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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 11, 2024 3:50am-4:36am MSK

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this is a film that will be very similar to zastava ilich. i walk around moscow. the same remarque scheme. three friends and a girl. shpalikov leaves for musfilm, together, together with georgy danelie he writes a new script, there too, yes, three young men and a girl, they walk around moscow. moscow in the frame. and they are told, please, do not repeat the mistakes that you made in your previous work with marlen khutsiev. please, no need for this excessive pessimism, no need for excessive tragedy. please, no need to separate generations into different sides, and we must give credit to daneli, who says: please, don't mix it up, why should our film, our script answer for the accounts of khutseyev's film, we have a completely different plot here, we should in no way report and should not correct those mistakes in our new film, we just have a different film, but khutseyev thought differently, he just thought that it was about the same, many thought so, when the film i'm shygayu po... came out in moscow, many viewers,
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former or current friends, accused daneliya and shpalikov were personally accused of having acted very badly, they said they couldn’t wait until ilcha’s outpost was finished before releasing their own film, but unfortunately, in soviet cinema it didn’t work that way, you didn’t decide as a director what your final film would be, it was approved by the artistic council, and you waited at goskino for a list of amendments that they required you to make, you couldn’t help but make them, because otherwise the state bank, or rather as a state bank, would have given credit to the film studio, gave her the budget for filming the movie, and this loan had to be repaid, it was repaid by the state cinema, and for the state cinema to accept the film, it should not have any claims against it, otherwise the film crew the whole studio would not have received a salary, so very often any director found himself in such a hopeless situation, and he would simply betray his group if he went for some big principle for the sake of small concessions, very often people...
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came out earlier than the film, which began to be called not 20 years, because one of daneli made hers pretty quickly and yes, he there were also complaints about the fact that... the name of the lich outpost, how can you boast about lenin's name, we won't let you do that, you've taken on too much by taking such a name, so we'll just call it " i'm 20 years old". even the script was published under this name. nevertheless, khutsiev reworked it, moreover, he used this time during the reworking to squeeze something, to shorten something. yes, the film became shorter, by about 20 minutes, a huge part was lost.
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the scene with this poetry evening at the polytechnic was reshot with another actor father, but what's interesting is this exchange of phrases, how old are you, 23, and i'm 21, it remained, that is, in general, it went away minimally, what caused irritation, and then a wonderful phrase from the father was added, who said, leaving, how i would like, you will go for a walk around moscow now, how i would like to walk around moscow too, moscow is a wonderful city, that is, an absolutely thaw phrase. as if from the film i am burning through moscow, a world city, this is in fact the problematic that is stated was in the film, fatherlessness it really has been preserved, yes there is such a wonderful concept of the russian film critic lev karakhan, who believes that in general this tradition lasted until the film return, which was released in our era, and there is the same problem, the father returns from nowhere to two children and then all the collisions are connected with his new absence. when
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he dies as a result of an accident, and this in general, well, looking at the entire history of soviet cinema, or rather the post-war history of soviet cinema, we see some ideas khutsiev's later manifest themselves in poetics, in the plots of many films, well, for khutsiev it was important in this scene to simply show, and this was noticed by those critics who were well-disposed towards him, towards the film and towards his work in general, that well, you really need to think with your own mind, it's logical, when the film... shortened, remade, still came out, and they kept it for another year on, well, not exactly the shelf, but it was accepted in sixty- four, and the audience saw it only in sixty-five, this waiting, yes, it somehow, maybe, it took the edge off what khutsyev wanted to say, and this film, yes, maybe, did not become the phenomenon that it could have become, moreover, everyone loved it as a spectator phenomenon, a spectator phenomenon specifically at the box office, everyone remembered that when... this film was very much
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criticized at the very top and therefore it is necessary to show in critical notes that they were right, that indeed the film came out and yes , it is not very good anymore. then okay, critics who are given the task of writing negatively, but there were critics who were given the task to write letters from viewers, and one of the critics of that time, tatyana khloplyankina, later having written a book about the il'vich outpost, recalled that she asked herself whether she would have gone for it, whether she could have written something like that, it was also a very subtle moment, yes, to pass oneself off as a worker. a viewer who criticizes or to interview someone who does not like the film, to somehow deal with it, then the magazine sovetskoe kino, for example, which needed to criticize the film, did a very interesting thing. lyudmila pogozheva, the editor-in-chief, apparently came up with this, to immediately take several reviews or even
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comments rather on the film, from the actor sergei yursky to some venerable critics, and it so happened that they hid the negative ones from. that he established his status with the help of the film zastava ilicha i am 20 years old, and he was finally recognized as a living classic of soviet cinema after july rain. july rain was also not seen by the mass audience then in the sixties, but much later, and critics somehow retroactively art historians,
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film scholars, film historians have recognized this film as one of the most outstanding works of its era. and the next chapter in the history of the film zastava ilicha i am 20 years old, we... so used to say directly here the double title of zastava licha i am 20 years old takes place in the mid -eighties, when after the fifth congress of the union of kemetographers a conflict commission is formed in the union, what is it? this is a meeting of critics, journalists, film scholars who watch those films that are on the shelf, in order to find out, actually, what were the problems with these films, can they be released on the screen, and thus many films are released that... really lay on the shelf, an opportunity arises for khutsyev to return to his original version, longer and subtitled ilyacha's outpost, the film i am 20 years old, he takes the materials that have been preserved, they may not have been in the same quality, yes, ideal, which was printed for i am 20 years old, but he
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restores and even seems to make it a little longer than his original director's cut, and this film is being released again as a film by zastava ilica, so... we really have two versions, the official version and the director's version, despite the fact that he later said that he really liked the scene reshot with his father, that he made it better than it was, nevertheless he returned to the original version and still made a long version, the question arises: which version should we watch now? first, first you need to read the script, i think it would not be superfluous with this film, then watch version that came out in the sixties, and then watch the full version.
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because in general, the author always, any author of any work, text, film, picture, strives to somehow improve it retroactively, to think it over, to comprehend it, but still, what is that point, that moment when the work is presented to the public, when everyone perceives it in the form in which they first became acquainted with it, or later editions, this is always such a debatable question, therefore the best film, probably, is that a film that is formed in the viewer's imagination. after getting acquainted with different versions of sources and everyone can choose the one that he likes best, today. and this was the witnesses of isenshtein podcast, where we, film historians, natalia ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, talk about who and how created cult, classic, famous, little-known, forgotten soviet films, and
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today we talked about such a cult film, which is known under two names: ilica's outposts and i'm 20. all episodes of the witnesses of isenshtein podcast can be found watch on the website of the first channel. thank you and goodbye. hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. flight of iskander. our missilemen razed to the ground an important headquarters of the enemy on the border with the kursk region. what else is there now? now temporary accommodation points and summer children's camps
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in the regions are safe, how are issues being resolved locally? allied approach: drones from ukraine shot down over belarus, minsk's reaction to reports on defense from the fronts of a special operation. air supremacy. su-30, sm2, the latest modifications fighter in the troops. what is the difference from its predecessors? 10 centuries of suzdal, a holiday of the city blessed for historians, for filmmakers, and for all who value places with a soul, the countdown, exactly a week until the channel one volleyball cup, where and how the teams train, charged with victory, life and images, 95 years of oleg strizhennyi, the actor with whom people fell in love once and for all, no matter who he played. 2 hours ago , the ministry of defense reported that our military shot down
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a ukrainian drone over the kursk region. information about those or destroyed targets comes in constantly. the russian army is striking enemy reserves , personnel and equipment from the air from the ground, mainly western. amir isupov has the details of the footage. kursk direction, ukrainian fighters are evacuating damaged nato equipment to the rear. this is a french armored personnel carrier. and... this is an american armored car, here is another one, here is an engineering vehicle, also made in the usa. western scrap metal, you can't call it anything else, it constantly appears in the frame, there is so much of it on the trails in the border zone. the bulk of the columns heading to the kursk region they stop with lancets, here is one of these that is noticed from the air, several armored vehicles, and a tank at the head, it takes the first hit , the ammunition depot catches fire, there is nothing left to evacuate. in total, during the military actions on kursk.
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the mi-28 crew hits the manpower concentration, the su-30 and su-35 work on the equipment, the glow after the hit. they are filmed from the ground. the hit of the target by our su-34s is recorded from a drone with a thermal imaging camera. our reconnaissance attack copters observe the enemy positions day and night. operators kamikaze drones are used to identify and destroy vehicles used by the ukrainian armed forces to deliver reserves. another american maxpro catches our kamikaze drone with its windshield. the enemy is trying to consolidate its positions in the occupied territories, shoots video against the backdrop of russian houses and cars, places command posts in the border zone, and then , for example, our iskander hits it and its brothers. this is an operational-tactical missile
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system, after a strike from which few survive. according to the ministry of defense, 15 people are now buried in this building command staff of the twenty-second brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the attacks of army aviation, artillery fire in the areas of vashkovskoye, maly lokni, algovka, stopped attempts by mobile groups of the enemy to break through deep into russian territory. fire damage was carried out on manpower and equipment in the ssu in the areas of the settlements of nikolaev darin, gueva, lyubimovka, and the sverdlikova road. from the report of the ministry of defense, it can be concluded that the enemy is moving through these settlements of the kursk region. local residents who were evacuated from there are still asked to refrain from traveling home. enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups are operating in the forest belts along the highways, kamikaze drones are flying over the roads. the ukrainian armed forces are deliberately hitting civilian vehicles. in this regard , the national anti-terrorism committee reports. the chairman of the national anti-terrorism committee, director of the fsb of russia aleksandr. bortnikov has decided to organize counter-terrorism operations in
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the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav today, glodkov witnessed another criminal attack in the ssu. an attack drone flew into a car. two women were injured. it's scary to imagine the severity of the injuries, if the car looks like this. medics work in bulletproof vests, because ambulances also become a target for militants. amir iyusupov, viktor overin. channel one. the first 2 billion rubles, additionally allocated by the government, have already arrived in the kursk region. according to the ministry of emergency situations, 76,000 residents have been evacuated from border areas.
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among the victims, ambulance doctor darya konnova on august 6, her team left for sudzha, the operator of a ukrainian drone deliberately hit the ambulance, the filmer and the driver died, darya with shrapnel all over her body was brought to intensive care, we went to the serdzhanskaya srb, that is, thank you, thank you very much, well done, well done, well done doctors after all.
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nothing, and here everyone eats, the food is good, everything suits, everything is fine, everything is good, everyone treated us very well, like home, friendly, we are all very glad that we left, at least in silence. many children here are without parents, they are already being dealt with teachers, matvey pronskikh from sudzha tells his mother how he got settled, everyone asked about clothes, in short, shoes,
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i have these gray sneakers, they broke, i asked them to bring these sneakers, well , okay. in theory, we are doing well, they feed a lot, it's tasty, everything is good, the beds are all good too, it was warm at night, there are 131 people in this camp, most of them are children, they are here at the invitation of the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, today he came to talk to the refugees to find out about their problems, three questions, that's what worries person, first, if the payment comes, it often comes online by phone, but can i not pay and not bother my head with the payment, right now - accordingly, this document should be born so that residents do not worry, because they are responsible, second, if they cannot pay the loan or mortgage now, because they work, is it possible, accordingly, to remove this problem, third, if the housing is destroyed, these are the three questions that residents asked us now, together with the governor, the authorized representative of the president in the central federal district igor shchogolev, you know
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that such work has been launched throughout the country, temporary accommodation centers are being created, or... regions are ready to accept kursk residents in those centers that were deployed before. moscow region is now accepting almost half of those who wished to leave within the framework of this program, then comes oryol region, but now voronezh and tula are also preparing. here are shots from oryol region, 800 people arrived here, people are met right at the station by employees emergencies ministry, including psychologists. another train with residents of kursk arrived in the kaluga region. for help, you can contact specialists of the russian red cross at the number that is now on your screens. employees will check the databases of temporary accommodation points lists of people who have asked for help. citizens from border areas can also call here to leave their contacts in case their relatives are looking for them. 170 sets.
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food, water, hygiene products, tons of humanitarian aid. all this will be distributed among the affected residents, all residents, both those who are now in temporary accommodation centers, and those who were forced to stay with relatives and simply went to neighboring municipalities and are now there with their families, with children, everyone will definitely receive targeted attention, the whole country today, all our regions, everyone has united - everyone is helping. copters, thermal sights, and personal protective equipment were brought for the fighters in the kursk region. and by the way, emergency doctors who go to border areas will receive it.
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our air defense shot down 26 last night drones over the kursk region and six more over the yaroslavl region , the defense ministry reported. and there are details on the second group of damaged drones from alexander lukashenko. having flown out of the territory of ukraine , the drones entered the airspace of belarus, with which we have a unified air defense system. some were shot down, the remaining targets were handed over to the russian military. details and a summary for...
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gave orders to strengthen the troop grouping in the gomel and mozyr tactical directions in order to respond to any
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possible provocations. in the svo zone, meanwhile, pressure on the enemy continues on all fronts. units of the northern group of troops in the volchansk and leptsovsky directions inflicted losses on manpower and equipment, the fifty-seventh motorized infantry, eighty-second airborne assault, ninety-second assault brigades, the thirty -sixth marine brigade. infantry of the foreign legion in the kherson direction , units of the guards artillery regiment of the airborne assault unit of the airborne forces, appearing literally from underground, with precise shots from d-30 guns destroyed an enemy self-propelled gun on the opposite bank of the dnieper. and this is already the vostok group of troops in the southern donetsk direction. the crews of the mstab howitzers strike at enemy fortifications. in the toretsk direction, fighters from the 132nd gorlovka brigade lured the ukrainian into a mine ambush. "come on, that's it, retreat, retreat, retreat, on pokrovskoe, the uav crew sets fire to an american m113 armored personnel carrier with a makomik drone. the enemy lost up to 350 servicemen, a destroyed
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tank, an m113 armored personnel carrier, a kozaac combat armored vehicle, three cars, m777 howitzer, geotsint b cannon and two d30 howitzers. units of the southern group of troops improve the tactical position south and north of the city of chasov, knock out enemy equipment with lancets. using reliable camouflage, they destroy targets identified by reconnaissance, concentrations of manpower, light equipment, dugouts. dmitry tolmachev, irina chyuchu and, maksim kulifeev, channel one. and a new ukrainian video on the capture of people to send as cannon fodder . kharkov: a man's arms are twisted and dragged to a car. only at a cry for help.
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in the same city, a driver is indignant actions of the man-catchers, they do not pay much attention, twisting the pass, let him go, what are you doing, in the torment of transcarpathia, the bus driver desperately tries to block the minivan on the road, in which they loaded. the aircraft created for air supremacy, the next batch of modified su-30 cm2 modified taking into account the experience of the special operation, was transferred to the ministry of defense, a two-seater fighter for solving a large number of problems, it sees targets from a greater distance, which means more time for the guaranteed destruction of the enemy. more about the combat vehicle: as soon as the plane takes off from the ground, the pilot flaps his wings, a sign of gratitude to everyone who
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had a hand in its creation. makes it possible to perform super-maneuverable modes, our task is to check that after we transfer the planes to the army, and they will be fully prepared for all the trials and difficulties of army life. in the svo zone, these fighters proved themselves to be universal fighters, destroyed ukrainian planes and helicopters, ground targets, eliminated unmanned boats and landing boats of the armed forces of ukraine. they covered our strike groups on combat sorties, but first of all the su-30 cm
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was created for... air supremacy, so that ukrainian aviation could not even take off from their base airfields, authorized the launch, understood. the modernization was carried out taking into account combat experience, the target detection range increased, new high-precision weapons were adopted, capable of hitting air, land and sea targets several hundred kilometers away. the new modification for the ministry of defense is distinguished by the expansion of combat capabilities installation of a completely new innovative engine with increased. thanks to the engine and a special silhouette with the front horizontal tail, this heavy machine is considered super-maneuverable, this is how the su-30 sm2 is born from different parts. experimental design work on the deep modernization of the so-30 sm2 went in parallel with the construction of the machines. the state defense order was fulfilled on time. there is very little time for manufacturing for delivery,
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it is completely import-substituted. the aircraft is tested for radio range, operability and characteristics radio-technical equipment of the aircraft, also on... well, and some other checks. the fighters have already left for their duty station, they serve in different regions, accompanying tu-95ms and tu-22m3 bombers, nik-31k hypersonic dagger carriers during scheduled flights over neutral waters, and of course, patrolling the svo zones, where american
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fighters are about to appear. ivan prozorov, natalia sidrova, izis grubamberdeev and sergey kaminsky, channel one. riots are being prepared in serbia with the participation of the west, the purpose of which is coup d'etat. belgrade received a warning about this from moscow, serbian president aleksandar vucic said. we received official information from the russian federation, it was transmitted through official channels, we are dealing with it. security and information agency. serbia is moving forward, they cannot stop it, they will not succeed. and the process seems to have started, an hour and a half ago in belgrade a rally of eco-activists against the extraction of a mineral containing lithium in western serbia began, which is used in the production of batteries. it is through these actions, according to some sources
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, that the pro-western opposition plans to bring the matter to a close. to the seizure of the presidential palace and the implementation of the scenario worked out on the maidan. and flying, as time has shown, like a boomerang. mikhail leontyev with an author's commentary, then we will return with news. however, hello, presidential candidate and current vice president kamala harris. these elections are subordinated to the question that each of us faces, in these elections each of us faces the question. how said in a similar case, also a presidential candidate, general lebed, it is difficult to swim in sulfuric acid with your feet tied, but to penetrate inside the closed circle of the peculiar logic of candidate harris pomuk, while still seemingly her acting colleague
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biden. are you confident in a peaceful transfer of power in 2025? if trump wins, then no, i'm not sure. "i mean, if trump loses, then i'm not at all sure, and is this a slip of the tongue, as the question that harris and company are facing is how to transfer power peacefully and is it worth transferring it at all? we have long noted the creeping ukrainization of american politics. the american method of peaceful transfer of power was first used in ukraine after the 1st maidan, 20 years ago, when kuchma declared that...
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a tour was not needed, and what is good for the overdue president zelensky, the third of ukraine, will also be good for america. biden simply does not need to go anywhere, especially since he has nothing to risk. where is the boss? the boss will appear at the last moment, he is canned. the boss will appear at the last moment moment, this is an ideal scenario, effective at... we are not trading apples here, but making politics. however, goodbye. this was
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mikhail leontyev's author's comment. we continue. now the middle east , israel strikes a school in gaza. about 100 killed, at least 10 children. during morning prayers. the walls collapsed, possibly burying more people. the rubble is being cleared away. the israelis claim that the school was the headquarters of hamas. moscow is deeply shocked and calls on israel to refrain from attacks on civilian targets, the russian foreign ministry said. vladimir putin sent his condolences to the president of brazil over the plane crash that killed 61 people. the tr-72, which was on a domestic flight, went into a flat spin and crashed near a residential area, 80 km short of its destination in the metropolis of san palo. it remains to be seen why the normally proceeding flight ended in tragedy. the crew did not report any problems. according to one version, the atr
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could have suddenly flown into a zone of heavy icing. a three-day mourning has been declared in brazil. local media report that there could have been victims could have been more. about a dozen passengers did not get to the beard, because they were late. the olympic boxing tournament in paris will probably be the most scandalous gold in the women's category up to 66 kg, won by a representative of algeria, who refuses to consider himself a man, expectedly, the victory in the final over the world champion from china was unconditional, and tonight another boxer who failed the gender test, but was allowed to compete, a representative of taiwan, will enter the ring, here the chances for gold are the same.
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and the head of the international olympic committee also said that he would not run for another term. according to thomas bach, he was asked to stay, but he decided not to extend his mandate. the new president moog will be elected in march 2025 in greek olympia. our sporting traditions are unshakable, exactly weeks before the start of the channel one volleyball cup, the favorite game of millions in an unrivaled
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format from top-class masters. for the first time in history, a battle of legendary coaches with current national team coaches. each of them will choose their players. the matches will be held in luzhniki, training in the moscow region. the stars have already arrived there... novogorsk is shaking from the most powerful blows, now only the best in russia are here, preparing for the channel one cup, the tournament will be interesting, it will bring together all the best athletes, volleyball players of our country, it is very motivating, it charges you that all the players are strong, and you, willingly or unwillingly , try to beat someone there, because of this you are always in good shape in a fighting spirit. two men's teams and two women's teams. this will be a battle not only of all the stars of russian volleyball, but also of legendary coaches. men in their part of the tournament will take to the court under
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the leadership of vladimir alekna, the winner of the 2012 london olympics, on the one hand , and the current coach of the national team, konstantin bryansky, on the other. all the guys are motivated, it is clear that everyone wants and wants to participate, they have been waiting for the competition for a long time, this is very important in the current conditions, especially for sports, such tournaments, firstly, it is very popular, channel one. is watched by a very large number of people, it has a very wide audience in the country. russia! historical a confrontation is planned for the women's teams: one will be led into battle by the legendary nikolai karpol. under his leadership, the soviet volleyball players twice won olympic gold in 1980 and 1988. the second will be led by the current coach of the russian national team, zoran terzic. in his track record in different years with different teams, he won the world championship, the russian championship, and olympic silver.
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additional intrigue, it is not yet known which players will end up on which team, this will be determined only on the eve of the matches, as the selection procedure will take place - a secret, but it will also be very interesting, it is important to show us the game that is expected of us, the level that we can show, at the first channel one cup we need first place, because this is a significant moment in any case, historical, honestly i want to get to everyone, so i ... i don’t know, let it be a surprise for me too, because i want to work with everyone, with kokarpol
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and terzhich, everything is important, victory, participation, team, i think that everything together, of course, with participation, yes, i also want to win, and judging by the way the athletes prepare, they want to win very much, next to the gym there are a couple of plastic containers, inside them there is ice and water, the volleyball players give it their all during training that only ice can return their... worn-out muscles to normal tone, the athletes climb into these containers and stand in them, however, this does not cool their passion, the closer the channel one cup is, the higher the tension. anatoly lazarev, roman kharolenko, andrey kolobaev, alexey kozlov. channel one. so, the most titled volleyball players of the country and legendary coaches. super tournament. who will win the main prize? live broadcasts of the channel one volleyball cup on august 17 and 18. at 15:45 don't miss it.
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a holiday for everyone who prefers a healthy lifestyle. today, russia celebrates physical culture day. vladimir putin congratulated professional athletes and amateurs, noting that creating conditions for playing sports is one of the state priorities. mass sporting events were held across the country, one of them was exercise with a guard order organized by the ministry of internal affairs and the movement of the first. in the capital it was held in the format of the quest relay. in the northern capital - death cyclone otilya, the wind was so strong that it overturned a truck, in the region they removed a funnel, similar death tropical rain, in the city too, streams of water on the streets flooded buses and cars, cars were damaged by structures and trees that fell on them, the market was flooded, vegetable stalls floated away, where fountains started to beat, the storm drain could not cope with the collapsed volume.
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this means that russian railways, despite that sanctions, challenges implement the saratov region reconstruction project, if we talk about the city.
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concerts, fairs, historical reconstructions, performances, concentrated beauty of this very small city, a magnet for tourists and filmmakers. and indeed, walking along the suzdol pavements, going into ancient monasteries as if you are transported to another era or to a movie, lyubov filippova did not remain indifferent. together with suzdal we go to a thousand-year history, at the walls of the ancient pokrovsky monastery, a whole ancient town unfolded. the monastery, by the way, is like the one that... opposite is included in the unesco world heritage list, a city-museum, the locals themselves say, we are going on a journey through it, and although suzdol occupies only 15 km, more than three hundred architectural, historical and cultural monuments are located on the square, the city is 123 years older than moscow, so the historical site is one of the most
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popular for holidays. for example, a military field camp of russia from the 14th century has been set up everywhere snow-white tents smell of something delicious. so tell us what you're cooking? hello, i'm cooking solyanka, hodgepodge, was solyanka really cooked before? yes, it is, all the ingredients are historical, it's meat, root vegetables, today there are reenactors from all over russia here, infantrymen and english knights from the end of the 14th, beginning of the 15th centuries are having breakfast here now, of course they eat oatmeal, very tasty, at the culinary competition you need to cook a dish with... about a million have visited, everyone loves the cozy
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town for something of their own, for the energy, for the people, here are the tourists last year alone old man, for this good mood. just ask the person who comes from khabarovsk every year to suzdal, here she is standing with us, the hero, it is very soulful here, so we try to visit here every year, in total about 80 feature films were shot in suzdal, you can visit the sets of some of them today, for example, the eighties film wizards, i am in the role of the cameraman today, well, i can be in the role of an actor, in principle, the same institute of extraordinary services, where the heroes of the film worked on creation... the heart of russia is moscow, the window to europe is
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st. petersburg, and suzdol is the soul of russia, the air saturated with history for a thousand years. we will continue the theme of the cinema of round dates with the famous soviet and russian actor oleg strizhenov, people's artist of the ussr, 95 years old, every role is a phenomenon, every image, the viewer lived together with his heroes, in performances in films, many of them are the pride of our cinema and theater, the secret of success is maximum dedication and a high bar in the profession, in life, and what are your eyes? with he was born like that, how many artists do we recognize only by their eyes, we recognize him unmistakably, deep, expressive, they drove the whole country crazy, and one look at oleg strizhenov was enough for us to look into the soul of each of his heroes, be it the madman herman from the queen of spades,


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