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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 14, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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on the piano he was also engaged in composing a composition and in 2010-11 we had such a friend, thank god she still exists, zhanna antonyan, a music teacher, she said that she found in the archives of the lenin library, notes that belong, in fact, to the hand of venevitinov, a four-handed karkovyak, and i was then working on the project of the new pushkin prize, and we actually performed this korkovyak and thus officialized it. this unexpected find, yes, indeed, dmitry venevitinov was fond of music and composition there were reasons for that, because his home teacher was a famous composer at that time, joseph genishta, whose works were heard and even staged on the stage of the bolshoi theater, such teachers and such worthy students, by the way, genishta brought him a love for beethoven, and he considered him a philosopher, music.
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consequences, well, and as for dmitry's musical compositions, his friends said that they wanted to publish his poetic experiments along with them and musical works, so perhaps it really is there will still be new finds, work is underway, well yes, that means people are debating, this is called scientific work, but the main thing is if there is a find, there will be debaters, as we know. he was a handsome young man, romantic, enthusiastic, and we know that he spent the summer in this estate named nazhivotinaya near voronezh, yes, after dmitry successfully graduated from moscow university, he entered the service in the moscow archive, the collegium of foreign affairs, but here for a short time he suddenly needed to leave for a new animal in so... and he
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goes there to the memories of his childhood, indeed he went with his parents to the estate in novozhitino, he loved it very much, and you know, a very beautiful legend is connected with the poet's stay in the estate in childhood, the legend about the butterfly, about pavleniy eye, it happened when mitenka was very small, and one day walking in a large garden, he saw a magnificent creature that flapped ... its wings flew from flower to flower, and dmitry asked his brother peter what kind of creature it was, he explained to him that it was the pavleniy eye butterfly. every morning began with dmitry running into the garden and looking for his girlfriend, and this was such an impression of his childhood that he later retained even as an adult, an archive employee, a poet in a pocket album for his sister sonechka. he draws this
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butterfly pavleniy eye and dedicates a small poem to her in french, a small butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower, and it was so touching, we looked for this album in the forty-eighth fund, yes , we have it here, we can look, we know that he was also an excellent musician a draftsman, yes we have portraits, his sister sonya and self-portraits, they are generally so wonderful also at that time. apparently it is written here is sister sonya, to whom he actually gave this pocket album, yes, and there is a self-portrait of the little mitei, there is another version that this is an unknown artist, but it is surprising how a baby in the 1810s could perform such professional works, depicting his sister and allegedly himself, but in fact they are dated 1810, if dmitry was born in 1805, then how old was he at that time, well...
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well, the tenth, so to speak, the tenth, yes, well, he is still a baby, but nevertheless these portraits remain, but you know, i would like to continue the theme of the butterfly with your permission, it is actually alive today in usalba, well, that's exactly what i wanted to say, that his presence is felt there, yes, apparently, i served a lot in the estate of venevitin, that's what i call it, so this happened to me when a rather large... delegation of chinese comrades arrived, they did not know russian at all , that is, absolutely, and they asked me show and tell them about this house, about the people who lived here, but so that they would somehow understand, and they all had notebooks, pens, wrote down every word, they studied the russian language, the russian word, and had to understand where they ended up, the task was not an easy one, i tell you, well, somehow...
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and i looked and said: master, everyone here immediately understood what we were talking about, that in fact this is an estate, and those portraits that i pointed to, the portrait of dmitry, this butterfly, they are somehow connected, they all began to bow and pronounce the owner, the owner, our caretakers even froze, everyone appeared in a smile, the chinese understood everything, at some point, it means, living in moscow, he had good friends.
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whose consciousness was absolutely russian, such a russian worldview, he was imbued with ideas, therefore, when young people, united in this society, secret, as they believed, in fact it was secret, no one knew about it, they gathered e for conversations about german philosophers, they deliberately did not call the word philosophy, they called wisdom and...
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that's about her magnificent voice, why, why did you sing so sweetly, why did i listen to you so greedily, jesus of your singers of beauty, of the dreams
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of dreams and joyless passion, so to speak, one can already read some kind of passion that arose in the young man in relation to this woman, in the house, it means, there were a lot of all sorts of remarkable famous people, it is very interesting the recollection of prince vyazimsky about how pushkin appeared there, after exile in mikhailovskoye, when in september he arrived in moscow, the princess, knowing that pushkin would come, sang for him and the legion, the daylight went out, prince vyazimsky notices, pushkin was moved by this seduction of subtle and artistic coquetry, but prince vyazimsky is always elegant, so to speak. after which pushkin proclaimed princess zinaida the queen of mus of beauty. we are helping to establish normal life in iraq. you are helping a military dictator get what he wants. raw materials for biological weapons. dmitry andreevich. we have agreed on the first
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contract. all the signatures are there, the conditions, you know, all that remains is to get approval. england will vote like america. the rest don't care, but they will vote like america. so i need to convince the american representative, exactly, i'll try to help you with this now, trader, tomorrow after the program time, i wanted to discuss how to help you get your contract approved in oo, magamaev, it's me, yes, muslim, what's the matter, you'll cope, that they don't believe that it's me, when the artist comes out on stage and the audience just.
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we continue the conversation with our guest from voronezh elena vinogradova, my name is ekaterina varkan, well, at least that's all these brilliant people, they created. this famous legend of princess zinaida, yes, indeed, that's how it all happened, and
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volkonskaya is the queen of musa of beauty, truly, she created a magnificent, luxurious, european-famous literary and musical salon in her house, and according to my memory, here is the house, just, yes, this is the house of balkonskaya, tverskaya 14, in fact, where everything happened, according to my memory...
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but he was also interesting in that he had deep opinions about art together they even agreed to create a museum of fine art arts, but love, tragic love, and there was only one date, a date to which she agreed in the park of simonov monastery, everything happened with peals of thunder, lightning strikes, a thunderstorm overtook them, the culmination of feelings, dmitry admitted: and here she stopped, she could not reciprocate his feelings and broke the heart of the young poet. in
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his poems, he confesses this tragic and unrequited love: why, why, did you sing so sweetly, why did i listen to you so greedily, indeed he listened to her so greedily, but everything ended differently, but we we know that she gave him... as a sign, well, not of love, but as a sign of compassion, a ring, this famous venevitin ring, about which legends are told, here it is, it is now in the literary museum in moscow. indeed, this ring was given to dmitry venevitinov as a pledge of compassion, and for him, of course, it was the most valuable gift from princess zinaida, this gift will become his talisman, a true talisman of love. a very interesting story, because it was found in 1706 during excavations
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of the ancient city of herculaneum, and where did she find it kniginya, now there are different versions, maybe she bought it in an antique shop, maybe, and it was in her father's collection, he remembered her as an archaeologist, a collector, she brought it with her to moscow, but these are cities that perished during the famous eruption of vesuvius, pompeii is famous, this is... this is really a gift that will keep the memory of their love, only the memory, but
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it cannot be put on a finger. dmitry also realized this, and he bequeathed to his faithful friends that he would put the ring on his finger - in two exceptional cases, either on the day his wedding, or on the day of his death, that is, on the threshold of some new state of his, the state of his soul. but he always wore it on a chain to his watch and never parted with it and this ring. and he dedicates his famous lines, his poem to my ring, where in fact he already acts as a poet-truest, as a prophet, he predicts in an amazing way both the fate of this ring and his own fate. you were dug up in the grave of dusty love, the age-old herald, again the togil dust,
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you will be bequeathed, my ring, oh, be my faithful talisman. protect me from the grave wounds of light and the insignificant crowd, well, somehow i foresaw something more cheerful, i'll tell you honestly, but strictly speaking, he still remains a smart handsome man, yes, with us, so to speak, regardless of his deep spiritual experiences, and of course he attracts the attention of the secular public without any doubt, and many whispered in the corners, how can it not be that there were no secret novels.
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"you can say, we are showing him for the first time this document to the public, yes, this is really a plan of the magazine moskovsky vestnik, surprisingly it should be noted that pushkin, having become acquainted with all the friends of the lubomodrovs of dmitry venevitinov, supported this magazine and even agreed to participate in it, then after some time had passed, pushkin would write the following about this magazine:
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petrovna, she remarkably tested, an unknown author of well-known epigrams, so, here i also looked at these epigrams, that is, i was considered a wit, a wit, in fact a monstrous vulgarian, so, but in the male circle it is sometimes even fashionable and welcomed, but one way or another, regardless of all the talents of sobolevsky, who was attracted. to the publication of the magazine, the magazine nevertheless closed in the thirtieth year, but by this time venevitinov had already moved to petersburg.
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and zenaida volkonskaya, and alexander pushkin and his other friends lyubomudry came to see dmitry off into adulthood, let's say, an independent life, the princess asked him to take with him karl august yours, the libraries of count laval, who accompanied the princess ekaterina trubetskaya to her husband in siberia, but caught a cold, did not arrive. was forced to return, and she continued her journey on her own, so dmitry had no choice but to give consent, they
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set off together, but before entering the city at the outpost, the carriage was stopped, at that time it was very serious, everyone entering the northern capital was checked, and after the december uprising, and ... was detained, arrested, they say that they were in one, as if a carriage, together with dmitry venevitinov, and he was also arrested, of course, it was a great test for the young poet, that's how petersburg met him, he was kept in the prison camp for two or three days, but there are other figures that are already cited by documents, but nevertheless... dmitry, held on bravely, to potapov's question whether he belonged to the northern society of decembrists, he answered
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that he could easily belong to it, it was not only naive chivalry, it was generally then, probably, the aspiration of the pliada of young people who were from the same circle and strove to be together and share their fate and even be captured. well, i would say they were different people, yes, they all wanted to be useful, only by different means, that's why they had disagreements, and the idea that he went to serve in petersburg, it seems to me that he, so to speak, cherished the hope that it is possible, if you serve and work well, so to speak, for the benefit of the fatherland, then you can do something in this way, yes indeed.
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monarchy, this was all dmitry, he was all about the future, he made plans, he was in a hurry to live, he really dreamed of all his knowledge to serve the fatherland, and wrote in his articles that we, young, european -educated, russian people, standing on a par with the century, in our education, should do something good, live and do nothing. simply impossible, according to vinevitin. you are watching the podcast precious stories. my name is ekaterina varkan, in the studio with me
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today is elena vinogradova. he chose the asian department of the collegium of foreign affairs for himself, because by this time he was fascinated by the east, and he understands that the accents political life is moving in the other direction, to the east. and he dreamed of going to persia with griboyedov, but griboyedov only left in the summer of 1926, well, he was planning to go to persia with griboyedov, he has a lot of letters, the last ones, literally these are the last two letters, i want to go there on my first mission and sing freely with the eastern nightingales, well, it’s just wonderful, i’m going to persia, it’s already decided, it seems to me that there is probably strength for life, inspiration, later in this same letter i wrote out that... that melancholy tormented me here in the cold, empty, soulless society, i am alone, i would rather leave here in moscow to you, and here we understand that of course to you, to
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friends, but... still, this again returns to that love that remained so unanswered, that is, again he in all this, yes, indeed, falls into melancholy and depression, he could not find a place for himself, it seemed to him that here in the cold, light, he is alone, in the opinion of his friend fyodor, khomyakov, with whom they lived at the lonskys, rented a small house in... internally he completely changed in his own way such a melancholic image, even outwardly he changed his appearance, his hair grew, became dark, he tells his sister sonechka about this, he grew a moustache and a beard, looked like a completely different person, but nevertheless he attended receptions, balls, once the lanskys gave a ball at their house and ... he
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fell ill, fell seriously ill, and, as fyodor khomyakov says, he dreamed of poetry all the time, he either muttered them or wrote them, constantly wrote his poems, and it seemed that in 24 hours of the day he did not have a free minute, he was always kept his diary, he composed and hurried to write. and thus he hurried to live, but he had very little time left to live, and here again we recall that story, that legend, that prophecy about the ring, to which we return again in it, when dmitry became completely ill, he bequeathed in his poetic message to the ring to his friends, so that my ring would not be removed from your cold hand, so that ... and
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the coffin would not separate us, the oath will not be fruitless, so everything happened, when dmitry left , he fell unconscious, then hurrying to the poet alexey khomyakov took the ring off the watch chain and put it on dmitry's finger. when dmitry came to his senses, he saw the ring on his finger and said.
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she left russia, she went to rome, lived in vila, where we had a lot of her visiting our russian, so to speak, friends, gogol, zhukovsky pogodin, the bryulov brothers, and she created such an alley of friends from monuments. the first monument was to her beloved alexander i, then there was the first monument to pushkin in 1937, when he passed away, and there was a monument to venevitinov. they say, that now there is the british embassy on this place, you can’t get in there, and the alley of friends is lost and doesn’t exist. it can’t be said that the poet’s short life was full of pessimism, he himself said: we once knew how to be naughty with decency, to play pranks with intelligence, but the end of his life was truly tragic, this faithful talisman, perhaps,
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played... its fatal role in the fate of the poet, but volkonskaya too, she did not escape her sad death, because i will return when she left for italy, to her villa san fierci, where she really lived and longed for her friends, that's why these monuments appeared, the monument to dmitry venevitin including, but in the end she... took a vow of poverty, she wandered the streets of rome and gave money to the poor, one day in the pouring rain in liven, she took off her cloak and gave it to a poor man, caught a cold and died from almost the same disease as the young poet, you know, the love story in this
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book does not excite... and the hearts of people and will continue to excite for many, many years, but i think that she still crossed that edge. legend and the legend of the most worthy, smartest, most talented young man, and the legend of great love, and today medicine will tell us that it is impossible to die of one's own free will, well , it is impossible of one's own free will, but
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here is what it knows about these personalities of the twenties of the xix century, when beautiful women destroyed society, the courts of the emperor, and poetic young men cleaned up from delight and love, but... nothing is known about this in medicine, because the unknown scale of the soul and will, and here we are with sergei we talked to petrovich nikonenko, interviewed sergei aleksandrovich yesenin in this very studio and came to the conclusion that the person you are dealing with, your hero, you suddenly, so to speak, get caught in the fact that you become, he becomes your master , and you become his slave, and you already roll up your sleeves, so to speak, work for him, and the more you live with him, the more similar you are, why am i actually saying this, that here...
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hello dear friends, this is a podcast of the life of the remarkable, with you, i, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and today we will talk about a remarkable writer, philosopher, mikhail mikhailovich. i am sure that you are all very familiar with this name from childhood, from school years, when you wrote dictations, summaries, the author of which was none other than our hero, mikhail
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prishvin. by the way, it is a tradition when soviet schoolchildren wrote their first lines based on his texts, wrote them in school notebooks, it happened during his lifetime in the thirties, in the forties, and at. it was very amusing, because he himself was an unsuccessful student, he was kept back a year, then he was kicked out of school altogether, and so he wrote that so many years had passed, once i was kicked out of school, and now children learn to write and read from my books, well, of course , for most of us prishvin is a kind of naturalist writer, the author of wonderful stories about birds, dogs, other animals, trees, nature, in general. and i thought so for a long time, and until then, during the times of glasnost and perestroika in in the magazine oktyabr, i did not come across his diary, this diary completely turned my idea of ​​this man upside down, made
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me take him extremely seriously, write a book about him and generally never stop thinking about mikhail prishvin, pustovsky once said: that if nature could feel gratitude to man for the fact that he sang its beauty, then the first to whom this gratitude would go would be mikhail prishvin, i think that not only nature, but also russian history of the 20th century is also very grateful preshvin for the testimony he left about her in his main book, and prishvin's main book was precisely his diary, which he kept on...
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what do we know about this man? he was born in 1873, was born. that ivan bunin studied there, and the future philosopher priest, sergei bulgakov, and the geography teacher at this gymnasium was none other than the philosopher vasily vasilyevich rozanov, all this was at about the same time, just imagine, small, beautiful, charming yelets, a boys' gymnasium, which, by the way, has survived to this day until now, and there is a school there, once upon a time, almost a century and a half ago, in this school... they met, well, and missed each other a little, because bunin was expelled from
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this gymnasium or left this gymnasium, a little earlier than preshvin came to it, in this wonderful building, they coincided with roznov, in fact, roznov played a huge role in the fate of preshvin, because at first he highly appreciated this stubborn dreamer, this dreamer, who dreamed of traveling, who once ran away from school together with... from the gymnasium with a wolf's ticket, and actually
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ruined his fate, or maybe on the contrary, gave him a fate, a truly amazing fate, because expelled from the yelets gymnasium, the boy went to study in siberia, there in tyumen, he graduated from a real school, from there he went to riga, where he began to study agronomy, since his mother was a middle-class landowner, then... she wanted her son to get such a normal, solid, very useful profession, but the boy was dreamy, and there in riga he got along with the marxists, and the most important action, which they did in riga, these young idealists, these young dreamers, they destroyed a brothel in riga, protesting against the humiliation of women, for all these tricks prishvin was put in prison and he spent a whole year in solitary confinement, actually after that he forever... yes, he fell out with the revolution, he fell out with this revolutionary
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project and the dream of transforming society on fair principles, but another interesting event that happened to him in those young years, they were once sent to practice in georgia, in the area of ​​the city of gore in order to study how grapes grow to fight diseases, and grapes, such a disease phylloxera is found in grapes, and prishvin later recalled and wrote: in his diary, that in the evenings they drank wine looked at the young people who danced lisginka, among these dancers there was one - a short, stocky young man with backs on his face, well, most likely this is a legend, the meeting of young prishvin and young stalin is unlikely to have taken place in reality, but prishvin was generally a big mystifier, he loved to compose his life, he loved to invent his life. this fusion of fantasy and
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reality, dreams and java, this is such a very important feature of his character, which determined a lot in his life, and after this year's imprisonment, and his mother, who loved her son very much and felt that something should come of him, collected money, sent him to study abroad, he studied in germany, and one summer vacation... he went to paris on an excursion, and there in paris he met a russian girl on a tram, who lived in paris, her name was varvara petrovna from malkov, and this girl, with whom he had known only 2 weeks and these were two weeks of such chaste walks along the seine, and this girl played a huge role in the fate of prishvin, the writer, in fact in the soul of the poet. because between them, except for these walks and conversations
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, there was nothing more, they parted never met again, only occasionally corresponded, but prishmin forever preserved the image of this girl as such an unattainable dream, as some incredible distant beautiful infatuation, in his diary he returned to her many times, dedicated his works to her, dedicated his stories, maybe you remember, he has... such a wonderful poem in prose, which is called phacelia, here it is all overflowing with love for that very varvara petrovna from malkova by... after studying abroad, prishmin returned to russia, and for some time he actually worked as an agronomist in the klin district of the moscow region, and there he met a simple woman, a peasant woman, who left her husband with a small child, left, unable to bear the beatings, she and prishvin
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got together, began to live together, she did with his common-law wife, and prishvin was subsequently very grateful to efrosina.
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and his literary experiments are met with ridicule, are met with rejection, but preshvin had an outstanding talent, one of his main favorite activities was that he was by nature and his psychology, he was a hunter, and he was a hunter from god, he was a natural hunter, and as a hunter, he understood perfectly well that you need to be able to shoot your happiness, a wonderful story, who calls it that:
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young prishvin was already 33 years old, and his neighbor was going to the volonetskaya province in the summer, karelia was called that way then, to write down local tales, legends, songs, what prishvin did and brought back from there an amazing story. today we would call it travelogue, a travel story, which was called in the land of unafraid birds. the publication of the book was his first literary success. and then he, having caught this success, moves further north, arkhangelsk. solovki, the kola peninsula, norway, he brings the next book, which is called behind the magic bun, with these two books, he wants to enter the culture of the silver age. and what does it mean to enter the culture of the silver age? for preshvin , there was such an extremely important fact,
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as if an extremely important pass: in petersburg existed.


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