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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 12, 2024 4:20am-4:57am MSK

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the operation will be completed by defeating the enemy and reaching the state border. kiev has invested a lot of effort in the current adventure. we are talking about thousands of regular army soldiers. at least three large units are involved: the twenty-second, eighty -eighth mechanized and eightieth airborne assault brigades. where did these brigades come from? they came from the same units that were supposed to defend kiev. this is the elite, trained, which includes not only ukrainian military personnel, but also... all the mercenaries from the countries that provide assistance to ukraine, french, polish, and english were spoken during the negotiations, the kursk border regions are densely populated, and while destroying the enemy, the military is also thinking about how not to touch their own, the ukrainian armed forces are doing everything to sow panic and disrupt the evacuation, what militant would want to lose a human shield, the path here is simple and familiar to the kiev regime, terror, one of its first victims was pregnant nina kuznetsova, whom the militants... shot in a car in
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front of her mother and son matvey. the boy got wounded. nina's husband, artem kuznetsov, was driving ahead and also got hit by bullets. the family tried to escape from sudzha to kursk in two cars. it was a soldier in the ssu, i saw him, he was wearing a helmet, glasses, his face was covered, he had a blue armband. the bullet entered first through the dashboard and went out onto the street. another bullet knocked off my cap, my visor was shot through. then he started shooting. car, not a single bullet hit me, i managed to drive, i drove, maybe 100 meters, probably, stopped, and jumped out, started waving to nina, so that she would drive faster, i saw that her first glass was crumbling, but she was driving, i thought that everything worked out, she got through, but as her mother said later, when matvey was wounded, she screamed, nina, matvey, matvey was wounded, and anya was already unconscious, and so... as i was standing, i quickly jumped into
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the car, i thought she got through, and my mother drove specially into my car, into the niva, to stop, she crashed, i jumped out, screamed, matvey, i'm in the car, i open the door, and nina is already wheezing, blood is flowing very heavily, as the doctors said, the bullet went into light, came out through the heart, and these residents of the same miraculously escaped, in the footage you can clearly hear the dry clicks of machine gun bursts, tearing apart the body.
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us, well, we stepped on the gas and this one turned out, that well, and he already threw us off behind us and well, how well , we miraculously survived, the second birthday, that the terrorists will get what they deserve and the attack will choke, there is no doubt, but for ukraine in border provocations the process is more important than the result, the failures in donbass must be covered up with another, so to speak, reporting event, in the end, the capture territories, provided, of course, that they can be held, this is an improvement in potential negotiating positions, more cards in hand, more demands. any means are suitable here,
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including terror, which kiev easily finds justification for. kuleba there, a couple of weeks ago, said that by striking at the central regions of russia, we will rather bring closer, therefore, the possibility of holding negotiations on their terms, that's how we will force russia to agree to what we demand, they are destroying civilians, the west looks at this completely calmly, not to mention calmly, with approval, they will use it as much as possible for information work, well, including. and for the continuation of financing the kiev regime, and for new arms deliveries, during the election campaign of the united states, this will be used, while throwing into the fire the elite of the armed forces of ukraine, not those unfortunate mobilized ones who disappear in the trenches of donbass, trained specialists with nato weapons, almost 1,200 of them, according to our defense ministry, have already been destroyed in the kursk and sumy regions, armored vehicles, mainly western, about one and a half hundred were burned, and this is only the beginning, denmark controls a certain part of the border territory there , a small area, which they actually
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found themselves in as if in a trap, reserves have already been introduced, we have already pulled in many military units there, which have already entered the battle, counter battles are underway, and if they introduce all their last reserves, then it is clear that the special military operation for us will proceed at a completely different pace, and this will not please not only the ukrainian junta, it will not please everyone their sponsors, who believe that ukraine should resist as long as possible. even the most combat-ready units soon become helpless, without reinforcements, artillery support, the supply of shells, cartridges, and food. russian troops cut off the invading group in the ssu from the rear. under round-the-clock attacks by our missilemen and aviation, ukrainian columns, artillery mounts, warehouses, deployment sites, and command posts of the enemy. special circumstances require a special legal regime. the kursk, bryansk, and belgorod regions now live in the context of a counter-terrorist operation. this means increased security at key facilities, thorough roadside checks, and generally
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expanded powers for security forces to prevent ukrainian terrorism from spreading beyond the combat zone. alexey kruchinin, irina bliznyuk and kristina neznanova, channel one. after the shelling in kursk oblast, 69 people remain in hospitals, including eight children, 17 injured in serious condition, health minister mikhail murashko reported today. here are the emergencies ministry data from border areas for the past 24 hours 8.00 people were evacuated, and as reported the day before, 76,000 people since the beginning of the events. 26 temporary accommodation points in the kursk region alone, there are 60 in total. people fled in a hurry into the unknown, only...
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there are 131 people in this summer camp, most of them children, they are here at the invitation of the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, he came to talk to the refugees to find out about their problems. three questions, that's what worries a person: first, if the payment comes, it often comes online by phone, but can i not pay and not forget
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head with a payment, right now, accordingly this document should be born so that residents do not worry, because they are responsible. second, if loans. mortgages cannot be paid now, because they work, is it possible, accordingly, to remove this problem, third, if housing is destroyed, these are three questions that residents have asked us now. together with the governor, the authorized representative of the president in the central federal district igor shchogolev arrived. such work has been deployed throughout our country, temporary accommodation points are being created, or regions are ready to accept kursk residents in the points that were deployed before. moscow region. is now accepting - almost half of those who wished to leave. karena krastelyova first took her family to orel, then returned twice more for neighbors. they left with one suitcase, in it they burn bandages, warm clothes and documents. how orel responded, but i have no words. we
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were simply provided with everything every second, we were accommodated, we were right there, they said 5 minutes, settle in a little, we were right there. fed, everyone was taken away they took all the children to feed in their cars, but we simply bow low to these people. many left their homes in a hurry, taking only their documents. volunteers and caring people help with things. hundreds of people come to the humanitarian aid distribution points every day. the russian red cross has also joined the work. people come from the very morning. here we even see a small queue. here, residents of border villages make a special database to provide assistance in the future, and also ask about what things are needed right now, we also collected money, helped and transferred everything, well, we ourselves found ourselves in such a situation. thank you very much, first of all, a very big thank you for not being indifferent to the trouble, this is our region, and we must help each other in any case.
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food, water, hygiene products, tons of humanitarian aid were brought to kursk by representatives of the people's front, the whole country collected medicines from orenburg, canned food from orel, neighboring municipalities and are now there with their families, with children, everyone will definitely receive targeted attention, the whole country today, all our regions, everyone united, everyone helped. after the attack of sudzhi, the wounded needed donor blood. in the center of kursk, people lined up at the mobile point, despite the regular sounds of the siren-rocket danger, came to the regional clinical blood center. many came from far away for this. 120 km.
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mozhena from a tank hit civilians , shot, they shot indiscriminately, they even when we flew into the ditch here is the opening, they even finished us off. nine people were evacuated leading clinics of the capital, there are among them are children, the most serious little patients were taken by air to the institute of emergency children's surgery and traumatology, and even doctors save children's lives every day, they can't get used to this, it's painful to look at these children, of course, but you always relate it. with your children and relatives, it's certainly hard to bear it all, to realize it all. one of
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the patients is an eight-year-old boy with a head wound, they have not yet been able to remove the fragments. a hematoma has formed and doctors are deciding on a neurosurgical operation. two more people receive treatment at the sklefasovsky research institute. painstakingly day after day, patients with reported injuries and burns are nursed here. leading specialists, traumatologists, anesthesiologists and surgeons work here. it is difficult to give any treatment, intensive care, and we evaluate injuries now, so there is such a constant because this is such an early period of severe conditions during each day, we hope that they will be good, doctors arrived to help the kursk region, 61 teams from other regions, round-the-clock assistance on the federal medical and biological agency is providing assistance, a mobile hospital with 100 beds has been deployed, seven skora teams are participating in...
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an automatic emergency inter-network roaming regime has been introduced in the region, telephone communications and mobile internet in the region are available free of charge even with a negative balance. tatyana kozlova,
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the drone debris was shown by belarus television, noting that the devices contain western components. an american antenna, a belgian navigation system, engineers from countries may have participated in the assembly of the drones nato. according to minsk, the kiev regime is trying to expand the conflict in the region and involve belarus in it. information about this will be conveyed to the un and the osce. the chargé d'affaires of ukraine was summoned to the belarusian foreign ministry, where she was handed a note of protest demanding that such incidents be excluded in the future. otherwise , the question of the advisability of the presence of the ukrainian mission in minsk will arise. the west
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is two-faced, giving kiev weapons, the scope of use of which it leaves to kiev to determine, immediately supplying it with intelligence data. they say this is self-defense, within the framework of which ukraine has the right to fire on our peaceful cities, to shoot at civilian cars and ambulances. this is the understanding of self-defense that the european union is talking about. the military meaning of what zelensky is doing. the strategic rationale for this operation is currently difficult to understand, said retired australian army major general mick ryan. and in the united states, the first reaction was: "we are not aware." yes, now. the kiev regime, which is held together by western aid packages, just on friday in
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washington they opened a new one with the hymers, here so he took it, thought it up and did it. american. cnn, a television channel loyal to the ruling democratic party , directly called what ukraine did an adventure. the new york times develops the idea of ​​its colleagues in this way. military analysts said that the attack could be an attempt to distract russian units from the front line and ease the pressure on ukrainian troops. but they added that the russian army has sufficient reserves, and the attack could lead to a further dispersion of forces. from an operational and strategic point of view this attack makes absolutely no sense, it looks like a gross waste of people and resources that are needed elsewhere. dmitry saems, the host of the big game on the first, has certainly seen the american publications, but as always, he takes a broader view. he has the floor, then we will return with the events of the day of the outgoing week. good evening, the attack on kursk and
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other adjacent indigenous russian regions, whose belonging to russia is not disputed anywhere and by anyone, is definitely a new round of nato escalation against russia. i i am sure that there will be a thorough analysis of the situation, how this attack occurred, why the enemy managed to achieve some initial success. but it is already clear now that the offensive of ukraine.
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in russia, in order to prevent russia from effectively conducting military operations against a coalition of hostile states, a coalition led by the united states. here we must understand that this attack once again demonstrates who russia is actually fighting. yes, of course, the offensive
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is being carried out by ukrainian combat units, but in fact. ukraine is in this case cannon fodder. there is a division of responsibilities. ukraine supplies combat units, but artillery, missiles, ammunition, intelligence, financing and very important political support, all of this is provided by the united states and its allies. and here we must say frankly.
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their strategic patience, that the united states and its allies perceive this as a manifestation of weakness, and each time they go to a new. round of escalation and these rounds are becoming more and more serious and less and less acceptable for russia, there is no official reds.
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biden, senator biden, was very much against military action, demanding that some compromise be found with saddam hussein. now
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let's go back to 2003, when saddam hussein was not occupying anyone, was not threatening anything, had no weapons of mass destruction, the bush administration nevertheless decided to invade, and what happened? an elementary instinct for self-preservation, important, of course, not only for him and not so much for him, but for america itself. biden
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, of course, claims that i am not me, and this war not mine, but if you look at how the united states is acting in this critical situation that has developed on the borders of russia, especially when we talk about the kurdish region, then you will see. that in the midst of military actions, when the ukrainian offensive is developing, what does biden do? he gives ukraine an additional package of military aid for 120 million dollars, which includes the same hymers, which includes anti-tank jewels and many other things that help the ukrainian offensive, and then say that this is not his war, but at least
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at least... it is increasingly obvious that military successes in ukraine alone are not enough to humanize the collective west, that they are quite ready in
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washington in brisse.
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and there were also serious agreements on mutual support for russian assistance to iran in the area of ​​creating high-precision weapons of a special air defense system, which is one of the most vulnerable places for iran. well, finally, there is a wide range of actions possible for russia and...
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to use all these possibilities, the russian leadership will have to, of course, think carefully and weigh all the circumstances personally, but i have no doubt that the time when the biden administration could hope to carry out such actions against russia, either with its own hands or with the hands of its kiev protégés, that these times... have definitely passed. dmitry saims, host of the big game on the first. let's move on. the events in the kursk region did not affect the course of the special operation in any way. our troops are liberating more and more territories and continue long-range high-precision strikes against the ukrainian rear. there are messages about the defeat in telegram channels military facilities in kiev, sumy, kharkov, khmelnitsky regions. in poltava , the target is a military airfield. in kremenchug, presumably, an oil refinery. and this is only for
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the past night. more about the enemy's losses for the week from valentina solovieva. this is footage of counter-battery combat on the dnieper. an accurate hit by a loitering munition. the american howitzer m-777 will not fire again. the american armored personnel carrier m-113 has the same unenviable fate. and bogdan's self-propelled gun, sharpened for the use of nato's 155 mm caliber, also burned to the ground. and on in these shots, our lancet operators calculate and destroy a d-30 howitzer. the partially surviving personnel scatter to the sides, and another drone catches up with them. this is only part of the enemy equipment destroyed in the special operation zone during the week. our troops are moving the front in all directions. as a result of the active actions of the units of the center group , the settlements
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of timofeevka, novosyolovka pervaya and vesyoloye of the donetsk people's republic were liberated during the week. an emotional video from our uav operators, observing from air for the attack aircraft. under enemy fire , the pacific fleet marines' armored personnel carrier breaks through the ukrainian armed forces' line of defense, firing back with its cannon. our most important thing is speed and maneuverability. and we fly in at a fast pace, suppress fire. at this point, while the infantry is dismounting, he begins to capture his designated lines. the apc driver was able not only to drive almost into the enemy's rear, but also to land troops, then, having escaped from two kamikaze drones, return back, for courage and heroism he is nominated for a state award, the luhansk direction, a bridge, along which the militants transferred reserves to the front line, flies into the air, here the enemy temporary deployment point flies apart into splinters. footage filmed by eyewitnesses in the kiev region, the settlement of barovary, the industrial zone, where
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the ukrainian armed forces made drones, flares up. in the frontline konstantinovka, the strike hit the branch of the new post office, which the ukrainian armed forces, as is known, use to solve their logistical problems. as confirmation, the frame includes military personnel parked at the entrance. on one of antennas of a powerful electronic warfare system and a characteristic cross are even visible. from august 3 to 9, 2024 , the russian armed forces carried out 19 group strikes with high-precision weapons and strike unmanned aerial vehicles, which resulted in the destruction of ukrainian defense industry enterprises, associated energy facilities, airfield infrastructure, air defense systems, assembly shops and strike uav sites. and this is how the enemy's attempt to land ended. on the kinburn spit in the dnieper delta, kherson direction. the saboteurs, having landed from two boats on the shore, immediately found themselves in minefields, where they were stopped by heavy fire from our artillery. and here is the result: bodies on the shore, the remains of equipment. here it lies on the shore.
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only four of the sixteen were able to escape, but they. the target for the gun is geocinth. there are certain places where they hide. we destroy these shelters. and this is how the enemy's attempts to carry out rotation are stopped, our drones hit the vehicles with personnel, here is a militant trying to shoot down our drone from cover, he did not have time, and this is not even an attempt stood up, saw a russian drone, raised his hands up, went to surrender, chose life, in just a week 55 ukrainians made this choice, here's what one of them says, no, ukraine won't win, it can't, firstly , there are no people, there's simply no one to fight, if they already... they're taking men under 60, they're already raking in everyone in a row, they're taking third-group disabled people, they're just taking everyone in a row, because there's no one. valentina solovyova, sergey kuznetsov, islam ustarkhanov, channel one, zaporizhia direction. let's talk about the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine,
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which require constant replenishment due to colossal losses. the capture of men all over ukraine has long been perceived as a natural course of events. rescue from the hands of military commissars is a bribe, most likely only postpones the grave. the authorities will rake in. still thinking about conscription not only of those who have reached adulthood, but also of sixteen-year- old teenagers. where does this path lead? ivan kanavalov figured out. martial law general mobilization in ukraine by new laws of zelensky is extended from tomorrow for another 90 days until november 9. this is already the twelfth extension since the beginning of the special military operation, which obviously threatens to bring the situation in ukrainian society, if not home.
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will be able to fight until 2033. if ukraine declares mobilization from 18 years, then mobilization from 16 years, the war can continue until 2044. thus, the averton window is open, an extremely unpopular topic is transferred to the category of discussed, and then the adoption of a new, even more draconian law on mobilization will follow. moreover, in warming up the topic of sending ukrainians to the front from 18 years of solidarity.
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people, he lost this war politically, mentally, philosophically, religiously, there are no other options, he himself lost this war, and we just... people, the quality of those mobilized is extremely low, but the situation with their motivation is even worse, guys, men, we are simply pressed, they consider us meat, they don’t want to fight, but those who hunt them, the employees of territorial recruitment centers or simply military registration and enlistment offices, have high motivation, which develops into professional competition, i don’t know, there is a sporting interest, it’s like a sporting interest, how much do you have, i’m already five?
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doctors, nurses, pharmacy workers and so on, we will see that of course, lowering the age of consent to 18 years is actually burying future students, future litas, future managers who in the country then have to, well, relatively speaking, intercept the economic brooks, they put a cross on this now throw everything into the fire of the war, which is beyond their strength. the corruption scheme of the ukrainian military commissars has also been worked out, this is and...


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