not remember whether they saw him or not, that is, for us, coming to him to us in russia turned out to be, probably, more important than attending all these games? yes, they say that he is a director who , among other things, sets trends, and his arrival here in this situation, well, it is extremely indicative and important,
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here the question arises: more and more we, elena vladimirovna, have seen in the last few weeks such disgust for the olympics and for what is happening now. states of america and often defend not their own interests, but the interests of someone else, or the interests of large bankers, industrialists, but not the interests of the population, so people are beginning to understand, they are beginning to protest and express their dissatisfaction, at least when they go to
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the polls, but the olympics are a failure, a failure from all points of view, there is also criminality the report is very bad. it goes, paris is different in this sense, and then everything goes in a negative direction, well, many have probably heard stories from tourists, how people were robbed right in the city center or robbed, or something was stolen even right in the hotels, i often hear such stories from numerous tourists, for example from arab, rich arab countries, which...
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the most severe antibiotics for athletes - this is a blow to health, but this is also a blow to the presidential ambitions of anna dalga, the mayor of paris, who hates us very much, for some reason.
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defense showed a video of a ukrainian soldier who saw our quadcopter in the sky and surrendered during one of the battles in the orekhovsky direction. the drone operators from feodosia found vseushnik in a dugout, who was trying to hide in it from the artillery and attack drones of the crimean paratroopers. after the dugout was dropped with ammunition, and the soldier's brains fell into place, this is very important, and he made the right, the only decision to lay down his arms and... surrender. his life was guaranteed, well, you know, it's not that easy. surrender, taras, i just returned this
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weekend, i was in gorlovka and talked to the military there, including, they say that it is already from gorlovka to new york, well, it is like a part of the urban agglomeration, there is 2-3 km from that same new york, which will soon return to its native harbor, they say that it is extremely difficult for the ukrainian military to surrender, 10-15-20 people surrender there per day, but not all of them make it, because from... the story about the detachment's barrier is not some kind of tale, it is an absolutely real story, moreover, civilians who are still there in the territory where military actions are taking place, our military tell them: don't run to us, stay in shelters for now, because as soon as civilians try to go towards gorlovka, copters fly at them, they are covered by artillery fire, they do everything so that they cannot leave. what to do in this situation, because the world community is naturally silent, how the hell are ukrainian soldiers supposed to surrender? there really are a lot of problems here, and if at some point ukrainian propaganda tried to present this
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how russian propaganda invents that there are some kind of zagradotryata, then now we must understand that without any embarrassment , representatives of nationalist battalions come to ukrainian bloggers at these marathons and say that when they are asked, what are you doing at the front, then he says: and we work in motivational... troops, that is, they do not call them zagradotryata, motivational troops, that is, here again you can see the hand of a master, as they say, it's like the americans, the anglo-saxons in general, like they know how to beautifully call all sorts of obscene, ugly things beautifully, but they don’t say that they have, for example, corruption, they say lobbying of interests, and here it’s the same thing and we must understand that the primary task for... listeners is not to die from motivational troops who shoot in the back without hesitation,
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finish off with drones without hesitation, we must understand that at some point, i even talked to representatives of the russian army and heard their surprise about the fact that wait, we didn’t believe in these stories that the armed forces of ukraine could just finish off their own with drones. until we saw it with our own eyes and you know what the guys were saying there, and we are guaranteeing their lives, you know, when we showed this video, and you know, we will never, i think, see such a step from their side, the guys there are still saying on the ground that reinforcements are coming very slowly to toretsk, new york and other areas of the donetsk direction, now a very relevant news has come, andrey frantsich, that there is information that the enemy is preparing, possibly preparing a new... line offensive in the sumy region, i suspect, it will already go to the territory of the russian federation, and a message is already coming that a lot of reserves
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have been transferred there and the ukrainian military has a distinctive sign, let's show it, here's a little triangle, and it seems like a new group of troops is being formed in their sumy region in order to create the appearance, and today we already raised this topic, that they will try to pull us apart in different directions, that the kursk region is one direction, the sumy region region, well, it's nearby, and... south they are trying there kherson region, let's not forget, in your opinion, to what extent these reports can take place, to what extent they are real, they will really go on the offensive there, another question is that most likely it will be a really distracting direction, because the americans need an image of victory that can be well sold to their voters on the eve of such an acute phase of the presidential race in the usa. we understand that at the end of august, the beginning of september there should be serious actions.
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the nuclear power plant is the largest in europe and slightly behind the nuclear power plant in vancouver, after all, six power units, almost six megawatts, this is a very large layer of electricity, then in ukraine it covered 20%, now taking into account the reduction in capacity, this will be half of the generation, they would gladly lay wires through, that means directly through the reservoir they would take it and launch it, why are they trying to destroy it constantly then,
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it is technically very difficult to destroy it on their own... today yes, but at the same time they threw mud at us, that we are escalating, including with the use of nuclear weapons, no, well, there was a delegation from the international monetary fund and grossi came to the conclusion that yes, the ukrainian side is shelling, but officially they are trying not to say it, that's just behind the scenes, because of course he said it, in reality let him declare it in his official communique, which they will never do, because he
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will lose his long in the near future we are expecting major provocations, definitely. i think we will talk more, because they are really trying to accuse us of being ready to undermine it, a short advertisement and we will return, the soviet union is no more, now you can make a lot of money in a completely legal way, have you heard anything about the oil -for-food program, you have no idea what volumes there are, although the fact that there is little oil in russia is a completely different level, oleg and i decided to get married, and you were accepted to the graduate program
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at new york university and... "i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. hello, trader, watch the program after the time. do you understand what you have done, how have you not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years. have you been close to death? yes, several times. i lived in a cruel, difficult and magnificent time, and,
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despite everything, the best years of my life are connected with work in intelligence." "we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia. dmitry bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer, an unrivaled master of recruitment, a courageous man, not broken under the blows of fate. in the camps, i quickly stopped identifying my executioners with my homeland. there were periods in russian history when the only place for a decent russian person was in prison, so even in the camps. was in his place, sometimes the forces are cut off, the meaning of what is happening becomes completely illusory, what becomes your support, love, we are together again, i believe that i have lived a good life and am ready to live it exactly the same way again. intelligence legends, a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter, on saturday on the first, does not happen,
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that... very young, at 38, leaving my beloved daughter, vera, with my parents and ex-husband, i said that unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone, how did yulia's only daughter experience this loss, what path did she go through after her mother's death? just very somehow mega-strong, i somehow pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you came into the world,
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my life changed, i will always be with you, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday on the first, music sounds again in our studio.
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something very popular and very ancient yes 3:4 for a week, silgortu on the first, this morning the enemy began an information attack, reporting that it had broken through to the territory of the kursk region and was fighting there, we clarified the information, now our official... the authorities talk about this in detail, there really was an attempt to break through to the kursk region, here the fighters of the border service of the fsb of russia, the armed forces of our country did not allow a breakthrough of the state border, the battle was going directly to the state
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borders, the authorities warn about possible information leaks, urge to trust official sources of information and not to succumb to provocations, telegram channels write that at least 20 vusho members were killed, another 50 were wounded as a result of their attempt to break through to the territory of... russia in sudzhansky area of ​​kursk region, and it is important to understand that the artillery shelling of these militants can penetrate deep into our territory, so be extremely careful, those who are there, and trust the official sources of information, we will definitely tell you everything. next, the news on the first. this is the news. on the first, hello, in the studio of valery torablyov, in this issue. they tried to break through, but it didn’t work. in kursk region, our military and border guards stopped a group of ukrainian saboteurs. what is known?


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