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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 8, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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the equipment that is already in routine practice, it is as if from the future has become available to muscovites, so we can say with confidence that in moscow, in medicine, the future has already arrived. it has arrived in the sphere of capital transport, a long queue of people wishing to take a virtual trip along the high-speed railway moscow st. petersburg lined up in the central exhibition hall manezh. he loves trains very much, we came to this exhibition especially because he dreams of becoming a train driver metro, and of course, on such...
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the information channel on the first continues, now the head of the vargonza project semyon pegov is contacting us, he is on his way to the kursk region, semyon, greetings, colleagues, i greet you, yes, we are indeed moving from the dnieper, where we worked for several days directly to the kursk section of the front, and are ready, of course, to answer all your questions, what do you know about the situation in the kursk region, we know that we personally communicated well, were friends with zhenya poddubny, maybe you've already managed to get in touch with him, and have you heard anything from him? and zhenya was trying to call the whole way, when there was all this terrible news, for a moment he was glad, because his line was busy, then it was disconnected, in general, his phone is not with him now, but i know from reliable sources that zhenya's spirits are simply excellent, our colleague and comrade sasha kots, he visited yesterday... zhenya is worried
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first of all about his colleagues, he himself is ready to return to duty soon, i wish him a speedy recovery, i am sure that everything will be alright with him okay, as for the kursk region and the provocation there, now our group is also directly working there, i was on the left bank of the dnieper, since there was information that in parallel with the provocations of the kurdish region, the enemy would try to organize counterattacks on the dnieper, trying to land on our islands, our legendary marfeikas from the 61st brigade are holding the defense there, this is the northern navy, polar bears, sputnik, it is also a well-known absolutely heroic brigade that made a name for itself during both chechen companies are now covering themselves with glory, defending the banks of the dnieper. the situation there is really difficult, and the frontiers are working very actively, but we just left for...
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it was already night, the enemy attempted to land on several boats, three of them were destroyed, although it was a little further to the flank from the place where our film crew was working, the enemy was on the central spit, trying to land, but we controlled the situation in the rybalshee area and further there directly along the shore, i suggest you watch absolutely our exclusive report, prepared for vremya pokazhe. we are convinced that the enemy will not pass here, and i ask you to pay special attention to the new tactical and technical developments of our northernmost parks, as they clearly demonstrate that in a modern war , mobility is very important, ingenuity, this is what we sometimes lack in solving the most non-standard tasks, now young commanders, they really set such new trends, therefore... i ask you to pay
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attention to this, well, look absolutely the fattest exclusive specially for time show, let's watch, hello everyone, this is the wargonza project and i am semyon pega, on the absolutely most exclusive in waiting for a report today, because we are working directly on the left. dnieper, here the defense is held by the heroic 61st brigade, the boys hold the islands that are located between the right bank, where, in fact, kherson is located and the part that we control now, the battles here are really very intense, it is very difficult to carry out rotations due to the fact that very actively drones work, so do the yogi women, here is ours... i understand that we really
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have to perform real feats, every time the boys go to the islands, or when the enemy tries to organize landings, in general, how often does he try to counterattack there, the enemy - the riverbed - mines with the help of a babayaga, that is, drops yes, specifically mines, yes-yes-yes, occasionally boats come out in our direction, we directly guard the deregion line, destroy, if...
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we will now tell you in detail how exactly they fight here, we will show you these heroic guys. the svo has already demonstrated more than once that the time has come for our real domestic kulibins, and
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this concerns not only the unmanned topic, not only the topic of electronic warfare, but there are also unique, let's say, field... artillery developments, this installation is called partisan here at the front, one of the commanders of the officers of the sixty-first brigade of the legendary northern fleet polar bears with the call sign grief, great bro, great, tell us a little, like why this is convenient, how such an idea was born, well, partisan it was used a long time ago in chechnya , it was used and... in afghanistan, well, accordingly, they saw such a development of the partisans, it was uh , on such bipods, well, everything is heavy, to carry, to carry, it 's all very difficult, we decided, here i have a technician, uh, with a technician, accordingly,
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together with the guys, drivers - to make such a machine on three pipes, and from what we have here a loaf, we cut it off, here we made three pipes, it goes here yes... listen, well, as far as i understand, it really has a pretty serious advantage, because when the city is working now, it is detected quite quickly , you can't get close to the shore, here you also have your own specifics of conducting military operations, the main thing is, let's say, its function is mobility, yes, yes, the movement is fast, we can accordingly. quickly designate a point, accordingly, they quickly move to this point, work out and leave from this point, accordingly, this is maneuverability, that's why we put it on wheels, well, accordingly, why not one pipe, we immediately put three, because e the result is greater, how close to
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the contact line can you drive up, yes, that is, from what distance does it usually work, well , the standard work is 19800 for the bm21 grad, eh, well , accordingly, it has the same distance. we don’t drive up right up to it, so that we can maneuver, get away quickly, in short, well, because of this we don’t try to get too close, listen, well, i heard out of the corner of my ear that it has a second name for this, we already gave this to this machine, it’s a scandal, because the machine is serious the installation does like to make a scandal, yes everything is cool, in fact. we have an absolutely exclusive opportunity, as soon as the command is received there will be a combat mission, we will also wait for the departure, because it is a truly unique installation, it was used by our troops in afghanistan, and during the first second chechen troops,
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now an improved model is actively used here in the svo, directly on the dnieper. listen, well, in general, why did you go to serve in the polar bears, why in the satellite? i have practically, as you say, father... father fought in afghanistan, fought in all the military actions that our country participated in, accordingly he was a volunteer, and i wanted to paratroopers, well , such an offer was from my father, the marines, i say, i want to paratroopers, well , accordingly, and he says, yes, there is an option to combine the marines with a distance-keeping unit, i agreed, so i... it turned out that i am serving here now , i am here, listen, well, look, you are really a shining example for many - our soldiers, for
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many guys who are now going to the army, what do you want to say or what can you say to those who are now hesitating about signing a contract, not signing, we really need guys here at the front, it's time to sit it out, let's say , well, what can i say, in our country - there is such a thing that everyone has a choice, but uh... there is such a concept of honor and dignity of a person, there is a duty to the homeland, accordingly, we are all here in order to defend the interests of our state and accordingly to achieve victories, we need to go, defend the interests of the state, we need to gather our thoughts and come to the conclusion that mm we need to carry out tasks for the interests of our country, that's how it is, listen to the mountaineer technician. ready, ready, apparently, now we will be partisans, well, that is, hitting
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the enemy from the installation, we leave after the partisan to work, well, that's what we also have our own air defense, a brother with the call sign shanson, our old good friend and the sixty-first. sky, immediately opens fire, so we work under cover, as they say, let's go, in a modern war, without non-standard solutions, just no way, similar. syria against terrorists, here they
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are also decisively unwinding the enemy, when the enemy tried to land on the islands, he does not abandon these attempts throughout the entire time that we are on the left bank of the dnieper, and ... here is one of the heroes of this defense, a brother with the call sign gorynoch, brother, great, how old are you anyway? 23, how long did you spend on the islands? about two months. tell a little about this situation, when the enemy tried to land, i so i understand that his forces were superior, but nevertheless you completed your task, held the defense, of course, landed, cleared, consolidated, attacked, here the brother does not want to describe his exploits in detail. but i will add from you that surviving on the islands is already a feat, and surviving is not only a question, this
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is when fire is directed at you, really because of fpv, because of the new frontline reality, big problems, it is really hard to deliver both food and water to the ae there on the islands, that is, they are real guys there, well, they show ingenuity, resourcefulness, to somehow, including when there is a disruption. supplies not because there is no food in the army, yes, but because any boat can simply be burned and people will die, this is serious, yes, that is , sometimes they got by with the fact that there was a hunt, yes , tell me, what did you hunt, they hunted cormorants, once a flock of wild boars came out, it turned out to shoot one, take it, well, there are problems in that, how to cook it, of course, a fire attracts attention, especially from the air, it will be clearly visible, therefore, as if on a small always on the fire for a point. that's how the guys here sometimes eat delicacies, thanks bro, handsome, another one of
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the island veterans, who really spent more than one or two days there, bro with the call sign fat, well, you're not fat at all, the call sign doesn't really match, you lost a little weight, that's on the islands, yeah, how much time did you spend there, fifty, that's 50 days, yeah, wow, non-stop, non-stop, well tell me a little about the regime you have to survive in there, because 24/7 yeah, but in reality, i understand it's hard there and defense hold, because the space is open, the space is open birds constantly. babayaga, mavic, fipivi, all 24x7, listen, well tell me, all the same, it is necessary to be psychologically somehow tuned in, well and really i don’t know, to have the strength of spirit to find so much time there on ordered, we went, that’s it, you somehow support each other there, of course, we are one team, you support each other, well, what can you do,
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where to, we are one team, the most important thing is that it is a friendly team and you can hold. defense even in the most monstrous conditions, they are on islands are exactly like that, in the new fpv reality at the front you can't fool around, here on the dnieper it is especially acutely felt, because the distance between us and the enemy, it is really minimal, at least for fpv, so the established communication plays a huge role, brother with a sizable newbie. you are just the commander of the communications platoon, tell us about the role of communications in this war it is increasing, how it is generally transformed over time, here in your personal experience, well, the role of communications is very big, the main thing is interaction, that is, so that everyone the units worked together, everyone understood what they were doing, everything was coordinated, that is, thanks to communications, it ’s like the issue is being resolved, well, really it’s a matter
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of life and death, it’s a matter of life and death, yes , that is, we have such a zone here, nothing works, that is, no cell towers. you won’t get through on a mobile phone, that is, even if an fpv worked on you there, roughly speaking, that is, even to provide assistance so that he would come and evacuate, that is, without communications it’s impossible, so i see, we have another signalman here, this is yours subordinate, yes my subordinate, your deputy, i admit honestly, i've known him for a long time, since 1922, when it all began, my brother with the call sign chanson, and while we were talking here, we found out an interesting detail, bro, what is your length of service, how old are you now anyway? i have 21 calendar, when i was 18 years old i came to serve in the north - the sputnik marine brigade, well, i still serve, i have 21 calendar, i am 39 years old, that is, i have already served 21 years in the north, and if you count it preferentially, if you count it in preferential, then about 37 years old, that is, well , my age roughly corresponds to
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my length of service, well, that is , you serve here for a little more six months and you can say that you have outgrown yourself in the war. yes, yes, so get it, so it will turn out, yes, do you want to say hello to someone, brother, hello to kaliningrad, hello to the family, to parents, we will arrive soon, we will win, victory is ours, don't worry, at the beginning of our report, we were interviewed by the political commissar with the call sign stair, now the brother with the call sign political commissar will tell us, in what mode do artillerymen fight now, i noticed, you have some kind of unusual machine gun, what kind of machine gun do i have? it's not a machine gun, it's... a civilian version of the rpk, so, vpo 205, also known as vepr 12, and a smoothbore carbine with a box magazine, show me what kind of ammunition, shotgun cartridges, magnum, i have one loaded here through buckshot - 3.75
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and zero shot, that's if fives, fpivishes, yes, that is, and for artillerymen - contact specifically with infantry combat, it is very rare, practically can not be, that is, you have there is no close contact, as they say, you need to save yourself from fpv, and fpv, drones, of course, yes, that is, there is a working distance of up to 100 m, this is exactly what we need, well, the operating mode now is how actively support ours, as i understand it, the main task of the enemy's strongholds is to dismantle so that he cannot organize some kind of offensive strongholds, cover for our infantry in the island zone - here is the dnieper delta, cover for our boats, floating craft, well, here is work in a daily format, day and night, that is, we work during the day, at night we are working, that is, we will not have to wait long, as i understand it, the command to fire, no, the command will not have to wait long, that's it, we are working, it is necessary only, so, attention,
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calculation, sight 470. while our troops are actively advancing in the kharkov direction, and also storming new york and toretsk, and not novgorodskaya and dzerzhinsk, the enemy may try to organize counter-offensive actions in other parts of the front, here on the dnieper, the first brigade is holding the defense, it is ready for any. developments, with you there was pegov, german osipov and the legendary polar bear, the kherson direction. in the new season, colonel abdulaziz, very nice,
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me too, and this is his charming wife, we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary to just talk to married women, and even more so to help them, we both know that ... you are endangering the whole family, why don't you want to listen to me and sit quietly. oleg, i advise you to be careful. with whom, with everyone. trader. watch after the program time. you i have to contact him and give him a new task on the same object. bring him out of cancer, bring him out of the game.
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i have to come after the concert, check the hooves, check the feathers, everyone still has their own concert rider, and asla has a rider, fantastic. tomorrow at the first, how i want glory, you are a complete er there, and gumelev, by the way, is cross-eyed, i
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am not interested in life at all, only art, my face is itching, oh my god, these are children, something terrible is happening, but i don’t understand yet what ... they don’t understand russian, your talent visible at once, vertinsky, on sunday on
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the first. volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts, august 17 and 18, on the first. in the new season on the first, we were auditioned today in hort gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing,
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come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or what? andryukha, it means your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women, even... don't dare to read about, well then it turns out that you don't take the guy just because he doesn't know the notes, in order to get the official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you are accepted, from today a new life begins for you, if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met, if i see you with this person again, i will tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember gorachev and his choir on the song of the year there should
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be no, sing so that... the sun would rise. choir. premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon, on channel one. the information channel on channel one continues its work. good day to all, we are working live. with you, anatoly kuzichev. this is the program "time will tell". it is clear that the main topic for us, for everyone , is, of course, what is happening in the kursk region. today we will analyze what is happening there, and most importantly, why? this is an important question, how could this happen? this is also not an idle question, not from the category of traditional women's, and i told you, but simply in order to understand, so to speak, is something like this inevitable, is it possible to prevent it, is it a mistake or something else? but first i want to tell you the good news, this is no longer news, but still good news about evgeny podubny, a russian war correspondent
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yesterday... there were reports that zhenya had died, and i myself, seeing a large number of messages on this topic, a large number of testimonies, posts, statements and so on, also wrote a post there, without waiting for official information, fortunately, fortunately, it turned out that evgeny is alive, in fact, and a miracle, of course, saved him, because there, i am so there the drone just fired directly at the car, the car caught fire, then exploded, zhenya somehow managed to either fall out or somehow else, in general , he either fell out of the car or jumped out, i don’t know, but in general, the most important thing is that he’s alive, the most important thing is that he’s already in moscow , they transferred him to the skrifosovsky institute, get well evgeny and forgive me for this idiotic, for my idiotic post, thank god, thank god that everything worked out this way, let’s see what’s going on with us, let’s see how things are there everything is happening now, well, friends, yes, of course, and friends help each other, it's
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true. friends, friends, friends, and what 's the plan now, the plan now is to go to intensive care, we'll check everything again, blood, tests, all the research, then we'll make a decision today, i accepted, i understand, so everything will be fine, the main thing is to get treatment, military correspondent, yes, that's a man, i accepted, i understand. get well zhenya, so let's go to the kursk region, i'll show you the reaction of some western officials there , we'll try to comprehend it, understand what this means in general, what kind of hints are these, well let's first understand in general what happened, and if we think about it, we can understand that the emotions of the first days have already subsided, we can already more or less rationally try, at least understand what is happening, you and i understand that some large
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group with some large number of... there armored vehicles did not enter the territory of russia, obviously, there was no task to take russia, they wrote down, obviously, there was no task even to take moscow, and they wrote this down, moreover, there was no task even to take kursk, what is the task, why arrange this, i do not i know, it is unlikely that these people will be able to roll back somewhere, leave, somehow return as cosimetropes, i said this yesterday, and i will repeat it today, i really hope that we will not squeeze out... and as some of our bosses say: we will not squeeze them out of russian territory, i will insist that all these people who came to russia must remain in russia, in russian land, but why they came, that is the question. franz adamich, do you have an understanding from a military point of view, what this means? i ask, of course, well, first of all, whether they will remain on russian soil, in this there is no doubt, because those who planned
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this action, they knew very well that they were planning a sabotage action by suicide bombers, all of this is a terrorist attack. then the question arises: what is the goal? to conduct two battalion tactical groups to ensure such an advance with a hidden maneuver, with concentration, you understand, to do this without the support of modern technology.
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people in russia are afraid of some kind of temporary victory, which these people will discuss and talk about, they are conducting reconnaissance in force.
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to be, when you asked the question, what is the goal, well , from the goals, if it works out, people who are misled, who have a lot of practical experience, who, well, are morally prepared for self-sacrifice from
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these ukrainian special services, going there, they, of course, do not fully understand that they will die, but the task is this gas distribution station and the kursk nuclear power plant for me... this is the first in history, well, and in general in history, in particular, the first case when a helicopter was in flight, well, not completely shot down, he managed to land, fortunately, the crew is alive, all that, but nevertheless, the helicopter was attacked by a drone in flight, and shot down, and
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today the unit that is currently in the area has no means against it, because not thermal, these very charges do not provide anything, it is at high speed, it is in a state. there any, any snag of the propeller, this is a critical situation, look, we will return, i will ask the first one again, that is, the well-known russian question, but for now to aleksan gelvich with the second, the first - it was, who is to blame, the specialists will answer us, the second, what to do, you know, any situation can be and should be considered as an opportunity, firstly, it is necessary, it is already necessary to possibly conclude that the border of russia...
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they are on our border, and for us it has lost its sign, like a red line for a chicken, that is, we are now considering the territory of ukraine as a region of russia captured by a terrorist organization, terrorists
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who have no legitimacy, no democratic status, which absolutely does not comply with any laws, does not fulfill no agreements, and the only way to resolve this situation is to move towards liberation. from the post of deputy head of the security council and not just a private blogger, dmitry anatolyevich medvedev. this is a very important conclusion, that is, from any critical situation, a difficult situation, instead of saying who is to blame and how it happened, this is not for us, in any case, these are probably the conclusions that will be made, but now two main points: ukraine as an untouchable territorial entity does not exist, because with our ukraine is not considered inviolable, which means it does not exist.
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of course, our talk about a truce after this attack on the kursk region, the entry, the invasion of soju, will be fundamentally different. putin warned, do not accept now on the eve of the swiss meeting, conference, they will change, now consider that they have changed, and medvedev, perhaps with a certain reserve, showed how. now the complete capitulation of the terrorist regime at all, even without guarantees. women and monks,
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this is already beyond all bounds, this is not war, it's not war, war has rules, war has laws, war has ethics, war has certain red military lines, when a combatant is with a combatant it's one thing, you kill, you shoot, but when...
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roughly speaking, this is a small nuance that needs to be taken into account here, now in fourteen more post-soviet places they've shuddered , yes, but listen, okay, no, no, this is different for now, friends, don't worry, we'll now i promise we'll start the next part with you, alexey alexeevich, okay, now let's go to commercial let's go and come back, you told me that when he kissed you, you started seeing again, yes, what if it's not just a kiss, well... what if you see the whole picture,
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the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, always with someone, either with this woman, or with the cops, he doesn't even walk the dog alone, today you will have an opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, then they will kill him, at his house, a fortune teller, today on the first, for our first big money, my boyfriend sells oil, and i want to do better understand what he's doing, mister himself doesn't understand where he's gotten himself into, brought a siberian bandit and a french swindler together, and thinks he's achieved great success, not only did they agree behind your back, they also don't care that you'll find out about it if he gets away with it, i'm afraid they'll stop respecting you.
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watch trade after the vremya program. please sit down, listen to me, i'll think of everything. on the ninety-fifth anniversary of oleg strizheny. in early april, a new gang appeared in the grodno region. dictionary, former officer, polislav krug. and at we have orders to liquidate kruk's gang, and immediately. you are in charge of the operation, i am interested in the air force colonel, he is not who he claims to be, i leave it to you.
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there is someone looking for you in the rain, when i read what komarov wrote, i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something very popular and very ancient, yes, three, four, selgortu on the first, wait, where did i say? go, uh, here, go, go, tell them, what are you doing, what are you doing, come on, quickly move away from here, volodya, here, please take the money, this is all my fault, i am to blame for everything guilty, take the money, buy a car,
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fix the new one and the old one, alyona, no, what are you saying, i beg you, just take the money, just don't call the police, vremya pokaz program, we continue to work live, alexey alexeyevich, i interrupted you, in the most interesting place, in the most interesting place, because there is such a technique among television people, at one time, yes, the ukrainians, unfortunately, did not demarcate the border for a very funny reason, it's expensive, yes,
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yes, because all these border structures are a lot of money, they decided that it would not be necessary. of course , all this is interesting, but the meaning of the raid on the kursk region, it is in fact very deep, very important, this is a bandera punitive raid against the civilian population, this must be clearly understood, as in the bad old days - the great patriotic war, carried out under the cover of the current masters of the bandera regime, western countries, the planning took place from the west using western intelligence agencies, i don’t even know which ones i will simply not say, this is one. secondly, this raid, this the raid was aimed at intimidating, the same thing that happened in odessa on may 2 , 1914, and so on, to demoralize, judging by the information picture that was very much multiplied in social networks, in the media, the ukrainian, the relevant units, this was exactly it, the most interesting
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thing is that it is very reminiscent of the volyn massacre, these are references there, because you ... which the ukrainian, so to speak, actors proposed, the poles ate and you will eat, all this, the goal was to intimidate the civilian population, it was directed against the peaceful population, in this regard, of course, from the recent past , shamir basayev's raid on dagestan immediately came to mind, it's the same thing, it would be, it's the same thing and by the way, it happened, i think, the day after the anniversary of the beginning of the second chechen, i think so, yes, yes, by the way, the british, oh, i said the british. the british really like yes , coincidences of dates, that's why we understand perfectly well who is really behind this raid. it really is quite senseless from its own point of view, but it is very far-reaching from a political point of view
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the goal of creating non-residential territories, i am not quoting the document, but close to the text i am talking about quite such statements that are heard from that side, we must clearly understand this, because this is a very, we are talking about very serious things, well , finally, i would like to recall the date of october 7th last year, approximately the same thing happened now that we have. october 7th was the very attack of hamas, there silhamas on israel, which unleashed the middle east, i don’t know, maybe not a war yet, but at least a serious mess, i'm not saying that we should act like israel, because it's inhumane, it's genocide in essence, but we must take into account that there is an international precedent of this kind and we must work it out, let me now,
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the attack on the kursk region is one of the most daring to date, ukrainian officials remain silent about the operation and its possible goals. a representative of the ministry of defense declined to comment, and the press service of the general staff did not respond to...
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and the nuclear power plant, in principle, they have already threatened, that they will cut off gas supplies to
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eastern europe, our last consumers in the european union, and a nuclear power plant, otherwise, if the task was to suddenly invade, and then start bargaining for, for example, the territories that we control in the kharkov region, then of course. in this case there would be pr, they would fill everyone with gunfire, with delight, with new happenings in the center of kiev, how wonderful, wonderful, here they are really absolutely right, they are keeping silent, because they have not yet done what they went there for came, and in order not to scare them off ahead of time, they are silent, on the other hand, the second reason is that they may understand what you just said quite rightly, that russia's reaction may be approximately the same as the reaction. after october 7, or even with even more severe use more severe will be more severe will be they
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will definitely get. and it does not even come, but society is still half of it, we talked about this with our colleagues, but half is asleep, and maybe this is also why these bandera intimidation actions also aimed at intimidating the moscow and st. petersburg hipsters, which they represent us as, because the west and , accordingly, the ukrainians, have a complex idea of ​​our people, they look at the capital's intelligentsia, at people
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leaning from cafe to cafe, everything is cozy, and they will encounter such... it is impossible to tolerate this any longer, i think that we are half mobilized, now the second moment has come for the second half, it is clear, just scratch the hipster, yes, but not every one, you will find a russian one, i am now without by the way, i say all sorts of irony, without mockery and really, with a high probability you will find a hero , all this is superficial and external, and what did you mean when you said no, the blow will be even harsher, you will have a reaction, in this case
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the reaction will be connected with the fact that we all...
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groups, uh, with a breakthrough, i just want to all these experts lying on the couch, who condemn, who left, who came and condemn, war is bad, but who says that war is good, if we hadn't had february 24, today is a clear example what would have happened then, when they were concentrated with the support of various
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ammunition and units, when... there are border troops, a cover unit, which takes time, we are not preparing, we are not, we did not dig some kind of digs, we did not do this defense, today for many it is necessary to be clear.
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let's assume that now they do not consider, well , what in response? you know, i think that there is a certain line here, which we definitely should not cross, and you are absolutely right, that is, even if we are fighting with animals, we see in them people, and the fact that we see people in them and recognize their human dignity makes us bearers of truth and brings us victory, that's why we... from our
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christian russian understanding of man, even the enemy, we must not abandon the rules and ethics, including the rules of the laws of war, we must not abandon, but general klintsevich said it right, in fact, we have not yet used many tools that are entirely ethical, entirely included in the rules of warfare with a cruel enemy, which in fact...
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economically in the future it will be difficult for us almost almost unrealizable, but still victory is most important.
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will be, and from - the possibility of simply everyone who wants to go to the front to save our country, because the homeland is in danger now there will be no end, we must use even extra means, perhaps, perhaps, we are saving them, i may be wrong, for full-fledged and full-scale wars with nato, but in fact our opponents consider this as our hesitation, as our weakness, as our indecision, that's how they go for this escalation. further and further, now
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the time has come to show that we are ready to do anything in order to win, anything at all, now, look, israel did not hesitate for long before its invasion, it ruined its image in the world, it went for an absolutely inhuman measure, unjustifiable by human consciousness, but it threatens and it carries out, it receives a blow, and it responds to it, here are all the others who would like to enter into... even justified struggle, they are already looking, no, now the same thing will happen to us, that is , yes, these are not limited to words, you understand, and menacing rhetoric, they cross ethical boundaries, we cannot cross, we will really lose ours, our core, our heart, but we have not yet used such a large number of our resources and reserves that it seems to me that now it is not a question of whether we should move on to extermination, firstly, we will never move on to it.
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listens at the feet of christ, listens to his sermon, this image of exorcism, the expulsion of the devil, that's it what we need to do with ukraine, exorcism of the devil from our people, from our brothers who are possessed, this... the most serious military exorcism, forceful exorcism - this is what we have to carry out, there is a russian proverb, we will return, alexey alexeyevich, a russian proverb, remember, until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself, well , understand correctly, i will say, well at least for this, it is clear that we lost people there,
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it is a terrible tragedy, i offer once again, condolences to all who lost theirs, but you know, it takes thunder to make a man cross himself, here it is... colonel abdulaziz, very nice to meet you, me too, and this is his charming wife amal, we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary to just talk to married women, much less help them, we both know that you are endangering the whole family, why? you do not want to listen to me and sit quietly. oleg, i advise you to be more careful. with whom? with everyone. trader. watch the time after the program. you should contact him and give him a new task for
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to the same object. bring him out of cancer? bring him out of the game. i'm a crow, i'm a harrow, but i love you, i love you, i love you, i don't understand now how we can say this, honey, when here, honey, there's so much on earth, you're wearing welder's glasses today, i'll plow you, without you, without you,
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he lived through the moment that evening, only he knows, it's a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia's only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother's death? i'm somehow really super-strong, i it was somehow like this, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult
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life of a girl who decided at all costs to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you came into the world, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. i can't, they are so similar. oh, young people, these two are hooligans. by the way, the biggest one is the hooligan of the two of them, here's daddy.
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in the new season on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women lure into taxis and shoot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was easy enough to pick up, you are awarded a small honor of moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this. " after the war, i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , you don't have a photo of kolya, strange, where are they?" "they were here, lord, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real
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witness, the only person he was with came openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book by yulian semenov. we continue to work live.
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commits a crime already at the moment of this russia cannot strike at our territory, it strikes, because it is an aggressor country, and today they have a war that is gradually moving deeper into the russian federation, will this frighten them, yes, they react to something other than fear, no, we need to finally understand this, russia perceives any compromise as your weakness and readiness to stand in front of on her knees, they can sit at the negotiating table, they can be squeezed. get something only when they understand that the war is not going according to their scenario. well, here, we have already said about this formula, it has already sounded, let me repeat it again, well, if they ask so much, really insistently, really beg, but what can you do, what can you do, i will quote you again, it means that this person, any compromise, russia perceives as your weakness, your readiness to kneel before her, therefore no compromises, as you say, this is not even iodine deficiency, this is manic psychosis, depressive. people usually, well, if you even analyze a little bit what podaryak said, there
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are a lot of legal cases and inconsistencies, let's call it that, simply nonsense, but nevertheless, the fact is a fact, the little man holds an official position, so i wonder what he will say on this topic, it seems to me that the situation resembles such, you know, a street scene, when the owner of the fighters... and what he says, in fact, is an attempt to justify himself, why us,
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why us, and for what? i'll explain now, the thing is that this raid on the kursk region, it opens up new possibilities in connection with the statements that were made by officials, i don’t know, maybe the memory of a fish is distant, which in 3 seconds no longer remembers what happened before, but we are sensible people and we remember that... the response to the transfer of the f-16, which is officially assessed by the russian side as the possibility of delivering nuclear strikes on the territory of the russian federation, together with this bandera raid, all this changes the situation on the battlefield in a qualitative way. now legitimate goals of the russian federation in accordance with our military doctrine, including, for a second, and those airfields from which the f-16s take off, those - they were, it seems to me.
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and it seems to me, something tells me that the decision to de-escalate the conflict is not being made nearby by karin jean, not by those speakers whose opinions we, well, words, whose words we are now discussing, but by completely different people who, in principle, understand what is happening now on the battlefield, and the most interesting thing is the split and contradiction within nato, in particular between britain and the united states, it only intensified as a result of this raid. understandable, understandable. maybe, as for britain, here, taking this opportunity, i send greetings to our british tv viewers, here for the first time since the beginning
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of the special operation , the spartan armored personnel carrier has been destroyed before such reports. in general, television is almost the only means of communication left, but you understand, yes, that this is not some kind of no no no spontaneous breakthrough, not so to say no no dashing, carefully prepared, not only ukraine, well, what the f... for nonsense, well it's just funny, yes, a carefully prepared operation, behind which of course ukraine is standing, and therefore the impudent, like in that joke, red-haired british and american mugs, of course, they are there, they are not even particularly hiding, despite karin jeanpierre, anastasia leonidovna has joined us, thank you for being with us, you probably have your own understanding and even your own knowledge of what is happening in the kursk
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region, how and what can be done to help it, what is there now, well, in general i think that after this speech the far east should understand everything far away, yes far away, yes, of course, i don’t want to offend ours, but in no way, yuri ivanovich, yes, of course, the world community must understand that at the head of russia stands the most independent, independently making decisions president, vladimir vladimirovich putin - this is the only person in the world, as i believe, who is not guided by the world community, by the secret government, by some conspiracy movements, he makes decisions, and his decisions are always clear, distinct and...
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we now have only a few on the world stage independent players, these are china, russia, so we are trying to, as it were , our annexed republics, so that they too finally become independent players in world politics, this is what is happening now in kursk, i think that the answer will be terrible, and i think that it will be very soon, and of course i would like it to be more global than it will be, but nevertheless we are waiting, apparently the time has not come yet, but this is what is happening now in kursk, yes, the fact that now there really is an enemy on our territory, this is consolidated our nation, it really consolidated russians, all around these citizens who are now in a very difficult situation, i can say this as a person who constantly holds a meeting of the people's front, which you can see now, because my collection has increased 10 times this day, this is really very clear, we are going to kursk now, yes
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, we have a meeting of the people's front, we are doing rap, yesterday we were at a meeting just in the people's front, our leader. boris just rang out phone call, he turned white in the face and said that now i need to go to kursk, urgently provide me with 30 rebs in order to evacuate civilians from there, that is, in order to evacuate civilians, medical transport, usually we supply this rap of ours to the military for medical transport for the military, so now we are working with the whole country in full, really, here are those letters that people write to me, and every penny that a grandmother or a retired military man or not sends to me i know, a child or a woman, a man, they all accompany their parcels with some phrases, now everyone writes to me, we are with kursk, kursk is there , vladivostok is with you, yerevan is with you, saratov is with you, that is, the whole country has risen in a single impulse, and this is very pleasant, that we are all aware of this danger, the enemy is really on our territory, and he really will be defeated, and we all
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understand this very well now, but now we really need to concentrate both those people who are there and those troops of ours who they come there to help. i just wish everyone that the lord would protect them, that our victory would come soon, and that the enemy would go to his own, i already talked about this here, it means he went away, no, there was no “go away”, now there is no “go away”, the man crossed himself, but what is this saying about, not about the man simply crossing himself and then going to sleep, no, guys, now the man will no longer sleep and there will be no “go away”, there will be enough of our 2 me of russian land for each of us, thank you for your attention, see you later, thank you, you told me told me that when he kissed you, you started seeing again, yes, suddenly it won’t be just a kiss, well, suddenly you ’ll see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire,
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always with someone, either with this woman, or with the cops, even the dog... one doesn’t walk, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, atapovo will be killed at... his house is a fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, you were close to death, yes, several times, i lived in a cruel, difficult and wonderful time, and in spite of everything what, the best races of my life are connected with work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia, an outstanding intelligence officer, an unsurpassed master of recruitment, a courageous man who did not break under the blows of fate. in the camps, i quickly stopped
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identifying my executioners with the motherland. in russian history, there were periods when for a decent russian person, the only place was in prison, so even in the camps i was in its place. sometimes the forces are cut off, the meaning of what is happening becomes completely illusory. what becomes your support? love? "we are together again, i think that i have lived a good life and am ready to live it exactly the same again. intelligence legends, a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter, on saturday on the first. it does not happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost does not recognize that child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing - his mother, i do not think that i am without her.
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passed after the death of my mother, i am some kind of straight very somehow mega-strong, i was somehow all so pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of a famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be next to you, exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. how i want fame, you are scribbling there continuous eras, and gumelev, by the way, is cross-eyed, i am not interested in life at all, only art,
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my face is itching, god, these are children, something terrible is happening, but i am not yet i understand that, they don't understand russian, your talent is immediately visible, vertinsky, on sunday on channel one, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday
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on channel one. volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts. and august 18, on channel one. good afternoon, this project
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helps children in our country take their first steps towards their dream. the whole of donbass remembers the story of our hero today. in 2015, artem malyk, along with his sister ksenia, became victims of a monstrous terrorist attack. i have everything. the slam was burning, the whole the skin practically peeled off me, they poured water on me all the time because my whole body hurt, when i got to the hospital, i lost consciousness. when artyom's mother told me about the horrors that their family had to endure, and most importantly artyom himself, it was hard for me to believe that a little person could endure all this with such dignity, courage, and steadfastness. artyom and ksyusha were blown up in a tank, the children were visiting an armored vehicle exhibition and wanted to take a photo inside the car, an explosion thundered. little ksyusha died, and artyom, trying to save
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his... sister received multiple burns to the body and respiratory tract, literally all his skin came off, but despite this nightmare, artyom only became more confident in his dream of becoming a military man to defend his homeland. my name is artyom, i am 15 years old, i live in the city of shakhtyorsk. i have a dream, i want to become a military man, to control drones, but my family is categorically against it. and with health. i have some problems, despite this, i am not going to give up my dream, we said goodbye to ksyusha all republic, while artyom was fighting for his life in the hospital. hello, ksyusha, i brought you some candy, we all miss you very much. you would
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have turned 18 soon. you were supposed to live, study, rejoice, but you remained a child forever, you can’t bring her back, but we have to somehow live together, that’s the psuzh, i decided to become a military man, like your dad and like those people i looked up to, i hope that you will support me in this, i think that it was on... day that you became my guardian angel, please look after me, and i will be to to come to you, visit you and bring you your favorite candies. when artem talks about some of his health problems, he doesn't quite tell the whole story, the doctors gave him only 3% out of 100 for survival . artem has already undergone more than 20 operations, he
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urgently needs another one, i have 60% of my body burns, scars not only from burns, but also from skin grafts, there were 20 operations, it's hard, of course, but bearable, more operations are planned in the future, i want to cut my hair shorter, but my ears were amputated, and i have to wear long hair. the face suffered the least, the scars constrain my movements, they slow down my growth, physical development, but in principle i have already gotten used to living with them, i no longer remember what i looked like without scars. artem was supported by everyone, relatives, fellow countrymen, classmates, and of course, every minute of this fight for life, his beloved mother was next to him, the child
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came to the event. cars, tanks, i could not go, i was at work, i felt some kind of fear inside, everything began to fall off, everyone was happy, me, my uncle, and my sister, when we were already getting ready to go home, we decided to take pictures at the end, inside the tank, we climbed inside, just had fun, then everything turned red, i didn’t understand anything, lost consciousness, well, and after 15 minutes my brother called me , said, please: “pull yourself together, we are in trouble, i’m taking ksenia to the morgue, artyom was sent to the hospital, that’s it, i can’t keep quiet, now, when they started to pull me out and put out the fire, i saw how my clothes were melting, i will never forget this pain, they took my clothes off along with my skin, well, it was peeling off me, the child suffered a severe injury,
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theoretically this injury is not..." compatible with life, we spent six months in the hospital, they said, if you don't get up, you 'll just never walk again, by the hands, my husband and i lifted him up, when i got to my feet, blood was flowing from me, wounds opened, i screamed very loudly, the doctor made us do it like this, no syusyo, syusyo, when i left the ward, i wanted to scream, but it was impossible to do, it took a long time for artem and ksyusha's loved ones, having survived this terrible tragedy, to start living on. granny, are there still strawberries, haven't you eaten them all yet? no, no, that's enough! there's enough for everyone, let me help you, come on, currant, let's go pick currants, i love you madly, there are no words, we've been through so much
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together, he suffered so much, it was very hard for him, especially when my son arrived he said, that's it, my ksyusha is no more, she burned up and artyom was taken to the hospital, will she survive, won't survive, completely gone, skin, like that, took off her headscarf, when i arrived at the hospital, it was already white, instead of black, since then i haven't asked questions, everything is fine, everything ok, artyom amazed us with his unwavering determination to become a military man to defend his homeland at any cost, and he really wanted to meet a real combat commander, we managed to fulfill artyom's dream and we... didn't expect how happy he would be, yes, hello, hello, home, yes, home, it's a surprise, that's it, i'm silent,
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artyom, to you, bones, hello, greetings, my name is artyom, my name is nikolaevich, i know about you, let's talk, come in, sit down with my state of health, what area should i go to? it would be best to go, well, just for clarity, how i looked at 16, you will recognize, no, you will not recognize, it is best when you m work, what you like, yes, you forgot to ask mom, mom, she is good, she will always bless, she will support, maybe she will grumble somewhere, but she will always support, and the wife should be the same, living in such an environment, i want to defend my homeland, no matter what. if he succeeded, then i should succeed, and do you have any trophy chevrons, there is such, such yes, then you will have your own trophies,
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i really hope so, here's how to control yourself , let's say in the conditions of some kind of small arms battle, until a person is there for the first time, he will not understand, sometimes you don't expect a person to show some miracles, courage. to the end, he is the maximum, he is a rock, we've had a ride, since we met within the framework of that program, here is your first chevron, from which everything will begin, your path to a dream, thank you very much, i will go to my dream, you call me to the oath, of course, we agreed, we agreed, i hadn’t even left home yet, and my dreams were already starting to come true, meeting konstantin... really inspired artyom. now he knows for sure that he wants to work with drones and control drones. our path to the dream continued in moscow. hello, artyom. hello. glad to see you. and i’m glad to see you. i’ll shake your hand. we’ve arrived at the moscow aviation institute. this is one of the most
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serious and ancient state institutions of our educational, russian ones. and i think that it will be interesting for you here, for your future specialty, there is definitely something to see, something to try. yes, i think, yes, i'm ready. let's go, i'm behind you, come on, hello, hello, this is artyom, my name is polina, it's nice what awaits us now, i hear that artyom is interested in drones and we'll just look at them, we'll try to fly them, of course, this is a training drone, look, it's heavy, heavy, heavy, it needs to be lifted smoothly, that is, so that the power, yes, it doesn't fly up sharply, yes, as there, we had cases, like flights like that, yes, hello, it wants to come to us, yes, he wants to come to us, but can we move him a little further, closer to the operator, we'll push him into a corner, answer, i
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was afraid of hitting someone or breaking the drone, but fortunately everything worked out, now we're going to launch this beauty in the open space on... on the territory of the institute, i 'm even a little afraid, yes, i am too, try, bowing, yes-yes-yes, that's right, right, turn, but can we try a little, can we, show me what, well, turn this, i'm leading, and you used to control the copter, only apparently. didn't read his own, so artyom is now trying to do a flyby, a flyby, in general it's not bad, which is often used, well, tem, do dreams come true? come true, where are we being carried, only up, that's right,
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class, i didn't think that the first time i would be able to fly so well, now not only the film crew was filming me, but i was filming the film crew, we smile at imasha, but the culmination is ahead, artyom and i were waiting for a simulator of a real plane, which hasn't even been put into production yet, and artyom has already succeeded fly on it, we are standing in sheremetyevo now, this is exactly how it is. yes, all the instruments are here, all the levers, all the buttons, everything that is on board a real airplane, we press, one, two, put your finger on the center, increase the thrust to maximum, i am right-handed, i think, it would be better for me to sit there, let's run over as quickly as possible, and in the meantime, accordingly, we changed with the crews, and we forgot to retract the landing gear, let's retract them, we are going on a second circle, now away from you, no, we will sit down, and level the plane, away from
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you the control column, come on, come on, come on, be bolder, be brave, more, more, more, that's it, i got distracted for a second, and we almost fell in this simulator, it was very difficult to save the situation, as a second pilot i will say that everything turned out well, but ahead of us there is another interesting journey, you and i are now going to go, well, to the suburbs of moscow, to fly in a real helicopter. yes, yes, yes, cool, yes, well, don't worry, because i will still be more afraid than you, so everything will be fine, well, can you imagine, i'm in a helicopter, i never even dreamed of such a thing, now we are waiting for a real helicopter, a real pilot, a real flight, no more simulation, well then let's go, let's go. god bless,
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this is my first time at such a height, it's unusual, everything is small, now that's what i understand, a step towards a dream, well , how did you like it? i liked it, but i didn't call you, well, everything was delivered intact, yes, thank you, i always saw only how they fly somewhere up there, it was the biggest dream for me, thank you for doing this for me, this flight took place thanks to yulia shubina, she is our regular tv viewer, she wanted it to participate in your destiny, in this way i decided to bring you closer to your dreams, thank you. was there a step towards the dream? yes.
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well, that's it, super. despite the fact that artyom decided that his main dream had already come true, we knew that there were more important things. artyom has only a year left to have an operation to restore his ears. you know, our team, the whole team, and the first channel people's front would like to support your family a little more in the direction of rehabilitation, namely , plastic surgery, of the ears. we have financial opportunity. to pay for the entire operation in full, because there is a collection for assistance to the civilian population, i am in charge of it, and we will be able to do it, the only question is to get the implants, we hope that we will succeed in the near future, let's go, i was just in shock, i have been waiting for this for a very long time, my mother is very worried, she tried to find doctors who were suitable for money for this operation, when my mother burst into tears, i felt very... for her, because it was as if these
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were tears of relief for her. i am forever i will remember the wisdom and fortitude of artem. not only did the difficult trials he went through not break him, but they made him stronger and strengthened his dream of defending his homeland. this is incredibly worthy. it is a great responsibility for our entire team to tell artem's story. we are very happy for him and wish him only health and fortitude. let everything ahead be easy and bright. good afternoon, there is a big game on air. the main event of the last two days, of course, remains the attempt of a full-scale military invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region, in unlike the visits of their sabotage and reconnaissance groups to the belgorod region weeks and months earlier, what is happening now is a combined arms operation, also known as a terrorist operation, because the kiev regime is again striking civilian targets and killing. not combatants, but civilians.
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for example, yesterday evening, in the kursk region , vgtrk military correspondent yevgeny podubny was seriously wounded. thank god, he survived, and on behalf of our. we wish him a speedy recovery. today , deputy governor of the kursk region andrey belostotsky stated that the enemy has not advanced deep into the kursk region and is already retreating. the defense ministry also reports today that the enemy's advance in the kursk region has not been allowed, there is a firefight against concentrations of manpower and equipment in the ssu, in total, since the beginning of military operations in this kursk direction, the losses in the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 660 servicemen, 82 units of armored vehicles. including eight tanks, while it is becoming increasingly obvious that the main goal of this attack is propaganda, pr policy, the goal is to show that ukraine is all can still carry out offensive and at the same time daring operations, that it is too early to write off their western patrons, it is possible to raise morale, and so on. even one of
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the mouthpieces of the kiev regime, mykhailo podolyak , said that the goal is to strengthen ukraine's negotiating positions, supposedly so that they have in their hands... pressure on ukrainian troops trying to contain the russian advance, however , experts note that the russian army has sufficient reserves to not weaken the pressure, and that this attack risks further stretching the already inferior the number of ukrainian forces from an operational strategic point of view, this attack makes absolutely no sense, says pasi
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paironen of the blackbird analytical group, it looks like a gross waste of people and resources that are so badly needed elsewhere. and we have not in any way pulled this out, this is not an exception, this is the prevailing point of view, and to confirm this, here is another quote from the wall street journal. it is unclear whether this operation will force russia to redeploy a unit from the donbas to the russian borders," said rob lee, a senior fellow at the foreign policy research institute. he added that the russians already have forces and equipment deployed nearby along the kharkiv region border that they could redirect instead of... withdrawing troops from donbas. your assessment, andrey frantsevich. pay attention to how ukraine perceives this situation, that is , they, being slavs, ethnically, spiritually close to us, they have adopted the western concept of negotiating from a position of strength, that is, they do not understand that with us russians can't do that, the harder you press,
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the more resistance there will be. therefore, if they count on the fact that they enter russian territory. force us to negotiate, and i will remind you that the americans have two main concepts of how to conduct negotiations, this is escalation in order to finish on favorable terms for themselves, this includes the use of nuclear weapons preemptively, this is one of the strategies, the second is the capture of some borders, the capture of people, objects, and for them this is all a resource, that's even you cited quotes, there was nothing there that this is a senseless loss of life, a senseless waste of resources, well, pencils, from a cup holder, well, we'll take a new one out of the pack, so zelensky very quickly picked up this concept, he thinks that it will work, it will not work, but let's be frank, this is the beginning of a large offensive operation, we see that the zelensky regime has drawn conclusions, what is it to be frank, the americans drew conclusions from
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the unsuccessful offensive last year, when they were not given aviation, when they were unable break through to the shortest shoulder to cut off the land corridor to... crimea to melitopol, they keep 10 brigades on the extraction work on verbovoye, and most likely, the west is partly right that this is a diversion of our forces and resources, but war is mathematics, they understand perfectly well that we have already accumulated huge reserves, yes, we planned these reserves for use in other areas, possibly for a counteroffensive, yes, we will use them now, in fact, we will outwit in battles the newly formed units on one of the areas that we did not plan, but this will not take away.
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our offensive in the donbass in other places they simply will not have, while the kiev regime is using western weapons, western equipment in this offensive on truly sovereign russian territory, recognized as such, including by the west and the united states, and we even see how this equipment was destroyed, i mean the bradley and marder ifvs, let me remind you that the official position of the united states all this time, yes, all 2 s2 years.
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nothing has changed and the us allowed strikes to be launched on the border area, from where an imminent threat emanates, there was no imminent threat emanating from the kursk region towards ukraine, yes, that is, it is impossible to even imagine this as a preemptive strike, which is necessary for defense against some hypothetical russian offensive, it is simply an offensive operation, as you quite correctly said, that is, kiev has already violated these rules that the united states formulated, but at...
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they allegedly did not warn them about this, but at there is nothing strange about this according to him. let's listen to him too. there is nothing
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strange about them not telling us about certain tactics before they use them in war. we provide them with weapons, we can advise them on something, but when the day comes to use the tactics or strike, they make the decision themselves. sometimes we contact them about it, sometimes we don't, it's normal for them to make such decisions themselves.
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to destroy peaceful cities and peaceful settlements. the thing is that miller, being really a diplomat, you said it right, he is trying to somehow relieve tensions, but tensions are not relieved, because what he says by and large, we are simply giving weapons, how they use them, we do not know, we periodically advise them, and what does it mean periodically to share these?
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a lot depends on the positions, but i will say right away that these are also countries that are gaining weight, from them, probably more than anyone else, kiev's motives are clear, and these motives are not in zelensky's favor, why is this clearer to them, because in the region, in particular the near
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the middle east, yes, in africa, terrorist organizations are active, such as: the banned al-qaeda, the islamic state, this is how they operate, they spare neither their own people nor strangers, neither the victims of a terrorist attack, nor the perpetrators of a terrorist attack, when you start to analyze this rationally, why are they doing this, they do this to remind people about themselves, to get additional funding, otherwise, if they remain silent and do nothing, then no one will sponsor them, this depends on ...
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they say to turkey: look at the map, yeah, yeah, a country that is between the west and russia, it should have behaved smarter, it was obliged to take into account russia's interests in the field of security, after what happened now, there will be no sympathy, i completely agree, the kiev regime has already, it seems to me, dealt
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a tangible blow to its image in the countries of the world majority, even more. oleg, i advise you to be more careful with whom, with everyone, trader, look, after the program time, you should contact him and give him a new task on the same object, bring him out from iraq, take him out of the game, in our studio the music from favorite movies sounds again,
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when she sang.
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vera vasilino is cold. mom, and shurik has a jacket like dad. by what right? you decide what we should do? by right of a man. oh, and how long have you been in constantinople? 2 days. elena palovna, this poor child just fainted from hunger. do you want me to become your mistress? yes, i agree to marry. but who, vasya? how wonderful.
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finally, daddy, daddy, hello, natushka, why haven't you come for so long? to the children? i remembered, i met a woman, it happened that,
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that i love her, i've loved her for a long time, since school. your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar. for everyone, we are an ideal couple. i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i went out of my way for him, how much they stood, they didn't ask you, premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon on the first. the big game is on air. despite the provocations of the kiev regime in
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the kursk region, russia continues to steadily systematically advance in donbass. now very intense battles are being conducted in toretsk around it, this is exactly the direction that the military correspondent of the people's front vladimir razin will tell us about. he contacted us directly. the direction is quite active on our part, we are constantly conducting assault operations there and, most importantly, we are advancing from the eastern flank of the city of toretsk to artemovo, to kirov, in druzhba, for the most part these are all settlements that are located on the very edge of dzerzhinsk or toretsk, are under our control, in some places our armed forces have already managed to enter... such an administrative in the administrative border of the city of dzerzhinsk, therefore the assault operations continue, aviation is constantly working, in support of the attack aircraft, artillery is constantly working, reconnaissance, with all this the enemy
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continues to transfer quite serious reinforcements to try to gain a foothold in dzerzhinsk, but our military personnel for the most part destroy these attempts even at the moment of approach, because again i repeat that intelligence controls everything... so after we entered and consolidated ourselves on the western outskirts of this settlement, the movement is already taking place in the city center in order to displace the enemy from the residential area from the plant, which is a fairly serious stronghold for the enemy in this city, along with the settlement of nelepovka, which is located... between new york and dzerzhinsk, it is already under our fire control, and the enemy used this settlement both to transfer through it their forces, reinforcements both in
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new york and on the eastern flank of dzerzhinsk, now this settlement is under our complete fire control, the enemy is building its logistical connections on the front line , there is no possibility, at the same time , a pocket has long been formed between new york and dzerzhinsk, where we have squeezed the enemy from three sides and are gradually squeezing him out of this pocket, accordingly leveling the front line between new york and toretsk, so the advance is underway, the initiative here is completely on our side on this on... control at the enemy is resisting quite seriously, transferring reinforcements, but this does not and will not prevent our attack aircraft from advancing further. thank you very much, vladimir andreevich, i completely agree with you, take care of yourself, well , in fact, again in the context of the kiev regime's provocation in the kursk region, they will have fewer reserves and reinforcements that they can transfer to donbass, so our offensive will continue. once again, thank you very much. now let's ask boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our traditional military
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observer, what is happening on the fronts in general? and good afternoon, if we speak in general, then in other directions our troops also continue to conduct active actions, if you look from the south to the north, then on the rabotin salient our troops continued to exert pressure to the north of rabotin and verbovoye, in the rimlev salient our troops continued attacks to the east of urozhayny to the north of urozhayny in the direction of makarovka, in the ugledar direction our troops advanced a little more in konstantinovka and there are also. advance in the vodyanoye area, this is in the area of ​​the konstantinovka, ugledar highway, which means there are no changes in krasnogorovka yet, our troops continue to establish control over the outskirts of the city, which means that to the west of tocheretin our troops continue to successfully advance over the past 24 hours sergeyevka has been liberated, the liberation of zhelanny and lisichny is almost complete, there is advancement today in grodovka, there is advancement in the vozdvizhenka area, there is also advancement in the novosyolovka area, the first, that is, in general.
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that is, the front remains very mobile, the enemy cannot stabilize it, which means, well , everything has already been said about new york vyshezhinsky, yes, there is progress on our side, which means that in the chasvyarsky direction , battles continue behind the canal in the city, there is some progress in our favor, plus fierce battles continue to the north of kalinovka, on the seversky salient , battles continue in the direction of the pit on the outskirts of perezdnoye in the krasnolimansky direction without changes. our troops in the svatovo-kupyansky direction have slightly expanded the zone of control in makeyevka, we also have movements in the peschanoye area, well, and fighting continues on the outskirts of strelmakhovka, well, in the kharkov direction , positional battles were struck in the leptsy and glubokaya area, well , our troops continued to press in the center of volchansk, there, i think, two more houses came under the control of our troops, now the situation here is also under control with our troops. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, keep us informed and do not say goodbye, we will see each other again. with
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you this evening, well, i must say that the western media are drawing quite a sad picture for kiev, namely in the donetsk people's republic, on the main front, so to speak, here the financial times writes with reference, and not only to western, but also to ukrainian military, that their defense is cracking at the seams, that they are experiencing an acute shortage of everything, first of all people, manpower, and the famous british expert franz stefan gade. recommends that kiev troops retreat, retreat, retreat, not fight for every inch of land, but move to , so to speak, more convenient, pre- prepared defensive positions and to save people, first of all, so as not to burn them, but instead of, that is, somehow building a more convenient and shorter front line for themselves, they open a new front, making it longer, burning people again, how do you evaluate this general?
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red army, and the most interesting thing is that when everything was cracking, when the allied troops, units of the red army were approaching berlin, he tried to counterattack in certain areas, to conduct large, large offensive operations, and this information went to support the population, to show how we are moving forward, although from a military point of view this is indeed an unequal exchange of resources, because there will not be enough people for defensive actions, so we see here...
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and this is precisely the moment in september, when the americans will want to trumpet this victory as much as possible, to show it, but pay attention, they are not noticing the actions that are taking place near kursk, including, by the way, the ukrainian media, they usually hang a flag somewhere there, they have all the media at once
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there is not a single photo or video from there, this suggests that it was created for a different purpose, to provoke us or send us in the direction of action that will be beneficial to them, our general staff, i am sure, understands all this, including, perhaps, we pretend that we followed their lead, and then we ourselves will replay it in a completely different way, therefore zelensky will not take care of people, he will not listen, of course, to any of these demands, the task is to postpone trying to help the current ones win the elections the democrats may get a new aid package next year, most likely that 's the case, and of course the ukrainian people will not be protected by the americans, yes, we already said on previous programs that the americans are already... they are openly saying that ukraine needs to mobilize people starting at 18, it's not enough starting at 25, it's necessary starting at 18, that is , there is a genocide of the ukrainian people, now a little commercial, then we'll continue, you told me that when he kissed you, you
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started seeing again, yes, what if it won't be just a kiss, well, suddenly you 'll see the whole picture. "the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, always with someone, either with this woman, or with the cops, even the dog doesn't walk alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, atap they will kill him, at his house, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first. veda vodka, a product of stellor group, for the ninety-fifth anniversary of oleg strizheny, every mortal has the right
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to wish for passionate love, heavenly beauty artist, huge blue eyes that are absolutely identical to the sky, which you look, your eyes are exactly like... blue water, it was impossible to go anywhere with oleg alexandrovich, here you go somewhere, a woman immediately pays attention, my grandfather always supported me, we discussed the role with him, it's a great luck to have the opportunity to consult with a master of such magnitude, once he called me and said, young girls came up to me and said, you are sasha strizhanova's dad, i realized that finally my life was a complete success, they say that love goes away over the years, no, it's not true, in our case this is not the case, if it weren't for her around me i would i can't imagine, i simply wouldn't have lived to see this day, the love of my life, no, it's not too late now, tomorrow will be too late,
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start liquidation, what i wished for my grandfather on his birthday, it's more great-grandchildren, on saturday for... you, stop, there, i said, go, uh, here, go, go, tell them, what are you doing, what are you doing, go away, brother, come on, go away, quickly get out of here, volodya, here, please take the money, it's all my fault, i 'm to blame, i'm to blame for everything, take the money, buy a new car,
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friends, in a circle of talented people, time flies by unnoticed, two stars, fathers and sons, on
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sunday on the first, in the new season, on the first, there are already rumors about this crime in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very... you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun.
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confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the big game is on the air. in the united states, the discussion continues about whether american foreign policy can change, if so, how can it change with the change of generations, with the emergence of politicians such as, respectively, kamala harris for the democrats and vance, jade vance for the republicans, because biden is called by many, well , the last of the mahicans, yes, the last president of the post-cold war era who truly believes in american exceptionalism, in the need to maintain american hegemony, believed in the supposedly arrived... end stories and so on and so on and so on and here is a very interesting article
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published today by the publication foren policy, written by two american analysts, they claim that society, including those people who sympathize with both harris on the one hand and vence on the other hand, do not want a continuation of this traditional us foreign policy, but want change. let's listen. if we believe the polls, many of those who support harris are not inclined to return to the era when... when ideas about the american exceptionalism justified failed wars of regime change, when the u.s. saw itself as democracy's sole arsenal and indispensable protector, when criticism of israel was tantamount to heresy, and when renegotiating u.s.-european relations invited accusations of abandoning allies. our research recently found that americans favor a negotiated settlement in ukraine more than twice as many as oppose it, and that they favor de-escalation over... as a result of several decades of misadventures in iraq and
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afghanistan. the grandiose statement that equates unlimited aid to ukraine with the survival of democracy itself, as biden did, is more likely to evoke skepticism than enthusiasm among independent voters. well, the same article argues that the choice of steve waltz as kamalakh's running mate. he can help the united states change its foreign policy, precisely to please the public sentiments that were discussed, given waltz's track record, he was against the united states invading iraq, and quite strongly against it, he led a group of democrats that called on barack obama not to participate in the civil war in syria and not to support the syrian rebels, the terrorists who were fighting. against asa, and he even co-sponsored a resolution in congress that
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called for limiting support by the united states and saudi arabia when they were helping, waging a war in yemen against the houthis. that's how you assess the prospects for change, in my opinion, there is a clear attempt to create a certain image for this couple, kamala haris and tim waltz in order, firstly, to partly pull votes from the republicans, that is, to play on the republican platform, and secondly, to respond with the hopes of the americans, whose moods are changing, but...
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i just didn’t notice any principledness in him, but there is a great deal of flexibility, expressing sympathy for the palestinians, that is , which allows him to bend his back , including in international affairs, to where it will be convenient for the same haris, perhaps this was her choice, and well, everyone agrees that, that shapira, for example, who was one of the candidates, he is much brighter, he is much more interesting, maybe... even in some issues much more principled, but harris chose the one who is more convenient for her, due to age, due to loyalty and due to flexibility, so i would not exaggerate here, just like in economics, tim walls is now playing in favor of the mood of the blue collars only because vance, as if for the blue collars, that
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is, for this middle class, which is afraid for its well-being, also... i am completely i agree, they are now painting such an image, they are creating an avatar that can be attractive to the population, the mood of which is really changing, and this is undeniable, but whether they will then pursue a policy corresponding to what they are saying now or to the image that is painted for them is far from certain, especially if we look at what...
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in relation to europe, the ukrainian conflict, he was against, yes, he was one of the main opponents of continuing aid, to the kiev regime and so on, here on the eve of vienna again, so to speak, made a statement to that effect, let's listen, when the harris administration says that if we don't stop putin in ukraine, he'll go all the way to germany, first of all, that's not true, and secondly, what does that say about germany's defense capability, it's the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world, if... they can't repel a russian invasion, that doesn't mean america should provide security for germany, that means the germans need to get off their asses and invest in their own defense capability. sergey sergeevich, we really agreed with elena vladimirovna that if the harris walls administration comes, then american policy is unlikely to change qualitatively. but in this case. you are absolutely right that
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obama's fourth term, it is directly planned in the event that they are carried out in favor of the democratic party, but here it will be changed in a completely different way. the thing is that now, the republicans, they are becoming the so -called defenders of the middle class. they say: listen, we are not for fat cats, and we are not for those who want to cross our border and take away our jobs. we are against these immigrants who can vote without citizenship. if we look at trump's choice of vice president today, it is bold. this choice itself is bold. no one expected that this young guy would rush into politics so abruptly and get so much sympathy. people 60 plus say: he is cool, he has more life to live, this is the key phrase, because he will make the future for my children, not for me, god is with me, i will live, but these are the politicians of the future, many are very disappointed in the democrats, everyone started talking about the politics of words , the politics of actions, everyone understands perfectly well when biden assures everyone, you have honey in your mouth,
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feel this sweetness, but no one feels this sweetness, they understand that these words remain words, and they believe trump. not trump, rather his vice president, the thing is that there is disappointment in trump, he promised too much and did not do much, here is the idea to split europe, to make europe feel its independence, they do this they can, and this is beneficial to america, to republican america. well, really, maybe it is beneficial to us to some extent, i mean, so that europe would start playing some independent role in the world, initially, maybe, not even a friendly one in relation to, in relation to us. yes, if trump -vance come to power, then... now a little commercial, then we'll continue. colonel abdulaziz, very nice to meet you, me too. and this is his charming wife ammal. we met
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at the museum. you're probably a good person, but in iraq, it is not customary for us to simply talk to married women. and even more so to help them. we both know that you are endangering the whole family. why won't you listen to me and sit quietly? with yourself, oleg, i advise you to be careful, with whom? with everyone. trader. look, after the program time. you must contact him and give him a new task on the same object. bring him out of cancer, take him out of the game. have you been close to death? yes, several times. i lived in a cruel, difficult and wonderful time, and in spite of everything with the best days of my life are connected with work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia.
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dmitry bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer , an unsurpassed master of recruitment, a courageous man who did not break under the blows of fate. in the camps, i quickly stopped identifying my executioners with the motherland. there were periods in russian history when the only place for a decent russian... person was in prison, so even in camps i was in my place, sometimes the forces are cut off, the meaning of what is happening becomes completely illusory, what becomes your support, love, we are together again, i think that i lived a good life and am ready to live it exactly the same again, legends of intelligence, a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter on saturday: on the first, it does not happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost do not recognize that child who 5 years ago lost the most
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precious thing, his mother. i do not think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you. mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia's only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother's death? i am somehow really very somehow mega-strong, i it was somehow like that, she pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared on... exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. in
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our studio, the music of favorite films is heard again. when she sang the first take, the souls of the musicians trembled. she says: we need to rewrite it again, we need another take, the director fell to his knees and said, please, just don't, a wonderful comedy, a wedding in malinovka.
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when i read what komarov wrote, i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something very popular and very ancient, four a week, on saturday on the first, well, dear friends, in the circle of talented people, time flies unnoticed, two stars,
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fathers. and sons, on sunday on the first. there is a big game on the air. in the middle east , there is an anxious wait for when iran and hezbollah will strike retaliatory blows against israel in response to the murder in tehran, the former leader of the hamas political council haniyeh and. the murder directly in beirut of one of military commanders of hezbollah. let me remind you that initially many media outlets, citing israeli american intelligence officers, wrote that this strike was supposed to take place last monday, but it did not. the day before, many media outlets wrote that it was supposed to take place on thursday, friday, that is, today or tomorrow. but other publications have already appeared. today, a politician's publication
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wrote that iran might not strike at all. i emphasize, yes, they took place, firstly, in the iranian mission to the un, and secondly, in the swiss embassy in tehran. well, and cnn today writes that hezbollah may strike iran, israel, excuse me, without iran at all. let's hear it. hezbollah appears to be able to strike israel regardless of iran's intentions, two sources familiar with the intelligence community told cnn. the lebanon-based military
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group is reportedly planning ahead of iran and is preparing to strike israel in the coming days. meanwhile, iran appears to be still weighing how to respond, several officials told cnn. given the lebanon's proximity to israel, as its immediate neighbor to the north, allows hezbollah to operate virtually unnoticed, which is not the case with iran, sources familiar with the intelligence say. elena vladimirovna, what is your assessment? iran is now pretending to be leading.
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inevitable, especially since it is really closer, it has a very rich arsenal of missiles, and not only that, it can act as a proxy, yes, unlike... iran, because iran, well, maybe iran will launch something, as it did in april, but so to speak, the distance to israel is much further, it will be much easier to shoot down and intercept these missiles, as it actually was in april. hezbollah will certainly strike, so how do you assess the prospects of military action from a military point of view, is israel ready for this? israel is really escalating, but israel was not able to win even in gaza. will it be able to win now, having an unfinished war in gaza and also a war against lebanese hezbollah, plus there is also a looming prospect of a military clash with iran.
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independently, given that in general a coalition can be organized, and turkey can join, and egypt, israel, of course, will not be able to do this, it is already suffering serious losses in people, in the economy, here to drag the americans in... and i am constantly having strikes of residents, i can not solve this issue, to leave there - it means to lose, to get legal prosecution, wherever in the world i go, my own massad will find me, what can i do if i create a buffer zone
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on the territory of lebanon, i have 50,000 ready, new divisions have been brought to the north, we are ready go forward, will you, comrades americans , support us? they said: no, if you are an aggressor, go there, we will not support you, but if they attack you, then we will definitely join in. to which israel said, no questions, and at the same time practically provoked two slaps, one in lebanon, the second in iran, and here in these countries they cannot perceive it differently, they cannot leave it unpunished, and in fact, preparations are underway now, israel understands that after these actions they, together with the americans, will strike at iran, and the most important thing is that iran understands this, it will already be delaying, but it will still get a war either through humiliation or directly or simultaneously, now there is a very serious one, it understands that there will be no second chance for preparatory actions, so we understand that the end of this week, the beginning of preparation, exercises are underway, each of the parties is next, this conflict will break out anyway, but its scale and the formats that will
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occur, the world has yet to find out, here you said the key thing, with which i absolutely agree, that netanyahu wants to drag the united states directly into this war, not only against hezbollah, but also against iran, and i think he needs this not only for...
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just published very interesting results of a poll, which shows that the majority, 55% of americans, overall, 55% of americans are against involving the armed forces of the united states in defense of israel. only 41% are in favor, and this is the lowest level of support since 2010, republicans, of course, are more in favor of involving 55% republicans are for participating in this war, among democrats only 35%. and so, having such figures, understanding that the involvement of the united states in the war will probably bury the prospects. kamala harris for victory, how will the united states act in this situation? here we have a kind of dead end for the same kamala harris, because in any case , it is possible to freeze the situation for some time, but this is a frozen conflict, which has been going on for decades, someone
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says a deeper freeze, someone less deep, but not a solution question, the thing is that the republicans, they will always be more active in supporting conflicts, it is true, but the republican electorate, the democratic electorate is now tired, they do not want to spend. trump, because the quality of life in america is falling, falling for several months in a row, those shocks that were on the stock exchange, they did not go unnoticed. today , israel is becoming a key player, you said it right, which is ready to influence these election results. let's assume that iran has not reacted in any way, literally in in september some events are happening again with israeli sorties, and israel is again committing a series of terrorist attacks. what should we do in this case? after all, we understand perfectly well that now we are talking about the fact that... yes, the situation can be normalized, but this is in a week, september
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is a key month for us - this is september, because we understand perfectly well that in september there is not very much time left until november 5, and those events that will happen in september, that is what will determine how much america will be involved or not involved, but we we understand perfectly well, kamala harris, she is now in a dead end, she cannot resolve this dead end, no matter what decision she makes, it is not in her favor, this situation is truly a classic zuktsvanka. because not supporting israel in the face of an attack on it from the outside, even if it is an attack of retaliation, but nevertheless from hezbollah and iran, well, this goes all the way to impeachment, because the republicans here will throw a monstrous hysteria, how is it that they do not support our main ally, but by the way, biden himself said that we will protect israel, it has already sent an aircraft carrier group there, an aircraft carrier, and so on and so forth, everything that is afloat. israel, so that
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a big war will begin, which netanyahu is counting on, then given the public mood, which we really just talked about, kamala haritz is losing the elections, so how can the united states actually walk on the edge of a knife, protect israel, but not allow a big war, because netanyahu, i emphasize again, is striving for a big war, he just doesn’t need it. yes, how much does he play for trump, your assessment or? i still believe that the situation will escalate, and no matter how the biden administration tries to reduce tensions, the region will prevail, the region is seething, there are many unresolved problems in the region, well, finally netanyahu, having visited the united states now, he finally decided for himself, trump is more his man, of course, he maintains relations with the democrats just in case, he is experienced.
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new yahya sinwar, new head of the hamas political council, yes, again, consistent israel's position is to kill, the day before foreign minister israel kats said so, today the chief of the general staff of israel, herze halevy, said so to kill, the position of the united states will still come to an agreement, and john kirby, the official representative of the white house, made a statement that yes, january is a terrorist, yes, he is the organizer of the attack.
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this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablyov in this issue. a powerful rebuff to ukrainian militants, kursk region. new footage from the ministry of defense, air strikes from the ground. and help from all over the country, a psychologist.


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