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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  August 10, 2024 8:05pm-9:01pm MSK

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they write, there's something, well, yes, yes, already boarding, we're going, boarding the plane, and grandma tanya already knows all this, she, the only thing she said, we agreed with her that she would pick me up from the airport, and she said, daddy will pick you up, that is, well, and he was choosing his words at that moment, he was just choosing his words, i think, yes, of course, for him too, it's like, it's a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. that's what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, i think, well, of course, i immediately noticed that he was not, not beaming with joy, i thought, well, what's the matter, well, he was probably tired, yes , work after all, that's how difficult it was, probably, to choose the words when i say, dad, well, we're going now, we're going to our apartment, yes, but i had suspicions that mom had been discharged. well, in the end, yes, he decided that the most
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appropriate time would be to say exactly at that moment in the car, that is, when you were already driving from the airport, i also think that there could not have been a more appropriate, more secluded and more correct place, and to come home and find out there, considering that we already had a lot of people at home, killed, broken by grief, it would have been , it seems to me, even more scary for me, probably, that's what he told us then that very day? vera, of course, was probably the hardest, the hardest thing was to accept all this myself and of course to tell vera - that's the hardest thing, well vera as a whole is with all of us now, yes, that is, she and my mother have arrived now, grandmother, that is, vera's, and yulia's parents, that is, i am lost with vera.
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the closest person, the closest relative, that no one can replace mom, no one, of course, i am always with her, i told her that she can always count on me, that is, i am your dad, i have always been, i will remain, that is why i am always with her, the greatest pain is loss, this is of course for faith, for my daughter, words, frankly speaking, it was very difficult to find, and how to say it, it was of course very difficult for me. well then we got into the car already, when we were leaving the airport, i said that unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom with us no longer, vera, i even say, how she did not even understand why, why how why, from what, that is, literally, when she left, mom seemed to be there, well, a routine examination or plans, a local operation for... about cleaning the leg, there's a finger,
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this chafing, well, what all this led to, she could not of course believe it, that is, she was of course shocked and is still shocked, that's how it is, that i didn't know when i arrived, now i found out, well, is it likely that i will be able to do it normally now to talk specifically about this day, they flow automatically for me somehow, that is, i speak normally, as if inside it is normal, but for myself already somehow, well, i usually hold on very strongly, it rarely happens that i am just like that, i just, well, i don’t know, i am somehow really, somehow super-strong, because even when there was a funeral, like that, i cried of course, but that is , like, no, no, i didn’t lose consciousness, that is, i somehow, like, pulled myself together, that is, like that. just speech
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an adult, pulled myself together, well i had to become an adult overnight, it's just not what i wanted, well i had to, now many people also tell me that oh vera has grown up so quickly, vera is so grown up, wash off my makeup, i won't be much younger, i won't have a three-year-old child sitting here, do you see your dad often now? only so often and we see each other in the summer, we go to turkey or also , well, we try to all be together, together with his family, we try to see each other, it doesn't always work out for him, it doesn't always work out for me because here he can be one day in murmansk another day in sochi and he asks firstly when he manages to do all this and secondly how will you be in moscow but then i remember he shocked me with his actions which probably
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went something like this, i should probably, just, probably, both of us thank god that we found each other, we had faith, that faith is our treasure, we love it madly, faith is our everything, there is some kind of story that there are people, marriage, breaks up, scandal,
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we will see each other all our lives, we share a child, there and then that's all, with a chainsaw, we cut the refrigerator there, we don't have that, absolutely not, and can't have it, because... we have that microclimate, despite the fact that we live now, as i repeat, different lives, for us there is a main theme, faith, we are the mother and father of faith, we are close, dear people, in any case we will be until the end of our days, faith is faith, faith is number one, and what don't your parents, grandmother, grandfather and father know about you, i don't know how much they don't know about me, because i noticed that i am quite talkative, while they are not there, let's go, what do they need to know from our program from themselves, to be honest, maybe it just seems to me that they know everything, but somehow in some moments maybe a little less, a little more, i can't even remember, i don't know, you
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are in love, and i am in love with many things, let's do it this way, oh, but about everything about everything about falling in love knows everything. family, the whole inner circle, but there is something that you hide directly from her, i would not say that i hide something, but you study well, i study quite normally, i have i have fours and fives, no, at school i do some things better, some less, sometimes better, sometimes worse, i devote quite a lot of time at school and at home to creative development, i draw, sing, dance, it has been like that since childhood, that 's what was interesting to me, it all captivated me, and then i go out, dance, i'm a year or two old, there are grandmas, grandpas singing, there, oops, and vera is already dancing, la-la-la-la-la, i draw too
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, you draw beautifully, i just wanted to say, yes, thank you, oh, we spied on this pictures, by the way, yes, these are friends of our family depicted here. yes, i drew some interesting road with banana palms for their birthdays, here are the shots, this is on your birthday, you wrote that you are 17, so i remembered here, you are four, four years old, yes , all normal people stretch, well, they try to stretch, but then a good mood takes over. a variation on the theme of a swan, once my mother was asked about how she sees, how she sees your future, this is what she answered, the very beginning, you know, i don’t want to, so that vera would exclusively repeat my fate, because i want it so much, i want
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her to want it, so that she would do exactly what she wants, and what if she suddenly wants to be an actress there in the theater or an artist there, huh? suddenly a physicist, yes, suddenly a physicist, but still rather musicals, after a short pause, let's look at what successes the daughter of yulia nachalova has already achieved, and after a long break, we will finally see yulia's dad and mom, respectively, yara's grandma and grandpa, stay with us old barrel cognac, product steller group. bourbon starsman is a product of steller group. whiskey mancacher is a product of stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac monteshoка. product of steller
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group. yulia nachalova's father dreamed of making a superstar out of his daughter. and he did. yulia began to sing when she was 2 years old, but the true scale of her popularity became clear after her death. yulia was only 38, it was a shock for millions of fans. how so, young, kind, with a radiant smile, too early. how do yulia's parents live now, almost 5 years later, and how the loss of her mother made her beloved daughter grown up? this is channel one, good evening, i am dmitry borisov, our exclusive today, the family of yulia nachalova, now they will take her again in a couple of hours for another operation, gastroscopy ulcer, i am losing blood, apparently against the background of huge ivs, yulia nachalova is in the hospital, still believed that everything would be like... i used to hope that she would come out, meet her verochka, it was forgiveness sunday, we all asked her
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for forgiveness, she asked us, my grandmother asked me there, and did you not feel that somehow something happens later, when mom is no longer wrote, vera aldodina lost her mother when she was 12, grew up right away, tried to hold on, not to cry, you just pulled yourself together, that is, just like that, after the tragedy, the only daughter of yulia nachalova was left to live with her grandparents. she herself remained a child until the end of her life, it seemed, did not want to grow up, tried to stay in her childhood fairy tale, where there was no place for adversity, bad luck, loss. i know, i will be there, with a gentle look, i will drown in your eyes. lately, yulia played her game, cut out pictures of a beautiful life from magazines,
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glued them to a piece of paper and believed that one day a beautiful life would become her beautiful reality, but the fairy tale melted away, fate decreed otherwise, she burst into tears, because why, how could this happen, why did you leave, well, these questions, well, they just tormented me. no one expected that yuli would leave so soon, despite the betrayal of men, she continued to see. with her open heart she remained the same yuliya, who was remembered by everyone on the morning star. you will fly away under the clouds. yuli also accustomed vera to the stage, not a single birthday passed without performances, little vera. once upon a time, grandfather vera did everything to make his daughter a pop star, and today he sings with his granddaughter.
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several musical productions have already taken place at the school where vera studies. there, aldonina not only sang, but also tried herself as a director. the proceeds from the performances went to charity. at the end of last year, vera performed for the first time on the stage of the state kremlin palace in the grand final of a music competition. the song "beautiful far away, daughter of the beginning" performed together with a children's choir. the twenty -third began for oldonina with participation in... every time it breaks the speech a little, because well, yulia was so young, they always
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had a dad and mom, she was so proud, she told me how wonderful you were, how do you feel now in the role of grandma and grandpa? well, you have been my grandma and grandpa for a long time, really since birth, yulia was very busy, some concerts, trips to other cities, filming, and vera spent a lot of time with us, we were close. always with us already kind of blurred the concept of daughter or granddaughter as if yes by the way and also really so yes and julia julia she is always with us we sometimes there i personally forget on faith i say julia something similar now i have looked at it every day for several years now on faith well just a spitting image of yulishcha as he says when he speaks? yes, sometimes we work with her there, we warm up or there in the studio, they sing, i
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shudder, i just get goosebumps, well how similar, comes in and says who sings, vera or julia, vera, of course, vera wants to be herself, but nature cannot be canceled, and i think to be like mom, it's very good, and your own p beds, you have them, they will be throughout your life, well yes, gena and aldonina were added, along with the last name, yes, you did it at one time for yulia, well... perhaps it's impossible, yes from voronezh, a little girl to make a star famous throughout the country, do you remember your first steps, yes of course, of course, i remember, we were still working in the philharmonic, well i won't talk about what i did with her with huli, there literally one and a half to two years i accidentally saved the records, here she is very very
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answered, she was coming towards me, everything that was in my head... there was something good there, i tried to put it into her, then we worked at the philharmonic, we took her on a good trip, we took yulia, she drank, my redhead, copied michael jackson, then, then there were no radio microphones, she would get confused, fall, well, she was so cheerful, passionate, we approached the morning star. she was already singing clearly, so radiant, besides, i started writing a children's album, then, i think, it was also successful for her, for some reason everything worked out well, god somehow led us both, when she came to the morning star,
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those who are editors immediately told us, oh, it looks like she will win, we... the program is very exclusive, she remembered everything for this, i remember the studios there, and igor nikolaev, and larisa dollin, all the gems are remembered, something was recorded, they, well, as if supported, look how the girl sings, we were very pleased, well, so what and, and what
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did they give for winning the morning star then, there were a lot of gifts, surprisingly, yes, firstly - very beautiful, then it's somehow everything came to naught, at that time it was very good, for the microwave in the dishes, where did it go, it is still there, what are you talking about, here is the microphone that was given as a professional one, this is exactly about you. very good quality, it still works, i use it when recording, it is a gift, actually, yes, it was all included in the reward for winning, there are some costumes, this is ninety-second year, here he is alive, and the toy, this is already history of the train period, this is well this is a talisman, the whole morning star, here is dad with this toy
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bought it for her, she was about five years old. here she is with this toy all her life until her last day, i was walking past the children's world in voronezh, when i saw it, i liked it so much, how old is it, i bought it right away, brought it, yulia was just stunned, and how beautiful, she slept with it , walked with it all the time, then it became just a talisman, and in adulthood, she asked to bring it to the hospital, yes , absolutely right, right? we lived in voronezh, dad was walking home from work one day and i can't, now, maybe at first, yes we lived in voronezh, dad one day i was walking home from work and i saw this
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tiger cub, and yulechka was 4 years old then, he brought it... that's it, he became a member of our family, that's it, yulia loved him so much, and he was with her everywhere, all her life, she came with him on the morning star, every time, we came five times, we won five times, i 'll cook something to eat, a grain on her palm, be careful, you'll fly to the edge, with a slight slyness in your gaze, there were competitions in america. she was with him too, she took him with her, but he warmed her, of course, probably, something, she felt something from him, maybe
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to be, like energy, some kind of, and recently he was at my house, somehow it’s not that we forgot about him, he was lying, and lying, and for weeks. for two yulia asked me, mom, bring the tiger cub, find him, they started looking to say, well, somewhere, here he is, somewhere, somewhere, and i, i found him, found him, brought him, she was with her all the time, constantly, and she was sick, when it began... this story, she put him to bed with her, when they went to
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the hospital, she took him with her and he was also with her in intensive care and when she was already completely a difficult story, a difficult situation, he was lying with her on the bed, wrapped in a diaper, at the head of the bed, like that, like that until the last minute. so he went through her whole life with her, and now he
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is with us, he will always be with us with verochka, yes, her talisman. such is, after all, anya, almost 5 years have passed, i still do not understand, sincerely, why everything.
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because i understood that the phone was ringing off the hook , maybe somewhere, but i went along with it, to such an extent the information somehow went from the hospital to the masses, that there is no point in telling everything that was happening. it was probably wrong, especially at that moment, it was such a one-day decision, then everything changed, every day the information changed, every day what was said to the media and to the people changed, this was very much in yulia's style, she had to behave this way in order to remain healthy for the outside world, so that for the outside world she would not be healthy, beautiful, she was not ready at any moment, of course, when everything started to get worse, then ... it was no longer possible to hide it, then i called her and said that i cannot hide it, that's it, i can't describe this situation in any way, but it was around
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the tenth or eleventh, then we couldn't talk anymore, we talked until march 11, i remember very well, after so much time, you probably analyzed this situation endlessly, i just know how it happens, when you start thinking, did you do everything, was everything right, was everything possible to change? there was something you could do, act differently and for the situation to change, probably, but here it is necessary to know - yulia, of course our souls ached and we turned to her several times, something didn't feel right somehow, my heart and soul ached, she's dad, what are you saying, you've never had a callus, it will pass, don't worry, everything is fine. and somehow she knew how to convince us, in fact, if only we could turn back time, just
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take her with force, put her down. it was necessary to remove that finger, like kostomarov, yes, i just told veri that roma health, he himself says that in fact yulia's story even in some way may have saved his life, because it was necessary to take decision, he remembered, they told him that at the beginning there was the same situation, they came and talked about this topic, i don’t know how much i am there, all the people, all of russia and not only , as if wished for him to be healthy, and
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then i said that such frivolity, as in ours, simply led to the death of a person, i said that we must do everything that the doctors say, thank god, he succeeded, and we would have been late, he still admits that he has a lot of doubts, he has different thoughts, whether he did the right thing, any a person would doubt, regardless of gender. here's a girl, here's a girl, and it's also clear that with such a thing - there's a voice where she says: i'm very afraid, i really don't want my finger to be taken away, she says this, they said that it had to be taken away, the doctors said, she then says, how will i be, what are you saying, yes, yes, let's cure it, everything, everything will be fine, she hoped that it could be cured, such very experienced doctors, why didn't they listen, yes, why did they listen to her, why did they
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listen, of course. this needs to be broadcast, well, as if in in the right light, you are talking about an unsuccessful choice, a wrong decision, that is the essence to show and bring to the forefront, so that people understand that the problem is not that yuria nachalov got sick, but the problem is that anyone can get sick, anyone can face such a question,
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you need to understand that you have to choose. this situation is as scary as it may sound, because sometimes popular people are turned into something unrealistic, when in fact they are the same people , they are as mortal as everyone else, they have the same, well, like medical problems happen, and you need to show this side, she just didn't understand until the very end that we're talking about life and death.
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in the long term, it doesn't have the same value as it seems to have. life is valuable in the long term, that's all. you have to fight for life. we visited your home, the aura, this one, which was still there under yulia, the atmosphere has been preserved, everything is the same. dad also drinks for the whole apartment, in fact. for the whole, for the whole house, yes, for the whole house, not with
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yulia. spheres, let's see, cool, and she told me. my hour has not come, that there is much love, it is still early for me to think, i answered, laughing cheerfully, that you are a hero, not his novel, i answered, laughing cheerfully, that you are a hero , my novel, we, and not only
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we, our friends, chose this portrait for yulia's grave , at the troegorovskoye cemetery, here she is extraordinary. she looks at us, she sees us, the portrait of yulia is amazing, which now looks at all her fans, which every day, weekdays, weekends, summer, autumn, winter, there is always someone near yulia's grave, time has passed, it would seem, such a wave this pilgrimage to the trikurovskoye cemetery has ended, but no, people continue to go there, well, how can i say, it seems to me, they continue to go, but they continue to go. those who honor remember creativity, and not just because, well, it's popular now. they come with kind words, bring flowers. i can't say that during her life we
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​​had any large fan clubs, that's what's surprising. yes, this, this is exactly about the fact that the scale of truth, the scale became clear after, the scale became clear after, but here it was also superimposed, i still just think it's unfair. justice, and i really, when i come to a grave, i very often come across the fact that there are a lot of people, there are always people, there are always flowers, she would be very surprised and even happy about how after death people treat her with such warmth and love, she absorbed it very much, she needed it, she needed it every time, like any artist, she would really like it now, almost 5 years have passed since...
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rom kastro is a product of stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, stellar group product. old barrel cognac, stellar group product. burbon stirsman. steller group product. this is exclusive, i am dmitry borisov, we are on air again, in this girl you can hardly recognize the child who lost the most precious thing, her mother, 5 years ago. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving
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her beloved daughter, vera, with her parents and ex-husband. our exclusive today is 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star, in memory of her famous mother. nachalova's relatives are sure that the singer is very... the story with her last lover alexander frolov, they say the hockey player presented her with a bill for millions of rubles and fought for the apartment that nachalova's second husband evgeny aldonin bought for his daughter yulia, vera. in the nineteenth year he claimed on our air that he had no claims against nachalova, and that he had received a lawsuit from some third parties along with her and said that it was a very complicated story that still had to be sorted out. and what about, how did the story with frolov end? well, it's an important story, it made a splash 5 years ago when we everyone understands everything, there yuli is in the hospital, and she has trials. yes, she is not just in the hospital, she is in intensive care, at that time we are reading an article about how he gave an interview, that she... is lying, that she is in intensive care, specifically exploiting the topic
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of her health in order to not be present, yes, what about you, this really excited her then, and this just became our last conversation, she said that if this topic is raised, or even you should make it so that it is raised, you need to tell the truth, only the truth, and say who he really is, so i allowed myself to tell how he cheated on her with his friend's wife. everything else, you can perceive it any way you like, but then, i remember, by the way, he showed up and told his version of the event, that he didn't know about this film , the true story of yulia nachalova, which was on channel one in a documentary with such reconstructions, yes, she just said that she wanted to share with me such important news, she said that they no longer live together. she was in such shock, everything
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i had to sort of learn to walk again, that is, on one of sasha's birthdays i gave him a present, a tattoo with his initials, when we broke up, i didn't know what to do with these letters, it was impossible to remove them, then i remembered, if you want to get rid of a problem, laugh at it, i laughed, there are no hopeless situations. there is such a phrase: "it killed me." i could not believe that sasha decided to sue me for half the cost of the apartment that he gave to me and his daughter zhenya aldonin. that's when i started having terrible jumps sugar in the blood. last august the trials began, some twists and turns began, calls, text messages in a more frequent form from sasha, in this text message, my god, the layout for several years. what money, estimate, estimate, what money was
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invested in their life together, it means that in their life together were invested and calculated, including alimony for his daughter sasha, two cars that he bought for his dad and mom, which none of the initial ones had ever driven in their lives, all the tickets were counted there too, yes, they flew together, just for a second, and were the restaurants they went to were counted, receipts were not attached, he estimated the restaurant visits at 1 million dollars, the difficulty is... is that he somehow persuaded yulia that she, she hoped to live with him, she loved him, she signed some paper for him, a receipt, based on this receipt, he now thought that good money, so as not to take it, this does not paint him in such a good light, he really was a good guy, then it turned out, from somewhere in him this will now butt heads, go to court, as a result, even if... on the street whose apartment he is half an answer
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i don't have it, zhenya, no, vera's wife is divorced, how did this story end, but i also want to say about the 20 million that were invented, you understand, they write there, she owes him 20 million, because he didn't owe her anything, what 20 million, he lent her something there somewhere, he simply deceived her , by and large, he didn't act like a normal man, having good money, he's rich, he played in america for 10 years in the best clubs, there's a good salary there, everything, and how can you live there with a girl, with your woman, looking for...
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loves, she is ready to give everything, the situation is as follows: the apartment is new, zhenya bought it , left it as an inheritance to vera, that's what was said during the divorce, it's her inheritance. well , it needed to be renovated, he acted absolutely like a man, he did the right thing, yes, they broke up, he left the apartment to the child, of course, but they divided everything very evenly, that is, dad got the dacha, mom and i got the apartment, the apartment is in a new building in an elite one and of course it is large in area and of course we need to invest in renovation, what does sasha furalov do while living with her, he helps with
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repairs, then he starts telling her, i put money, i invested money in this repair partially, not entirely, partially. i want this amount to be recorded, that's where this amount of 20 million came from, i don't know if it's true or not, because there are no receipts, no evidence, but it came from there, i want this amount to be recorded, because otherwise i would have spent this money on housing for myself and would have bought myself a separate apartment, but i live with you, when they recorded this amount like this, in the moment when she realized that he was starting to leave, it wasn't in one day. it didn't happen, she began to feel it, conversations began on his part, that let's, since i invested money in the renovation, somehow we'll sign over part of the apartment to me, conversations began at that moment, and she saves the situation, she adores him, loves him, she can't let him leave, and apparently she agrees, she
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didn't consult with anyone about this, she did it quietly, herself with him, it was her mistake, it was her big mistake.
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his main argument, and the fact that yulia has daughter and that she was left an orphan, it doesn’t matter, and that it was given to yulia’s daughter, and not his daughter, it doesn’t matter either, that’s how it is, in general, the hero is not her novel, not her novel, not her novel, not her pocket, and so on, but she loved him very much, and his departure really broke her, it’s terrible how she experienced this departure, her eyesight was seriously damaged, yes, she was very, very worried at night, she sat down. on the phone and talked to her friends, she needed to somehow restore her energy system, because well, she somehow they pitied her, they prompted her, she could n't do without it, she couldn't cope with this pain herself, we were embarrassed to tell her what had happened, maybe they would have influenced her somehow, anya, she felt that she was leaving, that and what could
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happen, that there wouldn't be enough energy, that she might not be saved, there are amazing things that i... quickly quickly there was a moment when we were stuck, because the director was doing something wrong, i remember this conversation right away, she said, i don't want to, no, no, no, he's stuck, i don't have time to wait, they opened the school, no, no discovered why, ran, jumped, tried, then somehow turned around abruptly, started filming the last few clips, filmed very quickly, there was also the same rhetoric, that we need
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to hurry, we need to hurry, that's what she kept saying, and that she became religious, yes, she was not non-religious, i think that... well, when we stopped alone, my mother asked me one simple, repetitive question: what will you do if i'm gone? i, well, and first eleven, then twelve. the year-old child was simply, well, at a loss, i don't i don't it seemed possible because if
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she got into some, i don’t know, for preventive care, for an examination, she always came out, for me, that’s what marty is, it ’s an examination, for me it remained the same, well, ordinary, well, so and so, yes, well, she’ll lie down now, she recorded my voice messages there, and they did an operation on me, that’s it, now i’m coming out, leaving, that’s it, do you still keep these votes? these are the only messages that i have left from her, because my mother gave it to me for march 8th, just like that my phone, so for the whole year before that , or even more, we communicated through my grandmother's phone, my grandmother's phone had to be completely renewed, updated, so the messages between us were only preserved on march 6-7 of the nineteenth year, verochka, and you... before that very march there was january, there were holidays, and i kept asking how you were spending them, and i really liked the stories about how you spent a lot of
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time, then she devoted a lot of time to you, she had time, and you were together, i remember that you watched soviet movies together, that you were lying together on this bed on the big one, that you were cooking and eating something together, i remember this conversation right now, that hot chocolate, hot, that we were cooking something, and then i asked her, she said, we are like this time... will be, if it passes completely, i don't, but how can a child know that it seems, an unnatural situation for such an age, well at least in our days, but i could have answered honestly, i will sing, not only sing, how cool u...
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exclusive, the leaves were burning in the festive fire. and autumn silently wandered through the forest, you
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confessed your love to me for the first time, called me your princess, but it seemed to me that my time had not yet come. you that it is too early for me to think about love, i answered, laughing cheerfully, that you are not the hero of my novel, i answered cheerfully. laughing that you are not the hero of my novel, how quickly year after
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year passed, i did not notice how i grew up, and you are still the same, and love... repeated called his queen, but it seemed to me that my time had not come, that it is too early for me to think about love, i answered. laughing cheerfully, that you are not the hero of my novel. i answered,
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laughing merrily that you are not the hero of my novel, about tomorrow more than once... thought about the day, did not take care of love, and did not regret, and did not notice in a transparent dream, how you found another queen,
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yourself... did not save, laughing at the meeting, in the heart early, i too late, realized that without you there is no my novel, i too po... fast realized that without you there is no my novel,
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"bravo, listen, well, mom would be proud of you, this is very beautiful, you are generally great, thank you, great, thank you, a star was born for you, we'll see, fantastic, thank you, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, live sound, important, important, in our time it is important to be noted, well we try, yes, it seems to me, such songs are very important to sing" i am talking about this, because firstly it is so significant in my mother's career, and secondly, because it is so, well it is not theatrical, but it is narrative, thank you for this flight in time, thank you for the fact that we heard the voice, i wish you to find the hero
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of the novel, so that everything works out. as it should in life, well, let's hope, i think that my mother would really like this, that's for sure, thank you thank you very much, thank you. hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. flight of iskander. our missilemen razed to the ground an important headquarters of the enemy on the border with kursk region. what else is there now? now temporary accommodation points and summer children's camps
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in the regions are safe. how are issues being resolved locally?


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